Accelerated wear testing of PTFE composite bearing materials
Accelerated wear testing of PTFE composite bearing materials
Accelerated wear testing of PTFE composite bearing materials J.K. Lancaster* Hertzian line contact stresses between a rotating metal cylinder and a reciprocating flat strip of the bearing material are used in an accelerated wear test described in this paper. The test readily demonstrates differences in the wear behaviour between different PTF E-based d r y bearing materials. For one widely-used woven PTFE fibre composite, the relationships between wear and stress, temperature, counterface roughness and fluid c o n t a m i n a t i o n were shown to be similar to those f o u n d in long-term bearing tests Current military and civil aircraft contain from several hundred to several thousand dry bearings, respectively. Many of these are in non-critical areas, such as hinges or latches etc, but a significant proportion are crucial to the performance and reliability of the aircraft itself. Until the present decade, one particular type of dry bearing material has predominated in aircraft applications: a thin layer of interwoven PTFE and glass fibres impregnated with synthetic resin and adhesively bonded on to a more rigid backing. The load-carrying capacity of such bearings is relatively high, up to 350 MPa, but thermal considerations limit operation at high stresses to low sliding speeds ( < 0.01 m/s). As aircraft components become increasingly sophisticated, a number of requirements have arisen, or can be foreseen, which necessitate improvements in performance from this type of bearing, eg greater load-carrying capacity, greater stiffness, longer life (lower wear), greater tolerance to temperature extremes, and insensitivity to contamination by solid particles or fluids. To meet these requirements, a 'second generation' of liner materials is now emerging based either on variants of the woven PTFE fibre/reinforcing fibre concept or on other forms of construction. Some examples of the various products currently available commercially are given in Table 1. The combinations of materials and methods of construction which have been examined so far, however, represent only a small fraction of a whole range of possibilities, some of which are shown in Table 2. There would consequently appear to be considerable scope remaining for the further development of dry bearing materials. Evaluation of the wear life of thin-layer dry bearings is both costly and time-consuming. The aircraft manufacturers require information primarily for design purposes, but to ensure the relevance of wear data to particular applications it has always been deemed necessary to undertake bearing tests in conditions closely simulating those of the intended application. Because the stresses involved are usually high, large and expensive apparatus is required. Further, because sliding speeds are always low, and wear rates (of the most successful materials) are also low, long test periods are needed to establish a defined wear rate, or a total wear life. The situation is further exacerbated by the fact that the operating conditions imposed on aircraft dry bearings cover *Procurement Executive, Ministry o f Defence, MaterialsDepartment, Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough, Hampshire, UK 0301-679X/79/02065-11 $02.00 © 1979 IPC Business Press Table 1 Some types of thin-layer, dry-bearing materials available commercially Interwoven PTFE fibres/other fibres + resins Glass - Fiberslip, F a b r o i d , D a c r o n - Fiberglide, Duralon N o m e x - Faftex, Fibriloid Copper- P / d a n e Airflon Resins + PTFE additions + fabric reinforcements Nomex Dacron - Uniflon Kahrlon, Fraslip Filled/reinforced PTFE Carbon-graphite, nickel, ceramic, bronze Bronze, stainless steel meshes Saimap, Rulon - Unimesh, Saimap, Metalloplast Porous bronze + polymer PTFE + Pb Acetal Poly(phenylene sulphide} - Glacier D U Glacier D X Glarnat 5 8 a wide spectrum: some of the most important are listed in Table 3. Unfortunately, it has not so far proved possible to extrapolate data obtained in one particular set of sliding conditions to predict performance with an acceptable degree of certainty in other conditions. A similar range of problems faces bearing manufacturers. Information is needed on their own, and competitors', products: it is also necessary to monitor performance for quality control purposes. In addition, experimental materials emerging from development programmes usually require rapid evaluation to provide feed-back to guide further development. All the above considerations clearly point to the need for some form of accelerated wear-test procedure for thin-layer, dry bearing materials. It would be unreasonable to expect such a test to provide design data directly applicable to service conditions, but at the very least it could focus attention on the most promising materials and so reduce the volume of simulation testing ultimately needed. In addition, an accelerated test should, in principle, be able to TRIBOLOGY international April 1979 65 Table 2 Possible material variants in dry bearings LINER Resin-adhesive Weave Structure Phenolic 'FriedeI-Crafts' Vinyl-phenolic Epoxies Silicones Polyimides Fibre size and spacing Single/multifilament fibres Mixed multifjlaments Proportion of PTFE to other fibres Type of PS HT Thermoplastics PES PPS weave Fibre-filler type Plain Satin Twill Leno Gauze Filament winding Polyimide Polyimide-amide Nomex Dacron Fibres Glass Kevlar Carbon/graphite Metals (Cu, B, steel) PTFE flock or particles Lamellar solid libricants (Graphite, MoS2) COUNTERFACE Metals Coatings Steels - heat treatments Aluminium alloys Titanium alloys Plasma spraying CVD carbides Diffusion treatments - boriding, nitriding Electrochemical - Cr, Co-Cr2 C3 Platings Ion - AI on Ti, Cu Bonded solid lubricants Table 3 Operational parameters in aerospace dry bearing applications Load Type of Motion T e m p e r a - Environment ture Undirectional Fluctuating Reversing Axial/radial ratio (sphericals) Continuous Steady Oscillatory Cycling Vibration Misalignment Humidity Contamination fluids, solids Apparatus Bearing size and shape," Speed," Counterface roughness; Heat dissipation parameters Motor for reciprocefion Drive m o t o r ~ ~ ~ bearing Test strip Melal counterface ring Fig I R e c i p r o c a t i n g line c o n t a c t apparatus 66 establish qualitative trends relating wear to the controlling variables, such as load, speed, temperature, counterface roughness, environment, contamination etc. This paper describes the development of an apparatus for accelerated wear testing of thin, dry bearing, liner materials and presents preliminary results obtained on several types of products in different conditions of sliding. TRIBOLOGY international April 1979 One of the difficulties associated with the choice of any accelerated wear test is uncertainty about whether the dominant parameter influencing wear is the absolute load or the nominal stress. Simple theoretical considerations 1 lead to the conclusion that the rate of wear (per unit distance of sliding) should be directly proportional to the load and independent of the apparent area of contact; experiments with relatively small apparent areas of contact have generally confirmed this prediction 2 . With large contact areas, however, complications begin to intrude due to difficulties associated with the escape of wear debris from beneath the contact zone. It is then found that wear rates can depend to some extent on both the size and shape of the contact area a's. A further possibility also exists that, due to material strength limitations, wear rates may begin to increase when the nominal stress exceeds some critical value. For metals, Burwell and Strang 6 have suggested that this critical stress is of the order of H/3 where His the indentation hardness, but corresponding criteria for polymers and composites have never been established. For the present purposes, small-scale, wear-testing equipment was devised in which the absolute loads between the sliding surfaces were, of necessity, relatively low, but which induced high contact stresses via Hertzian line contacts. The apparatus (Fig 1) was based on a concept originally described by Michalon e t al 7 . A strip of the bearing material of Lood, ~o (.9 F D 4 N • 150 x o o 300 450 600 \ o x E [3 3 8 m LU 2 -- I -- 0 I I I 10 20 30 I 40 I 50 60 B a l l diameter, m m Fig 2 Elastic modulus v. ball diameter for PTFE-fibre composite, K, 0.28mm thick on steel interest, 6.35 mm wide x 38 mm long is loaded in fine contact against the curved surfaceof a rotating ring, 25 mm in diameter. The bearing strip is mounted in a self-aligning arm and arranged to reciprocate slowly ( ~ 3 cycles/min) over a stroke length of 12.5 mm on a rolling element slide attached to an electrically driven cam. The particular merit of this arrangement is that, apart from at the end of each stroke, fine-contact conditions are always maintained despite wear o f the bearing material and the metal ring. Friction was measured from the output o f a torque transducer interposed between the rotating ring and a variable speed driving motor, and displayed continuously on a chart recorder. Wear was determined, in terms o f depth, by traversing the strip beneath a vertically mounted displacement transducer and again displaying the output on a chart recorder. In general two measurements of wear depth were made, approximately 1.5 mm from each side of the bearing strip. and the recovered depth, h, after removal of the major load but with a minor load remaining. Assuming that there is no change in the radius of the contact circle, a, following elastic recovery9 it is then possible to determine a and R from measured values of d and h using the sagittal relationship. Fig 2 shows values of the elastic modulus of one particular composite dry bearing liner material, 0.275 mm thick, on a steel backing, obtained with five different ball sizes and four loads. It can be seen that the modulus is essentially independent of load and also of ball diameter from 12.5 mm upwards. The increased modulus obtained with smaller ball diameters is presumably attributable to an increasing contribution from the steel backing as the ball diameter decreases and hence the depth o f penetration increases. The elastic modufi of a number of other commercially-available, dry-bearing finer materials were also measured, and values are given in Table 4, assuming Poisson's ratio = 0.35. There are few published values of the moduli of these types of materials available for comparison, but estimates by Rowland and Wyles 1° from static compression tests on small pads give 4.2 GPa for material M and 4 GPa for material K, in reasonable agreement with the present results. From the measured values of the elastic moduli, the maximum compressive line-contact stress relevant to the wear experiments can be computed directly from elasticity theory; ac = 0.066 ~/PE MPa, for a 25 mm dia steel ring, a pad width o f 6.35 ram, and a total load of P newtons. Table 4 Elastic moduli of different types of polymerbased dry bearing liners Code A Material Description Elastic Modulus GPa PTFE flock in synthetic resin reinforced with 'Terylene' fabric 1.6 B Interwoven PTFE/'Nomex' fibres + high temperature resin 1.65 C As above, B, but lower temperature resin 1.7 D PTFE flock in synthetic resin reinforced with 'Nomex' fabric 2.2 E Interwoven PTFE/glass fibres + polyimide resin 2.2 As D, but with coarser fabric weave 2.45 G Interwoven PTFE/'Nomex' fibres and resin/PTFE overlay 2.5 H Granulated PTFE in vinylphenolic resin + 'Dacron' fabric 2.65 J Filled PTFE-impregnated bronze mesh 3.2 0.75 (1 - v2)LrR E = a 3 (R - r) K Interwoven PTFE/glass fibres + phenolic resin - surface all PTFE 3.65 where L is the applied load, r is the radius of the ball indenter, a is the radius of the contact circle, R is the recovered radius of the indentation after removal o f the load and v is Poisson's ratio. The Rockwell hardness tester measures the depth o f penetration, d, under a major load L As K, but with some glass fibre exposed at surface 4.3 Porous bronze impregnated with PTFE/Pb 5.0 Elastic Modulus Measurements To calculate the contact stress between the metal ring and the bearing strip from elasticity theory, it is necessary to determine the elastic modulus o f the bearing material. This is a somewhat imprecise quantity for polymers and composites since it depends markedly on both the magnitude of the imposed strain and its rate of application. The simplest way to derive a modulus relevant to the wear experiments is to measure the elastic recovery o f ball indentations, and a convenient apparatus for this purpose is a Rockwell hardness tester. F From elasticity theory s , M TRIBOLOGY international April 1979 67 Foilure T ' Plateou ' C 'Knee ' Time (distance of sliding,cycles of oscillation ) Fig 3 Idealized wear depth-time relationship for thin-layer, dry-bearing liners 300 E 25O C K E 200 ~ J ~" 150 I00 A H 5O P 0 ?; ; 5 I0 TT 15 ; i 20 25 Time, h I 30 I 35 Results It is appropriate at this stage to discuss, briefly, the various ways in which the wear properties of dry bearings can be defined. The quantity of practical interest to the user is the depth of wear, since this determines the degree of 'back-lash' introduced into a bearing assembly. Ideally, the detailed relationship between depth of wear and time (or distance) of sliding should be determined for each bearing material, size and particular combination of sliding conditions: this situation is seldom realised in practice. Many publications merely quote the total duration of sliding before failure, or before reaching an arbitrarily defined depth of wear. Specification requirements, eg MIL-B-81820C n also invoke a maximum tolerable depth of wear within a given time of operation of a bearing under defined conditions of sliding. Data of this type are o f only very limited value when attempting to compare the wear behaviour of different bearing materials and sizes in different conditions. Wear depth-time relationships for most types of t;tin-layer dry bearings are usually of the form idealized in Fig 3. Wear is initially rapid, AB, and rises to a 'knee' beyond which there is a 'plateau' region, BC, of constant, or almost constant, wear rate. After reaching a critical depth of wear, the approach to failure, CD, is usually comparatively rapid. TRIBOLOGY international April 1979 Typical wear depth-time relationships obtained with the reciprocating line contact (RLC)apparatus for a number of commercially available, dry bearing liners are shown in Fig 4 la. In all cases, the counterface material was AISI 440C stainless steel, hardened to 700 VPN and randomly abraded to give a surface roughness of 0.05-0.08 prn Ra. Although the absolute load was constant for all materials, the stress-levels vary slightly because of the differing elastic moduli. The general shapes o f the curves resemble those typical of bearing tests on these types of materials and the results clearly demonstrate that there are marked differences between the various products. It is not, unfortunately, possible to compare these results directly with those from bearing tests because data are not available in the literature on such a wide range of materials in constant conditions of sliding. In order to attempt an assessment of the relevance of the wear results in the RLC test to bearings, further experiments were therefore made concentrating on two particular materials for which some bearing test data are readily available; a porous bronze layer impregnated with PTFE and Pb (M) and an interwoven PTFE fibre/glass fibre cloth impregnated with phenolic resin (K). I 40 Fig 4 Wear depth-time relationships for 10 dry-bearing materials in reciprocating line contact 12. Load = 450N, Speed = O.13m/s, counterface 440C. (Details of materials in Table 4) 68 From relationships of this type, a 'specific wear rate' can be defined for the plateau region, BC, in terms of the volume of wear per unit distance of sliding per unit load. The magnitude of this specific wear rate, together with information about the volume of initial wear, if significant, then provides sufficient data to permit ready cross-comparisons between the wear of different materials in different sliding conditions. Stress Wear depth-time relationships were obtained for the porous bronze-PTFE-Pb composite at a range o f loads, and hence stresses, and the values of the specific wear rates over the plateau region are shown in Fig 5, curve 1, plotted against the maximum compressive Hertzian line contact stress. Data for comparison purposes, obtained from a variety of sources, is shown in curves 2 - 7 . In transposing this published wear data into its present form, it has been necessary to make a number of assumptions for those situations where depth-time relationships were unavailable; details are also given in the legend to the figure. For journal bearing tests, the volumetric loss, V, was computed from the depth of wear, d, using the relationship, V = 1.57 Dwd fn(~) where D is the bearing diameter, w is the width, and e is the initial clearance. The latter is seldom reported, and was assumed to be 25 #m; the numerical value o f fn(d/e) is therefore taken as 0.913 . Data is only included in the comparison for those tests in which the mean surface temperatures are either known, or can reasonably be assumed, to lie within the range 20°C to about 50°C. Although Fig 5 shows that there is clearly no exact agreement between the specific wear rates in different sliding conditions at any one stress level, the results taken as a whole appear to define a general pattern. The specific wear rates begin to increase rapidly when the stress exceeds some critical value. No significant wear pattern is evident, however, if the wear rates are plotted against load rather than stress. To see whether this increase in wear rate with stress was more general, a similar series o f RLC experiments, together with a comparison with published data, was made for an isotropic material, polyacetal. These results are given in Fig 6 and show no significant variation of wear rate with stress up to the maximum values attainable. It must therefore be concluded that the wear pattern exhibited by the porous bronze composite is a feature of the material itself. i0-4 E z x 10-5 2E '_/// t 10-6 x × o 10-7 lO-e Q I I0 I I0. Stress, MPo I I00 I000 Curve Source Conditions Assumptions 1 Present work Reciprocating pad on rotating ring; unidirectional motion, 0.65m/s; counterface AID 71B tool steel, 800 VPN, 0.15 ~tm Ra; loads 70-400N. Wear depth v. time measured. E = 5.0 GPa Journal bearings, 15.9mm id X 19 mm wide; unidirectional motion, speeds 0.62, 1.24, 2.48 m/s; mild steel shafts. Life measured. P calculated assuming constant V of 1.24 m/s Initial overlay of 25/~m removed very rapidly. Effective depth of bearing layer = 38/~m 2 Pratt t4 3 Anderson I s The influence of stress on the mean coefficient of friction during the 'plateau' regime o f wear is shown in Fig 9. For any one set of sliding conditions the values decrease with increasing stress, but the absolute magnitudes of friction E z g" E E 8 10-6 As above, 3, but with grooves machined in surface to permit escape of debris 5 Rowland and Wyles 1° Pad on reciprocating track; pad size 36ram X 7.2ram, track FV520 CR steel, 0.050.1 ttm Ra; speed = 0.087m/s; stroke length = 0.244 m; temperature controlled, 20°C. Cycles to failure measured. Effective depth of bearing layer = 38~,m Pad on reciprocating track; pad size 31 X 31 ram, track nitrided H50 steel, ~ 1000 VPN, 0.05-0.1 /~m Ra. Speed = 0.025 m/s, stroke length = 0.15m, Total distance of sliding to failure determined. As 5. 7 Rowland and Journal bearings,'127 m m i d X Wyles 1° 45.6 mm wide; oscillatory motion, -+25°, 3 cycles/rain, shaft FV520 CR steel, 0,050.1 ~m Ra; temperature controlled 20°C. Cycles to failure measu red. The RLC experiments also show that as the stress, or load, increases, the initial amount o f wear, prior to reaching the wear 'plateau', also increases (Fig 8(a)). This initial depth of wear is often rather ill-defined and is not always quoted explicitly in reports of practical bearing tests. However, the same general trend is implicit in results given by Rowland and Wyles 10 and shown in Fig 8(b); the number o f cycles of oscillation to reach an initial depth of wear of 0.127 mm decreases with increasing stress. Similar results have also been reported by Barrett 27 . 10-5 Thrust washer, 51ram od X 38mm id against mild steel, 0.080.12#m Ra. Unidirectional motion, spee~l: 0.01 m/s. Wear measured by weight loss & depth. 4 Anderson is 6 Cheesman 16 The effects of stress on the specific wear rate of the PTFE fibre/glass fibre-phenolic resin composite, K, are shown in Fig 7, curve 1 for the present RLC tests, and in curves 2 - 1 1 for other conditions of sliding. Again, the temperatures induced during sliding in all cases are known, or believed, to have been within the range 2 0 - 5 0 ° C . In contrast to the results with the porous bronze, there is now no clear pattern of wear behaviour; some experiments, including these in RLC conditions, show wear rates increasing with stress, whereas others show either decreasing or approximately constant wear rates. Replotting the wear rates against absolute load, rather than stress, again fails to reveal any general trend. IS IT e4 -P b 5 t9 03 10-7 I I O. I I0 ___L_ . . . . . . . . tO IO0 Stress, MPo As 5. Fig 5 Variation o f wear rate with stress for porous bronze impregnated with PTFE/Pb, M Fig 6 Variation o f wear rate with stress for polyacetal 1 Present work. Reciprocating line contact against 18%W tool steel 2 Lancaster 17. ~ o s s e d cylinders, against 18%W tool steel 3 Du Pont ~ 4 Theberge a9 Thrust washers against 1040 steel 5 Clerico & Rosetto 2°. Amsler machine against steel - line contact 6 Tanaka & Ychiyama 21. lh'n on steel disc 7 Shen & Dumbleton 22. Thrust washers against stainless steel - oscillatory 8 ESDU a3. Journal and thrust bearings - manufacturer's data TRIBOLOGY international April 1979 69 appear to depend greatly on the sliding conditions. However, a more generally consistent pattern of behaviour now emerges if the coefficients of friction are plotted against the absolute load. From this, it is clear that there is an overall trend towards decreasing friction with increasing load, similar to that typical of pure PTFE 2s and several other polymers 29 . Counterface Roughness It is generally accepted that the wear life of thin-layer, PTFE-based, dry bearings increases as the counterface surface roughness decreases. For high performance aerospace bearing applications, counterface roughnesses are normally in the range 0,05-0.10/lrn Ra. To obtain a more quantitative appreciation of the importance of counterface roughness, RLC experiments were made with the PTFE fibre/glass fibre-phenofic resin composite, K, at a range of stresses on counterfaces of four different roughnesses. Fig 10 shows the variation of the total life to failure with stress, and the curves clearly demonstrate that a significant life on the roughest surfaces is only attainable at very low stresses. Conversion o f these results to provide the relationship between specific wear rate and counterface roughness at one particular stress is illustrated in Fig 11, curve 1. The only published data available for comparison on a generally similar type o f bearing material are shown in ctrrves 2 and 3. Fig 7 Variation o f wear rate with stress for PTFE Fibre composite, K I0 abc 10-41 4 Cheesman 16 i0-5 E z E E 10-6 -o" 10-7 i Pad on reciprocating track; pad size 31 X 31 ram; track nitrided H50 steel, ~ 10000 VPN, 0.050.1#m Ra; speed = 0.025 m/s, stroke length 0.15m. Wear depth v. time measured. 5 Rowland and Pad on reciprocating track; pad Wyles 1° size 36 mm X 7.2 rnm; track FV520 CR steel 0.05-0.1 ~m Ra. Speed = 0.087 m/s, stroke length 0.244 m; temperature controlled, 20°C. Cycles to wear 0.127 ram, 0.254 mm and 0.305 mm determined Wear rate assumed constant between 0.127 mm and 0.254 mm 6 Ampep =4 Spherical bearings, 19.05 mm bore; counterface AISI 440C, 0.05 #m Ra; oscillatory motion, +-25°, 10-13.5 cycles/min Volume calc. as for journal bearings assuming a mean dia f o r the ball. 7 Wade 2s Journal bearings, 38 mm dia, 9 mm wide; counterface AISI 440C; continuous rotation, 0.02 m/s. Wear depth v. time measu red. 8 Wade 2s As above, 7, but oscillatory motion +25°; max speed, 0.013 m/s. Wear depth v. time measu red. 9 Anderson ~s Thrust washer, 51 mm od X 38 mm id. a) on mild steel, 0.08-0.12 #m Ra; unidirectional motion, speed = 0.01 m/s; b) as (a), but oscillatory motion, 10 cycles/ rain, -+25°; c) as (b) but on AISI 440C. Wear measured by depth and weight loss, 10 Craig 26 Journal bearings (in glass-phenolic housings); a) 38 mm X 6.35 ram; b) 25 mm X 9.5 ram. c) 9.5 mm X 12.7 ram; counterfaces stainless steel and Cr plate, 0.13-0.18 #m Ra; oscillatory motion, +-25°, 10 cycles/rain. Life measured to 0.127 mm wear. 11 ESDU 23 Range for filled PTFE formulations generally. Bearing tests, journal and thrust, under 'light duty' conditions of light loads and low speeds for which temperature increases are small. Manufactu rer's data. G0 / I I I lO-e~i 9b~,l I i I ~9o I 10-9 OI I Io Stress, MPo IO I IOO _ I000 Curve Source Conditions Assumptions 1 Present work Reciprocating pad on rotating ring: unidirectional motion, 0.13 m/s; counterface AISI 440C, ~ 700 VPN, Wear depth v. time measured. E = 3.6 GPa 2 Lancaster ~7 3 pins, 5ram dia on disc; unidirectional motion, 0.09 m/s; counterface Cr-plate, ~ 850 VPN,,0.05 #m Ra; loads 4008000N. Wear depth v. time measured. 3 Rowland and Wyles 1° Journal bearings, 127 m m i d × 45.6 mm wide on FV520 CR steel shafts, 0.05-0.1#m Ra; oscillatory motion, +-25°, 3 cycles/rain. Temperature controlled at 20°C. Cycles determined for 0,13 mm wear and to failure, 0,30 mm wear. 70 TRIBOLOGY international April 1979 Wear rate assumed constant between 0.13 mm and failure, 0.30 ram. 0.05 mm assumed to be removed very rapidly followed by constant wear rate to 0.127 ram. Temperature or no effect. Craig 32 has concluded that the total life of spherical bearings with woven PTFE liners during oscillatory motion is reduced in sea-water to between 1/3 and ¼ of that obtained in dry conditions, and Barrett 27 has also reported deleterious effects due to salt-spray contamination. The variation of specific wear rate with temperature obtained from RLC experiments with the PTFE fibre based composite, K, is shown in Fig 12, curve 1, and data for comparison from other tests on similar materials in curves 2 - 7 . Apart from a possible shallow minimum in curve 2, all the results show a general increase in wear rate with temperature. The absolute values of specific wear rate at any one temperature, however, depend markedly on the particular conditions of sliding imposed. The RLC experiments further showed that the initial depth of wear during the early stages of sliding also increased slightly with increased temperature, and a similar trend is implicit in data from joumal bearing tests reported by Rowland and Wyles x° . Discussion The first point to note from the results presented above is that the wear rates of both the porous bronze and the PTFE fibre composites in RLC conditions are generally greater, at any one stress, than those found in most bearing tests. Only with polyacetal is the wear rate largely independent of stress and other conditions of sliding. The main reason for the high wear rates of the composites probably results from the fact that in line-contact conditions there is an appreciable penetration of the steel cylinder into the composite surface layer. The depth of penetration can be calculated from a modification of an analysis by Crook 3s which leads to the relationship: 0.636 (1 v2)I~a E 1/2 3 Fluid Contamination The effects of water and a mineral oil-based hydraulic fluid, DTD 585, on the wear depth-time relationships for the PTFE fibre composite, K, in RLC experiments are shown in Fig 13. Both fluids clearly reduce the total wear life, either when introduced following a period of dry sliding, curves B and C, or when present from the onset of sliding, curves D and E. Data for comparison from bearing tests on a similar finer material are somewhat inconclusive. Fig 14(a) shows similar deleterious effects of both fluids for spherical bearings in conditions of reversing load, but under steady loads Fig 14(b) shows that water does not reduce life, and Fig 14(d) shows that DTD 585 reduces wear in the early stages of sliding but has little effect on the steady-state wear rate. The results of pin and disc tests 34 on PTFE + 25% chopped glass fibre, in Fig I4(c), again show that water increases the wear rate, but that DTD 585 has little a= wE ~.½+ln[2"Sw3/2(PD(1-u2)) ]~ - where P is the total load applied, w is the width of the bearing strip, D is the ring diameter, E is the elastic modulus of the bearing material, and v is Poisson's ratio. For w = 6.35 mm,D = 25.4 mm, and v = 0.35 the depth of penetration into the PTFE fibre composite, K, ranges from 0.011 to 0.063 mm over a load range from 100 to 750 N. Similar values are obtained from a more recent analysis by Brewe and Hamrock 36 . It follows that in RLC conditions, elastic deformation will affect a much greater depth of the surface layer than in bearings where the contact area is distributed. In consequence, wear resulting from localised stress concentrations in RLC conditions may be supplemented by a E =L 200 ,..* -6 150 QI4 E I00 "6 ,,/I I 123 o 20 40 60 80 MPa ~ 800 ~ 600 400 2 ~ IOO 200 o x 300 MPo Fig 8 Effect of stress on initial wear of PTFE fibre composite, K (a) Reciprocating line contact (b) Rowland and Wyles x° 002 t 0 zK)O 500 10 2 103 [3 £3 x. "~. 0.02 }[ I0 10 Stress, MPo I I o ~ oo6 ~- 0 0 4 010 0.08t006}004 [- o b I00 i e°rings 200 ._~ 028 - - g 026 "6 0.24 "5 022 020 o 18 016 014-1 0121 I a E i'E,,.~-- I000 "6 g ol2 o.10 "6 0.08 030 ~ 50 I02 • I03 [.... I04 ~x 6 [ !05 __ 106 I07 Load, N Fig 9 Variation of friction coefficient with stress and load for PTFE fibre composite K (Sources of data as for Fig 7) TRIBOLOGY international A p r i l 1979 71 50h~ 2o data in Fig 7 is not, however, available for comparison. It is evident that a detailed examination of the basic wear mechanisms of PTFE-fibre composites, and of the relationships between surface film formation and the conditions of sliding, is long overdue. [] i 16 14 IO × 8 6 4 i 065 2 , 20 40 60 80 Stress, MPo I00 120 Fig 10 Effect of counterface roughness on life-stress relationship for PTFE fibre composite, K, in reciprocating line contact (counterface tool steel, AID 71B, 800 VPN} contribution arising from bulk deformation. For an isotropic material, such as acetal, this additional contribution appears to be negligible, but for composites a very different situation arises. Repeated, bulk deformation during reciprocation will encourage disruption at the interface between the various constituents in the composite leading to weakening of the surface layer and thus to an enhanced wear rate. As the load (stress) increases, the depth of penetration also increases, and so, in turn, will the bulk deformation contribution to wear. It is apparent that at any one level of stress the sliding conditions imposed by the RLC test are appreciably more severe than those characteristic of bearings. All the wear results for the porous bronze composite, M, in Fig 5 clearly point to the conclusion that the performance of this material is stress-limited. This is, presumably, a consequence of its partially sintered structure. The dependence of wear rate on stress in RLC conditions is very similar to that characteristic of bearing conditions at high stresses. The situation with the PTFE-fibre composite, K, however, is much less well-defined. From the results in Fig 7 it is only possible to conclude that the dependence of wear rate on stress in RLC conditions is at least not wholly dissimilar from that obtained in some bearing tests. One characteristic feature of the wear behaviour of most PTFE-based composites is the formation of transfer films on the opposing metal counterface and/or films of consolidated wear debris over the surface of the composite itself. It is generally accepted that wear tends to decrease as these surface films become more uniform and coherent. A preliminary optical examination of surfaces worn during RLC conditions has shown little evidence of film formation on either the PTFE-fibre composite, K, or the metal counterface, and this is at least consistent with the relatively high wear rates obtained. Information on the extent of debris film formation relating to the other wear 72 T R I B O L O G Y international April 1979 Despite the uncertain effects of stress on the wear rate of the PTFE-fibre composite, K, the RLC test appears to provide trends relating the wear rate to counterface roughness and temperature which are broadly similar to those found in bearing tests. The results in Figs 10 and 11 all confirm the value, in current dry bearing practice, of providing counterface roughnesses within the range 0.05-0.1 #m Ra. Moreover, they also suggest that further possible reductions in wear, which might result from using counterfaces smoother than 0.05 p_m Ra, could well be insufficient in magnitude to justify the extra cost involved in preparing such surfaces. Increases in wear rate with increasing temperature are a general feature of most types of PTFE composites 31 and the curves given in Fig 12 demonstrate that the PTFE fibre composite, K, is no exception. It has been suggested that an increase in temperature affects wear by inhibiting the formation of debris films on the surface of either the counterface, the composite, or both al . An additional possibility also arises in RLC conditions since, as the elastic modulus decreases with increasing temperature, there will be greater penetration of the counterface into the composite leading to a greater degree of surface disruption. 10-4 l o/ 2 E z E E o 10-5 /. (3 U) / x x Y iO-6 / I I O.OI I I I I I I I O.I Surfoce roughness,/z rn Ro I I I I0 Fig 11 Variation of wear rate with counterface roughness for PTFE fibre composite, K. (1) Reciprocating line contact, O.13m/s, 76 MPa {2) Craig26. Journal bearings, 25 mm x 9.5 mm;oscillatory motion +-25 °, 10 cycles/min," IOMPa. (3) Rowland and Wyles 1°. Pad on track, O.087 m/s, 186 MPa iO-5 -- 1 / E Z t~ E E d id e iO-~ 1(3" I 40 I 80 I 120 I 160 I 200 I 240 I 280 Temperature, °C Conditions Assumptions 1 Present work Reciprocating pad on rotating ring; unidirectional motion, 0.13 m/s; counterface AISI 440(3, ~ 700 VPN, 0.05-0.1/~m Ra, 80 MPa. Wear depth v. time measured. E, and hence stress assumed independent of temperature 2 Rowland and Wyles 1° Journal bearings, 127mm id X 45.6 mm on FV520 CR steel shafts, 0.05-0.1jura Ra. Oscillatory motion, +25°, 3 cycles/ rain; 310 MPa Cycles determined for 0.127 mm and 0.305 mm wear. Wear rate assumed constant between 0.127 and 0.305ram. 3 Rowland and Wyles 1° Pad on track, 31 X 31 mm pads; track F V 5 2 0 C R steel, 0.050.1 jura Ra; speed 0.087 m/s; stroke length 0.244 m: 186 MPa. Cycles determined for 0.13, 0.254, and 0.305 mm wear. As above, 2 Curve Source 4 Williams a° 5 Wade ~s 6 Ampep 24 7 Evansal Journal bearings, 15.9mm X 15.9mm. Oscillatory motion, -+32°, 10 cycles/min; Counterface Cr plate; 70 MPa. Depth v. time measured. Sphericals, 19 mm bore; oscillatory motion, +-25° , 10 cycles/ rain. Counterface AISI 440C; 182 MPa. Total wear measured after 10 s cycles The effects of fluid contaminants on the wear of the PTFE fibre composite, K, in both RLC conditions (Fig 13) and in reversing load tests on spherical beatings (Fig 14(a)) are clearly deleterious to performance. In bearing tests with unidirectional, steady loads, however, the results are more ambiguous. Whether or not the apparent reduction in wear with the mineral oil based hydraulic fluid in the early steps of sliding in RLC Conditions (Fig 13, curve E) is significant remains to be confirmed, but if so, it is consistent with the results for spherical bearings (Fig 14) where the duration of Sliding is also relatively short, and for the pin and disc results (Fig 14). It has been suggested on the basis of pin and disc tests that the deleterious effects of water on the wear of PTFE composites result mainly from the inhibition of transfer film formation 37. A contributory factor may also be the tendency for the water to penetrate the interface between the reinforcing fibres and the matrix and weaken the surface layer, eg with PTFE-glass fibre composites. During sliding in the presence of excess fluid, hydrostatic stresses could then develop and facilitate disruption of the surface layer, leading to increased wear. This last process could well be particularly significant in RLC conditions and in the presence of reversing loads. One difficulty associated with the interpretation of literature data on bearing tests in fluid-contaminated conditions is that it is not always very clear how much fluid is actually present during wear. The specification requirements for compatibility between bearing materials and fluids, eg MIL-B-81820C 11 , merely call for the material to be soaked in the appropriate fluid for 24 h and subsequently tested under nominally 'dry' conditions. This procedure is likely to give very different results than when testing in the presence of a continuous supply of fluid. Of the three main requirements, outlined in the introduction, which an accelerated wear test should satisfy quality control, preliminary screening of new materials, and establishing trends between wear and its controlling parameters - attention has been concentrated in the present work mainly on the latter. As far as quality control 0.25 C 0.20 : o /,?/ xt I A Dry E E Assume mean die for ball, and initial running-in wear of 0.05 ram. Assume mean Sphericals, 31.75mm bore; oscildia for ball. latory motion, -+25° , 10-13.5 cycles/rain. Counterface AISI 440C; 175MPa. Wear depth v. time meesureo Range of filled PTFE composites in pin-disc expt; counterface 18/8 stainless steel ($130), 0.15 p.m Ra; 0.7 m/s, load = 12N (stresses ~ 1-5 MPa). Wear volume v. time measured Fig 12 Variation o f wear rate with temperature for PTFE fibre composite, K OI5 t x ..~.__~ ~-~ t 0.10 L/~x/f/ 0.05 II/~ ," ~/eter o L~,," O / W°tero / DTD 585 I 50 I IOO I I 150 200 Time. rain I 250 I :300 Fig 13 Effect o f fluid contamination on depth wear-time relationships for PTFE fibre composite, K, in reciprocating line contact. A dry, B and C water and DTD 585 added after initial dry sliding, D and E water and DTD 585 present continuously. Load = 450N, speed = 0.13 m/s TRIBOLOGY i n t e r n a t i o n a l A p r i l 1979 73 I -x. . . . . weeks, and sometimes months, required for tests on actual bearings. x Results obtained using this accelerated test procedure have shown that: 1. There are marked differences in the wear behaviour of different types of dry bearing materials. 2. For two types of PTFE-based composites, and polyacetal, the relationships between wear rate and stress are broadly the same as those obtained in some bearing tests. 3. For one particular PTFE fibre/glass fibre composite, the effects of counterface roughness, temperature, and fluid contamination on wear are generally similar to those encountered in bearings. L Water ! L I I I03 a I 104 I I I I I 105 I Cycles to wear 0 2 0 mm Dry Water I I I05 CycLes to failure 102 b ...... Dry I I Copyright © Controller HMSO, London, 1979 --K DTD585 Water I I I II 10-7 I I 10-6 C I II 10-5 I I I II 10-4 Weor rote mm 3 / Nm 1 0.10 005 / / / i* 1 1 1 1. Atchatd J.F. Contact of rubbing surfaces. J.Appl. Phys. 24, 981-988 (1953) 2. Atchatd J.F. and Hirst W. The wear of metals under unlubricared conditions. Prec. Roy. Soc. (Lend) A236, 397-410 (1956) 3. Lancaster J.K. Geometrical effects on the wear of polymers and carbons. Trans ASME, J.Lub.Tech, 97F, 187-1.94 (1975) 4. Weintraub M.H., Anderson A.E. and Gaeler R.L. Wear of phenolic resin-asbestos friction materials. Advances in polymer friction and Dry E E References wear, Polym. Sci. and Tech. 5B, 623-647, (ed. L-H Lee) Plenum Press (1975) DTD 5 8 5 5. Play D. and Godet M. Self-protection of high wear materials. I 5 O d I 10 I 15 I I 20 25 IO3 cycles Fig 14 Effects o f fiuid contamination on wear o f PTFE fibre composite, K (a) Morton 3a. Spherical bearings, 19. 05 m m shaft dia; oscillatory motion, +25 °, O.0025 m/s, counterface AIS1 440C, 0.05-0.10 larn Ra; reversing load (b ) Rowland and Wyles ~°. Pad on reciprocating track," pad size 36mm x 7.2mm, track FV520 CR steel 0.05-0.10 pm Ra; speed = O.087 m/s, stroke length 0.244mm; 182 MPa (c) Evans~ PTFE + 25% vol glass fibre on disc, 18/8 stainless steel 0.15 wn Ra. Load = 12N, speed--- 0.15 m/s (d) A m p e p 24. Spherical bearings, oscillatory motion +25 °, 10 cycles/min; 182 MPa, unidirectional load is concerned, preliminary experiments have already shown 12 that the RLC test readily shows up marked differences in wear behaviour of interwoven PTFE fibre/ glass fibre composite following slight technological variations in the process of impregnation by synthetic resins. Whether or not the ability of the RLC test to differentiate between the wear behaviour of different materials (Fig 4) is directly relevant to the performance of these materials in bearings, and if so, in which particular conditions of sliding, still remains an open question which only further work can resolve. ASME/ASLE Lub. Conf., Preprint 77LC-5C-2 (1977) 6. BurwellJ.T. and Strang C.D. On the empirical law of adhesive wear. J. Appl.Phys. 23, 18-28 (1952) 7. Mi'ehalonD., Gilbert F., Gonin A. and Caubet J.J. Contribution a une tribometrie industrielle et pedagogique. Mere. Tech. du CETIM, No 4, 72-95 8. Timoshenko S. and Goodier J.N. Theory of Elasticity. 2nd Ed. McGraw Hill (1951) 9. Tabor D. The hardness of metals. Oxford (1951) 10. Rowland K.A. and Wyles S.A. Evaluation of dry bearing materials: linear track and large diameter journal bearings. BA C Rep. PRO 251, (1973) 11. Bearings, plain, self-aligning,self-lubricating, low speed oscillation. MIL-B-818200 (1974) 12.King R.B. Private communication 13. Lancaster J.K. Dry bearings: a survey of materials and factors affecting their performance. Tribology 6,219-251 (1973) 14. Pratt G.C. Hastic-based bearings. In-Lubrication and Lubricants, (ed. E.R. Braithewaite), Elsevier (196 7) 15. Anderson J.C. Private communication 16. Cheeseman K.J. Private communication 17. Lancaster J.K. Unpublished work 18.Delxin; Design handbook. DuPont (196 7) 19. Theberge J.E. Properties of internally-lubricated, glass-fortified thermoplastics for gears and bearings. Prec. 1st Int. Conf. on Solid Lub. ASLE SP-3, 166-184 (1971) Conclusions 20.Clerico M. and Rosette S. Influence of roughness on wear of thermoplastic on metals pairs; a preliminary analysis.Meccanica, 8,174-180 (1973) 21. Tanaka K. and Uchiyama Y. Friction, wear and surface melting of crystalline polymers. Advances in polymer friction and wear, A procedure has been devised for the accelerated wear testing of thin-layer, dry bearing materials involving the use of Hertzian line contact stresses. The total life to failure is determined within hours, in contrast to the 22.Shen C. and Dumbleton J.H. The friction and wear behaviour of polyoxymethylene in connection with joint replacement. Wear 38,291-303 (1976) 74 TRIBOLOGY international April 1979 Polym. ScL and Tech. 5B, 499-530 (Ed. L.H. Lee), Plenum Press (1975) 23.A guide on the design and selection of dry rubbing bearings. E S D U Data item 76029 (1976) 24.Aerospace Design Manual. Ampep Ltd 25 .Wade D..L Private communication 26.Craig W.D. P T F E bearings for high loads and slow oscillation. Lub.Eng. 18, 174-181 (1962) 27. Barrett L.D. Teflon fabric bearings in the helicopter rotor system.ASME Design Eng. Tech. Conf. 1975. Reprint 75-DET. 125 (1975) 28.Allen A.J.G. Plastics as solid lubricants and bearings. Lub. Eng. 1 4 , 2 1 1 - 2 1 5 (1958) 29.Pastor M.W. and Tabor D. The friction and deformation of polymers. Proc.Roy.Soc. (Lond) A235, 210-224 (1956) 30.Williams F.L High temperature airframe bearings and lubricants. Lub.Eng. 18, 30-38 (1962) 31. Evans D.C. Friction and wear properties of PTFE composites at elevated temperatures. LMech.E. Tribology. Group Con- vention, Swansea, Paper 1, 1978 32.Craig W.D. Operation of PTFE bearings in sea water. Lub.Eng. 20, 456-462 (1964) 33.Morton J.G. Private communication 34. Evans D.C. Unpublished work 35. Crook A.W. The elastic deformation of cylinders loaded in line contact. AEI Report A471, Sept (1955) 36. Brewe D.E. and Hamtock R J . Simplified solution for elliptical contact deformation between two elastic solids. Trans. ASME J. Lub.Teeh 99F, 485-487 (1977) 37. Evans D.C. Polymer fluid interactions in relation to wear. Proe. 3rd Leeds-Lyon Symp. on Wear o f non-metallic materials (1978) p47 GLACIER DU DRY BEARING MATERIAL Glacier DU is the proven dry bearing material that is steel backed for strength, and operates within a wide temperature range. It is tolerant of dirt and dust, and has negligible "stick-slip". The unique properties of Glacier DU are available in plain bearing and thrust washer form. A full range of standard metric and inch sizes are available from stock. Specials can be made to order. THE GLACIER M E T A L C O M P A N Y LTD Alperton, Wembley, Middx HAO 1HD Tel: 01-9976611 Telex 936881 TRIBOLOGY international April 1979 75