Scorpion Scoop - February, 2016
Scorpion Scoop - February, 2016
Scorpion Scoop - February, 2016 Sykesville Middle School ● 7301 Springfield Avenue ● Sykesville, MD 21784 ● (410) 751-3545 ● (410) 751-3573 ● Message from the Principal What’s in this Newsletter!!! Message from the Principal Dear Parents, Spotlight on Character The blizzard of January 2016 is behind us and with each passing day we are a little closer to spring. With February comes the start of the second half of the school year. Report cards for the second marking period will be sent home on Wednesday, February 10. Students will now be challenged to remain focused on completing a successful third term. Eighth grade students are beginning the high school course selection process. Parents, please review the recommendations, and bring the course selection sheet to one of the scheduling nights at Century (either February 3 or February 11 between 4 pm and 6:45 pm, no appointment necessary). Nurse’s Notes: New Vaccination Requirements Reye’s Syndrome Media Beat Info for Everyone Valentine Dance Order Your Yearbook Summer Enrichment SMS vs. ORMS Basketball Talent Show Bus Riders Silent Acution @ Oscar’s SGA News SMS Night at Century Basketball Game Homework Club School Reward Programs 2017 EF Trip to the Galapagos Volunteer Training Dates PTO Scrip Program Mini-Series for African American Students CHS Summer Tennis Camp Ms. Alaina Haerbig, Mrs. Kathleen McLeod, Mrs. Maria Smith, Mrs. Carmela Whitlow, and Mrs. Amber Zepp have the honor of being nominated by either students or parents for the Carroll County Outstanding Teacher Award. Congratulations to our nominated teachers and thank you to those who nominated them. I appreciate all your efforts to make school attendance a priority. Regular attendance is an important ingredient to being a successful student. Completing missed work, while at the same time completing current assignments, can be difficult. Students who attend school every day tend to stay on top of their workload and, ultimately, perform better in school. This is reflected in better grades and a successful, happier child. Hopefully, weather won’t have too much of an impact as we move through February and into spring. We have some upcoming events that I would like to highlight. The PTO is having a restaurant night and silent auction fundraiser at Oscar’s Ale House on Tuesday, February 9 from 12 pm to 8:30 pm (see the flyer in this newsletter). We have new dates for the PTO events at Stratosphere Trampoline Park - 7th/8th Grade is Sunday, February 14 and 6th Grade is Sunday, February 21. SHOUT students are planning a Valentine’s Dance for Friday, February 12, 6:30 to 8:30, here at school. This month will be busy and filled with many activities. Please take a few minutes to look at our calendar of events posted on our web page to see all that is happening at Sykesville Middle in February. February Lunch Menu Sincerely, Ralph K. Billings Principal COUNSELING CORNER Spotlight on Character RESPECT RESPONSIBILITY RESILIENCY New this school year, Sykesville Middle will be focusing our spotlight on three specific traits Respect, Responsibility, and Resiliency. The following students were selected as “Character Ed Students of the Month” for December and January. They will make a special appearance on our student-run, live TV segment “Spotlight on Character”. The students will be recognized by Mr. Billings and they will say a few words about why they were selected. Congratulations to: Respect Responsibility Resiliency Team 2 Emma Gordon Luke ZumBrunnen Landon Adams Team 6 Hannah Sobchak Olivia Sobchak Andrew DeShong Team 7 Danielle Baker Jack McInturff Grace Bruce Team 9 Stephanie Broussard Tommy Chop Sarah Deese January Respect Responsibility Resiliency Team 1 Olivia Wanex Alison Lamdin Jacob Naill Team 2 Avery Mattox Fallon Sinkler Jake Hamilton Team 4 John Hallman Katelyn Calvo Tatum McEwen Team 5 Ivan Atanasov Shelby Ebert Violet Allen Team 6 Alexandra Nelson Mallory Scheurer Dimitri Berry Team 7 Claire Hollinger Alyssa Amicone Shane Wagner Team 8 Alex Ellis Jackson Glenn Sydney Nguyen Team 9 Chett Brunner Megan Tignor Chelsea Reedy December Would you like to watch Spotlight on Character and Scorpion TV on your computer at home? Just go to the SMS website at Click on the Media Center tab and then the Electronic Resources tab. Nurse’s Notes: We are about to start the second month of 2016 and I would like to help everyone try to stay healthy! There are some basic measures that children and adults can take to make this happen. Everyone needs to cover their mouth and nose when they cough or sneeze. If you have used your hands in this process, your hands must be washed thoroughly with soap and water. There are plenty of cold viruses, streptococcus, and flu viruses around. Please remember not to give aspirin to your children if they have flu symptoms since it may cause Reye’s Syndrome. (See the next page for additional information on Reye’s Syndrome.). It’s not too late to get a flu shot! IMPORTANT—CHANGE IN VACCINATION REQUIREMENTS PARENTS/GUARDIANS OF ALL INCOMING 7TH GRADE STUDENTS (SCHOOL YEAR 2016-2017): The regulations covering school immunizations have changed for the school year 2016. In order to begin the school year 2016-2017 all incoming 7th grade students will be required to have: 1 dose of Tdap vaccine 1 dose of Meningococcal vaccine If your child does not have written proof of these vaccinations, they will be excluded from school. Please check with your physician to schedule these vaccinations prior to the start of the school year. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Please feel free to contact me if you have any concerns about your child. I write in the agenda portion of their handbook if they have been in to see me. Beth Harkins, BSN School Nurse MEDIA BEAT TV Tributes The Media Center is selling TV Tributes to give students and staff an opportunity to recognize greatness in those around them! Tributes are 25 cents each (or 5 for $1.00) and allow members of the Sykesville community to share something great someone has done. Tributes must be positive. Students can thank each other for being a good friend, going above and beyond on a group project, doing something nice for someone else. Teachers can catch kids being good - recognizing specific students for small acts of kindness, acknowledging a whole class’s efforts during a challenging lesson, etc. During the month of February students (and teachers) can fill out a TV Tribute, purchase it at the Media Center during homeroom, and the Tribute will be announced on the Morning Announcements the next day. It is a way to celebrate the month of February by getting some positive comments out to our school community and raise money for our One School One Book initiative. Battle of the Books Mark your Calendars! April 8, 2016 at 6:30 pm Mount Airy Middle School The Battle of the Books will take place on April 8, 2016. Sykesville Middle School will be sending seven teams to this awesome competition and celebration of reading. Come cheer on our teams! Bring your friends … we can’t wait to see you there! Lost Books It is not unusual for students to misplace media books. We suggest that they check at home, their teachers’ rooms and bookshelves, their lockers, the lost and found, etc. While the student is checking their list of likely places, we are keeping our eyes open as well. We can mark the book lost so the student can continue checking out books. Most lost books turn up long before May when we ask students to pay for lost books. Please DO NOT buy a replacement book. The books we purchase for the Media Center have reinforced bindings and special processing (bar codes, spine labels, cataloging, etc.) Remember, those lost books usually turn up! If you do pay for a lost book and it turns up after you’ve paid, we will refund your money. MEDIA BEAT Cartridge Recycling If you have any old printer cartridges, please drop them off at the office. We will be happy to send them off for recycling! Black-Eyed Susan Challenge Continues! It’s not too late to participate in the Black Eyed Susan Reading Challenge! Your student can easily join in this program. It is simple. Read a title on the nominated list below. Once a title is read, just visit the Media Center in the morning and take an easy quiz to verify which book has been read. Once the student has read 3 or more - he or she is invited to our celebration in the spring. Many students are already reading a lot of these books because many of them are on the Battle of the Books list! The following students and staff have read at least 3 of the nominated books: STUDENTS STAFF MEMBERS Isabella Battish * Mrs. Bricca * Gabrielle Bond Mrs. Cane Alexis Hamrlik Mrs. Davies Riley Hanson Mrs. Fleming Sophia Leiva Mrs. Gerard Skylar Moor Mrs. Kimble Lucy Murr * Mrs. Paulsgrove * Jackson Reed Mrs. Vondy Isabella Sanchez Mrs. Whitlow * Erin Welch * Congratulations to these students and staff members! They have read ALL 10 books! 2015-2016 Black-Eyed Susan Nominees “I Kill the Mockingbird” by Paul Acampora “The Crossover” by Kwame Alexander “The Night Gardener” by Jonathan Auxier “The Great Trouble” by Deborah Hopkinson “Ice Dogs” by Terry Lynn Johnson “The Boy on the Wooden Box” by Leon Leyson “Greenglass House” by Kate Milford “The Boundless” by Kenneth Oppel “Screaming at the Ump” by Audrey Vernick “I am Malala” by Malala Yousafzai INFO FOR EVERYONE SHOUT is sponsoring a VALENTINE’S DAY DANCE! ALL GRADES ARE INVITED Friday 2/12/16 (6:30 pm to 8:30 pm) in the Sykesville Middle gym and cafeteria Tickets are $3.00 and will be available beginning 2/4/16 during each grade’s lunch time. There will be a DJ, open gym and food. SPACE IS LIMITED TO 250 PEOPLE, SO GET YOUR TICKETS EARLY! SMS 2016 Yearbook Sales Have Begun! Cost: $22.00 Zoom- Current Event Insert: $2.50 Paper orders are due by February 29, 2016 Online orders are available until March 17, 2016 with Yearbook ID Code: 7825316 CCPS is now accepting registrations for the 2016 Summer Enrichment Program (SEP). We have some great new classes in addition to many old favorites! If you've participated previously in the SEP program, please sign up again. If this is your first time considering our classes, please request a program booklet from your student’s guidance counselor and become a part of the 400 students who participate each year. Questions should be directed to Mr. Dick Thompson, Coordinator, at BE A PART OF THE SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM THIS YEAR! INFO FOR EVERYONE SCORPIONS TWISTERS VS. SAVE the DATE – A friendly game of basketball? Don’t miss this second annual event! It will take place on Friday, April 1 at Century High School. Stay tuned for more details! TALENT SHOW…SAVE the DATE Do you sing and dance? Can you juggle while whistling? Get your act together! Sykesville Middle’s annual talent show will be Saturday, April 30 at 7:00 pm at Century High School. Look out for audition dates. Pick your music, learn the words, choreograph your dance moves. Or at least plan to attend this exciting school event. Save the Date – April 30 Bus Riders ATTENTION: Students and Parents! Students may NOT ride buses other than those to which they are regularly assigned. Riding another bus without prior written approval by the administration will result in a Bus Referral. In the event of an emergency, riding another bus may be permitted with prior written approval by the administration; following a written request and notification by both sets of parents/ guardians involved. The safety of our students remains a primary concern and it is critical that students not get on or off of their assigned bus at any stop other than the stop designated by CCPS Transportation. This action also warrants a Bus Referral and may result in the termination of bus riding privileges. SGA NEWS SGA is sponsoring a SPIRIT WEEK in February We will be having the following dress-up days: Friday 2/5 - Football Jersey (Super Bowl is 2/7) Monday 2/8 - Decades Day (your choice, dress like the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s) Tuesday 2/9 - Mardi Gras (beads and face paint; beads can be “bought” next week in the PBIS store with tickets.) Wednesday 2/10 - Grade Color Day 6th - purple 7th - yellow 8th - green (show your Century pride) Thursday 2/11 - Hat Day Friday 2/12 - Valentine colors, hearts, and love SGA will be selling two items at lunch during the week. Ring pops will be sold every day for $0.50 (cash and carry). Orders for silk flowers ($1.00 each) will be sold and the flowers will be delivered on Friday 2/12. SHOUT is sponsoring a Valentine’s Dance on Friday 2/12/16 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm in the gym and cafeteria. Tickets are $3.00. There will be a DJ, open gym, and food. Please support these fun events! The Adopt A Family Program was a huge success thanks to you! With your help we were able to adopt a total of 7 families in need of assistance for the holidays. We want to thank each and every one of you for the outpouring of support. Everybody just seemed to pitch in and give a helping hand where needed. Everybody! The custodial staff, cafeteria staff, teachers, students, parents, administrators, PTO, SHOUT, office staff, and the list goes on. Someone was always available to offer a helping hand. What great valuable life lessons we were all able to give to our students. THANK YOU! Dear Parents: We have exciting news from the Historic Sykesville Colored Schoolhouse. We have long felt that the building should get back to its original purpose of teaching kids! Beginning on February 1, 2016, that is what will happen. We are about to start a Homework Club. A little about the Schoolhouse and the Club: The Schoolhouse is owned and operated by the Town of Sykesville. St. Paul’s United Methodist Church is sponsoring the Club. There is NO CHARGE for the families involved. The Club will meet every Monday and Wednesday afternoon, from 4:00 until 5:30 p.m. Sessions will begin with cookie, juice, and some type of fruit. There will be a minimum of three tutors present at each session to work with the children on their homework. A child does not need to come to every single session, but a better rapport will develop between the child and a tutor if she or he attends regularly. All children are welcome. Those in the Schoolhouse Road community will be dismissed to walk home at 5:30 p.m. Those from other neighborhoods must provide their own transportation. Someone will remain in the Schoolhouse until it is certain that all the children have arrived home safely. The Homework Club will begin on Monday, February 1, 2016. Participants must have a signed permission slip. Sincerely, Pat Greenwald, Schoolhouse Coordinator Sykesville Middle Register and Shop With several of the partnerships it’s as simple as registering your card and then shopping at these retailers as you normally would. Martin’s, Giant, and Target: To register your card go to: redcard/content/rcw_manage Martin’s - A+ School Rewards School ID# 00437 Giant - A+ School Rewards School ID# 1755 Clip and Save These partnerships involve clipping items off of specially marked purchases. For each Box Top turned in, Sykesville Middle School gets 10¢! And when the Campbell’s “Labels for Education” items are turned in we collect points which can later be used toward a variety of items found in the “Labels for Education” catalog. These include items for academics, athletics and the arts. Please collect and turn in your items to Mrs. Schaper. We collect these throughout the entire year! For a detailed list of participating products click on the links below. Box tops and lebels will be counted twice a year, and the winning homeroom gets a morning breakfast. Participating BoxTop Items Campbell’s Labels for Education Help Families in Need! Sykesville Middle School has a Goodwill Bin! As you drive into school, it is located on the left in the corner of the parking lot - it is big and blue and hard to miss. Carroll County Public Schools and Goodwill Industries of Monocacy Valley are partnered in an effort to support struggling families in Carroll County. We supply $20 vouchers to families so that they can purchase clothing from Goodwill. CCPS receives these vouchers from Goodwill based upon the weight of donations collected in the Goodwill collection boxes that are placed at many of our schools throughout the county. So far this school year, CCPS has been able to assist 58 families by issuing 144 vouchers. But there are families on a waiting list. Please consider donating your discarded clothing (new, used, even torn and stained) and small household items to Goodwill using the collection box at SMS. Funding Factory Over 500 million printer cartridges are thrown away every year in the United States contributing billions of tons of waste to the nation’s landfills. Inkjet and laser cartridges can be refurbished and Sykesville Middle can earn money by collecting them. Please send in your empty inkjet and laser cartridges! For more information go to: Recycle, recycle, recycle! What Goes in the Paper Retriever® Bin? Newspaper and Inserts – New newsprint can be made from 100% recycled paper. No virgin fiber has to be added when using this type of process. Magazines/catalogs – Our Retriever program is happy to take magazines and catalogs, all slick paper. We can use all this high quality/high fiber paper with the exception of any paper coated in wax. Office/School papers – These types of paper are highly recyclable. Because of the proliferation of paper created by offices and schools, please use the Retriever bin to recycle all that you can. We are able to accept window envelopes, paperback books, workbooks and staples without a problem. Shredded paper is acceptable but please bag the shreds before putting them in the Retriever bin. However, please do not recycle colored paper, wrapping or tissue paper, carbon paper or sticky notes. Mail – Most direct mail is printed on high quality recyclable paper. Please recycle the mail that you feel comfortable putting in our recycling bin. For more information, you can view the tour website at or contact Ms. Levine at This is not a CCPS sponsored activity and there is a cost to the trip, The trip dates are 6/27/17 to 7/5/17. VOLUNTEER TRAINING SESSIONS FOR FEBRUARY 2016 Level II Volunteers (classroom helpers, tutors, chaperones, mentors, etc.) are required to attend an annual training session at least seven (7) school days prior to volunteering. School days are defined as days when schools are open for students. Volunteer training obtained during the 2014-2015 school year expired September 30, 2015. Please note: Prompt arrival for training sessions is required, so please allow adequate travel time in order to arrive before the presentation begins. Attendees must be present for the entire presentation because volunteer training is an annual compliance requirement. You will need to attend another presentation if the training session has begun when you arrive. Any changes to this Training Schedule will be updated on the CCPS website at:: Safety and Security Requirement – Effective July 2014 Anyone planning to volunteer during the 2014-2015 school year must provide valid photo identification at the conclusion of the training session. Inclement Weather: If the snow emergency plan is in effect, CCPS Sponsored Activities are CANCELLED. DATE SCHOOL + precedes a school event/activity ^ follows a school event/activity # part of a school event/activity TIME CONTACT 2/3 Friendship Valley Elementary 9:00 AM 410-751-3650 2/4 Taneytown Elementary 5:15 PM 410-751-3260 2/9 South Carroll High 6:00 PM 410-751-3575 2/10 + Spring Garden Elementary 5:45 PM 410-751-3433 2/16 Ebb Valley Elementary 6:00 PM 410-386-1550 2/17 Sandymount Elementary 6:15 PM 410-751-3242 2/17 + Winfield Elementary 6:15 PM 410-751-3242 2/18 Mechanicsville Elementary 10:15 AM 410-751-3510 2/23 Runnymede Elementary 5:15 PM 410-751-3203 Please call the number provided to confirm the scheduled training session. The Carroll County Public Schools (CCPS) is firmly committed to creating equal employment and educational opportunities for all persons with regard to its employment practices and in the provision of services, programs, and activities. The CCPS does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, genetic information, marital status, mental or physical disability, ancestry or national origin, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation. The CCPS provides non-discriminatory access to school facilities in accordance with its policies and regulations regarding the community use of schools (including, but not limited to, the Boy Scouts). The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Gregory J. Bricca, Director of Research and Accountability, 125 North Court Street, Westminster, Maryland 21157, (410) 751-3068. The Carroll County Public Schools (CCPS) does not discriminate on the basis of disability in employment or the provision of services, programs or activities. Persons needing auxiliary aids and services for communication should contact the Office of Community and Media Relations at 410-751-3020 or, or write to Carroll County Public Schools, 125 North Court Street, Westminster, Maryland 21157. Persons who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability, may use Relay or 7-1-1. Please contact the school system at least one (1) week in advance of the date the special accommodation is needed. Information concerning the Americans with Disabilities Act is available from the Director of Facilities or the Supervisor of Community and Media Relations: Raymond Prokop, Director of Facilities Management, 125 North Court Street, Westminster, Maryland 21157, (410) 7513177, or Carey Gaddis, Supervisor of Community and Media Relations, 125 North Court Street, Westminster, Maryland 21157, (410) 751-3020. Fundraise for Sykesville Middle School while you do your shopping!!! Great idea for Valentine Gifts!! Scrip Fundraising is a program that enables families to raise money for SMS just by purchasing gift cards. Families purchase gift cards at face value and SMS receives a rebate on the card - anywhere from 4% on a Martin’s card or 13% on a Bath And Body Works card. The purchaser pays only the amount of the card. The Scrip Fundraising program offers over 300 of the country's biggest brands, including grocery stores (Martin’s, Safeway, Shoppers), department stores (Macy’s, Nordstrom, Boscovs), gas stations, restaurants (Panera, Chili’s, Dunkin Donuts, Dominos), hotels, home improvement, and more! Just by using Scrip to pay for your normal weekly purchases, you can easily raise money for the school. Let's put your holiday shopping dollars to work!! Gift cards can be purchased as a regular gift card or ScripNow! - an e-card delivered to your email address. If you purchase a physical card from the SMS Scrip program, it can re-filled online at the Scrip Fundraising site and Sykesville Middle will continue to receive fundraising dollars. Here are the EASY steps to start shopping: 1. Go to and click the "REGISTER" button at the top of the screen; 2. Click "Join a Scrip Program"; 3. Enter the Sykesville Middle School Enrollment Code - 9ACEEFL83814L - by entering this code, your account will be associated with the SMS program. 4. Hit "Register"; 5. Fill in all the required personal information and choose two security challenge questions from the list and provide answers; 5. Start SHOPPING!! 6. When you are finished shopping, check out, you can print your order form and submit it with a check made payable to SMS Scrip Program, or sign up for PrestoPay, and have the payment taken directly out of your checking account. Your child can bring the payment and form to school and give it to their homeroom teacher. Orders are automatically submitted to the coordinator for verification and submission. Because of shipping charges, orders will be placed only when orders equal $300 or once a week, usually on Wednesday. 7. You will be notified when your cards have arrived - usually 5-7 days from placing the order - and arrangements can be made to pick up the cards, or have them sent home with our child. If you choose the option to have the cards sent home with your child, the SMS Scrip Program will not be responsible for lost or stolen cards. Have fun fundraising!! If you have questions, contact the SMS Scrip Coordinator at
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