Grey Court School e-Bulletin


Grey Court School e-Bulletin
Week Beginning 26 July 2010
Grey Court School e-Bulletin
Ham Street, Ham, Richmond TW10 7HN
Head’s Line: “This school just gets better and better”
Dear Parents/Students
During the Summer holidays I would like us all to
remember the family of Jacob Zeuner Griffiths who
died on Wednesday evening of an allergic reaction. Jacob was such a bundle of energy, a lover of
“free running” and any activity that took him outdoors. Jacob will leave a massive gap at the school.
Jacob was a strong forthright character who told
me when things were going well and when he
thought things could be better. I admired him for
his honesty and sense of justice. There will always
have a special place in our hearts for him. We will
have a memorial service for Jacob early in September, planned for the most part by the students. It
will be a celebration of his life.
I was so incredibly proud of the way that staff and
students reacted yesterday. The compassion that
was shown teacher to teacher, teacher to student,
student to teacher and student to student was quite
incredible. However it was nothing less that I
would have come to expect; we remembered Jacob the Grey Court way, as a dignified, unified
community. Jacob was full of integrity himself, I
think he would have approved.
Goodbye and thank you
Goodbyes to Ms Harrison and Ms Harris who have
been promoted to positions in other schools; Ms
Ross, who successfully completed her Graduate
teacher training placement with us; Ms Powell who
has been inspired from her position of learning
support assistant to become a teacher and starts
her PGCE in September; and Ms Cooke who is
looking after her young family. Thank you to them
all for their contributions to the school. We wish
them well in their new positions
Thank you
Thank you to all my staff for a tremendous year.
They have all worked very hard and a result the
students have flourished. I hope you all enjoy the
well earned rest.
A big thank you to all the parents, without your
support we would not have been able to achieve
Year 7, 8 and 9
Year 10 and 11
Extra Curricular
D&T Awards
Basketball Summer
Ham Summer Activities 2010
Newman House
Inside this issue:
anywhere near what we have. The children are all
yours over the summer break ....enjoy!! We are
more than happy to have them back in September
I promise. We just need a little break first!!!!
Finally I would like to thank the students, you are
what we are here for and make our jobs interesting
and fulfilling. The celebration assemblies this year
were a true reflection of the fantastically diverse
intellectual, practical and creative abilities of our
young people. For all those students with 100%
attendance well done. Whether you won a prize/
certificate or not, keep up the good work, you
have been amazing.
Make Up and Jewellery
From September there will be a complete ban on
make up including nail varnish and a tightening up
on jewellery. Full details will be in the planners
and I will write to all parents at the end of term
and speak to the students explaining why we have
decided on this course of action. It is also important that the girls think about the length of their
skirts as we will be highlighting any that are too
short. If you have any comments please do not
hesitate to contact me.
When are we back to school?
Thursday 2nd and 3rd September 2010
School begins for students on
Monday 6th September for
Year 7 8.30 start and Year 10 10.25 start
Tuesday 7th September
8.30 start for years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11
Open door
Finally, please remember that I hold Parent Clinics
on Thursday evenings during term time between 57pm for parents/carers to come along and speak
directly to me regarding any concerns/ suggestions
you may have. Please contact my PA Debby Pace: to arrange an appointment time or telephone the school on 020 8948
Maggie Bailey | HEADTEACHER
Autumn Term
6 September 2010
(Year 7 and Year 10)
7 September 2010
(All students) 17th December 2010
Half Term
25th October 29th October 2010
I will be contactable until
9th August during the Summer holidays so if there is
anything I can help
students or parents with
please email me and I will
do my best to assist.
Kind regards as always
Maggie Bailey -
GCSE Science
GCSE Exam Preparation
All year 9 pupils will receive some preparation
A GCSE preparation and study skills
work for their GCSEs in the post.
event will be held at Twickenham Stadi- It is of utmost importance that this is completed
um on Thursday 25th August.
over the summer holidays as it will ensure pupils
have the required knowledge to start their GCSE
Please see the attached flyer for further course in September.
The first GCSE exam will be on the
11th November
Grey Court School e-Bulletin
Year 7
Matthew Davies
7Beech- Jack Dillon and Holly
Dodsworth Evans
7Cedar- Luke Blackman and
Year 7 Awards
Sara Lewis
Over 400 certificates have
7Elm- Rhiana Field and Leonie
been issued this week in
recognition of student involve- Woolf
7Maple- Abigail Bridges and
ment and achievement over
Mazhar Choudhry
the past term and the whole
7Oak- Miarah Lucas and Danyear. Well done to all those
students who received a certif- iel Rooke
7Rowan- Emily Adams and Seb
icate and especially those
who are to receive a postcard Diana-Kurampu
7Willow- Joanna Phillips and
home in recognition of their
Stanley Evans
efforts over the past year.
Some of those awards
Head of Year Prizes
in the final achievement assembly are recognised below: Girls for Effort over the Summer Term- Frances Senn
Girls for Achievement over the
Tutor Prizes
Summer Term- Jasmine Owen
7Ash- Hannah Kuchar and
Boys for Effort over the Sum-
Head of Year 7
Mr. Andy Low
Water Rocket Challenge 2010
Year 7
mer Term- Mahbod Entezami
Boys for Achievement over the
Summer Term- Max Muehler
Final Word
I would like to use this final opportunity to say what a fantastic
bunch of kids we have supported
and guided over the past year.
They have a great set of tutors
who i know will continue to
keep them motivated and focussed. We wish them well in
their future school career and
they must remember that if they
ever need us we are there for
them. Hope you all have a great
and well earned summer break
and we look forward to following their progress in Year 8.
Mr Low and Ms Stenner
Year 8
Head of Year 8
Mr. Chris Rhodes
“at Grey Court School
our core values of
achievement, innovation,
inclusion and
accountability provide
the basis for academic
excellence and future
success for all..”
year group just illustrated
the community ethos that
exists at Grey
For obvious reasons the Court. Thank you to all
year 8 students have had students who posted
a difficult week. I would messages on Jacob's Falike to take the opporcebook site and those
tunity to thank all of the who wrote such kind
student for the support
words about him. He
It would be greatly appreciated
they have shown each
will be sorely missed.
if Year 7 parents who want
other. The compassion
their children to keep their
and reverence of the
Mr Rhodes
Year 9
Head of Year 9
Mr Chris Rhodes
The year 9 students are
to be congratulated on
their excellent behaviour
whilst on last week’s
trips. The PGL trip was
fantastic and the students worked well in
tackling all the various
activities. Thank you to
Mr Ali for taking the remainder of the year
group on the Guildford
trip, all of the students
Page 2
had a great time and behaved impeccably. Well
I would like to wish all
students a happy summer holiday and look
forward to seeing you
refreshed and reinvigorated in September.
Mr Rhodes
lockers next year, and who
only paid a
year’s subscription when they
first started, could renew before September by sending in
£15 addressed to me in the
Finance Office. It would be
equally appreciated if those
who find their locker isn’t being used could return the key –
there’s £20 deposit to be returned!
This would help enormously
with the process of allocating
Grey Court School e-bulletin
Year 10
Head of Year 10
Girl) and Jess Butler (Deputy Head Mr. Burton
Girl). I am looking forward to
working with all of the prefects
The Year 10 final assembly
next year. I would also like to extook place on Monday morntend a big thank you to the Year
ing and there was much to cel- 10 Tutor team and the support of
ebrate. Awards for effort and
Mr Bashford and Ms Casey. Ms
achievement were presented
Harrison is unfortunately leaving
and there were some excellent us and I would like to thank her
perfomances from Sophie Re- for her fantastic contribution to
ginald, Yasmin Davies Kisher form.
soon, Peter Welham and Alex
Tait. In addition, the prefects
Finally, I would like to wish all of
for next year were announced the Year 10s a fantastic summer
and particular congratulations holiday and I look forward to seeshould go to Louis Mercier
ing them for the start of the sum(Head Boy), Joe Ward (Deputy mer term.
Head Boy), Lara Hyson (Head
Mr Andrew Burton
Year 11
Head of Year 11
Mr Andrew Burton
As the GCSE examinations draw
to a close for this year, please
make yourself aware of the process for receiving the results. This
year is slightly different as students will be able to collect their
results from school on Tuesday
24th August from 9.30am –
1.00pm. Students will be provided with a print out of their results.
as important decisions might need to
be made regarding college applications and courses. Many of the Year
11 staff will be on hand to help with
any queries that students may have,
including Bernie Corrighan the Connexions Advisor.
Sports Day 2010
In addition, a hard copy of the results
will be available for collection on
Thursday 26th August from 10.00am.
If this is not collected we will post the
hard copy home.
We would encourage your child
to collect their results on this day
Misc News
n international summer school called STEM World is being run and there are a number of Maths places left during week 16 th to
20th August, see below:
Maths suitable for age 11 - 14
During this challenging week long course for younger mathematicians we will explore many areas of mathematics through a
range of
analytic and practical activities. If you enjoy maths and want a challenge, this is the week for you. See how maths can be powerfully applied across the scientific and engineering disciplines and well as learning about pure areas of mathematics such as
algebra and number theory.
The course can be either residential or non-residential for students at a cost of £329/wk or £749/wk. Students are from as far as
China and represent the brightest students in the world.
Page 3
Grey Court School e-bulletin
Extra Curricular
Please can you ensure clothing is labelled. Also shin pads and
gum shields are an essential part of the PE kit. These are obviously
needed when your child participates in football or rugby.
No fixtures this week
Ham Street, Ham. Richmond upon Thames, Surrey. TW10 7HN
Phone Number:
020 8948 1173
Fax Number:
Web Support:
Page 4
020 8332 2428
lockers to the new Year 7s in September.
Mr. Williams
Grey Court School e-bulletin
D & T Designer Awards (1 of 2)
Congratulations to the students who have been selected for a KS3 D&T Designer Awards this academic year
for their high quality work. Each student received a colour certificate, a limited edition laser cut D&T Designer
award badge and 10 house points.
Well done to the three students who were awarded with Designers of the Year trophies for their excellent
work throughout each D&T area. They also received colour certificates, another 10 house points and a £10
gift voucher.
Mr Taylor
Designers of the Year
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Lily Finnie
Ali Adil Qureshi
Samantha Young
Year 7 Designer Awards
Winter Term: Ellie Bull, Nancy Mcnab, Jasmine Owen, Lily Finnie
Spring Term: Lizzie Thorp, Sian Daly, Ruby Scutter, Chloe Annetts
Summer Term: Mabel Baxter-Dalrymple, Abigail Brooks, Katrina Drummie, Anna Driskell, Anil Bhogal
Year 8 Designer Awards
Winter Term: Ali Adil Qureshi, Poppy Blagrave, Xanthe Mcnicol
Spring Term: Dhawa Gurung,, Ali Adil Qureshi
Summer Term: Kyree Nankishore, Holly Hope, Johannes Prosser
Year 9 Designer Awards
Winter Term: Harriet Connor, Amber Pearce-De Bono, Ayeesha Johnson
Spring Term: Danielle West, Lilly Phelan, Amber Pearce-De Bono
Summer Term: Francisca Vargas, Ryan Broderick, Samantha Young, Oskar Gibson
Grey Court School e-bulletin
D & T Designer Awards (2 of 2)
Under 12
Under 13/14
Under 15/16
Under 18
Date: 16th August - 19th August 2010
Time: 10:00am - 3:00pm
The Heat will be scouting for players to be entered into the following teams:
Bracknell CVL - Surrey CVL - National League
Ham Summer
26 - 30 July
Ben Skelton
26th July Canoeing at TYM (afternoon) 8 - 12 yr olds
28th July Water Skiing & Banana Boating at Bedfont
Lakes Afternoon 11 - 19 year olds
29th July Parkour at Christ’s School 11 - 3pm 11 - 19 year olds
02 - 06 August
Ben Skelton
4th August Canoeing at TYM Evening 11 - 19 year olds
5th August Parkour at Christ’s School (11am - 3pm) 11 - 19 year
09 - 13 August
Bertie Morse
The first hour of every session
is for 8-12 year olds, and the
second hour is for 13+ All session
are drop in apart from Canoeing,
skate park and go karting which
young people have to register
for. To do this please call Bertie
Morse on 020 8404 5345. Places
are limited so it will be first come
first serve.
9th August Graffiti at Youth Club (11am - 1pm)
9th August Breakdance at Youth Club (2pm - 4pm)
10th August Go Karting at Surbiton Raceway (11am - 3pm)
11th August Djing at Youth Club (11am - 1pm)
11th August Boxing at Youth Club (2pm - 4pm)
12th August Canoeing at Brentford Lock (11am - 3pm)
13th August Street Rugby on the Green (11am - 1pm)
13th August Football Tournament on the Green (2pm - 4pm)
16 - 20 August
Ben Skelton
16th – 20th August Music Production Course. Using Reason
and Logic software. AQA Accredited. (12pm - 3pm) 11 - 19 year
18th August Rock Climbing at West Way 8 - 12 year olds
19th August Bike Repair Workshop at Ham Youth Centre
(12 - 3pm)
20th August Guided Cycle Ride in Richmond Park from
Ham Youth Centre (12pm - 3pm) 11 - 19 year olds
23 - 27 August
Ben Skelton
30 & 31 August
Ben Skelton
23rd August Bike Repair Workshop at Queens Road Estate
Football Pitch (12pm - 3pm)
24th August Guided Cycle Ride in Richmond Park from
Ham Youth Centre (12pm - 3pm) 11 - 19 year olds
26th August Night Orienteering in Richmond Park
(evening) 11 - 19 year olds
27th August Paintballing (all day) 11 - 19 year olds
30th August Fishing (afternoon) 11 - 19 year olds
Regular Youth Club Sessions
Kickz Sessions
Tuesday - Café (3pm - 5.30pm)
Wednesday - Junior Youth Club (3pm - 5.30pm)
Wednesday - Inters Youth Club (6pm - 8.30pm)
Thursday - Parkour (4pm - 6pm)
Thursday - Senior Youth Club (7pm - 9.30pm)
Friday - Music Workshop (4pm - 6pm)
Monday - Kickz Basketball at Grey Court School (4.30pm 6pm)
Tuesday - Kickz Football at Kew Association FC/Ham Green
(5pm - 7pm)
Wednesday - Kickz Youth Club Night at Ham Ham Youth
Club/ Ham Green Multisports (6pm - 8pm)
Thursday - Kickz Multisports at Ham Green (5pm - 7pm)
Friday - Kickz Multisports at Ham Green (5pm - 7pm)
Saturday - StreetGames Football at Cambrian Community
Centre (10am - 12pm)
Contact: Ben Skelton
Ham Summer
Area Youth Work Lead - Ham and Petersham
Ham Youth Club
Ham Close, TW10 7PL
Tel/Fax: 020 8288 0916
Mobile: 07903 349719
Contact: Samir Sawhney
Brentford FC Community Sports Trust
Tel: 0844 247 2889
Mob: 07891797364
Newman House
- Since
HOT news!
The Celebration for Work
Related Learning took place
at York House in Twickenham
on 14th July. This event, run
by the Richmond Education
Business Partnership is a
celebration for students who
have had successful
work placements and kept
up regular attendance at
extended work experience.
Grey Court students invited
to attend were: Danielle
Stephens-Nield, Paul
Mulvaney, Carmen
Jackson and Jack Taylor
Year 9 O2 Concert Tuesday 13th July
A HUGE thank you to
Mr Bashford for
providing tickets for 13
students to attend this
concert! We had a
great time, seeing
Tynchy Stryder,
Stacey Solomon, The
Saturdays, Ironik, The
Wanted & many others!
A very big thank you
too, to our caretaker for
driving the minibus!
Open Day – Saturday
17th July was a great
success, with many
people attending,
Zac Goldsmith with Billy Stephens (9E), Emre Currell (9R),
Miriam Broderick (7R) and Lizzie
Thorp (7C)
including MP Zac
Goldsmith, who was
very impressed with the
new look Newman
Newman House
- Since
HOT news!
Richmond Carers Centre
provides support for both
young and adult family
carers who might need help
or advice during the
summer holidays. You
can contact them on T:
020 8867 2380 or email
Please leave a message if
lines are busy.
Introducing some of our
Newman House Staff
Mr Maltby
Assistant Head,
Mrs Laker
Mrs Price
Learning Mentor
Calling all year 7,
8 and 9 students!
We want you to
join us for some filmwatching fun (and possibly
popcorn) on Tuesday afternoons from 3:00 till
4:30pm in the Main Dining
Hall. You choose the films,
we’ll show them! For more
info please ask Ms. Sturley
or Mr. Carroll