
September 2015
Die Offene Strasse
AASE Sales …………………………....…….…....
Acceleration …………………………....…….…....
Auto Assets ………..……………...…………..…..
Byers Imports …………………..……………...…
Caldwell Banker …..…………….……………..
Kraftwerks Performance ……………….…
Kraftwerks Performance………………….
Midwestern Auto Group …….………..……
NJB Automotive ……………………..……….…
Richter Financial & Motorsports ……
Stoddards ….…………………………….......….…
Studio 47 ……………………………………..…..…
TruePerformance …………….……..….………
Business Card Ads ………………….……...…
(The Open Road)
Published Monthly by the
Mid-Ohio Regional Porsche Club of America
Patrice Hennessy
Club Photographer
Doug Harris
Social Media Contributor
Jim Davis
Sheila Henderson
Advertising Rates
Ad Copy is the responsibility of the advertiser and must be correctly
sized to fit in ad space. Deadline for copy is the 10 of each month
for the following month’s newsletter.
Material from DOS newsletter may be reprinted (except for ads)
provided proper credit is given to the author and the source.
Die Offene Strasse (DOS) is the official Publication of the Mid-Ohio
Region, Porsche Club of America. Statements and opinions within are
those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official
position of MOR or PCA. Permission to Reprint any material herein is
granted, provided full credit is given to Die Offene Strasse and the
Contributions to the newsletter are encouraged and should be in the
hands of the editor by the 10th of each month for the following
month’s issue.
PORSCHE®, the Porsche Crest Design®, CARRERA®,
911®, 918®, 919®, TARGA®, CAYENNE®, MACAN®,
trademarks of Porsche AG.
Cover Photo: Kevin Hennessy & Mike Storner, after their solo
victory lap, are the last to exit the Indianapolis Motor Speedway
track on Sunday
Der Passagiersitz ………………….………..
The Spin …………………………….……………...
For the Record .………..………………….
Get to know a Porschephile Star….
INDY …………………………………………….
INDY Testimonials …………………..…….
INDY in Pictures ……….……………………
Third Thursday ………………..……………
Call for Nominations ……………………..
Anniversaries ………………………………..
Membership Marketplace………..……
Around the Zone ……….………………….
Upcoming Events ………………………….
Photo credit to: Alan Shultz
Drawings / Artwork: Maury Walsh [A talented MORPCA Member – ed.]
Der Passagiersitz (The Passenger Seat)
Patrice Hennessy
Newsletter Editor
In preparation for the INDY HPDE, Kevin's priority was
to pack up the car trailer and I mine was to insure that I
had enough libations to last the weekend. I headed to
store to pick up some wine. They say you can't judge a
book by its’ cover but apparently that saying also applies
to wine. I selected a lovely summer Rosé based strictly
by the pretty bottle it was in. I couldn't wait for others to
marvel at my extensive knowledge of wine. First to sip
after admiring the bottle was Deb West. She thought it
tasted like cough syrup. After that, hard as I tried
(because I didn’t want to drink it myself), I could not give
the stuff away. Many sampled, but none were takers. I
had to drink it all by my lonesome. It took me the entire
weekend, the very last drop
downed at Gasoline Alley as the
sun was setting late Sunday and
everyone was packing up and
heading home.
I really needed a stiff drink (or
two) during the 72 hours we
spent at the Indianapolis Motor
Speedway. The INDY HPDE
weekend started off with a bang
on Thursday night and did not
let up until the last car left the
Thursday night, Registration and
Tech were handled at the hotel.
I helped out at Registration with
Lorraine Curley, Deb West, Flo Snyder, Jose Isern and
our leader, Dave Stetson. I must say, Dave Stetson runs
a tight ship. You would never know that this was only the
second event that Dave had undertaken as the
Registrar. With 265 participants, registration was
packed to the gunwales but he battened down the
hatches. “The pessimist complains about the wind; the
optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the
sails.” I think we know which Dave is. (pardon the
nautical references, those were for Dave).
I spent the early parts of Friday morning directing traffic
with Ann Fowble. We didn't see the inside of the
paddock until 10 AM. Once there, the magnitude of the
venue minus the typical crowds mulling about is a sight
to behold. I heard someone describe it as being in a
man made Grand Canyon constructed of metal.
Personally, I haven't been to any other track like it. It had
the feel of a true professional racing venue, where the
big dogs run. Driving down the front straightaway as the
towering walls of stadium seating closed in on the track,
you could imagine yourself in a televised racing series. I'll
let you picture which one. If you listened carefully, you
could hear the soft thud thud your tires made crossing
the brick start finish line. Entering from gasoline alley,
the lighted Jumbotron flashed Indianapolis Motor
Speedway. You knew where you were. You felt the
history and tradition that built this place.
Although a lot of thought was put into the mechanics of
running an event this big, we were ill prepared for the
non driving visitors who kept coming in hordes each day.
IMS had warned us that in the weeks before the event,
they were starting to field phone calls inquiring about
the possibility of spectators attending the festivities. We
had established the policy of only allowing in visitors who
were guests of track participants. However, we did not
anticipate that some of the participants would bring 10
or more friends and family with them. The one exception
made to the friends and family rule was a group of
Marines that Todd Baumann met wandering around the
Museum grounds where crowds of locals had gathered.
They asked if they could come in (as his guests) and he
gave them the grand tour. It was the least that we could
do for those who serve our
paperwork required from
IMS and PCA to register
guests became a full time
position for Todd, Deb,
Lorraine, Ann and I. It really
did take all of us to handle
the crowds. Not that I was
registration was located in
the fanciest digs this
volunteer has ever seen.
Not only did we have air
conditioning, but our track
accommodations came equipped with a bathroom,
refrigerator, microwave and cable TV. If you had to hang
out at the track all day, it wasn’t a bad place to be.
At the end of each evening, we had a social gathering.
We made sure to include all the track personnel as they
kept us safe out there each day. One of the firefighters
later told me that in all of his 31 years working at IMS,
we were the first group to include the track workers in
any after hours track functions. They were great and it
was our pleasure.
We celebrated the success of our inaugural INDY HPDE
by going out to dinner Sunday night. Bill Stevens
convinced those of us who were staying over until
Monday morning to go to Union Jack, a local
establishment famous for pizza and INDY memorabilia.
Mike Stoner had headed back to Columbus and made it
home before we had finished dinner but we toasted him
and everyone else that made this one of the best events
our Club has ever hosted. I'm trying really hard not to
self aggrandize, but the Club really did hit this one out of
the park!
September 2015
The inaugural DE at Indy is now behind us, and I’d like to
share some of my observations about this absolutely
incredible event. First let me say, it continues to be an honor
and privilege to work with and represent such an amazing
group of individuals in the Mid Ohio Region. Together, we
assembled a team of dedicated members and friends to pull
off the seemingly impossible event. Kevin Hennessy and Mike
Stoner did the heavy lifting of organizing all of the little details,
and fabulous weather graced this unique occasion to make
the whole thing come together beautifully. Check out the
countless photos that were posted
documenting all of the fun and
excitement of this awesome event!
The weekend started on Thursday
night and the first big task of
registration and tech for 265 cars.
Jim Rybak had it totally under
control using the Henry Ford
model with three lines and several
teams of individuals with specific
jobs to do on each car—and the
system worked perfectly and it was
complete by 8 p.m.! The event
registration process was next, and
with Registrar Dave Stetson ready
with all of the packets for the onslaught of people flooding in
after tech, that process went very smoothly too. Mike had
arranged for snacks and cocktails after registration so
everyone could get acquainted and psyched for three days at
IMS. You could feel the excitement building in the room when
Kevin introduced himself and set the stage for the next day
at IMS.
Friday dawned early for the MOR folks! Kevin tried to
segregate the arrival times of each car/driver so the IMS
entrance from the street would not get clogged, but
everyone came early anyways! So in the dark, Patrice
Hennessy and Ann Fowble directed cars, trucks with trailers,
and big rigs into orderly lines in a giant parking lot inside IMS.
Once the directional signs were put up around the paddock,
everyone started moving into their assigned garages. The
whole process worked with minimal delays and the first run
group was out on track on time! WOW!!
Instructors were the first drivers out on track, their
students were next on the road course in their instructor
cars. By doing this, the remaining run groups had time to get
settled and ready. Once the rhythm of the track got started
with each run group gridding along pit row (a completely new
idea at IMS), the three days passed quickly and everyone was
so excited to be there.
Kevin and Mike spent countless hours getting organized for
this big event, and communication was a big part of the
success. The DE participants were treated to something in
their inbox almost weekly, then daily, as the date grew
nearer. All of the hard work paid off because the DE had no
major hiccups and everyone had an unforgettable
experience! By the end of the weekend, it was clear to the
folks at IMS that a DE hosted by MOR is a good use of their
track and facility.
There are so many people who contributed to the success
of this event. Gerhard Hillmann brought the MOR trailer with
all of the key equipment to the event; Todd Baumann was the
Paddock Marshall, who had Chip Henderson as his helper,
kept order in the yard zipping around
on his golf cart; Jeff West was quite
selfless, again, in his job as the CDI,
since he was there without his track
car! The critical traffic spots for
entering the track were manned by
Bill Stevens (at Pit In) and Sean
Burns (at Pit Out)—and these two
guys did their jobs almost without a
break for ALL three days!! Deb West,
Patrice and Ann were the friendly
faces at the inside registration
station answering questions and
solving problems all weekend long.
Alan Shultz and John Morrison
zoomed around the track and
grounds with their long lenses to
record the big event. This list is far from complete, as there
were so many people that helped in big and small ways to
keep the weekend rolling. Thanks to everyone for helping
make this event an overwhelming success, and a total blast!
To commemorate the weekend, I used my liberal arts
education and some help from by songwriter husband to
craft a fun limerick!!
There once was a car guy named Kevin
Who heard his Porsche at Indy Revving
With Mike Stoner in tow
The track finally said “go”
And our club had a weekend in Heaven
It was certainly a weekend to remember—and to think we
were the first class of drivers on the Indy road course
without a racing license! Thank you Kevin and Mike for having
the vision and the fortitude to organize and implement this
great event!
The next big event is the PCA Club Race and HPDE at Mid
Ohio later this month. Dave Hayden and Bob Curley have
worked hard to make this combined event memorable and
successful as well. Be sure to watch the club calendar for the
remaining events, including the first Trickle Charged
Saturday on November 14th. Hagerty Insurance will be the
I look forward to seeing you at the next event!!
September 2015
For The Record
Board Meeting Minutes
Sheila Henderson
Membership Chair
August 10, 2015
Meeting called to order by Chip Henderson, Vice-President- 6:37 PM
Members Present:
Betsy MacDonell, Kevin Hennessy, Chip Henderson, Todd Baumann,
Karen England, Patrice Hennessy, Mike Stoner, John Peecook, Sheila
Henderson, Dave Hayden.
The minutes of the July 13, 2015 meeting were approved.
President’s Report/Correspondence by Betsy MacDonell
Betsy reported that she had received positive feedback after P2O®. In
addition, she has received positive feedback on the club operations in
general, but she did receive correspondence from 1 member that
expressed unhappiness, she indicated this would be addressed at the
local level.
Treasurer’s Report by Kevin Hennessy
Kevin reported that there is $173, 928 in the checking account and
estimates that $6500 will be donated to charity by the end of the
year. Kevin is researching the advantages of moving the treasurer’s
information from Quicken to QuickBooks next year.
Standing Committee Reports:
Advertising by Karen England
No Report
Website by Todd Baumann
Todd is working through some website issues but has posted
information on the upcoming Club Race and asked for any pictures
from P2O® that can be posted.
Philanthropy by Mike Stoner
No Report.
Membership by Sheila Henderson
There are a total of 952 members, with 7 new members last
New Business/Roundtable Discussion
Todd Baumann discussed the Italian Gathering at Wendy’s
Corporate Center on September 6.
The meeting was adjourned- 8:01 PM
For The Record
Board Meeting Minutes
Robert Balchick
September 14, 2015
Meeting called to order by Chip Henderson, Vice-President6:30 PM.
Members Present:
Betsy MacDonell, Kevin Hennessy, Robert Balchick, Chip
Henderson, Gerhard Hillmann, Bill Slone, Patrice Hennessy,
John Peecook, Mike Stoner, Ron Carr, Sheila Henderson, Bob
Curley, Dave Stetson, Dave Hayden, Marsha Hayden.
The minutes of the August 10, 2015 meeting are pending
The August Third Thursday will be at Mike and Debra Stoner’s home,
with a German theme and a food truck will be available.
The Board of Directors meeting date was discussed with the
goal to provide more timely information to the membership in
the newsletter and online, the date was changed to the first
Monday of the month at 6:30 PM, Betsy indicated she would
appoint a nominating committee for the upcoming Board of
Directors election, photos of the Indianapolis Driver’s Education
event will soon be posted online for everyone, and a jointly
sponsored event at Taj Ma Garaj is being developed with the
Ohio Valley Region and the Central Indiana Region for the first
quarter of 2016.
Concours/P2O by Bill Slone
Treasurer’s Report by Kevin Hennessy
No Report
The current checking account balance is $109,757 which
includes reconciled transactions from this year’s Mid Ohio
Driver’s Education, Indianapolis Driver’s Eduction, P2O®, and
the driving and social events held this year as well as the track
fee for the upcoming Club Race.
Newsletter by Patrice Hennessy
Patrice thanked everyone for early submissions this month.
Social Activities by Gerhard Hillmann
Driving Events by Chip Henderson & John Peecook
Planning for the Indianapolis Driver’s Education event are proceeding
well, there has been a great turnout for the rally tours and there is a
Dine and Drive to Akron scheduled for August 29. There will be a
planning meeting for Club Race on August 15 and a the need for
more volunteers was discussed. Chip discussed the possibility of
appointing a Safety Chairman to the Board of Directors.
Technical by Jeff Brubaker
No Report
Standing Committee Reports:
Advertising by Karen England
No Report
September 2015
There was a discussion of current updates to the posted website
Newsletter by Patrice Hennessy
members therefore the club will be moving forward to collaborate
with Tire Rack and the Buckeye Chapter of the BMW Car Club of
America, who have been holding events in central Ohio for several
years, the next event if November 14.
Technical by Jeff Brubaker
The call for nominations for this year’s board elections will be
published in the next newsletter.
The first Trickle Charge Saturday will be presented by Hagerty
Insurance on November 14 at the Rev 1 Ventures facility.
Social Activities by Gerhard Hillmann
Philanthropy by Mike Stoner
The next Third Thursday will be at Gerhard and Lisa Hillmann’s home
on September 26 at 4 PM, Gerhard is working on a venue for the
October event, probably with indoor flexibility due to the potential
weather concerns.
No Report.
Website by Todd Baumann
Membership by Sheila Henderson
Current members- 961 with 7 new members last month.
Concours/P2O by Bill Slone
Bill reported on a successful July P2O® and has already submitted a
permit to Granville for the 2016 event, the Board of Directors voted to
donate $10,000 to the Christopher Carlson foundation from the
proceeds of this year’s event, this was proposed by Bill Slone and
seconded by Gerhard Hillmann with a vote of 12-0 in favor.
Driving Events by Chip Henderson & John Peecook
The recent Indianapolis Driver’s Education event was discussed, many
members appreciated the opportunity to drive at the facility and
everyone appreciated Dan Clarke’s instruction; discussions are
ongoing for another event there in 2016. The last Club Race meeting
finalized the details of the upcoming event, it is on budget with just a
few spots unsold. The recent Rally Tour to Stan Hywet Hall in Akron
went well and the next autocross will be on October 11. There was a
discussion of the club’s participation in the Street Survival class
sponsored by Tire Rack and intended for young drivers, it was agreed
that this would be a valuable ongoing event for our club and the
New Business/Roundtable Discussion
Ron Carr is planning to attend Escape to Mt Rushmore, Mike Stoner
thanked all the volunteers and contributors to this years Indianapolis
Driver’s Education event, Bob Curley indicated the club would be
donating $500 to the Justin Wilson Foundation and displaying
helmet stickers honoring him at the upcoming Club race, it was
announced that Corey Fergus won the 2015 Touring Car
Championship as well as being named Rookie of the Year, Chip
Henderson and Betsy MacDonell discussed possible bylaws
changes including term limits for Board members, biennial elections
and policy changes for disruptive members.
The meeting was adjourned- 8:40 PM
Get to know
A Porschephile “Star” &
Their (un)Reasonably
Priced Car
Jim Sander
What type of Porsche do you park in your garage?
2001 midnight blue 911 Turbo Coupe
When did you join the club and what was your first club
I first joined the club in 1971.My first event was an autocross with
the Ohio Valley Region PCA held on the parking lot of Kings Island
where I won my first trophy.
What was your first Porsche and what could be your next
First: 1970 911 T tangerine coupe
Next: The 2001 Turbo I have now will be my last one, I think?
What Porsche would you possess “if you win the lottery?”
A new Turbo Coupe.
What was your:
Driver’s License test car; my father's 1957 Desoto Station
Wagon with push button transmission mounted on the dash
board. Now I am really dating myself aren't I.
First car : My very first car was my mother's 1954 Chevy 4 door
sedan with 3 speed transmission on the column. I drove it all thru
college. It had the straight 6 engine and my twin brother and I
souped it up with a dual exhaust, spinner hub caps ,customized
the back and front of the car by removing the Chevy emblems and
putting a chrome strip thru the middle of the hood removing the
hood ornament.Also we had it painted lime green.We had fuzzy
dice hanging from the rear view mirror and a dice gear shift lever.
Worst car : The worst car I ever had was my very first new car
after graduation from Pharmacy School and the University of
Cincinnati. It was a 1970 Mercury Cyclone GT with the 4 speed
transmission and Cleveland 351 4 barrel engine.Unfortunately for
me, the car was manufactured during the first week of deer
season in Detroit, Michigan. Naturally not a lot of employees
showed up for work that week so as a result the quality of the
build suffered greatly. Did you ever have to be towed out of a car
wash? I did . While in the car wash, the clutch assembly came
apart on the floor of the car wash. Pretty embarrassing. That is
when I decided to buy a reliable sports car and Porsche was it for
me. At that time most of the sports cars being made had big
time reliability issues.I had the 1970 911T for 30 years in which it
had two restorations; those old cars rusted badly.It had a 2.7 liter
engine in it built by Steve Southard in 1978 .In 1994 Harry
Mullins restored the car to its original tangerine color and put in a
brand new interior and detailed the motor. It was a screamer. I
autocrossed that car for 30 years. So, it has to be considered my
favorite. As I got older and the 911s got better(no rust issues ,
ac,cruise,much improved interior and comfort level) I moved up
29 model years to an ocean blue 1999 911 Carrera in
December 2000 and drove that car for 11 years until I traded it
in on my present car.The 1999 911 had one previous owner,
Charles Nagy who was a pitcher with the Cleveland Indians at the
time. I bought the car in the winter and drove it out of the showroom into
a snow white out. Stoddard Imported Cars is located in Cleveland and I
witnessed first hand Lake Effect snow. I arrived home to Zanesville
without incident
Best car: The 2001 turbo I have now is an all around better car especially
for traveling and is a hoot to drive.
What is your favorite car movie, car song, racing series, or
other car related thing?
Favorite Movies: Grand Prix with Steve McQueen.
Favorite Song: On The Road Again by Willie Nelson
Favorite Racing Series: CanAm series in the 70's. I saw Mark Donahue
race the famous Gulf Porsche 917 at Mid Ohio racetrack
What Club activities do you take part in?
I have run autocrosses for many years with PCA and also the SCCA Solo
series. I have attended and participated in four Parades; 1972 parade held
at the Lake Geneva Playboy Club hotel complex in Wisconsin, where I was
involved in an accident during the TSD rally. Another Porsche 911 thought I
was crossing an intersection when I was only advancing to the Stop sign. I
went home with a broken car. The next parade was in 1974 in the Pocono
Mountains resort. The autocross was on the Pocono Tri-Oval Speedway. We
got up to some very high speeds during that autocross. The next parade was
in 2008 in Charlotte, NC. It was a great time. I entered the autocross and
finished with a 3rd place trophy in my class. The concourse was held in the
middle of downtown Charlotte. It covered two city blocks. A friend of mine
who happened to be staying downtown for a concert who loves Porsches
woke up to this extraordinary view of the cars and thought he had died and
gone to heaven. The next parade was in Traverse City, Michigan in 2013. It
was my first time entering the concourse with the turbo. I took first place in
the Street Preparation Class. I was thrilled. At the Concourse banquet they
flashed a picture of my car on a big screen as my name was called to accept
my trophy. Carole and I thought that was very special to coordinate such a
nice thing into the event. The last parade we attended was this year's at
September 2015
French Lick. The scenery was beautiful and the accommodations terrific. I
entered the concourse there , but no trophy this time. Competition was
fierce; lots of immaculate cars present. One of the fondest memories of
that parade was the Parade of Porsches drive through French Lick
to a local town and back that was held on Saturday. The
townspeople all came out to watch all these beautiful cars go by.
They lined the streets on both sides of the 2 lane road which was
closed of traffic during the drive. I had no idea I would be able to
reach some high speeds during the drive, which I did. That was a
rare moment not having to worry about Officer Friendly.
What was the best car event you have been to and one you
still want to go to?
Been To: I have attended several DE events over the years. Two at
MidOhio, one at Putnam Park with the turbo. I couldn't believe I went
through an entire tank of gas in one day at the track there. I have
also attended several car shows around the tri-state area. The best
event would have to be the Traverse City Michigan Parade.
What would you like the club to be known for?
I think the Porsche club should be known for its members and the
friendships that develop when you share a common bond ,a love of
Porsches , Over many years as a member I have had the privilege to
grow friendships with my fellow Porsche Pushers that have lasted a
lifetime. I don't think there is another car club out there that can
offer so much enjoyment from being a member.
What other interest do you have outside of MORPCA?
I am also an avid golfer and belong to our local Zanesville Country
Club. I build and fly radio controlled model airplanes. Carole and I
enjoy travelling in our RV and took it all the way to the Grand Canyon
last year. We are looking forward to many more destinations in the
Want To: Since I am now retired and able to head south in the
winter, I want to attend the 24hr Daytona race. Also I want go to
Sebring. I would like to attend some of the performance car auctions
they have in Florida during the winter. One day I hope to drive
California Highway One in the turbo.
September 2015
EJ Bennett, Rocky Mountain Region
Imagine being the first group of amateur drivers ever allowed at
the Indianapolis Motor Speedway for an HPDE. In August, four
Colorado racers (Chris Cervelli, Scott
Durham, Mike Harnish and EJ Bennett) were
treated to this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
The Mid-Ohio Region PCA secured the first
ever DE at Indy for 265 cars, and we signed
up pronto.
Our cars are three Spec
Boxsters and a 968, all Cervelli-built. From
the moment we pulled in to park the haulers,
we were met with jaw-dropping customer
service and a level of preparation and
attention to detail that amazed us all
weekend. MOR-PCA devoted untold hours to
organizing the three-day event, which ran
First impressions were overwhelming - the
scale of everything at Indy is mind-boggling.
Grandstands for a quarter million people
form canyon walls lining both the sides of the
track and a six story glass pagoda overlooks
start/finish. The colossal Jumbotron rising
near turn 13 can be seen hundreds of yards
away. Picture drivers’ meetings held in the
Foyt garage complex on Legend’s Row,
gridding under the iconic Gasoline Alley sign,
and the remarkable experience of rocketing
down the front straight through the echoing grandstand canyon
and past the lighted scoring tower.
We drove the road course, originally designed for Grand Prix F1
in 1999, modified slightly over the last few years. The 1000
meter front straight meant an exciting 6 to
2 down shift into turn one for the 968, and
even the Spec Boxsters made almost
130mp! Up-shifting into 4 before entering
the chicane gives you an idea of how fast
that stretch is.
The track was glassy
smooth, with less grip than expected. Each
driver had 12 run sessions over three
glorious days, and everyone ran cleanly,
except for two single-car incidents involving
GT3s and tire walls.
This event was
accessible to all levels of DE drivers (they
offered instructed groups, solo groups
without extended passing, etc.) and with the
track hot all day, we had enough track time
to make the journey well worthwhile.
If you EVER get the opportunity to do this in
the future, leap on it immediately. The
images will stick with you long after the cars
have returned home. The shriek of the cars
echoing through the grandstand canyon at
start/finish…flying through the chicane…
walking a deserted Gasoline Alley while
gazing at the Legend’s Row garages…smiles
and thumbs up from the Indy staff…and many
new friends made these perfect three days memories to carry
Indy and MOR-PCA pulled out all the stops with a catered dinner
buffet each of the three nights, parade laps of the full oval, and
photo ops taken of each car individually crossing the famous
yard wide strip of bricks at start/finish. The giant scoring tower
was lit up with scrolling graphics and a blimp even sailed
overhead during the parade laps! For every TV shot you’ve ever
seen of the Indianapolis 500, we were present in those historic
All drivers were provided garages: either shared Grand Prix
garages right on the exciting front straight, or quieter, private
ones a bit back from the track. Indy staff was there in force with
24 trackside cameras, monitored in real time up in the pagoda,
plus a half-dozen people working control. A conservative
estimate of the fire/safety/crash rescue team included 15
vehicles and 30 people. Countless yellow-shirted Indy staff on
the grounds went out of their way to be helpful in any way they
could. Brickyard owner and CEO Tony George himself showed
up on Friday. Indy staff even repainted all the blue and white
curbing just for us so it looked fresh and beautiful on our first
trip around the track.
2015 Indy A-HPDE a Grand Success!
The dust has settled from the inaugural Indy A-HPDE, and by all accounts it was a grand success.
Just a few of the unsolicited feedback received from folks in attendance:
"Congratulations to you and your team for putting on the best DE event I have attended in
more than 15 years of driving these types of events. " Bill B. Anna Maria, FL
"Its been two weeks and I'm still smiling… Thanks for your efforts in making Indy happen. ... It
was truly a once in a lifetime experience. Your hard work and the countless hours invested
was and will continue to be appreciated by many. Well Done!" David R. Cincinnati, OH
"My wife and I wanted to thank you for a great time last weekend at Indy. I’ve been doing
HPDEs for well over ten years and this had to be the best run event I have ever been to. You
and your team kept everything on schedule and included some nice extras like the museum
reception and tour laps." Brian & Peggy M. Morton, IL
"First, thank you for an amazing event. I’ve described it to people as if NASA just called me up
and said “Hey, EJ, you can ride in the space shuttle next weekend if you want.”. It was so
once-in-a-lifetime great." Emily B. Denver, CO.
"Thank you for a GREAT event. I cannot imagine the amount of time and logistics that went
into pulling off this event. You guys did a great job and deserve recognition on a national
level. Thanks again from the PCA attendees." Glenn D. Chicago, IL.
"I've been to Indianapolis every year since I was 12 (I'm 50 now). It was a dream come true
to be on the track. An amazingly well run event from the time I pulled in the hotel parking lot
until we left the speedway on Sunday. I had mentally prepared myself for long waits at each
transition. I was amazed at how efficiently everything was run. Please thank the team for all
their hard work and an amazing event." Dennis C. Milton, GA
And there are dozens more.
Thanks to all those volunteers who gave of their time and energy to plan and run this event, truly a
bucket list event for the 250+ drivers and 750+ visitors. The IMS crew is great to work with and
we look forward to working with them again in the future.
Kevin & Mike
September 2015
HPDE Weekend at
Indianapolis Motor Speedway
August 21-23, 2015
Todd Baumann- Key Master (and Paddock Czar)
Deb West at Gasoline Alley
Celebration Dinner at Union Jack’s
Bill Stevens keeping the traffic flowing
Yellow Shirts enforcing the speed limit
Have you filled out the proper paperwork?
Night at the IMS Museum
Dick, Flo, and Rick Snyder but where is Sue?
Steve Clinton gives a tour of the museum. He has been to every
INDY 500 race since 1959 except for one (1969) and has the
second largest INDY driver autograph collection.
Bob Balchick and Gerhard Hillmann tour the museum
National and MOR club members enjoy each others company
Sights around the IMS Garages
September 2015
Third no wait, Fourth Thursday
August 27, 2015 @
Mike and Debra Stoner’s
September 2015
It’s your Club...Get Involved!!
The recent crisp weather signals that it is time again for a changing of seasons. It’s also
time for the MORPCA board to renew its leadership.
Our region runs on the efforts and input of members like you, and in order to continue to
serve you, we need new input and ideas, and that means that you as a member should get
involved in the operations of MORPCA.
All Officers are elected in November and installed at the Year-End Gala. Opportunities exist
in all the Elected Positions and throughout numerous Committees. The four annually elected
positions are president, vice-president, treasurer, and secretary.
If you are interested in the elected positions and/or committees please contact Chip
Henderson at 614-725-6184 or email vice.president@morpca.org.
The MORPCA Board meets monthly (in 2016 the first Monday of each month) for socializing
and business at various restaurant locations (check web site for locations each month). Any
and all MORPCA members are welcome. Come to a meeting and let your voice be heard.
We encourage all members to get involved to whatever extent that they are able. So come
out and contribute to Your Porsche Club!
New to MOR & PCA:
John Bauer
West Salem, OH
MEMBER: 8/1/15
Michael Dunlap
Columbus, OH
MEMBER: 8/1/15
Richard Sheets
Powell, OH
MEMBER: 8/1/15
James Smith
Columbus, OH
MEMBER: 8/1/15
Vic Theado
Westerville, OH
MEMBER: 8/1/15
Justin Tugaoen
Vance, Chip & Mindee
Murdock, William & Marilyn
Bergdahl, Jacqueline
Morgan, Bill & Michael
Norris, Mike
Bentley, Gene
Cameron, Corky
Carr, Ron & Constance
Scheve, John & Linda
September 2015
Tepley, Mike & Vicky
Clinton, Steven
Melvin, John & Patricia
Snyder, Dan
Snyder, Susan
Westerville, OH
MEMBER: 8/1/15
Transfer In to MOR:
Transfer Out of MOR:
Brandt, John & Erin
Harris, Doug & Jackie
Nowacki, Bernard & Christine
Richard, Carolyn
Sells, John
Smith, Steven & Lisa
Spiers, Diana
Thomas, Ron
Reich, Martin & L
4 BF Goodrich G Force
205/50ZR/15 R1 Slicks
They've never been mounted and in fact are still banded
together from Tire Rack. $600.
Jake Kent (330) 503-4909
4-18" Lightweight Alloy Forgeline Rims
They fit 1985-1989 Porsche 944's and Turbos. They may fit
other Porsches also. They are in excellent condition that came
with my Vintage 944 Turbo that I have been racing with
SVRA/HSR. I can only run 16 inch rims, so I would like to sell
them. Two are 8 inches with a 135 mm backspacing and two
are 9 inches with a 150 mm backspacing. New they list for
$4250. I am asking $2500 OBO around that price.
Bill Barton (614)282-0723
"PORSCHE" Embossed Serigraphs
Embossed Serigraph of
356 signed by artist Roy
Matted, brass frame
w/glass. 28" w x 22" h
1978 Porsche 924
Embossed Serigraph, N/S
158/500 by Warren
Triple matt, brass frame
w/glass. 25" w x 31" h
We have begun downsizing and anticipate advertising
many more collectibles including books and collections of
magazines (Road & Track, Sports Car Graphic, etc.)
Emily Pickering, (614) 888-5253
Starts every time, runs good. Partially restored. Lots of fun to
drive. Loads of spare parts, including front end, brakes,
gauges. Only selling to make room in garage. $1,900 OBO.
rmill12@columbus.rr.com or (614) 327-8237
September 2015
The Zone
Greetings PCA Zone 4 Members,
As a new season is upon us and the
By Michael Soriano
leaves begin to change, a number of Zone 4 Representative
regions have planned color tours to
take advantage of this beautiful time of year. There
are also a few more DEs available for those who
want another opportunity to spend some time on
the track, and there are always terrific social
events to attend.
Hopefully you have been able to participate in a
variety of events offered throughout Zone 4 during
this year’s driving season. In late August I attended
a truly notable event.
MORPCA hosted an
advanced HPDE on the road course at the
Indianapolis Motor Speedway. This marked the
first time a car club was permitted to run an event
of this type at IMS. Over 200 PCA members
participated in the 3 day event that included a
reception in the Hall of Fame Museum and another
reception in a pavilion located near the iconic
Pagoda. The following week I joined members from
the Central Indiana Region who took a scenic drive
to dine at Father John’s Brewery located in a
unique setting offering a very distinctive dining
experience. It is a microbrewery and restaurant
with a menu that specializes in bison raised at the
owner’s buffalo preserve. I also travelled to the
Michiana Region to attend their annual car show.
This year the event was held in beautiful Warsaw,
IN, where a nice selection of Porsches showed up.
During the evening, several region members and I
enjoyed dinner at one of the city’s local restaurants.
It is also the time of year when regions are sending
out a call for candidates for their upcoming
elections of officers and board members. This is a
great way to get more involved and help make your
region as well as our zone even stronger. There
are other ways to become more involved such as
chairing a committee, hosting an event, writing an
article for the region newsletter, or taking pictures
at events for the region’s website or Facebook
page. At Parade, National introduced a new motto:
“Fueled by Volunteers,” a statement that can
clearly be seen at any number of events. Consider
sharing your talents, and know that your
assistance is not only needed, but is greatly
appreciated as well.
I have met so many wonderful PCA members
during my visits to the regions since becoming
Zone 4 Representative, and I look forward to
meeting many more as I continue to travel
throughout the zone.
Please remember to check your in boxes, region’s
newsletter and website, as well as the Zone 4
website http://zone4.pca.org for the most up to
date information about events available to you.
Also, consider attending other regions’ events,
such as:
Ohio Valley Region’s Rallye Porsche
Mariemont is October 3
October 3 is Allegheny Region’s Grand
Concours at Station Square
Mid-Ohio Region’s Ocktoberfest and
Member Car Show is October 3
On October 4 Western Michigan Region is
hosting a Teen Street Survival School at
5/3 Ballpark
Rally Sport Region’s Annual Fall Color Tour
is October 12
October 13 is Motor-Stadt Region’s
People, Porsches, and Pizza at Spagnuolo’s
in Okemos
Michiana Region’s Business Meeting at
Colombo’s Restaurant is October 14
Plan to attend Central Indiana Region’s
Annual Huber Winery Tour on October 17
October 17 is Northern Ohio Region’s
Grape Escape Wine-Tasting Excursion
Maumee Valley Region’s Corn Maze and
Fall Color Tour are October 17-18
On October 18, join Southeast Michigan
Region‘s Fall Color Tour
If you have any questions or comments please feel
September 2015
Betsy MacDonell
Chip Henderson
PCA Club Race / Advance HPDE
Fri Sep 18
Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course, 7721 Steam Corners Road, Lexington, OH 44904
Sat Sep 26
4:00 PM
Bob Balchick
Kevin Hennessy
Oktoberfest & Casual Car Show
John Brandt
5238 Red Bank Rd. Galena, OH 43021
Sat Oct 10
8:00 AM
Auto X (new Day & Date)
Columbus Motor Speedway, 1845 Williams Road, Columbus, OH 43207
Mon Oct 12
6:30 PM
MORPCA Board Meeting
Columbus Club, East Broad Street, Columbus, OH, - Contact Betsy
Thu Oct 15
6:30 PM
3rd Thursday
TBD - Suggestions welcome
Mon Nov 9
6:30 PM
MORPCA Board Meeting
Rusty Bucket, Gramercy Street, Easton, Columbus, OH
Thu Nov 19
6:30 PM
3rd Thursday
Sat Dec 5
6:30 PM
2015 Holiday Party
THE BOAT HOUSE AT Confluence Park, 679 West Spring Street, Columbus, OH
43215, United States
Mon Dec 14
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
Board Meeting
TBD - Contact Vice Presicent
Mon Feb 1
6:30 PM
Board Meeting
TBD - Contact Vice Presicent
Mon Mar 7
6:30 PM
Sheila Henderson
Patrice Hennessy
Gerhard Hillmann
Bill Slone
John Peecook
Jeff Brubaker
Todd Baumann
Mike Stoner
Chip Henderson
Tentative - Board Meeting
To Be Announced - Chip Henderson
Mon Jan 4
Board Meeting
TBD - Contact Vice Presicent
For more Event details, see
David Hayden
Jeff West
Mike Tepley
Butch Olds
Karen England
Ted Zombek
Ed Davis
Brian Peterson
*Board Voting Members
For More Details: http://www.morpca.org/contacts/
September 2015
On Track @ IMS
Thanks to John Morrison, Alan Shultz, Tim Neumann, Doug
Harris, Jim Davis, & Patrice Hennessy for use of their photos
through out DOS from the 2015 IMS A-HPDE.
Mid-Ohio Regional Porsche Club of America
Curve Road
Delaware, OH 43015-9540