2014_01 Louisiana Lagniappe.pub
2014_01 Louisiana Lagniappe.pub
SOCIETY OF GOVERNMENT MEETING PROFESSIONALS LOUISIANA CHAPTER WWW.SGMPLA.ORG LOUISIANA LAGNIAPPE Volume 7, Issue 3 January 2014 Page 1 A MESSAGE FROM OUR PRESIDENT By Carolyn Wooten, President, SGMP-LA Chapter, LA School Board Association GREETINGS and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Inside this issue: A Message from our President 1 Future Programs 2 December Train- 3 ing Review New Member 4 2014 NEC 4 Article/News 5 Contact Info Thought for Today 5 As the Louisiana Chapter begins a new year, we will continue to forge ahead with SGMP’s mission to enhance the knowledge and expertise of government meeting planners. We will accomplish these goals through education and training. We are off to a great start in 2014 as Melody Kebe; Immediate Past President on the National Board will be our presenter January 8 and 9. On January 8, she will provide training primarily for the Board of Directors. However, all members are invited. On Thursday, January 9, Melody will present on the topic “Challenges or Opportunities: What’s Your Story?” Don’t miss out on joining fellow members in sharing challenges turned into opportunities that have had a profound impact on their personal and professional careers. During the January 8 training, the Board of Directors will reevaluate goals set at the beginning of the fiscal year. We are at the midpoint and are ready to move forward with the GMS (Government Meeting Specialist) program. Hats off to Karen Primeaux and Libby Noto for spearheading this project. For more information go to www.sgmpla.org. Our membership has remained steady but we want to grow. I encourage each of you to invite guests to our monthly education training sessions. Proceeds from fundraisers help provide scholarships to NEC. We will soon make chapter scholarship applications available to members. The NEC provides excellent education and networking opportunities for planners and suppliers. The chapter participated in National’s online auction. We earned over $400 for this first time endeavor. Many thanks to Cindy Torian and the Paragon Casino Resort for hosting the January 8 and 9 training. Have a Great Year! Carolyn Volume 7, Issue 3 Page 2 January 2014 Melody Kebe Presents to Louisiana Chapter in January at Paragon The Louisiana Chapter will once again be honored by the presence of Melody Kebe, SGMP’s National Immediate Past President. Last February, Melody presented a training entitled “What’s in Your SGMP Playbook—from the Locker Room to the Playing Field.” The training was both entertaining and rejuvenating, according to several of the attendees. (See review in Lagniappe, March 2013.) January’s meeting is sure to be just as exciting and informative. January’s topic will be: “Challenges or Opportunities: What’s Your Story”. The meeting is to be held at the Paragon Casino Resort on January 8 and 9, 2014. Wednesday, January 8, will be a special training, primarily for the board members, but all are invited from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Thursday, January 9, will be the scheduled monthly training beginning at 12:00 p.m. Please join us for this rare opportunity to be touched by a National SGMP Board Member. Melody has been an SGMP member since 1993 and has received awards and honors for Melody Kebe SGMP National Immediate Past President her contributions to the industry—the SGMP Sam Gilmer Planner of the Year, SGMP National President’s Award of Merit and the SGMP Chapter President’s Roundtable Leadership Award to name a few. Save the Date - Future Programming February 13, 2014 March 13, 2014 Working with Venues to Maximize Value and Minimize Stress To See or Not to See Radisson Hotel - Baton Rouge 2445 S Acadian Thruway Baton Rouge, LA Holiday Inn South - Baton Rouge 9940 Airline Hwy Baton Rouge, LA 11:30 a.m. to 1:00p.m. — 11:30 a.m. to 1:00p.m. — Page 5Volume 7, Issue 3 Page 3 January 2014 December 2013-Monthy Training and Holiday Social December’s monthly educational program was held at the Crowne Plaza in Baton Rouge on December 12, 2013. The training was a presentation by Carolyn Barrett and was entitled, “How well do You Know Your ABC’s”. Carolyn quizzed attendees on various terms and policies pertinent to SGMP and the meeting industry. It was great fun as the members competed with each other to see who would answer the most questions. December’s training was also our Holiday Social. For the second year, attendees brought Christmas ornaments to ex- change. Each member was allowed to open their ornament - then the stealing began. It was hilarious—no ornament was safe! December was a great meeting—enjoyable and educational. Check out the pictures on our facebook page—SGMPLA!! Jack Warner— Happy for the moment with his ornament Battle of the Carolyn’s— The ornament Trade gets brutal!! Scene from December’s Training— Carolyn Barrett conducts “How Well Do You Know Your ABC’s”. Volume 7, Issue 3 Page 4 January 2014 Welcome to our New Member Welcome to our new Planner member —Monica Minor. Monica is the Retail Manager for the United States Postal Service for the State of Louisiana. She is responsible for all programs that involve retail for the Postal Service—including the Passport Program, all alternative access modes, such as Contract Postal Units, Approved Shippers, Village Post Offices, Hallmark and ReadyPost Services, Self-Service Kiosks, and much more. Welcome, Monica! Former 2nd Vice-President: Christina Rutherford Save the Date—National Education Conference—2014 !!! The main function of the SGMP association is education. This education is now based upon nine core competencies of government meeting planning. They are: 1) Education/Programming, 2) Facilities and Services, 3) Logistics, 4) Financial and Contract Management, 5) Technology, 6) Leadership, 7) Ethics, 8) Protocol, and 9) Federal, State, and Local Travel. These competencies are at the core of the educational requirements of our monthly meetings and most compelling as a reason to attend the SGMP NEC which is an opportunity like no other to learn our industry. The 2014 SGMP National Education Conference (NEC) takes place in Portland, Oregon. National SGMP Rance Willis Planner Development Scholarship applications are now closed, but we will be accepting applications soon for the Louisiana Chapter scholarships. Make plans to attend. Volume 7, Issue 3 January 2014 Page 5 Getting the Most of Your SGMP Membership By Carolyn Barrett, Senior Sales Manager, Jefferson Convention & Visitors Bureau In order to get the most out of your SGMP membership, get involved! Can you join a committee? All our committees need assistance – are you great at greeting people or editing a newsletter or are surveys your favorite thing to do? Have great fundraising ideas? Then your talents can be put to good use. Talk to a board member before or after a meeting and they can direct you to the right person. We currently have the following committees: Membership, Hospitality, Communi- Former 2nd Vice-President: Christina Rutherford ty Service, Communications, Programs, and Fund-Raising. Want to showcase your hotel? Then volunteer to host a monthly educational training. It is the perfect opportunity to let planners and fellow suppliers taste your food and take a site tour – how many other chances do you get to have between 5 – 10 planners at your property for lunch? Can you share your expertise on a certain subject matter? SGMP LA is always looking for new speakers – call Karen Primeaux and find out what meetings and topics she needs help with. SGMP LA needs all our members to be an active part of our chapter to help us continue to grow and be successful. Who knows –you might be on our next chapter board of directors! News January’s meeting will kick-off the Louisiana SGMP’s Government Meeting Specialist (GMS) Program. The GMS is an in-depth certificate program that will be earned through attendance in core competency based training over a three year period—leading to an increased skillset in performing duties as a government meeting professional. To qualify, members must enroll in the program and maintain records of their attendance and the core competencies covered. To enroll, please see Libby Noto. There will be a $25.00 application fee and a $25.00 certificate fee when you have completed the requirements for the GMS certification. —The Board of Directors voted in December to raise the rates charged for the monthly trainings. It has become increasingly difficult to find venues that can meet the lower amounts that we were paying. Effective January 1, 2014, Planners will pay $15.00 and Suppliers will pay $25.00. Nonmember Suppliers will pay $35.00. These fees are still less than the per diem rates. LA Chapter received $411.75 from the online auction held last month. SOCIETY OF GOVERNMENT MEETING PROFESSIONALS LOUISIANA CHAPTER WWW.SGMPLA.ORG POST OFFICE BOX 84285 BATON ROUGE LA 70884 EDITOR: Renette Dominick renette.m.dominick@usps.gov www.sgmp.org Volume 7,7, Issue 33 Volume Issue Page 6Page 5 January 2014 SGMP-LA Board of Directors SGMP - LA Board of Directors PRESIDENT PRESIDENT Carolyn CarolynWooten, Wooten,CGMP CGMP LA LASchool SchoolBoard BoardAssociation Association 225-769-3191 225-769-3191 cwooten@lsba.com president@sgmpla.org TREASURER TREASURER Jennifer JerriToups Kellogg Marriott International Marriott International 504-430-5790 504-417-1110 jennifer.toups@marriott.com Jerri.E.Kellogg@marriott.com FIRST FIRSTVICE-PRESIDENT VICE-PRESIDENT Renette RenetteDominick, Dominick,M.Ed. M.Ed. UUSSPostal PostalService Service 504-589-1142 504-589-1142 renette.m.dominick@usps.gov vp@sgmp.org DIRECTOR/PLANNER DIRECTOR/PLANNER JackMelissa WarnerLee LA Office of Tourism LA Transportation Research Center 225-342-8125 225-767-9155 jwarner@crt..la.gov melissa.lee@la.gov SECOND SECONDVICE-PRESIDENT VICE-PRESIDENT Kelly Johnson Karen Primeaux Morial Convention Center, New Orleans Lafayette CVC 504-582-3070 337-232-3737 kbjohnson@mccno.com karen@sgmpla.org DIRECTOR/SUPPLIER DIRECTOR/SUPPLIER Kelly Johnson Cindy Torian Morial Convention Orleans ParagonCenter, CasinoNew Resort 504-582-3070 318-240-1059 kbjohnson@mccno.com ctorian@paragoncasinoresort.com SECRETARY SECRETARY AllisonJack Jones Ferguson Warner LA Department Louisiana OfficeofofInsurance Tourism 225-342-4311 225-342-8125 aferguson@ldi.state.la.us jack@sgmpla.org DIRECTOR/SUPPLIER DIRECTOR/SUPPLIER Elizabeth Hidalgo Mai T Vu Hilton Riverfront New Orleans Wyndham New Orleans 701 504-556-3718 Convention Center Blvd elizabeth.hidalgo@hilton.com mvu@wyndham.com PASTPRESIDENT PRESIDENT PAST LibbyNoto Noto Libby Officeofofthe theAttorney AttorneyGeneral General Office 225-326-6048 225-326-6048 notol@ag.state.la.us notol@ag.state.la.us Thought for the New Year
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