Right ot Way B N SF A tc T ka Fe R BN Legend SF Right ot Way 88 Legend n so i h e op Sa a nt R Preferred Alignment 14 Heritage Farms Magnolia Hills Study Area (Preferred Corridor) Preferred Alignment Thousand Oaks Lake Windcrest Study Area (Preferred Corridor) Morehead Country Place Railroad Railroad Rolling Forest Stream and River Stream and River 14 9 Sp Hidden Hills Estates r eek Dry C ur Whispering Magnolias 14 City Limits 9 Shady Oak Estates City Limits R d County Line County Line 8 14 on M 100yr Floodplain 8 100yr Floodplain Pinehurst Farms tg om y nt y nt ou ou C C Plan Development (Pre-plat) Magnolia Hills y es er r im G Plan Development (Pre-plat) Commercial Commercial Convenient Country Estates Industrial Recreational Area Wildwood Estates Crown Ranch Mill Creek Landing Residential Industrial Lynwood Recreational Area Falls Of Wildwood Legacy Trust Residential Pine Vista Village Wildwood Estates BN Ra i lr o ad Rhodes Tract 148 8 Legacy Trust SF Mill Ridge Primewood Investments Oil and Gas Crown Ranch Development 9 Little Thorn Ln Axe EM Investments 6 Greentree Forest Estates C re ek 1,000 2,000 Feet Cripple Creek Farms 4,000 Me ad ow Ed ge Dr Oak Forest Terrace Cripple Creek Farms 1774 U V 249 Oakcrest Magnolia Magnolia on M Blv d Hazy Hollow Estates Wo od tr er y 14 li Ma gno a B lvd w Co Hunter's Retreat B n ra ch To m b al l Pa r kw ay ( P ha se 2 ) Millwood 86 Wr i gh rig W tR d ht ke rP ir i ra e R North Briar Wood a ec os Timberbrook Estates No Rd D The Village At High Meadow ck Rd Greenwood Country Lake Hollyhill Acres y nt D k ec er ri ai r P e R os d aw m ill R 8 d 148 Grand Oaks High Meadow Ranch ch Ni d lR k ol in M Timbergreen Rd Br an ch Stagecoach Stagecoach ag St ec o h ac Rd os R e ra ir i ill ur Stagecoach rP m h Glen Oaks lp h ke w nc Su ec ra Sa B s eh y Texas Renaissance Festival R R S nt hC re e k k e l eh s ou Print Date:7/23/14 Bir c ec er ri ai r P d D ou C ou ol rC State Highway 249 Toll Road Preferred Alternative Alignment p h ic le DDE D D Arnold Estates N al W UP F RA A oo Kipling Oaks e ch d tL ag St a co R rs W al le rC es d G r im lR nt y eh Indian Woods hu Todd Mission Galleria Oaks Estates ne Pi Mill Creek Estates Feet Decker Oaks Estates Decker Estate Magnolia Crossing Peach Creek Village 4,000 Hard y nt y nt ou ou C C 1774 2,000 Village Of Decker Oaks Pinehurst Village om es Mill Creek 1,000 Lazywood tg r im G UP Lakes Of Magnolia 0 µ Woodlakes Woodtrace ac e Holly Acres Logtowne Patridge Addition Oak Hill Acres Cripple Creek Farms West Windmill Estates Britwood Estates Primewood Investments Magnolia Ridge High Chapperal Base Map: Landiscor Aerial 2012 in S t ore Rd 0 µ Pinehurst ro ad d ore R in St ill M Base Map: Landiscor Aerial 2012 UP Ra il Hazy Hollow East Estates Hard Timbers at Mill Creek Haz y M e ad o w Dr The Vintage Mi sty Meadow Dr 177 4 Cripple Creek Dr Magnolia East Hard in Sto re Rd 4 14 8 14 177 Schoessow Tract Hard in St ore Rd Legacy Trust State Highway 249 Toll Road Preferred Alternative Alignment Print Date: 7/23/14
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