Staff Directory
Staff Directory
Emergency Numbers Within STScI locations 4777 Hopkins Homewood Security 410-516-7777 or (24 hours) 410-516-4600 Security Escort Service Homewood Rotunda 410-516-8700 410-235-4680 (desk) / 410-279-7323 (mobile) STScI Directory Dialing Instructions Within STScI From off-site to STScI DIAL extension DIAL 410-338 + extension Information STScI Information JHU Information STScI Voice Mail 410-338-4700 410-516-8000 410-338-1234 Calling from STScI to: International Calls AT&T Credit Card Calls 9-011 + country code + city code 9-1-800-321-0288 Online Staff Directory: Send corrections to PRINTED April 2016 Front & back cover design: Ann Field Front cover photo credit: Back cover photo credit: Staff Directory NAME EXT EMAIL ROOM MAIL STOP BRANCH G13C 114 330 320 439 301 GSFC SG14 G01A ST109 P625 S414 ST210 RE211 S106 S311A 314D ST205 S314 N421E S113 RE210 OED/G OED/G ITSD OED/3 SMO CSRA OED/Stieff OED/G FOG OED/Stieff PA6 OED/3 OED/Stieff INS/RE OED/G DO OED/3 OED/Stieff PMO INS/4N ITSD INS/RE OED DPAS SD SMSB SMO CSRA FOB OED FOG/BO CMD SMO OED FOB WFC3 DPAS BRC OPB FOB PMO INS SD ACS ST211 206 N422 ST214 G09 411C P611 ST107 ST207 ST110 S311A RW203 S318 S207A 350 124 S314 N409 RW221 N407 SG12 OED/Stieff OPO INS/4N OED/Stieff OED/G INS/4N PA6 OED/Stieff OED/Stieff OED/Stieff DO GRA DO ADM INS/4S ITSD PMO SMO CS INS/4N OED/G FOB OPO WFC3 FOB DPAS RIAB SMO CMD FOB CMD DO GRA DO ADM NIRSpec ISNS PMO SMO CS MESA APSB A Abernathy, Mark Abney, Faith Adams, John Adler, David Aguilar, Jonathan Ake, Thomas Akinpetide, Ben Alexov, Anastasia Alford, Kizer Allen, M. Marsha Allen, Ron Aloisi, Alessandra Anderson, Harry Anderson, Jay Anderson, Sara Anderson, Tania Armstrong, Amber Arvai, Amanda Ashwell, Judy Auer, Robin Ausherman, Valerie Avila, Roberto 4894 4759 2441 4458 4260 4807 301-286-1851 4720 4967 4837 4574 4519 1315 4982 4451 4397 5017 4563 2611 4955 4735 4950 abernathy abney jradams adler jaguilar take akinpetide alexov alford mallen rjallen aloisi anderson jayander smanders tanderson armstrong aarvai ashwell auer ausherman avila B Bacinski, John Bacon, Greg Baggett, Sylvia Baggett, Wayne Bair, Thomas Bajaj, Varun Banzatti, Andrea Barker, Elizabeth Barringer, Bruce Barrow, Stephen Batho, Kathy Batta, Thomas N Baxter, Roz Beaser, Ray Beck, Tracy Becker, James Beddard, Megan Bellini, Andrea Benjamin, Corrine Bergeron, Louis Bertch, Maria 4708 4478 5054 5011 6809 4830 2452 1029 2621 4957 6837 4202 2443 4203 5038 2461 4745 4431 6758 1018 4591 bacinski bacon sbaggett baggett tbair vbajaj banzatti ebarker bbarringer barrow kbatho batta rbaxter beaser tbeck jbecker mbeddard bellini cbenjamin bergeron mbertch USE PREFIX "(410) 338-" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED Staff Directory NAME EXT Bianco, Federica Bielefeld, Michael J. Birkmann, Stephan Blacker, Brett Blair, Bill Blatchley, Sonia Boegner, Cathy Boegner, Martin Boeker, Torsten Boffi, Francesca Bohlin, Ralph Boia, John Bond, Howard Bordeaux, Lacey Borncamp, David Bourque, Matthew Bovill, Mia Bower, Gary Bowers, Ariel Bowersox, Vickie Boyer, Michael Boyer, Robert Bradley, Larry Brammer, Gabriel Bresnahan, Pam Bright, Stacey Brooks, Brian Brooks, Keira Broome, Philip Brown, Pat Brown, Robert Brown, Tom Bruff, Sheryl Bucklew, Jeff Bucklew, Laura Burger, Matthew Burkett, Michelle Bush, James Bushouse, Howard Remote 4787 2609 1281 516-8447 4771 2463 5088 2467 4428 4804 4532 N/A 4529 2471 4460 6780 4951 2469 4348 4748 4573 4313 2447 4403 2478 4504 6821 4962 1301 1334 4902 4896 6733 4508 6810 202 204-1349 4301 4530 EMAIL fbianco bielefeld birkmann blacker wblair blatchley cboegner mboegner boeker boffi bohlin jboia bond lbordeaux dborncamp bourque bovill bower abowers bowersox boyer_mr rmboyer lbradley brammer pbresn bright bbrooks kbrooks pbroome pbrown rbrown tbrown bruff jbucklew bucklew mburger mburkett jbush bushouse ROOM MAIL STOP BRANCH Remote S302A P623 Remote P237 308 RW226 N101 P609 N104 P629 G11 N/A S209A RE218 RE202 432 325 G16G RW209 G11 G13A S313 RE214 N107 N405 S420D 424D S113 115 Remote S304 208 G17A SG05 S110 Remote ST201A 345 N/A OED/3 PA6 PA6 none CSRA GRA ITSD PA6 ITSD PA6 OED/G SMO OPO INS/RE INS/4N SMO OED/3 OED/G PROC OED/G OED/G OED/3 INS/RE ITSD INS/4N INS/4S INS/4N ITSD OED/G INS/4N JWST HR OED/G FOG OED/G ADM OED/Stieff OED/3 NIRCam PRDB JWST/ESA SMO MESA CSRA GRA DS JWST/ESA ITSD ACS STSB SMO OPO RIAB WFC3 SMO SMSB ITEB BRC STSB APSB SSB WFC3 BUS RIAB RIAB RIAB SD DPAS NIRCam JWST HR APSB FOG DPAS ADM FOB SSB N102 314E ST121 S313 326 N417 ITSD OED/3 OED/Stieff OED/3 OPO SMO DS SMSB CMD SSB OPO SMO C Calvin, Mark Caplinger, James Caputo, Marlon Cara, Mihai Carro Dupla, Carlos Carter, Anna 2835 4864 4396 2473 4714 N/A calvin capling caputo mcara cdupla ancarter USE PREFIX "(410) 338-" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED Staff Directory NAME EXT Carter, Geoffrey Casertano, Stefano Caviglia, Catherine Chance, Don Chapman, George Charles, Jody Chayer, Pierre Chen, Julie Chiaberge, Marco Chichester, Sarah Chilcote, Robert Christian, Carol Clark, Kerry W. Coe, Dan Coleman, Kelly Comeau, Thomas M. Comer, Tom Concannon, Zak Conway, Lesley Cook, Margaret Cordes, Kathy Correnti, Matteo Cortese, Andrew Cox, Colin Crabb, Suzy Cracraft, Misty Crew, Keith Crosley, Michael Cucchiara, Antonino Curtis, Gary 4461 4752 4329 4941 4449 6765 5097 Remote 4980 2836 N/A 4764 4781 4312 2468 2618 4469 4422 4839 5080 4878 2456 2403 4792 4544 4468 6755 2505 6759 4572 EMAIL gcarter stefano caviglia chance chapman jcharles chayer zchen marcoc chichester rchilcote carolc clark dcoe kcoleman tcomeau comer concannon lconway cook cordes correnti acortese cox scrabb cracraft kcrew mcrosley acucchiara curtis ROOM MAIL STOP BRANCH N108A 419 P412 344 302 RE217 433 Remote P633 101 128A 351 ST115 RE204 RW221 G09 SG09 SG08 RW217 RW208 330B N409 G06A N414 S302A N404 ST205 N/A S216B G17C ITSD INS/4N PA6 OED/3 OED/3 INS/RE INS/4N SMO PA6 ITSD ITSD HST OED/Stieff INS/RE CS OED/G OED/G CC FIN PROC OPO SMO OED/G INS/4N OED/3 INS/4S Stieff SMO SMO OED/G ITSD MESA SMO SMSB SEB INS TEL SMO ACS DS ITSD HST CMD ACS CS APSB APSB BSB FIN BRC OPO SMO DSB TEL PRDB MIRI FOB SMO SMO APSB G12 ST108 S215A 314B RW207 P615 N416 RW213 S406A 228 346 G16I 240 P618 N408B OED/G OED/Stieff HR OED/3 PROC PA6 INS/4N BRC INS/4S OPO OED/3 OED/G FOG INS/4S SMO STSB CMD HR SSB BRC JWST/ESA COS/STIS BRC COS/STIS OPO SSB ITEB FOG/SSS WFC3 SMO D Darby, Clif Dashevsky, Ilana David, Cierra Davies, James Davis, Roosevelt de Oliveira, Catarina de Rosa, Gisella Debelius, Karen Debes, John Dees, Kelsey Dencheva, Nadezhda DePriest, William Deshazo, Andre Deustua, Susana Devaud, Martha 5033 2616 6760 6815 4844 5004 2496 1309 4782 6767 4892 4360 4942 4832 4970 darby idash cdavid jdavies rooseveltd cdeoliveira gderosa debelius debes kdees dencheva depriest deshazo deustua devaud USE PREFIX "(410) 338-" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED Staff Directory NAME EXT Diaz, Rosa DiFelice, Audrey Dignan, Stephen Dillman, Matt Dixon, William Van Dyke Doggett, Jesse Donaldson, Thomas Donellan, Cathleen Douglas Jr., Robert E. Douglas, Dorien Dower, Theresa Downes, Ronald Dressel, Linda Dulude, Michael DuPrie, Kim Durant, Marcus Durbin, Meredith Durkin, Marty Duval, Julia 4372 4357 4727 2484 6703 4937 4965 2444 4497 2409 4978 Remote 4376 4549 4548 5074 4446 4761 4351 EMAIL rdiaz difelice dignan mdillman dixon doggett donald donellan rdouglas ddouglas dower downes dressel dulude kduprie durant mdurbin durkin duval ROOM MAIL STOP BRANCH S421 ST212 N108 ST123 P629 Remote 416 RW205 S203C RW223 418 Remote S408 426A SG11 Remote N410A 130B N421B INS/4S OED/Stieff ITSD OED/Stieff PA6 OED/3 OED/3 PROC OED/3 FIN OED/3 OED/G INS/4S PA6 OED/G PMO INS/4N ITSD INS/4N MESA FOB BUS CMD NIRISS DSB ASB BRC OED FIN ASB APSB WFC3 ASB DSB PMO RIAB ITSD COS/STIS S422B 418 327 133 222 S105 S422C S105 343A 203A S302A G13A INS/4S OED/3 OPO SMO OPO OED/G OED/3 OED/G INS/4N OPO OED/3 OED/G RIAB ASB OPO SMO OPO SSB FOB DPAS COS/STIS OPO PRDB STSB GSFC P617 323 RW217 G13E N419 303 S413 S210A 435 S413 411C OED/Stieff PA6 OPO FIN OED/G INS/4N OED/3 OED/3 INS/4N OED/3 SMO SMO FOB WFC3 OPO FIN APSB MESA SMSB OED RIAB ASB SMO SMO E Earl, Nicholas Edeani, Chinwe Eggleston, Parissa Egron, Sylvain Eisenhamer, Bonnie Eisenhamer, Jonathan Elie, Michelle Ellis, Tracy Ely, Justin Estacion, Mary Etienne, Odessa Evans, Leah 4447 4987 2440 6788 4798 5073 6799 4829 4394 4510 4922 5034 nearl cedeani peggleston egron bonnie eisenham melie ellis ely estacion etienne levans F Falini, Patrick Fall, Michael Feild, Ann Felicitas, Leilani Ferdous, Nazma Ferguson, Harry Ferrara, Jocelyn Fincham, Brian Fix, Mees Fleming, Scott Flores, Sarah Foster, Deatrick 301-286-9116 4833 4758 4393 4936 5098 4562 5047 2401 4859 4959 4828 pfalini fall afeild lfelicitas ferdous ferguson jferrara bfincham mfix fleming sflores dfoster USE PREFIX "(410) 338-" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED Staff Directory NAME EXT Fox, Andrew Fox, Ori Fox, Ryan Framarini, Alex Franklin, Robert Franz, William Fraquelli, Dorothy Fraser, Elizabeth Frattare, Lisa Freas, Colin Frias, Dante Friedman, Scott Fruchter, Andrew 5083 6768 5030 4557 4800 2925 4705 4960 4724 4569 4586 4906 5018 EMAIL afox ofox rfox alex rfrank wfranz fraquelli fraser frattare cfreas dfrias friedman fruchter ROOM MAIL STOP BRANCH N415 N416 ST102 SG10 240 G01A 115 424C S214 431 330 S402 P619 INS/4N INS/4N STIEFF OED/G FOG FOG OED/G LIB OPO OED/3 ITSD JWST PA6 COS/STIS MIRI CMD APSB FOG/SSS FOG/BO DPAS LIB OPO ASB SD JWST SMO RW206 G16F P613 SG11 ST122 G09 432 124 Remote 414 N/A G13G RW216 102 327 206 ST108 S208 415 P607 424C N104 N421A RE208 RE202 S404 S111 S115 SG08 116 308 225 PROC OED/G PA6 OED/G OED/Stieff OED/G SMO ITSD PMO INS/4S SMO OED/G FIN ITSD OPO OPO OED/Stieff OED/3 INS/4N PA6 LIB ITSD INS/4N INS/RE INS/RE INS/4S OED/G ITSD CC ITSD CSRA OPO BRC STSB JWST/ESA DSB CMD ITEB SMO ITSD PMO NIRSpec SMO APSB FIN ITSD OPO OPO CMD APSB NIRCam SMO LIB SD MESA MIRI RIAB NIRISS DSB ISNS BSB DS CSRA OPO G Gaddy, Cathy Galloway, Mary Garcia Marin, Macarena Gardner, Lisa Garland, Dennis Garrett, Bruce Gennaro, Mario Gibbs, Vera Gicking, Robert Gilbert, Karoline Gilliland, Ronald Giuliano, Mark Glass, Jeffrey Gleason, Michele Godfrey, Christine Godfrey, Jr. , John Gokhale, Nikita Goldberg, Joshua Golimowski, David Gompertz, Benjamin Gonigam, Amy Gontrum, Rob Gonzaga, Shireen Gordon, Karl Gosmeyer, Catherine (Katie) Goudfrooij, Paul Gough, Michael Gourgue, Romeo Grant, Marcellous Grant, Philip Greco, Linda Green, Joel 2464 1017 5069 2921 4595 4935 4825 4566 4207 2475 N/A 4470 5032 4540 2880 4877 6794 4435 4808 4485 4765 4939 4412 5031 2470 4981 2423 2615 4422 4874 4741 4819 gaddy galloway maca gardner dgarland bgarrett gennaro gibbs gicking kgilbert gillil giuliano jglass gleason klicka godfrey ngokhale goldberg golim bgompertz gonigam gontrum shireen kgordon cgosmeyer goudfroo gough gourgue mgrant pgrant greco jgreen USE PREFIX "(410) 338-" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED Staff Directory NAME EXT Greenbaum, Alexandra Greenfield, Perry Grice, Jim Grimes, Jay Groebner, Andy Grogin, Norman Grumm, David Guinto, Scott Gundy, Cheryl Gunning, Heather Gutman, Irv Gutzat, Michael 2429 4426 4802 1279 4726 4219 4347 4743 4707 4734 5082 4405 EMAIL agreenba perry grice ggrimes groebner nagrogin grumm sguinto gundy gunning igutman gutzat ROOM MAIL STOP BRANCH 133 352 N102 101 S114 RE212 354B N109 203A G16G 343B N101 SMO OED/3 ITSD ITSD OED/G INS/RE OED/3 ITSD OPO OED/G OED/3 ITSD SMO SSB DS CS PRDB ACS SSB BUS OPO ITEB SEB DS S203B S314 S423B RW204 123 Remote G16G P616 426A S201B S403 S314 320 P601 G13F 205 G06A G17C G09 G16A ST209 ST203 N421D N408B 440 ST206 354B N404 N108 S317 340 127 S308 OED/3 PMO INS/4S GRA ITSD OED/G OED/G PA6 OED/3 HR INS/4S PMO OED/3 PA6 OED/G OPO OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/Stieff OED/Stieff INS/4N SMO INS/4N OED/Stieff OED/3 INS/4N ITSD DO OED/3 ITSD JWST SSB PMO RIAB GRA BUS DPAS ITEB SMO ASB HR TEL PMO SMSB SMO APSB OPO DSB SEB APSB ITEB FOB FOB NIRCam SMO/CMO MIRI FOB SSB TEL BUS DO SSB DS JWST H Hack, Warren J. Hacker, William Hagan, Brendan Hairsine-Rohr, Dana Hale, Joy N M Hamilton, Forrest Hanley, Christopher Hanna, Sherita Hargis, Jonathan Harris, Marvin Hartig, George Hashim, Kathy Hathaway, William Hauser, Mike Hawkins, Robert E. Heflin, Tariq Heller-Boyer, Christine Henry, Ron Henshaw, Kate Hernandez, Scarlin Herrington, Clark Hickey, David Hilbert, Bryan Hill, Flory Hines, Dean Hitcho, Robert Hodge, Philip E. Holfeltz, Sherie Hollinshead, Craig Hough, Don Hunkeler, Joe Hunkeler, Michael Hunter, David 4943 3823 2426 1199 4872 4775 4338 5079 6818 4890 4966 4818 5050 4730 4386 6798 4740 4537 4928 4582 2499 4920 4725 1081 4374 2481 4465 4418 4849 5022 4375 4918 4362 hack whacker hagan drohr hale hamilton chanley hanna jhargis mharris hartig hashim hathaway hauser rhawkins theflin heller henry khenshaw shernandez herrington hickey hilbert hill hines hitcho hodge holfeltz hollins dhough jhunk hunkeler dhunter USE PREFIX "(410) 338-" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED Staff Directory NAME EXT Hurst, Brendan 6822 EMAIL ROOM MAIL STOP BRANCH bhurst SG05A OED/G DPAS 101 349 349 331C S213 N406 216 317 RW215 ST202 RW205 344 N409 347 S303 ITSD OED/3 OED/3 OPO OPO HST OPO OED/3 FIN OED/Stieff PROC OED/3 SMO OED/3 JWST ISNS OPB SSB OPO OPO HST OPO OED FIN FOB BRC SMSB SMO SMSB JWST P611 S109 441 S108 S420A S407 G16A N106 RW227 S110 331B S105 413 S421A G06A 417 343B RW228 RW226 215 ST205 ST117 423 RW220 412 130B PA6 OED/G JWST OED/G INS/4S INS/4S OED/G ITSD HR OED/G OPO OED/G INS/4S INS/4S OED/G OED/3 OED/3 FIN GRA OPO OED/Stieff OED/Stieff OED/3 CS INS/4N OED/G SMO OED JWST PRDB NIRSpec NIRSpec DSB CS HR DPAS OPO DPAS NIRSpec RIAB DSB ASB SEB FIN GRA OPO FOB CMD ASB CS DO OED J Jackson, Mike Januszewski, William Jedrzejewski, Robert Jeffries, Pam Jenkins, Ann Jenkner, Helmut Jirdeh, Hussein Johnson, Carl Johnson, Marianne Johnson, Timothy Jones, Adia Jones, Danny Jones, Olivia Jordan, Ian Jordan, Margaret 4840 4964 4817 4521 4488 4842 4381 1385 4812 2419 4335 4208 4531 5037 4838 michaelj williamj rij jeffries jenkins jenkner jirdeh cjohnson mjohnson tjohnson ajones djones ojones jordan mjordan K Kains, Noe Kaiser, Linda Rose Kalirai, Jason Kao, Shaw-Hong Karakla, Diane Kassin, Susan Kauffman, David Kaylor, John Keatley, Florence Kennedy, Jr., Herbert Kenney, Jessica Kenny, Deborah Keyes, Charles (Tony) Khandrika, Harish Kidwell, Richard C. Kimball, Timothy Kinzel, Wayne Kleinwort, Lisa Knapp, Peppie Knisely, Linda Knutsen, Daniel Koehler, Bob Koekemoer, Anton Kozloski, Lynn Kriss, Gerard Krueger, Tony 4310 4886 4747 4788 4947 4909 4373 4821 4319 4443 2450 5020 4975 4507 4438 4417 4498 5019 2472 4823 4570 4779 4815 4355 4353 1339 nkains kaiser jkalirai kao dkarakla kassin dkauffman kaylor keatley kennedy kenneyj kenny keyes hkhandrika rkidwell kimball kinzel lisak pknapp lknisely dknutsen rkoehler koekemoe kozloski gak krueger USE PREFIX "(410) 338-" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED Staff Directory NAME EXT Kucel, John Kulp, Trey Kyprianou, Mark 2529 4345 4512 EMAIL kucel kulp kyp ROOM MAIL STOP BRANCH SG10 S112 S410 OED/G OED/G OED/G STSB SEB OED 411B S204 N405 424B Front Desk 203 Library N418B 331B RW216 S107 RW202 133 318 P621 G13H S411 S410 S214 233A 126 RE206 RW217 S313 314C 119 108A ST114 S421A ST213 S209 322 P625 S112 RW208 P627 P620 N109A RE216 RW219 P623 LIB OED/3 INS/4N INS/4N FOG OPO SMO INS/4N OPO FIN ITSD GRA SMO OED/G PA6 OED/G SMO OED/3 OPO FOG ITSD INS/RE FIN OED/3 OED/3 ITSD ITSD OED/Stieff INS/4S OED/Stieff INS/4N INS/4S PA6 OED/G FIN PA6 PA6 ITSD INS/RE CS PA6 LIB SSB TEL TEL FOG OPO SMO/LIB MIRI OPO FIN DS GRA SMO STSB SMO ITEB SMO ASB OPO FOG/SSS CMS NIRISS FIN SSB OPB ISNS ITSD CMD RIAB FOB RIAB RIAB WFC3 PRDB FIN SMO ASB DS ACS CS JWST/ESA L Lagerstrom, Jill Laidler, Vicki Lajoie, Charles-Philippe Lallo, Matthew Lallo, Tiffany Lamb, Tracy Lascell, Joshua Law, David Lawton, Brandon Lazar, Mimi Le, Duy-Quang (David) Lean, Casey Leboulleux, Lucie Lecourt, John Lee, Janice Lee, Paul Leitherer, Claus Levay, Karen Levay, Zoltan Levine, Robert Levy, Craig Lewis, Nikole Lewis, Sherry Lim, Pey Lian Link, Miranda Lipinski, Jamie Liska, David Liu, Lily Lockwood, Sean Long, Chris Long, Douglas Long, Joseph Long, Knox Loomis, Charles Lopez-Velez, Elsie Lotz, Jennifer Lubow, Steve Lubskiy, Michael Lucas, Ray Luers, Jeannine Luetzgendorf, Nora 4961 4850 5007 4577 4777 4848 4961 4803 4972 4813 5064 2482 N/A 1032 4262 5043 4425 5065 4907 4589 4905 4820 4995 5014 2486 4847 4489 4893 4505 5027 1265 4522 4862 5093 4546 4467 4826 4753 4716 4364 6775 lagerstrom laidler lajoie lallo tlallo lamb jlascell dlaw lawton lazar dle3 clean1 leboulleux lecourt jlee plee claus klevay levay levine levy nlewis clewis lim mlink lipinski dliska lliu lockwood clong dlong jlong long loomis lopez lotz lubow lubskiy lucas luers nlutzgendorf USE PREFIX "(410) 338-" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED Staff Directory NAME EXT EMAIL ROOM MAIL STOP BRANCH 215 418 S422A 319 242 N410B 234 ST118 101 431 S405 S216B RW214 N109 S419 435 SG13 122 G16G RE216 205 S416 406B 340 348 N105 S313 S318 117 N107 N416 S209 S208 P605 125 Remote S208 P412 101 120 S412 S406 G16E S210B OPO OED/3 INS/4S OPO FOG INS/4S ITSD OED/Stieff ITSD OED/3 INS/4N SMO FIN ITSD INS/4S OED/3 OED/G ITSD OED/G INS/RE OPO INS/4S SMO OED/3 OED/3 ITSD OED/3 DO ITSD ITSD INS/4N INS/4S OED/3 PA6 OED/G OED/3 OED/G SMO ITSD ITSD INS/4S INS/4S OED/G OED/3 OPO ASB NIRISS OPO FOG/SSS RIAB CS OED DS ASB RIAB SMO FIN BUS WFC3 ASB DSB BUS ITEB ACS OPO INS SMO SSB OPB ITSD SSB DO ISNS CMS WFC3 RIAB APSB SMO ITEB SSB APSB SMO DS DS RIAB NIRSpec APSB SEB M Maple, John Marrione, Amanda Martel, Andre Martin, Elena Martin, Glenn Martlin, Catherine Marufu, Thomas Marzola, Kari Masci, Greg Matuskey, Jacob Maybhate, Aparna Mazoyer, Johan McCallister, Rita McCuen, Leigh McCullough, Peter McLean, Brian McLean, Donald F. McLeskey, Greg McManus, Courtney McMaster, Matt Meinke, Bonnie Meixner, Margaret Meizlish, Alisa Mesh, Christian Meyett, Shelly Miller, Glenn Miller, Todd Mills, Maggie Mindel, Eugene Mishra, Prem Momcheva, Ivelina Monroe, TalaWanda Moriarty, Christopher Moro-Martin, Amaya Morrison, Debbie Morrison, Jane Morse, Ernie Mortazavi, Alireza Mueller, Don Murphy, Austin Mutchler, Max Muzerolle, James Myers, Andrew Myers, Carey 4857 5021 4888 4383 4476 2402 4880 5009 4384 4626 5091 4791 4722 1242 5068 4900 4994 1345 4702 4463 2923 5013 4580 6808 4542 4738 4576 4475 4377 4913 6790 4483 5081 2488 5044 none 4387 2417 4343 4866 1321 4719 4390 4858 jmaple amarrione martel emartin gmartin cmartlin marufu marzola gmasci jmatuskey maybhate jmazoyer rmccall mccuen pmcc mclean dmclean mcleskey cmcmanus mcmaster meinke meixner meizlish cmesh meyett miller jmiller mills mindel mishra imomcheva tmonroe moriarty amaya dmorrison morrison emorse alireza mueller amurphy mutchler muzerol amyers cmyers USE PREFIX "(410) 338-" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED Staff Directory NAME EXT EMAIL ROOM MAIL STOP BRANCH 133 G09 S418 417 353 P521 406A SMO OED/G INS/4S OED/3 INS/3 SMO ESA SMO APSB TEL ASB MIRI SMO ESA S115 RE210 442 437 G10 217 ITSD INS/RE INS/4N HST OED/G OPO ISNS ACS COS/STIS HST STSB OPO SG06 N109 P601 G13F S420B S422C 436 S202 S316 S420C N407 302 N412 SG12 RW227 S207A P412 RW211 S203A RE215 RE201 S420C S315B S302 S211 RE219 S306 S216B RW214 FOG ITSD PA6 OED/G INS/4S OED/3 OED/3 INS/4S PMO INS/4N INS/4N OED/3 INS/4N OED/G HR OED/3 SMO BRC OED/3 INS/RE INS/RE INS/4S JWST JWST JWST INS/RE DO SMO FIN FOG SD SMO ITEB NIRSpec FOB ASB COS/STIS PMO RIAB COS/STIS OPB TEL STSB HR APSB SMO BSB SSB WFC3 WFC3 RIAB JWST JWST JWST RIAB CMO/DO SMO FIN N N'Diaye, Mamadou Nagel, Lauretta Nelan, Ed Nieto-Santisteban, Maria Noriega-Crespo, Alberto Norman, Colin Nota, Antonella 4739 2433 4992 4923 2483 516-7329 4520 mamadou nagel nelan nieto anoriega norman nota O Obaika, Anthony Ogaz, Sara Oliveira, Cristina Osten, Rachel Owens, Beverly A. Oyler, Kimberly 2479 4303 4328 4762 4768 4404 obaika ogaz coliveir osten owens koyler P Pabst, Greg Palmer, Jim Panagia, Nino Paranilam, James Pavlovsky, Cheryl Pedder, Andrew Peek, Joshua Peeples, Molly Pelham, Patricia A. Pena-Guerrero, Maria Penton, Steve Perriello, Beth Perrin, Marshall Perrine, Rick Peters, Lee Peterson, Karla Peth, Mike Petro, Karen Pickering, Timothy Pirzkal, Norbert Platais, Vera Plesha, Rachel Poletis, Karyn Pollizzi, Joe Pontoppidan, Klaus Porterfield, Blair Postman, Marc Poteet, Charles Power, Amy 4706 4709 4916 4437 2445 6750 4561 2451 4395 4805 4456 4921 4789 4391 4209 4774 1828 4492 2460 4879 2920 4457 4731 4871 4744 4441 4340 6757 4801 pabst palmer panagia paran cherylp apedder jegpeek molly pelham pena penton bethp mperrin perrine lpeters peterson mikepeth kpetro pickering npirzkal verap rplesha kpoletis pollizzi pontoppi bporterfield postman cpoteet apower USE PREFIX "(410) 338-" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED Staff Directory NAME EXT Prescott, Stephen Preval, Geraldine Proctor, Denise Proffitt, Charles Pueyo, Laurent 6766 4919 4841 4938 2435 EMAIL sprescott preval proctor proffitt pueyo ROOM MAIL STOP BRANCH G16E SG15 108B S401 439 OED/G OED/G ITSD INS/4S INS/4S APSB STSB SD COS/STIS TEL 416 OED/3 ASB P611 G13E G06A 130A G17B S212 P615 N103 RW219 G16A N418A P603 325 411D 434 330 G16I SG09 S116 P207 ST101 N410A G10 S417 308 ST116 S205 421 RW203 348 G12 S110 123 ST112 108B Remote 411D PA6 OED/G OED/G ITSD OED/G INS/4S PA6 ITSD CS OED/G INS/4N PA6 OED/3 SMO INS/4N ITSD OED/G OED/G OED/G PA6 OED/Stieff INS/4N OED/G INS/4N CSRA OED/Stieff OED/3 OED/3 GRA OED/3 OED/G OED/G ITSD OED/Stieff ITSD OED/3 SMO SMO APSB DSB BUS ITEB NIRISS JWST/ESA SD CS ITEB MESA SMO SEB SMO NIRCam SD STSB APSB DPAS WFC3 CMD RIAB APSB NIRCam CSRA CMD SEB ASB GRA OPB DSB DSB BUS CMD CS OPB SMO Q Quick, Lee 4564 quick R Radigan, Jacqueline Rager, Reiko Rahmani, Chris Rai, Anupinder Singh Ratzlaff, Brian Ravindranath, Swara Rawle, Tim Reed, Susan Reeves, Patty Regan, Hillary Regan, Michael Reid, Iain Neill Reinhart, Merle Requena Torres, Miguel Rest, Armin Richardson, Corey Richmond, Greig Richon, Joel Ridgaway, Michael Riess, Adam Riggs, Catherine Riley, Allyssa Ritchie, Christine Robberto, Massimo Roberson, Melissa Robinson, Michael S. Rock, Frank Rogers, Anthony W. Rollins, Ora Roman, Tony Romelfanger, Fred Romelfanger, Mary Roop, Karen Rose, Perry Rose, Susan Royle, Tricia Rubin, David 4306 4997 4511 4323 6774 2427 4969 5076 4794 4875 4769 4971 4496 6781 4358 4780 6789 4453 5052 516-4474 4346 6819 4486 4382 4754 4378 4414 4380 4785 4479 4482 6708 4986 5077 4398 4361 6824 radigan tsuneto rahmani arai bratzlaff swara trawle sreed reeves hregan mregan inr reinhart mrequena arest crich grichmond richon ridgaway ariess criggs ariley ritchie robberto roberson mrobinson frock rogers rollins aroman fred mary roop prose srose royle drubin USE PREFIX "(410) 338-" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED Staff Directory NAME EXT Rueter, Christine Rumpl, William Russ, Melissa L. Russell, Ron Rutz, Leyla Ryan, Russell Ryer, Holly 5089 4516 4448 4933 4455 4352 4968 EMAIL ROOM MAIL STOP BRANCH rueter rumpl mlruss rrussell rutz rryan hgreat 210 G16F S111 116 130A RE203 221 HR OED/G OED/G ITSD ITSD INS/RE OPO HR STSB DSB CMS BUS WFC3 OPO 422 120 P412 P607 N421C S309 306 N411 SG15 G01 SG09 S116 G16E 311 RW210 RW201 306 240 330 S201B S201C G13D 417 RW206 118 314B S407 328 P635 221 S204 125 326 204 RE209 319 N108B P607 INS/4N ITSD PA6 PA6 INS/4N INS/4S DO HST OED/G FOG OED/G OED/G OED/G DO FIN GRA DO FOG ITSD HR HR OED/G OED/3 PROC ITSD OED/3 SMO JWST PA6 OPO OED/3 OED/G OPO OPO INS/RE OPO CS SMO WFC3 CS SMO SMO/ESA COS/STIS WFC3 BRC HST STSB FOG/BO DSB DPAS APSB DO FIN GRA BRC FOG/SSS SD BRC HR DSB ASB BRC CMS SSB SMO JWST/ESA NIRISS OPO SSB ITEB OPO OPO INS OPO ITSD SMO S Sabbi, Elena Sachs, Greg Safarzadeh, Mohammad Sahlmann, Johannes Sahnow, David Sahu, Kailash Saldana, Sonia Schmidt, Cheryl Schmitz, Tyler Schultz, Frankie Schultz, John Scott, John Seely, Bruce Sembach, Kenneth Serebreni, Ninel Sessa, Paula Sharko, Michele Sharpe, Michael Shay, Christopher Sheppard, Rickell Sherbert, Heather Sherbert, Lisa Shiao, Bernie Shin, Sarah Sienkiewicz, Matthew Simon, Bernie Simons, Raymond Sirianni, Marco Sivaramakrishnan, Anand Slivinski, Carolyn Slocum, Christine Slowinski, Steven E. Smith, Chad Smith, Denise Smith, Linda Smith, Stephanie Smyth, George Snyder, Gregory 4732 4344 N/A 2407 6709 4930 4999 2590 4721 4887 4490 4845 4991 5051 4882 4816 4261 4327 6811 4713 2527 4506 4701 1366 4868 4988 N/A 2439 4711 4883 4903 4827 4317 4434 4926 5016 4320 2457 sabbi sachs safar jsahlmann sahnow ksahu saldana schmidt tschmitz fschultz jschultz jscott bseely sembach serebren sessa sharko msharpe cshay sheppard hsherbert sherbert shiao shin matts bsimon rsimons sirianni anand slivinski cslocum slowinski lcsmith dsmith lsmith sbrown smyth gsnyder USE PREFIX "(410) 338-" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED Staff Directory NAME EXT Soderblom, David Sonnentrucker, Paule Sontag, Chris Sosey, Megan Soummer, Remi Spain, Kay Spano, Francesca Sparks, William Spencer, Darlene Spencer, Richard Spotts, Beth St. Laurent, Kathryn Stallcup, Scott Stansberry, John Stark, Chris Starr, Carl Stiavelli, Massimo Stockman, H. (Pete) Strampelli, Giovanni Strolger, Lou Sturgis, Shantavia Stys, Jeff Summers, Frank Sunnquist, Ben Swade, Daryl Swam, Michael Swaters, Robert 4543 4786 4538 4365 4737 1437 6826 4843 4452 4518 4876 6764 4551 2442 4895 4869 4835 5007 6762 1348 4315 4944 4749 6807 4558 4593 6800 EMAIL drs sonnentr sontag sosey soummer spain fspano sparks spencer rspencer bspotts kstlaurent stallcup jstans cstark cstarr mstiavel stockman gstrampelli strolger sturgis jstys summers bsunnquist swade mswam rswaters ROOM MAIL STOP BRANCH N417 S203D S203A 346 N402 S316 S108 P624 306 SG13 S216C 133 G13B N403 S207 N301A S307 N/A SG05A P631 RW202 ST120 214 N410B G16D G13D SG14 INS/4N INS/4N OED/3 OED/3 INS/4N PMO OED/G PA6 JWST OED/G HR SMO OED/G INS/4N INS/4S JWST JWST PA6 SMO PA6 GRA OED/Stieff OPO INS/4N OED/G OED/G OED/G NIRSpec COS/STIS SSB SSB TEL PMO PRDB CMO JWST DSB HR SMO STSB NIRCam TEL JWST JWST SMO SMO SMO GRA CMD OPO RIAB SEB DSB DSB 354A 324 322 121 203 P401 S207 S420D 321 S110 416 P611 331C 330 421 GSFC 234 438 OED/3 OED/3 INS/4S ITSD OPO SMO INS/4S INS/4S OPO OED/G OED/3 PA6 OPO ITSD OED/3 OED/Stieff ITSD CMO OED OPB RIAB CMS OPO SMO TEL NIRISS OPO DSB ASB SMO OPO SD ASB FOB CS CMO T Taylor, David Taylor, Denise Taylor, Jo Taylor, Patrick Taylor, Rolanda Tchernyshyov, Kirill Telfer, Randal Thatte, Deepashri Thomas, Vanessa Thompson, Linda Thompson, Randy Tollerud, Erik Toolan, Sharon Triller, Michael Tseng, Shui-Ay Tufail, Yasir Tullos, Calvin Tumlinson, Jason 4499 4824 4501 4590 4326 N/A 2437 4462 4728 5041 5002 6761 4898 4433 5001 301-286-4471 4533 4553 dtaylor dctaylor jotaylor taylor rataylor ktchernyshyov rtelfer thatte vthomas lthomp rthomp etollerud toolan mtriller tseng ytufail tullos tumlinson USE PREFIX "(410) 338-" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED Staff Directory NAME EXT Turro, Christopher 4851 EMAIL cturro ROOM MAIL STOP BRANCH 127 ITSD DS 411A S301B S107 ST119 INS/4S PMO ITSD OED/Stieff NIRSpec PMO CMS CMD ST201 RE205 N421A S201A N407 233A Remote 223 S213 remote OED/Stieff INS/RE INS/4N DO INS/4N FOG OED/3 OPO OPO INS/4N FOB MESA INS WFIRST RIAB FOG/SSS OPB OPO OPO NIRISS N101 301 N401 S106 431 119 N409 205 321 421 ST111 ST208 S210A 426B S305 RE213 410A 240 P637 323 RW215 SG07 S423A 117 133 318 G01A ITSD CSRA INS/4N ITSD OED/3 ITSD SMO OPO OPO OED/3 OED/Stieff OED/Stieff INS/4N OED/3 JWST HST/RE ESA FOG PA6 OPO FIN OED/G INS/4N ITSD SMO OED/3 FOG BUS CSRA COS/STIS CMS ASB DS SMO OPO OPO ASB CMD FOB RIAB OED JWST HST ESA FOG/SSS SMO OPO FIN DSB NIRISS ISNS SMO SMSB FOG/BO U Ubeda, Leonardo Underwood, Kelli Unger, David Uzzo, Michael 1235 1030 4934 4932 lubeda underwood dave uzzo V Vaclavik, Steven Valenti, Jeff Valenzuela, Ana-Maria van der Marel, Roeland Van Gorkom, Kyle Venturella, Michael Vick, Alison Villard, Raymond Vogel,Tracy Volk, Kevin 4432 2622 4509 4931 4491 2619 4806 4514 4924 4409 vaclavik valenti avalen marel kgorkom ventur sherwin villard vogel kvolk W Wagner, Jeffrey Wahlgren, Glenn Walborn, Nolan Walker, Thomas Wallace, Geoff Wassenius, IV, Otto Watkins, Laura Watkins, Mitchell Weaver, Donna Weissman, Sarah Welty, Alan D. Wheeler, Thomas White, James White, Rick Whitman, Rusty Whitmore, Brad Willers, Loretta Williams, Grover Williams, Robert E. Williamson, Kelly Witmer, Kerri Wolfe, David Wolfe, Michael Wolfe, Shane Wolff, Schuyler Workman, William Wormley, Jomar 4539 4860 4915 4587 5056 5092 2454 4881 4493 4379 4948 4337 6749 4899 5042 4474 4861 4929 4963 4371 1975 4545 4015 4742 2428 4495 4392 jwagner gwahlgren walborn walker gwallace otto lwatkins watkins dweaver sweissman welty wheeler jwhite rlw rustyw whitmore willers gwilliams wms kellys witmer wolfe mwolfe swolfe swolff workman wormley USE PREFIX "(410) 338-" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED Staff Directory NAME EXT Wu, Rai Wymer, Kristen 301-286-0798 rwu 6801 kwymer EMAIL ROOM MAIL STOP BRANCH GSFC 314E OED/Stieff OED/3 FOB SMSB P412 JHU SMO 330 Remote S216B Remote ITSD ITSD SMO INS/4S SD DS SMO MESA 121 ST113 S422C RW212 RW210 S422B ITSD OED/Stieff OED/3 FIN FIN INS/4A ITSD CMD FOB BRC FIN TEL X Xu, Bingxiao 2420 bxu Y Yeager, Chris Yermolaev, Alex Ygouf, Marie York, Brian 4856 4863 2922 4733 cyeager yermol mygouf york Z Zahn, Joseph Zak, Dean Zepp, Rob Zhang, Kathy Zhao, Yanling Zimmerman, Neil 2924 4784 1080 5028 4471 6756 jzahn zak rzepp kzhang zhao ntz USE PREFIX "(410) 338-" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED STScI Organizational Structure STScI Organizational Structure NAME ORGANIZATIONAL FUNCTION EMAIL EXT ROOM MAIL STOP AFFILIATION 5051 4353 4520 5022 4971 4340 4842 4835 4971 1309 4489 4926 4381 1385 6837 4896 4931 (202) 204-1349 4475 2443 311 412 406A S317 P603 S306 N406 S307 P603 RW213 108A N402 216 ST108 S311A 208 S201A Remote S318 S318 DO DO ESA DO PA6 DO HST JWST PA6 BRC ITSD INS/4N OPO OED/Stieff PMO HR DO DO DO DO AURA AURA ESA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA ESA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA S317 P624 N408B DO PA6 SMO AURA AURA AURA 4842 4559 4762 4764 4474 2590 N406 S415 437 351 RE213 N411 HST HST HST HST HST HST AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA 4835 4362 4869 4902 4747 4744 4906 4871 4838 5042 2439 4731 4452 2609 2467 5004 5069 6775 4969 S307 S308 N301A S304 441 S211 S402 S302 S303 S305 328 S315B 306 P623 P609 P615 P613 P623 P615 JWST JWST JWST JWST JWST JWST JWST JWST JWST JWST JWST JWST JWST PA6 PA6 PA6 PA6 PA6 PA6 AURA AURA NASA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA ESA AURA AURA ESA ESA ESA ESA ESA ESA 4931 S201A DO AURA 406A 410A ESA ESA ESA AURA DIRECTORATE Sembach, Kenneth Kriss, Gerard Nota, Antonella Hough, Don Reid, Iain Neill Postman, Marc Jenkner, Helmut Stiavelli, Massimo Reid, Iain Neill Debelius, Karen Liska, David Smith, Linda Jirdeh, Hussein Johnson, Carl Batho, Kathy Bruff, Sheryl van der Marel, Roeland Burkett, Michelle Mills, Maggie Baxter, Roz Director sembach Acting Deputy Director gak Associate Director, European Space Agency nota Associate Director, Administration dhough Associate Director, Science inr Mission Head, Community Missions Office postman Mission Head, Interim, Hubble Space Telescope Mission Office jenkner Mission Head, James Webb Space Telescope Mission Office mstiavel Mission Head, Science Mission Office inr Division Head, Business Resource Center debelius Division Head, Information Technology Services Division dliska Division Head, Instruments Division lsmith Division Head, Office of Public Outreach jirdeh Division Head, Operations & Engineering Division cjohnson Head, Program Management kbatho Branch Chief, Human Resources bruff Mission Head, Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope Mission Officemarel Strategic Analysis & Government Relations mburkett Executive Assistant mills Lead Administrative Assistant rbaxter COMMUNITY MISSIONS OFFICE (CMO) Postman, Marc Sparks, William Hill, Flory Mission Head Deputy Mission Head Senior Administrative Assistant postman sparks hill 4340 4843 1081 HST MISSION OFFICE (HST) Jenkner, Helmut MacKenty, John Osten, Rachel Christian, Carol Whitmore, Brad Schmidt, Cheryl Mission Head, Interim Mission Scientist Mission Scientist Education and Public Outreach Project Scientist Project Scientist I Lead Administrative Assistant jenkner mackenty osten carolc whitmore schmidt JWST MISSION OFFICE (JWST) Stiavelli, Massimo Mission Head Hunter, David Deputy Mission Head Starr, Carl Mission Operations Manager Brown, Tom Mission Scientist Kalirai, Jason Project Scientist Pontoppidan, Klaus Deputy Project Scientist Friedman, Scott Commissioning Scientist Pollizzi, Joe Engineering Development Manager Jordan, Margaret Mission Systems Engineer Whitman, Rusty Flight Operations Subsystem Engineering Manager Sirianni, Marco ESA Operations Manager Poletis, Karyn Administrative Lead Spencer, Darlene Administrative Lead Birkmann, Stephan Boeker, Torsten de Oliveira, Catarina Garcia Marin, Macarena Luetzgendorf, Nora Rawle, Tim mstiavel dhunter cstarr tbrown jkalirai pontoppi friedman pollizzi mjordan rustyw sirianni kpoletis spencer birkmann boeker cdeoliveira maca nlutzgendorf trawle WFIRST MISSION OFFICE van der Marel, Roeland Mission Head, Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope Mission Officemarel EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY (ESA) Nota, Antonella Willers, Loretta Associate Director, ESA Administrative Assistant II nota willers 4520 4861 STScI Organizational Structure NAME ORGANIZATIONAL FUNCTION EMAIL EXT ROOM MAIL STOP AFFILIATION 4860 4807 4771 4741 4754 301 301 308 308 308 CSRA CSRA CSRA CSRA CSRA CSRA CSRA CSRA CSRA CSRA CSRA (formerly CSC) Wahlgren, Glenn Ake, Thomas Blatchley, Sonia Greco, Linda Roberson, Melissa Program Manager Contractor Project Coordinator Project Coordinator Project Coordinator gwahlgren take blatchley greco roberson ADMINISTRATION Hough, Don Burkett, Michelle Beaser, Ray Anderson, Tania Associate Director, Administration Strategic Analysis & Government Relations Housing Manager Business Supervisor dhough mburkett beaser tanderson 5022 (202) 204-1349 4203 4397 S317 Remote S207A S311 DO DO ADM DO AURA AURA AURA AURA Manager Administrative Assistant II sessa pknapp batta cboegner drohr clean1 sturgis 4816 2472 4202 2463 1199 2482 4315 RW201 RW226 RW203 RW222 RW204 RW202 RW202 GRA GRA GRA GRA GRA GRA GRA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA bruff sheppard bspotts cdavid mharris keatley lpeters rueter hsherbert 4896 4713 4876 6760 4890 4319 4209 5089 2527 208 S201B S216C S215A S201B RW227 RW227 210 S201C HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR AURA AURA BRC AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA S311A S301B S311A S314 S314 Remote Remote S314 S314 S316 S316 PMO PMO PMO PMO PMO PMO PMO PMO PMO PMO PMO AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA GRANTS (GRA) Sessa, Paula Knapp, Peppie Batta, Thomas N Boegner, Cathy Hairsine-Rohr, Dana Lean, Casey Sturgis, Shantavia HUMAN RESOURCES (HR) Bruff, Sheryl Sheppard, Rickell Spotts, Beth David, Cierra Harris, Marvin Keatley, Florence Peters, Lee Rueter, Christine Sherbert, Heather Branch Chief Administrative Assistant II Ombudsperson PROGRAM MANAGEMENT OFFICE (PMO) Batho, Kathy Underwood, Kelli Anderson, Tania Ashwell, Judy Beddard, Megan Durant, Marcus Gicking, Robert Hacker, William Hashim, Kathy Pelham, Patricia A. Spain, Kay Division Head Deputy Business Supervisor kbatho underwood tanderson ashwell mbeddard durant gicking whacker hashim pelham spain 6837 1030 4397 2611 4745 5074 4207 3823 4818 4395 1437 BUSINESS RESOURCE CENTER (BRC) Debelius, Karen Anderson, Tania Sharko, Michele Saldana, Sonia Division Head Business Supervisor Senior Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant II debelius tanderson sharko saldana 1309 4397 4261 4999 RW213 S311A 306 306 BRC DO DO DO AURA AURA AURA AURA kpetro 4492 S211 BRC AURA concannon mgrant 4422 4422 SG08 SG08 CC CC Canon AURA kozloski cbenjamin kcoleman luers reeves 4355 6758 2468 4364 4794 S209 RW221 RW221 RW219 RW219 CS CS CS CS CS AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA pabst bucklew tlallo 4706 4508 4777 SG06 SG05 Front Desk FOG FOG FOG AURA AURA AURA BUSINESS SUPPORT BRANCH (BSB) Petro, Karen Branch Manager *matrixed administrative staff Concannon, Zak Grant, Marcellous CONTRACTS & SPONSORED PROGRAMS (CSP) Kozloski, Lynn Benjamin, Corrine Coleman, Kelly Luers, Jeannine Reeves, Patty Manager FACILITIES OPERATIONS GROUP (FOG) Pabst, Greg Bucklew, Laura Lallo, Tiffany Manager Senior Administrative Assistant Receptionist STScI Organizational Structure NAME ORGANIZATIONAL FUNCTION EMAIL EXT ROOM MAIL STOP AFFILIATION alford deshazo rfrank wfranz levine gmartin fschultz msharpe ventur gwilliams wormley 4967 4942 4800 2925 4589 4476 4887 4327 2619 4929 4392 G01A 240 240 G01A 233A 242 G01 240 233A 240 G01A FOG FOG FOG FOG FOG FOG FOG FOG FOG FOG FOG AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA Controller/BC, Finance kzhang 5028 RW212 FIN AURA Manager lisak ddouglas lfelicitas jglass mjohnson lisak lazar clewis lopez rmccall apower serebren witmer zhao 5019 2409 4393 5032 4812 5019 4813 4995 4546 4722 4801 4882 1975 4471 RW228 RW223 RW217 RW216 RW215 RW228 RW216 RW217 RW208 RW214 RW214 RW210 RW215 RW210 FIN FIN FIN FIN FIN FIN FIN FIN FIN FIN FIN FIN FIN FIN AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA bowersox rooseveltd cook donellan gaddy ajones shin 4348 4844 5080 2444 2464 4335 1366 RW209 RW207 RW208 RW205 RW206 RW205 RW206 PROC PROC PROC PROC PROC PROC PROC AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA Alford, Kizer Deshazo, Andre Franklin, Robert Franz, William Levine, Robert Martin, Glenn Schultz, Frankie Sharpe, Michael Venturella, Michael Williams, Grover Wormley, Jomar FINANCE (FIN) Zhang, Kathy Accounting Services: Kleinwort, Lisa Douglas, Dorien Felicitas, Leilani Glass, Jeffrey Johnson, Marianne Kleinwort, Lisa Lazar, Mimi Lewis, Sherry Lopez-Velez, Elsie McCallister, Rita Power, Amy Serebreni, Ninel Witmer, Kerri Zhao, Yanling PROCUREMENT/SUBCONTRACTS Bowersox, Vickie Davis, Roosevelt Cook, Margaret Donellan, Cathleen Gaddy, Cathy Jones, Adia Shin, Sarah Manager, Procurement/Subcontracts Procurement Supervisor INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES DIVISION (ITSD) Liska, David Miller, Glenn Durkin, Marty Boffi, Francesca Carter, Geoffrey Gibbs, Vera Gleason, Michele Zahn, Joseph Division Head Deputy Division Head Deputy Division Head Project Scientist Administrative Lead dliska miller durkin boffi gcarter gibbs gleason jzahn 4489 4738 4761 4428 4461 4566 4540 2924 108A N105 130B N407 N108A 124 102 121 ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA CSRA AURA AURA BUSINESS SERVICES BRANCH (BUS) Dignan, Stephen Branch Manager Bresnahan, Pam Guinto, Scott Hale, Joy N M Hollinshead, Craig Technologist, IT McCuen, Leigh McLeskey, Greg Rai, Anupinder Singh Roop, Karen Rutz, Leyla Wagner, Jeffrey dignan pbresn sguinto hale hollins mccuen mcleskey arai roop rutz jwagner 4727 4403 4743 4872 4849 1242 1345 4323 4986 4455 4539 N108 N107 N109 123 N108 N109 122 130A 123 130A N101 ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA CSRA CSRA COMMUNICATION SERVICES BRANCH (CS) Kaylor, John Branch Manager Grimes, Jay Administrator, Systems Sr Marufu, Thomas Rose, Susan Sachs, Greg Smyth, George Tullos, Calvin kaylor ggrimes marufu srose sachs smyth tullos 4821 1279 4880 4398 4344 4320 4533 N106 101 234 108B 120 N108B 234 ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA CORE MISSION SERVICES BRANCH (CMS) Taylor, Patrick Branch Manager Levy, Craig Mishra, Prem taylor levy mishra 4590 4905 4913 121 126 N107 ITSD ITSD ITSD AURA CSRA AURA STScI Organizational Structure NAME ORGANIZATIONAL FUNCTION EMAIL EXT ROOM MAIL STOP AFFILIATION Russell, Ron Sienkiewicz, Matthew Unger, David Walker, Thomas rrussell matts dave walker 4933 4868 4934 4587 116 118 S107 S106 ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD AURA AURA AURA CSRA DATACENTER SERVICES BRANCH (DS) Grant, Philip Branch Manager Boegner, Martin Calvin, Mark Chichester, Sarah Grice, Jim Gutzat, Michael Hunkeler, Michael Le, Duy-Quang (David) Lubskiy, Michael Masci, Greg Mueller, Don Murphy, Austin Turro, Christopher Wassenius, IV, Otto Yermolaev, Alex pgrant mboegner calvin chichester grice gutzat hunkeler dle3 lubskiy gmasci mueller amurphy cturro otto yermol 4874 5088 2835 2836 4802 4405 4918 5064 4753 4384 4343 4866 4851 5092 4863 116 N101 N102 101 N102 N101 127 S107 N109A 101 101 120 127 119 Remote ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD AURA AURA CSRA AURA AURA AURA ITG AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA ITG AURA AURA INFORMATION SECURITY & NETWORK SERVICES BRANCH (ISNS) Becker, James Branch Manager Gourgue, Romeo Jackson, Mike Lipinski, Jamie Mindel, Eugene Obaika, Anthony Wolfe, Shane jbecker gourgue michaelj lipinski mindel obaika swolfe 2461 2615 4840 4847 4377 2479 4742 124 S115 101 119 117 S115 117 ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA SERVICE DESK BRANCH (SD) Reed, Susan Branch Manager Adams, John Ausherman, Valerie Broome, Philip Frias, Dante Gontrum, Rob Lynch, Jessica Palmer, Jim Proctor, Denise Richardson, Corey Shay, Christopher Triller, Michael Yeager, Chris sreed jradams ausherman pbroome dfrias gontrum lynch palmer proctor crich cshay mtriller cyeager 5076 2441 4735 4962 4586 4939 5029 4709 4841 4780 6811 4718 4856 N103 330 S113 S113 330 N104 N109 N109 108B 330 330 N104 330 ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD ITSD AURA AURA AURA AURA CSRA AURA AURA AURA CSRA AURA AURA AURA AURA lsmith meixner auer jcharles avalen 4926 5013 4955 6765 4509 N402 S416 N421E RE217 N421A INS/4N INS/4S INS/4N INS/RE INS/4N ESA AURA AURA AURA AURA nagrogin avila bohlin marcoc dcoe lucas mcmaster ogaz 4219 4950 4804 4980 4312 4716 4463 4303 N412 RE210 P629 P633 RE204 RE216 RE216 RE210 INS/4N INS/RE PA6 PA6 INS/RE INS/RE INS/RE INS/RE AURA AURA AURA ESA/AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA 4328 2496 4782 4351 4394 5083 2451 4456 4938 6709 4786 442 N416 S406A N421B 343A N415 S202 N407 S401 N421C S203D INS/4N INS/4N INS/4S INS/4N INS/4N INS/4N INS/4S INS/4N INS/4S INS/4N INS/4N ESA/AURA AURA ESA/AURA ESA/AURA AURA ESA/AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA ESA/AURA INSTRUMENTS DIVISION (INS) Smith, Linda Meixner, Margaret Auer, Robin Charles, Jody Valenzuela, Ana-Maria Division Head Deputy Division Head Business Supervisor Assistant, Admin, II Assistant, Admin, Sr ADVANCED CAMERA FOR SURVEYS (ACS) Grogin, Norman Team Lead Avila, Roberto Bohlin, Ralph Chiaberge, Marco Coe, Dan Lucas, Ray McMaster, Matt Ogaz, Sara COSMIC ORIGINS SPECTROGRAPH & SPACE TELESCOPE IMAGING SPECTROGRAPH TEAM (COS/STIS) Oliveira, Cristina Team Lead coliveir de Rosa, Gisella gderosa Debes, John debes Duval, Julia duval Ely, Justin ely Fox, Andrew afox Peeples, Molly molly Penton, Steve penton Proffitt, Charles proffitt Sahnow, David sahnow Sonnentrucker, Paule sonnentr STScI Organizational Structure NAME ORGANIZATIONAL FUNCTION EMAIL EXT ROOM MAIL STOP AFFILIATION Walborn, Nolan walborn 4915 N401 INS/4N AURA MID INFRARED INSTRUMENT TEAM (MIRI) Hines, Dean Team Lead Cracraft, Misty Fox, Ori Gordon, Karl Law, David Moro-Martin, Amaya Noriega-Crespo, Alberto hines cracraft ofox kgordon dlaw amaya anoriega 4374 4468 6768 5031 4803 2488 2483 440 N404 N416 RE208 N418B N418B 353 INS/4N INS/4S INS/4N INS/RE INS/4N INS/4N INS/4S AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA MISSION ENGINEERING & SCIENCE ANALYSIS TEAM (MESA) Valenti, Jeff Team Lead Bergeron, Louis Blair, Bill Casertano, Stefano Diaz, Rosa Ferguson, Harry Gonzaga, Shireen Regan, Michael York, Brian valenti bergeron wblair stefano rdiaz ferguson shireen mregan york 2622 1018 516-8447 4752 4372 5098 4412 4769 4733 P613 N407 P237 419 S421 N419 N421A N418A Remote PA6 INS/4N none INS/4N INS/4S INS/4N INS/4N INS/4N INS/4S AURA AURA JHU AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA NEAR-INFRARED CAMERA TEAM (NIRCam) Robberto, Massimo Team Lead Bianco, Federica Brown, Robert Golimowski, David Hilbert, Bryan Rest, Armin Stansberry, John robberto fbianco rbrown golim hilbert arest jstans 4382 Remote 1334 4808 4725 4358 2442 S417 Remote Remote 415 N421D 434 N403 INS/4N Remote INS/4N INS/4N INS/4N INS/4N INS/4N AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA NEAR-INFRARED IMAGER & SLITLESS SPECTROGRAPH TEAM (NIRISS) Fullerton, Alex Team Lead Dixon, William Van Dyke Goudfrooij, Paul Lewis, Nikole Martel, Andre Ravindranath, Swara Sivaramakrishnan, Anand Thatte, Deepashri Volk, Kevin Wolfe, Michael fuller dixon goudfroo nlewis martel swara anand thatte kvolk mwolfe 1341 6703 4981 4820 4888 2427 4711 4462 4409 4015 439 P629 S404 RE206 S422A S212 P635 S420D remote S423A INS/4N PA6 INS/4S INS/RE INS/4S INS/4S PA6 INS/4S INS/4N INS/4N AURA AURA AURA AURA CSA CSA AURA AURA CSA AURA NEAR-INFRARED SPECTROGRAPH TEAM (NIRSpec) Beck, Tracy Team Lead Gilbert, Karoline Karakla, Diane Kassin, Susan Keyes, Charles (Tony) Muzerolle, James Pavlovsky, Cheryl Soderblom, David Ubeda, Leonardo tbeck kgilbert dkarakla kassin keyes muzerol cherylp drs lubeda 5038 2475 4947 4909 4975 4719 2445 4543 1235 350 414 S420A S407 413 S406 S420B N417 411A INS/3 INS/4S INS/4S INS/4S INS/4S INS/4S INS/4S INS/4N INS/4S AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA RESEARCH & INSTRUMENT ANALYSIS BRANCH (RIAB) Mutchler, Max Team Lead Maybhate, Aparna Deputy Team Lead Bajaj, Varun Borncamp, David Bright, Stacey Brooks, Brian Brooks, Keira Durbin, Meredith Earl, Nicholas Fix, Mees Gosmeyer, Catherine (Katie) Hagan, Brendan Khandrika, Harish Lockwood, Sean Long, Douglas Long, Joseph Martlin, Catherine Maybhate, Aparna Monroe, TalaWanda Pena-Guerrero, Maria Plesha, Rachel Porterfield, Blair mutchler maybhate vbajaj dborncamp bright bbrooks kbrooks mdurbin nearl mfix cgosmeyer hagan hkhandrika lockwood dlong jlong cmartlin maybhate tmonroe pena rplesha bporterfield 1321 5091 4830 2471 2478 4504 6821 4446 4447 2401 2470 2426 4507 4505 1265 4522 2402 5091 4483 4805 4457 4441 S412 S405 411C RE218 N405 S420D 424D N410A S422B S210A RE202 S423B S421A S421A S209 322 N410B S405 S209 S420C S420C RE219 INS/4S INS/4N INS/4N INS/RE INS/4N INS/4S INS/4N INS/4N INS/4S INS/4N INS/RE INS/4S INS/4S INS/4S INS/4N INS/4S INS/4S INS/4N INS/4S INS/4N INS/4S INS/RE AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA STScI Organizational Structure NAME ORGANIZATIONAL FUNCTION EMAIL EXT ROOM MAIL STOP AFFILIATION Riley, Allyssa Sunnquist, Ben Taylor, Jo Van Gorkom, Kyle White, James ariley bsunnquist jotaylor kgorkom jwhite 410 338-6819 6807 4501 4491 6749 N410A N410B 322 N407 S210A INS/4N INS/4N INS/4S INS/4N INS/4N AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA TELESCOPES GROUP (TEL) Soummer, Remi Team Lead Lallo, Matthew Team Deputy Chayer, Pierre Cox, Colin Hartig, George Holfeltz, Sherie Lajoie, Charles-Philippe Nelan, Ed Perrin, Marshall Pueyo, Laurent Stark, Chris Telfer, Randal Zimmerman, Neil soummer lallo chayer cox hartig holfeltz lajoie nelan mperrin pueyo cstark rtelfer ntz 4737 4577 5097 4792 4966 4418 5007 4992 4789 2435 4895 2437 6756 N402 424B 433 N414 S403 N404 N405 S418 N412 439 S207 S207 S422B INS/4N INS/4N INS/4N INS/4N INS/4S INS/4N INS/4N INS/4S INS/4N INS/4S INS/4S INS/4S INS/4A AURA AURA CSA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA WIDE FIELD CAMERA 3 BRANCH (WFC3) Sabbi, Elena Team Lead Anderson, Jay Baggett, Sylvia Bourque, Matthew Brammer, Gabriel Deustua, Susana Dressel, Linda Fall, Michael Long, Knox Mack, Jennifer McCullough, Peter Momcheva, Ivelina Pirzkal, Norbert Platais, Vera Riess, Adam Ryan, Russell Sahu, Kailash sabbi jayander sbaggett bourque brammer deustua dressel fall long mack pmcc imomcheva npirzkal verap ariess rryan ksahu 4732 4982 5054 4460 2447 4832 4376 4833 4862 4565 5068 6790 4879 2920 516-4474 4352 4930 422 RE211 N422 RE202 RE214 P618 S408 P617 P625 S412A S419 N416 RE215 RE201 P207 RE203 S309 INS/4N INS/RE INS/4N INS/4N INS/RE INS/4S INS/4S PA6 PA6 INS/4S INS/4S INS/4N INS/RE INS/RE PA6 INS/RE INS/4S AURA AURA AURA AURA ESA/AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA ESA/AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA 216 222 204 223 206 S209A 206 217 203 203 326 330B 228 327 203A 323 S214 327 225 203A 205 331C S213 331B 215 331B S214 331C 215 319 205 221 221 326 319 OPO OPO OPO OPO OPO OPO OPO OPO OPO OPO OPO OPO OPO OPO OPO OPO OPO OPO OPO OPO OPO OPO OPO OPO OPO OPO OPO OPO OPO OPO OPO OPO OPO OPO OPO AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA OPO AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA OFFICE OF PUBLIC OUTREACH (OPO) Jirdeh, Hussein Eisenhamer, Bonnie Smith, Denise Villard, Raymond Bacon, Greg Bordeaux, Lacey Godfrey, Jr. , John Oyler, Kimberly Lamb, Tracy Taylor, Rolanda Carro Dupla, Carlos Cordes, Kathy Dees, Kelsey Eggleston, Parissa Estacion, Mary Feild, Ann Frattare, Lisa Godfrey, Christine Green, Joel Gundy, Cheryl Heflin, Tariq Jeffries, Pam Jenkins, Ann Kenney, Jessica Knisely, Linda Lawton, Brandon Levay, Zoltan Lussier, Marc Maple, John Martin, Elena Meinke, Bonnie Ryer, Holly Slivinski, Carolyn Smith, Chad Smith, Stephanie Division Head Deputy Division Head, Education Deputy Division Head, Outreach Branch Manager, News Technical Supervisor Technical Supervisor Technical Supervisor Business Supervisor Senior Administrative Assistant Office Clerk jirdeh bonnie dsmith villard bacon lbordeaux godfrey koyler lamb rataylor cdupla cordes kdees peggleston estacion afeild frattare klicka jgreen gundy theflin jeffries jenkins kenneyj lknisely lawton levay lussier jmaple emartin meinke hgreat slivinski lcsmith sbrown 4381 4798 4434 4514 4478 4529 4877 4404 4848 4326 4714 4878 6767 2440 4510 4758 4724 2880 4819 4707 6798 4521 4488 2450 4823 4972 4907 4325 4857 4383 2923 4968 4883 4317 5016 STScI Organizational Structure NAME ORGANIZATIONAL FUNCTION Summers, Frank Thomas, Vanessa Toolan, Sharon Vogel,Tracy Watkins, Mitchell Weaver, Donna Williamson, Kelly EMAIL EXT ROOM MAIL STOP AFFILIATION summers vthomas toolan vogel watkins dweaver kellys 4749 4728 4898 4924 4881 4493 4371 214 321 331C S213 205 321 323 OPO OPO OPO OPO OPO OPO OPO AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA OPERATIONS & ENGINEERING DIVISION (OED) Johnson, Carl Division Head cjohnson 1385 317 Aloisi, Alessandra Krueger, Tony Taylor, David White, Rick Abernathy, Mark Douglas Jr., Robert E. Deputy Division Head Deputy Division Head Project Engineer MAST Manager Chief Engineer, System Engineering & Integration Chief Engineer, Planning & Scheduling aloisi krueger dtaylor rlw abernathy rdouglas 4519 1339 4499 4899 4894 4497 S414 130B 354A 426B G13C S203C Alexov, Anastasia Kyprianou, Mark Principal Computer Scientist Principal Computer Scientist alexov kyp 4720 4512 SG14 S410 Kaiser, Linda Rose Marzola, Kari Fincham, Brian Business Supervisor Administrative Lead Assistant, Admin, Sr kaiser marzola bfincham 4886 5009 5047 S109 ST118 S413 OED/3 OED/3 OED/G OED/3 OED/3 OED/G OED/3 OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/Stieff OED/3 ARCHIVE SCIENCES BRANCH (ASB) Levay, Karen Branch Manager Donaldson, Thomas Dower, Theresa Dulude, Michael Edeani, Chinwe Fleming, Scott Freas, Colin Hargis, Jonathan Kimball, Timothy Koekemoer, Anton Lubow, Steve Marrione, Amanda Matuskey, Jacob McLean, Brian Nieto-Santisteban, Maria Peek, Joshua Quick, Lee Rogers, Anthony W. Shiao, Bernie Thompson, Randy Tseng, Shui-Ay Wallace, Geoff Weissman, Sarah klevay donald dower dulude cedeani fleming cfreas jhargis kimball koekemoe lubow amarrione jmatuskey mclean nieto jegpeek quick rogers shiao rthomp tseng gwallace sweissman 5065 4965 4978 4549 4987 4859 4569 6818 4417 4815 4826 5021 4626 4900 4923 4561 4564 4380 4701 5002 5001 5056 4379 S410 416 418 426A 418 435 431 426A 417 423 P620 418 431 435 417 436 416 421 417 416 421 431 421 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 PA6 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 CSRA AURA AURA AURA AURA CSRA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA CSRA CSRA CSRA AURA ASTRONOMICAL PLANNING & SUPPORT BRANCH (APSB) Giuliano, Mark Branch Manager Bertch, Maria Boyer, Robert Bucklew, Jeff Comeau, Thomas M. Comer, Tom Curtis, Gary Downes, Ronald Ferdous, Nazma Framarini, Alex Goldberg, Joshua Hawkins, Robert E. Henshaw, Kate Moriarty, Christopher Morse, Ernie Myers, Andrew Nagel, Lauretta Peterson, Karla Prescott, Stephen Rager, Reiko Richon, Joel Ritchie, Christine Seely, Bruce giuliano mbertch rmboyer jbucklew tcomeau comer curtis downes ferdous alex goldberg rhawkins khenshaw moriarty emorse amyers nagel peterson sprescott tsuneto richon ritchie bseely 4470 4591 4573 6733 2618 4469 4572 Remote 4936 4557 4435 4386 4928 5081 4387 4390 2433 4774 6766 4997 4453 4486 4991 G13G SG12 G13A G17A G09 SG09 G17C Remote G13E SG10 S208 G13F G09 S208 S208 G16E G09 S207A G16E G13E SG09 G10 G16E OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/3 OED/G OED/G OED/3 OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/3 OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G AURA AURA CSRA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA COMMANDING BRANCH (CMD) Barker, Elizabeth Branch Manager Allen, M. Marsha Barrow, Stephen ebarker mallen barrow 1029 4837 4957 ST107 ST109 ST110 OED/Stieff OED/Stieff OED/Stieff AURA CSRA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA STScI Organizational Structure NAME ORGANIZATIONAL FUNCTION EMAIL EXT ROOM MAIL STOP AFFILIATION Caputo, Marlon Clark, Kerry W. Dashevsky, Ilana Dillman, Matt Fox, Ryan Garland, Dennis Gokhale, Nikita Koehler, Bob Liu, Lily Riggs, Catherine Robinson, Michael S. Rose, Perry Stys, Jeff Uzzo, Michael Welty, Alan D. Zak, Dean caputo clark idash mdillman rfox dgarland ngokhale rkoehler lliu criggs mrobinson prose jstys uzzo welty zak 4396 4781 2616 2484 5030 4595 6794 4779 4893 4346 4378 5077 4944 4932 4948 4784 ST121 ST115 ST108 ST123 ST102 ST122 ST108 ST117 ST114 ST101 ST116 ST112 ST120 ST119 ST111 ST113 OED/Stieff OED/Stieff OED/Stieff OED/Stieff OED/Stieff OED/Stieff OED/Stieff OED/Stieff OED/Stieff OED/Stieff OED/Stieff OED/Stieff OED/Stieff OED/Stieff OED/Stieff OED/Stieff AURA CSRA AURA AURA AURA CSRA AURA CSRA AURA AURA CSRA CSRA AURA CSRA CSRA CSRA DATA PROCESSING & ARCHIVE SERVICES BRANCH (DPAS) Abney, Faith Branch Manager Anderson, Sara Bair, Thomas Brown, Pat Burger, Matthew Ellis, Tracy Fraquelli, Dorothy Hamilton, Forrest Hurst, Brendan Kennedy, Jr., Herbert Kenny, Deborah Ridgaway, Michael Scott, John abney smanders tbair pbrown mburger ellis fraquelli hamilton bhurst kennedy kenny ridgaway jscott 4759 4451 6809 1301 6810 4829 4705 4775 6822 4443 5020 5052 4845 114 S106 G09 115 S110 S105 115 Remote SG05A S110 S105 S116 S116 OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G AURA CSRA AURA AURA AURA CSRA CSRA CSRA AURA AURA CSRA CSRA CSRA DATA SYSTEMS BRANCH (DSB) Wolfe, David Branch Manager, Acting Cortese, Andrew Doggett, Jesse DuPrie, Kim Gardner, Lisa Gough, Michael Heller-Boyer, Christine Kauffman, David Kidwell, Richard C. McLean, Donald F. Rahmani, Chris Romelfanger, Fred Romelfanger, Mary Russ, Melissa L. Schultz, John Sherbert, Lisa Spencer, Richard Swam, Michael Swaters, Robert Thompson, Linda wolfe acortese doggett kduprie gardner gough heller dkauffman rkidwell dmclean rahmani fred mary mlruss jschultz sherbert rspencer mswam rswaters lthomp 4545 2403 4937 4548 2921 2423 4740 4373 4438 4994 4511 4482 6708 4448 4490 4506 4518 4593 6800 5041 SG07 G06A Remote SG11 SG11 S111 G06A G16A G06A SG13 G06A G12 S110 S111 SG09 G13D SG13 G13D SG14 S110 OED/G OED/G OED/3 OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA CSRA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA CSRA FLIGHT OPERATIONS BRANCH (FOB) Vaclavik, Steven Branch Manager Akinpetide, Ben Anderson, Harry Arvai, Amanda Bacinski, John Baggett, Wayne Barringer, Bruce Bush, James Crew, Keith DiFelice, Audrey Elie, Michelle Falini, Patrick Herrington, Clark Hickey, David Hitcho, Robert Johnson, Timothy Knutsen, Daniel Long, Chris Pedder, Andrew Tufail, Yasir Wheeler, Thomas Wu, Rai vaclavik akinpetide anderson aarvai bacinski baggett bbarringer jbush kcrew difelice melie pfalini herrington hickey hitcho tjohnson dknutsen clong apedder ytufail wheeler rwu 4432 301-286-1851 1315 4563 4708 5011 2621 4301 6755 4357 6799 301-286-9116 2499 4920 2481 2419 4570 5027 6750 301-286-4471 4337 301-286-0798 ST201 GSFC ST210 ST205 ST211 ST214 ST207 ST201A ST205 ST212 S422C GSFC ST209 ST203 ST206 ST202 ST205 ST213 S422C GSFC ST208 GSFC OED/Stieff OED/Stieff OED/Stieff OED/Stieff OED/Stieff OED/Stieff OED/Stieff OED/Stieff OED/Stieff OED/Stieff OED/3 OED/Stieff OED/Stieff OED/Stieff OED/Stieff OED/Stieff OED/Stieff OED/Stieff OED/3 OED/Stieff OED/Stieff OED/Stieff AURA CSRA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA CSRA STScI Organizational Structure NAME ORGANIZATIONAL FUNCTION EMAIL EXT ROOM MAIL STOP AFFILIATION Zepp, Rob rzepp 1080 S422C OED/3 CSRA INTEGRATION & TEST ENGINEERING BRANCH (ITEB) Lee, Paul Branch Manager Bowers, Ariel DePriest, William Garrett, Bruce Gunning, Heather Hanley, Christopher Hernandez, Scarlin McManus, Courtney Morrison, Debbie Paranilam, James Ratzlaff, Brian Regan, Hillary Slowinski, Steven E. plee abowers depriest bgarrett gunning chanley shernandez cmcmanus dmorrison paran bratzlaff hregan slowinski 5043 2469 4360 4935 4734 4338 4582 4702 5044 4437 6774 4875 4827 G13H G16G G16I G09 G16G G16G G16A G16G 125 G13F G17B G16A 125 OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA Raytheon AURA OBSERVATION PLANNING BRANCH (OPB) Taylor, Denise Branch Manager Armstrong, Amber Januszewski, William Link, Miranda Mannfolk, Crystal Meyett, Shelly Perriello, Beth Roman, Tony Royle, Tricia Vick, Alison dctaylor armstrong williamj mlink cmannfolk meyett bethp aroman royle sherwin 4824 5017 4964 2486 4388 4542 4921 4479 4361 4806 324 314D 349 314C 314C 348 302 348 Remote Remote OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA PROJECT REFERENCE DATABASE BRANCH (PRDB) Groebner, Andy Branch Manager Bielefeld, Michael J. Crabb, Suzy Etienne, Odessa Kao, Shaw-Hong Loomis, Charles Spano, Francesca groebner bielefeld scrabb etienne kao loomis fspano 4726 4787 4544 4922 4788 5093 6826 S114 S302A S302A S302A S108 S112 S108 OED/G OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/G OED/G OED/G CSRA AURA CSRA CSRA AURA CSRA AURA SCIENCE & MISSION SCHEDULING BRANCH (SMSB) Workman, William Branch Manager Adler, David Bower, Gary Caplinger, James Chance, Don Ferrara, Jocelyn Hathaway, William Jones, Danny Jordan, Ian Wymer, Kristen workman adler bower capling chance jferrara hathaway djones jordan kwymer 4495 4458 4951 4864 4941 4562 5050 4208 5037 6801 318 320 325 314E 344 303 320 344 347 314E OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 CSRA CSRA CSRA CSRA CSRA AURA CSRA CSRA CSRA AURA SCIENCE SOFTWARE BRANCH (SSB) Hack, Warren J. Branch Manager, Acting Bradley, Larry Bushouse, Howard Busko, Ivo Cara, Mihai Davies, James Dencheva, Nadezhda Eisenhamer, Jonathan Greenfield, Perry Grumm, David Hodge, Philip E. Hunkeler, Joe Jedrzejewski, Robert Laidler, Vicki Lim, Pey Lian Mesh, Christian Miller, Todd Morrison, Jane Pickering, Timothy Simon, Bernie Slocum, Christine Sontag, Chris Sosey, Megan hack lbradley bushouse busko mcara jdavies dencheva eisenham perry grumm hodge jhunk rij laidler lim cmesh jmiller morrison pickering bsimon cslocum sontag sosey 4943 4313 4530 4472 2473 6815 4892 5073 4426 4347 4465 4375 4817 4850 5014 6808 4576 none 2460 4988 4903 4538 4365 S203B S313 345 347 S313 314B 346 S105 352 354B 354B 340 349 S204 S313 340 S313 Remote S203A 314B S204 S203A 346 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/G OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA CSRA AURA AURA AURA U of AZ AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA SHORT TERM SCHEDULING BRANCH (STSB) Stallcup, Scott Branch Manager stallcup 4551 G13B OED/G AURA STScI Organizational Structure NAME ORGANIZATIONAL FUNCTION EMAIL EXT ROOM MAIL STOP AFFILIATION Boia, John Boyer, Michael Darby, Clif Evans, Leah Galloway, Mary Kucel, John Lecourt, John Owens, Beverly A. Perrine, Rick Preval, Geraldine Richmond, Greig Rumpl, William Schmitz, Tyler jboia boyer_mr darby levans galloway kucel lecourt owens perrine preval grichmond rumpl tschmitz 4532 4748 5033 5034 1017 2529 1032 4768 4391 4919 6789 4516 4721 G11 G11 G12 G13A G16F SG10 318 G10 SG12 SG15 G16I G16F SG15 OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G OED/G AURA AURA CSRA CSRA CSRA CSRA CSRA CSRA CSRA AURA AURA CSRA AURA SYSTEM ENGINEERING BRANCH (SEB) Rock, Frank Branch Manager Chapman, George Gutman, Irv Henry, Ron Kinzel, Wayne Kulp, Trey Myers, Carey Reinhart, Merle Swade, Daryl frock chapman igutman henry kinzel kulp cmyers reinhart swade 4414 4449 5082 4537 4498 4345 4858 4496 4558 S205 302 343B G17C 343B S112 S210B 325 G16D OED/3 OED/3 OED/3 OED/G OED/3 OED/G OED/3 OED/3 OED/G AURA CSRA CSRA AURA CSRA AURA AURA CSRA AURA SCIENCE MISSION OFFICE (SMO) Reid, Iain Neill Leitherer, Claus Williams, Robert E. Blacker, Brett Meizlish, Alisa Hanna, Sherita Devaud, Martha Hill, Flory Flores, Sarah Mission Head Deputy Mission Head, Head Science Policies Group Senior Research Astronomer Technical Manager Business Supervisor Administrative Lead Sr Administrative Assistant Sr Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant II inr claus wms blacker meizlish hanna devaud hill sflores 4971 4425 4963 1281 4580 5079 4970 1081 4959 P603 S411 P637 Remote 406B P616 N408B N408B S413 PA6 SMO PA6 SMO SMO PA6 SMO SMO SMO AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA Allen, Ron Carter, Anna Chen, Julie Fruchter, Andrew Lee, Janice Lotz, Jennifer Norman, Colin Strolger, Lou Astronomer rjallen ancarter zchen fruchter jlee lotz norman strolger 4574 N/A Remote 5018 4262 4467 516-7329 1348 P625 N417 Remote P619 N415 P627 P521 419 PA6 SMO SMO PA6 SMO PA6 SMO SMO AURA SMO AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA Astronomers Emeriti: Bond, Howard Gilliland, Ronald Hauser, Mike Macchetto, Duccio Panagia, Nino Stockman, H. (Pete) Williams, Robert E. bond gillil hauser duccio panagia stockman wms N/A N/A 4730 4790 4916 5007 4963 N/A N/A P601 P601 P601 N/A P637 SMO SMO PA6 PA6 PA6 PA6 PA6 AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA Postdoctoral Researchers & Fellows: Banzatti, Andrea Post Doc Bellini, Andrea Post Doc Bovill, Mia Post Doc Correnti, Matteo Post Doc Cucchiara, Antonino Post Doc Foster, Deatrick Post Doc Gennaro, Mario Post Doc Gompertz, Benjamin Post Doc Jones, Olivia Post Doc Kains, Noe Post Doc Mazoyer, Johan Post Doc N'Diaye, Mamadou Post Doc Poteet, Charles Post Doc Radigan, Jacqueline Fellow, Giacconi Requena Torres, Miguel Post Doc Rubin, David Post Doc Snyder, Gregory Fellow, Giacconi Tollerud, Erik Fellow, Giacconi Watkins, Laura Post Doc Ygouf, Marie Post Doc banzatti bellini bovill correnti acucchiara dfoster gennaro bgompertz ojones nkains jmazoyer mamadou cpoteet radigan mrequena drubin gsnyder etollerud lwatkins mygouf 2452 4431 6780 2456 6759 4828 4825 4485 4531 4310 4791 4739 6757 4306 6781 6824 2457 6761 2454 2922 P611 N409 432 N409 S216B 411C 432 P607 N409 P611 S216B 133 S216B P611 411D 411D P607 P611 N409 N420 PA6 SMO SMO SMO SMO SMO SMO PA6 SMO PA6 SMO SMO SMO SMO SMO SMO SMO PA6 SMO SMO AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA STScI Organizational Structure NAME ORGANIZATIONAL FUNCTION EMAIL EXT ROOM MAIL STOP AFFILIATION Graduate Students: Caviglia, Catherine Crosley, Michael Greenbaum, Alexandra Mortazavi, Alireza Peth, Mike Safarzadeh, Mohammad Tchernyshyov, Kirill Wolff, Schuyler Xu, Bingxiao Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student caviglia mcrosley agreenba alireza mikepeth safar ktchernyshyov swolff bxu 4329 N/A 2429 2417 1828 N/A N/A 2428 2420 P412 N/A 133 P412 P412 P412 P401 133 P412 PA6 SMO SMO SMO SMO PA6 SMO SMO JHU JHU JHU SMO JHU JHU JHU JHU JHU JHU Chief Institute Librarian lagerstrom fraser jlascell gonigam 4961 4960 4961 4765 411B 424C Library 424C LIB LIB AURA AURA LIB AURA LIBRARY Lagerstrom, Jill Fraser, Elizabeth Lascell, Joshua Gonigam, Amy General Information & Quick Reference General Information THE SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE (STScI) We are responsible for some of space science's most fascinating missions. Our excitement and sense of wonder inspire our work and all that we do. This enthusiasm helps us communicate our scientific discoveries to the public, fueling the imagination of adults and children around the world. STScI implements the science program for the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and will be the Science and Operations Center for the upcoming James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). The STScI is funded through a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA). The Institute, a center for high-quality scientific research, is responsible for HST science planning and scheduling, realtime target acquisitions, data processing, data archiving, system engineering, commanding, calibration, software development, computing and communications infrastructure, instruments support, and user support. STScI expands its service to the astronomical community by leveraging its HST experience to JWST and other missions. The Institute conducts visitor programs, facilitates new initiatives, promotes new applications for Institute products, conducts public outreach and education activities, conducts symposia and workshops, participates in the National Virtual Observatory, supports other NASA Origins missions, and maintains the Guide Star Catalog, Grants Management System, and the Hubble Website. JWST In Sept 1989, seven months before the Hubble Space Telescope was launched, STScI hosted 130 astronomers and engineers for a three-day workshop to begin planning Hubble's successor. The attendees concluded that, "The scientific potential of an HST follow-up mission with enhanced flux collecting power and spatial resolution, and with spectral coverage extending through the near-infrared, is enormous.” Today, 26 years later, STScI is planning the Fall 2017 "Call for Proposals" that will shape the first scientific breakthroughs from the James Webb Space Telescope. Over the past two decades, teams of more than 1,000 scientists and engineers across 18 different countries have been building Webb. The challenges involved are of a very different nature than those conquered when Hubble was built. • Webb's mirror, which is seven times larger than Hubble's, has 18 individual segments that must • • • work in synergy to achieve the sharpest and deepest images of the Universe to date. Webb's sunshield, which contains five layers that are each the size of a tennis court, must cool the optics and instruments down to cryogenic temperatures. Webb's sheer size, larger than the fairing of the rocket that will launch it, must have a deployable design that unfolds in space. Webb's orbit will place the observatory 1 million miles from Earth. In just three years, Webb will begin its science program. The tremendous astrophysical progress over the past 25 years, such as the discovery of exoplanets, has amplified the importance of Webb in tackling the biggest problems facing our current understanding of the Universe. As we move towards launch in October 2018, STScI will get the community ready to use Webb and maximize its early science. General Information AURA was founded in 1957, with the encouragement of the National Science Foundation, by a group of U.S. universities with a common interest to create astronomical observing facilities that would be available for use by all qualified researchers from U.S. institutions and universities on the basis of scientific merit. Today, there are 40 U.S. Member Institutions and 4 International Affiliate Members which comprise the Member Institutions of AURA. The President of each Member Institution designates a Member Representative who has a voice in AURA matters. Together, the Member Representatives act upon membership applications. Our mission: "To promote excellence in astronomical research by providing access to information about the universe from state-of-the-art facilities, surveys, and archives." AURA Membership Boston University California Institute of Technology Carnegie Institute for Science Fisk University Georgia State University Harvard University Indiana University Iowa State University Johns Hopkins University Massachusetts Institute of Technology Michigan State University Montana State University New Jersey Institute of Technology New Mexico State University Ohio State University Pennsylvania State University Pontificia Universidad Catolica De Chile Princeton University Rutgers University Stanford University Stony Brook University Swinburne University Texas A&M University Tohoku University Universidad de Chile University of Arizona University of California at Berkeley University of California at Santa Cruz University of Chicago University of Colorado University of Florida University of Hawaii University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign University of Maryland University of Michigan University of Minnesota University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University of Pittsburgh University of Texas at Austin University of Virginia University of Washington University of Wisconsin Vanderbilt University Yale University The corporate headquarters of AURA is in Washington, D.C. The President of AURA, as Chief Executive Officer, has overall management responsibility of the corporation in accordance with policies established by the Board of Directors. AURA operates six centers around the world: • The Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI), under contract with NASA since April 30, 1981, built on the Homewood Campus of the Johns Hopkins University and occupied in June of 1983, carries out the mission of the Hubble Space Telescope and is developing the Science & Operations Center for the James Webb Space Telescope. • The Gemini Observatory, an international partnership to operate twin 8.1-meter telescopes. • The National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) operates telescopes for night-time astronomy. • The National Solar Observatory (NSO), advancing our understanding of the Sun in its astrophysical context as a star, as the driver of conditions in interplanetary space, in its influence on the terrestrial atmosphere, and in its role in long-term climate change. • The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST), a public-private partnership to operate an 8.4-meter telescope in Chile. • The AURA Observatory (AURA-O), the primary representative in Chile for AURA and all units operating or wishing to operate on its property, which includes the National Optical Astronomy Observatory (Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory), Gemini South, and The Southern Astrophysical Research (SOAR) Telescope. General Information NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD) is responsible for the overall direction of the HST & JWST programs and provides general policy guidelines. The Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) is the managing center and, as such, issues the contract to AURA and provides technical direction to STScI. The European Space Agency (ESA) participates in the HST & JWST programs under a cooperative agreement, providing a percentage of scientific and technical personnel and realizing a like percentage of HST observing time. ESA also provided the solar panels and the Faint Object Camera (FOC) for the HST spacecraft. CSRA is the major subcontractor at the Institute supporting missions and projects including HST, JWST, MAST, and Kepler. Among the tasks the CSRA staff perform are science planning and scheduling; instrument commanding and calibration; data processing; and archive operations. CSRA tasks also include software development and maintenance; system engineering; integration and testing; computer/network/database administration; public outreach; and research studies. HST The Hubble Space Telescope orbits 353 miles (569km) above Earth. A 43.5-foot, 24,500 pound space observatory housing instruments that accept and interpret the images reflected through the eight-foot primary mirror. HST relays the data through a combination of space satellites (TDRS) and ground terminals at White Sands, New Mexico and Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland to the STScI. The HST contains a rich complement of scientific instruments to carry out a wide range of scientific exploration, from studies of solar system objects out to the earliest known galaxies. An aggressive program of servicing Hubble via the Space Shuttle ensured that the scientific instruments were kept current and working efficiently. Since launch in 1990, five servicing missions (SM) have successfully improved the optics of Hubble and replaced several of the science instruments. JWST How did we get here? How did stars and galaxies form? Are there other planets like the Earth? Do other planets have conditions suitable for the development of life? Might there be planets around nearby stars where some form of life has taken hold? These questions have intrigued humanity for thousands of years. Astronomers approach these fundamental questions by looking far into the universe, back toward the beginning of time, to see galaxies forming, or by looking very close to home, searching for planetary systems like our own around nearby stars. NASA's Origins Program will launch a series of missions to help us answer these age-old astronomical questions. Detailed studies have begun on these new astronomical observatories that will be launched in the middle of the next decade. The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will be a large single telescope, folded to fit inside its launch vehicle and cooled to low temperatures in deep space to enhance its sensitivity to faint, distant objects. It will be a follow-on observatory to the Hubble Space Telescope, peering even further back in time. JWST is an international facility, with competitively selected observing programs spanning a wide range of topics. The Space Telescope Science Institute will serve as the science operations and mission operations center, with responsibilities that include developing the operations ground systems, overseeing the proposal selection and grant administration process, planning and conducting scientific observations and mission operations of the spacecraft, characterizing and calibrating the instruments, and providing the archive of reduced and calibrated data. General Information INSTITUTE GOVERNANCE / COMMITTEES AURA Board The Board, which meets quarterly, establishes the policies of AURA, approves its budget, elects members of the Management Councils, and appoints the President, the Center Directors, and other principal officers. The Board of Directors is responsible to the Member Representatives for the effective management of AURA and the achievement of its purposes. Future of the Workplace Committee The Future of the Workplace committee addresses issues of diversity and equity for our staff and the astronomy community. IVC - Institute Visiting Committee The Institute Visiting Committee (IVC) is an AURA oversight committee comprised of members with both scientific and technical expertise who have no direct connection to AURA. This committee meets annually at the Institute in a peer review capacity. JSTAC - JWST Advisory Committee The JWST Advisory Committee (JSTAC) is charged with advising the STScI Director on the optimum strategies and priorities, consistent with NASA policy and international agreements, for the operations of the James Webb Space Telescope in order to maximize its scientific productivity. The JSTAC is appointed by the STScI Director and includes members representing the US, European, and Canadian astronomical communities. MUG - M.A.S.T. Users Group The MAST Users Group (MUG) provides essential user perspectives on archive operations and development, including suggesting priorities for short- and long-term operational and scientific enhancements to the archive. STIC - Space Telescope Institute Council The Space Telescope Institute Council (STIC) is a committee of the AURA Board of Directors, which is chartered to oversee the operation of STScI and to make recommendations on policies. STIC meets three times a year, usually at the Institute. STUC - Space Telescope Users Committee Space Telescope Users Committee (STUC) advises both the Director of STScI and NASA’s HST Project Scientist concerning the effectiveness of operations of the observatory from the viewpoint of the scientific users. SWG (NASA) - JWST Science Working Group The JWST Science Working Group (SWG) defines the mission science requirements and provides scientific oversight of the project. TAC - The Telescope Allocation Committee The Telescope Allocation Committee (TAC) consists of the Chairs of the HST Review Panels plus a TAC Chair (who is not associated with any of the Panels). The role of the TAC is to review and recommend allocation of the large General Observer (GO) proposals. The TAC also adjudicates any cross-panel scientific issues as needed. The TAC and Panel recommendations on the HST science program selection program are advisory to the STScI Director, who is responsible for the final allocation of HST observing time and funding. General Information EMERGENCY INFORMATION THE MULLER BUILDING FACILITY Emergencies: DIAL 0 - report your location and situation. Access: The Muller Building is locked from 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m., accessible via access cards issued to staff. Institute guards are available for parking lot escort between the hours of 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.: x4700 After 9:30 p.m. JHU security is available for escort: 410-516-7777 or 410-516-4600 Fire Alarm Instructions Immediately evacuate and assemble across the street or behind the building. Do not impede firefighters’ access to main entrance of building. Evacuation plans are posted on each level near the stairwell entrances. Do not use main lobby as an exit. Do not use elevators during a fire alarm emergency. Go to the nearest stair tower, exit the building at the tower exit, and do not re-enter the building on another floor. Do not congregate in front of the main entrance. First Aid Boxes/AED/Health Room Muller Building: Ground floor: First floor: Second floor: G21 Hallway 126 Computer Room S216 Copy Center SG04 Health Room SG04 Building Ops 242 Shipping/Receiving Front Desk & Café (First Aid & AED) THE BLOOMBERG BUILDING FACILITY / JHU Homewood Campus Emergencies: DIAL x4700 from any ST phone to reach the STScI Front Desk DIAL x7777 from any JHU phone (or 410-516-7777) - report your location and situation. Campus Safety & Security (Emergency): Campus Safety & Security Information (Non-Emergency) Campus Security Escort and Night Ride Service: Fire: Medical Emergencies: Student Health and Wellness Center: Brian Schriver, Facilities Services Coordinator, Bloomberg 366 Phone: 410-516-7371 Fax: 410-516-7239 First Aid Box 6th floor: 6th Floor Hallway 410-516-7777 (24 hours) 410-516-4600 410-516-8700 Pull alarm then DIAL 911 911 410-516-8270 (daytime) General Information EMERGENCY INFORMATION THE ROTUNDA BUILDING FACILITY Emergencies: DIAL x4700 from any ST phone to reach the STScI Front Desk – report your location and situation. Access: The Rotunda Building is locked from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m., but accessible 24 hours via access cards issued to Rotunda staff. Fire: Medical Emergency: Building Emergencies: Pull alarm then dial 911 911 Wendy G. Kirby-Barnes, Senior Property Manager 410-821-8585 Rotunda East First Aid Kit Hallway by mailbox/exit door AED Device Kitchen Area Rotunda West First Aid Kit Hallway by mailbox/exit door Health Room RW224 AED Device Kitchen Area THE STIEFF BUILDING FACILITY Stieff Silver Building 800 Wyman Park Drive Baltimore, MD 21211 Emergencies: DIAL x4700 from any ST phone to reach the STScI Front Desk – report your location and situation. Access: The Stieff Building is locked from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m., but accessible 24 hours via access cards issued to Stieff staff. Fire: Medical Emergency: Building Emergencies: First Aid Box/AED Device Kitchen Area (ST105) Pull alarm then dial 911 911 Ken Gelbard, Building Manager 410-227-5680 / General Information EARTHQUAKE PROCEDURES • Do not evacuate unless evacuation order given by JHU Security, STScI Facilities, or Baltimore Police and/or Fire Departments. • Protect yourself from falling items. • If evacuating, go to open area to avoid falling debris. • Do not use elevators unless cleared by Facilities. • Report structural damage to Facilities. General Information INSTITUTE SERVICES Facilities Services Building Maintenance & Safety Issues: Greg Pabst, x4706, email: Access Cards: Mike Venturella, x2619 email: General requests (i.e. furniture, phone problems, keys, shuttles, etc.): email: Shuttle schedule: Computer, Network,Telecommunications IT Service Desk x4400, email: Copy Center x4422, Room SG08 Open Mon-Fri: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. GSFC/STScI Courier Service x2619, S216 Courier service between STScI and GSFC Delivery to Buildings 3, 7, 22 & 28 ONLY, is available 3 days a week Documents or packages can be dropped off in S216 Schedule: MON, WED, & FRI - 10:00 a.m. STScI pickup (delivered to GSFC by noon) Return courier arrives back at STScI at approximately 2:00 p.m. Public Workstation Library Rules for use are posted STScI Library Rm 424, x4961, email Registration is required Registration forms are located next to the circulation workstation Food & Drink, On-site Catering Azafran Café in STScI x4757, email Chef and Owner, Irena Stein Azafran Café Hours: 8:00 am - 2:30 pm General Information THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY (JHU) CAMPUS JHU / Barnes & Noble Book Center (410) 662-5850 Charles Commons 3330 St. Paul Street Johns Hopkins Federal Credit Union (branch) (410) 889-7303 or 800-543-2870 Charles Commons (next to Barnes & Noble) 4 E. 33rd Street Hours: M, T, F 8:30 - 4; W 10 – 4; Th 8:30 – 5 On-Campus Dining Azafran Café, Space Telescope Science Institute Alkimia Café, Roland Hall Bamboo Café, Mattin Center Charles Street Market, Wolman Hall Chesapeake Bay Roasting Company, Levering Hall Fresh Food Café, AMR III Levering Hall Food Court The Market at Levering On-Campus ATMS JHUFCU: Charles Commons, Keswick, O’Connor Recreation Center, Wyman Park Medical Center M&T Bank: JHU - Eisenhower Library, Hopkins Square at Charles Village, Wolman Hall The Milton S. Eisenhower Library 410-516-8335 Ralph S. O’Connor Recreation Center 410-516-5229 Basketball, volleyball, badminton, aerobics and group fitness activities, climbing wall, fitness center with cardio (treadmills, ellipticals, recumbent/upright bikes, stair steppers, and ergonomics) and selectorized equipment, indoor track, racquetball and squash courts, weight room, martial arts room, and pool. Features LCD TVs, DirecTV, XM Satellite radio, and wireless internet. General Information ACRONYM LISTS Places/Organizations AURA Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. CSA Canadian Space Agency CSC Computer Sciences Corporation CTIO Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory ESA European Space Agency GSFC Goddard Space Flight Center HSTP-G Hubble Space Telescope Project-Goddard JHU Johns Hopkins University KPNO Kitt Peak National Observatory NASA National Aeronautics & Space Administration NOAO National Optical Astronomy Observatories NSF National Science Foundation NSO National Solar Observatory OSSA Office of Space Science and Applications (at NASA) P&A Physics & Astronomy Building at JHU (aka Bloomberg Building) STScI Space Telescope Science Institute Mission/Work Related ACS Advanced Camera for Surveys COS Cosmic Origins Spectrograph DSMS Deep Space Mission System DSN Deep Space Network E/PO Education/Public Outreach (aka HST Cycle E/PO) ED-01 Systems Enhancement Plan for HST FOC Faint Object Camera FOS Flight Operations System FOT Flight Operations Team GO/AR General Observer/Archival Researcher HLA Hubble Legacy Archive HST Hubble Space Telescope IDEAS Initiative to Develop Education through Astronomy & Space Sciences JIITWG JWST Interorganizational IT Working Group JWST James Webb Space Telescope MA-09 HST Weekly Reports MAST Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes NCS NICMOS Cooling System OBS Organization Breakdown Structure ODL Operations Detector Lab OPUS OSS/PODPS Unified System OSS/PODPS Observation Support System/Post Observation Data Processing System SAR Science Advisory Resource SSERD Space Science Education Resource Directory (re: OPO) STIS Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph TDRS Tracking and Data Relay Satellite TIPS Telescope Instrument Performance Summary VAO Virtual Astronomical Observatory WBS Work Breakdown Structure WFC3 Wide Field Camera 3 WFIRST Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope WFPC II Wide Field Planetary Camera II WFPC2 Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 YAE Youth for Astronomy & Engineering Program General Information Missions/Divisions/Offices/Branches/Teams/Instruments etc. ACS APSB ASB BO BRC BSB BUS CMD CMO CMS COS/STIS CS CS DO DPAS DS DSB FIN FOB FOG GRA HR HSTMO INS ISNS ITEB ITSD JWSTMO LIB MESA MIRI MS NIRCam NIRISS NIRSpec OED OPB OPO PM PRDB RIAB SD SEB SMO SMSB SPG SSB SSS STSB TEL WFC3 WFIRST Advanced Cameral for Surveys Branch (of INS) Astronomical Planning & Support Branch (of OED) Archive Sciences Branch (of OED) Building Operations (in FOG) Business Resource Center Business Support Branch (of BRC) Business Services Branch (of ITSD) Commanding Branch (of OED) Community Missions Office Core Mission Services Branch (of ITSD) Cosmic Origins Spectrograph & Space Telescope Spectrograph Branch (of INS) Communication Services Branch (of ITSD) Contracts and Sponsored Programs (in BRC) Directorate Data Processing & Archive Services Branch (of OED) Data Center Services Branch (of ITSD) Data Systems Branch (of OED) Finance (in BRC) Flight Operations Branch (of OED) Facilities Operations Group (in BRC) Grants Administration Office (in BRC) Human Resources (in BRC) HST Mission Office Instruments Division Information Security and Network Services Branch (of ITSD) Integration & Test Engineering Branch (of OED) Information Technology Services Division JWST Mission Office Library Mission Engineering & Science Analysis Branch (of INS) Mission Engineering Instrument Branch (of INS) Mission & Server Infrastructure Support Branch (of INS) Near-InfraRed Camera Branch in (of INS) Near-InfraRed Imager & Slitless Spectrograph Branch (of INS) Near-InfraRed Spectrograph Branch (of INS) Operations & Engineering Division Observation Planning Branch (of OED) Office of Public Outreach Project Management Office Project Reference Database Branch (of OED) Research & Instrument Analysis Branch (of INS) Service Desk Branch (of ITSD) System Engineering Branch (of OED) Science Missions Office Science & Mission Scheduling Branch (of OED) Science Policies Group Science Software Branch (of OED) Staff Support Services (in FOG) Short Term Scheduling Branch (of OED) Telescopes Group (in INS) Wide Field Camera 3 Branch (of INS) Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope General Information ST Governance & Committees BOD Board of Directors ERC Employee’s Recreation Committee IVC Institute Visiting Committee MUG MAST Users Group JSTAC JWST Advisory Committee SEQ Senior Executive Quarterly STIC Space Telescope Institute Council STUC Space Telescope Users Committee SWG JWST Science Working Group TAC Time Allocation Committee Buzzwords Prime Contract The Institute Signed contract with NASA that enables AURA to operate STScI Space Telescope Science Institute General Information USEFUL WEBSITES STScI Information Business Forms Business Resource Center (Accounting, Budgets, Contracts, Payroll, Procurement, Property, Travel) Colloquia ESS (Archived) Acronym & Glossary Home Page Grants Office Human Resources (HR) Institute Calendar / Current Events / Talks Internal Homepage Maps, Directions & Parking Info Policies & Procedures Manual Shuttle Schedules Staff Support Services (Building Operations, Café, Copy Center, Directions, Facilities, Housekeeping, Mailroom, Maintenance, Parking, Safety, Security, Shipping & Receiving, Weather Notices) Travel Office STScI WBS & Project List Johns Hopkins University (JHU) Information JHU Visitor Information JHU Campus Tour JHU Campus Map AURA / GSFC / NASA Websites AURA GSFC Science Colloquia Series GSFC Main Homepage Johnson Space Center NASA Baltimore Information Websites: Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce Local Hotel Information Local Map & Attractions Area Restaurants Quick Reference Accounts Payable (includes Check Requests and Travel Expense Reports) Vendors A-K Vendors L-Z Budgets Direct Indirect Café Azafran Copy Center Data Archive Operations Group DPAS Operations Phone EMERGENCY: in STScI / Muller Building EMERGENCY: in Bloomberg Building EMERGENCY: in Rotunda Building EMERGENCY: in Stieff Building Fellowship Program (Giacconi) Fellowship Program (Hubble) Grants Office Graphics Health Room (Muller) Health Room (Rotunda West) Human Resources I&T Lab Internal Scientific Publications IT Service Desk JHU Security Escort Service JHU Security Office (non-emergency) Library Mail Room Makidon Lab, Clean Room Makidon Lab, Electronics Room Payroll Procurement Department Property Administration RPSS/DDT Hotline Security Office (in STScI) Shipping/Receiving 4393 4839 RW217 RW217 1030 4801 4757 4422 5024, 1308 4904 4777 (410) 516-7777, then x4777 4777 (410) 227-5680, then x4777 4970 2474 4200 4877 4442 S301B RW214 N201 SG08 S101 S105 Front Desk Front Desk N408B P616 RW203 206 SG04 RW224 4890 S201B 5086 (conference phone 5067) 111 4898 P609 4400 330 410-516-8700 410-516-4600 4961 / 4960 411B 2619 240 2431 / 2432 135 2430 135 1975 RW215 4844 RW207 4722 RW214 4555 ---2619 / 4589 233A 4476 242 TRAVEL AGENCY (Corporate Traveler) Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. EST contact: Natalie Wood, Travel Manager (703) 236-1220 or (866) 637-1093 24-Hour Emergency Care (after 5:30 p.m. Monday - Friday, holidays, or weekends) call: (202) 286-6704 Quick Reference CONFERENCE ROOM RESERVATIONS: LINK TO ONLINE RESERVATION INSTRUCTIONS BELOW: ROOM G16H G17D 103 112 N201A S215 224 229 N310 S321 S322 401A EXTENSION N/A N/A N/A N/A Café Conference Room 4473 N/A 4263 John N. Bahcall Auditorium 4973 (AV Booth) JWST Mission Ops Center 6731 N/A 4535 Lyman Spitzer Boardroom N/A Boardroom Kitchen 4332 N420 N/A P606 Bloomberg 4793 ST103 Stieff 4770 RE220 Rotunda East Conference Room N/A RW231 Rotunda West Conference Room N/A CONF PHONE/PANEL 4494 4481 4407 4585 4597 3109 4420 N/A 5003 4984 4783 1342 N/A 6752 N/A 2487 6770 5094 FAX MACHINES EXTENSION Muller 1st Floor South 2nd Floor South ESA Human Resources INS North INS South JWST OED OPO Reception Shipping/Receiving SMO in Muller 410-338-5075 410-338-4211 410-338-2617 410-338-4477 410-338-5090 410-338-4424 410-338-4436 410-338-1592 410-338-4579 410-338-2526 410-338-4567 410-338-4596 South Printer Area S216 410A S201B N408A S413B S315B N324A 203 Lobby 242 406B Bloomberg SMO in Bloomberg 410-338-4976 P616 Rotunda Accounting BRC Grants INS Rotunda East Payroll Procurement 410-338-4525 410-338-4767 410-338-4767 410-338-6778 410-338-4525 410-338-4799 RW217 RW205 RW205 RE202 RW217 RW205 Stieff Stieff 410-338-2495 LOCATION Level 1 Quick Reference HOT SEATS EXTENSION EMAIL Archive HST Help Desk IT Service Desk Office of Public Outreach External Sky Survey 4547 1-800-544-8125 4400 4848 4444 PHASE II SUPPORT ALL OTHERS OR UNSURE? …use the IT Service Desk 4400
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