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CPCU Society
New Hampshire
News and Views – Issue #24
December, 2015
President’s Message
In my last message as your 2015 President, I want to take
this opportunity to thank the NH Chapter Officers, Directors
and especially our members and candidates for supporting
me during the year.
October brought our second Student Engagement meeting to
Keene Sate College. Vice-President Dan Supelveda did an
excellent job putting the program together. While our April event
was designed in a panel discussion format, our October event was
set up in a “speed-dating” format where each career path
presented represented a hands-on practical example of that
path. Dan has plans to expand opportunities to a greater number
of Keene State College students as this effort continues.
NH Chapter President
Eva M. Morel, CPCU
At our November meeting at the Red Blazer Restaurant in
Concord, we welcomed Michael W. Koscielny, CPCU, CIC,
CPCU Leadership Council, to address the group and to confer the CPCU Designation on the NH 2015
Designees. Unfortunately, none of the five (5) New Designees were able to attend the meeting but we
hope to engage them in 2016.
We also elected our 2016 Officers and Directors. Those elected represent an outstanding group of
individuals who will do amazing things. The Chapter’s Vice-President and Director Web Master and
Media positions are open. Anyone interested in these positions, please contact an Officer or Director.
As one who took an active role in the Chapter soon after my conferment, I can attest to the fact that
accepting a leadership role is an excellent way of becoming immersed in the Chapter.
Our December 8, 2015 meeting at Carrabba’s Italian Grill in Bedford rounded out our year. Brian P.
Savko, CPCU, CLU, ChFC, MSFS, FLMI, President CPCU Leadership Council was our esteemed guest and,
in addition to delivering his most welcome remarks, he swore in our 2016 Officers and Directors.
The work we began with the 2015 Strategic Plan, “Engaging the Next Generation of Insurance
Professionals” is well underway with Dan Sepulveda's work at Keene State College, Andrea Gately and
Colleen Brockway's exploration of InVEst at Bedford High School, and the Loman Education Foundation
Internship Financial Aid Program. We may never know how many students will be positively impacted
or how many insurance careers started due to our efforts, but as we cast our seed on fertile ground we
go forward with that vision.
2015 brought many challenges, personally and professionally, to many members. I am always grateful
for your engagement in any way, and any time you are available. Our combined efforts develop synergy
and commitment…and are the reason for our success.
Thank you for allowing me to serve as the 2015 President of the NH Society of CPCU Chapter. This
opportunity is a highlight of my Insurance Career. My association with the CPCU Society brings with it
friendships, leadership opportunities, networking and education opportunities like no other! I intend to
remain involved in the Society in any way I may be of service.
Keene State College October, 2015 NH Chapter-Student Engagement Meeting
On October 6th, insurance professionals from the
Concord Group Insurance Companies, Safeco
Insurance, Liberty Mutual, and the Main Street
America group convened on KSC to promote
careers in the Insurance Industry.
The event’s goals were to make students aware
that any degree can find a career within our
industry, expose students to the day-to-day work
performed in various career opportunities, and
inspire students to pursue careers in the
Insurance Industry.
Stephanie and Jamie having fun
The event started with an overview of the
Insurance Industry, the CPCU society, how
insurance works, and then discussed the growing
need for talent. After the presentation, students
were placed into cohorts to learn about different
careers available within the Insurance Industry.
This year’s event featured experts in Risk Management, Finance, Claims, Marketing, Underwriting, and
IT. Each expert provided a brief intro and then the students was exposed to the daily work they
performed. There was a fluid dialog between the insurance professionals and the students as they
moved from career type to career type in a speed dating format.
I’d like to personally thank the following
individuals that volunteered their time and
effort to make this year’s event a success.
Without their support we couldn’t have
delivered such a high quality event:
Pete talking about Finance and Systems
Mackenzie More—Liberty Mutual
Christine Colby—Liberty Mutual
Jamie Schena—Liberty Mutual
Pete Schrader—Main Street
Melissa Sousa—Concord Group
Richard Kanto—Safeco Insurance
Sue and Rick talking about UW
Rick Stromgrem—Main
Sue Baillargeon—Main Street America
If you are interested in helping our chapter engage the next generation of insurance professionals and
or would like to use this event as a preliminary recruitment opportunity, please feel free to contact me.
Next year our chapter is looking to expand its engagement champagne to include UNH. We strongly
encourage alumni to participate at our events.
Article and pictures submitted by President-Elect Daniel
Wanted: NH CPCU Chapter 2016 Vice President
Responsibilities: Supporting the Chapter, making new friends, welcoming
new members, generally having fun and making a difference
Compensation: The thanks of the Chapter and its members
Contacts if interested: Andrea Gately (
Richard Coskren ( )
NH CPCU Chapter Members and Candidates gathered in
Concord, NH at the Red Blazer Restaurant and Pub to
celebrate the October, 2015 conferment of five (5) NH
CPCU Designees in Indianapolis, IN and to elect the
Chapter’s 2016 slate of Officers and Directors.
Red Blazer Restaurant
Concord, NH
As always, a representative from National CPCU Society
Headquarters was present to recognize the new
designees. Meeting participants heard a listing of the
he NH Chapter 2015 new designees. They included:
NH Chapter November, 2015 Monthly Meeting
Henri Leigh - Liberty Mutual
Mark Rouillard - Liberty Mutual
Christine Wallace - Liberty Mutual
Timothy Malinowski - Willis Programs
Kim Barber - RiverStone Claims Management
While calendar conflicts prevented any of the new designees
from joining us at the meeting, we were fortunate to hear
remarks designed to honor the new designees and offer some
thoughts on the state of the Society and its plans for 2016 and
beyond. Delivering those remarks was Michael W. Koscielny,
CPCU, CIC, President-elect of the CPCU Society Leadership
After celebrating the success of the new designees, the members
were presented with a slate of Officers and Directors for 2016.
Included in this list were vacancies for the positions of Vice
President and Director-Webmaster and Media. Also included was
an identification of the primary responsibilities for the Chapter
Director positions.
Before voting on the slate submitted, nominations for Officer and
Director positions were solicited from the floor. None were
received and the slate was elected as submitted.
Michael W. Koscielny, CPCU, CIC
CPCU Society Leadership Council
2016 NH CPCU Chapter Officers and Directors
President – Andrea Gately
President-Elect – Daniel Sepulveda
Vice President – Open
Director New Candidates – Francine Driscoll
Director Student/Intern Advocates – Colleen Brockway
Director Education – David Hershey
Secretary – Richard Coskren
Director Good Works – Shaun Ralston
Treasurer – Don Buker
Director Social Media and Meeting Events – Patty Smith
Immediate Past President – Eva Director Web Master and Media – Open
The meeting closed with a reminder that a Holiday Social and Induction of 2016 Chapter Officers and
Directors would be held at Carrabba’s Italian Grill in Bedford on Tuesday, December 8, 2015.
Annual Chapter Ski Day
Mark Your Calendars
It’s that time of year when thoughts of
schussing down the slopes of one of this
country’s premier ski resorts with a
client, prospect, friend or relative should
be entering your minds. Our annual ski
Event is scheduled for Monday, March
7, 2016 at the Loon Mountain Resort in
Lincoln, NH.
NH Chapter December, 2015 Monthly Meeting
On Tuesday, December 8, 2015, twenty (20) NH Chapter
members, candidates and guests gathered at Carrabba’s Italian
Grill in Bedford, NH to celebrate the upcoming holidays and to
induct the Chapter’s 2016 Officers and Directors. This annual
celebratory dinner always represents a chance to honor the
accomplishments of the Chapter for the year just ending and to
anticipate the opportunities waiting for us in the year ahead.
It’s also a time to thank the officers and board for their work
during the year. This was certainly on outgoing President Eva
Morel’s mind as she did just that in her opening remarks. She
also encouraged candidates and newer members to volunteer
Carrabba’s Italian Grill
Bedford, NH
sooner rather than later as that was her pathway to the Presidency and complete engagement in the
Chapter. At the completion of President Morel’s farewell comments, Secretary Coskren presented
Certificates of Appreciation from the CPCU Society Sr. VP and Executive Director, Kevin H. Brown, Esq,
and the 2014-2015 President and Chair of the CPCU
Society Leadership Council, Jane M. Wahl, CPCU,
CLU, FLMI to those NH CPCU Chapter 2014 and
2015 Officers and Directors present.
Andrea Gately, 2016 NH Chapter President and
Brian Savko, CPCU Leadership Council PresidentElect
powering college and university leaders to
encourage considering our profession in their
career plans Joining in the celebration was State
Farm’s Tennessee P&C Team Manager and
incoming President of the CPCU Society
Leadership Council, Brian P. Savko, CPCU, CLU,
ChFC. Mr. Savko was present to administer the
oath of office to the newly elected officers of the
NH Chapter and to reinforce the message that
early involvement in the Society, whether locally
or nationally, was the best way to understand and
have an impact on the challenges ahead.
Following the induction ceremony and President
Gately’s closing remarks, those
Incoming NH Chapter President Andrea Gately
thanked outgoing President Morel for her
dedication and congratulated her and her team for
their accomplishments in 2015. She described the
Chapter’s emerging strategic initiatives for 2016.
These included”
 engaging the members in Chapter events,
 increasing member participation in
Chapter meetings
 the development of and of broader
involvement in Chapter social media
resources (Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter)
 Engage and mentor new designees and
 Continue the Chapter’s focus on educating
students on the opportunities the
insurance industry offers and supporting
and em-
2016 NH Chapter Office Induction
(L to R) Brian Savko, Andrea Gately, Daniel Sepulveda,
Richard Coskren and Eva Morel
gathered enjoyed the festive atmosphere and fellowship Chapter membership always offers.
Wanted: NH CPCU Chapter 2016 Director
Responsibilities: Supporting the Chapter, sharing good news via our website &
social media, making new friends, having fun and making a difference
Compensation: The fun and enjoyment of applying your technology and
communication skills plus the thanks of the Chapter and its members
Contacts if interested: Andrea Gately (
Richard Coskren ( )
Tentative 2016 Schedule of Events
NH Food Bank Holiday Chapter Volunteer Event
January Chapter Business Meeting
February Chapter Meeting
Lunch or
Annual Chapter Ski Day
Loon Mountain
60 Loon Mountain Road
Lincoln, NH 03251
May Chapter Business Meeting
Candidates Breakfast Meetings
Insurance Commissioner “State of the Industry”
Chapter Charity Golf Outing
Chapter Family Day
2016 CPCU Society Annual Meeting
September Chapter Meeting
NH Food Bank
700 Industrial Way
Manchester, NH 03109
Ellacoya State Beach
266 Scenic Drive
Gilford, NH 03246
Honolulu, HI
New Designee Induction and Business Meeting
Officer Nominations and Chapter Meeting
Officer Induction and Holiday Celebration
Note: These activities are tentative until confirmed and flushed out at the January 21 NH Chapter Business
Meeting. Announcements will follow via regular e-mail and the schedule will be updated in our Spring newsletter.