
6:33 AM
Page 1
Customer Success
7 // NO.
The digital video
TESSCO News and Product Review for Wireless Communications Professionals
Securing American Bases Abroad
camera management system
(DVSCMS) was a
combination of
video, computer,
and communications. These
integrated to
provide the most
efficient mecha-
nism to upgrade
and increase
the overall force
protection for
each base.
By Michael Pollak, senior network
engineer, Network Designs Inc.
s part of a recent
Department of
Defense (DOD)
protection (AT/FP) initiative,
Network Designs Inc. (NDI),
of Vienna, Virginia, was
awarded a surveillance
system contract by the
Commander of U.S. Naval
Forces Japan (CNFJ) to
increase perimeter security
of naval assets and bases
throughout the Far East.
The contract marked the
beginning of CNFJ’s Force
Protection initiative to
increase shoreline, pier, and
perimeter video surveillance
systems in the region. NDI, a
network system integrator of
state-of-the-art video surveil-
lance systems, used equipment from TESSCO to meet
the rapid deployment schedule of the flexible and secure
wireless networks. The digital
video surveillance camera
management system
(DVSCMS) was designed
using a combination of
video, computer, and communications technologies
integrated to provide the
most efficient mechanism to
upgrade and increase the
The Future of Two-Way Dealers
overall force protection for
each base.
NDI integrated industryleading network components
with cutting-edge surveillance technologies to achieve
persistent video surveillance,
reduce reaction time to
threats, and reduce “standwatch” duties for security
personnel. The DVSCMS is
a networked-enabled monitoring system for all base
video surveillance systems.
It is modular in design for
capacity expansion and for
the reconfiguration and
incorporation of existing
CCTV surveillance cameras.
Sophisticated intelligence
can be applied to the video
images, allowing for motion
and behavior tracking and
alerting. (continued on page 2)
At a Glance
Market Focus
See page 1
Network Infrastructure
Sony applies its expertise
in camera technology
toward monitoring in the
corporate, retail, broadcast, security, and manufacturing sectors.
See page 6
Find out why Times
Microwave Systems’
SilverLine™ armored test
cables are rugged for
heavy-duty use.
Location, Location, Location!
See page 7
Imagine that the phone rings at your office.
You’re surprised to hear a technology consultant from a local computer company asking you
to bid on a radio system as part of their comprehensive wireless applications proposal to a
client. This consultant was selected by the IT
department of the client as the primary consultant and integrator for this project. The
client’s IT manager wants a new communications system built into the proposal, even if
they don’t implement it in the first phase of
the project (which focuses on wireless broadband applications).
The consultant company is supplying the IT side, but needs help with the RF component and may also want to use you for installation if you are selected. They’ve already
received bids from two other companies who are very anxious to do business with this
client. You ask who the client is, and get a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach when
they tell you. It’s a municipality you’ve had a business relationship with for more than
15 years. In the course of one phone call, a trusted, long-term relationship has reduced
your status to “vendor.” You are now dispensable.
Think this is far-fetched? Think again. It happened more than once last year and is
going to become an all too familiar story as computer companies (continued on page 2)
AEMC Instruments
explains the hows and
whys of using a time
domain reflectometer.
See page 3
By Mark Landiak, president of Corporate Dynamics Inc. (CDI),
a Chicago-based consulting and training company for wireless dealers
The difference between prosperity and survival as a radio dealer
may lie in your ability to diversify
into other areas of business.
Make sure you have a
lightning protection
strategy this season for
your valuable electronic
By Mark A. Norrie, distribution manager–North America,
ne of the most basic precepts in protecting
your electronic equipment from lightning is
to keep stray energy from flowing through the
equipment. Two actions effectively accomplish this:
disconnect the equipment—effective, but
not very practical, or
provide some form of impulse protector
for each input or output (I/O) port of the
equipment. These I/Os generally consist
of the connection to the AC power line,
telephone, or control line and antenna
transmission line.
A protector on each of the I/Os protects that path
from damage. However, it is also necessary to be careful about voltages that might exist between the I/Os
at the instant of a lightning strike.
For example, if each of the protected I/Os of a
remote transmitter is connected to a different ground,
which can happen in the best of installations, the following situation could damage the transmitter during
a strike. The transmission line is (continued on page 3)
Proxim unveils a new generation of broadband solutions with Lynx.GX and
Tsunami.GX radios.
See page 8
Mobile Devices &
Tough, weather-resistant
Fusion Cellsuit™ fits like a
wetsuit and protects
phones from damage.
See page 10
TESSCO has a complete
assortment of BlackBerry
accessories including
Dynoplex eOffice for compatibility with Microsoft®
Word and Excel documents.
See page 12
Install, Test &
Shorten the
process for
copper and fiber
links with Fluke
Networks’ DTX
See page 19
11126 McCormick Road
Hunt Valley, Maryland
USA 21031-1494
Do you buy your own tools
for work or personal use?
See Business Reply Card Inside
Business Briefs
■ has a
fresh, new look for
easier navigation.
See page 23
Please reference code 03456
when ordering from this issue!
6:33 AM
Page 2
Market Focus
Location, Location, Location!
Securing American
Bases Abroad
(continued from page 1)
grounded at its protector as the
line enters the building. The
power line to the transmitter is
protected and grounded at the
distribution panel where the
power line enters the building.
And, the telephone line is protected and grounded where it
enters the building. The protection on each of the I/Os at the
building entrance is good and
has the advantage of keeping
the strike energy toward the
outside of the building and
away from the transmitter.
Each of the I/Os is an equally
likely entrance point for strike
energy. When a strike occurs,
the energy propagates along a
conductive path (power line,
transmission line, or telephone
line) until it meets the protector.
The protector shunts the majority of the strike energy to the
earth ground. The earth immediately surrounding the ground
point begins to take up the
energy by propagation. This
process lasts a few microseconds.
Meanwhile, for a brief
instant, one side of the transmitter is elevated above ground
while the other sides are at
ground due to the other protector connections. As the surge
energy attempts to go to
ground using the transmitter as
a connecting path to the other
grounds, it is likely to also use
some of the internal circuitry as
a conductor and thus cause
equipment damage. A complicating factor is that the other
I/O protectors are at a distance
with respect to the equipment.
The greater the distance, the
worse the problem.
Another complication in
this scenario is the line inductance that exists in the connection between the I/O protector
and the ground system. The
inductance determines just
how much of the strike energy
is conducted into the ground
system and how much is left to
elevate the transmitter chassis.
Since strike energy is a high-frequency pulse, a low-inductance
path to ground becomes a critical factor. It is for this reason
that copper strapping is preferred over large-diameter wire
as an interconnecting media.
The strike energy, like water,
follows the easiest (least inductive) path to ground.
The solution is easy to
describe, but more difficult to
implement. From the above
scenario, it is clear that one
problem with the installation is
The Future of Two-Way Dealers
(continued from page 1)
1. Adapt Your Business Plan
Becoming a total solutions
provider means incorporating
applications for radio; wired and
wireless local- and wide-area networks (LANs and WANs); security
©2004 TESSCO •
Figure F.3
that each of the I/O protectors
is connected via its own path to
ground. This can be rectified,
but requires some physical
rearrangement of the transmitter installation.
First and foremost, there
needs to be but one ground system. Second, the individual I/O
protectors need to be co-located
on the same electrical ground
plane, necessitating a singlepoint ground system within the
equipment building that keeps
all of the I/O protectors at the
same level with respect to each
other. Thus, no destructive
energy will flow through the
transmitter. Finally, the transmitter equipment chassis must
also be connected to the
ground plane using a low
inductive connector.
In most communications
applications, the RF feeder
cables enter an equipment
shelter via a grounded bulkhead made of (continued on page 8)
(pardon the technical pun) and
watch others play the game.
2. Position Your Expertise
continue to make inroads with
your customers with IT applications, and, in particular, wireless
broadband. The bottom line is
that if you are nothing more than
a two-way radio company in the
eyes of your customers, you are in
a vulnerable position going forward. I’m not suggesting that you
give up on two-way radio. That’s
your core business and an important part of your revenues. What
I am suggesting is that you carefully consider where your business is right now and where you
want it to be three to five years
from now.
For many dealers, the future
lies in making the transition from
merely supplying two-way radios
to incorporating other communications solutions such as wireless
broadband into their repertoire.
It means becoming a total solutions provider. Here are five
things you can do to ensure your
future in the wireless industry:
(continued from page 1)
and surveillance equipment; and
other wireless and wired voice
and data applications. You
should meet with those responsible for IT functions to find out
how their companies are looking
to these technologies to increase
efficiency, decrease costs, and
improve safety.
If your customers are currently
using any of these products, find
out what they purchased and
what their expansion plans are.
This might give you a clue as to
the direction you need to move
in. A total solutions approach
also means learning about the
long-term plans for the organization and helping them to understand what your company can do
to address them.
Armed with this new information, your business plan may
take a different form. You might
need a new structure for your
sales and service team. Many
dealers are hiring IT specialists to
work with their two-way teams.
This adds a cost, but also provides the potential for incremental revenues. It means rethinking
the way you do business and
determining whether you get in
on the action or sit at the bench
As a total solutions provider,
you have the opportunity to
position your radio expertise in
the LAN/WAN space, differentiating you significantly from your
competitors. The wireless products all rely on proven radio
communications, which you
know better than your competitors, better than your IT customers, and better than LAN
consultants. Leverage your radio
installation expertise to give you
an unparalleled advantage in
making radio-based technology
work effectively. When was the
last time you saw an IT person
climbing a tower to test equipment or check for line-of-sight
You can also position your
technical expertise to handle
complex technology solutions
such as 9-1-1. I don’t know of
many IT companies that play in
the 9-1-1 space, or even care to.
Additionally, plant safety and
employee/guest safety are no less
important than public safety. No
one understands safety applications better than companies with
a two-way history. If the customer
tells you that the priority is safety,
you may have a built-in competi-
As part of the project,
Network Designs installed longrange daylight-active infrared
and thermal-imaging cameras
in key naval bases and facilities
throughout Japan. These cameras are integrated into an IP
network for transport over both
wired and wireless links to the
core video server components.
For rapid deployment, the
DVSCMS employed mixed
standards 802.11(x) wireless
and existing fiber optic connectivity between cameras and
digital video servers, displays
and base infrastructure. The
wireless links connect perimeter
camera placements where
customary hardwired connections were cost prohibitive
and/or difficult to install. The
hybrid wireless/wired design
contributed significantly to
achieving a timely and priceeffective installation.
The harsh sea air conditions
posed significant design
constraints for network
components and cables.
Installation specialists used
Times Microwave LMR-400®
cable to connect the wireless
radios to the antenna systems
to minimize the signal loss
caused by impedance and
outside interference. The
installation teams were able to
perform field fabrication and
terminations using EZ connectors and crimping tools from
selection of in-stock wireless
products and inventory and
the convenient and prompt
ordering and delivery were
instrumental in NDI’s successful deployment of the AT/FP
system,” said Pat Carney, NDI’s
project manager.
tive advantage over IT companies.
When you talk about safety,
also talk about reliability, functionality, interoperability, problem resolution, and special
applications. Tying your service
capabilities and expertise into the
needs of the customer and positioning it all under one umbrella
enables your company to stand
out from all the others as the one
who can support their needs in
the most comprehensive manner.
Expertise in these areas may be
the key to being able to differentiate your company from the hundreds of IT/computer companies
that are looking for wireless
broadband business.
higher sales and higher margins.
The fastest way to learn the
business is to ask customers who
have already made the move to
broadband for feedback.
Consider asking your clients the
following questions:
• Why did you decide to
invest in broadband?
• What problems were you
trying to solve?
• What was the status of
your communications
before you deployed broadband equipment?
• What are the most significant gains you’ve realized?
These questions identify the
problems that broadband solves,
the reasons that customers
deploy the technology, and the
results your customers can
achieve. They will help educate
you and your sales team on how
to effectively market and sell
these products.
One dealer learned that their
customer wanted to connect two
banking facilities for the purpose
of transferring data back and
forth. The dealer convinced the
customer to replace several costly
T1 circuits with wireless broadband. The total value of the sale
was more than $90,000 with a
40-percent margin including
service and installation. The
customer is now considering
3. Leverage Existing Relationships
For many dealers, moving into
the wireless broadband space is a
logical step to becoming a total
solutions provider. Savvy dealers
know that leveraging long-term
customer relationships, especially
their public safety, municipal,
and large enterprise accounts,
will open the door for conversations about 802.11 wireless LAN
applications and products such
as Motorola’s CanopyTM, which
operates in the 5.2 GHz and
5.7 GHz unlicensed bands.
Associated peripherals that can
handle video and voice applications offer opportunities for
• TEL 800-472-7373 • FAX 410-527-0005 • INTERNATIONAL TEL +1 410-229-1200 • INTERNATIONAL FAX +1 410-229-1480 •
*For your current pricing and our complete product offering, visit or call TESSCO.
6:34 AM
Page 3
Market Focus
What Is A TDR?
The TDR transmits pulses of
a known shape and amplitude
into one end of a cable. The
pulses travel along the cable at a
speed determined by its velocity
of propagation (Vp). Vp is a
ratio based on the speed of light.
As the pulses reach impedance changes in the insulation of
the cable, indicative of a fault or
cable end, reflections are caused
Why Use a TDR?
Continuity and performance
of service of modern communications systems are of paramount
importance, and all new installations and modifications to existing installations must be tested
to ensure trouble-free operation.
Additionally, in the case of a fault
in the cable infrastructure, it is
necessary to identify, locate and
adding voice-over-Internet protocol (VoIP) applications and
wireless remote surveillance of
cash stations.
broadband applications, as well
as sales support that c+an be a
big help in getting your efforts
off the ground.
Also consider the way you
market your company. If you
promote your company as
merely a two-way shop, you will
likely not get the call when one
of your customers considers a
move to broadband. However, if
you make the effort to expand
your reach, and likewise make it
known that you have expertise
in these new areas, some very
interesting doors can open.
Some dealers are forming
alliances and partnerships with
wireless Internet service
providers (WISPs) and computer
companies. This is a good strategy for companies that neither
understand the IT world nor
have any connections to it.
WISPs also open a whole new
world of consumer opportunities through residential and
hotspot applications.
The opportunity for revenue
sharing and the creation of
recurring revenue streams in this
market make it worth investigating. You might find that this
becomes part of your sales structure as well. And these companies often do not have the
installation capabilities that
two-way dealers have.
4. Examine Your Sales Structure
For some, transitioning to the
total solutions approach means
restructuring sales efforts and hiring someone with IT experience
to support a new direction and
new applications with new (or
existing) customers. One dealer
has been playing the IT game for
more than a year with significant
success, adding more than
$900,000 in revenue at margins
of more than 35 percent.
Point-to-point solutions such
as Motorola Canopy add value
to the two-way relationship and
can boost margins when sold as
part of a comprehensive solution rather than as stand-alone,
add-on equipment to an existing system. Hiring a salesperson
with IT experience or a specialist
with knowledge of the products
and applications to support the
traditional sales team can add
value immediately, as well as
boost sales in the long run.
Making joint sales calls with
manufacturers can get you into
the game quickly. Companies
such as Motorola, Proxim,
RadData, Vanguard, and Pelco
offer products that support these
©2004 TESSCO •
By John Olobri, director of sales and marketing, AEMC® Instruments
that travel back along the cable
and are identified by the TDR.
The size, shape and general
nature of the reflected pulses indicate the type of fault encountered,
and the time taken for the pulse
to be reflected enables an accurate
measurement of distance to the
fault to be determined.
TDR (time domain
reflectometer) is used
for cable length measurement and fault
locating on virtually all types of
cable, including twisted pair,
coaxial and parallel conductors.
Access to two conductors from
one end is required.
rectify the situation in as little
time as possible, ensuring rapid
return of the service.
Electrical, communication and
telecommunication engineers and
contractors require a TDR for testing cable installations as part of a
routine preventative maintenance
program. In addition, during or
after work on all new cable installations and modifications to existing cable installations, tests ensure
that performance criteria are met.
A TDR is also essential to
personnel involved in the location of cable faults as part of a
responsive or routine maintenance program and to electrical
5. Make Nice with IT Managers
Ask one of your best customers to introduce you to their
IT director, and set a time to
introduce your company and
position, your expertise, and
resources. Ask the IT manager to
take you through their IT plan
and areas of concern/development. This will be an enlightening experience. Make sure to ask
them how they see the IT and
RF components working
together to address the needs of
the organization. Offer your
assistance in bringing them up
to speed on the RF components
and help them to understand
the complexity of the systems
that your company maintains
and services. Help them see the
similarities in the technologies
and give them a comfort level in
your ability to support their
broadband applications.
Still not convinced you need
to play in this space? Pick up
any of the industry magazines,
look at the number of articles on
broadband technologies, and
start reading. Give your sales
team the same assignment. That
should further convince you
what the future holds, and
where you should be putting
some of your resources.
And the next time you are at
inspectors performing quality
checks following work on all
new cable installations, and
making modifications to existing cable installations.
See the AEMC advertisement
on page 19.
When Wireless
Goes to School
By Bernard Taliaferro II, Proxim product
specialist, TESSCO Technologies
Velocity of
Propagation (Vp)
Vp is a measure of how fast a
signal travels along a line. A
radio signal travels in free
space at the speed of light,
approximately 3x108 m/sec.
A signal travels in a transmission line at much lower
speed than this. In twisted
pair cable, the velocity of
propagation may be between
40 percent and 75 percent of
the velocity in free space.
There is a direct relationship
between velocity of propagation (V) and wavelength:
V = λf
Vp is often stated either as a
percentage of the speed of
light or as time to distance.
When the time-to-distance
figure is used, it may be
known as propagation delay,
and will be expressed as
ns/100m or ms/km.
your customer’s location, notice
who is coming and going. One
day in the future, you might be
getting a call from one of those
Bill Gates-looking guys to invite
you to bid on a system for your
own customer. Think about
what a sick feeling that will be if
you don’t prepare your business
today for your customers’ wireless needs tomorrow.
By the way, is that your
phone I hear ringing?
Reprinted with permission
from RadioResource International
TESSCO can help two-way
dealers move into the IT market
through its VAR Alliance Program
and trainings. TESSCO is committed
to helping our resellers, integrators,
and dealer partners succeed in the
wireless marketplace. By locating,
sourcing, and bundling the latest
wireless products into complete
solutions, TESSCO provides VARs
a wide offering of new revenue
The TESSCO VAR Alliance
Program is designed to deliver the
tools and training necessary to sell,
install, and support the innovative
wireless networking solutions that
end users are demanding today.
var_alliance for more information.
The Challenge
As we enter the digital age, not
only is Internet access from every
school a social imperative, it’s a
federal mandate so that the "no
child left behind" initiative can
become a reality. Children benefit
from the wealth of online data
and worldwide communication,
and school administrators benefit
from sharing both student
records and educational materials
with other schools in the district
or state. Unfortunately, school
budgets are at an all-time low
because of economic conditions.
Leasing lines to connect many
schools to district centers is cost
prohibitive, yet connectivity is a
clear mandate.
The Solution
By using broadband wireless
solutions, solution providers and
Internet service providers can
offer schools an elegant, affordable alternative to leased lines.
Solution providers and service
providers in the U.S. may also
qualify for additional discounts
when offering services to schools.
A wireless link (or leased line)
can bring broadband access to a
single, central site. Then wireless
bridges allow other schools to
connect back to a main site and
out to the Internet. This meets
the need for Internet connectivity
without the barrier of high cost.
As an added benefit, schools
can use the wireless link to
share other resources, stretching
them further. Educational tools
such as digital media can be
purchased once and accessed at
a central location by other
schools, reducing media costs
while enriching student learning. Similarly, a PBX at every
school would be very expensive,
but a PBX at a district site
shared over a wireless link to
remote schools allows the same
functionality at a fraction of
the cost.
See the Proxim advertisement
on page 8.
800-472-7373 • FAX 410-527-0005 • INTERNATIONAL TEL +1 410-229-1200 • INTERNATIONAL FAX +1 410-229-1480 •
*For your current pricing and our complete product offering, visit or call TESSCO.
6:34 AM
Page 4
Training Classes and Seminars
Educating Technicians and Engineers
As a supplier of emerging technologies solutions
and test equipment required for today’s evolving wireless applications, TESSCO provides a variety of
training courses to keep you and your staff on the leading edge. TESSCO’s training and certification
TESSCO Offers Hands-On
Training Classes and
Next seminar:
August 23, 2004—Reno, Nevada
Visit for more information.
Agilent Technologies
RF and Microwave
(Two-Day Course)
This course is part of Agilent’s
Accelerated Education for RF and
Microwave Technology program.
It is designed for the communications professional and will
quickly give you the expertise
you need to solve measurement
problems effectively and efficiently. Students will take away a
basic understanding of transmission line fundamentals, power
measurement basics, and understanding spectrum analysis
August 17-18
Hunt Valley, MD
(Three Day Course)
Customers will receive comprehensive, technical training on
Alvarion’s wireless access products. Alvarion application engineers will share with you the
benefits of their knowledge and
expertise. The theme for these
three days of training will be
metropolitan area deployment
covering the following: an introduction to Alvarion, broadband
wireless access system, wireless
radio technologies, wireless access
protocol, voice over IP, radio signal propagation, applications and
network configurations, monitoring and configuration, and
remote management.
Call TESSCO at 800-472-7373
September 15-16 Reno, NV
or visit
Motorola Canopy™
Advanced Technical
Training Course
(Two-Day Course)
Hosted by TESSCO Technologies,
Motorola Canopy advanced
technical training is a comprehensive, instructor-led training
that addresses detailed technical
product hardware and software
issues. It is recommended, but
not required, that all attendees
have a basic understanding of
both Internet protocol (IP) and
radio frequency (RF) technologies. Topics will include a
Motorola Canopy system
overview, designing a Canopy
network, Canopy cables, connections and software, IP and
Canopy, RF theory, Canopy system specifics, Canopy and simple
network management protocol
(SNMP), and supporting and
maintaining canopy products.
expertise. In just a few days, TESSCO’s programs will help make you more effective by providing the
knowledge and training you need to deploy and keep your wireless systems operational.
Anritsu Site Master
Line Sweep Training
New! Cellular
Radio Systems
Grounding and
Protection of
Communications Sites
(Two-Day Course)
(Three-Day Course)
(One-Day Course)
This intense course, led by
Anritsu’s factory-certified
instructors, focuses on RF line
sweep theory and technology.
Approximately 50 percent of the
course is hands-on training. You
will fine tune the skills and techniques required to install, maintain and troubleshoot your RF
cable systems. Our goal is to
improve your knowledge so you
can keep your communications
systems on-line longer and resolve
cable, connector and antenna
problems more efficiently.
New and experienced employees
who maintain cellular-based and
microwave-radio systems will
benefit from this course, which
covers core competencies and
supporting technologies. Each
module includes student exercises and applicable testing applications designed to strengthen
job skills.
Modules include an overview
of radio service as a transmission
media, how transmitters and
receivers work, modulation
schemes used in cellular and PCS
services, and an overview of
wave propagation and radioantenna systems.
Eight (8) BICSI Continuing
Educations Credits
Reno, NV
July 20-21
Dallas, TX
August 3-4
Hunt Valley, MD
August 5-6
Hunt Valley, MD
August 24-25
Chicago, IL
August 24-26
Reno, NV
July 20
Hayden, ID
September 9-10 Reno, NV
September 14-16 Hunt Valley, MD
July 27
Overland Park, KS
September 21-22 Dallas, TX
October 19-21
August 17
Binghamton, NY
Call TESSCO at 800-472-7373
Call TESSCO at 800-472-7373
or visit
or visit
Hunt Valley, MD
Testing Concepts
New! Selling Wireless
Data Services
(Two-Day Course)
(One-Day Course)
The majority of wireless companies use DS1/T1 transport systems to connect their sites. Many
times the wireless technicians are
at the mercy of the provider
when one of these connections is
down. This course will focus on
how to set up, operate and interpret results on standard DS1/T1
test equipment, efficiently install
and test new DS1/T1 transport
systems, troubleshoot existing
DS1/T1 systems and equipment,
perform channel testing on existing systems and much more. You
are not required to bring your
own test equipment; however,
students are allowed to bring
their own instruments and learn
on the actual equipment they
will be using in the field.
This is a perfect course for new
salespeople or management staff.
Many wireless sales representatives
have a difficult time up-selling their
customers into additional wireless
data services beyond voice. This
course helps create an understanding of and a value proposition for
additional wireless services like text
messaging and BREW applications,
among others.
It provides in-depth and easyto-understand information on
how to sell basic and advanced
wireless services. An overview of
all key technologies and applications ranges from basic cellular
voice services to advanced wireless data services. Several key
applications are demonstrated
and students get hands-on
experience with applications
such as BREW, e-mail, ringtones
and text messaging.
(One-Day Course)
This course is conducted by a
TESSCO RF engineer and deals
with RF basics as applied to
in-building communications
systems and the point-to-point
microwave systems. RF propagation, modulation techniques,
antenna fundamentals, 802.11,
interference issues, Fresnel
zone, microwave path losses,
RF surveys, path profiles, and
link budgets are a few of the
numerous topics to be covered.
Examples of in-building wireless
local area network (WLAN),
cellular, and paging systems are
presented, including signal
calculations for some typical
applications. Additional examples of point-to-point microwave
systems are presented for various
bandwidth applications from
T1 to 45 MBPS Ethernet and for
2.4 and 5.8 GHz applications.
This course has been specially
designed for the communications
professional whose job responsibilities include working with AC
and DC power systems. These session topics are tailored specifically
to the distinct requirements of
the communications industry.
The sessions cover grounding
basics, the grounding electrode
system site grounding, grounding
for equipment and enclosures,
DC systems and signal-carrying
cables, as well as an introduction
to surge protection devices.
July 13-14
RF Fundamentals
technologies enable new or experienced staff members to translate theory into practical, hands-on
Come and listen to presentations from a variety of manufacturers in the wireless broadband and in-building wireless industries.
The focus for these events is to learn about new technologies and applications that are critical in today’s rapidly changing
markets. Topics will include: public safety, broadband wireless access, vehicle tracking, vertical market applications, lead-free
soldering, testing optimization and others. The day will conclude with a cocktail reception and mini trade show.
Technical Training Class
programs are structured to deal with the real-life challenges you face every day. Step by step reviews of
August 26
Hunt Valley, MD
New! Fundamentals of
Wireless Local Area
Networks (Wi-Fi)
(Two-Day Course)
Wireless local area networks
(WLANs) have become extremely
popular in the last few years and
the 802.11 technologies continue
to explode. With wireless networks being set up in homes and
businesses all over the world it is
important for both wireless and
wireline personnel to be comfortable with installation and troubleshooting of the variety of
WLAN technologies and products.
Whether you’re setting up
HotSpots for your local coffee
shop, configuring a home or
small office WLAN, or helping
an airport provide Wi-Fi connectivity to travelers, the skills
obtained during this course will
make these implementations
seamless and trouble-free. A large
portion of the course is hands-on
and the attendee will be working
with the more common hardware and software used today in
WLAN implementations.
August 27
Hunt Valley, MD
September 28
Reno, NV
July 6-7
Reno, NV
September 29
Reno, NV
August 24-25
Hunt Valley, MD
August 3-4
Hunt Valley, MD
October 26
Hunt Valley, MD
September 21-22 Hunt Valley, MD
September 7-8
Reno, NV
October 27
Hunt Valley, MD
October 19-20
Reno, NV
TESSCO’s training and seminars keep you up to date on the latest technology and industry standards. Call 800-472-7373
or visit for additional information.
©2004 TESSCO •
• TEL 800-472-7373 • FAX 410-527-0005 • INTERNATIONAL TEL +1 410-229-1200 • INTERNATIONAL FAX +1 410-229-1480 •
*For your current pricing and our complete product offering, visit or call TESSCO.
6:34 AM
Page 5
Network Infrastructure
Optimal Bandwidth for WLAN and
802.11A Applications
This Indoor Antenna
Is a Work of Art!
he Centurion 5 GHz Terrace
T Diversity
is a directional
indoor antenna for in-building
WLAN communications. With a
frequency range of 4.9-6 GHz, it
offers optimal bandwidth for
pervasive coverage of both the
recently opened public safety
WLAN band, as well as 802.11a
It has a peak gain of 5 dBi
with an impedance of 50 ohms.
The antenna is housed in a
durable, sleek ABS housing, and
can be easily mounted to a
wall, shelf, rail, or to other locations within a building. Optional
2-inch and 5-inch pan/tilt
mounts are available as mounting hardware for flexible installation. The antenna comes
standard with two 36-inch
5 GHz Terrace Diversity Antenna
plenum-rated, RG-316 coaxial
pigtail cables, and connector
options are available, providing
an easy upgrade to various OEM
access points with external
antenna ports. Visit
for more information.
TESSCO Part No. 491622
5 GHz Terrace Diversity Antenna, RP-SMA
List: $85.00
Bronze: $68.19
TESSCO Part No. 44607
5 GHz Terrace Diversity Antenna, RP-SMA RA
List: $85.00
Bronze: $68.19
Solutions Guide
Antenna for
802.11 WLAN
his innovative 232-page
guide for assembling the
latest wireless broadband systems presents complete product
solutions for security and access
control, data and voice, and
coverage enhancement. The
guide is organized into 16 wireless networking applications
that make it simple to configure complete product solutions.
The Wireless Networking
Solutions Guide features innovative products from 31 leading
manufacturing partners, including Motorola Canopy, Proxim,
Alvarion, Sony Security, Orthogon
Systems, and Wireless Solutions.
Each of the guide’s 16 applications includes practical information such as applicable
markets, uses, available features,
benefits, critical concerns, and
technical/site information
needed to select appropriate
products. A Vertical Market
Cross-Reference chart enables
you to easily find the applications that fits your market.
The Wireless Networking
Solutions Guide also offers
important information on
financing options, trainings
and certification, and doing
business with TESSCO. Request
TESSCO Part No. 03251.
obile Mark’s new ceilingmount antenna, available at
2.4 GHz and 5.2 GHz, is an attractive and easy way to bring wireless
to an in-building application. It
can be mounted directly to a ceiling panel. The antenna measures
3-1/2 inches in diameter and protrudes only 1-1/2 inches from the
ceiling panel.
The antenna provides an
omni pattern in the horizontal
plane while VSWR performance is
maintained across the operating
bandwidth. The unique design
provides high performance at an
economical price.
The lightweight antenna is
easy to install. A single pigtail
cable exits from the rear of the
antenna and terminates with
your choice of connector.
Mounting hardware is provided.
Visit or call 800472-7373 for more information.
Sencity™ Art Indoor Antenna
ocused on an original
F design,
Easy on your installers. Even easier on your bottom line.
Cinta braided cables from Andrew offer the flexibility and ruggedness needed for today’s E911, WiFi, and broadband cable applications and feature industry leading pricing.
• Full line of braided cable and components
• Convenient 500 ft and 1000 ft reels
• Universal compatibility
Get the world’s most advanced braided cable, from the world leader
in wireless broadband applications.
To learn more, visit or
contact TESSCO at 1-800-472-7373
TESSCO Part No. 440549
824-960 MHz, Omni Antenna, 5 dB
List: $111.00
Bronze: 82.70
Ceiling-Mount Antenna
“This is the best company for
our company! Everything is
excellent, great company!”
Wausau, Wisconsin
and cost savings, the new
ultra broadband SENCITY™
ART indoor antenna from
HUBER+SUHNER revolutionizes
wireless applications from
806 MHz to 5.9 GHz. This
unique indoor antenna provides
new options for wireless installations and supports W-LAN/
Wi-Fi 802.11 a-h protocols along
mobile applications. Save on
project costs by using a single
broadband antenna and install
an innovative design that is
aesthetically pleasing. Visit or call 800-472-7373
for more information.
Low-Cost Rack-Mount Power Strips Provide Big Protection
rotect your equipment
P with the Bud Industries
series of low-cost power outlet
strips. A variety of strips is available, including the hard-to-find
20-amp styles. Designed for
19-inch panel space open relay
racks or enclosed cabinets, these
units are easily installed to the
panel mounting surfaces, allowing for easy equipment connection. Providing instant power
distribution from the front of
the unit, they are available in
one 8-outlet, 20-amp circuit
or in two 4-amp outlet, 20amp circuits.
Outlet strips come complete with a 12-foot black
12/3 SJT power cord with
either a non-locking or a ULrated locking three-contact
plug for each circuit. They
also feature a neon light on
the front panel for each circuit and
meet UL 1363 specifications. Visit or call 800-472-7373
for more information.
Rack-Mount Power Strip
TESSCO Part No. 412009
1-Circuit, 8-Outlets, Non-locking Plug
List: $84.75
Bronze: 73.48
TESSCO Part No. 491036
2-Circuits, 4-Outlets, Non-locking Plug
List: $101.70
Bronze: 88.17
Overweight or Overloaded Towers?
Aluma-Form Has the Answer!
luma-Form antenna
mounts are custom
designed and manufactured
using unique extruded aluminum. This high-strength,
corrosion-resistant 6061-T6 alloy
(35,000 PSI minimum yield
strength) provides the structural
equivalent of steel with approximately 65-percent less weight.
The lightweight nature of aluminum makes it an ideal choice
for co-location applications or
for reducing weight on overloaded poles and towers.
Aluma-Form mounting systems may be used on pole or
tower configurations. Adapters
are available for mounting almost
any antenna mount configuration to tower leg angles, pipes or
12-Foot Sector Frame
even large concrete and steel
poles using the patented Bolt-ABandTM product. Whether it is a
sector frame for a self-supporting
tower or a co-location platform
for a monopole, Aluma-Form has
a mount to fit your needs. The
combination of factory preassembly and lightweight design
give Aluma-Form antenna
mounts the edge when it comes
to fast installations.
6061-T6 aluminum and the
use of the latest technology for
design, such as Finite Element
Analysis and 3D Solid Modeling
CAD Systems, allow Aluma-Form
to design mounts that will fully
support all custom requirements
for fit and function. Visit or call 800-472-7373
for more information.
TESSCO Part No. 448411
10-Foot Sector Frame w/Pipes
Your Cost: $661.12
TESSCO Part No. 414509
12-Foot Sector Frame w/Pipes
Your Cost: $747.00
Product information and performance claims are provided by manufacturers.
©2004 TESSCO •
800-472-7373 • FAX 410-527-0005 • INTERNATIONAL TEL +1 410-229-1200 • INTERNATIONAL FAX +1 410-229-1480 •
*For your current pricing and our complete product offering, visit or call TESSCO.
6:34 AM
Page 6
Network Infrastructure
Why Network Cameras and IP Monitoring?
etwork cameras deliver a
N dramatic
improvement in
monitoring production, manufacturing lines, and Web attractions, as well as security buildings,
highways, and bridges. Internet
protocol (IP) monitoring takes
advantage of the open standards
and the ubiquitous nature of IP
networks. Accessing cameras is as
simple as logging on to the network locally or remotely, not only
for viewing, but for recording and
managing the recorded video.
Sony’s expertise in camera
technology is already proven in
numerous installations in such
sectors as corporate, retail, broadcast, security, and manufacturing.
Sony network cameras feature a
built-in Web server, allowing the
use of standard browsers, such as
Microsoft Internet Explorer to
view, control, and administer the
cameras. All three Sony network
cameras also feature an analog
video output for easy camera
setup during installation, as well
as local viewing or recording.
Which Sony Camera Is
Right for You?
The popular SNC-RZ30N
(TESSCO Part No. 411519)
pan/tilt/zoom camera supports
high-quality color image —up to
736x480 resolution and up to 30
frames per second at VGA resolution. The SNC-RZ30N camera
features two PCMCIA Type II card
slots, which support the Cisco
Aironet C350 series 80211.b wireless network card, and/or additional storage such as a micro
hard drive or memory stick.
For fixed camera installations,
Sony offers the SNC-Z20N
(TESSCO Part No. 468525) net-
work camera with a built-in 18X
optical zoom and incremental
12X digital zoom capability. The
camera supports 802.3af power
over Ethernet (PoE) standard that
makes installation a snap and can
eliminate the costly prospect of
running a power supply to
remote sites. The single, PCMCIA
Type II slot supports the Cisco
Aironet C350 802.11b wireless
LAN card or additional memory.
The newest camera, the SNCCS3N (TESSCO Part No. 422673),
is a CS-mount, network color
camera with a 3.0-8.0 mm F1.0
DC auto-iris vari-focal lens. Users
can easily change the lens to one
that suits their particular application and viewing requirements.
Incorporating Sony’s Exwave
HAD CCD technology, the SNCCS3N produces images of superb
picture quality and sensitivity.
index.html for more information.
TESSCO Part No. 411519
Network PTZ Color Camera
List: $1,865.00
Bronze: 1,492.00
TESSCO Part No. 468525
Fixed Network Color Camera, 18X Zoom
List: $1,250.00
Bronze: 1,000.00
Network PTZ Color Camera
Fixed Network Camera with
18X Zoom
Fixed Network Camera with
Vari-Focal Lens
Compact, DualBand Omni Is
Perfect for Outdoor
esigned to meet today’s
Secure Server
Cabinet Has
Optimum Server
omplimenting the XL Series
D dual-band omni-directional C of innovative racks and
requirements, the new Astron
Wireless LP provides coverage at
PCS 1850-1990 MHz and 824-896
or 890-960 MHz. Only four and
one half inches in diameter at the
base and just one-inch high, the
LP provides optimum RF coverage
in a uniquely discrete package.
The LP is the perfect solution
for dual-band telemetry, data, and
OEM applications. Completely
weather resistant and built with a
rugged UV-stabilized radome, the
LP is the perfect antenna for use on
outdoor enclosures. For public
safety applications, consider the LP
for high-profile vehicles and virtually eliminate broken whips associated with conventional mobile
antennas. The LP is available with
many connector configurations
and is backed by Astron’s two-year
warranty. Visit or call
800-472-7373 for more information.
enclosures, X-Mark/CDT introduces the XL Ultra Deep Server
Cabinet. Built for security and
optimum server ventilation at 24inches wide, 42-inches deep, and
84-inches high, this unit is rich
with features to address today’s
complex multi-vendor server environment. Three pairs of 19- inch
rack-mount upright rails for 6-millimeter hardware and rail-depth
indicators for quick and accurate
rail adjustment are included. Visit or call 800-472-7373
for more information.
Dual-Band Omni Antenna
Ultra Deep Server Cabinet
TESSCO Part No. 484628
Ultra Deep Server Cabinet
List: $2,340.00
Bronze: 1,790.10
TESSCO Part No. 422673
Fixed Network Color Camera, Vari-Focal
List: $850.00
Bronze: 680.00
Site Planning Guide
e’ve leveraged our total source capabilities and created the ultimate
mini-catalog to serve the wireless infrastructure market. The Site
Planning Guide is the definitive field resource, addressing every major application in 88 full-color pages and including over 400 products.
Designed to be a compact and comprehensive guide to all products used
in building and maintaining wireless sites, the Site Planning Guide features
anchor bolts to z-brackets and everything in between. And with industryleading manufacturers such as Andrew, RFS, Wireless Solutions,
PolyPhaser, Ultraweld, Anristsu, and Thomas & Betts, the site planner has
every product area covered. Request TESSCO Part No. 02913.
Wireless Telephone and Data Solutions
for Rural Communities
arlson Wireless
C Technologies Inc.
manufactures and specializes in
providing integrated voice and
data solutions to rural markets.
Their point-to-point RuralConnect
digital radio transmits synchronous data specifically designed
for easy integration with their
PCM voice multiplexer POTS
cards, leased line cards, or any
standard V.35 serial device such
as a tiny bridge or router for
Ethernet data up to 512 kbps.
The RuralConnect point-topoint systems are available in a
variety of configurations:
• 2, 4, 6, or 8 POTS lines
• 4 or 8 four-wire leased lines
• 512 Kbps data only system
The following applications are
• Rural WLL telecommunications
• Security video and remote
data monitoring
• Calling center and
Internet café
• Oil fields and offshore rigs
• Point-to-multipoint version,
call your sales rep for details.
RuralConnect Point-to-Point System
RuralConnect digital radios
• Unlicensed 2.4 and 5.8 GHz
• Range up to 30 miles
• Full-duplex, wire-line quality
• Low power consumption
• Integrated antenna
• One-year warranty
TESSCO Part No. 462511
Trailblazer Voice/Data Radio Link Package
List: $6,900.00
Bronze: 6,210.00
TESSCO Part No. 416486
E&M Leased Line Emulator Link Package
List: $6,900.00
Bronze: 6,210.00
Product information and performance claims are provided by manufacturers.
©2004 TESSCO •
• TEL 800-472-7373 • FAX 410-527-0005 • INTERNATIONAL TEL +1 410-229-1200 • INTERNATIONAL FAX +1 410-229-1480 •
*For your current pricing and our complete product offering, visit or call TESSCO.
6:34 AM
Page 7
Network Infrastructure
Armored Test Cables for Heavy-Duty Use
bly with N-male and N-female
connectors is just $293.00.
These durable cables employ a
steel-reinforced flexible outer
armor covering to resist cutthrough and abrasion, passivated
stainless steel connectors, a rugged
solder/clamp attachment and
multiple-layer strain-relief boots.
Armored SilverLine test cables
imes Microwave introduces
T their
new heavy-duty
armored SilverLine test cable
series for field, laboratory and
production test applications.
Armored SilverLine test cables offer
better phase stability with flexing
and greater ruggedness than other
test cables in this price range. List
price for a 6 GHz 1.5 meter assemTM
Pure, Regulated Voltage for
Mobile Electronics
ehicle batteries and chargV ing
systems often provide
widely fluctuating input voltage
to mobile electronics. This poor
regulation causes shutdown,
diminished performance, and
can damage sensitive circuitry
of radios, MDTs and other vehicle-mounted electronics.
NEWMAR offers a solution
with their Isolated Series stabilizing converters. They absorb
any voltage within a battery’s
entire usable range and provide
pure, regulated voltage to
mobile electronics. Models are
in stock for 12-volt systems
from 3 to 35 amps and by special order for 24-volt systems.
SilverLine Test Cable
with solid Teflon® dielectric and a
triple-shield system exhibit long
flex life and exceptional performance and are available with SMAmale and -female, N-male and
-female, 7/-16- DIN male and
female, SMA right angle, and
7-millimeter connectors and
QMA options. Armored SilverLine
test cables may be ordered for use
up to either 6 GHz or 18 GHz.
Times Microwave Systems, a
Smiths Group plc company, is
the industry leader in the design
and manufacture of high-performance coaxial cables. Visit or call 800-472-7373
for more information.
Application benefits:
• Provide electronics with
optimal input voltage during
engine start and when batteries are nearly drained
• Protect electronics against highoutput alternators or other
Voltage-Stabilizing Converter
high-voltage charge source
• Compensate for voltage drop
in long wire runs from batteries when installed near
affected equipment
Call 800-472-7373 for more
TESSCO Part No. 36395
12-volt Power Converter, 6 Amp
List: $535.00
Bronze: 390.55
TESSCO Part No. 74788
12-volt Power Converter, 35 Amp
List: $929.00
Bronze: 678.17
Times LMR
one source — all the pieces
The LMR® product line is more than just the best low loss, flexible cable available
— we provide you with all the right pieces for a complete RF interconnect
system. From LMR®-DB cables with a 10 year warranty for outdoor installations to
LMR®- FR and LMR®-LLPL cables to meet the requirements of
indoor installations, to UltraFlex cables for installations in tight spaces,
there’s an LMR® cable just right for your application. Our
innovative, high quality,
LMR cables perfectly
LMR® Connectors for Wi-Fi and
Broadband Applications
reliable connectors for field
complete line of easy-to-use tools for
connectors on-site. A full
"EZ" non-solder connectors match
and are the quickest, most
installation. Times provides a
quick and reliable attachment of
range of grounding kits, hangers
and feed-thru’s lets you finish the job professionally. For your most
F Connectors division of
RF Industries manufactures
an extensive selection of connectors for use with LMR® cables.
Connectors are available for
LMR-100A through LMR-600
cables. Connector interfaces
include N-type, TNC, BNC, 7/16DIN, UHF, mini-UHF and miniature connectors, SMA, MCX,
Card. In addition, reverse polarity N-type, TNC, BNC, SMA, and
MMCX are available for Wi-Fi
and broadband applications.
Connectors for LMR cables are
available with silver-, gold- or
nickel-plated components, Teflon®
dielectric and gold- or silver-plated
contacts. Both crimp and clamp
attachment options are available.
The majority of the standard
connector series and all of the
Wi-Fi and broadband interfaces
critical or high
buy LMR cable
specifications. And
pieces together right, we offer
assemblies built to your
to help you put all the
unequaled training and
technical support. Get all the benefits of our complete package from quality products to
total product support from Times Microwave Systems. Let us put all the pieces together for
you — Contact us!
Connectors for LMRCables
were designed with exceptional
VSWR performance up to 6 GHz.
All of the crimp connectors will
work with industry-standard
crimp tools as well as RF
Connectors brand crimp tools.
Visit or call 800472-7373 for more information.
LMR is a registered trademark of Times
Microwave Systems
A Smiths Group plc company
Teflon is a registered trademark of Dupont
Product information and performance claims are provided by manufacturers.
©2004 TESSCO •
800-472-7373 • FAX 410-527-0005 • INTERNATIONAL TEL +1 410-229-1200 • INTERNATIONAL FAX +1 410-229-1480 •
*For your current pricing and our complete product offering, visit or call TESSCO.
6:34 AM
Page 8
Network Infrastructure
New Generation Point-to-Point Radios
ew Lynx.GX and Tsunami.
90 radios deliver flexible, cost-effective solutions for
voice and data backhaul, last
mile and metro network applications and LAN extension.
Reaffirming its market-leading
position in broadband wireless,
Proxim, a global leader in wireless networking equipment for
Wi-Fi and broadband wireless
networks, has unveiled new
additions to its popular Lynx and
Tsunami point-to-point families
of license-exempt radios.
Based on Proxim’s new GX
broadband wireless platform,
the Lynx.GX, which includes
three new models, meets the
expanding business needs of
telecommunications companies
and cellular network operators.
The Tsunami.GX 90 is targeted
at enterprises that want to
extend their LANs and at
Internet service providers (ISPs)
looking for more cost-effective
DS-3-equivalent backhaul. The
new Lynx.GX and Tsunami.GX
products offer a generational leap
in capabilities, including the
highest license-exempt output
power available in the industry,
embedded software tools to dramatically reduce deployment
and management costs, and a
new split-box design that allows
maximum flexibility for a variety
of carrier and enterprise applica-
Long-Life Antennas for
Extreme Weather Conditions
adiall/Larsen’s yagi direcR tional
antennas are
designed with strengthened aluminum alloys to assure long life
and best performance for the
most demanding applications.
Units are completely weatherized
for continuous operation in
extreme weather conditions.
Solid aluminum elements provide superior signal radiation
and broad bandwidth capabilities. Convenient U-bolt mounting makes installation easy.
The redesigned YA5 and YA6
SMR cellular or data antennas are
available in a rugged, fully
welded design. The four-element
unit delivers 8 dBi of gain and
the seven-element delivers 11
dBi. Both units are built with a
special N-female connector,
enabling extra clearance for ease
of weatherproofing.
YA3 yagis cover 406-512 MHz
with a maximum VSWR of
Lynx.GX 8T Digital Radio
tions and deployment types.
The new Lynx.GX and
Tsunami.GX radios further
improve upon Proxim’s marketleading point-to-point wireless
solutions. The Lynx.GX product
family, which now includes 4xT1,
8xT1, and 16xT1 models are ideal
for national and regional telcos
and cellular operators. Offering
99.999-percent voice reliability,
the Lynx.GX is also ideal for enterprise organizations moving large
amounts of voice traffic, such as
city and local government agencies, that want more cost-effective
back-ups to their leased lines for
emergency 911 communications.
Delivering 45 Mbps fullduplex plus two T1 channels, the
Tsunami.GX 90 is designed for
enterprises and ISPs that want to
extend their LAN and PBX connectivity to remote sites without
the substantial costs of duplicating equipment or leasing additional lines. They can also
benefit from greater than DS-3
level performance at cost-effective Ethernet prices.
For more information about
Proxim’s new Lynx and Tsunami
GX line, please call your TESSCO
sales representative.
(continued from page 2)
Directional Yagi Antennas
1.5:1. No field tuning is
required. The heavy-duty
bracket and standard mounting
configuration provide for both
vertical and horizontal positioning on up to a three-inch pipe.
All Radiall/Larsen yagis
come with the two-year,
no-nonsense warranty.
Visit or call 800472-7373 for more information.
plastic, aluminum, steel or copper. Coaxial cable shields are
grounded at their point of entry
to the master ground bar or to
the bulkhead of the communication shelter. RF surge protective
devices are usually installed on
the bulkhead or in the vicinity of
the bulkhead and grounded to
the local shelter ground. It is
extremely important to ground
every surge protective device to
the local site ground.
Figure F.3 on page 2 shows
one of the methods of installing
and grounding for RF surge suppression devices. This particular
bulkhead provides a single-point
ground for coaxial shields and
RF surge suppressors, as well as
communication equipment.
See the Polyphaser advertisement on page 7.
Courtesy of North Jersey District Water Supply Commission
Choose TESSCO for Your Remote Site Power
SunWize high-quality solar systems are used for applications such as:
• RTU/SCADA • Rural telephony • Traffic safety and intelligent transportation
• Microwave and fiber optic repeaters • Radio and TV transposers
• Instrumentation and surveillance • Valve control/actuation • ISP and VOIP
Power Ready Systems – For continuous loads of 1 to 100 watts, 12/24/48 VDC.
Power Stations – Designed for continuous loads of 100 to 350 watts, standalone & hybrid configurations.All systems are easy to order, factory assembled,
simple to install and commission.
Product information and performance claims are provided by manufacturers.
©2004 TESSCO •
• TEL 800-472-7373 • FAX 410-527-0005 • INTERNATIONAL TEL +1 410-229-1200 • INTERNATIONAL FAX +1 410-229-1480 •
*For your current pricing and our complete product offering, visit or call TESSCO.
6:35 AM
Page 9
Mobile Devices & Accessories
Innovative and Stylish Products Enhance Motorola Bluetooth® Enabled Devices
o need to go through the
N expense
of purchasing a
new handset to get the benefits
of Bluetooth® wireless technology! The Motorola wireless
adapter DC600 with Bluetooth®
wireless technology allows current Motorola CE bus phone
users to easily add the benefits of
Bluetooth wireless technology to
their Motorola phone. The
adapter’s compact design
attaches easily to the bottom of
compatible Motorola phones.
wireless PC USB adapter provides
effortless wireless connections
between devices with maximum
functionality. Use in conjunction
with Motorola Mobile
PhoneTools to maximize your
handset experience.
ogy. With the Bluetooth USB PC
adapter, your phone can be up to
10 meters (30 feet) away from
your computer. It works just like
the wireless modems at the
office, except your phone
becomes the wireless modem.
TESSCO Part No. 430566
Bluetooth USB PC Adapter
Retail: $59.95
Connected and In Control
It’s quicker than ever to get connected. With your phone as the
modem, you can access the
Internet from your laptop when
you’re on the go. You can control
your e-mail, and send text messages with your phone using
your laptop’s keyboard. You can
TESSCO Part No. 442687
Bluetooth USB PC Adapter and
Mobile Phone Tools 2.0
Retail: $79.95
Eliminate tangled cables forever
with Bluetooth wireless technol-
experience bold creativity, personalize just about everything on
your phone, and send messages
with photos or video clips.
(Utilization of the new features
in version 2.0 is dependent
upon the individual phone’s
software capabilities.)
Motorola’s work with
Bluetooth wireless technology
is helping to expand this everchanging field. In the future,
look for new designs and applications within this exciting,
unwired world. Visit
or call 800-305-9772.
Bluetooth USB PC Adapter
Motorola’s 75-year history of communications innovation
and leadership is just the beginning of a new and exciting
wireless future. Free your hands with Bluetooth enabled
products. Exchange information like never before. Do
amazing things. A world without wires awaits. It’s the
future now.
HS810 Wireless Headset
Stylish headset offers a premium wireless experience; innovative
boom microphone design flips open to be ready for calls.
Bluetooth Adapter DC600
TESSCO Part No. 451502
Bluetooth Adapter
Retail: $39.95
TESSCO Part No.: 421537
DC600 Wireless Adapter
Provides a quick, efficient way to turn non Bluetooth enabled
Motorola phones into Bluetooth enabled devices.
Bluetooth® Capable
Owners of non Bluetooth capable Motorola phones with a compatible phone connector can
now use Bluetooth companion
products, including headsets,
wireless speakers and wireless
car kit products. Also available
are data services with select
Motorola phones and Bluetooth
USB PC adapter (sold separately).
TESSCO Part No.: 451502
HF800 Portable Wireless Speaker
This innovative, versatile speaker is portable and allows
conference-quality audio in the home, office or car.
TESSCO Part No.: 435590
The adapter has a compact design
that’s efficient, small and lightweight for convenience, portability and storage. It attaches easily
to the bottom of your phone and
headset jack; it’s not a separate
device. The blue LED indicator
lights provide a visual cue for
pairing status, standby and in-use
mode. The adapter is easy to use
since there are no complex
phone menus to deal with. A
simple button press on the
adapter allows pairing with each
Motorola Bluetooth device.
HS820 Wireless Headset
This fashionable headset provides affordable wireless
convenience; lengthy talk times allow longer hands-free
TESSCO Part No.: 425677
Wireless Car Kit with Bluetooth Technology
Professionally installed, with the control panel mounted to the
dashboard for hands-free wireless technology in the car.
TESSCO Part No.: 429493
Mobile PhoneTools 2.0 with Bluetooth®
USB PC Adapter
Power and charge your phone
while using the wireless adapter.
A pass-through connector on
the bottom of the adapter
allows you to use your phone’s
existing phone travel charger or
car charger to charge your
phone’s battery. The wireless
adapter is powered by the
phone’s battery, so no additional battery is required.
Intuitive software allows you to synch, organize and manage
information and be creative with ring tones, screensavers,
audio and images. A Bluetooth® USB PC Adapter replaces the
USB cable to allow wireless connection with devices.
TESSCO Part No.: 442687
With our focus on developing easy-to-use, innovative, and stylish
products, Motorola will continue to evolve the future of smart Bluetooth
wireless technology. Motorola’s Bluetooth enabled devices are tested
and proven. It is this commitment to quality, plus a history of solid research
and development, that puts Motorola a step ahead of the competition.
Mobile Phone Tools 2.0 and
the Bluetooth® PC USB Adapter
Connect your phone and PC,
enabled with Bluetooth wireless
technology, without a cable! The
Our work with Bluetooth wireless technology is helping to expand this
ever-changing field. In the future, look for new designs and applications
within this exciting, unwired world.
MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. The Bluetooth trademarks are owned by the Bluetooth SIG Inc. and used by Motorola, Inc. under license. © Motorola, Inc. 2004.
Product information and performance claims are provided by manufacturers.
©2004 TESSCO •
800-472-7373 • FAX 410-527-0005 • INTERNATIONAL TEL +1 410-229-1200 • INTERNATIONAL FAX +1 410-229-1480 •
*For your current pricing and our complete product offering, visit or call TESSCO.
6:35 AM
Page 10
Mobile Devices & Accessories
Fusion Cellsuit™ Fits Phones Like a Wetsuit
est known for revolutionizing water sports with the invention
of the neoprene wetsuit, the Body Glove® brand now goes way
beyond the beach with the Fusion Cellsuit™, a rugged protective
case for cell phones. The Fusion Cellsuit combines tough, weatherresistant material for optimal phone protection with the flexible,
glove-like fit of a wetsuit for the ultimate in slim, sleek styling.
Mobile lifers will also love the nonslip design with swivel clip attachment for split-second phone access from belt, briefcase or backpack.
In today’s walk-and-talk society, the Fusion Cellsuit from Body
Glove offers the fit and flexibility people need, as well as protection
from the bumps and bangs of the mobile lifestyle. Clear plastic
clamshell packaging showcases the attractive look of the product in
two styles, phone specific or universal (small or large). Available colors
are black/blue and black/gray. Visit or call 800-472-7373
for more information.
Combating Meth Labs with
Quick Talk™ Transmitter
capabilT ityhe ofrapid-deployment
the Ritron Quick Talk
Fusion CellsuitTM
wireless transmitter will provide a
cost-effective, crime-fighting tool
for surveillance and monitoring of
storage sites prone to theft. The
Quick Talk is a wireless transmitter
with voice storage capability. It is
compact and battery-operated.
No trenching, wires, or monthly
charges are required. It permits
greater flexibility in moving the
unit from one location to another because
it is not necessary to rewire the system.
Healthy Roots,
Where Everything
Quick Talk Transmitter
Installation of the Quick Talk
takes only a matter of minutes.
In covert applications (stakeouts),
the Quick Talk becomes your
virtual officer, monitoring the
status of the operation 24/7 and
leveraging man-hours without
jeopardizing its effectiveness. It
can be used to monitor various
sensors or control switches, such
as magnetometers, pressure
plates, or motion detectors.
When the sensor or switch
status changes, the Quick Talk
transmits a custom voice message directly to a patrolman’s
radio. It can even transmit over
relatively long distances through
a radio repeater back to headquarters or some other command-and-control center. Visit or call 800472-7373 for more information.
TESSCO Part No. 493505
Quick Talk Transmitter
Retail: $849.00
Drug Trafficking
On the Rise
Vehicle Specific Mounts
Bring Your Installations to Life.
Grow your business
and your customer satisfaction
with Pro.Fit International mounting solutions.
Instances of methamphetamine
trafficking and abuse in the
United States are on the increase.
From 1975 to 2001, DEA seized
16,054 illegal drug laboratories,
of which 13,931 were used to
produce methamphetamine. In
fact, of the 1,490 illegal drug laboratories seized by DEA in 2001,
1,445 were methamphetamine
labs. As a result, methamphetamine is having a devastating
impact on domestic drug production and trafficking.
Anhydrous ammonia, an
agricultural fertilizer, is used in
the illegal process to manufacture methamphetamine. The fertilizer is frequently stolen from
larger feeder tanks using outdoor
grill-sized propane tanks.
Anhydrous ammonia reacts with
the brass valve on the propane
tank, weakening the integrity of
the valve and creating a very
dangerous situation for the user
or the police, fire, rescue, or
other emergency personnel who
should come into contact with
the tank.
The Quick Talk Transmitter
has been proven beneficial as a
crime-fighting tool and has had an
impact in reducing methamphetamine production and trafficking.
Product information and performance claims are provided by manufacturers.
©2004 TESSCO •
• TEL 800-472-7373 • FAX 410-527-0005 • INTERNATIONAL TEL +1 410-229-1200 • INTERNATIONAL FAX +1 410-229-1480 •
*For your current pricing and our complete product offering, visit or call TESSCO.
© 2004 Nokia All rights reserved Nokia Nokia Connecting People Nokia Original Enhancements logo and Nokia 6230 are trademarks or registered trademarks of Nokia Corporation The use of mobile phones and their enhancements may be prohibited or restricted in certain areas Obey applicable law regarding mobile phone usage Nokia reserves the right to make changes to products or specifications without prior notice
© 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved. Nokia, Nokia Connecting People, Nokia 3588, Nokia 3589 and the Nokia Original Enhancements logo are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Nokia Corporation. Nokia reserves the right to make changes to products or specifications without prior notice. Product color may vary.
Simulated screen image.
© 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved. Nokia, Nokia Connecting People, Nokia Original Enhancements logo and Nokia 6230 are trademarks or registered trademarks of Nokia Corporation. The use of mobile phones and their enhancements may be prohibited or restricted in certain areas. Obey applicable law regarding mobile phone usage. Nokia reserves the right to make changes to products or specifications without prior notice.
6:35 AM
Page 11
Wireless Clip-On Headset
Advanced Car Kit
Image Frame
Nokia phones travel in good company. The new Nokia 6230
phone has several compatible innovations that enhance its
use—on the road, in the office, around the block, around
the world. Introducing the Nokia Wireless Clip-On Headset
and the Advanced Car Kit—great original enhancements
that use the Nokia 6230 phone’s Bluetooth connectivity to
make handsfree use more convenient. The new Nokia Image
Frame can display pictures captured on your Nokia 6230
phone in a slide show mode or one at a time. To personalize
your phone, check out our collection of color covers for the
Nokia 6230 phone.
6:35 AM
Page 12
Mobile Devices & Accessories
Increase Sales with BlackBerry Retail-Packaged Accessories
What is a Smartphone?
Smartphone is a PDA that
also delivers cellular, GSM
or CDMA wireless networking for
data or voice communications.
Some Smartphones lean more
toward the PDA side of the cellular/PDA equation, while others are
mobile handsets first and PDAs
second. The palmOne Treo 600
and the color BlackBerry wireless
handhelds, however, seem to balance the Smartphone design and
functionality quite well.
Consumers will be increasingly making a move from standard PDAs and mobile phones to
Smartphones over the next several years, as affordability and
user-friendliness improve. The
result…hundreds of millions of
Smartphones will be sold over
the next few years, in comparison to only tens of millions of
non-cellular PDAs!
Take Your BlackBerry
and Microsoft Documents
On a Road Trip
TESSCO is the only distributor
offering the innovative
Dynoplex eOffice suite of products in a CD format, available in
a retail-packaged CD jewel case.
eOffice is the quintessential
BlackBerry accessory, giving its
user complete compatibility with
Microsoft® Word and Excel documents. Now with eOffice, you
can retrieve and store documents
remotely, plus read, edit, spell check,
Your One-Stop
Shop for BlackBerry
Research In Motion (RIM) and
TESSCO are reaping the rewards
of the HOT BlackBerry market.
The total number of BlackBerry
subscribers in RIM’s fourth quarter increased by 204,000 to
approximately 1,069,000 total
subscribers. BlackBerry’s success
has been exponential since the
introduction of their new color
lineup, and has been popularized
with consumers by the broad
adoption of BlackBerry handhelds from T-Mobile, AT&T
Wireless, Cingular, NexTel,
Verizon, and coming later this
year, Sprint.
TESSCO is Your Total Source®
supplier for BlackBerry accessories and the only distributor
that buys original equipment
manufacturer (OEM) BlackBerry
accessories directly from RIM.
From the newest Java handhelds
to the oldest legacy models,
TESSCO has the most complete
offering of BlackBerry OEM
accessories, and at the best
wholesale prices!
Soon TESSCO will be offering
RIM BlackBerry accessories in
OEM retail clamshell packaging,
consistent with TESSCO’s
Accessory Sales System. Place
BlackBerry accessories prominently on the showroom floor
with your other TESSCO® OEMpackaged accessories, and see
your sales dramatically increase!
Plus, be on the lookout for the
new Wireless Solutions aftermarket BlackBerry accessories.
Get quality chargers, cases, batteries, hands-free, and other
accessories in Wireless Solutions
clamshell packaging. Wireless
Solutions offers a premium value
but at lower prices than the OEM.
and save Microsoft® Word and Excel
documents with ease. You’ll be
able to send and receive e-mails
in rich text format, with variable
fonts and colors, and spell check
your e-mails, too. eOffice
increases your productivity by
transforming your BlackBerry
from an e-mail-centric hand-held
into a full-fledged remote PC.
TESSCO Part No. 417639
Dynoplex eOffice Software, Basic
Retail: $115.95
TESSCO Part No. 418652
Dynoplex eOffice Software, Standard
Retail: $169.95
Smartphones and
Smart Cards Work
Together with BlackBerry
The S6700 from Apriva is a fully
integrated unit containing a smart
card reader. Attach it to your
BlackBerry handheld (6710/6720/
6750) and turn it into a data
exchange device for smart cards.
Smart card technology can verify
identification, and is used to
access and launch secured applications or service offerings via your
BlackBerry. TESSCO is a primary
distributor for the Apriva smart
card reader, which satisfies the
PKI security requirements mandated by certain government
agencies. If you sell BlackBerry
solutions to the government,
make sure that you know about
this one-of-a-kind device.
Please note: Resellers must first be
authorized by TESSCO to purchase
the Apriva smart card reader.
TESSCO Part No. 490685
Apriva S6700 CAC Reader for
BlackBerry 6710, 6750, 6720
Retail: $223.75
Visit or
call 800-305-9772.
Data Travels With
PDA Accessories
TESSCO is RIM’s preferred distributor for the
complete line of BlackBerry OEM accessories,
and the total source for Treo and other
PDA hybrid-device accessories.
TESSCO Part No. 442477
Leather Swivel Holster
TESSCO Part No. 450373
Automotive Charger
TESSCO Part No. 457370
Cradle and A/C Adapter
Your Microsoft documents now
travel with you! Retrieve, store,
create, edit and spell check your Word
and Excel documents—all on your
BlackBerry with Dynoplex™ eOffice software.
Call or visit
Delivering Everything For Wireless
Product information and performance claims are provided by manufacturers.
©2004 TESSCO •
• TEL 800-472-7373 • FAX 410-527-0005 • INTERNATIONAL TEL +1 410-229-1200 • INTERNATIONAL FAX +1 410-229-1480 •
*For your current pricing and our complete product offering, visit or call TESSCO.
6:35 AM
Page 13
Mobile Devices & Accessories
Evolution of Hands-Free Comfort and Sound Quality
TESSCO Part No. 410379
MX100 In-the-Ear Headset
Retail: $31.05
TESSCO Part No. 448553
MX150 Flex Grip
Retail: $37.25
TESSCO Part No. 486383
MX103-N1 In-the-Ear Headset for Nokia
Retail: $31.05
TESSCO Part No. 448588
MX153 M1 Flex Grip for Motorola
Retail: $37.25
Comfortable, Discreet and Stable
microphone, which reduces
background noise and allows
you to be heard clearly in
almost any environment. It
also has a pivoting, flexible
boom for optimal positioning
of the microphone. Motorola
and Nokia variants of the
MX150 are available with inline, one-touch call answer/end.
The MX150 Series headsets are
your customer’s best choice for
the most flexible fit and superior sound quality—especially in
noisy environments.
MX100 with Flex Grip
and AcuSpeak
Comfortable, Flexible and Stable
The MX100 and MX150 Series
headsets are two great, complementary products built with
Plantronics quality and reliability.
Offer your customers a choice with
the new, dual-slot counter display.
The display is included with minimum purchase of MX100/MX150
Series headsets from TESSCO. Put
the product where the customer
is—at the cash register!
Plantronics offers many variants of the MX100 and MX150
Series headsets including standard2.5mm headset plugs to
MX100 with Flex Grip
and AcuSpeak
connect with most Audiovox,
Kyocera, LG, Motorola, and
Sanyo phones plus certain
models of Samsung and Sony
Ericsson phones, as well as,
hardwired variants for most
Nokia phones. See the TESSCO®
Solutions Guide, visit or call 800472-7373 for more information
regarding handset compatibility.
Free Dual-Slot Counter Display
TESSCO Part No. 493535—with
Purchase of any 10 Plantronics
MX100/MX150 Series Headsets
TESSCO Part No. 410586
MX153-N1 Flex Grip for Nokia
Retail: $37.25
Ti Lim
m i
e O ted
irst came Plantronics®
MX100 Series headsets featuring the unique Flex Grip®
design, which produces an
exceptionally stable, comfortable
fit and allows for one-handed
placement in the ear. The
MX100 has a uniquely discreet
design with an in-line microphone that features Plantronics
AcuSpeak™ technology for clear
conversations. Nokia® variants of
the MX100 are available with
one-touch call answer/end. The
MX100 Series headsets are your
customer’s best choice for a discreet headset with superior stability and quality sound.
And now, the MX150 Series
headsets from Plantronics
take the design a step further.
Adapted from Plantronics popular MX100 Series headsets, the
MX150 includes the key Flex
Grip design for an exceptionally
stable, comfortable fit. The
MX150 has a noise-canceling
Dual-Slot Counter Display
Wireless Devices and Accessories
Specialty Guide
esigned specifically for retailers, this
774-page wireless accessories guide
shows you the full range of TESSCO’s
accessory products and gives you an easy,
convenient way to increase in-store accessory sales! Request TESSCO Part No. 03272.
Product information and performance claims are provided by manufacturers.
©2004 TESSCO •
800-472-7373 • FAX 410-527-0005 • INTERNATIONAL TEL +1 410-229-1200 • INTERNATIONAL FAX +1 410-229-1480 •
*For your current pricing and our complete product offering, visit or call TESSCO.
6:36 AM
Page 14
Mobile Devices & Accessories
Clip Case Phone Holsters—Attractive,Versatile, and Durable!
• Durability is backed by a twoholster securely to a belt, waistite Ize clip case phone holAntenna for Cellular N sters define functionality for
year warranty.
band, tool belt, pocket or
are made in the USA.
conand PCS/GPRS
and strength after flexing for a
venience in a single rugged holster.
obile Mark offers an extenM sive
range of dual-band and
multi-band antennas covering
Cellular, PCS, GPRS and 1xRTT
The newest addition, the
RM3-900/1900, provides 3 dBi
peak gain on both the 900 MHz
and 1900 MHz bands with maximum gain along the horizon. It is
designed for heavy-duty applications and is housed in a rugged,
tamper-proof ABS plastic radome.
The RM3-900/1900 features
a small footprint, measuring
1-3/4 inches in diameter and
3- inches in height. The antenna
is surface mounted through a
5/8-inch hole and can be used
for a variety of fixed or mobile
Visit or call 800472-7373 for more information.
• Two universal sizes accommodate nearly every shape and
size of mobile phone on the
• Multiple pockets and accessory loops allow secure storage for pens, multi-tools,
credit cards, mini-flashlights
and more.
• The j-hook design of the super
strong flex clip attaches the
Clip Case Phone Holster
lifetime of use.
• The innovative open-bottom
design allows plug-in access
for headsets and chargers.
• Attractive styling is perfect for
everyday use.
• Seven attractive colors—
black, midnight blue, moss
green, porter brown, crimson
red and sundance yellow—are
Visit or call 800305-9772 for more information.
TESSCO Part No. 421450
Clip Case, med/lg., Black
Retail: $15.00
TESSCO Part No. 436450
Clip Case, small, Black
Retail: $15.00
A True Universal Charger?
Just Ask Me!
TESSCO Part No. 458643
Dual-Band Surface-Mount Antenna, Black
Retail: $65.00
TESSCO Part No. 460643
Dual-Band Surface-Mount Antenna, White
Dual-Band Surface-Mount Antenna
Finding Radio
Accessories Easy
uickly identifying two-way
radio accessories has always
been a challenge. With so many
radio variations and aftermarket
products, it’s very difficult to
pick the right accessories for a
particular radio model.
TESSCO eliminates the
guesswork by
Your Two-Way
Accessory Source,
a cross-reference
manual covering Motorola, Kenwood, Ritron
and MA/COM hand-held
radios. New radios, accessories,
and functionality are being
added daily.
The cross-reference is
available in PDF format at and will
also be printed in the 2004/5
Solutions Guide due for release
in late summer.
Call 800-305-9772 for more
©2004 TESSCO •
A TRUE UNIVERSAL CHARGER will charge all major radio
manufacturer’s batteries: Icom, Kenwood, Vertex, Motorola, etc.
If the radio utilizes all three chemistries, Nicd,
Nimh or Lion, you will only need one adapter cup to
accomplish charging the various battery chemistries.
What makes the UC-1 even more unique is that without any
tools you can simply replace the adapter cups and the UC-1
will then charge another manufacturer’s radio batteries.
For additional information and pricing please contact us.
VP of Operations
Product information and performance claims are provided by manufacturers.
• TEL 800-472-7373 • FAX 410-527-0005 • INTERNATIONAL TEL +1 410-229-1200 • INTERNATIONAL FAX +1 410-229-1480 •
*For your current pricing and our complete product offering, visit or call TESSCO.
6:36 AM
Page 15
Mobile Devices & Accessories
TESSCO Goes National with Cingular-Packaged Products and Merchandising Systems
branded packaging along with a
cus-tomized program which is
available only to Cingular exclusive dealers and supports all of
the hottest Cingular Wirelessactivated handsets. The branded
packaging is color coded by each
phone manufacturer for ease of
selection and includes a complete list of compatible handset
models. The offering of vehicle
power adaptors, travel chargers,
cases, holsters, ear buds, universal sport foam pouches, and twin
kits is backed by a no-risk, 30-day
return guarantee and one-year
ESSCO is a key player in
T the
cellular accessories
aftermarket! After a successful
trial period in which quality
Cingular-packaged products
were displayed on proprietary
merchandising systems, TESSCO
is proud to announce the launch
of its exclusive national Cingular
Dealers Program.
Cingular-certified wireless
accessories are TESSCO’s newest
addition to its rapidly expanding
product offering. These
Cingular—certified accessories
are now available in Cingular-
warranty. Products are quality
engineered, manufactured and
tested against the highest industry standards.
With a minimum purchase,
Cingular-exclusive dealers can
receive a free merchandising display customized with Cingularapproved graphics. The newly
designed system has been praised
for its ease of assembly, durable
construction, flexibility and
vibrant graphics—and is proven
to increase accessory sales by at
least 30 percent.
TESSCO is the only approved
supplier that
can offer this
mer-chandising solution,
as well as
online ordering, in-store
sales training,
support, and
an expanded,
product line.
Counter Spinner
Proven Sales Systems
Increase accessory sales by more than 30% with our
Cingular Branded Display Systems
Be a showoff
Showcasing accessories in
your kiosk or on your counter
top has never been easier. The
low-profile, three-sided spinner
is flexible, easy-to-assemble, and
designed to fit most retail
clamshell packages. Choose one
header for all three sides or mix it
up with different headers and
product for a more diversified
product offering.
Create your own mix:
• Keep Your Hands Free –
Leverage increased handsfree legislation by displaying fun, new headsets!
• Personalize Your Phone –
Drive attention to a variety
of cases, pouches and other
fashionable accessories.
• Hi-Tech Solutions – Make
your own technology center by displaying all of the
latest data/hi-tech products
offered by TESSCO.
• Wireless Solutions or
OEM – Promote the hottest
new OEM and aftermarket
Our promise to deliver what
you need, when and where
you need it, is enforced by our
account managers, who are
dedicated to servicing your
needs. Our representatives are
highly trained in answering all
of your questions and providing
turnkey solutions like developing a Planogram and program
that fits your store.
Did you ever have to search
through your house or sprint
downstairs for your ringing cell
phone, only to miss the call?
Now you can forward incoming
calls made to your cell phone to
your home or work phone.
Cingular FastForward forwards
your calls to a landline phone
without depleting your anytime
minutes. It’s simple to set up
and convenient to use. Call 800305-9772 for more information.
TESSCO Part No. 470617
Cingular FastForward, Motorola
Retail: $37.50
Cingular Certified Wireless Accessories
Quality Tested Product
TESSCO Part No. 458640
Cingular FastForward, Sony
Retail: $37.50
TESSCO Part No. 413673
Cingular FastForward, Nokia
Retail: $37.50
Branded Packaging
Unique Merchandising Display Solutions
See How You Qualify
Large Selection of OEM and Cingular
Branded Product
1 Year Warranty
Cingular Wireless and the graphic icon are Service Marks of Cingular Wireless LLC. ® 2004 Cingular Wireless LLC.
Cingular FastForward
Product information and performance claims are provided by manufacturers.
©2004 TESSCO •
800-472-7373 • FAX 410-527-0005 • INTERNATIONAL TEL +1 410-229-1200 • INTERNATIONAL FAX +1 410-229-1480 •
*For your current pricing and our complete product offering, visit or call TESSCO.
6:36 AM
Page 16
6:36 AM
Page 17
Mobile Devices & Accessories
Assure Mobile
Data RF Coverage
in Public Safety
CTEL, Inc., a leading
P provider
of wireless solutions, announced that its
MAXRAD product group has
introduced a new elevated-feed
2.4 GHz mobile antenna,
designed to secure the optimal
wireless coverage of mobile data
systems in public safety vehicles.
The new elevated-feed antenna
(BMEFC24005) is ideal for installations requiring elevation of the
antenna over surrounding
objects that can often obstruct
omnidirectional RF coverage.
Providing 5 dBi of gain, this
antenna operates both on and off
a ground plane, without degradation to its VSWR performance. It
measures 16-inches tall, and its
feed point is elevated 9-1/4 inches
above its mounting surface, easily
clearing the overhead light bars in
police and ambulance vehicles
which often obstruct the RF signal.
The antenna features a rugged,
molded-polymer, elevated-feed
housing and stainless steel spring
and rod for maximum resistance
to everyday wear and tear.
This antenna is a great solution
when RF performance is compromised by overhead light bars. Visit or call 800-472-7373
for more information.
Full-Featured and Affordable Dispatch Console!
AI-Tronics’ ICP9000 Series
Navigator has taken the
small dispatch console to a new
level. Its modern yet uncomplicated graphical user interface (GUI)
screen presentation provides
unsurpassed capabilities in a console of this size. The Navigator
software program is configurable
for touch-screen, mouse, or wand
operation. It is available in 4-, 8-,
or 12-channel packages and is
field expandable to 12 channels.
With new features such as individual-channel volume control,
multi-channel group/stack
paging, full-duplex telephone
interface, and customized alert
tones, its popularity is evident.
The Navigator MCU is shipped
complete with operating software
and interconnecting cables and is
priced the same as the ICP9000
desktop version (MCU only).
Simply add your own PC to complete the system. Visit
go/radios for more information.
TESSCO Part No. 451348
Navigator Console, 4 Channel
Retail: $6,000.00
TESSCO Part No. 433307
Navigator Console, 12 Channel
Retail: $7,200.00
Navigator Console
Make TESSCO Your Samsung
Merchandising Partner.
Samsung has sales programs and unique accessories
that help you get more accessory sales.
Point-of-purchase materials are available free
of charge to help you promote these great offers.
Ask your TESSCO representative for details.
Samsung offers unique accessories
available nowhere else like the
Charging Holster. Use it to
prolong your phone’s battery life
between charges. An industry first!
TESSCO Part No. 418697
Elevated-Feed Antenna, 2.4 GHz
Retail: $101.95
For a limited time Samsung
is offering a free carry case
(redeemable by mail-in rebate)
with the purchase of Game
Pads for select phone models.
2.4 GHz Elevated-Feed Antenna
Want to reach
100,000 wireless
with your
product and
brand message?
Customers who purchase
select batteries now through the
end of the year, Samsung will offer a free
Battery Charger Cradle via mail-in rebate.
Suzanne Borneman, Ad Sales
Nancy Hummel, Publisher
hummel @
Jean Derby, Editor
derby @
Product information and performance claims are provided by manufacturers.
©2004 TESSCO •
800-472-7373 • FAX 410-527-0005 • INTERNATIONAL TEL +1 410-229-1200 • INTERNATIONAL FAX +1 410-229-1480 •
*For your current pricing and our complete product offering, visit or call TESSCO.
6:36 AM
Page 18
Mobile Devices & Accessories
Antenna Solutions
for Digital and
Analog Systems
he new Antenex cellular/
PCS Phantom® antenna
has a patent-pending, dual-band
design which operates simultaneously on the cellular (821-896
MHz) band and the PCS (18501970 MHz) band. With dualband capability, the antenna
can be installed without concern
for roaming between digital and
analog systems.
The new Antenex GPSD8213P
low-profile AVL antenna utilizes
a GPS patch antenna in addition
to a cellular antenna employing
the patented Phantom element.
This offers field diversity and
gain in a low-profile package.
The Antenex dual-band
Survivor antenna has a highdurability design that offers GPS
along with several choices of
land-based and Orbcomm satellite frequencies. The Survivor
family has been in field service
for four years. The success of this
model prompted requests for the
same durable design with additional choices of frequency
(450/800/900 MHz, etc.) and
gain (unity, 3dB, 5dB). Visit or call 800-472-7373
for more information.
TESSCO Part No. 491500
Phantom Antenna, 1850-1970 MHz
Retail: $60.00
Dual-Band Antennas
Public Address Horns Perform
in the Most Demanding Situations
peco Technologies has
expanded their successful
line of weatherproof public
address horns by making some
of their most popular horns
available in a 4-ohm option.
The new SPC-5P/4, SPC-10/4,
SPC-15RP/4 and SPC-40RP/4
horns are now offered in a
4-ohm version of their best
selling 5-, 10-, 15- and 40-watt
horns, respectively.
Constructed of weatherproof
aluminum or weatherproof
ABS plastic, Speco Technologies
public address horns deliver
full-range frequency response
and powerful sensitivity ratings
to perform in the most demanding situations.
In addition, Speco Technologies offers a wide selection of
70- and 25-volt public address
horns, each with an ample selection of different transformer
wattage taps to meet a wide
range of needs in a commercial
Multi-Frequency Tone
Remotes and Termination Panels
PI introduces the TR Series
C multi-frequency
EIA stan-
6-Inch PA Horn
environment and a new line
of ceiling, bookshelf, and
indoor/outdoor speakers. Visit or call 800-472-7373
for more information.
dard tone remotes. Standard on
the TR10-4F and TR10-16F is
monitor, intercom, front panel
PTT, parallel status updating,
crossmute, and many other features. These units are available
in ash or black and a desk microphone option is available.
Termination panel TTP216 is
a full-featured programmable,
16- frequency EIA tone. No cable
or programming software is
required and pre-made cables
(TESSCO Part Nos. 428319 and
or Kenwood TK-280/380/
480/481 radios, Multiplier’s
429679) lithium-ion (Li-Ion)
battery is rated at 1950 mAh and
7.5 volts.
For Kenwood TK-3140/2140
radios, Multiplier’s MKNB-24LX
Li-Ion battery, (TESSCO Part No.
423620) is rated at 1950 mAh
and 7.5 volts.
Both Multiplier’s MKNB-17LX
and MKNB-24LX batteries are
designed with high- capacity
Li-Ion cells, resulting in a longer
TESSCO Part No. 477383
Tone Remote, 4 Freq.
TESSCO Part No. 436378
Tone Remote, 16 Freq.
TESSCO Part No. 459309
Termination Panel, 16 Tx
TESSCO Part No. 12626
PA Horn, 6-Inch, 15 Watt
Retail: $31.95
TESSCO Part No. 434625
PA Trumpet Speaker, 5-Inch, 15 Watt
Retail: $11.35
TESSCO Part No. 427613
PA horn, 8-Inch, 30 Watt
Retail: $26.60
TESSCO Part No. 453692
PA Horn, 11-Inch, 40 Watt
Retail: $33.25
Tone Remote
High-Capacity Replacement Batteries for Kenwood Radios
445359) make this a plug and
play install on some Kenwood
and Motorola mobiles.
Also available are CPI’s TTP
(N) series single- and dual-frequency termination panels.
Visit or call 800472-7373 for more information.
talk time.
For Kenwood TK-3130,
ProTalk XLS radios, Multiplier’s
MKNB-27N Ni-MH battery is
rated at 1800 mAh and 3.6 volts.
This replaces the KNB-27N. The
battery includes a pull-tab for
easy release from the radio.
Only the highest performing
cells are used, including a rugged
housing for extra strength.
Multiplier is an ISO 9001:2000
company. Visit
go/radios or call 800-472-7373 for
more information.
TTP (N) Termination Panel
Want to reach
100,000 wireless
with your
product and
brand message?
Kenwood TK-3130 Battery
TESSCO Part No. 434603 (shown)
Battery, Kenwood TK-3130, NiMH
Retail: $34.95
Suzanne Borneman, Ad Sales
Nancy Hummel, Publisher
hummel @
Jean Derby, Editor
derby @
Install, Test and Maintenance
Attenuator Reduces Signal Levels
from 100 Watts to 100 Milliwatts
Measure Forward and Reflected Power
Without Elements!
ird Electronic Corporation’s
B model
100-SA-MFN-30 is a
he Bird model 5012 is an
T easy-to-use,
small, 50 dB broadband attenuator that reduces signal levels from
100 watts to 100 milliwatts or
+10 dBm. An alternative use of
the product as a load is possible if
a low-power coaxial termination
is attached to the output connector. Other attenuation values
from 1 to 40 dB and frequency
ranges up to 3 GHz are available
with any combination of N or
7/16 connectors. Typical VSWR is
1.1:1. Fin width and depth are
2.75 inches; length is 5.845
inches less the connector.
Included are 6-32 tapped holes
tional, directional power sensor
that measures both forward and
reflected power! If you are looking
for a power measurement product
that can measure true average
power, peak power, burst power,
VSWR, CCDF, crest factor (peak to
average ratio), and return loss
measurements from 350 MHz to
4 GHz—the Wideband Power
Sensor is your solution!
The Bird model 5012 is an
accessory for the model 5000-EX
DPM (the newest addition) to
the Bird Digital Power Meter
Series and the Bird Site Analyzer
power. The 5012 directly connects to a PC, digital power
meter or site analyzer. The connectivity offered with the model
5012 is a true advantage over the
competition. No Black Box is
needed! Visit for
more information.
Broadband Attenuator, 50 dB
for secure mounting. Visit or call 800-472-7373
for more information.
TESSCO Part No. 477682
Bird RF Coaxial Attenuator
List: $265.00
Bronze: 262.35
Wideband Power Sensor
Series. Unlike the model 5010
digital power sensor, the new
model 5012 is elementless; therefore, the traditional plug-in elements used in the past are no
longer required to measure
TESSCO Part No. 410532
5000-EX with the 5012 Wideband
Power Sensor
List: $3,095.00
Bronze: 3,064.05
“You do a great job.
I love working with TESSCO”
South Salt Lake City
Fire Department
Salt Lake City, Utah
Product information and performance claims are provided by manufacturers.
©2004 TESSCO •
• TEL 800-472-7373 • FAX 410-527-0005 • INTERNATIONAL TEL +1 410-229-1200 • INTERNATIONAL FAX +1 410-229-1480 •
*For your current pricing and our complete product offering, visit or call TESSCO.
6:36 AM
Page 19
Install, Test and Maintenance
Eliminate the Need to Carry, Manage and
Learn Multiple Test Tools
E7495B standard
product functionalities:
• High-performance spectrum
• Antenna tester/cable fault
analyzer (vector network
• Internal GPS receiver
• Accessories (cables, connectors, etc.)
he Agilent E7495B is the
T most
functional one-box
base station test set available
today, eliminating the need for
your technicians to carry, manage and learn multiple test tools.
This helps reduce asset costs,
tracking costs, calibration/
maintenance costs, and training
costs associated with learning the
specifics of separate instruments.
E7495B optional
• TX RF modulation analysis
for cdmaOne/cdma2000/
• High-accuracy RF power
• CW and cdmaOne/cdma
2000 reverse link signal
• Over-air test tool for inservice cdmaOne/cdma
2000/W-CDMA testing
Base Station Tester
• Interference analyzer
• DC bias
• Backhaul verification: dual
T1 or E1 test
• TX RF test for cdmaOne/
Additionally, the E7495B has
a remarkably short learning curve
due to its simple, intuitive user
interface and accessible learning
tools. Engineers and technicians—even those with limited
knowledge or experience—will
perform BTS measurements in
less time, with consistent, repeatable results.
Visit or call 800472-7373 for more information.
TESSCO Part No. 494650
El Gato Base Station Test Set
Your Cost: $17,664.00
A Cable Tester for Every Application!
LAN Cable Tester Model CA7028
• The only wire-map tester in its class with graphical and
digital display of fault type and fault location
• Indicates all common wiring faults including split pairs,
shorts, opens, reversed pairs and crossed wires
• Complete with remote unit and mini patch leads
Telephone/Coaxial/Parallel Cable Tester
Model CA7026
• Detects opens, shorts, taps, faulty taps, bridge taps,
splitters, high resistance, wet cables, splices and more
• Indicates cable faults and terminations up to
11,700 ft (3500m) in feet or meters
• Works with twisted pair, parallel and coaxial cable
Cable Length Meter & Fault Locator
Alphanumeric TDR Model CA7024
Test the Copper,Test the Service,
and Improve the Process
n one rugged, modular
handheld, the Acterna
HST-3000 offers more testing
power than any other portable
tester on the market. Created
to improve the efficiency of
installing, maintaining, and
troubleshooting local loop
services, the HST-3000 combines
copper and service-testing
capabilities in a lightweight,
rugged, battery-operated tester.
The Acterna HST allows technicians to both qualify the
copper line and verify that the
DSL service is up and running.
For line qualification, it can
detect the most common
sources of physical-layer
problems, while an advanced
time domain reflectometer
(TDR) determines the precise
location of faults, load coils
and bridged taps. For service
verification, the Acterna HST
tests ADSL data rates, noise
margin and line capacity, and
can ensure the ability of the
connection to support network
and user traffic.
Don’t Be
Caught in the Field
Without the
Right Tool!
t happens. You arrive at the
job and you’re missing a
basic tool. Now, the Crescent®
70-piece professional SAE and
metric socket tool kit puts the 70
most frequently used standard
SAE and metric hand tools in one
convenient tool kit. Made of
chrome vanadium tool steel with
a high-chrome finish, your kit
includes 1/4-inch and 3/8-inch
sockets sets with drives, extensions and reversible ratchets in
inch and metric sizes. Your kit
also includes a magnetic tip
interchangeable driver with 12
CRV tool steel bits in slotted,
Phillips, Torx®, and hex sizes. In
addition, you’ll get a set of inch
and metric wrenches, plus a set
of standard and metric hex keys,
all housed in a rugged, molded
polyethylene tool case. Visit or call 800-472-7373
for more information.
Hand-held Service Tester
• Copper qualification, fault
location and identification
• ADSL service verification
with ATU-R modem
• IP/Internet service verification of network and ISP
connectivity for ADSL and
• T1 service verification,
WB tones, and VT100
emulation in one solution
• Thorough T1 testing,
including BERT, loopcodes,
and CSU/NIU emulation
• VoIP services turn-up and
• A single testing solution
for multiple access technologies and service
• Modular hardware and
software architecture
that is flexible and easily
• Automated closeout
tests and customized
test scripts for lowering
repair repeat rates
• Laptop/PC integration
via RS-232 or USB interfaces
TESSCO Part No. 448657
70-Piece Tool Set
List: $66.00
Bronze: 49.83
• Detect opens and shorts and the distance to them
from one end of the cable
• Measure cable length up to 6000 ft (2000m) in feet or meters
• Built-in library of most common cables and their
Vp (Velocity of Propagation)
Reduce Time to Certify
Copper and Fiber Links
ow you can test, trouN bleshoot
and document
more cabling links in one shift
than ever before with Fluke
Networks’ new DTX CableAnalyzer. DTX shortens every
step of the certification process—
from faster setup and testing to
faster troubleshooting and
reporting. The bottom line? A
significant reduction in your
total time to certify that saves
you up to four hours every day.
In fact, DTX features a
12-second Cat 6 autotest and
a 12-second dual-fiber, dualwavelength fiber test. And fiber
is onboard and ready to go—no
need to swap copper and fiber
modules. DTX also gives you 900
MHz of testing bandwidth, Level
IV accuracy, easy-to-understand
diagnostics, 12-hour battery life,
a bright color display, and nearly
instant setup and reporting.
The DTX CableAnalyzer’s
DTX CableAnalyzer
powerful features, speed and
superior accuracy make your
crews more efficient and productive, results you can see on
the bottom line. It’s all about
time and no other tester delivers
like DTX. Visit
or call 800-472-7373 for more
TESSCO Part No. 424656
DTX LT Cable Analyzer
List: $6,295.00
Bronze: 6,232.05
TESSCO Offers Hands-On
Training Classes and Seminars
Visit or call 800472-7373 for more information.
TESSCO Part No. 484638
Hand-held Service Tester
List: $4,195.00
Bronze: 4,174.03
Professional SAE & Metric Socket Tool Kit
As a supplier of emerging technologies solutions and test equipment required for
today’s evolving wireless applications,
TESSCO provides a variety of training
courses to keep you and your staff on the
leading edge. See page 4 for upcoming Training
Classes and Seminars. Or, call 800-472-7373 or
index.html for additional information.
Product information and performance claims are provided by manufacturers.
©2004 TESSCO •
800-472-7373 • FAX 410-527-0005 • INTERNATIONAL TEL +1 410-229-1200 • INTERNATIONAL FAX +1 410-229-1480 •
*For your current pricing and our complete product offering, visit or call TESSCO.
6:36 AM
Page 20
Install, Test and Maintenance
First Hand-Held
Spectrum Analyzer
with Coverage up
to 7 GHz
merging wireless technoloE gies
such as 802.11, 3G, and
ultrawideband (UWB) are adding
congestion to an already crowded
spectrum. To meet the testing
requirements posed by such a
diverse and converging wireless
environment, Anritsu Company
has developed the MS2721A, the
first fully functional hand-held
spectrum analyzer. The next
generation of Anritsu’s popular
Spectrum MasterTM family, the
MS2721A is a true general-purpose
spectrum analyzer with unparalleled performance, as well as broad
frequency coverage of 100 kHz to
7.1 GHz, giving wireless engineers
and field technicians a single
instrument for virtually all their
spectrum analysis needs.
A new innovative platform
that includes advanced DSP
technology was used to develop
the MS2721A. The result is a
compact instrument measuring
only 12 L x 8 H x 3 D (inches)
and weighing 6.4 pounds that
can ensure the integrity of
data/voice transmissions as well
as identify interfering signals.
These analysis capabilities are
especially important due to the
increased number of RF signals
created by the roll out of the new
wireless infrastructures.
Find dead spots
and hot spots
quickly and easily
Shown with new color screen option
TESSCO Part No. 436520 (color)
TESSCO Part No. 434557 (black/white LED)
Get the advantages
of a full-sized, fully
functional analyzer in
the industry’s lightest,
battery operated
design. The Spectrum
Master MS2711D is
ultrasensitive, with a
≤-135 dBm noise floor.
Powerful, capable of
storing 15 test setups
and 200 traces.
Rugged, for harsh
environments. Easy
to use, including a
menu-driven interface
and one-button
measurement capability. Delivering highly
accurate, repeatable
measurements from
100 kHz to 3.0 GHz
wherever you go.
For Anritsu precision
and quality in a field
friendly solution call
1-800-472-7373, or
S332D Site Master
MS2711D Spectrum Master
MT8212A Cell Master
A Family of Measuring Tools
Discover What’s Possible®
Hand-Held Spectrum Analyzer Is
Convenient for Field Use
Field technicians not only
have the benefit of compact size
but also ease of use when using
the MS2721A. With the handheld spectrum analyzer, measurements such as field strength,
channel power, occupied bandwidth, adjacent channel power
ratio (ACPR), and carrier to interference ratio (C/I) can be made
with the press of a single button.
The accuracy of these measurements is ensured by the performance of the MS2721A. The
hand-held spectrum analyzer has
phase noise of –100 dBc/Hz at 10
kHz, and a DANL of –153 dBm. It
also has fast sweep speeds and a
resolution bandwidth (RBW) of
10 Hz to 3 MHz. Previously,
this type of performance could
only be found in benchtop spectrum analyzers.
Borrowing much from
Anritsu’s popular Spectrum
Master design, the MS2721A has
a rugged case that can withstand
the harsh environments and terrain associated with field use. It
also has a simple multilingual,
customizable user interface in
English, Spanish, French,
German, Chinese, Japanese,
Italian and Korean, similar to all
of Anritsu’s hand-held products.
The MS2721A has many new
features specifically developed
for field use. It has an 8.4-inch
TFT-LCD color display that
makes viewing measurements
easier than ever before. A
lithium-ion battery is used to
give the MS2721A long life, as
well as durability. It also has a
wide operating temperature of
–10 degrees C to +55 degrees C.
A variety of ports, including a
compact flash slot, as well as
Ethernet 10/100 and USB 2.0,
make it convenient to upload or
download field data.
Extremely flexible, the
MS2721A can be used in almost
any field application. Technicians
can use the hand-held spectrum
analyzer to measure both existing
commercial wireless networks
Want to reach
100,000 wireless
with your
product and
brand message?
Spectrum Analyzer
as well as emerging technologies.
It can also be used to measure
private wireless networks,
including those employed by
the public safety profession
as well as the military. Visit or call 800-472-7373
for more information.
Suzanne Borneman, Ad Sales
Nancy Hummel, Publisher
hummel @
Jean Derby, Editor
derby @
Product information and performance claims are provided by manufacturers.
©2004 TESSCO •
• TEL 800-472-7373 • FAX 410-527-0005 • INTERNATIONAL TEL +1 410-229-1200 • INTERNATIONAL FAX +1 410-229-1480 •
*For your current pricing and our complete product offering, visit or call TESSCO.
6:36 AM
Page 21
Install, Test and Maintenance
52 Tools-in-One:
Buy One for Your
Truck and One for
Your Toolbox
Telecom Pouch
Cable Tie Holder
with Ties
his Wireless Solutions
T multifunction
puts a combination of 52 tools
as close as your fingertips. You
get 24 tool steel 1/4-inch drive
bits with a full-size driver and a
stubby driver. And when you
need a 1/4-inch short or long
nutdriver, simply remove the
bit. In addition, the top cap of
the driver has a built-in magnetizer/ demagnetizer as an added
bonus. Visit or call
800-472-7373 for more information.
Telecom Pouch with Cable Ties
ire marking is made easy
W with
the Wireless
Solutions® telecom pouch. This
special pouch includes 50 each
of green, red, blue, yellow, purple
and orange 4-inch nylon cable
ties. The pouch has three reinforced grommet holes for easy
hanging in a telecom closet.
When you finish the job, the
pouch closes for storing in your
tool kit or service truck. Visit or call 800-472-7373
for more information.
TESSCO Part No. 453330
52-in-1 Combination Driver
List: $17.50
Bronze: 14.93
TESSCO Part No. 418588
Telecom Pouch with Cable Ties
List: $17.30
Bronze: 14.48
52-in-1 Combination Driver
Security Driver Set
ireless Solutions solves
W the
problem of using and
changing security and tamperproof screws with this 33-piece
security and tamper-proof bit set.
Each of these special security and
tamper-proof 1/4-inch-inch drive
bits are 1-inch long and manufactured from S-2 tool steel. Your set
contains security Torx®, spanner,
tri-wing, Torq® and security hex
in SAE and metric, with a 1/4inch-inch magnetic drive extension housed in a bit clip block.
Visit or call 800-4727373 for more information.
TESSCO Part No. 438345
33-Piece Tamper-Proof Set
List: $15.10
Bronze: 12.91
High-Visibility Grips Help You
Keep Track of Your Tools!
our five-piece Hi-Viz
Y orange
pliers and cutters
kit features Wireless Solutions
five most popular pliers and cutters with special high-visibility
neon orange cushion grips,
housed in a convenient, roll-up
case. Guaranteed for a lifetime,
your pliers and cutters are hotdrop forged alloy tool steel with
electronic hand-induction hardened heads that are hand-sharpened and heat-treated. The
Rockwell body hardness is 41-43
HRc, while the cutting edge
hardness is 57-63HRc. These
tools are tested to meet and
exceed ASME B107.25M and U.S.
government Mil-Spec standards.
The handles feature high-visibility orange cushion grips and are
made in the U.S.A.
Wireless Solutions® mini-electronics cutters are handcrafted
by skilled, Old-World-trained
craftsmen to produce one of the
finest cutters at an affordable
price. Specially designed and
precisely machined, each cutter
is made to produce the same
accurate cut repeatedly on electronic-grade components.
Your cutters start with supertough, chrome vanadium tool
steel that is hot-drop forged. After
the forging process, your cutter is
electronically induction-hardened to produce a cutting edge
with 60-63 Rockwell hardness.
The blades are then hand sharpened to a heat-fused-oil finish.
Each cutter has a spring steel-leaf
close and an ESD-safe, dual-layered, cushion-grip handle.
Wireless Solutions® cutters are
tested to meet ASME B107.25M
and United States MIL-Spec standards for ESD compliance. All cut-
TESSCO Part No. 413340
TESSCO Part No. 439393
the USA and features a handrubbed, oil-finished, natural rosewood handle with nickel-silver
bolsters. A versatile, AA miniMagLite® flashlight is also included.
The tools are housed in a
hand-sewn-and-finished, rugged
ballistic nylon pouch with springclip belt hook and an easy-open
hook-and-loop close flap to protect your tools. The pouch has
additional pockets and a key ring
for added convenience.
The knife can be purchased
separately by ordering TESSCO
Part No. 475589. Visit
job having to fumble for a knife
or flashlight? Wireless Solutions
solves this problem by placing
two of your most-used tools easily accessible right on your belt.
Lightweight and durable, the
EZ Reach Utility Kit includes a
Wireless Solutions® lock-back and
MagLite® flashlight. The lock-back
knife features a hollow-ground,
high-carbon 440-stainless steel,
drop-point blade. The blade has a
positive-lock to prevent closing
prematurely. The knife is made in
3-Piece Adjustable Wrench Set
ters are proudly made in the USA.
TESSCO Part No. 413340
Oval Head Diag. Semi-Flush Cutter, 4-1/4”
(NSN #5110-00-935-0890)
List: $14.10
Bronze: 10.50
TESSCO Part No. 428370
Tapered Head, Diag. Flush Cutter, 4-1/4”
(NSN #5120-01-028-7102)
List: $14.10
Bronze: 10.50
TESSCO Part No. 434386
Transverse End, Flush Cutter, 4-1/2”
(NSN #5120-00-087-4106)
List: $14.10
Bronze: 10.50
TESSCO Part No. 439393
Oval Head, Diag. Flush Cutter, 4-1/4”
(NSN #5110-00-878-6519)
List: $14.10
Bronze: 10.50
Alpine Microwave, Inc.
Grand Junction, Colorado
No More Fumbling for Your Favorite Tools!
ow often have you found
H yourself
in the middle of a
TESSCO Part No. 436505
Adjustable Wrench Set, 3-Piece
List: $35.00
Bronze: 26.08
33-Piece Security Driver Set
“Thank you for the
promptness, handling our order
and activation.”
TESSCO Part No. 452314
Your Wireless Solutions®
Hi-Viz adjustable wrench set
features three hot-drop forged,
high-strength, alloy tool steel
adjustable wrenches with
knurled-nut closures. Your
wrenches have precision
broached jaws on a thin head,
and are specially designed for
close work in tight spots. All
wrenches feature a heavy-duty,
high-visibility cushion grip
orange handles, and include
6-, 8- and 10-inch wrenches. All
are made in the U.S.A. Visit or call 800-472-7373
for more information.
TESSCO Part No. 457534
High-Visibility Orange Pliers and
Cutters Kit
List: $71.90
Bronze: 53.57
When Precision Counts, Wireless Solutions
Is a Cut Above the Rest!
esigned for your precision
D electronics
EZ Reach Utility Kit
or call 800-472-7373 for more
TESSCO Part 423568
EZ Reach Utility Kit
List: $70.55
Bronze: 68.44
High-Visibility Orange Pliers and Cutters Kit
JUST for Technicians
Wireless Technician’s Solutions Guide
TESSCO is proud to introduce a new
book designed specifically for wireless
technicians. The Wireless Technician’s
Solutions Guide features a new organization for easy product selection,
additional major manufacturers for
a wider assortment of products, and
a manageable size for greater porta
bility in the field. Inside you’ll
TESSCO Part No. 03273
find over 5,000 hard-to-find
installation tools, test equipment, safety equipment and
supplies for the wireless industry. This guide also features an expanded offering of certified training classes
and test equipment calibration services.
TechDirect Program
In addition to the all-inclusive specialty guide featuring
the latest test, tool and shop supplies, TESSCO is pleased
to kick off the all-new TechDirect program. Effective
June 1, 2004, the TechDirect program is designed to
meet the unique requirements of wireless technicians
who buy their own tools and supplies for work and/or
personal use. With TechDirect, you can purchase tools
and supplies on your personal account at your company’s corporate pricing level!
Great Benefits for Techs!
Buy tools and supplies from TESSCO direct while
benefiting from your company’s buying power. Increase
your company’s buying power as your TechDirect
purchases are aggregated with company purchases to
determine your company’s pricing level.
Visit or call 800-472-7373 to find out more about
these great new purchasing tools and the TechDirect program.
Product information and performance claims are provided by manufacturers.
©2004 TESSCO •
800-472-7373 • FAX 410-527-0005 • INTERNATIONAL TEL +1 410-229-1200 • INTERNATIONAL FAX +1 410-229-1480 •
*For your current pricing and our complete product offering, visit or call TESSCO.
6:36 AM
Page 22
Business Briefs
Cleaner Design, Easier Navigation—
the New
ESSCO has focused on making our Web site a powerful system for you to find products, build
worksheets, place orders, track delivery and much more. Many of you have responded by
telling us is now an indispensable tool for your business. However, for those of
you who may have had some difficulty using the site, we’ve developed a newer and simpler
version of Here’s what’s new and improved:
Cleaner Design
and Easier
Four Primary Sections
4 Exciting
1 New
My Account
Your Account Information in One Place
In addition to product solutions, TESSCO offers the
knowledge to help you understand the complex business of
wireless communications.
Our new Resource Center
integrates our special programs, training, publications,
and applications library into a
single, easy-to-use section. So
whether you’re looking for
information on GSA, merchandising programs, support
or several other topics, you’ll
find it here!
5 What’s New
What’s Hot
2 Products
In addition to these four
primary menus, the site now
offers dynamic information:
updates on new products,
programs, promotions,
training and more. The new
version of gives
a snapshot of late-breaking
news in these sections.
Check back frequently!
The Products tab features
a full product listing of everything you need to design,
build, run and maintain wireless. Choose from Network
Infrastructure, Mobile Devices
and Accessories, and Install,
Test and Maintenance
products or go directly to
the TESSCO Outlet.
Check Out the
Huge Savings on
Hundreds of Items!
enables you to
take advantage
of special pricing
on selected
Recent Site
Did you find it difficult
locate your support, service
and delivery information
in the old
Now the Customer Service
center combines Technical
Support, Delivery and
Returns, Credit and Finance
options and Warranty programs into a centralized
The new site, pictured to the right,
simplifies the number of primary
sections four:
My Account
Customer Service
Resource Center
The most crucial functions of
the site are found in one of these
four menus, while the essential
Search and Worksheet features
are just one click away from
any page.
All the important information relating to your
account—your worksheets,
log in, and critical order
information is now found in
one place. Now it’s easier
than ever to track your delivery, search your order history
and print your invoice. And
you will still have access to
order status for all previous
orders containing a backordered product.
3 Customer
How to Order Outlet Products
Visit us online at or
call 1-800-472-7373 and one of our account management
professionals will be happy to help you.
What Products Are Available on Outlet?
Returned Items: Our 30-day guarantee allows TESSCO
customers to return any item that’s not right for them;
therefore, we have an inventory of nearly perfect items
that can’t be sold as new.
Items Priced to Move: From time to time, our business
dictates that we must price certain products at rock bottom
prices to clear out our inventories.
The TESSCO team is always hard
at work behind the scenes
improving existing features, too.
We’d like to remind you about
the recent upgrades to our
searches and pricing display.
We know finding the product you
need quickly is very important to
you. continues to
improve our powerful search
capabilities with a new quick
search that reduces your wait
time, the ability to compare products, and a more effective presentation of results that show you
the products differently depending on the number of matches.
Put our eight options to the test
and see which works best for you!
Most TESSCO customers are aware
that the Web is the place to go to
see your current pricing level. Did
you know you could now see your
pricing during a product search?
Just log in and it will be highlighted. Of course you’ll still want
to build a complete worksheet.
Your total order may well move
you to a better pricing level, reducing your cost on every product!
TESSCO’s goal is continuous
improvement in all facets of our
business. Have we delivered a
world-class Web site that makes
it easier for you to do business
with TESSCO? Please let us know
by e-mailing!
34,000 Products from over 450 Manufacturers
Products from the following manufacturers are featured in this issue:
AEMC Instruments
Astron Wireless
Bud Industries
Carlson Wireless
Fellowes/Body Glove
Fluke Networks
Mobile Mark
Motorola iDEN
Nite lze
RF Connectors
Sony Ericsson
Sony IP
Times Microwave
Manufacturing Co.
Western Wireless
Wireless Solutions
Product information and performance claims are provided by manufacturers.
©2004 TESSCO •
• TEL 800-472-7373 • FAX 410-527-0005 • INTERNATIONAL TEL +1 410-229-1200 • INTERNATIONAL FAX +1 410-229-1480 •
*For your current pricing and our complete product offering, visit or call TESSCO.
6:36 AM
Page 23
Business Briefs
Your Total Source® Solutions Guide
Available on CD!
f you’re on the go, you’ll want
the completely updated,
lightweight, portable
version of TESSCO’s
renowned big book,
the industry reference for everything that’s
wireless. The
Your Total
Source® CD
presents the latest
changes to prodSolutions Guide
ucts, manufacturers
Delivering Everything For Wireless
and pricing. This
searchable CD offers
out-of-the-office or inVersion 1.0
the-field access to a simple
way to do business better.
uploaded to
Order TESSCO Part No. 03527
when online
to receive:
• Pricing at list and bronze
• An Acrobat-based PDF for• 2,000+ “pages”
mat in familiar-looking
Technicians currently doing
Solutions Guide pages.
business with TESSCO were
Includes TESSCO video,
mailed Version 1.0 in late April.
three searchable indexes,
Call 800-472-7373 to request
and an Excel worksheet
Version 1.1, TESSCO Part No. 03527.
option that can be
Price Matters, but
Your Total Cost
Matters MORE!
Get Your Guide!
CD-ROM Solutions Guide to Go
Wireless Technician’s Solutions Guide
Wireless Networking Solutions Guide
Wireless Devices & Accessories Specialty Guide
2005 TESSCO Solutions Guide
“The new Wireless Networking Solutions Guide is invaluable
for the Dynamic Broadband side of the business. Our techs and
engineers for the Internet side of the company really have little to
no interest in things us normal radio geeks/junkies need and want.
They have a need for the items that are specific to what they do.
This new guide really hits the high points on the items they need
from the Cat 5 cable, tools and coax cable, antenna mounting
solutions to just almost everything else I think we need in order to
give them what we have on the radio side of the business in the big
solutions guide. The size of this book is great, not too small and not
too big. I suspect over the next few years this guide will grow with
more and more products.”
Brian Krumm
RACOM Corporation
TESSCO is Your Total Source for GSA-Approved Products
ith over 15,000 GSAapproved products
from 231 manufacturing partners, TESSCO is the
only wireless supplier with
three GSA contracts in the
wireless industry:
Information Technology—GSA
Schedule No. GS-35F-0548P
• Wireless Broadband Products
(microwave unlicensed)
Visit TESSCO at
These Exciting
Industry Events
How To Get Started:
1 Visit our GSA Web page
for more information and
easy account setup at
2 Browse updated GSAapproved products from
TESSCO on GSA Advantage
These lucky winners won great
prizes by entering our drawings
at recent trade shows:
Trade Show
Reno, Nevada
DATES: August 23, 2004
WCA Winner (Carhart Jacket)
Barry Williams
Farmers Wireless
Rainsville, AL
SHOW: Tower Summit and
NATE Winner (Cementex Tool Kit)
Chuck Norris
Wolf Contractors
Mariottsville, MD
Trade Show
Las Vegas, Nevada
DATES: September 14-15, 2004
IWCE Winner (Garmin GPS)
Carl Lex
Comm Systems Specialists, Inc
Harrisburg, PA
SHOW: PCIA Wireless Infrastructure
Conference & Expo
Stop by our booth and leave
us your business card. You
could be a winner!
DATES: October 5-7, 2004
Hardware Superstore—GSA
Schedule No. GS-06F-0008P
• Tools and Tool Kits
• Installation Supplies
(fuses, cable ties, wire)
• Hardware/Electrical
• Environmental Safety
• Power Tools
Trade Show
©2004 TESSCO •
• Bench/Test Equipment,
including Soldering
No other GSA supplier offers
FREE, five-day, on-time guaranteed delivery!
Test & Measurement
Equipment—GSA Schedule
No. GS-24F-0090N
• Spectrum Analyzers
• Multimeters
• Data Network Analyzers
Newest Schedule!
Coaxial Cable
Amplifiers & Duplexers
Tower/Site Support
ESSCO provides an
easy way to earn
maximum savings.
The more—and more often—
you purchase, the lower your
total cost, regardless of individual order size, brand, type
or quantity of product, or
method of order!
Have a Question?
Call our dedicated Federal
Sales and Solutions Support hotline: 800-472-9068 or email We look forward
to doing business with you!
Return Those Report
Cards to Win!
ou may be a winner!
Monthly winners
receive a $250 certificate
and the Grand Prize drawing
winner receives a $1,000 certificate toward TESSCO products!
Robert Piucci
Commuter Railroad
Croton, New York
Melissa Quelland
On Site Cellular Inc.
Ankeny, Iowa
Michele Wenzel
Roush’s Cellular
Gillette, West Virginia
TESSCO Goes Regional
ESSCO will
be hosting
regional trade
shows in key cities
during the summer
and fall of 2004. The
first show will be held
in Reno, Nevada,
on August 23.
As the vital link, TESSCO will bring vendors and customers
together to feature product plus supply chain solutions in areas of
emerging technology, mobile data access, merchandising, e-commerce and supply-chain efficiency. Sixteen different tracks or sessions
involving wireless applications, in areas of public safety, broadband
wireless access, vehicle tracking, vertical market applications, leadfree soldering, and testing optimization will be presented.
Please visit or e-mail for more information on attending or presenting.
Your Total Source® Pricing
Is Uniquely Simple!
• No minimum dollar or
bulk requirement
• No need to best-price shop
• No haggling or hidden
Pricing Levels Reward
You for Buying
Combined Spending
(products valued at list)
Reward Pricing
Less than $250
Greater than $250
Greater than $1,000
Greater than $5,000
Greater than $15,000 Platinum
Every cent you spend with
TESSCO helps you reach a
better pricing level. When
the total of all purchases in a
calendar month, valued at list
price, including Performance
and Delivery Guarantee
charges, reaches or exceeds
our specified thresholds, you
are rewarded with greater
savings for the rest of that
month and the next month
too, regardless of order size,
product type or brand.
Each pricing level
increases your discount
off the list price.
Your pricing level is
determined by the
total of your purchases
within a calendar
month (product, valued
at list, plus Performance
and Delivery Guarantee
Your pricing is locked
in at that level through
the rest of the month
and the subsequent
month as well.
Although prices are held
consistent through each
quarter, the prices displayed
in TESSCO’s printed materials
and CD are for reference
only. You will see CAUTION
notices throughout this
publication that direct you
to visit or call
TESSCO directly for your
up-to-date prices.
800-472-7373 • FAX 410-527-0005 • INTERNATIONAL TEL +1 410-229-1200 • INTERNATIONAL FAX +1 410-229-1480 •
*For your current pricing and our complete product offering, visit or call TESSCO.
6:36 AM
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