party April 30
party April 30
Gun range could open within two weeks Page 7 Millage increase eyed at Watervliet schools Page 5 I he Newspaper for Coloma - llarttord - Watervliet Mr. Hartford, Mr. Coloma, & Miss Hartford hopefuls Page 12 news 463-6397 TRI-CITY RE I23r,i Year •RINGFOKi January 11, 2007 Issue No. 2 W Seventy-five School Board concerns overrule advantages of n lavinn in Comet's min Twin City Bailers' move to Coloma is dead By Mike Leith team a chance, taking it on a game- Board's eoncems about the possible cials were concerned about meluded There were no scheduling conflicts After meeting with Coloma school to-game basis, some of those con- downside on the whole arrangement, a users fee per game, security, con- to worry about, so that was a non- cerns could have been addressed. "There were legitimate concerns cessions, and possible scheduling issue. conflicts. officials last Monday night, the fate of the Twin City Bailers* move to Becht said that after meeting with that the Board still had. and I have Coloma went to the Coloma School team officials on Monday night, no problem with their decision at Board for a decision. Superintendent Terry Boguth look a l l " Becht stated. Athletic Director Dick Becht said it their recommendation to a School The Bailers would not have looked $500 per game in advance for the Bailers owner Sydney Brooks, his was a positive meeting, with most of Board meeting that had been in ses- like the team that played in Benton use of the facility; the Bailers would wife and co-owner of the team Stella Coloma's concerns apparently ad- sion; but it had broken up by the Harbor as most, if not all, of the have provided three security people Brooks, along with Director of dressed to their satisfaction. time she got there with the informa- members had left the team. The re- for each game; Coloma Boosters Operations Kevin Hester were pres- However, Board members still had tion. Therefore, a decision on Mon- vamped team is already practicing in would have handled the conces- ent at the meeting representing the some concerns and Becht said that day night was not possible. By the Chicago area and Becht said sions; all school administrators, bas- Bailers. they felt there were still some things Wednesday morning, a decision had team owners were still looking for ketball coaching stafT, and Coloma According to an American Basket- about the proposal that the Board been made. some area stars that could fill out the basketball players would have been ball Association Web site, the Bai- roster. given free admission; and the lers were formed fairly recently Bailers would have also provided (2006) as an expansion team in the custodial cleanup after each game. ABA. was not comfortable about. Becht said he and Principal Brown Becht said both he and Principal were just trying to give the team a John Brown felt that by giving the chance but they understand the Becht said that things Coloma offi- Mrs. Flora Lee, a long-time resident about the fashion of yesteryear. "We of the Watervliet area, will celebrate had to have long sleeves, high her 105th birthday on April 30, necks, and dresses that went all the 2007. way to the ankle... I just laugh and This delightful lady was bom in 1902 and credits her longevity to "the hand ofCiod." She said she was a sickly child until the age of 10 or 12, and her mother had doubts on whether or not she would make it to adulthood. "But I did!" she quips. She said she didn't smoke or drink. After her marriage. Flora moved to Carmody Road in Watervliet and has lived in the same farmhouse for the past 73 years. She married her "Arthur" in 1923 in Baldwin and they enjoyed 63 years of a wonderful married life together. Arthur passed away in 1986. Flora still lives by herself. Her gnndson lives across the street and brings her mail and newspaper to her and checks on her each day. She wears a "Medic Alert" medallion around her neck. Should she fall, she She said it was a very exciting day when they got their first tractor in 1938. By Angela Stair % 10 for adults. Hartford Mayor foils a crime Hartford Police Chief Ramon Beltran reported that an attempted breaking and entering was stopped by the timely call of Hartford Mayor Ted Johnson. ('hief Beltran said he had received a call on December 29, 2006, from Mayor Johnson that a burglary was in progress at a neighbor's home at 212 South Fast Street. Mayor Johnson said he and his wife saw at least two subjects that were attempting to game entry to the neighbor's garage Upon arrival at the address. Chief Beltran said the two subjects fled on foot. Beltran and Reserve Officer Ramon Beltran II gave chase, but they were unable to apprehend the subjects. They did get close enough that Chief Beltran said he recognized both as being from Hartford. By Lynn Attila wonder what today's young people Tri City Village in Watervliet has a Approximately 20 minutes later. new look, new sign, new clock, and Chief Beltran said a white juvenile HI a new manager. would think " She "hates to see any young people fight in a war... the war in Iraq is a sad thing." female was taken into custody and A MSHDA subsidized senior hous- approximately three hours later a ing complex located in the down- white male adult was taken into cus- town tody. Watervliet area, Tri City The juvenile was taken to the Village has undergone extensive Ottawa County Youth Center. Chief renovations since the fail of 2006. The work was financed by MHT Beltran said she had been reported Housing Inc. of Southfield, Michi- to the Hartford Police Department as young people light in a vsar... the gan. a runaway on December 23. war in Iraq is a sad thing." She The project began on September 12, reports that her husband fought in 2006, and was finished at the end of World War I. "I was so thankful the year. The cost of the project was when he came home," she comment- $1.1 million and involved 56 apart- ed. ments. Fach apartment unit received Flora said she "hales to see any She said she was a strong Repub- new windows, air conditioners, lican and still votes. "I take voting heating units, kitchen cabinets, and very seriously," she commented. kitchen flooring. Some received new Flora said her youngest twin broth- carpeting. ers, who are X0, will throw her a big Superior Builders Corporation of birthday bash this year. Flora was St. Joseph supplied the manpower to the oldest of 11 children. complete the renovations. Her favorite hobbies are reading would be able to signal for help. would have cost $5 for students and New sign, new clock, new look, new manager at Tri City Village party April 30 people today would have thought Some of the agreements that they came to included the Bailers paying Flora Lee looks to ,h her 105 birthday RylAnnAttila Admission to the Bailers games Linda Lampman is the new manag- and cooking. Currently, she is read- L I N D A L A M P M A N . J 5 the new er of the complex. Lampman man- ing Anne of Green (Jahles and she manager at T r i City Milage in W a- aged the complex 15 years ago. be- also had a pot of beef vegetable soup tervliet. She is standing by the new fore moving to Florida. She recently simmering on the stove during this interview. old-fashioned" clock that has had to move back to Michigan to be been installed on the corner of the near her ailing mother and was the M An arrest warrant has been issued for the white male adult; however, perfect candidate to till the spot his name cannot be released until he open at the Tri City Village when former manager Betty Parascandolo retired. Parascandolo is now a resident at the complex. has been arraigned on the charges. Chief Beltran said that nothing had actually been stolen, but there were piled up items ready to be taken near Lampman is a South Haven native, married to former Michigan State the entrance/exit of the house. Policeman Jerry Lampman and has Retail F r a u d two adult children, James and Trena. at H a r d i n g ' s A new sign has been erected at the entrance of the building. This one is sporting colors unlike its predecessor, which were brown and tan On January 2, 2007, at 12:45 p.m., Watervliet Police Chief John Pokagon responded to a Retail Fraud complaint from Harding's Friendly Also, an old-fashioned clock has been installed at the comer of the Tri City Village property and Harding's Market on Mam Street. Market at 415 West Mam Street. Chief Pokagon was told that a male subject was seen placing items into his clothing at the store and was Flora said that when she was KM) T r i City Village property and Flora reports that farming was years old. Dr. Michael Mayle, her Harding's Market on Main Street. "hard work, but we were up to the physician, gave her a birthday party (Lynn Attila photo) task She and her husband farmed in his office. "He is just surprised The Harding's employee told Chief X0 head of feeder cattle, strawber- that I keep hanging on." she said. "1 Pokagon that during their investiga- ries, wheat, and com. She said it was don't know whv I do. I just do." their first tractor in 1938. "It made so much easier," Coloma Citv Commission headed for the door. CWAEDC budget of $49,000 is half of last year's a \ery exciting day when they got farming stopped by store personnel as he she reports. Arthur also worked at the Watervliet Paper Mill. The Lees had two children; Vir- ject to show them where that was. As the subject and employees walked about the store, the subject was seen disposing of the items as they went along. He was subse- At its regular meeting January X, They also have five grandchildren Coloma City Commission awarded The new proposed budget will be and six great-grandchildren. a contract to Dixon Engineering approximately half of what it was Inspection Services of Lake Odessa, last year, going from $93,500 to Michigan, for a thorough inspection $49,000. The difference stems main- Officer Jason Roe of the Coloma of the City's water tower at a price ly from the replacement of the Township Police Department was on of $1,930. Depending on what re- CWAFDC Director position to that routine patrol along Hagar Shore pairs and maintenance are needed, of a Community Development Co- Road January 4, 2007, at 8:55 p.m., the cost will be $165 per hour. ordinator. when he observed a vehicle travel- r 1913, receiving her first automobile F i r e h y d r a n t t o be r e p l a c e d ride from a cousin who lived in support the quently charged with Retail Fraud; Robert, who lives in Kalamazoo. ing things in her life such as, in to cation. The employee asked the sub- By Lynn Attila Flora recalls some of the most excit- promised replaced the items in a different lo- ginia. who passed away in 1990; and "H hen yon go from horse and hnggy to airplanes, it's exciting!" have tion the subject told the staff he had this was his first offence. CWAFDC for the next three years. M a r i j u a n a bust in C o l o m a This change was made after former ing eastbound that did not have a Director Calli Berg resigned in June passenger-side headlight. m t , replacement of a fire hydrant on the CWAEDC Board decided to appoint around and stopped the vehicle on go from horse and buggy to air- comer of Apple and Hill streets. The Administrative Chana Hagar Shore Road near Janet Drive planes, it's exciting!" The telephone work is to be done by Compton's at Kniebes to the position of Commu- in Coloma Township. He made con- was another exciting invention, too. a price of $2,650. The hydrant has "'ty Development Coordinator. The Watervliet municipalities will tact with the female driver who produced her license, registration, and be meeting this month and discuss proof of insurance. been in ill repair for some time. Flora is a member of Plymouth Congregational Church in Watervliet, where she taught Sunday CWAEDC budget discussed school and was a member of the Commissioner and Treasurer of the Ladies Aid Society. She was also a Coloma Watervliet Area Economic member of the American Legion Development Corporation (CWAE- Auxiliary. DC) Bill Smith said that the Corp- She was the first in her family to oration has drawn up a potential graduate from the eighth grade. She budget for the 2007-08 fiscal year; attended a one-room schoolhouse in Baldwin. "My daddy was so proud MRS. FLORA LEE...of Watervliet will celebrate her I05th Birthday but confirmation of the actual budget will depend on the participation of of me for graduating," she said. in April of this year. This remarkable lady has lived in the same farm- ihe City and Township of Watervliet. house for 73 years. The City and Township of Coloma Flora said she wonders what young (Lynn Attila photo) Assistant ' ^ e amazed at airplanes... "When you has always y car The Commission also approved the She ^ c been Indiana. ^ a,cr Officer Roe reported that he turned their involvement with the Corp- Roe said the three male passengers oration. After their decision on par- were asked to step out of the vehicle, ticipation is made, a final budget one at a time, and give their name will be drawn up. Smith said. and date of birth. All three stated In other matters, bills for the month were paid in the amount $179,591.95: General $41,555,42; Major they did not have any I.D. with of them. Upon questioning the four in- Fund, dividuals and getting conflicting sto- Streets, ries, the stories all ended with the $13,444,85; Local Streets, $739.88; Operation and Maintenance, $24,446.90; and DDA, $99,404.90. COVriM^D ON BACKPACK f'aflf 2 Tri-City Record January II, 200 T For more information, please call Toni I. Benson at (269) 423-4771, Letters Sc Comnientary Watervliet Float Committee needs donations & volunteers Dear Editor, I he Watervliet Float Committee Angling Road... a young couple (my husband just home from WWII as a wounded veteran from North Africa) ready to begin life in this community. He is now deceased, Korean Veterans Association to meet January 20 fhe fri-City Record and its prede- The Papasan-Mamasan Korean cessors have forged an important Veteran Association will meet on connection to the community ever Saturday. January 20, at 1:30 p.m., Social Security Vonda VanTU, SACK idTOE BOX TILLN Social Security • Public Affairs ' at Niles Amencan Legion Post #26 since. & RIGHT, EVERYBODY I marvel each week how you can residents to the first float building consistently produce such a quality Niles. yct-together Sunday, January 14. hometown paper It just seems to get All Korea War veterans who were in from 1:00-4:00 p.m., at the float better and better, yet does not lose service between June 25, 1950, and bam on M-140. the personal touch. Retirement Age vs. Income; A Critical Decision this year's community float is cer- ly enjoyed features are: Karl and tainly welcome to attend. Anne's columns; Roy M. Davis, fhe Ihe committee is also collecting Paw Paw River Journal; Rolling donations for the float, which will Hack the Years; and Del Sipes' won- represent the community of Water- derfully descriptive writings. Korea War veterans who served during that penod but did not go to Deciding what age to retire and start Korea are also eligible to join this collecting Social Security retirement organization. For more information, benefits is a personal decision that contact Bill Miller at (269) 471- depends on a person's financial re- 1405. sources, health, retirement plans, and many other variables. * hot in the Blossomtime Parade in I am happy to renew once again and May and in at least four other com- look forward to enjoying the Tri- But there arg some basic Social munity parades. Security facts about the retirement Donations can be made to Firth City Record for another year. Sincerely, I bird Hank. Watervliet; or by calling Helen Moser Van Burcn Our goal is to represent Watervliet n h a float we can be proud of. Respectfully, Paula l aultersack i ri-Citv Record is a fine weeklv newspaper * %/ to meet Congratulations Karl and Anne H ver, upon the fine weekly news|U|>er that has exolved under your ov nership and journalism! \s a long-time subscriber, it has •n a pleasure to see ihi> occur; I I do feel we qualify as long- time subscribers since we began takthe old Coloma Courier back in I"45 or shortly after we moved to farm on As a famous American athlete once Points said: "The question isn't at what age I want to retire; it's at what income." I think that is true for many folks, The January meeting of the Van Buren Regional Society will be held Monday, January 22, at Webster Memorial Library in Decatur. The and it is why you need to know what By Pastor Dm id C. Helm* PlMinmih CoogiTt>MtionNl Church your "full retirement" age is as it relates to Social Security. And you Endurance The Test of Faith Jimkoachf tion of celebrating the memory o Take exercise for example. Muscle achievements. It does not come Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and com- There is a popular statement: "No ache is the natural result of muscle without pain. Refusing physical pain memorate the impact that he had on pain, no gam." Unfortunately, it is use. Increased lifting strength comes accurate m many contexts. Many people still do not know that an increase in the retirement age was Bainbridge Township Board opens meeting with "Ringing of the Bell" to study addition to the Township Hall By Angela Stair Amendment to the Zoning Ordi- Bainbndge Township Board opened nance. Clerk Grieser said this would provision in those amendments, the its January meeting with the "Ring- make them compliant with the state age for receiving full benefits is ing of the Bell" in the old school- act that had been passed. gradually rising from 65 to 67. The house that now serves as the Town- age for receiving frill Social Security ship Hall. Supervisor Jollay reported that there were no building permits ap- retirement benefits will continue to In the last few years, the historic plied for, four zoning permits for rise until 2027, when it reaches 67 schoolhouse has been restored and $200, four electrical permits for for those bom in I960 or later. the Board will be beginning the $250, and three mechanical and one Workers can still retire as early as meetings held there with the ringing plumbing permit for $225. age 62 and collect a reduced benefit. of the bell. At The question a worker who is contemplating retirement would need to 12:00 noon on Clerk Grieser reported that the Monday. Tuesday and Thursday, the Orchard Hill Sanitary Landfill pass- bell is also being rung. es have been completed, fhe pass ask is: Can 1 meet my financial fownship trustee Don Baiers rang must be picked up at the Bainbridge needs or expectations with the level the bell for the January X meeting Township Office and there will be of income I'm expecting? and said that when the restoration one pass per household. It is good Of course, any private pensions and had been done, a stop had been put from April 21 to May 5 of 2007 for sav ings or investments that you may m the bell tower so the bell could not one level standard pickup load, have would need to be figured into be tumed over from over-enthusias- which is valued at $22. Residents the decision, as would any income tic ringing. will be responsible for any amount Albert and Ruth Weckwerth of Bainbridge ( enter celebrated their 50th wed- exceeding $22. ding anniversary December 30 in South Haven w ith family and friends. from a spouse if you are married. IvnJa Van Til is the public affairs Baiers, a lifelong resident, said he Albert Weckwerth and the former Ruth Sieber were married December 25, H'esl Michigan. You tic ringer; but he said the best part Landfill and retumed to the Town- can write,her do Social Security was if that happened they had to ship for record purposes at the end 1956. in St. Paul's United Church of Christ in Bainbridge Township, by the Rev. Clarence Heehler. Administration. 50 College SE. climb to the top of the tower to tum of the cleanup time. Grand Rapids. Ml 49503: or via e- it back over. Of course, this also de- O f f i c e space a n d mailat layed school for them until it was corrected. He said that was always o t h e r business specialist for the best part. a regular business meeting. Then follows rules similar to those in the breakfast program honoring his life, members will have a Society project physical realm. No spiritual pain, no his legacy and the challenge that Michigan State University Extension helps people improve to work on for the evening. spiritual gain. each of us carries every day to make their lives through an education process that applies knowledge to critical issues, needs, and opportunities. MSU Extension Connections T h e B o a r d i s n o | o n g e r | o o | ( i n g at Ruth is a retired Berrien County teacher, retiring from Columbus School in for office space and record storage. Benton Harbor, and she also fanned with her husband. amendments; and roads Superv isor Jollay said. He said they Township Supervisor Jerry Jollay want to look at the idea of building said he had received a communica- very good time of working on the Patience is only leamed when it is ties. It has always been an opportu- tion about the new contracts from "The addition would be aesthetical- above freezing, or average daily the Watervliet Fire Department. The ly appealing and would be connect- temperature above 45. department also included a copy of ed to the Township Hall by a walk- Once growth begins, the plant can- its new contract. way," Supervisor Jollay said. It will granted when there is an offense, w ork together. and faith grows only when it is chal- bers in one cause as wc continue to All are invited to attend and partici- lenged. There will be troublesome improve the future of this great state. pate m this project night. circumstances and troublesome peo- At this year's event, I will again ple that require patience. There will have the privilege of sharing in the be offenses that can create grudges commemoration of this man's life that last long beyond even the life of and what he sacrificed to help the offender, and there w ill be situa- change the lives of other people. I tions that tempt us to wonder about hope that we will never forget what (iod's intentions. he did for the world and that we will unreal and 1 do wonder what we arc them as he claims; and I do not in for. Will we really be the vacation doubt his claims. spot of the world and will all of the I loved how Del recounted some of < y Records are being sold at nearly 40 locations in the Tri-City Area. ^ soon as the Record comes off the presses on any Thursday morning, l)i. k and Angle Show erman are on hand to deliver 900 papers for new sstand sales throughout the area. ost Thursdays that means avid Record readers can get their paper hot olf presses as early as noon. In fact, the Marathon station on M-140 at Sister I Acs and the Country Store at Spinks Comers get their papers earliest. I ick out to M-140. the delivery duo head back to Watervliet. dropping p hts off as they go... to Dave's Amoco, Taco Bell, Watervliet Waflle use of America, Q-Mart, Waterv liet Mobil, and the Tri-City Record. I icn it's across the street to Sayior's Pi//a and (iolden Brown Bakery, M un Street Pharmacy, Watervliet Harding's, WESCO, and Phillipi's (irocery. I icn it's due west to Coloma, leaving papers at the Coloma Wash tV Dry. thi n out to the Dellwood and Handy Spot on Paw Paw Lake, and back to Rile Aid and Coloma Harding's. i iien it is to downtown Coloma and \\ ESCO. across the street to Family Dollar, then to the machine next to Cutting Corners and on to Randy's BP. i l l then to Marathon, and on to Speedway at the freeway. ( >ming back to Red Arrow Highway. Dick and Angie drop papers at Ruth's mdromat. Hot Spot. Angelo's, and Moo's Place. i icn they stop at Community Hospital Watervliel, loading the machine out nt and also dropping off 20 free papers for the patients there. Then it's on to Hartford to lease papers at the Citgo station. Rite Aid. i oCo's, Panel Room. Kwik N Easy Marathon. Hartford Harding's. Earl's Ken out by the fairgrounds, and then they're back home. Many thanks, folks, for a job well done; and thanks to all our newspaper iK tiers for providing the space to sell the Record copies. 20116 HOLIDAY (,R W D K I D QUOTES T O REMEMBER... Daughterin law Kris was encouraging some positive behavior from son I li with the w. ids. "Santa is watching you." N y 4-year-old grandson replied, "He's watching you too." A 1 w as sponging water from the stand, prior to taking down the Christmas tn.granddaughter 1 lama asked why there was water down there. o keep the tree fresh," 1 replied. She understood, "Oh. to keep the tree alive." (Next year, an artificial tree for sure). District Ext. Hort. & inside, placing them in a vase or years. He said because of time con- interested in being on the commit- Marketing Agent glass of water to force them. If the straints they may have to extend the tee, Chairman. present contracts for one year until Supervisor Jollay said that Grieser All of the weather cycles are tumed around. Where is our winter'.' I have sometime 1 will read more about during the winter, we say they are we blame God for what goes change to the world through peace domiant. During dormancy, plants that warm weather will cause them work with. tee because she knows what is need- him. Chief Pokagon had an insight "wrong"? We can know that wc are and acceptance of the diversity thai track chilling hours, above 35 F and Supervisor Jollay said they would be making some mid-course correc- ed for the office space and storage He offered the other seat on the not seen winter clouds more than as to how our world would be cared failing the patience test and the for- once this ycar and I miss them. 1 makes our world one human com- for under the direction of the white below 50 F. The plant ignores tem- to grow. Right now there has been no dam- giveness test when we get angry , and munity. peratures below freezing or warm age to the plants. If we get warm tions by amending the budget. He committee to the other Board mem- temperatures above 50. temperatures and then the tempera- stressed that they are doing fine and bers but no one felt they were there tures fall into the teens; below 20, are not over budget; they just have to often enough to be of help, so Jollay then we might see damage. move some money around. This is a took the second seat. and blowing by the end of the season. but we have not yet had the season and we only have the rest of man. stay angry, about difficult situations We are not truly part of the earth and we do no respect w hat we use. 1 denial-of-the-pain symptoms that know this to be true, especially for mean we are also not going to enjoy January and then February and March. me. I take more paper than I need; I am worried about us using up the have two that are stuck together, I do earth and not replacing what we are not want to take the time to pull using. There are so many millions of them apart and use only one. I know us and we all use so much of the I am wasteful so 1 know 1 have to earth each and every day, and we are watch w hat I use and what I do. and when I want a paper plate and not replacing w hat w e use. I am sure If nothing else tells us that w e have that most of us are not even aware of to care for our planet, then at least what we use at all. the drastic changes in the weather The other day one of our grandkids and I were baking cookies and this or about other's offenses. These are should keep in front of our eyes the fact that we arc using all this land the gain that comes from bearing up Winter Volunteer classes at TEC under the particular test. It's our The Therapeutic Equestrian Center, choice. And it's our consequences. located in Buchanan, Michigan, is W hen we go to the gym, we expect oft'ering winter volunteer classes to pain when we push the limits. Pain provide education about therapcutu should also be expected in the gym- riding. TEC is a nonprofit riding nasium of life, where there is great facility for people of all ages with spiritual gain when we are willing to special needs. Classes are free ami push the limits of our faith. Why open to the public. should it be any different? Ihe Bible says: "Without faith it is topic? as Autistic Spectrum disorders and Cognitive disabilities. You'll learn how to better interact w ith these rid- So many times you happen on an ing ads. I came out of a local store ers to maximize their ruling experi- article that is going on about and and there on the ground in front of endangered species and I then won- me were some chicken bones. They der where that leaves the break in had been chewed on and left on the the chain of life. If we lose one kind ground in front of the store. What a of animal, then I am sure that causes lazy and stupid act that was by others to also be lost... if not right at someone who cares not at all about this time, then at some future date. the place he or she lives in. ence (one hour). * luesday, January 23, at 6:30 p.m As we celebrate the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. next week, I - "The 10 Commandments of C om- am reminded of how much influence lities," with Margie llojara-Hadsell muning with People with Disabi- one person can have on an entire This is essential information for nation. His ideals and motives have everyone who wants to be effective- changed the course of history and ly involved with our riders. provided hope and encouragement video and following discussion will for a brighter future. His organization of several peace campaigns changed the world and enlightened (269) 463-6397 E-mail to: Fax 463-8329 trkihm'Qrd.tVm Karl Bayer, Publisher/Editor Amy Loshbough, Business Manager Anne Bayer, Advertising Sales Bonnie Bannen, Copy Editor I SPS669-340permit for the Tri-City Record, a weekly newspaper with periooical postage paid at Watervliet, Michigan, 49098. Pottmaiter, »fnd iddresi changes to: P.O. Bo* 7, Witrrvliet, Ml -WW Lrrors... Please notify the Trl-Clty Record immediately of any errors or omissions in the news or advertising content in this issue. While the Tri-City Record endeavors to correct any errors or omissions that may occur, it cannot be held responsible for the same following the publication of the next issue. The address communication as it relates to disability sensitivity (1.5 hours). Watch the February newsletter for leam more about how you can vol- work left to do to realize the dream unteer at TEC. please contact Join that Dr. King was fighting so hard to King, Volunteer Coordinator. make a reality. In many instances we may be reached at (269) 471-0700 still have the grueling hardship of or by e-mail at ikingu/ nation and here in our state. It is not only an issue of ethnic differences, discrimination. It is my hope that in After at least 20 minutes of being transferred back and forth, I hung up and to the editor. Letters are subject to editing and will be published at the dis- ing the many differences that we went to the phone book. The SBC help numbers all dial in to the same auto- cretion of the editor. All letters must be signed and must include a phone have and acknowledge that it is to the editor,.. number and address so that authorship may be verified. Letters should be typed or at least written in easy-to-read handwriting Letter authorship identity may be withheld by request, at the discretion of the editor. The publication deadline for letters to the editor is 12 noon, on Tuesday for that week's issue. She racism and discrimination in our this new year we may be able to Letters To register for these classes, or to Yet there remains a great deal of but of social, religious and gender these differences that make the fabric of our region, state, and nation strong. Here in Michigan's Great Southwest we continue to hold the tradi- haps growth will start in early ahead, it will decide at that time on me think that most plants have al- March rather than late March. Baiers and Clerk Grieser met with an architect. Clerk (irieser suggested to the ready completed their chilling re- To me, this means that it is more the Berrien County Road Commis- quirement and are ready to start likely we will see damage from sion to discuss road repair for the Hoard that it enter into a two-year growing. With the return of warm spring frost freezes in March, as the coming year. contract with Terminex because it weather, the plant begins to grow. $5,734.70 for a total of $32,853.39. Last week one day. while I was sell- we. meaning the white race, cared had since before Christmas makes Hoard trustees John Yetzke and Don plan to look further at the project. others that relate to disabilities such care for the land... for it is easier now. without the snow. and if the Hoard wants to move and payroll in the amount of bulb or unplugging a curling iron. he worried about the earth and how the Board approved them. than they were looking to pay. They Learn about these behaviors and warm weather, remember to also see early growth in the spring. Per- bills in the amount of $27,118.69 always have cold, fresh water or week about Chief Pokagon and how The very warm weather we have to $153,000 and that is still more thing so simple as replacing a light So while you are enjoying this nice adjustments, and approval. When The Hoard approved payment of natural resources. We may not I read Del's Almanac column last amendments that were needed, and was adjusted from $300,000 down continue to talk about the same By Rep. John Prooa spells in the middle of the winter. weather will continue and we will Have you ever wondered why some don't talk at all. or why some great care. progress to the Hoard for changes, yearly inspection done by Terminex. short of our task, we lose and we to do, but 1 wanted to impress upon could even lose the air wc breathe. him that we have to conserve our It is time to take action. It is some- Lansing Clerk Deb Grieser listed the budget they were discussing on Hillsboro Autumn /ick and Kathy Barton. some people cover their ears, while We have to take care and notice from beginning growth during warm think it is more likely that our mild contract. The Township Hall has a guardians of this world It we fall things around us. into the project and will bring their Hillsboro. The price of the work but this child also let the water run. to us to use all of these things with counts in order. February. it even all the air we need and it is up dormancy normally prevent plants seen, I do not think that is likely. I doing so. The Hoard approved the brews 11:6) That is great gam! Very Now it was not a bad thing for him 1300 hours or more. Chilling and Road, Milburg Drive, Empire, and tism Cognitive Disabilities," with worth the pain. Jollay said they will begin looking will see winter injury in January or "Helping the Rider w ith Au applaud the effort that was made, We are the yearly necessity to keep the ac- With the mild weather we have plants try to bloom early, than we p.m. has to offer and w e arc not replacing anything. for different plants, from 700 to would save them some money by little one wanted to do the dishes. I with The chilling hours required varies Jollay said they discussed Boyer •Monday, January X. 2007. at 6:30 impossible to please God." (He- move closer to the dream of accept- What I will be doing is taking a very close look at my phone bills. made Clerk Deb Grieser, who was really did need to be on the commit- The Tri-City Record welcomes all letters gave up. would work for all and for multiple they have a "one fits all" contract to when the horses return to the TEC. much less talking to a human that had any intention of giving assistance, I Mark Longstroth you are interested in and bring them a week to 10 days, then you know personal relationships with fellow human beings. mated system. After another three calls and ending up w ith no help at all, plan was formed. Supervisor Jollay Because most plants do not grow 138 N. Main St., P.O. Box 7 Watervliet, M l 49098 recorded messages, none of which addresses any problems with phone scams or XOO #s. work out a uniform contract that follow his example by bringing phone here in the office rings. When I answer, there is no one there; just dead space and then a soft click. I hat was the last "help" I got. The automated help line is a closed loop of Submitted by You take cuttings from the plants failing the faith endurance test. Do ple as one method for success in our She immediately apologized for "the trouble you are having" and transferred me to someone w ho would help. the information and come up with a Chief Pokagon and I am sure thai at MM) # RUNAROl ND... l or some days now. shortly after 9:00 a.m. the Fhinking I might be caught in the net of phone criminals, I called the Operator. to know if rest has been completed. able to have a meeting to try and in the sun and the fun? upcoming classes and the next ori- respond to the number get billed thousands of dollars. A two-person committee to gather buds begin to swell and grow within entation, which will be scheduled involving XOO numbers that are not free. In fact, supposedly those that weather. There is one very easy way Township soon and then they will be Township Hall. continue to find leaders who will leaders who look toward his exam- Sometime recently, I heard (or read or watched) about a new phone scam cold and will be injured by very cold the other departments covering the Here is how w e can know if we are T R l - C I T V R E C O R D LLC couple days. I notice the number is dliferent each day. not be lacked onto the side of the the inserts from the writings of dha Mulervlict Record - Coloma Courier - Hartford AVH-.V According to the "caller I D.," the caller is a toll-free XOO number. After a not increase its ability to withstand Jollay said he expects to hear from folks travel to our home stale to be know w e all complain about the cold I HANKS T O O l ' R N K W S S i A M ) DELIVERERS... more than XOO Tri- for this land which we took from What Does this Warm Winter Mean for Fruits and Other Plants? Send your Letters to the Editor to: Tri-City Record P.O. Box 7 Watervliet, M l 49098 FAX (269) 463-8329 E-mail The temperatures 1 would worry about are highs in the 50s, w ith lows Investing in Your Future By Charles Stein Investment Representative Ktlward J o n e s "Millnc VMt ol litrMlat" Coloma 468-4153 Do You Need to Establish a Trust? During your working years, if you save money diligently and make wise investment choices, you have a good chance of enjoying a comfortable retirement. But will you be taking proper care of your family after you're gone? The only way to answer that question is to do proper estate planning • and trusts can be a key element of your estate plan. How do trusts work? As the grantor of a trust, you set up the rules and appoint a trustee, who manages the trust and its assets. You and other donors then fund the trust with securities and other assets. The trustee collects these gifts and invests the money according to the rules of the trust, which will also determine the trust's beneficiary • the recipient of the trust's proceeds. Different trusts have different objectives. When you design your estate plans, you may well need more than one trust. Here are some of the most widely used ones: Revocable Living Trust • A revocable living trust can help you leave assets to your heirs without going through the costly, time-consuming • and public • probate process. When you set up a revocable living trust, you can control your assets during your lifetime and determine how they will eventually be distributed to your heirs. You could, for example, have money distributed to your children or grandchildren in installments, over a period of years. Plus, a properly established revocable living trust will carry out your wishes if you become incapacitated. Bypass Trust • If you're married, you can leave an unlimited amount of assets to your spouse, free of estate taxes and without using up any of your estate tax credit. But if your spouse then dies with an estate worth more than the federal estate tax exemption- (2 million in 2007 • his or her estate would be subject to the estate tax. Unfortunately, your original estate tax credit was unused and, in effect, wasted. Basically, a Bypass Trust allows both spouses' estate tax exemptions to be preserved, to the benefit of the surviving spouse and, ultimately, the children. Special Needs Trust • If you have a family member with a disability, you might want to think about a Special Needs Trust. People with mental or physical disabilities can hold an unlimited amount of assets in a Special Needs Trust (sometimes called a Supplemental Needs Trust) without having the assets count against eligibility for certain gov ernmental benefits, such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Medicaid, vocational rehabilitation and subsidized housing. QTIP Trust • If you're married for a sec ond time, but want to make sure your children from your first marriage are protected, you may want to think about a QTIP (Qualified Terminable Interest Property) Trust. A QTIP trust enables you, as grantor, to provide for your sur viving spouse and also maintain control of how the trust's assets are distributed once he or she also dies. Of course, trusts are complex instru ments, so you should work with an attor ney, In addition to a tax adviser to make sure you are using the right type of trust and then consider a financial profes sional for funding it with the appropriate vehicles. By using trusts wisely, you can leave a legacy that benefits everyone. They are lifelong members of St. Paul's United Church of Christ in Bainbridge fwp. and of Berrien County I ami Bureau. onto the Township Hall first. a difference in our own communi- sity and unite as community mem- Albert was a lifelong farmer and owned Weckwerth Orchard Equipment Sales in Bainbridge. the house next door to expand into I lere are a few obvious statements: needed. Forgiveness can only be They have a daughter. Shirley Ross of Allegan; two grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren. Fire contracts; budget These project nights are always a research and related problems as we 50 years together The passes will be kept by the America and the world. Every year. nity for us to embrace cultural diver- Weckwerths celebrate remembers being an over-enthusias- Lake Michigan C ollege holds a project and discussing genealogy Tri-City kecord Page 3 Committee formed included in the Social Security Amendments of 19X3. Based on the Evidently, the realm of the spiritual Bv Karl Bayer, Editor and Publisher i means refusing physical gam. mean in actual dollars and cents. o. The program for the evening will be Karl's Kolumn f than your full retirement age might from pushing the limits of previous The weather this past week has been I need to know what retiring earlier 1-11-07 By Anne Bayer, Co-publisher 1 the decision that is right for them. . J a n u a r y 22 meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. ar Editor. m m newly-purchased receive that can help people make Regional Society C ommittee Chairman 463-3X79 i' Spiritual age and the benefits a worker would Compass Kelly Abbott at 930-7454. , 4 v S£c \l!/ Specialist June 30,1955, are eligible to attend. I must admit some of my personal- you located at 1707 Miller Drive in would like to invite interested area Anyone interested in helping build sh January II, 200y Supervisor Jollay said they are still Hoard members also approved mid- looking at what will be done, and month bills. "Grief Share" sessions begin Jan. 16 at Watervliet Free Methodist Church Watervliet Free Methodist Church at "34 Paw Paw Avenue in Watervliet will be starting a 13-week v ideo seminar called "(irief Share Your Journey From Mourning to Joy" on luesday. January \(\ at 7:00 p.m. in the church library. Grief Share is a non-denominational group and leatures biblical teaching on grief and recov ery topics. These are "self-contained sessions and do not have to be attended in sequence. You w ill find encouragement and help whenever you begin. There will be small group discussion following each video. Please join us for the next Grief Share session. Pringle scholarship applications now available Berrien County Association of Retired School Peisonnel will be offering two S500 Beverly Pringle scholarships for the fall semester of 2007. These scholarships are given to students who will he seniors (in the fall term) and who are enrolled in the field of education and will be student teaching during the upcoming school veai The students must be graduates of a Herrien County high school and attending a Michigan college or universitv and must have a "H" average. The applications are available by request at buczw mu/ sbcglobal.nct or at B.C.A.R.S.P.. c o 1419 Silverbiook 1 A\W. si Ml 490X5 Deadline to request an application is April 9, 2007. Medical n 111 u t G f 'rom r'u ^'u',,v prok'SMMluU U COMMUNITY 'HOSPITAL!: > 1 BORCCS& HEALTH nothing will be decided before the new budget meeting. Resolution not to collect summer taxes; Zoning Ordinance; and landfill update Township Treasurer Mark Epple asked the Board to approve the resolution not to collect summer taxes for 2007. The Board approved the resolution. Community Blood Drive January 20 at Riverside UM Church There will be a Communitv Blood Or/Ve on Saturday, January 20, from United Methodist Church, 4401 to half of the Township winter taxes Fikes Road, in Riverside. For more information, call 849- The Township Board approved the fi=5E=5BE3 I consider the wide v anetv ol surgical options we have to oiler at the Communitv I iospital Ccntei for (ieneral Surgerv Hoth l)r Lope Vitangcol and l)r Akhtar I lusam pcrlemi ;i wide variety of procedures including gall bladder icmoval appcndcctomy. colon & rectal surgerv. hemorroids and all tyjvs of hernia repair and head & neck surgerv In addition to these procedures, management of breast disease and conditions You know vou re in good hands at Communitv I iospital. winner of the (iovernoi s Award ol Excellence for surgical iniectioii pievention 12:00 noon to 4:00 p.m. at Riverside Treasurer Epple reported that close have been collected so far. If you or someone you love needs surgery... 1131. You could save a life! In addition to conventional surgerv we also oiler mimmallv invasive surgerv. which allows doctors to perlorm major operations using tim instruments and incisions so small they can be covered by a hand-aid Hi ** HOME OF THE LAYAHAY- BUY HERE/PAY HERE PLAN ** BEAT THE TAX SEASON RUSH SELECT YOUR NEW CAR TODAY! * * FOR $500 DOW N - WE W I L L LAYAWAY YOUR NEW CAR UNTIL YOUR TAXES COME IN (up to 60 DAYS with NO INTEREST) Major operations such as gall bladder removal and appendectomv and hernia repair, which once required long hospital stays and w eeks of conv alescence, can now be done quickly using minimally invasive techniques Patients can olten go home Ihe same day or the dav following such surgeries, and resume their normal routines within a week to ten dav s Ni t every patient is a candidate for mimmallv invasive surgery , but manv are. and it has become the procedure of choice for many physicians and patients worldwide Patients who choose mimmallv invasive surgerv reap a variety ol benefits I he tmv incisions used result in less trauma to the body, less blood loss and a lower risk of infection, quicker recovery time, smallei surgical scais and a F-FORCE AUTO SALES reduced need for pain medication once surgerv is concluded If your doctor has recommended surgerv for vou or a family member, talk with our Community I Iospital general surgery team to discover the option that's best for vou CORNER OF WASHINGTON AND 320 PARK ST Coloma 269-468-6974 " ASK EDNA OR JEANNE FOR A L L THE DETAILS You can reach Ihe office of Dr. A k h t a r Husain direct at 269-463-3' T jJ and Dr. Lope Vitanucol at 269-463-6490. » Tri-City Record January II, 200 7 Paxe 4 Do you know these folks] 7 gious and humane tasks. She said her weeks are filled with church ^Tri-City Area History Page work and projects. I asked if that Millage increase eyed; may drop Valedictorian honors was not too much for her to be doing. She replied, "Well, I thought that as he Paw Paw River Journal This stylish couple could be celebrating their wedding day. Do you recognize them? long as I am getting closer to meeting (iod, I should gel to know Him better!" Not a bad way to go through life! There's my list... I hope it does not sound too "preachy."' Looking back somehow makes our vision more clear. We don't need to make the same old mistakes... and I mean this as much for me as anyone else. oy M. Davis show some respect! Nature is all for Southwest about us, has been here always, and It's Yesterday will be here long after we are gone... that is if we don't tear down Once More or bum up the world. So sang Karen Carpenter in that In many small ways, nature suffers golden voice of hers: "... jusl like indignities at our hands... even to before, it's yesterday once more' the throwing out of a beer can. In And I have been feeling that way, large ways, we shouldn't be foolish. because we have just started the New Year 201)7, 2(K)7, 2007... I I mean like getting caught out on a golf course in a thunderstorm. must practice writing Nature just does not care whether that for checks, letters, etc. Hut I know I'll we continue to exisi or not. Its beau- forget and write the old year, just as ty is there for all of us to enjoy; but I have done so many times before. nature is implacable, unmoved by When last year began to wind 3.1 isten to other people. We need- to say that would gel into the spirit n't seek out the company of boors of the day. Hut nothing would come. and fools, but we must respect So I just went on and wrote of other another person's point of view. matters. Now that 2007 is actually Remember... what they see is their here... thoughts are crowding into truth, and they are stuck with it. my mind. It must be the "tabula rasa." the blank page Rousseau, the French philosopher, wrote about. cation and how that may affect the senting each of the district's four them for their contribution to the mills to bring it back to the IS-mill practicality of the longstanding cus- schools were present to honor the member. Ihe recognition culminated with a proved a request for the seventh- community. Board member Penny tom. Board in commemoration of School presentation School and eighth-grade Honor Club stu- Hanks extended thanks to the stu- rate, additional cuts are expected to bnng it down further. Board Appreciation Night. Student Student Council members w ho sang dents as well, noting their exempla- Council officers from each building a song that incorporated personal presented Board members with anecdotes about each of the Board tokens of appreciation for all their members. by South contributions of locally elected North School Student Council school boards, their countless hours members have been learning about of service, and their intluence on thc tnp to Mackinac Island. Students the various school buildings. an additional one mill for eight years enrollment in college courses, honor to cover any shortfall. The addition- classes, and specialized courses. al mills would only be levied as These present greater challenges for needed to bring the mill up to a max- the student and may affect their imum of IS mills, as previously grades while providing advanced approved by the voters. opportunities. (label and the Board discussed the options for a non-homestead millage election. The district is now in the second year of a 10-year, IS- mill non-homestead levy renewed by the voters m 2005. Fhe non-homestead millage is Question, w hich is IO o of each contestant's score. . erty. While area property owners vote on the non-homestead millage, The program is scheduled for Sat- below IS mills, the district is penalized by not receiving the full foun- ' Newsmakers of Days ( i c n e By dation allowance (currently $7,075 As reported in the local newspapers: Coloma Courier, per student) established by the state. While voters approved the full IS Hartford l)a> Spring, and Watervliet Record. urday, March 31, at 7:00 p.m., at ("o- mills, the result of the Headlee loma High School. Young women Amendment has resulted in a rollback during the past two years, leav- 1 know another man's mind until you casins." We need to respect other people... their Program, which will also have respect... not associate with other SI,000 in scholarships and gifts that w ill be given away. terday and what u all meant. And truth. Happiness is not in them, and There are four areas of competition. what can we do to improve tins exis- they w ill try to drag us down to their The first area is Interview, which tence. Have we made mistakes? We level. accounts for 40°« of each contestant's score. The second area is Cas- are human, so you know the answer 4 I xpect the best. Mark I wain said, is yes. Well, what should we do "The optimist and the pessimist are ual Wear, for 25,,» of the score, fhe about lt•., I have given it some both right about half the time. Hut third area is Evening Wear, 25% ol thought... and the following niles the optimist enjoys n more!" Easy the score; and the fourth area, the are as much intended for me as for for the glass to be half full as it is to On-Stage Question, is 10% of a con- anyone else! be half empty. Somehow, expecting testant's score. 1. He honest as we can... fewer good things helps to bring them. The program is scheduled for regrets later in life. And there does Ihere is an infectious cloud of Sunday, April 1, at 2:00 p.m., at come a time of reflection when we gloom around the pessimist... we Coloma High School. Young women have to admit we played loosely needn't come under it! II there is with the truth... a clear conscience is worth its weight in gold! such a thing as shaping, give it a age and have lived in Southwest Do you remember the end of that chance, l.xpect good things. Not be foolishly optimistic... do all we can Michigan area for no less than si\ months. old film "Some Like it Hot?" Tony to ensure good results, then expect Entry forms are also available for Curtis has been going about dis- the best. interested must be 10-12 years ol the Mrs. Southwest Michigan Program. with $2,000 in scholarships guised as a girl. Millionaire Joe I 5. We should love our loved ones. Brown, courting him diligently, pro- We are hut a moment's sunlight fad- and gifts being given away. poses marriage. Tony says, "I can't ing on the grass... little enough time There are four areas of competition. marry you... why, I'm not even a girl!" to do important things. So we must Fhe first area is Interview, which not waste it. The words, "I love counts for 40% of each contestant's Brown replies fatuously, you,"' " I ' m sorry," "Please." and score. The second area is Casual "Well, nobody's perfect!" When we "Thank you" are not so hard to Wear. 25%; third area. 10%; and the realize our lack of perfection, and say... we should practice them! fourth area of On-Stage Question, resolve to do better, we are on the right path! (live the benefit of the doubt. Make which counts for 10% of the contes- sure the important people in our tant's score. 2. Respect nature. Don't be cruel to lives know that we feel about them nature's creatures. Respect life of all thus. The program is scheduled for Sunday. April 1. at 3:00 p.m.. at Coloma High School. kinds. And remember, nature does 6. Have some faith... work hard at not care about us. There is a story whatever we believe in. (io out in Women interested must he between about the kind old tree who wore a the country somewhere (just to get the ages of 24 and 60. married for a nest of robins in her hair. This just away from all of the lights) and look minimum of two years, and be a res- will not hold water... there is even a up at the night sky. How could ident of Southw est Michigan for not literary term for it... pathetic fallacy something that glorious come about less than six months. - assigning human characteristics to by accident! I talked with an older an inanimate object. We should ladv who is working hard at reli- For an entry packet call (26 l )| 42S4lW. Subscribe to the Tri-City Record NEWS FROM THE COLOMA COURIER iimu.AKs \ ( , o - m)i 1 homas B. Rogers formerly of this w est and northwest. Mayor and Mrs. place is now behind the register at the Wolcott house in Hartford. Coloma Sunday night feeling that Sunday guest of Mrs. John Vander- after all there is no place like home. vere Sr.. at the John Vanderx ere Dale Kreilner, son of Mr. and Mrs. home in North Coloma. l.dw in Kreitner. celebrated his sixth I he Coloma Dance Club w ill hold a birthday on Dec. 31; 12 little boys masque ball at Bunkers Opera Pfe. (iary Hartman. son of Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Hartman. 6545 Center City, State & Zip U.S. ...$S9 Combination local & out of state (snowbirds)... $52 Send with payment to Tri-City Record, Box 7, Watervliet, MI 49098 To Pay with Credit Card... VIM, MasterCard or Discover Card Expiration date Gift certificates & gift cards available, call 463 6397 held by Ron McLaughlin and Kate be to recognize a group of top schol- Attila-Hyska are coming up for re- ars. based on a combination of election. Both McLaughlin and grades, test scores and efforts. This Attila-Hyska have indicated that recognition would replace the cur- they are planning to run again rent Valedictorian/Salutatorian sys- Any other individuals interesting in tem. Any such changes would not options to present to the voters, in an effort to increase the millage back to Submitted by volunteer A brants at Coloma raty, from (ity Public Lib- the Coloma Courier 10:00 13, 2007, deadline. Petitions may be picked up at the Superintendent's Tuesday. Wednesday Ileum lee Reuie in the Chicago January 2. I1)7'1. Pfe. Hartman was Stadium. assigned to the 434th. I S. Army presented initial Wells, attends the University of Michigan and plays trumpet in the COLOMA < S...Winterfest game Is on Eriday, January 12. The crowning ( alifomia for the Rose Bowl game v^j|| be at halftime of Ihe varsity game for freshmen through seniors, and came home a day early lor the honor of playing for the former Seniors are: (back row, from the left) Malt Yollrath, Brian Salt/man, primarily for apples and cherries and is scheduled to open by July in time President. and Kelsey Owen. There is no photo of freshman court candidates. for this year's cherry crop. "That's an honor we won't soon for- The Hartford Co-Operative 1 leva- in the ceremony made a once-in-a- end of next month. lifetime memory." Wells said they played Hail tit the from microfilm copies of the Hart- T H E I) OE M MARCHING HAM)...stands at attention as the hearse carrying President Eord's body leaves University of Michigan's fight song. He said that, after the ceremony. giving Mr. and Mrs. John Champion home ol her daughter and son-in- ford Day Spring. Hours: Monday the Gerald R. Eord International Airport for interment seniles in Grand Rapids last week. President Ford's son came out and a noisy welcome on their return law. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller. 4(1 N EARS VGO- 1967 Wednesday, 10:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m: Tuesday & Chief, Yellow and Blue, and the (Internet photo) thanked them for their performance Thursday. 1:00-5:00 and for giving up their free day in Plans to build a million dollar fruit p.m.; Friday. 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.: California to come back and play at Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ostrander at- processing plant in the Hartford area and Saturday 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. the service. tended a birthday party Monday in were announced vesterdas bv Cher- Phone: 621-3408 Lakeland Hospital f KOM THE tVATERVUEZ RECORD birth announcements 90 YEARS AGO - 1917 A boy weighing S pounds. II oun- Submitted by Linda Cubbage from W ith the beginning of the new year ces. was born to Mr. and Mrs. files at Waten'liet District Library Watervliet starts the operation of its Kenneth Watts, December 30 at 2:02 from the Wa ten liet Record newspa- municipal waterworks system. I he p.m. pers donated by the Tri-City Record. big triplex pump was started for the ()n January 1,2007, a fire destroyed Hours: Monday. 1:00-8:00 p.m.: A girl was bom at 3:01 p.m. on Saturday, January 6. 2007, to Jenny and first time New Year's Day. the SO by SO foot warehouse that Tuesday. 1:00-5:00 p.m.: Wednes- Micheal Thomason of Stevensville. She weighed 5 pounds, 9.5 ounces. belonged to Automated Disposal day. 10:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m.: Thurs- Systems ol day. 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.: Friday. 1:00-5:00 p. m.; and Saturday 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Phone: 463-6382 Mrs. John H. Brule, former teacher in the English department of W atervliet high school, was elected to head the Watervliet Library Board at the annual meeting of the organization held recently. On Monday afternoon of this w eek, 7S enthusiastic girls responded to for Girl Scouts. It's Not About the House... It's about the family that lives in the house. Watervliet s basketball team is now 7-0 - and ranked 10th in the State in the latest AP poll and the best start of any Panther Basketball team in eleven years. , .. . . o™ •f i i u . • • ». • A girl was bom at S:2S a.m. on Monday, January S, 2007, to F.vie Mane .... . u cu i t Duncan ol Benton Harbor. She weighed 6 pounds. 7 ounces. Juniors are: (back row, from the left) Derek Schultz, Gabe G u i d n . , .. , , Corev J Brow nfield; (front row, from the left) Lmdsav/vonar, Lauren „ , .v Essmyer, and Knstan Daniel. (Nalene Owen photos) would like to thank these supporters for their generous contributions to this worthy cause: Menasha Packaging ('oloma Meijer-Benton Harbor Coloma An Club Allordable Florist-Coloma The Community Hospital Administration Team that's just right for you and your The Employees of Community Hospital Watervliet from Auto-Owners Insurance Elm street. 30 YEARS AGO -1977 and Alvin Lee Pettie Jr. of Coloma. She weighed 6 pounds, 15 ounces. The Community Hospital ol Water liet can design an insurance program troops of Intermediate scouts. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Swinford. necessities. This year the hospital was able to assist more Dr. Get/ DDS-Coloma Safe.SoundSecure * protection after spending ten days with his par- our communities that arc in need ol food and other As a local independent agent, we range, it was necessary to form two Wednesday of this w eek for the w est Lakeland Hospital. St. Joseph, is pleased to announce the following births: Angel Basket program, an event to asstsi families in Dr. Karpanty DDS-Coloma family. Give the people you love ( \ girl was bom at 12:51 p.m. on Monday, January S, 2007, to Crystal Lull Each year Comnuinity Hospital sponsors ihe Watervliet Fruit Exchange-Watervleit Because of the large number and age and wife and baby daughter left on all of those that helped make our Angel Basket program a success - assisting families in o u r c o m n u i n i t i y that were in need. lhan 16 families from our communities that were in need. Miss Margaret Monroe and Miss 60 YEARS A G O - 1 9 4 7 Jeff Gargano; (front row, from the left) Brandi Allred, Amanda Bell, get." said Wells. "Being able to play tor Co. will go out of business by the held in her honor on Sunday at the the former's uncle, C.I. Monroe. ni Hartford graduate Joe Wells said he Monday evening and also assisted in guests the past week at the home of CHS H inter test royalty candidates Grand Rapids that bears his name. Daniels at Hartford Public Library Lucile Chapman, of Chicago, w ere know what to expect. R. Ford International Airport in 30 guests attended an open house new warehouse to replace the bumt one. the various formats so they will President Gerald Ford at the Gerald a skating party on Rush Lake there in the hope of benefiting Mrs. (ieisler s health. and efforts to prepare students for band. He said they had been in \\ illiam Hadlow. that the firm plans on rebuilding a She described the testing process Joe, the son of Jim and Peggy the new processing facility will be remainder of the winter. They go Michigan Merit I xam and other tests might look like to students. band. Hadlow. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. spokesman for the company said w ith a sample mock-up of what the had the honor of being a part of that ry Grover's Inc. Klotzbach said that Benton Harbor. A endeavor by presenting the Board By Anuela Stair Submitted by Librarian Stephanie NEM on the Assessment aspect of this regarding the future of the Valedic- birthday ammersary Friday. About 60 YEARS AGO -1947 ability (CIA1 A) efforts. She focused considerations A number of young people enjoyed from their wedding trip. ment. Intervention, and Account- The University of Michigan's Phone: 468-3431 honor of their granddaughter Kathy of the w inter. The first party w ill be made Monday night at a meeting of held next week Thursday evening the Mother's club at the home of and others will follow every two Mrs. William Shoemaker. weeks. Mrs Mary (irim observed her 90th Instruction, Assess- Hartford yruil honored to salute President Ford as member of U-M Band NEWS FROM THE HARTFORD DAY SPRING school on Saturday. Jan. 25. were Curriculum, High School Principal Greg Chisek mony for the arrival of the body of week course in 15 weeks. On lord town hall during the remainder also updated the Board on the Joseph by 4:00 p.m. February 13. & Thurs- Benton Harbor, attended the Sonja Plans for a square dance at the Curriculum Director Pat (Ieisler to the County Courthouse in St. Marching Band was part of the cere- folk. V irginia, completing a 24- "old-fashioned"' dances at the Hart- mated 35-40 students are expected Of-fice, but they must be turned in p.m.: a.m.-5:JO May 17. This trip is n long tradition within the Middle School. An esti- Harb Record. Hours: Monday (V- Friday, Island, and return the afternoon ot positions must file by the February Salutatorian considered 4, in Memorial Hospital. stay at Mission Point Resort on the running for either of these Board resulted in a loss of $22,000 annual- her aunt. Mrs. Frank Daniels of First Lieutenant Duane Sw in ford Jinnual rate: please circle & pay the amount that applies to your address: public input. One possibility would nition of School Hoard Appreciation Ni^ht. Saturday. 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. the first call Mailing Address Board positions. The seats presently Valedictorian and U.S. Army School of Music, Nor- Canton City. Colorado, to spend the Name are requesting School Board and even further. This reduction has fhe Board considered a variety of Therefore, Chisek and his stall are mine the filling of two opening personalized son^ to members of Ihe Watervliet School Hoard in recog- ly to the district. ing their academic standing. considering other alternatives and A girl w eighing 7 pounds. 6 ounces, ( M a n Brost Keck photo) these opportunities for fear of harm- The school election will also deter- Band, Ft. Gordon, Georgia. Mary Alice Wooley of Coloma and children of Bainbridge have gone to Use this form to subscribe today be determined Role of day 10:00 a.m. -8:00 p.m.: and for the purpose of conducting six stretching nor should they avoid mills. (label expects this to roll back St.. Coloma, graduated from the A dancing club has been organized general election. SOUTH SC HOOL STUDENT CODNCIL MEMBERS.,.presented 60 YEARS AC.O-1947 90 YEARS AGO -1917 sek. should not be penalized for newspapers donated by the Tri- 30 VF.ARS A(i() - 1977 olVered to the most comical attired Mr. and Mrs. Frank (ieisler and Tri-City Record reporters personally attend local government and school board meetings to write accurate accounts of discussions and issues that affect you and your community. The Tri-City Record welcomes engagement, wedding and anniversary photos; invites to readers to share "Kute Kids" photos; plus accepts news items to help promote community events... your news is always welcome at the Tri-City Record! attended. house on Friday evening. Prizes are lady and gent. ing the district at a present 17.6904 Chester W. 1 locker and their daugh- was bom to Mr. and Mrs. William F. ters. Joyce and Joanne, arrived in Davis, 6064 Ontario Street, January Mrs. Martha Snyder was an oxer ¥ and get all the local news sent "/ didn V know that!" to your mailbox, every week! Don't miss another issue of the Tri-City Record. Completing a 7.500-mile tour of the voters at the May S, 2007, school for primary residence, such as sec- ing formula. However, for any levy H These students, according to Chi- Board seats to will leave the morning of May 15, to participate. The ballot will be put before the levied on property that is not used score. The second area is Evening an( In other business, the Board ap- many alternatives such as dual of Proposal A. the state school fund- 'j0Ca' ^iews Field trip approved ballot before the voters requesting accounts for 6()0 o of the contestant 's ^ >i f School students. ry behavior during her recent visit to Ihe non-homestead millage is part ( ex- dents to participate in an overnight tion. The first is Interview, which score. The third area is On-Stage Chisek students are encouraged to consider ond vacation homes and rental prop- Rolling Back The Years at Therefore, the Board voted to put a IMillam' vote considered In closing the celebration, Superin- schools. tradition In the current High School climate, There are three areas of competi- is as a blank page. Anything can be GREAT GIFT WW ers approve the restoration of .3096 at 468-9337, written on it... and often is. Card # members with a plaque recognizing devotes to students of the district. given away. area for not less than six months. Mich. ...$49 work involved in being a Board it does not affect the tax payment of most residents. posedly) Indian saying, "You cannot Berrien & Vail Buren Co. ...$35 plained the changing climate of edu- The proclamation recognized the historian Rick Rasmussen living in the Southwest Michigan people who habitually debase the cated by the fact that even if the vot- ognized the Board for all the time it in scholarships and gifts will be the Southwest Michigan's Pre-Teen made me go back in my mind to yes- (label presented each of the Board School Board Appreciation Month. Munchow at 468-5580, or have walked a mile in his moc- So the blank page that is 2007 has Board Policy manual, noting all the night, January 8. as students repre- Members of the Middle School rec- cess Program. One thousand dollars interested must be 7- ) years old and demand enjoyed a special treat Monday Education declaring January 2007 as Society President Edith Ihere is something in the old (sup- and Watervliet on behalf of Watervliet students. the new Southwest Michigan Prin- Also available are entry forms for He said that when wc begin, our life proved. The issue is further compli- from the Michigan State Board of 468-3330, Historical High their recent efforts to review the presentation, expressing their thanks please call the Museum at Watervliet tonan/Salutatorian make its huge collection of idea who these people are, current the i 8 mills the voters formerly ap- tendent Bob (label read a resolution Pre-Teen and Mrs. Entry forms are now available for Watervliet School Board members affect present and future life of Michigan students. High School students opened the possible. If you have any \ school organization. They shared Historical Society wants to Michigan's Princess, Southwest Michigan By Mary Brest Reck efforts on behalf of area students. area photos as complete as Wear, which is 30% of a contestant's human tears or tragedy. down. I tried to think of something Joe I The North Berrien Applications available January / / , 2007 Tri-City Record Fa^e 5 Watervliet Board of Hducation receives recognition from students Sincere thank you it) all in our communities that assisted Contours Express* The Better Idea in Women's Gyms! " New Year - New You! $20.07 Enrollment Thru 1/31/9007 ASEBA1 Come Visit Us Company. tyfuto.Owners Insurance DonYoung Insurance Agency 323 N. M a i n St., W a t e r v l i e t 463-6773 COMMUNITY HOSPITAL"*" i Midi Win Ah attilUtr ol BORGESS HEALTH 400 Medical Park Drive Walervllel, Michigan (269) 463-3111 TODAY! 7139 Red Arrow Hwy. Coloma 463-3364 Sophomores are: (back row, from the left) Mike W alter, Jeff Gopp, Matt Page; (front row, from the left) Amber Timm and Samantha Johndrow. ) 6 Page Tri-City Record January //, 2007 Renhack; in-laws Murray and Casey Swindell; and two grandchildren. Tri-City Ami Ohitudries BETTY J. BEEBE passed away Monday, January 1, 2007, at her home, following an ill- bronze stars for his valor in service day, January 4, 2007, at Lakeland Superintendent for The range in located on Angling on August 7, 2006, Judge Maloney to his country. Hospital in St. Joseph. Cremation Berrien County, the new county gun Road in Coloma Township. It has once again ruled in favor of the has taken place. range will be open for business in been the subject of bitter debate defendants, this time referring to the the next couple of weeks. between the County and residents Noise Ordinance in Coloma Town- By Angela Stair Norma Adeline Spoke died Thurs- On May 12, 1946, Dick married According to Pat of rainy weather and extremely muddy Sweeney, Building struction. The plaintiffs filed an appeal; and conditions at the building site. Phyllis Myrkle in Dowagiac. He Norma's life began November 22, worked for 32 years at Bendix in 1936, in Hammond, NY. Her parents Sweeney said the building is almost and business owners of Coloma ship. The judge maintained that ( hicago. Illinois, to the late Carl and South Bend. Indiana, retiring at 58. were Raymond and Irene (Rogers) finished and policemen will be able Township. Berrien County was not bound by Olive (Rowe) Olsen. In 1948, she He was a life member of the VFW Hunter. In 1958, she married George to start training in the indoor facility. married Ketth Beebe at a ceremony Post in Decatur and had been very Spoke. Norma and George moved to ili Newaygo, Ml. active in the Hamilton Grange Hall. Coloma when George retired from ness. She was bom on June 11, 1930. in Cremation has taken place and there the United States Coast Guard and Dick passed away at his home on Betty is survived by: her husband. Keith ot Coloma; two daughters - The outdoor portion of the project w i l l not be finished until May, Sweeney said. This is due to the went to work at Whirlpool. Norma Saturday, January 6, 2007. He was w i l l be no serv ice. was employed by Coloma Comm- preceded in death by: a grandson; great-granddaughter; and five broth- nity Schools in the cafeteria for 25 ers. years. of Dowagiac; 13 grandchildren; 17 and Kimberly (William) Thurston of great-grandchildren; great- Coloma; four grandchildren; three S A L L Y ANN I H KKF.E great-grandchildren; two stepgrand- great-grandchildren; and many nie- Sally Ann Durkee passed away on children; his sister, Eva Bombrys of ces and nephews. December 24. 2006, in Winter Cassopolis; and brothers - Gene She was preceded in death by her Coloma Board of Education honored H t m PL. Friends celebrated Sally's life with (Dorothy) and Jay (Marie), all of parents and one sister, Irdinc Zollar. By Wanda Thomas her family on Fhursday, January 4. His funeral was held on Tuesday, 2007, at Hutchins f uneral Home in January 9. at Mcl.auchlm-Clark Watervliet. Memorials may be made Funeral Home, Dowagiac. with Rev. to her family through Chase Bank. John Kasper o f Dowagiac First Her life was celebrated on Friday. Sally's life began November 12. United Methodist Church officiat- January 5,2007, at Hutchins Funeral 1938, in South Bend, IN. In 1975, ing. Burial followed at Hamilton Home, Watervliet. were served and Coloma Superin- she married William Durkee in Cemetery. Memorials may be made Judy's life began March 8, 1947, in tendent of Schools Terry Boguth Benton Harbor. She worked as a to Horgess VNA/Hospice. Henton Harbor. Her parents were recognized Harold and Franceeda (Tio) Hrun- School Hoard members and awarded son. each with a certificate of apprecia- Amy (Steve) Roy of Coloma and He is survived by: his wife; sons - She is survived by: her husband, Richard (Mary Ellen) of Decatur, George; three daughters - Cheryl great-grandchildren; and two sisters Harley (Deb) of Coloma, Phillip Tedesco of Carterville, GA. Debo- - Sandra (Pete) Dcrks and Marie (Pam), Kim (Demse) and Mark, all rah (Martin) Woodward of Baroda. Karen (Harvey) Koontz of Kalamazoo; four grandchildren; two Olsen, both of Fremont. two JUDY DEAN W I L L I A M S Judy Dean Williams passed away December 31, 2006. A L V I N A H. PETERS Her family includes; six children Kim (Willie) Sanders of Chattanooga. TN. Dianna Hunch of Three She is survived by: three children - Alvina H. Peters, 87, of Coloma, regular Coloma Board Coloma's died January 2, 2007, at Lakeland Tami (Thomas) Tucker of Hartford. "It's a pleasure to work with all of Specialty Hospital. Anthony (Lisa) Morrison of Pear- you," Boguth stated. She also point- Michael Flanagan of Benton Har- Church. Henton Harbor, with Pastor Harold Ray Jr., Roger, and Keith; how often times it is a thankless job. Evangelical Lutheran and a sister, Mildred. bor; 13 grandchildren; two great- Martin Weigand officiating. Burial grandchildren; three brothers Hob. followed in Keeler Cemetery, Hart- Tom. and Carl Maddron; two sisters ford. Memorials may be made to St. There is no charge to Scott Garrod. Doug LeClear, Lynn Matthew's Lutheran Church. publish obituaries or Reinhardt. Jonathan Stibal, William memorials in the in Bridgman, the daughter of John married Ralph Peters in 1941. She member of She is survived by: two daughters - the son of Claude grandchildren; and six great-grand- a funeral home. High School and had been a lifelong ceded in death by several brothers resident o f the area. Dick served his and sisters and was the last surviv- country in World War 11 in the ing family member of her genera- United Slates Armv from the Pacific tion. ROLAND OTTO RENHACK Roland Otto Ren- Project Help ly of Coloma. died November 14. 2006, in Florida. Memorials may be made to Hospice ments were by Hardage-Giddens Funeral Home. Jacksonville. Mr. Renhack was bom January 16, from Henton Harbor High School and was an Army Veteran of the Korean War. He was a barber in project the green light to begin con- Edge water Development. On December 25 at 7:39 p.m., Wa- Carmody Road in the Township. The department was disregarded on this call. On December 30 at 1:16 a.m., Watervliet Fire Department was dispatched to 8430 Danneffel Road in Poonnan in Paw Paw. He is survived by: four children Roland (Teresa) Renhack, Carol Herman. Sally (Don) Steinke, and Micheal (Beth) Renhack; 15 grandchildren, and 23 great-grandchildren. George Watkins, Corky Openneer, $115, 289.86. The breakdown is as without it. and Lori Myers; Planning Com-mis- follows: General Fund • $76,893.44; Watervliet City Manager Kevin Gillette said that Dunigan Brothers The Commission passed a resolu- sion representatives • Tom Mundt, DDA Fund - $473.67; Major Streets will start production on Contract A, tion to give Langshaw Farms until Era Snyder, Laurie Brule, Lori - which deals with the replacing o f the Friday, January 19, at 12:00 noon, to Myers, and Dan Schofteld. All the $4,347.42; old water main and installing a new produce the bond or the project will members of the Planning Commis- $21,413.09; water main next week, as scheduled. be given to the next lowest bidder, sion are already serving in that capa- $9,170 94; Skatepark Fund-$70. The which is Compton's. city. cost of Stowers, and David Vollrath. his wife; his parents. Otto and Mary carbon monoxide alarm. On December 31 at 12:21 a.m., patched to 8293 Shady Drive for Michigan School Board Recognition Month, Coloma Board of another carbon monoxide alarm. Education members were honored at the January 8 regular meeting. Hartford Fire Dept. Pictured are: (front row, from the left) Jon Stibal, Libby DeKosa, David Vollrath; (back row, from Ihe left) Scott Garrod. Bill SUmers, and Lynn Reinhardt. Not available for the photo was Board member Doug LeClear. (Wanda Thomas photo) $219,000 while the Compton bid water system. The water main proj- was ect was the topic of discussion at the $11,000 of the difference between City's regular meeting January 9. the two bids will be made up with In 2006, the position of Clerk and The bid for Contract B. the produc- the forfeiture of the bid bond that Treasurer were changed from a Texas Hold 'em Tournament January 20 tion of a well house and pump appa- Langshaw will have to pay the City voted-in position to an appointed A Texas Hold 'em Tournament will ratus, as part of the water main ren- for not being able to proceed with position. As of yet, the Commission be held at the Knights of Columbus ovation being done by the City, is the project. had not appointed anyone to that waits to hear i f Langshaw Farms has meet with the committee." There will be $1,100 m cash prizes. to discussions with the Personnel gram. To date, Langshaw has not Dan Faulkner, merchant; Watervliet Committee about the salary of this Top prize will be $500. Bills paid To register, call 463-3040. The Commission voted to pay the Please call on us for quality products and professional services ACCOUNTING • TAX PREP BEADS CARPET CLEANING Got Flood? We can dry that! DRAKE Monthly Accounting & Bookkeeping TAX SERVICES Kenneth L. Sutton P.O. Box 296, Watervliet Ml 49098 3Jb N. M a i n Street Wiitnrvllot, M l 40008 U (269) 463-8281 COMPUTER SERVICES Tri-County Computer Services 104 N. Main St. Callus H A R T F O R D ' S PROJECT HELP...supplied 130 baskets of food to needy people. Helpers from Hartford Money Back Guarantee up to *30 Compttltort' Coupom W«lcom« DRUG STORE & GIFTS ALL-DENTURE Main St. Pharmacy & Gifts Same Day Denture Repairs & Relines ' Professional Repairs from S49 Relines from S190 New Dentures start at $495 per plate \Knowledgeable 269 463-4963 (go-fix-me) p.m., the Coloma-Hagar Fire De- NEXTEL Fax 269-463-4964 email: partment was dispatched to the 269-637-0414 or 800-498-5007 7127 S. Westnedtje, Portage EXCAVATION 24 hour service DENTURE Free Consultation westbound lane of 1-94 to the 39(Lynn Attila photo) 10% off U h n n u m - 5:nnpm Prompt ComputeT Problems? C o m m e r c i a l , Residential, Boat & A u t o Monday - Saturday Dr. Bub Hiddema Watervliet Professional Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning 269-468-7080 Cell 269-876-2968 P h . ( 2 6 9 ) 4 6 3 - 7 2 1 1 Fax 463-7154 Fire Department was dis- On December 22, 2006, at 6:54 555 Broadway, South Haven INSURANCE SERVICES formerly Belfy Drug ^tore Prescriptions Vitamins Over-the-counter medicines Hallmark Greeting Cards Yankee Candles Unique Gifts 387 N. Main St. Watervliet 463-3164 INTERNET PROVIDER mile marker for a personal injury WITHROW accident. The accident involved a car, a van and a semi-truck; sending EXCAVATING « CONSTRUCTION four people to the hospital. On December 26 at 6:01 p.m.. the department was dispatched to 5140 Fikes Road for a grass fire. On December 27 at 6:28 p.m.. the Coloma-Hagar Fire Department was dispatched to 173 Walnut for a car fire. On December 28 at 12:42 p.m.. the • • • • • Resiilcniul Cooimmul md Industnil ORAD1KO. BASEMENTS. LAM) CLt AK1NG SEWER. WATER A SEPTIC SYSTEMS COMP1.HTF. SITE DKVFI.OPMFNT DIRECTIONAL BORING. PONDS SAM). GRAVEL. SLAO. FILL A TOPSOIL STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES HOME OFFICES; BLOOMING TON. ILLINOIS lt«t« uaa kick back w i t h A IMIMMIKI M L M O U T I O N CONTRACTOR CitvNets Internet Service Provider SHARON L YODER " W h e r e L o c a l is Better" Agent U n l i m i t e d A c c e s s f o r J u s t $20/mo. 269-92S4S06 or 269-208-0721 m e EfTtMATEA, UCCNCED A INSURED Mini Kquipmrnt for Simil Space * Excavators. Rackhoc. Do/cr. Bobcal, Senu-Jumps and Flatbed Tmcking Tired of g e t t i n g k i c k e d o f f ? S i g n up Today!! Call 269-621-4884 P.O. Box 278 7618 Rtd Arrow Highway W i t w v U * Ml 49098 Off.: (618) 463-5249 Rm.: (818) 828-4901 Fax: (818) 483-4449 Or v i s i t w w w . c i t y n e t s . c o m Toll free 1-866-621-4884 department was dispatched to Friday Road and 1-94 for a personal injury accident. No one was injured. On December 28 at 3:04 p.m., Coloma-Hagar Fire Department was dispatched to 2700 North M-63 for a grass fire. On December 28 at 1:19 a.m., the Boxes were assembled for distribu- department was dispatched to 6577 tion on December 21, 2006. The Paw Paw Avenue for a fire alarm. It was a false alarm. On December 30 at 1:18 a.m., Maple Lane for a transformer fire on an electric pole. On December 31 at 11:43 p.m., Coloma-Hagar Fire Department was from the schools and churches, said dispatched to 5699 Paw Paw Lake Road for a personal injury accident. It was a rollover and sent one person cross-checked to make sure there to the hospital. were no duplicates. the department answered 213 calls for the year of 2006. MEDICAL SERVICES CFIC for prompt relief of stomach, gall bladder, liver, pancreas, colon, and rectum ailments RAKESH GUPTA, MD H O M E M O R T G A G E 24- h o u r a n s w e r i n g service (269) 428-2221 Honors most pnvate insurance plans Accepts reduced benefits if not listed 2500 Niles Rd., St. Joseph 501 Wabash St, Michigan City PROFESSIONAL BUILDER HARTFORD OUTLET L05HB0UGH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY More than a pawn shop...we give you time to buy back your merchandise! 1804 Colfax, Benton Harbor 927-1825 STEREO I TV DISH John's Stereo Inc. DISH NETWORK DEALER South Haven Tools-bows-air compressors-heaters-CDs-OVDs musical instruments-rods & reels,jewelry, games & 10 W Main St., Hartford 621-0997 eholland39@hotmail.coin MORTGAGES WHY SUFFER ANYMORE? PAWN SHOP systems-camcorders-car audio systems-etc. Chief Randy Morris reported that A Golden Role Home 7652 Red A r r o w Hwy. (269) 463-4100 department was dispatched to 2895 hoppiut Lifestyle Chiropractic dispatched to 8430 Danneffel Road On December 31 at 9:47 a.m., the Names of families in need came WHY SUFFER? Most emergencies seen same or the next dayl Dr. Andy DeHaven Watervliet with a structure fire. families; 130 boxes were distrib- MEDICAL SERVICES CHIROPRACTIC Coloma-Hagar Fire Department was in Bainbridge Township to assist hand to distribute the items to needy 1:00-6:00 p.m. - Terry Litaker, member at large, and patched to West Main Street for a Fire Chief Randy Morris baked and sold Christmas bread and He said the names were checked and sion as soon as possible after we USDA Rural Development loan pro- Hartford Fire Department was dis- Fire D e p a r t m e n t given away. Hartford Middle School Bible Fellowship 11:00 A.M. vliet, on Saturday, January 20. from She said, "I will be looking forward Coloma-Hagar most of the canned goods that were Brian Lightner, event coordinator. position. I will be making my deci- appointments: DDA representatives recommendations Hall on Paw Paw Avenue, Water- Openneer has not accepted the posi- satisfy the requirements of the On January 2, 2007, at 8:13 p.m., ture fire. schools. These schools gathered Children's Church and Adult Watervliet City Mayor made the Sue Openneer BUSINESS SYSTEMS department was dispatched to 67030 Later that day. members of the Boy Bible Fellowship 9:30 AM, spot. tion. pending salary negotiations. On January 7 at 3:40 p.m., the were on hand to pack the boxes. Sunday School and Adult Clerk Sue Openneer. for Park for a medical assist. Arrow and Woodside Elementary uted. City Clerk's position to Deputy patched to the Maple Hill Trailer Students from Hartford High School Worship 9:30 &11:00 A.M. The City Commission offered the following On January 6 at 10:52 p.m., Hart- Nyhuis is Pastor of the church. M l E. Crater 8t, Otomi Approximately New City Clerk on tap secured bid bonding/insurance to Fire Chief Ed Riley ford came from the High School and Red DAVIDSON CHAPEl $280,000. Appointments made still in limbo as the Commission Center Street for a medical assist. project. Reserve and Lions Club were on Fund million revamping of the Watervliet department was dispatched to North provide cash and products for the (269) 463-3195 Water Langshaw Farms' bid was for On January 4 at 9:52 p.m., the Farms, and Shafer Lake Packaging Scouts, Fire Department, Police Fund BUILOSHBOUGH General ConUactof 0402 Red Arrow Highway WatervM Michigan 49098 (269) 483-3138 FAX (269) 403-6329 CELL (289) 206-4051 0 8 8 5 9 M-140, COMPLETE HOME ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEMS... H i t a c h i TV i VCR Car A l a r m s , Remote A u t o S t a r t , i n s t a l l e d e John Kuhn OPEN 637- 1994 • u 5, Saturdays 9-5 On January 3, 2007, at 1:16 a.m., ^ GREENHOUSE Coloma-Hagar Fire Department was dispatched to 4756 Hagar Shore SPI ( l \ U / l V , IN • • L a r g e S e l e c t i o n ot B l o o m i n g and Green Plants 'Where Quality Comes First" Si/we 1947 . * * * * * * • Fresh Flower Arrangements • Custom Interior Designs s* Weddings & Parties Balloons & Candy 925-1167 1-800-948-1801 •. G a r d e n C e n t e r Mon.Fri. 8:30-5:30 Sat. 8:30-5:00 Delivery AfffIncludes: BpntofMwbor, St. Joseph, Stevensville, Bridgman, Berrien Springs Berrien Center Baroda, Eau Claire. Coloma. Hartford Watervliet Road for a personal injury accident. Wedding invitations, thank yous, party favors, gifts, decorations, napkins, tablecloths, guestbooks, engraved glasses, and serving ware at the Tri-City Record 14758. PIPESTONE • BENTON HARBOR UAm I3S /V. Main St., H'alervliel 463-6397 On January 5 at 2:55 p.m., the department was dispatched to 7048 Curtis Drive for a fire alarm. It was a false alarm. TRASH COLLECTION ed & m Ooerated You've tned the rest, now try the BEST! On January 7 at 3:43 p.m., Colomato stand by for Watervliet Fire Department that was Township at 67030 County Road 215. There was one fatality. WEB HOSTING & DEVEL RICHCREEK WELL DRILLING [inspired]MediQ® Systems 2 " - 6 " W E L L S DRILLED & REPAIRED SALES & SERVICE the at the structure fire in Lawrence WATER WELLS JET & SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS Hagar Fire Department was dispatched • $1,613,117.90 and is part of a $2.5 medical assist. Chemical Hank Shoreline, Kroft 7517 Red Arrow Hwy Watervliet Sewer Watervliet Fire Department was disC O L O M A S C H O O L BOARD M E M B E R S H O N O R E D , . . I n honor of ford businesses such as Harding's, FUNERAL SERVICE is Streets Shady Drive in the Township for a The Hartford Lions Club hosts and Federated Church. Rev. Timothy contract Local On December 30 at 4:15 a.m., the those less fortunate. 6744131 this $2,921.30; Hagar Fire Department on this call. er to bring a little holiday cheer to assembly line took place at Hartford feainf! able to proceed with the project Lakes Fire Department and Coloma- This is the 6()th year that the forces 222 L I t JoMptv Lawnnc* U M U l Bid still In limbo fire. Watervliet assisted the Sister donated the proceeds to the cause. Roland was preceded in death by: FLORIN December bills in the amount of Bainbridge Township for a structure The Ambassadors of Good Will In 1944. he married Josephine "Jo" LEOMM) FUNERAL HOME the freezer area. Veronica Rodriguez, Vanessa Benavides, Amanda Kowerduck, and kayla Johnson. By Lynn Attila Coloma. $214101 Joseph facility closed due to the sponsors the project. Several Hart- 1923, in Kalamazoo. He graduated I E . Main St, Hartford County commissioners gave the of Project HELP have come togeth- at Home in Stevensville. Arrange- HOME facility since 1998 when its St. High School were (from the left) Erin Walker, Gina Kellogg, Megan Layer, Sara Rohlof, Kirsten W right, sonville FL. former- FUNERAL dants, Berrien County. A week later. ket, for a possible electrical fire in Water Authority representatives • rence Fire Department with a struc- hack. 83, of Jack- CALVIN North Main Street, Harding's Mar- been able to do this and will not be County Road 215 to assist the Law- Besides her husband, she was pre- ROLAND T. HUTCHINS. Dlrtctor ment has been without a training children. was a 1941 graduate of Decatur •A DIQNIPIED MANNER Maloney ruled in favor of the defen- accepted for publication Connie (Jim) Hohn of Dowagiac and Diana Olmsted of Coloma; four COURTEOUS SERVICE IN department was dispatched to 415 Obituaries will only be in Decatur, 40-3811 Bemen County Sheriff's Depart- space and content. Ladies Aid. On December 23 at 12:38 a.m.. the On March 31, 2006. Judge Paul are subject to editing for St. when submitted by Ml 8. Main 81, WatcnUet S738,000, divided into two phases. Obituaries and memorials Matthew's Lutheran Church and its Hutchins F p n ^ r t l Home plan. Tri-City Record. and Bertha (Heminger) Modro. She was an active Those presently serving on the Coloma Hoard are Libby DeRosa. Alvina was bom on August 9,1919, and Ella (Beyers) Hemenway. He minor structure fire. By Lynn Attila department was dispatched to 8293 School Hoard members serve and 10. ty values as reasons to scrap the police officers annually and will cost tion. grandchildren; and three brothers lebruarv tervliet Road in the Township for a dedicated Matthew's ion tion, safety issues, and lower proper- The proposed facility w i l l host 500 As a token of appreciation, cookies Hunch of Keeler Township, and Dick's life began was dispatched to 5216 North Wa- Education meeting January 8. think about the number of hours C L E M " D I C K " F. H E M E N \ V A \ lution, ground and water contamina- set for the hearing of this case. of Morrison of Fayetteville, NC; four Margaret, ( arol. and Hettie. range. The residents cited noise pol- p.m., Watervliet Fire Department School Hoard was honored during held Saturday, January 6, at St. sisters appealing to the Michigan Supreme Court. There has been no timeline department was dispatched to 8417 Nashville, TN. Timothy (Melissa) Jimmie. Emery, and John; and three dents to prevent the building of the On December 12, 2006, at 8:27 Township business owners and resi- On December 27 at 5:19 p.m., the ed out that many times people don't husband; parents; three brothers The plaintiffs in this case are A u l i t . Fire Chief Scott Rlchcreek Recognition Month, the Coloma its Watervliet Fire Dept. a smoke investigation. land, TX, and Michael (Samantha) Sally was preceded in death by her Township ordinances. patched to 541 North Main Street for A service celebrating her life was and many nieces and nephews. 11 TH-City Record Page 7 Water main replacement work to begin; pump and well house bid still in limbo tervliet Fire Department was dis- Rivers, Raymond (June) Hunch of Ruth Howard and Dorothy Brown; The County was sued by In honor of Michigan School Board Decatur. cook. Teresa Barrett-Bunch of Watervliet. Citv ol Watervliet Fire Department Reports By Lynn Attila N O R M A A D A L I N E SPOKE Theatre. He was awarded three Betty J. Becbc. 76, of Coloma. Gun range could open in 2 weeks January 11, 2007 32% lUnne^cv feoad Walcrvlid MI 269-463-3232 1-800-246-5992 W e b D e v e l o p m e n t & W e b Hosting E-Commerce Website $49 95 to design $19.95 a month viiit 463-3241 or 463-6659 www inspiredmedicw]f«terT» com CASE Crt., WATERVLIET for pricing and purchasing details January If, 2II01 Pun* H Tri-City Record Calendar & Entertainment W a t e r v l i e t Public Schools JAN 12 TIIRU JAN 18 WWW M(H)RI T i l l A I K L S . C O M District C a l e n d a r Wednesday, Jan. 10: IIKill S( H(M)1 . Wrestling ut Harlford. 5:00 p.m. fhursday, Jan. 11. HKili SCIKMU. Volleyball at Home w/Hartford, 5:.V) p.m. Thursday, Jan. IK; Halt Day of School. H K i l l SCHOOL - Semester Merrv ( hristmax from Macaela, Jess, Alex, / a c h , Kelly & Aaron! I xams; 9th Grade, JV & Varsity THESE " K U T E KIDS"...are: (front row, from the left) Kelly Fee, Volleyball at Home w I ennville. Friday. Jan. 1 nday, Jan. 12: SOUTH S( M(K)L SOUTH S( I I O O l \arsity Night at South School, 6:30 p.m. (, FREEDOM WRITERS ERAGON WE ARE MARSHALL NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM I I K i l l SCHOOL • Semester Lxams. Saiurdas, Jan. 13: HIGH SCHOOI th (irade Volleyball ai I awton JV & Varsity Basketball at Home w/Lawton. 5:30 k 7:(M) p.m. rournamenl; Varsity Volleyball at Saturday, Jan. 20: PTO Variety Hridgman foumament; Wrestling ai Show Auditions at North School, Athens loumament; Qui/ Howl at 10:00 . i m i : no Noon. HIGH W i l l H 10:00 a.m. SCHOOI - District Choir Solo & Monday, Jan. 15: H K i l l S( H ( X ) L - I nsemble; Varsity Volleyball at St. \thletic Joe Tournament; JV Volleyball at Moostcrs Meeting m ('aletena, 7:30 p.m.; (>lh (irade, JV 2:0(U:40j-r.*k 6.509:25 Armchair quarterbacks pick this weekend's same winners! f-PT.itn i:iU4 JU7;igv:^»» Monday, lan. l;40*4.35 (»PC*) o.Mjy 3 0 " IHIRSUTOI IIAPPVNESS STOMP THE YAPP NIGHT A I H I E MUSEUM NORTH ML r w n 1:50*4:20 7 109:^5 1.30 9:35 P U I M F F \ 11 ">">• 1.30-4/-PT.If) ERAGON I awton loumament. A Varsity Volleyball at Hlooming- HOLIDAY K ( K ' K V BAI.HOA 2:00 4 20 M o n 4 V - ™ - Playgroup. 9:30-10:30 a.m.; PTO Kamily Movie (iohles, 5:30 p m. II\pn K m (HAKIOriE'SWEB Half Day o f School. • Spirit Day. H K i H SC H O O L - J V & Maskethall ai Home w "Kute Kids"... ling at Hartford,ft.(M)p.m. IO ISM oo 3 30 7069 2 . s r p ( ; i r ) io 24*1:i(>4 006:15H so 1145*1 4(14.200.35 H 5 5 T R ^ Ht MAKSHALI. I M r j . ^ l j o - t i i o 7159:30 ( * * ^ 1 1005*1411 sorK."| Jim F.dxxards 129-62 Joe Jason I2K-63 Nancy Huffman 127-64 Tom Gear 118-73 \ m y Quinn 1I4-, Nancy's Furniture Chris Leach 112-79 SuperHits 103.7 W H I T Huffman's TV & Appliances Tri-County Computer Services True Value Hardware Guy*! Marine Haitimoiv Ravens. New Orleans Saints, Chicago Hears. Sew England Patriots Iota I Ptv 77 Baltimore Ravens. Sew Orleans Saints, Chicago Hears, San Diego Chargers Tolal Pis. 37 Indianapolis (Oils. Sew Orleans Saints. Chicago Hears. Sew England Patriots Indianapolis Colts. Philadelphia Eagles. Chicago Hears. San Diego Chargers Total Pis. 54 Total Pts. 48 Variety Party. 2:15 p.m. HIGH SCHOOL - Indianapolis Colts. Philadelphia Eagles. Chicago Hears. San Diego Chargers Shou Auditions at North School. 9th (irade. JV Sl Varsity Volleyball l ot a I P h . 39 6:00-7 ^0 p.m. I I K i l l S(H(X)1. - ai Home vs Saugatuck, 5:30 p.m. dale, 5: U) p.m. SCHOOI luesday, Jan. 16: N O IV cV S.irsity Hasketball at Home w Decatur. 5:30 &. 7;(H) p.m. Wtdmiday, A n i 7 IIK-MI.IV - Perfect Attendance Ian 23 HIGH Si HOOI JV A: Varsity Basketball at Home HIGH w 1 awrence, 5:30 p.m. ARIHl R ^ Santa, \ l e \ Kibler, and Jess Admave. Maeaela is the dauuhter of l i n a Kibler of Watervliet and Craig (Andrea) Smith of WilmingKibler of Watervliet, Brian and Becky Smith of St. Joseph, and Don and Linda l e r r i l l of Wilmington, NC. Jess is the daughter of Joe "Kute Kids "... Admave of Watervliet and Becky (Larry) K\an of Hartford; and the granddaughter of Jerry and Debbie Admave of ( oloma, Stexe and Ton! Myotte of Watervliet, and Larry and Gloria Rxan of " K t I K M i r . . . I his "Kute KicP is Hartford. Alex is the son of Mike Kibler of Watervliet and Katie Vlcxa Ri-nac .loshn. born on August Brumley of Hartford; and the grandson of Frank and ( arol Kibler 15, of Watervliet, Peg Brumley of Hartford, and Will and Rhonda Holland. Miehi^an. Debbie Admave of ( oloma and Dave and Debbie Fee of Rixerside. parents are Steve and Janice Joslyn of Share a photo of your "Kute Kids" with your friends, neighbors, and ( oloma and l . a r n and Jud\ La Poire of Hamilton. Michigan. Her ureat- relatives who read the Tri-City Record. Make sure you write your ^randparents are Paul and Bett\ Ret/ kids'names on the haek of the picture and include any other informa- of ( oloma. tion about it you'd like to see in the paper, including mom and dad, M lure are your "Kute Kids"? grandma and grandpa, and so on. Send the photo to the Tri-City Record, P.O. Max ", Watervliet, Ml 49098. Pick up the photo after it appears in the paper or include a stamped, self-addressed envelope and o r 7/ mail it hack to you. Its your turn to change your lite in 30 minutes. Where are your "Kute Kids "? \XV (ju lulp .it ( urxn Ami now IIUTCS oiu IN your LU'iuhlmiliooil t urves is thiru iniiuiii" illness. lommonH-UH' unglu inss .uitl tlu* suj>|M»n vou iuv«t io tin Uuh. I .ill us UHI.IV uiii ttokowi WLUN over i luillioti women .ilu-.tdv know ih.u .N (iirviN. \«iur (IU'.HUS .UC out uo.ilv "Kute Kids "... J CniV( 5 I HKSF " M l IKS"...are darling girls (from the left) ( hrxstal and Over 10,000 lociitiom irarldiridr. Gabrielle C O M I N G SOON I O : Rapp. Now 9 and H, they were 6 and 5 years old when this picture was taken. I he girls love the beach, fishing, camping, snoxx- Waccrvlicf ^ Community Calendar Sponsored as a community service by Orchard Hill Sanitary Landfill Send Community Calendar listings to: Tri-City Record, Box 7, Watervliet, Ml 49098; Fax to (269) 463-8329; or E-mail to ngws@tricitYrgcord.comListings must be renewed weekly; the listings deadline for next week's newspaper is 12:00 noon on Monday. Flr«»l tOO Mrmhrrs 01/22 mobiling, and ibout anything that has to do xxith the outdoors. I hex also loxe their dad and mom (Charles and Donna Raff), school, their 66% Off 269-46+8X99 brothers and sisters, and their puppy very much. Service Fee K.'X I Arm Wvtl. Watctvlici. Ml luriit mu Vilul i nl. ii |>iiii. I|I. Service News S( I I K O K D E R G R A D U A T E S F R O M B A S K M I U T A R V TRAINING IN TEXAS Air l orce Airman Christopher L. e Schrocder has graduated from basic special training in human relations. In addition, airmen who complete military training at Lackland Air basic training earn credits toward an l orce Base. San Antonio, Texas. associate degree through the Com- During the six weeks o f training, Schrocder studied the Air Force mis- munity College of the Air Force. He is the son of Tern Schrocder ol ( nmimmiiy Hospital is pleased to intioduce sion. orgam/ation. and military cus- St. Joseph and Surgical Specialist - Akhtar Husain, MD toms and courtesies; performed drill Hartford. Dr. Akhiai I Insain. a hoanl Beth Wells ol and ceremony marches and received Schrocder is a 2004 graduate ol physical training, rille marksman- Lakeshore High School, Stevens- ship. Held training exercises, and ville. Michigan. eertificil surgeon, has joineil Communit) Hospital's (Vnter lor (ieneral Surgery. Dr. Husain has more lhan 10 \ ears general surger) experienee and oilers GRADUATES special expertise in mimmalh invasive surgical lechniipies, 'At jff4 ctfr' /imi r/t y t u t /fMj. / •I ///y '6f /<.)/ /-! yr/s/ (/// f / y j A grailuaie»»! Dow Nteilical College in Pakistan. Dr Husain compleieil an internship at ikhlur Husain, Ml) 1 argest selection ot " ( lassic^A "Design Nout Ovxn" Mouni N'ernon Hospiial aiul BonrJ ( rrnfifd (itnrral Surf ran \iinouncements & Name Cards! a general surgerv residencv al Mushing Hospital Medical Center both in New ^ ork. He eoniinued his meilical education fulfilling a surgical critical care lellowship at O invasive surgery and surgical critical care. 0 Mondays, 6:30-9:00 p.m., "TEEN DANCES" for ages 12-16, Demars, on M-140. just south of the I-94 E x i t 41. Watervliet. Cost is $5/person; concession food items are extra. School rules apply. Part of the proceeds (joes Io the Watervliet Band Program. Wednesdays. 10:30-11:30 a.m., "COLOMA PUBLIC LIBRARY STORY H O U R " for ages 3 & up. No signup is necessary Wednesdays & Thursdays. 10:30 a.m. on Wednesdays. 1:30 p.m. on Thursdays, WATERVLIET DISTRICT LIBRARY STORY HOUR," for ages 3 5 This year's theme is "The ABCS" Sign up now. "2007 Miss Hartford and Mr. Hartford tickets" on sale now at Tan Hut in Hartford Friday, January 12, 5:00-7:00 p.m., "Swiss Steak Dinner" at Riverside I Imted Methodist Church on Fikes Road in Riverside. Friday. January 12, 5:00-7:30 p.m., "Benefit Spaghetti Dinner and Bake Sale for Marissa Monroe" at Hartford United Methodist Church; dinner will be by donation & includes spaghetti, garlic bread, and drink. Saturday, January 13,10:00 to noon, "Adults and teen-agers (with an adult) can make a pair of Ojibwa snowshoes." Classes will meet on four Saturday mornings at Sarett Nature Center. Cost is $85 for nonmemberj- $70 for members. Please call (269) 9 2 7 - 4 8 3 2 to register. Saturday. January 13, 6:00 p.m. "Enjoy a trail-lit evening ski (or walk, if there is no snow)." Stop at stations to enjoy a fire and appetizers then end with a delicious meal at the Nature Center. Cost is $10 per person, children 12 and under are $5. You MUST REGISTER; call (269) 927-4832 Sunday, January 14. 3:00 p.m , Chuck Nelson will narrate a slide show about the fascinating polar bears of Churchill" at Sarett Nature Center, 0 COMMUNITY H O S P I T A L Wakniiet. \1k hitfiin Graduation Announcements at the All jffllUIr ii( Tri-City Record BORGESS HEALTH 400 Medical Park Drive Watervliet, Michigan I arge colleclion of School Mascots & Designs! {269)461 }! /J/vufr/S 6 yru Ay McPhersom it to them. She had better watch out best weekly record and it definitely below as well, for someone trying to By Mike Leath helped his cause. One mistake by take her spot. Jim. and Joe is in the driver's seat. Chris I each stays in sixth place this Wow! It's anybody's guess who will be our champion at the end of this season as the race has really tightened up. with just a couple o f weeks to go. We haven't hail one this close in a while, with the winner still in whisker. Jim went 5-4 on the week and stays just one single game ahead o f the competition. Jim has been at this for a number of years and I can't remember anyone staying in first place for this long of a period of time in consecutive weeks. That in itself is a hard job. knowing that everyone is out to get you. Let's see i f he can keep it up. Joe Jason stays in second place this Nancy Huffman stays in third place week with a 5-4 record but does give this week but she does make up herself a chance... a chance to move some ground on Jim as she tied for out of that cellar before the end of the best weekly record at 7-2. Nan- the season, that is. She is now just cy has been quietly keeping herself two within striking distance and now enough time to catch her left in this games behind Amy, Baltimore Ravens. Srw Orleans Saints, Chicago Bears, San Diego Chargers Total Pts. 54 season. Obviously, the next few the lead. So neither Joe nor Jim can weeks will be crucial for her. to take their spots. Coloma girls win another Tournament Bowl. keep his fourth-place spot, but he Indianapolis Colts at Baltimore didn't keep up with the rest above Eagles at New Orleans team notched another tournament him. Tom finds himself keeping an Seattle Seahavsks at Chicago win last Saturday when it took the eye out on both sides, as those below Patriots at San Diego The Coloma girls \arsity volleyball Rachel Magers Memorial Tournament at I au Claire. Amy Quinn holds on to fifth place The tiebreaker will be the The Lady Comets went a perfect 6- this week after going 4-5 herself. Seahawks-Bears game 0 in pool play before defeating All of the northern college teams let total points. Muskegon Heights 25-3 and 25-14 Saturday. January 20. "Range Safety" at Watervliet Rod & Gun Club. For more information, call 463-8785. Monday, January 22. 7:00 p.m., " V a n Buren Regional Society meeting al Webster Memorial Library in Decatur. For more information, call (269) 423-4771 Tuesday, January 23 6:00-9:00 p.m., "Paw Paw Lake AYSO Spring Soccer Signups" at North Elementary School in Watervliet. For more information, call 463-5468 or 849-4006 Tuesday, January 23, 6:00-7:30 p.m.. "Registration for Carrying Concealed Weapon," at Watervliet Rod and Gun Club. Classes held on Thurs Ian 25 6 00-10 00 p m ; and Sat., Jan. 27. 8:00 a . m . - 6:00 p.m. Thursday, January 25, 6:00-9:00 p.m., "Paw Paw Lake AYSO Spring Soccer Signups" at Coloma Elementary School. For more information, call 463-5468 or 849 4006 Saturday. January 27, 9:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m., "Beginner's Fly Tying" at Wolf I ake Fish Hatchery Visitor Center in Mattawan. L e a r n the basics of fly tying. For more information, call (269) 668-2876. Wednesday. January 31, 6:00-9:00 p.m., "Paw Paw Lake AYSO Spring Soccer Signups" al Red Arrow Elementary School in Hartford. For more information, call 463-5468 or 849-4006. Thursday, February 1, "Market Beef registration" al Berrien County Youth F air in Berrien Springs For more information, call (269) 4734251. Saturday, February 3, 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m., "Paw Paw Lake AYSO Spring Soccer Signups" at North Elementary School in Watervliet. For more information, call 463-5468 or 849-4006. Saturday, February 3, 4:00 p.m., "Blossomtime Festival 2007 Bud Prince and Princess Pageant" at Dowagiac Middle School P e r f o r m i n g Arts Center. Dowagiac. Taking care of your disposal needs Orchard Hill Sanitary Landfill place on Saturday, February 3, from semifinals and River Valley 25-15 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.; and Sunday, and 25-14 in the championship Febmary 4, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 match. p,m. ( oloma had Ann Balsis with 54 All registrations will be held at the kills and 33 digs, Chelsea Barrett Coloma Elementary School gymna- with 3K kills and 26 digs, Lindsey sium; except the January 28 registra- Hauch with 33 kills and eight tion, which will be held at Hagar blocks. Erica Bartholomew with 87 Township Hall. assists and 22 aces, Ktghlc Flamm Softball with 13 aces, Shelby Met/ with nine (Agr d e t e r m i n e d a i of aces, Liz (irootendorst with four J a n u a r y I, 2007) blocks, and Sam Ehlers with four Major Division, ages 11-12, $55; ing tournament was held last Saturday at St. Joseph, with Coloma taking fifth place and Watervliet (Photo b> Lee Browndorf Photography) Congratulations and best wishes to the Watervliet U.S. Volleyball Team; may you have a safe and exciting season. You are always winners with us! Main St. Drug Store Prescriptions • Patent Medicines Cards & Gift Wrap - Candles Waten4iet ^ HARDWARE Main Street Main St., Watervliet Red A r r o w H w v . , W a t e r v l i e t II* ( t o nm" Stock up for your tailgate party here! North Watervliet Rd. Amerigas Propane Sales & Service 137 Prospect Hartford GROCERY 463-6127 1-800-424-1965 Waffle House of America Open Monday - Friday 7a.m. - 4:30p.m., TOWN & COUNTRY REAL ESTATE Watervliet 463-3436 C O LO MA R«d Arrow Hwy., Coloma 468-7986 ages 5-6, $45; Instructional Division, ages 6-8, ence in machine pitch league); Minor Division, ages 9-10, $55; the title at 103 pounds and Huston Major Division, ages 11-12, $55; Harrison taking the title at 130 lbs. Pony, ages 13-14, $65; ( oloma also had a second-place fin- Babe Ruth, ages 13-14, $65. isher in Luke Faultersaek at 112 lbs. Each additional child $30. I he Comets ended the tournament Each family is asked to participate with a pair of third-place finishers in in the tund-raiser to help with the Anthony Moore at 130 lbs. and Matt costs of the league. Grace Christian volleyball results On January 6, Grace Christian The surprise of the college football played in the Eau Claire tournament. bowl season occurred last Monday In pool play, Grace split with Bridg- night when the Florida (iators beat man, 25-21 and 18-25; lost to even- the Ohio Slate Buckeyes in the BCS tual tournament champion Coloma, title game by a 41-14 score. 7-25 and 18-25; then split the last NFL playoffs pool play match with Constantine, 25-17 and 22-25. Ihe field has narrowed after last In the quarterfinal round, Grace lost weekend's wildcard NFL games, to Eau Claire with scores of 23-25 with all o f the teams left in action and 15-25. this weekend. SeAnne Wolske had a team-high 17 Jets and the Colts looked good Megan McCanse had six kills, five against Kansas City. digs, 21 assists, and one ace. Kayli This weekend the Bears will take on Price had 11 kills, a team-high 27 Seattle at Chicago, the Patriots w i l l digs, and one ace. Lanssa Galens Chrysler • Dodge • Jeep travel to San Diego, Philadelphia had 10 kills, 14 digs, and four aces. Main St., Watervliet will go to New Orleans, while the Alii Springett had one kill, 10 digs, a Colts will travel to Baltimore. team-high 25 assists, and also four ^uwhUelci 463-5656 Sales & Sen/ice Watervliet It is anybody's guess what will happen in these match-ups. AYSO spring soccer signups begin January 23 Paw Paw Lake AYSO will be having signups for its spring soccer sea- Main Street son. All area youth, ages 4 , /2-I8 are eligible to play. Signups are scheduled for the following locations: luesday, January 23 - North Elementary, Watervliet - 6:00-9:00 p.m.; Thursday, January 25 - Coloma Elementary, Coloma - 6:00-9:00 p.m.; Wednesday, January 31 - Red Arrow Elementary, Hartford - 6:00- DOWNTOWN COLOMA BANNSRB Machine Pitch (girls and boys), aces. Lisa Peppel added five digs. • t«lU BiWAj U>{ • A l DMfcJWAi. (.t v W IU coLDuieu $45; Patriots looked tough against the FARM BUREAU INSURANCE Ryno Rd,, Coloma T-Ball (girls and boys), ages 4-5, kills along with 24 digs and two Mark Epple, Agent 7422 Red Arrow Hwy. Watervliet 463-8910 Open Chiropractor 8629 Red Arrow Watervliet 463-2887 (Age d e t e r m i n e d i s of May I, 2007) In last weekend's games, the SALON HJWAo M-140 & 1-94 Dr. Garrone COUNTRY CUTS JSS Watervliet even dav! 463-5461 463-3164 Baseball The Comets also had two individual Gators win national title ke, Natasha Ki/er, Britany Carr, and Tiffany Faulkner. Each additional child is $30. $55 (age 6 if one year prior experi- Ktser at 140 lbs. Sheffer, Jaime Froehlich, Andrea Hiler, KateKn Bryee, Jessica Richcreek; (front row, from the left) Analyse Winans, Briana Watson, ( assie Gran- Junior Division, ages 13-14, $55. 14th as a team. champions with John Tanner taking WAT F.R\ L I F I *S VARS1I V V O L L K V B A L L TEAM...(back row, from the left) coach Terry Adams, Frin Faultersaek, Heather krieger, Rachel ence in machine pitch league); Minor Division, ages 9-10, $55; The annual Berrien County wrestl- 1 $55 (age 6 i f one year prior experi- this week. Invitational wrestling results / Instructional Division, ages 6-8, their regular post-holiday schedule Berrien CountyW 3290 Hennessey Rd., Watervliet 463-5588 Saturday 7a.m. -12 Noon p m. Registration w i l l also take ed I au Claire 25-23 and 25-17 in the I he ( oloma girls will get back into Saturday. January 20.1-6 p.m., "Texas Hold em Tournament" at the Watervliet Knights of Columbus Hall on P a w P a w A v e To register, call 463-3040 Saturday. January 20, 1:30 p.m., "The Papasan-Mamasan Korean Veteran Association" meeting at Niles American Legion Post #26 on Miller Drive in Niles. held Saturday, January 27, from From the quarterfinals, they defeat- blocks. Saturday, January 20, 12:00 noon to 4:00 p.m., "Community Blood Drive" al Riverside United Methodist Church on Fikes Road in Riverside For more information, call 849-1131. Saturday January 20, 9:30 a . m . & 10:30 a.m., " Winter Fishing Days for Youth and "Winter Snowshoe Walk at 1:00 p.m." at Wolf Lake Fish Hatchery Visitor Center in Mattawan Spots are limited; registration is necessary. Call (269) 668-2876. Association registrations w i l l be January 28, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 It will be crucial for everyone as we him try to creep up. Coloma-Hagar Baseball Softball 10:00 a.m. to 1 00 p.m.; and Sunday, By Mike l eith, Sportswriter make our way toward the Super Tom dear went 5-4 this week to Coloma-Hagar Baseball & Softball registrations Press Box with finds herself just two games out of afford to slip up or she will be there My view from the in the quarterfinals. Tuesday. January 16, 7:00 p.m., " Grief Share" sessions a t Watervliet Free Methodist Church 7734 Paw Paw A v e . 13- week video seminar in the church library Friday. January 19, 7:00 p.m., "Revival at Keeler General Baptist Church" on Territorial Road in Keeler. Rev. Kenny Williamson will be speaking al three services: Friday & Saturday evenings a t 7:00 p.m. and Sunday at 11:00 a m Xnnouncements »V I hank V o u V colors & graduation motifs! her down as the southern teams put tighten things up. Joe tied for the hangs on to the first-place spot by a ( olorful elope Seals add eontemporarx flair to youi So pel soft Beverage or Luncheon Napkins in a xarietx ol week with a 1-2 record but docs Jim Ldwards stumbled a hit but Sisters ol ( harity Hospital, New York. Dr. Husain iscertiliedbv the American Hoard ol Surgery and has a special inierest in tniniinally Armchair QB race tightens for the stretch doubt at this point in the season. Brian and Angela Fee of ( oloma; and grandchildren of Jerry and nifer .IOIIMI of Holland. Her KRAND- rs 10;5.SM:50 4:106 ^0 8 : 2 0 £ P ( ^ ) Brumley of Hartford, /aeh, Kelly and Aaron are the children of AUxa's parents are Shawn and Jen- 4 I N V I S H H ES Aaron Fee, Maeaela Smith; (back row, from the left) /.aeh Fee, ton, North Carolina: and the granddaughter of Frank and Carol s( HOOj - Semester I xams; Wrest- 2tMU). in January / / , 2007 Tri-City Record Pigg 9 Tri-City Area Sports News I si IN ONI V " F R I - S A T O N L Y 9:00 p.m.; Saturday, February 3 - South Ele- Lifestyle Chiropractic Dr. Andy DeHaven 7652 Red Arrow. Watervliet 463-4100 mentary, Watervliet - 9:00 a.m.-l :00 p.m. For further registration information, please contact Cindy Smith at (269) 463-5468 or Joe Zellmer at (269) 849-4006. aces. Marga Galens added three digs and nine assists. Liz Eddy had 10 kills, eight digs, one assist, and one ace. On Monday, January 8, Grace defeated Covert by scores of 25-9, 2510, and 25-13. Wolske had five kills, one dig, one assist, and one ace. Peppel, who normally only plays the back row, had two kills. McCanse had three kills, three assists, and three aces. Pnce scored two kills and three aces. L. Galens had five kills and a teamhigh 10 aces. Spnngett had one dig and added a team-high eight assists. M, Galens added one dig, five assists, and one ace. Liz Eddy had three kills on the night. Junior Leslie Eggebrecht played the most rotations of her varsity career but was unable to score in any of the recognized categories. Grace's overall record now stands at 4-3-4. The Lady Patriots' first home game will be this Thursday, January 11, against a much-improved Buffalo team. New f Page 10 Tri-City Record January II, 2II07 Hunt Ads & Public Notices NOTIC E O F WANT ADS ORDINANCE NUMBER 49 -AMENDMENTS* THE ^ I t t 1 9 . 7 9 f i V H i 9f 1 9 W « r d t . TOWNSHIP Zynobia Rasheda Murray, Benton fines and costs for failure to pay jail to run concurrently with credit Debra A. Cineser Harbor. 270 days in jail with credit lor 38 days served for unlawful use Bainbridge Township Clerk (l-ll-07-TCR) for 139 days served. SI20 fines and child support. Jessica Ann Sedlar. South Bend, of a motor vehicle and retail fraud. wonder beheld a vast spiderweb "Nor was this all. They brought costs for criminal sexual conduct, Indiana, one year probation. $1,670 2nd degree. He also received 270 spread our over the land from the among us fatal diseases our fathers 4th degrc.. restitution .> and costs, and 25 days concurrent for fleeing police. 3rd degree. Atlantic ocean toward the sening knew not of; our medicine-men tned sun. Its network w as made of rods of in vain to check the deadly plague; Williams, iron; along its lines in all directions but they themselves died, and our Joseph James NOTICE O F ADOPTION F o r M t o , He r o a t , h o l p w a n t o d , l o s tftfcHMM I, woi^i w a n t a d , pfionol a t h a n k - y o u notoo, otc* ZONING ORDINANCE n i l l SI Ol REGULATING I \ M ) . Bt 11 I) INGS \M) WITHIN m i STRUCTURES rOWNSHIP o l Paw Paw Lake Almanac Published January I I , 2007 New Buffalo, hours community serv ice for embez- Deborah MORTGAGE SALE served. 50 hours community service. $20,000 from Lowe's located in Coloma. 270 days in jail with credit rushed monstrous spiders, greater in people fell as fall the leaves before Default has occurred in a mortgage $1,300 fines and costs, 18 months Niles Township where Sedlar was for 41 days served and $220 fines strength and larger far than any beast the autumn's blast. To be just, we made probation for maintaining a drug employed. Bruce Walker. Farmington. Mis- and costs for attempted uttering and publishing. of the earth, clad in brass and iron, must acknowledge there were some dragging after them long rows of good men with these strangers, who CON- STRUCTION. INC., a Michigan house in New Buffalo Township. and Christine zlenum SHAMROCK $1,000 Tri-City Area Outdoor News 90 days in jail wun credit for 2 days by between Corporation, to CHARLOTTE DICKSON, dated July 26,2006. and William Henry Beecham. Benton souri, 11 days in jail with credit for Jared Gilbert Ciibb, Watervliet, 5 wigwams with families therein, out- gave their lives for ours, and in great Harbor. 240 days in jail with credit II days served, 5 years probation, days in jail with credit for 5 days stripping in their course the flight of kindness taught us the revealed will recorded on August 3,2006. in Liber for 39 days served, 3 years proba- $57,758.95 restitution. $280 fines served, 12 months probation, $840 birds that fled before them. Hissing of the great Spirit through his son 2731, page 1085 Bemen County tion. S1.090 fines and costs, and suc- and costs for attempted failure to from their nostrils came forth fire Jesus, the mediator between God records. No proceedings have been cessful completion of substance pay child support. fines and costs for unlawful use of a motor vehicle. and smoke, sinking terror to both COUNTY, MICHIGAN and man. But while we were being instituted to recover any part of the abuse and anger management treat- Jeffrey Rodriguez, Baroda, 24 Donald Lee Cox, Benton Harbor, fowl and beast. The red men hid taught to love the Lord our God with A complete eopy of the amendments debt, which is now $195,555.12 on ment programs for assault with a months probation, 90 days in jail 365 days in jail with credit for 41 themselves in fear, or fled away all our heart, mind, and strength, and to this ordinance is available for the Mortgage. deadly weapon on or about October with credit for 2 days served (to be days served, 2 years probation, $860 while the white men trained these our neighbors as ourselves, and our inspection during normal business The mortgage will be foreclosed by 5, 2006 in Benton Township. served on •ether), 100 hours commu- fines and costs for possession of a monsters for the warpath, as war- children were taught to lisp, 'Our hours (Mon., Tues., & Thurs./ 9:00 sale of the property, at public auc- Joshua Tomas James. Benton nity service. $1,700 fines and costs firearm by a felon. riors for battle. Father who are in heaven, hallowed a.m.-12 noon) at the Bainbridge Harbor, 90 days confinement with for possession pf marijuana with fownship Hall, 7315 Territorial tion to the highest bidder, on Thursday, January 18,2007. at 11:()() credit for 1 day served, 24 months intent to deliver. day in jail with credit for I day lished the booklet Road, Watervliet. Michigan 49098, a.m. local time at the West entrance probation, $1,250 fines and costs, serv ed, 3 years probation, $4,548.67 Greeting' ALCOHOLICS ANONVMOl S Ryan Lausch. Buchanan. 18 months or by appointment with the Town- of the Courthouse, in the City of St. and 100 hours community service probation. $1.300 fines and costs. 25 DO VOU THINK YOU M K i H I ship Clerk who can be contact at Joseph, Berrien County, Michigan, for possession of marijuana on hours community service, and suc- the place of the Circuit Court. The school property. cessful completion of substance abuse treatment programs for pos- Add 104 a w o rd ovor 2 8 words. V U p M t MIIM i a d f a r 9 2 l a a a . Add $ 1 t o wft111 BAINBRIDGE, A d m u o t fro p a i d In a d v a n c * A D P L A C l * I 1 N T OCA D U N E I t N O O N ON T U U D A Y t Trt-CWy R o c o r d l i t N. M a l n S t . , l a x 7 tAf f v a i v r v u o t , Ml 4 9 0 9 6 (269) 463-6397 Crodtt C a r d s A c c o p t o d BERRIEN 11 AVI a drinking problem'' Call 26946S4040. Ihe foHowing Alcoholics Anonymous lor more amendments w ill take effect January int'ormalion. 269-757-2l(M Your 16, 2007. inquiry will he strictly conlkleniial SUMMARY K)R SAl K NORTH SHORI CTMI Tl RV PLOTS-'Xiarden of Apostles 5 Lots, 2 Vaults, companion markerselling under value; make oiler seller will finance..,I-NOO-243- 2114; ask for Pam. PUBLIC NOTICE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Watervliet, Michigan NOTICE OF ANNl \ L MEETING NOTIC E is hereby given that the response to the pale-faced strangers. He died a mar- revealed will of the Father, as they for writing a no account check. white man's invi- tyr to this belief. Centuries have came among us with bitter oaths Narcisco Fernando Arvizu Jr., tation to partici- passed since that time, and we now upon their lips, something we had Benton Harbor, 60 days in jail and pate in the World behold in the vision as in a mirror, never heard before and cups of 'fire- the monstrous engines with their had never seen before. They pressed Seetion of the Zoning Ordinance costs, attorneys fees, and also any jail, and SI20 fines and costs for Michael I ee Byers. Benton Harbor, Franklin Delano (ireen, Benton fire, smoke and hissing steam, with the sparkling glasses to our lips and iluii have been amended are as fol- taxes and insurance that the mort- murder in the 2nd degree of Albcrt- 20 months -5 years in state prison Harbor, 60 days in jail with credit This cars attached, as they go sweeping said: 'Drink, and you will be happy.' lows: gagee pays before the sale. neshia Ellington on March 19,2006. with credit for 42 days served. SI20 for 4 days served, 5 years probation, the content of the through the land. We drank thereof, we and our chil- fines and costs for retail fraud. 1st $2,320 fines and costs for criminal booklet. degree. sexual conduct. 4th degree using Publiv NolilKation \ll applications The property is located in Berrien Brandon Keith Douglas. St. Joseph. for development approval requiring County, Township of Royalton, 30 days in jail with credit for 4 days a public hearing under the Bain- State of Michigan, and is described served for domestic violence on or David Lawrence (irigereit Jr.. bridge Township Zoning Ordinance in the mortgage as: about October 19, 2006, in St. Benton Harbor. 90 days in jail with «49. including but not limited to Lot 39 of Rolling Prairie Subdivi- Joseph. Sections 10.03 B. 13.04 B. 15.02 1), sion. according to the recorded Plat 17.05.5b. 18.04 B, 19.04 B, 21.04 B, Chicago in 1892. continues j hf. I? "The cyclone of civilization rolled dren. but alas, like the serpent that westward; the forests of untold cen- gaws" all the gold we had. and turies were swept away; streams about the heart-strings of its victims, Micah John Dobr/ynski. Sawyer. showed them where to dig for more; dried up; lakes fell back from their shocking unto death. Friendship, credit for 2 days served. IS months 67-120 months in state prison with to repay us they robbed our homes ancient bounds; and all our fathers love, honor, manhood - all that Steven Lee Johnson, St. Joseph, 12 probation. SI.435 fines and costs credit for 66 days served for assault of fathers, mothers, sons and daugh- once loved to ga/e upon was makes men good and noble; crush- thereof, as recorded in Liber 26 of months probation, 100 hours com- and successful treatment in a sub- w ith intent to do great bodily harm ters; some were forced across the destroyed, defaced, or marred, ex- ing out all ambition and leaving 22.04 B, shall comply with Michi- Plats on Page 22, Berrien County munity service, and S935 fines and stance abuse program for operating sea for slaves in Spain, while multi- cept the sun. moon and starry skies naught, but a culprit vagabond m the gan Zoning I nabling Act. P A. 110 Records. costs for attempted larceny in a a motor vehicle while intoxicated. of less than murder in Chikaming Township on ()ctober 6, 2006. tudes were dragged into the mines to above, which the Great Spirit in his place of man. of 2006 (MCI 125.3101), and the Tax Identification No. 11-17-6760- building. Michael S. McFadden. Niles. 12-4S dig for gold and held in slavery there wisdom hung beyond their reach. other pro\ isions of the Bainbridge 0039-00-6 Warren William I ibby, Buchanan, months in state prison w ith credit for until all who escaped not, died under "Still on the storm cloud rolled, lownship Zoning Ordinance M 9 Property address: 44S9 Rachel Lane, 30 days in jail with credit for I day 19 days served and SI20 fines and the cruel lash of the cruel taskmas- while, before its lightning and thun- Source: "Reminiscing with Pearl PlayfonJ." Compiled by Richard Russell. ppl07-H Precipitation amounts not available until with regard to public notification St. Joseph, Michigan 49085. served starting March I, 2007. IS costs for assault with a dangerous ter. It finally passed into their histo- der the beasts of the field and fowls insofar as they are not in conflict The redemption period will be six months probation, and S6I0 fines weapon. ry that 'the red man of the West, of the air withered like grass before with the Michigan Zoning Enabling (6) months from the date of sale. and costs for attempted falsifying unlike the black man of the l ast, the flame - were shot for love of Act. ARTIC LE V I Dated: November 30, 2006 Supplementary fixe (5 acres). 6:00 Section 6.11 Remove "or larger" ()ne (I) additional ani- voters in Buchanan. Ronald Cornell Cration. Benton Harbor, 36 months-15 years in state prison with credit for 39 days served AENGELN, PLC. Cornelius Barney Jr.. Indianapolis. and $1,295 fines and costs for home By; Mark S. Indiana. 19 days in jail with credit invasion. 2nd degree. Bowman (P34207) for 19 days served. 60 months pro- Derik Allen Beilman. Benton Har- Attorney for Mortgagee bation. $207,892 restitution, $720 bor. 270 days in jail and 90 days in 206 Court Street, P.O. Box 24 St. Joseph. Michigan & INTEGRITY 49085 lemporary Dwelling Structures N I I V HOSPITA1. 4(iii M i Dl( M A.l. PARK tives as" in the 4th line. A.3. signatures on a petition of registered KINNEY. BURDICK, BOWMAN Animals and Poultry Education Classroom, al COMMl • Benton Harbor Telephone; (269)983-0103 (12-14. 12-21, 12-2K. 1-4. M l - O M C R ) (in me Swirtiie Car C m Oner) 2094 8 M-139 Remove the whole paragraph and replace w ith "C )ne medical hardship is allowed per principal use sin- Trustees, each to sen e for a period gle family dwelling." of three (3) years in accordance w ith ARIIC LK W I N the Bylaw s of the Corporation. Dellnitions: II. Sueh other business as may come ("A") Ag Labor Housing-Housing before the meeting. lor agricultural use for a farm as (Heading) Felony sentences compiled from the files at Berrien County Courthouse Published by order of the Board of defined m Ihe Michigan Right to (Compiled By Annette Christie) frustees I arm Act. Section 286.472 of Public David McCihee, Stevensville, 90 I)ATI I): December 29. 20(K) Act 93 of 1981. Agriculture farm days in jail with credit for 49 days Joe Barren labor housing units may not be used served, 24 months probation, 60 for hours rental units for non-farm community service, and employees. SI.160 for domestic violence, 3rd Definitions: olfense on or about August 29,2006. ("1") himily: Delete A. & B. Re- WATERVLIET Keith Allen Fester II. St. Joseph, IS place w ith "()ne (I) or more persons days confinement or $230 fines and TOWNSHIP occupying a dwelling unit, related costs, S475 additional fines and bs blood, legal adoption, marriage costs for possession of marijuana on or co-habitation.M or about October 10, 2006, at St. Definitions: Joseph High School. ("I ) Immediate Relatives - Remove Timothy Wayne Freeman. Water- last sentence (Immediate relatives p.m. at the Watervliet fownship vliet, 90 days m jail with credit for do not include cousins, aunts, uncles Hall. 4959 M-140 Hwy., Watervliet, 12 days served and SI20 fines and or non-legally bound co-habitating Ml. Reasonable auxiliary aids sueh costs for attempted failure to register partners.) as a sex olfender. as signers for the hearing impaired, or other aids and services for indi- jUi! viduals with disabilities are available by contacting the Watervliet force or coercion. iCA.R.l • Certified \ • Auto ! i Repain !468-5555 926-2006 Remove "bx immediate rela- The order of business will include; The (re) appointment of four(4) MmiMS • mmim • tuns BMKE SHOPS • SHOCKS • smns 'onnsHAm • smnm •CVSMAfJS Front End Alignment States 'No shame declare the wanton cruelty of Chinaman shall land upon our palefaced men. The storm unsatis- shores.' so we have felt that no such fied on land swept our lakes and barbarians as they should land on streams, while before its clouds of ours. hooks, nets and glistening spears the "In those days that tried our father's fish vanished from our water like the souls, tradition says: 'A crippled morning dew before the rising sun. grey-haired sire told his tribe that in Thus our inheritance was cut off. the visions of the night he was lifted and we were driven and scattered as high above the earth, and in the great sheep before the wolves. has now decried. 1-800-320-4893 ro ' 10 CO? Listen for News 3 Weather First Forecasts day and night on COSY 98.3 FM clinics will be held from 1:00-4;00 p.m. on two Saturdays. January 13 and 27, at Martin's Paw Mart, 2121 South Cleveland Avenue, in St. Joseph. The Humane Society will be offering Distemper/Parvo shots for dogs > and Feline Distemper shots for cats for $12; also offered will be Rabies shots at $10 per shot. Cash only, please. Cats must be in a carrier and dogs 3! must be on a leash. Preregistration is required by calling (269) 927-3303. Every year, several hundred animals in our community die from preventable diseases. Parvo and Distemper in dogs and Feline Distemper in cats are just a few. The Humane Society of South- FLYING SQtlKKKLS... James Hern on Paw Paw l ake Kd., Coloma. caught these little critters on camera in late December 2006. Sarett Nature Center naturalist Chuck Nelson said the mouse-sized species' range extends through Michigan. "There are two species of flying squirrel in northern Michigan.** "They don't actualh fly," he adds. "They glide and change direction in midair. Now if the\ would flap their arms, that would he something." western Michigan, in an effort to ensure that all dogs and cats in our community are protected from these and other potentially fatal and highly contagious diseases, is hosting the Tri-City Area two low-cost vaccine clinics. Fishing For more information on these and other upcoming events, and a list of & Hunting adoptable animals, please visit the Humane Society's Web site at Question: "Red Man's Greeting" continued next week. u w True Love: "A dog is the only creature on earth that loves you more than he loves himself." western Michigan is located at 641 B\ Bill Scott S. Crystal Avenue in Benton Harbor; phone (269) 927-3303. --Josh Billings williamseott436l i/ — Wolf Lake Fish Hatchery Visitor Center hosts special Jan. programs The Wolf Lake Fish Hatchery Please dress appropriately. Extra hav ing registration on Tuesday, Jan Fishing Lake Michigan... Chuck at Miles Bait Shop on Reeder Street in Benton Harbor tells me there have been Browns and a few Whitefish taken on single boiled salmon eggs off the piers in the rocks. St. Joe and Paw Paw risers... $30 & Up be a nature hike. lately but, as it clears and the water ners the art of tying flies. The Visitor All ages arc welcome. level drops, the Steelhcad and Most American Made Cars Open Mon • Fri 8:30-5:30 DOWNTOWN COLOMA Db I P Volume discounts Typesetting & Design Pick-up & Delivery • Saturday, January 27 Beginner's Fly Tying: Winter Fishing Days One-hour sessions at for Youth Sessions at ^.lO & 11:00 a.m. and 9:30 & 10:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. erman is putting himself into the For children ages 5-16. Catch-and- I earn the basics of tying flies. All same category as a thief. That, in- release fishing on the ( enter's show deed. is exactly what he becomes. pond. Equipment and bail are pro- Do you view a "limit" as something vided. Participants will not be ice to strive for each time you go afield? You shouldn't. A limit is only a mark Limited space is available and pre- designed to stop you from advanc- registration is required by calling the Although we are already well ing to the game hog or slob class. It calling (269) 668-2876. launched into 2007, it is still not too is okay for a hunter or fisherman to late to make a few New Year's reso- occasionally take a limit of fish or materials will be provided. There are limited openings in each Lake of the Woods: Ihere are Bluegill being taken on wax worms, mostly in the channel Big Crooked: There are reports of Bluegill and Crappie being caught. Maple Lake has also produced Crappie and Bluegill. Hunting Don't forget, January is the time to apply for your spring lurkev hunt Program is recommended for ages 8 and older. for the turkey season to start or the water level in the river to drop, the V isitor Center is located in Matta- Coloma Rod tV: Gun Club has the Winter Snowshoe wan at Hatchery Road and M-43, six following events scheduled: lutions that could help to make the game but there is much more satis- Walk at 1:00 p.m. For more information, contact you-can-eat Pancake Breakfast, a months ahead a lot more pleasant for faction in having the integrity to Enjoy winter w ith a snowshoe walk Shana McMillan at (269) 668-2876. Sunday breakfast; and a Basket everybody. stop short of a limit because you fig- (if there's sufficient snow ) on the The DNR is committed to the con- Social Dance on Sat., Jan. 27, from ure you have enough for your pur- Center's nature trails. Leam how to servation, protection, management, poses. use snowshoes and then go for a use. and enjoyment of the state's one-mile walk to test new skills. natural resources for current and Walk w ill last about one hour. future generations. lunch for an outing, doesn't get The most dedicated members of around to painting up the duck Trout Unlimited set the kind of decoys before the season opens or is example any angler should be proud late every so often for an early to imitate. These TU members main- morning rendezvous, you could vow tain they are "trout fishing," rather to mend those ways. It would make than "fishing for trout," which is a things a lot better for your partner as different thing all together. In short, well as yourself. While most of us don't have too they get the most enjoyment being out on a trout stream in beautiful much trouble forgiving an old com- surroundings while they try to out- panion for eating half of our lunch or wit a brookie, brown or rainbow. If causing us to miss the early morning they succeed in this quest, they are flight and having to borrow halt ot happy. Should the trout outwit them, our shells, there is one thing nobody they are still happy. They don't have should tolerate. to go home with a heavy creel in That is a partner who fails to abide by the rules ot hunting and fishing ethics. order to have had a good time. Saturday, Jan. 20 - S5 for an all- pheasants with a dog. Sure, the dog All available through the give wildlife maximum protection may give such hunters more of an while, at the same time, giving advantage in finding birds but a dog Tri-City Record 138 N. Main St. Watervliet, MI 49098 hunters and fishermen an opportuni- never has made any nimrod shoot ty to participate equally in removing straighter. Those who use dogs to part of the surplus. The individual work birds or beagles to chase bun- who insists on not only taking his nies get more satisfaction from lawful portion plus some that should watching good fieldwork than they belong to some other hunter or fish- ever could from killing a pile of game. So, for this New Year and beyond, let's resolve to conduct our activities in such a manner that others would be proud of us, even though there may be no others around at the time. Convince yourself that just being out there is really what it's all about and you will be surprised how much FARM C O M M E R C I A L more you will enjoy yourself out- 429-7611 Stevensville doors from now on. Concealed Weapons) class to be held on Thursday and Saturday. January 25 and 27. For more information, call the club house at (269) 463-8785 or Dick Moeckel at (269) 468-3837. In the pits! By Sue Openneer Bobby Hamilton dies from cancer Bobby Hamilton, the 2004 NASCAR Truck Series Champion, town of Nashville, Tennessee, after an 11-month courageous battle with cancer. He was 49 years old. Hamilton announced in March 2(K)(' that he w as undergoing treatment for neck cancer and tumed over his dm ing duties in the Truck Series to his son, Bobby Hamilton Jr. Hamilton was diagnosed with head and neck cancer in February, after swelling from dental surgery did not go away. Hamilton raced the first three events in 2006 before turning the 7:00-11:00 p.m. Call the clubhouse at (269) 4686745 for more details. The Watervliet Rod S i c Gun ( lub is wheel over to his son. Hamilton made his Cup debut in November 1989 when he drove in only one race. He appeared as a stunt man in the movie Days ol Tri-County Computer Services has moved to the corner of Afa/n St. & Red Arrow! Thunder. His performance in the movie was so outstanding that he was hired to drive in the Cup Series full time. He received "Rookie ol the Year " honors in 1991. We'll hook you up with i2k for fast, Internet connections throughout the entire area of Coloma, Covert, Hartford, and Watervliet! DSL Dial-up Much the same thing can be said for Fish and game laws are created for DAVE WILLIAMS BUILDING SALES miles west of U.S.-13L (Carrying passed away Sunday in his home- permit. Meanwhile, while you're waiting session. Preregistration is required. 23, 6:00-7:30 p.m.. for a CCW Area lakes... The Wolf Lake Fish Hatchery just two main reasons. They aim to record(a)i2k. com All programs are free of charge. muddy water and not much fishing Walleye will start hitting again. Meet the Woolybugger! those who hunt woodcock, grouse or 463-6397 If there's no snow, the program will Saturday, .lanuan 20 ^GORDON CHARLES Always abide by the rules of hunting and fishing ethics River has been running high with Center also has scheduled a snowshoe walk (weather pennitting). raouSo i Report The Humane Society of South- that will help youngsters discover the fun of fishing and teach begin- Invitations & Note Pads Wedding & Social Stationery Graduation Announcements All-Weather Partners nie Grimmer has announced vaccine those without. email: Real Music Variefy Michigan Executive Director Con- two special program days in January people who always forgets to pack a Standing Timber 8 also Storm Damage Timber Insured bones now scattered far and near, in Humane Society of Southwestern snowshoes will be available for Business Letterhead & Envelopes Invoices & Business Cards Carbonless Receipts & Forms 1 Barbara J. Tyler base ingratitude; and as the United If you happen to be one of those Clerk's Oftice at 4959 M-140 Hwy., telephone (269) 463-5113. upon the plains. Their bleaching Vaccine clinics for dogs and cats Jan. 13 & 27 Visitor Center this week announced Record Printing phone at the Watervliet Township power to kill alone, and left to spoil Our hearts were crushed by such VISA & MASTER CARDS ACCEPTED before the meeting in writing or by P.O. Box 384. Watervliet, Ml 4909S. will die before he will be a slave.' charms to kill, the drink habit coiled Pet Shots! Includes front wheel drives and 4x4 PU Township Clerk at least five days Watervliet Township Clerk (MI-OMCR) in "We gave for promises and gew- for Wednesday. January 31, 2007, al Monday, January 15. 2007, at 7:0(1 restitution, $1,160 fines and costs Exposi-tion mal per acre on a parcel larger than Board Meeting will be held on belief, shocked our faith in the ister as a sex offender. Michigan nonpropfit corporation, I he Watervliet Township Regular would surely run away before the grams. Add: 2.d PUBLIC NOTICE in with credit for 231 days served in Hospital, Watervliet, Michigan, a Board of I nistees | M M ) 7 - I ( Kl race, whom we thought of the same together with interest due, legal 2.c. Secretary Ireasurer claimed it meant that the Indian race Red Man's water' in their hands, something we Voting Members of Community MICHKiAN. by they name,' bad men of the same the present network of railroads, and (continued) WAIIRVMIT. "The old man who saw the vision Co I - u m b i a n the 2007 Annual Meeting of the DRIVE, gon Band of the Potawatomi, pub- 120 fines and costs for failing to reg- Section 6.07 Communit) Cathy Ann Neuendorf, Coloma, I session of cocaine, less than 25 with the Corporate Bylaws, and set the Simon Pokagon, Chief of the Poka- Harbor, 144-480 months in prison District Regulations in Albert Augustus Ellington, Benton Local History amount then due on the mortgage, Hoard of Trustees, m accordance p.m. property will be sold to pay the ly Delavan Sipes January / / , 2007 Tri-City Record Page U connections (Digital Subscriber Line) just for as $ 10 finishes. In 1996. he won at Phoenix and finished the season with his best-ever ninth-place finish. Hamilton ended his full-time Cup career in 2002 but not until he won an exciting race in Talladega during the 2001 season. The race went green all the way; a rare occurrence at the Super Speedway. He quit the Series to focus on his Craftsman Truck Team and went on to win the series title in 2004. per month for 12 mos. residential per month! brought the failing team to 10 top-10 Cup w little as Mis big break came in 1995 when he drove for Petty Enterprises. He In July 2006, NASCAR's leading television and radio analyst Benny Parsons announced that he had been diagnosed with lung cancer. Treatment for the disease started almost immediately. Don't get "Geeked" • bring your computer troubles to Tri-County Computer Services 104 N. Main St, Watervliet (269) 463-4963 Email: tcr@gofixme'.com He re connected in keen von connected with /-A, NEXTEL, Direct I \ Dish Network Parsons continued to perform his duties on NBC/TNT along with his radio broadcast on PRN. As of last Friday, Parsons remained in the intensive care unit at Carolinas Medical Center. He entered the hospital about two weeks ago from complications stemming from the lung cancer. P«Re 12 Trt-C'lty Record January U , 2007 Best wishes to these beautiful blossoms 1 of Hartford in Sunday's Queen Pageant JNDAV 1 3:0(1 p.m., following (hi Miss ( oloma Fashion Shon at (he Coloma IliKh § Sehool Auditorium. Pictured are; (standing from the left) Sean Stevens, Ale* Struhli', Hrian Salt/man, Nick Hither, Kyle I homas; (seated, from the left) Roger Ma/igian, Jeff Quigley, Derrik Bench, and Andy Slankicwic/. lickets \sill he available at (he door for $10. Chairman of (he (Annette Christie photo) even( is Doreen Hess. I POLICE REPORTS COMIM 1.1) I ROM PAGL 0\E THESE HARTFORD LADIES W H L T R Y TO C L A I M THE 2007 MISS HARTFORD ( RO\VN...this Sunday. January 14. Piclured plan of a movie at the Loma Theater. are: (standing, from the left) Jessica Martinez, Lindsey Sells, Katie Jonatzke, Laura Zimmerman, Ashley Mitchell; (seated, from the ^ W hen the olllcer confronled them left) Rebecca Saldana, Katie Stout. K n s l i n Weberg. Megan I a u r, and Jessica McDonald. Not t V i U t b l f for Ihe photo were contestants C y with ihe conflict in their stones, Amanda late and Kristin RHtHC. I lu C M t f f t will hi gin at 6:0(1 p.m. in Ihe Hartford High School \udilorium. ( hairmen lor Ihe event Vnnette Christie photo) iflyi are Heidi Knight and Jenni Kiefer. Tickets will he a\ailahle at the door for $12 each. several changed their story and said they were going to dilTerenl houses to pick up money. MR. HARTFORD CONTES- OfTicer Roe was suspicious alter TANTS...The Mr. Hartford Con- seeing a cigarette wrapper tailing test will he held at the same time from one male's lap as he exited the as the Miss Hartford Pageant on car so he asked the female if he Sunday, January 14, at 6:00 p.m. could search the She Pictured are (from the left) con- agreed. Roc reported that he found testants Joey Najacht and David two small re-sealable plastic bags Short. Not asailahle for the photo with suspected marijuana. It tested was contestant Pete Koshar. The positive. He also found rolling Mr. papers and a metal and porcelain serve as ushers for the Miss Hart- smoking pipe. ford contestants, as well as ap- vehicle. Hartford contestants will The female posted a SW bond and pearing in their formal wear and was cited with possession of mari- modeling segments during the juana, first offense. contest. (Annette Christie photo) i r $ i i HAIR FORUM RED ARROW t. u BUILDING SUPPLIES m Ear all your building needs Hartford 621-4180 CHILDREN WOMKN MEN load Luck ladies! \ Open MON-SAT 8ani - 5pm Evenings by appointment only 5 W . M a i n St., l l a r t t o r d JAN JIIDV W a r r a n t arrests PAT 621-3988 garage attached to the house, but the in l l a r t t o r d garage door was open. Stolen from Police Chief Ramon Beltran of the the car were several CDs, her insur- Hartford City Police Department ance card, and registration certifi- reported that there were four warrant cate. She stated that she had approx- arrests in Hartford this last week. imately .50 cents in pennies that On December 31, 2(M)6. OITicer William Strong arrested I li/abeth were taken. I here are no suspects at this time. Lewis of Hartford on a misdemeanor warrant from the Van Buren County SherilTs Oftice. Failed stop nets VHP On January 3. 2007, I t. Tressa Bel- OITicer Maher Nasif of the Water- tran arrested Kevin I). Livingston. vliet Police Department was on rou- 37, of Hartford, on a misdemeanor tine patrol January 6,2007, at 12:02 assault and battery warrant from the a.m., when observed a person failing Hartford Police Department. to stop at a stop sign. On January 3.11. Fressa Beltran ar- He initiated a tralfic stop and, dur- rested Jack J. Lope/. 30, of Hart- ing the course of the stop, the driver lord, on an absconder warrant from was found to be a juvenile and was the Michigan Department of C or- in possession of alcohol and tobacco rections. products. The subject was cited for On January K, 11. Tressa Beltran ar- Minor In Possession of tobacco and rested Justin Strahl, 25, of Hartford, alcohol. i Girls enjoy this special time! i i m i K l Sinclair graphics i I Good Luck Contestants ome 8 E. Main St. Best of luck to all our local girls! on a misdemeanor warrant from Van Larceny from a Buren County Sheriffs Office. .xXJ m o t o r vehicle 62 -4 0 t M D P in C o l o m a ()ftleer Trent DeCirolf of the ( olo()fticer Trent I )e(iroff of the C olo- ma Township Police Department ma Township Police Department reported that on December 24. 2006, reported taking a Malicious Destruc- he took a report of a theft from a tion ot vehicle at Pizza Hut located at 4600 Property complaint on December 30. 2006, at 3:15 p.m. Paw Paw Lake Road at 7:20 p.m. A male subject reported to OITicer A male subject told OITicer DeC irolf DeCiroff that he was eastbound on that his vehicle was unlocked in the Red Arrow Highway near Boyer parking lot of Pizza Hut and some- Road, in Coloma Township, when one stole his cell phone, valued at an object struck his windshield. The SIOO; and checkbook, containing windshield was badly four checks. cracked, OITicer DeCirotT said, but it was i i i There are no suspects at this time. unknown what the object was that had struck it. in C o l o m a Minor accident in W a t e r v l i e t Officer Scott Richcreek of the Watervliet Police Department was dispatched to a tralfic crash on January 3, 2007, at 5:23 p.m. in the City. During the course of the investigation into the two-car crash, OITicer Richcreek discovered that one of the drivers involved had a suspended license and was cited for that offense. Braokfield B u r g l a r y of a vehicle Sergeant Tom LaVanway of the Coloma Township Police Department took a report of a burglary of a vehicle without forced entry on December 23, 2006, at 3:20 p.m. The female victim reported that she had arrived at 5031 Shoreview Drive on December 22 at 7:00 p.m. and left on December 23 at 9:00 a.m. She told Sgt. LaVanway that the I K YEAR • J i s VEHICLES • NEW PRICES! 2007 Jeep Compass 2006 Dodge Dakota Quad Cab ST #4S?0 Power windows power locks, CD player *4299 #4551 ONLY ONE Dm«roorv«*nc»gra<), MSRP $19,835 M8RP $23,225 gunnxrf 18"cNome MSRP $21,360 vehicle was not locked and sometime during that time someone stole an MP3 player valued at $35, a Dell memory stick valued at S50, a black Larceny-Theft from change purse valued al $20, and two a m o t o r vehicle pair of girls sunglasses valued at Officer Andrew Ulleg of the Coloma Township Police Department was dispatched to 6X16 First Avenue at 1:17 a.m. December 25,2006, for a larceny from a motor vehicle. Upon arrival at the address, the Coloma female victim stated that sometime between the hours of 6:30 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. on December 24 someone entered her vehicle, 2007 Dodge Caliber R/T ItonifiMfe.pMw $30. LaVanway reported she also stated that they had put a 4" crack across the windshield of her car. She staled that it had not been cracked on December 22, when she arrived. . 2006 Chryskr 300 2007 Oodg* Ram Quad Cab 5LT VH |i4515Big Horn Vavi « Group ?x wtite anMpn Idttsiwitial, Dm wn i dows ?I SWui smb* p&ud R«0 o C*k-J w' luiury THE ALL NEW Dodge Magnum 5XT •44? 'Oct. ptwrnum wliii Pw wfldowj ( out, speed conttol CDpayw OCHS, BpeBd control, « l MSRP $31,080 MSRP 6,080 MSRP S?H.520 There are no suspects at this time. The Fire Reports are on Page 7 2007 Jaap Ubarty Spot * 4 3.7 V6 #4644 Poww irnxm. todw spoed conlfoi aco«ynic4i4 MSRP 128,205 • ^ iwifiao which was parked at her residence, and stole several items. Officer Ulleg reported she stated that the vehicle was parked in the SF 544 N. MAIN ST. WATERVLIET 4 6 3 - 5 6 5 6 CfiH CHRIS SALLY CHAD MABTy n pn