- Candlewick Lake Association
- Candlewick Lake Association
CANDLEWICK LAKE ASSOCIATION INC. 13400 Hwy. 76, Poplar Grove, IL 61065-8814 www.candlewick-lake.org prsrt std U.S. Postage Paid Poplar Grove, IL Permit No. 6 candlewick Official Publication of CWL Vol. 32, No. 1 January 2016 lake What to Look for... President’s Prerogative General Manager’s Report News Call for Candidates Public Safety Environmental Control Financials Meeting Minutes 3 4 4-7 6 10 11 12 14-15 www.candlewicklake.org Happy New Year from Your Candlewick Staff! Road Commission Volunteers Needed The Road Commission is starting up again. If you are interested in joining the Road Commission, please contact Theresa Balk at the Administration Office (815-7652827x204) by January 15, 2016. If there is enough of an interest, we will get the commission up and running by February. Last Call for Board Candidates By this time, you have probably decided whether or not you will be running for one of the three open seats on the Board. Previous issues of the Candlewick Lake newspaper has outlined what is expected if you are elected. If you believe you have ideas regarding how to help our Association continue to move forward, please submit your resume. Resume information is in this issue of the paper. Be sure to follow the submission details. Resumes must be e-mailed to the General Manager at tbalk@candlewicklake. org or sent by US mail, arriving at the Candlewick Lake Administration Office no later than 4:30 P.M. January 15, 2016. Submissions will be accepted no earlier than January 1, 2016 at 12:01 A.M. Names will appear on the ballot in the order the resumes are received, so get them in early. FEBRUARY IS THE ELECTION ISSUE! WATCH NEXT MONTH’S PAPER FOR ELECTION ARTICLES, CANDIDATE INFORMATION AND MORE. REMEMBER, YOUR VOTE COUNTS. CANDIDATES FORUM & BUDGET HEARING SNOW WARNING FOR PARENTS Please keep your children off of the snow piles created by the plow trucks. If the trucks are out plowing or come back to do clean up, they may not see children playing behind the snow pile. This creates a serious safety issue. Disposal of Christmas Trees Christmas trees will be accepted by Advanced Disposal thru January 14th. If your tree is over 9 feet tall, please cut in half. February 7, 2016 1:00 P.M. Recreation Center Meet your Board Candidates and ask them questions. There will be a budget hearing following the forum. 2016 Call for Candidates on Page 6! 2 JANUARY 2016 Candlewick Lake News CWL Information Board Meeting Schedule 6:30 PM Meeting Call to Order Tuesday, January 19, 2016 Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:30 PM at the Rec Center Multi-purpose room. All Candlewick members are welcome to attend. If you cannot attend or would like a specific issue addressed, please address your written correspondence to the Board of Directors and send or drop them off at the Candlewick Office no later than the Thursday before the Board Meeting. This allows time to research the issue before the meeting. Candlewick Lake 2015-2016 Board of Directors Ken Dillenburg President 2510 Candlewick Dr. SE Poplar Grove, IL 61065 (815) 765-2607 Lakefolks2@gmail.com Term Expires: 2018 Don Parisi Vice President 121 Galleon Run SE Poplar Grove, IL 61065 (815) 289-6044 dparisi@remaxhorizon.com Term Expires: 2017 Jeff Lutzow Treasurer 130 Hastings Way SW Poplar Grove, IL 61065 (815) 847-5373 jeff_lutzow@yahoo.com Term Expires: 2018 Chuck Corso Secretary 119 Minarette Dr. SW Poplar Grove, IL 61065 (309) 235-4941 chuckcorso@frontier.com Term Expires: 2016 Bonnie Marron Director 2508 Candlewick Dr. SE Poplar Grove, IL 61065 (815) 765-2030 canoe@ameritech.net Term Expires: 2016 Steve Lambright Director 600 Marquette Dr. SW Poplar Grove, IL 61065 (815) 765-5053 seth731_99@yahoo.com Term Expires: 2016 Rich Witt Director 1624 Candlewick Dr. SW Poplar Grove, IL 61065 (815) 765-0070 RWitt@candlewicklake.org Term Expires: 2018 Candlewick Lake Directory 13400 Hwy. 76 Poplar Grove, IL 61065 (815) 765-2827 info@candlewicklake.org Office Hours 8:30-4:30 Mon.-Fri. 9:00-12:00 pm Saturday Administration Office Fax Savannah Oaks Maintenance Office Public Safety Office Rec Center Pool Visitor Call In Report an Incident 765-2827 765-2809 765-0111 765-3503 765-2827 765-1943 765-2716 765-2067 765-3768 Community Telephone Numbers Aqua Illinois Water 877-987-2782 MediaCom (cable) 800-824-6047 Local Rep 815-403-3414 Advanced Disposal 815-874-8431 Nicor 888-642-6748 ComEd 800-EDISON1 Frontier Tel. 800-921-8101 800-921-8104 J.U.L.I.E. 800-892-0123 Poplar Grove P.O. 800-765-1572 Boone Co. Clerk 815-544-3103 Boone Co. Treas. 815-544-2666 Capron Rescue 911 Fire Dist. #3 911 Sheriff 911 Sheriff (non-emer.) 815-544-2144 Animal Emerg. Clinic 815-229-7791 Candlewick Lake Committees/Commissions (Check this month’s calendar for committee meeting dates and times.) Finance Events Citation Review Election Environmental Control Lake Management Public Safety Communications Commission Recreation Commission Golf Commission Jeff Lutzow, Treasurer 847-5373 Kathi Smith, Chair 765-1943 Jackie Lenick 717-0111 (309) 235-4941 Chuck Corso Ron Drake 765-5350 Chuck Hart, Chair 520-1796 Bill Batzkall, Co-Chair 765-0439 John Schwartz 765-9131 Sandy Morse, Co-Chair/Editor 765-2377 Bonnie Marron 765-2030 Mary Budreau 765-0323 Glenn O’Connell 509-9889 Important Notice for Those on ACH If you had an ACH processed in March, we automatically continued your ACH unless we received notification in writing from you at least 14 days prior to the withdrawal. Remember, any changes to your account must be made in writing 14 days prior to your scheduled withdrawal date. Based on the approved budget, the following schedule provides notification of the revised monthly ACH amounts. Ad Disclaimer We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement, photo or article. Advertise in Candlewick Lake For Display Ads call... Bob @ 815-742-8333 Email: rbmadvertising@gmail.com For Classified Line Ads call... the CWL Office @ 815-765-2827 or visit us online @ www.candlewick-lake.org ACH MONTHLY WITHDRAWAL AMOUNTS BASED ON AN ELEVEN MONTH PLAN Total Invoice $1071.00 ACH Amount $102.00 monthly Total Invoice $1338.75 ACH Amount $127.00 monthly Total Invoice $1606.50 ACH Amount $152.00 monthly Total Invoice $1874.25 ACH Amount $177.00 monthly Total Invoice $2142.00 ACH Amount $202.50 monthly Associate Member Fee $ 450.00 ACH Amount $ 42.50 monthly Guidelines for Editorial Submissions • • • • • • • • • • • • Submissions must be no larger than 350 words. Submissions must pertain to CWL matters. Submissions must be on a topic or issue. No vulgar, obscene or offensive language including reference to race, color, creed or religion. No character bashing. Submissions must be received in the administration office by the 10th of the month for publication in the upcoming month’s paper. Submissions must be typed and/or in electronic format. Submissions must include the writers name and street name. Constructive criticism is accepted but must include an alternative solution(s). The Communications Committee reserves the right to hold back printing submissions due to space considerations. Submissions must be received in the administration office or at cwlnewspaper@ candlewicklake.org by the 10th of the month for publication in the upcoming month’s paper The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the author of each the editorial published in the Candlewick Lake Newspaper do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs or viewpoints of the Candlewick Lake Staff, Board of Directors or the Communications Commission. The content of any editorial submitted is the sole responsibility of its author. Candlewick Lake News JANUARY 2016 3 President’s Prerogative by Ken Dillenburg, Board President Hello again and happy new year! We all made it through Christmas and now after New Year’s, we can settle in for a long cold winter. The ice fishermen (a.k.a. hard water fishermen) love it, but they are about the only ones. Our snowbirds are following the warmth south, and I envy them. I want to touch on the elections one last time. When this paper is delivered, there is still time to get your information in and have your name on the ballot as a candidate for one of the three Board seats up for election this year. You can truly make a difference. If you have questions or concerns, please give me a call, and I will be happy to cover anything you wish to discuss. Good people that want the best for our community are always needed. Discussion was held at our December Board meeting about the 2016 road project. A property owner had asked why we have not been using a commission for road projects as we did at one time. There is always a problem getting volunteers for this commission, but we will try again this year. The decision was made to put out a call for volunteers for a road commission, and if we have four responses by our next Board meeting from those wishing to join, we will reinstate the commission. If not, we will once again use our Maintenance Department recommendations with input from our General Manager and your Board to determine the areas of repair. Our maintenance guys called it about right getting the equipment set for the plowing season. They finished getting the trucks set just before one of the heaviest November snows on record for us, and I think they did a pretty good job considering the depth of the snow, the wind, then the single digit cold all hitting within a couple days starting November 20. I had occasion to do some driving in Belvidere and Rockford that Sunday morning, and we looked pretty good in comparison. I, like the rest of you, hate it when I have cleared the driveway and the plow buries the end of it again, but we have to give these guys a break. How would you like to be up in the middle of the night plowing, then out again with almost no sleep clearing the roads again? They have to move fast, and there will be complaints from those who are never satisfied. Our roads, if in a straight line, would run about to Janesville, Wisconsin -- around 27 miles of roadway to handle with all the corners, parking lots, and cul-de-sacs. Hard to believe, isn’t it! Chief Wood of our Public Safety Department has repeatedly asked that everyone lock their cars when left in driveways. There has been a rash of thefts from cars (probably by kids) who are taking advantage of the opportunity to take cash, CDs, etc., from the cars. None of these have been broken into, simply left unlocked. This continued on page 15 2015-2016 Fee Schedule Candlewick Collection Policy Annual invoices for assessments (dues) are mailed out at the end of March each year. The due date for payment of annual dues is May 1st. Payment covers the time period of May 1st through April 30th. PAYMENT OPTIONS: Monthly Electronic Fund Transfer (ACH) US Mail or online bill pay to Candlewick’s lockbox (27 N Wacker Dr. #825, Chicago IL 60606-2800) Online one time payment via echeck or credit card (MasterCard, or Discover). There is a $14.95 convenience fee if paid via a credit card. Log into www. smartstreet.com and select “Online Payments” Pay in Person at the Association Office by check or cash. Credit cards are not accepted for dues payments in the office. DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS: An account is considered delinquent if payment in full is not processed before May 1st or an Electronic Fund Transfer Agreement is not submitted by May 1st. To be considered current, monthly payment of dues is only allowed if processed via an Electronic Fund Transfer (ACH). All delinquent accounts will proceed through the Collection Action Process. NSF CHECK OR NSF ACH: An account that has an electronic payment or check returned unpaid by the financial institution will be charged $35 and mailed a letter notifying them that if payment is not received in 5 business days then c-pass, guest list and member i.d. card privileges will be suspended until payment is received in full. If an ACH is returned THREE times or your bank account is closed between May 1st and April 30th then the electronic funds transfer agreement will be terminated and the entire balance is due. If payment is not received your account will proceed through the Collection Action Process. CITATIONS: Citations must be paid within 30 days of receiving a letter stating that the citation was reviewed and/or validated by the Citation Review Committee. After 30 days, c-pass, guest list and member i.d. card privileges will be suspended until payment is received in full. The balance due on citations will proceed through the Collection Action Process. COLLECTION ACTION PROCESS: 30 days Past Due - 7% interest is added to the account 40 days Past Due - A letter is mailed giving notice of intent to lien. If payment is not made within 10 days, then c-pass, guest list, and member i.d. privileges will be suspended. 50 days Past Due - A lien and a lien fee of $100 will be placed on your account unless there is already a valid lien placed on your property. Your c-pass, guest list and member i.d. card privileges will have been suspended. 60 days Past Due - Account is sent to the attorney for collections. Further collection actions may include a Notice of Demand, Money Judgment, Garnishment and a Forcible Entry and Detainer Lawsuit. Candlewick Lake News The Candlewick Lake News is the primary source of information and communication to all its members. The News is now mailed to individual homes in the community. Property owners who reside offsite will also receive the News by presorted postal standard rate. Additional copies of the News are available at the East and West Gates, Rec Center and at the Association Office. In addition, the news is electronically available on the website. For ad info, RBM Designs at 815-742-8333. Deadline to Advertise In the Candlewick News february issue is january 15! Call Bob at RBM Designs at 815-742-8333 or email rbmadvertising@GMAIL.com for information. Association Dues - Single Lot (Annual Fee)...................................................................... 882.00 Long Term Capital Reserve - Single Lot (Annual Fee)...................................................... 189.00 Tenant Fee (Annual Fee)..................................................................................................... 450.00 C-Pass –Owner of Record/Resident - each.......................................................................... 25.00 C-Pass – Guest/Contractor - each ................................................................................... 35.00 Owner of Record/Resident Pool Pass Individual . ....................................................................... Pool Pass Non-designated Limited to four.......................................................................... 25.00 Daily Pool Pass....................................................................................................................... 5.00 Daily Fishing Permit - guests Limited to five per day........................................................ 10.00 3 Consecutive Day Fishing Pass - Guests............................................................................. 15.00 Fishing permit non-designated Limited to four................................................................... 30.00 Resident Recreational Boat Decal ............................................................................................... Security House Checks calendar month............................................................................... 45.00 Storage Area – Large sites – Yearly Rental......................................................................... 145.00 Storage Area – Small Sites – Yearly Rental........................................................................ 105.00 Dock Rental – Marina Docks (priority to pontoon or large boats)..................................... 315.00 Dock Rental – Stationary Docks (priority to run about or small boats)............................. 185.00 Dock Rentals - Rec Center - Daily (Mon-Fri).................................................................... 10/day Dock Rentals - Rec Center - Weekend (Sat-Sun)....................................................... 35/weekend Boat Rentals- paddle and row boats ($20 deposit or license) children required to wear life jacket $2.00/person rental............................................. 5/hr Building Rental Outpost Rental - (Half day, 5 hours or less) + deposit ($200)............................................. 75.00 Outpost Rental - (Full day) + deposit ($200)..................................................................... 150.00 Golf Course Clubhouse Rental (Half day, 5 hours or less + deposit $200) Bartender included.......................................... 225.00 Golf Course Clubhouse Rental (Full day, 10 hours + deposit $200) Bartender included....... 375.00 Rec Center - Full Lakeview Room (2 hour minimum, $300 cap) $200 deposit.......................................................................... 45/hr Rec Center - Fireplace side (2 hour minimum, $200 Cap.), $200 deposit....................................................................... 35/hr Rec Center - Coffeebar side (2 hr. min., $150 Cap), $200 deposit....................................... 25/hr Pavilion $25.00 deposit........................................................................................................ 25.00 Miscellaneous Fees NSF Bank Fee....................................................................................................................... 35.00 Tenant Registration Fee...................................................................................................... 100.00 Paid Assessment Letter ........................................................................................................ 25.00 Incoming fax........................................................................................................................... 0.50 Outgoing fax........................................................................................................................... 0.50 Copies..................................................................................................................................... 0.10 Document Retrieval Fees................................................................................................. 17.50/Hr Home Construction Application Fee..................................................................................................................... 30.00 Construction Fee- Non-refundable ................................................................................. 5,000.00 Refundable Clean-Up Deposit......................................................................................... 1,500.00 Building Permit..................................................................................................................... 30.00 Inspection Fee....................................................................................................................... 50.00 Refundable Clean-Up Deposit inspection over two.............................................................. 25.00 Garage & Remodeling Refundable Clean-Up Deposit ........................................................................................... 750.00 Building Permit . .................................................................................................................. 30.00 Inspection Fee ...................................................................................................................... 40.00 Renewal Fee . ....................................................................................................................... 30.00 Miscellaneous Construction Building Permit..................................................................................................................... 15.00 Inspection Fee....................................................................................................................... 25.00 Savannah Oaks Non Resident Green Fees - 1st Nine Holes ........................................................................... 9.00 Non Resident Green Fees - Each Round After 1st Nine Holes (same day) . ......................... 6.00 Twilight - Unlimited Play Monday - Thursday 4:00 pm till dusk ........................................ 7.00 Cart Rental - 1st Nine Holes .................................................................................................. 7.00 Cart Rental - Each Round After 1st Nine Holes (same day) ................................................. 3.00 Pull Cart ................................................................................................................................. 4.00 Recreation Center Preschool (monthly) . ......................................................................................................... 125.00 After School Care (daily) . ................................................................................................... 11.00 Schools Out Care (daily) ..................................................................................................... 22.00 Summer Camp (daily) . ........................................................................................................ 23.00 Gym Pass (daily fee without a valid Candlewick Id) ............................................................ 2.00 Locker Rental - Short (monthly) . ........................................................................................ 10.00 Locker Rental - Long (monthly) .......................................................................................... 15.00 Fitness Center Resident Extended Hours Pass (monthly)..................................................... 10.00 Fitness Center Daily Guest Pass ............................................................................................ 3.00 Programs ............................................................................................................................. Varies 4 JANUARY 2016 Candlewick Lake News News General Manager’s Report by Theresa Balk tbalk@candlewicklake.org COMPLETED PROJECTS 1. Public Safety Citations/Warnings – Public Safety issued 50 Citations and 58 Warnings during the month of November. 2. Savannah Oaks Events - Prom Night - (11/14) Cancelled until 2016, Pub Trivia (11/21). 3. Completed Community Events – Leaf collection (11/14), Family Fun Night (11/13) Cancelled, Health Fair and Neighbors Helping Neighbors Kick Off (11/14), Turkey Bingo (11/20). 4. Trick or Treat Survey – The trick or treat survey results were tallied and presented at the November Board Meeting. The Board voted to leave Trick or Treating on Sunday. 5. Leaf Collection – Leaf collection was held 11/7 and 11/14 from 9:00 – noon. Thanks to all who volunteered. 7 ½ dumpsters were filled. 6. Upgrade cameras at East and West Gates Upgraded cameras have been installed at the East and West Gate. Installation of four light poles were included in the project. Cameras have been mounted to the light poles for additional coverage of the area. 7. Pool – The pool has closed for the season. Maintenance has painted the pool and has completed the winterization. The baby pool leak is still being investigated. Repair lists and costs are being compiled so we are ready to open next year. 8. Playground Upkeep – The playgrounds are inspected on a regular basis. There are plans to repaint all park benches in the spring of 2016. The swings at the Outpost has been moved, Restoration has been completed. 9. Lighting Replacement – The lighting at the Recreation Center will be changed out when the ComEd rebates are available again. This will result in better lighting at significant cost savings for many years to come. 10. Friendship Park Fence Replacement – The fence has been pulled. The plan to put boulders around the perimeter was put on hold by the Board. No parking on grass signs have been installed. This project will be discussed again if there is an issue with parking on the grass and barriers are needed. 11. Savannah Oaks Golf Course Maintenance Projects –The sand traps have been “loosened up” with a rototiller meaning there is no hard-pan. Sand will be added when ground is frozen if needed. Tree removal has been moved back on the schedule. The out of bounds markers and ball washers are all in place and functional. The distance markers have been purchased and are installed. It has been challenging to get enough water on the greens and tees. The greens mowing was increased to 5 times per week as needed as a result of feedback from golfers. Aeration and top dressing of the greens were completed on 10/6 and 10/7. The entire course was fertilized in October. The course closed for the season on 11/4/15. Preventative maintenance and repairs are being done on all equipment to it is ready for next season. The irrigation lines have been blown out. ON-GOING PROJECTS 1. Implementation Grant – The implementation grant application has been accepted by the EPA. Of this $88,000.00 grant, the EPA will cover 60% of the expenses toward our bio swale project. CWL will pay 40%. The first request for reimbursement has been submitted and received. The core Watershed group continues to meet. There was a meeting held April 22 at 6:30 to update residents on the project and to ask for volunteers. The areas have been marked and maintenance has sprayed twice in preparation for the plantings. The planting phase started May 9th and was completed on July 18th. Tallgrass is contracted for the stewardship on these areas. They have completed all seven visits for the year. On 9/16/15, the sub-committee members toured the bio swales. The second reimbursement request has been received. A sub-committee meeting was held on November 17th to focus on moving forward and obtaining our next grant. 2. Programs: The programs currently running at the Rec Center include Fitness Orientation Class (11/20, 12/9 and 12/11), Pickleball, Dance Team, Yoga, Total Body Circuit Class, Zumba Mix-Up, Karate, CWL Morning Walkers, Quilting, Tot Gym Time, After School Program, Preschool and Little Learners, Instructional Basketball Program (11/18 – 12/23) Cancelled due to lake of interest, Line Dancing started 11/4, Youth Tennis Lessons (12/5, 12/8) 3. Upcoming Events: Breakfast with Santa (12/12), Neighbors Helping Neighbors (12/12), Holiday Light Amenity Usage Are You a “Snowbird?” Holiday Lights & It is that time of year when many property owners are getting ready to leave to spend the winter in areas Decorations where the weather is warmer. If you are a “snow bird” The Rules and Regulations state that a Candlewick Lake Photo ID Membership Card (Member Card) are required for use of the amenities (pool, golf course, fitness center, gymnasium, and boating and fishing facilities). The rules further state that any Member that is not in good standing shall have their Membership Card privileges suspended until said Member rectifies his/her membership standing. This includes the privileges for all registered Members. The rules do not say that a Member can’t pay the daily fee for use of the amenities. The Board of Directors passed a resolution at the April 21, 2015 Board meeting that any Owner, Associate Members, Tenant, and any other family members who reside in a House will not be allowed to pay the daily fee to use the amenities if their amenity privileges have been suspended. Additionally any Owner, Associate Members, Tenant, and any other family members who reside in a House and are not in good standing they will not be permitted to rent any of the Candlewick Lake facilities. please notify the Administration Office of your winter address. Our system allows for an alternate address that we can put in and remove each year. Please take a few moments to either stop in or contact the Administration Office at 815-765-2827 ext. 200 to give us your alternate address. This will assure that you are receiving all Candlewick Lake communications while you are gone, including the monthly newspaper, annual meeting notices and information, election ballots, etc. It also saves the Association a lot of money in postage. When bulk mail is returned we have to pay the original cost to send it, 2.47 times the first class rate to get the mail back and then the cost to resend it. Proposed Rule Change for Parking Following is Policy 15-09, which is a proposal to change the rules for parking. This policy was read at the December 15, 2015 Board meeting and will be voted on at the January 19, 2016 Board meeting. POLICY 15-09 WHEREAS, the current Rules and Regulations specify that only three ATV’s, boats, personal watercraft, snowmobiles, boat and utility trailers and campers may be parked in the side or rear yard but doesn’t state that they must belong to the resident of the property, and WHEREAS, the current Rules and Regulations allow watercraft to be parked on unimproved lots but doesn’t limit the number that may be parked on the lot or if they must be registered to the owner of the lot, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors wishes to change the rules that limit the number of watercraft that may be parked on an unimproved lot and require that any items parked on improved or unimproved lots must be registered to the owner/resident of the property, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Section 4-10, Paragraph E and J be changed as follows 4-10 Parking E.On improved lots, ATV’s, boats, personal watercraft, snowmobiles, boat and utility trailers, and campers (no motor homes) may be parked in the side or rear yard. No more than three items may be parked in the side or rear yard. All items must be registered to the owner or resident of the property. J. Only watercraft with or without the trailer are allowed to be parked on unimproved Lots (with the sole exception of a contractors vehicle during the period of construction). No more than three watercraft may be parked on the lot and must be behind the front setback line. All items must be registered to the owner of the lot. Judging (12/21), New Year’s Eve Party (12/31), Blood Drive (1/18), Pan Fish Tournament (1/30) 4. Savannah Oaks Upcoming Events: Ugly Sweater and Cookie Exchange Night (12/11), New Year’s Eve Party (12/31). 5. Rec Center Deck – Several deck boards have been broken and need replacement. The materials have been delivered. The work has been moved out until next spring. 6. Shoreline Stabilization – Rip Rap will be purchased and installed by our Maintenance department in the spring. 7. Replace Windows at the Pool - We are working with a contractor to get a price and plan for replacing the windows in the pool house. This is scheduled for this year’s budget. 8. Shed for the Public Safety Gator – Maintenance continues to work on the installation of a shed to house the gator used on the lake in the winter. 9. 2016-2017 Budget – The budget process has begun. There have been two budget meetings to date. 10. Website Changes – The new website is up and running as of November 4th. Randy is working on getting all the information that was on the old site put on the new site. 11. Health, Dental, Vision Insurance – Renewal rates have come in, additional quotes have been received. Negotiations with the current vendor are ongoing. We are working to get the rate increase lowered. 12. Human Resource Manager – We are looking for a new Human Resource Manager. Susan Campbell has given notice and will be leaving 11/13/15 to take a position elsewhere. An ad ran in the Register Star, resumes are coming in. Interviews are being conducted. This process is ongoing at the present time. NEW PROJECTS 1. Festival of Lights Display – Volunteers have set up the Candlewick Lake Association display at the Rockford Park District Festival of Lights which runs weekends thru December 27th plus December 24th and 25th at Rockford’s Sinnissippi Park. 2. Photo Contest: The Communication Commission would like to hold a quarterly photo contest with a $25 prize. The rules will be written and published in the January paper. Please be reminded that Section 13-6 and 13-7 of the Candlewick Lake Association Rules & Regulations and Section 522 and 523 of the ECC/Building Department Rules & Regulations state when holiday lights and decorations may be displayed and lit. All lights and decorations must be removed ten (10) days following the event. All December/January 1st holiday decorations and lights must be removed by January 10, 2016. If the weather does not permit the removal of these decorations and lights by January 10th, they may remain, but may not be lit after January 10th. The extended deadline for removal is March 1st. Please watch the Sunshine Board and e-blast. We will advise if the March 1st deadline is granted due to weather. Thank you for your cooperation. SPEED LIMIT 25 UNLESS POSTED OTHERWISE News ROAD POSTINGS Road postings won’t be in effect for at least a few more months, but this is just a reminder to the property owners and to inform the new owners about the postings so they may plan ahead for their anticipated deliveries. Each year in the late winter/early spring, Candlewick Lake imposes weight limits. This is to protect the roads and is determined by weather conditions. When the weather starts getting warmer and stays warm, the postings go into effect. Once the frost is out of the ground the postings are lifted, usually between four to eight weeks. Road postings pertain to all vehicles, which include construction and delivery vehicles. If you are planning on making purchase which will require a delivery, please plan accordingly. Order so that your delivery can be made prior to the road postings or advise the store that deliveries must be made on smaller trucks. Vehicles and trailers with tandem axles are not allowed access into Candlewick Lake during the postings. The maximum weight of a vehicle with four tires is 7,000 pounds and 18,000 pounds on six tires. Rental Restrictions The Board of Directors approved capping the number of houses that can be rented at any given time to 15% and implemented restrictions. Below are the restrictions for rental properties: 1. There will be a 15% cap on Houses that can be subject to Rental Agreements at any given time. This 15% rental cap will be effective October 1, 2015. 2. There will be a “Waiting list” for Rental properties once the cap has been met. 3. Should a property on the “Waiting List” become eligible to rent and the Property Owner decides not to rent, they will be removed from the waiting list. 4. There will be no granting or giving of one properties’ eligibility to another property. 5. If a “Rental” Property should not be rented for a period of six (6) months then it will no longer be considered a “Rental” property and will have to go on the waiting list should they want to rent it in the future. Property owner does have the right to request up to a three (3) month extension from the Board of Directors. Request must be made in writing. 6. If a property owner has multiple rentals, each property will be considered on an individual basis. 7. There will be a $250.00 fine for failure to register a rental property. If the rental property has not registered within 30 days of the initial fine, a second fine in the amount of $500.00 will be issued. Subsequent fines in the amount of $500.00 will be issued every 30 days until compliance is met. The fine(s) will be charged for each property not registered. 8. “Hardship” situations will need to be appealed to the Board of Directors in writing. The Board will consider these on a case by case basis. IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER • January 15, 2016 – Board Statement of Candidacy due by 4:30 PM • Election Committee Meeting – Date to be determined • February 7, 2016 – Candidates Forum/Budget Hearing Meeting, 1:00 PM, Recreation Center • February 17, 2016 – Ballots mailed out • March 9, 2016 – Ballots due – 4:30 PM, Administration Office • March 12, 2016 – Ballot Counting • March 20, 2016 – Annual Meeting, 1:00 PM, Recreation Center Wooden-It-Be-Nice Refinishing Furniture / Kitchens Repair / Reglueing / Recaning FREE ESTIMATES 815-544-0249 Candlewick Lake News JANUARY 2016 Snow & Ice Control Procedures It’s not too early to think about snow and ice procedures at Candlewick. Many of our members are commuters and it is important to plan ahead for those cold icy mornings. Please do not call the gates to tell them it is snowing, or ask if the snowplows are out. Please be patient! Maintenance watches the weather reports and prepares snowplows and ice material prior to a snow event forecasted. For your convenience we have outlined the following procedures for snow and ice control. When to expect the plows out: Snowplowing does not begin until there is 2-inches of snow on the ground and more is expected or when ice begins to make the roads hazardous. Ice control material is applied to locations on an “as needed” basis. If the snow reaches 2 inches during the night, it is more economical to begin snow and ice control between 4:00 AM and 7:00 AM. The plows continue until the roads are plowed or until 12 midnight when for operator safety sake they are taken off the roads. WHEN BLINDING CONDITIONS EXIST, ALL EQUIPMENT WILL BE PULLED OFF THE ROADS UNTIL IT IS SAFE TO OPERATE THE EQUIPMENT. Road Classifications: There are three classifications for roads, which help us to determine which roads need to be plowed first. HIGH VOLUME means HIGH PRIORITY. With the high volume roads, we consider the traffic flow, emergency use, and the bus routes. The HIGH VOLUME roads are the first to be plowed. These include Candlewick Dr., Candlewick Blvd., Lamplighter Loop, Galleon Run, and Constitution. The MODERATE VOLUME roads are the roads that lead to and from the high volume roads. The MODERATE VOLUME roads are plowed after the High Volume roads have been plowed. Courts, dead ends, cul-de-sacs, and parking lots are considered LOW VOLUME roads and are plowed last. Maintenance will try to plow the North parking lot at the Rec. Center when working on moderate volume roads. If the snow is heavy, drifting or falling steadily, Maintenance will continue to keep the high volume and moderate volume traffic roads open before opening courts, dead ends, cul-de-sacs, and parking lots. Do not park on the road during the snow removal process. Citations will be issued to violators. Driveways: Do not push snow on to the Roadway! This creates a very hazardous condition. You are subject to fines if you deposit material such as snow or ice onto the roadway. Maintenance personnel are not authorized to plow driveways and plows will not be lifted at the entrance to each individual driveway. Clearance of driveway entrances is the responsibility of the resident. Plows may make several passes in order to widen the roads. “Windrows” are unavoidable. Mailboxes: The trucks get as close to the mailboxes as possible, but it is the Homeowner’s responsibility to keep the area in front of the mailbox cleared for the mail carrier. Garbage Totes: Garbage and Recycle totes must be kept 2 feet off of the roadway. The snow plow drivers will not get out to move your containers and will not be responsible for any damage to the tote. You will have to purchase a new one from Advanced Disposal. Specific problem areas will be handled as soon as possible after maintenance has taken care of the overall situation. If you feel a specific area needs to be addressed, you can call the office with the location. Residents are asked to check areas along the roadway and remove any obstruction such as posts or large rocks that are within 10 feet of the shoulder. Basketball hoops must be kept off of the roadway. Maintenance will not be responsible for damage to basketball hoops if left in the roadway. They should be at least 10 feet from the road. Property owners are liable for any equipment damage or injuries caused by any obstruction of the right-of-way. When Maintenance is out on the roads, stay a safe distance behind the trucks. If you cannot see the mirrors on the trucks, they will not be able to see you. Please be patient and courteous. Parents…Please keep your children off of the snow piles created by the plow trucks. If the trucks are out plowing or come back to do clean up, they may not see children playing behind the snow pile. This creates a serious safety issue. 5 Neighbors Helping Neighbors Thank you, Candlewick! Thanks to the generosity of Candlewick residents, we were able to help 12 families have a merrier Christmas! Thank you to our helpers that showed up on Saturday, December 12 to fill stockings (actually Ziploc bags), sort bins of donated food, check-in and tag the presents, and lastly to deliver all the above to our families. Special thanks to Capron Rescue Squad who donated food and helped to deliver the items, Dandy Donuts who collected food and money at the November Family Bingo, and the Candlewick Flames raised money to buy gift cards for each family. Property Maintenance With the revised CWL rules in effect, the Public Safety Department has been working very hard to help get properties into compliance. Warnings and Citations are being issued to properties that are not being maintained. Please take a look around your property to see if there is anything that you need to do to remain in compliance before you get a warning. New Roofs & Windows If you are changing the color of the shingles on your house, you need to get the color change approved by Candlewick Lake but a permit is not necessary. However, a Boone County Building permit and inspections are required. Please contact the County Building Department at 815-544-6176 for further information. Because of changes in the energy code, the County now also requires a permit for any window change. If you are changing any window, please contact the Boone County Building Department. If you change a window but the size does not change, Candlewick Lake approval isn’t necessary. However, if the size does change or if you are changing a window into a door or a door into a window, you must submit plans for ECC approval. State Not Sending Snowmobile Renewal Notices The Department of Natural Resources DID NOT send out snowmobile renewal notices this year. It is your responsibility to make sure that your Snowmobile registration is current. When it’s time for you to renew your registration go to IDNR website to complete the registration at http:// www.dnr.illinois.gov/recreation/snowmobile/Pages/ RenewYourSnowmobileRegistration.aspx Please pass the word along to your fellow snowmobilers. Without your registration, you will not have snowmobiling in Illinois! Information courtesy of Illinois Association of Snowmobile Clubs, Inc. Services Available At the Belvidere Workforce Connection 998 Belvidere Road, Suite 7 Belvidere, Illinois 61008 Job Seeker Services Computer Resource Center for researching job openings matching job skills and creating resumes and cover letters Latest Local and National Job Openings Vocational Counseling and Job Skills Workshops Copy, Fax, Printer and Internet Services Typing Tutorial Resource Room Hours: Monday through Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Fridays 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. 815-547-9616 6 JANUARY 2016 Candlewick Lake News News 2016 Candlewick Lake Association Call for Candidates Board of Directors Application Instructions: Submissions must be in writing and submitted not earlier than 12:01 AM on January 1, 2016 and not later than the close of business of January 15, 2016 (4:30 PM). Submissions may be submitted by one of the following methods: 1. Mailed via USPS to Candlewick Lake Association, 13400 Highway 76, Poplar Grove, IL 61065 2. Electronic E-Mail sent to tbalk@candlewicklake.org. Electronic submissions cannot be sent before 12:01 AM on January 1, 2016 and may not be received after 4:30 PM on January 15, 2016. Submissions received prior to or after the prescribed time period will be returned. A photo of the candidate is required. The photo must be taken by the staff in the Association Office. All Statements of Candidacy along with a photo of the candidate will be published in the February 2016 Candlewick Lake Newspaper. Please submit the photo of yourself with your Statement of Candidacy. Only the required maximum number of words will be considered for publication. Any overage will be deleted. (It will be cut off at the end of sentence.) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - All applicants must follow the same format to be accepted for publication. STATEMENT OF CANDIDACY CANDLEWICK LAKE BOArD OF DIrECTOrS Part 1 Name_____________________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________ Phone #___________________________________________________ E-Mail_____________________________________________________ Years you have resided in community____________________________ List committee memberships/positions you have held (in the past five years) that would be most helpful in functioning as a member of the Board of Directors. CWL Quarterly Photo Contest Submitted by Bonnie Marron, Communications Commission Are you an amateur photographer or a weekend shutterbug? Then why not try your hand at entering the CWL Quarterly Photo Contest. The idea is to have residents submit photos of the goings on in our community in order to build our photo library. The contests will run from January 1 to March 10, April 1 – June 15, July 1 – September 15, and October 1 – December 15. There will be one winner each quarter who will receive a $25.00 prize. Contest Rules & Guidelines: 1. Photo must not be published, previously or in the future, in a non-CWL publication 2. Need to title the photo (Identify activity and/or location) 3. Photos can be of events/activities throughout CWL, nature photos, action photos, etc. As long as the photo promotes CWL it can be entered. Just use your imagination. 4. Include names of any people in the photo (if known) 5. Include photographer’s name, street address, telephone number and/ or e-mail address with each entry. Photo credit will be used if published in a CWL publication 6. All submitted photos become the property of the Candlewick Lake Association 7. All photos need to be submitted by March 10th (1st quarter), June 15th (2nd quarter), September 15th (3rd quarter) and December 15th (4th quarter) 8. Judging of photos will take place at Board of Directors meetings on March 15th, June 21st, September 20th and December 20th. This will be by vote of those in attendance at the meeting. 9. Winners will be announced and published in the April, July, October, and January CWL newspapers. Announcements may be posted on any other CWL media. 10. Contest is sponsored by the CWL Communications Commission. 11. Submit photos via email to: newspaper@candlewicklake.org. Get your cameras ready and good luck to all who enter. Please be aware of the lake conditions before venturing onto the lake. We do not want anyone to fall in because the ice was too thin. Part 2 Answer the following questions in 100 words or less, per question. 1. 2. 3. 4. What motivated you to seek election to the CWL Board? What do you think you could contribute to the Association as a Board Member? What do you think is the most pressing problem facing CWL today? What short-term goals would you have as a board member and how would you accomplish them? 5. What long-range plans do you think the Board should address? Protect Your Waters and Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers! Americans love to spend time on the water. Protecting aquatic resources is important for all users. The spreading of harmful plants, animals and other organisms threatens America's water habitats. Aquatic nuisance species hitch rides on clothing, boats, and items used in the water. When brought to another lake or stream, the nuisance species may spread. If conditions are right, these introduced species become established and cause drastic changes. Stopping aquatic hitchhikers requires only a few simple procedures. (Details in the links that follow.) Simple Preventative Procedures: Remove any visible mud, plants, fish or animals before transporting equipment Eliminate water from equipment before transporting Clean and dry anything that contacted water (boats, trailers, equipment, clothing, dogs, etc.) Never release plants, fish or animals into a body of water unless they came out of that body of water Aquatic Hitchhikers Can: Reduce game fish populations Ruin boat engines and jam steering equipment Make lakes/rivers unusable by boaters and swimmers Increase the costs of operating drinking water and power plants Complicate dam maintenance and interrupt industrial processes Reduce native species populations Degrade ecosystems Affect human health Reduce property values Affect local economies of water-dependent communities Clarification of Terms: For the purposes of this campaign and the related materials, Aquatic Hitchhikers are defined as non-native, harmful aquatic plants, animals or microscopic organisms that can readily be transported to other waters via popular recreational activities. Different terms will be used interchangeably throughout the campaign to describe aquatic hitchhikers. These terms include: aquatic nuisance species, ANS, aquatic invasive species and nonnative, harmful aquatic species. Campaign sponsors use these terms to facilitate a better understanding about the issue and to assist with ease of reading. Candlewick Lake News JANUARY 2016 Lake News Lake Issues – January 2016 From Lake Management / Lake-Water Safety Sub-committee (Pam Cangelosi) CAUTION---OPEN WATER or THIN ICE Parents, please have a talk with your kids about caution on or near the lake during these winter months. Due to our warmer than normal temperatures, the lake water could appear to be frozen but dangerously thin. With eagerness to get out on the lake - either to play or fish we all need to use caution. Remember the “BUDDY SYSTEM” plan for safety and go out with a friend or make sure you tell someone that you are going out on the lake. Ice Fishing Check List: Things to know and remember… • A current Illinois State Fishing license is required for all persons age 16 and over. (Must be with you) • A Candlewick Lake photo I.D. is required for all Candlewick Lake property owners / residents age 16 and over. (Must be with you) • All shanties / ice huts must be marked with property owners NAME and ADDRESS. These structure cannot be left on the ice overnight unattended. • Use of only 2 (two) lines per person. This could include: 2 (two) rods, 1 (one) rod and 1(one) tip up, or 2 (two) tip ups. • NO MINNOWS allowed. You can use a bluegill or perch on a tip up if they have been caught in Candlewick Lake. Worms, leeches or dead smelt may be used. • Know and respect the Candlewick Lake Rules and Regulation and remember to share them with your guests. • If using a ATV on the frozen lake, please remember the rules that apply. • If not sure about any of the Rules and Regulation please check with the Candlewick Lake Office or with CWL Public Safety. • Please KEEP OUR/YOUR PARKS and LAKE CLEAN * PICK UP ANY TRASH YOU MAY SEE. * DO NOT LEAVE YOUR TRASH OUT ON THE LAKE . DO NOT PUT ANY TRASH INTO THE LAKE***WHEN YOU LEAVE THE ICE PLEASE REMOVE ANY ITEMS YOU TOOK OUT WITH YOU. THANK YOU - CWL Lake/Water Safety Sub-committee. (Pam C.) WANT TO PLACE A DISPLAY AD IN THE CANDLEWICK NEWS? Contact BOB at RBM ADVERTISING 815/742-8333 or rbmads@frontier.com Ice Fishing Rules Below are the current rules regarding Candlewick Lake ice fishing. Public Safety will be out to monitor the lake. If you see something that needs to be addressed while you are out on the lake, please contact Public Safety so that they can address the problem as it is happening to avoid future problems. 11-5 Ice Fishing All fishing rules and regulations stated above apply in a like manner to ice fishing with the following additional regulations: A.Ice fishing is done at the fisher’s own risk and the Association is not liable for any bodily injury or property damage that may occur while anyone is on the ice on the Lake. B.When a tip-up is approached by a Public Safety Officer and the fisherman is not at the tip-up in two minutes, a citation may be issued. C.Tip-ups must be identified with a label clearly and visibly showing the owner’s name and address. D.Only temporary shelters may be used and must be removed if unoccupied for more than four (4) hours. Any shelter left, which must be removed by the Association, will result in a fine assessed to the Member/Associate Member/Tenant, as well as any towing or storage fees. E. Ice fishing shelters of any kind or type must have the name, Unit and Lot number of the owners attached to the shelter and be readable at all times. Ice fishing shelters shall be required to have reflectors or a light outside the shelter from dusk to dawn for safety reason. Ice fishing shelters belonging to Guests must also have the resident’s name and address affixed to them and be readable at all times. F. No Guest motorized vehicles, such as but not limited to ATVs, snowmobiles, etc. shall be allowed on the Lake at any time. G.Any resident that wishes to use their motorized vehicle, such as but not limited to ATVs, snowmobiles, etc. on the Lake must register it at the Association Office (proof of ownership required). A decal will be issued and placed on the motorized vehicle during an inspection by Public Safety as part of the registration process. DID YOU KNOW… That the money from the cans collected at the three can bins (Castaway, Highland Valley Green, and the Recreation Center Peninsula) is used for funding projects to benefit both the lake and the community. The funds have been used to help pay for fish stocking, building fish structures, purchase of a GPS that is used for lake related issues, lake plantings, waders, laser lights (to chase the geese), and the Kids Fishing Tournament. If you have aluminum cans that you are either throwing away or putting in the recycling bin, please consider bagging them and taking them to one of the can bins located in Candlewick. The Friends of Candlewick have recently voted to use funds from the cans for projects that could either benefit the lake and/or the community. This is expanding the scope beyond specific lake use, and may be used to benefit the entire community where needed. January 2016 – Sunrise/Sunset for Poplar Grove, Illinois Dawn is 30 minutes before sunrise. Dusk is 30 minutes after sunset. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 8 9 Sunrise: 7:24am Sunset: 4:32pm 3 4 Sunrise: 7:25am Sunrise: 7:25am Sunset: 4:34pm Sunset: 4:35pm 5 Sunrise: 7:25am Sunset: 4:36pm 6 Sunrise: 7:25am Sunset: 4:37pm 7 Sunrise: 7:24am Sunset: 4:38pm Sunrise: 7:24am Sunset: 4:39pm Sunrise: 7:25am Sunset: 4:33pm Sunrise: 7:24am Sunset: 4:40pm 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Sunrise: 7:24am Sunrise: 7:24am Sunset: 4:41pm Sunset: 4:42pm Sunrise: 7:21am Sunrise: 7:21am Sunset: 4:49pm Sunset: 4:50pm Sunrise: 7:17am Sunrise: 7:16am Sunset: 4:57pm Sunset: 4:59pm 31 Sunrise: 7:11am Sunset: 5:06pm Sunrise: 7:23am Sunset: 4:43pm Sunrise: 7:20am Sunset: 4:51pm Sunrise: 7:15am Sunset: 5:00pm Sunrise: 7:23am Sunset: 4:44pm Sunrise: 7:20am Sunset: 4:52pm Sunrise: 7:15am Sunset: 5:01pm Sunrise: 7:23am Sunset: 4:45pm Sunrise: 7:19am Sunset: 4:54pm Sunrise: 7:14am Sunset: 5:02pm Sunrise: 7:22am Sunset: 4:46pm Sunrise: 7:18am Sunset: 4:55pm Sunrise: 7:13am Sunset: 5:04pm Sunrise: 7:22am Sunset: 4:48pm Sunrise: 7:18am Sunset: 4:56pm Sunrise: 7:12am Sunset: 5:05pm 7 2015-16 CWL Ice Fishing Regulations • A State Fishing license is required for all persons age 16 and over. • A Candlewick fishing permit is required for all residents age 16 and over. • A guest fishing pass is required for each guest. It may be a non-designated seasonal or a one day, both can be purchased at the Administration office or at the Recreation Center. Guest passes must be purchased by resident with proof of residency. • Guest use of the lake is permitted provided that the property owner is on or within the immediate vicinity of the lake at all times. The immediate vicinity is defined as the shoreline or a property owner’s lakefront property. Exceptions will be made when there are extenuating circumstances, predetermined by Public Safety that would prevent a property owner from being with their guest. The property owner is responsible for contacting Public Safety, in advance, so that the request may be considered and logged. The log will be maintained so that an individual that has an “approved situation” will not have to call Public Safety every time their guest wants to use the lake. If Public Safety Staff members or certified volunteers see any pattern of abuse to this rule exception, it will result in a withdrawal of the exception privilege for the remainder of the season/year. When there are extenuating circumstances that prohibit the property owner from being on or within the immediate vicinity of the lake, the property owner must still be within Candlewick Lake. (Policy 09-11) • All shanties must be marked with name and address of owner, and cannot be left on the ice overnight unattended. • Only 2 lines per person. • This could include: 2 rods, 1 rod and 1 tip up, or 2 tip ups. • No Minnows allowed. You can use a bluegill or perch on a tip up if they have been caught in Candlewick Lake. Worms, leeches or dead smelt may also be used. FISH LIMITS FOR RESIDENTS: Bluegill 30 per day No size limit Perch 15 per day No size limit Crappie 15 per day No size limit **Catch and Release 4/1-6/1 Walleye 2 per day 16” minimum Catfish 6 per day No size limit Northern 1 per day 24” minimum Musky 1 per day 48” minimum Rock Bass No limit Large Mouth Bass Catch and Release Small Mouth Bass Catch and Release Grass Carp, Koi, Bullhead Catch and Remove FISH LIMITS FOR GUESTS OF RESIDENTS: Bluegill 15 per day No size limit Perch 7 per day No size limit Crappie 7 per day No size limit **Catch and Release 4/1-6/1 Walleye 1 per day 16” minimum Catfish 3 per day No size limit Rock Bass No limit Northern & Musky Catch and Release Small Mouth Bass Catch and Release Large Mouth Bass Catch and Release Grass Carp, Koi, Bullhead Catch and Remove FISH LIMITS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. PLEASE CHECK THE INFORMATIONAL SIGNS AND THE CANDLEWICK PAPER. REMINDER You Need a State Fishing License as Well as a CWL License to Fish on Candlewick Lake! Get Yours Today! 8 JANUARY 2016 Candlewick Lake News Neighbors Helping Neighbors 2015 Photos and article by Dale Miedema The Rec Center was sure a happening place this past December 12, with Breakfast with Santa taking place at 10:00 a.m., followed by Neighbors Helping Neighbors in the afternoon. Santa was a big hit, with 105 tickets being sold, with probably an even 50/50 split between Moms, Dads, and little ones The Neighbors Helping Neighbors program took over the gym floor just as soon as the last gift was opened and the chairs could be put away. The tables that had just been used to serve all those little gremlins their pancakes, were now being stacked with turkeys, canned goods, and just about anything that made up the “fixins” of a fine Christmas dinner. There were also gifts and stocking stuffers for the younger members of the families too. This year, there were 12 families in Candlewick in need of assistance. The program got rolling about mid-November, with residents being asked to pick up a form with a families number at the Rec center desk, with the vital information of a given family, i.e. number of adults, kids and ages of the young ones. Each family received a turkey, with all the fixins and gifts appropriate to the age of each child. There were also stocking stuffers for each family made up of donations of mittens, hats and toys placed in the donation boxes located around our community. Along with the edibles and gifts, each family received two gift cards, one purchased with donations of cash by our residents, with the other a gift card from our own Candlewick Flames. This year there were 34 adults (18 and over), and 34 children (17 and under) that benefitted from the program. In years gone by, volunteers made up the work force in delivering the Christmas cheer, but this year, the newest members of our community, the Capron Rescue Team stepped up and handled the bulk of the deliveries. They thought it would be a good way to get to know the residents, and indeed it was a fine idea... Thanks guys and gals! Thanks to all our residents who so selflessly donated the gifts, food, toys and cash to make this a wonderful Christmas for our less fortunate folks, and thanks to all our volunteers who helped make it all happen. A very special thanks goes out to Bonnie Marron and Sandy Morse, who have been the driving forces behind the program for as many years as I can remember. Having these fine community minded ladies as neighbors makes me darn proud to say I live here in Candlewick Lake... How about you? Capron Rescue Squad ready to make deliveries! Melissa Cunefare, and Mom, Jody Schanz, take a break from sorting duties. Lynda Young ready to deliver. Tables piled with gifts donated by CWL residents. Candlewick Flames January 21, 2016 It might be cold outside but we’ve decided to get together and warm up with a special January dinner. Dandy Donuts will prepare for us a variety of their wonderful soups and chili to warm our hearts and bodies. Nothing special planned for entertainment just neighbors getting together to share a hearty dinner and warm conversation. Cost of the meal is $10. There will be several soups and chili to choose from as well as bread and butter, crackers, and brownies for dessert. Coffee will be provided but feel free to bring another beverage of your choice. To make reservations, please make payment by January 14, 2016 to either Theresa Hans (815/765-2989) or Judy Saelinger (815/765-3923). We hope you will join us. Happy New Year from “Thank you for your business!” Comfort olutions S Heating and Air Conditioning Call Now For Your Furnace Clean & Check $65 Area’s Local Bryant Dealer cleaning • repairs • safety checks • 24/7 service available • We work on ALL makes and models! • Offering financing thru your Nicor Gas and ComEd bills upon approval. Call for details. • Bryant bonus rebates from $75 up to $600. • Ask about Nicor Gas and ComEd rebates from $200 up to $700. • We offer electrical repairs and service upgrades. We Accept: • “No Credit Check” Financing Available. Keith Anderson 815.218.6271 Serving Poplar Grove and Boone County www.comfortsolutions.biz keithanders7@live.com $10 OFF your next service call* Senior, Military, Fireman and Protective Servicemen Discounts Gift Card Referral Program * Not valid with any other offers/coupons Candlewick Lake News JANUARY 2016 9 Visit us at: www.pandagardenpg.com Eat In, Carry Out or Pick Up At Drive Thru 815-765-1060 • Fax 815-765-1061 13522 JULIE DRIVE, POPLAR GROVE (COUNTRYSIDE SQUARE MALL) Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 11 AM - 9:30 PM, Fri.-Sat. 11 AM - 10 PM, Sun. 12 - 9:30 PM WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR GOLD, SILVER, JEWELRY & COINS! Monday-Friday: 9:30am - 5pm Saturday: 10am - 4pm CALL anytime for an appointment 10% MORE FOR JEWELRY WITH THIS AD BELVIDERE COLLECTIBLE COINS 815.547.7111 880 Belvidere Rd. in Logan Square www.goldsilverjewelrycoin.com 2015 Candlewick Homes SOLD! Important reminder regarding Changes in License Plate renewal The Secretary of State Office No Longer Sending Out License Plate renewal Notices -- Drivers are on their own! The Secretary of State’s office is no longer sending out Annual License Plate Renewal Notifications. This means drivers are on their own to remember when their license plates renew. Unfortunately, most people do not think about their renewal until they get their notification. The end result is that people are now getting ticketed for missing their renewal deadline. Julie Meyer Real Estate Broker Cell: 815-703-9820 juliemeyer@c21affiliated.com C21affiliated.com/juliemeyer AFFILIATED 218 Thornhill Dr 1002 Candlewick Dr(lakefront) 700 Candlewick Dr(lakefront) 133 Lamplighter Loop 107 New Brunswick Ln 1670 Candlewick Dr(lakefront) 2211 Candlewick Dr 1241 Candlewick Dr 115 Benedict Dr 207 Hastings Way 307 Lamplighter Loop ***Spring is just round the corner! Call, text or email me for a current market analysis of your home.*** 4962 Hononegah Road, Roscoe, IL 61073 Each Office Independently Owned and Operated As a solution, you can sign up to receive an “electronic notification” which will also allow you the option to renew your license plates online. To sign up to have a renewal notification sent to you by email follow these steps: Go to the Secretary of State Website www.cyberdriveillinois.com. On the right side of page click on the box that says “Email my renewal notice.” It will then ask for your Registration ID and Pin number. These numbers are on your current License Registration Card that looks like this. (See below). Then click submit. Say BRAVO! to authentic Italian cuisine. New Year’s Eve Specials DINE IN ONLY Both choices include Italian bread; choice of soup or salad; choice of baked potato, mostaccioli, or spaghetti; ice cream; and coffee. ***Guests 21 & older receive complimentary beverage*** 16 oz PRIME RIB MEAL $1995 + tax FILET & SHRIMP MEAL (5 oz filet & 5 butterflied fried shrimp) $2399 + tax ***RESERVATIONS RECOMMENDED*** Visit BravoPizzaRestaurant.com for all of our specials, coupons, & menus. It will then take you to a page that shows Owner’s Name, License Plate Number, Year and Make of Car. At the bottom of the screen it will ask if these are correct. Assuming correct, check yes. It will then ask for your email address. Complete, click, submit. It will then ask if you would like to enroll another vehicle. If yes, click on “enroll another license.” If no, you are finished. It would not hurt to go back into the sight and recheck your work to make sure you’re registered. If you have any questions, contact the Secretary of State office at 800-2528980. Ad Disclaimer We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement, photo or article. Poplar Grove • 13555 IL Route 76 815-765-9300 Please Do Not Feed the Geese! Poplar Grove Countryside Square 13530 Julie Drive Poplar Grove, IL 61065 Your personal Hardware Store right here in Poplar Grove 815-765-7032 www.prohardware.com 10 JANUARY 2016 Candlewick Lake News Public Safety A Message from the ChiefweofcanPublic Safety be happy we got our foot of snow on the weekby Chief Roland Wood rwood@candlewicklake.org Greetings from Public Safety Happy holidays! We hope everyone is enjoying our Holiday Season! If we can get past the isolated 13 inches of snow which has since disappeared, our weather has been very mild, we should be grateful. The CWL community has been very quiet of late, and moving along smoothly. I think we can expect a fine Holiday Season. Social Media It has been brought to my attention most of what has been reported as news about CWL on social media is just not entirely true. I strongly believe this statement is accurate in cases involving our Public Safety Department. Several news items have been reported out of Rockford having little accuracy. I certainly question their sources. Our residents should not be concerned over rumor and innuendo. In the future, if you have any questions about what has transpired within the CWL community, please refer to our published weekly Public Safety Report e-blasted to our residents. You can also reach out to our staff or me. We will not relate information which will hinder an investigation, but we will be truthful in what we can tell you. Locking your Doors This past month, our community suffered a number of vehicle break-ins and the theft of items left in those cars. It has been quite some time since we have had to endure this sort of criminal activity. But the disturbing facts about these break-ins are that all of the entered vehicles were unlocked! Leaving our vehicles in our driveways unlocked and available to thieves cannot be tolerated. Leaving valuables such as money, wallets, purses, music, backpacks and even the vehicle’s keys in the ignition only enhances these crimes. When the thieves have success in their search of our personal effects, they will come back again and again. This must stop! For the past four years, I have asked and pleaded with our residents, in this article and in person to lock their homes, their vehicles and put away anything of value. What a thief does not see, they will not steal. During the evening of our break-ins, there were an inordinate number of vehicles unlocked. Please understand, just because we dwell in a “gated community” does not protect us from those thieves who live inside the gates or those who can climb over a fence. Again, please reach out to your family members and your neighbors and help us stop these opportunities for crime. If you see someone entering a neighbor’s cars late at night or in the dark and you do not recognize them, please call Public Safety. I’m sure your neighbor will understand we are only looking out for their welfare. Winter Driving Habits As the shock of last month’s snow storm has passed, end, rather than the middle of the work week. They say timing is everything. Sure, all the snow melted in a few days, but we know it will be coming back. This is a good time to remind ourselves of the good winter driving techniques we’ve been taught through past years. The following tips for driving on snow come courtesy of AAA: • Accelerate and decelerate slowly and smoothly. Applying the gas slowly to get going is the best way to avoid skidding. Allow extra time to slow for a stoplight or stop sign. Remember, it takes longer to stop on icy and snow covered roads. • Give yourself extra time to maneuver. Everything – stopping, starting, turning, etc. – takes longer than it does on dry pavement. • Increase your following distance six to eight seconds on icy roads from the usual three to four seconds for dry pavement. This gives you more time to stop, if needed. • Know your brakes. The best way to stop is threshold braking, even if you have antilock brakes. Keep the heel of your foot on the floor and use the ball of your foot to apply firm, steady pressure on the brake pedal. • Try not to stop, if possible. It’s easier to accelerate when you’re already moving than when you are at a full stop. If you can slow down enough to keep rolling until a traffic light changes, do it. (Just don’t run a red light or miss a stop sign.) • Don’t power up hills. Applying extra gas on snowcovered roads just starts the wheels to spin. Try to get a little momentum going before you reach the hill, and let it carry you to the top. As you reach the crest of the hill, slow down and proceed downhill as slowly as possible. It is not a good idea to break hard while going down a steep hill. It’s far better to decelerate slowly and maintain control. • Don’t stop while going up a hill. There’s nothing worse than trying to get moving up a hill on an icy road. • Always look and steer where you want to go. • Stay home if you really don’t have to go out. Remember that even if you are a skilled winter driver, not everyone around you is.1 Happy Holidays On behalf of your Officers of our Public Safety Department, we would like to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Please enjoy your time with your family and friends. Remember what the holidays are about, and please be thankful for what we have. Never forget the soldiers, sailors and airmen who are on the front lines protecting our country this holiday season. They will be thinking of you! Let’s keep Candlewick Lake a beautiful, safe place to live. Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 1092 1143 1065 1061 1106 973 1058 861 1004 1015 999 CALLS FOR SERVICE NOVEMBER 2015 Accident (PD) Activated Alarm Animal related calls Assist Attempt to Locate Building checks Citations Issued Total: Citations Warnings Total: Community Policing Community Relations Complaints Damage to Mailbox Damage to Property Employee Issue Employee Relief Escorts Fight Fire Call Follow up Foot Patrol Information: Citizen 1 3 17 7 2 273 50 58 34 109 13 2 1 13 151 20 1 7 17 56 50 I.T. Issue Information Juvenile Problem Maintenance Issue Medical assist On Scanner Calls On View Calls Ordinance Violation Overnight Parking Paper Service Parking problems Roadway Hazard Suspicious activity Suspicious person Suspicious vehicle Traffic Complaint Traffic Control Traffic Enforcement Trespassing Vandalism Vehicle in Ditch Total calls Public Safety Department Immediate Emergencies dial 911 If you would like to report a non-emergency issue such as an ordinance violations or suspicious activity, please call 815-765-3768. A Public Safety Officer will then be dispatched by the Gate Officer answering the phone. The Gate Officer should be considered a dispatcher for Public Safety Patrol Officers 24 hours a day. General questions or comments should be directed to the Public Safety Department or at the Administration Office during normal business hours. NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH SAYS: ALL HOMES MUST HAVE HOUSE NUMBERS VISIBLE FROM THE ROADWAY AT HOLIDAY TIME, GIVE THE GIFT OF LOCATION LET PUBLIC SAFETY FIND YOU IF THEY NEED TO!!!!! Drop Box Northwest Herald, 11.25.2015, Time to Remember Winter Driving Tricks 1 CWL Public Safety Activity Report Total Calls for Service Candlewick Lake 1 26 1 30 25 11 4 6 34 1 37 2 1 6 8 4 1 16 1 2 3 999 In the event that you can’t make it to administration office during regular business hours, remember that there is a convenient drop box located next to the Coke machine. Please follow these guidelines when using the drop box. Do not drop cash payments. Do put your payment in an envelope marked with your name, address and how you want the payment applied to your account. Do include a phone number on any correspondence so you can be reached if we have any questions. If you have a guest or friend making the payment, make sure the homeowner or tenant’s name and address are attached. If you are leaving a guest list, make sure it is filled out completely and you have signed and dated it. Remember, you can always call when the office opens to verify we have received your payment and/or correspondence. Rock River Enterprises & Barge, Inc. Hewitt Roll A Docks Hewitt Boat Lifts Sales Install & Removal Service Our 19th Year on the Lake Service On All Brands Steve Lucas, Owner 6212 Park Ridge Rd. Loves Park, IL 61111 Phone: 815-654-8742 Mobile: 815-243-8742 Fax: 815-654-8772 Candlewick Lake News JANUARY 2016 11 Environmental Control Approvals/Permits Required & Obtaining Building Permits Any type of construction project requires approval by ENVIrONMENTAL CONTrOL COMMITTEE 2015 - 2016 MEETING DATES AND DUE DATES FOr PLANS PLANS DUE the Environmental Control Committee and/or Building MEETING DATE Inspector and most cases a building permit must be issued. Applications must be submitted and plans approved for any project. Application forms along with specification sheets for individual types of construction are available in the office or can be found in the rules under the Building Department (ECC/Building Department Rules and Regulations) on the web site at www.candlewicklake.org. The Rules and Regulations can also be checked to find out if the construction project needs approval. January 20, 2016 APPROVALS/PERMITS REQUIRED & REQUIRED & of each The APPROVALS/PERMITS ECC meets the first and third Wednesday OBTAINING BUILDING PERMITS February 17, 2016 OBTAINING BUILDING PERMITS month. Please see the schedule for the deadlines for March 2, 2016 Any type of construction project requires by the Environmental Controland/or Committee and/or Building plans forapproval approval. Any type ofsubmitting construction project requires by approval the Environmental Control Committee Building Inspector and amost cases a building must be issued. Inspector and most cases building permit must permit be issued. March 16, 2016 After applications for construction projects are approved Applications must approval be and submitted and plansare for any project. Application Applicationsby must beECC, submitted plans letters approved forapproved any project. Application forms alongforms with along with the sent out to the property April 6, 2016 sheets for individual types of construction available in the or can be rules found in the rules specificationspecification sheets for individual types of construction are availableare in the office or can office be found in the If the Department construction project requires permit, under the Building (ECC/Building Department Rulesaand Regulations) April 20, 2016 under the owner. Building Department (ECC/Building Department Rules and Regulations) on thethe web on sitetheat web site at www.candlewick-lake.org. TheRegulations Rules and Regulations also be checked out if the construction www.candlewick-lake.org. The Rules and also be can checked to find out iftothefind construction approval letter states at whatcan meeting the application project needs approval. May 4, 2016 project needs approval. was approved, that a permit must be purchased in the May 18, 2016 The ECC meets the first and third Wednesday of each month. Please see the schedule for the deadlines for The ECC meets the first and third Wednesday of each month. Please see the schedule for the deadlines for Candlewick Office before construction may begin, submitting plans forLake approval. submitting plans for approval. June 1, 2016 the cost, the office hours, a reminder that all dues, fines After applications for construction projects are approved by the ECC, approval letters are sent out to the June 15, 2016 After applications for construction projects are approved by the ECC, approval letters are sent out to the and feesconstruction must paid before thethepermit is issued, a list ofat what property If thebe construction project requires aapproval permit, the approval states property owner. If theowner. project requires a permit, letter states letter at what meeting the meeting the application was approved, thatmust aa permit mustCounty be in purchased in the Candlewick July 6, 2016 application projects was approved, a permit be purchased the building Candlewick Lake Office Lake beforeOffice before thatthat also need Boone permit begin, cost,hours, the office hours, that a reminder all and dues,fees fines andbefees constructionconstruction may begin, may the cost, thethe office a reminder all dues,that fines must paidmust be paid July 20, 2016 and a notice to call the CWL Building Department for a before the permit is issued, a list of projects that also need a Boone County building permit and a notice to before the permit is issued, a list of projects that also need a Boone County building permit and a notice to call the CWL Building Department for a finalwhen inspection whenisthe project is complete. call the CWL Building Department forwhen a final inspection theis project complete. final inspection the project complete. August 3, 2016 E.C.C. Approval Permit E.C.C. Approval CWL PermitCWLCounty Permit New HousesNew Houses House Additions House Additions Boat Lifts Boat Lifts Culvert Extensions/Changes Culvert Extensions/Changes Decks Decks Decorative Lot Corner Markers Decorative Lot Corner Markers Ditch Work (Anything done to the ditch) Ditch Work (Anything done to the ditch) Docks Docks Dog Runs Dog Runs Driveways Driveways Exterior Color Changes trim, shingles, Exterior Color Changes (House, trim,(House, shingles, doors, shutters) doors, shutters) Exterior Lighting Exterior Lighting Exterior Remodeling Exterior Remodeling or Changes or Changes Garages Garages Gazebos Gazebos LP Tanks LP Tanks Piers Piers Play HousesPlay Houses Pools Pools Refuse Enclosures Refuse Enclosures Residing orExterior Repainting Exterior of House Residing or Repainting of House Retaining around Culverts Retaining Walls aroundWalls Culverts Satellite Satellite Dishes (overDishes 39”) (over 39”) Sheds Sheds Shoreline Stabilization Shoreline Stabilization or Repairs or Repairs Sun Rooms Sun Rooms Three or Four Season Rooms Three or Four Season Rooms Tree HousesTree Houses Tree Removal Tree Removal (over 3”) (over 3”) UndergroundUnderground Dog FencesDog Fences Wireless DogWireless FencesDog Fences Ditch & Culvert Work Many property owners would like to do work in the ditch and/or install block, stone or wood retaining walls around the ends of the culvert (the metal pipe under the driveway) in front of their property. Please remember that anything you do in the ditch must be approved. The area from the edge of the road in toward your house approximately 20’ is defined as the ditch area and is owned by Candlewick Lake. Application forms along with rule sheets are available in the office or you can find the rules under the Building Department (ECC/Building Department Rules and Regulations) on our web site at www.candlewick-lake.org. Section 510 is applicable to ditches. The ECC meets the first and third Wednesday of each month. Please see the schedule for the deadlines for submitting plans for approval. Driveway Extensions & Parking Areas Property owners wishing to add a driveway extension or a parking area need to be reminded that the rules have changed. Any driveway extension or parking area must be paved with concrete, asphalt or paving bricks. Gravel or stone as a surface is no longer acceptable. Additionally, the rules were recently changed to state that plans for extensions and parking areas needs to be submitted for ECC approval. New Maintenance Fee Charge Effective March 1, 2015 any Member, Associate Member or Renter who requests a citation review hearing and fails to attend will be charged a $25.00 Maintenance Fee. This fee will be charged to the property owner’s account and will be due along with the citation amount. County Permit August 17, 2016 September 7, 2016 September 21, 2016 October 5, 2016 October 19, 2016 November 2, 2016 November 16, 2016 December 7, 2016 December 21, 2016 New Houses, House Additions, Exterior remodeling or Changes, 3 or 4 Season rooms, Sun room, Garages, Culverts or Ditch Work, retaining Walls around Culverts, Variance requests, Shoreline Stabilization or repairs January 11, 2016 February 8, 2016 February 22, 2016 March 7, 2016 March 28, 2016 April 11, 2016 April 25, 2016 May 9, 2016 May 23, 2016 June 6, 2016 June 27, 2016 July 11, 2016 July 25, 2016 August 8, 2016 August 29, 2016 September 12, 2016 September 26, 2016 October 10, 2016 October 24, 2016 November 7, 2016 November 28, 2016 December 12, 2016 Any changes to this schedule will be posted / published. Building Permit Fees New House Construction Non-Refundable Construction Fee................... $5,000.00 Refundable Clean-Up Deposit.......................... $1,500.00 Building Permit................................................. $ 30.00 Inspection Fee................................................... $ 50.00 TOTAL PERMIT.............................................. $6,580.00 Application Fee................................................. $ 30.00 GARAGE, ADDITIONS & REMODELING Refundable Clean-Up Deposit........................... $ 750.00 Building Permit.................................................. $ 30.00 Inspection Fee.................................................... $ 40.00 TOTAL PERMIT............................................... $ 820.00 MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION Building Permit................................................... $ 15.00 Inspection Fee..................................................... $ 25.00 TOTAL PERMIT................................................ $ 40.00 New Address or Phone Number: Contact Office with Change If you have recently moved, please take a few minutes to contact the Administration Office to give us your new address. Many mailings done by the Association are sent out bulk mail. Unfortunately, the post office will not forward bulk mail, but will instead return it at a considerable fee. We are charged about $4.00 to receive the CWL News back. If you have disconnected your house phone (land line) and are only using cell phones chances are the Office does not have your current number. The Association has no way of contacting you in an emergency situation. The same is true if you change your phone number. Please take a few moments to contact the Administration Office at 815-765-2827 ext. 200 to be sure we have your address and phone number(s) on file. Share Your Recipe With Us! Send it to newspaper@candlewicklake.org! PLANS DUE – BY NOON Misc. Construction Boat Lifts, Piers, Corner Markers, Decks, Docks, Plays Houses, Dog runs, Pools, Driveways, refuse Enclosure, Exterior Lighting, Satellite Dishes, Gazebos, Sheds, LP Tanks, Tree Houses, Underground/Wireless Dog Fences January 15, 2016 February 12, 2016 February 26, 2016 March 11, 2016 April 1, 2016 April 15, 2016 April 29, 2016 May 13, 2016 May 26, 2016 (Thursday) June 10, 2016 June 30, 2016 (Thursday) July 15, 2016 July 29, 2016 August 12, 2016 September 1, 2016 (Thursday) September 16, 2016 September 30, 2016 October 14, 2016 October 28, 2016 November 11, 2016 December 2, 2016 December 16, 2016 Signs Please be reminded that the only type of signs that are allowed in Candlewick Lake are real estate and political signs. Real estate signs must be placed against the house or garage and may not be out in the yard. Political signs are only allowed to be displayed 30 prior and 10 after an election. Political signs may not be placed in the ditch, on common ground or any CWL owned property. Contractors are not permitted to place signs on your property. These include but are not limited to siders, roofers, landscapers, remodeling and driveway companies or any other type of construction. In addition no event or any other type of signs are allowed. When you are having work done on your house or yard, please advise your contractor that they may not display their signs. Citations will be issued to the member if signs are displayed. Use of Common Ground Use of the common ground for personal property is prohibited unless the General Manager grants permission. This includes gardens, woodpiles, etc. Trampolines, swing sets, pools, boats, etc. are strictly prohibited and permission for these type of items will not be granted. If you would like to use the common ground, you may pick up an application form in the office, to be filled out and submitted for approval by the General Manager. Vacant Lots for Sale If you have your unimproved (vacant) lot for sale, you may keep the selling information on file in the Candlewick Lake office. This information will be available to anyone interested in purchasing a lot in Candlewick Lake. Forms are available in the Administration Office, which must be filled out and placed in the book by the property owner. It is the responsibility of the lot owner to remove the form when the lot has been sold or is no longer for sale. Candlewick Lake Association does not act as a selling agent for property owners. By signing the form, you are authorizing Candlewick Lake Association to provide the information to the general public. Some of the listings go back to 2009. If you have put a form in the book, you may want to consider stopping in the office to review your form to be sure it has updated information with regards to your address, phone number, asking price etc. 12 JANUARY 2016 Candlewick Lake News Financials CANDLEWICK-LAKE SCHEDULE OF OPErATING EXPENSES As of 11/30/15 Administration Actual Budget EXPENSES Employee expenses Consulting Legal Outside services Communication Utilities Supplies C-Passes Liability Insurance Fuels Equipment & repairs road & Ground Maint Equipment rentals Chemicals Activity Expense Food Liquor Tobacco products Pro shop Bad Debt Contingency Other expenses Total Expenses Public Safety Actual Budget Maintenance Actual Budget Actual recreation Actual Budget $ 219,098 8,377 23,321 26,409 4,997 3,751 14,489 24,728 182 442 9,048 $ 226,243 22,767 28,984 24,769 8,100 4,766 12,469 28,143 979 442 9,424 $ 264,811 249 74 6,414 323 4,050 9,045 9,107 1,233 53 $ 290,900 1,475 158 8,061 712 3,587 11,578 10,394 1,233 243 $ 186,384 4,998 2,039 12,597 6,566 9,474 17,202 2,753 3,860 2,285 $ 201,588 7,586 2,373 21,030 6,531 13,036 24,557 5,527 11,278 2,768 $ 24,365 621 6,386 507 6,812 8,752 7,222 2,741 $ 38,987 1,117 10,757 1,012 8,180 5,681 7,222 2,993 $ $ 334,843 $ 367,086 $ 295,357 $ 328,341 $ 248,157 $ 296,274 $ 57,406 $ 75,949 $ 150,420 Operating Fund rEVENUE Assessments Interest Unreal Gain/(Loss) on sale of investments Other TOTAL REVENUE replacement Fund $ 1,233,512 EXPENDITUrES Administration Public safety Maintenance Pool Recreation Lake Contingency Capital expenditures TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 330,916 1,564,428 264,324 45,140 (35,306) (0) 274,158 334,843 295,357 248,157 57,406 150,420 43,476 79,048 1,208,707 45,810 577,201 3,685 626,695 Year-to-Date Budget Total $ 1,497,836 45,140 (35,306) 330,916 1,838,586 100,724 164,870 (64,146) 28,783 (28,783) 100,724 193,653 (92,929) rEVENUE OVEr (UNDEr) EXPENDITUrES 291,575 (381,319) 536,950 346,090 1,013,399 COMPrEHENSIVE INCOME (LOSS) 958,884 FUND BALANCES AT BEGINNING OF YEAr 7,143,122 rEVENUE OVEr (UNDEr) EXPENDITUrES FUND BALANCES AT END OF YEAr 958,884 $ 8,102,006 (381,319) 3,918,487 (381,319) $ 3,537,168 Annual Budget $ 1,497,836 (1,233,512) 264,324 334,843 295,357 248,157 57,406 150,420 43,476 79,048 1,208,707 GOLF Revenue Expenses GOLF REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES CHANGES IN NET UNrEALIZED HOLDING GAIN (LOSS) ON INVESTMENTS AVAILABLE FOR SALE DEPrECIATION CAPITAL EXPENDITUrES CLEArING $ 367,086 328,341 296,274 75,949 164,527 67,808 76,334 1,376,319 2,114,592 10,000 530,409 2,655,001 790,591 565,629 539,709 71,384 268,382 115,082 83,511 80,500 2,514,788 94,597 183,670 (89,073) 98,402 238,615 (140,213) (1,201,068) - 346,090 1,013,399 (822,539) 11,061,609 577,565 $ 11,639,174 CANDLEWICK LAKE Balance Sheet As of 11/30/15 Description CASH & EQUIVALENTS - OPERATING TOTAL OPERATING CASH CASH & EQUIVALENTS -INVESTMENTS TOTAL OPERATING INVESTMENTS TOTAL ROAD INVESTMENTS TOTAL RESERVE INVESTMENTS TOTAL INVESTMENTS TOTAL CASH ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES - OWNERS Total A/R-Owners 149 A/R - Reserve Doubtful Accts NET A/R OWNERS OTHER ASSETS TOTAL OTHER ASSETS PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT Total Property & Equipmnt Accum Depr - Property and Equi TOTAL NET PROPERTY/EQUIP TOTAL ASSETS Operating 575,316 785,374 785,374 1,360,690 1,770,830 (145,847) 1,624,982 31,311 16,292,567 (9,039,674) 7,252,893 10,269,876 reserves Totals - 3,364,558 3,364,558 3,364,558 108,304 108,304 5,875 3,478,738 575,316 785,374 3,364,558 4,149,933 4,725,248 1,879,134 (145,847) 1,733,286 37,186 16,292,567 (9,039,674) 7,252,893 13,748,614 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TOTAL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 25,408 - 25,408 PAYROLL LIABILITIES TOTAL PAYROLL LIABILITIES 87,005 - 87,005 ACCRUED LIABILITIES TOTAL ACCRUED LIABILITIES 111,592 - 111,592 DEFERRED REVENUE TOTAL DEFERRED REVENUE 2,076,990 - 2,076,990 29,129 - 29,129 REFUNDABLE DEPOSITS TOTAL REFUNDABLE DEPOSITS REPLACEMENT FUND TOTAL REPLACEMENT FUND 6,980,868 MEMBERS EQUITY TOTAL MEMBERS EQUITY 958,885 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 10,269,876 74,229 6,089 44 37,452 6,237 11,237 98 12,979 2,053 $ 73,953 7,191 220 45,511 7,928 11,393 2,765 10,707 4,859 $ 164,527 Actual $ Lake Budget 25 1,397 24,350 1,445 4,092 8,305 3,396 465 - $ 43,476 $ 476 6,181 34,407 2,765 4,854 15,941 2,719 465 - $ 67,808 Golf Course Actual Budget $ 41,886 48,704 464 9,263 2,386 846 2,899 6,389 1,159 10,500 2,050 4,221 11,241 16,643 2,679 2,158 1,382 $ 164,870 $ Actual Totals Budget 42,316 44,795 524 12,122 6,288 890 6,209 15,790 4,719 9,561 6,080 5,368 5,683 19,262 1,131 1,439 1,493 $ 810,799 1,397 8,377 108,332 26,991 67,996 25,802 14,489 36,190 21,418 55,019 12,315 14,360 14,198 17,200 11,241 16,643 2,679 2,158 9,362 17,563 $ 874,463 6,181 22,767 125,555 25,671 89,689 41,736 12,469 39,151 30,823 76,147 28,952 20,839 14,480 16,075 5,683 19,262 1,131 1,439 9,362 21,780 $ 183,670 $ 1,294,529 $ 1,483,655 PAYMENT OPTIONS Candlewick Lake Association offers several different ways to pay assessments; see below CANDLEWICK LAKE ASSOCIATION, INC. STATEMENT OF rEVENUE, EXPENDITUrES, COMPrEHENSIVE INCOME AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES As of 11/30/15 ccou Pool Budget 3,860,057 (381,319) 3,478,738 10,840,925 577,565 13,748,614 for details. An account is considered delinquent if payment of dues in full or an ACH is not processed by May 1st. ACH – EXISTING SETUP NEW ACH AMOUNT BEGINNING MAY 1ST What do I need to do? If you have a current ACH in place, you consent to the new amount, and there are no changes required then you need to do nothing! Again, if you had an ACH processed in March, we will process the next payment in May unless otherwise directed by you. Your Electronic Fund Transfer Authorization Agreement is for the withdrawal of funds in payment of the current Candlewick Lake Association Dues Assessments, Road Trust/Long Term Capital Funding, and accumulated interest. We will begin taking out the upcoming year’s (2015-2016 Fiscal Year) assessments in May, at which time the monthly payment will increase. If you do not consent to the increase and/or would like to pay in full, you must notify us in writing on or before April 18, 2015. Unless we receive such a request, your current ACH Agreement will continue with your consent to the new current year’s monthly assessment. Attach a voided check to a completed Electronic Fund Transfer Agreement if you want to utilize a new bank account. Forms must be received in the Candlewick Lake Office on or before April 18, 2015. Your account is automatically debited on the first business day of each month beginning May 1, 2015. ACH – NEW SETUP What do I need to do? If you need to start an ACH for the first time, then complete the ACH form, attach a voided check and return it to the Candlewick Lake Association Office. Forms must be received in the Candlewick Lake Office on or before April 18, 2015. Your account is automatically debited on the first business day of each month beginning May 1, 2015. Return ACH forms to the following address: Candlewick Lake Association Office, 13400 Highway 76, Poplar Grove, IL 61065 Online Payment Via eCheck or Credit Card You can set up a one-time payment using an eCheck or credit card. There is a $14.95 convenience fee if you pay via a credit card. There is no charge for eChecks, however you will have to register as a smartstreet user. • What do I need to do? Simply follow the directions below: Log in to www.candlewick-lake.org or www.smartstreet.com. • Select “Online Payments.” • Choose “Pay as a Guest” for credit card payments or “Sign In or Register” for one time eCheck payments. • Select your homeowner’s association and follow the instructions on the screen. Pay in Full at the Association Office in Person or by US Mail Return your invoice and a check made payable to Candlewick Lake Association to the following address: Candlewick Lake Association, 13400 Highway 76, Poplar Grove, IL 61065 When paying by check, please write your unit and lot number on the check. You can also drop your payment in our drop box located in front of the Administration Office during or after hours. Your cashed check will serve as your receipt. Please do NOT drop cash. NO CREDIT CARDS WILL BE ACCEPTED AT THE ADMINISTRATION OFFICE. Important Notice In order to more efficiently handle your checks, we have elected to use a check scanner to process your checks in the office. This will turn your paper check into an electronic check transaction. You will not receive your paper check back in your statement. The payment will be reflected as an electronic transaction on your banking statement and can clear as soon as the same day we receive your payment. Community Organizations Group AA/Al Anon NA/Nar-anon Boy Scout Troop #77 Cub Scout Pack #77 Candlewick Flames Contact Lynn & Russ Jack Joe Bomher David Karl, Asst.Scoutmaster Elaine Spana, Membership/Adv. Rose Marie Wade Phone 815-765-1973 815-978-8384 630-464-2407 815-703-3883 815-765-0906 815-765-2745 Candlewick Lake News JANUARY 2016 Matter of Record Public Safety & Building Citations ADDRESS UNIT/LOT VIOLATION FINE NONE THIS MONTH A Matter of Record TOTAL HOMES CONSTRUCTED Homes Complete: 1822 Under Construction: 2 Total: 1824 Percentage of Rental Properties: 16.14% NEW HOUSES APPROVED: NONE MISC. CONSTRUCTION APPROVED: Unit 4 Lot 160 – 207 Hastings Way SW................................................................................... Shed Unit 6 Lot 94 – 149 Columbia NW ...........................................................................Color Change Unit 6 Lot 222 – 1602 Candlewick Dr. SW.............................................................................. Shed Unit 7 Lot 212 – 506 Constitution SW...................................................................... Tree Removal Unit 9 Lot 20 – 300 Picadilly SE............................................................................... Tree Removal Unit 11 Lot 52 – 409 Staffordshire NE............................................................. Culvert Application Unit 4 Lot 37 – 402 Talladega SW.................................................................. Driveway Extension Unit 9 Lot 122 – 119 Liverpool SE........................................................... Underground Dog Fence TAKE A BOOK, LEAVE A BOOK 13 Welcome New Owners Briar Cliff Street SW ...................................................................................... MIHAI GHEORGHE Candlewick Dr NE....................................................................................................LUIS SANCHO Candlewick Dr NE...............................................................................................LUIS D TORRESE Candlewick Dr SW....................................................................................... JOSEPH SACOMANO Columbia Street NW............................................................................................. JOHN ARNESON Columbia Street NW............................................................... VERNON & BEVERLY MCELROY Drew Court NE............................................................................... DONALD & PHYLLIS DUBIN Hastings Way SW................................................................... SPENCER & NICOLE D’AGOSTIN Minarette Dr SW......................................................................................... MARIA E BARRAGAN Pembroke Rd SW..................................................................................................... SALLY BAKER Wenatchee Way SW.........................................................................................ROCCO DEFRENZA Wenatchee Way SW..........................................................................................JUAN RODRIGUEZ CANDLEWICK LAKE ASSOCIATION IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE ROCK RIVER VALLEY BLOOD CENTER WILL BE HOLDING A In June, a bookcase was placed in the Lakeview Room of the Recreation Center as a means to circulate books throughout the community. The intended audience is anyone, of any age, who has an interest in reading. Reading is something which needs to be encouraged and nourished. It has been suggested that parents spend 30 minutes per day reading to and/or with their child. So BLOOD DRIVE turn off the TV, put away the video games, and pick up a book! The following rules have been put in place to help make this program work. PLEASE: Leave only as many books as you are taking so the space does not become cluttered with too many books. Paperbacks and hardcovered books are fine to leave; due to space MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 2016 1:30 p.m. TO 7:30 p.m. requirements please do not leave comic books or coloring books and crayons. Place children’s books on the lowest shelf so as to discourage any at the climbing. Parents – please assist your children when books are being selected as your children are your responsibility. Keep the space neat and orderly. CANDLEWICK LAKE REC CENTER Thank you, the Recreation Commission CANDLEWICK LAKE RENTAL REGISTRATION NOTICE As you may be aware, Candlewick Lake Association recently voted to put a fifteen percent (15%) rental cap in place. Under this new rule, all rental units are defined as non-owner occupied homes. If you own a home in Candlewick, but do not personally live in the home, it will be considered in the count towards the fifteen percent cap. Registration forms were sent to all those that the Administration Office had identified. If, however you did not receive notice, or are not sure if your home qualifies, please contact the Administration Office immediately. Failure to do so may result in further monetary penalties as outlined under the approved change. The fifteen percent (15%) rental cap has been reached. If you wish to rent your home and it was not previously identified and registered as a rental property, you will be put on a waiting list until we fall below the rental cap. Please contact the Administration Office with any questions regarding rental properties. Lost & Found From time to time, property owners will turn things in at the Candlewick Lake Administration Office that they have found along the road, in the parks, etc. If you have lost anything, contact the office and describe that item you have lost. To schedule an appointment time please contact Valerie Alt – 765-3092 By scheduling an appointment it helps to speed registration and the blood drawing process. A State’s Attorney for ALL of Boone County Proven Leadership & Trusted Experience Dedicated to Keeping Our Community Safe Committed to Justice and Accountability www.belvidere.net/courier PAID FOR BY CITIZENS TO LET MIHELLE COURIER 14 JANUARY 2016 Candlewick Lake News Meeting Minutes MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING November 17, 2015 Board Members Present: Ken Dillenburg, Don Parisi, Chuck Corso, Jeff Lutzow (arrived 7:39), Rich Witt, Bonnie Marron Absent: Steve Lambright Staff Members: Theresa Balk, Valerie Alt, Roland Wood, Leann DeJoode The meeting opened at 6:30 PM at the Rec. Center by President Ken Dillenburg followed by the pledge to the flag and a prayer. There were four members present. There were no questions/comments for the Open Forum Session. A presentation was made to Public Safety Gate Officer Maria Kaske who received her twenty five year Employee Service Award and to Public Safety Gate Supervisor Cathy Carr who received her twenty year Employee Service Award. Congratulations Maria and Cathy! Parisi made a motion, seconded by Witt to approve the agenda with taking #4 and #7 under unfinished business off the table as requested by Witt and adding under new business, #7 – Property Owner Request, #8 – Use of Facilities, and #9 – Flyers and Miscellaneous Requests, as requested by Balk. Motion carried unanimously. Parisi made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 20, 2015 regular Board Meeting, seconded by Witt. Motion carried unanimously. Parisi made a motion to approve the minutes of the November 11, 2015 Board Workshop, seconded by Marron. Motion carried unanimously. An Aqua update was given by Joel Gehrett who stated that all their projects are done except for lift station #1, which they are actively working on and will continue into next year. Work is being done on Aqua property. After April 2016, asphalt work will be done; they will need managed traffic flow. Gehrett advised he got a hydrant for the dog park. MONITORING REPORTS 1.) General Manager’s Report: The October 2015 report was reviewed. Witt stated that the report says the thrusters and aerators have been shut off for the season. Balk stated one will be turned back on. 2A.) Maintenance Department Report: The October 2015 report was reviewed. 2B.) Building Department Report: The October 2015 report was reviewed. 2C.) Public Safety Report: The October 2015 report was reviewed. Witt asked what “scanner calls” and “on view calls” were. Roland Wood explained that CWL monitors the sheriff and fire department calls and can go to assist and on view calls are when the patrol officers see things themselves instead of the issue being called in. 2D.) Savannah Oaks Golf Course Report: The October 2015 report was reviewed. 2E.) Savannah Oaks Clubhouse Report: The October 2015 report was reviewed. Corso reported that year to date we ended $40,000.00 up over last year; there was $30,000.00 less in expenses and October 2015 versus October 2014 was up $9,600.00 Marron stated that people think the golf course is making money which isn’t the case; we just are not losing as much money. Marron stated she would like to see the Clubhouse Report quantitated, not qualitative; the report that is submitted is like a newspaper article. Parisi stated the POS system is not functioning yet. BOARD COMMITTEE REPORTS 1.)The Financial Report was given by Dillenburg who reported the fund balances as follows: Total Operating Cash $594,748.18; Total Operating Investments $785,372.36; Total Road Investments $0.00; Total Reserve Investments $3,366,654.14; Total Investments $4,152,026.50; Total Cash $4,746,774.68. The revenue is $29,904.79 ahead budget; the expenses are $168,477.55 under budget; the budget is $198,382.34 “to the good”. 2.)Citation Review Hearing: The 11/14/15 meeting report was reviewed. Witt made a motion, seconded by Parisi to ratify the decisions of the Citation Review Commission subject to the Member’s right to appeal for the 11/14/15 review. Motion carried unanimously. 3.)ECC: The 10/21/15 and 11/4/15 meeting report was reviewed. Parisi stated it is slowing up this time of year. 4.)Lake Management: The 11/10/15 meeting report was reviewed. The fish stocking was done on 10/24/15. There were a lot of volunteers for the leaf drop off; 6-1/2 dumpsters were filled. 5.)Recreation Commission: The 10/29/15 meeting report was reviewed. Marron stated a professional was coming to look at the pool. The Commission recommended moving ahead with the splash pad but it was voted down at the budget meeting. 6.)Golf Commission: The 11/4/15 meeting report was reviewed. The Commission is recommending keeping the course open until December 1st, weather permitting and have it open April 1st and be open every day and would like this budgeted for. The next meeting will be in February 2016. 7.)Public Safety Commission: The 11/11/15 meeting report was reviewed. Witt stated carbon monoxide detectors are recommended for the guard houses and said they should be in all the buildings. Balk said she thought they were. 8.)Events Commission: The 11/2/15 meeting was cancelled. 9.)Communications Commission: The 10/28/15 meeting was cancelled. Marron stated members are needed for this Commission. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1.)An update was given on the Outpost. Witt stated he spoke with Ed Nolan; he has information, drawings and the numbers and asked Nolan to call Balk tomorrow. Nolan would like to come out next week to meet with the Committee. 2.)Caledonia Road Clean-Up was discussed. Dillenburg reported this project has been completed and thanked everyone that came out to help. The next clean-up will be done in the spring. 3.)The Friendship Park Fence Replacement is tabled. Signs are up that say vehicles are not permitted on the grass. 4.)Halloween Trick-or-Treating (Saturday vs. Sunday) was discussed. A survey was put out and the response was 2 to 1 in favor of leaving it as it was (on Sunday). Parisi stated a letter was received from the mail carriers who were very concerned about having it on Saturdays as they are still delivering mail in the afternoon. Dillenburg stated that many of the comments were that a lot of people work on Saturdays. Marron made a motion, seconded by Corso to leave trick-or-treating on Sundays as it has been. Motion carried unanimously. Dillenburg stated that one of the comments was that the hours are too long, but this has already been addressed a few years ago and the decision was made to leave the hours as they are. A property owner commented that there are no sidewalks and there is a lot of extra walking. Dillenburg stated there are so many kids that trick-ortreat that don’t live in CWL. 5.)The CWL website is up and running. Randy Alberts is still moving some of the data around. 6.)Resolution 15-R-32 for the purchase and installation windows at the Pool House is tabled. We are waiting for quotes on the windows. 7.)The Volunteer Dinner was discussed. Marron stated that the office was given a list and then not everyone was invited; some people think that by working at two things qualifies a volunteer to get invited to the dinner. Discussion was held on what has happened in the past and Balk asked the Board how they want things done going forward. Dillenburg stated he felt anyone who helps, regardless of for what should be invited. Corso stated all Committee and Commission members and those working two events should be invited. Marron made a motion, seconded by Witt that all volunteers are invited to the dinner. Motion carried unanimously. As events happen, the list of volunteers should be submitted to the office. NEW BUSINESS 1.)A list of bad debt write-offs in the amount of $111,499.65 which consisted of 43 properties and were properties going into the County’s name because they weren’t sold at the tax auction, banks only paying back six months and citation issued to the previous owner was reviewed. Dillenburg stated the charges being written off for the County owned lots does not include this year’s dues. Dillenburg made a motion to approve writing off the bad debt, seconded by Marron. Motion carried 5/0 by a roll call vote with all voting aye. Accounting adjustments in the amount of $203.17 was reviewed and consisted of associate member fees. Dillenburg made a motion to approve writing off the accounting adjustments, seconded by Witt. Motion carried 5/0 by a roll call vote with all voting aye. 2.)Administration Office Hours for Saturday, December 26, 2015 were discussed. The request was to close the office on that day as it is anticipated this would be a very slow day following the holidays. Parisi stated there may be new owners since it is at the end of the month. Balk stated they would still be able to get into CWL. Marron asked if the employees wanted to work with Balk responding they were the ones that asked that the office be closed. Witt made a motion, seconded by Corso to close the office on Saturday, December 26, 2015. Motion carried unanimously. 3.)A list of items from the restaurant that are no longer being used was reviewed. Marron made a motion, seconded by Witt to either sell or dispose of the items. Motion carried unanimously. 4.)Discussion was held on parking rules. The rules and regulations limit the number of items that can be parked on an improved lot to three. Only watercraft, with or without a trailer may be parked on unimproved lots, but the rules don’t state how many watercraft may be parked or if they can be other people’s watercraft. The question being raised was should there be a limit to the number of watercraft allowed on an unimproved lot and whose watercraft may be parked there. Parisi stated anything parked on the lot should be registered to the lot owner. After discussion on the issue, it was the Board’s decision to change Section 4-10, Paragraph J to say that a maximum of three boats may be parked on an unimproved lot and must be registered to the lot owner and to change Paragraph E to say that ATV’s, boats, snowmobiles, etc. must be registered to the resident. A policy will be written for the next Board meeting and will be read as the first reading. 5.)A request from a renter to park his commercial truck in the driveway was discussed. Parisi stated he didn’t do his due diligence, whether it was the realtor not advising properly or not. Corso stated he felt it should be allowed as the renter is a Vet and the truck doesn’t look that big. Corso made a motion, seconded by Witt to allow the truck to be parked in the driveway. Motion carried unanimously. 6.)Savannah Oaks Golf Course and Clubhouse hours of operation were discussed. Corso made a motion, seconded by Marron to keep the course opener longer in the fall and earlier in the spring, weather and staff permitting. Discussion was held on the motion. Marron asked what the daily cost was with Balk responding she didn’t have that information with her. Balk stated there were 28 golfers on 11/2/15 and 34 on 11/3/15 (after the scheduled closing date of 11/1/15). Balk stated that as there has been no business after 7:00 on recent Sundays and none on Mondays, the Clubhouse will be closed these addition days/ times. Witt stated the course should be open until December 1st, weather permitting with Balk asking “what is weather permitting”. Discussion was held on temperatures acceptable for golfing. Corso stated Pam and her team are doing a great job, changing the culture of the Clubhouse. It was questioned if food is being sold. Parisi asked about the carts; Balk stated we pay for them for nine months but have them year round. The motion was withdrawn and this issue will be tabled. Balk will budget to keep the course open for 15 days in November and 15 days in April. The Board stated the Clubhouse will not be open for special events in the winter. 7.)A request for a rental property was read by Dillenburg. The property owner said they mailed the rental application in at the end of August and contacted the office in October and was told that it was never received. The request is to have the application put in and not be placed on a waiting list. Lutzow stated the onus is on the owner to verify we got it. Balk said they have never rented their house; it has been for sale; they would not have been sent a rental registration form but articles about the rental cap have been in the newspaper for five months. It was reported that we are 9-10 above the cap and there are two on the waiting list. Witt made a motion, seconded by Marron to deny the request. Motion carried unanimously. 8.)A request to use CWL facilities was read by Marron. The request was to use one of the rooms at the Recreation Center for two hours during the day the week of December 14th for a research study for fall prevention; the room is to have desks and a hallway. Marron asked why the college couldn’t be used. Corso made a motion, seconded by Dillenburg to deny the request as this would be setting a precedent for future requests. Motion carried 5/1 with Dillenburg, Parisi, Corso, Lutzow, and Marron voting aye and Witt voting nay. 9.)A request to put up flyers was discussed. Balk stated she has been getting numerous requests to put up flyers, most recently a “Feed the Need” from the Belvidere Police and a Thanksgiving dinner invitation from a local church and asked the Board what their feeling is about putting up flyers. Lutzow made a motion, seconded by Parisi to give the General Manager the authority to put up all flyers at her discretion. Motion carried unanimously. Parisi made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:06 PM seconded by Witt. Motion carried unanimously. Parisi motioned to reopen the regular meeting at 8:19 PM, seconded by Witt. Motion carried unanimously. Witt motioned to go into Executive Session at 8:19 PM to discuss a citation appeal, legal and personnel, seconded by Parisi. Motion carried unanimously. Citation Appeal: A valid citation was appealed. The decision of the Board was not to overturn the Citation Review Commission’s decision. The citation will remain valid. Legal: An update was given. Personnel: Balk has received applications for the HR position and is reviewing them. Parisi made a motion to adjourn the Executive Session at 8:41 PM, seconded by Witt. Motion carried unanimously. Parisi made a motion to return to the regular meeting at 8:41 PM, seconded by Witt. Motion carried unanimously. Parisi motioned to approve the decisions made in executive session, seconded by Witt. Motion carried unanimously. Witt made a motion to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:41 PM, seconded by Parisi. Motion carried unanimously. Submitted by, Valerie Alt Fitness Center & Gym Use HOWARD MESICK BUILDERS Quality Work Fair Prices loW Prices on Water Heater installations candleWick resident Residents may use the Fitness Center and Gym in the Rec Center during regular Remodeling Room Additions Finished Basements Custom Built Homes Concrete Work Garages Siding Ceramic Tile hours of operation by showing a valid Candlewick ID. Bring a change of shoes. A complete list of rules and policies regarding the Fitness Center are available on our web site. 815-765-3497 CWL Resident 120 Queensbury Poplar Grove, IL 61065 L&J PLUMBING Joe landinger (815) 690-0729 licensed & insured Candlewick Lake News JANUARY 2016 15 Meeting Minutes President’s Prerogative continued from page 3 is so easy to remedy. As the Chief says, please lock those cars! I have mentioned we are now getting ready to firm up a proposed budget for the next fiscal year. Like all of you, our expenses (with the exception of fuel) keep rising. We are doing all we can to control expenditures, but a dues increase is not off the table. Stay tuned. Let me leave you at the end of 2015 with this thought from Benjamin Franklin... “Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better person.” Want to Submit an Editorial? View the Guidelines. on page 2. Open At 13565 Rt. 76 109 N. State, Poplar Grove 815-765-3333 www.poplargrovestatebank.com FREE Vitamins Help keep your children healthy! Children’s Vitamin Program LAKE MANAGEMENT COMMISSION MEETING November 10, 2015 - Approved Roll Call/Call to Order at 6:29 PM MEMBERS PRESENT: Chuck Hart, Bill Batzkall, Jim Brefeld, Jay Chvarovsky Joe Cangelosi, Pam Cangelosi, Bob McHoes, Lee Odden, Marge Olson, Tom Pinkowski, Sr., Charlie Sewell, Bill Van Dusen, Theresa Balk, General Manager, Joe Rush, JadeCo MEMBERS ABSENT: Dom DeMay, Todd Jones, Don Tripicchio, Rich Witt, and Bill Martin, Guests: Don Parisi, Dale Miedema Approval of Agenda: Motion by Pam Cangelosi, seconded by Marge Olson. Motion carried. Approval of Minutes from October 13, 2015. Motion by Bill Batzkall, seconded by Charlie Sewell. Motion carried. Sub-Committee Reports: Education – “Fish on Prozac” article was distributed. Article about chemicals in the water table and how it affects fish. Belvidere Public Safety building has 24/7 drop off for drugs, some pharmacies accept drop offs as well. Lake Ecology- Nothing to report this month. Watershed – Nothing to report this month. Recreational Use of Lake – Nothing to report this month. Fish Stocking and Habitation – Chuck Hart went to Lake Holiday to an Ice Fishing Seminar. He reported that they have a carp problem due to use of live bait. Service Activity Projects – Jim Brefeld reported that there were 4 dumpsters filled last on the first Saturday of leaf pick up. There were also a lot of volunteers. Lake/Water Safety – Pam Cangelosi will have an article for the paper this month about the change of season and winter safety on frozen water. Volunteers – Nothing to report. Unfinished Business: 1. EPA Grant- There will be a meeting of the Grant steering committee on 11/17, at 4:00 at the Rec Center, anyone that wants to attend is welcome. Discussion will include how to proceed with that should be done between Caledonia Road and the Dip. 2. 2016-17 Budget- The docks did not get approved for consideration this year. 3. Leaf Collection- The seconded collection date is 11/14 from nine to noon at Maintenance. 4. Fish Shocking- Joe should have the report for the next meeting. 5. Fish Stocking- The fish were delivered 10/24/15. There does not appear to be any fish kill from the delivery. The fish looked good. New Business: The dam inspection has been has been completed. We are now waiting on the written report from Wendler Engineering. Motion to adjourn by Bob McHoes, Seconded by Bill Van Dusen at 6:57 PM, motion carried. Respectfully submitted: Theresa Balk WANT TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD IN THE CANDLEWICK NEWS? CALL THE CWL OFFICE AT 815/765-2827 OR SUBMIT THE FORM IN SECTION 2. for Children Ages 4-12 Years Old Enroll your children and a 30 day supply will be provided every month, free of charge. Stop in for more details. ® 13521 Illinois Route 76 • Poplar Grove, IL BOARDING & GROOMING Medical • Surgical • Dental • Lab X-rays • Diagnostic Blood Work 1/2 OFF EXAM with this ad FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY ONLY ONE COUPON PER FAMILY • NO CASH VALUE OUTDOOR SPACES for Boats, Campers & Cars! • Security fencing and video • Blacktopped, all weather access • Secured locking gate with IL RT 173 24 hour FAMILY access RESTAURANT • Auto nite lite 815-765-1808 POPLAR GROVE 173 STORAGE IL RT 76 815-765-1300 Garbage Company Proper Disposal Information Normal household trash must be put out in sealed containers. Bags set next to the toter are prohibited and citations will be issued to those violating the rules. If you need an additional toter, please contact Advanced Disposal at 815-874-8431. If you only occasionally have an additional bag of garbage that doesn’t fit in your toter, you may put it in a regular garbage can. You are required to have your garbage at the curb by 6:00 AM on the day of collection. To avoid being missed, please be sure to have your garbage out by 6:00 AM. An electronic recycling drop-off site is located at the Boone County Highway Department. Hazardous waste materials (paints, paint thinner, oil, etc.) can be taken to the Rock River Water Reclamation District located at 3333 Kishwaukee Street in Rockford. Their hours are Saturdays from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM and Sundays from noon to 4:00 PM. You can call 815-387-7510 to get a complete list of what is accepted and what is not. Things they don’t accept are compressed gas, explosives and radioactive material. Tires (except tractor tires) may be taken, up to four at a time, to Rock River Water Reclamation District. Sharps (used syringes, needles and other medical equipment) should not be disposed of in your household trash or recycling as this poses a significant health risk to waste haulers. Anyone working in the trash handling industry can unexpectedly come in contact with these materials and is in danger of accidentally puncturing themselves and be at risk of contracting any number of diseases – including Hepatitis B and HIV – from contaminated syringes. Most pharmacies offer a free sharps collection program. You can pick up a sharps container at no charge; once your container is full, you can exchange it for a new container. This free service is a simple solution for the safe disposal of SHARPS. Garbage Pick Up Holidays Include: New Year’s Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Please remember that pick up will be pushed back a day following a holiday. Bulk Garbage Pick Up Every year, there are two bulk garbage pick up days scheduled. This is normally scheduled for the Thursday following the garage sales. This means that Advanced Disposal will pick up unlimited “household items” on that day only. Please keep in mind that every week, you are allowed to put out one extra “household item” with your normal garbage. Please make sure that your garbage is placed off the roadway and shoulder and is secured. The following items are not accepted and will not be picked up: • Electronics • Appliances • Car Parts or Tires • Water Softeners or Heaters • Any Type of Hazardous Chemicals or Waste Materials • Paints or Oils • Batteries of Any Kind • Construction and Demolition Debris 16 JANUARY 2016 Candlewick Lake News J&D Countryside Marathon Open 24 Hours • 815-765-3729 Visit us at jdcountryside.com Happy New Year! Miller Lite, Coors Light 24 pk cans $1599 Check Out our Deli We have great soups, subs, wraps, salads and burgers everyday. Awesome desserts too! Bud, Bud Light 24 pk cans Busch Light 30 pk cans $1499 $1599 THERE ARE 5 VEGAS STYLE VIDEO GAMING MACHINES Available for your enjoyment! We Have a Nice Selection of Liquor And Wines Arbor Mist $429 750 ml Don’t Forget Our LaserWash 360 TOUCHLESS, AUTOMATIC CAR WASH We feature Armor All, RainX, and Blue Coral Products ALL PEPSI ALL COKE 3 for $333 2 20 oz BE CAREFUL OUT THERE! TRY YOUR LUCK! 20 oz 2 for $ 50 13615 Rt. 76, Poplar Grove, IL (across from Candlewick) CLEAN RESTROOMS Special evenT For Married couples Mysterious Magnificent Marriage Workshop Friday, February 12th, 2016 6:30-9:30pm Join a Pace Vanpool or Carpool Perfect Valentine’s gift for each other! Worship Times Sundays 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Call, text, or email for more information or to register 815-540-7463 • lindagumm61@aol.com RSVP by 1/31/16 502 Orth Road, Loves Park, IL 61111 Pastor Tim H. Gumm Office: (815) 885-4884 Preschool: (815) 885-4224 timhgumm@aol.com • peacelp.com Please be aware of the lake conditions before venturing onto the lake. A great way to save money and time on your daily trip to work is to share your drive with other commuters. There is an existing Sears vanpool heading from Poplar Grove to the Prairie Stone Business Park that you may join. Simply: 1. Go to www.PaceRideShare.com and register a new account or log into your existing account 2. Create a commute profile that matches the times and routing of the below commute 3. Select 755V Vanpool in your matches and send an email to PaceRideShare Stop Locations To Work Times To Home Times Benedict Dr & Pembroke Rd Poplar Grove 5:45 AM 5:20 PM Fairgrounds Rd and Candlewick Blvd Poplar Grove 5:50 AM 5:10 PM 2101 Gateway Center Dr Belvidere Vanpool is open to picking up riders at I-90 Hampshire exit, Huntley Outlet Center (Rt47) or Randall Rd exits Or on Big Timber Rd in Elgin 6:10 AM 5:00 PM TBD TBD 7:00 AM 4:00 PM 3333 Beverly Road Hoffman Estates The participants work hours are: 7:00 am – 4:00 pm If you live in Algonquin, Burlington, Carpentersville, Elgin, Genoa, Gilberts, Hampshire, Lake in the Hills, Pingree Grove, Rockford area, Sleepy Hollow, Sycamore or West Dundee, this van might be a good option. Pace invites you to try vanpooling before you join. Ride free for 3 days and share the fun! To learn about the Pace Vanpool Program or get more information, please call us at 847-593-7665.