ZGroup Mobile - Get Mobile game


ZGroup Mobile - Get Mobile game
ZGroup Mobile
2 Day Soft
ZGroup Mobile
The yrgo is a software that makes using your Windows Mobile phone easier
than ever! Its goal is to decrease the number of taps needed to get your
most using actions. It makes your Windows Mobile looking more like a
regular mobile phone.Finger gestures are supported to facilitate usage of
the phoneUse your fingers on a small screen without worrying that they
aretoo big for small icons
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
Tel/Fax:+1(504) 233 2335
ZGroup Mobile
ZGroup Mobile
- MxCalc 12c the best Programmable RPN Finance Calculator Software
performing the most complex & detailed financial calculations.
- MxCalc 10BII the best industry standard Finance, Loan, Interest Calculator
software for Windows Mobile Classic/Professional (Pocket PC).
- MxCalc 15c the best Scientific & Engineering RPN calculator.
-MxCalc SE the decisive calculator performing all complex calculations &
featuring the most comprehensive converter available for Windows Mobile
Classic/Professional (Pocket PC)
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
Tel/Fax:+1(504) 233 2335
ZGroup Mobile
ZGroup Mobile
• Summary: New! The most friendly time, task and contact management
solution for your Smartphone. Like nothing else you've ever used. Ideal for
your Motorola Q, Blackjack, T-Mobile Dash and more!
Compatible with all Windows Mobile 5 and Windows Mobile 6 Pocket
PC/Smartphone. Simply install and go. Works with all of your current
calendar, contact and task information!
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
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ZGroup Mobile
ZGroup Mobile
Agendus for Windows Mobile Pocket PC can be used instantly after download
and installation. There are no plug-ins or complex instructions to follow. Just
launch Agendus and all your existing information will appear within its
Do you currently use Pocket Outlook and sync with Outlook on your
Windows Desktop? Agendus uses the same core data source as Pocket
Outlook, so when changes are made in one program, the other also gets
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
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ZGroup Mobile
Agendus Professional
ZGroup Mobile
The Pocket PC (touchscreen) version of our award-winning personal
information manager (PIM) includes powerful new features and significant
usability improvements to help you work smarter and get more done while
on the go.
Ratchets up the PIM capabilities of your Windows Mobile device to make it
easier to schedule and organize your life in a way that intuitively makes
Keep your schedule organized and accurate. Get to what you need in half
the time: Schedule a business meeting then switch to your contacts to call a
family member, then reference your tasks list for the day in one fell swoop
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
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ZGroup Mobile
Air Scanner Mobile
A Full-Strength Personal Firewall for Your Windows Mobile/Pocket PC
handheld.Airscanner Mobile Firewall for Windows Mobile Pocket PC is a lowlevel, bi-directional, packet filtering firewall that examines all incoming and
outgoing TCP/IP traffic. This personal firewall ensures that data is permitted
based on access control lists that you select from a set of predefined filters,
or from filters that you create yourself. The firewall parses packets as they
come in (or go out) on the wire or over the air, and it matches the data
against a rule set of ports and IP addresses, URLs, etc.
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
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ZGroup Mobile
Alarm Pal
ZGroup Mobile
alarmPal is a simple "small footprint" tool designed to provide repeating
alarms for all important events. It can be added to tray, title-bar or run in
hidden mode.alarmNotes are also available to quickly write a short note or
voice message to be reminded of later.n addition a list of the last 10 callers
is available to quickly dial your frequent contacts.
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ZGroup Mobile
Alc 2008 Strong
ZGroup Mobile
The Alarm offers you wide range of settings, either easy and fast possibility
of setting the alarm. You can set more active alarms at once, each of them
can be of different type, one-day, every-day, weekend or for working days.
Alarm functions:- play selected file (supported formats .wav, mp3, wma,
mid).- start vibration in selected interval and lengthdisplaying of a text note
or a selected or random quotation which you can add yourself - actual time
announcing and interval of announcting during wake-up mode.flight mode
on and offselecting length of snooze during wake-up mode
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
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ZGroup Mobile
App Sentry
ZGroup Mobile
Mit AppSentry ist es m?glich, speicherverschlingende Programme, welche im
Hintergrund laufen, automatisch nach einer bestimmten Zeit zu schliessen.
Es ist nicht n?tig, dieses Programm jedesmal aufzustarten und es l?uft nicht
im Hintergrund (verbraucht kein Memory).Systemvoraussetzungen: .NET CF
2.0, WM 2003 od. WM5 od. WM6 od. WM6.1ACHTUNG: Das Programm l?uft
nicht auf allen Ger?ten (getestet vom Programmierer: Kaiser, Wizard und
Touch) und kann Schaden verursachen, es ist wirklich noch nicht ausgereift
und eignet sich nur für Pr?bler!
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
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ZGroup Mobile
Babylon Mobile
ZGroup Mobile
# Stylus Click Activation # More than 20 Languages # Full Text Translation
# Wikipedia Contents # Up-to-date Dictionaries Stylus Click Activation
Translation is just a stylus click away - simply click and drag the Babylon
icon at the top of the screen to the text for translation. Alternatively, you
can select the text and choose "Translate" from the context menu. More
than 20 Languages Word and phrase translation is available from over a
thousand sources in more than 20 languages. Full Text Translation Translate
full sentences and paragraphs. Full text translation is available in 17
languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese,
Japanese, Hebrew, Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Simplified), Dutch,
Russian, Korean, Turkish, Arabic, Farsi, Polish and Ukrainian. Wikipedia
Content Get quick results from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia. Wikipedia,
a web-based multilingual encyclopedia, features over 2 million articles in 13
languages. Up-to-date Dictionaries The Babylon dictionaries are constantly
updated to include the latest in business terms, technology terms and even
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
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ZGroup Mobile
Band Switch
ZGroup Mobile
DHR BandSwitch v2.8
Requirements: PPC WM5, WM6
Overview: The only product in the market to manage phone band (2g/3g) in
ALL HTC phones and Toshiba TG01.
Take control of your connections:
* Enable and disable connections. Disabling connections makes impossible
to use them so you know they wont generate traffic data.
* Stablish and close connections.
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ZGroup Mobile
Battery Status
ZGroup Mobile
came across a cool free app this weekend called SmartBBattery. The app is
simple - it places an icon on your screen that displays you current battery
status. The icon changes color (green, yellow or red) depending on your
charge, and also shows the remaining battery life as a percentage. Thats all
there is to it. SmartB Battery is a no frills app that gets the job done. The
app works on all devices running OS4.2 or higherTo start SmartBBattery
just enter the application and after that hit the Back buttonTo stop
SmartBBattery enter the application and select menu option "Exit"Note: due
to OS limitation, when using Zen-theme in some OS versions, the icon won't
be automatically updated until focused
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
Tel/Fax:+1(504) 233 2335
ZGroup Mobile
Bible Dictionary
ZGroup Mobile
A dictionary designed for learners who need to understand, speak, read and
write English for business.Key featuresVocabulary from the main areas of
business, including: accounting,banking, computing, finance, import and
export, international trade,law, management, sales, shipping and the stock
exchange. Clear explanations of over 4,000 business words and phrases
that are easy to understand but contain enough detail to make them useful
for both students of business and experienced business people.
Speciallydesigned for quick and easy access. On the left-hand side of every
page there are definitions and examples of words or phrases; on the right
there is a separate language information column containing abbreviations,
pronunciation, collocations (words commonly used with the headword),
American variants, and notes on grammar and usage.
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
Tel/Fax:+1(504) 233 2335
ZGroup Mobile
Birdsoft Extreme Agenda
ZGroup Mobile
Are you looking for a full featured replacement for Outlook on your Windows
Mobile Touchscreen Device. Well you've found the best!Extreme Agenda
packs in more of the features you want at a price you willWe worked very
hard to make this one of the most powerful Organizer's available but always
kept in mind our idea of Effortless Usability. Things like The Best One-Hand
navigation available along with finger friendly scrolling and gestures and the
newly designed list editing show the attention to detail we put into our
product.So give it a try and see just how well it will work for you.
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ZGroup Mobile
BirdSoft Extreme Text
ZGroup Mobile
The program operates fairly straightforwardly. You install the program, an
icon is created in the Start Menu and you can have it take over your
dedicated Messaging key. How it integrates with your Outlook inbox is the
nice part and one of the program's highlights. Basically, when you open
Extreme Text, it shows the Extreme Text inbox and your other email boxes
(in this case, my Exchange account). For the end-user, this simulates the
standard Text/Email inboxes and makes thing quite simple. The program
has a rich array of options, including color schemes, word wrap, date stamp,
font size, emoticons, etc. The menus are kept simple and there is nothing
complicated about the program itself. At this point, MMS is not supported,
however the program will “ignore” MMS messages allowing your default
MMS program to handle incoming messages.
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
Tel/Fax:+1(504) 233 2335
ZGroup Mobile
Core Player
CorePlayer™ Mobile is at the center of the CoreCodec™ Universe for playing
multimedia on your mobile phone, portable media players, PDA, GPS or
convergence device. CorePlayer™ is truly the next-generation in multimedia
playback. Its simple yet powerful interface and advanced features is
designed to empower the CoreCodec™ community.See why the Chicago
Suntimes times says that it, "actually has a user interface designed with
bipeds in mind" and why companies like Joost are using CorePlayer
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
Tel/Fax:+1(504) 233 2335
ZGroup Mobile
Creative Notes
ZGroup Mobile
se CreativeNotes as your secure notepadCreativeNotes is ideal for jotting
down quick notes as the need arises. It's much easier to use than the Notes
application built into the Pocket PC and Windows.You organize each note as
a bulleted list, with items arranged in groups to match the structure of your
information.You can use different colors for the bullets, text or background
of any item. Items can be given check-boxes, and checked items can be
hidden, so your shopping list gets shorter as you tick the items off.You can
add text attachments to any item in your notes. For example, information
copied and You can assign passwords to any of your notes. Then they are
protected from prying eyes, by military-strength encryption technology.
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
Tel/Fax:+1(504) 233 2335
ZGroup Mobile
Critter Map
Software Back Country
ackCountry Navigator is fun-filled navigation software for the outdoor
adventurer. Use it in a variety of outdoor adventures, from kayak touring to
geocaching. This is a summary of what you can do with the product. To
learn more, download a trial, or visit our website.BackCountry Navigator
uses free topo and aerial maps for the United States, downloaded directly
from Terraserver-USA * There are topographical maps at 4 meters per pixel
scale, based on 1:24k.There is aerial photography in most areas at up to 1
meter pixel.To download maps, simply specify a center point, and size. No
limitations to a particular county, state, or quadrangle.
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
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ZGroup Mobile
Cyberhorse Workshop
ZGroup Mobile
Firstly, it is a time switch for flight mode, wifi, bluetooth, call firewall, call
forwarding, profiles, reset, power off phone, starting program or even any
regular operating process( replaying a macro file recorded by MacroRecorder
program ).
Secondly, It is a unique mini Big Ben clock because it is capable of
announcing o'clock with voice or chime. The voices sequences can be
customized by user.
Thirdly, it is a time speaker because it is capable of speaking time at any
moment by pressing hotkey. You need not see screen to get time in
darkness, you can hear of time. The voices sequences can be customized by
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
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ZGroup Mobile
Daniele Pedrazzini
ZGroup Mobile
Mobile VT
Vt102, Vt100, Vt52, Ansi and telnet NVT terminal emulation Tcp/ip, serial,
modem, ssh and ssh2 connectionsDisplay colors and size customizable Ssh
authentication with password, private *** file or ***board interactive Ssh2
public and private *** generator utilityXmodem, Zmodem and scp file
transfers.scii text capture and sending for batch sessionsCopy and paste
contextual menus Tiny and high legible font with customizable size
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
Tel/Fax:+1(504) 233 2335
ZGroup Mobile
DcCo I Silo
ZGroup Mobile
iSilo is a highly versatile document reader. You can find thousands of readymade documents downloadable immediately for reading with iSilo or you
can create your own documents from HTML content using iSiloX.Features
:High text compression in iSilo format documents result in a 50% to 60%
decrease in size, which is about 20% better than the Palm Doc format,
allowing you to store more and larger documents on your
handheld.Hyperlinks make it much easier to navigate through a
document.Images add visual richness to documents, especially photoquality color pictures.Tables allow the display of tabular data.
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
Tel/Fax:+1(504) 233 2335
ZGroup Mobile
Decuma Alphapatic
ZGroup Mobile
Decuma's OnSpot is probably the most efficient SIP I've ever had the
opportunity to use. The text recognition is fast and not to mention accurate.
Plus it has the ability to make edits on the fly, and the choice to train
Onspot to be even more accurate based upon the user's own handwriting.
The price is a little steep right now ($29.99), but when I first downloaded
this software, Decuma had a $10 off coupon on their site - and perhaps they
will again soon. I would highly recommend this application to anyone with a
Pocket PC, I know that it's currently my text entry of choice.
Have you used OnSpot? See something that isn't quite right? Tell us what
you think! Click on the Discussion Link below.
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
Tel/Fax:+1(504) 233 2335
ZGroup Mobile
Developer Oneifit One
ZGroup Mobile
I downloaded a copy of iFitOne from the our store onto my PC, and then this
downloaded in turn to my PDA which is synchronised with my PC. Once
installed, you can use the progam to create your profile and set it up before
registering it. Once registered you have access to features such as the
graphs - see Product Features
When I first activated iFitOne I was excited because this could be a really
useful way of recording my daily weight loss performance. I use my mobile
phone for everything: it's my daily diary, my task master, my communicator
and my entertainer. Now it could also be my personal weight loss conordinator. So I set to using it with enthusiasm having in mind actual goals.
not just some test ones for the purpose of the review!!
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
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ZGroup Mobile
Dhr Comm Mgr Pro
ZGroup Mobile
Control your PDA Phone Edition with profiles automatically selected
depending on your current location(Phone Cell / LAC), current time and
calendar appointments.Total integration with Windows Calendar Program
with two featuresDefine general rules like "If the current calendar
appointment contains the word 'meeting' or 'cinema' then activate the
profile 'Silence'.ommMgrPro adds a new menu item on the Windows
Calendar Program that allows to attach a CMP profile to a specific
appointment using the Pocket Calendar program.Manage all the peripherals
(BT, Wifi, band, etc) of your PDA in a unified way and much more powerfull
than CommMgr of Windows Mobile.
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
Tel/Fax:+1(504) 233 2335
ZGroup Mobile
Dictionary And Thesaurus Bundle
ZGroup Mobile
Lexisgoo English Dictionary and Thesaurus is the new and enhanced version
of the previous bestseller and award winning Lexisgoo English Dictionary for
Pocket PC. Now just by one tap you can lookup word from Pocket IE and it
is fully compatible with Windows Mobile 5.0.Here are some key features of
"Lexisgoo English Dictionary and Thesaurus for Pocket PC":Support Windows
Mobile 5.0Improve Speech moduleSupport Opera Brower,
PocketBibleSupport square devices Treo 700w and hw6500 series Smart
favorites for better learning
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
Tel/Fax:+1(504) 233 2335
ZGroup Mobile
Dictionary Reader Extras
ZGroup Mobile
BEIKS Dictionary Reader for Windows Mobile (a.k.a. BDicty - pronounced
"bee-dikti") is a specialized reader application for reference content.
Powered with rich set of language, professional, scientific and even
entertainment dictionary databases, BEIKS Dictionary Reader will quickly
become one of the most valuable and used applications in your Windows
Mobile based device.
BEIKS dictionary reader features:
Specializedfor reference content (dictionaries), resulting in simplified
interface and improved speed compared to the general-purpose e-book
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
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ZGroup Mobile
Dinar Soft Handy Switcher
ZGroup Mobile
The biggest complaint about Windows Mobile Pocket PC/phone edition is
that there's no way to close most programs - they go into hibernation,
which isn't very satisfying for most users, plus it ties up memory.
Many attempts have been made a good good task manager application - the
latest if from DinarSoft, out with a new version of HandySwitcher. The
program lets you view CPU and memory usage per program, plus it provides
a quick way to kill programs via a drop down menu.
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
Tel/Fax:+1(504) 233 2335
ZGroup Mobile
DivX Player Ppc
ZGroup Mobile
Free media player with features for the Pocket PC
Pocket DivX Player is a free media player designed with your Pocket PC in
mind. This freeware plays DivX, OpenDivX, MPEG-4, MPEG-1 video formats
and MP3 audio files. Pocket DivX Player supports webstreaming and the
creation of playlists.
Download.CHIP.eu is not responsible for the content of this description. We
encourage you to determine whether this product or your intended use is
legal. We do not encourage or condone the use of any software in violation
of applicable laws.
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
Tel/Fax:+1(504) 233 2335
ZGroup Mobile
Elecont Task Manager
ZGroup Mobile
Features: · Classic Arcade Design, beefed up with tons of new digital extras
· Authentic flippers, bumpers, slingshots, and more modeled after real
pinball machines!
· A superb physics engine giving realistic play
· Awesome Space Alien Hunter graphics, art, and special visual effects!
· Unique Quests to perform and Mini-Games to play, giving you endless
hours of playtime
· Smooth gameplay supporting traditional Directional Pad controls and
advanced On-screen controls
· Enjoy tons of great sound effects, music and voices tailored to the game
· Highscore List for Alien Hunter bragging rights!
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
Tel/Fax:+1(504) 233 2335
ZGroup Mobile
Ever Note
ZGroup Mobile
Evernote is an application and web service that lets you capture, store and
synchronize all manner of information on your PDA, PC and online, all at the
same time. It allows you to store all manner of items, including text notes,
voice notes, images and files.
Once you've installed the program on your Windows Mobile device, you'll
need to sign up for a free Evernote account. After this short registration
process you'll be presented with a very clear and touch-friendly interface.
From here, you're just a tap away from adding a text note, a handwritten
ink note, taking a snapshot on your camera, recording an audio note, or
uploading a file. The Settings menu in Evernote allows you to view your
current monthly usage, and tweak things such as the camera resolution and
the way the notes are displayed on screen.
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
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ZGroup Mobile
Fire Hawk
ZGroup Mobile
3 different ship types with their own unique firing style! Each ship has
2 supporting scout ships with their own fire power Ships have the
ability to power up along with their scout ships Features 6 missions,
each with 3 sub stages Fight against 6 total bosses Record your
gameplay for future viewingTextured 3D elements Destructible
buildings Shadows and animated halo effects Particle
explosionsAdvanced particle system (fire, water, smoke, sparks)
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
Tel/Fax:+1(504) 233 2335
ZGroup Mobile
Fizz Weather is a fully featured application & home screen plug-in.
Supporting over 58,000 cities world wide we have one of the best, most
comprehensive weather reporting tools for your mobile device.Supporting
Window Mobile 2003SE, & Windows Mobile 5 & Windows MobileMain
Features include:Localized : English, French, German, Spanish, Italian &
Dutch Windows Mobile 5 & 6 Compatible, Square Screen Support,
Landscape/Portrait Support Global Coverage - Over 58,000 cities
worldwide7 day full forecasts, 2 day forecasts, 6 hourly intervals, Current
location conditions.Weather maps with zoom & pan support
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
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ZGroup Mobile
ZGroup Mobile
FLIPSLIDE is an exciting new Today Screen replacement for PocketPC / PDA.
Its not the usual iphone clone and gives a fresh new look to the today
screen, moreover its finger friendly.
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
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ZGroup Mobile
ZGroup Mobile
Foxit Reader is the only eligible alternative reader/viewer for PDF files
(eBooks). It's free, smaller, faster, and cleaner. And it starts up
immediately, so you don't need to wait the annoying "Welcome" screen to
disappear. Foxit PDF Reader is extremely easy to use, just double click it to
start and then click open button to open your PDF document. If you want to
print, click on "Print" button. If you want to setup the page layout for
printing, select "Print Setup" from "File" menu. Foxit Reader supports
Windows 98/ Me/ 2000/ XP/ 2003/ Vista.
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
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ZGroup Mobile
Franson Gps Gate
ZGroup Mobile
Franson GpsGate v2.5 build 169
Requirements: Pocket PC, Windows CE .NETOverview: GpsGate - GPS
splitterImageUsing Franson GpsGate it is possible to share one GPS between
many applications running on a laptop or handheld computer.
Other GPS solutions only allow a single application to have exclusive access
of a connected GPS. GpsGate is the solution! As more applications are
becoming position aware, GPS sharing becomes a necessity.
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
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ZGroup Mobile
ZGroup Mobile
Complete exclude - When using writing applications like PhatPad or
PicselBox, use this feature to turn of scrolling, launching and active corners
for the application. FTouchSL will be completely disabled .Disable scrolling The feature can be used for applications like HTC Photo Album or PocketCM,
which already support a touch interface.Disable launching - If you’re
scrolling a lot, use this feature to prevent unintentional gestures from
executing commands.Disable active corners - Turn off Active Corners for
any application.Disable when SIP is activeDisable FTouchSL while your
Software Input Panel (SIP) is active, allowing for better handwriting and
typingDisable TouchFLO™
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ZGroup Mobile
ZGroup Mobile
GPSdash2 is a SHAREWARE tool for the PocketPC platform which tries to
help you with getting the most out of your (expensive) mobile GPS
equipment. It is able to interpret data from GPS receivers and presents this
data via 5 complementary views. Accompanied by its easy to use
navigational features, GPSdash2 is your perfect partner for hiking, sailing or
any similar outdoor activity.Feature Highlights include:Dashboard - Choose
from more than 30 different gauges and 10 categories Charts - for 7 GPS
derived data functions Moving Map - Easy import and use of your favourite
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ZGroup Mobile
Gps Speed Sentry
ZGroup Mobile
Software: GPS Speed Sentry V1.01 for all PPCSub-Category: GPS &
MapSize: 0.03MBAvailable Hardware: Pocket PCublish Company:
Official PublishSoftware introduce:
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ZGroup Mobile
Gps Tuner
ZGroup Mobile
GPS Tuner is an off-road navigation software for Pocket PC devices. While
most car navigation software gives you the possibility of planning your route
based on a road network, GPS Tuner gives you the ability of navigation
where the roads end. GPS Tuner is an excellent tool for hiking, geocaching,
boating, flying, driving and many other sporting activities.
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
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ZGroup Mobile
ZGroup Mobile
Gsmart is a new finger friendly today screen interface with nice design. Its
easy to operate with, reacts almost instantly without any lags. There are
customizable bar with icons at the bottom with gives you an access to any
feature of your device. The Analog and digital clock could be slided
horizontally to change. The icon wallpaper could be also changed with a
custom one by just editing a simple XML file. Gsmart can be installed on the
storage card !
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
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ZGroup Mobile
Hacker Evolution
ZGroup Mobile
It's exciting when an idea such as the one behind Hacker Evolution comes
along. In a sea of matching puzzlers and cookie cutter clones, someone
decided to make something different. Something that would stand out.
Problem is, to stand out you need to truly differentiate your game - one
good idea can be lost amongst other questionable design decisions. It's hard
to complain when a game is 59p, but when many developers are falling over
themselves to price their wares at the lowest common denominator, it can
take true guts to put some real effort into a product and sell it at a fair and
just price point. In short - Hacker Evolution just feels under developed.
Here's why.
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
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ZGroup Mobile
Harmonic Software System
ZGroup Mobile
Harness the untapped power of your mind with the brainZapr. Utilising
powerful brainwave entrainment technologies, the brainZapr is able to alter
the user’s brainwave patterns, allowing the user to experience different
brain states at the touch of a button.Use it as a meditation tool to unwind
after a stressful day, as a learning tool to focus on an important piece of
work, or as sleep aid to give you a refreshing power sleep.The brainZapr has
been designed with a simple user interface, just select the preset and press
play.The brainZapr ships with the following presets:
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
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ZGroup Mobile
Jgui Vista Interface
ZGroup Mobile
Requirements: WM2003 & WM5
Overview: Do you want nicer look and feel, on your mobile smartphone?
More useful and easier for all your daily needs?
Look at this program. It displays all information in on conveniently screen.
It simulates rich Windows VistaTM interface in a small screen of
mobile device, including Sidebar.
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
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ZGroup Mobile
Lakshmi Solutions
ZGroup Mobile
Shopping List
Shopping List will help you to organize, plan and manage the different items
that you need to buy.
No longer need to use paper notes that can be lost in any store or thrown
away by mistake, the application will not only maintain the list of items you
need to purchase but will also help you calculate the total amount you are
about to expend.
Using Shopping List, you can organize the items you intend to buy by
categories and by store. These two types of filters are defined by you, using
words that will make sense to you and will help you to search for these
items faster.
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
Tel/Fax:+1(504) 233 2335
ZGroup Mobile
Levanter Software
ZGroup Mobile
Smart SMS to Email
Do you have a job where can access your email but not allowed to use
mobile phones, take personal phone calls or a job where you have to carry
two mobile phones? Then SmartSMStoEmail is the application for
you.SmartSMStoEmail forwards the content of the SMS Messages (with
senders Name or Number) and missed call information (i.e. Name/Number
and Time of missed call) will arrive in your specified email account inbox.
SMS to Email uses any Pocket Outlook email account to send the email (e.g.
ActiveSync, Gmail etc).
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
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ZGroup Mobile
Lexisgoo English
ZGroup Mobile
Dictionary f or MotoQ
Lexisgoo English Dictionary is the comprehensive english dictionary with
friendly interface, easy to use, quick and convenience, huge quantity of
words and easy-understanding comments and inherits almost full-data from
original database.
Key features:
contains 182,000 entries, 1.4 million links, 3.18 million words, 4140 Idioms
and full list of irregular verbs.new Speech moduleword links with synonyms
and related words for every definition
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
Tel/Fax:+1(504) 233 2335
ZGroup Mobile
Masp Ware Auto Manager
ZGroup Mobile
MASPware AutoManager turns the Pocket PC into an professional
administration tool for all kinds of vehicles. Starting at the important
calculation of consumption (l/100km, km/l and MPG) up to full cost- and
appointment administration including a travel book for business and private
travels. Furthermore, there is a checklist added for every vehicle (for using
it as a To-Do-List for example).Finally, there are serveral evaluations
possible as well as exports.
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
Tel/Fax:+1(504) 233 2335
ZGroup Mobile
Maspware Hand Notes
ZGroup Mobile
MASPware HandNotes v.4.0.0 CBD Requirements: WM5 – WM6.5 Overview:
Turn your Pocket PC into a virtual notepad! No notes-folder searches
anymore! Browse your notes. Sheet by sheet.
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
Tel/Fax:+1(504) 233 2335
ZGroup Mobile
Milky Tracker 2008
ZGroup Mobile
ilkyTracker is an open source Fast Tracker 2 clone that is hoping to capture
some of the magic from the early days of computer music by recreating the
classic tracker concept for modern computers. Question is, can a music
philophsy and design concept that is nearly two decades old still maintain its
relevance and usefulness in the world of modern sequencers?
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
Tel/Fax:+1(504) 233 2335
ZGroup Mobile
Mobile Registry Ed
ZGroup Mobile
editor which remotely connect to the mobile device to manage its registry.
That said, CeRegEditor runs on desktop PC to operates on a mobile device.
Thus user can take advantage of the normal keyboard, mouse and big LCD
computer monitor to manipulate, change, edit, create or delete the Windows
Mobile Pocket PC registry, instead of been restricted to just stylus tap.
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
Tel/Fax:+1(504) 233 2335
ZGroup Mobile
Mobile Ringtone
ZGroup Mobile
Converter 2
"Convert/Record/Mix audio to Moblie Ringtone as MP3, OGG, AMR, MMF
,AMRWB, WAV."BrothersoftEditor: Mobile Ringtone Converter can convert /
record / mix audio to Moblie Ringtone as MP3, OGG, AMR, MMF ,AMRWB,
Key Features:
1. Convert audio to Mobile Ringtone as MP3, OGG, AMR, MMF, AMRWB,
WAV.2. Can import MP3, OGG, WAV, AU, AIFF, AMR, AMR WB+ files3. Can
add recording track to audio. Input source is from Microphone, CD Player,
Sterte Mix, Line In
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
Tel/Fax:+1(504) 233 2335
ZGroup Mobile
Mobility Flow File Sender
ZGroup Mobile
Send Contact for Pocket PC Phone is a smart application for quick contact
sharing. It is the best way to comply with immediate requests to transmit
contact information about particular persons without running special
programs or typing the text yourself. Just press the button, and the
recipient will instantly get the required information in the SMS format. The
program does not have to be installed on the recipient's device, which
comes in handy.
Email: contact@zgroup-mobile.com
Tel/Fax:+1(504) 233 2335