My Pogo™ Mini Collection Idea Submission Form


My Pogo™ Mini Collection Idea Submission Form
My Pogo™ Mini Collection Idea Submission Form
Think you’ve got a great idea for a Mini theme and items? Just fill out the form below, save
the file, and email it to us at (Required Fields in Red)
Pogo Username:
(First and Last name)
E-mail Address:
Collection Theme:
Mini Item 1
Type: Goodie
Mini Item 2
Type: Goodie
Continued on page 2
Mini Item 3
Type: Goodie
Mini Item 4
Type: Goodie
Thank you! We will review all the submissions and select our favorite. Check back often for
By submitting your material to EA, you represent and warrant that your submission (a) is your own and original creation and
does not violate or infringe the rights of any third party, including without limitation, copyrights, trademarks or trade dress,
patents, or rights of publicity/privacy; (b) is not defamatory, obscene, offensive or indecent; and (c) and has not been
previously published or submitted to other parties or websites. By submitting your material to EA, you also acknowledge that
your material is not confidential or proprietary. Our review of your material LVVWULFWO\WRHQVXUHFRPSOLDQFHZLWKDWKURXJK
FDERYHDQGdoes not imply that we will use, develop orpublish your material. Nor does our review of your material prevent
us from using, developing, publishing or marketing ideas or products that may be similar to your material.
Once you submit any material to EA, you expressly grant EA the worldwide,
complete, exclusive, perpetual and irrevocable right to quote, re-post, use, reproduce, modify, distribute, transmit,
broadcast, and otherwise communicate, and publicly display and perform the material in any form, anywhere, without
attribution to you, and without notice or compensation to you of any kind. If we decide to use, develop or publish your
material, you agree to take any further steps reasonably required by EA (and at EA’s cost) to enforce and protect our rights
to your material.
I have read and accept these terms and conditions
Submit Form
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