Technology Today


Technology Today
2005 Issue 2
Meeting the Challenges of the Future
A Message from
Greg Shelton
Vice President of Engineering,
Technology, Manufacturing & Quality
This issue of technology today features EO technology, a key technology area where Raytheon is well-positioned as an established leader, and an area in which the future is bright.
Our engineers and scientists continually push the limits of technology to truly make a difference in the
world. In April, I had the pleasure of acknowledging 76 of our best and our brightest engineers and
technologists with the 2004 Excellence in Technology Awards (see p. XX). The celebration was held at the
Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum — what better venue than a place full of historic innovation
and ideas. I was both proud and honored to take part in this celebration. I want to thank the awardees for
all that they have done to protect our customers, save lives and put Raytheon on a path to greatness. I
encourage you to take the time and read about the winners and the work they and their teams accomplished
to achieve excellence.
Then in May, I participated in the joint EO and RF Systems Engineering symposium in El Segundo, Calif.
(see p. XX) where I stated that the only difference between EO and RF is frequency. Although I now consider
myself a systems engineer with a broad-based understanding of our technologies and business areas, that
statement clearly identified me as an “RF guy” at heart because I spoke of frequency instead of wavelength!
In all seriousness, there are many areas where EO and RF complement each other from a systems perspective. Further, as we develop data fusion techniques to blend multi-sensor netted solutions, we can gain the
best from both worlds.
Ask Greg on line
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Raytheon has a strong legacy as a leader in the EO market by virtue of our enabling technologies that have
and will continue to change the battlefield. EO systems have enabled our warfighters to see at night, to seek
and destroy, to provide critical ISR data to military field commands, and to access battlefield conditions.
Forward looking infrared (FLIR) sensors debuted in Afghanistan and Iraq where we “ruled the night.” EO
missile seekers such as Stinger and Javelin have been used extensively in modern warfare. The F/A-18 designator (ATFLIR) has given Raytheon a distinctive edge in delivering an all solid-state airborne
designator/rangefighter that is used by autonomous fighter aircraft such as the F18 Hornet.
We are working with our customers and suppliers to design and develop EO technologies that will change the
battlespace by advances in missile defense, future combat systems, LADAR and laser technologies, to name a
few. One exciting area that combines many of our core EO technologies is autonomous target recognition. We
are developing solutions that support robotic and UAV applications that will enable swarming sensors to
share data across high-bandwidth secure nodes. We are providing situational awareness and persistent ISR
capabilities in places, such as Baghdad, that could only have been dreamed of just a few years ago.
I am proud of the strong technical leadership Raytheon has been able to demonstrate in the areas of Electrooptical systems, as well as advanced image processing. Raytheon has helped our warfighter truly RULE THE
NIGHT! This, of course, is the unabridged version, and I encourage you to read about this and the other
many exciting EO technologies that Raytheon is pursuing in this issue.
As always, I welcome your feedback and encourage you to continue to be customer-focused — meet expectations, build relationships by listening and understanding customers’ challenges, and provide innovative solutions to meet their needs. I know you will.
2005 ISSUE 2
technology today is published
quarterly by the Office of Engineering,
Technology, Manufacturing & Quality
Vice President
Greg Shelton
Managing Editor
Jean Scire
Mardi Balgochian Scalise
Lee Ann Sousa
Raytheon’s Electro-optical Technology –
Emerging Threats and Future Technology
Kill Vehicle Architecture for National Missile Defense
Future Combat Systems Ground Vehicle Netted Sensors
Non-Line-of-Sight Launch System
The Future of Autonomous Target Recognition
Raytheon’s Role in Homeland Security
Optical Multi-Access Satellite Communications
Polarization, Multispectral and Hyperspectral Systems
Putting Energy on Target at the Speed of Light
Pioneering Missile System Simulation
Systems, Software and Processing
Engineering Symposium
Talent Acquisition and Development
National Engineers Week
2004 Excellence in Technology Awards Celebration
2004 Quality Excellence and Excellence in Operations
Design for Six Sigma – ISSSP
The Future State of IPDS
CMMI Accomplishments
Patent Recognition
People: Raytheon’s Greatest Asset
Future Events
Art Director
Debra Graham
Cover Design
Scott Bloomfield
Jon Black
Rob Carlson
Mike McGravey
Charlie Riniker
Publication Coordinator
Carol Danner
Expert Reviewer
Kevin Marler
Karl Blasius
Bob Girard
Cathy Ibrahim
Matt Jonas
Jim McKay
Heather McKenna
Ray McKenzie
Bill Norton
John Schaefer
Allan Slocum
Helmut Snyder
Jay Stern
As Greg mentioned in his column, we recently celebrated the 2004 Excellence in
Technology awards at the Smithsonian National Air and Space museum. The museum offers a first-hand impression of how aviation and space flight have changed
the ways we travel by air, prepare for national defense, study the earth, and
explore the solar system and universe beyond.
The opening reception was in the Air Transportation gallery surrounded by Raytheon’s Beechcraft
King Air, followed by a dinner celebration in the Milestones of Flight gallery, which displays how far
we have come — and how fast — in the realms of aviation and space. Its artifacts, such as
Goddard’s rocket, the 1903 Wright Flyer and the Spirit of St. Louis, were once considered science
fiction. This amazing museum, where many Raytheon products are among the artifacts, was the
perfect place to recognize our company’s highest honor for technical achievement. Just as Goddard
and the Wright brothers, the award recipients’ hard work and perseverance are a source of inspiration for all of us, and we congratulate them.
In this issue, you will read about the future and impact of EO technology, and how Raytheon is
pushing the limits of technology to develop and design products that were once considered science
fiction but are now on their way to becoming reality. How far we have come from a company that
once manufactured vacuum radio tubes and magnetrons for radar systems. Now we’re developing
speed-of-light solutions with laser weapons, target discrimination where all the data is “seen”
using polarization, hyperspectral and multispectral discriminates, and laser radar (LADAR) that adds
a third dimension with no place for the enemy to hide, to name a few — cool stuff that addresses
emerging threats at home and abroad.
Who knew that, while we provided superior solutions for our customers, we’d be making history?
Our future is bright!
We welcome your comments and suggestions; go to technology
today via and visit the Interact section, or
email us at
2005 ISSUE 2
Raytheon’s Electro-optical Technology
Emerging Threats and Future Technology
Part 2 of 2 Electro-optical Technology Features
e all know by
reading the
newspaper that the
world is becoming a more
complex and, in some ways,
a more threatening place.
It is no longer sufficient to equip our
warfighters with weapon sights that allow
them to target an enemy they can see downrange. Many countries are developing the
capability of delivering nuclear weapons;
terrorists and fighters in urban environments
do not have clear battle lines; threats can be
hidden in camouflage and spread over a vast
area. Raytheon is engaged in a number of
important programs and developing new
technologies that will continue to defend our
nation in the presence of these evolving
threats. Our work in missile defense will help
guard the nation against incoming nuclear
missiles. Our work in homeland security will
help keep both our citizens and the citizens
of our allies more secure from threats internal
to their borders. In addition, we will play an
important role in transforming the Army
from a vehicle-centric force to a
network-centric force.
The technologies required to achieve these
goals are far broader than EO technology;
however, EO technologies are important contributors to their success. Typically, decisions
will be made based upon the output of multiple sensors, as opposed to a single one. This
capability is enabled by automated target
recognition, which is used to determine the
area from each sensor that should be examined, as well as the fusion of various sensor
outputs to support a threat decision and
develop an integrated picture of the battlespace. The large amount of information from
all of these sensors will require enormous
bandwidth to transmit. The solution? Using
optical wavelengths (lasercom) instead of
2005 ISSUE 2
the traditional microwave technology. In addition, targets must be identified at long ranges
under cover. How? Through laser detection
and ranging (LADAR) and passive sensors that
use additional phenomenology, such as multispectral, hyperspectral and polarization.
Lastly, once you know where they are, how
do you bring effects at the speed of light?
Through the use of high-energy lasers
weapons. •
Alan Silver
In this issue,
you’ll read about
how we apply
EO advanced
technologies to
emerging threats
against our
Raytheon Programs Address
Emerging Threats
Kill Vehicle Architecture for National Missile Defense
Figure 1. Raytheon Missile Systems Missile Defense Programs cover the full range of theaters
of operation.
Electro-optical engineers at Missile
Systems (MS) in Tucson, Ariz., have spent
the last decade designing and producing
high-powered sensors that enable kill
vehicles used in national missile defense
(NMD) to locate and hit their targets. Now,
evolving policies in the Missile Defense
Agency (MDA), as well as the maturation of
the NMD concept, are driving fundamental
changes in the way Raytheon develops new
kill vehicles. Under the old system of funding and program organization, NMD projects were often at risk of cost overruns and
schedule slips, and occasionally were
designed to meet requirements that were
out-of-date or irrelevant by the time the
systems were ready for deployment.
Additionally, the various interceptor programs faced limitations because they shared
little in terms of technology or funding.
To overcome these challenges, the MDA
has transitioned to a capabilities-based
technology acquisition and development
approach, the result of which demonstrates
a fundamental shift in the way MDA does
business. MS has responded by taking a
number of steps to align more closely with
the new business paradigm. These alignment activities include changes to program
and technical tools and processes, incorporation of a new class of mission assurance
and technical readiness metrics, and a
major re-evaluation of the missile defense
technology development strategy to prioritize the specific areas that enable the
highest payback for current and next-generation system capabilities. One of the most
promising areas of opportunity emerging
from the kill vehicle technology evaluation
and roadmap process is technology commonality, which is now being pursued as
the major focus of the MS Kill Vehicle
Architecture (KIVA) initiative.
NMD presents complex problems. In order
to be successful, a comprehensive missile
defense system must be able to defend
against all manners of ballistic missile
threats, including short-, medium- and
long-range missiles (Figure 1). The system
should be capable of engaging threats in all
phases of flight (boost, ascent, midcourse
and terminal) in order to maximize the
probability of intercept. The different kill
vehicles currently under development at MS
are designed to be integrated into a number of systems that together will provide
the complete coverage necessary. Near Field
Infrared Experiment (NFIRE) and Kinetic
Energy Interceptors (KEI) are kill vehicle
development programs intended to collect
data (NFIRE) or intercept missiles in the
boost or ascent phase (KEI). SM-3
Lightweight Exo-Atmospheric Projectile is a
sea-based missile defense element designed
to intercept during the threat's ascent and
midcourse phase. Exo-Atmospheric Kill
Vehicle (EKV) is the ground-based national
missile defense element designed to
Continued on page 6
2005 ISSUE 2
Raytheon Weaves Net for Future Combat
How do you get a force anywhere in the
world within a couple of days? You do
what FedEx® does — you airlift it. However,
70-ton Abrams main battle tanks do not fit
easily into overhead compartments.
The Army realized that future vehicles
would have to be much lighter, perhaps no
more than 20 tons. The main driver behind
much of the tanks’ weight is the heavy
armor they carry to ensure their survivability. The Army, therefore, is replacing the
steel armor with situational awareness
armor. Know where you are, where your
buddies are and where the enemy is.
Use this knowledge to avoid the enemy and
bring fires on them with beyond-line-ofsight weapons. This transformation
becomes manifest in the Future Combat
System (FCS).
In the role of ground sensor integrator
(GSI), Network Centric Systems will architect, spec, procure and integrate the netted
sensors on all FCS ground vehicles. Boeing
and SAIC, the FCS lead systems integrator
(LSI), in conjunction with the Army and the
Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency, selected Raytheon for the GSI and
battle command/ mission execution roles in
the Army's FCS systems design and development (SDD) program.
The Future Combat Systems’ SDD is a multiyear, $21.1 billion program. It is the defining element of the Army’s objective force.
FCS employs networking, an array of sensors, and information fusion to achieve
unprecedented levels of situational awareness and operational synchronization. Its
new capabilities — networked sensors,
advanced command and control systems,
Continued from page 5
2005 ISSUE 2
Raytheon was selected as the FCS GSI
following a competitive solicitation issued
by the LSI in 2003. The GSI has the
responsibility to define, along with other
stakeholders, the sensor requirements for
all manned and unmanned ground platforms that make up the FCS unit of action.
In addition, the GSI is responsible for the
management of sensor developments,
the integration of sensors, and the spiral
development of future sensing capabilities.
A key to this effort is the optimization of
sensor capabilities for the netted force. This
differs dramatically from the traditional
approach of addressing sensor performance
in a stovepiped, platform-by-platform
Continued on next page
intercept intercontinental ballistic missiles in
their midcourse phase. Related advanced
sensor technology development is also
ongoing on the Discriminating Sensor
Technology program and could be incorporated in future versions of EKV or deployed
in a variety of observational applications.
One initiative within KIVA is the pursuit of a
sensor open architecture, which will bring
the concepts of modularity and commonality to sensor-specific components (Figure 2).
Electro-optical components such as optics,
detectors, Dewars and gyros are particularly
amenable to the KIVA concept. In the
sensor open architecture paradigm, these
components will be designed with the
expanded capabilities of multiple missions
in mind, and always with reference to
standardized interfaces. This will enable
block upgrade insertions of advanced
materials, detectors and signal processing
electronics as they become available. The
promise of technology insertion in existing
programs is expected to open new funding
agile platforms and precision effects — will
enable the Army to meet changing warfare
Capability Based
• Advanced Signal Processor
• Common Core Components
• Subcomponent Upgrades
based on Technical
• Deployment based on
Spiral Evolution Approach
• Common IDA
• Adaptable Dual
Band FPA
• All Reflective Optics
• High Performance Materials
* Not to scale
Increased Modularity
• Reduces Maintenance
• Facilitates Future Upgrade Options
Figure 2. The KIVA sensor open architecture concept strives for commonality in support of the
various NMD/MDA sensor designs.
avenues and opportunities for leverage
from MDA Small Business Innovation
Research, industry research and development, and potentially international partnering agreements. Sensor open architecture
also reduces production risk and cost by
encouraging common assembly, integration
and test facilities. •
Dr. Martin Green
Dr. Steven Manson
Tara Trumbull
System Ground Vehicle Netted Sensors
Medium Range
Short Range
EO Sensor
Medium Range
EO Sensor
manner. The end result will be a more
robust capability for the Army — at an
affordable cost.
To accomplish this effort, the GSI will draw
upon its domain expertise as the Army's
primary ground sensor provider. This broad
experience in all relevant sensor technologies, coupled with a true mission systems
integrator mindset, ensures we
will deliver the best-of-industry solution,
regardless of source. To date, we have
awarded contracts for the development
and prototype of the following sensors and
subsystems: Aided Target Recognition,
Reconnaissance and Surveillance Vehicle
Mast, Combat Identification, MultiFunction Radar, and Medium-Range
Electro-Optical (MREO)/Infrared Sensor.
Awards for the Remote Chemical Detection
System, Small Unmanned Ground Vehicle
(SUGV) Mission Payload Module Sensors,
and Armed Robotic Vehicle Mast have yet
to be made.
The FSC ground vehicle sensors will
represent a new standard in performance
for a given volume and weight. The
enabling technologies for these sensor
components vary from uncooled through
second-generation focal plane arrays.
Aided target recognition will be critical to
system performance. It will not only highlight areas of interest for the operators, but
also reduce the bandwidth for transmitting
this information throughout the battlefield.
Lasers will enable the sensor to perform far
target location and laser designation.
Modeling and simulation will play a key
role in the development of these sensors as
part of a system-of-systems solution. The
designs and interfaces for these sensors
will be proven through a sequence of
steps from complete software simulation,
through hardware-in-the-loop simulations,
through wargaming and planning, and
training in the field.
These development efforts represent key
elements of the FCS program and continue
the assembling of the best of industry to
meet this national priority. FCS will field
an unprecedented level of situational
awareness, allowing the unit of action to
achieve greater speed, agility and battlefield flexibility than current forces. These
sensors will provide the “content” within
the network centric shared information
space upon which FCS is based. •
Darrell Gotcher
FedEx is a registered trademark of FedEx.
2005 ISSUE 2
Launch System
The Non-Line-of-Sight Launch System
(NLOS-LS), formerly NetFires, is one of
19 core systems in the Army’s Future
Combat System (FCS) program. The
objective of the FCS program is to significantly enhance the maneuverability,
sustainability, survivability and lethality of
the maneuver force beginning in 2010. In
the FCS, the maneuver force is known as
the unit of action, or U of A.
The NLOS-LS program is a systems design
and development (SDD) program that was
awarded to a combined Raytheon/
Lockheed Martin team in March 2004.
The total value of the SDD program is
estimated at $21.1 billion. NLOS-LS is the
continuing development of the Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency
NetFires system, successfully tested at the
White Sands Missile Range in 2002 and
2003. The NLOS-LS effort consists of
three parts: the Precision Attack Missile
(PAM), the Loiter Attack Missile, and the
Container/Launcher Unit (CLU). The CLU
is platform independent, uses its own
onboard power supply, and launches
either missile vertically when requested by
the command and control network.
Raytheon is responsible for the design of
the PAM, as well as one-half of the CLU.
The PAM has a 40-kilometer maximum
range and uses an anti-jam GPS/inertial
navigation system to guide it to the target
area. Following launch, targeting data can
be updated and sent to the missile via its
onboard Joint Tactical Radio System
Cluster V radio. Once in the target area,
the PAM uses its dual mode uncooled
infrared/semi-active laser seeker to acquire
and perform terminal guidance on both
armored and high-value targets. In addition, if requested, a GPS/inertial mission
can also be executed to deliver the PAM’s
warhead to a requested target position.
The PAM’s uncooled infrared (IR) sensor
uses a 640 x 480 Vanadium Oxide
microbolometer array manufactured by
2005 ISSUE 2
Raytheon Vision Systems. During target
acquisition, the IR imagery (see figure) is
parallel processed using Raytheon-developed automatic target recognitio algorithms to discriminate targets from both
natural and manmade clutter. The
uncooled IR sensor is less complex and
less expensive than equivalent cooled systems due to a less costly sensor and the
fact that it does not require a cryogenic
Imagery of Tank Yard from the larger format (640 x 480) UCIR sensor
Each PAM missile weighs 115 pounds and
is 60 inches long. The CLU consists of 15
vertically oriented missiles along with a
computer communication system
arranged in a 4 x 4 array. Each fully
loaded CLU weighs less than 3,000
pounds and can be transported by vehicles as small as a high-mobility, multipurpose wheeled vehicle (HMMWV). The CLU
can also be transported via helicopter
sling, and supports roll-on/roll-off capability on a C-130 while on a HMMWV. When
deployed, the CLU is fully autonomous
and can either be placed on trucks or
HMMWVs, or simply placed on the
ground. Call-for-fire requests for PAM
support can be made by dismounted
troops or manned vehicles, or made
based upon data from unmanned aerial
vehicles. •
Glen Sutton
A soldier walks down an unfamiliar street on patrol, unknowingly
watched by enemy combatants
hidden in nearby buildings. The
soldier suspects that danger is
lurking as he looks through his
visor and activates a stand-off seethrough-the-wall imaging system
that is remotely positioned on the
street corner to gain an image from
inside the building. Three-dimensional
imagery is generated and analyzed by a
target recognition algorithm that identifies
three enemy combatants on the third floor
near the end window of the nearest building — one possibly armed with a rocketpropelled grenade. The rest of the building
appears to be clear of other humans as
determined by the target recognition algorithms. A virtual reality rendering of the
building is generated on the soldier’s visor.
The soldier then commands an unmanned
aerial vehicle (UAV) armed with a grenade
launcher to attack the enemy combatants.
The vehicle autonomously flies to the building and identifies the correct window using
recognition techniques that correlate camera views of the window against an intelligence-building database that has been
downloaded into the vehicle during flight.
The vehicle launches a non-lethal round
through the window with an onboard
multi-spectral omni-directional camera. The
recognition algorithms embedded onboard
the aerial vehicle quickly identify the faces
of the enemy combatants as members of a
terrorist organization wanted for the latest
embassy bombings.
The soldier quickly dispatches a team of
robots that swarm and enter the building.
The robot swarm fuses imagery from its
onboard, passive, three-dimensional sensors
to build an interior map of the building and
places walnut-sized acoustic and ultrasonic
sensors as it departs that fuse sensor information together to monitor enemy communication. The data is transmitted to the soldier and he quickly runs a simulation on his
helmet tactical computer that optimizes the
See-Throughthe-Wall Radar
•Adaptive Learning
•Advanced Processor
•Cognitive Computing
•Data/Image Exploitation
•Distributed ATR
•Distributed Tracking
•Human Aided ATR
•Information Fusion
•Situational Awareness
Future Force
Autonomous UAV
Distributed Robotics
From UAV
From Smart Grenade
course of action by analyzing millions of
possible enemy actions. The tactical plan is
then relayed over a tactical internet to the
squad leader nearby. As the soldier enters
the building to capture the enemy combatants, one of the squad’s multi-spectral
fusion visors with target recognition identifies a small truck containing armed men,
racing to the building.
The squad leader replays the data and
transmits a picture of the target to a
weapon system in a box and a position
cue. The picture is correlated with other
views from overhead assets with different
sensor modalities and a real-time target
template is generated on the missile
launcher from the fused data for use by the
missile target recognition algorithms. The
missile is commanded to engage the enemy
truck and destroys it. The soldier entering
the building turns on his portable non-
lethal microwave energy weapon as he
enters the room containing the enemy
combatants and the terrorists surrender.
Can you guess the roles that target recognition plays in this possible future scenario?
As the story indicates, biometric identification, scene understanding for robotic and
UAV navigation, distributed recognition and
fusion, three-dimensional image reconstruction and target recognition, and high
dimensionality data mining are possible
futures for the roles of autonomous target
recognition (ATR).
The importance of ATR will continue to
increase as the need for machine automation grows and targeting timelines decrease
for mission solutions. Future conflicts are
likely to be against a thin and disparate
enemy that coordinates attacks across long
distances. Small lethal forces that are con-
nected to one another in a network that
fuse and sort high dimensionality data
sources to identify and quickly react will be
required to combat this new enemy. The
sources of data include overhead surveillance assets, UAVs, ground robots,
weapons, soldier systems and unattended
ground sensors.
Raytheon’s technology is moving forward to
address the machine automation required
to enable the mission solutions for these
various platform sensors and data fusion on
several fronts, with some work being sponsored by government research agencies and
other research and development work
being coordinated across businesses.
Advances are being made in sensor capabilities that increase resolution and modalities
and provide invariant target signatures. In
Continued on page 16
2005 ISSUE 2
Raytheon’s Role
in Homeland Security
n 2003, Raytheon began developing modeling and simulation capabilities and an Integrated Electronics
Security System (IESS) test bed to
evaluate commercial off the shelf
(COTS) and Raytheon sensors and
command and control technologies
for the Homeland Security market.
Raytheon’s efforts address the
challenges of our Homeland
Security customers, including COTS
solutions and compressed integration schedules that require incremental solutions; the integration of
unique legacy equipment that
varies across the customer base;
and a technology market that is
varied and accelerating.
The IESS is used to evaluate a variety
of COTS sensors and their performance in varying environments. It is
also used to investigate ways to
integrate them into a distributed
operational system. The goal is to
understand what sensor and sensor
processing suites are best suited to
meet the needs of a specific customer, their requirements and the
environment, with emphasis on
overall domain understanding and
speed of integration.
To date, the IESS has been used to integrate and evaluate magnetic, seismic,
acoustic, infrared (IR) trip wire, IR passive,
remote trip wire, closed circuit TV and
infrared cameras sensors. These sensors are
operational in a test facility in McKinney,
Texas, and are networked into a command
center in Fullerton, Calif. The command
center view of the McKinney facility is
depicted below with an overlay of coverage
zones for the different sensor types.
Due to the current emphasis in the market
on imaging sensors, Raytheon has placed
added emphasis on integrating imaging
sensors and related image processing
2005 ISSUE 2
With acceptance of CCTV, infrared
imagery and other sensor technologies into Homeland Security
applications, both Raytheon and
our customers required a way to
quickly assess, scope and predict
the performance of potential sensor solutions sets for complex environments, including long borders,
pipelines and large areas such as
airports. To address this need,
Raytheon developed the Sensor
Terrain Analysis Tool (STAT). STAT
allows the rapid selection, placement and performance assessment
of sensors at the customer’s area
of interest, taking into account terrain, threat types, weather and
time-of-day conditions, and sensor
performance — a concept design
that can now be performed in
days rather than months. Depicted
is one output of an analysis for JFK
airport, showing color-coded performance of an infrared imaging
sensor against a small boat.
applications — specifically addressing customer needs to reduce manpower costs by
having a computer “watch” the imagery
and alert an operator when an event
occurs. Examples of applications integrated
into the IESS include the ability to detect,
track, geo-position and classify a potential
threat and the ability to look for specific
behaviors, such as someone leaving a package behind or walking in a particular direction during off hours, or more sophisticated
behaviors like “piggy-backing” (two or
more people walking through a security
door with only one badge swipe). These
applications, coupled with an alerting
mechanism, allow a few operators to monitor hundreds of cameras, and only be alerted when an event of interest occurs.
The combined capabilities of the
IESS evaluation test bed and STAT
modeling tool provide customers
with a powerful capability for evaluating
sensor cost versus performance. Through
joint customer and Raytheon collaboration,
cost and cycle time from concept to implementation have been reduced through:
• rapid assessment of different suppliers’
• rapid determination of optimal sensor
location, sensor height and sensor types
• visualization of the entire sensor system’s
performance before installation, and
• validation of sensor performance in an
operational environment. •
Steven Ropson
LADAR: The Emergence of an EO Technology
to Defend Against Future Threats
Why develop laser radar (LADAR) when
Raytheon is an industry leader in both
high-resolution infrared sensor technology
and state-of-the-art radio frequency (RF)
radar systems? Because laser radar adds a
third dimension of high-resolution data for
automatic target recognition (ATR) and
target track in clutter. Future warfare will
require the ability to optimize the discrimination of friendly, unfriendly and non-combatant threats. This capability requires a
high probability of correct ID with simultaneous low false alarms. In wide-area search
roles, LADAR can achieve more than ten
times lower false alarm rates while maintaining a high probability of ID. Laser radar
can provide 50 µrad angular resolution and
simultaneous 7.5 cm range resolution, a
capability unavailable in IR or RF radar
systems. It can achieve these resolutions
in a smaller and lower-cost package than a
dual mode IR/RF sensor. It is also able to
do this in direct attack scenarios, since the
trajectory curvature required for SAR is
not needed.
Raytheon has been a pioneer in LADAR
development for over 20 years. In the early
and mid 1980s, Raytheon developed the
Tri-Service Laser Radar for the Advanced
Research Project Agency. The advent of
CO2 waveguide lasers enabled the development of this compact instrumentation
and technology demonstration radar that
was used for numerous data collection
exercises. In the late 80s, Raytheon/GD/
Hughes developed the ATLAS CO2 laser
radar, a prototype for cruise missile applications that was used as a basis for ATR
development. In the 1990s, Raytheon/Texas
Instruments developed a new generation of
laser radar based on emerging diodepumped, solid-state Nd:YVO4 laser technology under the Demonstration of Solid
State Laser (DASSL) program for the Air
Force Wright Labs and the Naval Warfare
Center. This program developed two formfactored sensors: a 7-inch diameter test
bed sensor for Air Force small-diameter
munitions applications capable of 1.5 km
CLAS Image of a tank in clutter (300 m range) – a third dimension means no
place to hide
range imaging with 350 µrad angular
resolution and a 14-inch diameter highperformance system for future Navy cruise
missile applications capable of 3 km range
imaging with 100 µrad angular resolution
and 15 cm range resolution.
Today, Raytheon is developing state-of-theart LADARs to meet the demands of future
warfare. The CLAS seeker is a complete 7inch form-factored LADAR seeker (with signal processing electronics) capable of realtime ATR processing. It is based on an optimized DASSL design and has 3 km range
performance, 200 µrad angle resolution,
and 7.5 cm range resolution. This LADAR
uses an array of eight detectors and scans
a line of data using high-speed, solid-state,
acousto-optical (AO) scanning and a lightweight programmable servo-controlled
scan mirror to perform frame scans. The
flexibility of the design allows coverage of
large search fields of 20° x 4° and high-resolution ID fields of 2° x 2°. (Figure above
depicts an example of the high-resolution
imagery from CLAS.) Data rates of a half
million pixels per second are achieved in this
Missile Systems in Tucson, Ariz., in partnership with Raytheon Vision Systems in Santa
Barbara, Calif., is developing advanced
detector technology that will put the ATR
capability of LADAR into affordable systems
for our nation’s defense. Integrated
HgCdTe avalanche photodiodes detector
arrays and read-out integrated circuits are
being developed to allow a large number
of detectors and the required timing circuits to be combined in a small, low-cost
package. Linear arrays of 256 elements are
being developed under the Cruise Missile
Real-Time Re-targeting Build 4 program for
the U.S. Navy. This design is optimum for
high-speed, wide-area search applications
such as cruise missiles. The large number of
detectors possible in this design allows
data rates of two and a half million pixels
per second.
Area arrays of 256 x 256 elements are
being developed for the Air Force FLASH
LADAR program. This design is optimum
for low-cost munitions applications where
line of sight stabilization is too costly. The
area array design allows the entire field of
view to be imaged in one laser “flash,”
eliminating image motion from the
missile airframe. •
Cliff Andressen
2005 ISSUE 2
Optical Multi-Access Satellite Communications
Leveraging Emerging OPA Technology
for Laser Communications
Support for the warfighter of the future
will include high-quality connectivity — an
exclusive “Internet in the sky” — that can
satisfy a broad range of high data-rate
communication needs. As part of the
government’s transformational communications architecture (TCA), Raytheon is developing a new type of satellite terminal that
is capable of establishing a number of laser
communication (lasercom) channels to multiple relay nodes simultaneously (see figure).
The architecture is modular and reconfigurable. The design uses optical phased
arrays (OPAs) as the modular building
blocks to configure transmit and receive
apertures for each link. Each transmit
and receive link can be configured independently for a different range and data
rate (i.e., symmetric or asymmetric). A
key feature of Raytheon’s design is the
flexibility of an internal optical interconnect
to reconfigure dynamically a variable
number of apertures for different
combinations of receive and transmit
use. By connecting optical components
through an optical interconnect, fewer
spares are required than for hard-wired
configurations. An OPA-based design features no moving parts; precision steering
with full beam agility; and small size,
reduced weight and low power consumption (SWaP). OPAs are best suited for
applications requiring a large number of
apertures because of their performance
and small SWaP. This reconfigurable
lasercom node architecture is also a
leading candidate for implementation
onboard high-altitude unmanned aerial
vehicles (UAVs), where multiple
simultaneous links can provide meshed
connectivity with other UAVs to enable
ad hoc networking for future military
2005 ISSUE 2
Enabling multi-access mesh networks
Lasercom network architectures will
roughly follow the path of radio frequency
(RF) network architectures with similar
Mesh networks generally provide more
efficient use of resources and lend themselves more readily to all-optical operations.
established benefits. Mobile ad hoc networks with a highly connected mesh
have become a reality for military RF
communications. Growing bandwidth
demand will drive increased use of laser-
Compared to linear networks, they are
com, which supports extremely high data
rates and has a low probability of
detection and/or interception (LPD/I).
Lasercom network nodes will move to
multi-access designs. The highly directional
optical beams (antenna gains typically
exceed 100 dB) that provide the advantages of LPD/I also significantly reduce
the probability that multiple nodes are
within the field of view of a single
transmission or receive aperture (antenna).
As a result, the best approach to meeting
the multi-access requirement is a multibeam node. In order for a node to be
multiply connected to other nodes in
arbitrary directions, it must have multiple,
independently steered beams.
The benefits of mesh networks are well
documented for fiber and RF networks.
more reliable, and compared to ring networks, they are easier to provision and
require fewer resources to furnish a comparable level of protection. Mesh networks
are more adaptable to multiple classes of
service, particularly with regard to reliable
transport. One of the principal drivers for
RF mesh networks is that the large number
of nodes and the high connectivity
between them provide a high probability
that data will reach its destination even
with poor internode connections. These
benefits will also accrue to lasercom networks, where the reliability provided by
optical path diversity is important because
of atmospheric impairments on free-space
optical spans. Figure 1 illustrates the connectivity of a simple mesh network involving satellite and airborne nodes. Actual
implementations will be more complex
and involve a large number of highly
connected nodes.
Continued on next page
What is an Optical Phased Array?
• An OPA is the optical analog of a microwave phased
array antenna. It controls laser beams electronically.
– Nonmechanical beam control is the “holy grail” of
optical beam steering.
– Optical wavelengths are 10,000 times smaller than
RF; thus OPAs provide significantly higher resolution.
– A Pave Paws antenna with the angular accuracy
equivalent to an OPA would have to be 20 miles in
• Raytheon invented and developed the OPA to give
electro-optic sensors the advantages of phased array
– The OPA uses a programmable diffractive phase
pattern of repeating, staircase-like stripes written
electronically into a liquid-crystal cell.
– Two cells with orthogonal stripes provide azimuth
and elevation steering.
Realizing the benefits of a highly connected mesh network is only possible if the
nodes have the capability to maintain a
large number of independent, simultaneous connections in widely different directions. This capability requires each node to
have a large number of beams with their
necessary transceivers and optical apertures. While the electronics are a known
programmed for low-bandwidth or shortrange links. For high-bandwidth and
long-range links, multiple apertures can
be combined coherently to increase the
effective area and total power, thereby
extending range and available bandwidth
to remote users. The beam agility of OPAs
can enable an aperture to time multiplex
many far-end terminals that only require
quantity, for this to be practical, the trans-
low-duty factor connections by hopping
quickly and accurately from target to
mit and receive optical units must be inexpensive and have a small SWaP. Arrays of
compact, electronically steered OPAs are
well suited for this application.
OPA technology for multi-access lasercom
nodes (MLNs) is a true enabler of high
data-rate communications via satellites as
envisioned in the TCA. In addition to the
advantages of affordability, low weight,
no moving parts, and completely independent steering of multiple beams, OPAs provide an unprecedented degree of flexible
link dynamics. The ability of OPAs to combine, fan out and independently steer
arrays of beams offers a unique multiaccess, bandwidth-on-demand capability.
Using a phased-array-of-OPAs configuration, individual apertures can be
target. This is particularly valuable for
asymmetric connections where the data
rate in one direction is only a small fraction
of the rate in the opposite direction. Only
an OPA solution can fully exploit time
division multiplexing (TDM), wavelength
division multiplexing (WDM) and other
leading-edge technologies developed for
commercial optical fiber networks.
Raytheon’s modular, OPA-based design
can be configured to fulfill the requirements for an arbitrary mix of symmetric
and asymmetric links anywhere within
full-earth coverage without the use of any
gimbals or moving parts. This approach has
the flexibility to provide data rates higher
WDM to operate multiple links on the
span between the MLN and the opposite
node. Thus both growth in the number of
nodes and increases in bandwidth requirements can be accommodated by including
extra apertures and transceivers in the
MLN design. This feature allows future
growth in system carrying capacity that is
truly transformational. •
Dr. Michael Holz
Dr. Terry Dorschner
For their contributions and dedication we
wish to acknowledge the core OPA team:
Michael Benoit, André Brunel, Dr. Steven
Collins, Peter Cremins, Carmen Difillippo,
Neil Dionesotes, James Esterbrook,
Kirk Fisher, Elizabeth Gallagher, Robert
Hartman, Dr. Andrew McKie, Dr. Aleksandr
Mestechkin, Dr. William Miniscalco,
Huy Nguyen, Martin O'Connell, Lori Pintal,
Richard Premo, Daniel Resler, Dr. Irl Smith,
Michael Welch and Tom Wong.
than those of any single channel by using
2005 ISSUE 2
Polarization, Multispectral and Hyperspectral Systems
“Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes.”
When Gen. Israel Putnam1 gave that
order at the Battle of Bunker Hill, it seemed
like a good idea. Identify your target by
having lots of resolution on it and be able
to discriminate the fine details. This has
been the philosophy that has carried us
through to modern warfare. However, in
the quest for pervasive situational awareness, knowing where your enemies assets
are at all times, the search areas become
too great and timelines too critical to allow
this expensive use of pixels. So is there
another way to find and identify targets
with fewer pixels on target? The answer,
happily, is yes. That is why Raytheon is
exploring the use of polarization, multispectral and hyperspectral systems. These systems all have a common attribute: they
don’t look for the finest details of shape to
discriminate targets from clutter. They use
other features that can be sensed with
fewer pixels on target. This allows the battlespace to be searched more quickly for a
given probability of threat detection and
discrimination or, alternatively, it can be
search in a fixed time with much greater
probability of correct discrimination.
a natural discriminant
Electromagnetic waves may be resolved into
orthogonal oscillating electric fields. If there
is a significant difference in the amplitude
of one of the fields compared to the other,
the light is said to be polarized. Polarization
is of interest because manmade objects that
contain sharp edges and flat surfaces tend
to polarize light, while naturally occurring
objects do not. This is illustrated in the picture above. The roof and building edges are
enhanced, while the natural terrain is suppressed. Thus, by looking at the degree of
polarization in an image we can get a clue
2005 ISSUE 2
as to whether manmade objects are within
the scene without having full resolution.
Raytheon has been developing systems to
study the effectiveness of this phenomenon
and has developed unique optics and processing technology to exploit it.
a color-based discriminant
Objects are not typically blackbodies —
they emit or reflect some wavelengths preferentially to others. This is obvious in the
visible when we see the rich diversity of
color in the world. We can far more easily
separate objects from their surroundings in
a color image than a black and white one.
Yet, we only sense three primary colors. All
other sensed colors are mixtures of these.
This is the idea of multispectral systems that
are two or three infrared colors. Raytheon
has been working in partnership with the
Army Night Vision and Electronic Sensors
Directorate to develop the next-generation
of infrared sensors using multispectral
imaging through the Multi-Function Staring
Sensor Suite (MFS3) program. The MFS3
individual chemicals through their line
emissions. Thus, we can easily discriminate
painted vehicles from foliage and even
identify gas emission from factories or gas
clouds. Raytheon has been a pioneer in this
technology for space applications. The
Raytheon Miniature Thermal Emission
Spectrometer (Mini-TES) is the key instrument in the Mars Rover, which is attempting
to identify the presence of water. Mini-TES
shows where crystalline hematite resides,
which is indicative of water. Red and
orange patches indicate high levels of the
iron-bearing mineral, while blue and green
denote low levels. Circular bounce marks
from (the rover) Opportunity’s landing
appear to be low in hematite. •
Alan Silver
1The command is also attributed to William Prescott
(1726-1795) at Bunker Hill, Prince Charles of Prussia
(18th century) at Jagerndorf, and Frederick the Great of
Prussia (1712-1786) at Prague.
has been a pathfinder to develop the detector technology and processing techniques
to exploit this phenomenology and solve
the challenging problem of wide-area
search on the move.
Hyperspectral, exploring color
as a multidimensional discriminant
If multispectral is good, hyperspectral
must be even better. Hyperspectral systems use tens to hundreds of colors at each
pixel. Using this technology, we can identify
Photo courtesy of ASU and
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab
Putting Energy on Target
At the Speed of Light
Directed energy weapons (DEW) have
been on the U.S. military’s wish list for several decades. Continued development of
radar and nuclear technology after World
War II stimulated much of the vision for
such a weapon. With the invention of the
laser some 30 years later, there was finally
a promising nonkinetic method to project
power at great distances, using high-intensity beams. With faster and faster weapons,
and ever decreasing response times for
defensive systems, lasers continue to gain
ground as a possible answer to selfdefense. Laser weapons are generally
regarded as revolutionary and the unique
ability of lasers to reach targets at light
speed will revolutionize warfare. However,
significant technical advancement remains
before the full revolutionary potential of
high energy lasers (HELs) can be realized. In
the interim, HEL technologies are expected
to support a wide range of evolutionary
The Weapon
Lasers feature highly directional, narrowly
focused beams. They can be used at low
power to provide high signal-to-noise ratios
and can cause thermal damage at high
powers. HEL applications range from high
data rate communications to physical
destruction of targets at stand-off distances. Laser systems are generally composed of the laser itself, beam processing
that “cleans” the beam and neutralizes jitter, adaptive optics, beam path conditioning, and beam pointing and control. From a
directed energy weapon (DEW) perspective,
HELs may have applications ranging from
theater and national ballistic missile defense
to ship and aircraft self-protection.
A fundamental question with these
weapons, though, is lethality. It is fairly
obvious that if a bomb hits a target, it
will more than likely be lethal. With highenergy lasers, the question of lethality is:
If a hole is burned in something, is it really
destroyed? Has it diverted from its flight
path? Has fuel been
ignited? What must be
done to accomplish
those objectives? How
long must the beam be
on the target? At what
intensity? How much
energy is required?
For laser weapons to
become a viable platform, these questions
must be addressed.
Before those answers can be sought, however, there must be an operational requirement, which doesn't necessarily exist as of
yet. What does exist is some impressive
hardware. Within the United States, all
three services have been actively developing
laser technologies to varying degrees. One
of the more impressive land-based test bed
lasers is the Mid-Infrared Advanced
Chemical Laser (MIRACL), located at the
High Energy Laser Test Facility, White Sands
Missile Range, N.M. MIRACL has successfully engaged and destroyed several types
of air targets during testing.
In addition, the Air Force has developed the
Airborne Laser — a chemical oxygen iodine
laser for the eventual purpose of boostphase ballistic missile defense.
Both of these systems serve to illustrate the
high-energy laser technology push, and
successes in producing powerful lasers. In
an effort to avoid the issues associated with
hazardous chemicals, the Joint Technology
Office has issued two contracts for the
development of a high-average-power
solid-state laser to support the objective of
an all-electric HEL weapon. Raytheon technology was selected as one of the candidates for this approach and the contract
execution is currently underway.
The Approach
Previous to the laser, only kinetic methods
were used to project energy on target,
generally in the form of projectiles, rockets
Raytheon’s demonstration of the lethal
destruction of a missile radome with a highpowered laser under simulated flight conditions at the wind tunnel at the China Lake TRange facility in February 2004
and missiles. The potential of laser technology as a weapon has not been truly realized because of reasons ranging from significant technology challenges to equally
significant political concerns. With these
hurdles in mind, Raytheon (through Missile
Systems DEW product line) has assembled
the teams required to achieve a functional
laser weapons system onboard a platform.
These teams are addressing the following
areas: operational requirements; laser
lethality; atmospheric propagation; target
tracking and aimpoint maintenance; system
integration; and laser system development/demonstration.
What potential advantages does a laser
weapon have over a kinetic weapon system? The advantages and disadvantages of
both systems are task-specific. In other
words, a significant disadvantage of a
kinetic weapon for an anti-air warfare mission may not be a serious concern for a
theater ballistic missile defense mission or
vice versa. The task-specific nature of
performance comparison demands that a
clear operational requirement document
(ORD) be established first and that system
options be evaluated with respect to
this requirement.
Continued on page 16
2005 ISSUE 2
Speed of Light
Autonomous Target
Continued from page 15
Continued from page 9
The objective of developing a laser weapon
system is to have the lethality of a missile
with a near-zero flyout time. While propagating energy at the speed of light obviously meets the near-zero flyout time objective,
lethality requirements are ambiguous and
must be defined by the ORD. Lethality of a
laser weapon can be factored into three
distinct categories: target vulnerability,
material susceptibility and target response
to damage. Through internal and government funding, Raytheon has been active
addressing these issues.
For example, under the Navy High Energy
Laser Weapon System (HELWS) contract,
Raytheon has demonstrated the ability
of a moderately powered HEL to catastrophically destroy the radome of an
incoming threat missile.
However, to be lethal the laser energy must
first propagate through the atmosphere to
the target. Atmospheric propagation can be
affected by several atmospheric effects —
particularly when propagating near the
earth's surface or at low altitudes.
Atmospheric attenuation due to scattering
and absorption simply decreases the
amount of energy one can place on target.
However, the heated air resulting from
atmospheric absorption can further distort
the laser beam. This effect is called “thermal blooming.” The good news is that
there are numerous wavelengths where the
absorption characteristics of the atmosphere are manageable for most situations.
Conveniently, one of these wavelengths is
at 1mm where solid-state lasers such as
Nd:YAG tend to lase.
Another important propagation issue is the
effect of atmospheric turbulence.
Atmospheric turbulence tends to randomly
break up the laser beam as well as jitter its
overall position. A common example of turbulence is the shimmering of lights
observed from a far off distance. These
atmospheric effects not only make it difficult to optimize the laser's energy density
on target, but also make pointing and
tracking issues quite challenging, as well.
2005 ISSUE 2
The bottom line with target tracking is that
the beam must be held on target. Anything
that detracts from accurate tracking and
pointing reduces overall effectiveness.
Fortunately, there has been some excellent
work done in this area, both in pointing
systems and in tracking algorithms. Trades
will inevitably have to be made in order to
achieve a realizable system. Currently,
Raytheon is executing a contract with the
U.S. Navy using a tracking algorithm developed under missile programs to enhance
the current performance of HEL tracking
The advancement of the aforementioned
technologies is necessary but not sufficient.
A HELWS that cannot be integrated into
the appropriate platform is of little military
use. Although platform integration is considered more of an engineering issue than a
technology issue, it is necessary that it be
considered throughout the entire development process if a system is to be truly realizable. The very nature of this technology is
so radical that both industry and the military will have to pay particular attention to
this issue. For example, because of the
severe cooling requirements for a diodepumped, solid-state laser system, size and
weight associated with current technology
would be prohibitive for most platforms. To
address this specific issue, Raytheon,
teamed with the Air Force, is developing
advanced cooling approaches that could
reduce the flow requirements by orders of
magnitude. It is this integrated approach
that will enable the eventual deployment
of a HELWS.
Currently, laser-based systems are being
developed for a wide variety of uses
within all services. Technologies already
exist and deployable HEL weapon systems
are just beyond the horizon. A high-energy
laser weapon system will truly be a
crowning achievement for the United
States military. •
Andrew Paul
parallel, revolutionary advances are being
made in commercial-off-the-shelf processor computational capability.
What are the enablers that will make
this vision possible? Algorithms will be
the key differentiator in the future as
computational complexity becomes
less of an issue. As features become
more distinguishable with higher fidelity
sensors, classifiers that have the ability to
work with multi-modal distributions of
features and can learn on the fly from
either internal data sources or new
sources will be required. Additionally,
these classifiers will need the ability to
identify new target classes as they are
encountered. Optimization of man-in-theloop interaction with machines that
enables the machines to learn based on
human feedback will be required.
Target recognition at multiple levels plays
another key role for warfighting in the
future. Fusion techniques will be required
that sort through terabytes of imagery
and other sensor data to automate
cueing or identify objects of interest.
Multiple levels of distributed target
recognition will occur at the highest levels
of the echelon down to the lowest level,
from feature based to decision level.
Target recognition techniques will be
required from the lowest level where
power and sensor resolution is constrained in unattended ground sensors
to high-resolution, multi-dimensional
data collected by overhead assets. •
Al Coit
50 years of Missile
Across the country, hundreds of Raytheon
engineers use realistic, real-time defense
system simulations to predict and verify system performance. When such simulations
contain tactical missile system software and
hardware, these are called missile
Hardware-in-the-Loop (HWIL) simulations.
Radar HWIL simulations that contain tactical
radar software and hardware are called
radar strings. Although today’s HWIL simulations use state-of-the-art technology, the
original system engineering concept for
these facilities stood the test of time and
remains the basis on which today’s simulations are designed.
The roots of modern HWIL simulation date
back to the 1950s when Raytheon received
its first full-scale missile development contracts. Raytheon was awarded a development contract for the HAWK semi-active
radar-seeking medium-range Surface to Air
Missile (SAM) in July of 1954. The development phase of this contract was completed
in 1957, and the U.S. Army production contract award to build its HAWK missile system
soon followed. Since then, HAWK has
undergone many upgrades and is still in
operation in 19 countries, including Japan,
Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and
Taiwan, as well as with NATO forces. The
latest HAWK system configuration introduces a modern Fire Direction Center integrated with the Sentinel 3D radar. HAWK XXI
sets the stage for the integration of SurfaceLaunched AMRAAM and provides a versatile
air defense capability well into the future.
During initial development, a requirement
existed to evaluate performance of the
semi-active missile from launch through target intercept to reduce the need for flight
tests. In response, Raytheon designed and
constructed the HAWK HWIL simulation
facility in the late 1950s and early 1960s.
This capability made representative models
of the system available to engineers and
analysts that allowed nondestructive testing
of the overall system operation in as realistic
an environment as possible. Imagine the
challenge of doing this without the modern
tools that we now take for granted.
Engineers of that day relied on books for
their research, slide rules, mathematical
models, pencils and paper for their designs.
The original HAWK HWIL did not have the
advantage of high-speed digital computers
and off-the-shelf high-speed interface cards.
Analog computers and specially built interfaces were state-of-the-art back then and
allowed the simulation and the system
interfaces to run in real-time with the tactical HAWK hardware. This simulation facility
evolved as technology advances allowed
digital simulations of the system to be created, which provided test beds for concept
development, requirements analysis and
preliminary design prior to system hardware
(and later software) prototype production.
By the time systems such as Patriot came
into existence, the technology was available
to simulate the system prior to missile and
radar hardware availability. Eventually, highspeed digital computers replaced analog
components in the HWILs.
HWIL simulation continues to play a critical
role in the systems engineering process,
specifically in the areas of:
• system integration;
• design verification;
• requirement sell-off;
• pre- and post-flight analysis;
• simulation validation; and
• performance demonstration.
HAWK Missile Launch at Telles Site, WSMR
In particular, the HWIL simulation is the
highest fidelity predictor of performance in
countermeasure and high-dynamic maneuver
environments where the real system nonlinearities dominate system performance.
With the advent of distributed simulation
protocols (DIS and HLA), the concept of
distributed real-time HWIL simulation and
test has become commonplace. Just as the
original HAWK HWIL was a system of
distributed subsystems, the modern-day
distributed simulation is often a system of
distributed systems. This distributed HWIL
capability is a key enabler to being a
Mission Systems Integrator.
Ed Franklin, vice president, Raytheon
Evaluation Team, congratulates HAWK
facility manager Ray McKenzie on 45 years
with Raytheon.
The HAWK HWIL facility has been in continuous operation since its original construction. It
has been used for testing and integration of
HAWK missile guidance sections and accurately predicting performance of HAWK
missiles prior to their flight tests. Its longevity is not only due to its visionary engineering design and proven simulation processes,
but also due to the outstanding engineering
support provided by the HAWK team.
As we proceed into the 21st century, we
greatly benefit from the foundations laid by
the HAWK HWIL facility personnel. The
unprecedented accomplishments and capabilities realized prove that dedication and
engineering excellence have been and continue
to be hallmarks of the Raytheon tradition. •
Joe Vliet
Cynthia Aghamianz
2005 ISSUE 2
Growing our Technology and
Building Relationships
Keys to Raytheon’s Success
Raytheon prides itself on being a technology-focused company, recognizing that
innovative ideas originate from its people —
talented, hardworking people who come
together in true One Company fashion a
few times a year to share knowledge and
experiences with their peers. One such
sharing and networking opportunity was
the first combined Systems, Software and
Processing Engineering Symposium, held
April 5-7 in Danvers, Mass.
This symposium, sponsored by the
Raytheon Technology Networks, showcased
Raytheon’s vast engineering and technology
expertise in key areas, including architecture
methods, model-driven computing, net-centric global information grids and processing
architecture. Over 600 employees, partners
and customers came together over the
three-day event to share ideas, build new
relationships — as well as foster old ones
— and collaborate with one another to
build real solutions to real problems. By
building these relationships, and bringing
these innovative ideas back to the businesses, we help grow our technology base,
enabling Raytheon to provide superior
mission solutions to its customers — a key
pillar of Customer Focused Marketing.
In his opening keynote address, Greg
Shelton, vice president of Engineering,
Technology, Manufacturing and Quality,
emphasized Mission Assurance by remarking that Raytheon’s products and technology are tested beyond their limits everyday.
“[Mission Assurance] goes beyond what our
system specifications are. If you look at
what’s gone on over in Iraq, a lot of our
systems are being put to the test in ways
that we never expected — and they’re
expected to perform even though it’s not to
2005 ISSUE 2
the specification. We have to be able to
provide the service to keep those systems
up and running way beyond what our contract says — that’s our goal. When we think
Mission Assurance, we need to make sure our
systems work, every time, with no doubt.”
Dr. Michael Borky, principal fellow and
Raytheon systems architect, spoke of the
criticality of system architecture in an everincreasing net-centric world. “To succeed as
a mission systems integrator [MSI], we must
recognize that architecture is a critical
enabler to winning and successfully executing programs — it is the key to our future
and the way forward to MSI.”
Kenneth Kung, architecture and system
integration technical area director, noted
“Nobody knows everything in the company,
and this event gives people the chance to
learn more about what’s happening in
other businesses.” He stressed the value in
making connections with people around the
company — people you can learn from and
have as a resource in the future.
This year’s symposium was a great success.
Symposium co-chairma, Ken Davidson
encouraged attendees to “take back at
least one good idea that you can use at
your facility; present the idea and benefits
to your peers, thereby helping us grow our
technology even more to benefit Raytheon.”
For more information on the Raytheon
Technology Networks, visit their website, or
visit oneRTN, click on the Engineering and
Technology tab, and select the Technology
Knowledge Sharing tab. Symposium presentations are available at
swtn_pstn_toc2005.htm •
The success of Raytheon is dependent on
the company’s ability to provide technological solutions to our customers. To exceed
and anticipate our customers’ needs, we
must be committed to hiring and developing the best engineers in the marketplace.
Raytheon is dually focused on recruiting
and retention — finding the most talented
and qualified individuals to help realize our
vision, and keeping them by nurturing
their careers within the company.
Talent Acquisition
and Development:
In 2005, Raytheon aims to add to its engineering talent pool substantially. The need
for mass hiring is driven by three converging factors: first, the company is being
awarded more contracts than in years prior
and requires a larger workforce to keep up
with market demand. Second, we need to
increase our agility by hiring a mix of engineers with systems and software experience. Third, we are facing a harsh reality:
the hiring freezes of the 1980s coupled
with the baby boomers entering retirement
have created a technical workforce shortfall that will reach critical proportions by
2010, according to Bureau of Labor statistics — specifically, there are not enough
workers at the right age and experience level
to fill the jobs that will become available.
We are not alone; our customers and competitors face similar circumstances. The
Defense Contract Management Agency
Defense Industry Workforce Study reports
that, with fewer graduates choosing
careers in math and science, competition
for top talent will be intense in the next
decade. Thus, to grow our talent base
effectively, we must look not only outward,
but inward as well. We must develop
strategies and practices that will maximize
our ability to compete externally and
strengthen the pipeline internally.
“Raytheon’s number one objective is to serve
our customers,” says John Malanowski, vice
president of Talent Acquisition and
Corporate Human Resources. “In order to
grow while continuing to execute and perform, we have developed an aggressive,
multi-pronged talent acquisition and development strategy that will serve our needs
well into the future.”
How are we rising to the challenge?
Taking a long-term view, Raytheon’s
recruitment efforts involve identifying and
cultivating future talent. The company
supports math and science programs for
middle- and high-school students, including the University of Massachusetts
Lowell’s DesignCamp program,
MathCounts, FIRST Robotics, FIRST LEGO
League and BEST (Boosting Engineering,
Science and Technology). Raytheon also
actively recruits talent out of college via
its Engineering Leadership Development
Program, specifically designed to develop
Deepening Our
the leadership potential of recent graduates through rigorous cross-functional,
leadership and business training.
Over the past few years, Raytheon has
strived to fortify its status as an employer
of choice for talented engineers by
restructuring, renewing focus on core
competencies and positioning for significant growth. Today, the company’s position at the forefront of the defense and
aerospace industry is an attraction for
engineering pioneers who thrive on
defining leading-edge technology.
Raytheon provides many opportunities for
engineering professionals to take the initiative to grow their careers. A valuable
resource is the career development
website, which has links to the virtual
career center and employee networks,
as well as tools such as the career development brochure, educational assistance
and 360° assessments for individual
leaders and teams. Visit the career
development website at:
The company also encourages employees
to visit the Raytheon job posting web site,, to explore opportunities across the enterprise. Using the “My
RayCATS” feature, you can create a
search profile, receive e-mail notification
for jobs that match your selected criteria
and apply online. External applicants can
access opportunities by visiting •
Melissa Delin
Employees Across Raytheon Get Involved
with National Engineers Week
uring February, Raytheon and other
industry organizations celebrated 2005
Engineers Week, a global focus on furthering the engineering profession by
coming up with fun ways for young people to apply math and science. Making it
fun and raising awareness is the perfect
combination to fueling our country’s
technological future.
Raytheon has a legacy of technology
innovation, and our goal is to remain on
the leading edge of that technology.
During Engineers Week, many Raytheon
engineers shared their experiences and
reasons why they love their careers. (Read
about them at
feature/engweek05.) We always say that
“people are our best asset,” and young
people are no different. They are the
enablers of our future. We have to do what
we can now to get — and keep — young
people interested in math and science.
When talking to children about engineering, they may not realize or understand
its importance, or have any reason to be
interested. But if you show them how
engineering is responsible for compact
discs, video games, roller coasters, missiles and even calibrating baseball bats,
then you might get their attention. As
engineers, we know engineering can be a
fulfilling career choice, but in a world of
so many other interesting things in kids’
eyes — sports, music, cell phones, homework (we can dream, can’t we?) — we
have to try even harder to open their
eyes to the wonders of technology.
“As a technology company, Raytheon
understands the importance of math and
science education and is supportive of
many initiatives,” said Gregory Shelton,
corporate vice president of Engineering,
Technology, Manufacturing and Quality.
“It is critical to help our youth understand the principles of math and science
and their application to engineering.
Engineering is fun — engineering is taking ideas and turning them into reality.
Young people will fuel our technology
pipeline — they are the world’s future
engineers and technologists, and we
have to get them interested in those
careers at an early age.”
You will hear a lot in the coming year
about the importance of math and
science education. Math and science
education is crucial to driving the engineering industry and vital to the United
States to help maintain our technical
strength — and we can do our part by
inspiring others through mentoring,
educating and volunteering.
For details about Engineers Week and
activities that were held at various
Raytheon sites, visit
feature/engweek05, which will give you
an idea of what we will be up to next
year, as well as serve as a resource for
opportunities to get involved now.
Remember, today’s slime-makers are
tomorrow’s chemical engineers!
2005 ISSUE 2
Excellence in
Technology Awards
Ric Romero came to
Raytheon in June of 1999
after receiving his
bachelor’s degree in
electrical engineering from
Purdue University and
finishing his internship
experience at Rockwell Collins. He worked
data links almost exclusively since he joined
Raytheon, and had supported various programs
with data link needs, performing transmitter/
receiver radio frequency (RF) design and communication systems simulations. By taking the
opportunity to further his education via
Raytheon’s Advanced Study Program, Ric
recently finished his master’s degree in
electrical engineering, specializing in digital
communications, while continuing to work
at Raytheon.
Ric was the lead RF engineer on the Low-Cost
Miniature Data Link (LCMDL) program, which
won both the Missile Systems and corporate
2004 Excellence in Technology awards.
“Although I’m obviously excited, I’m humbled
because I know we have a lot of people in
Missile Systems working as hard and doing
equally great work,” said Ric.
When asked about the key to performance in
accomplishing the Miniature Data Link project,
he said, “I think my fellow team members will
agree that the key factors to performance are
innovation, teamwork, taking calculated risks,
being driven to learn, and, most importantly,
developing a great working relationship with
the people funding the program.” The core system architecture of LCMDL is now being used
in the development of Dragonfly, Wireless Tow
and a couple of other programs.
And quality performance doesn’t stop there. Ric
is currently working as the lead on the RF
design of Wireless Tow and as a communications algorithms engineer for the AIM-9X
proposed data link. He has hopes that data link
technology will grow Missile Systems’ businesses, and that wireless data links will be used as
solutions for programs seeking to link various
defense subsystems. Always thinking ahead …
2005 ISSUE 2
aytheon is proud of its history of innovation in technology, and our innovation and
technology benchmarks ensure Raytheon’s
place in an increasingly competitive world.
The 2004 Excellence in Technology Awards
were presented on April 12, 2005, to honor
individuals and teams across the company
for their outstanding technical contributions
to the future of our company and to
society as a whole. Recipients of this award
were joined by the leadership team,
colleagues and guests as we celebrated in
Washington, D.C., at the Smithsonian
National Air and Space Museum.
Guests enjoyed a reception among the
Raytheon Beechcraft® in the museum’s Air
Transportation gallery, followed by the
awards presentation in the Milestones of
Flight gallery, both inspirational scenes for
equally inspirational accomplishments.
The Excellence in Technology Awards
acknowledge technical creativity at every
professional level and recognize an entire
workforce by stressing professionalism and
talent throughout the organization. Please
join us in congratulating the winners.
For extended coverage, please visit
We are pleased to honor this year’s Excellence in Technology Award winners:
HRL Laboratories
Career achievement in the field of photonics
Willie Ng
Information Technology
Project Athena Team
Tom Charbonneau, Martin Fernandez, William Gianopoulos, Paul Mongillo, Ralph Shaw
Integrated Defense Systems
Contributions to recent ballistic missile defense radar suites
Daniel Rypysc
Affordable Ground-Based Radar Team
Peter Maloney, Dennis Nieskoski, Christopher Perfetto, Terri Potts, Paul Tschirch
Homeland Defense Area 1 Team
John Bergeron, Jeffrey Field, Pete Frazho (Missile Systems), Ronald Jackson, Wayne Oden,
Ronald Osimo (Raytheon Technical Services Company)
Intelligence and Information Systems
Contribution of architectures for large system resource management
Bruce Bohannan
Global Broadcast Service ATM/IP Simulcast Team
Edgar “Red” Fehrle, Timothy Hagen, Stewart Hong, Fred Horr, Brent Leppke
The Multi-Sensor Aerospace Ground Joint ISR Interoperability Coalition Team
Thomas Deardorff, Christopher Harm, John Hennessy
Missile Systems
Career contributions to cruise missile programs
Newton Johnson
Miniature Data Link Team
Keith Arnold, Christopher Kibbey, David Manzi, Lance Reidhead, Ric Romero
Proprietary Integrated Product Team
Edward Agres, David Chaffee, Jimmy Duncan, Dave Knapp, James Mills
Network Centric Systems
Battlefield Target Identification Device Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration Team
Grayden Obenour, James Reilly, Brian Roth, Keith Sloffer. Gregory White
NetFires Radio Team
Gregory Cantrell, Joan Corley (Missile Systems), Larry Finger, Timothy Hughes,
Gregory Kephart, Robert Kesselring (Missile Systems), Martin Stern
Shipboard Distributed Aperture Sensor Development Team
Steve Black, Aimee Buell, Alexander Childs, Richard Mullins, Dale Ouimette
With Honorable Mention to HRL Laboratories
Raytheon Aircraft Company
Horizon Auxiliary Power Unit Composite Firewall Development Team
Raymond Best, Quentin Coon, Jr., George Groover, Scot Kruse
Raytheon Systems Limited
Achievement in Automatic Dependant Surveillance Broadcast
Martin Stevens
Raytheon Technical Services Company
Joint Explosive Ordnance Disposal Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration Team
Steve Dehart, Jesse Jarrell
Space and Airborne Systems
Contribution of low-cost active electronically scanned arrays
James Mason
Inertially Stabilized Platform Team
John Anagnost, Rick Cantrell, Kim Crothers, Hans Naepflin, Michael Surace
Low Observable Electronic Support Measures Antenna Team
David Bishop, Patrick Cunningham, James Foreman, Brian Johansen, Darrell Miller
Paul Mongillo joined Raytheon in
1985 as a design engineer supporting
systems integration and test and is now
a director within Integrated Defense
Systems’ (IDS) Information Technology
(IT) cross business team. Mongillo is
responsible for developing innovative IT
solutions to improve communication,
collaboration and computing within IDS, and extending
these solutions to partners and customers. As a customer
relationship leader, Mongillo provides solutions to the IDS
Engineering and Mission Innovation cross business teams
and the IDS Surveillance and Sensor Systems integrated
business team.
“As I reflect upon my career here at Raytheon and my
choice to become an engineer, I realize that the opportunities presented at Raytheon continue to validate why I
selected the engineering discipline,” he says. “I enjoy the
challenges of turning thoughts into reality and developing
solutions that meet the needs of our business and customers.” This was a discriminating factor as to why IT’s
Project Athena team, of which Mongillo was a part, recently
won a 2004 Excellence in Technology award. “Project
Athena is an example of how a successful project delivers
creative solutions.”
Project Athena is Raytheon’s first entrance into the maritime
domain awareness market, and the project capability
demonstration was pivotal to ensure that our customer
views Raytheon’s capabilities as robust in this new growth
area within Homeland Defense.
The Project Athena IT team — Mongillo, Tom Charbonneau,
Martin Fernandez, Bill Gianopoulos and Ralph Shaw —
successfully delivered the secure network architecture,
collaborative environment and experimentation lab to
support Raytheon’s DoD customer against a very aggressive
Project Athena will collect data from an infinitely wide
universe of potential sources that have visibility into the
maritime domain, fuse the data, and provide operational
cuing to appropriate responders. Athena will detect threats
arising in the maritime domain and do so as far from the
U.S. landmass as possible.
“The Project Athena IT team is a well-integrated team and
has a common purpose to securely set up the networking
architecture across multiple land-based sites back to
Raytheon. The flexibility of the solution designed allows for
quick deployment of the system to where it is most needed
to meet the maritime domain awareness needs of our customers,” explains Mongillo. “It is certainly exciting to see
the early success of the project and to realize the significant
opportunities that exist in the future for full deployment of
the Project Athena solution.”
Multi-Platform Radar Technology Insertion Program Synthetic Aperture Radar Mode Team
Theagenis Abatzoglou, Kwang Cho, Leo Hui
2005 ISSUE 2
The 2004
Quality Excellence and
Excellence in Operations Awards
Joan Corley is an
Engineering Fellow at
Missile Systems and has
spent the last four years
working on weapon networking and communications
opportunities borne of the
DoD’s transformation to
network centric operations
and warfare. While serving as the Systems and
Software IPT Lead on the DARPA NetFires program,
Corley recognized the need for demonstrating
capability enhancements achievable with missiles as nodes in the network. Eventually, an
Army-funded NetFires Communications program
offered opportunities to MS and NCS teams in
Fullerton and Ft. Wayne to provide a state-of-theart, JTRS/SCA-compliant, ad hoc weapon networking waveform and radio solution.
Corley worked with Larry Finger in Ft. Wayne
and Tim Hughes in Fullerton to put together a
team and foster a one-for-all program environment in which each individual was viewed as a
significant contributor. Herb Fauth, Corley’s
Systems Engineering, Integration and Test IPT
lead, made a major contribution to this OneRaytheon spirit.
With a firm team in place, Corley endeavored
to establish and maintain a quality relationship
with her AMCOM RDEC (AMRDEC) customer.
This was accomplished by open and honest
communications — bad news as well as good
— and inclusion in weekly teleconferences
with the team. “Including the customer made a
big difference in our relationship, as they were
working along side of us, helping to solve problems and identify issues and risks,” said Corley.
“I have worked on programs in the past in
which the customer did not trust or believe in
their contractor. As a result, an adversarial relationship resulted with lots of fault-finding and
finger pointing. The result was a failed program
with significant budget and schedule overruns.
In contrast, the NetFires Comms program
enjoyed strong support from AMRDEC throughout the program and a very positive working
relationship that continues to provide Raytheon
with new opportunities for growth.”
The NetFires Comms team’s achievements
resulted in a 2004 Excellence in Technology
Award and serves as a model program for the
One-Raytheon initiative and customer focus.
Through collaboration with team members and
the customer, the team successfully developed
the enabling technologies that truly make the
missile a node in the network.
2005 ISSUE 2
This year’s winners of the 2004 Quality Excellence and Excellence in Operations Awards will
be honored among their peers at a celebration during the 2005 Mission Assurance Forum in
Dallas in June.
Excellence begins with a belief and passion to do everything right to the best of our abilities.
There must be no doubt when it comes to our customers’ confidence in our performance
and quality. The accomplishments of the individuals and teams from across the company
help further our success in the industries and markets that our diverse businesses represent.
Raytheon recognizes and applauds these examples of quality and operational leadership that
have a long-term impact on our business.
Full coverage of the 2005 Mission Assurance Forum and the 2004 Quality Excellence and
Excellence in Operations Awards will be offered in the next issue of technology today. Until
then, please join us in congratulating this year’s winners.
2004 Operations Awardees:
2004 Quality Awardees:
Edwin P. Madera
for innovative remediation to achieve the best solutions
for the Wayland Wetland Restoration Project
Guy H. Mawhinney, Jr.
for software quality leadership on the DD(X) program
Randy C. Coker
for leadership of the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
Laboratory High Performance Computing System Program
Louisville 2004 Race Toward Lean Team
Bryan K. Bergsma, David A. Mattingly, John J.
Packwood, Keith A. Stewart, Walter E. Vittitow
Maverick Lean Visual Factory Project Team
Lisa A. Block, William C. James, James E.
Landman, Glen A. Vanbebber, Marissa A. Wood
Thermal Weapon Sight 2X Ramp Up R6s Project Team
Alan Jeffrey Brackett, Clark T. Harmon, Richard F.
Rocha, Matthew B. Sheppard, James E. Walsh
Customer Support Supply Chain/Logistics
Transformation Team
Samuel L. Carter, Christopher S. Elliott, Bill E.
McTyer, Shirley A. Tucker, Jason R. White
U.S. Army King Air C-12 Rapid Response Team
Richard M. Glinka, Cory W. Johnson, Jack L.
Marinelli, John C. Mcdaniel, Michael D. Shaver
SIFF 4810 Project Team
Angela Ceynowa, Michael Gillman, Peter Lees,
Gordon Scotland, Derek Stopher
Mission Support Performance Based
Logistics (PBL) Team
Charles T. Jala, Ruben D. Ramos
X3 Space MIC Production Team
Ajay M. Bengali, Randal E. Knar, Joseph D.
Martin, Steven N. Masukawa, Anh N. Tran
Randall J. Campbell
for innovative process improvements on the
Information Dissemination Services-Direct
Delivery program
Engineering Purchase Requisition Quality Improvement
& Process Streamlining Team
Maria C. Aguiar, Allan H. Blanset, John M.
Raymond, Amy J. Rod, Benjamin J. Venema
AN/TPQ-37 Firefinder Urgent Spares Team
Chris H. Castle, John R. Coulson, John Michael
Crowe, Steven M. Ogle
Sherman Quality Steering Team
Robert D. Beazley, Russell A. Fugate, Vernon T.
Hurlburt, Charles F. Pokorny, Samuel D. Thomas
Receiving Inspection Labor Reduction Team
Kenneth E. Bauer, Terry B. Morgan, Mark A.
Murray, Cheryl D. Soldan, Wayne A. Walker
Process Asset Library Development Team
Zita Harkin, Sinead Teresa ODonnell, Andrew
Patrick Woods
Improved Explosive Device Countermeasure Equipment
Design for Manufacturing and Assembly Team
Thomas Gustafson, Marion Hensley, Carl Lang,
Jr., Kurt Mittelstaedt, Brady Plummer,
Michael Townsend
Farrell B. Booker
for performance on the Air Combat Avionics Airborne
Processor F-16 Modular Mission Computer program
Automated Inspection Team
Joseph T. Hanft, Patrick J. Kocurek, Mark G.
Lecuyer, Alyson M. Moskwa, Carlos M. Ruiz
Two Raytheon Leaders
Featured at Industry-Wide Six Sigma Symposium
At the recent International Society of Six
Sigma Professionals (ISSSP) symposium,
held January 10-12 in Dallas and hosted by
Raytheon Company, business professionals
at all levels focused on “Using Six Sigma
and Other Business Methodologies for
Changing the Practice of Product
Development in Technology, Engineering,
Operations and Services.”
Corporate Six Sigma leaders led participants as they networked and learned from
experienced Six Sigma practitioners from
companies including Raytheon, Dow
Chemical, Seagate Technology, Johnson &
Johnson, Bank of America, 3M, Honeywell,
DuPont and many more.
“It’s extremely important
to look around — which means
looking elsewhere — for how
other people are doing things,
and this gets you out of your
comfort zone ... spend time
with people who are
different than you,
who think differently and do
things differently.”
The event’s opening keynote address was
provided by Gregory Shelton, Raytheon
corporate vice president of Engineering,
Technology, Manufacturing and Quality,
with the banquet and ceremony keynote
address by Don Ronchi, vice president of
Raytheon Six Sigma™, Supply Chain and
Chief Learning Officer, Raytheon Company.
solutions that position Raytheon as a
Mission Systems Integrator, proving that
there’s no doubt that Raytheon is a vital
part of a customer’s mission.
“The military environment has changed,”
explains Shelton. “We can’t just focus on
discipline to get the job done. We have to
be flexible to move with changing customer requirements. We’ve been very successful as a company, utilizing our One
Company processes of CMMI® [Capability
Maturity Model Integration], IPDS
[Integrated Product Development System]
and more, but if we want to drive growth,
we have to encourage creativity and participation. That’s where Six Sigma comes in.”
“Six Sigma is all about making choices,”
added Ronchi. “It’s about the trade-off
between investing your organization’s
resources — especially by including the
time and attention of your people — in
things that will accelerate them down the
learning curves they are on versus the
things that bring new learning curves in
the form of different kinds of skills, different materials (or ways of using existing
materials) and different processes.” Ronchi
explained that it’s all about what can be
achieved when there is a balance between
using what we know and exploring what
we can still learn.
Ronchi emphasized the importance of the
open sharing of ideas to facilitate learning.
“It’s extremely important to look around —
which means looking elsewhere — for how
other people are doing things, and this
gets you out of your comfort zone.” He
encouraged the participants to “spend
time with people who are different than
you, who think differently and do things
“This event was a chance for Raytheon to
share its work on Six Sigma in product
development, as well as learn from others
in the industry,” explains Jon McKenzie,
director, Raytheon Six Sigma. “There are
many Six Sigma conferences focused on
Design for Six Sigma, but our vision was to
host a technical dialogue on Design for Six
Sigma. From the data collected from the
attendees, I would have to say we accomplished our vision.”
For more on this event, visit the ISSSP
Symposium archive at
Raytheon Company employees can become
ISSSP members for a discounted annual
rate of $150. Visit and click
“Become a Member.” Select Raytheon
from the corporate program dropdown list.
Use the ISSSP password on •
Lisa Mawn
®CMMI is a registered in the U.S. Patent and
Trademark Office by Carnegie Mellon University.
Shelton focused on the need to not only
provide solutions, but to provide creative
2005 ISSUE 2
The Future State of IPDS
What's Coming in IPDS Version 3.0
Work is underway to develop what
will be IPDS Version 3.0, targeted for
release by the end of August 2005.
Version 3.0 represents a significant
change in the Integrated Product
Development System (IPDS), which will
provide a process that is more streamlined, easier to navigate, and better suited to the needs of Raytheon employees
and our customers. This version is being
developed based on inputs from the IPDS
steering committee, which was established in the spring of 2004 with representation from all of Raytheon's businesses and many key functions.
This release represents the first major step
in moving toward the IPDS future state:
an Integrated Product Development
Process (IPDP) and a Process Asset Library
(PAL) containing supporting process
materials. The future IPDP will be similar
in many ways to IPDP today, but will be
improved significantly. It will have a new
structure (style guide) for the task
descriptors, as well as streamlined flows
and task descriptions for Stages 3, 4 and
5, and streamlined Stage 2 task descriptions. The PAL will contain the how-tos,
such as work instructions, templates,
checklists, etc., both Raytheon-wide and
local business unit enablers. IPDS will be
consistent with CMMI® through Level 5,
as well as Raytheon’s Mission Assurance
The underlying IPDS database will also be
improved, enabling new views and thread
depictions through the web interface,
and as time progresses, enhanced process
automation capabilities. An improved,
prototype planning tool will use “wizards” to ask about program and system
characteristics to drive process tailoring,
with improved integrated master
plan/integrated master schedule generation, as well as compliance reports (e.g.,
to CMMI practices) and other reports
(such as information for a work breakdown structure dictionary).
The number of tasks, and the task
descriptions themselves, will be streamlined in Version 3.0. As an illustration, the
current in-work Stage 3 consists of 35
tasks versus 126 tasks in Version 2.4.0,
and 132 outputs versus 391. The in-work
risk and opportunity management multidiscipline process consists of one 350word task descriptor describing the
essential “what's” in a single task narrative, versus six task descriptors and over
2,500 words total in the current risk multidiscipline process. Improvements to the
remaining stages of IPDS, as well as additional usability improvements to the web
and planning tool, are planned for release
later in 2005.
These improvements will enhance the
utility and applicability of IPDS throughout Raytheon and ultimately make it
easier for programs to plan and execute
using disciplined processes. Periodic
updates on progress and early looks will
be provided on the IPDS website - look
for the “What's Coming in IPDS” link on
the IPDS home page. •
John Evers
Steve Clark
®CMMI is a registered in the U.S. Patent
and Trademark Office by Carnegie Mellon
What’s Coming in
2005 ISSUE 2
Achieving CMMI Level 5:
Envisioning Quality
Beyond PPQA
Raytheon North Texas Software Quality
Engineering took an innovative approach to
achieving CMMI® goals. We looked beyond
the basics of the process and product quality assurance (PPQA) process area of the
CMMI model. We ensured Quality was well
integrated into the engineering process,
and did more than identify opportunities
for improvement. We focused on achieving
engineering goals through the alignment of
the Raytheon Six Sigma™ business strategy,
the CMMI model, and the Integrated
Product Development System (IPDS).
This article describes how the Quality
organization established a vision that
contributed to the successful achievement
of CMM level 4 for software in 2001 and
CMMI level 5 for software and CMMI
level 3 for systems engineering in 2003.
The Quality program was cited as an
organizational strength in the management
outbrief of both appraisals in 2003.
How did we do it?
We set the bar high for Quality professionals participating in the engineering process.
We developed and hired talented professionals, and set measurable expectations
for further development, including:
• American Society for Quality professional
• Six Sigma Specialist or Expert designation;
• a training plan with required and recommended training; and
• a technical degree in computer science
or related engineering degree.
Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)
Don’t limit your vision
Remember the basics
The role of Quality is dependent upon the
maturity level of the engineering organization that the quality engineer is supporting.
At lower maturity levels, the quality control
role focuses on inspection and audit. As the
engineering organization moves up the
maturity scale, however, the role of Quality
begins to emphasize analysis, reduction of
variation and improvement.
To succeed as a Quality organization, you
must make flawless execution of the PPQA
process area the foundation of engineering
process improvement. This process area
focuses on communication to management
and the tracking of corrective actions, as
well as the evaluation and audit of processes and work products to identify improvement opportunities.
We established control limits that define
our expected performance for these peer
reviews. The Quality engineer working this
project was recognized by the CMMI
assessment team for exceeding expectations beyond anything else seen in the
The defect containment chart above highlights a significant cell of defects escaping
implementation into system integration and
Be part of the solution for
filling process gaps
To achieve CMMI level 5, Quality contributed
beyond the role of evaluation, audit and
corrective action. Quality partnered with
the engineering process group to monitor
improvement opportunities, as well as
develop and deploy process improvements.
Improve and
strengthen process
by closing gaps
Step 3
Identify and
resolve gaps
• Work with
process owners
• R6σ Specialist projects
• Optimize execution
Step 2
How well process is • Determine process gaps
• Identify process improvement
Step 1
How well we are
• Feedback to program and process
• Casual analysis
Quality Engineering staff developed solutions for deploying improvements that were
cited as organizational strengths in the
CMMI appraisal outbrief. Quality
Engineering developed the approaches for
defect containment and analysis, causal
analysis and resolution, statistical process
control for design, and code peer reviews,
as well as made significant contributions to
the incremental planning approach.
Incremental planning was developed as
part of a Raytheon Six Sigma project to
define IPDS processes to meet the intent of
the CMMI model. The Six Sigma project
was initiated because 40% of all software
noncompliances were related to planning
issues. The Six Sigma project reduced planning noncompliances by 54% by providing
plans on-time to the customer.
Use the results of the basic PPQA process
area for organizational improvement:
• use expertise of Six Sigma techniques to
determine root causes;
• facilitate engineering implementation of
corrective action to prevent reoccurrence;
• monitor the program metrics analysis
process to perform causal analysis and
Beyond PPQA: become a
subject matter expert for
delivering quality
To achieve organizational goals and metrics,
Quality Engineering took ownership of the
peer review, defect containment metrics,
and defect analysis process. To achieve our
goals, we needed to reduce variation.
Root cause analysis indicated that too many
defects from design and implementation
were being detected in integration, causing
CPI variation. The organization chose two
subprocesses to place under statistical control: peer reviews for design and peer
reviews for code and unit test
test. The Quality role focuses on preventing
the occurrence of an individual defect or
group of defects by taking action to:
• develop expertise on Six Sigma techniques for determining root causes;
• perform causal analysis and resolution
• develop and provide training;
• implement corrective action to prevent
reoccurrence; and
• monitor program metrics analysis
Help engineering achieve
its goals
The success the Raytheon North Texas
Software Quality Engineering organization
has achieved in integrating Quality
Engineering into the process and organizational structure of the engineering center is
a benchmark for other organizations seeking to achieve performance improvement.•
Donna Freed
®CMMI is a registered in the U.S. Patent and
Trademark Office by Carnegie Mellon University.
2005 ISSUE 2
U.S. Patents
Issued to Raytheon
we encourage people
to work on technological challenges that
keep America strong and develop innovative commercial products. Part of that
process is identifying and protecting our
intellectual property. Once again, the
United States Patent Office has recognized our engineers and technologists for
their contributions in their fields of interest. We compliment our inventors who
were awarded patents from midDecember through March 2005.
6830387B2 Modular thermal security camera system
6831912B1 Effective protocol for high-rate,
long-latency, asymmetric, and bit-error prone data links
6833547B2 Ambient-to-cold focus and alignment of
cryogenic space sensors using uncooled auxillary detectors
6833810B2 Combining signals exhibiting multiple types
of diversity
6833822B2 Method and apparatus for generating a
visible image with an infrared transmissive window
6833945B2 Rubidium titanyl arsenate-silver gallium
selenide tandem optical parametric oscillator
6834063B2 Efficient angle tunable output from a
monolithic serial KTA optical parametric oscillator
6834067B2 Laser with gain medium configured to
provide an integrated optical pump cavity
6834991B2 Radiometer with programmable noise
source calibration
6835969B1 Split-channel high electron mobility
transistor (HEMT) device
6836201B1 Electrically driven bistable mechanical actuator
6837581B1 System and method for deploying a mirror
assembly of a display unit
6838325B2 Method of forming a self-aligned, selectively
etched, double recess high electron mobility transistor
6839182B1 Optical assembly having an optical device
aligned to an optical collimator, and its fabrication
2005 ISSUE 2
6842231B2 Method for improved range accuracy in
laser range finders
6842559B1 Method and system for electrical length
6844789B2 Low temperature co-fired ceramic circulator
6847065B1 Radiation-hardened transistor fabricated by
modified CMOS process
6847328B1 Compact antenna element and array, and a
method of operating same
6847678B2 Adaptive air interface waveform
6848648B2 Single actuator direct drive roll control
6849841B2 System and method for effecting high-power
beam control with outgoing wavefront correction utilizing
holographic sampling at primary mirror, phase conjugation,
and adaptive optics in low power beam path
6849855B1 Method for marking and identifying objects
coated with up-conversion material
6849924B2 Wide band cross point switch using MEMS
6850128B2 Electromagnetic coupling
6850203B1 Decade band tapered slot antenna, and
method of making same
6850372B1 Orthogonal movement lateral shift zoom lens
6851724B2 Dual flow rotating union
6853330B1 Inverse precision velocity update for
monopulse calibration
6855923B2 Scanning a beam of light in a digital image
6856275B1 Semiconductor article harmonic identification
6856283B2 Method and apparatus for a power system
for phased-array radar
6859472B2 Multi-jet impingement cooled slab laser
pumphead and method
6860684B2 Loading system for securing cargo in the
bed of a vehicle
6864767B2 Microelectromechanical micro-relay with
liquid metal contacts
6864816B1 Method and apparatus for high-speed
quantization using resonant tunneling technology
6864831B2 Radar detection method and apparatus
6864851B2 Low profile wideband antenna array
6864857B2 Optically transparent millimeter wave reflector
6866819B1 Sensor for detecting small concentrations of
a target matter
6867731B2 Noise suppression system and method for
phased-array based systems
6867742B1 Balun and groundplanes for decade band
tapered slot antenna, and method of making same
6867837B2 Liquid crystal device and manufacturing method
6869044B2 Missile with odd symmetry tail fins
6870501B2 Digital radio frequency tag
6870502B1 Advanced asynchronous pulse detector
6870989B1 Method for performing add/drop functions
of light signals in optical fiber light transmission systems
6871817B1 System containing an anamorphic optical
system with window, optical corrector, and sensor
6872960B2 Robust infrared countermeasure system and
6873138B2 Method and apparatus for converting power
6873250B2 Back-up aid indicator using FMCW chirp
signal or a time domain pulse signal
6873302B1 Signal detection antenna
6873467B1 Method and system for providing optical
alignment for a visible wavelength reflective system
International Patents Issued to Raytheon
Congratulations to Raytheon technologists
from all over the world. We would like to
acknowledge international patents issued
from mid December through March 2005.
These inventors are responsible for keeping
the company on the cutting edge, and we
salute their innovation and contributions.
Titles are those on the U.S. patents; actual titles on foreign counterparts are sometimes modified and not
recorded. While we strive to list current international
patents, many foreign patents issue much later than the
corresponding U.S. patents and may not be reflected yet.
2002248375 Radio frequency antenna feed structures
having a coaxial waveguide and asymmetric septum
2002244289 Dissolvable thrust vector control vane
1269447 Predictive automatic incident detection using
automatic vehicle identification
796459 Graphical user interface for air traffic control
flight data management
2366982 Monolithic serial optical parametric oscillator
2315773 Electronic support measures (ESM) duty
dithering scheme for improved probability of intercept
at low ESM utilization
126570 Passive doppler fuze
126570 Common aperture reflector antenna with
improved feed design
1256028 Beam steering optical arrangement using risley
prisms with surface contours for aberration correction
1334340 Advanced high speed, multi-level uncooled
bolometer and method for fabricating same
19649228 Variable path length passive q-switch
1368692 System and method for effecting
high-power beam control with adaptive optics in
low power beam path
714656 Imaging sensor having multiple fields of view
and utilizing all-reflective optics
1040213 Optically clear, durable infrared windows,
and method of making the same
1297285 Apparatus and method for achieving
temperature stability in a two-stage cryocooler
1309894 Laser pulse slicer and dual wavelength
converter for chemical sensing
1165371 System and method for controlling the
attitude of a spacecraft
1307976 Phase stabilization in adaptive arrays
917658 Infrared-transparent window structure
1141739 Technique for implementing very large pulse
compression biphase codes
19649228 Low-cost color cube for liquid crystal light
valve projectors
950263 High power prematched mmic transistor with
improved ground potential continuity
2383276 Combining signal images in accordance with
signal-to-noise ratios (quad diversity combiner based
on snr estimates)
941484 Impulse radar guidance apparatus and
method for use with guided projectiles (as amended)
142521 High voltage power supply using thin metal
film batteries
119212 Thermal imaging device
143959 Eyesafe laser transmitter with brewster angle
q switch in single resonator cavity for both pump laser
and optical parametric oscillator
138047 Dual cavity laser resonator
142070 Integrated system for line-of-sight stabilization and auto-alignment of off-gimbal electro-optical
passive and active electro-optical sensors
917658 Infrared-transparent window structure
533139 Optical magnetron for high efficiency production of optical radiation, and 1/2 lambda induced pimode operation
763898 Analog to digital conversion system
317817 Electronically configurable towed decoy for
dispensing infrared emitting flares (as amended)
Raytheon’s Greatest Asset
Systems (SAS), has been appointed chair
of the U.S. Air Force Scientific Advisory
Board (SAB) beginning October 1.
If you would like to submit an announcement, please send your information to
The board reviews, evaluates and advises
senior Air Force leadership on matters of
science and technology for continued air
and space dominance. The SAB’s membership of 50 consists of retired Air Force
officers and representatives of industry,
academia and federally funded R&D corporations. Shyu joined the board 2000
and was named vice chair in 2003.
Heidi Shyu, vice president and technical
director at Raytheon Space and Airborne
Bruce E. Peoples (State College, PA) has
been appointed Chair of ISO/IEC JTC1
his new “People” column debuted in
our last issue to highlight significant
external technical and leadership accomplishments, such as appointments to technical and/or industry societies, medals or
awards for technical achievements. These
high honors deserve recognition, exposure
and visibility in our Raytheon community.
SC36. The ISO/IEC level sub-committee
produces Information Technology
Standards for human-based and intelligent systems. Bruce also specializes in
standardizing Raytheon’s technologies and
processes at ANSI and IEEE, helping to
position Raytheon as the choice of customers on a global scale. Because of his
position, Bruce is becoming recognized as
an international leader in Information
Technology and has been invited to participate in U.S., United Nation, European
Union and Asian policy initiatives regarding Information Technology.
2005 ISSUE 2
Future Events
ASEE Joint Propulsion
Conference & Exhibit
Propulsion Technology
— Enabling Tomorrow’s
July 10–13, 2005
Tucson Convention Center
Tucson, Ariz.
This conference will focus on
the application of enabling
propulsion technologies to
make significant advances
in aviation possible, such as
the recent hypersonic flight
of the X-43. The future holds
further advances in aviation
through the application of
advanced technologies for air
breathing, rocket and electric
propulsion with propulsion
technology enabling
tomorrow’s applications.
For more information, visit
the AIAA website at
Systems Engineering —
Bridging Industry,
Government and
July 10–15, 2005
Rochester Riverside
Convention Center
Rochester, N.Y.
Online registration is now
available for the INCOSE 2005
International Symposium.
Expand your professional
knowledge and practices, and
network with a program of 149
papers, 17 tutorials, daily
keynote speakers, an academic
forum, panel discussions, tool
vendors and working group
meetings. This is a good opportunity to obtain systems engineering information, techniques, methods, tools, standards and trends being taught
and applied around the world.
For more information, visit
AIAA Space 2005
Expanding the Envelope
of Space
August 30 – Sept. 1, 2005
Long Beach Convention Center
Long Beach, Calif.
The AIAA Space 2005
Conference, sponsored by
Raytheon Company, NASA's Jet
Propulsion Laboratory, and the
Air Force Space and Missile
Systems Center, will validate
how important space has
become, while looking forward
to a vision of what space can
and will provide in the future.
You'll have an opportunity
to learn from luminaries on
technical, economic and policy
issues. This conference draws
nearly a thousand participants
annually from the space technical community, including the
DoD, NASA, the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, industry and
educational institutions.
For more information, visit
Sept. 13-14, 2005
Ft. Wayne, Ind.
The Raytheon Systems
Engineering Technology
Network (SETN) and Software
Technology Network (SWTN)
will hold a joint workshop from
Sept 13-14 in Ft. Wayne,
Indiana, that will address the
systems and software
technology impacts of Mission
Assurance. Technical Interest
Groups will address Mission
Assurance from their unique
perspectives, highlighted by
panel discussions, demonstrations, and tutorials, and culminating in development of 2006
objectives for the Technology
Networks that will help
Raytheon implement its Mission
Assurance strategy.
For more information, contact
Rick Steiner, SETN Facilitator, at or Mark
Hama, SWTN Facilitator, at
Raytheon’s 5th Annual
Mechanical and
Materials Engineering
Technology Symposium
September 26-29, 2005
Loews Ventana Canyon
Tucson, Ariz.
The 5th Annual Mechanical and
Materials Engineering
Technology Symposium in
Tucson, Ariz., will be hosted by
Raytheon Missile Systems and
the Mechanical Engineering
Center. Co-sponsored by the
Mechanical and Materials
Technology Network (MMTN)
and the Mechanical Engineering
and Technology Council, this
year’s symposium will provide
an excellent opportunity to gain
insight into the technology
innovation at Raytheon and the
people that contribute to it.
For more information, visit
Processing Technology
Mini Expo
Oct. 24-26, 2005
Marriott Hotel
Ft. Wayne, Ind.
The Raytheon Processing
Systems Technology Network
(PSTN) is sponsoring its first ever
mini expo. Themed “Software
Defined Radios (SDR),” this
event will offer an in-depth
knowledge interchange of processing, applications and their
enabling technologies.
Processing is a key enabler for
SDR, and SDRs are also a timely
and important topic for the
DoD, enabling network centric
operations and joint operations
across the branches of service
as well as internationally. The
expo will be held in Fort Wayne,
where communication is a core
product capability, and will provide an outstanding opportunity
for Raytheon engineers to learn
about the Fort Wayne site while
networking with their peers
from across the company.
For more information, visit
Copyright © 2005 Raytheon Company. All rights reserved.