Pulse total-hemoglobinometer provides accurate noninvasive
Pulse total-hemoglobinometer provides accurate noninvasive
Pulse total-hemoglobinometer provides accurate noninvasive monitoring Eisei Noiri, MD, PhD; Naoki Kobayashi; Yoshiaki Takamura; Takehiko Iijima, DDS, DMSc, PhD; Toshiyuki Takagi, MD; Kent Doi, MD, PhD; Akihide Nakao, MD, PhD; Tokunori Yamamoto, MD, PhD; Sunao Takeda, PhD; Toshiro Fujita, MD, PhD Objective: Rapid noninvasive measurement of total hemoglobin would be extremely useful for various clinical situations. This study determined the clinical accuracy and utility for a pulse total-hemoglobinometer using four wavelengths: 660 nm (reduced hemoglobin), 805 nm (isosbestic point), 940 nm (oxygenated hemoglobin), and 1300 nm (water density). Design: Clinical trial. Setting: University school of medicine. Patients: Patients were 122 individuals (age, 18 – 82 yrs; 49.4 ⴞ 16.0 yrs [mean ⴞ SD]), including 71 healthy volunteers, 24 patients undergoing surgery, and 27 patients undergoing hemodialysis. Interventions: The hemoglobinometer probe, which simultaneously indicated peripheral oxygen saturation, pulse rate, and hemoglobin, was placed on the fingertip similarly to a regular pulse oximeter. The hemoglobin values were compared with those obtained by the co-oximeter or the sodium lauryl sulfate-methemoglobin method. Those hemoglobin values were assigned to either the training set or the validation set for statistical evaluation. Measurements and Main Results: Multiple regression analysis including the ratio of the pulsatile optical density (⌽ij) derived P from the four wavelengths and other factors demonstrated that the mean value of the normalized pulse wave obtained from the photodiode at 805 nm (DC805) and the ratios of DC940 and DC1300 (DC940/DC1300) were the pivotal factors in the hemoglobinometer’s increased accuracy in the clinically useful range. The coefficient of determination between both methods was r2 ⴝ .81 (p < .0001) in the training set and r2 ⴝ .75 (p < .0001) in the validation set. When the cutoff value of anemia was set at 10 g/dL, and anemia was defined as <10 g/dL, the respective sensitivity and specificity of hemoglobinometer values to detect anemia in intraoperative patients were 84.3% and 84.6% (n ⴝ 20). Conclusions: The data demonstrated the necessity for consideration of light scattering in red blood cells for pulse-spectrophotometric hemoglobin measurement. This was accomplished with additional factors, such as DC805 and DC940/DC1300. With these improvements, the pulse hemoglobinometer provided noninvasive, clinically acceptable measurement of hemoglobin. The pulse hemoglobinometer is a versatile tool that might be useful for routine health checkups of neonates and young children, intraoperative monitoring of bleeding, and emergency care. (Crit Care Med 2005; 33:E2831) ulse spectrophotometry method uses particular wavelengths and computation to measure certain components in circulating blood. The peripheral oxygen saturation monitor is used frequently in the clinical setting worldwide. Pulse oximetry calcu- lates the percentage of oxygenated hemoglobin (Hb) from the ratio between the pulsatile optical density derived from two wavelengths, where the reduced Hb level comes from the wavelength of 660 nm and the oxygenated Hb from the wavelength of 940 nm (1– 4). In addition, pulse oximetry From the Department of Nephrology & Endocrinology (EN, KD, AN, TF), Center for Dialysis, Apheresis, and Applied Medicine (EN, TF), University Hospital, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan; Research and Development Center (NK, YT, ST), Nihon-Kohden Corp., Tokyo, Japan; Department of Anesthesiology (TI, TT), Kyorin University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan; and Department of Urology (TY), Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan. Supported, in part, by grants from the Cell Science Research Foundation (Osaka, Japan; EN), Fukuda Foundation for Medical Technology (Tokyo, Japan; EN), and Foundation for Renal Anemia Therapy (Tokyo, Japan; EN). The pulse Hb meter is approved for receiving a Japanese patent and is patent pending in USP and DEP, which was conducted by investigators in NihonKohden Corp. (NK, YT, ST). The first and second authors contributed equally to this study. Address requests for reprints to: Eisei Noiri, MD, PhD, Departments of Nephrology and Endocrinology, 107 Laboratory, University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo, Tokyo. E-mail, noiri-tky@umin.ac.jp Copyright © 2005 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Crit Care Med 2005 Vol. 33, No. 12 DOI: 10.1097/01.CCM.0000190430.96750.51 should be useful for measurement of red blood cell (RBC) total Hb concentration. The wavelength of 805 nm is also specific for Hb and 1300 nm for water density. Therefore, we attempted to measure Hb at clinical levels by detecting these four wavelengths with a specific fingertip probe and then calculating Hb levels using Lambert-Beer’s principle. Noninvasive measurement of Hb is particularly useful in the care of neonates and young children, intraoperative monitoring of bleeding, ambulatory outpatient care, and emergency care of victims in war and disaster areas. This report describes the clinical accuracy and utility of the noninvasive pulse total-hemoglobinometer (Hb-meter) that we developed and tested in this study. PATIENTS AND METHODS Study Populations. The entire protocol of this study was explained to all subjects. Their informed consent was obtained before the ini- E2831 centration is Cw ⫽ 100 (g/dL). The wavelength of 805 nm is the isosbestic point for both oxygenated and reduced Hb. Therefore, it is unaffected by the change of oxygen saturation and is specific for Hb. The wavelength of 1300 nm is specific for water density. The wavelengths of 660 and 940 nm were added to the calculation, particularly to minimize the effect of oxygen saturation to increase the measurement accuracy. The training set (Table 1) was also used for formulation of the Hb-meter. The pulsatile components (AC) and the mean value (DC) of normalized pulse wave obtained from the photodiode were calculated separately for each of the four wavelengths. They further demonstrated the pulsatile component of optical density as ⌬A ⬵ AC/DC [2] for each wavelength. The ratio of ⌬A between two wavelengths (⌽ij) was calculated as ⌽ ij ⬅ ⌬Ai/⌬Aj ⬵ 共 ACi/DCi兲/共 ACj/DCj兲 [3] (i, j ⫽ 1ⵑ4; where 1 ⫽ 1300, 2 ⫽ 940, 3 ⫽ 805, 4 ⫽ 660 nm). The ratio of the mean value of the current obtained from the photodiode (⌿ij) was calculated using the following formula ⌿ ij ⬅ DCi/DCj Figure 1. Flow chart for pulse-spectrophotometric computation of hemoglobin (tHbp). tiation of the study, in accordance with the protocol approved by the Human Study Committee of Kyorin University. We measured Hb in 122 persons (age, 19 – 82 yrs; 49.4 ⫾ 16.0 yrs [mean ⫾ SD]) using the pulse Hb-meter, including 71 healthy volunteers, 24 patients under operation, and 27 hemodialysis patients. Blood was drawn simultaneously for the reference Hb value that was measured using a co-oximeter in the operating room or by the sodium lauryl sulfate-Hb method for hemodialysis patients and a subgroup (n ⫽ 38) of the healthy volunteers. The sodium lauryl sulfate-Hb method, which engenders no toxic laboratory wastes, is a highly accurate laboratory measurement of Hb that is used widely in Japan as an alternative to the cyanmethemoglobin method (5, 6). Twenty intraoperative patients were monitored independently using both the co-oximeter and the pulse Hbmeter to examine the sensitivity and specificity of the pulse Hb-meter. Principle of the Pulse Hb-Meter. The pulsespectrophotometric Hb computation method is summarized in Figure 1. The pulsatile optical density (⌬A) indicates the change of total optical density of blood components at specific wavelengths () according to the Lambert-Beer law: Crit Care Med 2005 Vol. 33, No. 12 ⌬A ⫽ (Eh ⫻ Ch ⫹ Ew ⫻ Cw ⫻ ⌬l. In that equation, Eh (dL/g/cm) represents the extinction coefficient of Hb (linear combination of the extinction coefficients of reduced Hb and oxygenated Hb according to the saturation oxygen); Ch represents the Hb concentration in the blood; Ew (1/cm) represents the extinction coefficient of water (dL/g/cm); Cw represents the water concentration in the blood (g/dL); and ⌬l represents the change of light path length aroused by pulsation of blood pressure (cm). The ratio (⌽) of ⌬A is expressed by two LambertBeer formulas in which ⌽ is mechanically detectable when the blood component is measured at two wavelengths: ⌬A 1 ⫽ ⌽⬅ ⌬A 2 共Eh1 䡠 Ch ⫹ Ew1 䡠 Cw兲 䡠 ⌬l 共Eh2 䡠 Ch ⫹ Ew2 䡠 Cw兲 䡠 ⌬l ⫽ Ch ⫽ Eh1 䡠 共Ch/Cw兲 ⫹ Ew1 Eh2 䡠 共Ch/Cw兲 ⫹ Ew2 Ew1 ⫺ ⌽12 䡠 Ew2 ⫻ Cw关g/dl兴 ⌽12 䡠 Eh2 ⫺ Eh1 [1] Consequently, the Hb value is obtained from the pulse Hb-meter when the water con- [4] Simple regression analysis was used to detect the respective optimum relations between 16 variables (⌽21, ⌽31, ⌽41, ⌽32, ⌽42, ⌽43, ⌿21, ⌿31, ⌿41, ⌿32, ⌿42, ⌿43, DC1, DC2, DC3, and DC4) and the reference Hb value. The respective coefficients of determination were examined for the 16 variables and the reference Hb value (Table 1 in supplemental data online). A model to estimate the real Hb value was subsequently established using multiple regression analysis (see detail in supplemental data online and Table 2 in supplemental data online). The following formula shows the pulse-spectrophotometric estimation of the Hb value (tHbp). tHb p ⫽ a ⫻ ⌽ 41 ⫹ b ⫻ ⌽ 31 ⫹ c ⫻ ⌽ 21 ⫹ d ⫻ ⌿ 21 ⫹ e ⫻ DC 3 ⫹ f [5] In that equation, the values for a to f were obtained using multiple regression analysis. Fingertip Probe. Light-emitting diodes were obtained from Epitex (Kyoto, Japan). We obtained InGaAs PIN photodiodes from Hamamatsu Photonics KK (Shizuoka, Japan). We made the specific fingertip probe carrying the four-wavelength light-emitting diode. The actual monitor is 21 ⫻ 26 ⫻ 5 cm; the indicator also reports values for peripheral oxygen saturation and pulse wave (Fig. 2). Statistical Analysis. Sampled data were assigned to the training set and the validation set to investigate bias and precision between E2831 Table 1. Sampling numbers Training set Validation set Total Control Surg HD Total 36 35 71 12 12 24 13 14 27 61 61 122 Control, healthy individuals; Surg, surgical patients; HD, chronic hemodialysis patients. Sampled data were assigned to the training set and the validation set, alternately. Table 2. Biases and precision values for respective groups in training and validation sets tHbp Training set Control Surg HD All Validation set Control Surg HD All tHbp-tHbs No. Mean Max Min Mean SD 36 12 13 61 14.4 11.1 9.8 12.8 17.0 14.6 12.2 17.0 10.3 7.3 6.8 6.8 ⫺0.32 0.00 0.89 0.00 1.06 1.19 1.39 1.24 35 12 14 61 14.3 10.7 10.7 12.8 16.5 12.6 13.0 16.5 12.3 6.0 6.9 6.0 ⫺0.57 ⫺0.07 0.83 ⫺0.16 0.99 1.04 1.65 1.30 tHbp, hemoglobin calculated pulse-spectrophotometrically; tHbs, reference hemoglobin value; Control, healthy individuals; Surg, surgical patients; HD, chronic hemodialysis patients. the tHbp and reference Hb values (Tables 1 and 2). The correlation between both values was analyzed using Pearson’s rank test. The distribution of the tHbp value was compared with the reference Hb value using BlandAltman’s method. The sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of anemia were calculated using a cross-table. RESULTS The Hb values obtained using Equation 5 (tHbp) were compared with those of blood samples from study subjects as determined by the standard Hb measurement using the co-oximeter or sodium lauryl sulfate-Hb methods (reference Hb). The range of tHbp in this study was between 6.8 and 17.0 g/dL in the training set and 6.0 and 16.5 g/dL in the validation set. The training set data are plotted in Figure 3, A and B. The tHbp and reference Hb values were highly correlated (r2 ⫽ .81, p ⬍ .0001; Fig. 3A). Their variation was 0.00 ⫾ 1.24 g/dL (mean ⫾ SD; Fig. 3B). Next, the validation set (n ⫽ 61) was used for evaluation of Equation 5, compared with the reference Hb value. Again, a significant correlation between these two values was found (r2 ⫽ .75, p ⬍ .0001; Fig. 3C). Bland-Altman plot deCrit Care Med 2005 Vol. 33, No. 12 picts the variation of this second set as ⫺0.16 ⫾ 1.30 g/dL (Fig. 3D). The difference between tHbp and the reference Hb value was examined in each group of the training and validation sets. It is summarized in Table 2, which shows that the larger bias was more pronounced in the hemodialysis group. The fingertip probe of the pulse Hbmeter was attached to 20 intraoperative patients, and the reference Hb was measured using a co-oximeter. The maximum value was 15.8 g/dL in tHbp and 14.1 g/dL in the reference Hb. The minimum value was 4.1 g/dL in tHbp and 4.3 g/dL in the reference Hb; the standard error was 0.098. The sensitivity to detect anemia during operation using the pulse total-hemoglobinometer was 84.3% and the specificity was 84.6% when the anemia was defined as Hb of ⬍10.0 g/dL. A representative pulse Hb monitoring was recorded during an emergency operation of ectopic pregnancy; it is shown in Figure 4. Both Hb values simultaneously increased when bleeding was stopped during surgery. DISCUSSION The pulse Hb-meter’s utilization of four wavelengths (660, 805, 940, and Figure 2. Photo and display of pulse hemoglobinometer. 1300 nm) and other factors, instead of only the two wavelengths (660 and 940 nm) used by the oximeter, allows measurement of Hb up to its most clinically useful level. This fact is convinced by Figure 5, which portrays the relation between the reference Hb concentration and the ratio of ⌬A by two wavelengths, where variables in Equation 1 are assigned respectively as 1 ⫽ 805 and 2 ⫽ 1300. Although these variables show linearity, Lambert-Beer’s two-wavelength principle is unsuitable for clinical Hb measurement as is (r2 ⫽ .40). In addition, the application of the four wavelengths and their ⌽ij were insufficient to increase the accuracy (see supplemental Fig. 1) because the coefficient of determination between the spectrophotometrically estimated Hb and the reference Hb improved only to r2 ⫽ .51 in the training set and r2 ⫽ .54 in the validation set, which were not clinically appreciable levels. Figure 3 shows other variables in addition to the ⌽ij (Table 1 in supplemental data online) examined in multivariate regression analysis. Addition of these variables to the model further improved and achieved the accuracy of formula (2). This improved accuracy is derived from the offset effect of the subtle changes in absorbance that are presumably related to RBC light scattering. In other words, DC805 and E2831 T he pulse hemoglobinometer is a versatile tool that might be useful for routine health checkups of neonates and young children, intraoperative monitoring of bleeding, and emergency care. Figure 3. Correlation and discrepancy between pulse-spectrophotometric computation of hemoglobin (tHbp) and reference hemoglobin values (tHbs). A, The mutual correlation of the methods was examined in the training set and found to be significant (r2 ⫽ .81, p ⬍ .0001). B, difference between tHbp and tHbs value was plotted in the training set. Mean difference and SD were 0.00 ⫾ 1.24 g/dL. C, The mutual correlation of the methods was further examined in the validation set and was confirmed as similarly significant to that of the training set (r2 ⫽ .75, p ⬍ .0001). D, the difference between tHbp and tHbs was plotted in the validation set. The mean difference and SD were ⫺0.16 ⫾ 1.30 g/dL. Figure 4. Monitoring of a clinical case. Anemia caused by ectopic pregnancy was monitored, and both pulse-spectrophotometric computation of hemoglobin (tHbp; pulse Hb-meter) and the reference hemoglobin (Hb) value were plotted chronologically. The anemia improved during surgery. DC940/DC1300 in Equation 2 are able to handle the information about tissue blood volume in addition to arterial blood and thickness of the blood layer, which allows the calculation of the RBC scattering coefficient depending on the site-specific blood thickness. Nonetheless, we found maximally 10% bias in tHbp compared with the reference Crit Care Med 2005 Vol. 33, No. 12 Figure 5. Relation between ratio (⌽) of pulsatile optical density and reference Hb value (tHbs). The line with black circles is derived from the Lambert-Beer principle using two wavelengths; the simple line shows the actual correlation of both values. Hb value. This bias is comparable to the difference between venous and arterial blood in terms of Hb, which can be as much as a 10% difference depending on the vascular bed served and on the ratio between oxygenated and reduced Hb. The ref- erence Hb value in our study was a mix of venous and/or arterial sampling, which induced an approximately 10% difference between tHbp and the reference Hb value. In addition, the larger bias was more pronounced in the hemodialysis group. Hemodialysis patients are apt to suffer with microcytic hypochromic renal anemia despite the administration of erythropoietin. In addition, they have a wide range of hemoglobin levels based on their bone marrow response to erythropoietin therapy. Because the mean corpuscular volume of RBC directly affects the scattering coefficient level, and because it is slightly larger in diabetics than in nondiabetics because of the higher osmolarity attributable to hyperglycemia, it is conceivable that these pathophysiologic conditions contributed to the increased bias in the current investigation. These circumstances also affected both the sensitivity and specificity in our study. Nonetheless, the Hb-meter would provide a useful Hb level for screening purposes in widely various clinical settings. In addition, it can detect anemic conditions with sensitivity of 84.3% and specificity of 84.6%; it is capable of providing an alert for bleeding during surgery. Moreover, tHbp can also noninvasively monitor the cessation of a bleeding site during surgery (Fig. 4). Although we experienced no problems during measurement, general concerns related to pulse spectrophotometry, such as noise related to body motion and low signals from patients with insufficient peripheral circulation, remain a practical concern with the use of the Hb-meter. Substantial issues related to troubleshooting in the pulse spectrophotometry method must be considered for smoke victims with suspected carbon monoxide E2831 inhalation and for methemoglobinemia in neonates (7). Whereas the ratio of fetal hemoglobin (Hb-F) to Hb is almost 50% in neonatal Hb, the difference in the spectrophotometric curve of Hb-F compared with that of Hb is maximally 0.41% under oxygen saturation of 100% and 1.12% under 50% (8). These differences are virtually negligible for neonates, in view of the accuracy of the pulse spectrophotometry method, although it is necessary to shield the probe from light effects during phototherapy for neonatal jaundice. CONCLUSIONS The pulse Hb-meter provided accurate noninvasive blood monitoring. In addition to its use in surgical patients, it also promises to be useful for the routine care of neonates and younger children, from whom it is difficult to take blood for screening purposes, at blood donation sites, and in the emergency care of victims in war and disaster areas. In a hospital setting, the considerable time savings would benefit patient care; the cost savings would benefit both hospital management and patients’ insurance providers. 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Coefficients of determination between the calculated 16 variables and the reference hemoglobin values Coefficient of Determination Variables ⌽41 ⌽31 ⌽21 ⌿21 DC3 ⌿31 DC2 ⌿41 DC4 ⌿42 ⌿43 ⌽32 ⌽42 ⌽43 ⌿32 DC1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 0.707 0.646 0.626 ⫺0.603 ⫺0.566 ⫺0.541 ⫺0.530 ⫺0.429 ⫺0.420 0.399 0.392 0.361 0.321 0.242 0.210 ⫺0.162 Variables are shown in the order of larger absolute correlation coefficient. between 16 variables (⌽21, ⌽31, ⌽41, ⌽32, ⌽42, ⌽43, ⌿21, ⌿31, ⌿41, ⌿32, ⌿42, ⌿43, DC1, DC2, DC3, and DC4) and the reference hemoglobin (Hb) value. The respective correlation coefficients were determined between each of 16 variables and the reference Hb value (Online Table 1). The model to estimate the actual Hb value was finally established by multiple regression analysis (Online Table 2) assigning the reference Hb value of the training set as subordinate variables and the previously calculated variables as dependent variables, where eight patterns of eight independent variables (m) were chosen from the larger order of the correlation coefficient. Akaike’s information criterion (AIC) was computed, and the minimum AIC model was considered the optimum. AIC ⫽ n ⫻ log共DEVSQ/n兲 ⫹ 2 ⫻ 共m ⫹ 1兲 DEVSQ ⫽ [Online 1] 冘共 x ⫺ x 兲 2 [Online 2] In those equations, x is the difference between the spectrophotometrically estimated Hb and the reference Hb value. The residual sum of squares (DEVSQ) directed to each variable coincides with the AIC (Online Table 2). Therefore, m ⫽ 5 was ultimately chosen for the optimum model. Equation 5 in the text was finally obtained for the pulse-spectrophotometric estimation of the Hb value (tHbp). Online Table 2. Residual sum of squares (DEVSQ) and Akaike’s information criterion (AIC) m 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DEVSQ AIC 244 40.7 241 42.4 240 44.3 144 32.8 92 23.0 91 24.6 91 26.6 88 27.8 m, independent values in each model. E2831 Online Figure. Correlation and discrepancy between the pulse spectrophotometrically estimated hemoglobin (tHbp) and referential hemoglobin values (tHbs). Values of tHbp were calculated from the ratio of the pulsatile optical density (⌽41, ⌽31, ⌽21) obtained from four wavelengths. Therefore, the formula for tHbp in this case is specified as follows: tHB p ⫽ a ⫻ ⌽ 41 ⫹ b ⫻ ⌽ 31 ⫹ c ⫻ ⌽ 21 ⫹ f A, correlation of both methods was examined in the training set (r2 ⫽ .51, p ⬍ .0001). B, correlation of both methods was further examined in the validation set; the coefficient of determination was found to be similar to that of the trainingset (r2 ⫽ .54, p ⬍ .0001). Crit Care Med 2005 Vol. 33, No. 12 E2831