ny - pennnews - NY-PENN Military Vehicle Collectors


ny - pennnews - NY-PENN Military Vehicle Collectors
Volume 15, Issue 7
July 1, 2011
N Y - P E N N
M i l i t a r y
V e h i c l e
C o l l e c t o r ' s
C l u b
I n c .
First of all, the weather for the weekend could not have been better. NY-PENN members were joined by individuals from NJ, CT in the convoy. We had members from PA and NY participating as well. The convoys ran
on schedule and the two component sections; South and North; arrived at the rendezvous point on time.
Many of the participants took a few minutes to browse Adirondack Dodge Surplus. The convoy was over a
dozen vehicles by the time we left Barneveld on Rt 12 headed for the base and the military like procession
was a sight to behold as we passed through the various communities along the route. We received many
waves of approval and the other motorists on the road were courteous and allowed to group to stay together
for the most part; (Farm tractors not withstanding). The final addition to the convoy happened just south of
the base reserve center where we were joined by the "UNTOUCHABLE" 5 ton Gun truck drive by Vinnie
Schwartz from NJ complimenting our own "ACES and EIGHTS" deuce Gun Truck driven by John Tennis.
Let's just say, the convoy was well protected at this point. The arrival was in an orderly fashion befitting the
importance of the mission of honoring our soldiers and veterans. Base camp consisted of 3 GP Small tents
and a "Command Tent" that was erected with an authentic Kolanchick style and technique. The Gun trucks
held the point closer to the roadway and were a great presentation to the passing public. The Reserve Center was available to the participants for restroom, showers and ICE if need be and I am sure all participants
were grateful for the generous hospitality we were afforded by the Base. Friday evening drew to a close with
a camp fire with stories told that are to be savored for many years to come and if you want to know what they
were, you should have been there. In the same area of the base camp were several re-enactors who 'dugin" (literally) and established lines of defense as they would have been during WWII. These folks worked
hard, and played their parts to the hilt and were a hit to those who stopped by. They even went so far as to
have 'simulated" concertina wire surrounding their emplacements. Accompanying them were a host of WWII
jeeps which made the scene very believable as being a European theatre locale even though we were in the
upper reaches of NYS.
Saturday dawned bright and clear and temperatures were perfect for a day on display. Of note were the arrangement of the Vietnam era vehicles and the efforts put forth by their owners to
provide interesting and informative displays. For a first time event the attendance was better than hoped for
on the first day and all participants made a sincere and proper effort to answer every and all questions
asked. The crowning event of the day (and the entire event if you ask me) was the "trail ride" through portions of the huge training area that is within the 65,000 acres of Fort Drum. A long convoy proceeded led by
the Gun Trucks towards the woods and old roads of the base. Highlights include a stop at Sterlingville, a
lost town which was bought by the government and razed during the 30's as the base expanded. An old
cemetery was still in place with many Grave markers indicating the history of the area and it was an interesting sight to see the WWII re-enactors walking through the location.
Next stop was along the road to collect the convoy as it had spread out over a mile or more and we were getting ready for our next surprise which was a visit with actively training troops and specialists who were very
glad to see us as we were them. An individual gave a few GAMA GOAT rides to those soldiers present over
some sand banks much like a roller coaster to the delight of those aboard. Following the visit, the convoy
headed back to the display area, very dusty, and having had a rare opportunity to see a portion of this Army
Base that most folks have never seen. Sunday was a great day as well and attendance was better. Many
military personnel came by and I am sure some remembered the newer Historic MVs and some had no idea
what they were or did. Such is the evolution of the transportation equipment of the Army. As the day went
along, some who came from up to 10 hours away bid farewell and left so they could drive home in daylight
for the safety of the travelling public and themselves. At the end of the day the remainder of the vehicles
found their way home, having had a unique opportunity to share their love of the hobby
of collecting MVs with the public and base personnel of Fort Drum.
Let's hope that things work out so we can do this again next year!!!!!! RLW
Volume 15, Issue 7
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Volume 15, Issue 7
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Upcoming Events 2011
NYPENN MVCC INC. Annual Picnic July 3rd, 1PM -???
Our ANNUAL CLUB picnic is being hosted this year by Lorna Eaker;
Where: 10 Apple Lane Van Hornesville. Van Hornesville is located halfway between Fort Plain and Springfield
Center on Rt. 80. Take CR18 Jordanville Rd for .8 mile and turn right onto Cemetery Rd. Apple lane is on your
left about 1/2 mile or so. Go to the end and look for the Gate and NUMBER 10! Meats and such provided, it is
suggested to bring a dish to pass.
Contact Lorna for any questions… (315) 858-2389
See you there at this great spot for a picnic and a wonderful afternoon.
Schoharie County 4th of July Parade in Cobleskill, NY
Steps oiff at 5PM on Monday, July 4th!
You can meet at (Bob Muller's on Rt 146 south of Altamont for those in the area at 3:30 and others meet on
CAMPUS DRIVE/BEST WESTERN in Cobleskill at 4. Please let Bob know you are coming so the parade comm.
can save space for the MVs in the front of the parade.
Contact Bob Muller at rabb04m@yahoo.com or (518) 872-1002
John Powell reports that we have received a request for Military Vehicles at the:
"Welcome Home Veterans Night" at The Tri-Cities
Valley Cats (Houston Astros Minor League
team) at Joseph L. Bruno Stadium, July 5th----7 pm first pitch John will be there with an M35.
Location: HVCC Campus South of Troy on Rt 4
Webpage for directions: http://web.minorleaguebaseball.com/index.jsp?sid=t577
GMMVCC Northfield VT July 8th 9th 2011
Geneseo Air Show July 8 & 9 Geneseo,NY possible group ride/convoy in vehicles to show.
Long Branch Truck Show 7/10/11 Syracuse NY
Guptilles Skating Rink Car Show July 11th, Evenings Recurring event every month. We get to set up out front.
Contact Greg Wolanin for details (518) 434-2881
Schenevus Fireman's festival July 14-16 Parade Sat. evening.
NY Grand National Rod and Custom Show NYS Fair Grounds July 15-17 Syracuse NY
Antique Auto Show Sun July 17th at the NY Power Authority in Blenheim, on Rt 30. We can arrive the 16th
WEARE Rally July 28th through July 30th http://www.mvmvc.org/
VISIT OUR VETS CLASSIC CAR SHOW July 30th NYS Vets Home, Oxford, NY 10 am—????
HONOR OUR VETS CAR SHOW Albany VA Medical Center 10-3 August 6
113 Holland Ave Albany, NY http://www.honorourvetscarshow.com/
Bantam Jeep Festival Sat & Sun, Aug 13-14 Butler PA
Gilbert September Setup 22nd, show 23-24 2011 http://redballonline.org/Redball_Home.htm
Volume 15, Issue 7
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Here are the officers for the year 2011. Please remember that each Company officers have the
NYPENN merchandise and you can get the Hats, T-Shirts and decals from them.
Frank Fairfield
Secretary: Bill Harris
Treasurer: Debbie Fairfield.
1st Vice Pres. Carl Gordon
2nd Vice Pres. Matt Magda
Easy Company
1st Vice Pres. Brant Messer
2nd Vice Pres. Ralph Richter
Hudson Mohawk Company
1st Vice Pres. Jack Pollard
2nd Vice Pres. John Tennis
If you have not already, please submit your NY-PENN MVCC 2011 dues as soon as you can.
We encourage all our members to join the MVPA which is the National organization we are affiliated with. This organization is our advocacy group for national and state issues and they
also help promote our group and the hobby in general .
NY-PENN Military Vehicle Collectors Club Inc.
Application for membership
DATE _____ / _____ / __________
____________________________________ M.V.P.A. member number ____________
Address ____________________________________
City/State ______________________ ZIP _________
EMAIL ______________________________________
Vehicle(s) owned ____________________________________
Membership is open to all with an interest in the collection and preservation of
military vehicles. Subject to approval vote of a majority of the Club members.
Membership dues are $20 per calendar year. .
Checks should be made payable to “NY-PENN MVCC Inc.” and mailed to:
NY-PENN Military Vehicles Collectors Club Inc.
P.O. Box 402
Chenango Bridge, NY 13754-0402
Volume 15, Issue 7
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Volume 15, Issue 7
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Easy Co. Meeting minutes from 6-26-11
I) Meeting started at 1310 by Brant Messer at Lance Robson's maintenence shop.
II) Members present: Jack Downing, Angie & Jack Gregory, Bob Hill, Jim Korzekwa, Brant Messer, Ralph Richter,
Lance & Chris Robson, Leon Rutkowski III) Event Reports: a) Camp Drumm Watertown Event 6/18-19/2011
A report of the Camp Drumm 'Travel down the road of history' was given by Bob Hill with the support of Jack Downing and Brant Messer. Four members of Easy Co. attended the event the fourth being Leon Rutkowski, and they
drove their military vehicles to the event and back with no problems. The event itself, all agreed, could have been
better. The two hour trail ride fondly referred to as the 'Dust Eatin Drive' was a highlight discussed and the fact that
vehicles are regularly allowed on base with just ordinary documents was also discussed. Former Sergent-Major ret.
Lance Robson volunteered to talk to the base commander concerning improving the event by possibly permitting participants to see the remains of the Revolutionary War iron mine and forge used to make canons during the war, the
WWII 'temporary' barracks still there but unused, the modern repair fascility for vehicles and a tour of the airfield
were suggested by Lance. We all appreciated his offer to make the recommendation and approved his undertaking.
Everyone who went looked forward to going next year. b) Aberdeen Military Vehicle Show and Vendor Market
A report was given by Brant Messer and Ralph Richter of the the event. Five other members of Easy Co. attended the
show, Lance Robson, Chris Robson, Lorne Coon, Leon Rutkowski, and Ed King. The weather cooperated with warm
weather Thurs cool with spotty showers on Fri. and Sat. The show was slightly less attended by vendors and display
vehicles with reason the cost of fuel being the probable cause. Parts and bargains were there for the attendents and
the editor recommends anyone who does go stay for the full three days as new vendors come in Fri. night and Sat.
morning. c) Norwich Car, Craft and Flea Market 5/28/2011 Report by Ralph Richter of the event. With a heavy
treat of torrential rain no military vehicles from Easy Co. went to the event. I traveled down in my car and had an
exhausting day going around to all the vendors with just a few intermittent showers. Picked up several items from
shifter knobs to crackle paint to use on my jeep restoration. Met with NY-PENN headquaters group that had five vehicles on display and enjoyed their hospitality to recover from the vendor searching. d) Memorial Day Parades
5/30/2011 Report from various members from Easy Co. as we participated in many parades. Our oldest parade, as
a club, was the Baldwinsville parade and seven vehicles from the club were present. Members Tom Bryant, Geo.
Clark, Lorne coon, Jim Korzekwa, Brant Messer, Ralph Richter, and Leon Rutkowski were present. Four WWII Battle
of the Bulge members were present the oldest Al Caiella rode in a jeep. I missed not being able to distribute candy
as had been case for many previous years. We had one break down after the parade was over and vehicle and driver
were supported by club. A crushed power wire in the distributor of the vehicle was the problem. The Gregories participated in the Skaneateles parade. The Robsons did the Weedsport and Skaneateles parade. The Hills did the Union
Springs parade. IV) Discussion from the floor a) Angie Gregory suggested that a sandwich type sign be made up
for use at Easy Co. events inparticular the coming Rod & Custom Car show at the State Fair. A vote was held and the
group agreed to the suggestion. Lance Robson said he had a contact for a possible source and/or we would request
the cost of such a sign from NY-PENN headquarters. b) Arrangements were made with members going to the
Genesseo Airshow 7/8 to meet and go together to the show. c) Brant Messer made suggestion that Easy Co. would
look for a more shady location at the Longbranch truck show for the vehicles. All agreed it was a good idea. d) Bob
Hill made suggestion that Easy Co. again participate in the parade at the State Fair on Thurs. 9/1 for Veteran's Day
at the Fair. All approved. e) A reminder of the Gilbert PA Military Vehicle Show and Flea Market on Sept. 22-24 with
some members already having selling locations. f) Lance, Chris and Brant introduced information about coolant use
in our vehicles and filters & additives to use. External filters of engine coolant are commercially available and could
be put in line with hoses used for heaters. These filters can be purchased with additives. Coolant should be checked
and tested, test strips available from NAPA, every 3-5 years. g) Recommended source of engine rebuilding Utica
Auto Parts Engine Rebuilders tel. no. 315 735 6404 and Precision Automotive Engine Rebuilding in Cortland 607 753
8006. V) Next meeting will be Sunday,July 31, at 1300 at Bob Hills home in Union Springs. Meeting ended 15:00
hours, minutes submitted by R. Richter
Volume 15, Issue 7
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Your editor wishes to thank the many members who contributed or helped obtain
photos; convoyed to the event, and otherwise were of great assistance for all who attended this event. This event is a tribute to all the members of NYPENN whose dedication to our club and our military as well as our nation made this as enjoyable and
successful as we had hoped it would be. RLW
Volume 15, Issue 7
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FOR SALE: 05/11 ****M38A1 w/ Hardtop No Engine $300
**** M38A1 Engine overhauled $900
Jeep Parts - Axles, wheels, frames, fenders, engines, body
parts, plows, plus more!
**** 1946 CJ2A $4000
**** 1945 Willys MB $11,000
**** Wrecker Boom Hand operated removed from WC
**** Parting out M211 come and get your parts.
Contact Graydon Scott 607-655-2201
email: gscott13865@tds.net
***FOR SALE***03-10 1942 US M3A1 37 mm AT Gun
Stored 50 yrs., excellent condition (minus breech ring)
$25,000 This artillery piece is very rare Telescope M 105,
will fit M 60 tank or possiblly M 48 $17,500
Contact Joe @ (716) 792-7943 or (716) 969-4609
e-mail jcgullo3@yahoo.com
***FOR SALE***03-10 50s GMC 21/2 T Cargo Truck
Needs total restoration.
Located near Thompson, PA
Contact Harry Flanagan @ (215) 637-5955
***FOR SALE***03-10 M35 Specialty Parts & Spin On Filter Kits
Replmnt Canvas Seat Covers CUCV Seat Covers & Winter Fronts
http://www.jatonkam35s.com/ John Tennis Ph: (518) 424-8455
***FOR SALE***03-10
(4) Dodge 16 inch Combat rims (need restoration) $50 ea
(2) M-37 style rims w/ the large lock rim $50.00 ea
(1) M-37 style rim that needs work $40.00
Front grill assembly for an early Dodge WC truck.
This needs work. $75.00
Rear and Front differential for an early WC model.
The rear is still attached to the frame. $100.00 ea
Pictures can be provided if necessary.
These items are located in Taberg, NY
Contact Mark @ (315) 336-4024
Oil, Grease, Glues & Sealants, Uniforms & M.O.P. Suits, Canvas,
Gas Cans, and current government surplus items
Contact Paul Wadeson @ (607) 637-2275
***FOR SALE***03-10
M34 2 1/2 T cargo truck. Early gas model. 90% comp. needs restoration. Engine free. Have most parts to complete.
$1000 - 2000 depending on parts
***FOR SALE*** M715 Kaiser Jeep 1968
1-1/4 ton cargo truck with manuals
NEW Canvas NEW Tires
Drive it home $8500 or B.O.
Contact Carl Deuble 716-773-5885
4870 County Hwy. 14
Treadwell, NY 13846
(607) 829-8321 carbkit@frontiernet.net
Comp. Carb. Rebuilding since 1957 All Carburetors are run on test
engines and fully guaranteed.
***FOR SALE***03-10 900x20 8ply Titan N.D. Blems $150.00 ea
1000x20 10ply Titan N.D Blems $179.00 ea
Tires include flaps & freight prepaid on 6 or more ordered.
700x16 & 900x16 available.
Contact Bob@ (888) 322-5100
***FOR SALE***01-11 2 1/2 Ton M35 truck for sale
Multifuel engine, cargo or van body available. $4000 to $5500 extra
features available. John Tennis 518 424 8455 jatonka@telenet.net
***FOR SALE***07-10 TOW BAR for CCKW
Allows you to tow an extra vehicle $350. 00
Located at 609 Hudson St. Ithaca Call: 607-273-6614
Joe Sacchi between 9 am and 9 pm
FOR SALE ****02-11 04-11
2-1/2 T REO 331 (Gold Comet)
NEW Complete head + 6 piston kits $1000
Coleman Aircraft Tug: Front & Rear Steering
M37 Engine + transmission F/Rear PTO drive –Trans
$2000.00 B/O
Reo 6x6 Rear T/A Cutoff Rockwell rear ends,
Air Brake Set up for Dayton rims Hendrix Susp. Power Divider
(used to convert 5ton 6x6 to rear rear drive $1000 B/O
Dave McKinney 585-638-2274
For Sale: 1942 Ford Jeep (Script) $10,000.
Jeep Dump Trailer WWII, and Jeep Trailer 1952 $500 ea. or possible trade for old motorcycle.
Contact Hank Melnik; Elbridge, NY 315-685-1002
For Sale: 1-1/2 Ton Cargo trailer XM-105E3 $500.00;
Perfection Superflex Engine Heater Mdl#591 NOS $200.00;
Starter 24V QTY:2 NOS in wooden Crate G200-56-14960
Delco-Remy 1108568 $400.00;
Stewart Warner Model 978 Personal Heater $150.00;
NOS Vent Blower Assembly for M75 APC G749-7700163 $50.00
For sale: 3/4 ton generator trailer,
Contact Dave Baskerville, Deposit NY 607-467 3283
Non surge brake; Excellent condition with bows.
For Sale: M103A3 1-1/2 ton trailer. 1983 Metal in very Good cond.
9x20 tires and dual wheel landing gear with jack. $350.00
Contact Frank Fairfield 607-237-7578
Contact Tom Batha @ (518) 297-6159
Volume 15, Issue 7
Page 9
Ny-penn merchandise
You can get any of these items from your
Company Vice presidents.
Windshield stickers $2.00 ea.
Cloth patches
$4.00 ea.
Hats w/ logo
$8.00 ea
Members T Shirts:
Small $9.00 ea Med to XL $10.00 ea. XXL $12.00 ea
H-M Co.
Contact your Company officers to get these:
Jack Pollard 518-861-6461 John Tennis 518-424-8455
Carl Gordon 607-748-0972 Matt Magda 607-655-2598
EASY Co. Brant Messer 315-638-7414 Ralph Richter 315-682-5178
Rebekkah Whiting
432 Lyon Brook Road
Norwich, NY 13815