Project progress - Northern Periphery Programme
Project progress - Northern Periphery Programme
To uri st NEW SLETTER Gui d e f or Nor th ern Per ip he r y Project progress Our project TG4NP finally received our Grant Letter, after one year of facing different challenges and unforeseen obstacles. First the challenge of fulfilling the merge of the two projects TN-Mobile and MOvE. Second the challenge of adding Norway and Greenland to our partnership and finally to deal with the obstacle of a withdrawal of one partner in Northern Ireland. Project status Skellefteå We have been active in the technology development and at our project meeting in Iceland all partners also agreed on adapting similar starting page layout of their services. We have had a number of local meetings both with other project initiatives and stakeholders in order to keep everyone abreast of what is happening in our area. Status of the Greenlandic project As of mid october the Greenlandic TG4NP partner has been granted permission, by Kort og Matrikelstyrelsen ( the official mapping organisation of Denmark), to use digital map-data for the Arctic Circle Trail (ACT) and map-data from another trail in South Greenland so the app will now include two trails. The one in South Greenland is the hiking trail between Narsarsuaq and Narsaq. We are working together with Destination Arctic Circle (DAC), which will help with Points of Interest (POI), geographical data, pictures etc. Project Status Kemi Tornio. Gathering information about the development tools that could be used in the project. Testing the tools and selecting the proper development environment. Testing of the development tools and operating systems. Involving a student group to develop a pilot application for TG4NP. Starting the development of the pilot with the student group. The West Regional Authority , Galway, is actively developing a Mobile Tourism App for a Walking and Cycling Route associated with the “Hymany Way” which is located in a remote and peripheral area, not normally associated with tourism. A number of Mobile Platforms will be covered including iPhone, Android and will be available free to the end user. It will replace the need for printed material such as Maps, Guides and Brochures as it will use GPS and Google Maps. 2011, Issue 1 2011-11-21 Photos Project Partners Greenland Guide Galway Guide Project status North Karelia. First testing platform of new TG4NP North Karelia product was the Ilosaarirock mobile guide in summer 2011. TG4NP was active part of this production because testing possibilities of downloadable mobile guiding in certain non 3G area. Besides the testing mobile guiding in Ilosaarirock, the production team has prepared first pilot of TG4NP (called Hattuvaara MobiTrail) during the summer and autumn. Northern Ireland Guide Norwegian Guide To uri st NEW SLETTER Gui d e f or Nor th ern Per ip he r y Project progress Project Status University of Ulster. The University of Ulster team have decided to develop an app for the Mussenden Temple and Downhill Demesne tourist location. We have just finished our draft tender to invite applications to provide technical support Project Status Iceland Bifröst University (Retail Centre) is developing a Mobile Tourism App for Local food & fashion sold in the rural areas of Iceland. A number of Mobile Platforms will be covered but the technology platform has not been decided yet. Around 30 companies have been selected to form a pilot group that will cooperate with Bifröst University (Retail Centre) in design and testing of the App. Two master students will cover the two areas: 1) Local food 2) Fashion & handicraft in their thesis and take full part in the development of the App and further surveys and testing of the customer side. support. Project status Norway The Western Norway Research Institute with its local partners is developing a hiking guide. We are dependent on large amounts of information which we are helping local destination companies and similar organisations to collect. To facilitate better information collection we have helped make a tool for better GPS tracks, "average tracks". Planning, and development of the mobile application which will be web based is in it's infancy, and on track. 2011, Issue 1 2011-10-31 Photos Project Partners Greenland Guide Galway Guide Project Status ERNACT, Donegal. Meeting and follow-up with local authorities (Derry City Council and Donegal County Council) and other relevant stakeholders re services development. 4 Services have been identified. Development plan scoped. Northern Ireland Guide Norwegian Guide To uri st NEW SLETTER Gui d e f or Nor th ern Per ip he r y Planned activities Skellefteå will continue to work with the development of service for the Byske River, meetings with stakholders and our technical developer continues. North Karelia will be finishing the first main pilot Hattuvaara MobiTrail (ready in November 2011) and starting work with the main pilot in Vuonislahti-Koli area. Mobile conference and partner meeting in March 2012. Kemi Tornio, development of the Pilot application continues with meeting with the tourist companies in the Ylläs area. Starting to create the final application involving a company/developers to plan and develop the final application. Co-operation with Rural Retail Project together with Ylläs area companies who are involved in both projects. West Regional Authority, Galway will shortly be meeting with the Technology Company to further advance development of the App and decide on links to relevant websites. Greenland will start testing the app in the ACT area early spring 2012, together with DAC. We have also been granted permission to use mapdata for the South Greenland Trail (SGT) between the towns of Narsarsuaq and Narsaq, we will go forward with similar activities in spring 2012. Iceland , The development of the App continues with meeting with the selected tourist companies selling local food & fashion (handicraft). We will go over the survey we did with the selected companies and decide the main design criteria for the App. Parallel to the design phase we study the possible technology platforms available. We will look at both the applications already available in the market but also study other possibilities like open source platforms (OpenStreetMap) and the applications and methods the other TG4NP partners will test/use. Selecting the technology platform will follow this study. Norway: Information collection, and working with our local partners is ongoing. We will make more connections with developers attached to the OpenStreetMap community, and work to align our work to local and regional tourism strategies and organisations, in addition to the Semantic Sognefjord project. ERNACT,Donegal will carry on with the procurement competition for their planned technology, which will help them to find and select a successful service developer. University of Ulster is planning to meet with the local council and the National Trust heritage body soon to discuss integration of marketing our service with what they have on offer. Ongoing work on deciding and defining content for the app continues. 2011, Issue 1 2011-10-31 I mp o r t a n t d a t e s Meeting in Joensuu, Finland 1314 of march 2012. Contacts: Lead Partner: Project Manager: Ellinor Berglund LULEÅ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY: Project Manager: Lars Furberg KEMI TORNIO UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES: Project Manager: Yrjö Koskenniemi NORTH KARELIA UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES:: Project Manager: Timo Rui REGIONAL COUNSIL OF NORTH KARELIA Project Manager: Pasi Lamminluoto WEST REGIONAL AUTHORITY, GALWAY Project Manager: Mary Molloy ERNACT, DONEGAL: Project Manager: Caitriona Strain UNIVERSITY OF ULSTER, NORTHERN IRELAND: Project Manager: Helen Jackson WESTERN NORWAY RESEARCH INSTITUTE. Project Contact: Guttorm Flatabø, BIFROST UNIVERSITY, ICELAND: Project Manager: Emil Karlsson DESTINATION OF ARTIC CIRCLE, GREENLAND Project Manager: Mads Lumholt