Sept. - Riverside Ranch


Sept. - Riverside Ranch
September 2010
Fri. Sept. 3rd
SLS Meet-N-Greet
Labor Day Weekend and Parrot Head Party
This weekend concludes a summer filled with fun and adventure and we’re gonna cap it off with a
Jimmy Buffett music filled Parrot Head Party weekend. We will host a wine & cheese party beginning
at 7:30 PM and by 9:00 PM we will begin a dance for everyone until 12:30 AM. Non members admission is $40.00 per couple, $40.00 for single males and $10.00 for single females. We are a BYOB resort
and have ice and mixers available. Gates are now open at every dance until 11:00 PM for admission so
come on out and party!
Sat. Sept. 4th
We’re gonna party island style today! There will be the usual karaoke with Keith & Dora from 1:00 until 4:00 poolside and complimentary Margarita’s will be served up by the membership committee. We
will have a Caribbean—Island potluck dinner at 6:00 PM so please sign up if you are attending. The DJ
dance from 8:30 PM to 12:30 AM will be a Parrot Head event so the dress code is Margaritaville and
there will be prizes for the best Parrot Heads judged at the dance. Gates are now open at every dance
until 11:00 PM for admission so come on out to the party. Non-members admission is $40.00 and
$10.00 for single females. We are a BYOB resort and have ice and mixers available.
Sun. Sept. 5th
Wake up at Riverside and enjoy breakfast in our restaurant overlooking the beautiful 100,000 gallon
pool that you can enjoy throughout the day. The restaurant is open from 8:30 AM until 2:00 PM, serving breakfast and lunch. The entertainment will be two fold this afternoon. There will be karaoke at the
pool with Keith & Dora from 1 PM until 4 PM. Beginning at 4:00 PM, we are gonna have too much
fun. It’s time for a Poker Walk! For all of you who have not participated in one, here is a brief idea of
what you are in for. You will walk with a group and visit 5 residences where the host will provide a
beverage and you will purchase a playing card. After you have visited all 5 places you return to the
clubhouse to enter your poker hand for the winning prize. There will be pizza served afterwards in the
clubhouse at a cost of $7.00 per person so there is lots of fun, food and drinks at Riverside today!
Mon. Sept. 8th
Today is relaxation day. We hope that you have enjoyed Riverside and will return for the experience!
Fri. Sept. 10th
Swingles Night
Tonight is part one of our doubleheader weekend and it is Swingles night. Swingles night is an invitation for single males and females to enjoy a sensual evening with couples that enjoy your presence. We
open at 8:30 AM and restaurant is open from 8:30 AM until 2:00 PM, serving breakfast and lunch.
PO Box 14413, San Antonio, TX 78214
Phone Number (210) 852-1748
Come early and enjoy the pool and stay for the dance from 8:30 PM until 12:30 AM. We are now open
on dance nights until 11:00 PM for admission. Non-members admission is $40.00 per couple, $40.00 for
single males and $10.00 for single females. We are a BYOB resort and have ice and mixers available.
Come and spend a day and play!
Sat. Sept. 11th
Eyes Wide Shut
You are invited to our Masquerade party tonight and enjoy the mystery and mystique of an evening
where YOU could be the unknown. The dance in Club XTC is from 8:30 PM until 12:30 AM. The resort actually opens at 8:30 AM every day of the year and your daily admission fee covers your stay all
day long. We also rent overnight accommodations just in case you want more fun. The restaurant is
open for breakfast and lunch and there is always a munchies bar at the dance. Gates close at 11:00 PM
for admission so please note the new time. Non-members admission is $40.00 for couples and $10.00
for singles females. We are a BYOB resort and have ice and mixers available. Riverside is where it’s at
so, cum and play with us!
Sat. Sept. 18th
Lingerie Night
It’s all about the ladies tonight, looking good in their sexy lingerie and enjoying the mood in Club XTC.
We invite all couples and single females to come and enjoy the dance from 8:30 PM to 12:30. The resort opens at 8:30 AM and your daily admission fee covers your stay all day long. The restaurant is
open for breakfast and lunch and there is always a munchies bar at the dance. There will be a Fish Fry
with your sides, beverage and dessert for only $10.00 and it will be served up at 6:00 PM. Please RSVP
if you are doing the Fish Fry. If you are coming for the dance you can arrive until 11:00 PM. Nonmembers admission is $40.00 per couple and $10.00 for single females. We are a BYOB resort and
have ice & mixers available. Come and spend a day and play!
Fri. Sept. 24th
Swingles Night
Tonight is part one of our doubleheader weekend and it is Swingles night. This is an invitation for single
males and females to enjoy a sensual evening with couples that enjoy your presence. We are open at
8:30 AM and remain open for admission until 11:00 PM. The DJ dance is from 8:30 PM until 12:30
AM. Non-members admission is $40.00 per couple, $40.00 for single males, and $10.00 for single females. We are a BYOB resort and have ice and mixers available. Your need to experience a day at Riverside Ranch. You will come back for more.
Sat. Sept. 25th
Pimps & Ho’s Night
Tonight is part 2 of our doubleheader weekend and we are inviting all you couples to our very 1st Pimps
& Ho’s night. Our themes for Saturday dances are usually thought out for the ladies, so tonight we’re
including the guys so let’s look the part and have some fun. The resort opens at 8:30 AM and your daily
admission fee covers your stay all day long. The restaurant is open for breakfast and lunch from 8:30
AM to 2:00 PM and you can now arrive to pay admission until 11:00 PM. We also rent over night accommodations just in case you want more fun. Non-members admission is $40.00 for couples and
$10.00 for single females. We are a BYOB resort and have ice and mixers available.
The Riverside Ranch Biketoberfest Bash
3 days of Party, Party, Party!
18 miles south of San Antonio, TX
October 1st thru October 3rd
The #1 Biker Band in Texas “Mean Gene Kelton & The Diehards” (see
back of flyer) returns to Riverside by popular demand to perform on 2
nights. Don’t miss this show!
Gate Admission = $49.95 per person for all
3 days!
Pre-Register before Sept. 15th and pay only
Gates open at noon on Friday
For Reservations call 210-852-1748
Price Includes:
Naked Water Volleyball in our 100,000 gallon pool
Usual refreshments available
Poker Run
Karaoke Poolside
2 Nights of Live “Mean Gene”
Restaurant Available at an additional cost
From I-37 & Loop 1604 go east on 1604 for 3
miles to 1303, go south on 1303 for 3 miles to
CR 125, turn left, go over the new bridge and
turn right to Riverside’s gate.
Vendors Free! That’s right no charge
Must register in Advance
20 RV sites available—Full hookup $10.00 per night
100 Tent sites available—$5.00 per night
This is a Clothing Optional Adult Lifestyle Biker Event
“Where Sensual People Come Together”
I/We the undersigned, agree not to hold Riverside Ranch or any of their associates responsible or liable for injury, damage or loss to vehicle and/or persons before or after the event.
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Mail checks payable to: Riverside Ranch, 1238 County Rd. 125, Elmendorf, TX 78112
Check out our webpage: or email,