a PDF copy of The Gazette
a PDF copy of The Gazette
M A R C H The 2 0 1 4 Gazette Confederation Park 55+ Activity Centre Look Inside!! Golf Season is getting close. Read “Help for the Senior Golfer” on page 7 Save the Date!! Saturday Dances March 8 & 22, 2014 Doors Open at 6:30pm Tickets $12 Page 7 “Wings of Change” Movie Night Spring 2014 Watch for Details New Member Tea AGM March 28, 2014 10am to 12pm Page 6 April 28, 2014 at 1pm Watch for Details Volunteer Appreciation Tea Spring Walk-a-thon April 7, 2014 1pm to 3pm Page 6 June 7, 2014 Page 6 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 Join us for a St. Patrick’s Day Buffet on March 17 at 12:45pm – more details on page 9 Cook up something Irish – see a recipe on page 14 for “Irish-Style Lamb Stew” WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA THE GAZETTE MARCH 2014 WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION WINTER DROP-IN ACTIVITIES Confederation Park 55+ Activity Centre Whist - Mondays 1:00pm - 3:00pm Pickleball - Mondays 1:00pm - 2:15pm Crib ~ Tuesdays 9:30am - 11:30am Floor Curling ~ Wednesdays 1:00pm - 3:30pm Bridge ~ Fridays 1:00pm - 3:30pm Scrabble ~ Fridays 1:00pm - 3:00pm A recreational drop-in Centre. There are activities and classes to suit everyone. Membership is $30.00 per year. New Associate Memberships now available for those under 55 years Reception Desk Open Monday to Friday 9:00am - 3:00pm SNOOKER Men - Mondays 9:00am - 12:00pm Ladies - Tuesdays 9:00am - 12:00pm Open to All – Wednesdays & Thursdays Ladies- Friday 9:00am - 12:00pm GOOD FOOD BOX Through this program members can purchase fresh fruits and vegetables at an affordable price. Large Box – 40+ Lbs. $30 Medium Box – 30+Lbs. $25 Small Box – 20+ Lbs. $20 DANCE WITH US! March 25, 2014 – Order Deadline April 3, 2014 – Delivery Call 403-289-4780 to place your order Doors open at 6:30pm - Dance 7:30pm Cost $12.00 March 8, 2014 – Orange Blossom Express March 22, 2014 – The Badlanders VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Volunteering is good for your heart. Next-to-New Shop, Reception, Library, Kitchen, Dance or Decorating Committee. SPECIAL SERVICES Travel Phone: 403.289.4780 to book an appointment for the following services: Contact the Centre volunteer@confedpark55plus.ca Podiatrist Next Date: April 11, 2014 Lawyer 2nd & 4th Thursday of each month OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Library Weekdays 10:00am - 3:00pm THE CENTRE TRAVEL & TOURS Wednesdays from 10am – 2pm Boutique & Next-to-New Shop Weekdays 9:30am - 3:00pm 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 See Page 9 for the recent tours being offered 2 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA MARCH 2014 In This Issue… Current Board Executives: President, Linda Earl Vice President, Agnes Jessamine Treasurer, Patricia Dosdall Secretary, Noreen Rockafellow Past President, Jeanne Duggan Page President’s Report ❧ Donation Form Executive Director’s Report Volunteer Corner Article: Help for the Senior Golfer Dance News Book Club ❧ Choir Word Search Camera Club The Centre Travel & Tours Snow Removal Info. Conpark Crossword Tea & Conversation Number Cruncher Solution Library ❧ Book Reviews LOL ❧ Crossword Solution The Way In (Calgary Older Adult Services) Recipe: Irish-Style Lamb Stew Clubs & Activities Calendar Community Events Events & Services Calendar Number Cruncher Puzzle Winter Class Calendar Centre Info Directors: Bev Cumming Jean McCauley Penney Kome Ernie Shemko Atiya Qadry Staff: Executive Director, Maureen Orton Executive Assistant, Judy Cairns Coord. Of Volunteers, Stacy Stewart Coord. of Tea & Conversation, Debbie Nay Assist. Coord. of T&C, Stacy Stewart Accountant, Laurie Townsend ‘The Way In’ - Calgary Family Services: Older Adult Service Coordinators; Agnes Krystofik Suja Thomas 4 5 6 7 7 7 8 9 9 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 15 16 16 17 17 18 19 To the Families of SUBSCRIBE Margaret Brown Jeanette Gocal Joe Mason Teresa Orton Joan ter Harmsel Phyllis Whiteford our Did you know you can subscribe to the Gazette and receive it by email? Go to www.confedpark55plus.ca or drop by the Centre and ask how. ADVERTISE For Gazette advertising rates phone: 403.289.4780 ext. 224 or email info@confedpark55plus.ca Kathleen Busch Maxine Kehler 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 Welcome to Our New Members Karen Brackett, Marilyn Day, Marion Owen, Paul Pesti, Kim Rumball, Valerie Schmaltz, Suzanne Schnell, Alicia Tokarczyk, Walter Tokarczyk 3 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA MARCH 2014 President’s Report Linda Earl – President of the Board of Directors January 24, Robbie Burn’s Night, was wonderful with lots of history of Robbie Burns himself and a taste of Haggis. This event was put on in cooperation with the Calgary Caledonian Society. Mark your calendars so you don’t forget about the buffet lunch on St. Patrick’s Day March 17, 2014 at 12:45pm. Purchase your tickets at reception. One of the other things coming up soon will be our AGM on April 28, at 1:00pm in the Social Room. Think about what you want from the Board of Directors and whom you want on the Board. In accordance with our new Bylaws, we will be electing one half of the Board this year and they will be serve for two years. This year the positions that are up for election are: President, Vice President; and three Board members. The other half of the Board will be elected next year. This way, with half elected each year, we have continuity for Board functions. Watch for signs on the bulletin boards for different events coming up. Also, coming soon – our Second Annual Crib Tournament – on March 24 from 1:00pm. The cost will be the same as last year - $10.00 per team of two. Register in the office. The Camera Club is going around to different activities, taking pictures – so don’t be surprised if someone says SMILE! We are planning on putting out another Calendar this fall and want to feature events and activities that have taken place at the Centre. There will be “Release Forms” to be signed if you want your picture in the 2015 Centre Calendar. If you have any ideas or suggestions for events or activities you would like to see offered at the Centre let anyone in the office or on the Board know and we will see if it is possible. Remember the Centre runs on Volunteers - so join in its fun! Donating Made Easy Confederation Park 55+ Activity Centre Donate online at: OR Complete the form and mail to the Centre PLEASE PRINT: In Memoriam Donor’s Name: ________________________ For memorial donations, please provide the name of the person being honoured and contact information for the family member who should receive an acknowledgement: Full Address: _________________________ Donation Amount: $ ___________________ Memorial to: __________________________ Make cheque payable to: Confederation Park 55+ Activity Centre Mail to: 2212-13 Street NW, Calgary, Alberta T2M 4P7 Send Ackn. to: _________________________ Full Address: ____________________________ Charitable Registration Number: 13217-1638-RR0001 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 4 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA MARCH 2014 From the Executive Director’s Desk Maureen Orton – Executive Director NEW! Check out the wonderful meals being served from our Kitchen. Lyn Dougall continues to cook up a storm, preparing homemade soups, salads and casseroles. The desserts are great with your tea/coffee. We will now be selling single portions of soups, frozen for you to enjoy at home. We are always trying to serve you better so let us know in the office how we are doing. Join us for a St. Patrick’s Day Buffet Lunch, Monday, March 17th. Tickets are available from the front desk for $10/members or $15/non-members. Your taste buds will be delighted with soup, variety of casseroles, buns, tea/coffee and dessert. The buffet starts at 12:45pm in the social room, join us. Welcome All New Members: I hope you will sign up to attend the New Comers’ Tea from 10am – 12 pm on Friday, March 28th. The sign-up sheet is at the front desk. Staff Update: Just to let everyone know that our Bookkeeper, Lisa Robbins has been stolen away to a fulltime job at a Real Estate Development Company - very disappointing and we will miss her. Before Lisa left, she found a wonderful replacement, so when walking by the Finance Office, please welcome our new bookkeeper Laurie Townsend. Spring Class Registration: We will be trying something brand new for our members to register for classes. Registration will be done electronically on the computer starting March 24th and continuing through April 2nd. We will be saying goodbye to Karin Richter who has been teaching Acrylics and other art mediums at our Centre for many years. We wish her well, as she will be retiring at the end of this semester. Watch for a NEW CLASS instructed by Margaret Holland called “Open Studio”. “Open Studio” will include instruction on Acrylics, Watercolours, Oils or Pastels. Margaret is passionate about her art. She has won many awards through the Calgary Stampede, Heritage Park and Brushstrokes. Watch for more details. Our Travel Department has two new volunteers. We will be enjoying several trips with other community associations to allow us to fill the buses, preventing trips from being cancelled due to lack of participation. It should also keep the cost down and allow everyone to make some new friends. Watch the whiteboard to find out where you can travel to next. We are preparing to do our yearly Centre inventory. Could the member who borrowed our Wii gaming systems please return them so we can count them in our inventory. Thanks a bunch. Ladies do you know how to play billiards or snooker. Women play Tuesdays and Friday mornings 9am – 12pm. The more the merrier so come out and join the fun. If you don’t know how, take the time to come out and learn something new. Great for hand eye coordination. “Last Penny Roundup”, we are still accepting pennies. Visit the reception desk to donate your remaining pennies, which will help to benefit our programs and services. Smiles & Laughter “It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.” - Mohandas Gandhi 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 5 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE MARCH 2014 WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA Volunteer Corner ~Stacy Stewart "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." -Winston Churchill New Members’ Tea Are you a new member and want to know more about the Centre and meet other new members? The next Newcomers’ Tea will be held Friday March 28, 2014 from 10am-12pm in the Social Room. RSVP at Reception. Volunteer Appreciation Tea Our Annual Volunteer Appreciation Event will be held Monday April 7, 2014 from 1pm-3pm in the Social Room. Join us for a fun and exciting time with fabulous door prizes! Do you have an idea for some great entertainment? Maybe Karaoke or a Punk Rock Band? Contact Stacy… Please. ;-) Got Wool? We are looking for donations of yarn, wool and other like items. Donations are given to people to knit/crochet fabulous items for the boutique! Got Time? Want to volunteer, but can’t commit during a scheduled day? Know how to knit, crochet, sew, or bead? Why not put your talents to work and create items for the boutique? We could supply donated items for you to use for your creations! See Stacy for more information. Walk-A-Thon Volunteers are needed for the first annual Walk-A-Thon on Saturday June 7, 2014. Contact Stacy to find out about all the fun opportunities available! Well, it has been a long winter, but with every passing day, we come closer to Spring. Spring is a time for change, growth and new-beginnings. Remember to take the time to help neighbours with yard work, plant a row in your garden for your local food gleaner or a friend; and of course, Volunteer! Some of the fabulous volunteer opportunities available are: Kitchen Hostess: Thursdays, 9:30am to 12:00pm or Fridays from 9:30am to 1:30pm. Reception: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings Boutique: Monday AM and Friday PM. If you or you know someone who is interested in volunteering, please call Volunteer Services at 403-289-4780 or email stacy@confedpark55plus.ca Community Volunteer Income Tax Program is Back! Get your taxes done and E-Filed at no cost! This program is only available if your income is under 30K a year (40K for a couple). Please remember that the volunteers are only allowed to do simple tax preparations. They cannot complete taxes for deceased, foreign workers or entrepreneurs. If you have any questions if you qualify, and to book your appointment, please see reception. New Cool Database! Over the last few months, we have had a WONDERFUL volunteer that has created an amazing new Database! We can now send out email updates, make schedules, calculate how much time you have given, all in the matter of a few keystrokes! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Jeff Cairns!!!! Volunteer of the Month Barb Bauman Barb is a fairly new volunteer that sorts donated items for the Boutique and Next-to-New Shop! Welcome Barb! Please come by the office to pick out a fabulous prize! The Sign-in Book has Changed! Gone are the days of going through two binders, trying to find your name. Now, you can just simply sign-in on the top sheet. This will let us know who is in the building in case of an emergency, while still allowing us to know how many hours you have given! 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 6 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE MARCH 2014 WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA Help for the Senior Golfer By Ricky Gee (www.ezinearticles.com) I have been golfing since I was 13 and I am now 59 and in the senior golfer category. Have I noticed a difference in my game from 10, 15 or 20 years ago? You bet I have. What has changed is that I am less flexible, meaning I can't make as much of a backswing turn and my swing speed has slowed down. The aches and pains and malfunctioning body parts have increased and I have had to make adjustments to my swing and game. The new technology of today's golf equipment significantly helps offset the aging process and its effects on your golf game but only to a certain degree. Senior golfers still need help whether you have been playing golf for as long as I have or just taken up the game recently. Does all this mean that I want to settle for shooting higher golf scores? Absolutely not and neither do you! Actually, you may have played with some senior golfers who don't seem to be hitting it very far or great but when the scorecards are added up they have beaten you badly. There is a method to this and you can find out what it is and at the same time you can most likely hit the ball as long as you did when you were younger but straighter and more accurately and shoot better scores for many years to come! Sticking with bad golf habits will only lead to frustration and make golf feel more like work than fun and recreation. I often play with senior golfers who are in their 60s or 70s and while they say they are satisfied with their scores I know they really are not and I know that they would like to improve. Most of them do not know where to start to improve their golf game and so they don't do anything about it. I try to offer them tips and suggestions but what they really need to do is find a Senior’s Golf Guide that will address the full scope of a senior's golf game. There has been research done with many senior golfers, and most of them complained that the golfing resources available on the internet are for younger golfers. In fact, many of the so-called 'golf improvement books' require twists and turns of the body that are difficult for seniors to achieve. This has led to a lot of frustration amongst senior golfers. (continued on page 8) Dance News By Sandy Staple We are almost finished with February and hopefully almost finished with the cold weather and less than perfect road conditions. We invite you to join us for our Saturday night dances - it’s a great way to meet some new folks and enjoy an evening of socializing and fun. Our February 8th dance hosted 70 dancers who enjoyed the music by the “The Badlanders”. Rick and Sandy Staple hosted with co-hosts Dianne and Colin Beattie. Rick MC’d the evening. Rick, Sandy, Dianne and Colin took tickets, provided the lunch and clean-up with Yvonne and Bob Armstrong tending bar. It was an enjoyable evening with an enthusiastic crowd. The February 22nd dance saw a smaller crowd of 60, dance to the music of the band “For Old Tyme Sake”. While it was a cold evening, the dancing and camaraderie kept us warm. Sandy and Rick Staple hosted with Dianne and Colin Beattie cohosting. Ticket taking, lunch, and clean-up was done by Rick, Sandy, Dianne and Colin. Rick MC’d the evening and Jim and Irma McKenzie tended bar. Thanks to all who continue to support the dances; the dance committee, those who help with set-up and take down and the dancers who attend. We want to share our love of dance with others – come out and try the dances, we’re sure you won’t be disappointed. Keep dancing - it keeps you smiling! Upcoming Dances: March 8, 2014 – The Badlanders, March 22, 2014 – For Old Tyme’s Sake Confederation Park Book Club The book club meets the first Tuesday of each month at 12:30pm in Classroom 4. Please join us if you enjoy reading and discussing books. The discussion can be stimulating, thought provoking, interesting and sometimes argumentative. On March 4th we shall be discussing And the Mountain Echoed written by Khaled Hosseini, the author of the Kite Runner. On April 1st we’ll discuss Any Known Blood, written by the Canadian author Lawrence Hill, the author of The Book of Negroes. Confederation Park Choir The Confederation Park Choir is actively seeking individuals who can sing Soprano, Alto, Tenor or Bass. Our Winter Session runs from January to May. We rehearse every Tuesday from 1:00pm to 3:00pm and perform at Calgary Seniors’ Centres and Retirement Homes on Wednesday afternoons in March, April and May. We also have a Spring Concert on April 27, 2014, which is our major fundraiser for the choir. For more information, please call Stella at 403-230-5695. We would be happy to have you join our choir for afternoons filled with beautiful voices and great music! 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 7 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA MARCH 2014 Word Search WEATHER Can you find the weather words in the box? They may be horizontal, vertical, diagonal, forwards or backwards. BLIZZARD, BREEZE, CHINOOK, CIRROCUMULUS, CIRROSTRATUS, CIRRUS, CLOUDY, COLD, CUMULONIMBUS, CUMULUS, CYCLONE, DOLDRUMS, DRIZZLE, DRY, FAIR, FOG, FREEZING, FROST, HAIL, HARMATTAN, HEATWAVE, HOT, HUMID, HURRICANE, LIGHTNING, MILD, MIST, MISTRAL, MONSOON, NIMBUS, OVERCAST, PRECIPITATION, RAIN, SHOWER, SIROCCO, SLEET, SLUSH, SNOW, STORM, STRATUS, SUNSHINE, THUNDER, TORNADO, TYPHOON, WIND, ZEPHYR. Courtesy of www.puzzlechoice.com Help for the Senior Golfer (continued from page 7) Senior golfers are looking for a comprehensive resource that will apply to them as seniors, with information and instruction that is applicable to their game and not somebody 20 or 30 years younger. As a senior golfer you want: As a new senior golfer getting started, an in-depth look into golfing rules, golfing etiquette - all the things to do and NOT to do. Alternative and different types of swing techniques that are appropriate for Senior Golfers. Golf game strategies that will allow you to compensate for a lack of distance and flexibility while still enabling you to compete with the 'Youngsters'. Easy to understand and guaranteed solutions to handling awkward situations you will come across on the golf course. Good advice on how to choose clubs, golf balls and other equipment that suits your senior golf game the best and how to maintain your equipment properly. How to take care of your health and fitness the proper way, allowing you to play worry-free golf for years to come. How to find a suitable golf coach without wasting your money. I have found a resource that's written exclusively for us senior golfers, and one that will direct and inform you from A-Z on improvement tips, lessons, facts, strategies and techniques on golf, to not only improve your game but allow you to play for many years to come! If you want to make a small investment with huge returns then you should find out more about a guide that is focused on senior golfers. Senior Golf Resource at squidoo. (www.squidoo.com/helpforseniorgolfers) Article Source: Ezine Artcles - Help For the Senior Golfer (www.ezinearticles.com) 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 8 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE MARCH 2014 WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA Confederation Park Camera Club Linda Earl – President of the Camera Club For anyone interested in learning more about their camera, we meet the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month, from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. Bring your camera and ask questions. We are an informal group, some very experienced with digital cameras and some of us are new to them. Many things have changed over the years, especially the use of computers and cameras. Come out and have fun with us. The Centre Travel & Tours Confederation Park is gearing up to take you on some fabulous trips/tours. Below are some of the tours planned or in the planning phase. Be sure to watch our website, Facebook and the Gazette for future tours and trips. The Saskatoon Farm & Chinook Honey Company Tour - $40/person Tuesday, June 3, 2014 Includes transportation, lunch, one honey tour, GST and tip Aspen Crossing – $35/person - sans lunch or $50/person - includes a light lunch May 21, 2014 (Registration Deadline May 14, 2014) Be sure to book early, as this tour will fill up fast! $35/person - sans lunch (menu provided on day) or $50/person - includes a preordered light lunch Have lunch on a train with fabulous opportunity for shopping, which includes their Greenhouse! What we’re planning: Stage West “Fiddler on the Roof” - April Sign up in the office. Contact Stacy at 403.289.4780 for more information. Make your cheque payable to Confederation Park 55+ Activity Centre. You’re Invited to our St. Patrick’s Day Buffet When: March 17, 2014 at 12:45 Where: Confederation Park 55+ Activity Centre 2212 13 Street NW, Calgary Tickets: $10/members, $15/non-members Enjoy a variety of food cooked up by “Chef on the Edge” including a special dessert in celebration of the day. Pick your tickets up at reception. Call 402.289.4780 for more information. 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 9 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA MARCH 2014 CONPARK CROSSWORD March 2014 Solution Page 13 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 10 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE MARCH 2014 WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA Tea & Conversation Greetings to all!! Thank you all for your donations to the Tea & Conversation program. Your support is greatly appreciated and needed. We do wish to thank all of our volunteers. We are so lucky to have each and every one of you to count on week after week and you never let us down. Thanks a million!! Please show all of our volunteers how much we all appreciate them by thanking them and appreciating all their time and effort they put into making our Thursdays happen week after week. ENTERTAINMENT – MARCH 2014 March 6 – The Confederates March 13 - O’Shea’s Shenanigans (St. Patrick’s Day Celebrations) March 20 - Ukuleles March 27 - Peter & Pal (March Birthdays) THANK YOU TO: ABOUT T&C Jean Turnbull - “ The Mother of Confederation Park” She left us with wonderful memories along with a generous donation to our T&C program and our Centre. Her generous donation has kept our program operating. An amazing program designed for seniors and others, who may not be as interactive with their community as they would like to be. It aims to bring people together, for tea, conversation and entertainment. Lynsey Coghlan – The Centre’s Hearing Aid Practitioner, who has pledged a personal donation of $300.00 a month. Annually, upwards of 6,000 people come to T&C -you can be part of this amazing program. New clients come to us by referral from social agencies, family, or friends. Associated Cab - Insist on the professionals! 403-2991111. Drop by any Thursday to see if this is for you or for someone you care about. McDonalds - Great Coffee, 365 mornings of the year. A great cup every time. Come taste the difference yourself. Also, if you live in the NW and need transportation to T&C we may be able to help you. We would like to express our gratitude and thanks to all of our entertainers who GIVE us their music and talents to enjoy week after week! EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30PM Want to Know More Call 403-489-4780 or email info@confedpark55plus.ca Ask a silly Question … If you’re in a vehicle going the speed of light, what happens when you turn on the headlights. May your troubles be less, may your blessings be more and may nothing but happiness come through your door. Number Cruncher Solution - Puzzle Pg 17 With Love From Debbie 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 11 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA MARCH 2014 Confederation Park Library The Centre’s Library Open to the Public Monday to Friday 10:00am to 3:00pm COME BY FOR A VISIT!! Videos for sale in the Library and at the front lobby, located next to the reception desk. VIDEOS (per cassette) 50¢ each “GREAT SELECTIONS” Library Book Reviews By Tyler Jones Little Bee - by Chris Cleave A remarkably well written book that floats between the stories of two women; Sarah, a young English widow, and Little Bee, a Nigerian refugee. Their lives first intersect during a violent occurrence in Nigeria and they are brought together again years later. One cannot tell too much of the plot without spoiling the enjoyment of the novel - if you like being surprised by twists and turns, then you will want to uncover this story for yourself. This book also has two very engaging characters in Sarah and Little Bee, and Cleave does an amazing job effortlessly shifting between their two distinct voices. Little Bee herself is a fantastic character, both witty and sharply insightful. This is an emotionally charged novel and readers who are uncomfortable with the brutality and violence of Nigerian history may find it difficult, but ultimately it is about not just survival, but triumph. Zoo - by James Patterson The premise of this novel is that, for some mysterious reason, animals all over the world have begun to attack humans. The rate and ferocity of these attacks has been increasing exponentially, yet the threat is being downplayed or ignored completely by political and scientific authorities alike. Only one man, the maverick biologist Jackson Oz, grasps the enormity of this new threat and must to struggle to make world leaders understand before it is too late. Readers who desire plausible plots should stay far away from this thriller. This book should appeal to the reader looking for a quick escape into a fast paced and thrilling story. If the fact that it makes little scientific sense doesn’t bother you, you should find a few hours of diversion. The Sentimentalists - by Johanna Skibsrud Haunted by his memories of the Vietnam War, Napoleon Haskell leaves the United States and settles in a small Ontario town where he was raised. Napolean’s daughter arrives soon after, escaping troubles of her own and hoping to help her father who she fears is slipping into senility. Trying to understand her dad before it is too late, she devotes herself to finding out about the truth of his life. If you were to sum up the novel in a single word, it would probably be “challenging”. The often bleak tone is a challenge and the style of the writing is challenging as well. Skibsrud uses convoluted sentences where the meaning has to be unraveled as though the reader were untying knots. Perhaps the challenging nature of the book is only fitting - the reader’s challenge will make them understand the great struggle these characters are faced with. Often, the things worth knowing can only be appreciated by the effort it takes to learn them. Are you up to the challenge? We look forward to your visit to the library. 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 12 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE MARCH 2014 WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA LOL Crossword Solution Laugh out Loud (Crossword Page 10) a) What is Irish and left out on the lawn all summer? b) Why can’t you iron a four-leaf clover? c) What do you call a fake stone in Ireland? d) When is an Irish potato not an Irish potato? e) How is a best friend like a four-leaf clover? Answers: a) Paddy O’Furniture. b) Because you shouldn’t press your luck. c) A shamrock! d) When it’s a French fry. e) They are both hard to find and lucky to have. 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 13 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE MARCH 2014 WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA The Way In (formally Outreach Services) are available free of charge to seniors age 65+, or those experiencing seniors’ related issues living in certain areas of Calgary. In-home or office appointments to assist with information, referrals, supportive counselling, assistance with pensions, benefits and other application forms. For appointments, please call Older Adult Service Coordinator, Agnes or Suja at 403.289.4780. Counselling for Older Adults Non-crisis counselling services are available for individual, couples, or family issues. Fees based on an affordable sliding fee scale. Call Counselling Intake 403.269.9888 Elder Abuse Response Team (EART) Victims of elder abuse need our help. If you see physical abuse, emotional abuse or anything that makes you feel like they are at risk, make the call. A collaboration between the Kerby Centre, Calgary Family Services and the Calgary Police Service. Social workers, police, and a nurse working together to: respond to and investigate suspected cases of elder abuse; provide support and guidance to abuse victims and their families; and assist other service providers working with abuse victims. For more information please call 403.473.1311, or to report a suspected case of elder abuse, please call the Elder Abuse Resource Line: 403.705.3250. Upcoming Events/Workshops/Groups AWARD PRESENTATION FOR “IF THESE WALLS COULD TALK” ELDER ABUSE ART CONTEST Join us on March 5, 2014 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Headspace (1817 - 10 Ave SW) For more information and to register for this free public event please visit www.calgaryfamily.org/olderadults or call 403.269.9888 CAREGIVERS: PUTTING YOURSELF FIRST (FREE) Learn how to identify caregiver burn out and discover tips and tools for self-care. Meeting Time & Location: Monday March 3, 2014 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Nose Hill Public Library (1530 Northmount Drive NW) MAKING ROOM SUPPORT GROUP Provides support for people who hoard or collect excessively. Hoarding is a challenge that can be addressed and help is available. Meeting Time & Location: Every second Monday, 1:00 - 3:00 pm Calgary Family Services #200, 1000 - 8th Avenue SW To register: 403.205.5264 Your Investment: $5 per session Upcoming Drop in Dates in 2014: March 3, 17, 31 April 14, 28 May 12, 26 June 9, 23 July 14 August 11 Wednesday April 2, 2014 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Signal Hill Public Library (5994 Signal Hill Centre SW) For more information: 403.286.1811 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 14 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA MARCH 2014 Irish-Style Lamb Stew AND POTATO SOUP INGREDIENTS: 1 pound cubed lamb meat 1 large onion, halved and sliced 1 pound baking potatoes, peeled and sliced 1 carrot, peeled and sliced 1 large stalk celery, sliced 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley salt and pepper to taste 2 cups beef stock 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley, for garnish DIRECTIONS: 1. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C). 2. Layer the lamb meat, onion, potatoes, carrot and celery in an oven-proof pot or casserole dish. Season each layer with parsley, salt and pepper as you go. Pour in the beef stock and cover tightly. 3. Bake for 1 1/2 to 2 hours in the preheated oven, until vegetables and meat are very tender. Divide into bowls and garnish with additional parsley. 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 15 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA MARCH 2014 March 2014 – Clubs & Activities Calendar Monday 3 Men’s Snooker 9:00-12:00 Quilting 9:30-12:00 Pickleball 1:00-2:15 Whist 1:00-3:00 10 Men’s Snooker 9:00-12:00 Quilting 9:30-12:00 Pickleball 1:00-2:15 Whist 1:00-3:00 17 Men’s Snooker 9:00-12:00 Quilting 9:30-12:00 Pickleball 1:00-2:15 Whist 1:00-3:00 24 Men’s Snooker 9:00-12:00 Quilting 9:30-12:00 Pickleball 1:00-2:15 Whist 1:00-3:00 31 Men’s Snooker 9:00-12:00 Quilting 9:30-12:00 Pickleball 1:00-2:15 Whist 1:00-3:00 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 4 Ladies Snooker 9:00-12:00 Crib 9:30-11:30 Western Reunion Barbershop Chorus 10:30-12:30 Book Club 12:30-1:30 Choir 1:00-3:00 (pg 7) 11 Ladies Snooker 9:00-12:00 Crib 9:30-11:30 Western Reunion Barbershop Chorus 10:30-12:30 Choir 1:00-3:00 (pg 7) 18 Ladies Snooker 9:00-12:00 Crib 9:30-11:30 Western Reunion Barbershop Chorus 10:30-12:30 Choir 1:00-3:00 (pg 7) 25 Ladies Snooker 9:00-12:00 Crib 9:30-11:30 Western Reunion Barbershop Chorus 10:30-12:30 Choir 1:00-3:00 (pg 7) 5 Snooker Floor Curling 1:00-3:30 Ukulele Club 1:00-3:00 6 Snooker Woodcarving 9:30-11:30 7 Ladies Snooker 9:00-12:00 Scrabble 1:00-3:00 Bridge 1:00-3:30 12 Snooker Floor Curling 1:00-3:30 Ukulele Club 1:00-3:00 13 Snooker Woodcarving 9:30-11:30 14 Ladies Snooker 9:00-12:00 Scrabble 1:00-3:00 Bridge 1:00-3:30 Camera Club 1:00-3:00 (pg 9) 19 Snooker Floor Curling 1:00-3:30 Ukulele Club 1:00-3:00 20 Snooker Woodcarving 9:30-11:30 21 Ladies Snooker 9:00-12:00 Scrabble 1:00-3:00 Bridge 1:00-3:30 26 Snooker Floor Curling 1:00-3:30 Ukulele Club 1:00-3:00 27 Snooker Woodcarving 9:30-11:30 28 Ladies Snooker 9:00-12:00 Scrabble 1:00-3:00 Bridge 1:00-3:30 Camera Club 1:00-3:00 (pg 9) 1 Ladies Snooker 9:00-12:00 Crib 9:30-11:30 Western Reunion Barbershop Chorus 10:30-12:30 Choir 1:00-3:00 (pg 7) Book Club 12:30-1:30 2 Snooker Floor Curling 1:00-3:30 Ukulele Club 1:00-3:00 3 Snooker Woodcarving 9:30-11:30 4 Ladies Snooker 9:00-12:00 Scrabble 1:00-3:00 Bridge 1:00-3:30 Community Events Mardi Gras Magic at the Kerby Centre Tuesday, March 4, 2014 Doors open at 11:30am, Lunch 12:00pm $30 before February 11, $35 Regular price Call the Kerby Centre 403.705.3232 Grace Presbyterian Church Liona Boyd “Return to Canada Tour” March 14, 2014 “Faces of Capitol Hill” Photography Project by Crystal Schick For more info visit capitolhillcommunity.ca/blog/ or contact Crystal at cdawnsphoto@gmail.com 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 Square Dance ABCs Mondays at 7:00pm Good Companions Centre 2609 19 Avenue SW $6:00 per person For more info call 403.281.4863 or Email bmccombs@ucalgary.ca Kerby Centre High Tee Charity Golf Tournament Wednesday, June 4, 2014 Inglewood Golf & Curling Club $250/player or $800/team of 4 16 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE MARCH 2014 WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA March 2014 – Events & Services Calendar Monday 3 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 4 5 6 T & C ~ The Confederates 1:00-3:00pm (Page 11) Good Food Box – Delivery 7 8 Dance – Orange Blossom Express Tickets $12 (Page 7) 10 11 12 13 Lawyer 9am-noon T & C ~ O’Shea’s Shenanigans 1:00-3:00pm (Page 11) 14 15 17 St. Patrick’s Day Buffet Page 9 18 19 20 T & C ~ Ukuleles 1:00-3:00pm (Page 11) 21 22 Dance – The Badlanders Tickets $12 (Page 7) 24 25 Good Food Box – Order Delivery – April 3 26 27 T & C ~ Peter & Pal (March Birthdays) 1:00-3:00pm (Page 11) 28 Newcomers’ Tea 10:00am to Noon Page 6 29 1 2 3 Good Food Box – Delivery 4 5 Heritage Park Seniors’ Follies Bus Departs 9:30am Early Class Registration Crib Tournament 1:00pm to 4:00pm 31 April Fools’ Day Class Registration 10-12 NUMBER CRUNCHER Courtesy of www.puzzlechoice.com Solution Page 11 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 17 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA MARCH 2014 2014 – Winter Class Calendar Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Fridays IMPROVE YOUR SINGING $55 February 3 to March 31 9:45am – 10:45am YOGA $60 January 14 – March 25 9:30am – 10:25am TAP DANCE – ADV. $60 January 15 – March 19 9:30am – 10:25am NIA $60 January 16 – March 20 9:30am – 10:30am BRIDGE – DOUBLES, LEADS & MORE $80 January 17 – March 21 9:00am – 11:30am ACRYLICS $75 January 15 – March 19 10:00am – 12:00pm LINE DANCE – INT. $60 January 16 – March 13 10:30am – 11:30am LINE DANCE – INT. $60 January 22 – March 26 10:30am – 11:25am TAP DANCE – BEG. $60 January 16 – March 20 10:45am – 11:45am LINE DANCE – INTRODUCTION $60 January 22 – March 26 11:30am – 12:25am POT POURRI OF DANCE $60 January 16 – March 20 7:00pm – 9:00pm (No class January 28) (No class Jan 20 & Feb 17) CHAIR YOGA $55 January 13 – March 31 9:45am – 10:45am (No class Feb 10 & 17) PAPER TOLE $66 January 13 to March 24 10:00am - 12:00pm BELLY DANCE - NEXT STEPS $55 January 20 – March 24 11:00am – 12:00pm SINGING PERFECTLY IMPERFECTS $65 January 13 to March 31 11:00am – 12:30pm TAI CHI – BEGINNER $60 January 14 – March 18 10:30am – 11:25am TAI CHI – ADVANCE $60 January 14 – March 18 11:30am – 12:25am CHINA PAINTING $66 (Plus $5.00 Kiln Fee) January 14 – March 18 1:00pm – 3:00pm SHARING HANDICRAFTS $20 January 14 – March 18 1:00pm – 3:00pm PAINTING FOR FUN $20 January 15 – March 19 1:00pm – 3:00pm CHINA PAINTING $66 (Plus $5.00 Kiln Fee) January 17 – March 21 9:00am – 11:00am SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE $60 January 10 – March 21 10:30am – 11:30am FIT2AGE $60 January 17 – March 21 2:30pm – 3:30pm (No class Jan. 20 & Feb 17) BRIDGE – IMPROVE DEFENSIVE PLAY $80 January 13 to March 24 1:00pm – 3:30pm BRIDGE – SLAM BIDDING $40 March 31 to April 28 1:00pm – 3:30pm Note: No classes held On February 17 due to Family Day Holiday 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 18 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE MARCH 2014 WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA Centre Information Programs and Services Special Services For Members Drop-in Activities Floor curling, snooker, bridge, whist, pickleball, scrabble. Lawyer 2nd & 4th Thursday of each month 9:00am - 12:00pm Prices vary on service Next-to-New Shop and Boutique Selling handcrafted items, jewelry, cards, used clothing, etc. – great fundraiser for our Centre. Open to the public. Podiatrist Available every 6th Friday 8:30am - 3:30pm Fee $10 - Next Date: April 11, 2014 Classes 40+ types of classes offered throughout the year. Call Reception to Book Your Appointment 403-289-4780 Clubs Book Club, Choir, Camera, Old Time Gliders “pattern dancing”, Quilting, Ukulele, Western Reunion Barbershop Chorus and Woodcarving. Good Food Box Through this program members can purchase fresh fruits and vegetables at an affordable price. Call 403.289.4780 for more information. Games Room Snooker tables, dart- board - men’s tournaments and ladies’ days. Large Box – 40+ Lbs. $30 Medium Box – 30+Lbs. $25 Small Box – 20+ Lbs. $20 Kitchen Mon & Fri - Tea, coffee, soup, sandwiches and baked goods. Tues to Thurs - Tea, coffee, soup, sandwiches, baked goods and a hot meal selection. Commissioner for Oaths Contact Executive Director, Maureen Orton Library Staffed by volunteers. It has an extensive collection of books. Accepts donations of current books (after 2005). Open to the public. Social Room/Classrooms Members and non-members can rent the Centre’s facilities for special events; anniversaries, birthdays, family get-togethers, etc. Free Parking! 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 19 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE MARCH 2014 Spring Walk-athon In the Park June 7, 2014 See You at the Centre The Gazette Confederation Park 55+ Activity Centre www.confedpark55plus.ca 2212 13 Street NW Calgary, Alberta T2M 4P7 403-289-4780 We want to hear from you on our Blog, Facebook and Twitter or email us at info@confedpark55plus.ca. Be sure to visit www.confedpark55plus.ca to subscribe and receive The Gazette by email. Talk to Us
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