June 2015 - Altrusa International
June 2015 - Altrusa International
THE BEAT of AUSTIN June 1, 2015 THE BEAT of AUSTIN Volume 3 INSIDE Issue 1 “VIVA ALTRUSA” IN SAN ANTONIO – APRIL 17-19 Viva Altrusa - Conference Wrap-up ................................ 1 President’s Message ............ 2 Upcoming Summer Events ... 2 MEMBERSHIP Meet our newest Altrusans ... 3 Membership Retreat ............. 4 Austin Altrusan Recognized by Local Elementary ............. 4 SERVICE PROJECTS Smart Meals Tasting at Goodwill Excel School .......... 5 ASH Dash 5K Bunny Run .....5 Williams Community School 5K Run ................................. 5 Breakfast at Sanchez Elementary ........................... 6 DID YOU KNOW? The Newly Revised Altrusa Logo ..................................... 6 Altrusa International of Austin Board of Directors: June 2015 - May 2016 .......... 7 Altrusa International Foundation of Austin Board of Directors: June 2015 - May 2016 .......... 7 Upcoming Dates .................. 7 This year, Altrusa’s 59th District Nine Conference was held at the Airport Hilton in San Antonio, Texas. During Conference, we were able to network with Altrusans from other clubs in Texas, meet and learn from Altrusa International President Ilona Kerby and other District Nine leaders, and dance together at Fun Night in our Elvis glasses, capes, and sideburns. Austin Altrusans attending were Linda Nichols, Ann Whitt, Donna Jones, Kristina Mitchell, Nellie Hartsell, Carlene Sanders, Joy Riley, Robyn Riley, Kelly Netherton, Holly McCoy, Peggy Lenke, Debbie Mabry, and Cindy Jolly. Recognition for our fun night costumes, club scrapbook, video and display goes to Robyn Riley, Joy Riley and Kelly Netherton. Both Peggy Lenke and Kelly Netherton crafted items for the silent auction. Thank You for your hard work and time! Altrusa International of Austin received two awards at conference for 2013-2014: Joella Terrill Butler Membership Award - First Place and Linda Nichols Foundation Contribution Awards - Average Contribution Per Member. Erin Field, Nicole Trubee, and Cindy Jolly received Member Sponsor Awards. Perfect Attendance Awards for 2013-2014 were awarded to Ann Whitt, Cindy Jolly, Erin Field, Carlene Sanders, Brenda Reeves, Jenna Wade and Nicole Trubee. Total contributions to Altrusa International Foundation funding disaster relief and grants to local clubs netted $26,000. District Nine 60th Conference is scheduled April 22-24, 2016 in Fort Worth Texas. Altrusa of Temple has the bid for conference in April 2017. PAGE 1 JUNE 1, 2015 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Austin Altrusans, Leadership is Key to Altrusa success! Governor Sylvia Zamora shared this message at District Nine Conference. This year, Austin Altrusans have been AMAZING leaders in our club and our community. I am so proud of YOU and all you have accomplished! Many thanks to our club officers, committee chairs, and committee members for your time and commitment. It is an honor to serve as your Club President this coming year. Our successes include growth through service, membership, grant funding, and fundraising. We are following our long range strategic planning, improving communications, and ensuring flexibility and inclusion in our membership. April and May have been “crazy busy” months for Austin Altrusans – Service, Retreat, District Nine Conference, Garage Sale and Golf Tournament Fundraising. Altrusa International Foundation of Austin was awarded grant funding towards the Smart Meals Project. Kudos to Cheryl, Tanya and team who worked many hours executing Smart Meals and preparing the successful grant application. Seventy-five percent of Austin Altrusans participated in the March 26 Smart Meals event at Goodwill Excel School. At year end, Austin Altrusa volunteer service totaled 990 hours for projects during the year in the classroom and helping other organizations. “Thank You” Carlene for opening your lovely home to our April 11th Retreat attendees. Altrusans who made the trek to Lago Vista were not disappointed. We welcomed Melissa becoming an Altrusan while at Retreat. Hostess Carlene ensured everyone was welcomed, relaxed and playful. Elvis capes were created and modeled for dancing at Conference Fun Night (thank you Brenda for decorating my cape with jewels). Member consensus is to socialize and network more in coming months and at our new meeting location at Café Express. Café Express on the third Tuesday at 6:30pm provides a more centralized location, and it is wonderful to see new faces and everyone having a good time June 1st is Happy New Year for Altrusans! Our first Altrusa Golf Tournament is June 7th at Morris Williams Golf Course. Thank you for your time and efforts toward its success. Club committees will also meet in June to plan for the 2015-2016 club year. Watch for upcoming news and events on Austin Altrusa’s website. Many “Thanks” and appreciation to Webmaster Robyn for managing our website and club communications. Cheers to YOU, the heart and soul of Austin Altrusa, as we begin our new Altrusa year! THE BEAT of AUSTIN SUMMER EVENTS SPOTLIGHT ALTRUSA OF AUSTIN GOLF TOURNAMENT FUNDRAISER Sunday, June 7th @ Morris Williams Golf Course. Shotgun Scramble begins at 1pm. Altrusa of Austin members helping with set-up should arrive around 12pm to help check teams in. If members are baking desserts they should arrive at 5pm. Fajita Dinner will begin around 5pm and is open to guests for $12 per person. For more information please check the Golf Tournament Fundraiser tab under Events / Calendar on the website. ROUND ROCK EXPRESS BASEBALL GAME WITH ALTRUSA OF AUSTIN AS THE FEATURED CHARITY Wednesday, July 29 Altrusa of Austin will be the featured charity at the Round Rock Express Baseball game. Altrusa of Austin Members should arrive at 5:05pm to set-up prior to the gates opening. Tell the Parking Attendant that you are with the Chasco Community Partner for the evening and you won’t have to pay the parking fee. For more information please check the Get Involved page on the website. In Altruistic Love, Cindy Jolly PAGE 2 THE BEAT of AUSTIN June 1, 2015 MEMBERSHIP NEW ALTRUSAN MELISSA MATHEWS BY CARLENE SANDERS Welcome to our new Altrusan, Melissa Mathews, who joined at our April 11th Retreat. Melissa has previously attended several Altrusa meetings as Robyn Riley’s guest. Raised in Austin, Melissa attended Anderson High School and now works as the business office supervisor at Austin Radiological Association in North Austin. She and Robyn met at Camp Gladiator where they both work out. Melissa has wanted to find an organization in which she could volunteer within her community and have the flexibility which Altrusa offers. She is also very interested in health and finds our Smart Meals project especially appealing because of its focus on helping families with children build a healthier lifestyle. We are very happy to add Melissa Mathews to our Altrusa family! NEW ALTRUSAN MOLLY McKINNON BY CARLENE SANDERS Molly McKinnon says she was actually named after her father’s award-winning black angus cow from his days in FFA. Although born (a twin) and raised in Dallas, Molly’s love of travel took her to California immediately after she graduated high school. She spent the next 8 years living in various cities from San Francisco to L.A. and even studied abroad at the University of Vienna in business and marketing. Recently she returned to Texas to be closer to family, choosing Austin over the larger Dallas. Molly now works as store manager at The Impeccable Pig, a boutique on South Congress. In addition to traveling, she enjoys outdoor activities and volunteering. She appreciates the Altrusan dedication to service and helping a wide variety of community recipients. We are happy to welcome Molly to our Altrusa family. Thank you, Kristina Mitchell for bringing us Molly. NEW ALTRUSAN MICHELLE HENSON BY CARLENE SANDERS New member, Michelle Henson, was born and raised in Austin and played a little basketball in high school. Married, with a young son under two years old, Michelle laughed when asked about hobbies though she enjoys gardening and cooking when time permits. She works at the Internal Revenue Service as a Revenue Agent, auditing tax exempt organizations. Michelle looks forward to volunteering and getting to know like-minded ladies in Austin Altrusa. Thanks to Robyn Riley, we welcome Michelle Henson to our fold! We are very happy to welcome Michelle to our Altrusa family! PAGE 3 JUNE 1, 2015 THE BEAT of AUSTIN RETREAT BY CARLENE SANDERS The month of April is always a busy one for Altrusans, and this year was no exception. On Saturday, April 11th, we met for a one day retreat and celebrated Altrusa of Austin’s 92nd birthday. Our goals for the event were threefold: new member orientation, conference planning, and (of course) socializing. And, we definitely accomplished those goals! We all agreed that each of us learned new things about Altrusa history and tradition with our “shared” readings lead by Cindy Jolly. After lunch, we spread out to work on our Elvis capes for conference…thanks to Robyn and Joy Riley for all their work and securing of supplies. Two batches of punch (provided by Joy) went quickly, although the level of the “naughty” version punch dropped faster than the “nice” version. We were inspired! As a wonderful surprise, Melissa Mathews, Robyn’s guest, applied for membership in Altrusa. We could not have asked for a better gift. We all left in complete agreement…we want more time to socialize with our sister Altrusans. Thanks to each of you who came, shared, and brought food and drink and supplies for cape making. You all made this a very special and fun day. Linda Nichols shows off her cape to be worn on Fun Night at Conference. ALTRUSAN RECOGNIZED BY LOCAL SCHOOL BY MS. GROTRIAN - TEACHER AT OAK HILL ELEMENTARY I have to admit, there’s nothing more enjoyable than hearing children laughing while listening to a story being read aloud to them. As you walk through the halls of OHE, you’ll often hear a theatrical voice echoing through the open rooms followed by chants of laughter. This is the sound of Ms. Jodi Picardat reading to our beloved OHE students. Jodi is one of our many volunteers who dedicate their time and talent to Oak Hill. It’s definitely a literary treat for our students, and you’re sure to fall in love each story she reads! She brings her characters to life with her unique voices and infectious energy. I remember the first time she came to read to my class, and I thought to myself, “Yes! A bit of free time to grade some papers!” Little did I know that I would spend the whole time listening to the story, just as engaged as my students; smiling and laughing along with them! I can’t imagine the endless amount of students who have grown to love reading, simply because of Ms. Jodi’s impact! She has introduced our students to a variety of genres, authors, and characters. Therefore, students are even more excited to venture to the library to get the next book in the sequel or read another story by the same author. Kristina Mitchell & Brenda Reeves decorate Viva Altrusa of Austin capes on Carlene’s deck at the Retreat. Jodi Picardat reading to a classroom full of engaged kids at Oak Hill Elementary. Thus, on behalf of OHE, I would like to take a moment to say “Thank You Ms. Jodi” for sharing your love for reading with our students throughout the years. Our students will forever remember the way you made books come alive! EXCERPT FROM PRINCIPAL’S BLOG - “MS. JODI’S STORYTIME AT OAK HILL ELEMENTARY” PAGE 4 THE BEAT of AUSTIN June 1, 2015 SERVICE PROJECTS SMART MEALS TASTING EVENT – MARCH 26TH BY TANYA GOLDSMITH Altrusa’s Smart Meals Cookbook A Healthy Guide for Home Cooking Tanya Goldsmith standing next to all of the meal bags to be handed out to the students in attendance. On Friday, May 26th, Altrusa Austin held a “Smart Meals Tasting” event at the Goodwill Excel School for the students and faculty. We introduced the Smart Meals cookbook and set up five stations for the attendees to visit and either sample recipes from the book or learn how to read the labels on our foods. Cards were provided so that the students could get checked off for each table they visited and drop the card in a fishbowl for a drawing for prizes. Austin Altrusans had donated cookware, crock pots and blenders for the drawing. Altrusa was fortunate to have a terrific guest speaker, Karen Flanagan a registered nutritionist to speak about healthy habits and how to use the book. Karen also owns a local organic egg farm and brought one of her ‘retired’ laying hens “Henny Penny” to illustrate how important natural foods are to our health. The event was very well attended and a huge success for everyone. Karen Flanagan, Henny Penny & Carlene Sanders at the Smart Meals Tasting. Austin Altrusans at the Goodwill Excel School hosting their Smart Meals Tasting. Cindy Jolly, Joy Riley, Robyn Riley & Kristina Mitchell pose with the ASH Dash Bunny after the 5K. ASH DASH 5K BUNNY RUN – APRIL 4 For the second year, Austin Altrusans participated in the 5K run/walk benefiting Austin State Hospital. Participants were Joy Riley, Robyn Riley, Kristina Mitchell and Cindy Jolly. WILLIAMS COMMUNITY SCHOOL 5K RUN – APRIL 25 Carlene Sanders & Ann Whitt handing out water at the Williams Community School 5K Run. Austin Altrusans volunteered at the William’s Community School 5K fundraiser by hosting two water stations and volunteering with check-in and cheerleading. Altrusan Kelly Netherton ran the race, while Cheryl Taylor, Tanya Goldsmith, Carlene Sanders, Ann Whitt, and Cindy Jolly were volunteers. The focus of Williams Community School is to serve children who have an autism diagnosis as well as children with other learning differences. Many thanks to Melinda Caldwell at William’s Community School for inviting Austin Altrusa to serve. PAGE 5 JUNE 1, 2015 THE BEAT of AUSTIN BREAKFAST AT SANCHEZ ELEMENTARY – MAY 8TH BY TANYA GOLDSMITH On Friday, May 8th, Altrusans Cheryl Taylor, Jessica Lester and Tanya Goldsmith attended the Sanchez Elementary Principal Coffee. Altrusa of Austin provided coffee, breakfast bagels, sweets and fresh fruit for the staff and parents. We presented the Smart Meals cookbook and garden project to the group. The Sanchez parents are very excited about the garden project as they have put a lot of work into renovating their community garden and see it as a way of involving their children in learning about healthy eating. Immediately following our May 19 business meeting, Austin Altrusans assembled the garden packets which will include the Smart Meals cookbook, Bilingual versions of the garden how-to handout, containers of zucchini seeds and recipes. We have also created a bilingual glossary for the cookbook to make it easier for the Sanchez community to use. Smart Meals cookbooks handed out to the Goodwill Excel School students along with the parents at Sanchez Elementary at the Principal Coffee. Final distribution is scheduled for May 29. Altrusans will speak to the students during the end of year assembly about Smart Meals and healthy habits. The packets will be given to the teachers to distribute. DID YOU KNOW? THE NEWLY REVISED ALTRUSA LOGO BY BRENDA REEVES The new logo was designed to be reflective of the Altrusa brand which is based on clarity, flexibility and inclusion. Clarity is seen in the clean lines and open space evident in the design. The flowing lines of different heights rise and fall to demonstrate flexibility. The lines start and finish together with all that falls between, symbolizing inclusion, various aspects of Altrusa service, and our diversity. There is one line that connects, yet extends upward and beyond the rest, representing the leadership development inherent in Altrusa membership. The beauty is that each of us can see a unique personal story as we participate in all the lines of the Altrusa activity. As you look at the structure of the logo you will see that the image is the letter “A” standing for Altrusa. There are three cross bars to the A, each having a different color and lending a different perspective to the image as you view it. This further represents the concept of flexibility which is perhaps the most important aspect of our brand. The tallest line (banner, ribbon, or path) is the new deeper shade of blue. Picture the color of the oceans linking lands around the globe (think Bermuda, New Zealand, and Puerto Rico), and representing the worldwide nature of Altrusa. It is like the crest of a wave, and used for the highest arch representing the International organization. The much darker shade of blue grey is symbolic of the wave base; the depth and foundation of the sea which represents the clubs and districts that make up the Altrusa organization. They are parts of the same whole, only together do they make the letter “A”. The golden colored banner represents ASTRA, Altrusa’s treasure and our future. The brilliant red line, a very special one, is the color of the heart, and strength of Altrusans. It represents all those to whom Altrusa is important; our members, our communities, and those with whom we partner. Together we are “Leading to a Better Community” wherever we are. Excerpted from the International President’s Message Dec., 2012 PAGE 6 THE BEAT of AUSTIN June 1, 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS & COMMITTEE CHAIRS CLUB MEETINGS 2nd Thursday of every month Board of Directors phone conference 6:30 - 7:00pm. 3rd Tuesday of every month at Café Express, 2418 N. Lamar Blvd. Social Time / Networking from 5:30 - 6:30pm Business Meeting / 6:30 - 7:30pm CONTACT US ALTRUSA INTERNATIONAL OF AUSTIN, TEXAS BOARD OF DIRECTORS: JUNE 2015-2016 President: Cindy Jolly President-Elect: Joy Riley Secretary: Kelly Netherton Treasurer: Nicole Trubee Treasurer-Elect: Jenna Wade Directors: Erin Miles-Field, 2015-2017 Linda Nichols, 2015-2017 Ann Whitt, 2014-2016 austin.altrusa@gmail.com Check out our “Get Involved” page at www.austin.altrusa.org UPCOMING DATES June 6 - No Activity Meeting June 7 - 1pm Golf Tournament Fundraiser June 11 - 6:30-7pm Club Board of Directors meeting June 16 - 6-7:30pm June Business Meeting July 4 - No Activity Meeting July 9 - 6:30-7pm Club Board of Directors meeting July 14 or 21 - July Business Meeting July 17-20 - International Convention in Kansas City Left to Right: Ann Whitt, Linda Nichols, Joy Riley, Kelly Netherton, Nicole Trubee, & Cindy Jolly ALTRUSA OF AUSTIN COMMITTEES SERVICE Service - Linda Nichols Chair Programs - Nellie Hartsell and Linda Spigelmire, Co-Chair MEMBERSHIP Membership Development - Carlene Sanders, Chair FINANCE Finance - Nicole Trubee, Chair Fundraising - Joy Riley, Chair COMMUNICATIONS Communications - Robyn Riley, Chair Historian/Archives - Holly McCoy, Chair ALTRUSA INTERNATIONAL OF AUSTIN, TEXAS FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS: JUNE 2015-2016 July 21 - Business Meeting July 29 - Round Rock Express Baseball Game with Altrusa of Austin as the featured Charity President: Robyn Riley President-Elect: Donna Jones Secretary: Cheryl Taylor Treasurer: Brenda Reeves August 1 - Activity Meeting Location TBD (Assembling club records, photos, awards 1998-Present for Archive) August 13 - 6:30-7pm Club Board of Directors Meeting August 18 - 6-7:30pm August Business Meeting Newsletter Editors: Cindy Jolly & Robyn Riley Left to Right: Cheryl Taylor, Donna Jones, Robyn Riley, & Brenda Reeves PAGE 7
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