Volume 101 (1997) Index - American Journal of Archaeology
Volume 101 (1997) Index - American Journal of Archaeology
AMERICAN JOURNA OF THE JOURNAL ARCHAE OF THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL N 01i :~s~*- 'm VI RV Az~k o *A: Volume 101 OF AMERICA ST"~ ; 0 0i INSTITUTE ~ EN:, ;?: . PW~PRIi LP -ci 1997 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA 1997 OFFICERS STEPHENL. DYSON, President First Vice President CLAIRE L. LYONS, Vice President for Professional Responsibilities HARRISONEITELJORG, II, Vice Presidentfor Publications KAREN S. RUBINSON, Vice President for Societies FRANK J. WEZNIAK, Treasurer JAMESRUSSELL,Past President NANCY C. WILKIE, HONORARY PRESIDENTS FREDERICK R. MATSON, ROBERT H. DYSON, JR., MACHTELD J. MELLINK, JAMES R. WISEMAN, MARTHA SHARP JOUKOWSKY GOVERNING BOARD ELIE M. ABEMAYOR NANCY ANNA MARGUERITE MCCANN BERNARD CHARLES ELLEN S. BRUSH FERDINAND CINELLI C. HESTER A. DAVIS NANCY T. DE GRUMMOND DANYALE ENGLISH-GOLDSTEIN NEATHERY BATSELL FULLER GODWIN ELEANOR GURALNICK IRA HAUPT, BRIAN ROSE SUSAN I. ROTROFF ANNE H. SALISBURY RICHARDB. STOLLEY CAMERON JEAN WALKER HECTOR WILLIAMS II ARTEMIS A.W. JOUKOWSKY CHARLES MCLEAN MARY VOIGT JANE C. WALDBAUM PATTY GERSTENBLITH ELAINE D. FRANCIS P. MCMANAMON NANCY H. RAMAGE R. WISEMAN JAMES S. LA FOLLETTE TRUSTEES EMERITI RICHARD W. BAKER, JR. RICHARD H. HOWLAND NORMA KERSHAW JOHN J. SLOCUM MARKJ. MEISTER,Executive Director LEONARDV. QUIGLEY, General Counsel MEMBERSHIP IN THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA AND SUBSCRIPTION TO THE AMERICANJOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY The AmericanJournal of Archaeologyis published by the Archaeological Institute of America in January, April,July, and October. Membership in the AIA, including a subscription to AJA, is $82 per year (C$109). Student membership is $39 (C$52); proof of full-time status required. A brochure outlining membership benefits is available upon request from the Institute. An annual subscription to AJA is $60 (foreign, $80); the institutional subscription rate is $120 (foreign, $140). Institutions are not eligible for individual membership rates. All communications regarding membership, subscriptions, and back issues should be addressed to the Archaeological Institute of America, located at Boston University, 656 Beacon Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02215-2010, tel. 617-353-9361, fax 617-353-6550, internet aia@bu.edu. AMERICAN JOURNA ARCHAE OF THE JOURNAL OF THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA EDITORS S. FRED TRACEY Boston University Editor-in-Chief KLEINER, M. NEWLAND Assistant Editor DANIELLE CULLEN Associate Editor SUSAN E. ALCOCK 8 JOHN E CHERRY, Universityof Michigan Co-editors, Book Reviews ADVISORY BOARD GEORGE E BASS DIANA E.E. KLEINER Yale University TexasA & M University JOHN ELEANOR BENNET LARISSA Bryn Mawr College WILLIAM E. METCALF The American Numismatic Society L. RICHARDSON, JR Duke University JEREMY B. RUTTER Dartmouth College H.A. SHAPIRO Johns Hopkins University DAVID STRONACH G. DEVER University of Arizona STEPHEN L. DYSON State University of New Yorkat Buffalo EVELYNB. HARRISON New YorkUniversity SHARON LEACH MACHTELD J. MELLINK BONFANTE New YorkUniversity JOHN MCKESSONCAMP II American School of Classical Studies at Athens JACKL. DAVIS University of Cincinnati RICHARDDANIELDE PUMA The University of Iowa WILLIAM WINSOR Indiana University University of Wisconsin-Madison University of California, Berkeley RONALDS. STROUD University of California, Berkeley FIKRETYEGUlL University of California, Santa Barbara C. HERBERT University of Michigan HARRISON EITELJORG, II, ex officio Centerfor the Study of Architecture iST /\N RV INCO THEAMERICANJOURNAL OFARCHAEOLOGY,the Journal of the Archaeological Institute of America, was founded in 1885; the second series was begun in 1897. Indexes have been published for volumes 1-11 (1885-1896), for the second series, volumes 1-10 (1897-1906) and volumes 11-70 (1907-1966). The Journal is indexed in the Humanities Index, the ABS International Guide to Classical Studies, Current Contents, the Book Review Index, the Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals, and the Art Index. MANUSCRIPTS and all communications for the editors should be addressed to Professor Fred S. Kleiner, Editor-in-Chief, AJA, clo Archaeological Institute of America, located at Boston University, 656 Beacon Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02215-2010, tel. 617-353-9364, fax 617-353-6550, internet aja@bu.edu. The AmericanJournal of Archaeology is devoted to the art and archaeology of ancient Europe and the Mediterranean world, including the Near East and Egypt, from prehistoric to late antique times. The attention of contributors is directed to "Editorial Policy, Notes for Contributors, and Abbreviations," AJA 95 (1991) 1-16 and "Monumenta virum priorum,"AJA 93 (1989) 315-18. Guidelines for AJA authors can also be found on the World Wide Web at http://classics.lsa.umich.edu/AJA.html. Contributors are requested to include abstracts summarizing the main points and principal conclusions of their articles. Manuscripts, including photocopies of illustrations, should be submitted in triplicate; original photographs, drawings, and plans should not be sent unless requested by the editors. All submissions are sent to reviewers in the form in which they are received; if an author wishes to maintain anonymity, the manuscript should be prepared accordingly. As the official journal of the Archaeological Institute of America, AJA will not serve for the announcement or initial scholarly presentation of any object in a private or public collection acquired after 30 December 1973, unless the object was part of a previously existing collection or has been legally exported from the country of origin (see AJA 94 [1990] 525-27). BOOKS FOR REVIEW should be sent to Professors Susan E. Alcock and John E Cherry, Co-editors, AJA Book Reviews, c/o Interdepartmental Program in Classical Art and Archaeology, Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, University of Michigan, 434 South State Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1390, tel. 313-764-0112, fax 313-763-4959, internet aja.reviews@umich.edu. The following are excluded from review and should not be sent: offprints; re-editions except those with great and significant changes; journal volumes except the first in a new series; monographs of very small size and scope; and books dealing with the archaeology of the New World. THE AMERICANJOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY (ISSN 0002-9114) is published four times a year in January, April, July, and October by the Archaeological Institute of America, located at Boston University, 656 Beacon Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02215-2010, tel. 617-353-9361, fax 617-353-6550, internet aia@bu.edu. Subscriptions to the AmericanJournal of Archaeologymay be addressed to the Institute headquarters in Boston. 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Subscriptions to the microfilm edition, which are available only to subscribers to the printed edition of the Journal, should be sent to University Microfilms, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106. Back numbers of AJA and the Index 1907-1966 may be ordered from the Archaeological Institute of America in Boston. Exchanged periodicals and correspondence relating to exchanges should be directed to the AIA in Boston. Periodicals postage paid at Boston, Massachusetts and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: send address changes to the American Journal of Archaeology,Archaeological Institute of America, located at Boston University, 656 Beacon Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02215-2010. The opinions expressed in the articles and book reviews published in the AmericanJournal ofArchaeology are those of the authors and not of the editors or of the Archaeological Institute of America. Copyright ? 1997 by the Archaeological Institute of America The paper in this journal is acid-free and meets the guidelines for permanence and durability of the Committee on Production Guidelines for Book Longevity of the Council on Library Resources. CONTENTS OF VOLUME 101 (1997) PAGES Aleshire, S.B.,Rev.of Hellstr6m and Alroth eds., Religionand Powerin theAncient GreekWorld Allen, S.H., Rev. of Traill, Excavating Schliemann:CollectedPapers on Schliemann -, Rev. of Traill, Schliemannof Troy:Treasureand Deceit v. Chr.bis 79 n. Chr. Allison, P.M.,Rev.of Eschebach and Eschebach, Pompeji:Vom7.Jahrhundert The Limits A of Settlement Growth: Theoretical Outline Ashmore, W., Rev. Fletcher, of Bardill,J., The Palace of Lausus and Nearby Monuments in Constantinople: A Topographical Study del vincitore:L'atletanella statuariagrecadall'etaarcaica Bartman, E., Rev.of Rausa, LEmmagine all'ellenismo Rev. of Viacava, L'atletadi Fano Becker, M.J., Rev. of Nunn, Ancient Egyptian Medicine von Esquilin Bergmann, B., Rev. of Biering, Die Odysseefresken Berlin, A.M., Rev. of Stern et al., Excavationsat Dor: Final Report,Areas A and C. Vol. IA: Introductionand Stratigraphy;IB: The Finds Bienkowski, P., Rev. of Eshel and Prag, Excavationsby K.M. Kenyonin Jerusalem1961-1967 IV: The Iron Age Cave Deposits on the South-EastHill and IsolatedBurials and Cemeteries Elsewhere of Finkelstein, Living on the Fringe:TheArchaeologyand Historyof the Negev,Sinai Rev. -, and NeighbouringRegions in the Bronzeand Iron Ages Bikai, P.M., and V. Egan, Archaeology in Jordan Boardman, J., Rev. of Moon ed., Polykleitos,the Doryphorosand Tradition Bober, P.P., Rev. of Spinola, Le sculture nel Palazzo AlbertoniSpinola a Roma e le collezioni Paluzzi ed Altieri Bommelje, S., Rev. of Berktold, Schmid, and Wacker eds., Akarnanien:Eine Landschaftim antiken Griechenland Borg, B., Rev. of Corcoran, Portrait Mummiesfrom Roman Egypt (I-IV CenturiesA.D.) with a Catalog of Portrait Mummiesin Egyptian Museums Braund, D., Rev. of Tsetskhladze ed., New Studies on the Black Sea Littoral Bunnens, G., Carved Ivories from Til Barsib Burn, L., Rev. of Alfieri, Spina e la ceramicaattica Carafa, P., Rev. of De Caro, La villa rustica in localith Villa Regina a Boscoreale Cartledge, P., Rev. of Roberts, Landscapesof Settlement:Prehistoryto the Present -, Rev.of Shipley and Salmon eds., Human Landscapesin ClassicalAntiquity:Environment and Culture Castriota, D., Rev. of Sauron, Quis deum? L'expressionplastique des ideologiespolitiques et religieusesa Rome a la fin de la Ripublique et au debut du Principat Chavalas, M.W, Rev. of Potts, Mesopotamiaand theEast:An Archaeologicaland HistoricalStudy of ForeignRelations, ca. 3400-2000 B.C. 1975-1993 Coleman,J.E., Rev.of Alram-Stern, Die aigiischeFriihzeit,2. Serie:Forschungsbericht 1: Das Neolithikumin Griechenlandmit Ausnahmevon Kreta und Zypern Cook, R.M., Rev. of Koch, De picturae initiis: Die AnfdngegriechischenMalerei im 7.Jahrhundert v. Chr. Cornell, TJ., Rev. of Moltesen and Brandt, Excavationsat La Giostra:A Mid-RepublicanFortress outside Rome Cosmopoulos, M., Rev. of Renard, Le Piloponnese au BronzeAncien Coulton, J.J., Rev. of Cooper, The Templeof Apollo Bassitas I: The Architecture -, Rev. of Cooper, The Templeof Apollo Bassitas III: The Architecture:Illustrations 792-93 598-99 598-99 420-21 162-63 67-95 178-79 178-79 405-406 802-804 606-607 170-72 170-72 493-535 177-78 627 791-92 187-88 788-89 435-50 194-95 421-22 789-90 789-90 185-87 192-93 782-83 814-15 196 595-97 796-97 796-97 vi CONTENTS OF VOLUME 101 (1997) Crouwel, J.H., Rev. of Spruytte, Attelages antiques libyens: Archeologie saharienne expirimentale Curvers, H.H., and G.M. Schwartz, Umm el-Marra, a Bronze Age Urban Center in the Jabbul Plain, Western Syria, with a contribution by S. Dunham: Remarks on Some Objects from Umm el-Marra, 1994-1995 D'Ambra, E., Rev. of Tusa, I sarcofagi romani in Sicilia2 Davies, P.J.E.,The Politics of Perpetuation: Trajan's Column and the Art of Commemoration Day, J.W., Rev. of Breuer, Reliefs und Epigramme griechischer Privatgrabmiler: Zeugnisse biirgerlichen Selbstverstdndnisses vom 4. bis 2. Jahrhundert v. Chr. De Puma, R.D., Rev. of Cateni, Corpus Speculorum Etruscorum, Italia 3. Volterra, Museo Guarnacci I ~- , Rev. of Frascarelli, Corpus Speculorum Etruscorum, Italia 2. Perugia, Museo Archeologico Nazionale I -, Rev. of Lambrechts, Corpus Speculorum Etruscorum, Stato della Cittcadel Vaticano 1. Cittd del Vaticano, Museo Profano della Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana; Roma, Collezione di antichita' dellAbbazia di San Paolo fuori le mura Dickinson, O., Rev. of Betancourt and Davaras eds., Pseira I: The Minoan Buildings on the West Side of Area A Dillon, S., Figured Pilaster Capitals from Aphrodisias Rev. of Mattusch, The Fire of Hephaistos: Large Classical Bronzes from North American --, Collections , Rev. of Mattusch, Myth, Man and Metal: Bronze Sculpture of Ancient Greece and Rome Doonan, O.P., IV, Rev. of McConnell et al., La Muculufa II: Excavation and Survey 1988-1991. The Castelluccian Village and Other Areas Doukellis, P., Rev. of Clavel-Leveque and Plana-Mallart eds., Cite' et territoire: Colloque europeen (Beziers 14-16 octobre 1994) of Clavel-Leveque,Jouffroy, and Vignot eds., De la terre au ciel: Paysages et cadastres Rev. , antiques (XIFI Stage international, Besangon, 29-31 mars 1993) Duncan-Jones, R.P., Rev. of Harl, Coinage in the Roman Economy, 300 B.C. to A.D. 700 Dunham, S. See Curvers and Schwartz. Egan, V. See Bikai and Egan. Emberling, G., Rev. of Boehmer et al., Uruk: Die Grdber , Rev. of Campbell and Green eds., The Archaeology of Death in the Ancient Near East Evans, J.D., Rev. of Ashton ed., Studies in Ancient Coinage from Turkey Fant, J.C., Rev. of Hellenkemper Salies ed., Das Wrack:Die antike Schiffsfund von Mahdia I-II Fotiadis, M., Rev. of Kuna and Venclovai eds., Whither Archaeology?Papers in Honour of Ev-en Neustupnj Fullerton, M.D., Rev. of Belli Pasqua, Scultura di eta' romana in "basalto" , Rev. of Hacklainder, Der archaistische Dionysos: Eine archdologische Untersuchung zur Bedeutung archaistischer Kunst in hellenistischer und rimischer Zeit Gates, M.-H., Archaeology in Turkey Gerstenblith, P., Rev. ofJrgouzo and Frier eds., Archiologie et droit de l'urbanisme en Europe Ghanimati, S., Rev. of Azarnoush, The Sasanian Manor House at Hajiabad, Iran Gill, D.W.J., Rev. of Jenkins and Sloan, Vases and Volcanoes: Sir William Hamilton and His Collection Griffith, A.B., Rev. of Sauer, The End ofPaganism in the North-Western Provinces of the Roman Empire: The Example of the Mithras Cult Haigg, R., Rev. of Albers, SpiitmykenischeStadtheiligtiimer: SystematischeAnalyse und vergleichende Auswertung der archdologischen Befunde [AJA 101 814 201-39 196-97 41-65 179-80 609-10 609-10 609-10 173-74 731-69 806-807 806-807 607-608 189-90 189-90 807-808 169-70 169-70 816 182-84 426 613-14 799-800 241-305 197 622-23 424-25 429 411-12 CONTENTS OF VOLUME 101 (1997) 1997] Hall, E.A., Theatrical Archaeology Harrison, G.W.M., Rev. of Marangou-Lerat, Le vin et les amphores de Crete:De l'ipoque classique a l'dpoque impjriale Hemans, C.D., Rev. of Duval, Marin, and Metzger eds., Salona I: Catalogue de la sculpture architecturale paleochritienne de Salone , Rev. of Chevalier, Salona II: Ecclesiae Dalmatiae Henig, M., Rev. of Calinescu ed., Ancient Jewelry and Archaeology , Rev. of Johns, The Jewellery of Roman Britain: Celtic and Classical Traditions Herzog, H., Rev. of Maass ed., Delphi: Orakel am Nabel der Welt Hirschfeld, Y., Rev. of Patrich, Sabas, Leader of Palestinian Monasticism: A Comparative Study in Eastern Monasticism, Fourth to Seventh Centuries vii 154-58 805-806 810-12 810-12 808-10 808-10 794-95 423-24 Hoffman, G.L., Rev. of Tsetskhladze and De Angelis eds., The Archaeologyof GreekColonisation: Essays Dedicated to Sir John Boardman Hurwit, J.M., The Death of the Sculptor? Invernizzi, A., Rev. of Litvinskii and Bromberg eds., The Archaeology and Art of Central Asia: Studies from the Former Soviet Union Jackson, A.H., Rev. of Jarva, Archaiologia on Archaic Greek Body Armour 601-602 587-91 594 194 Jenkins, I., Documenting the Parthenon Frieze in Basel Jones, G., Rev. of Harlan, The Living Fields: Our Agricultural Heritage 774-75 426-27 Kalogirou, A., Rev. of Korkuti, Neolithikum und Chalkolithikum im Albanien Kampen, N.B., Rev. of Galinsky, Augustan Culture: An Interpretive Introduction Kardulias, P.N., Rev. of Edmonds, Stone Toolsand Society: Working Stone in Neolithic and Bronze Age Britain King, H., Rev. of Amberger-Lahrmann, Anatomie und Physiognomie in der hellenistischen Plastik: Dargestellt am Pergamonaltar -, Rev. of Metraux, Sculptors and Physicians in Fifth-Century Greece:A Preliminary Study Klein, N.L., Rev. of Bommelaer and des Courtils, La Salle hypostyle d'Argos Kolb, C.C., Rev. of Davis-Kimball, Bashilov, and Yablonsky eds., Nomads of the Eurasian Steppes in the Early Iron Age of Telegin and Mallory, The Anthropomorphic Stelae of the Ukraine: The Early IconRev. , ~ography of the Indo-Europeans Koloski-Ostrow, A.O., Rev. of Neudecker, Die Pracht der Latrine: Zum Wandel iffentlicher Bediirf nisanstalten in der kaiserzeitlichen Stadt Kosmetatou, E., Rev. of Levidis ed., HAiVrog o HpeaftrEpoq Epti rTq apyaiIaq EAA•wV1Ktcj rA1q "'oV1K7flq Ioropiaq") rjoypa(plKflq (350 flipio Kroll, J.H., Rev. of von Reden, Exchange in Ancient Greece Kuniholm, P.I., Rev. of Baillie, A Slice through Time: Dendrochronology and Precision Dating 594-95 610-12 Lacovara, P., Rev. ofBaines ed., Stone Vessels,Pottery and Sealingsfrom the Tombof Tutankhamun Rev. of Eaton-Krauss, The Sarcophagus in the Tomb of Tutankhamun -, Rev. of Lilyquist, Egyptian Stone Vessels: Khian through Thutmosis IV -, Lapatin, K.D.S., Pheidias hspavtoupy6q Rev, of Harris, The Treasures of the Parthenon and Erechtheion -, Lawall, M.L., Rev. of Whitbread, Greek Transport Amphorae: A Petrological and Archaeological Study Leader, R.E., In Death Not Divided: Gender, Family, and State on Classical Athenian Grave Stelae Leveau, P., Rev. of Dietz, Ladjimi Sebai, and Ben Hassan eds., AfricaProconsularis:Regional Studies in the Segermes ValleyofNorthern Tunisia I: Archaeological Fieldwork; II: Pottery, Numismatics and the Antiquarian Data 628 604-606 604-606 428 407-408 407-408 428-29 195 175-76 192 780-82 780-82 780-82 663-82 603-604 176-77 683-99 616-17 viii CONTENTSOF VOLUME101 (1997) Lloyd, J.A., Rev. of Libyaantiqua:Annual of theDepartmentof Antiquitiesof Libya,New Series 1, 1995 Lock, G., Rev. of Drennan, Statisticsfor Archaeologists:A CommonsenseApproach Magness, J. See Waldbaum and Magness. Marabini Moevs, M.T.,Rev. of Puppo, Le coppemegaresiin Italia Maran, J., Rev. of Rutter, Lerna, a PreclassicalSite in the Argolid:Results of ExcavationsConductedby theAmericanSchoolof ClassicalStudiesat AthensIII: ThePotteryof LernaIV Marchetti, N., Rev. of Collon, Ancient Near Eastern Art Mason, R.S., Rev. of Marchetti and Kolokotsas, Le nymphiede l'agorad'Argos:Fouille,etude architecturaleet historique Meskell, L., Rev. of Montserrat, Sex and Societyin Graeco-Roman Egypt Morris, S.P., Ex OrienteBooks: Near Eastern Resources for Classicists Muhly, J.D., Recent Works in Archaeometallurgy Nagy, H., Rev. of Bini, Caramella, and Buccioli, I bronzietruschi e romani I-III Neils, J., Rev. of Matheson, Polygnotosand VasePainting in ClassicalAthens Nevett, L., Rev. of Kiderlen, Megale Oikia. Untersuchungenzur EntwicklungaufwendigergriechischerStadthausarchitektur: Vonder Friiharchaikbis ins 3. Jh. v. Chr.I-II Newland, D.M., Rev. of Naso, Architetturedipinte:Decorazioniparietali nonfigurate nelle tombe a cameradell'Etruriameridionale(VII-V sec. a.C.) Nielsen, I., Rev. of Boersma, Mutatio Valentia:The Late Roman Baths at Valesio,Salento , Rev. of Farrington, The Roman Baths of Lycia:An ArchitecturalStudy Niemeier, W.-D.,Rev. of Rehak ed., The Role of the Ruler in the PrehistoricAegean Packer, J.E., Report from Rome: The Imperial Fora, a Retrospective Palaima, T.G., Rev. of Knapp ed., Near Eastern and Aegean Textsfrom the Third to the First Millennia B.C. Parkins, H., Rev. of Potter, Townsin Late Antiquity:Iol Caesareaand Its Context Pedley, J.G., Rev. of Kyrieleis, Der grosse Kuros von Samos Petruso, K.M., Rev. of Arkeologjia:Materiale,studime dhe informacionearkeologjike1-3 Plantzos, D., Crystals and Lenses in the Graeco-Roman World - , Rev. of Vollenweider, Camdeset intailles 1.1-2: Lesportraitsgrecsdu Cabinetdes midailles Pollitt, J.J.,Rev. of Zanker, The Mask of Socrates:The Image of the Intellectual in Antiquity Potts, D.T.,Rev. of Kuhrt, The Ancient Near East c. 3000-330 B.C. I-II Rathbone, D., Rev. of Bagnall, Reading Papyri, WritingAncient History Ratte, C., Rev. of von Thiingen, Die frei stehendegriechischeExedra . See Smith and Ratte. Redford, S., Rev. of Moore, Tille HoiyiikI: The Medieval Period Reger, G.L., Rev. of Bringmann and von Steuben eds., SchenkungenhellenistischerHerrscher an griechischeStidte und HeiligtiimerI: Zeugnisseund Kommentare -, Rev. of Worrle and Zanker eds., Stadtbildund Biirgerbildim Hellenismus:Kolloquium, Miinchen, 24. bis 26. Juni 1993 Rehak, P., Interconnections between the Aegean and the Orient in the Second Millennium B.C. Rendeli, M., Rev. of Christie ed., Settlementand Economyin Italy 1500 B.C.toA.D. 1500. Papers of the Fifth Conferenceof Italian Archaeology Renfrew, C., Rev. of Trigger, Early Civilizations:Ancient Egypt in Context Richards, J.D., Rev. of Lock and StanEi1 eds., Archaeologyand GeographicalInformationSystems:A EuropeanPerspective Richards,J.E., Rev.of Bard, FromFarmerstoPharaohs:MortuaryEvidencefortheRise of Complex Societyin Egypt -, Rev. of Sive-Soderbergh, TheOldKingdomCemeteryat HamraDom (el-Qasrwa es-Saiyad) [AJA 101 813 628-29 416-17 409-11 167-69 614-15 619-21 149-53 771-73 801-802 412-13 602-603 608-609 615-16 615-16 785-86 307-30 629 816 793-94 191 451-64 180-81 415-16 166-67 429-30 181-82 812-13 418-19 418-19 399-402 621-22 164 163-64 165-66 165-66 1997] CONTENTSOF VOLUME101 (1997) Rose, C.B., Rev. of Fless, Opferdienerund Kultmusikerauf stadtr6mischenhistorischenReliefs. Untersuchungenzur Ikonographie,Funktion und Benennung Runnels, C., Rev. of Mellars, TheNeanderthalLegacy:An ArchaeologicalPerspectivefrom Western Europe Sagona, A., Rev. of Qilingiroglu and French eds., Anatolian Iron Ages 3: The Proceedingsof the ThirdAnatolian Iron Ages ColloquiumHeld at Van, 6-12 August 1990 of Mellaart and Murray, Beycesultan111:2:Late BronzeAge and Phrygian Pottery Rev. , and Middle and Late BronzeAge Small Objects , Rev. of Summers, Tille Hoyiik 4: The Late BronzeAge and the Iron Age Transition Schwartz, G. See Curvers and Schwartz. Shanks, M., Archaeological Theory: What's on the Agenda? Shelmerdine, C.W.,The Palatial Bronze Age of the Southern and Central Greek Mainland - , Rev. of Eder, Staat, Herrschaft,Gesellschaftin friihgriechischerZeit: Eine Bibliographie 1978-1991/92 -, Rev. of Feuer, MycenaeanCivilization:A ResearchGuide - , Rev. of Sikkenga ed., Studies in MycenaeanInscriptionsand Dialect 1979 Silberman, N.A., Rev. of Bahn ed., The CambridgeIllustratedHistory of Archaeology , Rev. of Ben-Yehuda, The Masada Myth: CollectiveMemoryand Mythmakingin Israel Simmons, A.H., Rev. of LeBrun ed., Fouilles recentesa Khirokitia (Chypre)1988-1991 Sinopoli, C.M., Rev. of Journal of Material Culture 1.1 Slane, K.W.,Rev. of Fulford and Tomber eds., Excavationsat Sabratha 1948-1951 II: The Finds, Pt. 2: The Finewaresand Lamps Smith, M.L., Rev. of Allchin, The Archaeologyof Early Historic South Asia: The Emergenceof Cities and States Smith, R.R.R., Rev. of von den Hoff, Philosophenportrdtsdes Friih- und Hochhellenismus Smith, R.R.R., and C. Ratte, Archaeological Research at Aphrodisias in Caria, 1995 Snodgrass, A.M., Rev.of Lang, ArchaischeSiedlungenin Griechenland:Strukturund Entwicklung Stein, G.J., Rev. of Wilkinson and Tucker, SettlementDevelopmentin the NorthJazira, Iraq: A Study of the ArchaeologicalLandscape Stieber, M.C., Rev. of Marcade ed., Sculpturesdiliennes Stirling, L., Rev. of Desbat et al., La Maison des Dieux Oceana Saint-Romain-en-Gal(Rhone) and MediterraneanPrehistory Strasser, TE, Rev.of Patton, Islandsin Time:IslandSociogeography Sutton, R.E, Jr., Rev. of Kilmer, GreekErotica on Attic Red-FigureVases Swinton, A., Rev. of Buchholz and Untiedt, Tamassos:Ein antikes K6nigreichauf Zypern Talbert, R.J.A., Rev. of Scarre, The Penguin Historical Atlas of Ancient Rome Taylor,R., Torrent or Trickle? The Aqua Alsietina, the Naumachia Augusti, and the Transtiberim Terrenato, N., Rev. of Smith, Early Rome and Latium. Economyand Societyc. 1000-500 B.C. Thomas, C.G., Rev. of Fitton, The Discoveryof the GreekBronzeAge Thomas, P.M., Rev. of Mountjoy, MycenaeanAthens Timpson, M.E., Rev. of Barham and Macphail eds., ArchaeologicalSedimentsand Soils:Analysis, Interpretation,and Management -, Rev. of Beavis and Barker eds., Scienceand Site: Evaluation and Conservation Todd, S.C., Rev. of Boegehold, TheLawcourtsat Athens:Sites,Buildings,Equipment,Procedure, and Testimonia Van De Mieroop, M., Rev. of Dercksen, The Old Assyrian CopperTradein Anatolia Vandenabeele, E, Rev. of Karageorghis, The CoroplasticArt of Ancient CyprusIV. The CyproArchaic Period Small Male Figurines van Dommelen, P.,Rev.of Barker, A MediterraneanValley:LandscapeArchaeologyand Annales History in the Biferno Valley and Geomorphological Record -, Rev.of Barker ed., TheBifernoValleySurvey:TheArchaeological ix 612-13 777-78 787-88 787-88 787-88 395-99 537-85 427-28 427-28 427-28 776-77 813-14 629-30 191-92 618-19 816-17 414-15 1-22 600-601 779-80 815 804-805 778 413-14 630 195-96 465-92 419-20 408-409 193 592-93 592-93 797-98 778-79 174-75 184-85 184-85 x CONTENTSOF VOLUME101 (1997) Venit, M.S.,The Tomb from Tigrane Pasha Street and the Iconography of Death in Roman Alexandria Vermeule, C.C., III, Rev. of Henig, Classical Gems: Ancient and Modern Intaglios and Cameos in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge Vitelli, K.D., Rev. of Pyke and Yiouni, Nea Nikomedeia I: The Excavation of an Early Neolithic Village in Northern Greece, 1961-1964, Directed by R.J. Rodden: The Excavation and the Ceramic Assemblage Walbank, EW., Rev. of Cohen, The Hellenistic Settlements in Europe, the Islands, and Asia Minor Waldbaum, J.C., and J. Magness, The Chronology of Early Greek Pottery: New Evidence from Seventh-Century B.C. Destruction Levels in Israel Warden, P.G., Rev. of Tamburini, Un abitato villanoviano perilacustre: II "Gran Carro"sul Lago di Bolsena (1959-1985) Watrous, L.V., Rev. of Evely, Lemos, and Sherratt eds., Minotaur and Centaur. Studies in the Archaeology of Crete and Euboea Presented to Mervyn Popham Weingarten, J., Rev. of Hallager, The Minoan Roundel and Other Sealed Documents in the Neopalatial Linear A Administration I-II , Rev. of Popham and Gill, The Latest Sealings from the Palace and Houses at Knossos Weiss, H., Archaeology in Syria Wells, P.S., Rev of Graves-Brown, Jones, and Gamble eds., Cultural Identity and Archaeology: The Construction of European Communities Wescoat, B.D., Rev. of White, The Extramural Sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone at Cyrene, Libya. Final Reports 5: The Site'sArchitecture, Its First Six Hundred Yearsof Development Whitehouse, D., Rev. of Stern, Roman Mold-Blown Glass: The First through Sixth Centuries Whitehouse, H., Egyptomanias Whitley, J., Cretan Laws and Cretan Literacy Wiencke, M.H., Rev. of Sbonias, Friihkretische Siegel: Ansdtze fiir eine Interpretation der sozialpolitischen Entwicklung auf Kreta wihrend der Friihbronzezeit Wilfong, T.G., Rev. of Forman and Quirke, Hieroglyphs and the Afterlife in Ancient Egypt [AJA101 701-29 624-25 172-73 798-99 23-40 800-801 599-600 783-85 783-85 97-148 404-405 617-18 422-23 158-61 635-61 597-98 406-407 Williams, H., Rev. of Fitch and Goldman, Cosa: The Lamps 625-26 -, Rev. of Tezgor and Sezer, Catalogue des lampes en terrecuite du Musde archdologiqued'Istanbul I: Epoque protohistorique, archaique, classique et hellinistique Winter, N.A., Rev. of Heiden, Die Tondaichervon Olympia Woodford, S., Rev. of Cambitoglou and Robinson eds., Classical Art in the Nicholson Museum, 625-26 795-96 193-94 Sydney Wright, J.C., Rev. of Tubb ed., Antiquities, Trade or Betrayed: Legal, Ethical and Conservation Issues of Vitelli ed., Archaeological Ethics Rev. -, 403-404 403-404 Young, B.K., Rev. of Halsall, Settlement and Social Organization: The Merovingian Region ofMetz 623-24 Zvelebil, M., Rev. of Kohl and Fawcett eds., Nationalism, Politics, and the Practice of Archaeology Zwirn, S.R., Rev. of Kondoleon, Domestic and Divine: Roman Mosaics in the House ofDionysos 591-92 188-89 NEWSLETTERS Archaeology Archaeology Archaeology Report from in Jordan (P.M. Bikai and V. Egan) in Syria (H. Weiss) in Turkey (M.-H. Gates) Rome: The Imperial Fora, a Retrospective (J.E. Packer) 493-535 97-148 241-305 307-30 PROCEEDINGS The 98th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America 331-93 CONTENTS OF VOLUME 101 (1997) 1997] xi REVIEW OF AEGEAN PREHISTORY Shelmerdine, C.W.,The Palatial Bronze Age of the Southern and Central Greek Mainland 537-85 BOOK REVIEWS Albers, Spitmykenische Stadtheiligtiimer: Systematische Analyse und vergleichende Auswertung der archaologischen Befunde (R. Higg) Alfieri, Spina e la ceramica attica (L. Burn) Allchin, The Archaeology of Early Historic South Asia: The Emergence of Cities and States (M.L. Smith) Alram-Stern, Die agiische Friihzeit, 2. Serie: Forschungsbericht 1975-1993 1: Das Neolithikum in Griechenland mit Ausnahme von Kreta und Zypern (J.E. Coleman) Alroth. See Hellstr6m and Alroth eds. Amberger-Lahrmann, Anatomie und Physiognomie in der hellenistischen Plastik: Dargestellt am Pergamonaltar (H. King) Arkeologjia: Materiale, studime dhe informacione arkeologjike 1-3 (K.M. Petruso) Ashton ed., Studies in Ancient Coinage from Turkey (J.D. Evans) Azarnoush, The Sasanian Manor House at Hajiabad, Iran (S. Ghanimati) Bagnall, Reading Papyri, Writing Ancient History (D. Rathbone) Bahn ed., The Cambridge Illustrated History of Archaeology (N.A. Silberman) Baillie, A Slice through Time: Dendrochronology and Precision Dating (P.I. Kuniholm) Baines ed., Stone Vessels, Pottery and Sealings from the Tomb of Tutankhamun (P. Lacovara) Bard, From Farmers to Pharaohs: Mortuary Evidence for the Rise of Complex Society in Egypt (J.E. Richards) 411-12 194-95 816-17 782-83 604-606 191 816 622-23 429-30 776-77 192 780-82 165-66 Barham and Macphail eds., Archaeological Sediments and Soils: Analysis, Interpretation, and Management(M.E. Timpson) 592-93 Barker. See Beavis and Barker eds. Barker, A Mediterranean Valley:Landscape Archaeology and Annales History in the Biferno Valley (P. van Dommelen) 184-85 Barker ed., The Biferno Valley Survey: The Archaeological and Geomorphological Record (P. van Dommelen) Bashilov. See Davis-Kimball, Bashilov, and Yablonsky eds. Beavis and Barker eds., Science and Site: Evaluation and Conservation (M.E. Timpson) Belli Pasqua, Scultura di eta romana in "basalto"(M.D. Fullerton) 184-85 592-93 613-14 Ben Hassan. See Dietz, Ladjimi Sebai, and Ben Hassan eds. Ben-Yehuda, The Masada Myth: Collective Memory and Mythmaking in Israel (N.A. Silberman) Berger and Gisler-Huwiler, Der Parthenon in Basel: Dokumentation zum Fries I-II (I.Jenkins) Berktold, Schmid, and Wacker eds., Akarnanien: Eine Landschaft im antiken Griechenland (S. Bommelj ) Betancourt 813-14 774-75 791-92 and Davaras eds., Pseira I: The Minoan Buildings on the West Side of Area A (O. Dickinson) 173-74 Biering, Die Odysseefresken von Esquilin (B. Bergmann) Bietak, Avaris, Capital of the Hyksos: Recent Excavations at Tell el-Dab'a (P. Rehak) 802-804 399-402 Bini, Caramella, and Buccioli, I bronzietruschie romani I-III (H. Nagy) 801-802 Boardman, Greek Sculpture: The Late Classical Period and Sculpture in Colonies and Overseas (J.M. Hurwit) Boegehold, 587-91 The Lawcourts at Athens: Sites, Buildings, Equipment, Procedure, and Testimonia (S.C. Todd) Boehmer et al., Uruk:Die Griiber(G. Emberling) 797-98 169-70 Boersma, Mutatio Valentia: The Late Roman Baths at Valesio, Salento (I. Nielsen) 615-16 Bommelaer and des Courtils, La Salle hypostyled'Argos(N.L. Klein) Brandt. See Moltesen and Brandt. 428 xii CONTENTSOF VOLUME101 (1997) SelbstverstdndBreuer, ReliefsundEpigrammegriechischerPrivatgrabmdler: Zeugnissebiirgerlichen nisses vom 4. bis 2. Jahrhundertv. Chr. (J.W.Day) Bringmann and von Steuben eds., SchenkungenhellenistischerHerrscheran griechischeStddte und Heiligtiimer I: Zeugnisseund Kommentare(G.L. Reger) Bromberg. See Litvinskii and Bromberg eds. Buccioli. See Bini, Caramella, and Buccioli. Buchholz and Untiedt, Tamassos:Ein antikes Kdnigreichauf Zypern(A. Swinton) Cabboi. See Dunikowski and Cabboi eds. Calinescu ed., AncientJewelryand Archaeology(M. Henig) Cambitoglou and Robinson eds., ClassicalArt in theNicholsonMuseum,Sydney(S. Woodford) Campbell and Green eds., The Archaeologyof Death in theAncient Near East (G. Emberling) Caramella. See Bini, Caramella, and Buccioli. Carr and Neitzel eds., Style, Society,and Person:Archaeologicaland EthnologicalPerspectives (M. Shanks) Cateni, CorpusSpeculorumEtruscorum,Italia 3. Volterra,Museo GuarnacciI (R.D. De Puma) Chevalier, Salona II: EcclesiaeDalmatiae (C.D. Hemans) Childs ed., Society,Culture,and Technologyin Africa (J.D. Muhly) Christie ed., Settlementand Economyin Italy 1500 B.C.toA.D. 1500. Papersof theFifth Conference of Italian Archaeology(M. Rendeli) Qilingiroglu and French eds., Anatolian Iron Ages 3: The Proceedingsof the ThirdAnatolian Iron Ages ColloquiumHeld at Van, 6-12 August 1990 (A. Sagona) Clavel-Leveque, Jouffroy, and Vignot eds., De la terreau ciel: Paysageset cadastresantiques (XIF Stage international,Besangon,29-31 mars 1993) (P. Doukellis) Clavel-Leveque and Plana-Mallart eds., Cite'et territoire:Colloqueeuropeen(Beziers14-16 octobre 1994) (P. Doukellis) Cline, Sailing the Wine-DarkSea:InternationalTradeand the Late BronzeAgeAegean(P. Rehak) Cohen, The Hellenistic Settlementsin Europe,the Islands, and Asia Minor (E W. Walbank) Collon, Ancient Near Eastern Art (N. Marchetti) Cooper, The Templeof Apollo Bassitas I: The Architecture(J.J. Coulton) -, The Templeof Apollo Bassitas III: The Architecture:Illustrations (J.J. Coulton) Corcoran, PortraitMummiesfrom RomanEgypt (I-IV CenturiesA.D.) with a Catalogof Portrait Mummies in Egyptian Museums (B. Borg) Curl, Egyptomania.TheEgyptianRevival:A RecurringThemein the Historyof Taste(H. Whitehouse) Dark, TheoreticalArchaeology(M. Shanks) Davaras. See Betancourt and Davaras eds. Davies and Schofield eds., Egypt,theAegeanand theLevant:Interconnectionsin the SecondMillennium B.C. (P. Rehak) Davis-Kimball, Bashilov, and Yablonsky eds., Nomadsof theEurasian Steppesin theEarlyIron Age (C.C. Kolb) De Angelis. See Tsetskhladze and De Angelis eds. De Caro, La villa rustica in localita Villa Regina a Boscoreale(P. Carafa) Dercksen, The Old Assyrian CopperTradein Anatolia (M. Van De Mieroop) Desbat et al., La Maison des Dieux Ocian a Saint-Romain-en-Gal(Rh6ne) (L. Stirling) des Courtils. See Bommelaer and des Courtils. Dietz, Ladjimi Sebai, and Ben Hassan eds., Africa Proconsularis:Regional Studies in the Segermes Valleyof Northern TunisiaI: ArchaeologicalFieldwork;II: Pottery,Numismatics and the Antiquarian Data (P. Leveau) Drennan, Statisticsfor Archaeologists:A CommonsenseApproach(G. Lock) Duke and Wilson eds., BeyondSubsistence:Plains Archaeologyand the PostprocessualCritique (M. Shanks) [AJA 101 179-80 418-19 630 808-10 193-94 169-70 395-99 609-10 810-12 771-73 621-22 787-88 189-90 189-90 399-402 798-99 167-69 796-97 796-97 187-88 158-61 395-99 399-402 407-408 421-22 778-79 804-805 616-17 628-29 395-99 1997] CONTENTSOF VOLUME101 (1997) Dunikowski and Cabboi eds., La siderurgiechezles Senons:Les ateliersceltiqueset gallo-romains des Clerimois(Yonne)(J.D. Muhly) Duval, Marin, and Metzger eds., Salona I: Cataloguede la sculpturearchitecturalepaleochretienne de Salone (C.D. Hemans) Eaton-Krauss, The Sarcophagusin the Tombof Tutankhamun(P. Lacovara) Eder, Staat, Herrschaft,Gesellschaftin friihgriechischerZeit:Eine Bibliographie1978-1991/92 (C.W.Shelmerdine) Edmonds, Stone Tools and Society: Working Stone in Neolithic and Bronze Age Britain (P.N. Kardulias) Eschebach and Eschebach, Pompeji:Vom7.Jahrhundertv. Chr.bis 79 n. Chr.(P.M. Allison) Eshel and Prag, Excavationsby K.M. Kenyonin Jerusalem 1961-1967 IV: The Iron Age Cave Deposits on the South-EastHill and Isolated Burials and CemeteriesElsewhere(P. Bienkowski) Evely, Lemos, and Sherratt eds., Minotaur and Centaur.Studies in the Archaeologyof Crete and EuboeaPresentedto MervynPopham (L.V.Watrous) Farrington, The Roman Baths of Lycia:An ArchitecturalStudy (I. Nielsen) Fawcett. See Kohl and Fawcett eds. Feuer, MycenaeanCivilization:A ResearchGuide (C.W.Shelmerdine) Finkelstein, Living on the Fringe: The Archaeologyand History of the Negev, Sinai and Neighbouring Regions in the Bronze and Iron Ages (P. Bienkowski) Fitch and Goldman, Cosa: The Lamps (H. Williams) Fitton, The Discoveryof the GreekBronzeAge (C.G. Thomas) Fless, Opferdienerund Kultmusikerauf stadtr6mischenhistorischenReliefs. Untersuchungenzur Ikonographie,Funktion und Benennung (C.B. Rose) Fletcher, The Limits of SettlementGrowth:A TheoreticalOutline (W Ashmore) Forman and Quirke, Hieroglyphsand the Afterlifein Ancient Egypt (T.G.Wilfong) Frascarelli, CorpusSpeculorumEtruscorum,Italia 2. Perugia, Museo ArcheologicoNazionale I (R.D. De Puma) French. See Qilingiroglu and French eds. Frier. See Jegouzo and Frier eds. Fulford and Tomber eds., Excavationsat Sabratha1948-1951 II: The Finds, Pt. 2: The Finewares and Lamps (K.W.Slane) Galinsky, Augustan Culture:An InterpretiveIntroduction(N.B. Kampen) Gamble. See Graves-Brown,Jones, and Gamble eds. Gill. See Popham and Gill. Gisler-Huwiler. See Berger and Gisler-Huwiler. Goldman. See Fitch and Goldman. Graves-Brown,Jones, and Gamble eds., Cultural Identityand Archaeology:The Construction of European Communities(P.S. Wells) Green, Theatrein Ancient GreekSociety(E.A. Hall) Green. See Campbell and Green eds. Green and Handley, Imagesof the GreekTheatre(E.A. Hall) Hacklfinder, Der archaistischeDionysos:Eine archiiologischeUntersuchungzur BedeutungarchaistischerKunst in hellenistischerund riimischerZeit (M.D. Fullerton) Hallager, The Minoan Roundeland OtherSealedDocumentsin the NeopalatialLinearA Administration I-II (J. Weingarten) Halsall, Settlementand Social Organization:The MerovingianRegion of Metz (B.K. Young) Handley. See Green and Handley. Harl, Coinagein the Roman Economy,300 B.C. to A.D. 700 (R.P. Duncan-Jones) xiii 771-73 810-12 780-82 427-28 628 420-21 170-72 599-600 615-16 427-28 170-72 625-26 408-409 612-13 162-63 406-407 609-10 618-19 610-12 404-405 154-58 154-58 799-800 783-85 623-24 807-808 CONTENTSOF VOLUME101 (1997) xiX Harlan, The Living Fields: Our Agricultural Heritage (G. Jones) Harris, The Treasures of the Parthenon and Erechtheion (K.D.S. Lapatin) Heiden, Die Tonddcher von Olympia (N.A. Winter) Hellenkemper Salies ed., Das Wrack: Die antike Schiffsfund von Mahdia I-II (J.C. Fant) Hellstr6m and Alroth eds., Religion and Power in the Ancient Greek World (S.B. Aleshire) Henig, Classical Gems: Ancient and Modern Intaglios and Cameos in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge(C.C. Vermeule III) [AJA 101 426-27 603-604 795-96 182-84 792-93 624-25 Humbert, Pantazzi, and Ziegler, Egytomania:Egypt in WesternArt, 1730-1930 (H. Whitehouse) 158-61 Jarva, Archaiologia on Archaic Greek Body Armour (A.H. Jackson) Jegouzo and Frier eds., Archeologie et droit de l'urbanisme en Europe (P. Gerstenblith) Jenkins and Sloan, Vases and Volcanoes:Sir William Hamilton and His Collection (D.W.J.Gill) Johns, The Jewellery of Roman Britain: Celtic and Classical Traditions (M. Henig) 194 197 424-25 808-10 Journal of Material Culture 1.1 (C.M. Sinopoli) 191-92 Jones. See Graves-Brown,Jones, and Gamble eds. Jouffroy. See Clavel-Leveque, Jouffroy, and Vignot eds. Karageorghis, The Coroplastic Art of Ancient Cyprus IV. The Cypro-ArchaicPeriod Small Male Figurines (E Vandenabeele) Kiderlen, Megale Oikia. Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung aufwendiger griechischer Stadthausarchitektur: Von der Friiharchaik bis ins 3. Jh. v. Chr. I-II (L. Nevett) Kilmer, Greek Erotica on Attic Red-Figure Vases (R.E Sutton, Jr.) Knapp ed., Near Eastern and Aegean Textsfrom the Third to the First Millennia B.C. (T.G. Palaima) Knoepfler, Les imagiers de l'Orestie: Mille ans d'art antique autour d'un mythe grec (E.A. Hall) Koch, De picturae initiis: Die Anfidngegriechischen Malerei im 7.Jahrhundert v. Chr. (R.M. Cook) Kohl and Fawcett eds., Nationalism, Politics, and the Practice of Archaeology (M. Zvelebil) 174-75 602-603 413-14 629 154-58 814-15 591-92 Kolokotsas. See Marchetti and Kolokotsas. Kondoleon, Domestic and Divine: Roman Mosaics in the House of Dionysos (S.R. Zwirn) Korkuti, Neolithikum und Chalkolithikum im Albanien (A. Kalogirou) Kuhrt, The Ancient Near East c. 3000-330 B.C. I-II (D.T. Potts) Kuna and Venclovai eds., Whither Archaeology? Papers in Honour of Evien Neustupny' (M. Fotiadis) Kyrieleis, Der grosse Kuros von Samos (J.G. Pedley) 188-89 594-95 166-67 426 793-94 Ladjimi Sebai. See Dietz, Ladjimi Sebai, and Ben Hassan eds. Lambrechts, Corpus Speculorum Etruscorum, Stato della Citta' del Vaticano 1. Cittd del Vaticano, Museo Profano della Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana; Roma, Collezione di Antichita dell' Abbazia di San Paolo fuori le mura (R.D. De Puma) Lang, Archaische Siedlungen in Griechenland: Struktur und Entwicklung (A.M. Snodgrass) LeBrun ed., Fouilles recentes a Khirokitia (Chypre) 1988-1991 (A.H. Simmons) 609-10 600-601 629-30 Lemos. See Evely, Lemos, and Sherratt eds. Levidis lHp~oCfAtrpo ed., HMivo o Epi r7? ap-aiacEf•-7-vIK (350 lz-f•iio •o4ypaq--Krig "vourw Ia loropiacg') (E. Kosmetatou) Libya antiqua: Annual of the Department of Antiquities ofLibya, New Series 1, 1995 (J.A. Lloyd) Lilyquist, Egyptian Stone Vessels: Khian through Thutmosis IV (P. Lacovara) Liritzis, The Role and Development of Metallurgy in the Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age of Greece(J.D. Muhly) Litvinskii and Bromberg eds., The Archaeology and Art of Central Asia: Studies from the Former Soviet Union (A. Invernizzi) Lock and StanEi: eds., Archaeology and Geographical Information Systems:A European Perspec- tive (J.D. Richards) Maass ed., Delphi: Orakel am Nabel der Welt (H. Herzog) Macphail. See Barham and Macphail eds. 195 813 780-82 771-73 594 163-64 794-95 CONTENTSOF VOLUME101 (1997) 1997] xv Mallory. See Telegin and Mallory. Marangou-Lerat, Le vin et les amphores de Crete:De l'dpoqueclassique a l'dpoqueimpiriale (G.W.M. Harrison) Marcade ed., Sculptures diliennes (M.C. Stieber) Marchetti and Kolokotsas, Le nymphie de l'agora d'Argos: Fouille, itude architecturale et histo- rique (R.S. Mason) Marin. See Duval, Marin, and Metzger eds. Matheson, Polygnotos and Vase Painting in Classical Athens (J. Neils) Mattusch, Classical Bronzes: The Art and Craft of Greek and Roman Statuary (J.M. Hurwit) The Fire of Hephaistos: Large Classical Bronzesfrom North American Collections (S. Dillon) -, Myth, Man and Metal: Bronze Sculpture of Ancient Greece and Rome (S. Dillon) -, McConnell et al., La Muculufa II: Excavation and Survey 1988-1991. The Castelluccian Village and Other Areas (O.P. Doonan IV) Mellaart and Murray, Beycesultan 111:2:Late Bronze Age and Phrygian Pottery and Middle and Late Bronze Age Small Objects (A. Sagona) The Neanderthal Legacy:An Archaeological Perspectivefrom WesternEurope (C. Runnels) Mellars, Metraux, Sculptors and Physicians in Fifth-Century Greece: A Preliminary Study (H. King) 805-806 815 614-15 412-13 587-91 806-807 806-807 607-608 787-88 777-78 604-606 Metzger. See Duval, Marin, and Metzger eds. Moltesen and Brandt, Excavations at La Giostra: A Mid-Republican Fortress outside Rome (T.J.Cornell) Montserrat, Sex and Society in Graeco-Roman Egypt (L. Meskell) Moon ed., Polykleitos, the Doryphoros and Tradition (J. Boardman) Moore, Tille Hoyiik I: The Medieval Period (S. Redford) Mountjoy, MycenaeanAthens (P.M. Thomas) Murray. See Mellaart and Murray. Naso, Architetture dipinte: Decorazioni parietali non figurate nelle tombe a camera dell'Etruria meridionale (VII-V sec. a.C.) (D.M. Newland) Neiiendam, The Art of Acting in Antiquity: Iconographical Studies in Classical, Hellenistic, and Byzantine Theatre (E.A. Hall) 196 619-21 177-78 812-13 193 608-609 154-58 Neitzel. See Carr and Neitzel eds. Neudecker, Die Pracht der Latrine: Zum Wandel iffentlicher Bediirfnisanstalten in der kaiserzeit- lichen Stadt (A.O. Koloski-Ostrow) Nielsen. See Skibo, Walker, and Nielsen eds. Nunn, Ancient Egyptian Medicine (M.J. Becker) O'Brien, Bronze Age Copper Mining in Britain and Ireland (J.D. Muhly) 428-29 405-406 771-73 Pantazzi. See Humbert, Pantazzi, and Ziegler. Patrich, Sabas, Leader of Palestinian Monasticism: A Comparative Study in Eastern Monasticism, Fourth to Seventh Centuries (Y. Hirschfeld) Patton, Islands in Time: Island Sociogeography and Mediterranean Prehistory (T.E Strasser) 423-24 778 Plana-Mallart. See Clavel-Levique and Plana-Mallart eds. Popham and Gill, The Latest Sealings from the Palace and Houses at Knossos (J. Weingarten) Potter, Towns in Late Antiquity: Iol Caesarea and Its Context (H. Parkins) Potts, Mesopotamia and the East: An Archaeological and Historical Study of Foreign Relations, ca. 3400-2000 B.C. (M.W. Chavalas) 783-85 816 192-93 Prag. See Eshel and Prag. Puppo, Le coppe megaresi in Italia (M.T. Marabini Moevs) Pyke and Yiouni, Nea Nikomedeia I: The Excavation of an Early Neolithic Village in Northern Greece, 1961-1964, Directed by R.J. Rodden: The Excavation and the Ceramic Assem- blage (K.D. Vitelli) Quirke. See Forman and Quirke. 416-17 172-73 xvi CONTENTSOF VOLUME101 (1997) 'immagine del vincitore: L'atleta nella statuaria greca dall'et&'arcaica all'ellenismo (E. Bartman) Renard, Le Piloponnese au BronzeAncien (M. Cosmopoulos) Rehak ed., The Role of the Ruler in the PrehistoricAegean (W.-D.Niemeier) Roberts, Landscapesof Settlement:Prehistoryto the Present (P. Cartledge) Robinson. See Cambitoglou and Robinson eds. Rutter, Lerna,a PreclassicalSite in theArgolid:Resultsof ExcavationsConductedbytheAmerican School of Classical Studies at Athens III: The Potteryof Lerna IV (J. Maran) [AJA 101 Rausa, Salmon. See Shipley and Salmon eds. Sasson ed., Civilizations of the Ancient Near East I-IV (S.P. Morris) Sauer, The End of Paganism in the North-WesternProvincesof the RomanEmpire:The Example of the Mithras Cult (A.B. Griffith) Rome &la Sauron, Quis deum? L'expressionplastique des idiologiespolitiques et religieusesa& fin de la Ripublique et au debut du Principat (D. Castriota) at HamraDom (el-Qasrwa es-Saiyad)(J.E.Richards) Siive-S6derbergh, TheOldKingdomCemetery Sbonias, FriihkretischeSiegel:Ansiitzefiir eine Interpretationder sozial-politischenEntwicklung auf Kreta wihrend der Friihbronzezeit(M.H. Wiencke) Scarre, The Penguin Historical Atlas of Ancient Rome (R.J.A. Talbert) Schiffer, BehavioralArchaeology:First Principles (M. Shanks) Schmid. See Berktold, Schmid, and Wacker eds. Schmidt ed., The Cultureand Technologyof African Iron Production(J.D. Muhly) Schofield. See Davies and Schofield eds. Sezer. See Tezgor and Sezer. Shennan, BronzeAge CopperProducersof the Eastern Alps: Excavationsat St. Veit-Klinglberg (J.D. Muhly) Sherratt. See Evely, Lemos, and Sherratt eds. Shipley and Salmon eds., Human Landscapesin ClassicalAntiquity:Environmentand Culture (P. Cartledge) Sikkenga ed., Studies in MycenaeanInscriptionsand Dialect 1979 (C.W.Shelmerdine) Skibo, Walker, and Nielsen eds., ExpandingArchaeology(M. Shanks) Sloan. See Jenkins and Sloan. Smith, Early Rome and Latium. Economyand Societyc. 1000-500 B.C. (N. Terrenato) Spencer ed., Time, Tradition,and Society in GreekArchaeology:Bridging the "GreatDivide" (M. Shanks) Spinola, LesculturenelPalazzoAlbertoniSpinolaa Romae le collezioniPaluzziedAltieri(P.P.Bober) Spivey, UnderstandingGreekSculpture:Ancient Meanings, ModernReadings (J.M. Hurwit) Spruytte, Attelagesantiques libyens:Archeologiesaharienneexperimentale(J.H. Crouwel) Stantiic. See Lock and Stan'ii' eds. Stern, Roman Mold-BlownGlass: The First throughSixth Centuries(D. Whitehouse) Stern et al., Excavationsat Dor: Final Report,Areas A and C. Vol. IA: Introductionand Stratigraphy;IB: The Finds (A.M. Berlin) Summers, Tille Hoyiik 4: The Late BronzeAge and the Iron Age Transition(A. Sagona) Tamburini, Un abitatovillanovianoperilacustre:II "GranCarro"sulLagodi Bolsena(1959-1985) (P.G.Warden) Telegin and Mallory, The AnthropomorphicStelae of the Ukraine:The Early Iconographyof the Indo-Europeans(C.C. Kolb) Tezgor and Sezer, Cataloguedes lampesen terrecuite du Musdearchdologique d'IstanbulI: Epoque protohistorique,archaique,classiqueet hellenistique(H. Williams) Tomber. See Fulford and Tomber eds. Traill, Excavating Schliemann:CollectedPapers on Schliemann(S.H. Allen) Traill, Schliemannof Troy:Treasureand Deceit (S.H. Allen) Treister, The Role of Metals in Ancient GreekHistory (J.D. Muhly) 178-79 595-97 785-86 789-90 409-11 149-53 429 185-87 165-66 597-98 195-96 395-99 771-73 771-73 789-90 427-28 395-99 419-20 395-99 627 587-91 814 422-23 606-607 787-88 800-801 407-408 625-26 598-99 598-99 771-73 1997] CONTENTSOF VOLUME101 (1997) Trigger, Early Civilizations:Ancient Egypt in Context(C. Renfrew) Tsetskhladze ed., New Studies on the Black Sea Littoral (D. Braund) Tsetskhladze and De Angelis eds., The Archaeologyof GreekColonisation:EssaysDedicatedto Sir John Boardman(G.L. Hoffman) Tubb ed., Antiquities, Tradeor Betrayed:Legal, Ethical and ConservationIssues (J.C. Wright) Tucker. See Wilkinson and Tucker. Tusa, I sarcofagiromani in Sicilia2 (E. D'Ambra) xvii 164 788-89 601-602 403-404 196-97 Untiedt. See Buchholz and Untiedt. Venclovai. See Kuna and Venclovai eds. Viacava, L'atletadi Fano (E. Bartman) Vignot. See Clavel-Leveque, Jouffroy, and Vignot eds. Vitelli ed., ArchaeologicalEthics (J.C. Wright) Vollenweider, Camieset intailles 1.1-2: Lesportraitsgrecsdu Cabinetdes midailles(D. Plantzos) von den Hoff, Philosophenportrdtsdes Friih- und Hochhellenismus(R.R.R. Smith) von Reden, Exchangein Ancient Greece(J.H. Kroll) von Steuben. See Bringmann and von Steuben eds. von Thiingen, Die frei stehendegriechischeExedra (C. Ratte) Wacker. See Berktold, Schmid, and Wacker eds. Walker. See Skibo, Walker, and Nielsen eds. Webster, MonumentsIllustrating New Comedys(E.A. Hall) Whitbread, GreekTransportAmphorae:A Petrologicaland ArchaeologicalStudy (M.L. Lawall) White, The ExtramuralSanctuaryof Demeterand Persephoneat Cyrene,Libya.Final Reports5: The Site'sArchitecture,Its First Six Hundred Yearsof Development(B.D. Wescoat) Wiles, TheMasks of Menander:Sign and Meaning in Greekand RomanPerformance(E.A. Hall) Wilkinson and Tucker, SettlementDevelopmentin the NorthJazira,Iraq:A Studyof theArchaeological Landscape(G.J. Stein) Wilson. See Duke and Wilson eds. W6rrle and Zanker eds., Stadtbildund Biirgerbildim Hellenismus:Kolloquium,Miinchen,24. bis 26. Juni 1993 (G.L. Reger) 178-79 403-404 180-81 414-15 175-76 181-82 154-58 176-77 617-18 154-58 779-80 418-19 Yablonsky. See Davis-Kimball, Bashilov, and Yablonsky eds. Yiouni. See Pyke and Yiouni. Zanker, The Mask of Socrates:The Image of the Intellectual in Antiquity (J.J. Pollitt) Zanker. See W6rrle and Zanker eds. Ziegler. See Humbert, Pantazzi, and Ziegler. BOOKS RECEIVED 415-16 198-200, 430-33, 631-34, 817-21