Spring - Original Dulcimer Players Club Home


Spring - Original Dulcimer Players Club Home
The Original Dulcimer Players Club
Celebrates 50 Years
50th Anniversary
Elgia Hickok founded The Original Dulcimer Players Club in
1963. He served for three years as its first president. The ODPC
was the first dulcimer club in America. His daughter, Lilah,
learned to play the dulcimer by watching her father. Last year
she attended the festival in celebration of the 40th Funfest.
Gene Cox served as President of the ODPC from 1967 until
1982. As the ODPC grew, so did his enthusiasm for sharing the
dulcimer, an instrument he began to play in the 1950s. It was his
idea to hold the first Funfest back in 1973 on the fairgrounds at
Evart. Gene enjoyed every aspect of Funfest: the people, the music, jam sessions, and acting as emcee for so many stage shows
that he lost count. His daughter, Melva Cox Ridgeway, also
attended Funfest last year in honor of the 40th Funfest, a tradition her father started so many years ago. That tradition continues to give pleasure to many thousands of loyal dulcimer fans
who return to Evart each July.
Elgia Hickok
Gene Cox
Emcee Dale Palacek
introduces Melva Cox
Ridgeway and Lilah
Hickok Gillett at the
40th Funfest Saturday
Night Stage Show,
July 21, 2012.
ODPC Board Meeting
April 27, 2013
What a gorgeous day to share music! Spring finally arrived at Garden City and shone down on the ODPC
members who attended the luncheon, brief meeting
and afternoon jam hosted by members of the Silver
Strings Dulcimer Society. Thanks for your hospitality!
The board met in the morning preceding the luncheon
and discussed and decided upon the following items:
Approved minutes from the January 19 meeting.
Heard a balance of $45,439.84 in the treasury.
Discussed at length proposed bylaws changes to
meeting requirements and accommodations for
board members as well as changes to the make up
of the board. The board also approved language to
be used in the proposals that will be presented to
members in the August newsletter.
Discussed and approved three new policies for the
board’s policy manual. The newsletter policy includes a job description and guidelines for the editor. It also has a stipulation that the newsletter will
be published during the months of February, May,
August and November. And, policies relating to
meeting locations, and the locations chair job description and guidelines, as well as a policy for conducting business by electronic means, were also
passed. Future policies for next fall will include job
descriptions for remaining positions not related to
Made a decision that board members, and any
willing volunteers, will clean out the ODPC storage
area under the stage during the weekend preceding the festival.
Held discussion concerning the possibility of offering luggage tags or special pins to members to
commemorate the 50th anniversary of the club.
The board decided not to purchase anything at this
time, but it would consider offering something
that could be purchased by members.
Membership Meeting
Minutes from the January 19 and September 29
meetings were approved. Minutes are available
on the web site within the month following a
meeting, and agendas and reports are available
online 1-2 weeks prior to a meeting. Members
should read those ahead of time, because they
are not read at the meeting.
Members heard a reporting of all business conducted at the morning board meeting.
Youth chairpersons Sara Pfahlert and Carol Hollis
asked for volunteers to teach workshops. They
also asked for better designation for their teaching location. This will be helped by purchasing a
banner that will mark the building.
Bylaws Revisions
In the next newsletter, the board will bring to the
membership the specific language for a few bylaws
changes that you will be asked to vote upon in September.
The first area of change has to do with Article IV,
Section 6 that regulates notice and participation by
board members in board meetings. The changes
will enable better participation by board members
by clarifying participation in meetings via electronic
means. The second point will allow two board
members to request that a meeting be held by the
Approved a recommendation to purchase banners board.
to be located around the fairgrounds to help
attendees find things as well as to add to the fes- The other requested bylaws change has to do with
Article IV, sections 1 and 3: the make up of the
tive atmosphere of the grounds.
board. There currently are 8 members on the
Approved covering any additional expense for board with two vice presidents. Members will be
campsites and t-shirts for those who are responsi- asked to approve the change to a 7-member board
ble for the operations of the festival.
with one vice president.
The O.D.P.C. is excited to introduce a new weekday, daytime jam in Fowlerville, MI. If you don’t like to drive at
night, then we hope this helps. If you are still working
and can’t attend all day, then come for the evening.
We’ll take a break during the day and then back to the
music again. After the long winter, we hope this gives
you more opportunities to do what we all love: play music. All are welcome!
Our first session will be held on Thursday, May 23rd from
10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Fowlerville Church of the
Nazarene. After this first session, we will change to the
second Thursday of the month. We are currently scheduled for:
June 13th
August 8th
Skip July
September 12
This has been a goal of the board since 2008. Through
the dedicated effort of Freeman Gilmore, we have been
able to make it happen. If you have any questions, please
feel free to contact Freeman Gilmore at (517) 410-9224
or Kathy Rayman at (586) 709-6180.
Midland Folk Music Festival
20th Annual Festival
August 22—25, 2013
Meeting Schedule—2013
July 21, 2013 — Evart Fairground Community Building
Oct. 5, 2013 — Evart Fairground Community Building
From John Kuch, Locations Guy
In April the board voted to make decisions on future meeting
dates at the ODPC meeting held the last day of Funfest. The
board felt it needed to avoid scheduling meetings on the same
dates as other clubs’ meetings. By setting the schedule at the
Funfest meeting, there is a better chance of having input from
members of those clubs. And, we have possibilities for finding
clubs who are willing to host ODPC meetings.
It would be helpful to have club representatives at the Funfest
Sunday meeting so we avoid meeting conflicts. If you are unable to attend, you can send your club’s meeting dates to me at:
Calling All Mountain Dulcimer Players!
Come practice with us on Thursday, July 18, and/or
play with us on stage. Don’t let your playing level stop
you! It’s a lot of fun and good experience to perform before
an audience. We will gather behind the stage about 6:15 and
set up our seating on stage. The Star Spangled Banner will
first be performed by a soloist. Then we will play about 20
minutes of songs at 6:30. I’m looking forward to seeing all of
you from past years and the new ones who haven’t joined
our group yet. Hope to see you at the Funfest!
Annette Lindsey
Can You Help Me Smile Again?
I've been going to my mail box each and every day
and coming back to the house so
very disappointed, because I'm
not finding any wall quilts to hang
on the walls at the Community
Building in Evart. We need more
wall quilts to fill the walls! Because this is the 50th year of the
ODPC, it would be really special to have some quilts
with the 50th year designation on them. If you're
already working on a quilt, that's great! If you haven't started one yet, there's still time.
The specifications are: 36” wide by 48” long. They
need to have ODPC, Original Dulcimer Players Club
or a hammered dulcimer worked into the design. If
you belong to a club, that information can also be
included on the quilt. The quilt can be pieced, appliqued, cross-stitched – just let your imagination
run wild! Also, please put a label on the back with
your name, club, city and state. Send it to Peg Earl,
2547 W. Webster, Montague, MI 49437 and please
make sure I receive them no later than June 15.
If you have questions, feel free to call me at:
Peg Earl
Greetings from the Education Committee
Time is flying by, and soon we will be gathered at
Evart for the 2013 Funfest! Applications for the
Student/Mentor program are now being accepted. So far we
have only a couple of applications. Please remember that if
you or someone you know is interested in being involved in
this program, the deadline for applications is May 30.
This year we will be able to help 15 students to learn to play
the hammered dulcimer. Because of a generous donation by
Jerry Cyr from Lost Valley Dulcimers, and help from the
ODPC Board, we have 15 dulcimers to loan to prospective
students. We would also like to thank John and Jill Wiemer
for donating hammers for one of our instruments. In the
first year we had 7 students. In 4 years the program has progressed to the point that we need to purchase more instruments to meet the need. This is wonderful news, and we can
be proud to know that through this program we are helping
new people each year learn to play and love the hammered
dulcimer. Many of our former students have now bought
their own instruments and are doing very well.
To participate in the program, each student must submit an
application to the Education Committee. Once the deadline
has passed, the committee will make their decisions and will
notify the students. We want to encourage our ODPC members and our young people to get involved and take advantage of this program. Once the students have been selected, they will be sent a copy of the Student/Mentor contract, which must be read and signed by the student, the
mentor, and an ODPC representative. The student will be
given a hammered dulcimer complete with a case, stand,
tuning wrench, hammers, and an electronic tuner. A mentor
will be selected for the student and will work with them for
1 year. The student will keep the instrument during that
year. If they lose interest during the year, or if they purchase
their own dulcimer, they must return the instrument and
equipment back to the ODPC. A $25 deposit is required before the student receives their instrument.
If you are interested in becoming a student, you may download an application from the ODPC website or contact education@dulcimers.com, and we will make sure that you get
Hurry and take advantage of this program! We want to keep
the love of playing the hammered dulcimer alive for many
years to come.
Youth Program
Thanks to all who worked in the youth
program last summer. No one could
ask for better or more creative leaders! This summer we look forward to working with all
of you again, as well as needing some new volunteers. We would like to find teachers for tin whistle,
bodhran, violin, ukelele and guitar. And, if anyone is
willing to teach a craft class, you can do a project of
your choice, or we can help you with ideas. We would
like to do a treasure hunt on Wednesday before the
festival and need parents to help plan and set it up.
We would also like teens or adults to assist with classes: passing out materials and getting things set up. If
you enjoy kids and can help with anything, please contact us. Thank you!
Carol Hollis: caroltheartist@yahoo.com
Sara Pfahlert: spfahlert@yahoo.com
Festival Volunteers Needed!
Our ODPC Funfest and Membership Office, located on
the south end of the 4H Building, is always a busy,
bustling area, and always in need of volunteers. Helping in the office is a fun way to get out of the sun, relax a bit and meet lots of friendly people. If you’re interested in helping out, please email me at:
or Ida O’Dell, ida@thankfullpraise.com
There is also a Used Instrument Area where members
can display instruments they want to sell. Please see
office staff to register before you leave an instrument
– any time after 12 noon on Thursday, July 18th. Please
also note that the ODPC and its volunteers are not
responsible for the safety or the sale of instruments
left in the Used Instrument Area.
Make sure you drop by to renew your membership
during the festival. We will have a Lost & Found area
as well as a Message Center for your convenience. The
office is also a good place to visit for information and
directions to that next workshop you might be looking
for. We look forward to seeing you there!
Sue Crandle, ODPC Secretary
Jeff Allen, Education Chairman
Food Vendors
We don’t always know who will be serving
meals at the festival, but an addition that is
sure to please many is that the Olive Branch
will be back offering a healthy menu.
Don’t forget to sign up to help at the
gates. There is a spot open just for you.
It’s rewarding to see folks come and go,
and to talk to all the musicians and visitors. You can
schedule a time before Funfest by sending an e-mail
to Gwyn Besner at: gates@dulcimers.com
David Lindsey and Paula Estle, 2012 Winner
Due to the generosity of
luthier David Lindsey, the
ODPC is able to hold a
drawing each year for all
who have joined the club
or renewed their memberships, and who have filled
out a slip at the OPDC
office for the drawing.
This year the process will
be changed. At 6:55 on
Saturday evening, the
drawing will be held prior to the start of the concert. If the
winner is not present, that person will have until 9:45 to
contact an emcee backstage to claim the prize. If the dulcimer has not been claimed by 9:45, new names will be
drawn at 10:00 following the concert until a winner is
called who is present at the show.
CD Sales
The performers who come to Funfest each year do so at
their own expense. None are paid by the ODPC. They
come for the joy of performing and promoting their music. They hope that you, too, will enjoy their music
enough to want to take some home with you. You can
help these performers to be able to return to Evart in
the future by supporting them and purchasing their CDs.
While some performers also have vendor booths, some
do not. Each evening’s performers will be selling their
CDs following the stage shows at the new and improved
CD sales area to the east of the stage. Some may also
choose to sell following their act. The new sheltered,
well-lit and marked area will be
more conducive to encouraging
sales. And, the area is open to
jamming at all other times
when concerts and sales are
not taking place.
O.D.P.C. Tree Project Update
In 2011 Gail Schwandt lead an initiative to acknowledge
the dedication of founders Gene Cox and Elgia Hickok, as
well as officers, members and volunteers. Trees were
purchased by the O.D.P.C. and planted by the Osceola Fair
Board. Our dual purpose was to provide years of beauty
and shade and to remind of us of our appreciation of
those who give of themselves. Look for the markers
around the fairgrounds.
Workshop Instruments
We are sure you will be impressed by the wonderful lineup of classes offered by our talented instructors at the
2013 ODPC Funfest. This year, in addition to a huge assortment of hammered dulcimer classes at every level,
there will be classes featuring: autoharp, banjo, bass,
bowed psaltery, concertina, dance, dobro, fiddle, guitar,
harmonica, harp, hurdy gurdy, Irish and penny whistle,
open holed flute (including Native American flute), mandolin, mountain dulcimer, piano, ukulele and
voice. There will also be classes to help you organize and
better use your iPad, use a music notation program (ABC),
and hone your jamming and music skills. (Please be
aware that this list is subject to change.) Watch for the
complete workshop program of classes which will be
available in June at http://dulcimers.com/workshops.
Sharon Skaryd, Workshop Chairman
In September you will receive the ballot for the 2013
election. On that ballot will be a few proposed bylaws
changes and the chance to express your opinion on the
club’s logo.
In odd years the three trustees are elected, while officers are elected in the even years. If you are interested
in running for the position of trustee, let the Nomination Committee Chair know by emailing Gail Perna at
stageshows@dulcimers.com by July 25. Please include a
brief biography and a thumbnail size picture for the August newsletter.
Funfest Stage Show Lineups, July 18-20!
Thursday Evening
6:30: Mountain Dulcimer Pre-Show, led by Annette Lindsey
7:00 p.m. Thornapple Valley Dulcimer Society
Silver Strings Dulcimer Society
Doug Berch
The Golden Griffon Stringtet
Timothy Seaman
Nate Pultorak
Mitzie Collins
Music Police
Jess Dickinson
Lisa Ferguson & Katie Moritz
Performers’ Finale
Friday Evening
6:15: Hammered Dulcimer Pre-Show, led by Pennye Scheiber
7:00 p.m. David and Annette Lindsey
Wanda Degen
Scott Freeman
Butch Ross
David Mahler
Steve and Ruth Smith
Andy Young
Stephen Seifert
Josh Messick
Bing Futch
Performers’ Finale
Saturday Evening
6:55 Dulcimer Drawing
7:00 p.m. Bill Robinson and Friends
Matthew Dickerson – 2012 HD Champion
Pam Bowman
Ted Yoder
Mark Alan Wade
Guy and Sharrie George
Kaiser Family Band
Stephen Humphries
Rick Thum
Dan Landrum
Performers’ Finale
HD Friday Night Pre-Show
We have a great lineup of vendors for you this summer, with
some old favorites as well as new. Nothing says Evart like wandering through the vendor booths to sample the different dulcimers, books and CDs. Funfest has one of the largest music vendor areas in the U.S. Here is a brief description of what they
will have to sell. Enjoy!
We are looking for lots of players to
play at 6:15 pm. Get there early for
a spot on stage. We will start on
time with Bruce Evans singing The
Star Spangled Banner. Practice is on
Wednesday or Friday at 1:00 pm.
Caldwell Music - stringed instruments, parts and accessories and repairs
You can check out all the tunes at
Cliff's Custom Crafts - wooden musical products
Cloud Nine Musical – Michael Allen Cloud Nine hammered dulcimers
David's Dulcimers - David Lindsey hammered dulcimers, accessories, CDs
Jess Dickinson - instruction books and CDs, sheet music and instruction videos, hammered dulcimer stands
Dulcimer Players News - subscriptions to DPN, CDs, hammered dulcimers
Embroi de' art - music bags and music related items
Paula Estle - music note books, dulcimer covers and music related stained glass , quilts and throws
Bing Futch - CDs, books, DVDs, Folkcraft instruments—mountain dulcimers, Native American flutes
Guy George - CDs, books , ukuleles , ukulele straps , whistles
Grassroots - hammered dulcimers, dulcimer stands, accessories
Harrison Harps – harps
Harvest Home Renditions – CDs, Dusty Strings hammered dulcimers
Hurdy-Gurdy Crafters – a fine selection of hurdy gurdys and accessories
Ronald Jordan – Bob Bedard hammers, musical accessories, wood art.
Key Dulcimers - hammered dulcimers
Lost Valley Dulcimer - hammered dulcimers, tuning wrenches, hammers, instruction books, strings
North & South Mountain Dulcimers - McSpadden mountain dulcimers, rhythm instruments, strings, tuners
Noteworthy Cases - music bags and other related dulcimer items
Paradise Ranch Llamas – music related products, jewelry, wood cuts
Pine Wind Music - Timothy Seaman's CDs, Dusty Strings hammered dulcimers
Bill Robinson & Friends - CDs, musical accessories
Steve and Ruth Smith - CDs, arrangement book, clawhammer banjos.
Songbird Dulcimers – Songbird hammered dulcimers, new and used mountain dulcimers
Stapleton Woodcrafts - music related wood products
Sylvan Valley Musical Instruments – fine mountain dulcimers
Rick Thum Dulcimers - CDs, books, lesson CDs, Rick Thum hammered dulcimers, ukuleles
Mark Alan Wade - CDs, music related accessories
Waynie’s Psaltery - bowed psalteries
Wilson Fine Violins - violin sales and repair
Ted Yoder- instruction books, hammers, tuners, Masterworks and Dusty Strings hammered dulcimers, HD dusters
Andy Young: CDs, music accessories, books.
Osceola County Fairgrounds Camping Procedures, 2013
Procedures for camping during the Dulcimer Funfest held at the Osceola County Fairgrounds are as follows:
Camping is $17.00 per night. If you have to leave early, refund checks will only be issued through the mail.
We do not accept reservations. Camp sites are sold on a first come, first serve basis.
We do not accept payment through the mail. You can either come into the office and purchase your campsite or
use a credit card over the phone. You pay from the day you make the reservation.
 You are welcome to call the office at any time to check on availability. We always try to take into consideration
the handicapped or people with special needs, such as breathing machines, etc. When we get full, that can become difficult. However, we will always do our best.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call our office at 231-734-5481 or email us at osceolacountyfair@sbcglobal.net , and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.
Thank you for your continued support for our Youth Fair and we will see you at Funfest.
Osceola County 4-H FFA Fairboard
Kathy Rayman
President/Funfest Manager
62030 Indian Trail, Ray, MI 48096
Gail Perna
1st Vice President/Stage Shows
8220 Buchanan, Allendale, MI 49401
Jim Rathbun
2nd Vice President/Vendors
3628 Windwood Dr. NE,
Rockford, MI 49341
Sue Crandle, Secretary
4651 Valleyridge S.W.,
Wyoming, MI 49519
Peg Earl
2547 W. Webster Rd.
Montague, MI 49437
Sharon Skaryd, Workshops
11238 Lake Circle Dr. N.
Saginaw, MI 48609
Sarah Pfahlert
Youth Workshops
56 Mouton, Lake Orion, MI 48362
Pennye Scheiber
Newsletter Editor
15851 Griswold Rd.
Manitou Beach, MI 49253
John Kuch
Trustee and Locations
2782 Burlington
Hickory Corners, MI 49060
Julie Arnold
Jeff Allen
Paula Brawdy
246 Worth St., Sandusky, MI 48471
Submission deadline for the next newsletter is August 1, 2013
ODPC News and Notes
Pennye Scheiber, Editor
15851 Griswold Rd.
May, 2013
Manitou Beach, MI 49253
Original Dulcimer Players Club, Inc.

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