- Candlewick Lake Association
- Candlewick Lake Association
CANDLEWICK LAKE ASSOCIATION INC. 13400 Hwy. 76, Poplar Grove, IL 61065-8814 www.candlewicklake.org prsrt std U.S. Postage Paid Poplar Grove, IL Permit No. 6 candlewick Official Publication of CWL Vol. 32, No. 6 June 2016 lake What to Look for... President’s Prerogative General Manager’s Report News Lake Management Public Safety Environmental Control Meeting Minutes 3 4 4-6 7 10 11 14-15 www.candlewicklake.org Gang Awareness Seminar Teaches Residents the Facts About Gangs Photos by Chief Roland Wood This May, a Gang Awareness Seminar, hosted by our Public Safety Department, was held for CWL residents. Sergeant Dammon of the Belvidere Police Department spoke to residents about street gang activity in the Boone County area. A street gang is a group of people who form an allegiance for a common purpose and engage in violent, unlawful, or criminal activity. Residents received information about gang identification and ways to work together to limit their activity. Photos clockwise from top left: 1. Pam Cangelosi and John Schwartz introduce guest speaker, Sergeant Dan Dammon of the Belvidere Police Department. 2. Sergeant Dammon 3. Chief Wood, Sergeant Matt Studt, Sergeant Dammon and Sergeant Kevin Aten 4. Many residents attended the informative presentation. Candlewick Lake Association, Inc. New Telephone Numbers Now in Effect Administration Office 815-339-0500 Public Safety Office 815-339-0500 Recreation Center 815-339-0500 Savannah Oaks Clubhouse 815-339-0500 Pool 815-339-0500 Administration Fax # 815-339-0501 Maintenance 815-339-0502 Report an Incident 815-339-0503 **Visitor Call In 815-765-2067 (**This number has not changed) We have switched our telephone systems to a VOIP system. Unfortunately, we were not able to retain our current phone numbers. The good news is that by dialing 815-339-0500, you will be able to reach the Administration, the Public Safety Office, Recreation Center, or Savannah Oaks Clubhouse. The Visitor Call In number has not changed. Please make a note of these new numbers. MORE BANG FOR YOUR BUCK!! All CWL Independence Day activities are scheduled for Saturday, July 2, 2016 and are brought to you by the CWL Events Commission Submitted by Bonnie Marron accepted. Additional forms are available at the Rec Center CWL residents deserve another truly spectacular 4th and the Administration Office. of July Fireworks Display for 2016, but once again your Again this year, there will be donation jars located at assistance is needed to accomplish this, and the sooner the the Administration Office and Recreation Center for those better so the planning can be completed!! Last year, with who would like to contribute any loose change they have the assistance of some very generous residents, groups and on hand. businesses, an additional $3,600.00 was combined with All donations need to be collected no later than Friday, the $7,000.00 which CWL budgeted for the display, and June 24th, and every contribution will be noted in the everyone agreed it provided us with some great entertainAugust newspaper as well as on a display board at the ment. The goal is to raise at least $3,000.00. Your help is Recreation Center. If donations are received after this date, again needed if we are to have one of the best displays in they will be credited to the 2017 display. the area. It does not take much to help the cause. The goal is to This celebration, including the parade and other try to match, or better yet, surpass the funds which were entertainment, is the biggest summer event at CWL, and collected last year. This is the eighth year we have asked while management is trying to stretch our dollars to give the residents to contribute to this display, and each year the the residents everything they deserve, they cannot do it fireworks just keep getting better. So act now! all. Would you please consider making a donation to help Please help your community by giving what you can. the cause? Just complete the form on page 6 and return Should you have any questions or comments please it, with your check made payable to the Candlewick Lake contact Bonnie Marron, Events Commission, at either Association, to either the Administration Office or the 815-765-2030 or canoe@ameritech.net. desk at the Recreation Center. Cash donations are also 2 JUNE 2016 Candlewick Lake News CWL Information Board Meeting Schedule 6:30 PM Meeting Call to Order Tuesday, June 21, 2016 Rec Center Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:30 PM at the Rec Center Multi-purpose room. All Candlewick members are welcome to attend. If you cannot attend or would like a specific issue addressed, please address your written correspondence to the Board of Directors and send or drop them off at the Candlewick Office no later than the Thursday before the Board Meeting. This allows time to research the issue before the meeting. Candlewick Lake 2016-2017 Board of Directors Ken Dillenburg President 2510 Candlewick Dr. SE Poplar Grove, IL 61065 (815) 765-2607 Lakefolks2@gmail.com Term Expires: 2018 Don Parisi Vice President 121 Galleon Run SE Poplar Grove, IL 61065 (815) 289-6044 dparisi@remaxhorizon.com Term Expires: 2017 Jeff Lutzow Treasurer 130 Hastings Way SW Poplar Grove, IL 61065 (815) 847-5373 jeff_lutzow@yahoo.com Term Expires: 2018 Randy Budreau Director 631 Candlewick Dr. NE Poplar Grove, IL 61065 (608) 346-0241 rbudreaujd@aol.com Term Expires: 2019 Greg Waite Secretary 214 Briar Cliff SW Poplar Grove, IL 61065 (630) 849-6819 gwaite82@gmail.com Term Expires: 2019 Steve Lambright Director 600 Marquette Dr. SW Poplar Grove, IL 61065 (815) 765-5053 seth731_99@yahoo.com Term Expires: 2019 Rich Witt Director 1624 Candlewick Dr. SW Poplar Grove, IL 61065 (815) 765-0070 RWitt@candlewicklake.org Term Expires: 2018 Candlewick Lake Directory 13400 Hwy. 76 Poplar Grove, IL 61065 (815) 339-0500 info@candlewicklake.org Office Hours 8:30-4:30 Mon.-Fri. 9:00-12:00 pm Saturday Administration Office 815-339-0500 Fax 815-339-0501 Savannah Oaks 815-339-0500 Maintenance Office 815-339-0502 Public Safety Office 815-339-0500 Rec Center 815-339-0500 Pool 815-339-0500 Visitor Call In Report an Incident 815-765-2067 815-339-0503 Community Telephone Numbers Aqua Illinois Water 877-987-2782 MediaCom (cable) 800-824-6047 Local Rep 815-403-3414 Advanced Disposal 815-874-8431 Nicor 888-642-6748 ComEd 800-EDISON1 Frontier Tel. 800-921-8101 800-921-8104 J.U.L.I.E. 800-892-0123 Poplar Grove P.O. 800-765-1572 Boone Co. Clerk 815-544-3103 Boone Co. Treas. 815-544-2666 Capron Rescue 911 Fire Dist. #3 911 Sheriff 911 Sheriff (non-emer.) 815-544-2144 Animal Emerg. Clinic 815-229-7791 Candlewick Lake Committees/Commissions (Check this month’s calendar for committee meeting dates and times.) Finance Events Citation Review Election Environmental Control Lake Management Public Safety Communications Commission Recreation Commission Golf Commission Jeff Lutzow, Treasurer Kathi Smith, Chair Jackie Lenick 847-5373 339-0500 717-0111 Darin Wheeler 847-343-8208 Chuck Hart, Chair 520-1796 Charlie Sewell, Co-Chair 765-2916 John Schwartz 765-9131 Sandy Morse, Co-Chair/Editor 765-2377 Bonnie Marron 765-2030 Mary Budreau 765-0323 Glenn O’Connell 509-9889 Important Notice for Those on ACH If you had an ACH processed in March, we automatically continued your ACH unless we received notification in writing from you at least 14 days prior to the withdrawal. Remember, any changes to your account must be made in writing 14 days prior to your scheduled withdrawal date. Based on the approved budget, the following schedule provides notification of the revised monthly ACH amounts. ACH MONTHLY WITHDRAWAL AMOUNTS BASED ON AN ELEVEN-MONTH PLAN Ad Disclaimer We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement, photo or article. HOUSE WASH 3 Soaps Mildew Remover Wax Serving the Stateline since 2002 Fully Insured - Free Estimates BRItE SItE pRESSURE WASHIng Total Invoice Total Invoice Total Invoice Total Invoice Total Invoice Associate Member Fee ACH Amount ACH Amount ACH Amount ACH Amount ACH Amount ACH Amount Guidelines for Editorial Submissions • • • • • • • • • • 815-484-0999 • AlSO AvAIlABlE: • DECK WASH - COnCREtE ClEAnIng $1076.00 $1345.00 $1614.00 $1883.00 $2152.00 $ 450.00 $102.00 $127.00 $152.50 $178.00 $203.50 $ 42.50 monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly Submissions must be no larger than 350 words. Submissions must pertain to CWL matters. Submissions must be on a topic or issue. No vulgar, obscene or offensive language including reference to race, color, creed or religion. No character bashing. Submissions must be received in the administration office by the 10th of the month for publication in the upcoming month’s paper. Submissions must be typed and/or in electronic format. Submissions must include the writers name and street name. Constructive criticism is accepted but must include an alternative solution(s). The Communications Committee reserves the right to hold back printing submissions due to space considerations. Submissions must be received in the administration office or at newspaper@candlewicklake.org by the 10th of the month for publication in the upcoming month’s paper The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the author of each the editorial published in the Candlewick Lake Newspaper do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs or viewpoints of the Candlewick Lake Staff, Board of Directors or the Communications Commission. The content of any editorial submitted is the sole responsibility of its author. Candlewick Lake News JUNE 2016 3 President’s Prerogative by Ken Dillenburg, Board President Hello everyone, and welcome to summer at Candlewick! Tom Pinkowski brought up an excellent point regarding our road problems. He has observed some garbage containers not being taken close enough to the road so the arms of the garbage trucks can reach them. The trucks then pull over the edge of the roadway, breaking portions of the asphalt so the arm can lift the container to empty it. Excellent point, Tom. We have asked the trucks to remain on the roadway, but if they can’t reach the containers, what are they to do? Let’s all join in to solve this. On a personal note, I had a yellow tag on my container some time ago asking me to take it out further, so I was no better. Continuing with the roads theme, I am sure you are seeing some of the markings on our roads. There will be some repairs, but from what I am hearing from the Roads Commission, we need to address the shouldering quickly. When water is standing on the road edges, it seeps under the road, undermining the base, and with the weight of vehicles, the asphalt “alligators.” This term is from the asphalt looking like alligator skin when it breaks apart. The commission is on top of it, and I am sure their final plan for the year will serve us well. There is a lot of leg work involved in this project. Planning for the Outpost rebuild is progressing. All the ducks have to be in a row, and there has to be a final Board vote before it actually breaks ground. This type project leaves no room for “whoops!” when it is underway. We are wanting to get this going, but it is better to be safe than sorry. As Dad used to say, “There was a hitch in the gitalong.” Fortunately, some of us made it out Friday instead of Saturday for the Candlewick clean-up day. Saturday turned out to be rainy and cold, but a few brave souls showed up anyway. This year was not as strong as some in the past but all can see why. Chuck Corso did a fine job organizing the event, but Mother Nature had other plans. Another project that deserves recognition is goose egg addling. Jim Brefeld and the group of volunteers spent several Saturday mornings oiling goose eggs in the nests to keep resident geese from hatching. If the eggs are removed instead of oiling, the geese will simply re-lay their eggs. Over fifty potential resident geese were kept from hatching and making Candlewick their home. When you use the beach or parks and come home with clean soles on your shoes, these are the folks to thank! On an entirely different subject, I have been asked a few times why we mow our dam. It is difficult and time consuming. The dam is mowed for multiple reasons. Ground cover is necessary to stabilize the soil, but tall, deep-rooted grasses and woody vegetation will actually destabilize the soil, making pathways for water to seep 2016-2017 Fee Schedule Candlewick Collection Policy Annual invoices for assessments (dues) are mailed out at the end of March each year. The due date for payment of annual dues is May 1st. Payment covers the time period of May 1st through April 30th. PAYMENT OPTIONS: Monthly Electronic Fund Transfer (ACH) US Mail or online bill pay to Candlewick’s lockbox (27 N Wacker Dr. #825, Chicago IL 60606-2800) Online one time payment via echeck or credit card (MasterCard, or Discover). There is a $14.95 convenience fee if paid via a credit card. Log into www.smartstreet.com and select “Online Payments” Pay in Person at the Association Office by check or cash. Credit cards are not accepted for dues payments in the office. DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS: An account is considered delinquent if payment in full is not processed before May 1st or an Electronic Fund Transfer Agreement is not submitted by May 1st. To be considered current, monthly payment of dues is only allowed if processed via an Electronic Fund Transfer (ACH). All delinquent accounts will proceed through the Collection Action Process. NSF CHECK OR NSF ACH: An account that has an electronic payment or check returned unpaid by the financial institution will be charged $35 and mailed a letter notifying them that if payment is not received in 5 business days then c-pass, guest list and member i.d. card privileges will be suspended until payment is received in full. If an ACH is returned THREE times or your bank account is closed between May 1st and April 30th then the electronic funds transfer agreement will be terminated and the entire balance is due. If payment is not received your account will proceed through the Collection Action Process. CITATIONS: Citations must be paid within 30 days of receiving a letter stating that the citation was reviewed and/or validated by the Citation Review Committee. After 30 days, c-pass, guest list and member i.d. card privileges will be suspended until payment is received in full. The balance due on citations will proceed through the Collection Action Process. COLLECTION ACTION PROCESS: 30 days Past Due - 7% interest is added to the account 40 days Past Due - A letter is mailed giving notice of intent to lien. If payment is not made within 10 days, then c-pass, guest list, and member i.d. privileges will be suspended. 50 days Past Due - A lien and a lien fee of $100 will be placed on your account unless there is already a valid lien placed on your property. Your c-pass, guest list and member i.d. card privileges will have been suspended. 60 days Past Due - Account is sent to the attorney for collections. Further collection actions may include a Notice of Demand, Money Judgment, Garnishment and a Forcible Entry and Detainer Lawsuit. Candlewick Lake News The Candlewick Lake News is the primary source of information and communication to all its members. The News is now mailed to individual homes in the community. Property owners who reside offsite will also receive the News by presorted postal standard rate. Additional copies of the News are available at the East and West Gates, Rec Center and at the Association Office. In addition, the news is electronically available on the website. For ad info, RBM Designs at 815-742-8333. continued on page 15 Association Dues - Single Lot (Annual Fee)...................................................................... 849.00 Long Term Capital Reserve - Single Lot (Annual Fee)...................................................... 227.00 Tenant Fee (Annual Fee)..................................................................................................... 450.00 C-Pass –Owner of Record/Resident - each........................................................................... 25.00 C-Pass – Guest/Contractor - each......................................................................................... 35.00 Owner of Record/Resident Pool Pass Individual . ....................................................................... Pool Pass Non-designated Limited to four.......................................................................... 25.00 Daily Pool Pass....................................................................................................................... 5.00 Daily Fishing Permit - guests Limited to five per day........................................................ 10.00 3 Consecutive Day Fishing Pass - Guests............................................................................. 15.00 Fishing permit non-designated Limited to four................................................................... 30.00 Resident Recreational Boat Decal ............................................................................................... Security House Checks calendar month............................................................................... 45.00 Storage Area – Large sites – Yearly Rental......................................................................... 145.00 Storage Area – Small Sites – Yearly Rental........................................................................ 105.00 Dock Rental – Marina Docks (priority to pontoon or large boats)..................................... 315.00 Dock Rental – Stationary Docks (priority to run about or small boats)............................. 185.00 Dock Rentals - Rec Center - Daily (Mon-Fri).................................................................... 10/day Dock Rentals - Rec Center - Weekend (Sat-Sun)....................................................... 35/weekend Boat Rentals- paddle and row boats ($20 deposit or license) children required to wear life jacket $2.00/person rental...................................................... 5/hr Building Rental Outpost Rental - (Half day, 5 hours or less) + deposit ($200)............................................. 75.00 Outpost Rental - (Full day) + deposit ($200)..................................................................... 150.00 Golf Course Clubhouse Rental (Half day, 5 hours or less + deposit $200) Bartender included.......................................... 225.00 Golf Course Clubhouse Rental (Full day, 10 hours + deposit $200) Bartender included..................................................... 375.00 Rec Center - Full Multi-Purpose Room (2 hour minimum, $300 cap) $200 deposit.......... 45/hr Pavilion $25.00 deposit........................................................................................................ 25.00 Miscellaneous Fees NSF Bank Fee....................................................................................................................... 35.00 Tenant Registration Fee...................................................................................................... 100.00 Paid Assessment Letter ........................................................................................................ 25.00 Citation Review Maintenance Fee........................................................................................ 25.00 Incoming fax........................................................................................................................... 0.50 Outgoing fax........................................................................................................................... 0.50 Copies..................................................................................................................................... 0.10 Document Retrieval Fees................................................................................................. 17.50/Hr Home Construction Application Fee..................................................................................................................... 30.00 Construction Fee- Non-refundable ................................................................................. 5,000.00 Refundable Clean-Up Deposit......................................................................................... 1,500.00 Building Permit..................................................................................................................... 30.00 Inspection Fee....................................................................................................................... 50.00 Refundable Clean-Up Deposit inspection over two.............................................................. 25.00 Garage & Remodeling Refundable Clean-Up Deposit ........................................................................................... 750.00 Building Permit . .................................................................................................................. 30.00 Inspection Fee ...................................................................................................................... 40.00 Renewal Fee . ....................................................................................................................... 30.00 Miscellaneous Construction Building Permit . .................................................................................................................. 15.00 Inspection Fee ...................................................................................................................... 25.00 Savannah Oaks Non Resident Green Fees - 1st Nine Holes ........................................................................... 9.00 Non Resident Green Fees - Each Round After 1st Nine Holes (same day) . ......................... 6.00 Twilight - Unlimited Play Monday - Thursday 4:00 pm till dusk ..........................................7.00 Cart Rental - 1st Nine Holes .................................................................................................. 7.00 Cart Rental - Each Round After 1st Nine Holes (same day) ................................................. 3.00 Pull Cart ................................................................................................................................. 4.00 Recreation Center Preschool (monthly) . ......................................................................................................... 125.00 After School Care (daily) . ................................................................................................... 11.00 Schools Out Care (daily) ..................................................................................................... 22.00 Summer Camp (daily) . ........................................................................................................ 23.00 Gym Pass (daily fee without a valid Candlewick ID) ........................................................... 2.00 Locker Rental - Short (monthly) . ........................................................................................ 10.00 Locker Rental - Long (monthly) .......................................................................................... 15.00 Fitness Center Resident Extended Hours Pass (monthly) ................................................ 10.00 Fitness Center Daily Guest Pass ............................................................................................ 3.00 Dog Park (annually) . ........................................................................................................... 10.00 Programs ............................................................................................................................. Varies 4 JUNE 2016 Candlewick Lake News News General Manager’s Report by Theresa Balk tbalk@candlewicklake.org COMPLETED PROJECTS 1. Public Safety Citations/Warnings - Public Safety issued 70 Citations and 163 Warnings during the month of April. 2. Completed Community Events: Bunco - 24 people in attendance (4/15), Dues Raffle Five (5) Property Owners won $512.00 (4/19), Caledonia Road Clean Up (4/25). 3. Savannah Oaks – Cinco De Mayo – 30 to 35 people plus men’s league (5/5), (Kentucky Derby Day Tournament – 20 people (5/7), Poker Golf (Sunday mornings), Senior League (Monday mornings starting 4/18), Men’s League (Thursday nights – starting 5/5), 4. Gang Awareness and Community Outreach – The Public Safety Commission hosted a Gang and Drug Awareness presentation on April 26, 2016. Guest Speaker was Sergeant Dave Dammon from the Belvidere Police Department. 5. Watercraft Safety Education Lecture – The Public Safety Department hosted a Watercraft Safety seminar on 5/5/16. Brian Alt of the IDNR was the guest speaker. 6. Community clean up – The annual Community Clean Up was held April 30th. 7. Boat Docks – The marina boat docks have been installed by Rock River Enterprises. Maintenance installed the stationary docks and the launching ramps. 8. Administration Office File Cabinets – File cabinets were purchased, delivered, and files have been transferred to the new cabinets. 9. Recreation Center Indoor Painting – The interior walls of the Rec Center have been painted where needed. 10. Savannah Oaks Patio Fence – Maintenance installed the fence around the Clubhouse patio. 11. Water Softener – Rec Center Restaurant – The replacement softener has been installed by Mr. Goodwater. 12. Pool Deck Replacement – Replacement of the decking over the pool pit has been completed by Lake Ridge Building Company. 13. Fish Shocking – A spring fish shocking was conducted by JadEco with the help of volunteers (4/26). 14. Annual Fire Department Inspection – The annual fire department inspection was conducted by Craig Wilcox. 15. Dog Park – Trees (Three (3) maples and Six (6) spruce) and the fire hydrant were installed at the dog park. 16. Goose Egg Addling – The goose egg addling, sponsored by the Lake Management Commission has been completed for the year. The final count was 6 nests, 31 eggs. This has proven to be a very effective part of the goose control program. 17. Candlewick Lake Marketing – Candlewick Lake marketing items have been designed and purchased for resale at the Administration Office, Rec Center, and Savannah Oaks Clubhouse. Items include: 6-pack cooler ($6.00), Can Kozzy ($3.00), and Floating key chains ($2.00), and Tumblers ($5.00). ON-GOING PROJECTS 1. Implementation Grant – The implementation grant application was accepted by the EPA. Of this $88,000.00 grant, the EPA will cover 60% of the expenses toward our bio swale project. CWL will pay 40%. The first and second requests for reimbursement have been received. The core Watershed group have been throughout the entire process. Several meetings were held to update the residents on the project and ask for volunteers. The areas were prepared for planting. The planting phase started May 9, 2015 and was completed on July 18, 2015. Tallgrass was contracted for the stewardship on these areas. They have completed all seven visits for 2015. On 9/16/15, the sub-committee members toured the bio swales. The core Watershed group meet on November 17, 2015 to Denominations of Currency Accepted MOWING DATES Drop Box In the event that you can’t make it to administration Garage Sale Feedback At the April 19, 2016 Board of Directors meeting, the Board passed a policy that limits the amount of currency that will be accepted in various denominations at the office. Effective immediately, following is the maximum amount of currency that will be accepted: Maximum of 25¢ in pennies; maximum of $2.00 in nickels; maximum of $2.00 in dimes; maximum of $3.00 in quarters and maximum of $25.00 in singles. office during regular business hours, remember that there is a convenient drop box located next to the Coke machine. Please follow these guidelines when using the drop box. Do not drop cash payments. Do put your payment in an envelope marked with your name, address and how you want the payment applied to your account. Do include a phone number on any correspondence so you can be reached if we have any questions. If you have a guest or friend making the payment, make sure the homeowner or tenant’s name and address are attached. If you are leaving a guest list, make sure it is filled out completely and you have signed and dated it. Remember, you can always call when the office opens to verify we have received your payment and/or correspondence. st Re-registration for the Dog Park will start May 1 . To register your dog come to the Rec Center with, *$10.00/dog *Proof of Current vaccinations Rabies Parvovirus Bordetella Distemper *Copy of Homeowners or Renters insurance Policy Declaration Page The mowing dates for vacant lots are as follows: June 15th, July 15th and September 1st. If you are the owner of a vacant lot, please make arrangements to have your lot mowed prior to these dates, whether you do it yourself or hire a contractor. If the lots are not mowed, a citation will be issued and Candlewick Lake will hire a contractor to mow the lot and you will be charged that fee as well. All lots that have a house on them must be mowed on a regular basis so as to keep the property looking neat. Submitted by Bonnie Marron Those of us on the Events Commission and who work on the spring & fall garage sales would appreciate your feedback on the spring sale this year. We all know the weather worked in our favor, but how did your sales go? What can be changed or improved upon? What seems to sell the best? What do you plan to do with your earnings (mine go for landscaping in my yard)? Etc., etc., etc. I’d like to hear from sellers and buyers alike. Any and all comments are appreciated and will be compiled and discussed at an upcoming Events meetings. Please e-mail your responses to me at canoe@ameritech.net. Thanks to all who reply. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. focus on moving forward and obtaining our next grant. Tallgrass burned the bio-swale areas on 4/12/16. The areas will now be reviewed to see where replanted is needed. The replacement plants have been ordered. Programs: The programs currently running at the Rec Center include: Fitness Orientation Class, Pickleball, Yoga, Total Body Circuit Class, Zumba Mix-Up, Karate, CWL Morning Walkers, Sewing by the Lake Club (for quilters, knitters, and crocheters), Tot Gym Time, After School Program, Preschool and Little Learners, Line Dancing, and weekly Pony Canasta. Upcoming Events: Community Garage Sales (5/20 & 5/21), Independence Day Celebration (7/2), First Responder Picnic (8/28), Community Garage Sales (9/16 & 9/17), Glo Go Run (9/24), Fall Festival & Chili Cook-Off (10/15), Fall Craft Fair (10/22), Turkey Bingo (11/18), Breakfast with Santa (12/17), Holiday Light contest (12/19). Savannah Oaks Upcoming Events:), Women’s League (Tuesday nights), Couples League (Wednesday nights), Youth league (Wednesday mornings – starting 6/8), Bags League (Friday nights), Memorial Day Tournament (5/28), Pub Trivia (5/14, 6/4, 7/16, 9/3, 10/1, 11/19), DJ (6/11). Rec Center Deck – Several deck boards have been broken and need replacement. The materials have been delivered. The work is on the schedule for May. Shoreline Stabilization – Rip Rap has been purchased. Maintenance will install the material throughout the summer. Outpost – Subcommittee continues to work with contractors and the Boone County Building Inspector to come up with the rebuilding plan. A town hall meeting was held on 3/13 to get public input. A meeting with the Boone County Building Inspector was held to answer a few questions. Architects are being contacted to obtain bids. Tallgrass Contract – The contract for stewardship of continued on page 15 Amenity Usage The Rules and Regulations state that a Candlewick Lake Photo ID Membership Card (Member Card) are required for use of the amenities (pool, golf course, fitness center, gymnasium, and boating and fishing facilities). The rules further state that any Member that is not in good standing shall have their Membership Card privileges suspended until said Member rectifies his/her membership standing. This includes the privileges for all registered Members. The rules do not say that a Member can’t pay the daily fee for use of the amenities. The Board of Directors passed a resolution at the April 21, 2015 Board meeting that any Owner, Associate Members, Tenant, and any other family members who reside in a House will not be allowed to pay the daily fee to use the amenities if their amenity privileges have been suspended. Additionally any Owner, Associate Members, Tenant, and any other family members who reside in a House and are not in good standing they will not be permitted to rent any of the Candlewick Lake facilities. CANDLEWICK LAKE RENTAL REGISTRATION Golf Is Coming this Summer to Savannah NOTICE As you may be aware, Candlewick Lake Association Oaks! recently voted to put a fifteen percent (15%) rental IS NOW OPEN! cap in place. Under this new rule, all rental units are Proposed Rates: defined as non-owner occupied homes. If you own a $80Tee - 10-Round Call for Times Punch Card home in Candlewick, but do not personally live in the home, it will be considered in the count towards the *punch cards are now available 815-339-0500 at the cwl office fifteen percent cap. Registration forms were sent to all those that the Administration Office had identified. If, however you did not receive notice, or are not sure if your home qualifies, please contact the Administration Office immediately. Failure to do so may result in further monetary penalties as outlined under the approved change. The fifteen percent (15%) rental cap has been reached. If you wish to rent your home and it was not previously identified and registered as a rental property, you will be put on a waiting list until we fall below the rental cap. Please contact the Administration Office with any questions regarding rental properties. News Candlewick Lake News New Candlewick Lake Watercraft Safety Phone Numbers & Lecture Extensions The new phone number for Candlewick Lake is 815-339-0500. By dialing this one number you will be able to reach the Administration Office, Public Safety, Recreation Center and Savannah Oaks Clubhouse. Listed below are the extensions. Instead of listening to the entire greeting you may press your desired extension at the beginning of the greeting. Individual and Department Extensions • General Manager – Extension 204 • Human Resource Manager – Extension 208 • Accounting Manager – Extension 203 • Building Department – Extension 202 • Customer Service – Extension 200 • IT Manager – Social Media – Marketing – Extension 210 • Chief of Public Safety – Extension 212 • Accounts Receivable & Paid Assessment Letter Requests – Extension 205 • Director of Parks & Recreation – Extension 301 • Recreation Center – Extension – 300 • Pool – Extension 302 • Savannah Oaks Clubhouse – Extension 400 Direct Phone Numbers • Administration Fax Number 815-339-0501 • Maintenance Department 815-339-0502 • Report an Incident 815-339-0503 • Visitor Call In 815-765-2067 ** **This number did not change. Last Chance for the Second Quarter CWL Photo Contest With the first CWL Quarterly Photo Contest under our belts we are onto round two. Twenty-five photos were received during the first quarter which was an unexpected surprise. This quarter we would like to suggest more active photos of residents enjoying what CWL has to offer, such as fishing, boating, the pool or golf course, the dog park or ball fields, riding bikes or walking the Witt Trail, you get the idea, be submitted. Put your imagination to work. The deadline for photo submission for the 2nd Quarter Photo Contest is June 15th with the voting at the Board of Directors meeting on June 21st. There will be one winner who will receive a $25.00 prize. Contest Rules & Guidelines: 1. Photo must not be published, previously or in the future, in a non-CWL publication 2. Need to title the photo (Identify activity and/or location) 3. Photos can be of events/activities throughout CWL, nature photos, action photos, etc. As long as the photo promotes CWL it can be entered. Just use your imagination. 4. Include names of any people in the photo (if known) 5. Include photographer’s name, street address, and telephone number and/ or e-mail address with each entry. Photo credit will be used if published in a CWL publication 6. All submitted photos become the property of the Candlewick Lake Association 7. All photos need to be submitted by March 10th (1st quarter), June 15th (2nd quarter), September 15th (3rd quarter) and December 15th (4th quarter) 8. Judging of photos will take place at Board of Directors meetings on March 15th, June 21st, September 20th and December 20th. This will be by vote of those in attendance at the meeting. 9. Winners will be announced and published in the April, July, October, and January CWL newspapers. Announcements may be posted on any other CWL media. 10. Contest is sponsored by the CWL Communications Commission. 11. Email photo to newspaper@candlewicklake.org. Get your cameras ready and good luck to all who enter. JUNE 2016 5 Fish Shocking Spring 2016 Tom Pinkowski, Sr., Jim Brefeld, Ron Cook, Joe Rush and Joe Cangelosi carried out this spring’s fish shocking. Fish shocking is done to determine the health of fish species in our lake. New Roofs & Windows If you are changing the color of the shingles on On May 5, Illinois Department of Natural Resources Officer Brian Alt gave a watercraft safety education lecture at the Rec Center. The event was promoted by the CWL Public Safety Department. your house, you need to get the color change approved by Candlewick Lake but a permit is not necessary. However, a Boone County Building permit and inspections are required. Please contact the County Building Department at 815-544-6176 for further information. Because of changes in the energy code, the County now also requires a permit for any window change. If you are changing any window, please contact the Boone County Building Department. If you change a window but the size does not change, Candlewick Lake approval isn’t necessary. However, if the size does change or if you are changing a window into a door or a door into a window, you must submit plans for ECC approval. Egg Addling 101 By Dale Miedema This mother goose was very busy with this nest close to the beach. Our “posse” for week three: Dale Miedema,Todd Jones, Chuck Hart, Tom Pinkowski, Marge Olson, Lee Odden, and Jim Brefeld (behind the camera). Early spring is the season we have to think about trying to control the burgeoning goose population on our lake. While most of us agree that the geese are nice to watch on the water and beautiful in flight, most everyone can do without the big mess they leave behind on our piers, docks, lawns and most all, our park areas. While the bird is a protected species, the state of Illinois issues permits for the humane efforts to control reproduction. Egg addling (or oiling) is by far the most humane way to deal with the overpopulation of these birds. Our egg addling team has been led by Jim Brefeld for the last eight years, and when it comes to locating nests, Jim is one of the best. About mid-March, Jim asks for volunteers to begin the program. The first outing is mainly an exploratory hike around the lake looking for the nests and documenting their locations. The teams look for the lone male goose loitering offshore, and if he swims away as we approach, there’s nothing there, but if he becomes aggressive, it’s a sure bet that the female and the nest is nearby. A gentle push from a broom gets the female off the nest. While two team members keep the two furious birds at bay, the eggs are oiled with common cooking oil which will stop their development. If we were to remove the eggs early in the season, they would just lay more. Every bird that is not hatched here at our lake is one less bird that will return each year to raise another family here. The parents of the failed hatching will probably choose a different lake or pond next year, thinking that Candlewick might not be the best place to build a nest, and that’s exactly what we would like to happen! Many thanks to all our volunteers who participated this year. We couldn’t have done it without your help! The program runs about five to six weeks, and since not all of us can be available every week, we need all the help we can get! On the first week, there were 50 eggs located in over a dozen nests scattered all around the lake, the Savannah Oaks pond, and the sediment pond just below the dam. As the program continued, we would find broken egg shells around some nests indicating that predators, probably raccoons, had made an unwelcome visit. On our final outing on May 7, the remaining eggs were collected and buried. All in all, the addling program has been very effective over the years, with a lot fewer geese than when it all began. No doubt the program isn’t 100 percent effective, as I’m sure that in late May we’re sure to see more than a few of those little fuzzy balls of feathers swimming around, and all the guys and gals that helped out with the program will secretly be thinking “I wonder where YOU were hiding.” Oh well, ya win some, ya lose some. 6 JUNE 2016 Candlewick Lake News News A Night to Remember Photos and article by Dale Miedema Heartland Community Church hosts a “Night to Remember” for our kids that might not get to attend that spring ritual, called prom, and I was suprised to hear that two of our local ladies, Ms. Nicole Leutik and Ms. Tina Masbruch, were in attendance a few Fridays back, on April 26th. The ball gets rolling around mid-March when requests are placed in the weekly bulletin for donations of formal clothing (tuxedos, pretty gowns and such) along with requests for volunteers with expertise in sewing, fitting, makeup and hairdressing. There is also a program where a family can choose to sponsor one individual as well. This was my third year helping with traffic control on this special night, so I got to see the guests as they arrived, and also as they emerged from the royal treatment dressed to the nines. The excitement in their eyes as they come out and get in the stretch limo is something to behold. After a ride in the limo, they are dropped off at the main entrance to the church, where a loud and happy crowd of “paparazzi” are waiting and cheering while hundreds of flashing cameras record their walk down the red carpet! By the time I came in from the parking lot, the dinner dishes were being picked up, and the dancing was well under way. I saw many wild and crazy and unique dance moves out there on the floor, but all the guests were smiling ear to ear! I bet our attendees from Candlewick were enjoying it all, as it is truly “A Night to Remember.” CANDLEWICK LAKE CWL KID’S FISHING 2016 SUNDAY, JUNE 19th (Father’s D Tina Masbruch, Jennifer Greaney and Heather Greaney. Tina and Heather ready for dinner. Hosted by the Candlewick Anglers for the 4th 2016 Sponsors include: Friends of Candlewick Lake, Popla Pro Hardware Proudly Carrying Bass Pro Shops Products, Candlewick Lake Association, and of course with all the h the many volunteers from the Lake Management Commiss The girls meeting their escorts for the evening. Heading down the red carpet. REGISTRATION STARTS AT 8:30 a.m. – Fishing begin immediately after sign in. ‘LIGHT UP THE NIGHT’FISHING CWL KID’S FISHING 2016 ENDS AT 10:30 Remember to return SUNDAY, JUNE a.m. 19th (Father’s Day) catch list to theHosted sign-in ANNUAL INDEPENDENCE DAY FIREWORKS by thetable. Candlewick Anglers for the 4 year. th YOUR DONATION IS NEEDED TO HELP MAKE THE BIGGEST WEEKEND 2016 Sponsors include: Friends of Candlewick Lake, Poplar Grove Pro Hardware Proudly Carrying Bass Pro Shops Products, Candlewick Lake Association, and of course with all the help from the many volunteers from the Lake Management Commission. This is kids’ fishing only – no help from adults except t fish & bait hooks & a parent/guardian must be present a Just complete the form, make checks payable to Candlewick Lake and drop off at the REGISTRATION STARTS AT 8:30 a.m. – Fishing will times. donations are also Administration Office or Recreation Center Activities Desk. Cash begin immediately after sign in. AT CWL A TRULY EXPLOSIVE EVENT (All 2016 festivities will take place on Saturday, July 2nd) accepted for which you will receive a receipt. FISHING ENDS AT 10:30 a.m. Remember to return your THIS YEAR AGAIN, THE AGE GROUPS ARE catch list to the sign-in table. All donations need to be received by Friday, June 24, 2016. Donations received after this date will go toward the 2017 display. This is kids’ fishing only – no help from adults except to unhook 3 – 6 yrs 7 – fish 9 yrs 10 – 13 yrs 14 – 16 yrs. & bait hooks & a parent/guardian must be present at all It’s easy to make a difference in our community! times. (Remember, age 16 requires a state fishing license & CWL ph OTHER _________ Suggested Donation (please circle amount donated): $100.00 $50.00 $25.00 $10.00 (If you select OTHER, please indicate amount donated) THIS YEAR AGAIN, THE AGE GROUPS ARE 3 – 6 yrshave 7 – 9 yrsrefreshments 10 – 13 yrs 14 – 16 yrs. Yes, we will again while we total the How would you prefer your donation be noted? Examples: Mr. John Smith; The Smith Family; Smith Realty; In Memory of (fill in the blank); or Anonymous. PLEASE PRINT YOUR PREFERENCE BELOW: (Remember, age 16 requires a state fishing license & CWL photo ID.) Any questions,Yes,call Tom Pinkowski, 815-276-2406 we will again have refreshments while we total the catch. Any questions, call Tom Pinkowski, 815-276-2406 Bring your smile, you WILL be required to wear one. All donations (names only, not dollar amounts) will be posted on a display board at the Recreation Center & in the August CWL newspaper Should you have any questions please contact Bonnie Marron, Events Commission, at 815-765-2030 OR canoe@ameritech.net. Thank You for Your Support of Candlewick Lake and Its Events! WANT TO PLACE A DISPLAY AD IN THE CANDLEWICK NEWS? Contact BOB at RBM ADVERTISING 815/742-8333 or rbmads@frontier.com Bring your smile, you WILL be required to wear one. GOOD WEATHER!!!!! THINKTHINK GOOD WEATHER!!!!! Candlewick Lake News Lake Management 2016 CWL Fishing Regulations • A State Fishing license is required for all persons age 16 and over. • Your Candlewick Lake Member ID is your Candlewick fishing permit. You need to carry this with you while you are fishing on the lake. • A guest fishing pass is required for each guest. It may be a non-designated seasonal or a one day, both can be purchased at the Administration office or at the Recreation Center. Guest passes must be purchased by resident with proof of residency. • Guest use of the lake is permitted provided that the property owner is on or within the immediate vicinity of the lake at all times. The immediate vicinity is defined as the shoreline or a property owner’s lakefront property. Exceptions will be made when there are extenuating circumstances, predetermined by Public Safety that would prevent a property owner from being with their guest. The property owner is responsible for contacting Public Safety, in advance, so that the request may be considered and logged. The log will be maintained so that an individual that has an “approved situation” will not have to call Public Safety every time their guest wants to use the lake. If Public Safety Staff members or certified volunteers see any pattern of abuse to this rule exception, it will result in a withdrawal of the exception privilege for the remainder of the season/year. When there are extenuating circumstances that prohibit the property owner from being on or within the immediate vicinity of the lake, the property owner must still be within Candlewick Lake. (Policy 09-11)No Minnows allowed (dead or alive). All other live bait are prohibited also. Exception: Perch and bluegill caught at Candlewick, worms, leeches and dead smelt may be used. FISH LIMITS FOR RESIDENTS: Bluegill 30 per day No size limit Perch 15 per day No size limit Crappie 15 per day No size limit **Catch and Release 4/1-6/1 Walleye 2 per day 16” minimum Catfish 6 per day No size limit Northern 1 per day 24” minimum Musky 1 per day 48” minimum Rock Bass No limit Large Mouth Bass Catch and Release Small Mouth Bass Catch and Release FISH LIMITS FOR GUESTS OF RESIDENTS: Bluegill 15 per day No size limit Perch 7 per day No size limit Crappie 7 per day No size limit **Catch and Release 4/1-6/1 Walleye 1 per day 16” minimum Catfish 3 per day No size limit Rock Bass No limit Northern & Musky Catch and Release Small Mouth Bass Catch and Release Large Mouth Bass Catch and Release Any fish not listed above, such as Grass Carp, White Bass, Koi, and Bullhead is Catch and Remove. CWL Residents 16 or older with a valid Illinois state fishing license may use tethered arrows to remove carp only, from dusk to dawn, please notify public safety when you have removed a grass carp. Dispose of carp in plastic bag before placed in trash can. FISH LIMITS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. PLEASE CHECK THE INFORMATIONAL SIGNS AND THE CANDLEWICK PAPER. Protect Our Waters This is directed to ALL that boat on Candlewick Lake: STOP AQUATIC HITCHHIKERS! Prevent the transport of nuisance species. Clean all recreational equipment. www.ProtectYourWaters.net When you leave a body of water: • Remove any visible mud, plants, fish or animals before transporting equipment. • Drain water from equip (boat, motor, trailer, live wells) before transporting. • Clean and dry anything that comes into contact with water. • Never release plants, fish or animals into a body of water unless they came out of that body of water. Lake Issues June 2016 Using the lake area for Fun and Recreation with warmer days finally here, is what we all have been waiting for. The question is, “Will we follow the rules that apply to the activities we participate in?” However we choose to use the lake, be it by boat, personal watercraft, water skis or even enjoying the lake from the shoreline, we all need to use common sense and be respectful to others using the space nearby. Safety * Space * Respectful * Responsible are words to understand. Following rules and using common sense example: • Respect to others by keeping a safe distance • Fishing hooks cause pain to people and cause damage to property. • State Laws and Association Rules serve a purpose to remind us to be SAFE in our actions. • Know and follow the “Rules of the Water.” Yes, these rules are just as important as a driver of a car must know and follow the Rules of the Road. Reminder: Keep all your water sports equipment clean and in good working order. Please*DON’T LITTER*(the lake, the shore, the parks the roadways). Please DON’T TOSS-THROW ROCKS from shoreline areas. Tthey have a purpose to keep the soil from falling into the lake. Note: It was sad to see the lack of participation for the “Boating Safety” presentation given by Officer Brian Alt of the Illinois Dept. of Natural Resources. Please use the lake responsibly and safely. CWL Lake Management – Lake/Water Safety Subcommittee – P. Cangelosi JUNE 2016 DID YOU KNOW… 7 That the money from the cans collected at the three can bins (Castaway, Highland Valley Green, and the Recreation Center Peninsula) is used for funding projects to benefit both the lake and the community. The funds have been used to help pay for fish stocking, building fish structures, purchase of a GPS that is used for lake related issues, lake plantings, waders, laser lights (to chase the geese), and the Kids Fishing Tournament. If you have aluminum cans that you are either throwing away or putting in the recycling bin, please consider bagging them and taking them to one of the can bins located in Candlewick. The Friends of Candlewick have recently voted to use funds from the cans for projects that could either benefit the lake and/or the community. This is expanding the scope beyond specific lake use, and may be used to benefit the entire community where needed. 8 JUNE 2016 Candlewick Lake News SAVE THE DATE 2016 EVENTS 7/2 INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION 8/28 FIRST RESPONDERS PICNIC 9/16 & 9/17 FALL GARAGE SALES 10/15 FALL FESTIVAL & CHILI COOK-OFF Candlewick Lake Association Bioswale Project Best management practices have been installed to improve the water quality of Candlewick Lake and the Beaver Creek watershed. Funding for this project provided, in part, by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency through Section 319 of the Clean Water Act. Grant No.: C9995200-14 For more information, contact the Illinois EPA at 217-782-3362 FAA Number: 3191411 10/22 FALL CRAFT FAIR 11/18 TURKEY BINGO 12/17 BREAKFAST WITH SANTA 12/19 HOLIDAY LIGHT CONTEST CANDLEWICK LAKE ASSOCIATION IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE ROCK RIVER VALLEY BLOOD CENTER WILL BE HOLDING A LAKEFRONT AFFILIATED 3 BR, 2.5 BA Resident agent for 13+ years. E SAL 4 BR, 2 BA $109,900 4 BR, 3 BA BLOOD DRIVE 702-759-5839 MONDAY, JUNE 13, 2016 1:30 p.m. TO 7:30 p.m. HANDYMAN $148,000 G DIN N E EP SAL G DIN N E P Joe Dolmant 5812 EAST DRIVE LOVES PARK IL 61111 at the 20+ YEARS PLUMBING EXPERIENCE $139,900 LAKEFRONT WALLY’S BLACKTOP SEALING 3 BR, 2 BA 4 BR, 2BA $245,000 & LAWN MOWING $139,900 Julie Meyer Call, text or email me today for a free Real Estate Broker market analysis of Cell: 815-703-9820 your home. juliemeyer@c21affiliated.com 4962 Hononegah Road, Roscoe, IL 61073 Each Office Independently Owned and Operated (815) 289-9322 • FREE ESTIMATES SERVICING CANDLEWICK FOR 20+ YEARS DRIVEWAYS FULLY PARKING LOTS INSURED CANDLEWICK LAKE REC CENTER To schedule an appointment time please contact Valerie Alt – 765-3092 By scheduling an appointment it helps to speed registration and the blood drawing process. A/C’s Best Cooling & Heating Co. (New Local #) 779-770-2224 Candlewick Resident Ad Disclaimer Service & Installation On All Units Clean & Checks $ 50 A /C 50 Furnace 75 For Both $ $ INSTALLS $200 OFF A/C • $200 OFF Furnace $400 OFF on a Complete System Install We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement, photo or article. Call For A FREE Estimate We’ll Beat Anyone’s Price By 10% JACK WOLF 2014 Cadillac ATS Luxury 2.0T PREOWNED COMPACT WEEK! Our Best Selection & Lowest Prices This Spring Means Just One Thing For Our Customers: #H16020 All Wheel Drive, Sunroof & More! COMPACT WEEK PRICE! 23,867* $ 2015 Chrysler 200 S 2014 Chevy Malibu 1LT 2015 Dodge Dart SXT 2014 Chrysler 300S AWD 2.4L SPFI Engine, Leather, 27,932 Mi. 2.5L EFI Engine, Alum. Wheels, 38,140 Mi. 4 Dr., 14,404 Mi., Alum. Wheels & More! All Wheel Drive, Leather, 23,816 Mi. #J16193A COMPACT WEEK PRICE! #H16025 20,946* $$ COMPACT WEEK PRICE! #H1957 18,247* $$ 2013 Cadillac CTS Luxury 2013 Buick Verano Sedan All Wheel Drive, 3.0L V6, 45,121 Mi. GMCPO Ext. Warranty, 32,670 Mi. #H16004 COMPACT WEEK PRICE! #H16027 23,741* $$ COMPACT WEEK PRICE! #J16176A COMPACT WEEK PRICE! 17,611* $$ 2012 Chevy Cruze LS Sedan 65,376 Mi., 1.8L SPFI Engine, Automatic! #H1982 16,490* $$ COMPACT WEEK PRICE! COMPACT WEEK PRICE! 29,990* $$ 2011 Toyota Camry XLE Automatic, 66,313 Mi., Sunroof & More! #J16215A 11,971* $ $ COMPACT WEEK PRICE! 15,990* $$ *Tax, title, license and doc fee additional. Offers good thru 5/31/2016. We Service AND Maintain ALL GM Makes And Models Every Day! Cadillac Please Do Not Feed the Geese! 1855 N. State St., Belvidere 815-544-3406 w w w. J a c k - W o l f . n e t YOUR LOCAL GM SERVICE CENTER SE HABLA ESPAÑOL * CanDLeWiCK LaKe ReSiDent * Alterations & Tailoring Upholstery • Shoe Repair Professional Dry Cleaning •WeddingDresses •BridesmaidDresses •Tuxedos •Men’s&Women’sSuits •AllMen’s,Women’s& Children’sAlterations •LeatherAlterations •DrapesShortened •Custom-MadePillows •Upholstery&FurnitureRepair •Foam&Fabrics •CanvasRepair •CustomCushions •WindowSeats Receive 20% Off When You Bring In This Ad! NoAppointmentNecessary-NextDayService NeedItFast?SameDayServiceIsNoProblem! 815-544-4448 CoRneR of LinCoLn & State MoN.– FRI.9AM-7PM|SAT.9AM-5PM|SUN.ByAPPoINTment Candlewick Lake News NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH SAYS: ALL HOMES MUST HAVE HOUSE NUMBERS VISIBLE FROM THE ROADWAY AT HOLIDAY TIME, GIVE THE GIFT OF LOCATION LET PUBLIC SAFETY FIND YOU IF THEY NEED TO!!!!! JUNE 2016 ANNUAL 2-MAN BASS FISHING TOUrNAMENT SATUrDAY, JUNE 4, 2016 6:30am – 1:00pm $100.00 Total entry fee per boat ($20.00 of the this goes to big bass payout) Fee due the morning of the tournament (please pay in $20.00 bills as it is easier for payouts) Two men (or women or combination of the two) per boat; one of whom needs to be a CWL resident Boats need to be registered in CWL; no guest boats allowed Meet at 6:00am on the lakeside of the Recreation Center Look for more detailed information in the June CWL newspaper Questions?? – Contact Chuck Hart at 815-520-1796 Say BRAVO! to authentic Italian cuisine. Large Pizza - Cheese + 1 Topping $820 Extra Large Pizza Cheese + 3 Toppings $1349 CWL PRESCHOOL Extra Large Pizza - Cheese + 2 Toppings,10 Wings & 2-Liter Bottle Soft Drink $1845 Enrolling for Fall 2016 Large Pizza - Cheese + 2 Toppings & Full Slab BBQ Rib Dinner $2349 BravoPizzaRestaurant.com Poplar Grove • 13555 IL Route 76 815-765-9300 Graduation Party Supplies! Congrats Class of 2016! GRADS & DADS Don’t Forget Father’s Day! Dad June 19th! 13521 Illinois Route 76 • Poplar Grove, IL 815-765-1300 Bebe’s Barn Custom made interior barn shutters Shawna Haunroth-Macek “Keep Chopping Wood” Ridding the world of aluminum blinds one window at a time! 815.519.4074 Call, Text or Email Shawnas_2@yahoo.com www.facebook.com/bebesbarn Fabulous Pre-K 3, 4 & 5s Mon.-Wed.-Fri. 9:00 to 11:30 Monthly Fee: $120.00 monthly A $25.00 non-refundable supply fee is due at registration. Registrations being taken at the Rec Center 9 10 JUNE 2016 Candlewick Lake News Public Safety A Message from the Chiefboarding of Public Safety and boating. However, with these activities by Chief Roland Wood rwood@candlewicklake.org Greetings from Public Safety Is this not the coldest spring we have seen in quite some time? The other night, we had near record-setting low temperatures. I will say though; the daytime afternoon temperatures have been quite nice; cool with low humidity. It’s always nice to know summer is just around the corner. School will be letting out soon, and the kids will be home. Be patient, summer is about here. With the cool temperatures at night, mild temps during the day, and frequent rain every week, grass is growing very quickly. So far this year, the number of warnings and violations are down from the past several years: but this can change quickly. Please keep up with your grass cutting and help your neighbor if you suspect they need help for whatever reason. Curfew Enforcement With our children’s upcoming summer break and the warm weather, I would like to bring up the subject of our curfew ordinance and our intentions of enforcing the curfew. The ordinance states: curfew regulations for children 17 years of age and younger shall be 11:00 PM Sunday through Thursday of each week and 12:00 AM Friday and Saturday of each week. Our enforcement of the curfew will be strict. As is usually the case, the late night/early morning hour incidents are frequently handled mutually by our Public Safety Department and the Boone County Sheriff’s Office. The main reason is the frequent evidence of underage consumption of alcohol. If you have teenage children, please speak to them of our concerns and help us prevent any incidents which may occur in the future. Pet Maintenance During our weekly reports Public Safety releases the number of calls for loose and/or barking dogs. Generally, these numbers are much too high. During every response to a dog complaint, the thought of enforcing our pet maintenance rules with a warning or citation is considered. Many times, circumstances dictate this enforcement. On some occasions, Boone County Animal Control needs to be summoned. Upon their arrival, the cost due to enforcement goes up substantially. All of this can be avoided if pet owners are more considerate of their neighbors and their pets. If your pet is barking, ask yourself why and go and check on the pet. If there is an issue, do something about it. Teach your children how to handle the family pet. Do not leave your pet outside for an extended period or in foul weather, then depart your home. This is a good way to have a citation mailed directly to your home. Our officers cannot discuss the issue with your pet. Please keep your pets and their actions in the forefront of your thoughts. I’m sure your pet would want you to do the same. Stay Safe Around Water this Summer Some of the most popular summertime activities in Illinois are water activities, such as swimming, paddle comes the risk for drowning and life changing injuries that are very preventable. Drowning occurs with people of all ages, but the highest drowning rates are children ages 1-4. Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control show that for every child who dies from drowning, another five receive emergency treatment care for nonfatal submersion injuries, which can result in severe brain injury. The second highest drowning rate occurs among the ages of 15 to 24 years old. For this age group, the drowning most frequently occurs in natural bodies of water, and alcohol often is a factor. In preparing for summer water activities, consider the following main contributing factors to aquatic deaths and injuries: • Lack of Swimming ability: Children as young as 1 year of age can be enrolled in swimming classes. Everyone should have basic swimming skills, which include floating, breath control and moving through the water. • Lack of Close Supervision: Even children with swimming skills need close supervision in or around water. Drownings happen quickly and silently. Most drowning victims cannot call out for help and can lose consciousness in the water in as little as 20 seconds. Do not rely on recreational floating devices such as foam noodles or water wings instead of supervision. When children are around any water, designate one adult to be in charge at all times. Drownings do happen at facilities with lifeguards, so do not rely on lifeguards for total supervision of young children. • Failure to Wear Lifejackets: U.S. Coast Guard statistics show 88 percent of victims who drowned in boating accidents were not wearing lifejackets. • Alcohol Use: In the adolescent and adult age groups, alcohol is associated with up to 70 percent of deaths involving water activities. Talk to teenagers and young adults about water safety and in particular the role that alcohol consumption might play. Avoid alcohol use during activities in and around the water. • Lack of Knowledge About Natural Water Hazards: Know the meaning of and obey warnings by colored beach flags. Beware of rip currents, which can occur in large bodies of water (including the Great Lakes). If you are caught in a rip current, swim parallel to shore until you are free of the current and then swim to shore in a diagonal direction. Small rivers and streams also can be hazardous for canoeing and kayaking after a heavy rain. When in doubt regarding stream conditions, check with local park officials. • Importance of CPR Training: Everyone should be trained in CPR. Seconds count when responding to victims of drowning. The more quickly CPR is performed on drowning victims, the better their chances of improved outcomes.1 For information on water accident prevention, visit the American Red Cross at www.redcross.org or the Centers for Disease Control at www.cdc.gov Let’s keep Candlewick Lake a beautiful, safe place to live. 1 Public Safety Department Immediate Emergencies dial 911 If you would like to report a non-emergency issue such as an ordinance violations or suspicious activity, please call 815-339-0503. A Public Safety Officer will then be dispatched by the Gate Officer answering the phone. The Gate Officer should be considered a dispatcher for Public Safety Patrol Officers 24 hours a day. General questions or comments should be directed to the Public Safety Department or at the Administration Office during normal business hours. Argyle Preschool Enrolling for Fall 2016 T-Th or M-W-F Pre-K 9:15-11:45 815-566-5678 ArgylePreschool1@gmail.com Northwest Herald, Health Talk, Carol Waggoner May, 2016 CWL Public Safety Activity Report Jan Feb Mar Apr Total Calls for Service 1053 936 1018 1000 CALLS FOR SERVICE APRIL 2016 Activated Alarm 1 Administration Detail 1 Animal related calls 20 Assist 2 Attempt to Locate 2 ATV Complaint 2 Boating Related 4 Building checks 297 Citations Issued Total: 70 Warning Citations Total: 163 Campfire Called In 1 Community Policing 54 Community Relations 85 Complaints 9 Criminal Damage Property 2 Department Assist 1 Disorderly Conduct 1 Domestic Disturbance 1 Employee Issue 1 Employee Relief 158 Escorts 24 Fireworks 2 Follow up 22 Foot Patrol 111 Candlewick Lake May June July Aug Sept Oct 7300 Belvidere Rd Caledonia, IL Nov Dec “Like” us on Facebook! Information: Citizen Inspections Intoxicated Subject Juvenile Problem Maintenance Issue Medical assist Meet w/ Complainant Missing Person Motorist Assist Noise Complaint On Scanner Calls On View Calls Overnight Parking Paper Service Parking problems Suspicious activity Suspicious person Suspicious vehicle Traffic Complaint Traffic Enforcement Trespassing Vandalism Total calls 24 11 1 4 27 14 1 1 2 2 23 4 31 3 18 3 3 10 3 9 1 4 1000 Open At 13565 Rt. 76 109 N. State, Poplar Grove 815-765-3333 www.poplargrovestatebank.com Candlewick Lake News JUNE 2016 11 Environmental Control Approvals/Permits Required & Obtaining Building Permits Any type of construction project requires approval by ENVIrONMENTAL CONTrOL COMMITTEE 2015 - 2016 MEETING DATES AND DUE DATES FOr PLANS the Environmental Control Committee and/or Building Inspector and most cases a building permit must be issued. Applications must be submitted and plans approved for any project. Application forms along with specification sheets for individual types of construction are available in the office or can be found in the rules under the Building Department (ECC/Building Department Rules and Regulations) on the web site at www.candlewicklake.org. The Rules and Regulations can also be checked to find out if the construction project needs approval. APPROVALS/PERMITS REQUIRED & REQUIRED & of each The APPROVALS/PERMITS ECC meets the first and third Wednesday OBTAINING BUILDING PERMITS OBTAINING BUILDING PERMITS month. Please see the schedule for the deadlines for Any type of construction project requires by the Environmental Controland/or Committee and/or Building plans forapproval approval. Any type ofsubmitting construction project requires by approval the Environmental Control Committee Building Inspector and amost cases a building must be issued. Inspector and cases building permit must permit issued. most After applications forbeconstruction projects are approved Applications must approval be and submitted and plansare for any project. Application Applicationsby must submitted plans letters approved forapproved any project. forms alongforms with along with thebeECC, sent out toApplication the property sheets for individual types of construction available in the or can be rules found in the rules specificationspecification sheets for individual types of construction are availableare in the office or can office be found in the If the Department construction project requires permit, under the Building (ECC/Building Department Rulesaand Regulations) under the owner. Building Department (ECC/Building Department Rules and Regulations) on thethe web on sitetheat web site at www.candlewick-lake.org. TheRegulations Rules and Regulations also be checked out if the construction www.candlewick-lake.org. The Rules and also be can checked to find out iftothefind construction approval letter states at whatcan meeting the application project needs approval. project needs approval. was approved, that a permit must be purchased in the The ECC meets and third Wednesday of each month. Please see the schedule for the The ECC meets the first and the thirdfirst Wednesday of each month. Please see the schedule the deadlines fordeadlines for Candlewick Office before construction mayforbegin, submitting plans forLake approval. submitting plans for approval. the cost, the office hours, a reminder that all dues, fines After applications for construction the ECC, approval letters sent out to the After applications for construction projects are projects approvedarebyapproved ECC,byapproval letters are sent outare the and fees must paid before thethe permit is issued, a list ofattowhat property If thebe construction project requires permit, the approval states property owner. If theowner. construction project requires a permit, theaapproval letter states letter at what meeting the meeting the application was approved, thatmust aa permit mustCounty be in purchased in the Candlewick application projects was approved, a permit be purchased the building Candlewick Lake Office Lake beforeOffice before thatthat also need Boone permit begin, cost,hours, the office hours, that a reminder all and dues,fees fines andbefees constructionconstruction may begin, may the cost, thethe office a reminder all dues,that fines must paidmust be paid and a notice to call the CWL Building Department for a before the permit is issued, a list of projects that also need a Boone County building permit before the permit is issued, a list of projects that also need a Boone County building permit and a noticeand to a notice to call the CWL Building Department for a finalwhen inspection whenisthe project is complete. call the CWL Building Department forwhen a final inspection theis project complete. final inspection the project complete. E.C.C. Approval Permit E.C.C. Approval CWL PermitCWLCounty Permit New HousesNew Houses House Additions House Additions Boat Lifts Boat Lifts Culvert Extensions/Changes Culvert Extensions/Changes Decks Decks Decorative Lot Corner Markers Decorative Lot Corner Markers Ditch Work (Anything done to the ditch) Ditch Work (Anything done to the ditch) Docks Docks Dog Runs Dog Runs Driveways Driveways Exterior Color Changes trim, shingles, Exterior Color Changes (House, trim,(House, shingles, doors, shutters) doors, shutters) Exterior Lighting Exterior Lighting Exterior Remodeling Exterior Remodeling or Changes or Changes Garages Garages Gazebos Gazebos LP Tanks LP Tanks Piers Piers Play HousesPlay Houses Pools Pools Refuse Enclosures Refuse Enclosures Residing orExterior Repainting Exterior of House Residing or Repainting of House Retaining around Culverts Retaining Walls aroundWalls Culverts Satellite Satellite Dishes (overDishes 39”) (over 39”) Sheds Sheds Shoreline Stabilization Shoreline Stabilization or Repairs or Repairs Sun Rooms Sun Rooms Three or Four Season Rooms Three or Four Season Rooms Tree HousesTree Houses Tree Removal Tree Removal (over 3”) (over 3”) UndergroundUnderground Dog FencesDog Fences Wireless DogWireless FencesDog Fences Ditch & Culvert Work Many property owners would like to do work in the ditch and/or install block, stone or wood retaining walls around the ends of the culvert (the metal pipe under the driveway) in front of their property. Please remember that anything you do in the ditch must be approved. The area from the edge of the road in toward your house approximately 20’ is defined as the ditch area and is owned by Candlewick Lake. Application forms along with rule sheets are available in the office or you can find the rules under the Building Department (ECC/Building Department Rules and Regulations) on our web site at www.candlewick-lake.org. Section 510 is applicable to ditches. The ECC meets the first and third Wednesday of each month. Please see the schedule for the deadlines for submitting plans for approval. Driveway Extensions & Parking Areas Property owners wishing to add a driveway extension or a parking area need to be reminded that the rules have changed. Any driveway extension or parking area must be paved with concrete, asphalt or paving bricks. Gravel or stone as a surface is no longer acceptable. Additionally, the rules were recently changed to state that plans for extensions and parking areas needs to be submitted for ECC approval. New Maintenance Fee Charge Effective March 1, 2015 any Member, Associate Member or Renter who requests a citation review hearing and fails to attend will be charged a $25.00 Maintenance Fee. This fee will be charged to the property owner’s account and will be due along with the citation amount. County Permit PLANS DUE MEETING DATE June 1, 2016 June 15, 2016 July 6, 2016 July 20, 2016 August 3, 2016 August 17, 2016 September 7, 2016 September 21, 2016 October 5, 2016 October 19, 2016 November 2, 2016 November 16, 2016 December 7, 2016 December 21, 2016 New Houses, House Additions, Exterior remodeling or Changes, 3 or 4 Season rooms, Sun room, Garages, Culverts or Ditch Work, retaining Walls around Culverts, Variance requests, Shoreline Stabilization or repairs May 23, 2016 June 6, 2016 June 27, 2016 July 11, 2016 July 25, 2016 August 8, 2016 August 29, 2016 September 12, 2016 September 26, 2016 October 10, 2016 October 24, 2016 November 7, 2016 November 28, 2016 December 12, 2016 PLANS DUE – BY NOON Misc. Construction Boat Lifts, Piers, Corner Markers, Decks, Docks, Plays Houses, Dog runs, Pools, Driveways, refuse Enclosure, Exterior Lighting, Satellite Dishes, Gazebos, Sheds, LP Tanks, Tree Houses, Underground/Wireless Dog Fences May 26, 2016 (Thursday) June 10, 2016 June 30, 2016 (Thursday) July 15, 2016 July 29, 2016 August 12, 2016 September 1, 2016 (Thursday) September 16, 2016 September 30, 2016 October 14, 2016 October 28, 2016 November 11, 2016 December 2, 2016 December 16, 2016 Any changes to this schedule will be posted / published. Building Permit Fees New House Construction Non-Refundable Construction Fee................... $5,000.00 Refundable Clean-Up Deposit.......................... $1,500.00 Building Permit................................................. $ 30.00 Inspection Fee................................................... $ 50.00 TOTAL PERMIT.............................................. $6,580.00 Application Fee................................................. $ 30.00 GARAGE, ADDITIONS & REMODELING Refundable Clean-Up Deposit........................... $ 750.00 Building Permit.................................................. $ 30.00 Inspection Fee.................................................... $ 40.00 TOTAL PERMIT............................................... $ 820.00 MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION Building Permit................................................... $ 15.00 Inspection Fee..................................................... $ 25.00 TOTAL PERMIT................................................ $ 40.00 Signs Please be reminded that the only type of signs that are allowed in Candlewick Lake are real estate and political signs. Real estate signs must be placed against the house or garage and may not be out in the yard. Political signs are only allowed to be displayed 30 prior and 10 after an election. Political signs may not be placed in the ditch, on common ground or any CWL owned property. Contractors are not permitted to place signs on your property. These include but are not limited to siders, roofers, landscapers, remodeling and driveway companies or any other type of construction. In addition no event or any other type of signs are allowed. When you are having work done on your house or yard, please advise your contractor that they may not display their signs. Citations will be issued to the member if signs are displayed. Mowing Requirements It is the responsibility of each property owner to mow and maintain the ditch area in front of their property. Please be sure to mow the entire ditch, up to the road shouldering. This applies to the ditch in front of a vacant lot or a developed lot (lot with a house on it). If you hire a contractor to mow your lawn or vacant lot, be sure they are aware of the rule. If there is concrete curbing in front of or on the corner of your vacant or developed lot, the grass must be trimmed around the curbing. Also, trimming is required around any trees on a lot (vacant or developed) and sign posts, mail box posts and utilities boxes that are in the ditch area in front of or on the corner your property. When a vacant lot is mowed, it is expected to be mowed entirely. Rows (strips) of uncut grass is not acceptable. New Address or Phone Number: Contact Office with Change If you have recently moved, please take a few minutes to contact the Administration Office to give us your new address. Many mailings done by the Association are sent out bulk mail. Unfortunately, the post office will not forward bulk mail, but will instead return it at a considerable fee. We are charged about $4.00 to receive the CWL News back. If you have disconnected your house phone (land line) and are only using cell phones chances are the Office does not have your current number. The Association has no way of contacting you in an emergency situation. The same is true if you change your phone number. Please take a few moments to contact the Administration Office at 815-339-0500 to be sure we have your address and phone number(s) on file. Use of Common Ground Use of the common ground for personal property is prohibited unless the General Manager grants permission. This includes gardens, woodpiles, etc. Trampolines, swing sets, pools, boats, etc. are strictly prohibited and permission for these type of items will not be granted. If you would like to use the common ground, you may pick up an application form in the office, to be filled out and submitted for approval by the General Manager. Vacant Lots for Sale If you have your unimproved (vacant) lot for sale, you may keep the selling information on file in the Candlewick Lake office. This information will be available to anyone interested in purchasing a lot in Candlewick Lake. Forms are available in the Administration Office, which must be filled out and placed in the book by the property owner. It is the responsibility of the lot owner to remove the form when the lot has been sold or is no longer for sale. Candlewick Lake Association does not act as a selling agent for property owners. By signing the form, you are authorizing Candlewick Lake Association to provide the information to the general public. Some of the listings go back to 2009. If you have put a form in the book, you may want to consider stopping in the office to review your form to be sure it has updated information with regards to your address, phone number, asking price etc. 12 JUNE 2016 Candlewick Lake News Information There will be no financials in this paper and the next paper will include year-end audited AND May. Garbage Proper Disposal Information Normal household trash must be put out in sealed containers. Bags set next to the toter are prohibited and citations will be issued to those violating the rules. If you need an additional toter, please contact Advanced Disposal at 815-874-8431. If you only occasionally have an additional bag of garbage that doesn’t fit in your toter, you may put it in a regular garbage can. You are required to have your garbage at the curb by 6:00 AM on the day of collection. To avoid being missed, please be sure to have your garbage out by 6:00 AM. An electronic recycling drop-off site is located at the Boone County Highway Department. Hazardous waste materials (paints, paint thinner, oil, etc.) can be taken to the Rock River Water Reclamation District located at 3333 Kishwaukee Street in Rockford. Their hours are Saturdays from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM and Sundays from noon to 4:00 PM. You can call 815-387-7510 to get a complete list of what is accepted and what is not. Things they don’t accept are compressed gas, explosives and radioactive material. Tires (except tractor tires) may be taken, up to four at a time, to Rock River Water Reclamation District. Sharps (used syringes, needles and other medical equipment) should not be disposed of in your household trash or recycling as this poses a significant health risk to waste haulers. Anyone working in the trash handling industry can unexpectedly come in contact with these materials and is in danger of accidentally puncturing themselves and be at risk of contracting any number of diseases – including Hepatitis B and HIV – from contaminated syringes. Most pharmacies offer a free sharps collection program. You can pick up a sharps container at no charge; once your container is full, you can exchange it for a new container. This free service is a simple solution for the safe disposal of SHARPS. Garbage Pick Up Holidays Include: New Year’s Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Please remember that pick up will be pushed back a day following a holiday. Bulk Garbage Pick Up Every year, there are two bulk garbage pick up days scheduled. This is normally scheduled for the Thursday following the garage sales. This means that Advanced Disposal will pick up unlimited “household items” on that day only. Please keep in mind that every week, you are allowed to put out one extra “household item” with your normal garbage. Please make sure that your garbage is placed off the roadway and shoulder and is secured. The following items are not accepted and will not be picked up: • Electronics • Appliances • Car Parts or Tires • Water Softeners or Heaters • Any Type of Hazardous Chemicals or Waste Materials • Paints or Oils • Batteries of Any Kind • Construction and Demolition Debris PAYMENT OPTIONS Candlewick Lake Association offers several different ways to pay assessments; see below for details. An account is considered delinquent if payment of dues in full or an ACH is not processed by May 1st. ACH – EXISTING SETUP What do I need to do? If you have a current ACH in place, you consent to the current year’s monthly amount, and there are no changes required then you need to do nothing! Again, if you had an ACH processed in March, we will process the next payment in May unless otherwise directed by you. Your Electronic Fund Transfer Authorization Agreement is for the withdrawal of funds in payment of the current Candlewick Lake Association Dues Assessments, Road Trust/Long Term Capital Funding, and accumulated interest. We will begin taking out the upcoming year’s (2016-2017 Fiscal Year) assessments in May. If you do not consent to continue your ACH and/or would like to pay in full, you must notify us in writing on or before April 15, 2016. Unless we receive such a request, your current ACH Agreement will continue with your consent to the new current year’s monthly assessment. Attach a voided check to a completed Electronic Fund Transfer Agreement if you want to utilize a new bank account. Forms must be received in the Candlewick Lake Office on or before April 15, 2016. Your account is automatically debited on the first business day of each month beginning May 1, 2016. ACH –NEW SETUP What do I need to do? If you need to start an ACH for the first time, then complete the ACH form, attach a voided check and return it to the Candlewick Lake Association Office. Forms must be received in the Candlewick Lake Office on or before April 15, 2016. Your account is automatically debited on the first business day of each month beginning May 1, 2016. Return ACH forms to the following address: Candlewick Lake Association Office 13400 Highway 76 Poplar Grove, IL 61065 Online Payment Via eCheck or Credit Card You can set up a one-time payment using an eCheck or credit card. There is a $14.95 convenience fee if you pay via a credit card. There is no charge for eChecks, however you will have to register as a smartstreet user. What do I need to do? Simply follow the directions below: • Log in to smartstreet.com or candlewicklake.org (documents/smartpay) • Select “Online Payments” • Choose “Pay as a Guest” for credit card payments or “Sign In or Register” for one time eCheck payments • Select your homeowner’s association and follow the instructions on the screen Pay in Full at the Association Office in Person or by US Mail Return your invoice and a check made payable to Candlewick Lake Association to the following address: Candlewick Lake Association 13400 Highway 76 Poplar Grove, IL 61065 When paying by check, please write your unit and lot number on the check. You can also drop your payment in our drop box located in front of the Administration Office during or after hours. Your cashed check will serve as your receipt. Please do NOT drop cash. CREDIT CARDS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AT THE ADMINISTRATION OFFICE. Important Notice In order to more efficiently handle your checks, we have elected to use a check scanner to process your checks in the office. This will turn your paper check into an electronic check transaction. You will not receive your paper check back in your statement. The payment will be reflected as an electronic transaction on your banking statement and can clear as soon as the same day we receive your payment. Community Organizations Group AA/Al Anon NA/Nar-anon Boy Scout Troop #77 Cub Scout Pack #77 Candlewick Flames Contact Lynn & Russ Jack Joe Bomher David Karl, Asst.Scoutmaster Elaine Spana, Membership/Adv. Rose Marie Wade Phone 815-765-1973 815-978-8384 630-464-2407 815-703-3883 815-765-0906 815-765-2745 Candlewick Lake News Matter of Record A Matter of Record TOTAL HOMES CONSTRUCTED Homes Complete: 1822 Under Construction: 2 Total: 1824 Percentage of Rental Properties: 16.14% NEW HOUSES APPROVED: NONE MISC. CONSTRUCTION APPROVED: Unit 1 Lot 131 – 109 Heath Cliff SE.......................................................................... Color Change Unit 2 Lot 91 – 207 King Henry SE...........................................................................Tree Removal Unit 3 Lot 2 – 204 Candlewick Dr. SE....................................................................................... Pier Unit 3 Lot 2 – 204 Candlewick Dr. SE...............................................................................Boat Lift Unit 3 Lot 44 – 100 Atlantic NE................................................................................. Color Change Unit 3 Lot 231 – 313 Candlewick Dr. SE................................................................................. Deck Unit 3 Lot 200 – 516 Bounty Dr. NE.......................................................................... Color Change Unit 4 Lot 122 – 117 Minarette SW...........................................................Underground Dog Fence Unit 4 Lot 299 – 711 Marquette SW........................................................................... Color Change Unit 4 Lot 335 – 126 Benedict SW........................................................................................... Deck Unit 5 Lot 57 – 638 Candlewick Dr. NE..................................................................................Dock Unit 5 Lot 237 – 221 Rochester Rd. NE............................................................................Driveway Unit 6 Lot 204 – 132 Birch SW.................................................................................. Color Change Unit 6 Lot 368 – 112 Pembroke SW......................................................................................... Deck Unit 6 Lot 368 – 112 Pembroke SW.......................................................................................... Pool Unit 7 Lot 203 – 610 Constitution SW..................................................................................... Shed Unit 7 Lot 215 – 101 Sequoyah SW........................................................................... Color Change Unit 1 Lot 39 – 129 Brandywine SE..................................................................................Driveway Unit 1 Lot 65 – 303 Candlewick Blvd. SE.................................................................Tree Removal Unit 1 Lot 115 – 112 James Cr. SE............................................................................. Color Change Unit 2 Lot 51 – 2211 Candlewick Dr. SE...................................................................Tree Removal Unit 2 Lot 128 – 26 King Henry SE........................................................................... Color Change Unit 3 Lot 44 – 100 Atlantic NE.................................................................................Tree Removal Unit 3 Lot 45 – 102 Atlantic NE.................................................................................Tree Removal Unit 3 Lot 151 – 334 Rochester NE............................................................................ Color Change Unit 3 Lot 171 – 101 Centralia Pl. NE........................................................................Tree Removal Unit 3 Lot 196 – 508 Bounty Dr. NE..........................................Driveway & Ditch Retaining Wall Unit 4 Lot 69 – 138 Hastings Way SW...................................................................................... Pool Unit 4 Lot 170 – 227 Hastings Way SW.....................................................................Tree Removal Unit 4 Lot 244 – 100 Poseidon SW.......................................................................................... Deck Unit 4 Lot 244 – 100 Poseidon SW............................................................................ Color Change Unit 4 Lot 375 – 100 Wenatchee Way SW................................................................. Color Change Unit 4 Lot 400 – 507 Benedict SW............................................................................. Color Change Unit 5 Lot 16 – 1002 Candlewick Dr. NE.................................................................. Color Change Unit 5 Lot 16 – 1002 Candlewick Dr. NE.................................................................................. Pier Unit 5 Lot 16 – 1002 Candlewick Dr. NE.............................................................................Garage Unit 5 Lot 16 – 1002 Candlewick Dr. NE.......................................................Exterior Remodeling Unit 5 Lot 16 – 1002 Candlewick Dr. NE.........................................................................Driveway Unit 5 Lot 155 – 246 Rochester Rd. NE..................................................................... Color Change Unit 5 Lot 237 – 221 Rochester Rd. NE................................................................................... Deck Unit 6 Lot 68 – 1237 Candlewick Dr. NW................................................................. Color Change Unit 6 Lot 166 – 104 Constitution SW....................................................................... Color Change Unit 6 Lot 250 – 1660 Candlewick Dr. SW................................................................................ Pier Unit 6 Lot 250 – 1660 Candlewick Dr. SW........................................................................Boat Lift Unit 6 Lot 368 – 112 Pembroke SW......................................................................................... Deck Unit 6 Lot 368 – 112 Pembroke SW.......................................................................................... Pool Unit 6 Lot 419 – 101 Talladega SW...........................................................................Tree Removal Unit 6 Lot 462 – 1266 Candlewick Dr. NW...............................................................Tree Removal Unit 7 Lot 52 – 108 Deerpath SW..............................................................................Tree Removal Unit 7 Lot 60 – 511 Constitution SW......................................................................... Color Change Unit 7 Lot 85 – 210 Tamarack Hollow SW................................................................Tree Removal Unit 7 Lot 135 – 205 Marquette SW..........................................................................Tree Removal Unit 10 Lot 2 – 109 Queens Pl. SE............................................................................. Color Change Unit 10 Lot 47 – 121 Chanticleer SE..........................................................................Tree Removal Welcome New Owners Candlewick Dr SE................................................................... WILLIAM & SUSAN LEIBFORTH Candlewick Dr SE.....................................................................................TIMOTHY FORRESTAL Constitution Drive SW . .................................................................. STEVEN & TANYA BERNAL Drew Court NE..................................................................................................MICHELLE DORN Marquette Drive SW........................................................................................ JUSTIN MARKLEY Marquette Drive SW...............................................................................................LORIE MORAN Spinnacre Place NE.........................................................................ROGER & BEVERLY MCGEE Talladega Drive SW..........................................................................................JOSEPH PUZZO JR Thornhill Drive SW......................................................................................... MARILYN FLORES Family Owned and Operated Comfort olutions S Heating and Air Conditioning Your Local Hometown Bryant Dealer cleaning • repairs • safety checks • 24/7 service available Now offering Trane Furnaces and Air Conditioning & Mitsubishi Ductless Split Systems Call Now For Service On Your Existing Air Conditioner Or To Save On A New High Efficiency System! 815-218-6271 Keith Anderson Serving Poplar Grove and Boone County www.comfortsolutions.biz keithanders7@live.com JUNE 2016 13 Public Safety & Building Citations ADDRESS UNIT/LOT VIOLATION FINE 508 Lamplighter........................1-097..........Speeding 33mph......................................................... $100.00 2209 Candlewick Dr.................2-052..........Speeding 39mph......................................................... $150.00 2204 Candlewick Dr.................2-144..........Speeding 37mph......................................................... $150.00 310 Talladega............................4-033..........Speeding 34mph......................................................... $100.00 310 Talladega............................4-033..........Speeding 33mph......................................................... $100.00 414 Talladega............................4-043..........Speeding 33mph......................................................... $100.00 142 Hastings..............................4-071..........Speeding 35mph......................................................... $100.00 144 Hastings..............................4-072..........Disobeyed stop sign................................................... $75.00 212 Hastings..............................4-182..........Disobeyed stop sign................................................... $75.00 808 Marquette...........................4-276..........Speeding 33mph......................................................... $100.00 807 Marquette...........................4-310..........Speeding 33mph......................................................... $100.00 402 Benedict.............................4-320..........Speeding 33 mph ...................................................... $100.00 303 Rochester............................5-145..........Speeding 35mph......................................................... $100.00 132 Valhalla..............................5-197..........Disobeyed stop sign................................................... $75.00 119 Columbia............................6-083..........Dog Park Violation.................................................... $50.00 106 Seminole............................6-156..........Overnight Parking...................................................... $50.00 110 Redman..............................6-186..........Speeding 33mph......................................................... $100.00 200 Pembroke...........................6-354..........Disobeyed stop sign................................................... $75.00 114 Pembroke...........................6-367..........Speeding 34mph......................................................... $100.00 203 Tamarack............................7-095..........Parking Violation....................................................... $50.00 405 Constitution........................7-102..........Overnight Parking...................................................... $50.00 207 Marquette...........................7-136..........Speeding 37mph......................................................... $150.00 119 Gables.................................7-196..........Overnight Parking...................................................... $50.00 105 Delta...................................8-045..........Overnight parking...................................................... $50.00 305 Picadilly.............................9-023..........Disobeyed stop sign................................................... $75.00 306 Picadilly.............................9-023..........Overnight Parking...................................................... $50.00 114 Queens Place......................10-020........Disobeyed stop sign................................................... $75.00 111 Lamplighter........................10-128........Disobeyed stop sign................................................... $75.00 106 Heathcliff...........................1-143..........Holiday Lights violation............................................ $50.00 204 Brandywine........................2-025..........Disobeyed stop sign................................................... $75.00 204 Brandywine........................2-025..........Overnight Parking of Class D Truck.......................... $50.00 119 London...............................2--063.........Speeding 34mph......................................................... $100.00 302 Atlantic...............................3-049..........Speeding 34mph......................................................... $100.00 301 Atlantic...............................3-081..........Overnight Parking...................................................... $50.00 301 Atlantic...............................3-081..........Overnight Parking Violation...................................... $50.00 114 New Foundland..................3-177..........Overnight Parking...................................................... $50.00 114 New Foundland..................3-177..........Disobeyed stop sign................................................... $75.00 101 New Foundland..................3-193..........Overnight Parking...................................................... $50.00 104 Talladega............................4-021..........Gate Entry Violation.................................................. $75.00 104 Talladega............................4-021..........Gate Entry Violation.................................................. $75.00 410 Talladega............................4-041..........Disobeyed stop sign................................................... $75.00 411 Talladega............................4-051..........Disobeyed stop sign................................................... $75.00 136 Hastings..............................4-068..........Disobeyed stop sign................................................... $75.00 217 Hastings..............................4-165..........Failure to maintain property....................................... $50.00 217 Hastings..............................4-165..........Failure to maintain property....................................... $50.00 229 Hastings..............................4-171..........Disobeyed stop sign................................................... $75.00 506 Pembroke...........................4-200..........Speeding 37mph......................................................... $150.00 102 Posiedon.............................4-243..........Speeding 35mph......................................................... $100.00 721 Marquette...........................4-304..........Disobeyed stop sign................................................... $75.00 807 Marquette...........................4-310..........Disobeyed stop sign................................................... $75.00 404 Benedict.............................4-319..........Overnight Parking...................................................... $50.00 302 Benedict.............................4-326..........Disobeyed stop sign................................................... $75.00 128 Benedict.............................4-334..........Speeding 33mph......................................................... $100.00 106 Staffordshire.......................5-164..........Parking Violation....................................................... $50.00 103 Valhalla..............................5-212..........Speeding 33mph......................................................... $100.00 111 Valhalla...............................5-216..........Disobeyed stop sign................................................... $75.00 229 Rochester............................5-240..........Speeding 35mph......................................................... $100.00 200 Carthage.............................6-049..........Waste cans violation.................................................. $50.00 102 Constitution........................6-167..........Speeding 34mph......................................................... $100.00 109 Birch...................................6-173..........Speeding 40mph......................................................... $150.00 115 Birch...................................6-176..........Disobeyed stop sign................................................... $75.00 132 Birch...................................6-204..........Speeding 35mph......................................................... $100.00 100 Birch...................................6-216..........Failure to maintain property....................................... $50.00 100 Birch...................................6-216..........Failure to maintain property....................................... $50.00 1654 Candlewick Dr.................6-247..........Failure to maintain property....................................... $50.00 1647 Candlewick Dr.................6-281..........Speeding 34mph......................................................... $100.00 135 Pembroke...........................6-340..........Speeding 34mph......................................................... $100.00 102 Deerpath.............................7-049..........Gate Entry Violation.................................................. $75.00 313 Constitution........................7-105..........Derelict vehicle.......................................................... $100.00 107 Marquette...........................7-121..........Parking Violation....................................................... $50.00 107 Marquette...........................7-121..........Disobeyed stop sign................................................... $75.00 107 Minarette............................7-121..........Parking Violation....................................................... $50.00 205 Winesap..............................7-142..........Disobeyed stop sign................................................... $75.00 203 Briar Cliff...........................8-009..........Speeding 33mph......................................................... $100.00 109 Delta...................................8-047..........Overnight parking...................................................... $50.00 102 Delta...................................8-056..........Disobeyed stop sign................................................... $75.00 307 Briar Cliff...........................8-059..........Overnight Parking...................................................... $50.00 223 Thornhill............................8-145..........Overnight parking...................................................... $50.00 306 Picadilly.............................9-023..........Overnight Parking...................................................... $50.00 200 Liverpool............................9-082..........Overnight Parking Violation...................................... $50.00 133 Liverpool............................9-115..........Speeding 35mph......................................................... $100.00 104 Galahad..............................10-099........Disobeyed stop sign................................................... $75.00 155 Lamplighter........................10-150........Disobeyed stop sign................................................... $75.00 203 Lamplighter........................10-152........Disobeyed stop sign................................................... $75.00 200 Ambrose.............................10-192........Speeding 34mph......................................................... $100.00 421 Staffordshire.......................11-046........Overnight Parking Violation...................................... $50.00 509 Pembroke...........................4-193..........Waste cans visible...................................................... $50.00 101 James..................................1-108..........Parking Violation....................................................... $50.00 213 King Henry.........................2-089..........Overnight Parking...................................................... $50.00 121 Queens Pl...........................10-008........Overnight Parking...................................................... $50.00 10 YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY We Accept: MENTION THIS AD FOR next service call* $10 OFF your * Not valid with any other offers/coupons REMINDER You Need a State Fishing License as well as a CWL ID or Guest Pass to Fish on Candlewick Lake! Get Yours Today! 14 JUNE 2016 Candlewick Lake News Meeting Minutes MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING April 19, 2016 Board Members Present: Ken Dillenburg, Don Parisi, Jeff Lutzow, Steve Lambright, Rich Witt, Randy Budreau, Greg Waite Absent: Staff Members: Theresa Balk, Valerie Alt, Roland, Wood, Leann DeJoode The meeting opened at 6:30 PM at the Recreation Center by President Ken Dillenburg followed by the pledge to the flag and a prayer. There were eleven members present. The public forum policy was read. Pam Cangelosi of 400 Briar Cliff SW read an invitation from the CWL Public Safety Commission for a gang awareness presentation to be held on 4/26/16 at 6:30 PM at the Rec Center where Sgt. Dave Damon will be the speaker. On 5/5/16 at 6:00 PM Brian Alt will conduct a water safety seminar. Rich Devries of 674 Candlewick Dr. NE passed out a “June Fool” (?) paper to the Board. DeVries stated last weekend was a good weekend and when motorcycles are at stop signs they go full throttle and it is too loud. DeVries said that the speed limit is 25 MPH and that is what he drives and people come flying up behind him on the boulevard. DeVries said he can’t make the two announcements that Pam gave but wished he could. DeVries stated two people have street worthy golf carts and wants golf cart parking spaces here. There was discussion on street worthy vehicles and CWL rules. DeVries thanked the previous Board and wished well to the new Board. Bruce Buck of 225 Candlewick Dr. SE said he is concerned about bikes being ridden four across in the dark with no lights and wants the Board to set rules for bikes at night. Buck asked if kids could get tickets. Buck stated on Sunday he was going south on 76 and there was a flock of kids climbing over the fence across from the dollar store and said that Public Safety should be sitting at those streets to catch people. Buck said at 1:00 AM on Saturday his doorbell rang and when he went to the door the kids ran around the bushes; as he went to get a flash light a Public Safety Officer came by and stopped and patrolled the area. Buck said when he first moved here the incidents were published in the paper and since it has been pulled out and thinks crime status should be in the paper. Dillenburg swore in Lambright as a new board member. The Election of Officers was held. Witt made a motion to nominate Dillenburg as President, seconded by Parisi. Motion carried unanimously. There were no more nominations. Parisi made a motion, seconded by Witt to close the nominations. Motion carried unanimously. A vote was taken by secret ballot with Dillenburg receiving 7 votes. Lutzow made a motion to nominate Parisi as Vice-President, seconded by Lambright. Motion carried unanimously. There were no more nominations. Lambright made a motion, seconded by Waite to close the nominations. A vote was taken by secret ballot with Parisi receiving 7 votes. Parisi made a motion to nominate Lambright as Secretary, seconded by Waite. Motion carried unanimously. Witt made a motion to nominate Waite as Secretary, seconded by Lutzow. Motion carried unanimously. Lutzow made a motion to nominated Budreau as Secretary, seconded by Parisi. Motion carried unanimously. There were no more nominations. Lambright made a motion, seconded by Witt to close the nominations. Motion carried unanimously. A vote was taken by secret ballot with Lambright receiving 2 votes, Waite received 5 votes and Budreau receiving 0 votes. Lambright made a motion to nominate Lutzow as Treasurer, seconded by Budreau. Motion carried unanimously. There were no more nominations. Witt made a motion, seconded by Parisi to close the nominations. Motion carried unanimously. A vote was taken by secret ballot with Lutzow receiving 7 votes. Lambright made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Witt with adding #13 – Parking Variance to New Business. Motion carried unanimously. The Dues Reduction Raffle was held. There were five winners with each receiving a credit on their account in the amount of $512.00. The winners were: Ryan McGahan, Danielle Pearson, Paul Wieczorek, Craig Lund and George Jeavons. Parisi made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 15, 2016 regular Board Meeting, seconded by Witt. Motion carried unanimously. The Aqua update was read by Lambright which included an update on the pump station project. MONITORING REPORTS 1.) General Manager’s Report: The March 2016 report was reviewed. The changeover date for the new phone system is May 4, 2016. 2A.) Maintenance Department Report: The March 2016 report was reviewed. 2B.) Building Department Report: The March 2016 report was reviewed. 2C.) Public Safety Report: The March 2016 report was reviewed. Witt asked if Public Safety is enforcing more property inspections for community cleanup and fixup. Balk stated this has already been started. 2D.) Savannah Oaks Golf Course Report: The March 2016 report was reviewed. 2E.) Savannah Oaks Clubhouse Report: The March 2016 report was reviewed. Dillenburg stated that it was very busy on Sunday and there are a lot of new menu items and events. Dillenburg reported that year-to-date the loss at Savannah Oaks was $55,706.00 less than last year. BOARD COMMITTEE REPORTS 1.)The Financial Report was given by Lutzow who reported the fund balances as follows: Total Operating Cash $793,372.59 Total Operating Investments $439,871.06; Total Road Investments $0.00; Total Reserve Investments $3,531,391.81; Total Investments $3,971,262.87; Total Cash $4,764,635.46. The revenue is $54,000.00 ahead budget; the expenses are $345,000.00 under budget; the budget is $399,000.00 “to the good”. Lutzow explained that there will be a large amount of write offs later in the meeting. These are dues that are put on at the start of the year and now need to be removed as the dues have not been paid. These are all for lots in the County’s name. Dillenburg added that the write offs keep the books clean. 2.)Citation Review Hearing: The 4/9/16 meeting report was reviewed. Witt made a motion, seconded by Parisi to ratify the decisions of the Citation Review Commission subject to the Member’s right to appeal for the 4/9/16 review. Motion carried unanimously. 3.)ECC: The 3/16/16 meeting was cancelled and the 4/6/16 meeting report was reviewed. Parisi stated that it is starting to get busy; the ECC has had some unusual requests; some variances were granted and the charter was approved. 4.)Lake Management: The 4/12/16 meeting report was reviewed. Dillenburg stated that $34,000.00 was budgeted for lake remediation and it was the consensus of the Commission to get complete plans and spend the money this year on engineering and plans and apply for the grant which is due by August 1st. Witt made a motion, seconded by Lutzow to approve the recommendation from Lake Management to implement Option A for engineering and plans. Motion carried 7/0 by a roll call vote with all voting aye. Budreau stated he received an e-mail at 2:30 PM for the meeting that day and wants meetings on the Sunshine Board. Dillenburg stated the skimmer was out last week and ran fine and yesterday the shaft in one of the hydraulic motors failed. This is the same thing that was replaced last fall. Two factory reps will be here tomorrow at 8:30. Dillenburg explained the types of pumps and the problems we have had with the machine. 5.)Recreation Commission: The 3/31/16 meeting report was reviewed. Lambright gave a report on the activities and projects. It is the recommendation of the Commission to put the 10-minute adult swim back in place but this has been found to be discrimination, a lawsuit was filed and the adult swim can’t continue because of the legalities. Dillenburg explained Woodhaven’s lawsuit. Discussion was held on lawsuits and lap swims. 6.)Golf Commission: The 4/6/16 meeting report was reviewed. Waite stated the leagues are the same days of the week as last year and reported on the meeting. Waite stated the Commission was discussing opening up the course to the public with Parisi stating the last time we did this it cost $19,000.00 in taxes. 7.)Public Safety Commission: There was no report as the 4/13/16 meeting was changed to 4/20/16. 8.)Events Commission: The 4/4/16 meeting was cancelled. 9.)Communications Commission: The 3/30/16 meeting report was reviewed. Lambright reported that the Commission is recommending there be no free ads or articles when promoting a personal/private charitable event or sale. Sandy Morse stated she is seeing more and more people doing garage sales for charity. Witt made a motion, seconded by Budreau to table the issue to the workshop. Motion carried unanimously. 10.) Roads Commission: The 4/7/16 meeting report was reviewed. Budreau stated the Commission has meet twice and has done a road trip and is coming to a consensus on what areas need to be addressed. Budreau discussed road shouldering and going forward the specs to be followed; discussed areas of concern and proposed work and areas concerning Aqua. Budreau gave a lengthy, detailed report of the meeting, various contractors, tours of CWL and various paving types. Witt stated water can’t get off the road and just sits there in some areas of shouldering he looked at. There was questions on the roads from some of the Board. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1.)An update was given on the Outpost. Bonnie Marron stated she tried to call Drew and is waiting for a call. Parisi stated they are waiting for clarification on what may or may not be code and required. 2.)Candlewick Lake programs and classes were discussed. Lutzow made a motion, seconded by Witt that the value of the punch cards will be changed from $25.00 to $30.00 for six classes, effective immediately. Motion carried unanimously. 3.)Fishing by the Marina was discussed. Roland Wood submitted a proposal to not allow fishing along the shoreline from the launching pier west, past Marinas A, B and the three stationery piers to a point at least 40’ west of the last stationery dock and to put signs up saying “No Fishing Between Signs”. Discussion was held and it was stated that this will be an issue at other areas; the same thing can happen if people fish from their boats. Lambright asked how many complaints are received with Wood responding one or two a year. Some of the Board were not in favor of restricting the fishing areas based on one or two complaints. Lutzow stated there was no recommendation from Lake Management. Public input was held. Lambright made a motion, seconded by Witt to leave the fishing areas as they are. Motion carried 6/1 with Parisi, Lambright, Lutzow, Witt, Budreau and Waite voting aye and Dillenburg voting nay. NEW BUSINESS 1.)A list of bad debt write-offs in the amount of $45,205.58 which consisted of 42 properties was reviewed. Three of the properties were interest adjustments and banks only paying back six months. The remainder of the properties are owned by the County and are for dues they don’t pay and are deemed as uncollectable. Lutzow made a motion to approve writing off the bad debt, seconded by Parisi. Motion carried 7/0 by a roll call vote with all voting aye. There were no accounting adjustments. 2.)Resolution 16-R-12 to purchase a water softener for the Rec Center for a cost of $2,3494.00 was read by Waite who motioned to approve, seconded by Parisi. Motion carried 7/0 by a roll call vote with all voting aye. 3.)Resolution 16-R-13 to retain Scott E. Pointner of Rathje & Woodward, LLC as the Association’s attorney for the fiscal year 5/1/16 through 4/30/17 was read by Lutzow who motioned to approve, seconded by Lambright. Motion carried 6/0 by a roll call vote with all voting aye and Budreau abstaining. 4.)Resolution 16-R-14 to approve the pool rules was read by Lambright who motioned to approve, seconded by Witt. Parisi questioned the smoking area. Lambright amended the motion, seconded by Lutzow to change the smoking rule to from “Smoking is allowed in designated areas only. 15 feet from the entrance.” to “No smoking in the pool area.”. Motion carried unanimously. 5.)Resolution 16-R-15 to purchase new file cabinets for the Administration Office for a cost not to exceed $4,055.25 was read by Witt who motioned to approve, seconded by Lambright. Motion carried 7/0 by a roll call vote with all voting aye. 6.)Resolution 16-R-16 to purchase a Toro Workman GTX for a cost not to exceed $8,369.96 was read by Lutzow who motioned to approve, seconded by Parisi. Motion carried 7/0 by a roll call vote with all voting aye. 7.)The Boone County Adopt-A-Highway Program contract was reviewed. Witt made a motion, seconded by Budreau to accept the contract which is to pick up the litter on Caledonia Road between Dawson Lake Road and Kelley Road. Motion carried 6/1 with Dillenburg, Lutzow, Witt, Lambright, Budreau and Waite voting aye and Parisi voting nay. A date for the next clean-up was set for 4/25/16 at 5:30 PM. 8.)A request from a property owner for a three-month extension on their rental property was reviewed. Dillenburg stated we are currently five homes under the cap. Lambright made a motion to approve, seconded by Witt. Motion carried unanimously. 9.)A memo for currency guidelines was read by Dillenburg. Dillenburg made a motion, seconded by Lutzow that the maximum allowable currency that will be accepted in the office is 25¢ in pennies, $2.00 in nickels, $2.00 in dimes, $3.00 in quarters and $25.00 in singles. Motion carried unanimously. 10.) The Commission/Committee Charters for the Finance, Citation Review, Lake Management, Recreation, Golf, Public Safety, Events and Communications Commission and the ECC were reviewed. Lutzow made a motion, seconded by Waite to approve all the charters. Motion carried unanimously. 11.) Discussion was held on rooms for rent. There were complaints about people advertising they have rooms for rent in their house. Alt stated that the County had been contacted and their response was that what the homeowners are doing meets the definition of a boarding house, but the definition specially states that there has to be at least three or more persons renting the rooms. The County needs proof that there are at least three people renting rooms before they can proceed with any action. 12.) The date for the Board Workshop was set for Monday, 5/9/16 at 6:00 PM at the Administration Office. 13.) A request was received from the resident at 122 Valhalla to park his 2014 Dodge Ram Utility work truck in his driveway overnight. The truck has an “F” plate on it. Parisi made a motion, seconded by Lutzow to approve the request. Motion carried unanimously. Witt made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:38 PM seconded by Lambright. Motion carried unanimously. Witt motioned to reopen the regular meeting at 8:47 PM, seconded by Lambright. Motion carried unanimously. Witt motioned to go into Executive Session at 8:47 PM to discuss personnel, seconded by Parisi. Motion carried unanimously. Personnel: Personnel issues were discussed. Lambright made a motion to adjourn the Executive Session at 9:55 PM, seconded by Parisi. Motion carried unanimously. Lambright made a motion to return to the regular meeting at 9:55 PM, seconded by Parisi. Motion carried unanimously. Witt motioned to approve the decisions made in executive session, seconded by Parisi. Motion carried unanimously. Witt made a motion to adjourn the regular meeting at 9:56 PM, seconded by Parisi. Motion carried unanimously. Submitted by, Valerie Alt MINUTES OF THE BOARD WORKSHOP May 9, 2016 Board Members Present: Ken Dillenburg, Don Parisi, Jeff Lutzow, Rich Witt, Steve Lambright (arrived 6:04), Randy Budreau, Greg Waite Absent: Staff Members: Theresa Balk, Valerie Alt The meeting opened at 6:02 PM at the Administration Office by President Ken Dillenburg. There was no members present. Witt made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Lutzow. Motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS 1.)The issue of who can have free newspaper ads was discussed. The following comments were made by various Board members. Section 2.39 of the Board Policy states that the General Manager approves free advertising in the paper, website, etc. Styling for Pink and Judy Rio’s articles have been in the paper recently. If an article is promoting a charity, numerous people could want a free article in the paper. The key is, will this charity benefit the residents of Candlewick. There was discussion on registered charitable organizations. Some organizations have to pay for their ads and it isn’t fair that some do and some don’t. A suggestion was made to allow an article if space is available. If someone asks for free advertising, it will be considered. If they don’t ask, the General Manager doesn’t know who is advertising until the proof comes out. It was the consensus of the Board to leave Section 2.39 as is. 2.)Discussion was held on Board communication. Discussion amongst the Board by e-mail is not allowed. One or two members e-mailing is okay but a quorum of the Board can’t have discussion via e-mail. 3.)Goals for the year were discussed. One of the goals was to start the Outpost by the end of the fiscal year. Discussion was held on the Outpost with the Board’s ideas both pro and con. The Board listed the following as their goals for the year: the start of the Outpost; rewrite the Board Policy; work on the General Manager’s contract; roads; reserve study; and entrance beautification. 4.)The Board Policy was reviewed and several changes were made throughout the book. Balk asked about the children of Board members or employees working in other Departments. It was the consensus of the Board that this is okay so that the hiring process may be started and will be on the agenda for the Board meeting for approval. Budreau made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:34 PM, seconded by Parisi. Motion carried unanimously. Submitted by, Valerie Alt Candlewick Lake News JUNE 2016 15 Meeting Minutes President’s Prerogative continued from page 3 into the dam through dead root paths and disturbed areas of root balls. Mowing also makes our dam much less inviting to burrowing species of animals. You can imagine what deep burrows can do to dam stability. Lastly, we have our dam inspected yearly, and it is very difficult to see problems on an overgrown dam. Mowing is a real pain in the neck, but necessary. I will end with this apropos quote for the month of June... “If a June night could talk, it would probably boast that it invented romance.” ~ Bern Williams (Yeah, even us old guys still have memories!) Revised Rental Restrictions At the February 16, 2016 Board of Directors meeting, Resolution 16-R-06 was approved. This resolution add #9 to the Rental Restrictions, as listed below. The Articles for Agreement for Deed form will be available in the Administration Office and on the Candlewick Lake website. The Board of Directors approved capping the number of houses that can be rented at any given time to 15% and implemented restrictions. Below are the restrictions for rental properties: 1. There will be a 15% cap on Houses that can be subject to Rental Agreements at any given time. This 15% rental cap will be effective October 1, 2015. 2. There will be a “Waiting list” for Rental properties once the cap has been met. 3. Should a property on the “Waiting List” become eligible to rent and the Property Owner decides not to rent, they will be removed from the waiting list. 4. There will be no granting or giving of one properties’ eligibility to another property. 5. If a “Rental” Property should not be rented for a period of six (6) months then it will no longer be considered a “Rental” property and will have to go on the waiting list should they want to rent it in the future. Property owner does have the right to request up to a three (3) month extension from the Board of Directors. Request must be made in writing. 6. If a property owner has multiple rentals, each property will be considered on an individual basis. 7. There will be a $250.00 fine for failure to register a rental property. If the rental property has not registered within 30 days of the initial fine, a second fine in the amount of $500.00 will be issued. Subsequent fines in the amount of $500.00 will be issued every 30 days until compliance is met. The fine(s) will be charged for each property not registered. 8. “Hardship” situations will need to be appealed to the Board of Directors in writing. The Board will consider these on a case by case basis. 9. In order for a house not to be considered subject to the rental restrictions the following must be met: a. An “Articles of Agreement for Deed” form must be submitted to and approved by the Candlewick Lake Administration. b. A meaningful build-up equity must be included in the Agreement for Deed as follows: i. End of Year 1: 6% (5% down and 1% over the first year) ii. End of Year 2: 8% iii. End of Year 3: 10% iv. End of Year 4: 12% v. End of Year 5: 15% c. The seller’s use of amenities must be waived. d. A memorandum of the Articles for Agreement for Deed must be recorded with the Boone County Clerk’s Office. Quality Work Fair Prices loW Prices on Water Heater installations candleWick resident GM Report continued from page 4 Friendship Park, Firefly Bay, and bio swales for 2016 has been approved. Work is scheduled May – October. 9. Park Signs – The park signs have been painted. The exterior posts will be painted when the temperatures warm up. 10. Public Safety Open Positions – Public Safety is in the process of filling part time gate position; the part-time patrol position has been filled. 11. Road Maintenance – Maintenance continues to fill potholes and road shoulders as needed. 12. Lake Maintenance – The lake has been chemically treated as needed and the Eco Harvester has been used to manage the algae in the lake. Thrusters have also been installed at the dip. The buoys are being switched out as well. 13. Savannah Oaks Maintenance – The fairways, greens, and tees have been fertilized. mowing continues, and a wetting agent has been applied to greens. 14. Second Quarter Photo Contest – Photos for the second quarter are due by June 15th. Voting will take place at the June 21st Board meeting. 15. Toro Workman GTX for Savannah Oaks – The Toro Workman GTX has been ordered from Reinders, Inc. We are awaiting delivery. NEW PROJECTS 1. Annual Sprinkler System Inspection – The annual sprinkler system inspection scheduled for April 25, 2016 with Automatic Fire Systems was postponed until May 17th. 2. Seasonal Recreation Staffing – Staffing for the seasonal summer positions is in progress. Openings for the pool staff and summer camp counselors are being filled. 3. Fish Tournaments – Upcoming fish tournaments are Annual 2-Man Bass Tournament (6/4) and the Kids Fishing Tournament (6/19). 4. Pool Opening – Preparations are underway by the Maintenance department to get the pool ready for opening. LAKE MANAGEMENT COMMISSION MEETING April 12, 2016 - Approved Roll Call/Call to Order at 6:30 PM MEMBERS PRESENT: Chuck Hart, Joe Cangelosi, Pam Cangelosi, Tom Pinkowski, Sr., Charlie Sewell, Bill Van Dusen, Rich Witt, Todd Jones, Ron Cook, Theresa Balk, General Manager, Joe Rush, JadEco MEMBERS ABSENT: Marge Olson, Jim Brefeld, Lee Odden, Jay Chvalovsky, Bob McHoes, Dom DeMay, Bill Batzkall, and Don Tripicchio, Bill Martin. Guests: There were seven guests, including Rebecca Olson from Olson Ecological Solutions. Approval of Agenda: Motion by Joe Cangelosi, seconded by Bill Van Dusen. Motion carried. Approval of Minutes from March 8, 2016. Motion by Pam Cangelosi, seconded by Bill Van Dusen. Motion carried. Sub-Committee Reports: Education – Bill Batzkall was absent, no report. Lake Ecology- Charlie Sewell had nothing to report. Watershed – Lee Odden was absent, no report. Recreational Use of Lake – Tom Pinkowski, Sr. had nothing to report. Fish Stocking and Habitation – Chuck Hart reported that it was requested that some of the structures be put in closer to shore. Chuck informed him that there are, and pointed out locations by the willow tree and the T-Docks. Service Activity Projects – There were 11 nests found, 50 eggs addled. Volunteers will continue to meet on Saturday mornings. Lake/Water Safety – Pam Cangelosi has an article for the paper on boat safety. Volunteers – Chuck Hart reminded everyone that volunteers will be needed when plants are replaced in the bare areas. Chuck also talked about the VLMP program and what he does. Unfinished Business: 1. EPA Grant – Following the burn, the sites will be evaluated to determine where additional plantings are needed. The sign needs to be purchased as well. 2. The Concept Plan was presented by Rebecca Olson, Joe Rush and Chuck Hart. The presentation explained what our options are for remediation of water coming into the dip. There was a group that walked the creek from the dip to Caledonia road. The presentation was based on their findings. Pam made a motion to recommend to the Board that we consider Option A, seconded by Charlie Sewell, motion carried. Option A plan is as follows: 2016 – Use the $34,00 budgeted monies to create specifications for the whole project (all phases). Apply for 319 funds to implement Phase 1 (application due August 1st) 2017-2018 – Implement Phase 1, Future years – Apply for 319 funds to implement future phases. To create the specifications for the project, engineering and surveying is involved. The landowner of Site A will also be contacted as well to discuss implementing best management practices on their property to benefit our lake. Pam Cangelosi made a motion, seconded by Charlie Sewell to hire Wendler Engineering for this project. Motion carried. 3. Fish Shocking is scheduled for April 26th at 8:00 AM. New Business: None Motion to adjourn by Bill Van Dusen, seconded by Pam Cangelosi at 8:44 PM, motion carried. Respectfully submitted: Theresa Balk Rock River Enterprises & Barge, Inc. Hewitt Roll A Docks Hewitt Boat Lifts Sales Install & Removal Service Our 19th Year on the Lake Service On All Brands Steve Lucas, Owner 6212 Park Ridge Rd. Loves Park, IL 61111 Phone: 815-654-8742 Mobile: 815-243-8742 Fax: 815-654-8772 Ready To Get Organized? I’m here to help you! • clean, sort & pack to downsize • organize large hobby collections • before & after remodeling • estate clean-ups & recycling • prep for real estate sale • rental property clean-out • prep for moving household • helping seniors organize, sort & pack for a transition L&J PLUMBING Joe landinger (815) 690-0729 licensed & insured • or just to develop systems in your home to get & stay organized! Mary Kelsey Skoff Professional Organizer 815.782.0657 Call for your Room Rescue Today! De-Clutter. Organize. Live. 16 JUNE 2016 Candlewick Lake News J&D Countryside Marathon Open 24 Hours • 815-765-3729 CLASS OF 2016 Cleaning your gutters, Congratulations to the 2016 High School Graduates from Belvidere, North Boone and Belvidere North GOOD LUCK! We have 5 Video Gaming Machines, for you to Try Your Luck (Must be 21 yrs. of age to play) RECREATIONAL GAS IS HERE! 90 Octane - No Ethanol Great for ATVs, boats & other small engines. And you would never clean your gutters again! 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