August 2015 Walnut Leaves - Walnut Creek United Methodist Church


August 2015 Walnut Leaves - Walnut Creek United Methodist Church
Walnut Leaves | Issue August, 2015
A publica
on of Walnut Creek United Methodist Church
Issue: August 2015
Come end the summer season with homemade ice
cream and the music of the talented Pacific Brass
quintet. Invite your friends and family for fabulous
ice cream, fabulous music, and fabulous fun!
Good Will Donation Will Benefit
our Youth & Children’s Music Camp Programs.
SSP Turns 40
pg 2
Mission News
pg 4
Community News
pg 5
A Word from
pg 6
Bishop Warren Brown
Treasurer’s Report
pg 7
Come meet other United Methodist Women in a member’s
home, for welcome togetherness,
fun conversa$on, and of course
yummy food. Our final social for
the summer will be:
Wednesday, August 12
Breakfast at Linda Schade’s
932 Natchez Ct. Walnut Creek
(925) 943-7300
Pick up a list of needed items on Sunday from the ushers.
Walnut Leaves | Issue August, 2015
United Methodist Youth Fellowship (UMYF)
Michelle Brown Youth Director - - 925-366-8171
Faith Encouraged and Shared
For several years as a member of WCUMC I sat in the congregation watching the youth on
“SSP Sunday” share their tales of service, friendship and fun wishing that I had been offered
such an opportunity at their age. As the new youth director, I knew of SSP through the kids
and adults who had attended in the past and I was ready to experience the adventure for
myself. Of course I had expectations but my actual experience this past summer was so amazing I cannot even
remember what those expectations were. I have been an educator my entire adult life and like most teachers I
have met some spectacular kids but nothing like the youth that led our sessions in Chiloquin, Oregon and Los
Angeles, California. The fellowship created at SSP is like no other I have experienced. To watch my kids nerv‐
ously pile into the van and drive 6 hours to unknown parts to be with unknown people and leave a week later in
tears of joy having made life long connections was priceless.
There was never any question for any of them if they wanted to return this year. The only question was “where
should we go this time?.” We slept, ate, worked and played as a team. No one was ever left out or pressured to
participate. It was a safe environment that fostered uniqueness and camaraderie. If that was the only gift I re‐
ceived at SSP it would be worth my time to do again and again, but I, as an adult, was given the same oppor‐
tunity for connection.
At the end of both trips, I was validated again and again by students who happily jumped in the van to paint
and scrape in the heat every morning. The closing ceremony for me was emotional and healing. The Middle
School students each took turns addressing each person on our work team. I was completely filled with praises
not only for my humor and safe driving skills, but for being dependable, a good role model, a positive coach and
cheerleader for our team and their new “second mom”. At the High School closing ceremony the students
were asked to anonymously touch someone who had inspired, encouraged, or had been a positive role model
among other things. Each time my head was touched my heart swelled. I was forever changed. As an adult this
kind of validation is invaluable and I can only imagine what it did for my kids sitting in that circle. These are
seeds of acceptance and love that will continue to grow for all of us.
I consider SSP to be one of the best investments in the lives of our young people. Fears faced and conquered,
faith encouraged and shared, confidence increased, friends and connections made, feelings of usefulness
through service work for others magnified and all of it run through the hearts and souls of other young adults
willing to take on a leadership role in this amazing program. Kudos to you SSP! Join us on August 2 as we cele‐
brate SSP Sunday!
Walnut Leaves | Issue August, 2015
Childrens’s Ministries
Corrie Binker Director of Children’s Ministries - 925-324-7344
Summer Kids Review
Our wonderful summer volunteers have been doing a great job teaching Sunday School so
far! This month the “Special Agents of Christ’s Love”will be:
August 2: Venus Lugos / Arts & Crafts
August 9: Bill Bayes / Map Fun
August 16: Flavia Muttera / More Map Fun
August 23: Lynda Justice / Heifer Project
August 30: Linda Schade & Cathy Stussi / Gardening
All of these projects, plus Bible stories to boot. Bring your children and grandchildren and neighboring children,
etc., to a fun‐filled, love‐filled morning at church!
Thoughts About our UMC Symbol and Slogan … per request after a recent Children’s Time
The UMC symbol or logo is a cross and a flame. The empty cross reminds us of Jesus’ resurrection, and the
flame reminds us of Pentecost when flames appeared above the heads of the people who were then sent out
to spread the “Good News,” and thus the Church was born.
The UMC slogan is “Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors.”
Open Hearts has to do with us being a helpful and caring community.
Open Minds has to do with us being accepting of differences between people.
Open Doors has to do with us being welcoming to ALL.
If we are caring enough to be accepting and welcoming of people, that would include people with physical disa‐
bilities, as well as those with mental or emotional disabilities, too.
So, when we pray let us say, “Thank you, Lord, for teaching us to be caring, accepting, and welcoming people;
and for letting us live into our slogan: Open hearts. Open minds. Open doors. Amen.”
Walnut Leaves | Issue August, 2015
New & Improved UMCmarket
UMCmarket has launched a new and upgraded version of the
UMCmarket program. When you shop online at one of the
thousands of participating stores, a percentage of every dollar
you spend is contributed by those stores to Walnut Creek UMC.
For instance, if you shop at a store listed as “3%,” that means
for every $100 you spend, $3 is contributed to your nonprofit
organization, at no additional cost to you. Currently, there are
over 3,000 participating stores organized by category, name,
and user‐designated favorites. If you haven’t signed up, visit to create your new account (required),
confirm your account settings, select “Walnut Creek First Unit‐
ed Methodist Church” and explore the new UMCmarket.
Thank you for your continued support!
We are gathering snack volunteers for the 2015-16 school
year. Each year we have a dedicated group of volunteers
and need to update our list for this year. If you’ve sign up
before, we appreciate you signing up this year.
Our Bus Stop after school program operates on Monday and Tuesday afternoons, to serve as an outreach to
elementary aged school children needing extra help with
their homework. We also provide snacks on both days.
The commitment is minimal and you decide when you
can help. A list of snack ideas will be provided, along
with other details such as where to drop the snack off
and what time. You may indicate your willingness to
help in one of the following ways:
(1) Sign up on the Sunday Worship Response Form –
(2) Call the church office at (925) 934-4208 x201
(3) Email Susan Clark (snack coordinator) at
Thank you for your support!
Wednesday, August 5 at 6:30pm
Lafayette UMC
955 Moraga Rd., Lafayette
Please join us and meet Amber Blake of Church
World Service for an informational meeting in anticipation of the CONTRA COSTA CROP HUNGER WALK 2015. This is a great opportunity for
crop walk supporters to share a light supper,
share success stories, and meet the CWS rep.
For further information please call: Anne Crisp,
Coordinator at 925-356-8822 or email at
Walnut Leaves | Issue August, 2015
“We get paid by the smiles!”
- George Conlow, president of SHARE food pantry
The journey Frank and I undertook together
over 55 years ago has been exciting, fulfilling,
sustaining and loving. Thank you for the
power of love and caring with which you have
surrounded us and our family in these recent
months of Frank's illness and death. We have
received visits and cards, prayers and phone
calls and each has helped us navigate the
rough waters at the end of Frank's life. For
me, the Stephen Ministries' booklets continue
to be useful and reassuring. You are invited to join the family in a service to celebrate
with joy Frank's life on Sunday August 9th, at
2 p.m. in the Sanctuary.
August 3
August 4
August 8
August 8
August 10
August 10
August 10
August 12
August 13
August 13
August 14
August 17
August 19
Tina Smith
Colleen Goya
Karen Ray
Berta Erwin
Steve Dentone
Matt Dentone
Cathy Neybert
Jan Pearson
John Anderson
Joel Dolores
Whitney Ellis
Dick Novak
Craig Beattie
August 20
August 20
August 22
August 22
August 28
August 28
August 28
August 28
August 28
August 29
August 30
August 31
Don Ray recently received the Lifetime
Achievement Award, a congratulatory letter
from President Obama and a Safeway gift card
for achieve at least 4,000 cumulative volunteer
hours in service to the community.
Don tirelessly serves our community with
SHARE—gathering food donated by our
church family each week—as well as going to
Safeway and other places in the early morning
hours to be given their good surplus.
He also service each week at the SHARE Food
Pantry (along with other WCUMC volunteers)
with a caring smile and a
deep concern for other’s
Thank you Don for serving
so faithfully!
Smitty Lancaster
Taylor Stussi
Arlene Sanders
Robert Teget
Curtis Peck
William Bayes
Bob Johnson
Denise Pullen
Tim Stussi
Susan Weaver
Carol Hilley
Carolyn Kain
We are here to share your blessings
and concerns. If you have any prayer
requests, please send to our prayer
( or 925-3953200) or Pastor Eileen (pastoreileen@
Walnut Leaves | Issue August, 2015
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Mark 12:31 says, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than
Throughout the history of the United States, the Supreme Court has been called on to ensure equality,
liberty, and justice for all people. This can be seen in
the abolition of slavery, the women's movement, the
civil rights movement of the 60s, and now in the fight
for marriage equality.
On June 30, 2015, in a 5 to 4 decision, the United
States Supreme Court ruled in favor of marriage equality for all people.
For decades, the United Methodist Church has debated this issue. Next year when General Conference
gathers in Portland, Oregon, the decision to change,
or reaffirm the church's historic position will be considered. Pastors and congregations within our annual
conference hold opinions across the spectrum of this
decision. But, throughout the years, the CaliforniaNevada Conference has consistently stood for full inclusion, and equal rights, for all people in our denomination, and secular society.
In our Social Principles, United Methodists have stated
our common belief around this value:
We affirm that all persons are individuals of sacred
worth, created in the image of God. All persons need
the ministry of the Church in their struggles for human
fulfillment, as well as the spiritual and emotional care of
a fellowship that enables reconciling relationships with
God, with others, and with self.
This Supreme Court decision calls attention to the
difference between the laws of the United States, and
the policy of our church. The law does not require anyone to violate their conscience of what God has
called them to do, or their theological understanding. But, if we seek to be an inclusive church that
serves all of our parishioners, and all of our neighbors,
we will have to consider how we treat all people
equally. The heart of our call to ministry is to be pastor
to the people of the congregation, and the community, we serve. May we continue to be a people of prayer, and hope, as we work towards a day of equality
and inclusion for all people created in the image of
Alice Stokes Paul, women's rights activist and leader in
getting women the right to vote says, "I never doubted that equal rights was the right direction. Most reforms, most problems are complicated. But to me
there is nothing complicated about ordinary equality."
Grace and Peace,
Bishop Warner H. Brown, Jr.
(916) 374-1510,
Walnut Leaves | Issue August, 2015
Treasurer’s Report
by Marlene Ward Treasurer -
What is our financial picture as of the end of the June? See the figures below:
Our total giving
$ 222,822.78
(represents 48% of our anticipated total giving for the year)
Our total disbursements for utilities, mission ministry, etc…
$ 217,061.71
(represents 47.7% of our anticipated disbursements for the year)
$ 5,761.07
(Note that these figures for June are prior to the accounts being reconciled for the month!)
Our bills are all paid to date and our Tithe to the conference through June has been PAID IN FULL !!!
Our 2014 audit has been completed and we are awaiting the report from our new auditor. As there were no
specific problems or concerns pointed out to me at the time of the audit, I anticipate a good report.
We have purchased the updated version of Quickbooks, 2015, and I anticipate starting to work with it at the end
of the summer as I will be away several more times this summer .... Guatemala UMVIM trip, some camping with
friends/family, and then a trip with my husband to Alaska. This has been an amazing few months for me in regards to travel. I want to thank those who have stepped in to cover the finances in my absence ... Jan Looney
and Robin Charlton.
The summer months are traditionally lean months when it comes to
church income. I would say that our "financial picture" is good and that
this is due to our pledged commitments holding their own. May we
continue to keep on track through July and August with our pledges so
that September will not result in being a "catch up" month. God Bless.
Grace & Peace,
Marlene Ward, Treasurer
Financial Secretary’s Report
Jan Looney, Financial Secretary -
While folks are off vacationing in the mountains and at the seashore or just enjoying a staycation, the church is
still busy with its activities like Sierra Service Project and Mission to Guatemala, Extended Family and many
other wonderful missions of our church. We encourage you not to put your pledge on vacation. As of mid
July we have received $180,647 in pledge monies which is a little more than 50%. Again we thank you for all
your gifts and service to WCUMC. God is good all the time!
Please feel free to contact the Finance Office at 925-934-3364 x 205 with questions.
Jan Looney, Finance Secretary & Pat Evans, Assistant Finance Secretary
Walnut Leaves | Issue August, 2015
Church Staff
Eileen Lindsay
Senior Pastor, x202/ cell: 925-817-0725
Carol Morris
Lalena Shea
Director of Music Ministry,
Office Manager, x201
Corrie Binker
Director of Handbell Ministries
Director of Children’s Ministries,
Tessique Houston
Join us for Worship
Sundays at 9:30am!
Natsuko Murayama
Michelle Brown
Youth Director,
Church Office: 925-934-4208 -
1543 Sunnyvale Ave. Walnut Creek, CA 94597
Articles and photos for the September Walnut Leaves are due by August 17.
Walnut Creek United Methodist Church
1543 Sunnyvale Avenue
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
We’re on the WEB!

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