Mise en page 1 - Grimaldi Forum
Mise en page 1 - Grimaldi Forum
SECOND EDITION J U LY 7, 8 , & 9, 2 011 E S PAC E D I AG H I L E V, G R I M A L D I F O R U M M O N AC O A CO NC EPT UNLIKE ANY OTHER IN THE WORLD LUXURIA is an intimate encounter between the finest talents in the world of personalized luxury and contemporary art, and those who love this exceptional way of life. It is an innovative concept from the creative mind of Fabienne Lavaud-Souliès, managing partner of Monegasque company Glam Events & Communication; an extraordinary event for the most discerning international clientele in search of unique and customized luxury goods and services. Her idea is simple, yet never before achieved: three days of cultural and social happenings dovetailing with exclusive private sales, luxury product displays, and special services for a select circle of savvy guests. LUXURIA brings together more than thirty luxury makers in the Grimaldi Forum, drawing a very high-end clientele that will experience an astounding spectrum of exclusive: • Exceptional, custom-made articles embodying the best in design, technology, and the savoir-faire of generations of artisans. • Galleries displaying the great artists of today and tomorrow. • Three prestigious themed gala evenings, where guests will live and breathe an absolute life of luxury in an elegant and refined setting. Every element has been carefully selected by Fabienne Lavaud-Souliès as the expression of ultimate opulence, the opportunity to discover some of the finest masterpieces available today in the esteemed setting of Monaco. SAVOIR - FAIR E AND PRESTI GE EV ENI NGS High class jewelry and watchmaking, haute-cou- The geographical location and mild Mediterranean ture, art, design, leather goods, decorative climate have made the Principality a much-cove- items, yachts, private jets and luxury cars, state- ted destination for lovers of luxury, drawn to Mo- of-the-art technology, sports and leisure… tailor- naco by the plentiful sports and cultural events. made luxury is on show and for sale at LUXURIA. The very existence of LUXURIA confirms Monaco’s LUXURIA has also created three Prestige themed status as the international capital of luxury, a proevenings – Artistic Crossroads, Gentlemen’s Luxury tected and highly secure sphere with the metroClub, and The Luxurious Boudoir – offering workpolitan charisma to draw a savvy and wealthy shops and special demonstrations of arts and international clientele. craftsmanship, live entertainment, exquisite tasMonaco is the world’s second-smallest indepentings, and unique activities in a stunningly sophisdent state, after the Vatican, but this year, on July ticated atmosphere. 1 and 2, all eyes around the world will be on the Every evening, LUXURIA becomes a creator of Principality for the wedding ceremony of H.S.H. core emotions, an invitation to explore the very Prince Albert II to Charlene Wittstock. essence of luxury, where every one of the five senses is stimulated to new heights. Happy coincidence indeed that LUXURIA takes place just a few days after these princely festi- An event unlike any other in the world; an ephe- vities, facilitating ample attendance by an ups- meral club in a universe of all that is exclusive. cale, global audience. FABIENNE L AVAU D- SO U LIÈS LUXURIA PRACTICAL INFORMATION Fabienne Lavaud-Souliès is one of those highly Espace Diaghilev at the Grimaldi Forum enterprising women with great international Dates and times: culture who has put her talents into practice in • Thursday, July 7, 2011: Prestige party “Artistic Crossroads” from 6 p.m. to midnight the management of a number of successful Monegasque companies over the past decade. With her well-defined taste and an innate understanding of the world of luxury goods, founding Glam Events & Communication in 2008 was a natural next step and has served as her conduit for • Friday, July 8, 2011: Prestige party “Gentlemen’s Luxury Club” from 6 p.m. to midnight • Saturday, July 9, 2011: Prestige party “The Luxurious Boudoir” from 6 p.m. to midnight Space is limited for these three evenings. Special public access on Saturday, July 9, 2011: doors opened to the public 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. organizing inimitable events such as LUXURIA. Wife and mother of two, Fabienne is also an active member in and head of communications for the Monaco Association of Women Entrepreneurs. LUXURIA ORGANIZATION GLAM EVENTS & COMMUNICATION T +377 97 70 87 00 contact@LUXURIA-events.com LUXURIA PRESS CONTACTS MONACO: INCOMPARABLE SURROUNDINGS IN THE SPOTLIGHT IN 2011 Monaco lies on the Mediterranean, hemmed in by the South of France; a jewel on the dazzling, celebrated Côte d’Azur, just twenty kilometers east of Nice. Heymann, Renoult Associées T +33 1 44 61 76 76 Lucie Cazassus / National Press Contact / l.cazassus@heymann-renoult.com Marika Bekier / International Press Contact / m.bekier@heymann-renoult.com Vivien Ayroles / Italian Press Contact / v.ayroles@heymann-renoult.com Press release and images can be downloaded from www.heymann-renoult.com