1 SPECIAL P A CKA GES PA CKAGES FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, WE HAVE PUT TOGETHER 7 PACKAGES ON MANY IMPORTANT ISSUES. WHY NOT GET A SET FOR YOURSELF? HOW ABOUT ONE FOR A FRIEND OR YOUR PASTOR? *ALL SERIES IN THIS CATALOG ARE AVAILABLE IN DVD, VHS VIDEO, OR AUDIO CD PACKAGE #2 Skepticism to Belief BOTH SERIES $75.00 normally $89.00 13 PROGRAMS (ON VHS, DVD OR AUDIO CD) WITH DR. JOHN ANKERBERG AND DR. J. WARWICK MONTGOMERY PACKAGE # 1 Da Vinci /Missing Gospels/Controversial Theories ALL 3 SERIES $99.00 normally $117.00 17 PROGRAMS (ON VHS, DVD OR AUDIO CD) WITH DR. ERWIN LUTZER, DR. DARRELL BOCK, DR. CRAIG EVANS AND DR. GARY HABERMAS REFUTING THE CONTROVERSIAL THEORIES ABOUT JESUS This series disproves the claims made in the five latest best-selling books — The Jesus Papers, The Gospel of Judas, The Jesus Dynasty, Misquoting Jesus, and The Da Vinci Code. All of these books have been featured on NBC, ABC, Fox, and National Geographic. Why are these books based on sensationalistic and uncontrolled pseudoscholarship, that rely mostly on imagination, legend, and speculation - but not historical fact? Guests: Dr. Craig Evans, Dr. Gary Habermas Copyright: 2006, Number of Programs: 6, Catalog Code: RTJ. DVD $39, VHS $39, Audio CD: $18, Transcript: $10 WHAT ABOUT THE MISSING GOSPELS AND LOST CHRISTIANITIES? What about the new ‘missing’ gospels? Is the traditional Christianity we were taught true Christianity? What evidence shows the new views are wrong? What about the alternative Christianities that archaeologists have discovered? What do The Da Vinci Code and other popular literature teach about Jesus? Guest: Dr. Darrell Bock. Copyright: 2006, Number of Programs: 6, Catalog Code: MGLC. DVD $39, VHS $39, Audio CD: $18, Transcript: $10 ANSWERING THE QUESTIONS RAISED BY THE DA VINCI CODE How can you answer your friends’ questions raised in The Da Vinci Code about the origins of Christianity, the divinity of Jesus and the reliability of the New Testament? Guest: Dr. Erwin Lutzer. Copyright: 2005, Number of Programs: 5, Catalog Code: DVC. DVD: $39, VHS: $39, Audio CD: $15, Transcript: $10 FORMATS DVD VHS CD Audio 2 AVAILABLE: $99.00 normally $117.00 $99.00 normally $117.00 $42.50 normally $50.00 Order Code: PDD Order Code: PDV Order Code: PDC Additional Pr og v aila b le on Historical Prog ogrr ams a av ailab Jesus and Gospels see pages 10-15 FROM SKEPTICISM TO BELIEF (UPDATED AND REEDITED - FORMERLY TITLED HOW TO CONQUER THE FEAR OF NOT KNOWING WHAT TO SAY TO YOUR NON-CHRISTIAN FRIENDS) What can you say to the person who says they are an atheist or an agnostic? What is Christianity? Why is it more than just a moral code or philosophy of life? Why is Christianity based on a real man who lived by the name of Jesus Christ? Who were the 9 authors who gave us information about Jesus? Why is it true that if people won’t accept the basis of the N.T. documents, then they must reject all of the Greek and Roman classics as well? Did Jesus ever claim to be special, a prophet, a Messiah, or God? On what basis did Jesus say He will give someone eternal life? What evidence shows that Jesus’ enemies hear Him say that He was God? What evidence indicates Jesus performed miracles? What historical facts indicate Jesus rose from the dead? What 6 facts of history can only be explained by Jesus’ resurrection? Guest: Dr. John Ankerberg Copyright: 2006,1995, Number of Programs: 6, Catalog Code: FSB DVD $39, VHS $39, Audio CD: $18, Transcript: $10 JESUS CHRIST: LIAR, LUNATIC, LEGEND, OR GOD? Dr. John Warwick Montgomery draws on his experience as an author, researcher, human rights attorney, law professor, and Christian apologist to present the case establishing the reliability and credibility of both the New Testament eyewitnesses and the documentation confirming the integrity of the claims and character Jesus Christ. a n d of of Guest: Dr. John Warwick Montgomery Copyright: 1988, Number of Programs: 7, Catalog Code: AP. DVD: $49, VHS: $49, Audio CD: $21, Transcript: $15 FORMATS AVAILABLE: DVD $75.00 normally $89.00 VHS $75.00 normally $89.00 CD Audio $33.00 normally $39.00 Order Code: PSD Order Code: PSV Order Code: PSC Additional Pr og v aila b le on Historical Prog ogrr ams a av ailab Jesus and Gospels see pages 10-15 3 PACKAGE # 3A CREATION BOTH SERIES $108.00 normally $127.00 14 PROGRAMS (ON VHS, OR DVD) WITH MR. KEN HAM, DR. JASON LISLE, DR. HUGH ROSS, DR. WALTER KAISER AND MR. KENT HOVIND THE GREAT DEBATE ON SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE SERIES 1 AND 2 WHAT DO MUSLIMS BELIEVE? No. of Programs 6 + Q&A $49 each series FORMATS AVAILABLE: DVD $108.00 normally $127.00 VHS $108.00 normally $127.00 Order Code: PCAD Order Code: PCAV CREATION 3 SERIES and BOOK $120.00 normally $142.00 15 PROGRAMS (ON VHS, OR DVD) WITH HUGH ROSS, WALTER KAISER, FUZ RANA, AND KEN SAMPLES WHY IS THE BIG BANG EVIDENCE THAT GOD CREATED THE UNIVERSE? CAN THE BIBLICAL ACCOUNT OF CREATION BE RECONCILED WITH SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE TODAY? ARE THE GENESIS CREATION DAYS 24 HOURS OR LONG PERIODS OF TIME? and THE GENESIS DEBATE BOOK FORMATS AVAILABLE: DVD with book $120.00 normally $142.00 VHS with book $120.00 normally $142.00 8 PROGRAMS (ON VHS, DVD OR AUDIO CD) WITH DRS. ERGUN & EMIR CANER. What evidence persuaded two Muslim brothers that Jesus was more than a prophet? Did the men who flew planes into the Twin Towers believe they were following orthodox Islamic doctrine? Is jihad only internal spiritual struggle or also physical acts of war? Why is there no guarantee of Heaven for those in Islam? IS THE EARTH BILLIONS OF YEARS OLD OR JUST SIX THOUSAND YEARS OLD? PACKAGE # 3B ISLAM PACKAGE 3 SERIES and BOOK $112.00 normally $132.00 FORMER MUSLIMS TESTIFY ABOUT ISLAM and No. of Programs 4 & 4 Series 1: $39 Series 2: $39 PACKAGE # 4 Order Code: PCBD Order Code: PCBV Additional Pr og v aila b le on Cr ea tion Prog ogrr ams a av ailab Crea eation see page 14 Why does Jesus Christ far exceed Muhammad’s life in integrity, grace, and wisdom? Is jihad sanctioned by the Qur’an and the Hadith? What are the Five Pillars of Islam? What do Muslims believe they must do to go to Heaven? What is the only act Muslims can do that will guarantee they will be admitted into Paradise? Guests: Dr. Ergun Caner, Dr. Emir Caner Copyright: 2003, Number of Programs: 4 ea Catalog Codes: IPR1 and IPR2 DVD: $39 ea, VHS: $39 ea, CD: $12 ea, Trans: $10 ea Each concise chapter of this overview of Islam is packed with information—much of it from Muslims themselves—and highlights what you need to know about what Muslims believe and how they think. Providing a solid foundation for you to understand current global events, this book will help you comprehend one of the major religious and political forces of our time and its future impact on our world. Copyright: 2001, Pages: 159, Catalog Code: BFFI Price: $15 A debate between Islamic and Christian scholars...What is the concept of God in Islam and Christianity? Is Muhammad a true prophet of God? Is Jesus Christ God or just a prophet? What about the crucifixion of Jesus? Which is the Word of God, the Bible or the Qur’an? Guests: H. Morsi, J. Badawi, G. Archer, A. Shorrosh Copyright: 1991, Number of Programs: 6, Catalog Code: IC. DVD: $39, VHS: $39, Audio CD: $18, Transcript: $10 FORMATS AVAILABLE: DVD $112.00 normally $132.00 VHS $112.00 normally $132.00 CD Audio $ 48.00 normally $57.00 Order Code: PID Order Code: PIV Order Code: PIC Additional Pr og v aila b le on Islam Prog ogrr ams a av ailab see page 11 PACKAGE #5 Total Surrender ALL 3 SERIES $83.00 normally $97.95 12 PROGRAMS (ON VHS, DVD OR AUDIO CD) WITH DR. JOHN ANKERBERG TOTAL SURRENDER Why should you totally surrender to Christ? How can you do it? What provision has God made so believers can live the surrendered life? Featuring: Dr. John Ankerberg Copyright: 2001, Programs: 2, Catalog Code: TS DVD: $19.95, VHS: $19.95, Audio CD: $6, Transcript: $5 PACKAGE #6 Death/Judgment/Doubt BOTH SERIES $150.00 normally $176.00 24 PROGRAMS (ON VHS, DVD OR AUDIO CD) WITH DR. ERWIN LUTZER THE JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST What is the purpose of the Judgment Seat? What misconceptions keep Christians from taking it seriously? Will sins committed before trusting Christ diminish rewards given? Will the Judgment be public? Will Jesus be angry? What will Christ look for when He evaluates your life? What rewards may we lose at the Judgment Seat? Will the death-bed convert receive any rewards? WHAT HAPPENS ONE MINUTE AFTER YOU DIE? GOD’S ENCOURAGEMENT FOR TODAY’S CHRISTIANS How can you know for sure God has forgiven your sins? How does God view your past, present and future sins? What power has God provided for you who want to break bad habits and compulsive behavior? How can you experience God’s peace? What is the difference between discipline and punishment? What has God provided for those who are afraid? Host: Dr. John Ankerberg Copyright: 1997, Programs: 6, Catalog Code: ENC DVD: $39, VHS: $39, Audio CD: $18, Transcript: $10 The Fight Within and the Fight Without What can you do, Christian, when you give in to sinful desires? Are you addicted to life-styles and substances that are destroying your body, your Christian testimony, and your fellowship with God? What has God provided to help you forsake your old ways? How much have others conditioned your thinking, even though you are a Christian? Host: Dr. John Ankerberg Copyright: 1997, Programs: 4, Catalog Code: FWW. DVD: $39, VHS: $39, Audio CD: $12, Transcript: $10 FORMATS AVAILABLE: DVD $83.00 normally $97.95 VHS $83.00 normally $97.95 CD Audio $30.00 normally $36.00 6 How to overcome the fear of death. What actually happens at the point of transition of life, to death, to Heaven? What does the Bible teach about the death of infants? What will Heaven and Hell be like? Is God in control of how and when you die? What about suicide and the Christian? Guest: Dr. Erwin Lutzer. Copyright: 1998, Programs: 8 ea, Catalog Code: EL & JSC DVD: $49 ea, VHS: $49 ea, Audio CD: $24 ea, Transcript: $15 ea HOW CAN YOU BE SURE THAT YOU WILL SPEND ETERNITY WITH GOD? What is the tragedy of misplaced faith? Why is grace so amazing? What is the gift God offers to everyone that none of us can do without? What is the miracle that each of us needs if we are ever going to get into Heaven? HOPE FOR THOSE WHO DOUBT THEIR SALVATION How can we have absolute assurance that we are one of God's children? What can we say to those who have continual doubts about their salvation? Includes additional bonus materials featuring Dr. Lutzer’s testimony. Guest: Dr. Erwin Lutzer. Copyright: 2003, Number of Programs: 4 and 4, Catalog Code: YBS1 and YBS2. DVD: $39 ea, VHS: $39 ea, Audio CD: $39 ea, Trans: $10 ea Order Code: PTSD Order Code: PTSV Order Code: PTSC FORMATS AVAILABLE: DVD $150.00 normally $176.00 VHS $150.00 normally $176.00 CD Audio $ 72.00 normally $ 65.00 Order Code: PESD Order Code: PESV Order Code: PESC 7 FAST FACTS BOOKS $15.00 each or any 2 for $25.00 FAST FACTS ON THE MASONIC LODGE Are Masonry and Christianity compatible? Carefully and thoroughly examining Masonic resources and clarifying the Lodge’s claims and terminology, they ask: Is Freemasonry a religion? What does Masonry teach about Jesus Christ? Is the God of the Bible also the God of the Lodge? What can Masons do if they’re disturbed over conflicts between the beliefs of Freemasonry and Christianity? Authors: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon Copyright: 2004, Pages: 153, Catalog Code: BFML Price: $15 The best selling The Facts on Series Buy 4, get 1 FREE Purchase 4 FACTS ON books, and receive a 5th FACTS ON for FREE. $5 EACH or 5 for $20 FAST FACTS ON MORMONISM Was God ever a man? Were Jesus and Lucifer brothers? Does Mormonism include occult practices? By clarifying the terms Mormons use as well as their views on the Bible, the authors reveal the huge chasm between what Mormons and Christians believe. This is a clear, well-written guide that will help readers comprehend one of the world’s fastest-growing belief systems in light of the clear teaching of the Bible. Authors: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon Copyright: 2003, Pages: 152, Catalog Code: BFMC Price: $15 FAST FACTS ON DEFENDING YOUR FAITH Despite today’s trends towards relativism, our Christian faith is built on truth. Knowing the truth means knowing that what you believe is absolutely unshakable— not just true for you alone, but for everyone. But sometimes aspects of our faith can be confusing and hard to explain. This book offers historical and scriptural evidence to help you find the answers you need to the toughest questions. Authors: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon Copyright: 2002, Pages: 175, Catalog Code: BFFD Price: $15 FAST FACTS ON ROMAN CATHOLICISM The Mormon Church The Masonic Lodge Mind Sciences The New Age Movement Near-Death Experiences The Occult Psychic Readings Self-Esteem, Psychology, and the Recovery Movement Roman Catholicism Rock Music Sex Education Spirit Guides The Trinity UFO’s and Other Supernatural Phenomena World Religions The Truth About Salvation Why You Can Believe the Bible Angels Astrology Creation vs. Evolution Eternal Security False Teachings in the Church Halloween Holistic Health Hinduism in America Homosexuality Islam The Jehovah’s Witnesses The King James Only Debate Life After Death The perfect resource for everything readers want to know about the differences between Catholicism and evangelical Christianity. What are the basic tenets of the Roman Catholic faith? What do Catholics mean by “salvation” and “justification”? How influential are official church teachings on everyday Catholics? Is the exaltation of Mary Scriptural? This practical guide will help readers comprehend this prominent religious institution. Authors: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon Copyright: 2004, Pages: 150, Catalog Code: BFRC Price: $15 FAST FACTS ON ISLAM Each concise chapter of this overview of Islam is packed with information—much of it from Muslims themselves—and highlights what you need to know about what Muslims believe and how they think. Providing a solid foundation for you to understand current global events, this book will help you comprehend one of the major religious and political forces of our time and its future impact on our world. Authors: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon Copyright: 2001, Pages: 159, Catalog Code: BFFI Price: $15 FAST FACTS ON JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES From blood transfusions to salvation by works, the unorthodox doctrines of the Jehovah’s Witnesses put them at risk physically and spiritually. Who founded the Jehovah’s Witnesses and why? Why is life-essential medical care refused? Why do few Jehovah’s Witnesses look forward to eternal life in God’s presence? How many Jehovah’s Witnesses’ prophecies have failed? How do Jehovah’s Witnesses view and interpret God’s Word? 8 Authors: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon Copyright: 2003, Pages: 180, Catalog Code: BFJW Price: $15 9 TAKE 15% OFF ANY ITEM ON PAGES 10-15 HOW YOU CAN KNOW THE BIBLE IS THE WORD OF GOD Who wrote the Bible? Are there any errors in the Bible? Can we trust the Bible? Which books belong in the Bible? Has the Bible been translated correctly? How should we interpret the Bible? Guest: Dr. Norman Geisler. Copyright: 2000, Number of Programs: 6, Catalog Code: BUR. DVD: $39, VHS: $39, Audio CD: $18, Trans: $10 THE SEARCH FOR JESUS CONTINUES This series examines and responds to the conclusions reached in the ABC special The Search for Jesus. It answers questions like: Was Jesus born in Bethlehem? Do the Gospels contradict one another? Does History support the outline of Jesus' life as given in the Gospels? After He was crucified was Jesus' body eaten by dogs, or was He buried in a tomb? Guests: Dr. Gabriel Barkay, Various experts and Scholars including: Dr. Darrell L. Bock, Dr. N.T. Wright, Dr. Ben Witherington, Dr. William Lane Craig, Dr. Craig Evans Copyright: 2001, Programs: 6, Catalog Code: JREB DVD: $39, VHS: $39, Audio CD: $15, Transcript: $10 DID THE FOUNDING FATHERS INTEND FOR AMERICA TO BE A CHRISTIAN NATION? Hear examples from American history proving our country was founded as a Christian nation. Who coined the phrase “separation of church and state”? Why did the Supreme Court in 1962 reverse the meaning of the First Amendment which it had defended for almost 200 years? Guest: David Barton. Copyright: 1992, Number of Programs: 6, Catalog Code: FF. DVD: $39, VHS: $39, Audio CD: $18, Transcript: $10 THE CASE FOR JESUS’ RESURRECTION "It seems to me that there are four fundamental historical facts which any credible historian must account for if he's going to give a tenable historical hypothesis about the fate of Jesus of Nazareth.” (Dr. William Lane Craig) Archaeologists and scholars from around the world help us understand these facts. Guests: Dr. Craig Evans, Dr. Edwin Yamauchi, Dr. Gary Habermas, Dr. William Lane Craig, Dr. Darrell Bock. Copyright: 2001, Programs: 4, Catalog Code: QJR. DVD: $39, VHS: $39, Audio CD: $12, Transcript: $10 Order online at 10 For catalog orders, use the enclosed order form or go to to order online EIGHT CHRISTIAN SCHOLARS DEFEND THE FAITH What Questions do skeptics ask about the existence of God and the differences between the God of the Bible and other religions. How can someone know that the Bible is true? How do the beliefs of biblical Christianity compare with the beliefs of some of the major religious groups in America? Why does God condemn occult involvement? Guests: Dr. G. Archer, Dr. W. Kaiser, D. Hunt, Dr. A. Shorrosh, Dr. R. Morey, Dr. J. Weldon, B. Cetnar, J. Cetnar Copyright: 1991, Programs: 6, Catalog Code: ART DVD: $39, VHS: $39, Audio CD: $12, Transcript: $10 11 MILLION NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES: DO SOME INDICATE IT MIGHT NOT BE SAFE TO DIE? What takes place during near-death experiences? Are these experiences real or dreams? Have people found themselves in Hell not Heaven? Who is the supreme being many people see? Guests: Dr. Rawlings, Howard Storms, Nancy Evans Bush, June Langley, Weldon, Dave Hunt Copyright: 1994, Programs: 7, Catalog Code: NDE DVD: $49, VHS: $49, Audio CD: $21, Transcript: $15 MESSIANIC PROPHECIES: DO THEY POINT TO JESUS OR SOMEBODY ELSE? An orthodox Jewish theologian and an Old Testament Semitic Languages professor examine the promises in the Hebrew Scriptures concerning Messiah. Guests: Dr. W. Kaiser, Dr. P. Lapide Copyright: 1985, Programs: 4, Catalog Code: MP DVD: $39, VHS: $39, Audio CD: $12, Transcript: $10 ISLAM VS. CHRISTIANITY -- DEBATE A debate between Islamic and Christian scholars...What is the concept of God in Islam and Christianity? Is Muhammad a true prophet of God? Is Jesus Christ God or just a prophet? What about the crucifixion of Jesus? Which is the Word of God, the Bible or the Qur’an? Guests: Dr. H. Morsi, Dr. J. Badawi, Dr. G. Archer, Dr. A. Shorrosh Copyright: 1991, Number of Programs: 6, Catalog Code: IC DVD: $39, VHS: $39, Audio CD: $18, Transcript: $10 MP3 Audio downloads and MPEG4 Video downloads are available online at 11 TAKE 15% OFF ANY ITEM ON PAGES 10-15 DID THE RESURRECTION REALLY HAPPEN? Christian attorney and theologian Dr. John Warwick Montgomery debates U.S. Diplomat John K. Naland, skeptic and contributing author to Free Inquiry, America's primary humanist magazine. What happened to Jesus' body? Why was His tomb empty? Is there evidence that will convince skeptics that Jesus really did rise from the dead? Guests: Dr. John Warwick Montgomery, John K. Naland Copyright: 1989, Programs: 5, Catalog Code: RES DVD: $39, VHS: $39, Audio CD $15, Transcript: $10 DEALING WITH DOUBT Are there different types of doubt, or do all doubtful thoughts and feelings come from the same source? Does every doubt respond to the same assurance? What steps does God give us in the Bible to help us deal with emotional types of doubts? Guest: Dr. Gary Habermas Copyright: 2003, Number of Programs: 4, Catalog Code: DBT DVD: $39, VHS: $39, Audio CD: $12, Transcript: $10 EVIDENCE FOR THE HISTORICAL JESUS How do we know that the Jesus of history is the same Jesus of our Christian faith? Are there any non-Christian sources that tell us Jesus actually lived, died on a cross, was buried, and afterward was seen by His disciples? What historical facts show that a few days after Jesus was buried His tomb was found empty? Guest: Dr. Gary Habermas Copyright: 2000, Number of Programs: 6, Catalog Code: EHJ DVD: $39, VHS: $39, Audio CD: $18, Transcript: $10 WHICH ENGLISH TRANSLATION IS BEST FOR CHRISTIANS TODAY? -- DEBATE Are today’s modern translations really the Word of God? Did God protect only the Apostles and their original writings from error, or did He also protect certain manuscripts throughout history? Why have the modern translations of the Bible deleted some words and changed others? Did the editors of the 1611 KJV claim perfection for their own version? Guests: Barker, Wilkins, Wallace, White, Gipp, Strouse, and Chambers Copyright: 1995, 2002, Programs: 8, Catalog Code: BBT DVD: $49, VHS: $49, Audio CD: $24, Transcript: $15 Order online at 12 For catalog orders, use the enclosed order form or go to to order online DO ROMAN CATHOLICS & PROTESTANTS AGREE ON JUSTIFICATION & PAPAL INFALLIBILITY? DEBATE How has God forgiven us? What is the main biblical doctrine that divides Catholics and Protestants? Are sins forgiven by faith in Christ alone or faith plus good works? Did Jesus make Peter Pope over the entire Church to have infallible rule over every Christian? Guests: Father Mitchell Pacwa, Dr. Walter Martin Copyright: 1985, Number of Programs: 5, Catalog Code: RC1 DVD: $39, VHS: $39, Audio CD: $15, Transcript: $10 DO ROMAN CATHOLICS & PROTESTANTS AGREE ON MARYOLOGY & PURGATORY? DEBATE Does the Bible teach that Mary was sinless, is Co-Mediatrix and CoRedemptrix with Christ? Must sins be confessed to a priest before God will forgive? Is there such a place as Purgatory where Christians must go to be purged of sin before they can enter Heaven? Guests: Father Mitchell Pacwa, Dr. Walter Martin Copyright: 1985, Programs: 4, Catalog Code: RC2 DVD: $39, VHS: $39, Audio CD: $12, Transcript: $10 MORMON OFFICIALS/ CHRISTIAN SCHOLARS COMPARE DOCTRINE The theological teachings of the Mormon Church are presented by Mormon leaders, and refuted by former Mormon and a Christian scholar. Guests: Sandra Tanner, Ed Decker, Dr. Walter Martin, Others. Copyright: 1983, Number of Programs: 5, Catalog Code: MCD. DVD $39, VHS $39, Audio CD: $15, Transcript: $10 HAS THE WATCHTOWER EVER LIED, COVERED UP OR CHANGED IMPORTANT DOCTRINES, DATES, AND BIBLICAL INTERPRETATIONS? Lorrie MacGregor and Dr. Ankerberg discuss major theological teachings of the JW’s, and the evidences which refute Witness teachings with guidelines for presenting this information to Jehovah’s Witnesses. Guest: Lorrie MacGregor Copyright: 1989, Number of Programs: 7, Catalog Code: JW5 DVD: $49, VHS: $49, Audio CD: $21, Transcript: $15 MP3 Audio downloads and MPEG4 Video downloads are available online at 13 TAKE 15% OFF ANY ITEM ON PAGES 10-15 WHY IS THE BIG BANG EVIDENCE THAT GOD CREATED THE UNIVERSE? Program 1: Why Is the “Big Bang” Theory proof that God created everything? Program 2: Scientific evidence that reveals the universe has been fine-tuned by a Creator for life on Earth. Program 3: Scientific evidence that reveals the universe and Earth have been especially designed to accommodate life on Earth. Program 4: Evidence for the fine-tuning of the Earth and the galaxy surrounding the Earth, without which it would be impossible for any kind of life to exist. Program 5: Life on Earth: did it arise through naturalistic evolutionary means? Guests: Dr. Hugh Ross, Dr. Fuz Rana, Ken Samples Copyright: 2003, Programs: 5, Catalog Code: WBB1 DVD: $39, VHS: $39, Audio CD $12, Transcript: $10 CAN THE BIBLICAL ACCOUNT OF CREATION BE RECONCILED WITH SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE TODAY? DEBATE Program 1: From ape to man via evolution Or was man a unique creation of God? Program 2: The biblical account of creation: does it square with science? (Day 1 and Day 2), Program 3: The biblical account of creation: does it square with science? (Day 3 and Day 4) Program 4: The Biblical account of creation: does it square with science? (Day 5 and Day 6) Guests: Dr. Hugh Ross, Dr. Fuz Rana, Ken Samples Copyright: 2003, Number of Programs: 5, Catalog Code: WBB2 DVD: $39, VHS: $39, Audio CD $12, Transcript: $10 ARE THE GENESIS CREATION DAYS 24 HOURS OR LONG PERIODS OF TIME? Does the Bible teach that the universe had an absolute beginning brought about by God? Why are the Big Bang and other astronomical evidences the death of biological evolution? Did Moses use the Hebrew word “yom” day to refer to three different lengths of time? Why are the words “evening and morning”, not used when the seventh day is mentioned? Is it because the seventh day has not ended? If Hebrews 4:9 says God’s Sabbath rest still continues, does that mean the seventh day is a long period of time? Does Exodus 20:9 indicate that the creation days were 24 hours long? Guests: Dr. Walter Kaiser, Dr. Hugh Ross Copyright: 2005, Number of Programs: 5, Catalog Code: RKC1 DVD: $39, VHS: $39, Audio CD: $12, Transcript: $10 Order online at 14 For catalog orders, use the enclosed order form or go to to order online THE GREAT DEBATE ON SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE PARTS 1 AND 2 - DEBATE Mr. Ken Ham and Dr. Jason Lisle (representing young Earth creationists) debate Dr. Hugh Ross and Dr. Walter Kaiser (representing old Earth creationists) present their views and answer YOUR questions about whether the creation days were 24-hours long or long periods of time, what is the age of the universe and the Earth, the relationship of the Bible and science, and much, much more. What is the meaning of the word “day” in Genesis 1 and 2? Is the Bible literally teaching a day is 24-hours or a long period of time? What kind of world did God create? What were the conditions on Earth before Adam sinned? Did plants and animals die before Adam and Eve were created? What happened at the fall? What happened to man? What happened to the plants, animals and the universe as a result of Adam’s sin? Guests: Mr. Ken Ham, Dr. Jason Lisle, Dr. Hugh Ross, and Dr. Walter Kaiser Copyright: 2006, Number of Programs: 4 ea, Catalog Code: GDSB1 and GDSB2 DVD: $39 ea, VHS: $39 ea, Audio CD: $12 ea, Audio Cassette: $12 ea, Transcript: $10 ea THE MASONIC LODGE: WHAT GOES ON BEHIND CLOSED DOORS? One of our more popular series, these programs deal with the first three degrees of Freemasonry, the Blue Lodge. Key portions of the rituals are re-enacted and explained in light of Scripture. Guest: Jack Harris Copyright: 1986, Number of Programs: 6, Catalog Code: BCD. DVD: $39, VHS: $39, Audio CD: $18, Transcript: $10 WHY DOES GOD ALLOW EVIL AND SUFFERING IN THE WORLD? If God exists, why is there evil in the world? What is evil? Where did evil come from? Why doesn't God intervene and stop all evil? Why does God allow the innocent to suffer? What about hurricanes, tsunamis, and tornadoes? Guest: Dr. Norman Geisler Copyright: 2003, Programs: 8, Catalog Code: EVL DVD: $49, VHS: $49, Audio CD: $24, Transcript: $15 DID JESUS RISE FROM THE DEAD? DEBATE What 10 historical facts about Jesus' life, which are agreed to by virtually all critical scholars, lead to the conclusion Jesus actually rose from the dead? Did the disciples have hallucinations or actually see Jesus? Was Jesus' resurrection body merely a ghost-like, wispy, see-through, non-material body or a real physical body? Did Jesus claim to be God? Guests: Dr. Gary Habermas, Dr. Antony Flew Copyright: 2000, Programs: 6, Catalog Code: DJRD1 DVD: $49, VHS: $49, Audio CD: $24, Transcript: $15 MP3 Audio downloads and MPEG4 Video downloads are 15 available online at The Christmas Gift to The John Ankerberg Show That Gives All Year Your commitment of a monthly gift will allow us to more effectively minister in the various avenues God has opened to us. The John Ankerberg Show is totally dependent on gifts from individuals. We do not have large corporate sponsors. Your gift counts! THE 30/30 CL UB CLUB Would you like to: · · · · · · Know how to witness to those in various cults and the occult? Provide unshakable reasons for your children and grandchildren to stand firm in their faith through high school and college? Receive a continuous supply of evidence from Scripture, logic, and science that will help you present and defend your Christian faith? Be able to provide your church or Sunday School with a thoroughly biblical analysis of contemporary issues facing Christians today? Help make an impact on the values and beliefs of people in our country? Play a big part in keeping this ministry strong? If you become a 30/30 Club Member you can! In appreciation for your faithfulness, when we receive your gift, The Ankerberg Theological Research Institute will provide the following materials based on your level of participation: · · · · · $100 per month, we will send you the DVD or VHS, audio CD and transcript of the featured series of the month. $50 per month, we will send you the DVD or VHS and transcript of the featured series of the month. $30 per month, we will send you the DVD or VHS of the featured series of the month. $25 per month, we will send you the audio CD and transcript of the featured series of the month. $15 per month, we will send you a CD with a PDF transcript, audio CD and MP3 of the radio programs. Would you give a Christmas gift to The John Ankerberg Show to help us. It would be a blessing to start 2007 in the black. SEE THE ORDER FORM TO INDICATE HOW MUCH GOD IS LEADING YOU TO GIVE THIS CHRISTMAS. 16