People - The Lifeblood of Fugro GEOS
People - The Lifeblood of Fugro GEOS
GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL AND OCEAN SCIENCES NO. 18 People - The Lifeblood of Fugro GEOS Throughout the offshore industry there is much talk of skills shortages. Huge challenges are faced in finding the very best people, and ensuring that through a programme of continuing professional development (CPD) they not only stay committed, but relish the opportunities that open up to them for future career development. Fugro as a group is ensuring they do more than ever to find and retain staff by these means, and so too is Fugro GEOS. Managing Director of Fugro GEOS. “Our talented staff of over 200 make us incredibly proud of our global team. Demand worldwide for the wide range of services offered by the company has led to an intensive recruitment campaign, bringing new expertise into the organisation. “It’s not enough just to ensure we recruit all the right people, we must also work with them to ensure they maximise and maintain their full potential,” says Jeff, who has been with the Fugro Group for 30 years, so knows at first hand the benefits of CPD programmes. “Talented people are the very lifeblood of our organisation,” says Jeff Coutts, Industry Speakers Understanding the end use of project deliverables to clients provides vital insight into each client’s requirements. Fugro GEOS therefore invites clients and industry experts to address project staff and provide glimpses behind the scenes. Graduate Training Programme In the drive to offer its clients the highest levels of expertise, Fugro has established the Fugro Academy, an initiative that provides a framework for structured training and career development across the entire Group. Whilst being proactive in attracting new recruits, the Academy encourages and assists existing employees to further develop their careers. Drawing on its knowledge base, the company has set up an internal Initial Professional Development (IPD) programme - the first of its kind in the metocean industry that addresses the needs of graduates in this way. “We’ve used training consultancy you:unlimited to assist us in developing the skills of our subjectmatter experts in the organisation, to design and deliver the face-to-face and e-learning training,” states Divisional Director Mark Calverley, who is leading the Programme. The training offered by the Fugro Academy is a combination of three mechanisms: faceto-face, online tutoring and distance learning. This learning management system allows Fugro trainers to draw upon a common library of courses, knowledge and resources to facilitate efficient transfer of skills and knowledge throughout the Group. Fugro GEOS’ strong tie with IMarEST (the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology) ensures that its staff has access to accreditation by the organisation. Graham Hockley, the Director of Policy and Professional Affairs at IMarEST said it was a pleasure to be working with Fugro GEOS on the accreditation of their Graduate Training Programme. It forms part of the process marine scientists need for registration as Chartered Marine Scientists. “Most of the Company’s senior staff already holds Chartered Marine Scientists status, after having been individually assessed.” To complement this, Fugro GEOS has set up its own Graduate Training Programme. Intended to deliver a blend of face-to-face and e-learning modules, the Programme is designed and facilitated using internal expertise, to develop graduates’ ability. Recent presenters include: • Colin Grant, Advisor and Technical Authority, BP Exploration, with a presentation on offshore structures and extreme weather. • Dr Peter Janssen from the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), who spoke on the development of the ECMWF model, the physics behind the model, the performance of the model and its verification and calibration. Interested in presenting at a Fugro GEOS seminar? Contact us at: In this issue New Developments 2 New Projects 4 Education & Outreach 6 HSE & QA 6 Featured Division 7 Personnel, Contacts and Information 8 N ew D evelopments VIVOL - Online VIV Monitoring Fugro GEOS in partnership with subsea engineering company, MCS, recently launched ground-breaking new technology that will immediately alert offshore personnel to problems with riser systems before they become unsafe or lead to costly shut-downs. The new system is a software and instrumentation package for monitoring vibration on riser systems – a major problem for operators and drilling companies operating in high current environments. VIVOL – Vortex Induced Vibration On-Line – combines riser-mounted sensors and sophisticated software running on a PC on the drilling vessel to monitor the levels of vibration which risers are experiencing. It does not require any interface with other vessel systems and can be installed very easily, with minimal impact on other operations. The heart of VIVOL is motion measurement units located close to the top of the riser. These are clamped to the riser during deployment, continually transmitting motion measurements to a Data Acquisition Unit. This unit includes a data analysis and display computer that processes the data in real-time and presents the operator with immediate feedback on VIV levels and fatigue damage rates. VIVOL can be installed on a drilling riser when drilling begins at a location with a potential for high currents and therefore a risk of vortex induced vibration. It can then be removed when the drilling rig moves to a location where conditions do not pose a threat to the riser. It is anticipated that operators and drilling companies will rent the equipment and software for fixed periods allowing flexibility and cost efficiency. For further information contact Alan Dougan: The screen grab shows a sample of the VIVOL summary page Squall Warning Service The boom in rig and topside fabrication in Singapore shipyards has resulted in a NOWCASTING service to warn of impending severe weather the conditions, severe squalls especially that can accompany Singapore’s numerous thunderstorms. A heavy lift can last two hours or more and any sudden and violent increase in wind could have a major impact on the safety of the operation, and result in major damage, if control of the load is lost. To minimise the risk, or mitigate it altogether, the yards subscribe to the Fugro GEOS Squall Warning Service. When heavy lifts, or similar wind-dependent work, are taking place, Fugro GEOS meteorologists closely monitor and AQUA p2 track developing storms and the movement of established ones. If these will affect a client’s location, there is immediate notification by phone and email. The operations can then be made safe until the squalls pass, when clients are given the ‘all clear’. VIVOL sensors mounted on a riser along the Vietnamese coastline. For further information contact Rob Cowle: Every morning clients are provided with an outlook for the day including the likelihood of storms developing. Some days the risk may be very high and they proceed with caution, other days there will be no risk. This early morning advisory is followed by regular updates as storms develop, followed, if necessary, by the ‘ALERT’. This service is also used by Fugro GEOS clients operating offshore in areas prone to these severe and sudden events including West Africa, the East coast of India, the NW coast of Borneo, the Gulf of Thailand and Singapore squall-radar image Wave Energy Resource Mapping WorldWaves Goes from Strength to Strength Global Wave Energy Resource Maps for two months - indicating large seasonal variability in the Northern Hemisphere The renowned Fugro OCEANOR WorldWaves software package combines data from satellites, in-situ measurements and wave model data to provide cost-effective, high quality wave and wind time-series and statistical data for deep and shallow waters across the globe. world’s first complete high performance system for shallow water modelling, globally. Data has already been sold to various industries including: port and coastal, offshore oil and gas, marine renewable and shipping. Complete versions of WorldWaves for any country or region worldwide are now being marketed; and October 2007 saw the release of a new version. The new release is a more complete global wave modelling tool enabling the highest accuracy directional wave spectra time series data to be provided globally in a fast and cost-effective way, thanks in particular to the impressive geographic interface developed by long-term WorldWaves collaborator Theo Gerostathis at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). NTUA has worked almost continuously with Fugro OCEANOR on the development of what became WorldWaves, since 1992. With funding from the Dutch dredging industry (Royal Boskalis and van Oord), the new version of WorldWaves is now set to become the Fugro OCEANOR and Fugro GEOS use WorldWaves on a daily basis to support their global consultancy work. Helping Wave Energy Developers Fugro OCEANOR has a long and distinguished history of working on wave energy projects. “We assist wave energy device developers in a number of ways,” explains Stephen Barstow, Senior Ocean Wave Climatologist, Fugro OCEANOR. “For example, we can identify areas globally with the most favourable resource for a particular wave energy device. The WorldWaves software is ideal for shallow water modelling for sitespecific studies and for local mapping to identify hotspots. “At the feasibility stage, local wave measurements will normally be required to validate the modelling. We can supply the equipment and services for accurate local wave monitoring. For national and regional wave energy assessments, the Fugro OCEANOR deep water WAVESCAN buoys will be preferred, whereas the SEAWATCH MINI II is suited for coastal monitoring.” Fugro OCEANOR has worked for several leading wave energy companies, including Pelamis Wave Power Ltd, previously know as Ocean Power Delivery (OPD), who are building the world’s first commercial wave power farm off Portugal. WorldWaves data was used to carry out detailed assessment of wave energy resource there. Recently a global wave energy resource map was produced using WorldWaves for an ABC news programme on wave energy in the US. This clearly shows the highest energy levels are in the Southern Ocean and westward facing seaboards of the Atlantic and Pacific, notably Scotland and Ireland. What it does not show is the variability of the wave energy resource on different time scales (hourly, daily, seasonal and from year to year). This information can be provided together with the full directional spectra at a site (eg: is the climate swell or wind-sea dominated), and on the change in resource from deep to shallow water. However short-term wave measurements should also be collected for the best results. For further information contact Stephen Barstow: Dr Stephen Barstow and Dr Gunnar Mørk both from Fugro OCEANOR have contributed to the Wave Energy Resource chapter in a new book ‘Ocean Wave Energy - Current Status and Future Perspectives’ by João Cruz, Pelamis Wave Power Ltd, Edinburgh, UK. p3 AQUA N ew P rojects Fugro GEOS Rises to Thunder Horse Challenge Installation of ADCP in largest buoyancy buoy close to Thunder Horse The quest to provide real-time full water column current measurements for BP’s Gulf of Mexico Thunder Horse PDQ - the largest Production Drilling Quarters semisubmersible in the world - was met with enthusiasm by Fugro GEOS Inc, who chalked up ample “firsts” in their determination to meet the challenge. “The contract, which has seen the system successfully operating for nearly one year, involved an extensively detailed system design, calculation, testing and the building of the first self-contained 38kHz ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler)” explains Caroline Nicholas, Seasystems Division Manager of Fugro GEOS Inc. “The design included the repackaging of the 38kHz ADCP electronics into a subsea housing which are normally mounted topsides, and the installation of a ruggedised cable to the surface for power and data transmission. Thermal analysis was undertaken to ensure that the electronics did not overheat in the subsea housing.” The 38kHz ADCP, which is capable of the longest profiling range ever achieved, is mounted on the hull of the Thunder Horse platform on a custom built frame, measuring down to depths of over 1,000m in real-time. “Another first was the installation of the first cabled mid-water 75kHz ADCP,” explains Caroline Nicholas. “Installed at 460m above the seabed AQUA p4 in approximately 1,860m of water - the ADCP was contained in a 76inch diameter buoy of 4,000lb buoyancy, the buoyancy supports a strainbearing data cable which connects to a subsea electronics housing which contains power and data converters. Our third ‘first’ was the installation of the first cabled seabed 75kHz ADCP in 1,860m of water.” To ensure data transmission over such long distances, a pre-existing 5,500m of fibre optic cable which runs from the seabed to the Thunder Horse PDQ platform, was used. Installation of the 75khz ADCPs was carried out using an ROV vessel. The ADCPs, were lowered into position from the vessel with assistance from an ROV, which attached the subsea ADCPs to a preinstalled custom mud mat. Data and power connections were then made using ROV wet mateable connectors. The system provides real-time full current data updates every 10 minutes to Fugro GEOS Weather Monitor software which is then displayed through the Fugro GEOS ADAM (ADCP Data Acquisition and Management) web-based system. “We undertook beam analysis to orient the ADCPs, to avoid any interference from other subsea structures, and to ensure good quality data was delivered to the client,” Caroline Nicholas explains. “Extensive testing has been done and we have found good correlation between all the instruments. Mission accomplished!” Contracts for Two Riser Management Systems from Norway Developed by the Structural Monitoring division of Fugro GEOS and MCS, the market leaders in riser analysis and associated software, Tyrihans Field the IRIS-RMS system is an integrated riser management drilling and (C/WO) risers system for completion/workover that calculates Gjøa Field a NORWAY safe operating envelope using the unique MCS finite-element model of NORTH SEA the riser. Fugro GEOS has won two recent contracts for the system for use offshore Norway. The RMS consists of riser-mounted instrumentation, cables, and computer system running the MCS software. IRIS-RMS interfaces with vessel systems to collect key data to feed into the software’s sophisticated finite element predictive model and associated simulation software. Riser-mounted strain and/ or accelerometer packages are also typically installed. The system also includes modules to calculate and display the operating envelope and drift-off characteristics. Not only does the system monitor and record riser loads during operation, it also displays hotspot stresses within the riser and computes the top tension and tensioner/hook load tension split. It tracks the fatigue life of each joint in the riser, and records and displays riser stresses Location of Tyrihans and Gjøa Fields of Norway during unexpected/unplanned incidents. IRIS-RMS warns if the riser is approaching its design capacity. one of the biggest development projects on the Norwegian continental shelf, and due to come on stream in 2009. First came a contract for Tyrihans field... “We are very pleased to win this second IRISRMS contract for a Norwegian field, and to be working with FMC Technologies, a company in the forefront of completion/workover riser technology,” says Divisional Head, Alan Dougan. “The contract demonstrates that clients recognise that the IRIS-RMS system, and especially the automated riser analysis software, is technologically at the forefront in this market.” Fugro was awarded a contract from FMC Technologies to provide such a riser management system for the completion/ workover riser for Statoil’s Tyrihans Field in the Norwegian North Sea. Working in partnership with MCS, Fugro is supplying its riser management system, IRISRMS, for the project’s C/WO rig. Tyrihans is Using the MCS Flexcom software, the Tyrihans IRIS-RMS will interface with the vessel’s existing system providing data integration; proven predictive analysis, display, and archiving of riser-related data. Fugro is configuring, engineering and testing the system in its Glasgow offices. The equipment will then be installed and commissioned on site. This is the second Statoil project which has been supplied with an IRIS-RMS. It was also installed on the Snøhvit completion/workover riser. “This was commissioned in 2005, and has proven to be a valuable operational tool. A second sale to the same end-client confirms that IRIS-RMS meets or exceeds the client’s expectations,” observes Alan Dougan. …And then came Gjøa IRIS - Riser Management System display Hot on the heels of the Tyrihans contract came another from FMC Technologies to supply an RMS for a C/WO riser that FMC is supplying for Statoil’s Gjøa field, offshore Norway – yet further proof, if proof were needed, of its effectiveness. p5 AQUA E ducation & O utreach Shell Step Programme As part of the Fugro GEOS UK work experience programme, the company has participated for the first time in the Shell Step Programme. It is designed to match-up businesses with students who live in their vicinity, who are able to undertake projects with which the company needs assistance or to provide an additional resource. The two selected undergraduate students started their 8-week programme in June and the experience proved rewarding for all involved. “Observed data is accurate but only applicable to the location at which it is measured due to the complexity of the interaction between the tides and irregular coastlines. If a model can be validated against observed data in a region of interest then accurate tidal data can theoretically be produced for any location. I found the project very interesting; it was good to have the responsibility of mentoring Sarah, and interesting learning more about tides,” says Rob Mawdsley, Sarah’s supervisor at Fugro GEOS. Iain Hindshaw, in his third year studying MEng Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering at the Universities of Glasgow and Strathclyde, worked on: ‘Using spectral partitioning software to examine spectral data for various regions to gain an understanding of the typical distributions of wave energy in terms of both frequency and direction’ under Ruth Lawford’s supervision. The data source was ECMWF (European Centre for Medium range Weather Forecasting) hindcast data. Sarah Baker is at Reading University studying Physics and the Universe. She worked on validating data from the Tide Model Driver (TMD) for various oil basins around the world. She did this by comparing the model output to public domain tidal data and performing analysis to see how tidal elevations and phase compared between the two. HSE & QA Four consecutive safety awards for Fugro GEOS Once again Fugro GEOS has scooped the prestigious safety award from the British Safety Council (BSC). A true indication of how the company has maintained and advanced its safety policies, plans and commitment to health at the highest level, in accordance with the BSC strict requirements. Left to Right - Rob Mawdsley (Fugro GEOS), Sarah Baker (student), Ruth Lawford (Fugro GEOS) and Iain Hindshaw (student) Fugro IOSH HSE Management Course Fugro is fully committed to Occupational Health and Safety in their work environment and encourage it by hosting internally, in all its offices, the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health Managing Safely Course, which combines and satisfies the requirements of the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH). The course has been developed for managers within the industry to ensure they are competent to discharge their safety and health duties effectively. The structure of the course is based on seven modules which include: safety management, active and reactive monitoring, risk assessment and risk control, health and safety legislation and hazards. BSC - Level 1 Certificate in Health & Safety The BSC has also recognised Fugro GEOS as a competent trainer for its Level 1 Certificate in Health and Safety at Work. This Certificate aims to formalise health and safety induction training in the form of a nationally-recognised qualification, accredited by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) at Level 1 in the National Qualifications Framework. Martin Denton, Fugro GEOS HSE Manager, has been given BSI approval to train Fugro GEOS staff in attaining this certificate. After an intense course covering various modules, a one-hour examination comprising 40 multiple-choice questions ensures that staff have attained a good understanding, enough to qualify for the certificate. AQUA p6 OHSAS 18001:1999 Certified The Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS) specification provides requirements for an occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system, to enable an organisation to control its OH&S risks and improve its performance. Fugro GEOS is now OHSAS 18001:1999 certified, confirming that it has an approved OH&S management system that eliminates or minimises risk to its employees, its clients and third parties - who may be exposed to OH&S risks associated with their activities. An Occupational Health and Safety Management System provides a framework for managing OHS responsibilities so they become more efficient and more integrated into overall business operations. OHS Management systems are based on standards, which specify a process of achieving continuously improved OHS performance and complying with legislation. F eatured D ivision Consultancy Division The spotlight turns on the Consultancy division of Fugro Global Environmental and Ocean Sciences (GEOS). Aqua interviewed Mark Calverley the Consultancy Division Director. or siting of facilities, through to provision of detailed operating statistics, fatigue and extreme design criteria. As more oil companies, without internal metocean expertise, enter frontier regions, the greater the need for advice at the early stage of developments so appropriate metocean data are collected in time to ensure early production. Mark Calverley, Consultancy Division Director Q:What services does the Consultancy division offer? A: We provide objective consultancy based on knowledge of our client’s activities and the metocean processes likely to impact those activities. We achieve this through a strong global knowledge of regional oceanography and meteorology, and experience in supporting a wide range of applications including operational planning, offshore engineering design, tow route planning and wave energy resource mapping. The Consultancy team has over 200 years’ experience, with an average in excess of 14 years - a very strong knowledge base. Q:What typical applications are your services designed for? A: We offer support to all parts of the oil and gas industry life cycle ranging from a simple review and characterisation of metocean processes to support preliminary planning of operations - Part 1: Metocean design and operating conditions. This has involved development of tools such as Exwan which takes into account the possibility that the highest crest height (Hc) or maximum wave height (Hmax) in N-years may come from other than the most severe seastate. We frequently supply WorldWaves data to coastal engineers to provide boundary conditions to coastal models for developments such as ports and sea defences. WorldWaves data is also used in our Wave Energy resource mapping (see page 3), to ensure wave focusing is exploited. The Trondheim office undertakes this through application of the SWAN model within the WorldWaves software. Q:Which are your main client sectors? A: The oil and gas industry, coastal engineering and wave energy. Q:How do these clients benefit from your services? A: Primarily the provision of fit-for-purpose data in formats readily utilised by nonoceanography / meteorology technical specialists. Our products are accepted by classification societies providing an easy passage through FEED (Front-end Engineering and Design) and final design. Other tools include our powerful World Wave Atlas ( htm) and WorldWaves. We have developed “Weather Windows” software offering a statistical description of the likely impact of metocean conditions on offshore or coastal operations enabling the risk associated with weather downtime and the operability of facilities such as LNG berths and CALM buoys to be assessed. Q:Where does operate from? your division A: We have consultants in Wallingford UK, Trondheim and Houston. In general the offices service their regional markets. The Wallingford office also services the Middle and Far East markets. Trondheim services the Norwegian oil and gas market and also provides WorldWaves data, wave energy and coastal wave modelling globally. Q:What tools and techniques are provided by your division? A: Fugro GEOS’ range of tools is designed to meet the requirements of ISO19901-1, Specific requirements for offshore structures Consultancy Team in Houston Q:Any new developments in your division? A: We continually develop and expand our range of services to ensure a competitive service. Recently we undertook further development of our spectral characterisation tool, which provides time series of spectral parameters, enabling clients to undertake analysis in the frequency domain. We are redeveloping our core extreme value analysis tool, ‘Data Manager’ in the Matlab environment, extending its capability to provide simple work flows for standard analyses. Consultancy Team in Wallingford, UK Being aware of changes in technical approaches within the industry is crucial. The Houston office’s involvement in reviewing and commenting to the committee developing API 2INT - MET, Interim Guidance on Hurricane Conditions in the Gulf of Mexico is a recent example. p7 AQUA MD’s Comment We would like to thank those of our clients who were kind enough to assist us with the customer perception survey carried out on our behalf earlier in the year. These surveys, which we undertake on a regular basis, provide important feedback to us regarding how well we are serving your needs. This year we were pleased to learn that the majority of the recipients gave us a satisfaction rating of 8 or 9 out of 10. In particular, the professionalism and dedication of our staff was mentioned as a major factor in choosing Fugro GEOS to work on your projects. Equally important to us, however, were the items you identified where we could make improvements to our service levels and we assure you that we will work hard to incorporate these suggestions into our business model. As you will read on the front page of this issue of AQUA, one of the major initiatives that we have launched recently has been the Fugro Academy, Long-term Employees 30 Years Jeff Coutts, Managing Director 25 Years Personnel Movements a Fugro-wide training initiative that provides global opportunities for staff training at both management and technical levels. Combining classroom or workplace and web-based learning packages, our people can access the courses from anywhere in the world and programme their individual learning experience at their own pace. Within Fugro GEOS, we have taken this concept a step further and, in association with IMarEST, have formulated a web-based training programme that allows our graduates to progress to Chartered Marine Scientists status under the auspices of IMarEST. We believe that by allowing our staff to enjoy this continuous personal development, we ensure that the highest calibre recruits are attracted to our company, and ultimately the best possible level of service will be provided to our clients. Jeff Coutts Fugro GEOS Managing Director Where to See Us • Oceanology International 08 - London Mark Wimshurst, Commercial Director • MEOST 08 - Abu Dhabi 20 Years • OTC 08 - Houston Andy Moore, Technical Manager Tracey Lyons, HR Manager Garry Mardell, Operations Director Roar Hagen, Senior Engineer Where to hear us: Refer to for updated information Contacts Fugro GEOS Ltd Fugro House, Hithercroft Road, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 9RB, UK • Tel: +44 (0)870 402 1500 • Fax: +44 (0)870 402 1599 • Email: Fugro GEOS Inc PO Box 740010, 6100 Hillcroft (77081), Houston, Texas 77274, USA • Tel: +1 713 346 3600 • Fax: +1 713 346 3605 • Email: Fugro GEOS PO Box 43088, Abu Dhabi, UAE • Tel: +971 2 55 45 101 • Fax: +971 2 55 45 059 • Email: Fugro GEOS Sdn Bhd 11th Floor, Wisma Genting, 28 Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia • Tel: +60 3 2164 6210 • Fax: +60 3 2162 9242 • Email: Fugro GEOS Pte Ltd PO Box 5187, Loyang Offshore Supply Base, 125 SOPS Avenue, Loyang Crescent, 508988, Singapore • Tel: +65 6543 4404 • Fax: +65 6543 4454 • Email: Fugro OCEANOR AS Pir-Senteret, N-7462 Trondheim, Norway • Tel: +47 7354 5200 • Fax: +47 7354 5201 • Email: Fugro OCEANOR AS Luramyrveien 29, N-4313 Sandnes, Norway • Tel: +47 5163 4330 • Fax: +47 5163 4331 • Email: Fugro GEOS Ltd (Glasgow) Structural Monitoring Division, 1 Queenslie Court, Summerlee Street, Queenslie, Glasgow, G33 4DB, UK • Tel: +44 (0)141 774 8828 • Fax: +44 (0)141 774 6112 • Email: For additional contact details, please refer to our website: Should you need more information on any particular article in this issue of Aqua or would like to make any comments or suggestions, please email us at: New Staff Wallingford - UK Office Principal Offshore Engineer Senior Marine Forecaster Oceanographer Seacast Operations Manager Oceanographer Junior Marketing Designer Oceanographer Oceanographer Oceanographer Oceanographer Oceanographer Junior Forecaster Management Accountant Jill Bradon David Bennett Michael Brewer Maikel Laukens Robert Mawdsley Peter Thorns Jagadish Vallarampara Yao Yao Vincent Gleizes Clare Usherwood Rachel Hutchinson Anne-Marie Osborne Janice Cleverly Glasgow - UK Office Engineer Admin Assistant Admin Assistant David Wright Isabel Westwater Shiona Sainsbury Trondheim - Norway Office Product Quality Manager Hans Ørnes Sandnes - Norway Office Senior Metocean Specialist Engineer Workshop Service Engineer Service Engineer Service Engineer Project Secretary Véronique Cochin Kent Ek Jan Helge Nilsen Johan Martin Olsen Trond Sommerstad Rune Grønnevik Ann Helen Oliversen Singapore Office Administrative Officer Sarah Ting Oceanographic Engineer George Vithayathil US Office Oceanographer Project Oceanographer Oceanographer Oceanographer Keith Dupuis Chris Fuller Jordan Payne Amy Pyle UAE Office Junior Forecaster Junior Forecaster Marine Forecaster Marine Forecaster Francis Araniador Winnie Gatab Pieter Pretorius Herman Ngohayon Staff Movement / Promotions Wallingford - UK Office Marine Forecaster Principal Oceanographer Financial Controller Senior Oceanographer Software Applications Manager Senior Oceanographer James Burn Mark Crawshaw Jane Evans Lisa Feighery Richard Fleet Alex Keibel Glasgow - UK Office (Grade Promotions) Facilities & QA Rep Operations Manager Project Engineer Susan Gordon Gordon Hamilton James MacKenzie Singapore Office Senior Forecaster Tender Assistant Aila Agular Bayaca Teresa Teo UAE Office Operations Manager Johan Vlassenbroeck US Office Tender Co-ordinator Project Engineer Ross Jones Mitchell Scoggins
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