File - Blue Earth Nicollet County Humane Society
File - Blue Earth Nicollet County Humane Society
Paws for News Winter 2009 Blue Earth Nicollet County Humane Society New Year, New Home! We are so excited to announce that we are expecting to move our furry friends into the Riverside Regional Pet Shelter in January! Most of the construction has been completed under the supervision of 5:&DUOVWURPDQGYROXQWHHUVDUHQRZZRUNLQJRQVRPHRIWKH¿QLVKLQJGHWDLOV ,QWKHQH[WIHZZHHNVZHZLOOEHEXVLO\SUHSDULQJWKHQHZIDFLOLW\IRURXUIULHQGV Once everything is complete and in its place, we would like each and everyone of you to come visit the new building! 6DWXUGD\-DQXDU\ZHZLOOKRVWDYHU\VSHFLDOHYHQW³1HZ<HDU1HZ+RPH´ The shelter will be open for the public to come and tour the beautiful new building ZHKDYHFUHDWHGIRUWKHFDWVDQGGRJV7KH%(1&+6%RDUGRI'LUHFWRUVZLOODOVREH RQKDQGWRDQVZHUTXHVWLRQVDQGWRXUZLWK\RX We are expecting to see all our members at the housewarming, so mark your calendar! In This Issue 2 Our Gratitude! 3 Name Game 4 5 Before You Adopt Upcoming Events 6 Be a Santa! 7 Be a Santa! 8 Adoption Success 9 Super Kids 10 Pet Population 11 The Grrreat Race 12 BENCHS Donors 13 BENCHS Donors Riverside Regional Pet Shelter Building Update 5DLVLQJWKHPRQH\IRURXUQHZIDFLOLW\KDVQRWEHHQDQHDV\WDVN6KRUWO\DIWHUODXQFKLQJRXUFDSLWDO FDPSDLJQWKHHFRQRP\FUDVKHGOHDYLQJPDQ\SHRSOHXQHPSOR\HG±RUZRUVH%XWZHFRXOGQ¶WVWRSZHKDG WREXLOGDQHZVKHOWHU:HKRVWHGHYHU\HYHQWZHFRXOGWKLQNRIPDGHFROGFDOOVYLVLWHGJHQHURXV EHQHIDFWRUVLQWKHFRPPXQLW\ZHZRUNHGKDUGWRUDLVHWKHPRQH\ZHQHHGHG 7KLVIDOOWKH%(1&+6FDSLWDOFDPSDLJQZDVWKHUHFLSLHQWRIDODUJHJLIWIURPWKH:DUQHU$=HQRHVWDWH DQGWKH3(7&2IRXQGDWLRQ7KHVHJLIWVFHUWDLQO\KHOSHGWRVXUJHRXUIXQGDKHDG $OWKRXJKZHDUHVRFORVHWRUDLVLQJDOORIWKHPRQH\IRURXUQHZEXLOGLQJZHDUHQ¶WGRQH7KHIDFLOLW\LV reaching completion and we will have to pay the remaining building costs with the line of credit we secured WKURXJK8QLWHG3UDLULH%DQN7KHUHIRUHZHZLOOFRQWLQXHIXQGUDLVLQJWRSD\RIIWKHOLQHRIFUHGLWDQGFUHDWH DQHQGRZPHQWIRUWKH5536 If you would like to contribute to the campaign, please contact our campaign chairs Mary Weller RU-HUU\:HJPDQ $JDLQWKDQN\RXWRHYHU\RQHZKRKDVKHOSHGPDNHWKLVGUHDPDUHDOLW\ Board meetings are open to the public on the first Monday of each month at Snell Motors Community Room starting at 6:30 p.m. Blue Earth Nicollet County Humane Society Thank You! Grazi e! We wish to express our sincere gratitude for all the VXSSRUWZH¶YHUHFHLYHGRYHUWKHSDVWVL[PRQWKV $UW6SODVKRUJDQL]HUV 3DUWLFLSDQWVLQWKH³*UUUHDW5DFH´ (YHU\RQHLQYROYHGZLWKWKH&DWV'RJV$OOH\3DUW\ Gracias! 7KH3DZIRUKRVWLQJWKHDQQRXQFHPHQWRIWKH³*UUUHDW5DFH´ZLQQHUDQG LQFOXGLQJ%(1&+6DWWKH+DOORZHHQSDUW\ %XVWHU¶V%DU*ULOOIRUKRVWLQJWKH6RDS\3DZVFDUZDVKHV Obrigudo 'RJJRQH*RRG$UW6KRZ (YHU\YROXQWHHUDQGVKRSSHUDWWKHWKDQQXDO%(1&+6JDUDJHVDOH Dank U! (YHU\RQHZKRYROXQWHHUHGDWRUSDUWLFLSDWHGLQWKH*UHDW$UI:DON The Red Men Club for hosting a bingo night Tami Tupy and family for building beautiful cat climbers for our new shelter +DUULHW3ORW]DQGKHUFUHZDW05&,IRUPDNLQJNLWW\EHGVIRURXUVKHOWHUFDWV 7KUHH (DJOHV 5DGLR *URXS IRU WKHLU ³3HW RI WKH :HHN´ IHDWXUH DQG WUHH OLJKWLQJ event =DQWDDQG0DXULFHVIRUVKRZFDVLQJ%(1&+6LQWKH)DOOIDVKLRQVKRZV /LY$YHGD Merci MICO employees for hosting the car and motorcycle show Radio Mankato $//RIRXUIDEXORXVYROXQWHHUV e Dank Page 2 Winter 2009 Name Game 5HFHQWO\DYROXQWHHUIURP%(1&+6DVNHGLIZHSODQQHGWREHLQYROYHG RUDI¿OLDWHGZLWKWKHQHZVKHOWHUWKDWZDVJRLQJXSLQ0DQNDWR7KDWZDV DSUHWW\ELJFOXHWKDWWKHUH¶VVRPHFRQIXVLRQLQWKHFRPPXQLW\DERXWWKH 5LYHUVLGH5HJLRQDO3HW6KHOWHU :KHQWKH%(1&+6%RDUGRI'LUHFWRUVEHJDQWKHSURFHVVRISODQQLQJD new building, we agreed that the shelter should have a name that UHÀHFWHGRXUSURJUDP%OXH(DUWK1LFROOHW&RXQW\+XPDQH6RFLHW\KDV caused some confusion because the title sounds like we are a county IXQGHGDJHQF\ZHDUHQRWDEUDQFKRIHLWKHUFRXQW\ZHDUHDQ LQGHSHQGHQW QRQSUR¿W RUJDQL]DWLRQ :H DOVR VHUYH D PXFK JUHDWHU UDQJHWKDQWKHWZRFRXQWLHVLQRXUWLWOH6RZHZHUHORRNLQJIRUDQDPH WKDWH[SUHVVHGRXUVHUYLFHDUHDDQGRXUQHZORFDWLRQ ³5LYHUVLGH´GHVFULEHVWKHORFDWLRQRIWKHQHZEXLOGLQJ³5HJLRQDO´ EHWWHUGHVFULEHVRXUDUHDRILQÀXHQFHZKLFKLQFOXGHVWKHJUHDWHU VRXWKHUQ0LQQHVRWDDUHD$QGZHZDQWHGWRGHVFULEHRXUSURMHFW SURYLGLQJDVKHOWHURUKDYHQIRUSHWV7KXVWKH5LYHUVLGH5HJLRQDO3HW 6KHOWHU Riverside Regional Pet Shelter will be owned and managed by the %(1&+6%RDUGRI'LUHFWRUV,QWKHIXWXUHZHPLJKWORRNDWFKDQJLQJWKH name of the board, but that requires a fair amount of legal assistance, WLPHDQGPRQH\6RDVZHVWDUWRXWZHZLOOSURXGO\UHPDLQWKH%(1&+6 SURJUDPPDQDJLQJWKHQHZ5LYHUVLGH5HJLRQDO3HW6KHOWHU Happy Tails ³2Q-XO\RXUIDPLO\VWRSSHGDW&XOYHU¶VLQ1RUWK0DQNDWRDIWHUD 7EDOO JDPH 2XU QHZ SXSS\ $XWXPQ &RFRD %URZQ D VL[ZHHNROG &KRFRODWH/DEZKRZHKDGMXVWEURXJKWKRPHWZRGD\VHDUOLHUZDLWHG LQWKHFDUZKLOHZHJRWDTXLFNELWHWRHDW :KLOHZHZHUHHDWLQJRXUQHZSXSS\ZDVVWROHQ:HZHUHDOO GHYDVWDWHGDQGLWZDVYHU\GLI¿FXOWIRURXUWZRROGHVWJLUOVWRXQGHUVWDQG ZK\VRPHRQHZRXOGVWHDOWKHLUQHZSXSS\7KH1RUWK0DQNDWRSROLFH GHSDUWPHQWUHVSRQGHGDQGWRRNGRZQRXULQIRUPDWLRQ7REHKRQHVW, WKRXJKWZHZRXOGQHYHUVHHRXUSXSS\DJDLQ2XUJLUOVFULHGWKHPVHOYHV WRVOHHSWKDWQLJKW 7KHQH[WPRUQLQJZHFDOOHGWKHDUHDYHWVDVZHOODV%(1&+6%(1&+6 ZDVDEOHWRJHWRXUVWRU\RQ5DGLR0DQNDWR¶VVWDWLRQV /DWHUWKDWGD\DQRI¿FHUIURPWKH1RUWK0DQNDWR3ROLFHGHSDUWPHQW FDOOHGXVWRLQIRUPXVWKDWWKH\KDGDVXVSHFW$QGE\SPWKDW evening, my girls had their new puppy back in their DUPV I am hoping you will share our absolute appreciation with those that made it possible for XVWRJHWRXUSXSS\EDFN:HUHDOO\DSSUHFLDWHDOO WKDWZDVGRQH 3 Volunteer 3 Exercise Spend time with family 3 Let the dogs at BENCHS help you check everything off your list! Dog walkers are always needed to take the dogs out for fresh air and exercise. Throw on a pair of athletic shoes and stop by the shelter! Not only are you helping the dogs at the shelter, you’re also getting exercise and, if you bring some family or friends, spending some quality time with loved ones! We look forward to seeing you at the shelter! Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday 7:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Find us on Face b ook! Beco me a fan o the R f ivers ide Regio nal Shel ter/F Pet rien of BE NCHS ds . 7KDQN\RXDOOIRUDOO\RXGLGIRURXUIDPLO\´ Tami Reuter Page 3 Blue Earth Nicollet County Humane Society Before You Adopt . . . 6RPH7KLQJVWR&RQVLGHU%HIRUH$GRSWLQJD3HW :KHQ\RXDGRSW\RXQHHGWRPDNHDUHDOFRPPLWPHQWWRFDUHIRU \RXUSHWIRULWVHQWLUHOLIHQRPDWWHUZKDWWKDWHQWDLOVMXVWDV\RXZRXOG ZLWKDFKLOG %HSUHSDUHGIRUDSHWWRDIIHFWRWKHUSDUWVRI\RXUOLIHIRUDVORQJDV \RXKDYHWKHSHWZKLFKFDQEHXSWRWR\HDUV7KHZHOOEHLQJRI your pet will have to be considered in all kinds of decisions, including travel, social life, relocating to a new home, adopting other pets and KDYLQJFKLOGUHQ 9HULI\LQDGYDQFHWKDW\RX¶UHDOORZHGWRNHHSDSHWZKHUH\RXOLYH HVSHFLDOO\LI\RXUHQWRUEHORQJWRDKRPHRZQHUV¶DVVRFLDWLRQ 0DNHDQ\QHFHVVDU\PRGL¿FDWLRQVWR\RXU\DUGDQGIHQFHLI\RXKDYH RQHWRSURYLGHIRU\RXUSHW¶VVDIHW\ 1HYHUJLYHDSHWDVDJLIW &KRRVHDSHWDSSURSULDWHWR\RXUOLYLQJVLWXDWLRQDQGOLIHVW\OH)LJXUH RXWZKDWVL]HDJHDQGHQHUJ\OHYHOSHWLVPRVWDSSURSULDWHIRU\RX Capital Campaign Update Thanks in large part to the contributions made as a result of our previous mailing, our new WRWDODVRI'HFHPEHUVWDQGVDW $VZHFRQWLQXHWRZRUNWRZDUG RXUJRDORIPLOOLRQGRQDWLRQV made in any amount will be JUDWHIXOO\UHFHLYHG:HDUHVWLOO offering inscribed bricks and pavers at the $500 and $1,000 OHYHOFRQWULEXWLRQV Thank You, -HUU\:HJPDQ0DU\:HOOHU ide t rs Pe e l v Ri ona r i te g Re hel S 1HYHU DGRSW D SHW RQ D ZKLP RU EHFDXVH \RX IHHO LW¶V ORYHDW¿UVW VLJKW'R\RXUUHVHDUFKDQGFDUHIXOO\FRQVLGHUDOOWKHDVSHFWVDQG LPSOLFDWLRQVRIDGRSWLQJEHIRUH\RXPDNHDGHFLVLRQ ,I\RX¶UHDGRSWLQJDSHWIRU\RXUNLGVXQGHUVWDQGWKDWWKH UHVSRQVLELOLW\LV\RXUV.LGVE\WKHLUQDWXUHRIWHQWLUHRIWKLQJVWKDW ZHUHRQFHQHZDQGH[FLWLQJDQGWKLVLQFOXGHVWKHLUSHWV<RXZLOOPRVW OLNHO\HQGXSEHLQJWKHRQHZKRSURYLGHVPRVWRIWKHSHW¶VFDUH 3ODQIRUDVHYHUDOZHHNDGMXVWPHQWSHULRGGXULQJZKLFKWKHUHZLOO EHFKDOOHQJHV Pins for Paws: Bowling for BENCHS Join us at the WOW Zone on Sunday, February 28. &KHFNRXU:HEVLWHRU¿QGXV on Facebook, for more information! 3URYLGHVXI¿FLHQWH[HUFLVHDQGVWLPXODWLRQ:DONGRJVDFFRUGLQJWR individual need, provide playtime and appropriate toys for both dogs DQGFDWVVSHQGWLPHMXVWSHWWLQJDQGWDONLQJWR\RXUSHWLQFOXGHSHWLQ IDPLO\DFWLYLWLHV “I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something, and because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.” Edward Everett Hale Page 4 Winter 2009 Message from the President 'XULQJ7KDQNVJLYLQJGLQQHUWKLV\HDUP\IDPLO\ZDVVKDULQJZKDWZH ZHUHJUDWHIXOIRU,DPVREOHVVHGWKDW,KDYHDORQJOLVWLQFOXGLQJP\ loving family and my health, but the thought that stayed with me was KRZJUDWHIXO,DPWRKDYHWKHRSSRUWXQLW\WRZRUNIRUKRPHOHVVDQLPDOV ,DPVRJUDWHIXOWKDWZH¶UHEXLOGLQJWKHPDQHZVKHOWHUZKLFKLVQHDUO\ FRPSOHWHG,DPVRJUDWHIXOWKDW,KDYHKDGWKHRSSRUWXQLW\WRZRUNLQ DFRPPXQLW\WKDWFDUHVIRUKRPHOHVVFDWVDQGGRJV0DQ\SHRSOHKDYH planned, phoned, written, volunteered and contributed to our FROOHFWLYHGHVLUHWREXLOGDVDIHKDYHQ The building is constructed of steel, wood and concrete, but make no PLVWDNHLWZDVEXLOWZLWKORYHFRQYLFWLRQDQGSDVVLRQIRUWKHFDXVH :KHQ\RXDUULYHDW5LYHUVLGH5HJLRQDO3HW6KHOWHU\RXZLOOIHHOLW7KH VHQVHRIGHGLFDWLRQDQGFDULQJLVSRXULQJRXWRIHYHU\ZDOODQGZLQGRZ 7KLVEXLOGLQJLVDPRQXPHQWWRWKHKHDUWRIWKLVFRPPXQLW\ I am so grateful to everyone who made this possible and I look forward with great anticipation to our future at the Riverside Regional 3HW6KHOWHU SU P BE POR NC T HS Hope to see each of you at the house warming party! 6XVDQ.URRQ 3UHVLGHQW%(1&+6%RDUGRI'LUHFWRUV Upcoming Events! 'HFHPEHULV%(1&+6IHDWXUHPRQWKDWWKH%OXH(DUWK County Library – information kiosks for the entire month and a pet adoption GD\LQWLPHIRUWKHKROLGD\V%HVXUHWRVWRSE\ $1HZ+RPHIRUWKH+ROLGD\V 3OHDVHMRLQXV6DWXUGD\-DQXDU\IRUDKRXVHZDUPLQJSDUW\ DWWKHQHZ5LYHUVLGH5HJLRQDO3HW6KHOWHU Congratulations to Otis, Mayor of the Riverside Regional Pet Shelter! Mark Your ! dar Calen 6SDJKHWWL'LQQHUDW3XE Saturday, January 30, from 3:30 to 8:00 Super bowl Party 6XQGD\)HEUXDU\DW&KDUOH\¶V5HVWDXUDQW 3LQVIRU3DZV%RZOLQJIRU%(1&+6 6XQGD\)HEUXDU\DWWKH:2:=RQH WK$QQXDO:LQH%HHU&KRFRODWH7DVWLQJ 7KXUVGD\$SULODWWKH&RXQWU\,QQ6XLWHV Page 5 Be A Santa This holiday season, be a Santa for a homeless pet! Not everyone can bring home another cat or dog, but everyone can sponsor a pet and make their Christmas a little brighter! $SDFKH Casper $FH Curly Image Jewel Pogo Harvey Page 6 Lexus Benchs Adoptable Pets Tiffy Oliver Tyson Madoline Persia Louie Roseanne Patrick Page 7 Blue Earth Nicollet County Humane Society Adoption Success ³-XVWZDQWHGWRVHQG\RXDOOVRPHSLFWXUHVRIWKHVHWZR:H¶YHEHHQ having a great time getting to know each other since we DGRSWHGWKHP7KDQNVIRUKHOSLQJWKHDQLPDOV:H¶UHKDSS\WKDW 6DPDQG)UDQFHVFDKDYHMRLQHGRXUIDPLO\´ 3HWH0F'RQQHOODQG0DU\2YHUOLH %ODFNODEVDUHPRVWIUHTXHQWO\ surrendered to the shelter Olivia was a beautiful calico cat who came to the shelter from the 0DQNDWRLPSRXQG2OLYLDZDVVXFKDVZHHWJLUOEXWDOZD\VVLFNVKH MXVWQHYHUVHHPHGWRJHWRYHUKHUFROG$QWLELRWLFVDQGVSHFLDOIRRGMXVW GLGQ¶WKHOS $IWHUVHYHUDOWULSVWRWKHYHW2OLYLDZDVGLDJQRVHGZLWKWHUPLQDO O\PSKRPD(YHU\RQHDWWKHVKHOWHUZDVGHYDVWDWHG ZHZDQWHGWKLV VZHHWJLUOWR¿QGDZRQGHUIXOKRPHDQGOLYHDORQJKHDOWK\OLIH:HDOO ZRUULHGDERXWKHUDQGGLGQ¶WZDQWKHUWRVSHQGWKHODVWIHZPRQWKVRI KHUOLIHLQDFDJHDWWKHVKHOWHUEXWGLGQ¶WWKLQNLWZDVUHDOLVWLFWRH[SHFW VRPHRQHWRDGRSWKHU 7KH¿UVWZHHNRI'HFHPEHUZHUHFHLYHGDQHDUO\&KULVWPDVSUHVHQW $ ZRQGHUIXO SHUVRQ FDPH WR WKH VKHOWHU ORRNLQJ WR DGRSW D FDW DQG DIWHUKHDULQJ2OLYLD¶VVWRU\GHFLGHGWRWDNHKHUKRPHDQGJLYHKHUWKH ORYHDQGFRPIRUWVKHGHVHUYHV Thanks to a very special individual with a heart of gold, Olivia is GRLQJZHOO6KHHQMR\VURDPLQJWKHKRXVHDQGVLWWLQJLQWKHVXQ Page 8 * We use approximately 300 pounds of cat litter every week ,QWKHSDVW\HDUZH¶YHIRXQG loving homes for two Newfoundlands, Yorkie, 3RPHUDQLDQ'DFKVXQG&RFNHU Spaniel, Poodle, German Shorthaired Pointer, Collie, (QJOLVK6HWWHUDQG<RUNLHSRR Adoption Success Your 2009 Board Members President: Susan Kroon 388-2811 Vice President: Katherine Nelson 380-7737 Secretary: Lois Anderson 388-2408 Treasurer: Mary Gaskins 387-5443 Kristen Taylor 340-5684 Trista Delaney 388-6882 Walt Anderson 625-4420 Julie Byrne 388-3855 Becky Beyer 387-2092 Did You Know? * On average, black cats stay at the shelter longer than any other cats * Curly, currently our “house FDW´KDVOLYHGDWWKHVKHOWHU since May 11, 2007 Join us Saturday, January 30, for the 4th annual Spaghetti Dinner at Pub500! )URPWRZH·OOEHVWXɸQJRXUVHOYHV with ‘sgetti, salad and breadsticks. Hope to see you there! Winter 2009 Super Kids! %RQQLH %UDQGRQ DQG $PHVKD KRVWHG D \DUG VDOH WR EHQH¿WWKHQHZ5LYHUVLGH5HJLRQDO3HW6KHOWHU7KH\ HDUQHG D ZKRSSLQJ WRZDUG WKH QHZ EXLOGLQJ Not only did they host a yard sale, they also made GRQDWLRQV WR WKH DQQXDO %(1&+6¶ JDUDJH VDOH WKDW JHQHUDWHGIXQGVWRZDUGWKHFXUUHQWRSHUDWLQJEXGJHW Way to go! $PEHU ZURWH DQ HGLWRULDO WR WKH 0DQNDWR )UHH 3UHVV and had a lemonade stand that raised $16! What a super kid! Laura and Makayla collected donations around their neighborhood, then baked special dog treats to sell at WKH %(1&+6 JDUDJH VDOH UHFLSH LQFOXGHG 7KDQNV girls! 5HFLSHIRU+RPHPDGH'RJ7UHDWV IURP%XOOZULQNOHFRP 1 C rolled oats 1/3 C margarine or butter 1 C boiling water ¾ C cornmeal 1 T sugar 2 tsp chicken or beef instant bullion ½ C milk R]VKUHGGHGFKHGGDUFKHHVH& 1 egg, beaten &ZKLWHRUZKHDWÀRXU 3UHKHDW RYHQ WR GHJUHHV *UHDVH FRRNLH VKHHWV ,Q ODUJH ERZOFRPELQHUROOHGRDWVPDUJDULQHDQGZDWHUOHWVWDQGIRU PLQXWHV6WLULQFRUQPHDOVXJDUEXOOLRQPLONFKHHVHDQG HJJ0L[ZHOO$GGÀRXUFXSDWDWLPHPL[LQJZHOODIWHUHDFK DGGLWLRQWRIRUPVWLIIGRXJK 2Q ÀRXUHG VXUIDFH NQHDG UHPDLQLQJ ÀRXU XQWLO GRXJK LV VPRRWKDQGQRORQJHUVWLFN\WRPLQXWHV5ROORUSDWGRXJK WRòLQFKWKLFNQHVVFXWZLWKFRRNLHFXWWHU3ODFHLQFKDSDUW RQFRRNLHVKHHWV %DNHIRUWRPLQXWHVRUXQWLOJROGHQEURZQ&RRO FRPSOHWHO\6WRUHORRVHO\FRYHUHG0DNHVòGR]HQODUJH ELVFXLWV Page 9 Blue Earth Nicollet County Humane Society Pet Overpopulation (DFK\HDULQWKH8QLWHG6WDWHVEHWZHHQVL[PLOOLRQWR HLJKWPLOOLRQGRJVDQGFDWVHQWHUDVKHOWHU <HWRQO\RISHRSOHJHWWKHLUSHWVIURPVKHOWHUV Surprised? Test how much you know about homeless pets and SHW RYHUSRSXODWLRQ LQ WKH 86 E\ WDNLQJ WKH VKRUW TXL] below: +RZPDQ\OLWWHUVFDQRQHFDWKDYHHDFK\HDU" · Three ā)RXU · Six 7KLQNRQO\PXWWVDUHOHIWRQWKHVWUHHW" :KDWSHUFHQWRIGRJVLQDQLPDOVKHOWHUVLQWKH86DUH purebred? · 10 percent · 15 percent · 25 percent 7UXHRUIDOVH2QHXQVSD\HGIHPDOHFDWFDQEH UHVSRQVLEOHIRUPLOOLRQRIIVSULQJRYHUVL[\HDUV · True ā)DOVH 7UXHRUIDOVH1HZ+DPSVKLUH¶VVSD\QHXWHUDVVLVWDQFH SURJUDP KDV UHGXFHG WKH VWDWH¶V SHW RYHUSRSXODWLRQ FRXQWDQGFXWWKHLUHXWKDQDVLDUDWHE\LQVL[\HDUV · True ā)DOVH $QVZHUV Homeless Pet’s Prayer Please send me somebody who’ll care. I’m so tired of running and sick with despair. 5aJWLaQ[IKPQVOIVLÅTTML_Q\P[]KPXIQV# And this I pray, as I run in the rain That someone will love me and give me a home, A warm cozy bed, and food of my own. My last owner left me alone in the yard... I watched as they moved, and that was so hard. So I waited a while, then went on my way To rummage in garbage and live as a stray. But now, I’m so tired and hungry and cold, And I’m so afraid that I’ll never grow old. They’ve chased me with sticks and hit me with straps While I run the streets just looking for scraps. I’m not really bad, please help if you can, For I have become just a “Victim of Man.” 1¼U_WZUaIVL1¼UZQLLMV_Q\PÆMI[# And all that I want is an owner to please. 1N aW]ÅVLWVMNWZUM1¼TT\Za\WJMOWWL 1_WV¼\_ZMKS\PMKIZXM\#1¼TTLWI[1[PW]TL I’ll love them, play with them, and try to obey. I will be so grateful if they’ll let me stay. I don’t think I’ll make it too long on my own, ‘Cause I’m getting weak and I’m so all alone. Each night as I sleep in the bushes I cry, ‘Cause I’m so afraid, that I’m going to die. I’ve got so much love and devotion to give That I should be given a new chance to live. So please hear me, please answer my prayer, And send me somebody who will REALLY care. -Author Unknown )DOVHPRUHWKDQ 7UXH Come watch the super bowl with us! Sunday, February 7 at Charley’s Restaurant. 0RUHLQIRUPDWLRQZLOOEHDYDLODEOHRQOLQHDW and on the BENCHS Facebook page. Page 10 BENCHS Wish List: -Clay cat litter -Premium Edge adult cat food -Premium Edge kitten food -Cat toys -Canned cat and dog food -Bones and rawhide chews for dogs -Liquid laundry detergent -Paper towels -OdoBan Odor Eliminator -Clorox Cleanup -Catnip toys -Leashes Winter 2009 Donations Honoring the Following Friends of BENCHS We have had several donations honoring individuals for an event that is significant to the donor & honoree. This is a great new idea and we are pleased to accept these gifts in honor of our friends. Shar Moonan %HD%XOODUG 'DZQ8OULFK Paige Snover Donations Made in Memory of Departed Pets 7RUUH\+HDWKHU:DOUDWK¶VGRJ³&KHYLH´ 3DW+DOWHU¶V³%RRPHU´ 0HUO\Q+DUULHW3ORW]¶GRJ³$QQLH´ $QRQ\PRXVIRU³%HOOD´ *HUUL%UDWVFKGRJ³6DGLH´ -LP6KHUL)HGVRQ¶VFDW³&LQGHU´ 0DOORU\+RIIPDQ¶V³6SLNH´ /HH/DXULVFK¶GRJ³6DOVD´ :DUUHQ,UHQH0LFNHOVRQ¶V³%DEH´ 'HQQLV.DUHQ:DKOVWURP¶VFDW³$O¿H´ Our animal friends may leave us all too soon . . . but their paw prints will dance gently on our hearts forever. Donations Made in Memory of Loved Ones Judy Preis 'D\QH+DVOLS -RUGDQ.DJHUPHLHU Nancy Jones 5REHUW(LFKPH\HU .DWK\,WHQ 6XH)UHWWH Marg Schlingman Norma Collins %UXFH-XEHULDQ (OOLH+D\HV %HUQLH%DVVKRQV 1RUPD0LOOHU-R\(GZDUGV Lorraine Rogers Joel Reinbold %HUWKD0RUVFKLQJ Page 11 Blue Earth Nicollet County Humane Society 517 Madison Avenue Mankato, Minnesota 56001 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. 19 Mankato, MN 56001 Phone: (507) 625-6373 E-mail: Web site: RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Your last membership renewal We Need Your Help! We need the help of caring and compassionate individuals like YOU! BENCHS is a grass roots effort that does not receive any government funding. The daily operating costs of the shelter are funded by community donations, memberships, grants and fundraisers. For only $30 for an individual or $100 for a business, YOU could become a member of BENCHS and help us take care of the homeless animals in our region. Your membership donation will goes toward the BENCHS general operating fund, which pays for cat and dog food, toys, collars and kitty litter. That money is also used to pay our marvelous staff and our veterinary bills. BENCHS accepts surrendered pets from families in the region; strays come to BENCHS from the Mankato Animal Impound and the Blue Earth County Impound. Every month about 50 animals are brought to the shelter. BENCHS is a no-kill shelter, and treats and cares for all animals until they are adopted. This is an exciting time for BENCHS, as we begin to build a new shelter facility. Join us and be a part of this historic year!
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