Sass4835_ Spring 2004.FR


Sass4835_ Spring 2004.FR
For Medical Research, Inc.
11TH Breast Cancer Awareness Day Draws Record Crowd
2006 Event to Expand Educational Reach
t was another beautiful fall day on Long Island, and another outstanding turnout at the Sass Foundation’s 11th Annual Breast Cancer
Awareness Day on Sunday, October 2, 2005. The 500-plus, overflow
crowd arrived at the Melville Marriott for the free, day-long event dedicated to education and support of those affected by breast cancer. Honored
this year were Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy and Geralyn Lucas.
Carolyn McCarthy has represented Long Island’s 4th Congressional
District for five terms. She went to
Congress with the primary goal of legislating gun control, but her long history as a
nurse led to her growing expertise and
influence on health issues, especially
breast cancer. Congresswoman McCarthy
received the Lisa M. Cowan Memorial
Award, given annually to an individual
who has been instrumental in fighting for a
cure. Lisa Cowan lost her battle with
breast cancer thirteen years ago, at age 28.
Geralyn Lucas, a channel programming
director at Lifetime Television and a tenyear breast cancer survivor, was the recipHonoree Gerayln Lucas
ient of the Albina Taddeo Humanitarian
Award. Geralyn authored the 2005 book, Why I Wore Lipstick to my
Mastectomy, in which she describes her experiences – at age 27 – during
the discovery and treatment of her disease. Congratulations are in order to
Geralyn who had a healthy baby boy this month!
Along with lecturers, interaction with vendors, and participation in
the Town Forum – during which experts discuss treatments options and
take questions – Dr. Rowan
Chlebowski was featured as
the Eileen Dryer Memorial
Lecturer. Dr. Chlebowski is
professor of medicine at
UCLA School of Medicine
and chief of the Division of
Medical Oncology and
Hematology at the HarborUCLA Medical Center. His
women’s health, breast cancer, and prostate cancer,
especially on hormonal
medication of cancer and
cancer prevention.
Dr. Rowan Chlebowski and Dr. Arena
As always, the day was
upbeat, informational, and filled with hope that in the near future breast
cancer will be reduced – like other illnesses that medical science has
conquered – to a distant memory. The event
was sponsored in part by the Sass
Foundation and by a New York State Grant.
In 2006, Breast Cancer Awareness Day
will be expanded to several dates and
venues thanks to generous grants from
Swim Across America and New York State.
The first event will be held on October 14
at the Inn and Spa at East Wind, in Wading
River, and the second on October 21, at
the Melville Marriott. The third event will
be held in New York City on October 29
at the Waldorf Astoria, prompting
Dr. Frank Arena’s proclamation that Sass
Honoree Carolyn McCarthy
education programs will now be "from the
tip of Montauk to the tip of Manhattan."
Swim Across America (SAA) (,
celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, is the inspired sequel to a
triumphant run across America completed by SAA founders in 1985.
Since 1986, SAA has grown from a single event in Nantucket,
Massachusetts to 10 events in four major metropolitan areas that have
raised more than $13.5 million for cancer research, prevention, and treatment.
SAA’s goal in supporting the Sass Foundation? They, too, want to
make a difference.
Mark Your Calendar!
B r e a s t C a n c e r Aw a r e n e s s D a y 2 0 0 6 –
T h re e Ve n u e s
October 14
The Inn and Spa at East Wind,
Wading River, NY
October 21
Melville Marriott, Melville, NY
October 29
Waldorf Astoria
New York City, NY
We’re expanding our reach, thanks to generous grants from Swim Across
America and New York State. Join us for this free day of education about
breast cancer prevention and treatment. Bring your mother, your daughter, your aunt, your grandmother, your friend… and yourself! For more
information call 516-365-7277, or 516-365-SASS.
With Continued Commitment To Education and Research
Together We Can Make A Difference
Francis P. Arena, M.D.
After twenty years of
doing anything, some
people might consider
slowing down or taking the easy road. This
is not the case with
the Sass Foundation.
We've only just begun
our fight...and the best is yet to come! As
noted in Marty Sass's article, this spring the
foundation has once again drawn a line in the
sand. We've renewed our pledge to keep
pushing, to get more money for research, to
allow more patients to get support, and to
educate both doctors and nurses to provide
the cutting edge of medical care in the communities they service.
In this newsletter you will sample the commitment and purpose that truly sets this foundation apart from others: the efforts of our
executive board to raise funds, the golf outing, the fall gala, the fellowship award
research program, education programs for
health care providers, and patient education
events like breast education day, which now
will be "from the tip of Montauk to the tip of
Manhattan". You will see the efforts of a
diverse group of people all committed to a
single goal…to find a cure for cancer.
One of the most promising and uplifting
moments of the year thus far came one chilly
Thursday night at the inaugural meeting of
the Young Leadership Committee. There, I
saw the faces of young, passionate people –
Lara Sass Sivin, Phil Sivin, Ari Sass, JoAna
Dowd, and their friends and supporters –
ready to pick up the baton and start their leg
of the race. It made my heart skip a beat.
There in front of me was the next wave, the
next battalion of believers who know the fight
is here to be won. I knew I was looking at the
future, one that holds hope for our children
and their children, a hope that carries with it
the dream that someday soon the curse of
cancer will be a distant memory, like polio. As
Susan Sontag once wrote, “Cancer is but a
disease. . . it can be conquered.”
So to all of you who have had a loved one,
a friend, or a relative affected by this awful
scourge – or if you personally have been
affected – help is on the way. Join us in whatever capacity you can, because as our motto
has always stated, “Together we will make a
Together We Can Make A Difference
Sass Foundation Welcomes Drs. Reed and Klein to the
International Scientific Advisory Board
The Sass Foundation has added two new members to its International Scientific Advisory Board:
Drs. John Reed and George Klein.
Dr. Reed earned his M.D. and Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.
In 1989 he was appointed assistant professor of pathology and laboratory medicine, and assistant
director, laboratory of molecular diagnosis at the hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. In
1992 he founded and directed the apoptosis and cell death research program at the Burnham
Institute. He served as scientific director for six years, then was appointed president and CEO in
2002. He is author of 600 papers, has published more articles on apoptosis and cell death in the past
decade than any other scientist worldwide, and during 1996-1998 ranked first among biomedical
researchers for the impact of his research.
George Klein, M.D, Ph.D. is a Professor Emeritus and Research Group Leader at the
Microbiology and Tumor Biology Center, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden. He is a recipient of Honorary Doctor of Science from the Osaka University. He is credited for his discovery of
link between Epstein Barr Virus and B cell lymphoma. He is a member of the Royal Swedish
Academies of Sciences, Foreign Associate of the National Academy of Sciences, United States,
Honorary member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and
Sciences. In the 1970s, he was a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of Memorial SloanKettering Cancer Center. He was a member of the Nobel Assembly of Karolinska Institute.
Dr. Klein has received numerous awards including the Behring Prize, Sloan Prize from the
General Motors Cancer Research Foundation, Chester Stock Award, Paracelsus medal, Robert
Koch gold medal, and Culture Prize of the Swedish publisher “Nature and Culture”. He has
written several non-medical best sellers.
New Executive Board Members
The Sass Foundation is pleased and honored to announce the appointment of Lara
Sass Sivin, Philip Sivin, Ari Sass, and Noel Spiegel to the Executive Advisory Board.
Lara and Phil will serve as chairmen of the foundation's Young Leadership Committee
(YLC), recently formed to help the foundation expand its mission and fundraising efforts
while at the same time recruiting involvement by the “next generation.”
Ari Sass is the founder of the new Sass Foundation/Insound Concert Series – to
be held at the Jeanne Rimsky Theater at Landmark on Main Street in Port
Washington – and is an active member of the Young Leadership Committee.
Noel Spiegel, who has long been involved in fundraising efforts for Sass, shares
the foundation’s goal of eradicating cancer and joins the board to further reinforce
his commitment to research and education.
Ari Sass
Noel Spiegel
Nobel Prize Winner Joins Sass Advisory Board
The Sass Foundation is pleased to announce that Nobel Prize winner J. Michael
Bishop, M.D., has joined the foundation’s International Scientific Advisory
Board. Dr. Bishop, along with Dr. Harold Varmus, received the Nobel Prize in
Physiology or Medicine for 1989 for their discovery of oncogenes.
Dr. Bishop is Chancellor, Arthur and Toni Rembe Rock Distinguished
Dr. J. Michael Bishop
Professor, University Professor, and Professor of Microbiology and Immunology
at the University of California, San Francisco. He has served as a non-resident
fellow and member of the Board of Trustees at The Salk Institute; as member and chair of the
National Cancer Advisory Board; as member of the Advisory Committee to the Director of the NIH,
the Medical Advisory Board for the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and the Board of Overseers
for Harvard University; as scientific advisor to the Leukemia Society of America, the American
Cancer Society, the Burroughs Wellcome Foundation, St. Jude's Hospital, the Roche Institute of
Molecular Biology, the European Institute of Oncology, the DNAX Research Institute, the Institute
of Molecular Pathology in Vienna, the Basel Institute for Immunology, the Swiss Institute for
Experimental Cancer Research, the San Francisco Exploratorium, and a number of pharmaceutical
and biotechnology firms; and as president of the American Society for Cell Biology.
A recognized authority on the molecular mechanisms of cancer, he shared numerous awards with
his colleague Harold Varmus, including the 1982 Albert Lasker Award for Basic Medical Research,
the 1984 Alfred P. Sloan Jr. Prize from the General Motors Cancer Research Foundation, the 1984
Gairdner Foundation International Award, and the 1989 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
With Continued Commitment To Education and Research
Young Leadership Committee – Looking to the Future
Martin D. Sass
Ari Sass, Jamie Sass, Phil Sivin, Lara Sass Sivin, Barbara Sass, Marty Sass, and Frank Arena
The Sass Foundation, on its 20th anniversary, remains focused on its fight against
cancer. Leaders of Sass, however, know that it is equally important to keep the organization moving forward by getting the “next
generation” involved.
With this goal in mind, the foundation has
formed the Young Leadership Committee
(YLC), comprising a select group of men and
women under the age of 45 who will help the
foundation expand its mission and fundraising efforts.
On Thursday evening, March 23, more than
55 young people attended a cocktail reception Lara Sass Sivin, Karen Diamond, and
at the De Seversky Center in Old Westbury to Sheryl Zimmer Schorr
kick off the YLC. After cocktails and hors d’oeuvres, the enthusiastic crowd headed into the
library for a short program on the foundation.
The YLC is already hard at work. In addition to its efforts on the 14th Annual Golf
Outing held May 8 at the Mill River Club, it
will also be working on the 10th Annual Gala
to be held at the Waldorf Astoria on
September 8, 2006 and planning its own
events to help raise funds for cancer research,
patient care, and education. The first fundraising event planned and hosted by the YLC is
the new Insound/Sass Foundation Concert
Mira Bernstein, Kate and Jeff Whyte
Series, beginning in early November 2006 at
the Jeanne Rimsky Theater at Landmark on Main Street in Port Washington.
The YLC, chaired by Lara Sass Sivin and Philip Sivin, hopes to take the foundation to
the next level in order to eradicate cancer and related diseases. Together, they will help
make a difference!
Dr. Frank Arena
Martin Sass
Lara Sass Sivin
Ari Sass
With Continued Commitment To Education and Research
Health in America is
improving. The annual
number of deaths is
showing its largest decline in over 60 years, with
significant declines for cancer, heart disease, and
stroke. Life expectancy continues to increase, to a
record high of 77.9 years. More and more people
are benefiting from medical advances in cancer
detection, early diagnosis, and successful treatment. These advances are improving quality of life,
length of survival, and cure rates, giving cancer
survivors a chance for full and productive lives.
Death rates for the four most common cancers – prostate, lung, breast, and colorectal – continue to decline. Over 10 million Americans are
cancer survivors, more than triple the estimated 2
million in 1971. The benefits of significant
progress in cancer prevention, early detection,
and treatment are clear.
While the nation is making progress in the
cancer fight, the National Cancer Institute reports
that ground has been lost in some important
areas, such as female breast cancer, prostate and
testicular cancer, leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, myeloma, melanoma, and cancers of the
thyroid, kidney, and esophagus, where rates are
on the rise. It is estimated that this year alone 1.4
million new cases will be diagnosed and 570,000
people will die from cancer.
Because cancer remains the second leading
cause of death in the U.S., the Sass Foundation
continues its fight, and it seems the news about
the foundation’s efforts has been spreading. This
year a young leadership group was formed with
more than 55 young adults participating at the
founding meeting, and we had record contributions and turnout at our annual golf and bridge
fundraiser in May. We hope you will join us at our
major fundraiser, the annual gala at the Waldorf
Astoria’s Starlight Roof. The proceeds of these
events will be used to fund our annual activities:
medical research grants, breast cancer education
day, oncology updates, the international conference, and our visiting professorship programs.
Many people are responsible for our progress:
Dr. Arena, Dr. Gupta, our world-class medical
board, and our executive advisory board;
our new executive director, Lois Lerner; Jody
Newman, our education administrator; my wife,
Barbara; and our dedicated volunteers, headed
by Georgianna Barakat and Denise Capponi.
We are all excited about the growing interest
from friends and supporters about the foundation’s
efforts to eradicate cancer. Thanks to all of you for
your generous and enduring contributions and
commitment to helping eliminate human suffering,
prolong life, and prevent death from cancer.
Together We Can Make A Difference
Business Leaders, Benefactors, and Honorees Make 2005 Gala Sparkle
Marty Sass, Dr. Sudhir Gupta, and Dr. Frank Arena
Mrs. Joseph Amella and friends
n the 1950s, celebrities like singers Rosemary ing to rewrite the books on the field of cancer
Clooney, Dolores Gray, and bandleader care. You will meet the four fellowship
Xavier Cugat graced the Starlight Roof of awardees, who are the future for change in this
the Waldorf Astoria. In those days, it was a fight. You will also meet other survivors of this
major nightclub in Manhattan, and the toast of dreaded disease, who give testimony that there
is hope.”
the town.
The 2005 Gala – the ninth annual – also
More than half a century later, the Starlight
Roof is still the toast of the town. It is also the included cocktails, casino, silent auction, and a
dinner and dance reception. All proceeds of the
setting for The Annual Sass Foundation Gala.
On Friday, September 9, the 2005 black-tie event go directly to funding grants for medical
dinner dance and casino fundraising event research and education programs that help
drew more than 250 guests and raised more unlock the mysteries in the onset and progresthan $350,000 to help benefit cancer research sion of cancer. The fundraiser brings together
local and national
and education.
The event featured “Tonight we are in the presence
medical professionpresentations to three
als, and benefactors
heroes recognized by of three heroes…a basketball
to pay tribute to and
the Sass Foundation
celebrate the foundafor their commitment star, a tennis champion, and a
tion’s dedicated supto eradicating cancer
porters, and to laud
and their belief in the survivor of ovarian cancer”
the honorees.
human spirit –
On Friday, September 8, 2006 the tenth
Honoree John Starks, one of the most popular
and tenacious players for the New York Knicks; annual Gala will be held at the Starlight Roof.
Honoree Andrea Jaeger, world-renowned tennis Honored in 2006 will be Angela Susan Anton,
pro and executive director and co-founder of CEO and publisher of Anton Community
The Silver Lining Foundation, a non-profit orga- Newspapers. Angela, who has been a loyal
nization that provides lifetime opportunities to supporter of the Sass Foundation and a chamchildren with cancer; and Honoree Karen pion in fundraising causes, will be the recipient
O’Neil, an ovarian cancer survivor who is living of the Sylvia Goldstein Humanitarian Award.
proof that medical research, education, and Accepting the Business Leadership Award will
be William J. Catacosinos, former CEO of
awareness are vital in the fight against cancer.
“Tonight we are in the presence of three LILCO and current managing partner of Laurel
heroes…a basketball star, a tennis champion, Hill Capital Partners. Also to be honored, with
and a survivor of ovarian cancer,” said Dr. the Cecilia Benevisto Courage Award, will be
Frank Arena, president and director of research Elyssa Slutzky, a member of the Sass
for the foundation. “What do they have in com- Foundation Young Leadership Committee.
mon? The answer is simple: they teach us that Elyssa, a cancer survivor and a community role
model, has exemplified courage in the face of
everyone can make a difference.”
He went on to say: “Tonight you will meet adversity and is a participant in the Iron Man
members of our medical board, who are work- Triathlon competition.
John Starks and Marty Sass
Rev. and Mrs. Patrick O’Connor
Together We Can Make A Difference
Gala attendees enjoying the black tie cocktail party and dinner
With Continued Commitment To Education and Research
John Starks and Dr. Frank Arena
Marty Sass, Barbara Sass, and Frank Arena welcome the volunteers at this year’s gala
Harvey Lerner, Barbara Sass, and Lois Lerner
Dr. Frank Arena and
Honoree Karen O’Neil
Barbara and Marty Sass, Lara Sass Sivin and husband Phil Sivin
Howard and Jody Newman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Amella, John Starks, Kasey and Frank Arena, Sudhir Gupta
Marty Sass, Andrea Jaeger, Dr. Frank Arena
With Continued Commitment To Education and Research
Together We Can Make A Difference
Lois Lerner
I feel privileged to write my first column
as executive director of the Sass
Foundation. When I was hired six
months ago, I was astounded to hear
about the foundation’s wonderful
accomplishments. Although I had been
in the non-profit sector for many years, I had not heard of
the foundation, which puzzled me. The Sass Foundation’s
commitment to eradicating cancer is so impressive that it
should be known far and wide! I remember thinking, “this
is the best kept secret on Long Island.” I was so impressed,
in fact, that I took up the gauntlet to ensure that the foundation will not only continue to thrive, but soar to new and
even greater heights.
Since my arrival I have been planting seeds that I hope
will grow into lucrative pathways. I’m forging new relationships, cultivating prospects, and renewing old friends of the
foundation, working with a wonderful and a committed
group of executive advisory board members. I will assist in
growing the executive advisory board by implementing
new guidelines, welcoming new members, and working on
fundraising projects.
In order to get the word out about the foundation, I
have designed new and appealing literature. I’ve also persevered to get free newspaper publicity, and attended
important events to give the foundation higher visibility.
I am planning an all out year-end annual appeal and am
working with a jewelry designer on a Sass Foundation
bracelet to be part of the fundraising campaign. Finally,
we hope our tenth gala will be the impetus to move
us into the Grand Ballroom at the Waldorf! My goal for
the gala is to reach $500,000 in our quest to end the
epidemic of cancer once and for all!
Our 20th year is a most exciting time. I look forward to
a survivors’ week celebration in June, and to implementing a children of survivors workshop, a financial workshop, e-mail correspondence updates, and other new and
exciting programs and events.
With a wonderful group of hard-working volunteers,
led by Georgianna Barakat and Denise Capponi; a loyal
and supportive growing Executive Board; our hardworking Education Administrator, Jody Newman; new Young
Leadership Committee headed by committed chairs,
Lara and Phil Sivin; a new concert series implemented by
innovator, Ari Sass; our Gala looming on the horizon;
and a very competent executive assistant, Bo Feltkamp,
we are destined to reach new heights. I hope you will
be on board as we take this journey. Please look for the
business reply envelope inside this newsletter. Your taxdeductible gift will help us make strides in our fight to
eradicate cancer and will go directly to fund research,
education, and patient care. For further information
about the foundation and how you can help to make a
difference, please contact me at (516) 365-7277, or
The Sass Foundation for Medical Research, “the Best
Kept Secret on Long Island” – NO MORE!
Together We Can Make A Difference
First Oncology Nurse Symposium Held in New York
This year, April 26 was a great day for New York area
oncology nurses… that’s because it was the first time the
Sass Foundation has sponsored an educational seminar
for nurses in Manhattan. While in the past the foundation
has held seminars on Long Island, none so far has been
held in New York City.
More than 50 nurses attended the symposium at the
Marriott Marquis, which featured guest speakers Robert
Wendel Naumann, MD, and Candace Schiffer, NP. Dr.
Frank Arena moderated the evening session, the topic of Barbara Feltkamp, Sass Executive
which was “Reducing Neurotoxicity Associated with Assistant and Jody Newman,
Education Administrator
Cancer Chemotherapeutic Agents”.
The Sass Foundation is, of course, dedicated to educating all health care providers on cancer and related illnesses. However, it is especially focused on educating oncology nurses.
The session was underwritten through a grant from MedImmune Oncology, was CEU
accredited, and was free of charge. This was the first of what organizers hope will be many
free seminars for oncology nurses, the “soldiers” on the front line of patient care.
Concerts to Benefit Sass Kick Off in November
“I wanted to match my love of music with my experience at the Sass Foundation.”
This is how Ari Sass, recently-appointed executive advisory board member, explains the
new Sass Foundation Concert Series. Having founded a music and media company called
Insound, Ari felt he could combine music with his desire to work toward finding a cure for
cancer: hence the launching of the concert series.
The Friday night series will begin in November 2006 at the Landmark On Main Street
in Port Washington and will feature independent label rock, punk, electronic, and other
artists. There will be six shows on a bi-monthly basis to start, with the first show on
November 3, a date chosen to coincide with a multi-day music festival in Manhattan sponsored by the College Music Journal (CMJ).
“We’re hoping to pull some talent from there,” Ari said, adding “it’ll be interesting, I
think, to bring bands to Port Washington that don’t normally play in this area.”
Insound will promote the concerts on its website (, which has several hundred thousand “unique” visitors. Cost for tickets will range from between ten and thirty dollars, depending on the talent, and proceeds will go to the foundation.
“The Landmark has 425 seats,” Ari says, “and our goal is to sell them all.”
Guest Chefs Featured in “Cooking for Health”
We all know that eating right is one of many factors in staying healthy. However, maintaining proper nutrition habits is especially important for those undergoing cancer treatment, such as chemotherapy.
This fall, the Sass Foundation will take a step further in
educating patients about nutrition in its Cooking for Health
series, being kicked off on the West End of Long Island at
the Captain Jedediah Hawkins House in South Jamesport.
A fundraising dinner – open to the public – will be held at
the mansion featuring a special menu by a guest chef. The
chef will be joined by Dr. Frank Arena, radio DJ and cancer survivor Valerie Smaldone, and Dr. Mitchell Gaynor,
an oncologist specializing in nutrition. Along with fine food will be interactive discussion
between panel members and diners.
The Victorian mansion was built by Captain Jedediah Hawkins in the 1860s, and was purchased three years ago by Dr. Arena and South Jamesport builder Jeff Hallock. It has been
restored by New York City area designers, is a bed and breakfast, and is open for dinner.
Proceeds of the dinner will be donated to the Sass Foundation. For more information and
to book a reservation, please contact the Sass Foundation office or check the website at
With Continued Commitment To Education and Research
Sass Foundation’s Golf Outing and Duplicate Bridge
Tournament Raises over $100,000
Myron Arlen, MD
North Shore University Hospital, Manhasset, NY
Daniel Catovsky, MD
Royal Marsden Hospital, London, England
Nicholas Chiorazzi, MD
North Shore-LI Jewish Research Institute, Manhasset, NY
Dwight Carlton De Risi, MD
North Shore University Hospital, Manhasset, NY
Brian G.M. Durie, MD
Cedars-Sinai Comprehensive Cancer Center,
Los Angeles,CA
One hundred golfers and 50 bridge players participated in the Sass Foundation’s 14th Annual
Golf Outing and 1st Duplicate Bridge Tournament
at the Mill River Club in Upper Brookville on
Monday, May 8. The record-breaking amount of
Josh Sivin, Phil Sivin, Todd Marvel, and Adam Prager
Mollie Grossman, Bridge Chair (r) and fellow player
Tom Constance, Kramer Levin; Al Bernikow,
Deloitte & Touche; Richard Schwartz, North
American Enclosures, and Phil Sivin, Resurgence
Asset Management.
more than $100,000 raised will go directly into
funding grants for medical research, and education
programs for patients and physicians.
The day’s schedule included a buffet brunch and
greetings from Marty Sass and Dr. Frank Arena.
A12-noon shotgun tee-off time for golf, barbeque
lunch, 12:30 duplicate bridge tournament directed
Tom Constance, Michael Hyatt, Barry Schwartz and
Al Bernikow
Joe Graziani, Charlie Forte, Richard Schwartz and Josef
by Harry Steppenbeck, and an all-day vendor galleria were also part of the day’s activities. The
events culminated in an elegant evening cocktail
hour, buffet awards dinner, silent auction, and fabulous raffle prize drawings.
Golf Chair Dorothy Allen, a longtime member of
the Mill River Club, and duplicate bridge chair and
Sass Foundation Executive Advisory Board
Member, Mollie Grossman, along with the hardworking committee members, were instrumental in
making this the foundation’s most successful golf
event in its 20-year history
Also in attendance were Barbara Sass, cofounder of the Sass Foundation, and Lara and Phil
Sivin, Sass Foundation Executive Advisory Board
members and Young Leadership Committee cochairs.
Some of the golf committee members who participated were executive advisory board members,
Together We Can Make A Difference
M a r t i n D . S a s s Chairman
Francis P. Arena, MD, FACP
President and Director of Research
Sudhir Gupta, MD, PhD, MACP
Director of Scientific Development
B a r b a r a S a s s Co-Founder
Major sponsors of this outstanding event
included North American Enclosures, Richard
Schwartz; Mayer, Brown, Rowe, & Maw, Jeff
Whyte; Kramer, Levin, Tom Constance; North
Fork Bank; Accretive Solutions, Joseph Amella;
Deloitte & Touche, LLP, Al Bernikow; Omland
Building Corp, Josef Omland; Christian &
Timbers, Adam Prager; and Jimlar Corp., Larry
Tarica. The generous underwriting of portions of
this event enabled the foundation to far surpass the
goals for this outing.
For information on how you can help make a difference, please contact Lois Lerner, Executive
Director, The Sass Foundation, (516) 365-Sass,
or Visit our website
Volunteers with Barbara Sass and Golf Chair Dottie Allen
With Continued Commitment To Education and Research
Mitchell L. Gaynor, MD
Cornell University-Weill Medical College, NY, NY
Francis J. Giles, MD
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Richard J. Gralla, MD
Columbia University/NY Presbyterian Hospital, NY, NY
V. Craig Jordan, PhD
RH Lurie Cancer Center – Northwestern University
Chicago, IL
Sanford J. Kempin, MD
St. Vincent Hospital, NY, NY
Jean-Marc Nabholtz, MD
University of California at Los Angeles, CA
Lawrence D. Piro, MD
John Wayne Cancer Institute, Santa Monica, CA
Aaron Polliack, MD
Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel
Kanti Rai, MD
North Shore University/L I Jewish Hospital,
Lake Success, NY
Lawrence H. Schwartz, MD
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, NY, NY
Richard T. Silver, MD
New York Hospital/Cornell Medical Center, NY, NY
Maria Theodoulou, MD
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, NY, NY
Mark Weiss, MD
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, NY, NY
J. Michael Bishop, MD
University of California, San Francisco, CA
Judah Folkman, MD
Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA
Robert Gallo, MD
Institute of Human Virology, Baltimore, MD
George Klein, MD,
Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
John Reed, MD, PhD
The Burnham Institute, La Jolla, California
J o s e p h A m e l l a President, Accretive Solutions, Inc.
A l a n S . B e r n i k o w Deputy CEO, Deloitte & Touche, LLP
W a l t e r C a m e r o n President,
Walter F. Cameron Advertising Agency
T h o m a s E . C o n s t a n c e , E s q Senior Partner,
Kramer, Levin, Naftalis & Frankel, LLP
A n g e l o F e r r a r a Owner, Graphic Impresssions
Mollie Grossman
Coldwell Banker Residential East Hills
M a t t h e w F . H o g a n , E s q Attorney at Law
R u t h L e o n a r d President,
Ruth Leonard Real Estate Agency
H o w a r d W . N e w m a n , E s q Lamb & Barnosky, LLP
A r i S a s s Vice President,
MD Sass Investors Services, Inc.
Lara Sass Sivin
P h i l i p S i v i n CFA, Resurgence Asset Management
Hope G. Smith
N o e l S p i e g e l Deputy Managing Partner,
Deloitte & Touche, LLP
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Lois Lerner, Executive Director
Jody Newman, Education Administrator, Executive Editor
Kathleen Yasas, Editor
Barbara Feltkamp, Executive Assistant
Time is on your side.
Early detection saves lives.
e at the Sass Foundation
know how lucky we are to
work with such renowned physicians as Dr. Frank Arena and
Dr. Sudhir Gupta, but it’s always
nice to see that others also recognize how special they are.
Last year, Dr. Gupta, director of
scientific development for the foundation, was honored at the Fairmont
Newport Beach Hotel in California.
On November 14, a fundraiser was
held in honor of the Endowed Chair
for Dr. Gupta (Sudhir Gupta Chair
in Molecular Immunology) at the
University of California, Irvine.
Dr. Arena, MD, FACP, and president
and director of the Sass Foundation,
was honored in January at the Fifth
Annual David Awards Breakfast at
the Crest Hollow Country Club in
Woodbury. The David Awards are
bestowed upon “Long Island’s Best” –
extraordinary men of achievement.
Dr. Arena was one of eight honorees
recognized for excelling in business or
academics and accomplishing heroic
and humanitarian acts.
Please join us in congratulating
both Dr. Gupta and Dr. Arena.
Together We Can Make A Difference
10th Annual
Black Tie Gala
Starlight Roof at the Waldorf Astoria
New York City
Angela Susan Anton
Friday, September 8, 2006, 7:00 p.m.
On Friday, September 8, at 7:00 p.m., the Sass Foundation
will hold its 10th Annual Black Tie Gala Dinner Dance and
Casino at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel’s Starlight Roof in
Manhattan. The foundation is especially proud of its three honorees this year. The recipient of the Sylvia Goldstein
Humanitarian Award is Angela Susan Anton, CEO and publisher
of Anton Community Newspapers. Angela has been a loyal supporter of the Sass Foundation and takes time out of her busy
schedule to champion those causes in which she truly believes.
Accepting the Business Leadership Award is William J.
Catacosinos, former CEO of LILCO and current managing partner, Laurel Hill Capital Partners. Both Angela and William are
respected individuals in the Long Island business community.
Our third honoree is Elyssa Slutzky, a member of our Young
Leadership Committee, who will be the recipient of the Cecelia
Benevisto Courage Award. Elyssa, a cancer survivor, has exemplified courage in the face of adversity and is a participant in the
Iron Man Triathlon competition. She is a role model in the community at large.
Join us in the Starlight Roof at the Waldorf to help celebrate a
decade of galas, two decades of research and education, and our
tireless quest to eradicate to cancer once and for all!
With Continued Commitment To Education and Research
William J.
Elyssa Slutzky