attachment_id=5800 - East Missouri District


attachment_id=5800 - East Missouri District
Twin City Area Optimist Club
March 2016
President’s Column
Promise yourself: “To think only of the best,
to work only for the best, and to expect only
the best.”
If you have been reading my columns, you have
seen a very obvious theme emerge. I have chosen to
write some words on each promise of the Optimist
Creed. Adhering to this approach has served me
quite well in writing some words each month. That
is……until this month. I am definitely suffering
from writer’s block while also bumping up against
the newsletter deadline. AND I just want to head off
on my vacation. I’ve been stuck.
While taking my morning shower I came up with a
great thought. (Isn’t that where we give birth to so
many much great thinking?) My inspiring thought?
Keep it simple. So simply put, this is how I think
this Optimist Club exemplifies this promise:
We are a talented, skillful, and committed group of
women who think of the best ways we can be a
team, to work in best useful and helpful ways of
doing what is needed, so we can expect the best
results of our all endeavors. And because to that
Board meetings are held the first Monday of each
Mar. 7: Hostess is Gerty O’Leary, at her home 202
Dunklin Dr., Herculaneum, at 5:30p.m.
Apr. 4: Hostess is Caryl Harness at her home, 31
Jackson Circle, Festus, at 5:30p.m.
Committee Chairs please send a report to
President Cheri Phillips if you are not able to
attend the meetings.
thinking, working, and expecting, we successfully
contribute to the Optimist goal of making the future
brighter by bringing out the best in children, in our
community and in ourselves. This is what causes
me proud to be a member of the Twin City Optimist
I leave you with this quote because it illustrates how
often we just take a leap of faith that we can achieve
the “best” of what we set out to do.
If you hear a voice within you say “you
cannot paint,” then by all means paint and
that voice will be silenced. –Vincent Van
There is an Optimist question hidden in this
newsletter. The first person to call, text or email
Cheri with the answer will receive a small prize.
JOOI Club Donates to Rescue Mission
I just wanted to remind you that we have a Junior Optimist Meeting Thursday, February 4, 2016 at 7 pm in
Conference Room B.
We toured The Jefferson County Rescue Mission on Saturday February 13, 2016 at 8943 Commercial Blvd.
in Pevely, MO at 10:30 am. Our host was Louise Sardo, co-founder of the Rescue Mission. Thank you Twin
City Optimists and Junior Optimists that made our new project with the Jefferson County Rescue Mission very
successful. Josie and Sophie presented Louise Sardo a bag of money collected at their school from the students
at Our Lady’s of $197.50 plus toiletries. Now the students at Our Lady’s get to have a dress down day. Thanks
to Our Lady’s School. The Junior Optimist Club also presented a check of $100 from their treasury. Louise
provided us an interesting tour of the facility and gave us a snack and hot chocolate. So proud of our clubs!
See the attached pictures with Sophie who could not find her JOOI shirt but drew up her own version,
“JOOI-Our World Needs JOY” So creative!
Also, at our Feb. 4th meeting we decided to make Acts of Kindness banners, which we will display in
~~Katie Huck
Contact Katie Huck at 314-520-6340 to get involved with the Junior
Optimist Octagon International Club!
Strike It Rich
Cheri officially announced that the Optimist bowling team won the Strike-It-Rich bowling
tournament held February 2nd. This friendly competition is held among the Optimist
Club, Kiwanis Club, Rotary Club, and the Chamber of Commerce, with the winning
organization determining the recipient of the $200 entry fee received from each
organization. The proceed checks totaling $800.00 were presented to Nancy Pope
(above center) and Elizabeth Check (above left), representatives of the “Homeless
Youth Initiative” during a club meeting on Thursday, February 11th. The Optimists have
won this tournament six out of the eight years.
Bowlers left to right: Sandra Todd, Ellen Bridgewater, Pat Doenges,
Judy Williams, & Sandy Mouser.
Regional Oratorical Contest
The Optimist Regional Oratorical contest will be April
14. We plan to open the doors for registration at 6:30
or 7:00 PM, and start the first contestant at
7:30. We'll meet at Parkhurst gym on the grounds
of St. Luke's United Methodist Church, 2761
Telegraph Road, St. Louis MO.
Hello Guests!
Glenn Phillips, Cheri’s husband, was Cheri’s guest on February 5 th.
Ashley Stichling, Program Coordinator of the Parent Network, a program of the
Jefferson County Community Partnership, was the guest of Malisa Spillman on Feb.
On February 25th Joanne Chamberlain brought her daughter, Katherine, as her
guest. Katherine was on spring break from her college in Canada.
This month’s hidden question: What organization spoke to us about digital detoxing?
On A Personal Note
JoAnn Thompson is scheduled for hip replacement soon, but doctors have found a spot on her lungs.
Gini Skaggs came back for her first meeting on Feb. 5 after knee surgery. She is still having a little
pain, but glad to be up and around!
On Feb. 10th, Judy Lowe reported the following about her daughter, Beth: Two weeks after her lung
radiation and her whole brain radiation, she started a new Chemo therapy and a new study drug as
well. This new chemo has only a 20% success rate so she is on a trial drug called Carfilzomib. We are
hopeful that the two combined will be successful. She has IV chemo and fluids every Monday and Tuesday
for three weeks, the fourth week she sees her oncologist. She also gets IV fluids on Thursday and
Friday. She has had 4 treatments at this time. This treatment will be for 6 months if she can handle it that
long, or if it works. On the twenty-second of February, she will have a scan and we will know if it has
stopped or slowed the cancer growth. Prayers are greatly appreciated. Beth's prior platinum-based
chemotherapy was not successful. Unfortunately, they don't give us much hope. Beth is fighting for time and
a miracle!
Also, Judy’s own update: I'm in Afib again. The cardioversion and heart medications are not working. I will
have an ablation at St. Luke's on February 24th. I'll be in the hospital overnight. I'll also have a TEE test to
check for blood clots in my heart and a three dimensional scan of my heart on Monday the 15Th. before the
To clarify who pays for guests, Cheri Phillips shared the following club policy on February 5th:
“Whether a first-time guest is a potential member or a friend/relative of a Club member s/he or
the Club member shall pay for that meal. The only exception to this shall be: Youth Essay
Winners, Youth Oratorical Winners, Youth Appreciation Guests, (plus one chaperon), the
individual branch recipients for Respect for Law Day awards, and guests at scheduled NOW
events. The Program Committee shall encourage program presenters to share
information during their presentation, but not directly solicit sales or donations during
their presentation.
One program presenter will receive a free meal when invited for that meeting's program. Should
additional people attend with the main speaker, they will be responsible for payment of their
individual meal. The Club member inviting the speaker should make this expectation clear. (A
form letter from the club is available with this information.) A Club member who gives a
"Membership Program" is responsible for their own meal payment.”
Welcome New Member!
Michelle Dicken (below right) was installed as new member on February 11th. Her sponsor is
Tracy Anderson. Michelle is already helping with sponsorships for trivia night and has signed up to
help with food baskets for next year!
Optimist International Convention
Rediscover Optimism in Quebec June 30 – July 2
Sue Boyer is coordinating registration for the International
Convention, which will be held in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. Hotel
reservations need to be made as soon as possible at the Quebec
Hilton. The cost is $179.00 per night plus tax. The group will depart
on June 28 and return on July 3. There will be tours of Quebec on
June 28 and June 29. Contact Sue as soon as possible if you are
interested in attending the convention.
Valentine Party February 11
Marie Schuh once again entertained us with her perfectly planned party antics – or should I say we
entertained her with our antics at her direction of course. Where else would one find perfectly normal
adult women drawing on our heads?
Recent Speaker
In remembrance of President’s Day, Caryl
Harness asked her son, Scott, to present
information relating
to United States
Presidents as our
speaker on February
Scott has
degrees in history
science. He is a
member of the first
class to graduate
School of Law. He is
currently serving as
the Municipal Court
Judge for the City of Herculaneum and a
member of the Rotary Club. We won’t hold his
Rotary Club membership against him, since his
mother would not let him apply for membership
of the Optimist Club (even when he threatened
to sue the Optimist Club for discrimination). He
is a little bitter but agreed to present
regardless. According to Cheri, he wouldn’t be
eligible to join anyway, because Optimists don’t
hold grudges.
Since President’s Day is close to Valentine’s
Day, here a few interesting facts about
Presidential romance and children that Scott
Washington, Jackson, Polk, and Fillmore
had no children,
Buchanan was the only bachelor
The first wedding held at the White
House was for the marriage of Maria
Monroe (daughter of James Monroe) and
Sam Gouverneur, who happened to be
her first cousin and the President’s
private secretary. There were only 45
guests, which included friends and family
only. This was a major incident with the
President’s cabinet and staff. Formal
written protests were sent to the
President regarding their exclusion.
When Grover Cleveland was in his 20’s,
his law partner died leaving behind his
wife and infant daughter, Frances
Fulsom. Cleveland petitioned to be
daughter. He provided her and paid for
her education. At one time, he also
served as Sheriff. Although he did not
personally support the penalty by death,
he was responsible for hangings those
sentenced in order to fulfill his duties. At
the age of 49, he married Frances (age
21). He was happily married, but they did
not hold hands during the ceremony and
he did not kiss his bride. Together they
had five children; three daughters and
one son. Their second daughter was the
first child to be born in the White House.
One of Woodrow Wilson’s daughters,
Eleanor, married William Gibbs McAdoo,
the Secretary of the Treasury.
Ulysses S. Grant proposed to Julia Dent
on a visit to her father’s plantation in
White Haven, MO. The two were on a
carriage ride and the bridge had been
washed away by flash flooding. He
proposed to her while crossing flooded
waters in a carriage.
“Teddy” Roosevelt hated Valentine’s
Day, because he lost both is mother and
his first wife to illness within hours of
each other on Valentine’s Day. His
oldest son, Ted, Jr., was the oldest and
highest ranking officer to land by sea on
the beaches of Normandy. He died a
month later of a heart attack. His
youngest son, Quentin, was killed in
action when his plane was shot down by
German pilots.
John Tyler was named President
following the death of William Henry
Harrison, the first Vice President to
succeed the President without an
election. At that time, it was not clear if
the Constitution intended for the Vice
President to be “Acting President” or to
assume the full title and responsibilities
as President. John Tyler assumed the
disagreement of the Cabinet. He was
married twice and had 14 children over
the course of 45 years. His oldest child
was born in 1790, when George
Washington was President, and his
youngest was born in 1860 and died in
1947 when Harry S. Truman was
President. He was thought of as the
“traitor” President as he was open about
his alliance with the Confederate. His
coffin was draped with the Confederate
flag and it took 50 years for a memorial /
marker to be established at his gravesite.
John Adams, John Quincy Adams, and
Charles Francis Adams, all served as
Ambassadors to the Court of St. James.
Robert Todd Lincoln, son of Abraham
Lincoln, served as Secretary of War. He
was invited to three assassinations that
he did not attend, including that of his
father, Garfield, and McKinley.
Ronald Reagan had four children; the
second one was adopted. His son, Mike,
faced legal problems. His daughter,
Patty, clashed with her mother,
Nancy. She openly smoked marijuana at
the White House and was offered a
photoshoot for Playboy.
John Tyler and “Teddy” Roosevelt each
chose their birthdays for their wedding
days, so they would not forget their
Scott also shared the following trivia:
John F. Kennedy attended four
colleges: London School of Economics,
Princeton, Harvard, and Stanford.
Ulysses S. Grant had four children; three
of which were born in St. Louis.
As a teenager, Ronald Reagan was
arrested for public intoxication after
having climbed a flagpole and singing
“Twinkle, twinkle, little star. Who the
heck do you think you are?”.
~~Mary McDowell
Zone 10 Meeting Notes
Zone 10 had our 2nd Quarterly Meeting on Saturday, February 13th. We had a nice crowd with
several new members of the Arnold-Imperial Club. Cheri Phillips attended from our club – oh and
yes I was there also since I am the Lt. Gov. and I was leading the meeting. We discussed many things
including planning a Zone-wide event in the summer in addition to the float in the St. Louis St.
Patrick’s Day Parade. The next Zone meeting is Sat., Apr. 30, 9a.m. at the Ponderosa in Arnold.
~~Mary Hatfield
Essay Contest Winners
Our annual Essay Contest was held recently and Terri Wolk, chairperson of the Essay Contest, is
delighted to make the following announcement: 1st place – Jonathan Cox from Herculaneum High School; 2nd
place - Kristen Reese from Jefferson High School; 3rd place – Lauren Macon from Jefferson High School. The
topic of the essay was “Lead by Example – Reality or Fiction”. Terri thanked Optimist members Dorothea
Kehm, Leisa Spiker, and Jeanne Martin for pre-screening entries from all local schools to narrow the
contestants down to 10. She also thanked Dr. Tim Bain, an English Professor from Jefferson College; Chris
Otte from Jefferson College; and our own Janet Mace for making the final selections.
Jonathan’s winning essay will be forwarded to the East Missouri District level competition to be judged
along with winning essays from other Optimist clubs within the district. College scholarships are available for
top winners at the district level.
“Jonathan did a wonderful job of articulating this year’s theme. He expressed himself well through the
essay and deserved the honor of first place, Club President Cheri Phillips said. “Our club has been participating
in this contest for many years and this is one more way Optimists are Bringing Out the Best in Kids,” she
Our contest was open to area youth under the age of 18 as of October 1, 2015. The Essay Contest is
sponsored by Optimist International to give young people the opportunity to write about their own opinions
regarding the world in which they live. The approach can encompass a young person’s personal experience, the
experience of their country or a more historical perspective, thereby developing skills for written expression.
Jonathan Cox
Essay Contest Winner
Kristen Reese
2nd Place
Cooking with Optimists
Hawaiian Ham & Swiss Sliders
24 Slices of deli honey ham
6 Slices of Swiss cheese, cut into fourths
1/3 cup Mayonnaise
1 tablespoon Poppy seeds
1 1/2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
1/2 cup Butter melted
1 tablespoon Onion Powder
1/2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
2 packages (12 count) KING'S HAWAIIAN Original Hawaiian Sweet Dinner Rolls
Step 1
Cut rolls in half and spread mayo onto 1 side of the rolls. Place a slice or two of ham and slice of
Swiss cheese in roll. Replace the top of the rolls and bunch them closely together into a baking dish.
Step 2
In a medium bowl, whisk together poppy seeds, Dijon mustard, melted butter, onion powder and
Worcestershire sauce.
Step 3
Pour sauce over the rolls, just covering the tops. Cover with foil and let sit for 10 minutes.
Step 4
Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes or until cheese is melted. Uncover and cook for additional 2
minutes until tops are slightly browned and crisp. Serve warm.
~~Ellie King
~~Leisa Spiker
Joint East-West Missouri District Meeting Notes
The February District Meeting was held at the Lake of the Ozarks. Thank you Carroll Metzger
for attending with me and thank you to Janet Mace for assisting me with compiling a
presentation about our Art Contest. This event featured students and their technology talent
for the large number of attendees.
~~Mary Hatfield
Carroll receiving A&A Awards from District Chair
Pat Brauner.
What? Never seen Spam carving before? Just 1
of the things you missed at the meeting!
March 3 – Digital Detox
March 10 – Update
March 17 – St. Patrick’s Party
March 24 – Easter Party
March 31 – Oratorical Contest Winner
April 7: Update
April 14: Youth Appreciation
April 21: NOW Meeting
April 28: Getting to Know You
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
In Memoriam
Mary (Betty) Franke , age 93, of Festus, Missouri, passed away Tuesday, February 3, 2016 at Fountainbleau
Nursing Center in Festus. She was born October 5, 1922 in St. Louis, Missouri the daughter of the late Alice
(nee Brent) and Fredrich John "FJ" Pratte. In addition to her parents she is preceded in death by her husband
Arthur C. Franke, sons Roger (Michelle survives of Festus) Franke and Robert C. (the late Carol) Franke, Jr.
She is survived by grandchildren Emilie (Wes) Ayers and Rochelle Elizabeth (Christopher White) Franke and
great-grandchildren Onyana Burns, Aurora White, Avery and Addison Ayers. She was a member of Church of
Our Lady in Festus, a registered dietician, Past President of the Optimist Club in Festus, former committee
member of the Festus Library, on the Board of Alumni of Webster University and member of American Heart
and American Dietician Association. Visitation was. Monday, February 8, 2016 at Vinyard Funeral Home in
Festus. Funeral mass was Tuesday, February 9, 2016 at Church of Our Lady officiated by Fr. Jeffrey Maassen.
Interment in Sacred Heart Cemetery in Crystal City, Missouri. Memorials in her memory are preferred to the
Festus Library. Our club presented the family an Angel statue and club members recited the Optimist Creed at
the visitation.
Newsletters are generally distributed every month. Deadline for submitting articles and pictures
is the first Monday of the month. Please send information and photos to Mary Hatfield at
Twin City Area Optimist Club
Member Name:
March 2016
Digital Detox
6 Janet Mace
8 International
Sharon Wiley
Board Meeting
Women's Day
Michelle Franke
13 Daylight Saving
12 Krystal Roussin
Time Begins
20 Spring Begins
10 Tracy Anderson 11 Pat Sweet
17 Saint Patrick's 18 Vicky Petefish
Day Party
21 Martha DeMent 22 Janet Whitmer
25 Good Friday
Easter Party
27 Easter
PERFECT ATTENDANCE: Members interested in being
recognized for “Perfect Attendance” should use the
monthly calendars to record their attendance. On the
dates of weekly meetings, please mark attendance or
non-attendance as follows:
Meeting attended: √; Meeting missed: X
Missed due to illness or out of town: E (exemption)
Make-up credit is also given for attending board
meetings or participating in any club activities. Members
should track their own make-up credit and record it on a
monthly calendar when it is used.
Print your name at the top of the calendar and
submit at a weekly meeting to Pam Cernik.
Number of meetings attended: ________
Number of make-up credits used: _______
List make-up credits: ______________________
Twin City Area Optimist Club
Member Name:
April 2016
4 Board Meeting 5 Janet Cooper
7 Update
Rosetta Hagaan
11 Gini Skaggs
12 Sue Boyer
8 Joyce Koch
Malissa Spillman
14 Youth
15 Tax Day
22 Earth Day
20 Bowling
21 NOW
27 Administrative
28 Get to Know 29 Arbor Day
Professionals' Day
PERFECT ATTENDANCE: Members interested in being
recognized for “Perfect Attendance” should use the
monthly calendars to record their attendance. On the
dates of weekly meetings, please mark attendance or
non-attendance as follows:
Meeting attended: √; Meeting missed: X
Missed due to illness or out of town: E (exemption)
Make-up credit is also given for attending board meetings or
participating in any club activities. Members should track their own
make-up credit and record it on a monthly calendar when it is used.
30 Zone Meeting
Print your name at the top of the calendar and
submit at a weekly meeting to Pam Cernik.
Number of meetings attended: ________
Number of make-up credits used: _______
List make-up credits: ______________________
Twin City Optimist Club
P.O. Box 475
Festus, MO 63028
Weekly meetings held every
Thursday 12 Noon at
Frederick's, 201 E. Main Street, Festus.
Bring a Friend!
The Optimist Creed
Promise yourse!fTo be so strong, that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. *
To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you
meet. * To make all your friends feel that there is something in
them. * To look at the sunny side of everything and make your
optimism come true. * To think only of the best, to work only
for the best, and to expect only the best. * To be just as
enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your
own. * To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the
greater achievements of the future. * To wear a cheerful
countenance at all times and give every living creature you
meet a smile. * To give so much time to the improvement of
yourself that you have no time to criticize others. * To be too
large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too
happy to permit the presence of trouble.
Past President
President Elect
Treasurer Elect
Secretary Elect
Weekly E-mail Updates: Mary McDowell
(636) 937-2175
Newsletter Editor: Mary Hatfield
(636) 937-7240
Scrapbook Chairperson: Leisa Spiker
Sgt. at Arms
Board Members
Board Members
Cheri Phillips
Mary Hatfield
Cindy Cherry
Megan Meyer
Jenna Silva
Janet Mace
Pam Cernik
Linda Portell
Judy Kreitler
Kim Elbl
Glenna Manglesdorf
Joanne Chamberlain
Leisa Spiker
Ellen Ravenscraft