SANParks pumps R3m into Tokai and Cecilia
SANParks pumps R3m into Tokai and Cecilia
TMNP’s Hoerikwaggo Kids Smitswinkel Tented Camp under construction Red Data Book points to conservation status See Page 2 See Page 5 See Page 7 West Coast National Park See Page 8 Table Mountain National Park • Second Quar ter 2009 SANParks pumps R3m into Tokai and Cecilia By Chad Cheney SANParks has committed R3 million to commence with a range of biodiversity rehabilitation and recreational improvements in line with the approved Management Framework for Tokai and Cecilia. The funding will be released in R1million tranches over a three year period commencing in April 2009. The funds flow from the Management Framework prepared in consultation with the public and stakeholders to guide the future management, rehabilitation and upgrade of Tokai and Cecilia. In terms of the 2005 Dept of Water Affairs assignment, SANParks manages the plantations and the timber company MTO Forestry, which is harvesting the plantation trees over a 20 year period to 2024. The Proteas, Mark Lottering, and some Table Mountain needs your vote. Log onto The Management Framework is a ‘framework for planning’ which provides a vision for the future of Tokai and Cecilia. This vision includes biodiversity restoration, provision of shaded recreational areas and routes and the protection of heritage resources. The Management Framework can be viewed on the TMNP website: . Key projects to be funded in 2009 include: members of the SAPS have cast their votes for Table Mountain. Remember, you have until 7 July 2009 to vote. Above, from top to bottom: Captain Graeme Smith, JP Duminy and Jacques Kallis Proteas photographs supplied by TMACC Left: Mark Lottering • • • • • • • the upgrade of footpaths in Tokai and Cecilia, including a network of environmentally sensitive boardwalks in areas that are under rehabilitation; the removal of alien vegetation around Prinskasteel Waterfall and the waterfall footpath in Tokai; the shade route planting in Tokai and Cecilia to allow for shade in the long term along designated routes; the afromontane planting in Cecilia in areas that would support long term viable forests; the realignment of the Tokai braai area to allow for the establishment of an ecological corridor connecting the critically threatened, lowland Cape Flats Sand Fynbos to mountain fynbos; the upgrade of the re-aligned Tokai braai area; and increasing the number of grysbok in lower Tokai as populations have declined over the years. Work undertaken to date includes the upgrade, in Cecilia, of the Eagle’s Nest footpath to the Back Table and the appointment of landscape architects to prepare the plan for the re-aligned Tokai braai site. The projects will be undertaken in consultation with the relevant authorities, biodiversity experts, NGOs, stakeholders and members of the public. From left: Supt. Randall Stoffels, Sergeant Theo Goosen, Constable Edwin George, Capt. Angie Latchman, Inspector John Baker, Supt. Priscilla Vos, Supt. Juner Cilliers BP Southern Africa boosts the TMNP’s fire fighting capacity BP Southern Africa, part of the global petroleum company, has donated a Bulk Water Tanker to Table Mountain National Park (TMNP). The 11 500-litre tanker will boost the Park’s fire fighting capacity and will be used to replenish the Park’s fire fighting vehicles with water, thereby reducing the turn around time when fighting fires. Wildfire Services and teams from Working on Fire. The Park also has a close working relationship with the City of Cape Town’s Fire and Rescue Services. The TMNP’s current fire fighting resources include three Unimogs, four 5000-litre water tankers and a team of trained wildfire firefighters on contract to the Park assisted by the Volunteer As a responsible citizen BP is directly responsible for health, safety and environmental performance in the geography they operate,” said Lyndon Smith of BP “In keeping with BP’s internationally acclaimed health, safety and environmental policy, we aim to achieve no accidents, no harm to people and no damage to the environment. Southern Africa. A Park for All, Forever On receiving the request for a water tanker Services in from the TMNP, we saw this as a best “fit” protecting with our environmental policy. our Table Although it was nearly six months before BP Southern Africa could deliver a redundant fuel tanker for conversion to the “water tanker”, it was received with “open arms” by the Fire & Technical Services Team at TMNP during April this year. Mountain National Park which was declared a Natural World heritage site in 2003. BPSA Fuels Value Chain Logistics team The TMNP has, said it was very happy to be associated during the current fire season, extinguished with the tremendous work carried out by 55 fires within the Park. The fire season both the TMNP and the Volunteer Wildfire ended in May. ‘n Park vir Almal, vir Altyd iPaka yoluntu lonke ngonaphakade Fire fighting boost Back row, from left: Lyndon Smith, Matthew Ferguson, Irene Juhnke, Johan Kemp, Mannie Booley, Brett Myrdal and Craig Barker. Kneeling, from left: Peter Wynne, Clinton Dilgee, Philip Prins and Kim de Bruin. There was plenty of excitement when the TMNP asked the Cape of Good Hope Volunteers to manage the setup and display of Book your stay at SANPar ks at the Gateway Visitor Ce ntre Nwabi the Bird collection at the Buffelsfontein Visitors’ Centre and this proved to be challenging in some respects. Identifying the birds was great fun and enjoyed by all, including members of the Cape sa Sithela and Rayaa n Roberts are the bookings officers at the SANParks Desk at the Cape Town Routes info rmation centre at the Clocktower Building at the V&A Waterfro nt with their supervisor Doree n Hendricks. The offi ce is open between 09h0 0 and 19h00 in Winter (May to August) and from 09h00 to 21h00 in Summer (Sept to April). Visitors are als o welcome to make the ir bookings telephonic ally by calling 021 405 45 00. Bird Club and some overseas visitors. Birding enthusiast -Althea Buchmann, is also the treasurer of the Cape of Good Hope volunteers. By far the greatest challenge As the birds originate from far and was storage and display. Denise wide and are so spectacular, the Hamerton of the Iziko Museum was group is delighted that it is able extremely helpful and provided a to display such a wide variety and skin box to store the birds in and were categorised as follows: Spe- an old display case which turned cies found at the Cape of Good out to be not suitable for Buffels- Hope section, seasonal “visitors” fontein Visitors’ Centre. The team and those found in other national is eternally grateful to Volunteers parks in the SANParks network. Ron Zeeman building two units at a This display will add value and fraction of the normal cost; and to diversity of information to the visitor Peter de Villiers who painstakingly experience at the visitor centre. It mounted each and every bird to its is hoped that the display will be best advantage in the displays. added to with time. MNP’s newly- aunched Hoerikwaggo Kids “a resounding success” From left: Nwabisa Sithela, Rayaan Roberts and Doreen Hendricks. Absent: Zukiswa Mwezo Indigenous game set for a return to the Cape According to Christa Stringer, people and conservation day the learners rose early to attend the Class in the Clouds officer who project-managed the Hoerikwaggo Kids, lesson on Table Mountain. As early as 2012, visitors to Table Mountain National Park will be the programme has been a resounding success. In an This was followed by a luncheon at Newlands Forest and a walk able to enjoy organised game drives in the expanded Groote Schuur attempt to build on the foundation laid by the equally through the forest, which included a magnifying-glass investiga- game camp. The game viewing experience will probably be a first in successful Kids in Parks programme that ran in the park tion of the micro flora of the forest. The last morning was spent an urban setting in South Africa. The game camp’s size will increase for the past three years, the park introduced the Hoerik- visiting the Boulders penguin colony in Simon’s Town and the in phases and ultimately be about 450ha and various types of indige- waggo Kids programme. A total of 250 learners between finale was a picnic and swim. nous animals, such as Eland, Red Hartebeest and Grey Rhebuck will Megan Adriaanse, a teacher at St Augustine School compli- be introduced. The main limiting factor will be the cost of adequate mented the TMNP adding that the whole experience had been fencing and this will therefore necessitate a phased approach. the ages of 12-13 and 25 teachers participated in this programme, between March and May this year. The programme was jointly funded by the TMNP and the City of educational and fun for her learners, most of whom had never Cape Town’s Environmental Resource Management Depart- been to the Park before. “I am glad that they got a chance to ment. Lindie Buirski, Head: Environmental Capacity Building, learn about nature and experience it first hand. Unfortunately, Training & Education Unit, Environmental Resource Manage- lack of money continues to be a barrier for schools like ours. southern boundary will be moved down towards UCT (University of Cape ment Department, Strategy and Planning Directorate from the This trip would not have been possible without the support of Town). The consolidation of land previously managed by Cape Nature, the City City of Cape Town, said “We support the Hoerikwaggo Kids Table Mountain National Park.” of Cape Town and the Dept of Public Works into the Table Mountain National Kids in Parks is a SANParks, Pick’nPay, Dept of Education. and Park has enabled the park managers to proceed with this ambitious plan. DEAT (Department of Environmental Affairs & Tourism) funded The removal of 37 pure black wildebeest from the camp early this year and programme because it is giving kids that will under normal circumstances never get an opportunity like this - a chance to experience the wonders of the TMNP. It also supports one of our aims of conveying environmental knowledge to our learners in a way that will, hopefully, lead to much needed behavioural change because of the quality facilitation in a unique and beautiful environment and it is happening over three days.” “This funding allowed us to invite five schools that are linked to orphanages and children’s homes around Cape Town to attend a three-day camp in Table Mountain National Park,” said Stringer. partnership programme and it continues in other national parks in the SANParks network. The Park will accommodate the increase in the animal population by extending the northern boundary of the existing game camp to Devil’s Peak and the their translocation to Graspan breeding station in Mokala National Park outside Kimberley, also facilitated this plan. The black wildebeest are not indigenous to the Western Cape and were removed both to become part of Christa Stringer (right), People & Conservation Officer, TMNP and Megan Adriaanse, a teacher at St Augustine School an essential breeding program and this effectively made way for herbivores which previously grazed the mountain slopes. The new animals will be translocated from other national parks within the SANParks network. Ultimately, this will enable the Park to achieve its goal of restoring the natural On the first day, the learners arrived at the Sunbird and cultural heritage of the area. Education Centre, and they had time to explore the area around the Silvermine area and dam. The afternoon was spent at Cape Point where they engaged in a rocky shores lesson at Bordjiesrif. On the second Above left: Geneveve Samuels, Grade 5 pupil at St Augustine, who lives at the Holy Cross Children’s home was pleased to see animals and to learn that some of the of their behaviour is similar to human beings. Above right: Chante Britz, Grade 7 pupil at St Augustine said she learned that all ecosystems are linked, and that everything has cause and effect in nature. Promised to get her friends to visit the Park. 2 Back row, from left: Janice September and Zanele Mboneli Front row, from left: Marsha Arries, Zenia Windvogel and Chanel Kobus A Park for All, Forever From left to right: Front row: Jasmine Jantjies, Chaskay Webster, Erica Solomon, Nadine Losper, Alencia Hartzenberg Middle row: Belinda van der Westhuizen, Anastacia Adams, Mondre van der Berg, Regina Luvhimbi (TMNP intern) Back row: Bernadette Jacobs (teacher), Sharon Eiman, Meshack Vukeya (TMNP intern) and Jaimy-Jo Siljeur ‘n Park vir Almal, vir Altyd iPaka yoluntu lonke ngonaphakade Teamwork... Staff members were involved in the Wildebeest capture early this year at Groote Schuur Estate. s r o t i s i V P N M T speak out 17/09/08 Wonderfu South African Experie Thanks to nc the caterer,Andfore Jacob and Jean Bre ady, r m aking this hike comfortab service Wee Kdoeep up the exce ent so ne to you guys Mike and Edenva e, GSauhete A an ng 10.05.09 e! autiful plac What a be as gone h t gh ou So much th ecial g a very sp into creatin y the jo en d an x la space to re We s. nd surrou magnificent k. c ba e om to c can’t wait & Lambrecht The Rosenbergs t rs Hu 10.09.08 ersee he Ov en run t . t a t il f r o p I Absolutely a wonderful experience fA nce!! 6th o ney o this ie d Si s r . 2 n agai e e Hello y com p y to a e Would love l ex und to sta e offic agica ent S anted ed th We sp the most m is the best!! Jean & Anthony ays w pen. I call luck that lw a s a e p y v a a m h h e - it w it v o nd wonderful caterers... made ldn't belie - I spoke t ere a r u up th d I luckily fo d o c n d e e d k n Suzanne Rector, en week d I boo ago a week ho ha e long o helpful. days h w t 0 y r 1 n e e Cod, MA USA t s Cap a ov abou o was e Town, m e cottage king p a boo meyer, wh th a t , C a le d m I got b e ro de lieva nds f s. We arriv ia Ra unbe ic Merc le - all frie dam tage is rfect!! Er e t p o h o t c e o p e ll t h pe 15 got a ted en up ressed!! T d a e n r b a o r l c e u p neve helpf ssle well d so im a d , e h n n r a a e o and w rtable, cle l - friendly ain with n he is an t u S mfo moun ble!! nderf d so co end n the as wo elieva helpful an w b w o n e d u b d s d a n a place tol rspelaxation Njo a n w t a ake p ha la u le m W e f 15 16 Fe b b f d a u e e m ea t g lp our s iyanda To he he owled ChristmasfortR - walks, swims, Won b 2009 on. S so kn !Z s r ll e a n p t o de ful place, in m a ers and co our doorstep iendly erful ing p nd fr wond be on a au amaz a h tiful natu e! m ac r ! r be o l! f ne a wa arks specia s and such baboons -r goChristmas mo e people had thWeish o SANP ill N riend extra f w k y I n y a a ! t m es to th our s ll all possibility to co ottag elsewhere nefoxt year t like ely te me he e! our c ld jus efinit e of y s See you u I wou d! I will d e k OD a , Denmark ” m ds n o e ar t ill k e “H m e e w th rage !! back encou ly be in a t cer ds ke regar a Goedec Kind Juli 12. Fam Dôpke, tockholm Cape Town & S , eia Fam de Gouv n Tow pe Ca 12. 08 t G reat vie ws, greae, It is great to be here tim t ea pl ace, gr an y Hospitality top Ziyenda GR EAT pe op le. M ry ve Tombela thanks for all your a r fo ks an th help and quiet support Lovely specia l ex pe rie nce. Cross, location We will be back Mich ae l & R ut h Junter Thomson UK 24/11 Year's eve 009 ry on New sa rs Day 2 er a iv Ye n l, n ew ,&N edding a om Nata 31st Dec r 42nd w Holness fr ou dy te en orma a W N br le n and Tony & light to ce Zilvermy tsbos with n om fr What a de fa li le O el are Mich NP! day to sh , Phil & anks TM and next & Lorna anor. Th n M oh k J oe h rs rd hbou at Noo and neig the road om across fr n so in Rob right Martin W Anne & 12.01.09 A magical place m enjoyed by all fro s yr 62 2 months to ! us of ten ll A . old Netherlands 8/2/0 9 Thanks to Zu ki Polly f or look Matebese an d ing aft were e er us W xhauste d but e great e enjoyed vening a around Christe the fir lle, Russ e ell, Tra Mark, cy, Ro Tracey ss , Serd Jackie i, Fritz , , Laure , n Thanks! ! Dear Mr Va ughn, I received yo ur organisation details from Mercia Ra received this and staff for the most ex demeyer, as I must co mpl past weeke ceptional se nd. rvice and ex iment your I organised perience ou a party of 8 r party Matebese an to d John Walla be guided along the O range Kloof ce were our The party co trail. Zukile guides and ns advisors. being the m isted of a mixed bag os of and extrem t inexperienced. Despi experienced and inex el te pe extremely co y professional. Their atte this, Zuki and John w rienced hikers, me ere patient, mforting an ntion to deta concer d il an their warmth I must howev and friendlin d concern for our safe ned ty ess was a jo on Saturday er make special mentio y and pleasu was n an re. bunch. He tra d who walked with m of John who, was the gu e ns ar al po d l th at the rted m e way inexperienc ed to carr y y backpack the entire , as I was the weakest rear the pack an way along th of the all the way d do e Throughout wn Orangekloof which hike at the same time, trail, as I was too the hike he an w as d he to o steep for held my hand was kind, ge too as the le me to ne ad of our ever y er on the day, was co rous of spirit and extre manage on my own. nstantly in ra move. mely helpfu l. dio contact When we ar with us and Zuki, riv aware helpful, they ed at the camp both Z ev of order desp en let us use their sh uki and John were cons ow socialise was ite their effort to get it ers, as the showers in tantly engaged and to th call of duty so appreciated and inte work. Their ability to co e camp were out to make ou r hike a valu resting and they certai mmunicate and On the Sund able and en nl ay joyable one. y went beyond the rain and I am , I elected not to walk, professionalis told that both Zuki an but the party continued d Jo m and joy, de th spite the do hn continued to guide rough the I on the othe wnpours. the party w r-h an ith d got a who was ve ry obliging an lift to Constantia Nek w d ith m th os e t helpful. This weekend assistance of Andre Jacob liaising with experience was such a pleasure th Mercia very soon to book at I have no Please cont doubt I will another trip in be . because qu ue to employ such exce ite success it w honestly without them ptional individuals and appreciate as. the experie them nce would no Please will yo t have been , half the their attentio u pass this email on to both Zuki an n as well. d Jo hn Kind for found to st week and by DEAT la d when local te le di ib au ss e accolade po re team wer t ca es st gh oa hi C ver seen the e P regards, The TMN received th ly, “I have ne ey nt th ce er re ev id Bobby is sa Dalia Lichten How Rousseau me to do”. stein r by fo be in order. ob e B or r m e de r wave ri the spewag e is nothing knee boarde clean – ther U, short for P so S P s ed N er ll rf M ca T su the group d volunteer beaches of al clean up nes. He an to tower of the inform shipping la e th piled high in is om the founder e fr rg up la s o he to th surf as is w t in at 08 a three mon that which ordhoek Circui or flotsam th 7 November 20 ewage, and recently from six did the No d, sp of re lk any ng or ea ni rty wa m cl pa ur to r sa et le en ou ot R ab r remove fl age has be ay 26 Octobe geback was un ring teams. ew nd rid ea sp Su r cl e ou On th d ng l off due ti en al d e ai all gone – being strippe t. Towards th like cairns aw said – “It’s ds of his paws ’s Silvermine Wes pa he P ed to e N a, rn th tu si M on re T ne I in e . do sk th rry trip to In ever seen because of the avy for us to ca ve er he ha rth o I fu to e, s st er th wa ne ea e car guard istence.” arp stones. He this is the cl and spoke to th to to heat and sh ea it n years of ex e ar e te m r nc oi th ’s rv it wi he se w in go re e g to the coastlin ering from and offered to the gate leadin deed consid st come past, dio’d his ju ra in ’s d o P se ha N wh ai er M er, pr T ng ng h ra e ra a Hig sits th with the who said that 12.01.09 eone who vi tually caught up week. e mountain bike comes - som find him. I even ven days a e met me at th d se cl an hi y, ve try da a NP e TM ic a A tw ile ma e xt to the gravel wh g in a ne ca tl r g l te as pla in co ce enjoyed by all r dog was ly e colleagues. Af ou e er wh to from 2 months e e vehicle, drov ov to 62yrs old. our dog into th ing area, and dr t rk lif pa to e m ed All ten of us! car. officials help rry him to our road. The two , and then helped ca d an Fam Dôpke, te ga e and assistance th back to aff for their care st mend m NP co TM to e e Ca th pe Town & Sto e would also lik e people very grateful to W e r ck . ar o ho is e th lm m W r e car fo th h n Wis t further into ank them agai Fam de Gouve the reservoir, no ed nature! re! b 2009 would like to th to a, riv l te Fe ar u ga st f e 16 fir ti th u we at 15 e one Cape Town in bea ity to go he OD Denmark attitude when the car guard (th place (Our dog il ly and helpful l nd er. ib u ie ng s f -fr ra s r er e o e th p om d te st e loca Won park) for his cu had th assisted us to late the TMNP d for the way he like to congratu so al Dear Hilton, and parked, an e’d W ) ll. we in general. d re ed ve ag co an re loped and m ve Leo has since de en Thank you for org be s ha anising two fantas ermine tic guide/ guards for on the way Silv 9/11/08 Sunday 21st Decem us for our walks wit ber as the final two h our bab y ies el eve on er nts Saturday 20th and in The Mountains Hope children’s’ mi at a Yours sinc of Hope Expedition, ssion. trail - wh in support of The Do pe Town Awesome ulama or of Prof Mike Hart L Oth University of Ca s er k tha n an fee h ling very safe and tion Systems, appreciating the ass setting T ent of Informa or f rtm pa De tha co t ista TM & nce, it was an amazi National Park has embarked on to ens ng insight into the e, Mellow ecial. ure the safety of peo great efforts very outgoing and Mzonyan end so sp ple on the mountai provided us with gre k ee w ur ns. Stanley Benjami at running comme mo un tai ay making o n. n was nta Th B ry on a number of e group who walke ut o H , top d with him on both ics, including safety Justin is making to ensure occasions were fas on the Jenna & our safety cinate ds 20/09/08 ve y nice be c l view, p, u lk k w e Nice - Fish H ff d, 9y s J mes t d to hear about the , and enjoyed both efforts the park were helpful and ded Robert Elders and Stanley’s company. icated to making the Both Robert and Sta event run smoothly men who are dedica nley . It was great to be ted to nurturing our in the company of natural environm these two ent. Stanley is someon e who is particularly outstanding in his and very focused on guiding ability. He the task whilst rem is encouraging, am aining relaxed and using, patient, abilities in the sen fun to be with. He se that on both occ also has excellent asions the group wa leadership judgement, and his lking with him felt ability to take com instantly confident mand of any situati in his sense of Table Mountain Na on he ma y be likely to encoun tional Park, and wo uld be very popula ter. He is a huge ass is able to communic r I am sure with any et to ate to people on all person requiring his levels. Having run many guides, there services. He a guiding company are few guides tha in the past, and wo t I have met in UK rked alongside level of natural tal , USA, Europe, or Sou ent in guiding. th Africa that posses s Stanley’s Thank you once aga in for your suppor t on this occasion. Year to discuss fur As mentioned I am ther possibilities to keen to meet up ear promote TM Natio ly in the New nal Park. God Bless over Ch ristmas and the Ne w Year, Rachel Colenso A Park for All, Forever ‘n Park vir Almal, vir Altyd iPaka yoluntu lonke ngonaphakade I am a South Afric an citizen and on holiday in Cape To I have visited the wn top of the mountain twice in the past weeks, once climbin tw o g and the other by cable car I found that the cable ca r service was fan tastic, both below at the upper statio and n I also commend the sterling effort of the team who ha s ve maintained the Platteklip Gorge walking pathways They are a pleasure and their design as well as that of erosion control a fea t tha t should not escape any of the visitors using them 3 Safe hiking on India Venster ain Water at Table Mount manager Working for Two Oceans marathon and Ross Wilson project the hed inis f of having in 2010 National Park is proud medal He promised that he will be back nze r yea winning himself a bro t nex him eagues to join and challenged his coll Otter spotter Faunal sightings on Table Mountain National Park by Mark Hawthorne It’s always a wonderful experience spotting a beautiful or unusual animal port; and their 20mm in diameter with knurled surfaces commitment to for extra grip. All these staples have the re-wording been drilled to a depth of 150mm, and of the signage on then secured with specialised twin pack the path; the Red epoxy mortar. The first step required Cross AMS and two staples, on the second step; we Metro Rescue for placed three staples and a short chain the use of Skymed of approximately 200mm, just to assist in helicopter, without gaining access to the ledge before the which they would not have succeeded; final step. The final and most awkward his brother Dion Tromp, who arranged step required five staples and a length the manufacture of the staples, template of chain of approximately 1,5m to assist and everything else required to get An integrated approach to mountain the hiker around the corner once exiting the job done, and for the use of his safety starts with ensuring that hikers this section. This work required a full 10 drilling equipment and sundries, drill are well informed and prepared for hour day, and working non-stop, we just bits; Simon and Stephan, for their hard climbing the mountain. To this end, managed to complete as the light faded,” work and assistance; John Yeld of the the TMNP has produced a safe hiking said Kevin Tromp of WSAR. Cape Argus, for taking photographs and brochure with tips on mountain safety “The staples are an addition to the main for writing informative and interesting and which has a particular focus on the intervention, which is to steer hikers newspaper articles, keeping the public five most popular routes. unfamiliar with the mountain away from abreast on developments and Hilti SA Tourists and members of the public can this route to other safer footpaths. This for supplying the epoxy mortar. also hire accredited mountain guides has been done through the re-design Table Mountain has the unenviable at a rate of R150 per day, plus R35 per or bird whilst out and about in nature. It’s great to be able to spot and of signage and footpath layout,” says identify a rare animal or bird and to be able to share that magic moment Paddy Gordon, area manager, northern with at least one other person during a visit to a park or reserve or while section of Table Mountain National Park. on a trail. On numerous occasions, while enjoying the Cape of Good Hope hiking trail, we’ve been able to observe herds of Eland or spot a herd of rgus “We installed 10 stainless steel staples, , Cape A The three most difficult parts of the India Venster footpath, a beautiful but treacherous path on Table Mountain, have had stainless steel staples fixed to rocks, in order to improve safety. The staples were recommended as an additional safety measure to the Park by a team from the Table Mountain National Park (TMNP) and Wilderness Search and Rescue (WSAR) that walked the path. record of incurring more mountain round variability in John Yeld Two Oceans Marathon 2009 mountain weather and conditions. person, up to a limit of six people. deaths than Mount Everest – largely be- For bookings, visitors should call the cause Capetonians and visitors to Table Table Mountain National Park Hoerik- Tromp sincerely praised the TMNP Mountain underestimate the dangers of waggo Trail office on 021 465 8515/9, for their active enthusiasm and sup- the mountain with its altitude and year between 07h30 and 16h00, week days. Bontebok or Red Hartebeest or even observe a Mountain Zebra or two. Often, I have sightings of a Grysbok On seeing us the Klipspringer were or a Steenbok, a venomous snake or startled and then after about half a a Porcupine, Africa’s largest rodent. minute they took off in full flight across However, when I catch even a glimpse the rocky terrain and into the cloud in of a Klipspringer, an Otter or a Caracal, the direction of Disa Gorge, stopping it is definitely more rewarding, making occasionally to look back. my heart leap with joy. Anthea swops number crunching for gruelling charity drive On 18 April 2009, 57 athletes took part in the Platteklip Charity Challenge and attempted to summit Table Mountain (Platteklip Gorge) as many times possible from sunrise to sunset to raise funds for a struggling créche. The route up Platteklip Gorge includes 800 double size steps over a distance of 2.1km and a climb of 760m. Once at the top, the contestants had to run to the upper cable station, catch the cable car down and then run back to the start. Anthea Mouton an Accountant at TMNP took part in the challenge and completed three summits. One athlete managed to complete 10 summits. A total of R 551 200 was raised, and will be administered by the official charity, the Aids Resource Centre and will go to the Masikulisane Crèche in Samora Machel, Phillipi caring for Aids affected children. Visit for more info. On the evening of Saturday 28 March this year, whilst on a walk to Kasteels Poort and Rendezvous Cave from the People’s Trail hut, with members of the Cumhike Hiking Club, we spotted two Klipspringer near Jesus Cave. This again was an amazing experience for my group of hikers, most of whom had never seen Klipspringer one of these animals on Table Mountain. On 2 March, Lea, our French volunteer and I spotted another Klipspringer on a ridge, on the skyline, near Wynberg caves, whilst driving on the Back Table, Private landowner donates land to TMNP …secures funding for commencement of alien clearing programme By Mike Slayen alongside Alexandra reservoir. Eland Since two herds of Klipspringer had been reintroduced to the Back Table of Table Mountain (the first release took place in October 2004), I have had the privilege of spotting some of them on three occasions of late, while during the first year of their release, I had only observed spoor on the Central Table, in the vicinity of Maclear’s Beacon, which in itself was encouraging. In the late afternoon on 21 February 2008, whilst on the Back Table with my son Justin, we were extremely fortunate to see three Klipspringer, in excellent condition, next to the cementation road, between Woodhead and Victoria reservoirs. What a wonderful surprise. This made our day. A total of 182 hectares of prime conservation land in Further good news is that the TMNP has secured funding Kommetjie has been donated to SANParks for inclu- from the Table Mountain Fund (TMF) to undertake follow National Park, I have seen Caracal on sion in the Table Mountain National Park (TMNP). up clearing of alien vegetation on the property. This will be numerous occasions throughout the To secure this donation, the TMNP worked in partnership Park during the night and day – adults with the owners of Cape Farm 948/10, also known as as well as kittens. During March this Kompanjiestuin, located above Kommetjie Main Road next to year I had the pleasure of seeing a Oceanview. The donation extends to 2/3 of the total area of Caracal on three occasions in the the farm with the remaining third being set aside for develop- Over my nearly 27 years of working and hiking on the Table Mountain private nature area as well. Onno Huyser, Table Mountain Fund manager said he was obviously overjoyed that the greater portion of the Kompanjiestuin land has been secured for conservation and inclusion in the Park. ment of a vineyard estate. “This land, which forms part of the Rooiberg mountain, is of the Silvermine Homestead and the A donation agreement between SANParks and the owner especially valuable since it is situated within one of the biodi- Sunbird Centre. What a beautiful ani- was signed in 2005. In terms of the agreement, SANParks versity hotspots on the Peninsula, and contains populations mal – the largest predator in the Table took possession of the mountain portion of the property and of highly endangered plants. The TMF is very pleased indeed Mountain National Park. once the landowners resolved their development application, to be able to support the Park now in restoring the land to the conservation land can be transferred. The Kompanjies- the highest possible conservation state,” said Huyser. The When it comes to animals and sight- Silvermine River valley, in the vicinity tuin development has been approved and the donation can TMF, which is an associated Trust of WWF-SA, has been ings, my favourite animal will always now proceed. SANParks will have the property formally working closely with TMNP since 1998 on consolidating the be the Leopard - the Cape Mountain declared as part of the Park. In addition, a portion of the area under conservation management. Leopard. To be blessed with a sighting property has been made available for Ocean View extension. of one of these animals in the wild, preferably on a mountain peak would be the best experience of all. Mr. Jan Bergman, a representative of the donor, the Kompanjiestuin Development Company said that the project represented a win-win situation whereby development and conservation could occur together for the benefit of the Park It was a sight to behold. and community living around it. He commented that “we are pleased to receive approval for the development of the vineyard estate (which will be known as Imhoff’s Vineyard) because this activated an agreement for this land to be transferred to SANParks which is where it belongs. SANParks deserves credit for their patience and vision; and for working tirelessly to secure land like this into a park that is an international treasure.” 4 done in co-ordination with the landowner who will clear their A Park for All, Forever ‘n Park vir Almal, vir Altyd iPaka yoluntu lonke ngonaphakade