physical education 1st eso - Centro Concertado Juan XXIII Cartuja
physical education 1st eso - Centro Concertado Juan XXIII Cartuja
BILINGUAL DEPARTMENT PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT PHYSICAL EDUCATION WORKBOOK 1 E.S.O. ST SCHOOL YEAR 2013-14 NAME: CLASS: . . JUAN XXIII-CARTUJA HIGH SCHOOL 1 BILINGUAL DEPARTMENT PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 2 This workbook has been created by Mr. José Antonio Barea González of the Physical Education Department in collaboration with Mrs. Julie Ocaña Mesa of the Bilingual Department at JUAN XXIII-CARTUJA HIGH SCHOOL, and students of the Department of Physical Education and Sports at the University of Granada. JUAN XXIII-CARTUJA HIGH SCHOOL BILINGUAL DEPARTMENT PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT INDEX 1. Physical Education Theory 2. Warm up 3. Physical Condition and Health 4. Athletics 5. Basketball JUAN XXIII-CARTUJA HIGH SCHOOL 3 BILINGUAL DEPARTMENT PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT UNIT 1: PHYSICAL EDUCATION THEORY The following are definitions of concepts related to Physical Education and Physical Activity: Physical Education: The lesson that requires a specific type of practice and theoretical knowledge of physical activity and sports. The objective of the lesson is to educate the student in a series of habits (doing sport, nutrition, proper clothing for the activity, hygiene and so on) to develop his physical condition and health. Body movement: It is any movement that we do with our body without any effort. Physical activity: It is any body movement that works your muscles and requires more energy than resting. Physical exercise: It is the physical activity of exerting your muscles in various ways to keep fit and improve your physical condition. Sport: It is the physical activity that has the following characteristics: - Competition - Physical and mental effort - Rules - Sports Federation Gymnastics: It is a sport that is divided into: - Competitive Gymnastics is the sport where gymnastic equipment is used. It has several categories: rings, horizontal bars/fixed bars… - Rhythmic Gymnastics is the sport where gymnastic elements are performed with a choreography and different material such as hoops, ribbons, skipping ropes, clubs and balls. JUAN XXIII-CARTUJA HIGH SCHOOL 4 BILINGUAL DEPARTMENT PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT PHYSICAL EDUCATION VOCABULARY ♦ gimnasia aeróbica aerobics ♦ gimnasia artística artistic gymnastics ♦ gimnasia correctiva remedial gymnastics ♦ gimnasia de mantenimiento keep-fit exercises ♦ gimnasia deportiva competitive gymnastics ♦ gimnasia mental mental gymnastics ♦ gimnasia respiratoria breathing exercises ♦ gimnasia rítmica rhythmic gymnastics ♦ gimnasia sobre suelo floor exercises 5 PHYSICAL EDUCATION PHYSICAL ACTIVITY EXERCISES WARM UP PHYSICAL CONDITION MUSCLES BODY SPORTS GYMNASTICS ABILITY ACTIVITIES MOBILITY FITNESS HEALTH GAMES RUNNING JOGGING SPORTS FACILITIES PLAYGROUND BASKETBALL COURT TENNIS COURT HANDBALL COURT FOOTBALL FIELD TRACK GYM DRESSING ROOMS EQUIPMENT BALL SOCCER GOAL BASKET WALL BARS BENCH VOLLEYBALL POLES VOLLEYBALL NET NET BAGS STOPWATCH CONES WHISTLE MAT SPORT CLOTHES TRACKSUIT JUAN XXIII-CARTUJA HIGH SCHOOL T-SHIRT SHORTS TRAINERS SPORT SOCKS BILINGUAL DEPARTMENT PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT INSTRUCTIONS AND USEFUL SENTENCES TO START THE CLASS WE´RE GOING TO START OUR P.E. LESSON. BE QUIET, PLEASE! PAY ATTENTION AND LISTEN TO THE EXPLANATION. YOUR TRAINERS AREN´T TIED CORRECTLY. YOU AREN´T WEARING THE CORRECT SPORT CLOTHES. LET´S GO TO THE TRACK. LET´S GO OUTSIDE. LET´S GO TO THE GYM. THE WARM UP LET´S WARM UP. WHO WANTS TO DO THE WARM-UP TODAY? WHOSE TURN IS IT TO DO THE WARM UP? RUN AROUND THE TRACK. GO AROUND THE TRACK FIVE TIMES…FIVE MINUTES… MOVE ALL THE JOINTS. KEEP THE STRETCHED POSITION FOR 20 SECONDS. LET´S STRETCH NOW. DURING CLASS TAKE ALL THE MATERIAL TO THE TRACKS. HURRY UP! GO TO THE CORNER. PASS ME THE BALL. ON YOUR MARKS, READY, SET, GO! GATHER AROUND (ACERCAOS). ENDING THE CLASS THE CLASS IS OVER. WE DON´T HAVE ANY MORE TIME TODAY. OK, THAT´S ALL FOR NOW // TODAY. GO CHANGE! JUAN XXIII-CARTUJA HIGH SCHOOL 6 BILINGUAL DEPARTMENT UNIT 2: PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT WARM UP 1.- What is the warm up? The warm up is a group of exercises that we do to prepare our body before each physical activity. 2.- What happens to the different body systems when we do the warm up? Cardiovascular system: The pulse/heart rate and blood circulation increases. Respiratory system: Pulmonary capacity increases, breathing in and breathing out. In general the warming up improves physical qualities and reduces the risk of injury. 3.- How do you do the warm up? a) Do exercises that are not difficult. b) Start slowly and increase the effort that we do little by little. c) It must not be too short, at least between 10 and 15 minutes. d) Increase the heart rate around 120 beats per minute. e) Work all the body parts (joints and muscles). 4.- Which are the parts of the warm up? It has four parts: - ACTIVATION EXERCISES: Running, jumping… in different ways and directions. - JOINT MOBILITY: Joint mobility exercises. - STRETCHING: Stretching muscle exercises. - CULMINANT EXERCISES: Increase the heart rate up to 120 beats per minute (bpm). JUAN XXIII-CARTUJA HIGH SCHOOL 7 BILINGUAL DEPARTMENT PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT WARM UP VOCABULARY AND VERBS FLEXIBILITY PHYSICAL ACTIVITY PHYSICAL QUALITIES BODY BODY SYSTEMS HEART RATE = PULSE BEATS PER MINUTE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM RESPIRATORY SYSTEM PULMONARY CAPACITY BREATHING IN BREATHING OUT INJURY BLOOD BLOOD CIRCULATION EFFORT MOVEMENT MOBILITY EXERCISES STRETCHING EXERCISES CULMINANT EXERCISES TO EXERCISE TO FLEX TO EXTEND TO MOVE LEG ARM FOREARM BOTTOM TRUNK ABDOMEN WAIST BACK HAND FOOT FINGER TOE NECK HEAD CHEST ANKLE KNEE HIP SPINE SHOULDER ELBOW CALF/CALVES QUADRICEPS HAMSTRINGS ABDOMINALS OBLIQUE PECTORALS LUMBARS DELTOIDS BICEPS TRICEPS STERNOCLEIDOMASTOID GLUTEUS PARTS OF THE BODY JOINTS WRIST MUSCLES JUAN XXIII-CARTUJA HIGH SCHOOL 8 BILINGUAL DEPARTMENT PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT MUSCLES 9 JUAN XXIII-CARTUJA HIGH SCHOOL BILINGUAL DEPARTMENT UNIT 3: PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT PHYSICAL CONDITION and HEALTH 1.- PHYSICAL CONDITION (FITNESS) FITNESS is the set of skills and qualities that our body has in order to react and adapt to exercise. A person with a good physical condition has the following ADVANTAGES: ADVANTAGES He won’t be so tired when doing exercise. His muscles will be more resistant, stronger and more flexible. He will have fewer injuries and illnesses. It will also be easier to relax and eliminate stress. PHYSICAL CONDITION FACTORS Genetics Age Sex TRAINING HEALTH HABITS 2.- PHYSICAL CAPACITIES JUAN XXIII-CARTUJA HIGH SCHOOL 10 BILINGUAL DEPARTMENT PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT PHYSICAL CAPACITIES: SPEED SPEED: This is the ability to cover a distance in the shortest period of time. ACTIVITIES FOR ITS SPEED TYPES Chasing Games DISPLACEMENT SPEED Fencing Relay Race REACTION SPEED SEGMENTAL SPEED MAIN SPORTS DEVELOPMENT Athletics Reaction Speed Games Passing and Shooting Games Relay Race Swimming 11 PHYSICAL CAPACITIES: STRENGTH STRENGTH: It is the ability to lift or move heavy weights. ACTIVITIES FOR ITS STRENGTH TYPES MAXIMUN STRENGTH MAIN SPORTS DEVELOPMENT Drag and Traction Games EXPLOSIVE STRENGTH ENDURANCE STRENGTH Rugby Fighting Games Gymnastics Climbing Games Weightlifting Shooting Games Muscular Training Judo Throwing Events in Athletics PHYSICAL CAPACITIES: ENDURANCE ENDURANCE: It is the ability to do exercise over long periods of time. ENDURANCE TYPES AEROBIC ENDURANCE ACTIVITIES FOR ITS DEVELOPMENT Walking Quickly Jogging Swimming ANAEROBIC ENDURANCE Cycling Team Sports MAIN SPORTS Cycling Long Distance Athletic Events Team Sports Cross Country Hiking Swimming PHYSICAL CAPACITIES: FLEXIBILITY FLEXIBILITY: It is the ability to move our muscles and joints through a full range of motion. ACTIVITIES FOR DEVELOPMENT Joint mobility exercises. Stretching exercises done alone or with the help of a partner JUAN XXIII-CARTUJA HIGH SCHOOL IMPORTANCE IN SPORTS Gymnastics; Karate; Taekwondo; Dancing BILINGUAL DEPARTMENT PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 3.- HEART RATE HEART RATE is the number of heart contractions in 1 minute. HEART RATE IS EXPRESSED IN: BEATS per MINUTE (bpm). We can use the Heart Rate as a measure of exercise intensity. In other words, 12 the level of effort that we are doing. WHAT IS MAXIMUM, BASAL AND RESTING HEART RATES? It is the maximum frequency that can be achieved in effort exercises without risking our health. MAXIMUM HEART RATE To calculate our maximum Heart Rate we use the following formula: MAXIMUN HEART RATE = 220 - Age It is the Heart Rate that we have when there is less RESTING HEART RATE physical activity; resting. To calculate our resting Heart Rate we must take it while resting. It is the Heart Rate that we have at the time of lowest BASAL HEART RATE energy (while we sleep). To calculate our basal Heart Rate we must take our heartbeat as soon as we wake up in the morning. HOW DO WE MEASURE OUR PULSE? The pulse can be taken in different parts of the body, in the wrist, in the neck over the carotid artery, in the chest or with a heart rate monitor. There are different ways that we can count heartbeats: 1. Count the heartbeats for 60 seconds. 2. Count the heartbeats for 30 seconds and multiply by 2. 3. Count the heartbeats for 20 seconds and multiply by 3. JUAN XXIII-CARTUJA HIGH SCHOOL BILINGUAL DEPARTMENT PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 4..- MY PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND FOOD PYRAMIDS PHYSICAL PYRAMID 13 FOOD PYRAMID JUAN XXIII-CARTUJA HIGH SCHOOL BILINGUAL DEPARTMENT PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 5.- PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLASS WARM UP 1- ACTIVATION EXERCISES 2- JOINT MOBILITY 3- STRETCHING MAIN PART We do exercises or activities related to the subject that is being taught. 4- CULMINANT EXERCISES COOL DOWN It is the transition from intense activity to the initial resting state. This is done by reducing the intensity of the exercises. 14 PHYSICAL CONDITION VOCABULARY FITNESS SPEED PHYSICAL PYRAMID SKILLS AEROBIC ENDURANCE CUT DOWN ON TRAINING ILLNESSES HEALTH HABITS PHYSICAL CAPACITIES ANAEROBIC ENDURANCE EXPLOSIVE STRENGTH HEARTBEATS STRENGTH BEATS FLEXIBILITY BPM ENDURANCE JUAN XXIII-CARTUJA HIGH SCHOOL FOOD PYRAMID MAIN PART COOL DOWN WEIGHT HEIGHT JUMP SIT-UPS BILINGUAL DEPARTMENT PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT PHYSICAL CONDITION TEST 15 EUROFIT TEST DATE FIRST TERM AGE FLEXIBILITY SECOND TERM AGE FLEXIBILITY DATE SPEED DATE THIRD TERM AGE SPEED FLEXIBILITY JUAN XXIII-CARTUJA HIGH SCHOOL SPEED WEIGHT STRENGTH WEIGHT STRENGTH WEIGHT STRENGTH HEIGHT ENDURANCE HEIGHT ENDURANCE HEIGHT ENDURANCE BASAL HEART RATE JUMP BASAL HEART RATE JUMP BASAL HEART RATE JUMP MAXIMUN HEART RATE SIT-UPS MAXIMUN HEART RATE SIT-UPS MAXIMUN HEART RATE SIT-UPS BILINGUAL DEPARTMENT PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT UNIT 4: ATHLETICS 1.- EVENTS TRACK RACE HURDLES WALKING 10 km (female event) 16 RUNNING 100 m hurdles 3000 m obstacles (female Sprints Relays Middle- Long- distance distance 800 m 5000 m 1500 m 10000 m event) 20 km (male event) 50 km (male event) 110 m hurdles 100 m (male event) 400 m 200 m hurdles 4x100 m 4x400 m 400 m FIELD JUAN XXIII-CARTUJA HIGH SCHOOL JUMPS THROWS High Jump Shot-Put Pole Vault Discus Throw Long Jump Hammer Throw Triple Jump Javelin Throw Marathon COMBINED EVENTS Decathlon (male event) Heptathlon (female event) BILINGUAL DEPARTMENT PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 2.- TRACK AND FIELD STADIUM 17 TRACK AND FIELD STADIUM Nº EVENTS 100 metre sprint; 200 metre sprint; 400 metre sprint; 100-110 metre 1 hurdles; 800 metre… 2 Long Jump. 3 High Jump.. 4 Pole Vault. 5 Triple Jump. 6 Shot-Put. 7 Discus Throw and Hammer Throw. 8 Javelin Throw. 100/200/400 METRE SPRINT The 100/200/400 metre sprint consists of running 100/200/400 meters without any obstacles as fast as possible. Each runner has a lane where he must run without invading the lanes of the other runners. The distance that the runner runs, in a 400 meter sprint, is one lap around the stadium. The runners starts from the starting blocks. There are four stages to start: “On your marks”; “Ready”; “Set”; “Go”. JUAN XXIII-CARTUJA HIGH SCHOOL BILINGUAL DEPARTMENT PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT RELAYS Relays are a team event. It is necessary to run as fast as possible. There are two events: 4x100 meter and 4x400 meter. There are four runners in each team. The runners have to give the baton to the next runner. There are two techniques: TECHNIQUE “UP-DOWN” TECHNIQUE “DOWN-UP” 18 LONG JUMP The long jump is an event that consists of jumping the longest distance in a horizontal plane after a sprint. HIGH JUMP The goal of the high jump is to jump over the bar (a horizontal bar) placed at certain heights. High jumpers run in a J-shape towards the bar and use the “Fosbury Flop” technique to jump over it. There are three techniques used in the high jump: SCISSOR JUMP (Salto en tijera) JUAN XXIII-CARTUJA HIGH SCHOOL STRADDLE JUMP (Rodillo ventral) FOSBURY FLOP BILINGUAL DEPARTMENT PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT POLE VAULT The goal of the pole vault is to jump over the bar (a horizontal bar) placed at certain heights with the help of a long, thin, flexible pole to lift one’s body completely over the bar. The pole is 4 or 5 meters long and it is usually made of fiberglass and carbon. 19 TRIPLE JUMP The triple jump has three consecutive jumps that are known as the “hop, step, and jump”. SHOT-PUT The goal of the shot-put is to throw a round metal ball as far as possible. JUAN XXIII-CARTUJA HIGH SCHOOL BILINGUAL DEPARTMENT PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT DISCUS THROW The objective of the discus throw is to throw the metal discus as far as possible. 20 HAMMER THROW The target of the hammer throw is to throw the hammer as far as possible. The hammer is a heavy metal ball attached to a metal wire and handle. JAVELIN THROW The goal of the javelin throw is to throw the javelin as far as possible. The javelin is made of fiberglass and carbon. It is between 220 and 270 cm long. JUAN XXIII-CARTUJA HIGH SCHOOL BILINGUAL DEPARTMENT PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT UNIT 5: BASKETBALL The basketball court 21 Objective Basketball is played by two teams that score points by throwing a ball into the opposing team's basket. The team that scores the most points is the winner. Each team has a squad of 12 players to choose from. Five of those players are allowed on the court at any one time, with unlimited substitutions. Players can move the ball around the court by passing, tapping, throwing, rolling or dribbling. Duration The game consists of four quarters of 10 minutes each, with a 15-minute break at half-time. There is also a two-minute interval between the first and second period, and between the third and fourth period. If the game is tied after the fourth period, it continues with an extra period of five minutes, then as many five-minute periods as are necessary to break the tie. JUAN XXIII-CARTUJA HIGH SCHOOL BILINGUAL DEPARTMENT PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Scoring A basket made within the three point line (6.75 line) is worth 2 points, a basket shot from outside the three point line is worth 3 points and each free throw is worth 1 point. Playing positions Center. Centers are generally your tallest players. They generally are positioned near the basket. 22 Forward. Your next tallest players will most likely be your forwards. While a forward may be called upon to play under the hoop, they may also be required to operate in the wing and corner areas. Guard. These are potentially your shortest players and they should be really good at dribbling fast, seeing the court, and passing. It is their job to bring the ball down the court and set up offensive plays. FOULS Personal fouls: Personal fouls include any type of illegal physical contact. Hitting Pushing Slapping Holding Personal foul penalties: If a player is shooting while being fouled, then he gets two free throws if his shot doesn't go in. If his shot goes in then he only gets one free throw. Technical foul. A player or a coach can commit this type of foul. It does not involve player contact or the ball but it is about the 'manners' of the game. Foul language, obscenity, obscene gestures, and even arguing can be considered a technical foul. Technical details regarding filling in the scorebook can be a technical foul too. JUAN XXIII-CARTUJA HIGH SCHOOL BILINGUAL DEPARTMENT PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT VIOLATIONS Walking/Travelling: Taking more than 'a step and a half' without dribbling the ball is travelling. Moving your pivot foot once you've stopped dribbling is travelling too. Double Dribble: Dribbling the ball with both hands on the ball at the same time or picking up the dribble and then dribbling again is a double dribble. Backcourt violation: Once the offense has brought the ball across the mid-court line, they cannot 23 go back across the line during possession. If they do, the ball is awarded to the other team to pass inbounds. Kicked ball: When a player touches the ball with any part of the leg. Stepping on the side line or the base line when a player has the ball is not permitted. Time restrictions: • Five-second violation: A player passing the ball inbounds has five seconds to pass, shoot or bounce the ball. • Twenty-four second clock: It is the maximum time that a team has to attempt a shot. • Three-second rule: It is when an offence player stays in the paint (restricted area) for more than 3 seconds. • Eight-second rule: It is the maximum time that a team has to pass the ball inbounds. JUAN XXIII-CARTUJA HIGH SCHOOL BILINGUAL DEPARTMENT PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT TECHNIQUE BOUNCE You mustn´t hit the ball with the palm of your hand instead you should hit it softly with your fingers at the same time that you stretch out your arm and your wrist. High bounce: The high dribble is used when you are trying to move the ball up the court very quickly and you don’t have a defender nearby. Control dribble: This type of bounce is used when the defender is very close and he wants to steel the ball. You need to place your body between the defender and the ball. Then bounce the ball up to your knees. PASSES Chest Pass: It is the most basic way to move the basketball from one player to another. It is an accurate pass and it can be thrown at mid distance. Hold the ball with both hands close to your chest. Then push the ball hard and outwards with your thumbs. Aim for your teammate’s chest. JUAN XXIII-CARTUJA HIGH SCHOOL 24 BILINGUAL DEPARTMENT PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Bounce Pass: It can be helpful when there is a defender nearby. Hold the ball and bounce it off the floor halfway between yourself and your teammate. 25 Overhead Pass: It is thrown by putting both hands over your head. It is a fast pass used by a forward towards the guard to begin the fast break. Baseball Pass: It is used when you have the ball in the back court and your teammate is breaking to the basket. Take the ball and bring it overhead and throw a hard, direct pass to your teammate (like a baseball). JUAN XXIII-CARTUJA HIGH SCHOOL BILINGUAL DEPARTMENT PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT SHOOTING Shooting is the act of attempting to score points by throwing the ball through the basket. There are different techniques: A player usually faces the basket with both feet facing the basket too. A player will rest the ball on the fingertips of the dominant hand (the shooting arm) slightly above the head, with the other hand supporting the side of the ball and then he immediately extends his arm to complete the shot. The set-shot is shot from a standing position with neither foot leaving the floor. It is usually used for free throws. The jump-shot is the most common technique used in basketball. It is shot in mid-air. The ball is released near the top of the jump. The slam dunk is the most crowd-pleasing and typically highest-percentage accuracy shot. The player jumps very high and throws the ball downward through the basket while hanging from it. JUAN XXIII-CARTUJA HIGH SCHOOL 26 BILINGUAL DEPARTMENT PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT The lay-up requires the player to be in motion towards the basket, and to "lay" the ball "up" and into the basket, usually off the backboard. 27 When you're in transition or the lane is wide open, a layup is one of the most effective and high-percentage shots in basketball. Players often run layup drills before the game to warm up and practice this basic shot. You can perform a layup shot from either side of the basket. JUAN XXIII-CARTUJA HIGH SCHOOL