Shutterbug - Berwick Viewfinders Camera Club


Shutterbug - Berwick Viewfinders Camera Club
Celebrating 20 Years
From the President
Volume 20, Issue 2
October 2014
Hi Everyone,
As I start to settle in to the position of president I am finding it an absolute pleasure to
meet and talk with fellow members. It is heartening to see so many passionate and
likeminded members in our club.
As the year is rapidly getting away, my thoughts start to turn to the year ahead, and what I
can do to help make our club bigger and stronger in 2015.
Our club is for the members to enjoy, be challenged and learn. With a full year of club
activities ahead of us now is the perfect time to introduce new people into our club.
If you know of anyone whom may be interested in photography I encourage you to extend
an invitation to them to come along and experience what we have to offer.
Place your eye to the viewfinder and keep shooting,
David Setter
10th Pakenham National Photographic Exhibition
Out 10th National Photographic Exhibition last month was a great weekend, with a very
quick set up on the Friday afternoon, a busy Saturday and Sunday greeting visitors from
all over the State, and yet another quick pack up on Sunday afternoon. Thank you so
much to all the club members who helped out in some way or form over the Exhibition
weekend, it would be a lot more hard work without you.
David Setter - Shannyn
Thank you to our sponsors: Pakenham Photo Barn, Equal Systems, Tynong Post Office,
Dreamscape Photography, Beyond Obedience, Jackson Chiropractic, Digital Works and
Congratulations to David Norris from Berwick Viewfinders for winning the People’s
Choice award for his ‘Blue Couture’ print. I know it was appreciated by many visitors on
the weekend!
Winners of the Raffle, drawn at our September Club meeting were:
1st Prize - Rosie Chatfield
2nd Prize - Royce Horwood
3rd Prize - Linda Setter
Nola Ford - The Eyes Have It
Next Club Meeting
Planning for our 11th National has now begun!
Last Meeting -
19th September
Last month’s meeting was a great night, starting off with the viewing of the Projected
Image presentation from the National Exhibition. We then had some previews of the
upcoming outing to the R707 Locomotive at Newport and the Annual PCC Venture which is
being held during the month of October. Then David Setter presented his 5 Minutes of
We then finished off the night with the results of the Portraiture competition as judged by
David Purdue, who then also gave us a quick presentation of some of his portraiture work.
As always, a lovely supper was enjoyed by all!
Welcome New Member
We have one member who joined the club last month. Please make welcome Katrina
Please remember if you are new to the club, we encourage you to bring along your
camera to get assistance on its operation if required. We also encourage you to bring
along some of your photographs to get feedback as well.
 Tuesday 21st October 2014
from 7pm
 Year 12 Building
Beaconhills Secondary
College - Year 12 rooms
 Gold coin donation for door
prize raffle
 Results of Open Print
 Don’t forget to sign up for
the Supper Roster!
 Register for the 2014
Celebrating 20 Years
We didn’t raffle
off the door last
month… But thank
you for buying
tickets for the
National Raffle
“Did You Know?”
The Pakenham Camera
Club is celebrating its
20th year in 2015. Do
you have any photos
from outings or club
workshops or club
nights ?? Do you have
any special PCC
memories that you
would like to share with
your club members?
Rosie is compiling the
Club history, and needs
input from the Club
PCC Venture - October 2014
The Annual Club Venture is being held during the month of October, and is once again
be a team event. The theme for this year is ‘Forced Perspective’.
When big things look small and small things look big, it's time to consider a 'forced
perspective' of things.
Tell us a story in pictures instead of words of our world from an angle we've never seen
By using different angles or getting down low, turning yourself upside down or just
getting in close.
Traditional or quirky, landscapes or the sea, being creative with your images is what you
must do.
People, mascots or idols, whatever it may be, the stars of your story, I'll leave it to you!
1. Teams must submit at least 6 images that either tell us a story or are of the same
theme, style or subject matter.
2. Each team member must submit at least one image.
3. Teams must submit a team ‘Selfie’, for historical (or even hysterical) purposes.
This selfie image does not count towards the image count!
4. Image sizes should conform to standard club competition formats please.
5. Image editing is allowed, although team creativeness with the ‘physical creation’
of the images will I think be more advantageous! (Plus that’s the fun bit!)
6. Entries should be emailed to Rosie at by 1st
7. Entries will be judged by Club Members at the November meeting! The winners
will be announced at the December meeting - Oh the Suspense!
8. There is a trophy for the best image.
9. There is a perpetual trophy for the best team, and individual medals for the team
10. Have fun!
It’s not too late to enter! Good Luck!!!!!!!!!
The October outing was held on Saturday 11th October and we went to The Old
Aeroplane Company at Tyabb. We were given a ‘behind the scenes’ tour complete
with a history and story on each of the planes in the two hangars, either the ones
that were in pieces in the workshop or the completely restored beauties in the new
big hangar. We were then free to photograph anything we liked, and were
certainly able to get some up close shots of some vintage planes. Was a great
morning, enjoyed by the sixteen of us that attended. Thank you to Royce for
arranging the access!
Karen and Wayne have kindly arranged an exciting opportunity for the lucky
number of club members who are booked in to the photograph the R707 Loco at
the Newport rail yards this coming Saturday evening. Places for this outing were
limited, and were booked up very quickly! Please do not despair, as there will be
more of these opportunities available to club members in the coming months.
Like Photo Barn Pakenham’s Page on
Facebook to receive daily hints & tips as
well as special offers!
Page 2
The November outing is being held on Sunday 9th November and we are heading
out to Noojee to photograph the Trestle Bridge and Toorongo Falls. Meeting at
9:30am in the car park of the Robin Hood Inn, 655 Princes Way, Drouin West,
before heading north east to Noojee, a further 45-50min away. We will stop off at
the Trestle Bridge first, and then make our way to Toorongo Falls. Bring your
lunch, your tripod, some wet weather gear, especially if you want to get your feet
wet in the creek!
Celebrating 20 Years
Volume 20, Issue 2
Print Steward’s Report
Last month saw the judging of our Portrait competition, which was judged by David
Purdue from the Melbourne Camera Club. There were some lovely portraits submitted
and David had a tough time narrowing it down to find our winners.
Congratulations to all our winners!
A Grade
 1st
‘A Quite Moment’ by Maria Bastin
 2nd
‘Steamed up’ by Karen Gunn
 3rd
‘Spanish Rose’ by Jenni Tanner
 HC
‘Day Dreamer’ by Karen Gunn
 HC
‘Ando’ by Jenni Tanner
 HC
‘Ken’ by Wayne Gunn
Maria Bastin - A Quiet Moment
B Grade
 1st
‘The Eyes have it’ by Nola Ford
 2nd
‘Just Chillin’’ by Neil Busacca
 3rd
‘Blossom time for Tayla’ by Nola Ford
 HC
‘Old Man’
by Neil Busacca
C Grade
 1st
2014 Club Competition
Closing Dates!!!
‘Shannyn’ by David Setter
 2nd ‘Soul Mates’ by David Setter
 3rd ‘Vintage Love’ by Lindsey Garside
These are the dates for
which the monthly
competitions close. The
results will be announced at
 HC ‘Portrait of Nicole’ by Terri Garside
the following club monthly
 HC
‘Country Charm’ by Jade Fitzsimmons
Every print that was entered into last month’s portrait competition has now become eligible for judging in the Annual “Eric Bell Memorial Award” perpetual trophy. All the prints
will be judged together as one section. This winner will be announced and awarded at
our last meeting of the year in December. Good luck!!
Next meeting will see the judging of our “open Prints” competition by Dr Joseph San
Our November meeting we will see the last of our 3 “challenge” competitions to be
To date we have been challenged to produce a “Low Key Portrait” and a “Still life
Bokeh”. This is the final challenge for the year and we want to see your best “Multiple
Exposure”. Only one digital image can entered in this challenge. A, B &C grades will all
be judged together. Dr Bert Hoveling will be back again at our next meeting to give his
thoughts on our efforts. Entries need to be emailed to before
midnight Saturday 25th October and will be judged at our November meeting. Have fun
and let your imagination loose on this one!
Happy Snapping!
 October 25th Challenge 3: Multiple
Exposure / Open
 October 31st - Your
team’s Venture
 November 22nd Print and Digital
Images of the Year
 December 16th SpecialFX (to be
judged on the night!)
Wayne & Karen
**** Don’t forget - every entry that you enter into a Club competition during 2014,
entitles you to one ticket in the Incentive Prize raffle at the end of the year! ****
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Celebrating 20 Years
Congratulations to Clinton and
Kathleen Plowman on the safe
arrival of their daughter
Kathleen Madeline Kaye or
‘Katie’ born on September 2nd!
Creative Photo
If anyone is interested
in participating in one
of Glynn Lavender’s
workshops at a
slightly discounted
rate please let the
Committee know and
if we get enough
interest we will
arrange a special day
for you. We so far
have two members
who are interested.
Thanks & stay tuned!
Like Photo Barn Pakenham’s Page on
Facebook to receive daily hints & tips as
well as special offers!
Page 4
Volunteers - Narre Warren Library
The Narre Warren Library are looking for some volunteers to speak about general
photography hints and tips, especially in reference to using Digital Cameras and iPads at
their meetings. If this may be of interest to you or you would like to know more details,
please give Pauline Preston a call on 5629 2488.
Volunteers - Zombie Shuffle 2015
The team at the Zombie Shuffle were low on volunteer marshals for their annual
event that was held last weekend in the Melbourne CBD. They do require more
marshals to assist with directing the zombies during the ’shuffle’, communicating
directions from the Police, and keeping those pesky photographers at bay. Rosie is
in talks with the organisers at the moment to see how the Photographic community
could help them out on the day, considering the number of photographers that
were there on the day taking full advantage of the zombies on parade. It is very
early days, but if you think that you would like to help out, please let Rosie know!
Club Clothing & Merchandise
We still have some quantities of club clothing available for purchase. If we don’t
have your size, then we can order it in for you! We have added a few more items
to the range.
Costs are:
Navy Reversible Vest - $40
Navy Polar Fleece Jackets - $40
Navy Polar Fleece Jumpers – $40
Navy Polo Shirts - $33
Hi-Viz vests, orange, with ‘PHOTOGRAPHER’ printed on the back - $20
Navy or White PCC Caps - $15
Please let Rosie know if you would like to purchase something!
Open Garden - Suzanne DePelsenaire
An Invitation to all Club Members to enjoy my
Saturday 25th & Sunday 26th October, 2014
10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
23 Salmon Street, KOO WEE RUP
Entry: $5 (Tax Deductible)
Bring your Friends!
ALL proceeds to the BIONICS INSTITUTE,
For Cochlear Implant, and Chronic Pain Management
Unable to come, but want to donate?
Go to Website:
All enquiries, Suzanne Ph: 5997 1211
Celebrating 20 Years
Volume 20, Issue 2
Karen Gunn - Steamed Up
Neil Busacca - Just Chillin’
David Setter - Soul Mates
Celebrating 20 Years
2014 Calendar of Events
September and into October
 Saturday 27th -> Sunday 26th October - Gippsland Photographic
Exhibition @ Latrobe Regional Gallery in Morwell
P.O. Box 136, Pakenham, Vic 3810
National Email Address:
Club Competition Submissions:
Club Outings:
Club workshops:
Search for us on Facebook!
2013/2014 Club Committee
David Setter
Ph. 0430 470 077
Vice President:
Danny Lang
Ph. 0421 591 839
Susan Osborne
Ph. 0459 028 248
Rosie Chatfield, SSVAPS Ph. 0413 584 703
Print Stewards 2014:
Karen Gunn
Ph. 0412 021 333
Wayne Gunn
Ph. 0425 093 006
National Chairperson:
Rosie Chatfield, SSVAPS
General Committee:
Royce Horwood
Ph. 0404 152 417
Pauline Preston, SSVAPS Ph. 03 5629 2488
Michael Barth
Ph. 0408 170 845
Danielle Agland
Ph. 0408 347 876
Supper Roster:
Jenny Elliott
Shutterbug submissions:
Anyone wishing to contribute to Shutterbug,
please email Rosie via
All details contained in this Newsletter are
known to be true and correct at the time of
 October 1st to 31st - Annual Club Venture Competition
 October 8th - Lunar Eclipse from about 8:30pm
 October 10th - Yea Photography Competition entries close
 October 11th - Outing to The Old Aeroplane Company @ Tyabb
 October 11th - Zombie Shuffle in Melbourne
 October 15th - Ballarat National entries close
 October 18th - Outing to R707 loco at Newport - Limited Places
 October 21st - Club Meeting
 October 25th & 26th - Open Garden at Suzanne DePelsenaire’s
 October 31st - Halloween
 November 9th - Outing to Noojee
 November 14th & 15th - Australian Rally Championship, Lardner
Park, Warragul.
 November 18th - Club Meeting
 December 16th - End of Year Function
The Committee is compiling the calendar of Events
for 2015. If you know of any special local events or
festivals coming up over the next 12 months, please
drop us a line via the Club email!
Fundraising - we’re selling Chocolate!
The Club is running a continual fundraiser in the form selling yummy Cadbury
Chocolates to raise funds for a few new purchases. Each box contains 50 pieces
that sell for $1 each. More chocolates will be bought to the next meeting, and
members are encouraged to assist in selling as many chocolates as we can!
De Havilland Vampire FB9 Single Seat Fighter/Bomber
Bev Pascoe
The Bright and Shiny US Navy Plane - Maria Bastin