Facility Image Design Intent
Facility Image Design Intent
Facility Image Design Intent Default Chevrolet Startup Address Line 1 Address Line 2 City, State Zipcode BAC #: Project #: Issue Date: Version: 000000 00.0000.000 01/01/10 06/26/12 CH01-01.01.10 7.0 Version 7.0 Generic Chevrolet Facility Image Design Intent | Version 7.0 Contents Overview 1 The GMFI Process.................................................................................................................................1-2 GMFI/Gensler Sustainable Design Intent............................................................................. 1-11 Design Intent 2 Overview....................................................................................................................................................2-2 Chevrolet Essential Brand Elements ..........................................................................................2-4 Exterior ................................................................................................................................................... 2-10 Chevrolet Volt Facility Requirements...................................................................................... 2-22 Interior 1 : Showroom and Sales................................................................................................. 2-26 Interior 2 : New Car Delivery........................................................................................................ 2-42 Interior 3 : Service Drive / Write-Up......................................................................................... 2-52 Interior 4 : Customer Amenities................................................................................................. 2-62 Interior 5 : Service Department.................................................................................................. 2-74 Interior 6 : Parts Department....................................................................................................... 2-82 Interior 7 : Non-Customer Spaces............................................................................................. 2-88 Your Facility 3 Site Plan Dealership Overall Plan Dealership Space Plan Exterior Elevations Rendering Resources4 Detailed Drawings and Space Planning Examples...............................................................4-3 Typical Room Finish Schedule...................................................................................................... 4-12 Materials and Finish Schedule..................................................................................................... 4-13 Floor Tile Care and Maintenance........................................................................................ 4-19 Furniture Schedule and Specifications.................................................................................... 4-20 Lighting.................................................................................................................................................... 4-39 “Pardon Our Dust” Program Information.............................................................................. 4-52 Vendor List............................................................................................................................................. 4-53 Correspondence5 Design Intent Enrollment Forms Consultation Sketches Meeting Notes Site Photos Chevrolet Facility Image Design Intent | Version 7.0 Chevrolet Facility Image Design Intent | Version 7.0 1 Overview 1-1 Chevrolet Facility Image Design Intent | Version 7.0 The GMFI Process Enroll in GMFI Program Design Intent Document Preparation Image Consultation Preliminary Drawings Final Drawings Design Intent Document You are here. 1-2 Chevrolet Facility Image Design Intent | Version 7.0 Construction Documents Design Construction Document Review Services performed by dealer’s architect and construction contractor Construction Start of Mid-Point Construction Construction Gate Gate Verification Photo Review 1-3 Chevrolet Facility Image Design Intent | Version 7.0 The GMFI Process About the Design Intent Document This Facility Image Design Intent Document (DID) is provided to convey Chevrolet standards and best practices for the look and feel of your facility. Specifically, it provides guidance on finishes, furnishings, lighting, and the proper use of the branded design elements for both the interior and exterior of the facility. These elements were targeted and approved during your site-specific Facility Image Consultation. They are crucial improvements to help the Chevrolet retail network align to the revitalized brand strategy and changing customer expectations. The site-specific drawings are meant only to communicate design intent for your facility. They are not intended for the purpose of planning review, the permit application process, pricing or construction. It is expected that licensed professionals will review the compliance of final work with local building ordinances, fire regulations, ADA regulations, and all other pertinent codes. Each site-specific drawing is marked with a version number. You can use that information to track modifications over the course of project execution. This DID is valid for the application of Chevrolet program standards at your site. Any updates due to process improvement or decisions by channel design groups will be made available online at www.gmfacilityimage.com This DID was produced by Gensler in our capacity as program manager for the implementation of GM Facility Image (GMFI) programs across all GM brands and channels. One Woodward, Suite 601 Detroit, MI 48226 313.965.1600 1-4 Chevrolet Facility Image Design Intent | Version 7.0 Next Steps: Construction Document Requirements This DID represents a conceptual design for a GM Facility Image program compliant facility. It will provide the dealer’s Architect of Record a basis for producing Construction Documents (CDs) for this facility. General Motors requires that all dealers in the General Motors Facility Image Program submit Construction Documents to Gensler for review prior to the start of their facility construction. What is Required: The following items, inclusive of all required elements described in the DID and Verification Report, must be included in the Construction Document submittal: 1. Electronic Portable Document (.PDF) Files of the Architectural and Civil Engineering sheets, as described below. Note that Structural, Mechanical, Plumbing, and Electrical Engineering drawings are not required. • Site Plan: This plan must show where expansion or alteration to the building footprint is proposed. Include property lines, setbacks, walks, curb cuts and parking lot striping, and locate signage, customer parking, customer site entrance, and service entrance. • Floor Plan: The plan must be dimensioned with room names and room numbers. Indicate areas of built-in millwork. If millwork or fixtures are to be purchased through a 3rd party vendor (such as DCI Marketing, Blair Companies, etc.), note accordingly. • Floor Finish Plan: Indicate the flooring pattern, call out flooring materials and locate floor transitions. This plan may be combined with the room finish plan. All materials and finishes must be called out on drawings - notes such as “GMFI finishes per DID package” are not acceptable call-outs. • Reflected Ceiling Plan and Lighting Specification: Indicate ceiling types, ceiling finishes, and tag light fixture locations. Provide a schedule of light fixture types and light fixture specifications. Submit manufacturer cut sheets of all light fixtures with submittal for review. • Finish Schedule/Material Finish Legend Specification: Provide schedule of finishes used including manufacturer, product line, product number, color, size, etc. This may be combined with the floor finish plan and exterior elevations. All materials and finishes must be called out on drawings - notes such as “GMFI finishes per DID package” are not acceptable call-outs. If alternate materials from the DID selections are specified, submit samples to Gensler for review. 1-5 Chevrolet Facility Image Design Intent | Version 7.0 The GMFI Process • Interior Elevations and Details: Dimensioned interior wall elevations and details, with materials and finishes noted. All materials and finishes must be tagged/called out on drawings - notes such as “GMFI finishes per DID package” are not acceptable callouts. If program-required millwork (Greeter Desk, Cashier Desk, Hospitality Counter, TV / Media Wall, Retail Parts Display, etc.) is to be constructed by the contractor (i.e., not purchased through an approved vendor) or is existing and to be refinished, elevations and details of these items are required. • Exterior Elevations and Sections: Provide dimensioned exterior wall elevations for the entire facility, and provide sections where appropriate. Note all materials and signage. Note all vendorpurchased items (e.g., Entry Element, Signage). All materials and finishes must be called out on drawings - notes such as “GMFI finishes per DID package” are not acceptable call-outs. • Furniture/Fixture Plan and Furniture Specification: Provide a plan showing the locations of all required furniture and fixtures (e.g., Brand-Focused Merchandise, Logo Screens, etc.).Include a furniture schedule that indicates manufacturer, model number/style and finish material description of intended furniture. For all intended furniture, provide manufacturer photos/brochures and finish material photos. 2. Include complete Construction Specifications if necessary to review materials and finishes. If alternate materials are specified, submit samples to Gensler for review. 3. If applicable, provide an itemized list of Approved Exceptions. Gensler will not review the submittal if exceptions are pending with General Motors. 4. If applicable, provide a list of any element(s) of the proposed facility design that differs from the issued DID configuration including plan layout, wall elevations, finish substitutions and alternate furniture selections. Note that if the Entry Element is to be field-fabricated by the dealer’s contractor, the dealer must provide plans, elevations, and sections with dimensions and noting all finish (ACM) materials. Field-fabricated entry elements will be evaluated by the same standards as vendor-provided entry elements. 1-6 Chevrolet Facility Image Design Intent | Version 7.0 How to Submit: Construction Document submittals must be emailed to gmfi_cdreview@gensler.com Any other type of submission will not be accepted and will not be returned. Do not send hardcopy printouts, compact discs, USB storage devices, or anything other than an email. All emails must have the BAC Number and Dealership Name in the email subject line. Gensler’s incoming email capacity is 8MB. Emails larger than this will be rejected by the email server. If the submittal is larger than 8MB, separate it into multiple emails to ensure receipt and indicate in the email subject line (e.g., 1 of 3, 2 of 3, etc.). Please be sure to add gmfi_cd-review@gensler.com to your address book to ensure that your email server does not treat Gensler responses as spam. What Happens After I Submit? Submittals take up to 10 business days to review. Gensler recommends that CD submittals be completed as soon as is feasible, and that complete submittals be transmitted for review well in advance of EBE deadlines. Since dealer CD submissions are at a higher volume at the end of each EBE quarter, the review process typically takes longer during these times. To avoid the possibility of jeopardizing EBE compliance, do not wait until the final days of the quarter to submit drawings. Upon completion of the construction document review, Gensler will send an email stating whether or not the submitted documents are in compliance with the Design Intent Document and the current GMFI Program requirements. If the drawings are compliant, the dealer may proceed with the start of construction. If the drawings are noncompliant, dealer will be required to revise non-compliant items and resubmit construction documents for an additional review. An itemized checklist based on the verification report will be included to identify compliant and non-compliant elements. Gensler will review the initial submittal and up to two additional resubmittals to correct non-compliant issues. Any further submissions will be charged as an hourly service, invoiced to the dealer’s BARS account. 1-7 Chevrolet Facility Image Design Intent | Version 7.0 The GMFI Process Please Note: • Gensler will not review incomplete, preliminary, schematic design, design development or any other type of in-progress documentation sets. Only 100% complete construction documents meeting the criteria above will be reviewed for image compliance. • The CD submittal must meet the criteria of the latest DID version available at the time of CD review. The latest version of the DID and Verification Report are available via General Motor’s GlobalConnect interface. • The GMFI review is only for image compliance, i.e. conformance with the visual and aesthetic design concept as expressed in the DID and by the GMFI Program. It will not consider technical construction details, suitability, costs, and/or code and zoning issues. Gensler’s action on a specific item shall not indicate approval of an assembly of which the item is a component, nor of an item as delivered and installed if it does not conform to the DID and the GMFI Program. • The dealer, not Gensler or General Motors, is responsible for errors and omissions in the CD submittal and overall conformance with all requirements of the DID and the GMFI Program. • The CD submittal shall not be used as a substitute for the GMFI Exceptions Process. Verification Requirements Once Construction Documents have been approved, the project moves into the Verification phase. There are three ‘gates’ for Facility Image program compliance in this phase: Start of Construction, Mid-Point of Construction and Construction Complete. At each gate, the dealer must work with his Zone Manager to gather and submit evidence of compliance. Start of Construction Two of these seven items are required: 1. Photo with date stamp of major excavation (footings, site utilities, etc.) 2. Photo with date stamp of major exterior building demolition (fascia removal, roof and wall demolition, entrance reconfiguration) 1-8 Chevrolet Facility Image Design Intent | Version 7.0 3. Photo with date stamp of major interior building demolition(floor tile removal, partition/ceiling removal,interior barricades, etc) 4. Copy of Building Permit issued by city 5. Copy of signed Contract for Construction showing contractor’s determination of cost of project 6. Photo with date stamp of significant building materials stored on site 7. Copy of P.O. or shipping invoice for long-lead items (glass doors, elevators, ACM) Mid-Point of Construction At this stage, the dealer must submit a copy of an approved electrical permit. Alternatively, the dealer may submit evidence of an electrical inspector’s visit. Construction Complete Upon completion of new or renovated dealerships enrolled in the GM Facility Image Program, Gensler has been authorized to notify General Motors that the completed facility is in compliance with the mandated Facility Image. To expedite this final verification process Gensler requests that GM dealers provide the information listed below: 1. Certificate of Occupancy/Temporary Permit approving dealer to perform customary business at the completed location. 2. Digital photographs (see required list on gmfacilityimage.com) provided on a compact disc. Note: This disc will not be returned. Each photograph must be of adequate file size and resolution to clearly describe the facility. Typically, each image should be a minimum of 150 kilobytes. 3. A .pdf copy of the floor plan of the building with a layout of all furniture, as installed. 4. .jpg or .pdf copies of color cut sheets of the furniture with full specifications, product numbers and manufacturers names, along with finish and upholstery images. 5. Specifications of the actual furnishings and finishes included in the facility, including manufacturer, model, product number and finish. 6. Detailed photographs of all building finishes, samples of furniture finishes, including laminates, woods, and fabrics. 1-9 Chevrolet Facility Image Design Intent | Version 7.0 The GMFI Process All information must be shipped via a verifiable/trackable overnight delivery service. The package should include a contact name, office telephone number, mobile telephone number, and email address should Gensler need to contact someone for additional information. Gensler will not accept any electronic mail (email) files, hard copy photographs, etc. CD(s) are required for compliance purposes. Ship to: Gensler One Woodward Avenue, Suite 601 Detroit, MI 48226 Attn: GMFI Verification Team Gensler will review the submitted materials and provide the completed Verification Report, color copies of the photographs formatted and printed from the provided CD, and a copy of the Dealer-provided Certificate of Occupancy to General Motors advising them of facility image compliance or non-compliance. In all cases, final approval of a GM facility is the responsibility of GM. After reviewing Gensler’s evaluation, GM will notify dealers in writing of compliance or non-compliance. If the submitted information and photographs do not clearly present the complete facility adequately for review and verification, additional information may be requested. A complete list of required photographs to be included on the Verification CD may be found on www.gmfacilityimage.com. 1-10 Chevrolet Facility Image Design Intent | Version 7.0 GMFI/Gensler Sustainable Design Intent The incorporation of sustainable building design strategies affords building owners opportunities to reduce the cost of building operations, extend the long-term performance of their facilities, improve the indoor health and safety of the building and its occupants, and reduce the impact of building construction and operation on the surrounding environment. Other benefits (e.g., tax subsidies, utility rebates, and general goodwill within dealers’ communities) may also be available and depend on the locale of construction. There are several nationally recognized sustainable design certification programs for which dealers’ facility projects may be eligible. The choice of which program, and to which level of certification or compliance is achieved, should be made by individual dealers with the assistance of their architects and design/engineering/construction professionals. The United States Green Building Council’s (USGBC) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program is a prominent sustainable design certification program. LEED has been widely adopted by municipalities, institutions, and corporations across the country. Dealers who are interested in pursuing LEED certification through the USGBC can find detailed information at: http://www.usgbc.org Contact information for LEED-accredited professionals with experience in the execution of sustainable design projects can be found at: http://www.usgbc.org/myUSGBC/Members/MembersDirectory.aspx. There are many elements of facility design that affect operational costs and environmental impact. The most impactful strategies are those that reduce energy consumption and the maintenance required for energy systems. Efficient and effective dealership lighting strategies also play a key role, and these have the added benefit of improving vehicle merchandising. The interior lighting program compiled by the Gensler Facility Image Team in this document is intended to guide projects toward the realization of these benefits. 1-11 Chevrolet Facility Image Design Intent | Version 7.0 Gensler has provided material and product specifications for the Chevrolet facility image program. These specifications identify specific manufacturers and providers whose products and materials offer both superior performance and sustainable design benefits. These are part of the approved FF&E packages for all of the new branded retail environments. Each of the selections and sources were evaluated on the following criteria: • Commercial quality and durability suitable for long-term use, based on best practices in the automotive and commercial interior industries • Sustainable practices, production techniques and recycled content • Sourcing accessibility by local providers and support through nationally distributed manufacturers Sustainable design practices carefully incorporated into facility improvements will deliver a better facility for the dealer’s bottom line, establish the dealer’s environmental leadership in their communities, and improve dealership environments for customers and staff. SUSTAINABILITY 1-12 Chevrolet Facility Image Design Intent | Version 7.0 2 Design Intent 2-1 Chevrolet Facility Image Design Intent | Version 7.0 Overview Facility Zones 0 Exterior Chevrolet has established facility image guidelines that will express the brand for retail customers consistently across locations. On the pages that follow these guidelines are summarized for each of eight distinct zones (Exterior + 7 Interior). The images illustrate a prototype dealership to communicate design intent. 1 ShoWROOM and sales 2 NEW CAR DELIVERY 3 SERVICE DRIVE/write-up 4 CUSTOMER AMENITIES 5 SERVICE department 6 PARTS DEPARTMENT 7 NON-CUSTOMER SPACES 2-2 Chevrolet Facility Image Design Intent | Version 7.0 5 3 6 4 0 7 2 1 2-3 Chevrolet Facility Image Design Intent | Version 7.0 Chevrolet Essential Brand Elements Required and Optional Elements The tables on the following pages demonstrate which Chevrolet brand program elements are required and which elements are optional. To determine which requirements apply to your facility, first locate the appropriate General Motors Facility Type code in the table below. Facility Type Description 1 Exclusive Stand Alone 2 Separate Showrooms; Shared Service 2 Chevrolet as Outlot 3 Duplex 7 Dual 8 Multi-Line Notes: The overall architectural concept and appearance are required. Use of specific elements in a manner that does not achieve the overall design intent is not acceptable. Required finishes must be used, unless an alternate is approved. A ‘customer area’ is any area, room or space that is used by or visible to a customer. All such areas must be facility image program compliant. This Design Intent Document (DID) provides specifications in compliance with the www.gmfacilityimage.com web site. These fixtures and furniture specifications or approved alternatives must be utilized in all customer contact areas. GMDI and building signs are required to be sourced from Pattison Sign Group. 2-4 D Required A Optional NA Not Applicable Chevrolet Facility Image Design Intent | Version 7.0 1: Exclusive Stand Alone 2: Separate Showrooms; Shared Service 2: Chevrolet as out Lot 3 or 6: Duplex 7: Dual 8: Multi-Line Entry Element D D D D D D Blue ACM entry element with hairline brushed frame around opening and roof canopy hanging in opening. Preferably this element should be integral to the building wall or overhang canopy, but it may be freestanding if the site and/or existing structure requires. Dimensions and proportions must be as specified in Design Intent Document (DID) Section 4: Resources: Detailed Drawings and Space Planning Examples. ACM Construction D D D D D D All ACM (both on the facade and on the entry element) must be either a rout and return or a rain screen system with ½” to ¾” wide reveals. Dry joint systems are preferred. Batten, molding or field-cut “sheet and stick” systems are not acceptable. ACM Fascia D D D D D D The fascia (above the storefront) of the showroom perimeter to be silver metallic ACM with a blue ACM stripe on the bottom. At a minimum, the ACM fascia must extend to the rear wall of the showroom. It must also extend over the entire length of the service drive entrance exterior wall. ACM Stripe D D D D D D The lower 8"-12" of the fascia must be blue ACM, flush with the metallic silver ACM above. Exterior Materials D D D D D D Silver metallic, brushed aluminum and blue ACM at showroom. EIFS or other materials are not acceptable. The remainder of exterior of facility should be painted either EP1(white, for the service department)) or EP2(light gray, for the showroom only). See DID finish schedule. Clear Anodized Appearance Aluminum Storefront D D D D D D Clear anodized aluminum appearance storefront is required for the showroom area. The storefront must extend from the showroom floor to the ceiling at a minimum - punched openings are not acceptable at the showroom. Clear Glazing D D D D D D Exterior glass must be clear (i.e., non-tinted in terms of glass color), without interior blinds, drapes, etc along the interior. There must not be darkening or opaqueing film applied to showroom glass. Posters, sales materials, etc. must not be affixed to the glass or glass doors. Vehicle Visibility D D D D D D The facility must comply with all requirements for vehicle visibility described in DID Section 2: Exterior and Site: Vehicle Visibility Facility Type Requirements 0. Exterior Signage Note: Dealer is required to use the approved GM sign vendor Pattison Sign Group Chevrolet Wordmark D D D D D D New low-profile LED Chevrolet sign required in correct Chevrolet font. Gold Bowtie D D D D D D New low profile LED Gold Bowtie required. Dealer Name D D D D D D New low profile Dealer Name sign in correct GM Gothic font. GMDI D D D D D D GMDI pylon or monument signs required, unless prohibited by jurisdiction. Pylon to have new Gold Bowtie. Business Central dealers must have GMDI Business Central Signage. Directional A A A A A A Directional signs should be utilized as necessary to assist customers in locating sales, service, body shop, etc. Existing Sign Removal D D D D D D Existing signs must be removed unless they comply with the current facility image program. Sign over Service Entrance D D D D D D “Certified Service” sign Service Exterior Curb Side Sign A A A A A A Optional in addition to sign over service entrance Designated Customer Parking D D D D D D An area near the showroom must be designated for customer parking. Site 2-5 Chevrolet Facility Image Design Intent | Version 7.0 1: Exclusive Stand Alone 2: Separate Showrooms; Shared Service 2: Chevrolet as out Lot 3 or 6: Duplex 7: Dual 8: Multi-Line Showroom D D D D D D Facility must include a showroom that meets minimum space guides for size and display vehicles. Furniture D D D D D D All furniture in customer areas to be as specified or approved alternate, with specified finishes. Facility Type Requirements 1. Showroom and Sales Finishes D D D D D D All finishes in customer areas to be as specified or approved alternate. Ceramic Tile D D D D D D Showroom & other customer areas are to have the specified ceramic tile or approved alternate. 16”x16” tile is preferred. The minimum allowable tile size is 12”x12”. Striped Tile A A A A A A Designated striped floor pattern as described in DID Section 2: Design Intent: Showroom Floor Tile Accent Paint D D D D D D One of three options (P4, P5 or P7) must be used for accent paint on the rear wall of sales offices and other offices that face the showroom. Lighting D D D D D D Showroom lighting must comply with the requirements described in DID Section 4: Resources: Showroom Lighting Requirements. Light Cove A A A A A A This lighting feature may be included where ceiling height, geometry of showroom, and 2nd floor windows/balcony allow. High Ceiling A A A A A A It is preferred that the showroom ceiling be 12’-0” or higher. Sales or General Manager Office D D D D D D If this office is visible to customers, finishes must be as specified or approved alternates. Sales Offices or Stations D D D D D D Closed offices, open office stations, freestanding tables or a combination are acceptable. Offices must have glass fronts. Closed offices must have glass doors and fronts. Furniture must be as specified or approved alternates. No sales workstations or other large fixed furniture (other than greeter desks) are allowed within 20 feet of customer entrances or in places that block the customer entry experience views of vehicles. Sales Management Area A A A A A A If on the showroom floor, the sales management control area must utilize the same furniture and finishes as the showroom. If sales management area utilizes standup counters, it must be enclosed in separate space with glass walls. Neither new nor existing raised sales towers are allowed. Required Fixtures (Showroom/Customer Lounge) D D D D D D Showroom/Customer Lounge required fixtures include: Reception Desk (with or without Optional Logo Cabinet), Chevrolet Logo Screen, Product Information Center, Chevrolet “Open Road” Wallpaper, Chevrolet Accessories Slatwall, Mobile Showroom Accessories Slatwall, Framed Wall Art Graphics, Chevrolet Promotion and Vehicle Launch Stands. Fixtures must be purchased from DCI Marketing. Please see the ordering information and a comprehensive list of required fixtures on gmfacilityimage.com. 2-6 Chevrolet Facility Image Design Intent | Version 7.0 8: Multi-Line 7: Dual 3 or 6: Duplex 2: Chevrolet as out Lot 2: Separate Showrooms; Shared Service 1: Exclusive Stand Alone Facility Type Requirements 2. New Car Delivery New Car Delivery D D D D D D There must be a designated, covered area for New Car Delivery. New Car Delivery Enclosure A A A A A A An enclosed New Car Delivery space/area is preferred. Covered only (not enclosed) is acceptable in appropriate climates. Finance Office D D D D D D Facility must include offices for F&I functions. Offices must be enclosed with glass fronts and glass doors. Finishes must be as specified or approved alternatives. Furniture D D D D D D All furniture in customer areas to be as specified or approved alternate with specified finishes. Finishes D D D D D D All finishes in customer areas to be as specified or approved alternate. Service Drive Visibility D D A D D D Facility design must allow for adequate visual recognition of the service reception lane. Service Reception Lane D D A D D D Service Reception must be at either a covered or enclosed area. It must be attached to the sales facility or immediately adjacent. A minimum of one lane is required, two is preferred. If enclosed, glass overhead service lane doors are required. If a glass storefront system is present, man doors are also required. Service Write-Up D D A D D D Service consultant pods in an adjacent space. Service write-up should be located directly adjacent to showroom/lounge so that customers do not have to cross the service lane to enter these spaces. Service Writer Offices A A A A A A Sit-down writers in individual offices is allowed. The finishes/furniture to be as specified or approved alternate. Service Drive Separation D D D D D D The service drive must be separated from the service bays by a full height wall. An overhead door for access to the service bays may be used. Required Fixtures (Service) D D A D D D Service required fixtures include: Modular Service Advisor Desk(s), Menu Board, Key Drop Box, Hours of Operation Sign and Mobile and/ or Wall-Mounted Tire, Battery and Wiper Merchandising Displays. Fixtures must be purchased from DCI Marketing. Please see the ordering information and a comprehensive list of required fixtures on gmfacilityimage.com. Furniture D D D D D D All furniture in customer areas to be as specified or approved alternate with specified finishes. Finishes D D D D D D All finishes in customer areas to be as specified or approved alternate. 3. Service Drive / Write-up 2-7 Chevrolet Facility Image Design Intent | Version 7.0 1: Exclusive Stand Alone 2: Separate Showrooms; Shared Service 2: Chevrolet as out Lot 3 or 6: Duplex 7: Dual 8: Multi-Line Lounge D D D D D D Facility must include a customer waiting area within the sales building. If service write-up occurs in a separate building, additional customer waiting must be provided in that building. All furniture and finishes to be as specified or approved alternates. Cashier Counter D D D D D D Cashier counter required, preferably in lounge and retail display area. This function may be performed by service writers in lieu of cashier. Finishes must comply with required specifications. Refreshment Counter D D D D D D Dealership must provide some source of refreshments for customers. Vending machines alone do not satisfy this requirement. Vending area A A A A A A If included, vending machines must not be visible from the showroom. TV/Media Wall D D D D D D A media wall with a large, flat screen television is required. For more details, see DID Section 4: Resources: Detailed Drawings and Space Planning Examples. Customer Work Area D D D D D D An area with a work desk for customers must be included. This can be a counter or a round table. Internet access for customers D D D D D D Dealer must provide Internet access for customers (wired or wireless is acceptable). Power outlets for battery chargers should be included. Retail Parts Counter D D D D D D Retail counter required, preferably in lounge and retail display area. Finishes must comply with required specifications. Rest Rooms D D D D D D Appropriate restroom facilities must be provided in or adjacent to the customer interface area. All finishes to be as specified or approved alternates. Baby Changing Station A A A A A A Chevrolet suggests that at least one Men's and one Women's restroom have a baby changing station. Kids Area D D D D D D A designated area for children is required, along with appropriate furniture. This can be placed within the showroom or lounge. It does not have to be separate, enclosed space. If enclosed, glass walls for parental visibility is preferred. Furniture D D A D D D All furniture in customer areas must be as specified or approved alternates with specified finishes. Finishes D D A D D D All finishes in customer areas must be as specified or approved alternates. Service Manager D D D D D D Service Manager office must be directly accessible to customers. If the office is not directly accessible, an accessible consultation office must be provided, preferably adjacent to service write-up. Furniture and finishes must be as specified or approved alternate. Furniture D D D D D D All furniture in customer areas must be as specified or approved alternate. Finishes D D D D D D All finishes in customer areas must be as specified or approved alternate. Facility Type Requirements 4. Customer Amenities 5. Service Department 2-8 Chevrolet Facility Image Design Intent | Version 7.0 8: Multi-Line 7: Dual 3 or 6: Duplex 2: Chevrolet as out Lot 2: Separate Showrooms; Shared Service 1: Exclusive Stand Alone Facility Type Requirements 6. Parts Department Parts Manager A A A A A A Furniture and finishes must be as specified or approved alternate. Furniture D D D D D D All furniture that can be seen from customer areas to be as specified or approved alternates with specified finishes. Finishes D D D D D D All finishes that can be seen from customer areas to be as specified or approved alternates. Dealer Office A A A A A A The dealer office furniture and finishes, if included and visible from the showroom, must be as specified or approved alternates. BDC A A A A A A The BDC or “bullpen” is optional. If included and located in view of showroom, finishes and furniture must be as specified or approved alternates. Conference/Training A A A A A A The conference and/or training areas are optional. If included and located in view of showroom, finishes and furniture must be as specified or approved alternates. Break Room A A A A A A The break room is optional. If included and located in view of showroom, finishes and furniture must be as specified or approved alternates. Furniture D D D D D D All furniture that can be seen from customer areas to be as specified or approved alternates with specified finishes. Finishes D D D D D D All finishes that can be seen from customer areas to be as specified or approved alternates. 7. Non-Customer Spaces Chevrolet Cadillac Dual Facilities Exterior NA NA NA NA D NA For dual facilities, the brand image of the dominant brand must be used. Signage for Cadillac should be placed on the silver ACM to the extreme right of the entry element. Interior Fixtures, Finishes, Furniture NA NA NA NA D NA Interior finishes, fixtures and furniture must be Chevrolet specification. Brand-Focused Merchandise NA NA NA NA D NA Brand-focused merchandising elements for all brands that are sold in the facility must be included in the Showroom. Art & Science NA NA NA NA D NA A Cadillac Art & Science niche must be included. Exterior NA NA NA NA NA D For multiline facilities, the Chevrolet brand image is used. Signage for Buick GMC (and Cadillac if applicable) must be placed on to the extreme right of the entry element. The shared Service Drive and Service Write-up area will be branded to the Chevrolet image. Interior Fixtures, Finishes, Furniture NA NA NA NA NA D Interior finishes, fixtures and furniture must be Chevrolet specification. Brand-Focused Merchandise NA NA NA NA NA D Brand-focused merchandising elements for all brands that are sold in the facility must be included in the Showroom. Multiline Facilities If Buick GMC is sold: NA NA NA NA NA D Buick GMC Product Information Center must be included. Two Buick GMC logo screens (one Buick, one GMC) must be included. If Cadillac is sold: NA NA NA NA NA D A Cadillac Art & Science niche must be included. 2-9 Chevrolet Facility Image Design Intent | Version 7.0 2-10 Chevrolet Facility Image Design Intent | Version 7.0 DESIGN INTENT Exterior and Site The building exterior should feature and reveal product, dramatically proclaim the brand, and provide a nationally consistent and welcoming face to the customer. 2-11 Chevrolet Facility Image Design Intent | Version 7.0 Exterior and Site Building Exterior Each location must have compliant application of the Chevrolet entry element, whether it be freestanding or integral to structure. The material for exterior walls in the showroom area and across the service drive entrance must be a standard ACM (Aluminum Composite Metal) panel system. In both new construction and renovation, this approach to the facade will permit uniform fabrication and economical installation across the Chevrolet retail network. The drawings in this document identify optimal dimensions for panel sizes and proportions. All ACM on the facade must be either a rout and return or a rain screen system with ½” to ¾” wide reveals. Dry joint systems are preferred. Batten, molding or field-cut ‘sheets and stick’ systems are not acceptable. The finish for non-glass elements on all exterior glazing systems should be a clear anodized aluminum appearance. Exterior Signage Whether existing or new, all exterior signs should be in good working order. New signage – primary pylon sign, secondary signs, and wayfinding – should appear and be located as specified in this document, and must comply with local restrictions on height and appearance. Pattison Sign Group must coordinate final approval and installation of all signs. Customer Parking While exact layout will vary, all Chevrolet facilities must accommodate an identified customer parking area which is oriented toward the front entrance or in as close proximity to the front entrance as possible. Special emphasis should be placed on locally ADA-compliant parking placed as close to the main entrance as possible. 2-12 Chevrolet Facility Image Design Intent | Version 7.0 4 3 1 5 2 6 8 7 1. Dealer Name 2. Chevrolet Brand-Specific Entry Element 3. Chevrolet Signage 4. Silver ACM 5. ‘Chevrolet Blue’ ACM Accent Band 6. Clear Glass with Clear Anodized Aluminum Appearance Finish Storefront 7. Exterior Feature Vehicle Display 8. Properly Identified Customer Parking 2-13 Chevrolet Facility Image Design Intent | Version 7.0 Vehicle Visibility Requirements The required facility image condition is for customers to have unobstructed views of GM vehicles and brand entry elements. This is a key component of customers’ arrival and entry experience at the dealer’s facility. This applies to both walk-up approaches to the store (including views from the exterior into the store), and upon passage through the customer entrance into the showroom interior. An additional desirable condition is for potential customers driving past stores to enjoy views of vehicles through showroom glass during the day and evening. Stores must refrain from placing sales workstations and other large fixed furniture (other than greeter desks) within 20 feet of customer entry elements or in places that block the customer’s views of vehicles. Posters, sales materials, and the like should not be affixed to the glass or glass doors. Exterior glass must be “clear”- that is, non-tinted in terms of glass color, without interior blinds, drapes, etc along the interior. There must not be darkening or opaqueing film applied to showroom glass. Solar fabric mechanical shades on the interior side of glass may be proposed by dealers only in cases of extreme sun conditions that interfere with customer views and comfort. GMFI Consutant Travelers or GM Zone Managers will make final decisions regarding the suitability of solar mechanical shades. If approved, the solar fabric mechanical shade must conform with the general specification in Section 4: Resources: Materials and Finishes. A balance of visible light transmittance, outside reflectance, and energy concerns must be considered when decisions are made 2-14 Chevrolet Facility Image Design Intent | Version 7.0 Acceptable Not Acceptable about showroom glass. Low-e coating and other factory applied micro-molecular metallic solar films may be used to improve energy performance provided the increased reflectivity of the glass does not significantly impair daytime views of the vehicles through the glass. Maximum outside reflectance of no greater than 29% (16% preferred), minimum visible light transmittance at 53% (60% or greater, preferred) are the visual parameters for the properties of the showroom glass. In certain circumstances, predominantly in the southern USA, some stores have large and deep “porches” - overhangs or soffits along the principal façade - and have placed vehicles below, in front of the showroom glass, and in clear view of approaching customers. This is an acceptable condition provided that the overhang or soffit is generally as wide as the store’s principal façade, the underside soffit height is a minimum of 12 feet high and a minimum of 20’ deep, and that soffit lighting is included to properly illuminate vehicles after sunset. In cases such as this, sales workstations are permitted against the glass exterior wall, provided they do not interfere with customer entry. 2-15 Chevrolet Facility Image Design Intent | Version 7.0 Exterior Entry Element Guidelines The exterior entry element should be located on the primary showroom facade. The general intent is that this entry element will surround the main public entry doors. However, site constraints may require that public doors not be part of the entry element if there is lot-line construction or parking adjacent to the building on a minor elevation. Any such deviation from the general intent must be approved by GMFI. Signage by Pattison Sign Group Typical Dimensions at Glazing/Wall Panels ACM1 (Fascia) 4’-0” ACM2 (Fascia) 4’-0” 1’-0” ACM2 ACM2 ACM3 For specification information refer to the Materials and Finish Schedule in Section 4. 2-16 Chevrolet Facility Image Design Intent | Version 7.0 16’-0” Factory-built entry elements are available from selected vendors. See Section 4: Vendor List for vendor contact information. The entry element may also be built by the dealer’s contractor. See Section 4 for detailed design intent drawings. The ACM on the entry element must be either a rout and return or a rain screen system with ½” to ¾” wide reveals. Dry joint systems are preferred. Batten, molding or field-cut ‘sheets and stick’ systems are not acceptable. The signage shown is illustrative. Dealer image signs are designed and installed by Pattison Sign Group. The images on these pages are representative only and actual signs may vary. 2-17 Chevrolet Facility Image Design Intent | Version 7.0 Exterior Dealer Identity Dealer Image Signs Dealer image signs are designed and installed by Pattison Sign Group. The images on these pages are representative only and actual signs may vary. See Section 4 for vendor contact information. varies 22” Example varies varies 22” 22” SIGN ELEMENTS Example Example SIGN ELEMENTS - Dealer Name Letters 16” varies varies 5 lbs/letter .3 amps/letter 22” varies varies 8 lbs/letter .4 amps/letter 28” varies varies 12 lbs/letter .5 amps/letter SIGN ELEMENTS 2-18 NOTES: 1. LED illumination 2. 5” channel 16” letter depth varies 3. Anodized aluminum returns 22” varies 4. Pigmented Chevrolet blue acrylic faces 28” varies Chevrolet Facility Image Design Intent | Version 7.0 NOTES: - Dealer Name Letters 16” varies varies 5 lbs/letter .3 amps/letter 22” varies varies 8 lbs/letter .4 amps/letter 28” varies varies 12 lbs/letter .5 amps/letter NOTES: 1. LED illumination 2. 5” channel letter depth 3. Anodized aluminum returns 4. Pigmented Chevrolet blue acrylic faces - Dealer Name Letters varies 5 lbs/letter .3 amps/letter varies 8 lbs/letter .4 amps/letter varies 12 lbs/letter .5 amps/letter 2-19 Chevrolet Facility Image Design Intent | Version 7.0 Exterior Materials Exterior Metallic ACM Location: Showroom/Primary Facades Exterior Blue ACM Location: Showroom/Primary Facades Exterior Paint Location: Service Building and Any Other Building Exterior Except Showroom/Primary Facade ACM1 ACM2 EP1 Exterior CMU (Color to Match EP1) Exterior CMU (Color to Match EP2) Location: Exteriors at Main Showroom Structure Location: Service Building and Any Other Building Exterior Except Showroom Location: Service Building and Any Other Building Exterior Except Showroom EP2 CMU1 CMU2 Exterior Paint For specification information for all program materials refer to the Materials and Finish Schedule in Section 4. 2-20 Chevrolet Facility Image Design Intent | Version 7.0 Exterior for Chevrolet Cadillac Dual Facilities For dual facilities, the brand image of the dominant brand must be used. Signage for Cadillac should be placed on the silver ACM to the extreme right of the entry element. The shared Service Drive and Service Write-up area will be branded to the image of the dominant brand. Exterior for Multiline Facilities For multiline facilities, the Chevrolet brand image is used. Signage for Buick GMC (and Cadillac if applicable) will be placed on to the extreme right of the entry element. The shared Service Drive and Service Write-up area will be branded to the image of the dominant brand. 2-21 Chevrolet Facility Image Design Intent | Version 7.0 Chevrolet Volt Facility Requirements The introduction of the Chevrolet Volt creates unique requirements for Chevrolet dealership facilities. To effectively sell and service the Volt, dealers must provide charging stations. This may be accomplished with either AC charging stations in and around the facility, a solar-powered charging canopy on site, or both. AC Charging Stations If the dealer chooses to only provide AC charging stations, at least two must be provided and located as indicated below. 1. A charging station must be in the customer parking area for the sales facility. Ideally, this would be established in an area where 2-4 parking spaces converge, allowing the charger to have access to multiple parked vehicles. 2. A charging station must also be either alongside an exterior wall near the rear or side of the building or on a pedestal in the service parking area. In addition, the dealer may consider providing charging stations in these locations: • In the showroom and new car delivery spaces to demonstrate the charging procedure. • In the service area, preferably along a shop wall between two bays. AC Charging Vendor SPX 1-800-GM TOOLS www.homecharging.spx.com/volt Required AC Charging Location 2-22 Chevrolet Facility Image Design Intent | Version 7.0 Optional Charging Location