September 2015 - The Texican Rangers
September 2015 - The Texican Rangers
Texican Star A Publication of the Texican Rangers An Authentic Cowboy Action Shooting Club That Treasures & Respects the Cowboy Tradition SASS Affiliated September 2015 PO Box 294713 Kerrville 78029-4713 Howdy Texican Rangers! Wow! What a SHINDIG WHATCHA LOOKIN’ FER Howdy, Texican Rangers Officers Happy Birthday Texicans E-Mail Addresses TG Agenda 2015 Champions Shindig 2015 Calendar of Events Monthly Shooting Schedules SASS Affiliated Clubs Longhorn Bullets 1 2 3 3 4 6 7 14 14 15 16 that was. We had 73 shooters come out to participate in our annual “only for the fun of it” match on Saturday September 12th. Shindig and Comancheria Days scores are not included in the club ranking for the year. Tickets to forgive misses and procedurals were sold to shooters in search of a Clean Match Pin and a total of 17 shooters did have a “Clean” match…some even without buying it. I was not among that blessed group, however, Joe Darter told me it was because I deserved to pay the price for writing a stage with a different shooting sequence for each of the four guns. So it was I guess. The Top 10 shooters for the main match were: 1. Two Spurs 2. Joe Darter 3. Skyhawk Hans 4. Alamo Andy 5. Dutch Van Horn 6. Wildcat Bob 7. Hopalong Herbert 8. Dusty Leather 9. Sheriff Robert Love 10. Shooting Iron Miller After the main match, our traditional world class Texas brisket brought in from Floresville by Two Shot Tex and Sassy Hatter was served up for lunch. During lunch we drew names for door prizes and every member present got one. Then some folks tried out Blazing Saddles and the Shooting Gallery. Two Spurs and Shooting Iron Miller rode off with the Cowboy Blazing Saddles “Cadillac” and Grouchy Spike for the 1911 Blazing Saddles. Skyhawk Hans and Shooting Iron Miller won the “Kewpie Dolls” at the Cowboy Shooting Gallery and Grouchy Spike won one also using a 1911. Later some exciting surprises occurred during the man-on-man shoot-off which ended when Grouchy Spike dropped the final pepper popper target a (and I kid you not) split second ahead of Skyhawk Hans. The two falling targets were in contact with each other on the way down. (continued on page 2) 1 OFFICERS HOWDY, TEXICAN RANGERS President - Yuma Jack John Thomas San Antonio, TX (210) 240-8284 Many then stayed around for the Annual Meeting. The slate of officers nominated for 2016 was approved. They are: President – Judge GeePee Vice President – Sheriff Robert Love Secretary – Tombstone Mary Treasurer – Madam Ella Moon Range Master – A. D. Texaz (Although not elected as an Officer, Dutch Van Horn volunteered to assist Tombstone Mary in handling club communications and publications.) Vice President- Judge GeePee Gary Powell San Antonio, TX (830) 980 7502 Secretary - Agarita Annie Janie Thomas Camp Wood, TX (936) 662-1962 Treasurer - Madam Ella Moon Joann Messer Kerrville, TX (830) 257-5904 Range Master – Nueces Slim Johnny Thomas Camp Wood TX (936) 662-1004 Territorial Governor Dusty Lone Star Don Hathorne San Antonio TX (210) 373-5517 To submit articles to the Star, please send to: Texican Star (continued from page 1) Members voted on several issues involving future club matches. The following measures were approved: Restrict Saturday monthly matches to Cowboy Action Shooting categories plus Cody-Dixon Allow 1911M and 1911T categories to be used at Sunday monthly matches only Allow the BAM category to be used only at Wild Bunch matches Long Range Matches and Bolt Action Military Matches will be scheduled as side matches only following main matches and not run concurrent with main matches Subject to Ranch Owner approval begin holding 1 weekday match per month We drew for a winner of an 1887 shotgun (Two Spurs) and gave all 40 of the volunteers who have worked so hard over the past year a Texican Ranger Volunteer Medal. We ended the day by giving out the Club Annual Ranking Awards by category, those results are highlighted on page 6. On Sunday 20 shooters showed up to complete another five stages and to begin the “run for the 2016 Championship”. Only two of those shooters, Dirty Dog Dale and Shotgun Hammond, walked away with no misses. The Top 5 shooters were: 1. Skyhawk Hans 2. A.D. Texaz 3. Cowboy Small 4. Frank Longshot 5. L. W. Hannabass After the main match, Grouchy Spike, Marshall Willy, Marshall Brooks and Firefly Judd enjoyed a 5-stage BAM Match. (continued on page 3) 2 HOWDY, TEXICAN RANGERS (continued from page 2) In other events, we had 25 shooters show up to compete in our second Wild Bunch Match for the year on August 29th. Grouchy Spike and Shooting Iron Miller took the honors in the Men’s and Ladies’ Modern category and Chihuahua Charlie took the gold in Traditional. Then on Sunday, August 30th, the range was open for Long Range and Bolt Action Military (BAM) matches. Six shooters participated in the BAM match and nine cowboys and cowgirls showed up to try their hands and eyes at Long Range. In the BAM match shooters got to shoot bolt-action military rifles, 1911s and ’97 shotguns. Long Range shooters also had options to use big bore and/or pistol caliber rifles and single action revolver or not. As always, remember our range is on a working ranch and while the cattle have been relocated to other pasture, they have left the fruits of their labors all over. So please watch your step and continue to keep the gates, beginning at the barn, closed at all times! So for now amigos, stay cool and I hope to see you on October 10th. Texican Rangers, let’s ride! Yuma Jack Happy Birthday Texicans! SEPTEMBER OCTOBER A.D. Texaz Dangerous Don John Selman Kit Carson L. W. Hannabass Miss Annie Bellum Sapphire Sam Sonny Rhodes T Bone Paul Three Fingered Dutchman Uncle Nick Wilson Wildcat Bob Aunt “T” Crazy Clyde Culebra Blaze Dusty Leather Maid Jalaff Marshal Jamison Shady Mace 3 SASS 2015 TG SUMMIT AGENDA The Territorial Governors (TGs) will be meeting at the SASS Convention this December. The following are the issues that have been scheduled to be voted upon by that body. The rule changes that are reviewed by the TGs have the potential of affecting us all. So this is your opportunity each year to be heard on any of these issues that are of particular interest to you. Following each question is the recommendation of the Range Officers Committee (ROC) who will eventually incorporate any changes into the SASS rule books. Where appropriate I have included summaries by the ROC of discussion points on some of the issues. 1. Should the rules be changed to allow the inclusion of "sub-gauge" shotguns such as 28 and 32 gauge for Buckaroos/Buckarettes? The ROC recommends a “YES” vote. 2. Should the MSV for retrieval of dropped/ejected ammo be deleted? The ROC recommends a “YES” vote. A “YES” vote would remove ALL REFERENCES to “dropped/ejected ammo” from the rulebooks and associated clarifications (also the Lazarus Rule). Discussion points: Under the current rules, a shooter may stage ammo (including ON THE GROUND) for later retrieval during the stage. There is NO DIFFERENCE between reaching for rounds that have been staged purposely and rounds that land on a table after having been dropped or ejected. One still has to maintain muzzle control while reaching for the rounds in either case. 3. Should the equipment regulations for GUNFIGHTER-style shooters be changed to allow the “butt forward” carry/Cavalry “twist” draw? The ROC recommends a “YES” vote. Discussion points: The butt forward drawing/holstering method is currently allowed for all other shooting styles in SASS. The primary objection has been that the T/O cannot see both revolvers at the same time. This is true whether carrying/drawing butt-forward or from “two standard holsters” (current rule). Spotters are assigned to watch for any safety issues that the T/O might not be in position to observe. If a shooter is unable to SAFELY use this method, they WILL BE penalized by the safety rules currently in place. Moreover, canted holsters do NOT create an issue with this rule change, as the same restrictions against breaking the 180º apply to ALL HOLSTERS and METHODS of DRAW/REHOLSTER. (continued on page 5) 4 SASS 2015 TG SUMMIT AGENDA (continued from page 4) 4. Should the penalty for not holstering revolvers at the end of the revolver shooting string be changed from a MSV to a Procedural penalty? The ROC recommends a “YES” vote. Discussion points: Currently the SASS Stage Convention is: Revolvers must be holstered at the end of the shooting string unless otherwise stated in the stage description. The ROC believes that failure to reholster at the end of the revolver strong is NOT SAFETY issue. Changing the penalty from a MSV to a “Procedural” penalty is far more appropriate and more in keeping with the “type” of penalty. There are some “unintended consequences” which need to be considered: A shooter could already have one “P” on the stage for some other reason, and then NOT re-holster to save time, knowing that only one “P" may be assessed. If it can be determined that the shooter did so on purpose for a competitive advantage (e.g. to make up some of the time penalty for the initial “P”), then a “Spirit of the Game” penalty could be assessed. This is a situation that is correctable on the clock before the next gun is fired. 5. Should the penalty regarding a shooter NOT complying with the CRO/TO commands of “cease fire” or “stop” while on the firing line be changed from a Match DQ to a Stage DQ? The ROC recommends a “YES” vote. Discussion points: Currently the rule for a shooter not complying with the commands of the CRO/TO is a MDQ. There is a perception that this rule is rather harsh for the first offense, and that a SDQ is more appropriate. There are also a number of other items that will be discussed at the Summit but that are not yet “Voting Items.” They are listed below without all of the detailed explanations. If there is a specific issue that is of importance to you, you may contact Yuma Jack and he will provide any additional detail(s). 1) Shall we consider a change to the maximum number of “P”s per stage to two…or one per gun/type of firearm? Also, should we reclassify “P”s for “stage/target engagement” issues vs “out of category” progressive penalties? 2) NON-SASS matches sometimes allow NON-SASS legal firearms. Clubs advertising as “SASSaffiliated” need to follow SASS rules. 3) Should the wearing of “logo’d” outerwear during inclement weather (up to, but not ON the stage) be allowed, particularly during cold/wet seasons? 4) Suggestion from some TGs regarding attendance at the TG Summit. Should a TG be "present to vote”? 5) Should the RO1 Course materials be amended to disallow CRO/TOs running the timer for family members? 6) Should the “B” Western rules be amended to allow “any SASS-legal rifle”? 7) Classic Cowboy/Cowgirl: should rifle (all firearms) cutoff be changed to 1880? 8) Should chaps and spurs be MANDATORY in the “Classic Cowboy/Cowgirl” category? 9) Should Territorial Governors (TGs) be required to take a Mandatory RO I and/or RO II refresher at least every two (2) years? If you would like to submit your vote on the five Voting Items or provide comments on any of the discussion questions you may send them to or directly to Dusty Lone Star at 5 TEXICAN RANGERS - CHAMPIONS-2015 Congratulations to the 2015 Category winners: 1911T BAM B Western Cattle Baron Cowgirl Duelist Duelist Senior Duelist Senior (2nd) Duelist Silver Senior Elder Statesman Elder Statesman (2nd) Elder Statesman (3rd) Frontiersman Frontiersman (2nd) Frontier Cartridge Frontier Cartridge Duelist Frontier Cartridge Gunfighter Forty-Niner Lady Gran Patron Gunfighter Gunfighter (2nd) Gunfighter Senior Senior Senior(2nd) Senior (3rd) Silver Senior Silver Senior (2nd) Silver Senior (3rd) Silver Senior Lady Firefly Judd Grouchy Spike Alamo Andy El Paso Lee Shooting Iron Miller Culebra Blaze Bandera Kid Newt Ritter Marshall Willy Bison Jim Frank Longshot Dusty Leather L.W. Hannabass Texas Sarge Hopalong Herbert Texas Tony Yuma Jack Shootin Star Shotgun Hammond A.D. Texaz Charlie Reynolds General Burleson Nueces Slim Marshall Brooks Eaton Crowe Skyhawk Hans Lars Christopherson Chihuahua Charlie Haddy Heard Cleanest Chihuahua Charlie and Newt Ritter Fastest Female Shooter Shooting Iron Miller Fastest Male Shooter Skyhawk Hans 6 SHINDIG 2015 (Thanks to Agarita Annie, Beans Aghin and Miss Sassi Fras, our photographers) 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Head’Um Up – Move’um Out TEXICAN RANGERS 2015 October 10.…….…Final Match of CY2015 November/December.....…Range Closed Oct 2-4 Oct 15-17 Oct 17 Oct 31 Dec 2-6 2016 January…………..…..….stay tune for dates February 13-14……..….….Monthly Match March 12-13………….….…Monthly Match April 7-10……….…..COMANCHERIA DAYS May 14-15………………...…Monthly Match June 11-12……………..….…Monthly Match July 9-10…………………….…Monthly Match August 13-14………………..Monthly Match September 10………………..SHINDIG 2016 September 11………………Monthly Match October 8….………Final Match of CY2016 November/December….….Range Closed Defend Old Ft. Parker SW Regional Whoopin TSRA CAS South Regional Ft. Parker Oklahoma City Tejas Caballeros Texas Riviera Pistoleros SASS Convention Las Vegas 2016 Feb 22-28 Winter Range (25th Anniversary) Phoenix Mar 17-20 Trailhead (25 Anniversary) THSS th May 13-15 May 19-22 Jail Break Fall of the Fort (SASS TX State Championship) Oakwood Outlaws Ft. Parker CENTRAL TEXAS MONTHLY CLUB SHOOTING SCHEDULES 1st Saturday 1st Saturday 2nd Saturday 2nd Saturday 2nd Sunday 2nd Weekend 3rd Saturday 4th Saturday (Cowboy) and 4th Sunday (Long Range) Plum Creek (Lockhart) South Texas Pistoleros (San Antonio) Texas Riviera Pistoleros (George West) Travis County Regulators (Smithville) Rio Grande Valley Vaqueros (Pharr) Texican Rangers (Comfort) Tejas Caballeros (Dripping Springs) Green Mountain Regulators (Marble Falls) 14 SASS AFFILIATED CLUBS IN TEXAS WESTERN AREA Bounty Hunters (Levelland) (2nd Saturday) Butterfield Trail Regulators (Abilene) (3th Saturday) Canadian River Regulators (Clarendon) (2nd/3rd/5th Sat) Comanche Trail Shootists (Midland) (1st Saturday) Concho Valley Shooters (Water Valley (2nd/4th Saturday) El Vaqueros (Breckenridge) (1st Sunday) Gruesome Gulch Gang (Plainview/Kress) (3rd Saturday) Lajitas Rangers and Rogues (Lajitas) (2nd Saturday) Purgatory Ridge Rough Riders (Slaton) (4thSaturday) Texas Tumbleweeds (Amarillo) (1st Saturday) CENTRAL AREA Green Mountain Regulators (Marble Falls) (4thSaturday ) Plum Creek Shooting Society (Lockhart)(1st Saturday) Rio Grande Valley Vaqueros (Pharr) (2nd Sunday) South Texas Pistolaros (San Antonio) (1st Saturday) Tejas Caballeros (Dripping Springs) (3rd Saturday) Texas Riviera Pistoleros (George West) (2nd Saturday) Texican Rangers (Comfort) (2nd weekend) Travis County Regulators (Smithville) (2nd Saturday) EASTERN AREA Badlands Bar 3 (Clarksville) (3rd weekend) Berger Sharpshooters (Greenville) (3rd Sunday) Big Thicket Outlaws (Beaumont) (3rd Saturday) Buck Creek Bandoleros (Nemo) (1st Sat/3rd weekend) Comanche Valley Vigilantes (Cleburne) (4thweekend ) Lone Star Frontier Shooting Club (Cleburne) (2 nd weekend) Magnolia Misfits (Houston) (4th weekend) Oakwood Outlaws (Oakwood) (2nd weekend ) Old Fort Parker Patriots (Groesbeck) (3rd weekend) Orange County Regulators (Orange) (1st/3rd Saturday) Red River Regulators (Texarkana) (3rd Sunday) Tejas Pistoleros (Eagle Lake) (4th weekend) Texas Historical Shootist Society (Columbus) (3rd Sunday) Texas Peacemakers (Tyler) (1st weekend) Texas Tenhorns Shooting Club (Leonard) (last full weekend) Texas Troublemakers (Brownsboro) (1st Saturday) Thunder River Renegades (Magnolia) (1st weekend) Trinity Valley Regulators (Mansfield) (3rd Sunday) Willow Hole Cowboys (North Zulch) (3rdweekend) [information obtained from Cowboy Chronicle] 15 Longhorn Bullets Hopalong Herbert Donald Herbert 210-602-6994 Rick Page 210-844-9362 Caliber Weight Config PRICE/500 PRICE/1000 .38 100 105 125 125 130 158 158 158 100 245 215 180 240 200 160 180 200 250 124 125 180 200 200 230 405 RNFP FP RNFP FP RNFP RNFP FP SWC RNFP RNFP SWC RNFP SWC RNFP RNFP RNFP RNFP RNFP RN CN FP SWC RN RN FPT 32 33 35 35 36 39 39 39 33 59 49 41 52 45 46 41 45 53 35 35 41 45 45 51 111 64 66 70 70 72 77 77 77 65 117 98 81 104 90 92 81 90 106 70 70 81 90 90 101 222 .380 .38-55 .41 .44 .44-40 .45 COLT 9MM 40 S&W .45ACP 45-70 16
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