
The Bradford Grammar Junior School Magazine
TRIPS, songs, history
my hero
My hero, is my sister because when I was three she stopped
me from putting a nail in a plug socket. It all started when I
was three. It was when my mum was upstairs and my dad was
at work. So who was in charge of me? It was my sister. We
were watching TV when I left the room and found a nail next to a
plug socket, I picked the nail up and moved closer to the socket and moved the nail ….
Welcome to another varied and exciting edition
of Clockwise. Our pupils are truly outstanding,
guided by dedicated staff, they surpass
themselves year on year winning competitions
and producing work of the very highest quality.
This magazine will give you an idea of the things
they have achieved.
It was just at that moment that my sister came out of the room and pushed me away from
the socket before I got electrocuted. She called my mum who said, “You are very lucky your
sister was there otherwise you could have died.”
my magic
Once again we have won several competitions, from
the HMC cross country and gymnastics, through
Music competitions to Maths and other
academic awards. I seem to say it each
year, but it is a privilege to be Head of such
a talented group of children.
my dustbin!
Their work and other exploits can be
seen on the following pages. We have
included stories, poems, events, awards,
pictures, photographs and as many
other items as possible; but inevitably
this can only be a snapshot of the
wonderful contributions our children
make whilst representing the school.
Rotten veg,
Maggoty meat.
Old cut hedge,
Smelly cheese that smells like feet!
Luke Moran 6M
I will put in my box,
The trophy of a triumphant triathlete,
The shininess of a silver snake,
The cosiness of a cuddly cat,
my dog
The muscles of a mega big man,
The fragrance of a fantastic flower.
Ismaeel Abdullah 4R
The lid is not on tight,
The flies are buzzing at the site.
The smell is unbearable,
The food is undesirable!
I hope you enjoy this year’s
So that is why my sister is my hero.
My bin stinks!
It is so bad; no one wants to come to my house.
My dad thinks,
It is my job to take care of the bin!
I don’t agree with him!
Max Bradley 6A
My dog is called Molly,
She’s ever so jolly.
She bounds around all day,
Always looking for a new game to play.
My dog is such a joy,
Always looking for a new toy.
She loves running about and going mad,
And sometimes she can be a little bit bad.
My dog is sometimes a pest,
But I know she’s the dog that I love best.
Charlotte Kingsley 6A
Neil Gabriel - Headmaster
my secret
garden diary
my pet and me
I have a dog called Oscar and he loves the seaside.
Cautiously, he stepped into the sea.
He is brave and handsome.
He is as fast as a rocket.
Olympic Oscar zoomed across the beach.
As we came round the edge of the
cliff, a vast new site was spread before
us. The sky lit up the earth like a light
bulb, shining in the room. The tip of the
mountain was greyish white because
of the light hitting the dark mountain,
making it grey. Although the mountain
was inky, the flashing grass made it stand
out with its emerald green colour.
Dazzlingly the mini lake was brightened
up by spreading the light all over the
place. The rock emerged itself because
everything can’t be light. The waterfall
was blazing. You could hear the noise,
“shooh.” It shimmered itself all the way
down to the bottom.
Saif Bahadur 5S
uary 189
16th Jan
Louise Nelson 5H
Sports Day
in a
d to wake up
Dear diary
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to my room
day I went
dur 5S
Sukruth Kun
Sports Day
beach & holidays
van gogh
at the
Ingleborough Hall
I was walking along the stony path, smelling the
lush green grass and the hot summer breeze. Up
on a tall green hill was a man. His body structure
was focused but there was a tiny grin and he was
flicking his paint brush around the canvas. His
nose was as pointy as a wood pecker. His blue
crystal-like eyes were almost falling into the
picture. He wore a dark, dusky top with
long sleeves. He clutched a piece of wood
with green on it and slim brushes in the
other hand. The man shook his head and
dropped the piece of wood and put his
hand on his fiery beard. He barely had any
hair on his head. I looked even closer at
the canvas and it said Vincent.
Fizzy, luxurious, fruity, pink lemonade feels so cool
and is as cold as ice cubes and fizzes in my mouth.
Sweet, sugary blue and pink candyfloss tastes like
blueberries and strawberries swirling in my tongue.
These golden, greasy, oily rectangles taste crunchy
and crispy like a bag of crisps.
This blue, salty, wavy water sounds as calm as a
baby sleeping.
This brown, chocolaty, cold ice cream is as luxurious
as living in Buckingham Palace.
Experience an authentic visit to an old hamlet
in the South of France. There is lots of beautiful
scenery. It is always very peaceful. The local
village has the fanciest restaurant I’ve ever
seen. There are lots of lakes and gorges nearby
also the sea’s only one hour away. You stay in
an apartment with a plunge pool, sleeping for
four, kitchen, bathroom, lounge, outdoor dining
area, two bedrooms and a terrace. The locals
have a games room with a dart board and pool
table. So go to Rongas today for only £250
per person including travel. It’s the holiday of
anyone’s dreams.
Stretched out sleepily in the shade,
On a day when the sun is as fierce as a monster,
I’m feeling really hot and sticky,
And my face is as red as a chilli.
The sea looks like a never- ending tunnel,
As I head towards it for a swim,
But the sand eats up my feet, the way I eat my fish and chips,
Making me run as fast as a cheetah through the jungle.
I’m so glad to reach the water,
I splash about like a baby elephant.
The tiny waves welcome me like a hot summer day and I feel as happy as a lamb
galloping around!
Hannah Crookes 6L
here’s what
makes a
good holiday
the beach
jewellery box
‘’One more shop and a cup of tea,” exclaimed my mother, and then dragged me by my hand. As
I walked around the old Victorian houses I saw an old grand shop in the corner of the street. I
saw many other shops however that one just stood out to me. I could not see much, it took me a
few seconds for my eyes to adjust from the brilliant sunshine.
Sonia Daad 5H
Adair Doulah 5S
Water Polo
Stretched out sleepily in the shade,
On a day when the sun’s as fierce as a tiger.
I’m feeling really hot and sticky
And my face is as red as a tomato.
The sea looks like a blue sheet of sparkly paper.
As I head towards it for a swim the sand burns my feet
like if you were on the sun,
Making me run as fast as a cheetah .
A good holiday means going away to
somewhere you don’t know,
And taking lots of pictures that you can show.
A good holiday is having a load of fun,
And playing happily out in the sun!
I walked into the shop, I was really surprised by the fact that one box stood out to me. It was a
dull and drab box. Despite the fact there were so many other boxes with elegant features I still
thought that was simply the best. I could hear a faint noise in my head saying, “pick up the box.”
I’m so glad to reach the water
I splash around like a mermaid.
The tiny waves welcome me like I’m a surfer ready to surf
And I feel as happy as when it is my birthday.
Maybe a trip to Greece,
Or a cruise round the river Nile.
Maybe all around Asia,
Gosh, that would take a while!
I put my hand on the box, careful that the man did not see me!
Anna Cooper 6M
The hotels would be a nice place to stay in,
Especially resting after a very long day.
Then waking up to start something new,
That’s what makes a good holiday!
As I walked past the grand Victorian shop it was so much different to what I had anticipated it
to be. Gold, diamonds and jewels shone brightly at me - necklaces, medallions and many more
kinds of jewels and gems caught my eye.
‘’Don’t open the box,” hissed the old frail man. Although the man told me not to open the box,
the voice was now haunting me. I opened the box.
Rohan Lalli 5S
Shree Bhattacharjee 5A
Jasper Lawrence 6M
a wood
Beautiful, golden leaves shone on the
ground as the dark brown trees caved
in from above. Wet, green, mossy
patches squelched when you stood
on them. A forever falling shower of
leaves rained down on you whenever
you took a step. Birds flew down to
the banquet of berries before it was
too late.
Sam Young 6L
an odd safari
forest description
It was beautiful, there were bright orange leaves and the colours of a fire fell
everywhere. The sun shone through the trees like a ray of joy. The path gleamed with
reds, greens, yellows and browns, it was a perfect paradise for nature and its animals.
Woody Whitaker 6L
We jump in the car.
My mum, dad, brother and I are all excited,
We see a big blue elephant as blue as the sea,
A lion licking three lizards,
As the lizards get away.
Look! There’s a lion tickling two
The tortoises escape from the tiger’s
bone shaking roar
by slipping into the water.
I have never seen a giraffe’s neck in a
He must have a lump in his throat!
This has been the oddest safari trip of my
entire life!
Ben Grimmitt 5H
the highlands
Forests evergreen, damp leaves rustling,
Ruined castles everywhere,
Whoosh the wind goes banging on your face,
Days on the hills as calm as can be,
Though thunderous storms may come,
Trudging in the mud, heading up to the Highland Games,
Hammer throwing, going for the record,
Everyone happy at the games,
Not too far from Loch Ness, trudge through the mud again,
Try to spot Nessie, see a spike you know it’s her,
Back to camp.
Ryan Welsh 5H
poems & songs
poems & songs
victory song
This is a tale of lands afar,
Of murky swamps and bright stars.
Yes this is a tale of long, long ago,
But peace isn’t one of the qualities
Grendel has come to slay the Danes,
Across misty mountains and grassy
Yet Beowulf brings hope,
Slash! The Grendel will die on the slope.
Beowulf the hero in shining armour,
Names his sword Grendel biter.
Ninety one people dead,
The monster comes to eat his head.
Grendel has come to slay the Danes,
Across misty mountains and grassy
Yet Beowulf brings hope,
Slash! The Grendel will die on the slope.
The monster comes to eat the hero,
Crack! The monster’s arm breaks off.
The Grendel starts dying in his home,
And he dies with one final moan.
the victory
On the night the monster attacked,
With a BANG! He struck down the door,
And no matter how hard they cut and
The warriors’ heads fell to the floor,
Marching along the fields,
With a hunched back and meat in its jaw,
Grendel strolled down the plains,
To Hrothgar’s castle galore.
Beowulf entered the picture,
A shield and sword by his side,
Everyone calling him “Beowulf sir,”
With a positive swing as he strides.
Marching along the fields,
With a hunched back and meat in its jaw,
Grendel strolled down the plains,
To Hrothgar’s castle galore.
On the night of Grendel’s last stand,
Beowulf ripped off his arm,
He did it with his bear sized hand,
And only two warriors took harm,
Marching along the fields,
With no left arm at all,
Tears dropping from his eyes,
Dying with one final call.
Jacob Whiteley-Guest 6L
School starts with a bell,
Children talking as they get inside,
Happiness is spread,
Open their lockers,
Over the row of the classroom the teacher
Lessons have started.
Stuck in doing my work,
Tempted to run out and play,
Another bell rings at last it’s lunch,
Running around playing cricket,
Ten minutes left in the day,
Starting to pack my bag when will the bell go?
Natalie Griffith 6A
(What can you hear?)
Wishing wind blowing gently to me,
Watery raindrops splashing to the small tree,
Hooting birds singing above me.
James Hirst 6M
victory song
BANG! CRASH! BOOM! Beowulf came
through the door,
BANG! CRASH! BOOM! Hrothgar trembled
and saw,
Big, Brave, Bewildering Beowulf shone like a
Sitting, Squinting, Shouting Hrothgar saw from
They eat, they eat,
They sleep, they sleep,
They slay, they slay
Beowulf got ready unarmed,
But Grendel got ready to attack,
Beowulf woke up alarmed,
Now the monster Grendel is back,
They eat, they eat,
They sleep, they sleep,
They slay, they slay
The monster-slayer chopped off his arm,
Whilst Beowulf just stayed calm,
Grendel dead his arm came off,
Now Beowulf the hero of the Danes is off.
Grendel has come to slay the Danes,
Across misty mountains and grassy
Yet Beowulf the hero beats the beast,
This pleases Hrothgar to say the least!
Sunday afternoons are really boring!
Grandpa sits on the sofa snoring.
Mum says, “what about a walk?”
“No way!” we all shout, “we’d rather talk!”
Dad says, “Let’s go for a run.”
You’ve got to be joking; I’d rather sit and eat
a bun.
My brother says, “Let’s play football.”
That would be a massive free for all.
Perhaps I’ll play on my video games…
Oh no absolute shock, horror, I realise what I
have to do,
Homework, I should have started on Monday,
Then Sunday, could have been a fun day.
Nicholas Miller 5H
Corrupting the balance with just a
It stretches out after the long waited
and anguished arrival.
Staring through the mists of Mother
Nature’s soul it strikes when it feels the
(What can you hear?)
Swaying sea splashing on me,
Wicked windows making too much noise,
Banging doors that are shutting on me.
(What can you hear?)
Minute after minute goes the ticking clock,
Barking dogs barking.
Mustafa Burhani 2Y
Alone in its solemn life it reaches out with
good intentions but everyone around freezes
in fear.
book mania
When the children go out to play,
The characters here can play.
And when they stay,
They giggle and laugh and sing for joy,
They run and fly and learn, oh boy.
They have to wait until they’re read,
And then of course it will be said.
They have a life like all ours,
But no they don’t have cars.
They don’t have to go to work,
Or appliqueing or lurk.
They do nothing, like a duck
Apart from being in a book.
But if they’re not read,
They’ll have a life being dead.
So you’ve got to remember,
To read all your books,
And not to skip to chapter 3.
Ice leopard springs into battle slashing fiercely
at every living soul.
Night is a friend as it cloaks him as he works
he magic.
Power seeps through its brain igniting the
raving inner-self and locking away the true him
Now out, it burns ice-blue and spreads the icy
fire across the land marking its territory.
Yet through all this his life must end,
Sometimes it’s just too cold to breathe.
Jude Hall 6L
in the
In the cauldron goes some stuff,
including a school boy’s cuff.
Dirty nails, stinky socks,
a beautiful girl’s golden locks.
A chemical or two will do,
not forgetting a sweaty shoe.
A bear’s intestines, stomach and liver,
lots more things that will make me shiver.
A tarantula’s poo with a bit of sawdust,
a mouldy piece of bread crust.
A dragon’s egg with a couple of holes,
a dead man’s head with a lot of moles.
There’s a lot more to show,
But that is not for you to know!
Rebecca McCash 5A
Jeremy Steward 6L
(What can you hear?)
A dainty dolphin
Splashing in the sea.
nature is calling
Nature is crawling,
And the mosquitoes are appalling.
To and fro we watch the flies,
Up to us to see them wave goodbyes.
Round about now we lay in the grass,
Ear to ear we hear a spider tiptoeing with a webby mask.
Lemonade fizzling,
Sausages sizzling,
Sauce drizzling,
Mouth dribbling.
Cola bubbling,
Spaghetti struggling,
Jelly wobbling,
Mouth guzzling.
In the bushes the bouncing bunny,
Sniggers and jumps out so funny!
Cows on the field do their greeting,
And the sheep get together for a woolly meeting.
Leafy crickets jump around,
Ladybirds just can’t be heard to make a sound.
“I’m the longest,” said the centipede under the rock,
“Not so fast!” said the millipede with a shock.
“Got no time for all this yapper,” whispers the sinking
Champagne sparkling,
Steak toughening,
Biscuits crumbling,
Mouth watering.
Amelia Evans Betts 5A
st Ap
Luli Fukukawa 5A
(What can you hear?)
Pink pigs
On the noisy farm …
(What can you hear?)
Busy bees buzzing
In the loud hive.
A cheeky hyena laughing
In the hot desert
(What can you hear?)
Naughty people talking
Loudly in the baby park…
Round rabbits rustling
In the bushy hedge
(What can you hear)
Beautiful purple paper rustling
Magical chairs clanging on the hard floor.
Evie Davies 2Y
Ismail Shehzad 6M
me, family & friends
my worst
He goes where I go,
He does what I do,
He makes me not unique.
He eats what I eat,
He’s not the only friend I seek.
Whenever I’m friends with my friends,
He is friends with them too.
He’s always there and needs not shout BOO!
He feels what I feel,
And he’s just a big copycat.
But he’s still my friend,
I think that I’ve made that clear,
Even though he follows me like a deer.
He may be the worst of the worst,
But he’s still a part of me:
My worst friend = my shadow.
Rajan Dhesi 6L
getting dirty
getting dirty
Going in mud
Excellent fun
Teatime come home
The hallway’s splattered with dirt
In the kitchen
‘Now what have you done,’ says Mum
When I have time to myself I like to play football with
favourite football team is
get My
a bath.’
Barcelona and I have visited their football club called The Nou Camp.
Do it again tomorrow
I am happiest when I win a football or cricket match
of the match. I enjoy
‘I told
competing against my friends at home and at school.
‘Right I give up
To the bathroom
My greatest weakness is to overcome my fear. I overcame
my fear when going on a shark safari
a horror.’
on holiday to Dubai. My mind was telling me to stop
but my
heart was telling me to go on. When
all about me
my grandma
dirty of
is my
On the 27th
just a few minutes before midnight, my grandma was born. Her
it makes
me want
to sing
and Jessie
her Margaret Thompson. Eric would have called her Ian if she
not his
to my
dad name at the time.) My grandma was born at Halifax General
were a boy (this
him he
had drives
a job and
worked as a furrier and Jessie was a housewife.
I love jumping in muddy puddles
When Jessie
was make
to move
into a house, after giving birth to Margaret, they moved to a
all of them
house on Leemount
The house number was 92.
grime andRoad.
slimy sludge
Margaret Thompson
to her first school. She attended Howarth Road Infant School on
dirt as brown
my hands
wall school that Margaret went to was Daisy Hill. After leaving Daisy Hill
went to Belle
School. Then moving on in life she went to Bradford College
in the hall
to study
The qualification that she achieved was the NNEB (National Nursery
for me
to take
a shower
Board.) like a flower!
I hate smelling
I eventually got to the bottom of the tank, my mumTom
dad were
really proud that I had been
very brave.
My grandma’s
Khan J4Rfirst boyfriend was called Derek Snow. Her husband now is Richard James Mason
and she met him whilst attending church every Sunday.
If I could pass any law it would be to have 2 days of school and 5 days of holiday for example
we would go to school on Saturday and Sunday and have the rest of the week off!
Eva Lockett 6L
If I could be someone else I would be Jeremy Wade. He is my inspiration to becoming a marine
biologist. I like to watch all of his programmes called River Monsters. I enjoy learning about
different creatures that live in lakes and rivers, around the world.
all about me
Hassan Bashir 5H
If I have time to myself I like to play computer
games involving building villages and fighting
the orphan
As she sits alone in her cardboard box,
She gazes at the heavy rain pouring from the sky,
and her soul fills with hatred, hunger and sorrow.
With nothing for shelter and mere rags for warmth,
she sits and hopes praying for a miracle.
People pass by, pitying her clothes but too selfish to
THUMP-THUMP-THUMP, the wind screeches and
The rain thuds onto the pavement, creating heavy
puddles and soaking her box,
At night she sleeps and dreams of a family.
Then suddenly she wakes up and faces reality,
The worry at the back of her mind,
telling her that she may not survive.
my worst
me, family & friends
Looking through her empty eyes,
she gazes at a world with no hope.
Quietly, she weeps into her old, fluffy teddy bear and
falls fast asleep…
I am happiest when mountain biking off road
and skiing! I like the speed.
getting dirty
My greatest weakness is defence in football. I
am better at running up front.
If I could pass any law it would be for
Getting dirty on a Monday
everything to be 1p so everybody can have a
Is so much fun but
better life and have everything they want.
When you get home you
If I could
be someone
footprintselse I would be Geoff
over the
floor he was one of the best
the world.
you run ininsnow
And make your hands
My proudest moment was when I got three
So cold you might
wickets in a cricket match.
Need to be next to
cracking my knuckles and
to is
getting up too early.
If I had to change
something about myself
Ali J3W
it would be being a lot better at writing and
Not a lot of people know it but I have ships on
my wall my mum did them.
Archie Horsfield 5H
Imaan Haider 6L
She has always made me soften, whenever I
see her, her face framed with delicate ringlets,
and always a smile on her face. Blue eyes
shining and a golden face looking straight at
me. She either cheers me up, makes me laugh
or even turns my world upside down!
I really love this person, and she is one of the
very many favourite people I have.
It’s Rose my little sister!
Eve Atkinson 6L
my worst
She’s always there beside me,
She never lets me go.
I always try to stop her,
But when it’s time she blows.
She always will disturb me,
I can see it in her eyes.
Whenever there is
She always seems to
Everybody knows her,
She seems to be quite
But when she has
her back turned,
They all say she’s
My worst friend teases me.
Yes she is like a stinging bee.
Worrying about the next day,
Or shall I say,
Roasting and sweating in disappointment,
It makes me sad at that moment.
Sometimes she will smile at me,
But the teachers don’t see what I can see.
The tension all around my mates,
Some of them use the word hate.
I wish she could be kind,
But her meanness is always on my mind.
It comes to the end of the day,
And there is just nothing more to say.
Hi, my name is Laura Sophie Kraft. I live with
my mum, my dad and my brother. We live
in a nice detached house in Guiseley, with a
I speak English and German because my
parents are from Germany.
We have four goldfish in a round fish tank.
They are called Bobby, Lucy, Lilly and Susie.
I am eight years old. I wear glasses and have
long, brown hair. I am fairly tall and have light
skin. I think I am kind, happy and cheerful.
I like music and dancing. I started playing the
violin when I was four years old. I go to ballet
lessons and I love singing.
When I get older I want to be a teacher or a
doctor. I don’t know which yet but I’ll find out
Laura Kraft 3S
What would you do without friends?
When it feels like time never ends?
When you are in trouble,
They will help you through the rubble,
What would I do without my friend?
No matter how many mountains lie
No matter how many left to climb,
My friends are my friends,
And we will climb and climb,
Until we reach the summit of the
My friends are my friends,
And I will treasure them till the
end of time.
Shaan Aziz 6L
She’s now
become a part
of me,
Although I dislike
It’s time to reveal
her identity,
Her name is
pure anger.
Naina Krishna 5H
Mariya Khan
picture board
picture board
picture board
Flute Lessons
The Clock House
Ski Trip to Serre
Fashion Show
Ingleborough H
k Day
World Bo
g Chick
s, Mond
Hatching Chicks
Tour de
First Aid
Hatching Chicks
Ingleborough Hall
my research french
History in France
France was named after the Franks tribe of
people who lived in central Europe. Their ruler
Clovis (around AD 466-511) went to war against
the Romans and eventually reigned over what
is now France. He also changed his religious
beliefs and became a Roman Catholic.
can I
do this?
Bonjour! Comment t’appelles – tu?
Je m‘appelle Anu.
Quel âge as – tu?
As every eye in the stadium watches,
I place the football on the penalty line,
The referee blows his whistle impatiently,
And I say to myself I can’t do this.
J’ai huit ans.
Ma couleur preferée est jaune .
J’aime des fraises et des bonbons.
Camargue horses have lived wild in the
marshes of the Camargue region in the south of
France for thousands of years .The horses are
small, sturdy and tough. They are born brown
or black and become white as they get older.
As I step back,
The goalkeeper seems to get bigger,
The net seems to get smaller,
And I say to myself I can’t do this.
Anu Anand 3W
Bonjour! Comment t’appelles-tu?
Food and drink
France is famous for wine, cheese and fine
food. The country has the world’s second
largest area of vineyards which produce
between seven and eight billion bottles of
Lucy Robertshaw-Wareing 3S
Bonjour! Comment t`appelles-tu?
Je m`appelle Lila.
Quel âge as-tu?
J`ai huit ans.
Je m’appelle Yusuf.
Quel âge as-tu?
J’ai huit ans.
Ma couleur preferée est vert.
Bonjour! Comment t’appelles-tu?
J’aime les pommes et le chocolat.
Yusuf Zahir 3W
Je m’appelle Amelia.
Quel âge as-tu?
J’ai sept ans.
Ma couleur preferée est violet.
J’aime les fraises et les cocas.
Amelia Atkinson 3W
Ma couleur preferée est violet.
J`aime des fahitas et du chocolat.
Lila Whiteley-Guest 3W
The Ski Trip was like your family holiday, but
without your family and with your friends
instead. From skiing on the pistes of Les
Menuires, to enjoying the delicious taste
of the hotel food, we had an amazing time.
Swimming, tobogganing, bum boarding we
did it all!
The soft silky snow gleams in the melting
sunlight. Go dancing at the disco and show off
some moves or sit in front of a movie and load
your crêpes with everything you can imagine.
Keep your rooms tidy in case the teachers
come knocking and stand by your beds
because there’s an inspection ahead.
Eva Lockett 6L
Bonjour! Comment t`appelles-tu?
Je m`appelle Daniel.
Quel âge as-tu?
The main dining room, with a
high ceiling, was where we sat
down for tea. The walls were
decorated with the finest art
work and gold glinted mirrors
and a round table with crisp
white linen table cloths was
set out for us. The beautiful
palace gardens could be
seen through the large
french windows.
Trays of perfectly
cut, triangular
sandwiches were
brought out by ladies
in white aprons. There
was a huge variety of
fillings and different
types of bread,
from prawns
to beef to
cheese and
ham. Soon
after some
scones with
clotted cream
and jam,
cakes were
delivered by
The Queen ate well, she
seemed to enjoy her sandwiches and cakes.
I was quite full but I just managed to squeeze
in a small butterfly bun. As I got up to leave I
curtsied to the Queen and thanked her. I will
remember this memorable meal for the rest of
my life.
Eve Murphy 6M
J`ai huit ans.
Ma couleur preferée est violet.
J`aime du poisson et des bonbons.
Daniel Grimmitt 3W
tea with
the queen
I run at the ball full pelt,
As my foot makes contact with the ball,
It cuts through the air,
And I say to myself I can’t do this.
The goalkeeper dives,
He gets one hand to it,
Everyone’s eyes go down,
And I say to myself I can’t do this.
But the power takes it past his hand,
My team are jubilant,
As I celebrate,
I say to myself I can do this!
Amrit Sharma 6A
Greed has been here since the beginning of time.
Greed has been the cause of war.
Greed has caused the loss of family and friendship.
Greed has been the cause of fighting, over land and money.
In modern day we have enough but we want even more,
The Xbox 1 on launch day,
The most expensive Ferrari in the world,
Another diamond ring in a week.
But they do not need them.
People are still starving in third world countries.
Shrouded in fire, glistening
Greed means we want more.
with sparks, Fear has an
orange and ghoulish face.
Max Rutherford 6L
He has a skull head and
wears a dark-as-thenight robe. When you
walk closer to him a
putrid stench hits you
in the face. You try to
run but when his red,
burning eyes lock onto
yours there is no escape
as you lose control and hurtle
towards him and you suddenly stop
right in front of him. Your hands reach out
and touch the burning fire then your hands
Livens the spirit,
have turned to dust. You collapse to the
Anyone can do it,
ground in pain as you turn to dust.
Undermines sadness,
Nithila Sampath 5A
Great fun,
Happiness is the root,
Together it’s louder,
Enjoyable for all,
Radiating joyous love.
Laurenne Pickard 6A
Ski T
Raising Chicks
all feet and
Hens are very big.
Even when they are naughty they are still my
Not very big until they grow into a hen.
But they are cute for a few days, but not
Every time I close my eyes I dream about
Running around in a box I can see them smile.
Rushing to the pot to get their food.
In our school there are chicks and they are
very noisy.
Endless noise coming from their cage.
Silly little chicks good night.
Eva Shivtiel 2S
mini beast
fact sheet
pony poem
1.Caterpillars have jaws that slide from side
to side to mash up their leaves.
I wish I had a pony beautiful and black.
Its mane and tail would be white,
I would groom it every day,
I would jump all the jumps with her by my side.
I would enter her in every show,
I would fill the stable with the finest hay,
I would let her out in the paddock so she
could play,
I would watch her gallop away.
I shall bring her in at night,
I would stare at her and say you are the best,
And I wish you were real.
3.A butterfly’s long tongue curls and uncurls
like a party blower.
Millie Sunderland 6M
2. Caterpillars eat a lot of leaves.
4. Butterflies drink with their tongues.
5.A caterpillar stays inside its hard, green
case and changes for about two weeks.
6. Caterpillars grow a hard case.
7.After four weeks as a caterpillar, it finds a
safe place to rest.
8. Caterpillars grow very quickly.
9. Some caterpillars are very spiky.
10.Caterpillars can’t see well, so they use
antennae to feel their way around.
Arooj Iqbal 2Y
animal story
Lotix was hopping by his adopted mother, Snittle. Lotix was only young when his parents died
and he is still young today. Lotix was an anxious arctic hare with a puffy white tail. Snittle, unlike
Lotix, was a polar bear with smooth fur. The pair was living in the very Northern part of the Arctic
and was heading home on flat sheets of snow.
Beneath the grass,
Inside someone’s worm house,
With its friend,
In a bird’s beak,
Down under the ground,
Between two of its family,
Among all the insects,
Alex Flaherty 5A
The daisies, roses and buttercups,
All welcome a visit from the butterfly,
Watch how they dip and soar,
Then lift and sail up to meet the sky,
The beauty of this butterfly,
Designed by God up above,
I feel she has the soul of an angel,
Protecting the spirit of all those we love.
So the next time you see a butterfly,
Think of someone you hold dear,
The tiny angel in the body of a butterfly,
Is watching over you and hovering very near.
Insects all green and brown,
Running around like cheetahs.
Stick insects, ladybirds alike,
All coming out to play today.
Some large or small, fat or thin,
It doesn’t matter to them.
Zakaria Hussnain 6A
animal story
Andy, Alex and Annie woke up early one morning.
‘What do you think we should do today?’ asked Annie.
‘Maybe,’ said Alex, ‘we should just play in the snow, seeing as it is a nice day.’
“Good morning mum!” shouted Lotix, “C’mon! It’s the weekend we have to get food!”
‘Good idea!’ said Andy
“OK, let’s go, Lotix!” shouted Snittle back. They then, got ready and set off to find breakfast.
They went out of the den one by one. Annie went out first. She lay down in the snow and started
wriggling around in it.
“I’m hungry, Mum!” wailed Lotix in despair. Suddenly, they paused. The polar animals could hear
howls and paws plunging softly into the ground.
“Lotix, this may be our last day together – we are surrounded,” said Snittle calmly, trying not to
worry Lotix. However, Lotix’s nerves were growing. Suddenly, a pack of arctic wolves jumped
out and fiercely clawed Snittle. Snittle roared in pain but fought back. Then they bit into the polar
bear’s flesh with their sharp fangs . Blood was pouring everywhere and it was too violent for the
young hare. Lotix was heartbroken and hopped away as fast as he could. At the sight of that,
Snittle was glad that Lotix escaped. With one last swipe from the wolves, Snittle perished…
Lotix was so disappointed and so downhearted but stayed positive . The hare soon learnt life
depends on decisions. He saw a few berries on the ground and ate them for more energy. With
no sleep and still starving, he started stashing food.
A few years later, Lotix knew everything out there and made a lot of good and bad decisions and
he remembered his terrific childhood. The wise polar hare was now happy, not just because of
how clever he was, but how he started a family of his own.
Zahraa Bashir 2S
Nathaniel Taylor 5H
Annie was the youngest, she was also the shortest. She looked out of the den. It was clear, the
sun was out, making the snow twinkle like the whole ground was covered in white sequins.
After a while of hopping and walking, there was no luck.
Mother hens are good at looking after
On Monday the chicks were so loud.
Two of the chicks died.
Hens lay eggs.
Even though there were nine eggs only
seven hatched.
Resounding chicks everywhere.
Hens are rowdy.
Everyone was waiting for them to hatch.
Not every single chick hatched.
As the sun appears in the sky,
The colours shine like a lantern hung on a tree
branch late at night .
Then………………all goes grey, the party’s
Rain comes pouring down all over the insects.
As the light fades away, it’s the end of another
“Yes Mum, thank you!” cried Lotix happily, “Although, I had a little fall out with Kice.”
Tzavier Thornber 4C
The tiny butterfly seems always on the go,
Her fragile wings dip and flutter,
From one she samples nectar,
Then passes over to yet another.
‘Good morning you two!’ said the oldest of the Adelie’s friends, Andy.
When Lotix and Snittle had arrived in the igloo (which was their house) it was their bedtime so
they went to sleep and the next day, awaited.
On the flowerbed,
As you watch the butterfly fluttering,
Near the flowers never long to stay,
The glorious array of both combined,
Add beauty every day.
“Did you have a nice day at school today, Lotix?” asked Snittle.
“Don’t worry, it’ll be fine tomorrow,” said Snittle. However, tomorrow was not at all, OK…
feet and
the delicate
‘Oh, how I love the snow!’ she said to herself.
Andy and Alex came out.
‘Let’s have a race!’ suggested Alex.
‘Yes!’ said Andy.
They ran from one hill to another. Well, when I say ‘ran’, I actually mean ‘waddled’. Alex won the
race, even though he was not the oldest.
‘Woo-hoo!’ screeched Alex, ‘I won!’
‘Well, I came second,’ mumbled Andy.
‘Why do I always have to be last?!’ wailed Annie.
‘Because,’ laughed Andy, ‘you are the youngest!’
‘Shut up!’ Annie shouted.
These creepy crawling creatures,
Tap dance with their tiny feet.
Their toes and fingers jump in a fast rhythm,
That only they can meet.
But something deviously disgusting,
Is what they love to devour.
Mouldy wood and leaves and plants,
Nibbling noisily hour by hour.
Their homes are incredibly minute,
Made with razor-sharp rocks and slimy sticks.
Camouflaged by a layer of fluffy moss,
Destroyed when at them a naughty boy kicks.
These beasties,
Come in all shapes and sizes.
Beetles blending in with surroundings,
And butterflies winning all the brightly
coloured prizes.
Collectors study these incredible insects,
Labouring over research on the every day.
Discovering their hidden qualities,
Before letting them crawl or fly away.
But an important fact to know,
Is to let these creatures be.
No matter how interesting it is to dissect them,
Would you like them doing so to you or to me?
Isabella Kenyon 6A
‘ Let’s just go fishing ready for lunch,’ sighed Alex.
William Crookes 4C
seasons & Weather
Spring is new refreshing and warm,
It brings new growth and buds,
New animals are often born,
We see the end of winter mud.
Summer is holidays and play,
It brings flowers and sunshine,
Animals grow day by day,
Longer days to enjoy the time.
Autumn is rust red leaves,
It brings the end of summer time,
The summer fruit falls from the trees,
Children back at school wait in line.
Winter is windy and cold,
Snow falls from the sky,
Wrapped up children brave and bold,
Christmas time is nigh.
Samantha Tullie 6A
seasons & weather
i will put in the
winter box
I will put in the winter box,
Four golden horses skating on ice,
The warmth of a crackling fire,
An unusual snowman with six arms.
I will put in the winter box,
The chill of shining ice,
The polar bears with the whitest fur,
The taste of froth of a hot chocolate.
I will put in the winter box,
The cold cracking ice in a lake,
The joy of a puppy jumping in the snow,
The magic in a magical winter land.
I will put in the winter box,
The warm winter,
Slippers in snow and wellies in sand,
The flavour of the Christmas pudding.
My box is made from the finest cocoa in the
With gold lace,
With the warmth of fire,
I shall ride horses on ice,
On the biggest river ever,
I will gallop through the snow,
Then it will soon be Spring.
Alice Hustler 4C
The trees sway from side to side
Not many left now,
They have been chopped down
For you and me.
Fields full of lambs and dandelions
Not many left now,
They have been destroyed
For you and me.
Sunny weather sticks in the sky
Not very many days like that now,
It’s always raining from pollution
From you and me.
As I grow old now,
There is not much left of me
Days come and days go but one thing
doesn’t change
I still get my springtime blues.
Kate McNab 5S
i will put in the
winter box
I will put in the winter box,
A seal on ice slipping unstoppably,
A drip of soup dripping down your throat,
A painting by a famous artist.
I will put in the winter box,
A blazing fire melting stuff,
A snow cat with snow kittens with sticks for
A person skating on the River Thames in
I will put in the winter box,
A person in winter clothes,
A really warm blanket,
A hot barn.
I will put in the winter box,
A cold sun and warm snow,
Falling snow inside and no snow outside,
A magical scene.
My winter box is fashioned with ice for the
Gold for the sides and base,
Marshmallows for hinges and
Stars for patterns on the lid.
ski in the box,
swim in the box,
run in the box,
ice-skate in the box.
Adhi Chandramohan 4C
Shipley Fire Brigade
rainy days
the winter
As the rain dropped on the window
Rain drops ran down like a race at the Olympics
Staring at the window was so boring
Nothing ever happened
All the sports matches are abandoned
Rain spoils everything
Pleases make it go away
Disorder as fast as a cheetah.
Over the horizon a glimpse of light
There it is
In the gloom, a glorious, gigantic,
I will put in the winter box,
The warmth of a woolly hat,
Logs round a camp fire,
Chestnuts roasting away on a fire.
I will put in the winter box,
The first sip of warm soup,
The first crunch of snow,
The joy of a jolly dog in snow.
I will put in the winter box,
A baby chipmunk clinging on to a
The first step of a little polar bear,
A scary sailor snowman in the dark.
Zoe Harvey 5H
a rainy day
I will put in the winter box,
Sheep playing in the snow,
Dogs skating on ice,
Ducks jumping in the cold water.
My box is fashioned from woolly mittens
and scarves,
With marshmallows in the corners.
And snowman hats for the hinges.
I will do snow angels in my box,
And run around on the frozen sea.
Then I will warm up by the fire with
cocoa and honey.
Then I will watch penguins dive into the
Anja McCormac 4C
Outdoor Pursuits
I am loud and clear,
I can spin the world and
I do the worst.
Look out if you’re out,
Because I can end your life.
Armaan Malik 5A
A rainy day,
It’s so boring today,
What shall we do?
A rainy day,
It’s time for board games on this day.
A rainy day,
It’s outstandingly boring today.
We could be flying a kite or having a picnic,
On this very day.
A rainy day,
It’s so dull on this rainy day,
What can we do?
What can we eat?
Mum hasn’t been shopping because it’s a rainy day.
A rainy day,
All that’s left to eat are mouldy sprouts on this day,
A rainy day.
We eat what‘s left,
A rainy day.
Our pets are sitting on our laps while we watch TV,
A rainy day.
We’ve agreed we’ll give the old fashion ways of rainy day fun a try.
Ski Trip
Emryss Sheikh 5S
I am vicious and murderous.
I can kill and
I can strike.
Look out if you are below,
Because I will find you.
introduction to a flood!
It was beautiful in the valley. People were hanging out their clothes. As usual it was a calm day,
as the children played and ran about outdoors, enjoying a game of chase.
Suddenly the clouds started to darken and cold miserable rain came. The stream started to rise
and rise. It was cold and wet and frightening!
Who am I? (Thunder)
The rain got worse. It was not a nice day. It had started off promising, but was gradually turning
into one I would rather forget!
Anuli Okeahialam 5A
Eleanor Dawson 3S
the past
ingleborough hall 2014
gh Ha
On Friday 16 May, Year 3 set off on what would hopefully be an exciting and enjoyable weekend trip to Ingleborough Hall.
Our first stop was Coniston Hall to see the hounds and the birds of prey, at the Falconry Centre. There were about sixty hounds and they were very
noisy and obviously very pleased to see us!
At the Falconry Centre we were shown the different birds and had the chance to have a barn owl fly onto our hand.
From there we went straight to Ingleborough Hall, where we were greeted by members of the hall staff, who showed us to our dormitories.
After we had made our beds we went outside to play in the sun. It was fun playing on the swings, climbing frame and on the enormous lawn!
After having a fire drill we then went into the dining hall for our evening meal. I had pizza. It was really nice and I ate it whilst chatting to my friends.
Later on we did country dancing. I was not sure what to expect, but it was fun following Chris’s instructions and listening to the music. By the time
it was over we were all very tired and after a drink and some supper, we all went to bed.
It was a long time before some of us got to sleep and I don’t think the teachers were too pleased!
We woke up early on the Saturday morning, but had to stay in bed until the teachers asked us to get up at 7.30.
After doing our diary for Friday we then went for breakfast in the dining room. It was lovely and everyone really enjoyed it.
After breakfast we split into groups with Mr Smith, Mrs Watts and Mr and Mrs Foster. Mr Smith and Mrs Watts took their groups into Clapham to
do the village study, whilst Mr and Mrs Fosters group stayed at the hall to find out about its history and do some Art work. I was in Mrs Foster’s
Our lunch was a packed lunch of sandwiches, crisps, fruit, a biscuit and a drink. We sat on the lawn in the sunshine and talked to our friends whilst
we ate it. Afterwards, we had time to play before we swapped round activities and my group went into the village.
After our evening meal we came out to find our parents had started to arrive for the barbecue. Mr Smith cooked the food, with Mr Robertshaw. It
tasted brilliant! Miss Smith came up to visit for the evening and also helped get the food ready.
When the barbecue was finished we were all very tired from playing with our visiting brothers and sisters and a few of us were sad when our
parents had to leave.
Before going to bed we had a fun game of bingo. Once in bed we all got to sleep very quickly. There was not much talking taking place!
When we got up on Sunday morning the first thing we had to do was pack our bags and strip our beds.
Following a nice breakfast, we had to put a snack and a drink into our rucksacks, ready to walk up the Nature Trail to Ingleborough Show Cave.
Ingleborough Show Cave was amazing! We learnt how stalactites and stalagmites are formed, as well as some of the funny names that have been
given to some of the formations.
Once out of the cave we visited the souvenir shop, before returning to Ingleborough Hall. We had our packed lunch on the lawn for the last time.
Finally we loaded the minibuses, as well as Mr and Mrs Foster’s car, before saying a sad farewell to Ingleborough Hall and what had been a most
enjoyable weekend.
Rebecca Flaherty 3S
the past
As we came round the edge of the cliff a vast new site was spread before us. We could suddenly
see the magnificent Niagara Falls. The water was sparkling and a bright, aqua blue in colour. The
open in
the sunlight
air. Therelike
is crystals.
the falls is
gravel on the floor. Sometimes on the wall there
The sound of the water crashing onto the sparkling sea was like a loud roar, I could feel the
is a mosaic. Sometimes there is a water source.
water spraying gently wetting my face. I took in a deep breath; I can taste the saltiness of the
a bedroom
frescoes on the
and thethere
of thebe
wall. To make them you mix plant dyes,
Apollo started
Standing here in front of these wonderful
I feelplaying
animal dyes, crushed stones and egg
life, their
me. I stare into the water and imagine
and to
if there
caves flying
whites. You put them on wet plaster
the falls and what secrets they may
hold. air. The notes struck Artemis’s bow and the
so they last longer.
golden notes burst into clouds. Artemis fired an
A boat comes into view, I can see
it bobbing along at the bottom of the falls. I
You would have the dinner parties
arrow but Apollo dodged out of the way. The
can see the people in their
luminous orange coats as they pass in front of
in the dining room. There is
arrow sailed past only a few inches away. More
the roaring water.
also a lot of entertainment
notes flew towards Artemis but she managed
too. Richer
to shoot them down before they reached her.
Tuille J5S
have dinner parties most
The two gods kept on battling, neither gaining
days of the week. Romans
the upper hand. Time was running out for
drink a lot of wine at dinner
Apollo because the sun was disappearing
parties. The slaves prepare
below the horizon. He flew forwards, grabbed
and serve the food. They eat
Artemis’s arrow and snapped the head off. He
door-mice with honey and
then plunged to the ground and soon Artemis
poppy seeds. YUK!!
followed. They were never seen again.
my greek
Rebecca Flaherty 3S
Alex Davies 5S
mummification process
In Egypt when you die you go through a process called the mummification. When you have gone
through the process you are ready to begin the next life of an ancient Egyptian. Firstly you get a
hook. The embalmer hooks through the nose, (doesn’t matter which nostril) and up to the brain.
The embalmer now twists and turns the hook and then they pull the hook out. All of the little bits
of brain will drop out of your nostrils and onto a bowl. You don’t need the brain in the afterlife
because when you wake up you don’t want to blow your nose and find out there is snot, while
you have the brain you can feed it to your animals or something.
Secondly you take the body parts. The lungs, intestines, liver and stomach out of the body.
Every one of the body bits has to be put into a jar, each jar has a head of a god, and there are
the baboon head, the jackal, the human and the eagle. The heart is wrapped up in bandages
and the heart is dipped in salt.
Once you have finished the second process you will stuff the body with bandages and then
you sprinkle all around the body with salt and leave it for 40 days and 40 nights. Once you have
waited the days and nights you will wrap the body with bandages for the next life.
mummification process
I, Hrothgar the great king of the Danes,
need a hero.
They have to be brave, strong, armed and
very skilled to kill the ravenous monster that
has haunted me for TWELVE whole years
known as Grendel.
I am offering a choice of land, armour or
wealth for a reward. There are no cons or
tricks, you choose armour you get armour,
you choose land you get land, you choose
wealth you get wealth.
Unfortunately, if you do not return with
a claw of this beast I will not know if it is
really dead and therefore cannot reward
you. If needed, I will supply armour and/or
weapons. This mission is not recommended
for the faint-hearted or easily scared. If you
believe in yourself for this task, try and see
me as soon as possible.
Your King needs you!
William Bertrand 6M
Isaac Li 4R
The process was important because Egyptians believed that the soul had to go into 12 parts of the underworld and
go to the god Osiris. Some parts of your body stayed but some had to go and were believed to do nothing.
First you have to take the brain out. Egyptians believed that the only thing it produced was snot. To take it out you
need to put a hook up your nose, twist it and let the brain drip out. The lungs, intestines, liver and stomach were
removed. They were put in Natron salt and they each have a special Canopic jar that they were placed into. The jars
looked like a baboon, a human, a jackal and a bird of prey.
The heart was also removed so it was also put in Natron salt but it was also wrapped in bandages. Then the body
was dried out for 40 days and 40 nights. It was stuffed with bandages so your body would not be flat. Then your
body would be covered in oil to stop your skin from peeling off. Your eyes were replaced with onions or if you were
a wealthy person you would get black stones. Then your body would get wrapped in bandages and placed in a
sarcophagus. Then the funeral priest would say prayers.
Rizvan Faisal 4R
Sports Day
Sports Day
outdoor pursuits
the waterfall and
As we came round the edge of the cliff, a vast new site was spread before us. It was a colossal mountain standing
Cross Country
before us. Staring at the mountain we started our climb. The river was a beautiful crystal blue, rapidly moving along.
At the bottom of the mountain we breathed the crisp air and smelt the pine trees at the river edge. When we came
to the steep middle section the sun was shining on the mountain making the snow melt tuning into trickles of water. The smell of the fresh
air was glorious and the whistling wind blew around us.
The top of the mountain was snowy and cold and we could feel the force of the wind trying to blow us off. The ground started to get bumpy
and rough and whizzed the snow up into my eyes. My body shivered and my teeth chattered.
The view was tremendous and jaw-dropping. It was like being at the top of the world looking down. We didn’t speak just taking in the
amazing view. Suddenly a blizzard appeared from nowhere so we scrambled down the mountain as fast our legs could go leaving the
blizzard behind. We reached calmness and safety at the mountain base and looked back at the majestic mountain.
ski trip
Lorna Nelson 5S
This was my second ski trip with Clock House and trying to summarise how I feel about my
experience in a paragraph will be a mission for me but I will try my best.
Try and imagine that you are given the opportunity to go away for a week with some of your
closest friends and favourite teachers and the best thing of all is, studying is not involved.
You wake up every morning knowing that you are going to experience some heart stopping
thrills coming down those incredible slopes . Your socks will be blown off literally!
The excitement does not stop when the sun sets as the night has just begun with more fun
and games such as bum-boarding, crêpe and movie night. The memories and experiences
gained as I leave Clock House this year to Senior School are priceless. The time spent with
friends on my ski trips have formed some of my most memorable moments.
Shaan Aziz 6L
fell running
Get in race position,
Pushing to the front,
Trying to win the race,
Is the only thing I want.
Nervous on the start line,
Waiting for the gun,
Finger on the trigger,
Three, Two, One and RUN!
Sprinting to the corner,
On the narrow track,
It’s hard to overtake,
If you’re at the back.
Now I’m on the steep hill,
Must keep running and not stop,
Avoid the jagged rocks,
I’ve made it to the top!
a rugby game
Turn the final bend,
Sprinting for the line,
Finished in the pack,
Better luck next time!
A rugby game could be messy when you’re rolling in the dirt,
And sometimes when you’re tackled you could get really hurt,
The bleeding is a pain because it leaves a massive stain,
When you score a try your opponents always cry,
The key to playing rugby is working as a team,
“Pass it over here!” is what we always scream,
When you’re in the lineout you have to jump so high,
But when you’re in the scrum you really want your mum,
Once you hear the whistle you know you’ve won the game,
Even though you’re wet and cold you’re happy all the same!!!
Joseph Childs 5A
Jacob O’Connor 5A
Speeding down the hill,
Going through the rivers and the bogs,
Running through the fields,
Jumping over the ditches and the logs.