textile wall covering collection


textile wall covering collection
textile wall covering collection
114015 Slate Amber
“Everything you see has its roots
in the unseen world.
The forms may change, yet the
essence remains the same.”
textile wall covering collection
... when all of a sudden lightning struck, accompanied by a long
sky roar. The sky was set ablaze and the earth trembled. Nothing
would ever be the same again. Large fissures in the soil revealed
structures that no man had ever seen before. Earth showed
its inner beauty. Her surface was – only in the wink of an eye
– transformed into a wrinkled crust, showing patterns that had
been hidden for centuries and forms that seemed to have welledup from a secret inner world. This collection is all about essential
forms and designs that have been asleep for a very long time.
We have saved them from total oblivion and have given them a
special Asanderus-treatment.
If you have ever had the pleasure of being guided
through an underground corridor, only lit by the faint
light of a torch, the sheer beauty of transparent and
perfectly carved crystals might have bedazzled you.
LIAM refers to the geometrical and strong shape of
114005 Liam Magnum
these crystals. LIAM shows a strong pattern with
a dynamic twist that allows your interior to live up.
It is a lightly coloured design with a crystal-clear
geometrical touch.
Time will tell. If QUARTZ had been human, he
would have told you stories about time passing
by and explain how time possessed the ability
to slowly transform the hardest of materials.
114012 Quartz Mist
This design refers to the relation between rock,
pressure, time and nature’s patience. QUARTZ
breathes timelessness.
One could regard the use of this pattern as a
transition from ‘exterior to interior’. Crumbly
SLATE shows quite some character and has
been used for house building purposes for ages.
114017 Slate Magma
This pattern – the name says it all - refers to the
beautiful, subtle and fine patterns that characterize
slate stones.
This is the collection’s uni-structure. SVETLANA is
the basis, a pure and essential design, allowing
beautiful combinations with LIAM, QUARTZ and
114033 Svetlana Bronze
114023 Svetlana Coral
114024 Svetlana Crystal
114025 Svetlana Desert
114025 Svetlana Ivory
114027 Svetlana Jasper
114027 Svetlana Magma
114029 Svetlana Metal
114030 Svetlana Mica
114031 Svetlana Mist
114032 Svetlana Moonstone
1140033 Svetlana Sand
114035 Svetlana Steel
114036 Svetlana Stone
114017 Slate Magma
114034 Svetlana Smoke
Calcutta nv
Schoolstraat 20
9940 Sleidinge
T +32 9 357 37 95
F +32 9 357 68 13
Press information:
Jo Goossens
T +32 9 357 36 42
F +32 9 357 68 13