Performing Arts Programme September to December 2011


Performing Arts Programme September to December 2011
Old Dublin Road, Carlow
T. 059 917 2400
September 2011
Theatre Manager’s Foreword
It’s striking to think that before Ireland had a Nation, we had our National
Theatre. The Irish connection to the modern stage forms the backbone
of our national identity. What better way, then, to mark the second
birthday of Carlow’s centre for the arts than to welcome some of the
most significant figures in Irish theatre to The GB Shaw Theatre and
intermingle Carlow’s own drama offerings into a week-long celebration
of The Irish Stage?
Brian Friel is considered the greatest English-language playwright alive
and he brings an Irish voice to the world stage like no other dramatist.
Town Hall Theatre brings to Carlow Brian Friel’s unique exploration of
faith, miracles, devotion and memory with a compelling production of
Faith Healer. Come to the show early to learn more about the playwright
and his work with a pre-show talk from local drama adherent, Seamus
O’Rourke and stay late to learn more from the show’s director and cast.
Then we welcome our national theatre, The Abbey Theatre, for the first
time with B for Baby, a striking piece of new writing from Carmel Winters.
These performances are accompanied by events in association with
The Abbey Theatre’s Talks series which complements, interrogates
and explores the work on and off the stage and The Abbey Theatre’s
Literary Department which encourages new writing through ongoing
development initiatives including regular in-house play readings, workshops and script discussions.
A range of other workshop activities provide practical opportunities to
experience Irish writing for the stage and different aspects of theatre
making for children, families and young people. We finish the week with
Irish writing on screen with the acclaimed Irish film Snap written by
Carmel Winters. Throughout the week, local drama interest stands sideby-side these Irish stage greats, with special presentations from Carlow
Lunchtime Storytellers and Seamus O’Rourke’s evening A Book of Verse,
A Glass of Wine and Thou. Carlow Little Theatre Drama Society also present
their own short production of The Life of a Sofa as a pre-show offering.
In the run up to, and throughout the week, local drama groups will be
promoting their activities within the centre. Come and visit to learn more
about what’s happening on your doorstep for drama all year round and
how you can get involved. And that’s just the first week of the Autumn
Season! Our mix of the best of local, national and international touring
work across all of the performing arts will continue to keep you engaged
and entertained until the end of the year so put the kettle on, get out
your marker pen and start planning your Autumn.
Róisín McGarr
Book online:
SEPT 1st, OCT 6th, NOV 3rd, DEC 1st
Lunchtime Storytellers
Enjoy the flavour of local music, story and song at lunchtime
with Carlow Storytellers Group and friends. Join the audience
of the Carlow community, their neighbours and friends to
bring the theatre into the community and bring the community
into the theatre. You can join the company to perform your
party piece this autumn - so if you've a story to tell or a song to
sing or just would like lunch with a difference - our lunchtime
show is the place for you on the first Thursday of each month
at 1.15pm. For further information contact Artistic Director,
Seamus O'Rourke on or
Administrator, John McDarby on
Supported by the Arts Office, Carlow Local Authorities.
Date: Thurs 1st Sept, 6th Oct, 3rd Nov, 1st Dec Time: 1.15pm Tickets €7 (including tea/coffee)
SEPT 11th
Opera Theatre Company
in partnership with
Borris House & The GB
Shaw Theatre
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Bastien and Bastienne
Written in 1768, when Mozart was only twelve, this dramatic love-story is one of Mozart’s
earliest operas. Although very young, Mozart already had excellent vocal writing skills and a
talent for parody and whimsy that still delights the modern day audience. Bastien and Bastienne
are young lovers who are destined to be together - but does the path of true love ever run
smoothly? This enchanting one-act singspiel is sung in English with piano accompaniment
and directed by Annilese Miskimmon. It stars familiar OTC faces and is the perfect introduction
Date: Sun 11th Sept Time: 2pm (Afternoon Tea) 3pm (Opera)
Tickets: €28/€25 conc (Includes Opera & Afternoon Tea) €18/€15 conc (Includes Opera only)
We celebrate our second birthday with The Irish Stage - a mini-theatre festival presenting
some of the most significant figures in Irish Theatre alongside Carlow’s own local
offerings. In addition to the theatre performances, there’s a variety of ancillary events,
information points, workshops, talks and courses to choose from also, so be sure to check out
the range on offer and make the most of the celebrations!
Faith Healer Events
web: tel: 059 917 2400
A Taste of Friel: Pre-Theatre presentation by Seamus O'Rourke
Come to Faith Healer early to learn more about the playwright and his work with a pre-show
talk from local drama adherent, Seamus O’Rourke.
Date: Tues 20th & Wed 21st Sept Time: 7.15pm Price: Included in Faith Healer ticket (pre-booking
essential) Post-show discussion with the director and cast of Faith Healer Date: Tues 20th Sept
Theatre workshop for young people
Rod Goodall, performer in Brian Friel’s Faith Healer, will facilitate a workshop with members of Carlow Youth Theatre. The workshop is also open
to the public for any young people aged 15- 20 who would like to explore
drama and youth theatre. Places are limited. For more information or
booking contact the box office.
Date: Wed 21st Sept Time: 4.30pm
Lunchtime Storytellers ‘Irish Writing Special’
As part of The Irish Stage, Carlow Storytellers will present a special lunchtime session devoted to
entertaining its audience with shreds and snatches from literature and drama in the best Irish writing
tradition. Items will include brief absorbing excerpts, including songs, drama and recitations, from the
works of Oscar Wilde, Samuel Beckett, Eamonn Kelly, Sean O'Casey, Briain O'Nuallain, Brian Friel, John
B. Keane and our own Jim Nolan.
Date: Thur 22nd Sept Time: 1.15pm Price: €7 (including tea/coffee) places limited - pre-booking essential
‘A Book of Verse, A Glass of Wine & Thou’
An evening of wine and cheese with relaxed and entertaining items in verse, poetry and song
introduced by Seamus O'Rourke featuring an absorbing selection of items different from the
Storytellers lunchtime session. It will include items from the pens of Irish writers including Yeats,
O'Casey, Beckett, O' Nuallain, Oscar Wilde, Bernard Shaw and kindred spirits, specially featuring
members of Carlow Little Theatre Society, alongside Carlow Storytellers and Friends.
Date: Thur 22nd Sept Time: 6.30pm Price: €10 places limited - pre-booking essential
Enjoy Faith Healer, B for Baby and Snap for just €30 - 3 events for €30, a saving of €15 on
full price tickets!
SEPT 20th & 21st
Town Hall Theatre, Galway
Faith Healer By Brian Friel
ith Heale
Enjoy Fa
by &
B for Ba
for just
Faith Healer is widely recognised as one of the masterpieces of Ireland's greatest living
Frank is a faith healer. Travelling with his two companions, Grace and Teddy, he roams
Scotland and Wales healing the sick. By the edge of forests, at the base of mountains, in
remote coastal villages, the lame, the ill and the broken hearted gather for the Fantastic
Francis Hardy: Faith Healer. But who is Frank? Are his miracles real or imaginary? And what
is the true price the saved must pay?
Haunting, tender and passionate, Faith Healer takes us into the heart of what it means
to believe. As we are drawn deeper into the world of Frank and his companions, our
certainties fall away as we are led towards the play’s magisterial, unforgettable climax.
This new production of Brian Friel’s masterpiece is directed by Andrew Flynn.
Cast: Rod Goodall, Lalor Roddy and Ali White
Post-show discussion:
The GB Shaw Theatre will host the director and cast of Faith Healer
in a discussion following the performance on September 20th.
Date: Tues 20th & Wed 21st Sept Time: 8pm Price: €20/€18
web: tel: 059 917 2400
SEPT 23rd & 24th
Abbey Theatre
web: tel: 059 917 2400
B for Baby
by Carmel Winters
ith Heale
Enjoy Fa
by & S
B for Ba
for just
‘It was like we were two children
- two innocent children just… playing’
Mrs C wants a baby, not a Christmas
tree. B wants a real hairdressers’
scissors and a wife. D wants a
snow globe and ‘a big head
of dirty auld curls’. All of
them want their own place in
the world. And if they can’t find it, they’ll
create one of their own …
Join B and D in the care home where they are
residents, and where Mrs C is a carer, on their special
- ‘very fecking special’ - journey towards happiness.
B for Baby was originally commissioned by Theatre Lovett
and premiered at the Abbey Theatre in 2010.
Winner of The Irish Times Theatre Awards Best New Play 2010
Please note: B for Baby contains partial nudity and a live snake
Post-show discussion:
The GB Shaw Theatre will host writer, Carmel Winters and the B for Baby cast, Louis Lovett
and Michele Moran, in a discussion following the performance on September 23rd.
Date: Fri 23rd & Sat 24th Sept Time: 8pm Price: €18/€15 (concession)
Abbey Theatre Literary Department
Bryan Delaney was Writer in Residence with Carlow Local Authorities Arts Office from 2006 - 2010 and was
appointed The Abbey Theatre’s New Playwrights Programme Manager in 2010. To complement Carmel
Winter’s B for Baby, Bryan returns to Carlow to talk about the Abbey Theatre’s support for new writing.
Date: Fri 23rd Sept Time: 6.30pm Price: Included in B for Baby ticket (pre-booking essential)
Post-show discussion with the writer and cast of B for Baby Date: Fri 23rd September
Theatre Lovett presents
Theatre Lovett co-founders Louis Lovett and Muireann Ahern will take you
through the actor’s journey on stage: how to take hold of the moment you’re
in, how to look forward to the moment coming next and, most importantly,
how to look back - to the moments of play that children understand, and that
adults can learn from and remember. In this workshop Louis will introduce you
to his own unique style of performance - one that embraces the mischievous
spirit of play. Louis Lovett is Ireland's most experienced and critically acclaimed
performer for children. He has worked both on stage and screen (he is
Killinaskully’s resident German cheese seller - Dieter Langer!)
Please note this workshop welcomes both children and adults. The workshop is 75 minutes
in duration and participants should wear comfortable clothes and soft flat shoes.
Date: Sat 24th Sept Time: 2.30pm Price: €10 (per family - up to 3 members)
Pre-Theatre Performance by Carlow Little Theatre Society
The Life of a Sofa
This is a fast paced play, set to music, which shows the story of family life with the humble sofa as the centre
piece. Your emotions will be captured from the beginning as you identify with the characters making their
mark on the world and indeed on the sofa. This unique piece will have you both laughing and crying and
leave you wanting more. A must see!
Date: Sat 24th Sept Time: 6.30pm Package Price: Included in B for Baby ticket (pre-booking essential)
The GB Shaw Theatre and The Association of Irish Stage Technicians (AIST)
This two day stage pass course is developed by the AIST to give participants a thorough theoretical
grounding in technical theatre, including legislation, best practice and safety culture for the working stage
environment. In the afternoon of each day, participants will then get the opportunity to put their newly
acquired knowledge to the test with practical hands on workshops in lighting design and sound engineering.
Whether you ‘work the ropes’ on one show a year or you eat, sleep and dream theatre this course is for you.
Places are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment.
Date: Sun 25th & Mon 26th Sept Time: 10am - 5.30pm Price: €120 (includes membership of the AIST)
web: tel: 059 917 2400
A Family Workshop for adults and children (aged 7+)
web: tel: 059 917 2400
SEPT 23rd - Carlow Culture Night 2011
This year Culture Night celebrates the official launch of Carlow’s
own Cultural Quarter. Carlow’s Cultural Quarter stretches from
the District Courthouse, down College Street to the Library.
Attractions within Carlow’s Cultural Quarter include the District
Courthouse, The Parish Centre, Carlow Cathedral, St. Patrick’s College,
VISUAL & The GB Shaw Theatre, Éigse Carlow Arts Festival, Carlow
Tourist Information Office, Glór Ceatharlach, Carlow Library and
the new Carlow County Museum, which will open to the public in
the Autumn.
To celebrate the official launch of Carlow’s Cultural Quarter, and
as part of Culture Night taking place across the country, Carlow’s
Cultural Quarter attractions have come together to offer a trail of
activities to provide information on the buildings and to invite and
welcome the public into each building in turn.
All events are free unless indicated otherwise.
For more information pick up a Culture Night flyer from any of the Cultural Quarter partners.
All day
Visual & The GB Shaw Theatre foyer
1pm - 2pm
2.30 - 3.30pm
4pm - 5pm
5pm - 7pm
5pm - 8.30pm
Carlow Town Council Chamber
Carlow Courthouse
Carlow Cathedral
Visual Centre for Contemporary Art
5pm - 8.30pm Tourist Information Office
5pm - 8.30pm
5pm - 8.30pm
5pm - 8.30pm
6.30 - 7.15pm
Tourist Information Office
Parish Centre
Glór Ceatharlach
St. Patrick's College
GB Shaw Theatre Bar
The GB Shaw Theatre
Information stalls from Cultural Quarter partners offering snapshots
of Carlow Culture
Launch of Carlow's Cultural Quarter - Civic Reception
Tour of the District Courthouse
Tour of the Cathedral & short organ recital
Children's arts & crafts open workshops & Public gallery tours
The Pod Session
Eigse Carlow Arts Festival ‘Trad & Tea Session’
‘The Life of a Sofa’ performed by Carlow Little Theatre
Carlow Tourism and County Museum late opening drop in &
information & an exhibition of Carlow Books.
Talk by author Jimmy O’Toole on the gentry families of Co. Carlow
Late opening drop in & information
Late opening drop in & information
Late opening - Carlow collection exhibition
Abbey Theatre Literary Department - A talk by Bryan Delaney on
the Abbey Theatre’s support for new writing (pre-booking essential)
The Abbey Theatre's ‘B for Baby’ by Carmel Winters €18/€15
Post-show discussion with writer, Carmel Winters and the
B for Baby cast
Culture Night is an initiative co-ordinated by Temple Bar Cultural Trust and supported by the Department of Arts,
Heritage & Gaeltacht Affairs in partnership with Carlow Local Authorities and the Carlow Cultural Quarter institutions.
SEPT 25th
Snap By Carmel Winters
ith Heale
Enjoy Fa
by &
B for Ba
for just
Director: Carmel Winters, Ireland 2010 Duration: 86mins Cert: 16 Language: English
Starring: Aisling O’Sullivan, Stephen Moran, Pascal Scott, Eileen Walsh, Mick Lally, Adam Duggan
A constant air of mystery pervades the mesmerising psychological drama Snap. As Sandra (Aisling
O’Sullivan, The War Zone) divulges her side of the story to a documentary crew, the film flashes back
to an incident involving her 15-year-old son, Stephen (Stephen Moran), who abducted a toddler and
held him captive in his grandfather’s home. We don’t know why Stephen took the child, nor what he
will do with him; we only see them playing games and watching old home movies. As the film oscillates
between Stephen in the past and Sandra in the present; their stories begin to unravel and soon the
puzzle pieces fit together to reveal the full picture of the abduction.
First-time writer/director Carmel Winters brings a quiet intensity to her debut, creating an unsettling
but tantalising atmosphere.
Date: Sun 25th Sept Time: 8pm Price: €7/€5.50 (both prices include temporary membership fee)
The George Bernard
Shaw Film Club
The George Bernard Shaw Film Club provides the opportunity to see a wide
range of world cinema not usually available on commercial cinema screens.
Catch some of the best world cinema releases screened in the comfortable
surroundings of The GB Shaw Theatre.
Membership for this season is just €20 and allows admittance into all four
cinema screenings, as well as to the screenings at the African Film Festival on
October 14th and 15th! Membership is seasonal and varies depending on the
number of films programmed. Admission to the screenings is by membership
only but temporary membership is also issued on a per-screening basis.
For more information please contact: The GB Shaw Box Office on 059-917 2400
or book online
Access Cinema
Book online:
OCT 1st
The Headline Agency
Caroline Moreau & Lunfardía
Mesmerising French chanteuse Caroline Moreau and quintet Lunfardía, led by
Argentinean guitar supremo Ariel Hernandez, join forces for a thrilling night
of music that will lift your spirits, get your pulse racing, your feet tapping and
- occasionally - break your heart. The set features a heady mix of classic songs
by Brel and Gainsbourg and new interpretations of Piaf, Barbara and Piazzola,
all sung in Moreau’s inimitable torchsong-piratess style. These will be interwoven
with irresistible compositions from Lunfardía, featuring a unique blend of
traditional South American idioms with elements of classical and jazz.
Date: Sat 1st Oct Time: 8pm Tickets: €20/€18
Book online:
OCT 6th - 16th
Féile an Fhómhair
Féile an Fhómhair, Carlow’s popular Autumn
Bilingual festival, will run from October 6th-16th
with a packed programme of fun bilingual events for
adults and children including music, dance, drama,
workshops, exhibitions, choral events, concerts and
a very special organ recital. A special concert with
local talent, singers & musicians called ‘Carlow Aid’
will also take place on Oct 13th in aid of the famine in
Somalia. A full festival programme will be available in September and for further information
contact Glór Cheatharlach on (085) 1340047 or log onto
Rithfidh Féile an Fómhair, an fhéile dhátheangach i gCeatharlach ó 6-16 Deireadh Fómhair 2011 le
clár lán d’imeachtaí do gach éinne idir óg agus fásta. Beidh ceol, drámaíocht, rince, ceardlanna,
taispeántais, imeachtaí cóir, ceolchoirmeacha agus níos mó fós. Beidh clár iomlán na Féile ar fáil i
Mí Mheán Fhómhair 2011 le gach eolas ar fáil ó Glór Cheatharlach ar (085) 1340047 nó ar line ar
Date: Thurs 6th Oct- Sun 16th Oct
OCT 6th & 7th
Glór Ceatharlach & Féile an Fhómhair & Fíbín Teo
An Triail
The popular puppeteers are back with their nationwide tour
for schools, particularly for the Leaving Certificate Curriculum.
This year the award winning company brings you ‘An Triail’.
Prepare for puppets, masks, high entertainment and such
engaging visuals that you’ll actually WANT to answer
questions on it. Bringing a seemingly outdated plot into
the context of our modern society, Fíbín seek to address
issues highlighted by both teachers and students alike. Any difficulties in relating to the characters as the drama
unfolds will be banished, as we seek to help comprehend the
confinements of 1950’s Ireland and see beyond the black
and white nature of the dialogue through the use of
multi-media techniques. This is a classic, snappy, and at
times hilarious, Fíbín production.
Date: Thur 6th & Fri 7th Oct (Schools Screenings)
Book online:
OCT 8th
Garter Lane
By Jim Nolan
Set in the Sisters of Calvary Nursing Home in London, Brighton follows
elderly Irishwoman, Fulham FC supporter and ‘Terror of the Third Floor’, Lily
Thompson on her last great adventure. Sustained by her daily pilgrimage
to the shopping mall at Hammersmith Tube station and the friendship of
Care Assistant and passionate Arsenal fan, Dave, the arrival of a new
resident, celebrated actor, Jack Dunhill, brings them all unexpected
challenges and new horizons.
‘A stunningly beautiful, deeply uplifting play’ Arena, RTE Radio 1
Date: Sat 8th Oct Time: 8pm Tickets: €18/€16
Book online:
OCT 8th
The GB Shaw Theatre in partnership with Borris House
Deirdre Moynihan Soprano
Alec O’Leary Guitar
"Anda, Jaleo - Songs of the People"
Featuring Soprano Deirdre Moynihan and Guitarist Alec O’Leary,
this concert will centre around a wonderful collection of traditional
Spanish Folk Songs, "Canciones Antiguas Españolas", by Federico
Garcia Lorca as well as highlights from the South American
repertoire for voice and guitar. In addition, the programme will
also include songs from the Early Music repertoire.
Date: Sat 8th Oct Time: 7pm (Wine reception) 8pm ( Concert)
Price: €15/€12 conc (to include concert and complimentary glass of wine)
OCT 14th - 15th
The 7th Edition of the
Carlow African Film Festival
The Carlow African Film Festival enters its 7th year in
2011. The festival which is Ireland’s First African Film
Festival, celebrates the beauty and diversity of Africa
through film, honours excellence in African film making
and promotes cultural integration and interaction
in Ireland.
This year, the festival will showcase three great quality
films which include The Legend of the Sky, Africa’s
first full-length animation feature, the world's first
‘Junkmation’ movie from Zimbabwe and The First
Grader, an inspiring story of the power of education
and the right to equality which is set in Kenya in 2003.
For more information and full programme information visit
Date: Fri 14th - Sat 15th Oct
Book online:
OCT 21st
Patchwork Theatre Group
Alice in Horrorland
Patchwork Theatre Group are celebrating Halloween this year with their new and unique
production ‘Alice in Horrorland’. Instead of Wonderland, Alice finds herself in a place haunted
by weird creatures generally only seen on Halloween Night. Some magical creatures are
there to help her and the night ends with a strange reality show with you, the audience,
participating. Add the usual Patchwork mix of songs and dances and you can be sure of a
fun night for all the family. The show was created from improvisation by the cast, under the
direction of Mary Austin.
Date: Fri 21st Oct Time: 11.15am & 8pm Price: €10/€7 (conc)/€4 (children)
OCT 22nd
Joe McCadden Promotions
The Fureys & Davey Arthur
The Fureys & Davey Arthur take their show of music, songs and stories to the George Bernard
Shaw Theatre for their second appearance here. Renowned for their hit songs including ‘I will
love you’, ‘When you were sweet 16’, ‘The green fields of France’, ‘The old man’, ‘Red rose café’,
‘From Clare to here’, ‘Her father didn’t like me anyway’, ‘Leaving Nancy’, ‘Steal away’ etc, they
have been entertaining audiences all over the world for 34 years. They are responsible for some
of the most stirring music ever to capture the public imagination. Their folk / middle of the
road based music has received standing ovations in some of the biggest concert halls of the
world over the last 34 years. An evening in the company of the Fureys songs and stories is a
tonic to banish those Autumn blues away.
Date: Sat 22nd Oct Time: 8pm Price: €25
Book online:
OCT 28th
Fight Night
Written by Gavin Kostick Performed by Aonghus Óg McAnally
Director Bryan Burroughs
Fight Night is a gripping journey charting the comeback of Dan
Coyle Jr, a failed amateur boxer from a long line of accomplished
fighters. Living in the shadows of his overbearing father and his
brother’s Olympic success, Dan lets his training slip in favour
of girls and booze. Then, an incident with his father minutes
before a crucial bout splinters the family and exiles Dan
from the ring. It’s not until the birth of his own son years
later that his competitive fire is reignited, and he takes
the first tentative steps on his road to redemption.
“McAnally and Kostick deliver a knockout blow
…extraordinary … exhilarating and cathartic.”
Irish Times
Date: Fri 28th Oct Time: 8pm Price: €15/€12
Gift Idea!
The George Bernard Shaw Theatre Gift Vouchers
The perfect gift for any occasion! Gift Vouchers are ideal for friends, loved ones
and even as corporate gifts. Let them choose the shows they love
with a Gift Voucher for The GB Shaw Theatre.
Contact our box office on 059 9172400 for more details
Lisa Richards Agency & Rise Productions
Book online:
OCT 29th
RTÉ Concert Orchestra
Beethoven - Glass - Rossini
Three giants of the orchestral repertoire on tour
Ioana Petcu-Colan (violin) Fergus Sheil (conductor)
“Music should strike fire from the heart, and bring tears from the eyes.” Beethoven
Three of the greatest works of the orchestral repertoire - Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony,
Philip Glass' Violin Concerto No 1 and Rossini’s William Tell Overture performed live by the
RTÉ Concert Orchestra with soloist Ioana Petcu-Colan and conductor Fergus Sheil.
The dramatic opening of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony ‘Fate knocking at the door’ sets the
scene for a work which is often seen as a battle between darkness and light - a musical
journey that is forceful, lyrical, urgent, reflective, mysterious and ultimately triumphant.
Rossini’s William Tell is the crowning achievement of his career, and its overture is his
most famous work. The final gallop section has been borrowed by many people - from
The Lone Ranger to Bugs Bunny!
Philip Glass is one of today’s most celebrated composers, famous for his early works for
the Philip Glass Ensemble and for his more recent film scores such as A Brief History of
Time and The Hours. His first violin concerto is one of his most compelling orchestral works,
combining his familiar minimalist style with a strong sense of lyricism and expression.
7.15pm Short pre-concert performance by Carlow Youth Orchestra in the Theatre Foyer
- admission free.
Date: Sat 29th Oct Time: 8pm Tickets: €20/€15
Book online:
OCT 30th
Brilliant Promotions
Enjoy a spooktacular Halloween treat with this
fun magic and juggling show. Jackula is Dracula’s
bumbling younger brother. Join him on his quest
to become the world’s most magical vampire.
Laugh as Jackula makes his pet ghost dance,
balances three pints of water on his face and has
children help him try to step out of his older
brother’s shadow.
Presented by Jack Flash. Jack has performed at The
White House, Leinster House, The Aras and to over
11 million people with Ringling Bros. and Barnum
& Bailey’s “Greatest Show on Earth.”
Note: For children aged 4 to 12.
Date: Sun 30th Oct Time: 12 noon Price: €6/€20 Family Ticket (up to 4 members)
OCT 30th
Access Cinema
Julia’s Eyes
Director: Guillem Morales, Spain 2010
Duration: 117 mins Cert: 16 Language: Spanish
Starring: Belen Rueda, Lluis Homar, Pablo Derqui,
Francesc Orella, Joan Dalmau
Produced by Guillermo del Toro and directed by newcomer
Guillem Morales, Julia's Eyes is both an impeccably
constructed modern drama and a bone-chilling thriller.
Julia (The Orphanage's Belen Rueda) has a degenerative
disease that will eventually leave her blind. Her twin sister,
Sarah, struggles with the same illness until she is found
hanging in the family basement. Sarah's mysterious
neighbours accept that she committed suicide, but Julia
remains unconvinced. A series of clues send her on a path
to determine the true cause of her sister's death.
Date: Sun 30th Oct Time: 8pm Price: €7/€5.50 (both prices include temporary membership fee)
Book online:
NOV 4th
Lisa Richards Agency
David O’Doherty is Looking Up
2008 Edinburgh Comedy Award winner, 2010 Hot Press Irish Comedian of the Year, 1990
East Leinster under 14 triple jump bronze medalist, founder member of Destiny's Child,
inventor of the iPad, star of 2Fast 2Furious, and until recently he always mispronounced
the word 'hyperbole'. The number one ranked person called ‘David O’Doherty’ on
Google is coming to The GB Shaw Theatre with small keyboards/talking.
“A triumph” The Montreal Gazette
“A national treasure” The Irish Times
Date: Fri 4th Nov Time: 8pm Tickets: €18/€16
Book online:
Carlow Regional Youth Services
The Vault Youth Music
The Carlow Regional Youth Service presents
their annual youth music night. Young
musicians from the Carlow area showcase
their own music and songs on The GB Shaw
Theatre stage.
Carlow has a vibrant community of young
musicians and the evening will present
local bands performing their own songs
acoustically. So whether you’re a fan of
new music or you just wish to support
youth music in your area, you are guaranteed
an incredible evening's entertainment.
Date: : Sat 5th Nov Time: 8pm
Price: €10/€5
NOV 10th & DEC 8th
Seamus O'Rourke
Carlow's Combined Schools Music Extravaganza
Seamus O’Rourke is Founder and Artistic Director of Carlow Storytellers and Actor/Director
with Carlow Little Theatre Society. Seamus’ combined schools shows in The GB Shaw Theatre
in February & May were a sell-out success, so these 2 shows should be booked early!
Showcasing the performing arts talents of primary and secondary schools and their pupils from
around the county, a great night of fine talent and youthful variety is guaranteed in the state of
the art surroundings of The GB Shaw Theatre. Remember no ticket, no admittance - so book
early to avoid disappointment! December show will present some Christmas themed events
- don’t miss it! Photos from past productions courtesy of Carlow Photographic Society.
Date: Thur 10th Nov & Thur 8th Dec Time: 7.30pm Tickets: €10/€8
NOV 5th
Book online:
NOV 11th
Ruby Works Records
Vladimir's Classical Twist
From Bach to Beatles and The Stones to Strauss, this
will be a unique classical crossover concert with the
Slovakian violin sensation Vladimir Jablokov.
Vladimir is a young violin virtuoso from Bratislava,
Slovakia who started playing the violin aged five.
Arriving in Ireland in 2004 but having little English,
he quickly decided to let his music do the talking and
started busking on Grafton Street. Getting a taste
for live performance, he formed the Slovak Festival
Quartet in 2006 with some friends. With a burgeoning
reputation, Vladimir has played some of Ireland’s
most prestigious venues including The Mansion House,
The Gaiety Theatre, Cork Opera House and, at the
behest of President McAleese; to an audience in
Áras an Uachtaráin.
Date: Fri 11th Nov Time: 8pm Price: €20
NOV 13th
Access Cinema
The Way
Director: Emilio Estevez, USA 2010 Duration: 128 mins Cert: 12A Language: English
Starring: Martin Sheen, Deborah Kara Unger, Yorick Van Wangeningen, James Nesbitt, Emilio Estevez
After the sudden death of his globe-trekking son Daniel (Estevez), Tom (Sheen) flies to the
Pyrenees to collect his body. But he spontaneously decides to complete Daniel’s journey,
scattering his son’s ashes along the 800km Way Of St. James, a pilgrim’s path which becomes
a life-changing experience. En route he attracts a band of inescapable companions, each with
a tale to tell, including an exuberant, wining and dining, dope-smoking Dutchman (delightful
Yorick Van Wageningen), a bitter Canadian (affecting Deborah Kara Unger) and a talkative Irish
author (James Nesbitt) with writer’s block. And although it is sedately paced (it is a long walk,
after all), Sheen’s subtle performance - surly, uptight, cautiously poignant - builds in emotional
impact, prompting one’s own reflections on the journey of life.
Date: Sun 13th Nov Time: 8pm Price: €7/€5.50 (both prices include temporary membership fee)
Book online:
NOV 16th
Noggin Theatre Company
By Alice Barry
Commissioned in 2010 by Meath County Council
Arts, Fruitcake toured to 25 venues in Meath, Louth
and Cavan during Bealtaine 2010. Written by Alice
Barry, Fruitcake starts off as a cookery demonstration
but is in fact an account of one woman’s life and
how each ingredient reminds her of past memories
and decisions made which ultimately changed the
course of her life. Even though some lessons came
late she now lives a fruitful, productive life because
of this. Funny and poignant, this play has something
for everyone. Please note this event will take place in the
GB Shaw Theatre Bar, so places are limited.
Photographer: Steve Neale
Date: Wed 16th Nov Time: 2.15pm Price: €15/€12
NOV 18th
Mend & Makedo Theatre Company
Redemption Song
Written by : John MacKenna
Directed by Marian Brophy
Joe is a small-time builder whose marriage to Mary has broken up. Their son has been
executed. Work is Joe’s answer to every problem. Then one evening, two men call to his door
with stunning news - they've given a lift to a hitch-hiker and they swear the man is Joe's dead
son. Everything changes - "If a man has hope, he has something" Joe says. John MacKenna's new
one-man play is a warm, moving, often funny and sometimes terrifyingly sad story of Joe, Mary
and their son. It's a powerful and gripping contemporary retelling of an old story.
Please note this event will take place in the GB Shaw Theatre Bar, so places are limited.
Date: Fri 18th Nov Time: 8pm Price: €12/€10
Book online:
NOV 19th
Tommy Swarbrigg
Jack L
A few years ago Jack L performed a show called Chez
Jack L, based on the music of a composer he admired
greatly, Jacques Brel. It was an astonishing show and an
enormous hit! Scheduled to run for 3 weeks in “SPIRIT”
music venue in Dublin, it ran for four sell out months, and
a smash hit run throughout Ireland and Europe followed.
Jack has decided to revive the show…but with an added
twist of including songs from his other favourite
composers, Leonard Cowen, Randy Newman and Tom
Waits. He will also include a touch of himself, Jack
Lukeman! Many of Jack’s songs are now part of the
staple diet of radio stations around the globe - add to
this some spectacular Audio Visual effects, and you
have the brand new Chez Jack L Show!
Date: Sat 19th Nov Time: 8pm Price: €25/€23
NOV 25th
Traveller Wagonwheel Company
It’s a cultural thing or is it?
- A Traveller in progress
Michael Collins, a member of the Irish Traveller community,
has been an advocate of Traveller human rights for over
20 years. Michael’s first play “It’s a cultural thing or is it?” is
based on his own life as a young boy. The play tells of
travelling around the midlands to different camps, of the
hard life growing up as a young Traveller in the Ireland of
the 60s, 70s and 80s and of his enlightenment of Traveller
human rights. Michael has spent the past five years
performing in venues in Ireland and in the UK and this
play received a five star review in The Irish Times in the
2005 Dublin Fringe Festival.
Date: Fri 25th Nov Time 8pm
Price: €15/€12
Book online:
NOV 26th
Ballet Ireland
Betrayed by his former wife, King Shahriyar vows to marry, love and then behead a new bride
each night, never to be betrayed again. Having murdered thousands of women, he encounters
the beautiful and wise Scheherazade, who pleads to tell him a story before her impending
execution. For 1001 nights, he postpones her execution enthralled, as he awaits her next tale
of love, hilarity or sorrow. Her enchanting stories bewitch him and he makes her his Queen.
Ballet Ireland’s Romeo & Juliet wowed audiences last year and The Irish Times said
“Runacre-Temple taps into a zeitgeist that so many other ballet companies desperately
want to access right now. Runacre-Temple gets it”.
Don’t miss the exotic Scheherazade and mystique of Arabian nights!
Date: Sat 26th Nov Time: 8pm Price: €18/€15
NOV 27th
Access Cinema
Beautiful Lies
Director: Pierre Salvadori, France 2010
Duration: 105 mins Cert: TBC Language: French
Starring: Audrey Tautou, Nathalie Baye, Sami Bouajila,
Stephani Lagarde, Judith Chemla
After the success of Priceless, Pierre Salvadori reunites with Audrey Tautou in
Beautiful Lies, a fresh and funny romantic comedy about a chatty hairdresser
who concocts a plan to cheer up her mother who is suffering from a serious
case of the blues after having been left by her husband. 30-year-old Emilie
(Tautou) runs a hairdressing salon where she provides an endless stream
of well-meaning advice to her clients and friends, but the only person she
cannot seem to help is her own mother. Jean, a young man who works for
Emilie, is secretly in love with her but a pathological shyness prevents him
from declaring his feelings. Finally, unable to contain himself, he opens his
heart in a passionate anonymous letter, but Emilie has other plans...
Audrey Tautou is utterly captivating playing cupid in this intelligently written and tenderly directed delight.
Alliance Francais French Film Festival 2011, Australia
Date: Sun 27th Nov Time: 8pm Price: €7/€5.50 (both prices include temporary membership fee)
Book online:
Perfect for your Office Christmas Parties !
DEC 1st
Tommy Swarbrigg
ABBA Forever
It’s Christmas!
It’s Party Time! It’s Abba!
Their music is the most played on radio stations
around the world and the musical based on
their life is still packing theatres from Waterloo
(Pardon the pun!) to Timbucktoo!
Coming to The GB Shaw Theatre on Dec 1st book
early for a really great ABBA party night out! From
“Waterloo (Again)” to “Dancing Queen” every
favourite is here. Get your glad rags on and be
ready to party - you’ll be dancing in the aisles!!
Date: Thurs 1st Dec Time: 8pm Price: €20/€18 (for groups of 8 or more)
DEC 2nd
Lisa Richards Agency
Following two sold out performances last year
Neil Delamere returns with a hilarious new show.
‘Restructuring’ sees the star of RTÉ’s The Panel, BBC’s
Michael McIntyre's Comedy Roadshow and Channel
4’s Stand Up for the Week come to terms with the
changes in the country, the world and his own living
Equally hilarious on and off script, book
now to catch this 5 star comedy maestro.
Date: Fri 2nd Dec Time: 8pm Price: €20/€18 (for groups of 8 or more)
Book online:
DEC 4th
The Dublin City Jazz Orchestra
‘Way Out West - Play Irish Again’
The Dublin City Jazz Orchestra is a 17 piece big band comprising some of the best musical
talent in Ireland. Formed in 2007 and led by the legendary Ciaran Wilde, four trumpets, four
trombones, and five saxophones will blow your mind playing big band music from the ‘40s
and ‘50s along with some more modern bombastic tunes to mix it up! Following
a performance at Electric Picnic in 2008, the band has gone on to appear at the
Kilkenny Arts Festival, Festival of World Cultures, Culture Night and the Cork
Guinness Jazz Festival, as well as two appearances on The Late Late Show in 2010.
In 2010 Jazz on the Terrace commissioned nine Irish composers to write music specifically
for the DCJO. The Arts Council provided grant aid for this music and it premiered in November
2010. Too often new works are only featured once. This series of concerts means that this
music will be performed for a second time in Ireland. This concert is presented with funding
from The Arts Council Music Projects Award 2011.
Date: Sun 4th Dec Time: 8pm Price: €18/€15
DEC 9th
Vickers Vimy
Vickers Vimy are an emerging collective based
around the duo of Ed Drea and Fintan Hanley. Their
sound is a warm blend of banjos, glockenspiel, acoustic and
electric guitars and has been richly compared to early Josh
Ritter (Modern Acoustic Magazine). With supports for the late John
Martyn and most recently Liam O’Maonlai and Maire Doyle Kennedy, this will be Vickers
Vimy’s first visit to The GB Shaw Theatre where they will be playing tracks from their
upcoming album 'That Vinyl Scratch' including their debut single 'Devil on your back'.
Vickers Vimy's music is sparse and beautiful and best enjoyed live.
Date: Fri 9th Dec Doors: 8.30pm Price: €12/€10
Book online:
DEC 10th
Carlow Choral Society
Christmas Crackers
Celebrate the festive season in style and join Carlow Choral Society as they perform a selection
of popular Christmas Carols and Seasonal Classics - and because it is Christmas you will be
expected to join the choir in singing some of the more popular carols!
The George Bernard Shaw Theatre is the perfect setting for this very special family event.
Date: Sat 10th Dec Time: 3.30pm & 8pm Price: €18/€15 (conc)/€50 (Family Ticket: 2 adults & 2 children)
DEC 15th - 19th
Carlow Club Players
Sleeping Beauty Pantomime
It’s that time of year again - Oh no it’s not. OH YES IT IS
- It's Pantomime time! This year Carlow Club Players
presents Sleeping Beauty the ABCD and Z’s of Pantomime.
The Adorable Beauty
The Beastly Fairy
The Crafty Councillors
The Dashing Prince
Amusing Breathtaking Colourful Daring and the Z?
Zealously presented by Carlow Club Players.
So get your family Christmas off to a cracking start with this
year's Pantomime Sleeping Beauty. IT’S A CRACKER.
Early booking is advisable.
Date: Thurs 15th to Mon 19th Dec Time: 8pm (Daily) 3pm (Sunday matinee) School shows Tues 13 - Thurs 15
Price: €15/€12 (concession or child) /€50 Family Ticket (2 adults + 2 children) Call 059 917 2400 for special schools rate
Book online:
The Perfect Christmas Gift’
FEB 4th
Tommy Swarbrigg
Date: Sat 4th Feb Time: 8pm
Price: €32/€30
FEB 18th
After the success of their show in January we
welcome back ‘Reeling In The Showband Years’.
It’s the Showband Show to top them all and will
bring you back in time to a wonderful era.
RTÉ’s Ronan Collins is host and compère. A brilliant
live performer, Ronan will sing his renowned Tribute
to Joe Dolan, as well as guests including Tommy
& Jimmy Swarbrigg, “The King” Brendan Bowyer,
Tony Kenny and Lorraine McDonald.
Opera Theatre Company, Ireland’s National Touring Opera Company
The Magic Flute
Enchanting and evocative, Mozart’s final operatic masterpiece
The Magic Flute, is a lyrical love story, set against an atmospheric
backdrop of fantasy and mischief.
Date: Sat 18th Feb Time: 8pm Price: €20/ €18
Scan this QR Code with your Smartphone
to visit our Facebook page now!
Have your say! Tell us about your experience at VISUAL & The GB Shaw Theatre.
Don’t forget to ‘Like’ us to receive reminders for upcoming events,
partake in discussions and to win great prizes to events!
Reelin' In The Showband Years
Book online:
Booking Information
Gallery Opening Hours
Box Office Opening Hours
Tuesday - Saturday
Tuesday - Saturday
On day of events
11am - 5.30pm
2.00pm - 5.00pm
11am - 5.30pm
2pm - 5pm
one hour prior to
the show start
Booking Available 24 Hours a Day on
By Phone
Please Call 059 9172400 during box office
opening hours
to Athy
lin s
er B
to Portlaoise
Tullow st.
to Castlecomer
Booking is available 24 hours a day, 7 days
a week through our website
Railway Rd.
In Person
Our booking office is located just inside the
main doors to the centre. For our opening
hours please see above.
Making a Booking
to Kilkenny
Ticket Policy
We regret that tickets cannot be refunded
after purchase. To obtain a refund in the
unlikely event of a performance cancellation,
tickets must be returned to the box office.
The theatre is also fitted with a hearing aid
induction loop covering the whole of the
auditorium. *Patrons please discuss your needs with
Box Office staff when making your booking and they
will be able to best advise you.
Booking Fees
A booking fee of €1 per ticket applies to all
card transactions whether purchased online,
via telephone or in person (to a maximum
of €10)
Latecomer Policy
Latecomers can only be admitted at a suitable
break in the performance. Admission cannot
always be guaranteed.
Disabled Access & Special Needs
The arts centre is fully accessible for disabled
patrons. Designated car parking is available
in the public car park at the centre.
Car Parking
Car parking is available immediately inside
the grounds at the Old Dublin Rd entrance.
Coach parking is available further on to
the right.
VISUAL would like to extend a big THANK
YOU to our invaluable volunteers who have
given their time to support us in so many
ways over the past year. We always welcome
new volunteers so if you would like to get in
touch with is please do so on 059 9172400
Book online:
Mailing List
Don’t forget to sign up to our mailing list!
Our free service includes:
Delivery of our season brochure
Regular Email bulletins
Occasional special offers on selected shows
For More information contact us on 0599172400 or check
Package Deals
A Light Hearted Look - Jack L, Neil Delamere and The Shaw Sessions with Vickers Vimy
An Entertaining Experience - RTÉ Concert Orchestra, Vladimir Jablokov & Classical Twist
and Caroline Moreau & Quintet Lunfardía
A Full Taste of the Theatre - Brighton, Fight Night and It’s a Cultural Thing
If you book all 3 shows, you will receive a 20% discount on your tickets. Call now to book on 059-917 2400
Become A Member
You can be a part of The GB Shaw experience by becoming a member, and helping us to secure the
future of art, culture and entertainment in our local area. Download our brochure, email us at or call the box office on 059 9172400 to request a membership form and see
if becoming a member might be right for you, or for someone close to you. Benefits include:
Friends Scheme €75.00
• Advanced programme and exhibition information
• Regular e-mail bulletins
• Invitation to exhibition openings
• Special “Members Only” offer on selected shows
• Priority booking on workshops, talks and events
• Membership Card for Film Club (four screenings in a season)
• Opportunities to avail of Members Only special event invitations
Patron: €150.00
• All of the benefits of a friend plus more.
• Two Membership Cards for the Film Club
• A voucher for two free tickets per year to be used on selected shows
Benefactor: €350.00
• All of the benefits listed previously and additionally
• 30% discount on catalogues
• Four membership cards for the Film Club
through the waters of time
Altamont Gardens
Clashganny Lock on River Barrow
In County Carlow rural life is the way of life. Soaring mountains,
verdant river valleys and rich rolling countryside offer the perfect
backdrop for golf, angling, horse riding and canoeing.
Take a trip on foot, horseback or boat and discover mystical
pre-christian monuments, ancient ecclesiastical sites, grand
country houses and gardens and picturesque rural villages.
Throughout the towns, villages and countryside of Carlow you’ll
find a choice of excellent accommodation, award winning
restaurants and a diverse array of visitor attractions.
to the south east
Walking the Barrow Way
Duckett's Grove and Gardens
festivals & events 2011
11th Sept
16th - 18th Sept
7th - 9th Oct
11th Dec
Fenagh Steam Rally, Fenagh
Graiguenamanagh Town of Books,
Carlow Autumn Walking Festival
- throughout Co. Carlow
Duckett’s Grove Christmas Craft and Food Fair,
near Carlow Town
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION please call Carlow Tourist Office, corner of College Street/Tullow Street, Carlow.
T: 059 9131554 F: 059 9170776 E: W:
At Lennons we are committed to providing good honest food produced with passion and
attention to detail while using only the finest Irish meat and locally sourced ingredients.
Our intention is to provide a restaurant that will suit all preferences and dietary needs
with a carefully chosen menu including gluten free, vegetarian & healthy options.
Opening Times:
• Monday - Saturday
• Thursday - Saturday
• Sunday Brunch
10.30am - 5.00pm
6.00pm - 9.30pm *last orders
12.00pm - 4.00pm
Join us on facebook
*We will also be open for additional evening service in conjunction with theatre events please enquire for more details
What Lennons @ VISUAL can offer:
• An independent restaurant offering the best of local ingredients and produce for
morning coffee, lunch & dinner
A seating capacity for 70 people with additional sun terrace
Friendly and casual environment
Pre-theatre supper and dinner menu
Value for money wines with particular care given to wine by the glass
Post theatre sharing boards
Ready-made meals to take home
Catering for private & corporate functions
Ideal location for corporate functions, parties & product launches
T: 059 917 9245 E:
Sat 17 Sept - Sat 31 Dec
The Coercion of Substance - Samuel Walsh
Art Exhibition
A Life’s Work - Sonja Landweer
Art Exhibition
Dreamlands - Mary Cullen
Art Exhibition
Thur 1 Sept
Lunchtime Storytellers
Sun 11 Sept
Bastien and Bastienne at Borris House
Tues 20 - Wed 21 Sept
Faith Healer by Brian Friel
Fri 23 - Sat 24 Sept
B for Baby by Carmel Winters
Sun 25 Sept
Snap by Carmel Winters
Sat 1 Oct
Caroline Moreau & Lunfardía
Thurs 6 Oct
Lunchtime Storytellers
Thurs 6 - Sun 16 Oct
Féile an Fhómhair
Sat 8 Oct
Brighton by Jim Nolan
Sat 8 Oct
Deirdre Moynihan & Alec O’Leary
Fri 14 - Sat 15 Oct
The 7th Edition of the Carlow African Film Festival
Fri 21 Oct
Alice in Horrorland
11.15am & 8pm
Sat 22 Oct
The Fureys & Davey Arthur
Fri 28 Oct
Fight Night
Sat 29 Oct
RTÉ Concert Orchestra - Beethoven - Glass - Rossini
Sun 30 Oct
Sun 30 Oct
Julia’s Eyes
Thur 3 Nov
Lunchtime Storytellers
Fri 4 Nov
David O’Doherty is Looking Up
Sat 5 Nov
The Vault Youth Music
Thur 10 Nov
Carlow's Combined Schools Music Extravaganza
Fri 11 Nov
Vladimir's Classical Twist
Sun 13 Nov
The Way
Wed 16 Nov
Fruitcake By Alice Barry
Fri 18 Nov
Redemption Song by John MacKenna
Sat 19 Nov
Jack L
Fri 25 Nov
It’s a cultural thing or is it? - A Traveller in progress
Sat 26 Nov
Sun 27 Nov
Beautiful Lies
Thur 1 Dec
Lunchtime Storytellers
Thurs 1 Dec
Abba Forever
Fri 2 Dec
Neil Delamare
Sun 4 Dec
Dublin City Jazz Orchestra
Thur 8 Dec
Carlow's Combined Schools Music Extravaganza
Fri 9 Dec
The Shaw Sessions with Vickers Vimy
Sat 10 Dec
Christmas Crackers by Carlow Choral Society
3.30pm & 8pm
Thurs 15 - Mon 19 Dec
Sleeping Beauty Pantomime
8pm (3pm matinee)
BOOKING OFFICE 059 917 2400
or book online at: