September 2016 - Black Canyon Quilt Show
September 2016 - Black Canyon Quilt Show
Volume 22 Issue 9 Sept. 2016 F riendship Quil ters of Weste rn Colorad o P .O . Box 33 71 Mon trose , Col orad o 814 02 President’s M essage 2016 Officers President Robbie Turgeon Vice President Jan Edwards 832-754-6302 De Love 250-5564 Secretary Margi Young 497-4410 Treasurer Mary Huff 209-5837 maryj14@ Newsletter Editor JanDaoust 249-4479 Hello to all of you! Hope your summer went well. I’ve really had a bunch of company for most of the season, but see a slowdown approaching rapidly now that school has started. What a great program we had last month! The ‘What Ifs’ were truly amazing and very entertaining! Everyone seemed to really enjoy their projects and their creativity. Thank you so very much for sharing with us! Makes me want to see all of our groups and the projects they are doing! Looking forward to seeing what’s next in September! I had an opportunity to attend the CQC meeting in Grand Junction this past month and really enjoyed the guest speaker, Ami Simms. She was very funny, just telling us about her mistakes and her learning process along the journey called quilting. If you should ever get a chance to hear her, don’t miss it! I’d love to hear her again myself! Thanks to Jan Edwards for alerting me to her visit and for taking me to see her AND to learn about CQC. We have a Nominating Committee! I really need all of you to step up to the plate to fill positions that are vacating this year should one of our committee members contact you. If you cannot fill the position, find some job to be a part of our guild. It is a great way for you to get to know everyone, and for them to get to know you! It’s fun! Enjoy the should be a beautiful one this year! My trees are already starting to turn color. See you all at Guild September 22! FUN FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Success is not what you gain in life or accomplish yourself. It’s what you do for others. Robbie T. September Birthdays Debbie Miles 1 Jan Edwards 3 October Barb Scheu 7 Susie Quesnel 9 Caring Quilts Three caring quilts were guild meeting and were donated to Oct. 6 the San Juan Cancer Center. Nov. 3 Margi Young 5 Julie Duncan 19 Anne Erickson 7 Peggy King 21 Cards were sent to Leah Mor- Carol Gericke 8 Gail Fox 23 gan, Pat Huff, and the family of Rebecca Chatham 24 Tom Richards. Martha Metzger 23 Mary Ann Stark 27 Oct. 20 Board Meeting Dates: Nona Kay Frantz 14 Debra Houts 24 Sept. 22 received at the August FQWC Carol J Gerk 5 Mary Huff 21 Guild Meeting Dates Sunshine : **please contact Sandy Michaud eng- 626-3453 Friendship Quilters of Western Colorado Guild Meeting Victory Baptist Church August 24, 2016 The meeting began at 9:35am. There were 45 members and 1 guest in attendance. The minutes of the July meeting were approved as printed in the newsletter. Treasurer’s Report: Mary Huff gave the Treasurer’s Report. The prior balance was 7568.66, there were no deposits, checks were written the amount of 113.58, leaving a balance of 7455.08. President Robbie Turgeon read thank you notes from Kathy Strong and Amos Coghill. New Business: Robbie Turgeon announced that Elizabeth Binder and Leah Morgan have volunteered to be on the Nominating Committee. Myrtle Hogue volunteered to join the Committee. Committee Reports: Caring Quilts: Sharrie Blackwelder and Jan Edwards have labels for your quilts. Library Quilt: The quilt on display now is by Peggy King, September’s quilt is by Robin Starnes. BCQS: It is important that everyone attend the general meeting on September 17th at 9:00am at the Centennial Hall for the election of Board members for the 2017 year. They need a treasurer. The Quilt Show dates have been moved up a week and will be July 21 – July 23. Judging is July 19th and set up is July 20th. Sunshine: Cards were sent to Leah Morgan, Pat Huff, the family of Tom Richards, Cindy Holman and Paula Straw. Hope West: Quilts on display are by Ginny Frame in September and Sue Hillhouse in October. Myrtle will continue as the Chair next year. Newsletter: Jan Daoust asks for information be submitted by the 7th of each month. Volunteers: The Guild needs members to volunteer for each meeting, needs are greeters, set up, clean up, and treats. Jan has figured that we can all volunteer for one of these “jobs” and the requirements will be nearly met. Sharing Ministries: September is our month to donate. Sue Gattis will leave the trunk of her silver car open in the parking lot during the September meeting, so that you won’t even need to lug your items into the meeting. Chinle: Sue Sharman is going Monday and Tuesday, she has vinyl for covers for sewing machines, toasters, etc. Mystery Quilt: Quilt tops will be shown at the October meeting. Programs: Melody Maskus announced that the “What If” group is presenting today. In September Rosella Gracia will be talking about pieced backing in the Fibonacci way. Retreat: Melody announced that 7 participants have signed up. The retreat is from October 6th to 10th. The cost is $350.00 for lodging, food, and other fun things. Quilt Shows: Silverton Quilt Show is September 9 – 10 at the Gymnasium, Ouray Fiber Festival is September 24 – 25. Santa Fe Quilt Show is October 7, 8 and 9. The September Board meeting is on the 1st at 10:00 at Robbie Turgeon’s home. Show and Tell was beautiful. Treats were yummy. A presentation by the “What If” group featured their challenge pieces and some pieces from their past. The meeting ended at 11:30am. Respectfully submitted, Margi Young, Secretary Upcoming Events: Quilt23-24, 9am—5pm, sponsored by CQC Quilt-a-Fair—September Fair -vendors, classes, demos Guest speakers and classes—see attached flyer Sneffels Fiber Festival—Sept. 24, 25 in Ridgeway. Vendors, Festival classes, and demos Grand Valley Quilt Show—Sept. 24 & 25. Sat. 10am-4pm Sun. Show 11am—3pm Battlement School House and Glover Cabin 7235 Road 300, Parachute, CO Library Quilts: Black Canyon Quilt Show News Strips and Bits was created by Robyn Starnes as part of a project with the EZ Strippers. This is the quilt at the Library Mark your calendar for the Annual Meeting! for the next month. Saturday September 17th 9:00am Centennial Room (right off Centennial Plaza) Please come vote for your 2017 Board Members so committee chairs can begin work on the show immediately. 2-Cubes Quilting Mystery Quilts All of the instructions for our mystery quilt are out. Finish yours up for the October FQWC meeting. Bring just the completed top or the finished, quilted product. We will be eager to see the varied looks in fabric and border choices. Peggy Sept.—Jane Savaria, Mary Ross, Rebecca Sept. - Karla Gilbert, Sue Palmer Chatham, Kathy Barminski*, Nancy Sharing Ministries Oct.—Michelle Courtney, Debbie Phillips* Oct.—Carol Peterson, Carolyn Miles Cassedy, Cheryl Yergler Sept.—Sue Palmer, Mary *Healthy Snack Sept.—Rebecca Chatham, Shana Jenson Ann Stark, Sue Palmer Next collection will be in September. Remember to bring non-food items. Oct.—Karen DeJulio, Barb Connelly Oct.—Michelle Courtney, Debbie Miles as aske d h ervices S h t u s to Yo ing bag Hilltop drawstr ½ X 8½ from s and 6 e s a c moved w e lo r il n p e r e fo have b r en w h o d il h c o give t m es . their ho f Valor o s t l i u Q of every y a d n o tM e the firs r ia s g in t at the C 0 Mee 0 : 3 o 0t rom 9:0 er. f h t n o m ity Cent n u m m Creek Co marron The 15th Annual Vintage Quilt Show is now open at the Ouray Co unty Historical Society, 420 6th Ave. in Ouray. The show features 25 quilts all mad e before 1960 with accurate docum entation as to the pattern and the quilt’s family history, if kn ows. See all hand quilted pieces from baby quilts and appl iquéd quilts to quaint piece d quilts and embroidered red work quilts. Make a date with a quilter friend and come to Ouray . The Museum is open ev ery day from mow until completi on of the show on Septem ber 30th, Mon.-Sat. 10am to 4pn and Sunday 1pm to 4pm . Admission to the whole museum (including the quilt show ) is $7 and the historic hospital muse um has been termed “The best little museum in the West” by the Smithsonian. The new quilt is an interesting rendition of Cathedral Windows by Ginny Frame. August—The “What Ifs” were a terrific hit!!! Thanks so much to all the ladies of the group who shared with us about their personal “then and now” quilting growth. It was also fascinating to see their groups challenge and how each of them approached the challenge and their inspiration! What an amazingly talented group they are! September — Our September program will be Rosella Grasha and she will share with us about pieced backings and how Fibonacci math can work wonders for making your quilts balanced and interesting: • “Leonardo comes to play in the studio— studio—Making sense of pieced backings using the Fibonacci Number Sequence.” Become confident and attain a cohesive look when piecing a backing from several fabrics, AND you can use the ‘Fibonacci Math’ when planning your quilt top also! • Rosella Grasha, a life-time ‘scrapper’ teaches/lectures on all aspects of scrap-stash management. In her latest lecture series, she invites others to ‘Come Along With Me—a scrap-quilter’s journey to wholeness through the quilting process.’ Fabric Sale: Sept. 16 & 17, 8:30-5 63080 LaSalle $4/yard for quality material. Serendipity Quilting Where the Unexpected Happens Judy Clay 970-209-5536 Presented by the Colorado Quilt Council When— When—September 23-24 Where —Boulder Co. Fairgrounds, 9595 Nelson Road, Longmont, CO You must be a member to attend—$25/year (cost of admission is attend $5/day or $8 /both days—in addition to dues) forms available at or call Kaila Mills at 307-761-3727 Lodging—Best Western Plaza Hotel, 1900 Ken Pratt Blvd, Lodging Longmont, CO—contact Kay Hefner, 303-986-4560; Flyer with additional information attached Oct. 6-10; th e cost is $35 0 which inclu des all food a nd snacks; the project is a 36x36 wall h by Judy Ne anging imeyer called ‘Pinwheel’; and any oth all er sewing is y o u r choice— UFO’s or H oliday Gifts . Spaces are st ill available. Contact Me dy Maskus loat 719-740 -0515 or riv ervalleyquilte m