Fall 2008. - Professional Photographers of Iowa
Fall 2008. - Professional Photographers of Iowa
ACTION Official Publication of the Professional Photographers of Iowa Fall 2008 Top Picture: Front row from left to right: Kevin and Tristan. Back row from left to right: Katy, Toni and John Pictured Below left to right: Bridget and Jason - Kellie and Zaidoon - Sean, Ben and Beckie PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS of Iowa Table of Contents President’s Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2008 PPI Board Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2008 Fall Event Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Regarding Changes in Affiliation . . . . . . . . . . 22 2008 Fall Event Speakers - Bry Cox . . . . . . . . . 4 Good Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2008 Fall Event Speakers - Mary Mortensen . . 5 Thinking Green by Bob Hawkins . . . . . . . . . . 25 2008 Fall Event Speakers - Mindy Decker A Fundraiser Idea For You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 & Jaimy Yoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Colormasters 1st Annual “Trash the Dress” . . 27 PP of IA Fall Event Registration Form . . . . . . . . 7 Dates to Remember . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 2009 Membership Application . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9 Are You Marketing Effectively . . . . . . . . . . 29-30 Image Panel Entry Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 New Mentorship Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Image Panel Exhibit Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 CPP News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Image Panel Competition Rules . . . . . . . . . . 12 Fall Event Flyer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Meet One of Our Newest Members . . . . . . . 14 Image USA Print Competition . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2008 Committee Assignments . . . . . . . . . . . 16 From the Marketing/PR Committee . . . . . . . 18 From the Membership Committee . . . . . . . . 19 From the Member Communications Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS of Iowa yman rr a H n so n h Jo i on T om A Note fr n these days. Iowa organizatio t in your PP of e horizon. Your much excitemen ing or are on th nn gi There is so be e ar nt to help s fit ber bene u more. We wa Many new mem hard to give yo g way that we in y rk an wo in e n ar io s at or ofessional educ board of direct pr d an these areas s in se lp es ur busin new ways to he g in rm you all with yo sto always ain r state. We are spent hours br can. We have otography in ou improve ph l to na ys sio wa es d of ing pr rvice to you an se r tte and in promot be eas, of id ur be ys we can e of us with yo interested in wa it has ail or call any on at em wh r to fo e n fre tio el fe ve this organiza lo the PPI. Please ly fits for tru ne be all e e th W ncerns. and increase ns tio di tra questions or co e th nt to continue given us and wa sh! newsletur busirs. be em m cks to make yo st copy of the Fla all the hop tips and tri received your fir os w PPI members all ot llo fe ph ve d ha ur an u yo s t yo r By now marketing tip get news abou ive o ce als re ll ll wi will make it easie wi u is u Yo th ue yo in the PPI and easier or better. or ily ct ter. In each iss m life re fa e Di a tiv e ea ive lik cr ut lt r and your m our Exec always truly fe nesses stronge get vital info fro lives. We have sure you will course you will events in their of read that I am r d tle ajo An lit m s. e ick ar th in qu d m a an se is e r te th en bigger n let ev ee ws be tw ne ll e be ted in a year and it wi and forms. Th es es lin tim to stay connec 4 ad n de tio ts, Ac coming even receive the items. Chris about up also continue to from. You will ographic related fit ne be d an y sell or buy phot nefit n enjo be ca d u de yo e ad r er ip- just anothe the website wh and better also. the membersh backgrounds fied section to e to ssi m e cla so fre e t is th ou it d d an de . An t there or cle th. We have ad always current bargains are ou mething new wi ekly so that it is ek to see what to purchase so we s sh a ca de It is updated we ce e clu m on in t so ou en to rs. Check it turn them in 5 and that ev for our membe you rgain at only $8 seldom use and at ba or th a e of is els It ed re tir er. he e rn ar u the co know of anyw sy or props that yo also just around onday. I don’t ay from your bu Fall Seminar is and lunch on M t 24 hr break aw gh ed ni ck ay Our annual pa nd ed Su ason and m y se lit jam sy ita a bu sp is e It ho th at n. of atio e sprint finish food and drinks me great educ v you up for th great deal on so ing it. It will re iss on to follow. m can find such a as of se u will get e f ak of ist e king circuit. Yo make the m esses up in th sin bu ur yo ers to the spea ild studios. Don’t der. om bu Yo wc y to m ne s t Jai ea ho d id t al an ea re er th gr o is one of the in Mindy Deck s wh er provide you wi y, marx ph ph Co ra ra By og og ot m ot hearing fro n and family ph own new hot ph r re ou ild ch of e We will be on m s so ea some great id program from nson who has a fine early bird d even make th Mary Morte wi f of it p to ur suppliers an And then get to know yo n h better to see ca . uc u ns m yo io e so ot s er ay om e offer. It is alw keting and pr great vendors wh ey of th ll ts fu uc see what you ar y ow od all pr sh re trade r feel all the new are not able to d tte u an There is also a be yo h e els uc er fe to wh st e, ju et em, plus se or the intern nship with- it friends with th from a catalog personal relatio esence and ne you have a n than ordering eo of I, as their pr rso m PP pe so e th in m of gs fro t in y or th bu pp to su price. r eir tte ain th be rg r s ba fo is alway k them also from at such a getting. And it Be sure to than some awardsu are learning n o. yo wi to rs s to ke es ce ea sin an sp bu d t ch te you get a what and it is smar the great talen her- not only do t chance to see lp to bring you l competition eit is is also a grea ne Th after sponsorships he . pa es e ize dg ag pr ju t im e ea e about th corner one of th drawing for a gr to a e to fre in u. d el Don’t forget yo re Fe r te learning tool fo entrants are en winter seminar. part of a great petition at the more new this year all is m te It co ea . t cr in es to pr ag s im lar ea our regu t, with new id edback on your af fe cr e h. ur m ug yo might work in so ro t t th ou ge g ab announced to owledgeable at you are goin the awards are spired, more kn ow you and wh in kn e o m . wh ho ite le go bs op ll u wi with pe able on the we u I promise yo ve had a break forms are avail ive in all that yo 0% happy to ha panel rules and e pres.) Stay posit ag ur im e yo business and 10 th nt to be d am I wa an s as ar er e in m m m e sto se lg ll cu du fa e ve to in ople and even you More info on th sdom- ( You ha it will make pe to help them if tle words of wi sful person and learning, offer es st cc ju ur su or e Now my lit yo g or ild in m gl bu who is strug never helps you a happier someone down do. It will make w photographer y luxury them. Putting know of a fello t u y one selling an ou yo an If ab e ar ts u. s en yo or m tit m pe co m ly d around co on ba ll al y re wi an r e do not mak Remember ou ting negatively can or at least hips petty or mean. y positive. Reac ns io sta ok lo lat er u re m yo ur sto es yo cu ak m fficult happy. In all business, it just If you have a di ge to make them lieve in karma, photographers. y positive. I be personal challen sta a yas item not other an on ve it ha ke u Ta yo and deeds and u. if ts yo ies gh t ou un em th ha t out positive come back to ity, even your en Pu un u. m m yo back to haunt co to e ur m ck yo ds, rld will come ba or later it will co er wo e on with family, frien th so d to in an t you put ou and actions bengative thoughts eventually what r new member ed. Generate ne rd wa re be ll wi excited about ou inar! ly m you Se ive ll sit Fa po e n, th great organizatio vely can’t wait to see you all at r ou of you. rt pa and I posit ly happy to be ctors are doing I am positive ur board of dire yo rk wo Toni e th d efits an -2- 2 PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS of Iowa 2008 Fall Event Schedule Sunday, October 26 Board Meeting in Room 292 9:00 a.m. - Noon Noon Noon - 2:00 p.m. 1:00 - 7:00 p.m. Registration Desk Open 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. Trade Show set up in Ballroom 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. Bry Cox: “Jazz Photography and Fashion Portraiture” in Westview Room 4:00 p.m. 4:00 - ??? p.m. 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Bry Cox continues in Ballroom 7:30 - 8:00 p.m. Trade Show Time 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. Bry Cox continues 10:00 p.m. - Midnight CPP Board Meeting in Room 292 CPP Study Group in Room 298 Image Panel Competition Deadline to turn your panels in Head to Head Judging in Ambassador Room Trade show (only time) CPP Board Annual Meeting in Boardroom Hospitality on 3rd floor Monday, October 27 7:00 - 9:00 a.m. Mindy Decker and Jaimy Yoder: “Old News, New Tricks, Senior Photography” in Iowa Room 9:00 a.m. - Noon Mary Mortensen: “The Art of Photographing Children and Families” in Ballroom Noon - 1:00 p.m. Lunch and Image Panel Awards in the Holidome 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. Mary Mortensen continues Fall Event 2008 concludes -3- 3 PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS of Iowa 2008 Fall Event Speakers b r y c o x (Master Photographer • Photographic Craftsman • Certified) Bry Cox has a hip and untraditional style that has been a hit with brides and families, as well as fashion and national commercial work. Bry Cox’s images are used by Capitol Records, Ads for Fuji Film, the Cover of American Photo Magazine, in Billboard Magazine, TV Guide, Studio Photography and Design Magazine, American Girl Magazine, filmmakers, TV anchors, musicians, Ryan Shupe, Natalie Cole, Olivia Newton-John, Linda Ronstadt, Donny and Marie Osmond, Olympic gold medalists, Steve Forbes, Mitt Romney, and the last three Utah Governors! Bryan Cox is a PPA Master Craftsman with a bachelors of science in business. His programs are a good combination of success principals juxtaposed against the creative aspects of a successful artist. Program Summary Jazz Photography & Fashion Portraiture Bry relates music and jazz improv to photography in order to explain his creative approach that gets him jobs with Capitol Records and national magazines. This inspiration will help you free your inner creative spirit to produce stunning images that will distinguish you as an artist, both technically and creatively. This is an informative, high-energy and light-hearted program where Bry will show you his jazz philosophies and fashion approach that he uses for weddings, families, seniors . . . everything! The creative is coupled with good success philosophies for the high-end and successful self-employed photographer. -4- PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS of Iowa 2008 Fall Event Speakers mary mortensen PPA Certified, M. Ph. Craftsman, API, F-WPPA Mortensen Fine Art Photography, LLC opened with husband Allen in 1988 in Waukesha County, a western suburb of Milwaukee, WI. During the first 3 years the studio tripled business as a result of client referrals and an emphasis on marketing programs. The studio has established itself as one of the largest in the Greater Milwaukee-Waukesha area and is well known for its unique style of photography and personal approach to business. In addition to its portrait division, the studio also houses a full digital lab and school photography division. Besides the owners the studio currently employs five full time and seasonal part time staff members. For over a decade Mary has partnered with the Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer (MACC Fund) and the Women for MACC in the fight against childhood cancer. Through photographic programs developed by the studio, the Mortensens have raised over $100,000 for childhood cancer research. Mary received the PPA AN-NE award for charitable marketing in 1999. She has been featured on NBC Channel 4 in the Greater Milwaukee area for her work with children. Mary has received local and state Court of Honor and Traveling Loan Awards, Best of Show and Sweepstakes Awards and her work has appeared in the PPA Loan and Showcase Cooks, the PPA magazines and in the ASP Elite Collection. May is currently a member of Fuji Talent Speakers Team and is a PPA Affiliate Judge. Mary’s style is simple but artistic. Her knowledge of portrait artists and work with art galleries has set the tone for the studio’s emphasis on producing fine art and selling wall decor and gallery framing. -5- PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS of Iowa 2008 Fall Event Speakers mindy decker jaimy y o d e r PPA Certified, Hawkeye Community College Graduates – Photography Mindy and Jaimy opened Ovation Photography in June of 2006 in the small town of Oxford, Iowa. They had only just graduated from Hawkeye Community College with their photography degrees; joined PPI; tried unraveling the mysteries of the ever-elusive ‘merit’; and started looking for customers. In the search for further education and business advise, their need took them to every PPI class available, a couple of years of MAIPP and HOA classes at every opportunity. This is where things started to happen. They sat in the same classes as many of you, but heard something different. Suffice it to say, they dance to a completely different drum. Program Senior Photography has taken on a new look in Oxford, Iowa. Ovation Photography will be showing you how they took the same old information and gave it a new spin! They have reinvented new wars to get the senior classes’ attention and keep it. Since the first year in business, Ovation’s senior market has more than quadrupled and it just keeps rising. The sky is the limit when ‘distinctive’ is truly a part of your images. Come share in their secrets! To view their website, go to www.ovationphotography.com -6- PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS of Iowa Professional Photographers of Iowa 2008 4th Annual Fall Event Registration Form October 26 & 27, 2008 Airport Holiday Inn - Des Moines, IA (800) 248-4013 FEES: Registration, IF PAID IN ADVANCE $85.00 (includes lunch on Monday, Oct. 27) Registration, AT THE DOOR $105.00 (includes lunch on Monday, Oct. 27) Registration, IF PAID IN ADVANCE $45.00 (includes lunch on Monday, Oct. 27) Student/Accredited Photog. Instructor Registration, AT THE DOOR $55.00 (includes lunch on Monday, Oct. 27) Student/Accredited Photog. Instructor Retired PPI Members $0.00 (Retired member’s complimentary DOES NOT include lunch. This may be purchased separately). Registrant In Advance TOTAL: Registration ________x $85/$105 Additional Lunch Ticket ________x Student/Accredited Photog. Instructor ________x $45/$55 $15 At the Door Add’l Retired Lunch Ticket Registrant $___________ + $___________ + $___________ TOTAL: $___________ Studio Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________ City / State / Zip:_________________________________________________________________________________ Please remit this completed form along with payment made out to: PPI to Chris Brinkopf, Exec. Dir., PO Box 108, Sumner, IA 50674-0108. Phone number: 563-578-1126; ppichris@iowatelecom.net Fall Event refund deadline is October 17, 2008. You must be an Iowa member to attend. Please complete a membership application if you have not already done so. -7- 4 PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS of Iowa 2009 Membership Application Professional Photographers of Iowa APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP Last Name_________________________________________ M.I._________ First Name________________________ Studio or Business Name________________________________________________________________________________ Studio Address_ _______________________________________________________________________________________ City_______________________________________________ State________ Zip Code_________________________ Business Phone ( _ ________________________________ )______________________________ Fax # ( ) Email______________________________________________ Cell Phone ( PPA Member YES or NO )_______________________________ PPA # _ ______________________ Iowa Sales Tax # (Required)_______________________________________ Website Address_________________________________________________ Any Degress Earned & When____________________________________________________________________________ Categories of Photography that you do: (Please check all that apply) Children Family Portraiture General Portaiture General Video General Commercial Other _________________ General Weddings General Sports Membership Dues: Classifications Active Associate Retired NAME Dues if paid/postmarked by Dec. 31, 2008 $115.00 $85.00 $55.00 Membership Dues as of Jan. 1, 2009 $135.00 $105.00 $65.00 EMAIL PHONE # TOTAL: # of Active____________ x $115/$135 # of Associate__________ x $85/$105 # of Retired____________ x $55/$65 Amount Due = -8- Executive Office: PP of Iowa PO Box 108 Sumner, IA 50674 Phone/Fax: (563) 578-1126 ppichris@iowatelecom.net ACTIVE ASSOC. RETIRED $______________ $______________ $______________ $______________ 5 PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS of Iowa Continued from page 5 PPI Membership Categories: ACTIVE MEMBER: Active membership shall consist of owners or managers of photographic businesses who are actively engaged in any phase of the photographic profession and have all required licenses and permits for doing business. Privileges shall include the right to vote. At least one member from a photographic business must be an Active member. ASSOCIATE MEMBER: Associate members must be employed in a photographic business. This membership level also includes those who are employed by photographic trade business, i.e. professional labs, frame companies, photographic supply companies, etc. Associate membership does not include voting privileges. RETIRED MEMBER: Any retired person who has been a member of the Professional Photographers of Iowa for a minimum of 25 years may continue their membership as a Retired Member. They shall be eligible to attend all regular function of PPI and shall receive all communications. Retired membership does not include voting privileges. OUT OF STATE MEMBER: Any out-of-state owner or manager of a photographic business may join and pay dues at the Associate Member level. The Out-of –State membership does not include voting privileges. Note: All applicants, new or renewal MUST complete all information. We must have your sales tax permit number to process your application. Dues must be received or postmarked by December 31, 2008 to receive the discount. Membership dues are for calendar year 2009. If there is more than one member of a studio who has earned a degree(s), please make a copy of this form and all with a degree(s) need to fill out a member application so our records can be updated. Please remit this completed form along with payment made out to PPI. Send to: Professional Photographers of Iowa Chris Brinkopf, Executive Director P.O. Box 108, Sumner, IA 50674-0108 For your convenience, the PP of Iowa is set up to take MasterCard or Visa charge cards. Please write your charge card number on this form or call the executive director to apply over the phone. Phone number: 563-578-1126 Fax number: 563-578-1126 Email address: ppichris@iowatelecom.net Website address: www.ppiowa.com -9- PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS of Iowa Image Panel Entry Forms Please attach one (1) of these forms to the back of each Image Panel. DO NOT WRITE YOUR NAME anywhere on these entry forms. That information is to be recorded on the Image Panel Exhibit Form. PHOTOGRAPHER STATUS (Select One) General Student PHOTOGRAPHER STATUS (Select One) IMAGE PANEL CATEGORY (Select One) General Student IMAGE PANEL CATEGORY (Select One) Individual Man Individual Women Individual Man Individual Women Group Individual Child Group Individual Child Animals Wedding/Brieds Animals Wedding/Brieds Illustative Illustative Print Crew Use Only Print Crew Use Only Case No._________ Folio No._________ Case No._________ Folio No._________ Score _________ Score _________ PHOTOGRAPHER STATUS (Select One) PHOTOGRAPHER STATUS (Select One) General Student IMAGE PANEL CATEGORY (Select One) Individual Man General Student IMAGE PANEL CATEGORY (Select One) Individual Man Individual Women Group Individual Women Individual Child Group Individual Child Animals Wedding/Brieds Animals Wedding/Brieds Illustative Illustative Print Crew Use Only Print Crew Use Only Case No._________ Folio No._________ Case No._________ Folio No._________ Score _________ Score _________ - 10 - 16 PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS of Iowa Image Panel Exhibit Form Name_________________________________________ Studio_________________________________________ Address________________________________________ City_________________State______ Zip____________ Phone_________________________________ (H, W, C) Phone_________________________________ (H, W, C) Image Panel Number Do Not Use Weddings/Brides General Exhibit Student Individual Man Animals Illustrative Weddings/Brides Do Not Use Illustrative Image Panel Number Circle Category Do Not Use Circle Category Individual Woman Weddings/Brides Animals Group Image Panel Number Individual Child Individual Woman Individual Child Group Individual Man Do Not Use Circle Category Individual Woman Individual Child Image Panel Number Circle Category Individual Man Indicate Type of Entry: Individual Man Animals Individual Woman Individual Child Illustrative Weddings/Brides Group Animals Illustrative Group Entry Fee for Image Panel Competition: $10.00 Remember to: Attach entry forms to the back of your Image Panels, Enclose Image Panel Exhibit Form, Add a CD of our image panels to your case. - 11 - 8 PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS of Iowa 2008 Image Panel Competition Rules (Formally Portfolio Competition) Judging: The Judging will occur under normal room lighting conditions in a closed Head to Head Competition. No scores will be given. Criteria: The judges will consider the following criteria: Photographic technique (style); Pose variation; Lighting; Technical excellence (focus, print quality, etc.) Print Case Fee: There is $10.00 fee for this Image Panel judging. Entries should be accompanied by properly filled-out forms. Print Cases: The entrant’s Image Panel should all be in one print case. Entries will be accepted in boxes or bags as well if you do not have a print case. Please turn in your Image Panel upon arrival at the seminar to make it easier for the print crew. Image Panel print cases must arrive at the Airport Holiday Inn no later than 4:00 p.m. on Sunday October 26th. This is the absolute latest they will be accepted. ***Please add a CD of your Image Panels into your print case. *** New rule for 2008. Image Panels: Each Image Panel or presentation must contain a full set of eight prints of the same subject or session. Entries submitted now are to be an Image Panel displaying 3 1/2x5, 4x5,4x6, 5x5 prints or mounted presentations -12”x18” or 12”x24”- displaying eight images with longest dimension on an image not to exceed 6 inches and the shortest dimension not less than 3.5 inches. A background image(s) is allowed but it is suggested it not be distracting from the images to be judged. Suggested thickness is 1/8th to 3/8th inches. “Leather” folios with proofs will no longer be accepted. Entries: Entrants may include up to four (4) Image Panels. (Maximum total # of entries per person is 4.) Any number of the entries may be entered into any one category up to the maximum of 4. Entries deemed to be entered into the wrong category will be moved and judged in the corrected category. Categories: Indicate the proper category on the entry form from the following list: Individual Man, Individual Woman, Animals, Child (one person 12 years of age or younger), Groups (two or more people regardless of age), Brides/Weddings (location or studio images pertaining to weddings and/or person wearing wedding attire.), Illustrative (images not fitting into the categories above.) Entries considered inappropriate for family viewing will not be displayed Identification: No markings other than the entry label that indicate the identity of the maker is allowed on the front or back of the image panel. PP of Iowa will not accept any responsibility for any damage or loss incurred during handling, judging or display of entries. Delivery and Shipping: Cases may be hand delivered by the deadline above or shipped to: Professional Photographers of Iowa Print Chairman Airport Holiday Inn Conference Center 6111 Fleur Drive • Des Moines, IA 50321 Print Case Return: The PP of Iowa will not return print cases from the image panel judging - the cases must be picked up in person at the seminar. PP of Iowa will accept no responsibility for the welfare of folio cases not picked up. - 12 - 9 PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS of Iowa - 10 - PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS of Iowa Meet One of our Newest Members Hello everyone! My name is Josie Hannes, I am a photographer and graphic designer in Fairfield, Iowa. I am married to a wonderful husband and we have 4 children. Josie HANNES My story, short and sweet; I am a graphic designer who was getting bored. I worked over 12 years for a company that took photos of graduates receiving their diplomas and marathon runners during their race. I did both design work and photography for the company. The design work had a little more freedom, but the photography was cookie-cutter and there really wasn’t any need for creativity because it worked. In 2005 I started a business named, Josie Hannes Design mainly because of my design work, but my photography clients started to expand and I knew I had no place to shoot them other than outdoors. And as you all know, our Iowa winters are wicked cold! So, my wonderful hubby, seeing my frustration offered to give up his garage and remodel it into a studio for me (what a guy!). I don’t think I ever set out to be a photographer, it just happened. Soon everything just went crazy, I guess God had a plan in store for me that I didn’t realize at the time. We have now outgrown the home based studio and are moving into a much larger studio with a great storefront location. Having a large studio is going to allow me to breathe and some of the crazy photography ideas in my head will actually be able to be done, because I will have the room to make them happen. We are running on empty these days. Shooting seniors 5-6 days a week, and then working on the new studio in the evenings and weekends is exhausting. But the end result will be more than worth it. My photography passion would have to be seniors. I feel like I can push the envelope with them and can really let my creativity work. They come with ideas...and together we can create something better than they had originally planned on, that is very rewarding. I am still as much a designer as I am a photographer. I tell my clients I wear two hats, the first several months of the year I am more a designer than photographer, I change hats in May, then it goes crazy with photography until the end of the year. My goal is to hire another designer that can help keep the design work going all year so we can better serve our client needs. It all takes time, little by little, but that’s the dream. To view some of my photography, my website is www.jhannesdesign.com or www.jhannesdesign.com/seniors. CPP Study Group at Fall Event 2008 We are offering a study group for those of you who wish to take the CPP test. We will be offering this study time from Noon to 2 p.m. on Sunday, October 26 at the Airport Holiday Inn in Des Moines. We are inviting those who have recently taken the CPP test to be on the panel. You will be able to ask them all sorts of questions and then have time to be able to study as a group as well. We will be meeting in room 298 of the Airport Holiday Inn. We are meeting prior to any programming, so you won’t miss a thing. We will be offering the CPP test at the 2009 Annual Winter Convention. You do need to contact Marisa Pitts at the PPA office in Atlanta to get registered for the test. Her number is 1-800-786-6277. We have time set aside, as of now, for Monday, February 2, 2009 from 7 – 9 a.m., for the test taking. I will need to know how many of you will be testing as we have specification to meet with the room provided, etc. Please let Chris Brinkopf know if you are interested in joining this study group. Call her at 563-578-1126 or email her at ppichris@iowatelecom.net - 14 - 11 PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS of Iowa Image USA Print Competition Congratulations to these Iowa photographers that had prints accepted at PPA’s International Print Competition Loan General Selected for Collection Collection Showcase Book Bruce Belling 1 JoAnn Belling 1 1 1 Thomas Belling 2 Wayne Belling 3 Mary Bortz 1 Nancy Brechler 2 Deena Byrd 1 1 Azure Cross 1 Mindy Decker 3 Mackenzie Duncan 1 1 Gary Fagan 1 1 Patricia Farr 1 2 1 Suzanne Fischer 1 2 1 Elisha Hamm 1 1 Rhonda Hartman 1 Robert Hawkins 2 Kalen Henderson 1 3 Eric Hinders 2 2 Shannon Holmberg 2 Adam Hunter 2 2 Uldis Ilvess 3 1 Christina Kjar 2 Alan Lieferman 1 2 Mark Mess 1 Lori Nordstrom 2 1 Brian Read 4 Jon Read 3 John Stalzer 1 1 Brian Wedemeieer 4 Jaimy Yoder 2 ACTION Deadlines Fall . . . . . . . . . . . . August 15 Winter . . . . . . . . . . October 1 Spring . . . . . . . . . February 1 Summer . . . . . . . . . . . . May 1 Image Panel Competition (Formally called Folio Competition) Fall Event 2008 – October 26 and 27 at the Airport Holiday Inn in Des Moines, Iowa We are inviting you to enter the Image Panel Competition. The rules and two (2) entry forms are on the website at www.ppiowa.com/login.php. Just fill them out and enter your image panels and you will be automatically entered into a drawing. The prize will be valued at $200.00. Just for entering. You don’t have to have the winning Image Panel, just by entering your panels, your name will be put into a bowl for the drawing. So get those competition juices flowing and get cracking on those Image Panels. Remember, the rules and entry forms (2 of them) are on the website. This is the same competition as in the past, “the Folio Competition,” just a new name. And the board is just saving you the cost of leather folios. You need to just print the image panel instead. The entry fee is $10.00. Deadline is 4 p.m. on Sunday, October 26, to have your image panels turned in at the registration desk. And you could win yourself a prize valued at $200.00!! Do you have an idea for an article? A question you’ve been wanting to ask? Found a better way to sell portraits? Have a new technique to share? We want to hear from you! Send your articles, classified ads, and any other ideas or suggestions to: Chris Brinkopf Executive Director, PP of Iowa P.O. Box 108 • Sumner, IA 50674 Phone/Fax: 563-578-1126 Email: ppichris@iowatelecom.net - 15 - LEGAL NOTICE Professional Photographer of Iowa Board Meeting minutes and Financial Reports are available to the members upon request. Please contact: Chris Brinkopf Executive Director, PP of Iowa P.O. Box 108 • Sumner, IA 50674 Phone/Fax: 563-578-1126 Email: ppichris@iowatelecom.net PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS of Iowa 2008-2008 Committee Assignments Professional Photographers of Iowa Seminar/Convention Chairman President - Toni Harryman, Co-Chair - John Mohr, PPA Council - Bruce Belling, Bob Hawkins, Kalen Henderson Area Seminars/New members/Senior Shoot Out HOA Representatives: Past President, John Mohr Bruce Belling, Sue Fischer, Angela Gambill Program Talent: Website: President/Past President, Toni Harryman & John Mohr John Stalzer/Chris Brinkopf Judges: Vendor Representative: President, Toni Harryman/Vice President, Dennis Fraise Steve Kelly Print/Folio/Mr./Ms./Finished Product: Member Communication: Vice President, Dennis Fraise Michelle Wilbur - Chair Greg Fitzloff – Co-Chair Trade Show/Door Prizes: Membership: Secretary, Michelle Wilbur Doug Pierson, Chair Angela Gambill, Co-Chair Convention Coordinator/ Banquet/Security (Greeter): Marketing/PR: Treasurer, Doug Pierson Dennis Fraise, Chair Dean Siebe, Co-Chair Registration: Budget Committee Chair: 6th year board, Angela Gambill / Co-Chair, Chris Brinkopf John Mohr Convention Flyer/Photography: Prop & Models: 5th year board, Dean Siebe / Co-Chair Greg Fitzloff 4th year board, Greg Fitzloff / Co-Chair John Stalzer Don Lohnes Classes / Roundtables: 3rd year board, John Stalzer Hospitality/Hosts: 2nd year board, Rhonda Hartman / Co-Chair, Jeff Bokhoven / Advisor, Greg Fitzloff Medlar/Master’s Exhibit/Trophies & Plaques (w/Alan Adams): 1st year board, Jeff Bokhoven IMA Awards: Doug Pierson / Co-Chair Dennis Fraise ACTION Editor: Chris Brinkopf Fellowship Awards: Dean Siebe / Co-Chair, Chris Brinkopf Sponsorships: Toni Harryman - 16 - 13 PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS of Iowa From the Marketing/PR Committee The meeting was held July 7, 2008 in Oxford, Iowa, at the studio of Mindy Decker and Jaimy Yoder. Committee members present were Chair Dennis Fraise, Co-Chair Dean Siebe, Barb Grabill, Jaimy Yoder, Mindy Decker, and Lori Nordstrom. Members absent were Steve Kelly and Alan Adams. Guests were President Toni Harryman and Chris Brinkopf. The meeting started with a discussion of how to go about creating a new mission statement and what it should entail. Two questions asked were: What is our purpose? What is our mission? Some suggestions were: what do we do for photographers? How can we get photographers to join the PP of IA? How can we support new photographers? How do we supply them with confidence builders and the ability to develop? Other suggestions were to educate and enable photographers to become better in their profession. Supporting photography through education and promote professional photography in Iowa. Also adding, that some may not feel growth is a good thing. Do we promote PPI throughout the Midwest? The answer was “Yes.” We want to be the state that is the leader. One way to do this is by promoting our state by modernizing the mission statement. Keep some of the traditions, but bringing in new ideas. More networking and fellowship was another idea. Fellowship is a large part of our association. The Mission Statement we developed: “Our mission is to support our members through fellowship and education, and to raise public awareness of the Professional Photographers of Iowa.” What can we do in the state and our communities to give back to the public while creating buzz about PPI? Chairman Dennis Fraise has a one year goal of having a major article in the Des Moines Register, and other city and town publications about PPI. What will make that happen? The PPI would like to send out press releases to members for them to personalize for their own papers. Television coverage is another goal of Marketing/PR Committee. We want to be branded as active members of our communities, through charity. We want to develop a signature event. There were many suggestions brought to the table. We need something that creates a lot of buzz. We want to offer a few suggestions to our membership, not just one idea to go with. Another topic of discussion was to of year-round reasons to be a member of PP of IA. Quarterly studio visits with a meet and greet were discussed. Helping the members understand the Fellowship Points and how that all works. A mentoring program was discussed as well. What event can we sponsor for our organization and our members? One suggestion was to go to college art departments and help the students raise money; similar to the dance marathon that the U of IA sponsors. But how can the photographers also make money as well? Maybe we could piggyback with another organization. The March of Dimes, Alzheimer’s, hospice, Veteran groups, Make-A-Wish, were organization that were mentioned and each committee members was assigned a group to research. Other organization mentioned were: Children and Families of Iowa, Operation Smile, Variety Club, Salvation Army, and the Red Cross of Iowa. We need to create a logo for PPI Cares. Have a portion of the website devoted to charities that our members can take part of. We then talked about how to create public awareness of PPI. We could have a traveling exhibit of merit prints. Or 1st 2nd 3rd place prints. There would be a press releases go along with this and local photographers could host a meet and greet. - 18 - PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS of Iowa We talked about creating an emotional TV commercial that would stress the importance of using a professional photographer. Another idea discussed was to have a get-to-know your local photographer’s party, with branding at major malls where every member sends an announcement to their customers inviting them to see the exhibit. Other topics discussed were the Iowa State Fair and all the traffic is gets. The possibility of having a booth sponsored by the PP of IA and offering photo tips each day. We already sponsor a photography competition for the 4H organization in the state. How many people know that we do that and who we are? Would an awards ceremony for the winners be possible? There is a grant sponsored by the Iowa Arts that is just for an exhibit such as one at the fair. We ended our first meeting with wanting to come up with a tag line for our organization. We decided on “Images for your life.” Jaimy Yoder, Recording Secretary From the Membership Committee Committee Report for meeting of August 18, 2008 - Membership Committee PP of Iowa has always been known for being an outstanding state to be a part of! Each member of PP of Iowa is very important to the organization, and we want to contintue our tradition. In doing so, 8 PP Iowa members, plus 3 Board Members, both seasoned veterans and some newer members, gathered in Marshalltown at Stalzer Photography on August 18th to brainstorm about ways to increase membership, increase awareness of our resources to our members and general ways to take care of each other. We are a family and want to make everyone feel welcome. Committee members present were Chair Doug Pierson, Co-Chair Angela Gambill, Debi Warner, Georgeann Chambers, Amanda (Henke) Mitchell, Fred Fiddelke, Mackenzie and Rhonda Hartman. Committee member absent was Clint Huffaker. Guests were Toni Harryman and Chris Brinkopf. Many points were pondered within our comittee about how to take care of the new/newer members, such as have a “Welcome Wagon” which everyone thought was a great idea to start with. Many of our new/newer members have NO IDEA how the convention works, where to take their print cases or even what rooms to go to for speakers... things that some of us take for granted. So, that is going to be handled by a handful of us that will be wearing a BIG RED BUTTON with a question mark in it... if you have questions about ANYTHING, whether it be where speakers are, or things about print competition, PLEASE come to us... we are regular people just like you, NOTHING scary about us. So, feel free to ask us any questions, and never feel silly. We were in the same shoes not too long ago. Our next point that came up was how to increase our membership numbers.... we are striving for a long term goal of 500 PP Iowa members. We are still brainstorming on ways to find out about new photographers opening up but not overstep the privacy act, which is a very tricky thing. Another point that was brought to the table was about having a mentoring program for new/newer members. We are all still in the talking stages about this, but it would be a place where new/newer members could go to ask for advice from some of the more seasoned people in the industry without feeling intimidated... about ANYTHING. Marketing, posing, workflow, how to pack a print case, ANYTHING. Overall, it was a very successful day. Each one of us on that comittee care very much about PP Iowa and want to see all of its members get the full benifit out of their membership, and we want to be there to help in any and every way we can. Mackenzie Duncan (Committee Member) - 19 - PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS of Iowa From the Member Communications Committee The Member Communications committee met on July 30 in Dakota City at the studio of Cristy Meyer. Present were Michelle Wilbur, Chair, Greg Fitzloff, Co-Chair, Shannon Holmberg, John Johnson, John Stalzer, and Cristy Meyer. Absent were Eric Hinders and Jeff Bokhoven. Guests present were Toni Harryman and Chris Brinkopf. Our goal is to increase and improve communication with the members and outreach to new prospective members. One area the committee is looking into is adding a section to the website for beginners – “Photography 101,” if you will. We are aiming to give our members as much value for their dollar as we can. With this in mind, we need updated email addresses and mailing addresses from each and every member when changes occur. A monthly e-newsletter was discussed. This will be another form of communication in between the quarterly ACTION newsletter. This will be a new form of communication with four (4) different sections for the newsletter, which will be called “The Flash.” Chris’ Corner will be for reminders, hotel deadlines and other information from our Executive Director, Chris Brinkopf. “A Bright Idea,” or tools and tips will be done by Greg Fitzloff each month. There will be a marketing column by Shannon Holmberg. The final section of the monthly newsletter will be a personal column by Cristy Meyer. We want to know what is happening in our member’s lives – anniversaries, births, deaths, grand openings of studios, etc. There will be a disclaimer at the bottom of the e-newsletter exclaiming that “You are receiving this E-newsletter because you are a member of the Professional Photographers of Iowa and if you wish unsubscribe, please contact Chris Brinkopf at ppichris@iowatelecom.net.” Next item of discussion was the template for The Flash. It was decided to get a quote from our graphic designer that would allow up to three (3) pages and in an html format. John Stalzer, committee member, said that he felt he could design the template for Chris to use for the E-newsletter each month that could be easily changed, etc. for each month’s edition. A deadline was set for the 10th of each month for Chris B. to get The Flash onto the website. It was decided to keep the ACTION newsletter to a quarterly newsletter and keep the format as is for now with the addition of a table of contents. Articles for each edition of the ACTION were discussed. Ideas for the fall edition were articles on family portraits, bios of speakers with pictures for the Fall Event, membership application and fall registration form. The summer issue could possibly have articles relating to senior portraits, CPP scholarship winner and affiliate judging awards. The winter edition of the ACTION could have articles about “how to keep busy during the slow months,” along with all of the winter convention bios and pictures of the speakers, schedule of the convention, etc. The spring edition would contain winners from all categories of the print competitions from the winter convention. Other articles ideas discussed were PPA degrees, what are they and how to get them, fellowship points, a vendor column and faces of PPI. One (1) fellowship point will be awarded for each article submitted in The Flash. This policy is already in effect for articles submitted to the ACTION. One of the final items discussed was a MySpace or Face Book page for the PP of I. After much discussion, it was decided to go with MySpace for security reasons. This will be a service for our members to go to, to post pictures from conventions and comments. It was also decided that a disclaimer would be posted on the page reading, “Opinions which may be expressed on this website, are not necessarily those of the Professional Photographers of Iowa Board of Directors or its membership.” John Johnson agreed to design and set up the MySpace page for the PP of IA. Meeting adjourned. Michelle Wilbur Committee Chair - 20 - PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS of Iowa 2008 PPI Board Members Front sitting from left: John Stalzer, Rhonda Hartman, Michelle Wilbur, Doug Pierson, Chris Brinkopf, Steve Kelly Back Row standing from left: Jeff Bokhoven, Dean Siebe, John Mohr, Toni Harryman, Dennis Fraise, Angela Gambill, Greg Fitzloff PRESIDENT Toni Harryman, M. Photog., PPA Certified Johnson Photography 1035 Sunset Drive Norwalk, IA 50211 515-981-0872 / Fax: 515-981-9658 phototmj@aol.com VICE PRESIDENT Marketing/PR Chair Dennis Fraise, M. Photog., Cr. Images And More 2601 Summer Street Burlington, IA 52601 319-753-0690 / Fax: 319-752-9326 dfraise@iandmmarketing.com SECRETARY Member Communication Chair Michelle Wilbur, PPA Certified Jons Gallery 120 1st Street NE • Primghar, IA 51245 712-757-3492 / Fax: 712-757-3492 jons@tcaexpress.net TREASURER Membership Committee Chair Doug Pierson, M. Photog., PPA Certified Pierson Photography 518 North Second St. Cherokee, IA 51012 712-225-2453 / Fax: 712-225-0555 pierfoto@gmail.com PAST PRESIDENT & PROGRAM CHAIRPERSON John Mohr, PPA Certified John Mohr Photography 1702 State Street Bettendorf, IA 52722 563-355-3402 / Fax: 563-355-6044 jmohrphoto@aol.com EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ACTION Editor/Advertising Manager Chris Brinkopf P.O. Box 108 • Sumner, IA 50674 563-578-1126 / Fax: 563-578-1126 ppichris@iowatelecom.net BOARD MEMBERS Angela Jo Gambill, M. Photog., PPA Certified Membership Committee, Co-Chair Angela’s Portraits 100 South Franklin • Corydon, IA 50060 641-872-2390 / Cell: 641-344-5112 Home: 641-872-5112 angelas@grm.net Dean Siebe Marketing/PR, Co-Chair Siebe Studio 4605 Old Hwy. Road • Dubuque, IA 52002 563-556-6111 / Fax: 563-556-1827 deansiebe@aol.com - 21 - Greg Fitzloff Member Communication – Co-chair Fitzloff Photography 218 Main Street • Lakefield, MN 56150 507-662-6202 / dabnfitz2000@yahoo.com John Stalzer, PPA Certified Web Page Chairperson Stalzer Photography 1915 Gethmann Lane Marshalltown, IA 50158 641-753-7500 / Fax: 641-753-7708 john@stalzerphotography.com www.stalzerphotography,com Rhonda Hartman, PPA Certified Hart 2 Hart Photography 3045 Simon Ave. - PO Box 4 Cedar, IA 52543-0004 641-933-4504 / Fax: 641-933-4594 hart2hart@mahaska.org www.hart2hartphotography.com Jeff Bokhoven Designer Images 626 Franklin Street • Pella, IA 50219 641-628-9129 designerimages@iowatelecom.net www.designerimagesphotography.com VENDOR REPRESENTATIVE Steve Kelly American Color Imaging 715 E. 18th Street • Cedar Falls, IA 50613 800-728-2722 / Fax: 319-277-6522 Cell: 319-240-7041 / Steve.KelIy@acilab.com 20 PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS of Iowa Regarding Changes in Affiliation As a result of much discussion by the PP of Iowa Board of Directors a letter was sent to the Heart of America Board requesting to be released from membership with HOA. The HOA board responded with a letter releasing PP of Iowa, thus allowing PPI to pursue a new region for affiliated print competition. This decision, by the PP of Iowa Board, was primarily brought on by the fact that Heart of America has been declining in attendance for several years and PP of Iowa member’s participation has fallen off to the point that if we took PPI volunteers out of the count there would be very few Iowa members attending. During the Strategic Planning session held in April other concerns and tensions that exist between PPI and HOA were addressed. Eventually, the discussion moved to a point where the question became “How does PPI participation benefit its members?” The answer was obvious; it doesn’t offer enough benefit to justify the expense. In fact, the recent cost to PPI has ranged from $3,000.00 to $6,700.00 per year. The Board thought this money could better serve the membership by being spent “back home” to upgrade talent at the Fall or Winter events, improve the website and provide other tangible benefits to the membership. The board realized the biggest benefit to being associated with a PPA Region is for PPI members pursuing PPA Master of Photography degrees to have an Affiliated Print Competition where there prints can earn a PPA Seal of Approval. The board is now investigating options for changing our affiliation to another PPA Region or being granted the right by National PEC to hold our own affiliated judging. Investigating all the possibilities will take some time and we want to make a carefully thought-out decision. Therefore, PPI members will be sending prints to the Heart of America Affiliated Judging in 2009. After next year we will either belong to a different affiliated region or we will decide to keep sending our prints to HOA for affiliated judging. However, in either case we will no longer have full membership in HOA, be spending PPI dollars there, or be officially providing volunteers for the Heart of America convention. No matter what region PPI affiliates with, members of this association are not obligated to participate at that region. There will be no pressure by PPI to make members feel obligated to support another organization. If Iowa changes to a new region and you wish to stay with HOA you simply need to write PEC and make the request. A member of PPA is free to change affiliation with any region of their choosing by petitioning the PPA Photographic Exhibition Committee. A change by a member to a new region requires a 5 year commitment before another change can occur. As individual photographers all our members are free to make their own decisions as to what conventions they will attend. You may still go to HOA if you wish and you may also continue to volunteer there if you choose. You can choose to spend those same education dollars going to National PPA convention or any other regional convention you wish to attend. We as a board will just not be pressuring you to attend, nor begging for you to volunteer at any regional convention. The decision to leave Heart of America was a difficult one for the board, when you take into account the history of HOA and the many members from Iowa who have worked so hard there. Ultimately, this was a business decision based on what was best for the majority of our members. The long range plan is to make the association stronger, fiscally sound, and the best resource possible for education and connection with others in the photography industry. The Board of Directors is excited about the possibilities of new opportunities for PPI. The PPI Board of Directors have been hard-working volunteers over the years and this one is no different. But, the success of the organization truly depends on attendance of the members and their willingness to volunteer. The board pledges; that if members support PP of Iowa functions in this manner, it will work to provide the best education bargain around with exciting speakers, an expanded trade show and so much more right here in Iowa. If there are questions, any board member is available to answer them. If you ever have ideas, concerns, or want to volunteer do not hesitate to call one of them. Toni Johnson PP of IA President - 22 - PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS of Iowa Good Works These days, when corrupt big businesses become headline news, it feels good to be a company that takes part in programs that are less about making money and more about helping those in need. Every year, McKenna Pro Imaging from Waterloo, Iowa works with the Pappas School in Tucson, Arizona and Shell Photographics providing school portraits for homeless students. This annual tradition has grown beyond the average “school picture day” into a special event drawing parents, teachers, hair stylists, a team of photographers and more. The materials used and the efforts to print, package and deliver the photos are done free of charge by the team at McKenna Pro. Recently, an extra step has been added and each photo is cropped and color corrected using McKenna’s Camlynx software. The reward of so many smiling, satisfied customers proves McKenna Pro’s reputation as “Not –your-average-pro-lab”. An opportunity to help out a neighbor presented itself earlier this year. In May, an F5 tornado destroyed the town of Parkersburg, Iowa. A local photographer used pictures she took of the destruction and recovery to design a photo collage. Coordinating with McKenna Pro Imaging, a plan was developed to offer prints of the memorial collage to the public at discount prices with all proceeds going toward restoration of the city park. All aspects of the production of the prints are donated by the lab. An article in the local newspaper helped spread the word about the collage and what it hopes to accomplish, and to date, more than 800 of the prints have been sold statewide. In July, McKenna Pro was selected to be photo partner with Wildwood Hills Ranch, a summer camp for disadvantaged youths. With the help of local schools and churches, nearly 80 students got to participate in the program. Photos of the kids and their activities were submitted during the week and a special photo book was designed, built and given to each camper when they returned. The focus of the camp is to promote leadership and the power of positive behavior, and the albums are a great way to capture the experience. Over 220 images were edited, built into pages, printed, and put together by McKenna’s production staff and delivered as the lab’s contribution to the program. Every company has to self-promote, market, and generate income, but not every company gets the opportunity to improve their image by taking on projects that serve a greater cause. One way McKenna Pro Lab chooses to measure its success is by taking every chance to help in and around their community. “The kids love them. This gives them something to remember their week and the people they met for years.” -Laura Edwards (camp counselor) Written byTad Bean and Jenny Meyer - Forever Now Photography for the Parkersburg picture. - 23 - PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS of Iowa - 17 - PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS of Iowa Thinking Green by Bob Hawkins One day a little girl and her mother walked into our studio and returned some folders, in which, we had delivered their portraits. The mother said “my daughter wants to tell you something.” The daughter said “We shouldn’t put these in the trash because it is wasteful and takes up space in the landfill - I want you to reuse these.” I said thanks and spent the rest of the day thinking about what she said. It made sense. Over the next year we polled our customers about what they do with the folders the pictures came in and 92% of the people said they threw them away. Wow! We waste our time and money putting pictures into folders hardly anyone uses. So, we decided to make them available to anyone who wants them and to stop including them with everything that goes out the door. I couldn’t get the voice of that little girl out of my head. I kept hearing what she said about the waste and space in the landfill. This began a journey, no, a mission really to do a better job of reusing, repurposing and recycling in our business. The number of items that can be reused is impressive if you just do it. Most of us reuse many things already, like packing materials. That just makes sense. Who needs all that cardboard and packing peanuts taking up space? We keep a supply of various sizes cardboard, a few lab boxes, all of the packing peanuts and foam sheets to reuse to send prints to our customers. But we still have a surplus of cardboard and shipping boxes. Just by talking to customers we have found a way to get rid of those too. A local preschool takes the sheets of cardboard and another customer takes the packing containers and lab boxes to send Ebay items to her customers. Virtually none of our inbound shipping and packing material goes to the local landfill. We provide envelopes in two sizes for our sports teams to give to the athletes to bring their orders to us with what they want marked on the front - and for years we’ve thrown them away when the new season starts. One day, my wife Sari says “why don’t we cut the top half off of these and use the bottoms to store CDs and DVDs in our filing system?” It saves money because we now don’t buy envelopes for that purpose and the top half gets ground up and goes in our compost bin. We cut the bottom off the smaller size envelopes and use them to deliver wallet portraits in with our sports packages so the little portraits don’t go flying all over the bottom of the package. Sometimes people notice we are reusing something and say “thanks.” We use the plastic tubes CDs come it around the studio for various purposes. I use one outside marked in one-half inch increments as a rain gauge. I use several to hold cords for various computers and I have one fastened to a light stand in the camera room to hold the radio slave so I don’t have to rely on the Velcro. Of course, we use them to hold archive CDs as well. Rick Krebsbach says, “Plastic 100 CD containers work great in the shop for nuts, bolts, and screws. All of the paper that goes through the laser printer and is not useable is flipped over and printed on the back for “in house” business. After it’s been printed on both sides it’s shredded for the compost bin. Kevin Muenks of Bonnots Mill, Missouri says they use rechargeable batteries and recycle all the paper they generate in their operation. Toni Johnson told me, “When I am tired of a background I paint a new one over a canvas or dye darker colors over a light muslin. Sometimes I save up boxes and return them to the lab for reuse if I am going to the lab. I also reuse the sheets of paper that come back with the orders using the backside as scratch paper to take notes on - 25 - etc. I built a background out of empty soda cans once. And, I reuse my wedding clients as family portrait clients in a few years when they have kids! Cristy Meyer offered these practical solutions – “When I get my orders from my lab the 4x5’s & 5x7’s come in an envelope. I keep the envelope. With each order, my customers get the large magnet with one of their images on it as a little thank you gift. I use that envelope; decorate it just a bit and…..it’s recycled! I use the 8x10 pieces of cardboard that come in the lab’s packaging. When I am putting an order together, I decorate a standard t-shirt box, place a piece of cardboard on the bottom, frou-frou up the inside with tissue paper, add their images, and deliver. “I do think this is an important subject for our environment! I try to do what I can to help” says Pam Schroeder of Urbandale. A couple of things I do: I reuse the standard boxes that my lab ships prints in as the boxes I give the finished portrait orders to my customers. They’re so nice and sturdy! I peel off the shipping labels and stick on my own studio information, strap a gold foil bow tie around it for my customers - and it saves money! I reuse their envelopes for many different things as well. I used to throw items in the recycle bin, but now reuse as many different things I can. Kristi Stephens takes old chairs and props and makes them into something new. Like, make two chairs into a bench or just the simple act of recovering the seat and spray painting makes something old into a new prop. Kristi says, “We recycle all the paper, old fliers, and lab boxes that we don’t use in the year by just putting them in our recycle bin. It’s hard to throw away the old, expensive, out-dated brochures, but it’s a lot easier when they are at least being recycled into something new!” 17 PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS of Iowa A Fundraiser Idea For You... by Toni Harryman Here is a new idea for a fundraising promotion that worked for me. Our local PTO had been taking bids for the last several years for class photos as a fundraising project for them. And for 3-4 years I had been filling out the bid form and was always underbid by a part-time photographer who was willing to do them at basically no profit. So when I got the form last year I almost threw it away thinking this is a waste of time, right????----WRONG!!!!--- The form also had a spot for ideas of what we would like to do, as well as the price we would charge........ So I put the creative side of my brain to work and started thinking, what could we do with a simple class photo that would be that much different than what they had been doing the last several years?? I came up with the idea of the Me and My Teacher Memory Mate. Basically it is a photo of the child with their teacher and then a class photo. We stressed the importance of the teachers in the children’s lives. With the older kids we also took a silly photo to make it fun and different for them. (I do not recommend this so much with the younger ones as they have a harder time thinking of things to do and you do not want to spend too much time on this.) You also have to watch if you do this to make sure there is nothing inappropriate in the photo. The school secretaries had the teachers sign up for time slots for their class. We had each child take a picture with their teacher whether they were ordering it or not. This prevented hurt feelings from being left out and also solved the problem of the forms that come in late because the parents forgot. All I had to do was pull the file instead of go back to the school, set up the lights again etc. wasting both my time and causing more interruption at school. The process of taking the photos needs to be done orderly and quick. Teachers do not like to waste much class time and they really appreciate organization and remember many of them are parents so they could become customers if you impress them. We had 650 students take advantage of this offer and with the pictures being done in March that was pretty good income at a time when I really needed it. We gave, of course, a portion back to the PTO as their fundraiser and all the forms etc. stated that the pictures were sponsored by the PTO as a fundraiser for them. Our PTO received a check from me for a little over $1200, and parents did not have to volunteer time or bake cookies etc. I thought the response was very good considering all children already received the class composite when they had school pictures taken in the fall and these pictures were taken just one week before Lifetouch comes in and does spring photos and only 2 weeks before we did dance and soccer pictures in our town. I hope this sparks an idea of something you can do for your business and if nothing else reminds you not to give up when you think there is no way you are going to get a job. Try coming up with a better idea instead of a cheaper price and see what happens. - 26 - PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS of Iowa Colormasters 1st Annual “Trash the Dress” Event a Thunderous Success! On July 27th and 28th, Angela Gambill welcomed several photographers from Iowa and Missouri, four models, and four Colormaster team members to her beautiful acreage in South Central Iowa for a Trash the Dress photo shoot, small feast, muslin dyeing and painting, and a sleepover. For a fee of only $39 per studio, Colormaster provided models, dresses and food for the event. The Iowa weather welcomed everyone as well, with four inches of rain falling over the two day event. But photographers being the opportunists they are, took advantage of the rain and breaks between storms to capture stunning images. With water cascading down a hillside into a beautifully manicured pond and some gorgeous rainbow shots that presented themselves just as the first storm passed, the event went on. Master photographers teamed up with less experienced photographers and everyone called the shots! And, of course, the muck and mud that was created at the Demolition Derby on Sunday evening made that photo session all the more interesting. All of the participants agreed the even was a complete success and plans are already being made for next year’s event. For more info, call Mary and Colormaster or to view some of the photos, go to www.colormaster.net or www.johnsonphotostudio.com - 27 - PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS of Iowa Winter Convention 2009 YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS THIS!!! your images, our tools Speakers Jon Read and Adam Hunter Pat Cahill Sam Gardner Darrell Chitty Kirk Russell Ninya & Woody Walters Rick Krebsbach John Johnson Mark Garber & Jennifer Gilman Tim Kelly Jennifer Gilman Don Emmerich more time in the field MCKENNA CAMLYNX PRO TM The Smart Choice in Sport and Volume Event Workflow Plus….. Print Competition Mr. & Ms Photogenic Lil Ms. & Mr. Photogenic Finished Production Competition Digital Competition Don Lohnes Classes Marketing Competition Trade Show Awards Banquet Theme Party Hospitality Extra Day of Education – Starting Friday, January 30 – Tri Coast Photography CPP Testing Roundtable Discussion Groups dates to Remember Fall Event 2008 October 26 & 27 Airport Holiday Inn Des Moines, IA Fall Event 2009 November 1 & 2 Airport Holiday Inn Des Moines, IA THE SOFTWARE Match data from your event to the images Add packages Auto populate templates Transmit your order ADVANTAGES Quick turn time, with reduced data entry Less time spent at the computer Satisfy clients with green screen capabilities Winter Convention 2009 January 31 - February 3 Airport Holiday Inn Des Moines, IA Winter Convention 2010 February 6 - 9 Airport Holiday Inn Des Moines, IA - 28 - The best color with Mr. Gray auto color correct Happy clients with fast pre-packaged orders For ordering or additional information please visit www.mckennapro.com TEL: 800.238.3456 18 PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS of Iowa Are You Marketing Effectively? I do not claim to know everything about business or marketing. But with my acquired Business Management Degree, I thought perhaps I might have a few suggestions to offer those who are starting out or even refresh some issues with those that have been in business for a while. The following is more thought provoking based on my education and experience and not an actual article written in third person, so ride along with me as I use metaphors to help make my points. This article with talk about Specializing vs. Generalizing and will also discusses some thought provoking marketing issues. Do you Specialize marketing???? or Generalize in your So now we know most of our money is being spread out among four things that we may do well, but are we really great? Are we the best in each and every area? Well that answer is obviously no. Here is one of my infamous metaphors to help you visualize. Go into your kid’s room and find 4 balls that are different sizes. These represent our four categories. Some are bigger than others because we do more business in some areas and less in others. Now, toss those balls up into the air in a rather large space. The space represents the “area” to which you are marketing to. Now, try and catch all of those balls. How many did you catch? 1 MAYBE 2 right? So why are you trying to catch all these markets before you catch just one market really well?? You may be spreading your marketing dollars too thin to just capture a few clients here and there. Marketing effectively is hard. Or is it? Sometimes I think people focus too much on the macro aspects of marketing and not enough on the micro aspects. I see a lot of people only wanting to know “what” they should send out to market, or want ideas from others on what they should do, but I personally think marketing and business skills go much deeper than that. If we help each other with the foundations of marketing and business, I think the rest of “how should I market this?” will come easier. Let’s look at business that starts out doing families, weddings, and high school seniors, for example. When someone asks “who is your target market”, your first response might be “women”, right? Wrong... you are generalizing on that macro level.. Let’s go deeper than that. Family, you are targeting “mothers”. High school seniors, you target “boys and girls” (parents are usually not the deciding factor in senior pictures). Weddings you are targeting young women. What the above story tells us is that we need to focus on ONE market at a time, and hit that market hard with our budgeted dollars. It doesn’t mean that you are giving up the other areas; it’s just that they aren’t the main money maker and priority for you. You will add those other areas back in your marketing dollars slowly, but ONLY once you have captured a market share in one particular area. So now we have to think about targeting to mothers, girls, boys, and young women. That’s FOUR different target markets that expect FOUR different styles. This can be very expensive to market to four different areas. You might be asking, how do you decide which market to choose? Ask yourself two questions. Which one stands out more than the others? You may need to ask someone else. Say “hey Joe, look at my work and tell me which category stands out the most, and please - 29 - PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS of Iowa be honest”. Then look and see which area you enjoy photographing the most. Don’t say you love them all because everyone leans towards enjoying one more than the other. I think what you will find is that the one you “enjoy” the most is going to stand above the rest. Pepsi, Coke, Wendy’s, and McDonalds, to name a few, still advertise? Everyone knows them, so they shouldn’t have to right?” Advertising is not just to attract new clients. It’s also a way to REMIND people you are still in business, so that when they need services that you provide, they THINK OF YOU FIRST. Marketing effectively I want to share this last bit of information before I close. “Tests conducted by Dr. Walter Dill Scott, former president of Northwestern University, that the memory of man is mighty short. If you should personally hand a copy of an advertisement extolling the merits of your wares or services to 1,000 people... 1 Day Later... 25% would have forgotten 2 Days Later...50% would not remember 4 Days Later...85% would have forgotten” Pick out the strongest area of your business; market that ONE area really hard for one year. If you want $60$100,000 in sales (or whatever your number is) then take 10% of WHAT YOU WANT TO EARN and put that money into advertising. Marketing experts vary on the percentages that you should invest to get your return, and the 10% is aggressive. But owning a business is a risk reward. You MUST risk some money in order to reap the returns. Many people make the mistake of saying, “I only have $2,000 in my account and that is what I want to use for marketing because that’s all I can afford.” WRONG THINKING!!!!! You need to look how much you want to earn, and then come up with the money because this is where your business is going to take off and this is where MOST ALL photographers make the big mistake and end up barely making it through the year or worse, closing their doors. Don’t be misled by the economy either. If you hear the economy is down, you MUST market more. It’s not that there isn’t money out there. It is more that people are picking and choosing where they spend their money. Remind them that they NEED YOU. Do you want forgotten? to run the risk of being In closing, just remember there is more than one way to market and be successful. My comments are not to say you need to specialize in one specific area, I’m merely suggesting that you market HARD to ONE area at a time for one year and see what your results are. I can tell you from my own experience that my business is up 33% so far this year and I’m not even into my busy season full swing. I’m expecting a 45% growth from last year. Some will tell you that they don’t advertise, everybody knows them, and they are doing just fine. I just can’t help myself and I ask them “then why do you suppose Good luck to you all and happy marketing! Debi Warner Warner Portrait Design Marion, Iowa - 30 - PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS of Iowa CPP News New Mentorship Program to begin in 2009 For all of you Masters and Craftsmen or those who have been members of the PP of IA and/ or a CPP for a number of years, here is your chance to pay back those that helped you. The idea here is for you to now become a mentor to a new member of PPI. This will be a great chance to get to know and mentor new members. What a great tool to provide for those new photographers on the rise. The program will match you with a new or newer member of our organization for 1 year. During that year, you will serve as their main person to go to for questions about the business of photography and becoming a professional photographer. Your guidance will give them the leg-up they will need to become successful in this business. 12 months is not a lot of time but when you think about the learning curve of a new member. That time, when paired with someone with the experience of a Masters or Craftsman, or a seasoned member, is worth it’s weight in gold bars. To volunteer to become a mentor with this program please contact Georgeann Chambers at 712-563-2772 or info@chamberstudio.com with mentor program in the subject line. The CPP Annual Meeting will be held at 5 p.m. on Sunday, October 26th at the Airport Holiday Inn at the Fall Event in Des Moines. If you will be unable to attend and have any questions or concerns that you wish to be addressed at the meeting, please contact Jean Poland or Jim Olivari. For those interested in becoming a Certified Professional Photographer, a study group will be held at Fall Event 2008 from noon until 2 p.m. in Room 298 on Sunday, October 26 at the Airport Holiday Inn. Contact Chris Brinkopf to register. The Suzette Allen Workshop was a great success and funds from the day will be used to offset the trip to Savannah/ Tybee, Georgia to be held February 21 - 28, 2009. When we know the number of people planning to take part in the trip, we will let you know the final cost of the trip. It will be under $300 per member. Please contact Chris B. with your intention to attend at ppichris@iowatelecom.net. We have a few Suzette Allen workbook manuals available for $50 each. Please contact Jean Poland at 641-357-3846 if you are interested in purchasing one. Since you did not have to be a CPP to attend the workshop, you do not have to be a CPP to purchase the photoshop manual. The glass CPP desktop logo with wood stand is available for $40. Please contact Jim Olivari to order one for you at 712-297-7863. We are considering a trip to Italy in 2011 with Suzette Allen as our guest instructor. If you are interested in that trip please contact Jean Poland as we will reserve part of the workshop funds for that trip and want to factor the number of members interested in Italy before we distribute funds for the 2009 Tybee trip. We want as many members as possible to be able to attend both of the trips. We have permission to invite Certified Professional Photographers from other states who do not have an active state CPP group to join our organization. Plan to voice your opinion on this at our meeting or let us know via email. Thank you, CPP Chairpersons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°NPTUCPPLTTIJQUIFOFYUEBZ 1SFTT1SJOUFE(SFFUJOH$BSET 8JUINPSFFYQFSJFODFUIBOBOZPUIFSQSPQIPUPMBCPVS 1SFTT1SJOUFE(SFFUJOH$BSEMJOFPGGFSTGPVSEJGGFSFOUQBQFST BOEOJOFEJGGFSFOUDBSETJ[FT"MMDBSETJODMVEFFOWFMPQFTBOE TIJQJOEBZT 8IJUF)PVTF$VTUPN$PMPVSJTBGVMMTFSWJDFQSPGFTTJPOBMQIPUPHSBQIJD BOEQSFTTQSJOUFS*OBEEJUJPOUPUIFTIPXDBTFEQSPEVDUTPUIJTQBHFXF PGGFSBGVMMMJOFPGQIPUPHSBQIJDQSJOUTQSJOUFEPO,PEBL1SPGFTTJPOBM 1BQFST'PSBDPNQMFUFWJFXPGPVSQSPEVDUTBOETFSWJDFTWJTJUPVS XFCTJUFXXXXIDDDPN XXXXIDDDPN www.ppiowa.com