Purchase Order Cancel Utility


Purchase Order Cancel Utility
Purchase Order Cancel Utility
This Extended Solution to the Purchase Order module adds a Purchase Order Cancel Utility
to the Period end menu. It can be used to:
• Cancel lines on Purchase Orders
• Reset ordered quantities on lines of Purchase Orders
• Cancel Purchase Orders all together
This Extended Solution requires PO-1179: Purchase Order History, to be installed
and enabled and setup options to retain Deleted Lines and Orders set to ‘Yes’ or ‘Prompt’.
Additional functionality exists if PO-1173: Purchase Order Export for BDI Laguna, is enabled.
Before installing this Extended Solution, please verify that the version level(s) printed on
the CD label are the same as the version level(s) of the MAS 90 MAS 200 module(s) you are
using. For further information, please see the Upgrades and Compatibility section below.
Check your Shipping Manifest for a complete list of Extended Solutions shipped.
For detailed installation instructions, please refer to the Sage website at:
Installing Your Extended Solutions under Windows
From a CD
If you have the autorun function turned on for your PC, the installation program will start up
automatically. If not, find the autorun.exe file on your CD-ROM drive and double-click it to
start the installation program. Follow the on-screen instructions.
From the Sage FTP site
When your Extended Solution is ready to be downloaded, you will receive an email from
‘extendedsolutions.na@sage.com’ telling you that it is ready. The email will contain the
Customer Name, Cross Reference, a case-sensitive Password, a link via which you can
download your Extended Solution, instructions, and a Shipping Manifest. If you have any
problems with this order, please email extendedsolutions.na@sage.com and we will assist
you during normal business hours.
Extended Solutions Control Center
Installing any Extended Solution will add an Extended Solutions Control Center to the MAS
90 MAS 200 Library Master Utilities menu. When you open the Control Center, the following
options will be available:
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Extended Solutions Manuals
Remove Extended Solutions
Unlock Extended Solutions
Merge Installation Files
Extended Solutions Setup options
Custom Office
If you customize your MAS 90 MAS 200, then you must run the Update Utility every time
you install this Extended Solution.
Once the disk is installed, you will need to access the Purchase Order Setup menu option
screen. After the standard MAS 90 MAS 200 option screens have been displayed, a Setup
screen for this Extended Solution will appear. Check the ‘Enable Extended Solution’ box to
activate this Extended Solution (Figure 1). The manual for this Extended Solution, if it has
been installed, can be viewed by clicking the ‘Manual’ button next to the ‘Enable Extended
Solution’ check box. It can also be viewed via the Extended Solutions Control Center (see
Installation, above).
Figure 1
Answer the following prompts:
PO HEADER UDF FOR CANCEL AFTER DATE: Select the date type PO Header UDF which will
hold the Cancel After Date.
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VENDOR UDF FOR NUMBER OF DAYS: Select the numeric type A/P Vendor UDF for number of
days to add to the P/O date to create the Cancel After Date.
CANCEL/REASON CODE: Select a PO-1179 Cancel/Reason Code which will be used as
Purchase Order line or orders are deleted.
ADD TO PERIOD END PROCESSING: Check this box to add the Purchase Order Cancel Utility
to Period End Processing
The Purchase Order Cancel Utility will be added to the Purchase Order Period End Menu as
an Update/Period End task. Please review your security setup in Role Maintenance and make
appropriate changes.
You should visit this Setup screen after each upgrade or reinstallation of this Extended
Purchase Order Entry
During P/O Entry the specified Cancel After Date UDF will have its value set to the Purchase
Order date + the value in the specified Vendor UDF for ‘Number of Days’.
P/O Cancel Utility
This utility can be found on the Period End Menu. When accessed it will prompt for a Cancel
After Date and a range of Vendor Numbers (Figure 2).
Figure 2
Any Purchase Orders with a Cancel After Date UDF which falls into the defined criteria and
has no receipt of goods or invoice in progress will have their lines scanned. The program is
looking for un-received quantities. When encountered the program will take one of the
following actions:
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If the Qty Received and the Qty Invoiced for the line are both zero, then the line will
be deleted using the Reason Code specified in Setup and sent to PO-1179’s P/O
If the Qty Received equals the Qty Invoiced, but is less than the Qty Ordered, then
the Qty Ordered will be set to the Qty Received. All extensions and totals will be
recalculated and the line will be considered complete.
If the Qty Received is <> Qty Invoiced but is less than the Qty Ordered, then Qty
Ordered will be set to the Qty Received. All extensions and totals will be recalculated.
Line is still active.
If Receipt of Invoice precedes Receipt of Goods, no changes will be made to the Qty
Ordered. Line is still active.
If all of the lines on the order were deleted due to zero qty received or
invoiced, then the entire order will be deleted using the Reason Code noted in
Setup; PO-1179 P/O History will be updated.
If all of the lines on the order had their Qty Ordered reset to the Qty Received
and were not waiting on a Qty Invoiced, or had some lines that matched this
criterion while others were deleted, then the order would be marked as
complete, deleted and History will be updated.
If PO-1173: Purchase Order Export for BDI Laguna is enabled then an export file will be
created per document that is modified by this utility. Please refer to the PO-1173 manual
for more details.
Period End Processing
If the setup to ‘Add to Period End Processing’ is checked then Purchase Order Period End
and Year End Processing will run the Cancel After Utility as part of Period End Processing.
When processed via Period End you will not have an option for criteria selection, therefore
the system date will be used as the Cancel Date and the Vendor Range will be set to All. All
other processing logic as well as the PO-1173 export will take place as noted above.
Upgrades and Compatibility
The installation CD is labeled with the version of the MAS 90 MAS 200 module for which this
Extended Solution was prepared. This Extended Solution will check its compatibility with
the appropriate MAS 90 MAS 200 modules and will be disabled if an incompatibility is found.
If you upgrade your MAS 90 MAS 200 modules, this Extended Solution must be upgraded as
well. Your MAS 90 MAS 200 dealer can supply this upgrade.
Only changes made to the standard operation of MAS 90 MAS 200 have been documented in
this manual. Operations not documented in this manual are standard procedures of MAS 90
MAS 200 processing. Standard MAS 90 MAS 200 processes, data entry screens, inquiry
screens, reports, updates, etc., have not been changed unless addressed in this document.
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Parts of this document may refer to the Specific Purpose Rule. When referenced, the
described feature was developed for a specific client to its specifications and may not
conform to generally accepted MAS 90 MAS 200 standards and procedures. These features
may or may not benefit you in your application of MAS 90 MAS 200.
© 2005 Sage Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Sage Software, MAS 90, and MAS 200 are
registered trademarks or trademarks of Sage Software, Inc. All other trademarks are the
property of their respective owners.
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