heritage lakes subdivision
heritage lakes subdivision
UPDATED CAPITAL RESERVE ANALYSIS FOR HERITAGE LAKES SUBDIVISION MABLETON, GEORGIA PREPARED FOR: HERITAGE LAKES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION C/O MR. GARY WESTMORELAND 1212 HERITAGE LAKES DRIVE MABLETON, GEORGIA 30126 PREPARED BY: KELVIN D. GARMON, R.S. 3985 STEVE REYNOLDS BLVD. BUILDING A NORCROSS, GEORGIA 30093 (770) 923-1122 • (770) 923-0099 FAX OCTOBER 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. CAPITAL RESERVE DETERMINATION ................................................................................................................... 1 A. Methodology and Assumptions ................................................................................................................ 1 B. Summary of Replacement Reserve Needs ............................................................................................... 3 1. Technical Definitions ........................................................................................................................... 3 C. Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................. 5 D. Replacement Reserve Requirements ....................................................................................................... 6 E. Notes ........................................................................................................................................................ 7 II. RESERVE CASH FLOW ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................................ 11 A. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 11 1. Formulas............................................................................................................................................ 12 2. Definitions ......................................................................................................................................... 12 B. Cash Flow Chart and Graph ................................................................................................................... 12 C. Recommendations and Conclusions ....................................................................................................... 13 III. RECOMMENDED MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE ..................................................................................................... 16 A. Asphalt Pavement................................................................................................................................... 16 B. Concrete Curbing ................................................................................................................................... 17 C. Sidewalks ............................................................................................................................................... 17 D. Storm Drainage Systems ....................................................................................................................... .17 1. Catch Basins ...................................................................................................................................... 17 2. Drainage Swales ............................................................................................................................... 18 E. Landscaping ........................................................................................................................................... 18 F. Concrete Retaining Walls....................................................................................................................... 18 G. Lawn Sprinkler System .......................................................................................................................... 19 H. Wooden Fences and Other Wooden Site Furnishings ............................................................................ 19 I. Roofs • Pitched ....................................................................................................................................... 20 J. Gutters and Downspouts ........................................................................................................................ 21 K. Siding .................................................................................................................................................... 21 DISCLOSURES .............................................................................................................................................................. 22 LIMITATION OF RESPONSIBILITY ............................................................................................................................... 24 GLOSSARY OF TERMS ................................................................................................................................................. 26 BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................................................................................... 27 PHOTOGRAPHS ............................................................................................................................................................ 28 I. CAPITAL RESERVE DETERMINATION A. METHODOLOGY AND ASSUMPTIONS A Capital Reserve Analysis is a report giving an estimate of the amount of money which must be put aside to replace or restore the common elements and building components that will require replacement before the community’s use expires. Typically, the items included are limited to those with a useful life of 30 years or less. The commonly accepted guidelines as established by governing statutes, the Community Associations Institute, and our engineering judgment and experience have been used as a basis for the reserve schedule in this report. The schedule, when implemented in conjunction with a well-planned preventive maintenance program, will provide adequate funds for the replacement of the community’s common elements as they reach the end of their useful lives. In order to assure that this schedule remains current, a reassessment of the existing condition and replacement costs for each item is necessary at a regular interval as recommended within the report. Updating of the schedule, reduction of the useful lives, and inflation of the replacement costs may be executed with the benefit of re-inspection. The schedule must also be adjusted as common elements are added or modified. It is important to note that a reserve item is a common element component which will require replacement on a recurring basis using a similar cost item. If an upgrade is necessitated due to a cost change or other extraordinary reason, the cost over and above the replacement cost is considered to be a capital improvement rather than a capital replacement. Capital improvements should not be funded from the reserves. After it has been upgraded, the item will then become part of the reserve schedule. Method of Accounting The Method used in the Capital Reserve Analysis is the “Cash Flow” Method and the funding plan utilized is the Baseline Funding. The goal of this funding method is to keep the reserve cash balance above zero. This means that while each individual component may not be fully funded, the reserve balance does not drop below zero during the projected period. HERITAGE LAKES SUBDIVISION • UPDATED CAPITAL RESERVE ANALYSIS PAGE 1 Level of Service This reserve analysis was completed utilizing a Level II, Full Service Study as defined under the National Reserve Standards that have been adopted by the Community Association Institute. The common component inventory was established based on information provided by the association’s representative, field measurements and/or drawing take-offs. The Full Service Study includes a review of the common property components and preparation of this report. HERITAGE LAKES SUBDIVISION • UPDATED CAPITAL RESERVE ANALYSIS PAGE 2 B. SUMMARY OF REPLACEMENT RESERVE NEEDS 1. TECHNICAL DEFINITIONS This page is a summary of each of the different categories within the detailed schedule. It shows the total dollar amounts for each category and is based on the full funding of each item. Following are descriptions of the different variables, which are shown on the reserve schedule in the order in which they appear. Description This column on the schedule lists all of the components for which we recommend that reserves be accumulated. The basis for the selection of these items includes: Review of the governing documents regarding the common and limited common elements. Review of all available maintenance contracts. The type of component and its anticipated full useful life and condition. A review of applicable statutes dealing with reserve requirements. Quantity The quantities which are used as a basis for this report are calculated from field measurements and drawings which have been supplied to Ray Engineering, Inc. Ray Engineering, Inc. has not made extensive as-built measurements, and the quantities used are based primarily on the reference materials provided. Unit Cost The construction and replacement costs used in this report are based primarily on the various publications written by the R.S. Means Company and construction related experience of Ray Engineering. The publications are listed in the Bibliography. HERITAGE LAKES SUBDIVISION • UPDATED CAPITAL RESERVE ANALYSIS PAGE 3 Reserve Requirements Present Dollars This is calculated by multiplying the “quantity” by the “unit costs.” Existing Reserve Fund This is an allocation of the total existing reserve funds to the individual line items using a weighing factor which is based on the total “reserve requirement present dollars,” the “estimated remaining life,” and other factors. An existing balance was submitted to Ray Engineering, Inc. This balance was used in developing our Reserve Analysis. Estimated Useful Life The useful life values that are part of this report come from a variety of sources, some of which are listed in the Bibliography. In order to ensure that all items attain their anticipated useful lives, it is imperative that a well-planned maintenance schedule be adhered to. If an existing item is replaced with an upgraded product, the estimated remaining life has been listed for the new product. Estimated Remaining Life The estimated remaining life is based on both the age of the component and the results of the field inspections conducted in September 2013. Annual Reserve Funding The reserve requirement present value was converted to the future value for the time in which each replacement will occur. A 3% compounded inflation rate has been assumed. The future value was then converted to an annual reserve fund value. The arithmetic calculations and formulas are indicated later in this report. HERITAGE LAKES SUBDIVISION • UPDATED CAPITAL RESERVE ANALYSIS PAGE 4 C. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Heritage Lakes Subdivision consists of 86 homes and amenity areas. It is our understanding the subdivision was built approximately 15 years ago and routine maintenance and management of the property has been occurring since construction. The property is located off Brookwood Drive in Mableton, Georgia. The amenity areas contain the parking lot, landscaped common areas, two lakes, tennis courts, swimming pool, wooden gazebo and pool house. The pool house consists of a one-story, wood-framed structure. The foundation consists of perimeter concrete footings with a concrete slab-on-grade. Exterior finishes consist of fiber cement siding and wood trim. The roof consists of a steep-sloped roof with architectural shingles. The roof covers the restrooms, pump room and concrete patio. The roof of the pool house was replaced in 2010, tennis courts resurfaced, street signs replaced, fencing repaired and staining completed, a video monitoring system was installed at the amenity area and the pool furniture was replaced. Other miscellaneous repairs were also performed. The overall condition of the amenity area was observed to be good. This reserve analysis is prepared for the fiscal year 2014. We were provided a starting reserve cash balance of $80,495.00. The current funding for the reserves seems to be inadequate for the age and condition of the property. Therefore, we recommend a reserve contribution of $27,000 for 2014 fiscal year, which is equivalent to an average contribution of $26.65 per home, per month, for reserves. This amount does not include the operating budget. For future fiscal year reserve contribution recommendations, please refer to the “Cost and Funding Recap” included as part of this analysis. HERITAGE LAKES SUBDIVISION • UPDATED CAPITAL RESERVE ANALYSIS PAGE 5 D. REPLACEMENT RESERVE REQUIREMENTS SCHEDULE I Sitework SCHEDULE II Exterior/Interior Building Maintenance SCHEDULE III Electrical/Mechanical/Plumbing Maintenance YEAR BY YEAR FUNDING RECAP - ALL ITEMS COST AND FUNDING RECAP ITEMIZED PROJECT COSTS BY YEAR HERITAGE LAKES SUBDIVISION • UPDATED CAPITAL RESERVE ANALYSIS PAGE 6 HERITAGE LAKES SUBDIVISION PROJECT NAME INFLATION RATE 3.00% YIELD ON RESERVE FUNDS 0.10% 2014 BEGINNING YEAR OF FUNDING 20 PLANNING HORIZON Page 6a yrs SCHEDULE Ia HERITAGE LAKES SUBDIVISION SITEWORK ITEMS - PRELIMINARY DATA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Sitework Item Description Asphalt Pavement - Repair/Sealcoat Asphalt Pavement - 1 1/2" Overlay Concrete Curbs and Sidewalks - Repair/Replace Monument Sign - Repair/Paint Wood Fences (all) - Repair/Paint Pool Plaster & Tile Pool Furniture - Replace Pool Accessories - Repair/Replace Pool Deck - Replace Fence at Pool - Repair/Replace Irrigation - Repair/Replace Dam and Spillway - Silt Removal Dam and Spillway - Repairs Tennis Courts - Crack Repair/Sealing and Coloring Tennis Courts - Crack Repair/Sealing and Coloring Tennis Courts - Asphalt Overlay Tennis Courts Fencing - Repair/Paint Concrete Retaining Wall at Pool - Repair/Painting Gazebo - Repair/Sealing Wooden Signs - Repair/Paint Pool Gate - Repair Landscaping Street Signs - Replacement Street Signs - Repair/Painting Units of Measure Allow Allow Allow L.S. L.S. L.S. Allow L.S. S.F. L.S. Allow Allow Allow L.S. L.S. L.S. Allow Allow Allow Allow Allow Allow Allow Allow Number of Units 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2400 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 6b Cost per Unit $1,850.00 $10,000.00 $500.00 $500.00 $10,000.00 $18,000.00 $10,500.00 $600.00 $10.00 $1,500.00 $850.00 $100,000.00 $10,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $25,000.00 $1,500.00 $900.00 $500.00 $400.00 $1,000.00 $25,000.00 $8,200.00 $1,000.00 Total Cost in Current Dollars $1,850 $10,000 $500 $500 $10,000 $18,000 $10,500 $600 $24,000 $1,500 $850 $100,000 $10,000 $12,000 $12,000 $50,000 $1,500 $900 $500 $400 $1,000 $25,000 $8,200 $1,000 Estimated Useful Life 6 20 6 7 6 10 8 5 25 5 5 20 5 3 3 20 7 5 5 6 5 10 20 6 Estimated Remaining Life 11 5 4 2 3 6 6 0 11 0 1 15 1 2 14 8 2 3 0 0 3 0 18 4 Notes 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 9 10 11 11 12 12 12 1 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 SCHEDULE Ib HERITAGE LAKES SUBDIVISION SITEWORK ITEMS - REPLACEMENT COST & FUNDING DATA Sitework Item Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Asphalt Pavement - Repair/Sealcoat Asphalt Pavement - 1 1/2" Overlay Concrete Curbs and Sidewalks - Repair/Replace Monument Sign - Repair/Paint Wood Fences (all) - Repair/Paint Pool Plaster & Tile Pool Furniture - Replace Pool Accessories - Repair/Replace Pool Deck - Replace Fence at Pool - Repair/Replace Irrigation - Repair/Replace Dam and Spillway - Silt Removal Dam and Spillway - Repairs Tennis Courts - Crack Repair/Sealing and Coloring Tennis Courts - Crack Repair/Sealing and Coloring Tennis Courts - Asphalt Overlay Tennis Courts Fencing - Repair/Paint Concrete Retaining Wall at Pool - Repair/Painting Gazebo - Repair/Sealing Wooden Signs - Repair/Paint Pool Gate - Repair Landscaping Street Signs - Replacement Street Signs - Repair/Painting First Replacement Adjusted Cost if Yr Inflation is Replaced 3.00% 2025 2561 2019 11593 2018 563 2016 530 2017 10927 2020 21493 2020 12538 2014 600 2025 33222 2014 1500 2015 876 2029 155797 2015 10300 2016 12731 2028 18151 2022 63339 2016 1591 2017 983 2014 500 2014 400 2017 1093 2014 25000 2032 13960 2018 1126 Second Replacement Annual Adjusted Funding Cost if Thru Yr Yr Inflation is Replaced Replaced 3.00% 213 2031 3058 1932 2039 113 2024 672 177 2023 652 2732 2023 13048 3070 2030 28885 1791 2028 15882 600 2019 696 2768 2050 1500 2019 1739 438 2020 1015 9737 2049 5150 2020 11941 4244 2019 13911 1210 2031 19834 7038 2042 530 2023 1957 246 2022 1140 500 2019 580 400 2020 478 273 2022 1267 25000 2024 33598 735 2052 225 2024 1344 Page 6c Third Replacement Annual Adjusted Funding Cost if Thru Yr Yr Inflation is Replaced Replaced 3.00% 510 2037 2059 112 2030 802 93 2030 802 2175 2029 15580 2888 2040 1985 2036 139 2024 806 2075 348 2024 2016 203 2025 1177 2069 2388 2025 13842 4637 2022 15201 6611 2034 2062 280 2030 2407 228 2027 1322 116 2024 672 80 2026 570 253 2027 1469 3360 2034 2072 224 2030 1605 Fourth Replacement Annual Adjusted Annual Funding Cost if Funding Thru Yr Yr Inflation is Thru Yr Replaced Replaced 3.00% Replaced 2043 2079 134 2036 115 2037 2597 2035 2050 2044 161 2029 935 187 2100 403 2029 2337 467 235 2030 1364 273 2089 2768 2030 16047 3209 5067 2025 16611 5537 2037 2082 344 2037 264 2032 1532 306 134 2029 779 156 95 2032 681 113 294 2032 1702 340 2044 2092 267 2036 SCHEDULE IIa HERITAGE LAKES SUBDIVISION EXTERIOR/INTERIOR BUILDING MAINTENANCE ITEMS PRELIMINARY DATA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Exterior/Interior Building Maintenance Item Description Pool House - Roof Replacement Pool House - Exterior Restoration/Painting (Trim) Pool House - Exterior Restoration/Painting (Siding) Pool House - Interior Restoration/Painting Pool House - Gutter Replacement Plumbing Fixtures - Replace Picnic Tables at Pool - Replace/Repair Gazebo - Roof Replacement Units of Measure Sq. Allow Allow Allow Allow Allow Allow Allow Number of Units 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 6d Cost per Unit $225.00 $2,000.00 $4,000.00 $2,000.00 $850.00 $1,500.00 $800.00 $350.00 Total Cost in Current Dollars $3,825 $2,000 $4,000 $2,000 $850 $1,500 $800 $350 Estimated Useful Life 20 6 20 4 15 10 6 20 Estimated Remaining Life 17 4 9 3 14 2 6 16 Notes 14 15 15 16 1 1 17 1 SCHEDULE IIb HERITAGE LAKES SUBDIVISION EXTERIOR/INTERIOR BUILDING MAINTENANCE ITEMS - REPLACEMENT COST & FUNDING DATA Exterior/Interior Building Maintenance Item Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Pool House - Roof Replacement Pool House - Exterior Restoration/Painting (Trim) Pool House - Exterior Restoration/Painting (Siding) Pool House - Interior Restoration/Painting Pool House - Gutter Replacement Plumbing Fixtures - Replace Picnic Tables at Pool - Replace/Repair Gazebo - Roof Replacement First Replacement Adjusted Cost if Yr Inflation is Replaced 3.00% 2031 6322 2018 2251 2023 5219 2017 2185 2028 1286 2016 1591 2020 955 2030 562 Annual Funding Thru Yr Replaced 351 450 522 546 86 530 136 33 Second Replacement Adjusted Cost if Yr Inflation is Replaced 3.00% 2051 2024 2688 2043 2021 2460 2043 2026 2139 2026 1141 2050 Page 6e Third Replacement Annual Adjusted Funding Cost if Thru Yr Yr Inflation is Replaced Replaced 3.00% 2071 448 2030 3209 2063 615 2025 2768 2058 214 2036 190 2032 1362 2070 Fourth Replacement Annual Adjusted Funding Cost if Thru Yr Yr Inflation is Replaced Replaced 3.00% 2091 535 2036 2083 692 2029 3116 2073 2046 227 2038 2090 Annual Funding Thru Yr Replaced 779 SCHEDULE IIIa HERITAGE LAKES SUBDIVISION ELECTRICAL/MECHANICAL/PLUMBING ITEMS - PRELIMINARY DATA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Electrical Mechanical Item Description Pool Filter and Pumps - Replace Chlorination System Exterior Lighting Fixtures - Repair/Replace Tennis Court Lighting - Repair/Replace Ceiling Fans - Replace Hot Water Heater - Replace Exhaust Fans - Replace Water Fountain Cameras and DVR System - Upgrade/Replace Units of Measure L.S. L.S. Allow Allow Allow Allow Allow Allow Allow Number of Units 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 6f Cost per Unit $750.00 $800.00 $1,000.00 $1,200.00 $200.00 $1,000.00 $100.00 $250.00 $4,000.00 Total Cost in Current Dollars $1,500 $800 $1,000 $1,200 $200 $1,000 $100 $250 $4,000 Estimated Useful Life 5 10 7 10 8 12 10 10 8 Estimated Remaining Life 0 0 2 7 1 3 2 8 6 Notes 18 18 19 20 1 1 1 1 1 SCHEDULE IIIb HERITAGE LAKES SUBDIVISION ELECTRICAL/MECHANICAL/PLUMBING ITEMS - REPLACEMENT COST & FUNDING DATA Electrical Mechanical Item Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Pool Filter and Pumps - Replace Chlorination System Exterior Lighting Fixtures - Repair/Replace Tennis Court Lighting - Repair/Replace Ceiling Fans - Replace Hot Water Heater - Replace Exhaust Fans - Replace Water Fountain Cameras and DVR System - Upgrade/Replace First Replacement Second Replacement Third Replacement Adjusted Annual Adjusted Annual Adjusted Cost if Funding Cost if Funding Cost if Yr Inflation is Thru Yr Yr Inflation is Thru Yr Yr Inflation is Replaced 3.00% Replaced Replaced 3.00% Replaced Replaced 3.00% 2014 1500 1500 2019 1739 348 2024 2016 2014 800 800 2024 1075 108 2034 2016 1061 354 2023 1305 186 2030 1605 2021 1476 184 2031 1983 198 2041 2015 206 103 2023 261 33 2031 331 2017 1093 273 2029 1558 130 2041 2016 106 35 2026 143 14 2036 2022 317 35 2032 426 43 2042 2020 4776 682 2028 6050 756 2036 Page 6g Fourth Replacement Annual Adjusted Annual Funding Cost if Funding Thru Yr Yr Inflation is Thru Yr Replaced Replaced 3.00% Replaced 403 2029 2337 467 2044 229 2037 2051 41 2039 2053 2046 2052 2044 HERITAGE LAKES SUBDIVISION COST & FUNDING RECAP Year Annual Funds Future Expenses Net Accumulated Funds 80,495 Current Funds 2014 27,000 30,300 77,275 2015 28,000 11,382 93,971 2016 29,000 17,611 105,454 2017 30,000 16,282 119,278 2018 31,000 3,939 146,458 2019 32,000 30,257 148,348 2020 33,000 53,195 128,301 2021 34,000 3,936 158,494 2022 35,000 81,263 112,389 2023 36,000 22,442 126,059 2024 37,000 44,887 118,298 2025 38,000 70,181 86,236 2026 39,000 3,992 121,330 2027 40,000 2,790 158,661 2028 41,000 41,369 158,450 2029 42,000 182,438 18,171 2030 43,000 57,288 3,901 2031 44,000 31,528 16,377 2032 45,000 19,663 41,730 2033 46,000 0 87,772 Page 6h HERITAGE LAKES SUBDIVISION Itemized Projected Costs by Year Year Job Grand Total 2014 Total 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2015 Total 2015 2015 2015 2016 Total 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2017 Total 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2018 Total 2018 2018 2018 2019 Total 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2020 Total 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 Chlorination System Fence at Pool - Repair/Replace Gazebo - Repair/Sealing Landscaping Pool Accessories - Repair/Replace Pool Filter and Pumps - Replace Wooden Signs - Repair/Paint Ceiling Fans - Replace Dam and Spillway - Repairs Irrigation - Repair/Replace Exhaust Fans - Replace Exterior Lighting Fixtures - Repair/Replace Monument Sign - Repair/Paint Plumbing Fixtures - Replace Tennis Courts - Crack Repair/Sealing and Coloring Tennis Courts Fencing - Repair/Paint Concrete Retaining Wall at Pool - Repair/Painting Hot Water Heater - Replace Pool Gate - Repair Pool House - Interior Restoration/Painting Wood Fences (all) - Repair/Paint Concrete Curbs and Sidewalks - Repair/Replace Pool House - Exterior Restoration/Painting (Trim) Street Signs - Repair/Painting Asphalt Pavement - 1 1/2" Overlay Fence at Pool - Repair/Replace Gazebo - Repair/Sealing Pool Accessories - Repair/Replace Pool Filter and Pumps - Replace Tennis Courts - Crack Repair/Sealing and Coloring Cameras and DVR System - Upgrade/Replace Dam and Spillway - Repairs Irrigation - Repair/Replace Picnic Tables at Pool - Replace/Repair Pool Furniture - Replace Pool Plaster & Tile Wooden Signs - Repair/Paint Cost $724,743 30,300 800 1,500 500 25,000 600 1,500 400 11,382 206 10,300 876 17,611 106 1,061 530 1,591 12,731 1,591 16,282 983 1,093 1,093 2,185 10,927 3,939 563 2,251 1,126 30,257 11,593 1,739 580 696 1,739 13,911 53,195 4,776 11,941 1,015 955 12,538 21,493 478 Page 6i 2021 Total 2021 2021 2022 Total 2022 2022 2022 2022 2022 2023 Total 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2024 Total 2024 2024 2024 2024 2024 2024 2024 2024 2024 2025 Total 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 2026 Total 2026 2026 2026 2026 2027 Total 2027 2027 2028 Total 2028 2028 2028 2028 2029 Total 2029 2029 2029 2029 2029 Pool House - Interior Restoration/Painting Tennis Court Lighting - Repair/Replace Concrete Retaining Wall at Pool - Repair/Painting Pool Gate - Repair Tennis Courts - Asphalt Overlay Tennis Courts - Crack Repair/Sealing and Coloring Water Fountain Ceiling Fans - Replace Exterior Lighting Fixtures - Repair/Replace Monument Sign - Repair/Paint Pool House - Exterior Restoration/Painting (Siding) Tennis Courts Fencing - Repair/Paint Wood Fences (all) - Repair/Paint Chlorination System Concrete Curbs and Sidewalks - Repair/Replace Fence at Pool - Repair/Replace Gazebo - Repair/Sealing Landscaping Pool Accessories - Repair/Replace Pool Filter and Pumps - Replace Pool House - Exterior Restoration/Painting (Trim) Street Signs - Repair/Painting Asphalt Pavement - Repair/Sealcoat Dam and Spillway - Repairs Irrigation - Repair/Replace Pool Deck - Replace Pool House - Interior Restoration/Painting Tennis Courts - Crack Repair/Sealing and Coloring Exhaust Fans - Replace Picnic Tables at Pool - Replace/Repair Plumbing Fixtures - Replace Wooden Signs - Repair/Paint Concrete Retaining Wall at Pool - Repair/Painting Pool Gate - Repair Cameras and DVR System - Upgrade/Replace Pool Furniture - Replace Pool House - Gutter Replacement Tennis Courts - Crack Repair/Sealing and Coloring Dam and Spillway - Silt Removal Fence at Pool - Repair/Replace Gazebo - Repair/Sealing Hot Water Heater - Replace Pool Accessories - Repair/Replace 3,936 2,460 1,476 81,263 1,140 1,267 63,339 15,201 317 22,442 261 1,305 652 5,219 1,957 13,048 44,887 1,075 672 2,016 672 33,598 806 2,016 2,688 1,344 70,181 2,561 13,842 1,177 33,222 2,768 16,611 3,992 143 1,141 2,139 570 2,790 1,322 1,469 41,369 6,050 15,882 1,286 18,151 182,438 155,797 2,337 779 1,558 935 Page 6j 2029 2029 2029 2030 Total 2030 2030 2030 2030 2030 2030 2030 2030 2030 2030 2031 Total 2031 2031 2031 2031 2031 2032 Total 2032 2032 2032 2032 2032 2032 Pool Filter and Pumps - Replace Pool House - Interior Restoration/Painting Wood Fences (all) - Repair/Paint Concrete Curbs and Sidewalks - Repair/Replace Dam and Spillway - Repairs Exterior Lighting Fixtures - Repair/Replace Gazebo - Roof Replacement Irrigation - Repair/Replace Monument Sign - Repair/Paint Pool House - Exterior Restoration/Painting (Trim) Pool Plaster & Tile Street Signs - Repair/Painting Tennis Courts Fencing - Repair/Paint Asphalt Pavement - Repair/Sealcoat Ceiling Fans - Replace Pool House - Roof Replacement Tennis Court Lighting - Repair/Replace Tennis Courts - Crack Repair/Sealing and Coloring Concrete Retaining Wall at Pool - Repair/Painting Picnic Tables at Pool - Replace/Repair Pool Gate - Repair Street Signs - Replacement Water Fountain Wooden Signs - Repair/Paint 2,337 3,116 15,580 57,288 802 16,047 1,605 562 1,364 802 3,209 28,885 1,605 2,407 31,528 3,058 331 6,322 1,983 19,834 19,663 1,532 1,362 1,702 13,960 426 681 Page 6k E. NOTES The accompanying notes are an integral part of the reserve schedule contained in this report. When reviewing the schedule, please be sure to read all notes pertaining to a particular line item. This will provide the most complete explanation of each line item and will provide any clarification where necessary. 1. These items were found to be in good condition and well maintained. The useful life reflects the age and overall condition of the respective item. 2. The asphalt pavement was observed to be in fair condition. Crack sealing and sealcoating of the asphalt surface has been performed since our last review of the property in 2010. We have included the overlay of the parking lot in five more years. This would include a new layer of asphalt being installed on the existing asphalt surface. The budget provided is $10,000. The sealcoating and crack repair should not be required for approximately 11 more years, if the new asphalt is installed in five years. A life cycle for the sealcoating is six years. 3. The concrete curbs and concrete sidewalks are in good condition. We have included a budget every six years, beginning in four more years, to allow for the replacement of damaged or deteriorated sidewalks sections and/or concrete curb sections as required. This budget is $500. 4. The monument sign and brick walls along the front of the property were found to be in good condition. We have provided a budget of $500 every seven years, beginning in two years, for the repair and/or painting/sealing of the monument sign and stone-faced walls. 5. The wooden fencing at the property was found to be in good to fair condition. We have included repair and painting of all wooden fences at the property in this pricing, including the perimeter fencing and the wood rail fencing at the gazebo. We have provided a budget of $10,000 every six years, beginning in three years, for the repair and painting/sealing of the fences. HERITAGE LAKES SUBDIVISION • UPDATED CAPITAL RESERVE ANALYSIS PAGE 7 6. The pool was found to be in good condition. We have provided a budget of $18,000 every ten years, beginning in six years, for the replastering and replacement of the tiles. 7. The pool furniture was found to be in good condition. We have provided a budget of $10,500 every eight years, beginning in six more years, for the replacement of the pool furniture. 8. The pool accessories were found to be in fair condition. We have provided a budget of $600 every five years, beginning this year, for the repair and replacement of the pool accessories. 9. The pool fencing was found to be in good condition. We have provided a budget of $1,500 every five years, beginning this year, for the repair of the pool fence. 10. It is our understanding that the irrigation system at the entrance was repaired in 2010 and is in good condition. We have provided a budget of $850 every five years, beginning in 2015, for the replacement of the valves and controllers for the irrigation system. 11. The dams and spillways for the two lakes were observed to be in good condition and well maintained. We have provided a budget of $100,000 every 20 years, beginning in 15 years, for the removal of accumulated silt within the lake areas. We have also included a budget of $10,000 provided every five years, beginning in 2015, for the repairs needed to the dams and spillways. We do not anticipate a large quantity of silt since the surrounding areas are stabilized and developed. 12. The tennis court surfaces were found to be in good condition, with crack filling and resurfacing being completed in 2010. We have recommended resurfacing the two courts every three years, beginning in two years. We have also provided a budget for the resurfacing/asphalt overlaying of the tennis courts every 20 years and, given the existing condition of the two courts at the property, we have recommended this item in eight more years. 13. The cast-in-place concrete retaining wall at the pool is structurally in good HERITAGE LAKES SUBDIVISION • UPDATED CAPITAL RESERVE ANALYSIS PAGE 8 condition. The surface of the wall was painted in 2010. We have provided a budget of $900 every five years, beginning in three years, for the painting and minor repair of the retaining wall. 14. At the pool house, the roof was replaced based on storm related damage. The insurance amount was $3,800. We have included this budget every 20 years, beginning in 16 years. 15. The exterior of the pool house was found to be in good condition. It is our understanding that a long-term painting product has been installed at the pool house. We have provided a budget of $2,000 for the exterior restoration and painting of the pool house wood trim every six years, beginning in four more years. The painting of the siding is in good condition and should not require additional coatings for another nine years. 16. The interior of the pool house, which includes the two bathrooms, was found to be in good condition. We have provided a budget of $2,000 every four years, beginning in three years, for the painting and restoration of the bathrooms. 17. The picnic tables at the pool house were found to be in good condition. We have provided a budget of $800 every six years for the repair and/or replacement of the picnic tables. 18. The pool filter and chlorinating systems were found to be in fair condition. We have provided a budget of $1,500 every five years, beginning in 2014, for the replacement of the pool pumps. We have also provided a budget of $800 every ten years, beginning in 2014, for the replacement of the chlorinating system. 19. The exterior lighting fixtures throughout the property were found to be in good condition. We have provided a budget of $1,000 every seven years, beginning in two years, for the repair or replacement of any damaged or deteriorated exterior lighting fixtures throughout the property. 20. A budget of $1,200 has been provided for the repair and replacement of any damaged or deteriorated tennis court light fixtures. HERITAGE LAKES SUBDIVISION • UPDATED CAPITAL RESERVE ANALYSIS PAGE 9 This budget has been provided every ten years, beginning in seven years. HERITAGE LAKES SUBDIVISION • UPDATED CAPITAL RESERVE ANALYSIS PAGE 10 II. RESERVE CASH FLOW ANALYSIS A. INTRODUCTION The enclosed chart and graph contain a 20-year cash flow projection of the reserve requirements for the Association. The budget should be adjusted at the end of the 20year period to readjust for changes in remaining life, inflation, and current costs of replacements. This cash flow analysis is based on the assumption that all of the items that make up the schedule are fully funded. By this we mean that each item will accumulate its full replacement cost during its life span. At the end of this life, each item would be replaced and the funding would start aging for items with a long life. For items with a short useful life, the funding for the first replacement is budgeted in addition to future replacements due to the short life span. The future replacement funding is started in the first year; however, payments are less than the first replacement due to the extended time period allowed to accumulate funds. Taking all of the components that make up the reserve schedule, using this full funding analysis, there is typically an ongoing surplus in the reserve fund. This ensures that the Association will have a surplus at the end of the 10-year period. This is called the “pooling effect” and is represented by the upper line on the cash flow chart, which is designated as the “Net Cumulative Fund.” The “Net Cumulative Fund” is calculated by taking the existing amount in the reserve fund at the time the reserve schedule is prepared, adding to it the yearly contribution, and subtracting from it the annual expenditures. The annual reserve funding required has been calculated by estimating the useful remaining life based on the current condition, age, and all other known factors of each item description. The present value replacement cost was estimated by either past quotations or other listed methods of estimation. The present value replacement cost was then converted to future value using a 3% annual compounded inflation rate. The future cost was calculated for the projected time when replacement will be required. The future cost was then broken down into annual installments while still considering the 3% compounded annual inflation rate. The monthly reserve funding was calculated by a further breakdown of the annual reserve funding required. HERITAGE LAKES SUBDIVISION • UPDATED CAPITAL RESERVE ANALYSIS PAGE 11 1. Formulas The following economic formulas were used in our calculations: DISCOUNTING FACTOR FUNCTIONAL FORMULA NOTATION Single Payment Compound Amount (F/P, i %, n) (1xi) exp n Uniform Series Sinking Fund (A/F, i %, n) i/[(1+i)exp n-1] 2. Definitions Definitions of the above-mentioned terms are as follows: TERM B. DEFINITION Single Payment Compound Amount Conversion of present worth to future value Uniform Series Sinking Fund Conversion of future value to annual value F Future worth of item in n years from present P Present Worth A Annual worth I Interest Rate (0.10% used) N # of years until each calculated replacement PROJECTED CASH FLOW GRAPH AND CHART The projected cash flow for the Capital Reserve Analysis is illustrated by the bar graph and line chart on the following pages. HERITAGE LAKES SUBDIVISION • UPDATED CAPITAL RESERVE ANALYSIS PAGE 12 HERITAGE LAKES - PROJECTED CASH FLOW 200,000 190,000 180,000 170,000 160,000 150,000 140,000 130,000 120,000 110,000 100,000 90,000 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 Current 2014 Funds 2015 2016 2017 2018 Annual Funds 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Future Expenses 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Net Accumulated Funds 2030 2031 2032 2033 HERITAGE LAKES - PROJECTED CASH FLOW 200,000 190,000 180,000 170,000 160,000 150,000 140,000 130,000 120,000 110,000 100,000 90,000 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 Current 2014 Funds 2015 2016 2017 2018 Annual Funds 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Future Expenses 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Net Accumulated Funds 2030 2031 2032 2033 C. RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS Based on our review, we would make the following recommendations. The Association should set aside the following amount for the specified year into the reserve fund: COST AND FUNDING RECAP Year Annual Funds Future Expenses Net Accumulated Funds 80,495 Current Funds 2014 27,000 30,300 77,275 2015 28,000 11,382 93,971 2016 29,000 17,611 105,454 2017 30,000 16,282 119,278 2018 31,000 3,939 146,458 2019 32,000 30,257 148,348 2020 33,000 53,195 128,301 2021 34,000 3,936 158,494 2022 35,000 81,263 112,389 2023 36,000 22,442 126,059 2024 37,000 44,887 118,298 2025 38,000 70,181 86,236 2026 39,000 3,992 121,330 2027 40,000 2,790 158,661 2028 41,000 41,369 158,450 2029 42,000 182,438 18,171 2030 43,000 57,288 3,901 2031 44,000 31,528 16,377 2032 45,000 19,663 41,730 2033 46,000 0 87,772 HERITAGE LAKES SUBDIVISION • UPDATED CAPITAL RESERVE ANALYSIS PAGE 13 The Association should update the reserve schedule a minimum of once every two years. It is especially important to update the schedule when using average contribution due to the fact that even a minor change in the estimated useful life can have a significant impact on adequate funding. The Association should review each of the individual line items that make up the reserve schedule to make sure that there is no overlap between what is indicated in the schedule and any other portion of the budget. For example, we may show on the reserve schedule the replacement of fencing, but at the same time, the Association may be replacing the fencing out of their operating budget. If duplication like this exists, the item should either be removed from the reserve schedule or the operation budget. It should not be funded in two different locations. The Association should review the items on the schedule to assure that their replacement is not covered under a maintenance contract. An example would be reserving for the replacement of mechanical equipment components while the Association has a maintenance contract for the item at the same time. The reserve schedule should be carefully reviewed to be sure that it does not fund the replacement of any portion of any item whose replacement is covered under a maintenance contract. The Association should review the items on the schedule to be sure that they are all the Association’s responsibility. As an example, if we have included site lighting on the reserve schedule, but at the same time the local municipality is responsible for the maintenance and repair of these connections, they should be removed from the schedule. The Association should review the individual line items on the reserve schedule carefully to determine if a number of the smaller individual components can be consolidated into one line item which can be continuously funded. For example, if there are five or six components with a total replacement cost of $1,000 each, rather than reserving the full $5,000 or $6,000 for all of these items, the Association may want to consider funding all six components under one line item for a total of $1,000. Should one of these six items have to be replaced, that line item would have to be brought current within a year or so after its expenditure. By doing this rather than HERITAGE LAKES SUBDIVISION • UPDATED CAPITAL RESERVE ANALYSIS PAGE 14 funding the full $6,000, only a portion of the total would be funded. This would reduce the overall yearly contribution to reserves. Depending on the size of the overall operating budget, the Association may decide that any line item of less than the given amount will be funded directly through the operating budget rather than through the reserve schedule. If this is the case, any item with the given value or less should be removed from the schedule. The schedule would then be footnoted accordingly. HERITAGE LAKES SUBDIVISION • UPDATED CAPITAL RESERVE ANALYSIS PAGE 15 III. RECOMMENDED MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE The following guidelines are intended to ensure that a program of preventive maintenance is implemented in order to assure that, as a minimum, the predicted useful lives of the major common elements is attained. A preventive maintenance program is made up of “a system of periodic inspections of existing facilities to uncover conditions leading to breakdown or harmful depreciation and the correction of these conditions while they are still minor.” It should be noted that experience has shown that a proper maintenance program can add 50% to the expected useful life of some items. In any case, the proper determination of the useful lives of the items which make up your common elements is critical to the proper updating of the reserve schedule. The items included will only attain their anticipated useful lives if a proper maintenance program is implemented. For this reason, it is recommended that the reserve schedule be updated every two years to assure that all items are being properly maintained. A. ASPHALT PAVEMENT The early detection and repair of minor defects is the most important consideration in the preventive maintenance of pavements. Cracks and other surface breaks, which in their first stages are almost unnoticeable, may develop into serious defects if not repaired in a timely manner. For this reason, walking inspections of the pavement should be conducted in the fall and spring of each year, as a minimum. The inspections should note small cracks or other surface breaks in the pavement. In addition, there are other signs, such as mud or water on the pavement surface or soil erosion along the edges of the pavement, which may indicate possible future problem areas. Most small cracks or surface breaks can be repaired by sealing them with a good commercial-grade caulk. Areas which have settled and pose a possible trip hazard should be cut out and replaced to prevent a potential liability problem, as well as to prevent further deterioration of the surface. If large areas are observed HERITAGE LAKES SUBDIVISION • UPDATED CAPITAL RESERVE ANALYSIS PAGE 16 to be cracking or breaking up, this may be an indication of a problem with the base material and/or subsoils and would require further investigation to determine the cause and proper method of repair. B. CONCRETE CURBING Any soil erosion behind the curbing should be noted, and possible problems such as broken pipes, malfunctioning sprinkler heads, and/or improper grading should be investigated and any necessary repairs made. C. SIDEWALKS Sidewalks should be inspected at least twice a year (spring and fall). The inspection should note any cracked sections, uneven settlement between sections (which may result in tripping hazards), and surface damage. Undermining of sidewalks (caused by soil erosion) should also be noted. Proper replacement of any sections with the above noted problems is necessary to eliminate safety hazards and potential liability problems. These repairs will also allow the curbing to achieve its full useful life. D. STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS All storm drainage systems should be routinely inspected to ensure proper operation. Inspections should be scheduled for all facilities after major storms for routine maintenance. In addition, bi-annual structural inspections should be performed. The following are the recommended maintenance schedules for each individual section of a storm system: 1. Catch Basins All catch basins should be routinely inspected after a major storm to ensure that they are working properly. During these inspections, any sediment HERITAGE LAKES SUBDIVISION • UPDATED CAPITAL RESERVE ANALYSIS PAGE 17 buildup or debris should be removed from catch basins to ensure that they continue to function properly. 2. Drainage Swales The five most prevalent maintenance problems with swales are: Weed growth Grass maintenance Sediment control Soil deterioration Mosquito control Drainage swales should be inspected on a routine basis to ensure that they are functioning properly. The grass located within the swales should be mowed on a weekly basis to prevent the accumulation of debris, which may impede the flow of the drainage. The trash racks attached to the outlet structures should be periodically checked and cleaned of debris to prevent blockage. The outlet structures should also be checked for deterioration and/or cracking of concrete. E. LANDSCAPING A discussion regarding the preventive maintenance of the landscaped areas of the development would require an entire report. For this reason, it is recommended that a professional service specializing in this area be consulted. It should be noted that landscaping is not included as a reserve schedule item since, with proper maintenance, large-scale replacement should not become necessary. F. CONCRETE RETAINING WALLS Retaining wall surfaces should be inspected every spring as part of a preventive maintenance program. Areas should be checked for signs of cracking or spalling HERITAGE LAKES SUBDIVISION • UPDATED CAPITAL RESERVE ANALYSIS PAGE 18 of the concrete surface and staining from moisture migrating through the wall. Additionally, the walls should be checked for soil erosion and/or voids forming at the tops and bases of the walls. Small cracks and spalled areas should be cleaned, caulked or patched and touched up with paint, if applicable. Wide cracks may be an indication of possible movement and should be reviewed by a structural engineer. Seepage is not uncommon at retaining walls and often results in staining of the wall. In many cases, caulking of the cracks where seepage occurs is all that is required to remedy the problem; however, if it continues after caulking, it may be an indication of a problem, such as excessive hydrostatic pressure, and should again be reviewed by an engineer. G. LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM The preventive maintenance of the lawn sprinkler system would require an extensive report concerning the operation and servicing of the control valve, pumps, sprinkler heads, and water lines. For this reason, it is recommended that a professional sprinkler system contractor be consulted to provide the necessary services to properly maintain the sprinkler system. H. WOODEN FENCES AND OTHER WOODEN SITE FURNISHINGS Wooden fences constructed of treated lumber should last a number of years with minimal maintenance. However, these items should be checked at least once a year to ensure that excessive weathering is not occurring. If excessive weathering is occurring, deteriorated members should be replaced, and the entire item should be treated with a preservative material. Wooden site furnishings constructed of non-treated lumber should be regarded the same as exterior trim. Periodic application of a sealant to all surfaces is vital to preserve the wood. These items should be checked at least once a year to detect any peeling or deterioration. Deteriorated members should be replaced at this time, and resealing should be done as necessary. HERITAGE LAKES SUBDIVISION • UPDATED CAPITAL RESERVE ANALYSIS PAGE 19 I. ROOFS • PITCHED The standard asphalt/fiberglass shingles available on the market today have an expected useful life of approximately 20 years. Proper maintenance in order to achieve this useful life requires periodic inspections to detect the need for repair or changes in the roof surface. In order to reduce maintenance and replacement costs, it is vital to detect problems when they are minor and prevent them from escalating into major problems. Roof inspections should be conducted at least twice a year. These inspections should preferably occur in the early fall to prepare for winter and in the spring to assess any winter damage and prepare for the hot summer sun. In addition to these seasonal inspections, the roofs should be carefully checked after violent rain or windstorms or nearby fires or after workmen have been on the roof. The roof inspections should include: Examination of exterior walls for settlement. Checking interior walls and the underside of roofs for leakage. This is necessary since the majority of roof problems may not be detected by inspecting the outside roof surface. Inspection of the roof surface for missing, loose, lifted, cracked or deteriorated shingles. A review of the roof drainage, including any change in the roof and the condition and operation of roof drains, gutters, and scuppers. Examination of flashed areas. Most water infiltration problems are caused by flashing defects. Lifted, loose, torn, or missing flashing require immediate repair. A review of ventilation, since improper ventilation can cause ice damming conditions and accelerates the deterioration of the roof shingle. HERITAGE LAKES SUBDIVISION • UPDATED CAPITAL RESERVE ANALYSIS PAGE 20 J. GUTTERS AND DOWNSPOUTS The key to maintaining gutters and downspouts is to make sure they are kept clear of debris. A buildup of leaves and other plant material will block downspouts and prevent proper drainage. If this occurs, trapped water could weigh down the gutters and cause them to loosen or fall. Blocked gutters will also overflow along their length, resulting in the washing away of the mulch and/or soils adjacent to the sides of a building, which could result in premature deterioration of a building’s exterior finish over time. Ice damming will also be evident in the winter if gutters are not able to drain. At least twice a year, the gutters should be cleaned and inspected for damage. This should be done in late spring and late fall. Any loose or misaligned gutters should be corrected at this time to prevent further damage. Splash blocks and downspout extension pipes should also be adjusted to prevent erosion and to direct water away from the building. As the gutters age, the paint coating will oxidize and dull. When this occurs, an aluminum paint product should be used to restore the finish, or the gutters should be power washed to prevent deterioration. K. SIDING The proper maintenance of siding is critical to keeping a building waterproof and weather-tight. Prior to painting, all siding should be checked for delamination or deterioration and should be properly replaced or restored as required. All loose siding should be renailed and caulked prior to painting. All joints and penetrations in the siding should be caulked or sealed. Any loose, damaged, or missing trim should also be restored or replaced during siding restoration. During the siding review, any evidence of termite or pest infestation should be checked and treated as necessary. Lack of maintenance of siding and trim can result in water infiltration problems, as well as a poor appearance. HERITAGE LAKES SUBDIVISION • UPDATED CAPITAL RESERVE ANALYSIS PAGE 21 DISCLOSURES Ray Engineering, Inc. does not have any other involvement with the association, which could result in actual or perceived conflicts of interest. During our review of the property, visual review and field measurements, as needed, of each common element was performed. No destructive testing or drawing take-offs were performed. Material issues which, if not disclosed, would cause a distortion of the association's situation. Information provided by the official representative of the association regarding financial, physical, quantity, or historical issues will be deemed reliable by the consultant. The Reserve Analysis will be a reflection of information provided to the consultant and assembled for the association's use, not for the purpose of performing an audit, quality/forensic analyses, or background checks of historical records. Ray Engineering, Inc. did not perform an audit of the current or past budgets of the association. Client is considered to have deemed previously developed component quantities as accurate and reliable. Ray Engineering, Inc. assumes that the prior Reserve Analysis component quantities were accurate and reliable. Information provided to Ray Engineering, Inc. by the association representative about reserve projects will be considered reliable. Any on-site inspection(s) by Ray Engineering, Inc. should not be considered a project audit or quality inspection. HERITAGE LAKES SUBDIVISION • UPDATED CAPITAL RESERVE ANALYSIS PAGE 22 KELVIN D. GARMON, R.S. P ROJ ECT M ANAGER Mr. Garmon is a graduate of Southern Polytechnic State University with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Technology. He has obtained his Engineer in Training (EIT) certificate and has earned certification as a Reserve Specialist. He serves as Project Manager for Ray Engineering, Inc. and has more than eleven years of experience in the preparation of capital reserve analyses. Mr. Garmon uses his experience performing contract administration and other engineering and consulting services for our diverse clients. HERITAGE LAKES SUBDIVISION • UPDATED CAPITAL RESERVE ANALYSIS PAGE 23 LIMITATION OF RESPONSIBILITY The report represents a statement of the physical condition of the common elements of the property based upon our visual observation, professional analysis and judgment. The report applies only to those portions of the property and/or items and equipment which were capable of being visually observed. Unless specifically stated otherwise, no intrusive testing was performed nor were any materials removed or excavations made for further inspection. Drawings and specifications were available only to the extent described in the report. The following activities are not included in the scope and are excluded from the scope of the reserve analysis described in the National Reserve Study Standards: Utilities – Operating condition of any underground system or infrastructure; accessing manholes or utility pits; the reserve analysis does not include any infrastructure with an estimated useful life of more than 30 years, unless specified otherwise in the report; Structural Frame and Building Envelope – Unless specifically defined in the proposal, entering of crawl, attic or confined space areas (however, the field observer will observe conditions to the extent easily visible from the point of access to the crawl or confined space if the access is at the exterior of the building or common space); determination of previous substructure flooding or water penetration unless easily visible or unless such information is provided; Roofs – Walking on pitched roofs or any roof areas that appear to be unsafe or roofs with no built-in access; determining roofing design criteria; Plumbing – Verifying the condition of any pipes underground, behind walls or ceilings; determining adequate pressure and flow rate, verifying pipe size or verifying the point of discharge for underground systems; HVAC – Observation of fire connections, interiors of chimneys, flues or boiler stacks, or tenant owned or tenant maintained equipment; Electrical – Removal of any electrical panels or device covers, except if removed by building staff; providing common equipment or tenant owned equipment. HERITAGE LAKES SUBDIVISION • UPDATED CAPITAL RESERVE ANALYSIS PAGE 24 Vertical Transportation – Examining of cable, shears, controllers, motors, inspection tags or entering elevator/escalator pits; Life Safety/Fire Protection – Determining NFPA hazard classifications; classifying or testing fire rating of assemblies; Preparing engineering calculations to determine any system's components or equipment's adequacy or compliance with any specific or commonly accepted design requirements or building codes; preparing designs or specifications to remedy any physical deficiencies; Reporting on the presence or absence of pests or insects unless evidence of such presence is readily apparent during the field observer's walk-through survey or such information is provided to the Consultant; Entering or accessing any area of the property deemed by the engineer to pose a threat to the safety of any individual or to the integrity of the building system or material; Providing an opinion on the operation of any system or component that is shut down or not properly operating; Evaluating any acoustical or insulating characteristics of the property; Providing an opinion on matters regarding security and protection of its occupants or users; Providing an environmental assessment or opinion of the presence of any environmental issues such as asbestos, hazardous wastes, toxic materials, radon or the location of designated wetlands, unless specifically defined within the scope of work; Any representations regarding the status of ADA Title III Compliance. The report is not a compliance inspection or certification for past or present governmental codes or regulations of any kind. Any reference made to codes in this report is to assist in identification of a specific problem. HERITAGE LAKES SUBDIVISION • UPDATED CAPITAL RESERVE ANALYSIS PAGE 25 GLOSSARY OF TERMS Abbreviation Definition Abbreviation Definition Allow. Avg. B.F. Bit/Bitum. Bldg. Brk. Cal C.C.F. C.F. C.L.F. Col. Conc. Cont. C.S.F. Cu. Ft. C.Y. DHW Diam. Ea. Est. Ext. Fig. Fin. Fixt Flr. FRP Ft. Galv. Ht. Htrs. HVAC HW In. Int. Inst. Insul. lb. Allowance Average Board Feet Bituminous Building Brick Calculated Hundred Cubic Feet Cubic Feet Hundred Linear Feet Column Concrete Continuous, continued Hundred Square Feet Cubic Feet Cubic Yard, 27 cubic feet Domestic Hot Water Diameter Each Estimated Exterior Figure Finished Fixture Floor Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Foot, Feet Galvanized Height Heaters Heating, Ventilation, A/C Hot Water Inch Interior Installation Insulation Pound L.F. Lg. L.S. Maint. Mat., Mat’l Max MBF M.C.F. Min. Misc. M.L.F. M.S.F. M.S.Y. NA No. O.C. P.E. Ply. Pr. PVC Pvmt. Quan. Qty. R.C.P. Reinf. Req’d Sch., Sched. S.F. Sq. Std. Sys. S.Y. T&G Th, Thk. Tot. Unfin. V.C.T. Vent. Yd. Linear Foot Long Length Lump Sum Maintenance Material Maximum Thousand Board Feet Thousand Cubic Feet Minimum Miscellaneous Thousand Linear Feet Thousand Square Feet Thousand Square Yards Not applicable/available Number On Center Professional Engineer Plywood Pair Polyvinyl Chloride Pavement Quantity Reinforced Concrete Pipe Reinforced Required Schedule Square Foot Square, 100 Square Feet Standard System Square Yard Tongue & Groove Thick Total Unfinished Vinyl Composition Tile Ventilator Yard HERITAGE LAKES SUBDIVISION • UPDATED CAPITAL RESERVE ANALYSIS PAGE 26 BIBLIOGRAPHY Architectural Drawings by N/A Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions by N/A Site Work Cost Data by R.S. Means Company, Inc. Mechanical Cost Data by R.S. Means Company, Inc. Electrical Cost Data by R.S. Means Company, Inc. Open Shop Cost Data by R.S. Means Company, Inc. HERITAGE LAKES SUBDIVISION • UPDATED CAPITAL RESERVE ANALYSIS PAGE 27 PHOTOGRAPHS HERITAGE LAKES SUBDIVISION • UPDATED CAPITAL RESERVE ANALYSIS PAGE 28 HERITAGE LAKES ____________________________________________________________________________________ 1. View of one of the entry monument signs at the entrance to the community. The signs are in good condition. 2. View of the pool and pool house – the pool house is in good condition with a new roof system installed. HERITAGE LAKES ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. View of the pool furniture that is in good condition. 4. View of a minor crack in the concrete pool deck that should be sealed to prevent water infiltration. HERITAGE LAKES ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Another view of cracks at the concrete pool deck. 6. View of one of the cameras at the pool house. The camera system is a new system to the community. HERITAGE LAKES ____________________________________________________________________________________ 7. View of the tennis courts at the community – they are in good to fair condition. 8. View of a crack within the surface of the tennis courts. HERITAGE LAKES ____________________________________________________________________________________ 9. Another view of a crack in the tennis court surface. 10. View of a damaged section of rail fence at the gazebo area. HERITAGE LAKES ____________________________________________________________________________________ 11. View of the emergency spillway for the lake – the spillway is in good condition. 12. View of the dam at the lake. The dam is in good condition.