EasyPost® 3.2 Documentation
EasyPost® 3.2 Documentation
EasyPost 3.2 Documentation ® Updated 8/24/2015 For additional help or support, email support@element74.com. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5.1 Getting to Know the Site Editor . . . . . . . . 22 1.1 Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5.1.1 Add a New Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 1.2 Help Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5.1.2 Add a New Menu Item. . . . . . . . . . 23 1.3 Blog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5.1.4 Menu Sets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 1.3.1 Drafting a Blog Post. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5.1.5 Page Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 1.3.2 Blog Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 5.1.6 The Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 1.3.3 Filter by Status. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 5.2 Edit Content Categories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 2. Images. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 5.3 Styles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 5.4 Manage Staff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 5.5 Manage Staff Categories. . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 2.1 Image Manager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2.1.1 Add a New Image. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2.1.2 Editing Images. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 6. Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 2.1.3 Deleting Images. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 6.1 Manage Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 2.1.4 Sorting Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 6.2 Manage File Folders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 2.2 Manage Image Categories. . . . . . . . . . . . 13 7. Admin Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 2.3 Picture Gallery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 7.1 Manage Members. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 2.3.1 Adding Images to a Gallery�����������15 7.2 Member Categories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 2.3.2 Rearranging Images . . . . . . . . . . . 16 7.3 Website Forms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 2.4 Ad Rotator Images. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 7.3.1 Adding Fields to a Form. . . . . . . . . 37 2.4.1 Adding New Rotators. . . . . . . . . . . 17 7.3.2 Field Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 2.4.2 Editing Rotator Text. . . . . . . . . . . . 17 7.3.3 Form Submissions. . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 2.4.3 Rearranging Rotator Images �������18 2.5 Ad Rotator Positions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 7.4 Manage Menu Sets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 8. Advanced. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 3. Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 8.1 Advanced Warning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 3.1 Manage Calendar Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 8.2 File Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 3.2 Manage Calendar Categories. . . . . . . . . . 19 8.3 Rewrite Manager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 4. News Manager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 8.4 Site Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 4.1 Manage News Articles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 8.5 SMTP Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 4.2 Manage News Categories. . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 NEED MORE HELP?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 5. Site Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 1. HOME The EasyPost® Home page gives you easy access to the Help Center, the Blog, and to the Element 74 blog feed. 1.1 WELCOME The home tab is the first thing that you will see upon logging into EasyPost®. It offers quick access to the Element 74 Blog Roll, the Help Center, and even the Blog. 1.2 HELP CENTER The EasyPost® Help Center offers users the ability to view the EasyPost® documentation in the browser or download a PDF copy that you can refer to at any time. 1.3 BLOG The blog, or EasyBlogTM, allows users to add new blog posts to their website within EasyPost®. To get started, click Blog and you will be redirected to the blog home page. 1.3.1 Drafting a Blog Post If you have not yet created a blog post, you will see the following screen: If you have created a blog post before or if an Element 74 staff member did so for you, you will see those posts in the feed. At this point, you can either create a new post or edit an existing one if you have one. Because the steps for both options is the same, we are going to walk through creating a new post. Page 3 of 40 After clicking the "New Post" button, you will be directed to a page with several sections. These sections are meant to guide you though the blogging process. First, lets give our blog post a title: Next, you can begin composing the blog post itself by typing directly in the editor box or by posting from a word processor. Once you have finished composing your blog post, assign it a category in order to keep your blog posts organized. You can assign it a category from the existing choices or create a new one. To create a new category, simply type a category name in the box and click "Add Category": Page 4 of 40 In the event that you need to rename, edit, or delete a category, you can click "Edit Category" next to the "Add Category" button: After assigning your blog post a category, you should add a few Tags as well. Adding, creating, editing, and deleting tags works in exactly the same way as categories: Page 5 of 40 Once you've added a category and several tags, it"s time to add a Featured Image. A featured image is an image that appears at the top of each blog post and they can be left off, but having one increases your chances of drawing readers in. See this Example: Page 6 of 40 Now, let"s see the same post without a featured image: As you can see, adding an image will greatly improve your blog. First, toggle the "Upload" tab and select an image from your computer: Once you select an image, it will begin uploading and the circle will turn green when it"s ready. After the light turns green, click the "Upload" button. The image will then fully upload to EasyPost and automatically assign it as the Featured image. Page 7 of 40 Finally, when we have all of this information set, we can choose a publish setting and an author. Under the "Publish Options", you can select one of the following: 1. Publish Now. This will make the post live as soon as you click "Save Post". 2. Schedule Post. This will allow you to schedule a post for the future, down to the hour and minute, or it will allow you to backdate a post. This option comes in handy for bulk writing blog posts but then spreading the release date out over time. 3. Archive. This option is usually used once a post has been live for a period of time and is no longer needed or relevant. Archiving a post can be done at any time from editing a post. Once you determine a publish setting, select and author for you post. These are created from the Members Manager located in the Admin Tools section of EasyPost®. Once you select an author, click "Save Post". Now, you should have a blog post within your blog feed. 1.3.2 Blog Settings To edit the blog settings, click the "Blog Settings" button and then click "Edit" at the bottom. Once you do, you"ll be able to change the following: 1. Administrator Info Page 8 of 40 • Email. This is the email that you wish to use for all comment approvals. If comment approvals are turned on, this email address will receive an email requesting approval. 2. Post Settings • Post List Content Size. This will provide you the option of showing full blog posts or truncated versions on your blog roll. If you decide to show a truncated, or partial post, the blog will end with a "Read More" or "Continue Reading" link to the full article. • Post Page Size. This option allows you to set how many articles appear on the main blog page, a.k.a the blog roll. You can select from 10, 15, 25, 50, or 100. • Display Author Image. Displaying an author image is only available as an option if an author photo has been uploaded to your user account within the Members Manager located in the Admin Tools. • Display Author Bio with Author Search. This will add your author image to your author page within the blog. An author page is created automatically the first time you write a post and all of your posts are grouped by your author account. • Display Author Bio with Content. This setting will add your author bio at the bottom of every post you write. 3. Comment Settings • Approval Process. • The approval process can be set to "Instantly" which means there is no approval. Comments are automatically added to the blog post. • "On Admin Approval" will send an email to the blog admin requesting approval for that particular comment. • When logged into EasyPost, the blog admin will be able to toggle the "Unapproved" comments tab and approve the comments. 4. Reserved Words. Reserved words are words that you want to automatically blog from blog comments. 5. Enable Word Filter. To enable the "Reserved Words" you must turn on "Enable Word Filter." 1.3.3 Filter by Status The blog has a built in Filter by Status feature that allows you to toggle between "Published", "In Progress", "Archived", and "Scheduled" posts. Whichever status a blog is saved under is where it will appear for you while logged into EasyPost. Front-end users will only see the "Published" posts. Page 9 of 40 2. IMAGES The Images tab houses many useful tabs related to images, including the Image Manager, Photo Galleries, and Image Rotators. 2.1 IMAGE MANAGER The Image Manager will allow you to upload any image you want to post on your website as well as keep all of your images organized. 2.1.1 Add a New Image To use a photo on your website, you first need to upload it to the Image Manager within EasyPost. This will add the photo to the images folder on the server within your website. To begin the upload process, click the "Add New Image" link in the Image Manager. Next, click the "Select" button to browse your computer for the photo you wish to upload, select it, and click open. Once you have clicked open, a new box should appear, giving you the option to upload more images (up to 15 total per upload), if you wish. If you prefer, you can bulk upload images using a zip file instead of selecting each image one at a time. Page 10 of 40 When uploading images you will have a variety of options to choose from including: 1. Image Category • You can use this drop down list to select a category to place this image in. Click the "Add Category" button if you wish to create a new category to use. 2. Add to Photo Gallery • This drop down will insert the uploaded image(s) into a previously created picture gallery. 3. Type Caption • Some EasyPost features use this field for displaying a caption or for alternate text, but for the most part you can use it to help you search for your images within the Image Manager. 4. Advanced Image Options • Clicking the double arrows will expand the advanced options revealing several more options. 1. Image Width • Most EasyPost websites will have a fixed upload width of 600px to help reduce the file size of the images which will improve the load times on your website. If you need an image to be wider than the maximum image width, you can type a custom width here. This is primary used for rotator images because they often exceed 600px in width. 2. Quality • When setting a custom width, you will also need to set a quality. Medium quality is the best balance of quality and load times. If you prefer faster load times, select "Low Quality". If you prefer sharper images, select "High Quality". 3. Skip Image Processing • You can check this to completely bypass all EasyPost processing of the uploaded images, but this will upload the image AS IS on your computer. This can hinder load times and take more of your hosted space unless you have manually processed images via Photoshop or some equivalent software. Click the "Upload" button when you are finished selecting your desired settings and you will be redirected back to the Image Manager after the success of the upload. 2.1.2 Editing Images Previously uploaded images can be edited from the Image Manager. Click on the "edit" link below the desired image to edit it. From here, you can change the caption or category that you previously set. When you are done making changes, click the "Update" link. Page 11 of 40 2.1.3 Deleting Images Use the "Delete" check boxes located under each image to select the images you wish to remove and click "Delete Selected Images". Located next to the "Delete Selected Images" link there is a Select "All | None" link that allows you to select all of the images or to deselect all images. Page 12 of 40 2.1.4 Sorting Images You can sort through previously uploaded images by using the drop down category list (top-right) or by using the search bar (bottom-right) to filter your selection. 2.2 MANAGE IMAGE CATEGORIES In the "Manage Image Categories" tab, you can add, edit, or delete categories. Be careful to not delete or edit a category with images already inside of it. The category name is included in the URL address of the image, so renaming or deleting a category will cause all of the images in the category to go offline on the website. Each category name includes the number of images within the category in parentheses to help prevent this issues from happening. Page 13 of 40 2.3 PICTURE GALLERY You can use your picture galleries for any number of purposes, from catalogs to company events. To begin, click the "Add New Gallery" link to add a gallery. Be sure to give the gallery a name and set it to visible. Galleries not set to visible will not be viewable by the public. Prior to uploading any images to the gallery, you can also give the gallery a "Main Image" also known as a cover image. Provide a description if you would like and then click the "Add Gallery" button. Once you have created a gallery, you can edit, preview, delete, or rearrange a gallery by selecting the gallery from the left-hand menu. You can also create new Sub Galleries as well. Page 14 of 40 2.3.1 Adding Images to a Gallery Adding images to a gallery can be done one of two ways: Option 1 1. Click "Edit" once you have selected the gallery from the left-hand menu 2. You will then see two sections, "Available Images" and "Current Gallery Images" • Imagine these as two boxes. When you move an image from one box, it leaves the other. This prevents adding the same image to a gallery more than once. 3. To add an image to the gallery, check the "Select" check box and then click the "Add to Gallery" button. • More than one image can be added at a time • Removing images works the same way, but in reverse Page 15 of 40 Option 2 The other option for adding images to a gallery is to do so upon the initial upload of the image using the "Add to Photo Gallery" option. This method is much faster, but requires that you create the gallery prior to uploading the images. This will add all of the images within the upload to the gallery that you select. 2.3.2 Rearranging Images Images are added to the gallery in the order in which you select/add them, but you can rearrange them at any time using the blue, left/right arrows. 2.4 AD ROTATOR IMAGES Most websites will have an image rotator on their website, most likely located on the homepage. If you do have one, you can add, change, or remove those images here. Page 16 of 40 2.4.1 Adding New Rotators Like the Picture Gallery, you will see two sets of images, the images available to use, and the images already being used in the selected rotator. Use the check boxes and the "Add to Rotator" or "Remove from Rotator" buttons to add and remove images. You will also see two drop-down lists. The first, in the top right of the "Available Images", is used to sort between image categories. This is to help you find the images you wish to add to the rotator. Most of the time, the images that are cropped to fit will be in a "Rotators" category. The second drop-down, in the top right of the "Current Rotator Images", is used to select the image rotator you are editing (if there is more than one on your website). Once all available images have been added to the rotator, the "Available Images" box will be empty. 2.4.2 Editing Rotator Text Each image which has been added to the rotator can be edited. From the edit screen, you can set the name, url, and description of the image. Edit-Rotator-Image-WX.jpg You can use the url field to turn the image into a clickable link, directing users to a new page. You can either enter the URL or click the folder to open up the EasyPost® page selector. The description of the image will usually display as text over the rotator itself. For example, the options above render this result: Page 17 of 40 2.4.3 Rearranging Rotator Images Like Galleries, Rotator Images can be sorted using the left/right arrow buttons. 2.5 AD ROTATOR POSITIONS From this tab, you can create, edit, and delete image rotators. This is usually only used by Element 74 staff during the creation of your website (or when adding new rotators). If you delete an ad rotator and it is still being used on the website, the rotator will disappear and cause layout issues on the website. Clicking "Edit" on an Ad Rotator will allow you to see your rotator's size (in pixels) and speed (in milliseconds). You may change the Rotator's name or speed at any time. Note that 5000 equals 5 seconds. 3. CALENDAR The EasyPost® Calendar enables you to create and edit calendar events to display on your website's calendar or events page. It has been designed and built to replicate many of the common calendar features found in other calendar softwares which creates a comfortable, easy-to-use experience. 3.1 MANAGE CALENDAR EVENTS To create a calendar event, double click on a calendar day to open the event creation window. Page 18 of 40 1. Subject. This is the title of your calendar event. This is visible on the main calendar screen. 2. Start/End time. This allows you to set the day or days of your event. Uncheck the "All day" checkbox to set a specific time for the event as well. 3. Category. Select a category for this event. Categories can be used to help sort your calendar events, and can be color coded. 4. Recurrence. Checking this box will open a section that enables you to set up a recurring event. This can be customized a number of ways, including weekly, every other week, on a certain date, and so on. When finished setting up your event, click the "save" button. You can edit or delete a previously created event. To edit the event, you can either double click the event, or right click and select "edit". To delete, click the red "x" on the event bar, or right click and select "delete". If the event is a recurring event, you can select to edit/delete just that specific occurrence or all of the events within that series. 3.2 MANAGE CALENDAR CATEGORIES From the Manage Calendar Categories page, you can create, edit, and delete categories for your calendar events. Each of these categories can be used to help organize your events. When creating or editing a category, you can select a background color and font color for the event. These colors will affect each event in that category to aesthetically differentiate between each category. Page 19 of 40 4. NEWS MANAGER The EasyPost® News Manager used to be a popular way to share news on a website. Though it is still used on some websites, it is becoming less frequent do to the more powerful Blog tool. If your website still uses a News Manager, this section will show you how to use it. 4.1 MANAGE NEWS ARTICLES To create your first news article, click "Add Article". If you already have one or more articles on your website, you can add a new one or edit and existing one. Once you opt to add or edit an article, the article creation window will open. Page 20 of 40 1. Start/End Date/Time. These fields are used to determine when this article should be visible on the news feed of your website. The start date/time is when the article will first appear and the end date/time is when it will expire. 2. Event Date. The event date is there to alert visitors as to when exactly the news item occurred or will occur, depending on how you use the field. Many users want an article visible for a long duration of time but want to indicate that the news happened on a certain date. 3. Headline. This is the name of your article. If you have any categories created, a check-box will appear above the headline for each category. Check the desired category before clicking "Add Article" or "Update Article" if desired. The main body of your article can be edited just as any other content region. 4.2 MANAGE NEWS CATEGORIES News categories can be created to help organize and sort through your news articles. Once created, articles can be assigned a category and the "Manage News Articles" screen can be filtered by these categories. Page 21 of 40 In addition to giving the category a name, you can opt to hide the category. This will hide any article assigned the that category. 5. SITE EDITOR The website Editor is, by far, the largest tool within EasyPost® and it enables you to edit a great deal of items such as your menus, content, pages, and so on. 5.1 GETTING TO KNOW THE SITE EDITOR At first the Site Editor can seem a little daunting, but here is a quick breakdown on the key pieces. 1. In the upper, left-hand corner there is an "Add New Page" button. This will be used to create new pages. 2. Below that is the menu section. Here, you can edit your menus, add new menu links, sort your menus, and so on. 3. To the right of that is your website's pages. This is a list of all of the pages currently on your website. For each page you have an edit button and an options button, which we'll cover later. 5.1.1 Add a New Page Now that you are familiar with the basic layout of the website Editor, let's create a new page. To create a brand new page you will click on the "Add New Page" button in the upper, left-hand corner. This will open the page creation window. Page 22 of 40 You will be given the following options for your page: 1. Title. This will determine the permanent url of the page as well as the title used by the website, browser, and search engines. 2. Clone Page. You can choose to clone a previously created page, including the content, template, and category. To do so, click on the folder to the right of this field and select the page you wish to clone. 3. Template. This drop-down list will display the available templates for your page. Most websites will only utilize one template, however, some will have more. 4. Category. Setting a category will also extend your page's url. If you add a category, you will end up with a URL such as www.domain.com/category/title.aspx. If you do not use a category, that same page would have the URL of www.domain.com/title.aspx. Categories can also be used to help sort pages when there are a large number of them. 5. Existing Menu. You can choose to add your new page directly to the website's menu upon page creation. Select "Add to Root" to add the new page to the main, top-level navigation, but be sure that there is room for it first. To add the new page under an existing menu item as a drop down, select the menu item you want to add it under from the list. If you don't want to add it to any menu at this point, you can select "Do no add to menu". Once you have filled out this information, click next and you will be brought to the editor screen for your new page. 5.1.2 Add a New Menu Item To add a new menu item to your navigation, first decide where you want to place it. If you want the menu item to be on the main navigation bar, ensure that there is room for it. If not, you may need to delete or relocate another one of your menu items. To add a new, main level menu item, make sure that "All Pages" is selected and then click "Add New Menu Item". Menu items are added underneath the menu item that is selected, so it is key to make sure "All Pages" is selected and not one of your other menu items. If you decide that you want to add your new menu item as a drop down to an existing menu item, select the menu item that you want it under and then click "Add New Menu Item". Page 23 of 40 Once you click "Add New Menu Item", the menu creation window will open. At first it will seem like there are a lot of options, but only 2 are really needed on most websites. 1. Text. The text is what word or phrase that the menu item will display to tell users what the link goes to. For example: "About Us", "Our Services", etc. 2. URL. The url is the page that the menu will go to. This can be on your own website, or to someone else's website. To link to one of your own pages, click the folder icon and then select the page you want to link to. If it is a link to another website, paste the full URL in the field, including the http:// 3. Target. In most cases the target can be left to "_self". This means that the menu link will open within the same window or tab that is currently open. If the link is to one of your own website's pages, this is the most common setting. If the link is leaving your website and going to another website, the target should be set to "_blank". This will open the link in a new window or tab, ensuring that your website is still open for continued browsing later. 4. Image, Hover Image, Alt. Image, and Alt. Hover Image. These 4 fields can be ignored on most websites. The only time that they are used is for image based menus or buttons and those are a mostly obsolete way to create menus. If you have an image based menu, you will need to upload your new menu button images to these fields. 5.1.3 Editing a Menu Item Once you have created the new menu item, you can sort, rename, relink, and/or delete them. Start by clicking on the menu item that you want to edit. Page 24 of 40 1. Add Submenu. The Add Submenu button is another way to create a drop down list from the menu item that you have selected. Clicking this will give you the same menu creation window as the "Add New Menu Item" button covered in the previous section. 2. Link. The link line shows you which page is is currently linked to the menu item. If it is linked to a different website, you will see the URL (see image above), if it is linked to a page on your site, you'll see the page and page options listed here, like the image below. If you are linked to a page on your own site, you will see an additional "Edit" button and and "Options" button. Those buttons apply to the page not the menu. 3. Edit. The Edit button will allow to to relink or rename the menu item. 4. Delete. The Delete button will delete the menu item, but not the page on your website. 5. Move Higher/Lower. The move options are a way to rearrange your menu items. Moving them higher or lower will change their location in the menu list. 5.1.4 Menu Sets Most sites just have one menu set installed, the main navigation, but some have more than one. If your site has more than one menu set installed, it could be used for a footer menu, sidebar menu, etc. To edit your secondary menus, toggle the Menu Set drop down located in the upper, left-hand corner of the menu section. 5.1.5 Page Options Next to every page in your page list is an "Options" button. Once clicked, you will open the Page Options window. Page 25 of 40 1. Title. The page title is what people will see in web searches as well as at the top of their browser. In many cases, it also shows up on the webpage as the page title. 2. Password. You can set a password for any page on your site. Once you have done so, users will be redirected to a login screen when attempting to access the page. This can be used for information that you want to put on your website, but do not want to be public. 3. Meta Description. This field is used for Search Engine Optimization purposes. The Meta Description is usually used by Google, Yahoo, and Bing to display a snippet about your page. See below: 4. Meta Keywords. This field is used for telling search engines what your page is about through commaseparated keywords. It is good to fill out, but search engines do not rely on keywords for results anymore. 5. Approval Email. The "Approval Email" field is designed to prevent unapproved page changes. If this field is filled out and the checkbox is checked, an email will be sent to the address requesting approval to publish the new page changes. If not approved, the changes will not be published. 6. Category. The category can be used to help group and organize your pages for easier searching. 7. Delete. This will delete the page from EasyPost® after a confirmation window. Deleted pages cannot be restored without calling Element 74 and paying a restoration fee. Only delete pages that you are sure you no longer need. 8. Available Backups. Every time you update a page, a backup is created. EasyPost® will save the 10 most recents backups in the event that you need to revert a page and undo any changes. Click the down arrow on the right of the bar to expand this menu. You can then preview and/or restore previous backups. Page 26 of 40 9. Serial Number/History. This page logs every change to a page, the time it occurred, and who made the change. Clicking the down arrow on this bar will expand it to show the entire history of the page. 5.1.6 The Editor You will probably be spending most of your time with this component. The editor can be found in several sections of EasyPost® and functions very similar to a standard rich text editor (such as Microsoft Word). Here we will go over the controls found in the editor. Beginning in EasyPost® version 3.0, we have been implementing a W.Y.S.I.W.Y.G (What You See is What You Get) version of the page editor. With this editor, you will be able to see the page you are working on, and how the content will appear once you have clicked the update button. When editing a page, news article, calendar event. etc, you will be using the Editor. Here are descriptions of the icons that represent the tools you will be using: Hyperlink Manager The hyperlink manager allows you to easily set and edit links to other websites or different parts of your own website. Select the text you wish to link and click the hyperlink manager icon. Enter in the URL of the page you wish to link to into the URL field. You can use the “Target” to determine whether or not the link opens in a new window/tab. The tooltip text will serve as a description of the link when a user hovers over the link. Anchors If you wish to link to a specific spot on your page (or another page), you can create an anchor. Select the text you wish to link to, a.k.a the achor, then open the Hyperlink Manager. Go to the Anchor tab and give it a name, then click ok. You anchor point is now set. Then, link to your anchor from another page or a different place on the page by using the Hyperlink Manager. Once in the Hyperlink Manager, use the “Existing Anchor” field of the Hyperlink Manager instead of the URL. This will create a hyperlink that goes to the anchor that you previously set. Page 27 of 40 Remove Link If you wish to remove a link, you can select it and then click the Remove Link button show to the left. Insert Image To place an image on the page, click where you would like to place it and click the Insert Images button. The Image Manager will pop up, allowing you to insert a photo or manage your images like you normally would. To insert an image, click on the image itself, select the image size, alignment, and whether or not to add a lightbox. Finally, click the button to insert the image. Image Map Editor Select an image and click the Image Map Editor button. You can then create map, or hyperlink, areas and link them to other pages. Insert Videos You can embed videos into your page through the EasyPost® video uploader by clicking the Insert Videos button. Insert Documents Upload, edit, delete, and insert document links through the Insert Documents button. For more information on managing documents, visit the Media section. Insert Table You can create a table using the grid to quickly form a table. Just select the number of columns and rows that you want and your table will be created. Alternativley, you can use the table wizard from the Insert Table drop down menu for a specific setup, giving you much more control. Insert Symbols and Special Characters You can use this drop down to insert special characters in your page. Superscript After highlighting some text, click this button to set the selected text as a superscript to the surround text. Example: EasyPost® or EasyBlogTM. Subscript The opposite of Superscript, Subscript lowers the text. Example: H2O. Format Stripper You can use this tool to clean specific formatting from selected text. Use the drop down to select the type of formatting you would like removed. The most common types of formatting to remove are font styles copied in from other websites and from Microsoft Word. Spellchecker Checks for typographical errors. Page 28 of 40 Undo Undo your most recent action or use the drop down to select a particular action to undo. Redo Redo an action that you recently used the undo feature on. Cut Cutting text removes the text and also copies it to your clipboard for future pasting. Copy Paste Paste from Word Pastes content from your clipboard but removes the Microsoft Word formatting which can be detrimental to your websites design. Paste Plain Text Pastes content from your clipboard and removes all text styling, including bold, underline, and italics. Print Find and Replace Insert Groupbox New Paragraph Horizontal Rule Creates a horizontal line across the content width as a divider. Show/Hide Border This feature toggles the gridlines and borders when editing tables. This can help you to see a “live” view of the table you’re working on. Bold Italic Underline Strikethrough Page 29 of 40 Align Left Align Center Align Right Justify Indent Outdent Numbered List Bullet List Foreground Color, a.k.a. Font Color Background Color, a.k.a. Highlight Color Font Name Allows you to select a font for your text. We recommend NOT using this feature as it can compete with the set styles of your website, creating an inconsistent design. Font Size Allows you to select a font size for your text. We recommend NOT using this feature as it can compete with the set styles of your website, creating an inconsistent design. Instead, use the Paragraph Style drop down to select a Heading Style for larger fonts. Paragraph Style Allows you to apply a font preset to any text. Font presets include Paragraph, Heading 1, Heading 2, etc. Font presets can control font size, font face, color, style, and more. Apply CSS Class A list of style presets that have been created custom for your website. These presets can be applied to links, images, text, tables, and more. As you edit your website using the Editor, you will find that most elements (including images, tables, links, etc) will have a right-click menu. Using these right-click menus can make accessing the extra menu options quicker, making your editing experience even easier. 5.2 EDIT CONTENT CATEGORIES Categories can be created to help sort your content pages. If a page is in a category, the URL will be extended to include the category name. For example, www.domain.com/page.aspx would become www.domain.com/category/ Page 30 of 40 page.aspx. Once the category has been created, you can assign pages to category when they are created, or through the "Page Options". 5.3 STYLES CSS Styles can be created in EasyPost® to help standardize the look of your website as well as to facilitate faster editing via presets. Each style that is created can be used across the entire website. The "Style Manager" has many standard style elements built in such as normal font-size and color, link styles, button styles, and more. Any new style you create can be used in the CSS Preset drop down in the Editor. HTML experience is required to use the "Style Manager". When creating a style, the name is vital. If you place a "." at the start of the style name, you can use it in the website Editor to quickly format content. If there is no "." in front of the name, the style will not work. 5.4 MANAGE STAFF If your website uses our built in "Staff Manger", you can easily access and edit the staff members here. The staff members can be reordered, but a category will need to be selected from the drop-down menu first. 1. Add Staff. To add a new staff member, click the "Add Staff" button in the top left corner. From there, just add the information that you want to share and click "Add Employee" when finished. 2. Edit Entry. To edit, update, or add new info to a staff member, click "Edit Entry" and then "Update Employee" when complete. 3. Delete Entry. To permanently remove a staff member, click "Delete Entry" and then click "Delete Employee" from the confirmation page. 4. Sorting. Once you select a staff category from the upper right hand corner, you can sort the employees by using the "Move Up" and "Move Down" buttons. This will update live on the website as you sort. Page 31 of 40 5.5 MANAGE STAFF CATEGORIES Similar to the Menu Sets, you will most likely not need to edit this section. The staff categories are used to separate the staff members for different pages or controls and this is typically set up by the developer. 6. MEDIA The media tab is used to store any file that is not an image. For example, Word Documents, Excel sheets, PDF files, and so on. For images, please use the Image Manager. 6.1 MANAGE FILES To begin uploading a file, click on the "Upload File" button in the upper left corner. When uploading, you will be presented with the following options. 1. Folder: Choose a folder to place the file in. This is used for organizational purposes and has no other effect. To add new folders, see the "Manage File Folders" section below. 2. Enter File Description: This will appear on the list of files to help you recall which documents are which. Also, when you insert a file on a page, the description will be automatically used as the text for your link. The link text can be changed afterwards. 3. File to upload: Click the browse button to find and select the file you wish to upload. 4. Password: A password can be assigned to the file to restrict access. Once the file has been uploaded, you will see it in the list of current documents. This example is from visitcape.com. Page 32 of 40 1. Edit. The "Edit" button allows you to update the file description, folder location, and the file itself. Once a file is linked up across your site, using the "Upload new File" option will automatically overwrite the file, leaving your links in tact. 2. Delete. To delete a file, click "Delete" and then confirm the deletion. 3. Access Log. The "Access Log" will show you the date and times that the file was downloaded or viewed. If you have created file folders, you can select the folder from the list on the left-hand side to view only files from that folder. There is also a folder for "favorites". To assign a file as a favorite, click the start to the left of the file name. 6.2 MANAGE FILE FOLDERS From the file folders page, you can create a filing system for your uploads. Use the "Create New Main Folder" or the "Create Sub Folder" links to add new folders for use. Select the Parent folder (for sub folders or choose none for a new main folder) and give the folder a name. If the "visible" check-box is selected, the folder will be available for use. Previously created folders can be reordered using the sorting buttons to the right while the folder is selected. Page 33 of 40 7. ADMIN TOOLS Admin Tools is where you will find your EasyPost® user accounts as well as the website form builders and the form submissions. From here, you will be able to add/remove EasyPost® users, build new forms, and view/manage your form submissions. 7.1 MANAGE MEMBERS Here you can add, edit, and delete your EasyPost® users (root administrator cannot be deleted). Click "Add Member" to add a new EasyPost® user. Page 34 of 40 1. First and Last Names. 2. Email: This is the user name that will be used to log into EasyPost®. It does not need to be an email address, but an email address is ideal to prevent duplicate usernames. 3. Image. The image is only used to represent the user when they are an author of a blog post. Blog posts have author images attached. 4. Password: The password associated with this user. 5. Bio. The bio is only used to represent the user when they are an author of a blog post. Blog posts have author bios attached. Once you click "Add Member", you will be redirected to the user permissions screen. This screen can also be reach by clicking "Edit" on an existing user. From here, you can update a user's info and password, as well as setting their permissions. An admin might have access to everything, but a page editor might only have access to the Site Editor. When setting permissions, please note that "Grants Permission To Access Home Tab" must be selected for the user to log in. To use a tool within a tab, the user must have access to the tab itself as well. By default, if a user has access to the Page Editor but no pages selected (last permission in the list), they will have access to every page. If you specify certain pages the user has access to, they will be limited to just those. Any newly created pages will remain hidden until assigned. Page 35 of 40 7.2 MEMBER CATEGORIES You can create member categories to help quickly create users with the same permission sets. First, go to the Member Categories page and click "Add Category". Give the category a name and description and then click "Add Category". Now, set the desired permissions for this category and click "Update Category". You can now use this member category when creating EasyPost® users to assign this set of permissions which can be useful when creating numerous users accounts with similar access levels. 7.3 WEBSITE FORMS With the EasyPost® Form Builder, you can create your own custom contact us, request a quote, and other types of forms for use on your website, or edit a previously created form. You can click the "Add New" button to begin creating a new form. 1. Name: This serves 2 purposes: It's the name of the form and the URL of the page that the form is hosted on (aka contact-form.aspx). 2. Template: If your website uses multiple templates, you can select which one to use here. 3. Clone Existing form: You can choose to copy a previously created form (such as the standard contact form) in order to save time. This clones the fields, email recipients, and styles. 4. Email Recipients: This field determines who will receive the form when a client clicks submit. You can use more than one email address by separating the addresses with a comma and a space. After you have created the new form, you will be taken to the form editing screen. The left side of this screen will act just like a standard content region. On the right you will see field types that can be added to the form and a list of the fields already present. Page 36 of 40 1. Name: This serves 2 purposes: It's the name of the form and the URL of the page that the form is hosted on (aka contact-form.aspx). 2. Email Recipients: This field determines who will receive the form when a client clicks submit. You can use more than one email address by separating the addresses with a comma and a space. 3. Redirect URL: When a user clicks submit, you can choose to redirect them to a particular page on your website by entering in the URL here. This will overwrite the default "Thank You" page. 4. Captcha. Turning this feature on will make your form more spam proof by adding a required field of randomized alpha-numeric values that the user has to match. 5. Protect Values. By turning this option on you are turning the form onto a secure mode. The form URL will use https instead of http (uses the site's security certificate) and the email confirmation will not contain the field's submitted values. Instead, the admin will need to log into EasyPost® to see those submissions. This protects credit card and social security numbers from insecure emails. 6. Add New Field: This drop down provides you with various field types to add to your form. 7. Available Fields: This is a list of the fields you or someone else has already created. A new form comes prepopulated with several fields that can be deleted if desired. See "Field Types" below for a list of fields and what they do. 7.3.1 Adding Fields to a Form Adding fields to a form starts with a table. The default form comes pre-populated with a table, but you can delete that and add a new one with the "Insert Table" tool from the toolbar. Once you have your table created, add some field labels such as "First Name:", "Last Name:", etc. Field labels tell the user what the field is asking for. Page 37 of 40 Once you have some labels, created some corresponding fields using the "Add New Field" drop down. 1. Name. This is simply the name of the field for your reference and for the form submission export report. Try to make is something everyone on your team will recognize. 2. Field Type. This is the type of field your creating. This cannot be changed once you create the field. 3. Width/Height. These fields allow you to make the field any size you want. If left blank, default values will be used. 4. Initial Value. This is a field "hint" which means that the field will have a pre-populated value in it that gives the user an example of what info is being requested. 5. Make This Field Required. This determines whether the user has to fill out the field or not. 6. Clearable. This option allows the EasyPost® admin to clear all submissions ever submitted for the field. This is only ever used for sensitive info such as credit card numbers or social security numbers. Note: Name, Width, height, and Required are common settings for all field types. When you are finished editing the form, remember to click the update link. 7.3.2 Field Types 1. TextBox. This is a standard one line text box (ex. name). 2. Multi-Line Text Box. This is a text box with multiple lines (ex. comments). Page 38 of 40 3. Multiple Choice. This is a multiple choice answer, allowing the user to select one option from a list of options. • Answer: Fill out this field and click "Add" to create another possible answer for this question. You can create as many answer options as you want. 4. Multiple Answer. This is a multiple choice answer, allowing the user to select more than one option. • Answer: Fill out this field and click "Add" to create another possible answer for this question. You can create as many answer options as you want. 5. Drop-Down List. A drop down list allows the user to select one option from a collapsable list. This saves space on a page over Multiple Choice,but provides the same type of question. • Answer: Fill out this field and click "Add" to create another possible answer for this question. You can create as many answer options as you want. 6. Department Selection. This is a drop down list that will add an email address to the form's recipient list based on the selected answer. For example, the form might send the submission to 1 of 5 different departments, depending on the option that the user selects. • Answer: Fill out this field and click "Add" to create another possible answer for this question. You can create as many answer options as you want. • Emails: The email(s) associated with the answer. 7. File Upload. this allows the user to upload a file with their form submission (ex. resume). 8. Signature Box. This adds a digital signature box to your form. 7.3.3 Form Submissions In addition to sending you the submissions via email, EasyPost® also stores the submissions in a database forever or until you delete them. The list will show the form name, the email recipients, when it was sent, and the IP address that was used. 1. Export to Excel. This option will export every submission in your view to Excel. To export particular form submissions, click the submission number next to the form name in the "Website Forms" tab. 2. Export. Clicking export next to a submission will export only the data connected to that single submission. 3. View. The view link allows you to view a submission right in your browser. 4. Delete. Once you export your data or find that it is spam, you can delete submissions. This is permanent and cannot be undone. 5. Clear. Clearing a submission will wipe all data inside any field that was checked as "Clearable". Form more information on Clearable fields, visit the "Adding Fields to a Form" section. 7.4 MANAGE MENU SETS This tab allows you to create or edit existing menu sets. However, creating a new menu set will not add a new menu to your website. Deleting or editing an existing menu can break the menus on your site. This section is intended for the Element 74 development team. Page 39 of 40 8. ADVANCED In addition to the EasyPost® standard feature set, we have included an "Advanced" section to allow more tech-savvy users the ability to manage certain global aspects of the website, along with root level html code. Only users who are skilled and knowledgeable in these areas should use the tools within this section. 8.1 ADVANCED WARNING Any modifications made in the "Advanced" Settings are the responsibility of the client and any problem(s) that occur as a result of these modifications are subject to restoration/repair fees at our normal billing rate. Element 74 is not responsible for any losses incurred due to downtime or defacement of your website due to changes made in the advanced area. 8.2 FILE EDITOR The file editor grants root level html access to your website. Each file on your website can be found here. 8.3 REWRITE MANAGER The rewrite manager can be used to rewrite URLs. For example, you can rewrite www.domain.com/about-us.aspx to www.domain.com/about-us. This version of EasyPost® automatically sets up these URL rewrites upon page creation. 8.4 SITE SETTINGS The EasyPost® site settings within the "Advanced" Settings control a number of features on the website and are set by the developer upon building the site. These settings should not be changed. 8.5 SMTP SETTINGS SMTP Settings are used if your website sends emails. Changing these settings can result in your website's emails not sending properly. NEED MORE HELP? If you have any questions or issues while updating your website, feel free to send us an email at support@element 74.com. Page 40 of 40