Eplc scale Impetial atmouted and ltght vehicles for Adeptus Titanicus and Space Marine AFRn/IOLTFRED VEHICI-ES Tlae Space Matlne rules cover three armoured vehicles: the Land Ralder battle tank wlth its fearsome afmament of four las-cannon and two heavy bolters, the lightly-armed Rhino ApC, and the slightly heavier misslle-armed whlrlwind variant. Diverse as tliese are, they allfallinto the category of armoured vehlcles because their passengers and crew are completely protected by their armour -.they are not exposed to enemy fire. Light vehicles, whose xi partitlly or "ri*s wholly uflpfotected, are discussed 7n a latet sectiofl. PFREDATOFR TL'NNELLING The Predator is a heavilyarmed variant of the Rhino APC, developed as a light battle tank. Wirh two swivel-mounted las-cannon and a turret-mounted autocannon, it packs almost as much punch as a Land Raider, although it does not have the space to carry troops. Predators saw action throughout the wars of the Horus Heresy with most Space Marine Chapters, on both sides of the conflict. The Predator is an armoured vehicle, and follows all the normal rules for armoured vehicles. VINDICATO)FI Like the Predator, the Vindicator is a yariant on the Rhino APC chassis. It carries a single heavy weapon in a front swivel mount - normally aheavy assault gun known as the Thunderer. The Vindicator was originally designed by the Loyalist forces for fighting in built-up areas, where range was secondary to effect against buildings and enemy armour. After its deciiive role in the clearance of Stahlenburg during the Scouring ofRotstern I, the forces ofHorus copied the design, and within months the Vindicator was used by both sides. VEHICLES There are some circumstance in which the ability to move underground is invaluable. An underground vehicle is untouched by the battle which may be raging on the surface, and can avoid most obstacles simply by going under them. And the enemy can never be entirely sure where a tunneller may surface to rejoin the battle. Tunnelling Vebicles are a sub-class of armoured vehicles. As well as the normal armoured vehicles rules, there are several special rules which relate to all tunnelling vehicles. MODELS A tunnelling vehicle normally consists of two elements: the tunneller itself and a surface transport vehicle. For this reason, each tunneller is represented on the tabletop by three separate models. A model of the complete unit is used when the vehicle is moving into position. When it starts tunnelling, the tunneller is removed and only the transport section is left in position to mark the point of entry. Finally, a model of the surfacing tunneller is used to mark the point where it breaks the surface and can deploy its troops. SURFACE MOVEMENT Before tunnelling starts, the vehicle moves on the tabletop normal armoured vehicle. The data card for a tunnelling vehicle has two sets of movement numbers , matked, surface as a and. tunnelling. The transporter moves tt.e surface ^t movemeflt rates, obeying dI the normal movement rules for armoured vehicles. After the tunneller has safted on its underground journey, the transporter is left behind. It may not move, and, being unarmed, may not fire. It may,, however, be used as cover by infantry, and it blocks movement and line of sight in the same way as a normal armoured vehicle. f-oA is ny hea* qainst hcrcsy; through cold stonc slall I strike Hot is thc doom ol the Tfailor; ng hcatl buras lor rcvenge Brolhcr Tlsuon's llps mowd stlctuly folla ing thc *ot* of the Caatio Incani *tbtcrmnei Rad is the blood Naek is lhc hean \ $ { as it cote over the comlhk, lilhful; *hosc tirite glo*s lik rugna the Ttoitor; thmugh blukness be it nached thc clundag-ya! olmost dm*ncd by thc guing,_ nrmblbg sannd ol ihc fr.rrndlch lhc ttcry gototd must be shakiag thought Thaaon, as the assault forcc t.nncllcil tot+urds its obicctive . Ov,r- N; huilrrd Spoee Woivcs, otba*od on s* thietat Aobs aad a doz.ii Teifrie tu:nnellin. A surprire ,hrr$t at the ll?oito$, hcarl - to eut i, out otd cla4se it vith firc. thc pilch of thc noan ahangcd as thc-Mate bro*. arfuc. Thc whhc o! semos *al lottowcd by the oar o! bohcr aad missilc fire lmn withh the Mole's body aad ckared the sunoaniling arca. Then the c&in doon opened. c*nded as thc tanets Follantng hts oa,tnlg q hotl of fin, Thdtan lound himxlf in a squan bdvecn four htsh htilding. Wndic6n aad pndaon ven tumiog tzrtlcall! ' thq had becn set ui n cover th. €nfivlecca, aad the s;berfiraot oi** nal qap"ui *em. The Lolalists had gained ptccious ,ni/,,utcs, F arfr. lcfrcd oul lorn hc grouad $oor of onc buuing, an! onc cornar begaa to sat. A tantuller hod eomc up bcneath t . Tho\on murmund hayr tor thc Fallcn a he thumbcd his jump pck iato Alc. n e wat to thc Tmiton' commid cc*re was own. the