5458 ang couv 1-2-3-4 24/06/05 12:47 Page 4 I N T E R N AT I O N A L C R EAT I O N S I N VM Z I N C ® N ° VM05026 - 17,3 - 06.05 - ISSN 1769-9002 Published in Czeh, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese and Spanish. 9 5458 ang couv 1-2-3-4 24/06/05 12:47 Page 1 A new format for FOCUS ON ZINC The number of projects proposed to our editorial team of FOCUS ON ZINC has risen sharply. Far more than a sign of the success of the magazine, we take this as a success for our overall commercial offer. Today we have to take this offer far beyond the standards of quality and proximity that we have been used to providing. Market demands change fast and we have to adapt our offer to new applications, whether for local conditions in a specific geographical area, or for building applications where zinc is relatively new, such as those in the area of facades, or for the increasing constraints related to environmental issues. These considerations have far-reaching implications for our production and we are investing in modernizing and upgrading our facilities in all our main plants. Other implications are on the jobs that are expected from us. Over the years, the services we provide have extended progressively and our commercial teams are becoming increasingly specialized and highly qualified. Our teams are at your service, whenever and wherever in the world you may need them. We are convinced we have made the right choice in putting a complete palette of services at your disposal and we hope to continue to surprise and delight you, not only through the quality and diversity of our offer, but also through the values associated with our brand, which we strive to demonstrate whenever we meet you. Your reactions to our special issue concerning the ARCHIZINC trophy have been extremely positive, in terms of both content and form. For the editorial team, this edition was a turning point as the magazine reaches a level of maturity where editorial choices can be made with outside partners, and where architectural interest takes pride of place within our selected information. We have decided to mark this turning point with a redesigned layout for the magazine, bringing it right up to date and more in line with your preferences, emphasizing photographs and graphics, supported by lowkey textual contribution. We hope that this issue will validate these choices, with a traditional editorial choice of projects. At the same time, it is also intended to serve as a springboard for our next ARCHIZINC trophy. Enclosed with the magazine, you will find the entry form for the next edition of the trophy, and we hope to receive a selection of projects that will be at least as enriching as the last one. As before, projects will be submitted to an independent jury, and the trophy winners will be presented in a special issue of FOCUS ON ZINC issued in September 2006. Both ourselves as editors, and you as readers, were delighted with the first ARCHIZINC trophy, so we hope we can count on you for another truly enriching experience. Jim de Santiago Commercial Director Europe The editorial committee 5458 ang 01-17 23/06/05 17:16 Page 1 CONTENTS [ Belgium ] Presspoint 4 5 Estação da Língua Portuguesa Budvar Aréna Skating rink 25 [ Australia ] Head Offices of Cutting Edge [ Switzerland ] Migros shopping centre 30 31 22 23 [ Belgium ] Chevetogne estate visitor centre [ Czech Republic ] BB Centrum 26 27 18 19 [ Czech Republic ] Víceúčelová sportovní hala [ Spain ] Conference and exhibition Centre 24 14 15 [ Lebanon ] Al Omari Great Mosque [ Spain ] The Queen Sofia Art Centre 20 21 10 11 [ Spain ] Barcelona International Convention Centre [ France ] Beaumanoir middle school 16 17 6 7 [ Brazil ] Estação da Luz da Nossa Língua/ [ Poland ] Water Park leisure centre 12 13 2 3 [ Italy ] Tour Astra - Collegno 2000 - Block of flats [ USA ] Head offices of the Kayser Foundation 8 9 No.9 28 29 [ Autria ] M-Preis Fügen supermarket [ Denmark ] Østerby vandværk Waterworks 32 33 5458 ang 01-17 23/06/05 17:16 Page 2 VARIATION ON A THEME Individual Housing Presspoint, Merelbeke Architect(s): Bureau d'architecture Rauw Company: CU ZN Technique(s): Standing seam, flat lock panels Aspect(s): ANTHRA-ZINC Surface: 100 sq. m (1,000 sq. ft) (roof), 250 sq. m (2,500 sq. ft) (facade) 2 While decidedly original, Presspoint blends perfectly with the private houses that surround it in the suburbs of Gand. It is a stylistic composition, extemporizing on the theme of versatility and differentiation. Versatility of function, since the building, used as an office at present, will become a private house one day. Differentiation, because the architect has renounced traditional design in favour of fluidity of movement. He sees this as necessary to achieve the “expected versatility and the requisite smooth transition between the two concepts”. A study in contrasts, Presspoint emphasizes the light and transparency of the interior spaces and the closed and monolithic character of its facades – magnificently enhanced by cladding in ANTHRA-ZINC. 5458 ang 01-17 23/06/05 17:16 Page 3 No.9 3 Photos: RAUW - Barbara, Belgium. Drawing: RAUW, Belgium. 5458 ang 01-17 23/06/05 17:16 Page 4 TRANSALPINE TRIPTYCH Commercial Buildings Tour Astra office building, Udine Architect(s): Architetto Franzolini Company: Eu-co S.r.l. Technique(s): Horizontal Interlocking panel Turin to the west and Udine to the east, two northern Italian cities which face the mountains on one side and overlook the plain on the other. Built in the centre or on the edge of these cities, three zinc clad buildings, - one housing flats, the others offices - speak to us, each in their own way, of transition and contrast. In Turin, the initial impression is of the continuity of a block of flats built on the edge of an industrial zone, while the Collegno 2000 office building, bordering on a predominantly rural area, plays on opacity and transparency. In Udine the tone is radically different, the daytime dark aspect of the ANTHRA-ZINC clad Astra tower only becomes luminous when night falls. Aspect(s): ANTHRA-ZINC Surface: 1,500 sq. m (15,000 sq. ft) 4 Photos: Eu-co S.r.l., Italy. 5458 ang 01-17 23/06/05 17:16 Page 5 No.9 Commercial Buildings Collegno 2000 office building, Turin Architect(s): Frlan & Jansen Architects Photos: Daniele Regis & I-Bandai, Italy. Company: I-Bandai s.a.s Technique(s): Horizontal Interlocking panel Aspect(s): QUARTZ-ZINC® Surface: 1,000 sq. m (10,000 sq. ft) 5 Collective Housing Block of flats, Turin Architect(s): Architetto Ubaldo Bossolono Company: I-Bandai s.a.s Technique(s): Horizontal Interlocking panel Aspect(s): QUARTZ-ZINC® Surface: 6,000 sq. m (60,000 sq. ft) Photos: Umicore Marketing Services Italia S.r.l., Italy. 5458 ang 01-17 23/06/05 17:16 Page 6 FASCINATING RHYTHM In Washington, the head offices of the Kayser Family Foundation, which provides grants to support the fight against AIDS, are situated in an urban landscape more reminiscent of New York than the open spaces around the nearby White House. Although the building is no skyscraper, the architect emphasises its height drawing the eye upward by means of a soaring glass facade surmounted by an elegantly curved balcony. Horizontal laid zinc aprons echo the balcony at each level of the facade and on one side of the building. These zinc panels, manufactured in the USA by the POHL company, are installed using a pin fixed to a rail – a fast, practical system which makes on-site transforming unnecessary. Commercial Buildings Head offices of the Kayser Foundation, Washington Architect(s): Mullen Rubin Architects Company: Architectural Facades, Philadelphia PA Technique(s): POHL Cassettes Aspect(s): QUARTZ-ZINC® Surface: 1,500 sq. m (15,000 sq. ft) 6 1 8 9 2 10 3 11 12 4 13 5 14 6 7 1. 3 mm metal panel 2. Holding pin 3. Bolt 4. Slotted hole for fixing screw 5. Weep hole 6. PVC-clip with locking device 7. PVC-clip 8. Wall 9. Subframe draining channel 10. Anchor bolt or other fixing system 11. Wall bracket 12. Washer 13. Selt locking nut 14. Insulation 5458 ang 01-17 23/06/05 17:16 Page 7 No.9 7 Photos: Carl Cox Photography,, United States. Drawing: POHL Europanel®, Germany. 5458 ang 01-17 23/06/05 17:16 Page 8 A FRESH START Public Buildings Estação da Luz da Nossa Língua/Estação da Língua Portuguesa, São Paulo Architect(s): Helena Saia & Arquitetos Associados Company: N Didini Engenharia e Construção Ltda Technique(s): Roll cap Aspect(s): QUARTZ-ZINC® Surface: 4,000 sq. m (40,000 sq. ft) 8 1,000 km from Brasilia, the capital built ex nihilo at the end of the 1950s, São Paulo, as its many monuments attest, is a historic city. Built in 1901, in a style that would do justice to Paris or London, its central station is part of an urban heritage which the Sao Paolians wanted to preserve and rehabilitate. In its choice of the most appropriate roofing material for a coherent renovation, the Roberto Marinho foundation turned to Umicore’s technical support team. Now the old administrative building, clad in 4,000 sq. m of pre-weathered rolled zinc, is off to a fresh start, remaining true to its vocation of communication as it is now dedicated to the preservation of the Portuguese language. 5458 ang 01-17 23/06/05 17:16 Page 9 No.9 9 Photos: N. Didini Engenharia e Construçao Ltda, Brazil. Drawing: PLANSERVICE, Brazil. 5458 ang 01-17 23/06/05 17:16 Page 10 NATURAL SURROUNDINGS Public Buildings Water Park leisure centre, Sopot Architect(s): Zbigniew Kowalewski & Andrzej Kwieci’nski/A-Plan bis Sp. z o.o. Company: FHU Budownictwa «Krest» s.c. Technique(s): Standing seam Aspect(s): QUARTZ-ZINC PLUS The Poles go to Sopot, on the Baltic not far from Gdansk, for relaxation and for a change of scene in a European tradition of seaside resorts close to large conurbations. The first constraint in building the Water Park – with its bathing facilities, bowling alley, restaurants and even offices – was to respect the surrounding beech forest which extends right up to the shore. To do this, the designers limited the height of the building and clad it in materials – particularly zinc – which harmonise with the seasons and the colours of the forest and are suited to the rigorous climate. Surface: 2,500 sq. m (25,000 sq. ft) (roof and facade) 10 1. QUARTZ-ZINC PLUS standing seam roofing 2. Plywood 3. Geotextile 4. Rafter creating 60 mm air gap 5. 2 layers of rigid insulation 200 mm as per architect’s recommandations 6. Complementary waterproofing membrane 7. Rafter’s fixing plates 8. Bituminous membrane 9. Corrugated steel panel 5458 ang 01-17 23/06/05 17:16 Page 11 No.9 11 Photos: Paul Kozlowski, France. Drawing: VM ZINC® Design Assistance Office, France. 5458 ang 01-17 23/06/05 17:16 Page 12 URBAN DYNAMICS Public Buildings Barcelona International Convention Centre Architect(s): MAP Arquitectos S.L. Company: Cubiertas Muñoz S.A. Technique(s): Standing seam Aspect(s): QUARTZ-ZINC® Surface: 2,200 sq. m (22,000 sq. ft) 12 Barcelona, a city on the move, has recently boasted a new development on its north-east shore, the Forum de las Culturas, a major attraction which has established it as the most European of Spain’s big cities. Covering 200 ha, the Forum is organized around an esplanade and three peninsulas. This new seafront facing both the sea and the city exemplifies the most innovative architectural and urban trends by associating a recreational harbour, a bathing area, an aquarium, etc. with distinctly public facilities – apartments, university buildings, offices… In the heart of this complex rises the Centro de Convenciones Internacional de Barcelona (CCIB); built around a 3,200 seat auditorium, finally allowing the ancient Catalan city to compete in organizing conventions with the big northern capitals such as London, Berlin, Amsterdam and Vienna. 1. Ventilated eaves strip 2. VM ZINC standing seam roofing 3. Stiffener 4. Securing clip 5. Decking 6. Securing strip 7. Box gutter 8. Timber fillet 9. Purlin 10. Supporting rafter 11. Gutter support plant 5458 ang 01-17 23/06/05 17:16 Page 13 No.9 13 Photos: Paul Kozlowski, France. Drawing: VM ZINC® Design Assistance Office, France. 5458 ang 01-17 23/06/05 17:17 Page 14 A NEW LOOK Public Buildings Beaumanoir middle school, Ploërmel Architect(s): Jean-Luc Gueho Company: René Hays Technique(s): Sine wave profile (facade), Standing seam (roof) Aspect(s): QUARTZ-ZINC® Surface: 600 sq. m (6,000 sq. ft) (facade), 800 sq. m (8,000 sq. ft) (roof) “What is a school? – a collection of classrooms!” Strictly translated into three dimensions this definition has given rise to hundreds of interchangeable buildings throughout France. By contrast, the architect Jean-Luc Gueho seems to have asked, “What can I do?” when he thought about the extension to the Beaumanoir middle school in Ploërmel (Morbihan). Lines, materials, colours… he has played in every register so that his project fits the spirit and climate of its surroundings. Inside, the curved roof adds volume to the space dedicated to the documentation and information (CDI) centre and to the multimedia rooms. And on the outside, the zinc cladding makes light of the vagaries of the weather. 14 «The slightly sloping roof, which allowed us to work with the volume and improve the quality of the interior spaces, led us to choose zinc roofing. The watertightness of this solution meets the expectations of owners, for it reduces maintenance work. Moreover, it provides better soundproofing than concrete roof terraces.» Jean-Luc Gueho 5458 ang 01-17 23/06/05 17:17 Page 15 No.9 15 Photos: Paul Kozlowski, France. 5458 ang 01-17 23/06/05 17:17 Page 16 REBIRTH Public Buildings Al Omari Great Mosque, Beirut Architect(s): Youssef Haidar Company: Isotech Technique(s): Double lock seam Standing seam Aspect(s): QUARTZ-ZINC® Surface: 1,000 sq. m (10,000 sq. ft) 16 Beirut has turned its face towards the future without turning its back on its past. This message is clear in the approach taken by architect Youssef Haidar to the restoration of the city’s oldest monument: the Al Omari Great Mosque. Painstakingly preserved, the walls of the XIIth Century edifice, on which the mosque was built, shelter a thousand-year history of memories. To bring this heritage into the present, the architect has created a museum and auditorium in the basement. New additions, – a courtyard, a gallery with twelve cupolas and a minaret – extend the monument and communicate physically and spiritually with the revived city and the heavens. 5458 ang 01-17 23/06/05 17:17 Page 17 No.9 Photos: Paul Kozlowski, France. Drawing: Youssef Haidar, Lebanon. 17 «In addition to the restoration work required, we undertook to create a living monument using the language and methods of our time. Reflecting the city, nourished by centuries of history but resolutely turned towards the future, this renovated heritage time capsule represents a primary element, a new beginning…» Youssef Haidar 5458 ang 18-32 23/06/05 17:15 Page 18 PROTECTIVE WING Public Buildings The Queen Sofia Art Centre, Madrid Architect(s): AJN Architect Jean Nouvel & Alberto Medem Company: Cubiertas Muñoz S.A. Technique(s): Standing seam Aspect(s): QUARTZ-ZINC PLUS Surface: 6,000 sq. m (60,000 sq. ft) An extension is always a delicate project, particularly when it concerns a symbolic building like this internationally renowned museum. The primary consideration of the Jean Nouvel architectural team (AJN) in enlarging the Queen Sofia museum in Madrid, was to respect the imposing Sabatini building, home of Guernica and many other masterpieces, and express the allegiance of the new buildings. A library, an auditorium and temporary exhibition rooms surround a treed courtyard and are united beneath an immense wing which both attaches and subjugates them to the main building. “In order to expand, the museum has spread a delicate wing in the same colour as the roofs, a friendly, protective wing, to show visitors it is watching over them,” says Jean Nouvel. 18 «This is the first time that the VM ZINC PLUS compact roofing system has been used in Spain. The system is characterised by its complete watertightness and the elimination of the risks of thermal bridges. The VM ZINC PLUS process is a key element of the system as the zinc is protected on the underside by a 60 micrometer polymerised resin based lacquer, and has been patented by Umicore.» Juan Cortes, Umicore Building Products Ibérica - Spain 5458 ang 18-32 23/06/05 17:15 Page 19 No.9 Photos: Paul Kozlowski, France. Drawing: Eric Anton, Thomas Saint Guillain, Didier Ghislain, Spain. 5458 ang 18-32 23/06/05 17:15 Page 20 FREE STYLE Public Buildings Víceúčelová sportovní hala - Budvar Aréna Skating rink, České Budějovice Architect(s): Atelier EIS s.r.o., Ing. Hraba, Ing. Arch. Feterlle Company: Sláma s.r.o Technique(s): Double lock seam standing seam Respect for the independence of the parts and integration into a whole. These two key requirements of the specifications for the extension of the České Budějovice skating rink, in Bohemia, are expressed architecturally by a roof whose underside inevitably reflects the icy surface on which the skaters practise their skills. Joining the existing building and the new ones, this roof will have to stand up to wind, rain, snow and ice. It combines a wood and steel structure with a QUARTZ-ZINC® covering - the ideal material to hug the elliptical profile smoothly. Aspect(s): QUARTZ-ZINC® Surface: 9,600 sq. m (96,000 sq. ft) 20 1. VM ZINC® standing seam roof 2. Decking 3. Supporting rafter forming an air gap 4. Additional waterproofing 5. Securing clip 6. Cover strip 7. Securing strip 8. Edge flashing 9. Edge board 10. VM ZINC® standing seam or other underside 11. Folded flashing 12. Galvanized steel strip 13. VM ZINC® standing seam cladding 14. Securing strip 5458 ang 18-32 23/06/05 17:15 Page 21 No.9 21 Photos: Paul Kozlowski, France. Drawing: VM ZINC® Design Assistance Office, France. 5458 ang 18-32 23/06/05 17:15 Page 22 CONNECTIONS Public Buildings Conference Centre, Merida Architect(s): Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos S.L. Company: Moal S.L. Technique(s): Standing seam and Interlocking panel Aspect(s): QUARTZ-ZINC® Surface: 2,500 sq. m (25,000 sq. ft) (roof), 11,000 sq. m (110,000 sq. ft) (facade and interior) 22 Built on a terrace opening on to a view of the city, the new conference and exhibition centre in Merida tunes into the spirit of its surroundings and offers visitors an auditorium, conference and exhibition halls. The building suggests interconnection between outside and inside spaces by giving priority to movement and flow, emphasizing connecting passages more than enclosed spaces. With a stage open at the back, the 1,000-seat auditorium is connected to the small meeting room to invite us to new explorations. This message is discreetly echoed by the zinc, which is more in evidence on the inside, cladding walls and covering panels and doors, than on the outside where the architect has given the leading role to highly textured concrete – whose motifs present a mosaic plan of the city. 5458 ang 18-32 23/06/05 17:15 Page 23 No.9 23 Photos: Paul Kozlowski, France. Drawing: Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos S.L., Spain. 5458 ang 18-32 23/06/05 17:15 Page 24 NATURE TRAIL Public Buildings Chevetogne estate visitor centre, Chevetogne Architect(s): Bernard Chambon Company: Toitex S.A. Technique(s): Locally transformed flat lock panels and Standing seam Aspect(s): VM ZINC® Copper green bilacquered Surface: 280 sq. m (2,800 sq. ft) (roof), 420 sq. m (4,200 sq. ft) (facade) 24 To the south of Namur, the Chevetogne estate is an immense “green” leisure park known and appreciated by Walloons of all ages. Discovering the flora and fauna, exploring gardens, horseriding, mountain bike, games, music, good food, etc.; there is an abundance of choice. But how indeed can anyone choose? Visitors are channelled through the visitor reception, built at the edge of the park, before they can walk out along its paths. Inspired by the spiralling movement of beech leaves falling to the ground, the architect’s design and the colours used were a natural development –and visitors now refer to it as the “feuille d’information”– a leaf from the guidebook! Photos: Umicore, Belgium. Drawing: Bernard Chambon, Belgium. 5458 ang 18-32 23/06/05 17:15 Page 25 No.9 Commercial Buildings BB Centrum - Administrativní objekt Alpha, Prague Architect(s): Jan Aulík, Jakub Fišer, Veronika Mullerová Company: MetalProgres Technique(s): Locally manufactured Profiles DEDICATED TO BUSINESS With its curved facade, which echoes the adjacent motorway, and with signs advertising the leading brands that are the signature of today’s capitals, Prague’s BB Centrum has a family resemblance with the business centres that flourish in all major modern metropolises. It holds its own with its public areas, company restaurants, car parks, etc., and through services and prestige. In addition to aesthetic considerations, the architects wanted to protect the building from the urban atmosphere, hence their choice of zinc, which convinced both by its technical performance and by its aesthetics. Photos: Paul Kozlowski, France. Drawing: VM ZINC® Design Assistance Office, France. Aspect(s): QUARTZ-ZINC PLUS Surface: 2,000 sq. m (20,000 sq. ft) 25 5458 ang 18-32 23/06/05 17:15 Page 26 TIMELESS Commercial Buildings Head Offices of Cutting Edge, Brisbane Architect(s): Richard Kirk Architects Company: Copperform Pty Ltd Technique(s): Interlocking panel Aspect(s): QUARTZ-ZINC® Surface: 700 sq. m (7,000 sq. ft) 26 Watching a river flow past invites us to meditate on time. Perhaps because it overlooks the Brisbane River, or perhaps because the activities it houses – cinema, television – fix the images of passing time, the new head office of the Cutting Edge group seems to inspire this kind of reflection. By choosing sculptural lines and a very contemporary profile for the project and combining materials such as zinc that bear the patina of time, with those such as cement and glass which age without changing, the architect, Richard Kirk wanted to express his vision of a timeless creation. He has succeeded: the work has just been immortalised by receiving the Royal Australian Institute of Architects (RAIA) prize for best commercial project. 5458 ang 18-32 23/06/05 17:15 Page 27 No.9 27 Photos: John Linkins, Drawing: Richard Kirk Architects, Australia. 5458 ang 18-32 23/06/05 17:15 Page 28 SUSTAINABLE VALUES Company: Bernhard Polybau AG Technique(s): Locally manufactured Cassettes Aspect(s): QUARTZ-ZINC® Surface: 2,500 sq. m (25,000 sq. ft) 28 40 800 Architect(s): Architekturbüro Jordi & Partner AG 25 Migros shopping centre, Herzogenbuchsee 800 Commercial Buildings In Switzerland, everyone knows the saga of Migros, the distribution company created in 1925 by Gottlieb Duttweiler, a visionary and forerunner of what today we would call social responsibility. Its delivery trucks supplied villages until the 1980s. The group became very powerful without abandoning the quality of life values which made it famous, and opened shops, then built shopping centres. The one it has just built in the north of Switzerland in Herzogenbuchsee is both a return to its roots and a confirmation of its avant-garde spirit. A return to its roots because Herzogenbuchsee also makes quality of life its motto and credo. Avant-garde through its choice of resolutely contemporary architecture and cladding with locally manufactured cassettes. The horizontally lines of the cassettes emphasise the elongated profile the architect envisaged for the building. The meticulous, very flat treatment of the window frames and surrounds gives the building a very smooth appearance. 25 5458 ang 18-32 23/06/05 17:15 Page 29 No.9 29 Photos: Paul Kozlowski, France. Drawing: VM ZINC® Design Assistance Office, Switzerland. 5458 ang 18-32 23/06/05 17:15 Page 30 TRADITION AND MODERNITY Austrians do not wait for the snow to melt their buildings into their surroundings. They have always played with shapes and chosen natural materials that blend their buildings into the surrounding rock and tree landscape. Architect Ekkehard Stummvoll has remained true to this tradition in designing the building that houses the Fügen M-Preis “Minimarket” in the Tyrol. The building, with its long lines, blends into the horizon. The colour of the zinc roof closely reflects soft wood hues and at the least ray of sunshine the entire building glows thanks to its natural wood facade. Commercial Buildings M-Preis Fügen supermarket, Fügen Architect(s): DI Ekkehard Stummvoll Company: Spenglerei Opbacher Technique(s): Double lock standing seam Aspect(s): ANTHRA-ZINC Surface: 2,700 sq. m (27,000 sq. ft) 30 Sill Lintel 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 3 1. Sill flashing strip 2. Anti-insect grid 3. Folded flashing 4. 20 mm air gap 5. VM ZINC® standing seam cladding 6. Boarding 7. Rafter 8. Ventilated strip 9. Insulation 10. Non ventilated strip Jambs 9 10 3 5458 ang 18-32 23/06/05 17:15 Page 31 No.9 31 Photos: Günther Kresser & Joerg Radler, Austria. Drawing: VM ZINC® Design Assistance Office, France. 5458 ang 18-32 23/06/05 17:15 Page 32 OUT OF THE EARTH… Public Buildings Østerby vandværk Waterworks, Tranbjerg Architect(s): Cubo Arkitekter A/S Company: VVS installatør og blikkeslager, Anders Andersen Technique(s): Double lock standing seam (roof), single lock standing seam Aspect(s): ANTHRA-ZINC Surface: 500 sq. m (5,000 sq. ft) (roof), 650 sq. m (6,500 sq. ft) (facade) 32 Water is an increasingly rare resource, and ever more sophisticated technologies are being used to distribute drinking water. On the edge of Århus, the second biggest city in Denmark, the Østerby waterworks draw water from an artesian well and treat it before storing and distributing it. Hidden underground, to protect them from light, manmade processes and installations substitute for Nature’s work of filtering and purifying. The only evidence of these hidden operations and the technology involved are the administration buildings and public areas of the waterworks, completely clad in ANTHRA-ZINC, which figuratively rise out of the earth. 5458 ang couv 1-2-3-4 24/06/05 12:47 Page 2 No.9 33 Photos: Lars Horn - Baghuset, Denmark Drawing: Erwin Nielsen, Denmark. 24/06/05 12:47 Page 3 SUBSIDIARIES REPRESENTATIVES FOCUS ON ZINC INTERNATIONAL CREATIONS IN VM ZINC® N° 9 - June 2005. FOCUS ON ZINC is the international architecture review from VM ZINC®. It is published in Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese and Spanish. Publication Director: Christopher SMITH. Project Manager: Isabelle FERRERO. Editorial committee: Lluís BERTOMEU, Isabelle FERRERO, Céline HABERT, Emmanuel HENRIS, Marie-Pierre LAVERGNE, Barbara NORDBERG, Christopher SMITH. Editorial contribution: Jean-Marc BRUJAILLE, Céline HABERT, Marie-Pierre LAVERGNE, Christopher SMITH. Design: Graphic Plus, cover: Emmanuelle DERDINGER. Printing: Imprimerie VINCENT. AUSTRALIA/NEW ZEALAND Umicore Australia Po Box 727 Crows Nest - NSW 2065 Australia Tel.: + 61 2 99 55 44 00 Fax: + 61 2 99 55 11 44 E-mail: HUNGARY Umicore Magyar Marketing Szolgáltató Kft. Kagyló u. 4-6, POB : 101 H-2092 Budakeszi Tel.: + 36 23 452452 Fax: + 36 23 452320 E-mail: ARGENTINA KORZIN S.A.C.I. Pueyrredón 4233 (B1702ASY) Ciudadela Pcia Buenos Aires Tel.: + 54 11 4653 1425 Fax: + 54 11 4657 6961 E-mail: BELGIUM/NETHERLANDS/ LUXEMBOURG n.v. Umicore s.a. Building Products Belgium Havendoklaan, 12b - B1800 Vilvoorde Tel.: + 32 2 7125211 Fax: + 32 2 7125210 E-mail: ITALY Umicore Marketing Services Italia S.r.l. 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