June-August 2009 - Ramakrishna Sarada Vedanta Society of NSW


June-August 2009 - Ramakrishna Sarada Vedanta Society of NSW
What we
are & what
we are not
am verily Brahman, absolute Existence, Knowledge and Bliss. I am not
the body which is non-existence itself.
This is called true Knowledge by the
am without any change, without
any form, free from all blemish and
I am not subject to any disease, I
am beyond all comprehension, free
from all alternatives and all-pervading.
I am without any attribute or activity, I am eternal ever free and imperishable.
I am free from all impurity, I am
immovable, unlimited, holy, undecaying
and immortal.
*Aparokshanubhuti (SelfRealization) Verses 24—28
*Rev.Pravrajika Ajayaprana Mataji will be starting a
new class on Sankaracharya’s Aparokshanubhuti from
Friday, May 29 at Sarada Tapovan. See activities.
Teachings, ‘25 Years Ago
Local, Interfaith & International News
 “Devotion,
self-surrender, and all other virtues will grow from within as you practise
 “Some people confuse ac-
ceptance with apathy but there’s
all the difference in the world. Apathy fails to distinguish what can
and cannot be helped; acceptance
makes the distinction. –ARTHUR
 “Be willing to have it so.
Acceptance of what has happened is the first step to
overcoming the consequences
of any misfortune.”
- William James
 “Surrender is giving oneself up to the
original cause of one’s being. Do not
delude yourself by imagining this source
to be some God outside oneself. One’s
source is within oneself. Give yourself up
“When God
sends rain, rain is
my choice
- James W.Riley
 “The attraction toward the world means egotism, attraction towards God means self-surrender.”
When water surrenders to the flow of the river it
reaches the ocean, so also must we surrender in order
to reach the source..” - ANONYMOUS
Upcoming Activities
Two Talks by Rev.Pravrajika Ajayaprana—”How to
Bring About World Peace Through Religion”, “The
Purpose of Life.”
PH: 61 2 9745 4320 FAX: 61 2 9715 2082
Please, no faxes between 11.00pm to 8.00am Sydney time
P.O Box 817, Strathfield NSW 2135
Vedanta Hall, 15 Liverpool Road, Croydon NSW 2132
Email: vedantasyd@idx.com.au & vedanta.books@idx.com.au
Subscription Details: Mailing List Members $25.00 for 2 years – 8 issues,
Booknews—New Title & New Arrivals
Enclosures: - Calendar of Events, Donation/ Subscription Form
Vedanta on the Web: Sri Sarada Math: www.srisaradamath.org
Vedanta Society of Southern California: www.vedanta.org
From the Vedanta Newsletter & Archives June—August 1984
Class in Newcastle
A new activity commenced on
June 3, 1984. The first Vivekachudamani (Shankaracharya’s Crest
Jewel of Discrimination) Class was
held in the home of Drs.Sri &
Gowramma Kaushik, a monthly
class given by Rev.Pravrajika
Ajayaprana Mataji.
Note:The class continues today but
is now held 4 times a year.
Katha Upanishad
In Sydney, on May 23, 1984,
Rev.Mataji commenced her class
on the Katha Upanishad held
fortnightly on Wednesday nights
at the Sarada Tapovan.
to take two properties on rent; a
considerable expense.
Sarada Tapovan to
A small house was taken on rent
for Sarada Tapovan at 12 Acton
Street, Croydon and negotiations
commenced for the use of a hall
and flat in Burwood Road, Burwood.
As the owner of the house in
Wallis Avenue, Strathfield was
wanting to move in it was necessary for the Sarada Tapovan to
relocate by the end of July. Also,
a new venue for the Society’s
activities in a zone that complies
with local government regula- Photo above: House in Croydon.
tions was needed.
This was a time of great uncertainty and difficulty for the Society given the limited funds on
hand and the prospect of having
Sri Ramakrishna
Yoga Class
Birthday Celebration
Under the able and experienced guidance
of Mrs.Hiroko Yanamoto-Symonds and
Ms.Miyoko Hiramatsu, a yoga class is held
on Saturday afternoon in Vedanta Hall
from 2.30—4.00pm. Donation for the
class is $15.00 or $120.00 for a 10 class
pass. The class is open to all; men and
women. The class is not being run as a
course. Students are free to start, stop and
recommence their attendance to the class
as needed. To enroll, enquiries: call us
on: 9745 4320.
Over 120 people attended the
Public Celebration of Sri Ramakrishna’s Birthday held in Vedanta
Hall on Sunday, March 8. Through
their speeches, Mrs.Anne Arundel,
Mr.Stafford Watts and
Mr.Anthony Ravesi shared their
thoughts on Sri Ramakrishna’s
message of the universality of religion, on the need for all of us to
practise spiritual disciplines and
how Sri Ramakrishna’s life and
teachings have influenced their
lives. Dr.Dilip Dutta chaired the
panel. Ron Ragel and Vicki Hansen deepened the spiritual atmosphere of the function with their
devotional songs and music.
Rev.Pravrajika Ajayaprana’s talk
concluded the programme followed by lunch.
Darama Easter Retreat
The three day Retreat at the Society’s
property in Robertson was held in mild,
sunny weather. Sixteen people attended
and benefited from the quiet, secluded
atmosphere. Rev.Pravrajika Ajayaprana
gave daily classes on Sankaracharya’s Atma
Bodha “Self Knowledge.” All look forward
to the next Retreat to be held over the
long weekend in October.
Appeal for
Donation of Warm
We act as a collection point for good
second-hand warm clothing and
other materials to be passed on to
some local Charities for distribution
among the needy. As winter is approaching we request members to
donate any suitable clothing and
materials early enough. Please
bring them to Vedanta Hall.
Malaysia Lecture Tour
Pravrajika Ajayaprana Mataji, accompanied by three devotees from
Sydney, visited Malaysia from April
15 to May 4.
The three storey ashram of the
Ramakrishna Society of Seremban
was the venue for five lectures by
Rev.Mataji during the first half of
her visit. Mr.R.Jayasekar , Secretary of the Society, arranged a varied and interesting programme for
Rev.Mataji’s visit. Reaffirming Commitment to Spiritual Practices, was the
topic for the first meeting arranged
mainly for the benefit of initiated
devotees. The following day a variety programme was held including
vedic prayers, group chanting of
mantras, skits by students acting
out spiritual stories and the poem
Song of the Sannyasin by Swami Vivekananda. Devotional music, and
Rev.Mataji’s talk on The Power of Prayer
concluded the programme. A three
night lecture programme at the Ashram
was also arranged. Rev.Mataji spoke on
Confronting Depression, Refining the Ego
and The Secret of Success. Over 100 people came each night for these talks, even
on week-days, and many orders were
placed for audio copies. Rev.Mataji also
gave a talk a the Sri Mahamariamma
Temple in Bahau, a small town two
hours drive from Seremban.
For the second half of the Malaysia visit
Rev.Mataji stayed in the home of Toh
Puan Uma Sambanthan, her host and
organiser, and her daughter Kunjari.
There was a four item programme in
Kuala Lumpur. The Pure Life Society,
under the leadership of its well-known
leader, Mother Mangalam, hosted the
first meeting in Kuala Lumpur, an interfaith programme with the theme: How to
Bring About World Peace Through Religion.
Rev.Mataji gave the keynote speech.
Representatives from the Muslim,
Christian, Buddhist, Hindu and Baha’i
Faiths each gave a ten minute response
to Rev.Mataji’s speech, followed by a
Photo above: Life-size statue of Holy Mother
specially decorated for the talk by Rev.Mataji in
Toh Puan Uma Sambanthan’s Kuala Lumpur
question/ answer session. This was the
first time, after many visits to Malaysia,
that Rev.Mataji could participate in an
Interfaith function and meet some distinguished representatives from other faiths
in Malaysia. The meeting was chaired by
a Muslim, Dr.Amir. The following day,
Sunday, April 26, over 100 people attended a parlour talk by Rev.Mataji
hosted in the spacious home of Mr.&
Mrs.Ravishankar. The topic was The
Power of Prayer. It is interesting to
note that several chinese women,
buddhists, and one muslim lady also
attended the talk. Maintaining Inner
Calm in Today’s World was a very popular topic for Rev.Mataji’s talk in the
home of Toh Puan Uma Sambanthan.
Over 125 people attended; overflowing to the outside of the house.
A speaker had been set-up outside so
they did not miss out on the talk.
Dr.Amir, chair of the Interfaith
meeting, the Muslim and Baha’i
speakers from the multifaith panel, a
Christian Priest, and a Vice-Admiral
of the Malaysian Navy also attended
this talk. The final talk in Kuala Lumpur was held in the home of Mr &
Mrs.Aravindakshan Nair. Rev.Mataji
spoke on the Message of Holy Mother
in/for Today’s World.
During her stay Rev.Mataji also visited a
prestigious International Boarding
School in the Genting Highlands just
outside Kuala Lumpur. At an elevation
of three thousand feet, the school is surrounded by beautiful rainforest covered
mountains. The Principal and several
teachers took Toh Puan Uma Sambanthan and Rev.Mataji on a tour of the
school and invited them to join them for
lunch. 
Photo below: Rev.Mataji addressing the
audience in Seremban.
Most Revered Pravrajika Bhaktiprana
Mataji (pictured above) assumed the
office of the 4th President of Sri Sarada Math & Ramakrishna Sarada Mission on 2nd April 2009.
Born in October 1920, she (Kalyani
Banerjee) had her early schooling in
the Saradeswari Ashram under Gouri
Ma and had her training in Nursing
at the Ramakrishna Mission’s wellknown Hospital in Kolkata, the Seva Pratishthan. In 1937 while she was
initiated by Swami Vijnananandaji
Maharaj, a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna and the 4th President of
Belur Math. Then she joined the
Sarada Ashram started by a few
young ladies under the leadership of
Asha Devi (later Pravrajika Muktiprana, the 1st General Secretary of Sri
Sarada Math & Ramakrishna Sarada
Mission). In 1950, when all the
members of this Ashram joined the
Ramakrishna Mission in preparation
for the establishment of the Women's
Math under the Ramakrishna Order,
she was sent as a dedicated worker to
Ramakrishna Mission Matribhavan, a
newly started Maternity Hospital.
In 1953, along with 6 other dedicated
women workers of the Ramakrishna
Mission, she was conferred the Brahmacharya vows by Srimat Swami
Shankaranandaji Maharaj, the then
President of Ramakrishna Math & Mission. In 1956 she was made Secretary
of Matri Bhavan. She was one of the
first group of 8 Sannyasinis who were
ordained into Sannyasa in Dec.1958 at
Belur Math by Rev.Shankaranandaji
Maharaj. In 1959 she was made a Trustee of Sri Sarada Math and a Governing
Body Member of Ramakrishna Sarada
Mission in 1960. She was elected VicePresident (in addition to
Rev.Dayapranaji) in Dec.1998.
Other News:
Swami Sarvagatananda, the most senior monk of the Ramakrishna Order outside India and long-time head of the Vedanta Society in Boston, passed away on
May 3 at the age of 96. Born in 1912, Swami Sarvagatananda joined the Ramakrishna
Order in 1935, and took initiation the
following year from Revered Swami
Akhandananda Maharaj, a direct disciple of
Sri Ramakrishna. In a remarkable feat of
obedience and determination he accepted
the command of his Guru to walk barefoot from
Mumbai to the Ramakrishna Mission’s Centre in
Kankhal, at the feet of the Himalayas, a distance of
several thousand kilometers. For the next 9 years
he served the President and the Ashrama in numerous ways earning the love and respect of all.
He came to the United States in 1954 and subsequently became the head of the Vedanta Centers in
Providence and Boston. Even after his formal retirement from active work in 2002, he continued
to meet with devotees and to guide them. His
untiring service to the Vedanta work, his deeply
spiritual life and his loving nature was an inspiration to all.
Mr.Lal Krishna Advani, Leader of the Opposition and former Deputy Prime Minister of
India, unveiled a 285cm high statue of Swami Vivekananda at Sri Ramakrishna square in Bangalore.
The Govenor of Karnataka and other dignitaries
joined the 4,500 other people at the joyful event
held on January 12 this year.
The Vrindaban branch of the Ramakrishna
Math & Mission, after great effort, has finally taken
possession of the part of a building there where the
Holy Mother, Sri Sarada Devi stayed when she
visited Vrindaban.
International Ayurveda & Yoga Conference
Rev.Pravrajika Ajayaprana gave one of the keynote speeches at the 2nd International Ayurveda and Yoga Conference held in the beautiful City Recital Hall
from 3rd—5th April. The Conference brought together an International and local collection of 30 prominent speakers, teachers, authors and researchers.
During the afternoon session of Friday, April 3, Rev.Mataji spoke on Vedanta
and the Yoga of Mind Control.
Young Catholic Women’s Interfaith Programme
As a part of their Graduate Certificate in Interreligious Dialogue, a group of
young Catholic University students from Canberra visited Vedanta Hall on
Wednesday, March 25. They spent two hours with Rev.Pravrajika Ajayaprana
learning about Hinduism and Interfaith work. This is the third group to visit Vedanta Hall.
Other Interfaith News: Mr.Graeme Lyall, past President of the Buddhist
Council of NSW, was a special guest speaker for the Society’s Buddha Birthday Celebration at Vedanta Hall on Sunday, May 10. Rev.Pravrajika Ajayaprana, representing Hinduism, joined a group of 11 other speakers at a special
Inter Religious Harmony meeting at the Sikh Temple in Revesby. Over 400
people attended. (See article on page 7).
Night class
Devotional Songs
& Silent Meditation
7.30—8.30 Class
New Friday Night Scripture Class at Sarada Tapovan
All are welcome to attend a fortnightly class on the Aparokshanubhuti or Self Realization, Sri
Sankaracharya’s treatise on how to remove the ignorance that prevents the individual self from
realizing its oneness with the Universal Self. Rev.Pravajika Ajayaprana will give a detailed commentary on this scripture.
On the alternate Friday Nights Pravrajika Gayatriprana will commence her commentary on the
Bhagavad Gita from Chapter 7. The Gita class recommenced on Friday, May 22.
For further information phone : 9745 4320.
Sat 4 - Sun
5, July
Newcastle Visit
Sunday, July 12
Guru Purnima Celebration
From 10.40am
July 18
Saturday from 4pm: Pravrajika Ajayaprana continues the class on the Vivekachudamani (Crest Jewel of
Discrimination), the classic Vedantic text by Sri Sankaracharya.
Venue Home of Ajay & Aishwarya Rana, 1 Corio Close (Off Birchgrove Drive), Wallsend.
Ph: 4950 0998
(Honouring our Teacher)
Vedanta Hall
This year Guru Purnima falls on Tuesday, July 7 and will be celebrated on Sunday, July 12. Programme
consists of Hari Om Ramakrishna Chant, Silent Meditation and an open forum for members and friends
to describe how they have benefited from their contact with Vedanta. Concludes with lunch.
Offers for help with the cooking are welcome. Please contact us on: 9745 4320
Avijit Sarkar & Pushpa
Jagadish -An Offering
of Devotional Songs—
at Vedanta Hall
A wonderful opportunity to hear two acclaimed musicians in the intimacy of Vedanta Hall. Special guest
will be Mr.Amit Dasgupta, Consul General of India.
This is a FREE CONCERT but donations are welcome.
Complimentary tea/ coffee, sweets and savouries
will be available before the performance.
Thurs. 23
–Thurs, 30
Lecture Tour to Brisbane & Gold Coast
August 16
Sri Krishna’s Birthday—at
Vedanta Hall
10.40am to
12 midday
Pravrajika Ajayaprana has been invited to give some parlour talks and conduct a half-day Retreat.
Enquires: Brisbane (23-26 July) Drs.Ashim & Krishna Majumdar: Ph: 07 3264 8089
Gold Coast: (27-30July) Dr.Sudhir & Mrs.Geeta Chhatbar: Ph: 07 5502 6497
This year Sri Krishna’s birthday falls on Thursday August 13 and
will be celebrated on the following Sunday.
The programme will be: Hari Om Ramakrishna Meditation Chant,
Silent Meditation, Group chanting of the Sanskrit and reading of
the English translation of Chapter 4 of the Bhagavad Gita, Talks
by Pravrajika Ajayaprana & Mr.Nandu Mehta. Concludes with
distribution of offered food.
Please bring some sweets or savouries
for offering.
How to Bring About World Peace
through Religion
Speech given by Pravrajika Ajayaprana at the Interfaith Programme at the Pure Life
Society, Kuala Lumpur, Saturday, April 26, 2009)
What is Religion? “Religion is the
Religion means “binding force.” The
binding force on the level of Godconsciousness is peace. It is true that
religion in the hands of selfish people has been used as an instrument
to create discord throughout history
but one has to note that the instrument is not responsible for the purpose for which it is used. The judge
wrote an affectionate letter to his
daughter. Using the same pen he
wrote the death sentence for the
criminal. Has the pen got any part in
conveying affection to the girl or in
dealing death to the prisoner? It as
the mind behind the action that was
responsible. Religion is innocent
like the pen and powerful.
lated. When the family is regulated, the state will be in order.
manifestation of the divinity already
When the state is in order there
in man.” The four cardinal princiwill be peace throughout the
ples of Vedanta or Hindu philosophy
world. A peaceful world is the
are: (i) The harmony of religions;
ultimate goal of Confucianism. It
(ii) The unity of existence, (iii) The
is also the sublime ideal of Chioneness of the Godhead and (iv) The
nese cultural tradition in spite of
divinity of man. Hence, religion is a
the fact that there have been wars
matter of inner experience, a coming
most of the time throughout the
-in-touch with spiritual facts, and
dynasties. Fundamentally that is
not a matter of belief or dogma or
the idea.
So where do we start? We start from
Thus, primarily, pure religion or
each person’s life. Peace is in the
religion as such, is a value which is
heart of man and nowhere else.
trans-social and inward. There, in its
We have to nourish it; we have to
appeal and function it is individual.
allow it to be expressed outwardly.
But, it has a very fundamental secIt is the duty of
ondary function
the individual,
also – which is
and not the comsignificant to
munity, not of
the important
the nation, not of
role in the
the legislative
sphere of social
assemblies of
relations and
nations, nor of
problems. The
task of detercommittees to
mining the role
look and work
of religion in
for peace. It is
the field of poleach individual’s
itics or the proresponsibility.
motion of globThis personal life
al peace is a
very delicate one. Photo below: Rev.Mataji speaks at the Multifaith meeting, Pure Life Society, Kuala -cultivation and
Lumpur. Seated from left to right: Coordinator – Dr Amir, Norman Ghani - Islam, Dr transformation can
Through ages
William Lau – Christianity, Dr Chan Kah Yein – Buddhism, Mr K.Haridas - Hindube done only
religion has been ism. Also, not in the picture—Mr.T.K.Lee - Bahai.
through religion –
a victim of abuse
In the misty part of history, religion
not through education, nor culture.
and misuse in many fields. Real unhas played its noble part in guiding
Vedantically speaking, religion is
derstanding of what true religion is
humanity upward, and is still functhat science and technique that proand its importance and role as a sotioning similarly today in spite of
motes man’s evolution from creacial force which can influence milhandicaps. The function of religion
tureliness to almost saintliness.
lions of human hearts in the cultivais to make possible for men and
When we reject religion we slip
tion of peace has been lacking
women to lead a more elevated life
down to the level of the creature.
among the thinking public. Vedanta
of harmony among themselves and
What is a creature? A creature is that
which has always dared to view life
organism which allows itself to be
in the world at large.
and creation in totality and wholeacted upon freely by external forces.
ness, declared the real objective of
Confucius, in his book “The Great
A truly religious man will be very
religion in an ancient text: sarvaLearning,” says,
self-collected, calm, quiet, wellsatwa-sukho-hitah – the happiness
When the personal life is cultiand welfare of humanity as a whole.
vated the family life will be regu(Continued on page 7)
(Continued from page 6)
disciplined, not easily ruffled or affected by
external changes. His heart will overflow
with love for humanity and he will offer all
his energies, time and even the whole of his
life to promote peace and prosperity among
the people around. Sri Ramakrishna wants
him to be always on the lookout for an opportunity to serve humanity rather than sit
back feeling only compassion.
It is strange that the accumulation of wealth
and power has led not to the growth of
peace and harmony in the world, a sense of
security and serenity in the heart of man,
but to man’s decay. Why did it happen like
that? It was because we did not take steps
to see that development of the capacity to
digest wealth and power went hand-in-hand
with the development of our natural resources. Along with the generation of power by harnessing the rivers and water resources, space and the atom, we did not
generate a far more vital power - the national character – by harnessing through a
sound system of education inspired by religion, the psychic energies of our impulses
and passions so that the citizens coming
later could grow into powerful, resourceful
and adequate enough to digest and handle
the prosperity and power.
According to Revered Swami Ranganathanandaji, behind the Government, the
constitution and the state lies society, the
matrix of all forces, the womb of constitutions and revolutions, placid like a calm
lake at one period, erupting like a volcano
at another – the moving, changing, struggling mass of people of varying levels of
intellectual, moral and spiritual evolution.
Violent revolutions erupt now and then and
shake up societies, but the reverberations
die out soon. The only revolution that can
affect the very depths of society is the
peaceful revolution initiated by some great
spiritual teacher and the ideology and
movement that proceeded from him. Giant
personalities like The Buddha, Sri Krishna,
Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Sri Ramakrishna,
stand like lamp posts guiding humanity
through eternity. Their influence and their
power never die. It is only with the blessings of these outstanding personalities that
the world can gain peace, hope and security. 
The Purpose of Life
Talk given by Pravrajika Ajayaprana at the Sikh Temple in
Revesby, Sydney – Sunday, May 17, 2009
The topic is The Purpose of
Life. The question is: What is
Life? Life is a challenge. It is a
reality, sure and concrete, but
ever remaining an enigma, a
puzzle, a wonder, a game. Life
is a beautiful, bountiful fruit
placed in our hands, unasked
for, by the Creator. It is our
own to suck and enjoy, or to be
a prey to its play of light and
shadow, of ifs and buts. In Swami Vivekananda’s words,
Life is the unfoldment and
development of a being under
circumstances that tend to
press it down.
Struggle, struggle – that is what
life is. Then what is its purpose?
Swamiji states in clear words:
Each soul is potentially divine.
The goal is to manifest this
divinity within by controlling
nature, external and internal.
The Īśāvāsya Upanishad gives us
a prescription to achieve this
Īśāvāsyam idam sarvam yat
kiñcha jagatyām jagat,
Tena tyaktena bhuñjīthāh mā
gŗdha kasya svid dhanam.
See the entire creation as coated by a thin film of God’s
Presence. Then enjoy the
pleasures of this world to your
fill, equipped with a little detachment. Don’t covet another person’s possessions.
This is the way to live life in the
best, most meaningful, fruitful
way possible. Robert Millikan,
considered as the Dean of American scientists and the first to
study cosmic rays and to determine the mass and charge of the
electron, says:
There is a divinity that shapes
our ends – Just how we fit into
the plans of the Great Architect
and how much He has assigned
us to do we do not know, but if
we fail in our assignment it is
pretty certain that that part of
the job will be left undone. But
fit in we certainly do somehow,
else we would not have a sense
of our own responsibility. A
purely materialistic philosophy
is to me the height of unintelligence.
We, Hindus, believe in rebirth or
reincarnation. We agree with
Dionysius when he says that life is
a fountain flowing back into itself. We emerged from the original substance, God. We get enriched by our experiences and
knowledge gathered through our
many lives. And, at last we reach
back to our Source-God, cleansed, peaceful, powerful,
rejuvenated and tranquil. To try
to reach back there sooner and
swifter is our aim in this life. Our
present life is a challenge thrown
to us by God. We are wanted to
fight with our environment, conquer it and be masters of it. We
can do it ill or well. As Picasso
There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
but there are others, who, with
the help of art and intelligence,
transform a yellow spot into a
Always remember that the heart
of the human being is the seat of
God. Give the heart to God and
the hands to the world. Strike a
balance, and life will be a success.
New Publication—In Stock Soon
Swami Bhaskarananda US Pbk 206 pages
Most of us have heard and read
about Advaita Vedanta, about the allpervading Brahman or the Supreme
Self, about the Atman or individual
soul, about Maya the veiling power
of ignorance and delusion, and about
the pure mind: but how much have
we really understood about these
basics of Vedanta? How much can we
understand with our limited mind
and senses? A readable, concise, step
-by-step guide through the abstruse
core of Vedanta Philosophy.
Through analogies and easy to follow
reasoning the Swami makes Advaita
Vedanta more accessible to the modern mind.
have a glimpse of Brahman existing beyond the domain of the world of time and
Pure Mind—What It Is:
An average mind can be compared to ice or In this world of time and space the pure
water. Such a mind has many limitations. It
mind also can experience the immanence
cannot know anything beyond the domain
of the same Brahman as its invisible esof sense perception and the world of time
sence. Such a mind becomes all-knowing.
and space. It cannot know what happened
It can know all the events of the past, prein the remote past. Metaphysical truths,
sent and the future. Through intense spirsuch as the knowledge of Brahman or the
itual practice genuine sages or saints achereafter, are beyond the scope of such a
quire such pure minds. With the help of
their pure minds the ancient sages of InBut when the same mind is transformed or
dia came to know that one and only Etermade pure through spiritual discipline, it
nal Truth called Brahman which exists
becomes something like water vapor. Just
beyond the world of time, space and cauas water vapor can reach the glass window sation. Physical and mental suffering,
on the walls of that large room, so also the
mortality, and all kinds of fear belong only
pure mind can reach the outermost frontier to this world of time, space and causation.
of this world of time and space, it cannot go In transcendental Brahman none of them
out of it just as the water vapor could not
is present. Thus Brahman is perpetual
escape from the sealed room. It can only
bliss, immortality and fearlessness. P.30have a glimpse of what lies beyond. It can
New Arrivals—In Stock Now
366 Readings from
World Religions
Timeless Wisdom
Robert Van De Weyer
Pbk, 128 pages $12.50
Swami Adiswarananda
Spiritual Stories
from Around the
World. Every
culture has a fund
of wisdom contained in stories,
fables and legends
often with an
anonymous wandering sage as
their central character. Here are 70 charming tales suitable for all ages.
Pbk, 220 pages $17.50
Pbk 451 pages $17.25
12 chapters, each
exploring a different religious tradition through daily
readings. Includes
highlights from the
Bhagavad Gita,
Buddhist scriptures, Christian
Mysticism, Zen
wisdom, Sufi mysticism and more. Includes an introduction to each tradition.
Robert Van de Weyer, Ed.
The Vedanta Way to
Peace & Happiness
"Vedanta assures us
that we are not living in the final days
of our destiny, that
every problem has a
solution, and that
the human soul is
not a prisoner of
karma or sin." The
Swami was the Minister of the Ramakrishna-Vivekakanda Centre in New