Color Fusion Layout Grids_v1
Color Fusion Layout Grids_v1
ColorFusion Décor Example layout grids 1 Use a variety of small, medium and large plants. Place small plants in front of medium plants—and large plants at the back or sides. L Bubble Wand M M S 2 3 4 S M L A Small Plant Medium Plant Large Plant White Anemone Filter A S Color Fusion LED Light Arrange plants in odd numbers, such as 1s, 3s and 5s, for a more natural appearance. S S S S M L Small Plant Medium Plant Large Plant Create a dramatic focal point using a single item, such as a white anemone or mushroom. M B W Mushroom Blue Anemone Wonderland Plant Create multiple areas of visual interest using fewer different components, and instead, repeating like items. W Jellyfish Wonderland Plant M S L Filter M M Color Fusion LED Light Filter W W B M B W J W J L J W Filter W J