2013 – 2014 Yearbook - The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc.
2013 – 2014 Yearbook - The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc.
2013 – 2014 Yearbook 77th Year of Community Service Junior League Mission Statement The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable. Junior League Vision Statement The Junior League: Women around the world as catalysts for lasting community change. Junior League Reaching Out Statement The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. reaches out to women of all races, religions and national origins who demonstrate an interest in and commitment to voluntarism. 4450 Belden Village Street, NW, Suite 106 Canton, Ohio 44718 Phone: (330) 491-4552 Fax: (330) 491-5562 E-mail: admin@jlstarkcounty.org www.jlstarkcounty.org The Annual Report, Membership List, and Yearbook content are intended exclusively for use by League Members, in accordance with the Association’s Policy. Table of Contents Introduction Junior League Prayer……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1 In Memoriam……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1 Honorary, Emeritus, Honorary and Emeritus Members……………………………………………………………… 1 JLSC 2013-2014 Calendar……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2 Administration 2013-2014 JLSC Executive Board……………………………………………………………………………………... 3 2013-2014 Community Advisory Council……………………………………………………………………………… 3 Council VPs, Committee Chairs and Committee Members………………………………………………................ 4 Organization Chart……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6 Leadership Team’s Functions………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7 Classes of Membership…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10 Membership Requirements……………………………………………………………………………………………... 11 Admissions Philosophy………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11 Eligibility Requirements………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11 Prospective Members……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 12 History of The Junior League of Stark County Past Presidents of the JLSC……………………………………………………………………………………………. 12 Women of the Year Recipients…………………………………………………………………………………………. 13 League Award Recipients……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 13 Friends of the Junior League Awards………………………………………………………………………………….. 15 President’s Annual Report……………………………………………………………………………………………. 16 AJLI Information………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 18 Strategic Plan…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 19 Quick Answers to Frequent Questions ……………………………………………………………………………. 20 Parliamentary Procedures at a Glance……………………………………………………………………………... 22 What to Do When…or…Whom to Call!………………………………………………………………………………23 Bylaws……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 24 Policies…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 41 Actives……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 59 Sustainers……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 67 Provisionals……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 96 Junior League Prayer We pray that we shall never be so blind that our small world is all we ever see, or so supremely satisfied that what we are is all we ever want to be. Give us the joy of feeling someone's need. Make us gracious followers – make gracious those who lead. And more than all, we pray that through the years we will remember there are always new frontiers. In Memoriam Barbara Bennington Barbara Lawrence Nancy McPeek Jane Schirack Honorary Members Honorary and Emeritus Members Honorary Members are those who have been members in good standing of the Junior League for fifty years or more. Julia Belden Lois Buker Jeanne Cullen Joyce Farrell Ann Foster Kathryn Foutch Mary Gibbons Beverly Girard Dean Johnson Marylyn Krider Catherine McNamara Joan Miller Phyllis Milligan Betty O’Brien Dorothy Ryan Ann Seanor Pauline Whitacre Betty Jean Wilkins Diana Bethel Marilyn Croasdaile Nancy Firestone Jan Hess Nancy Hoover Susan Jenkins Jane Lauritzen Ann Renkert Judy Russell Mary Schumacher Carol Vaughn Emeritus Members Emeritus Status may be granted to any Sustaining Member who has reached the age of 80 years. Nancy Baker Virginia Bolender Carol Booth Kathleen Brauchler 1 The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. 2013 - 2014 Calendar September 10 October 8 November 12 Kozmo’s Grille Social Dinner / Membership Meeting 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Boys and Girls Club of Massillon Social Membership Meeting 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 91 Wood Fired Oven, Jackson Social Luncheon / Membership Meeting 11:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. December TBA Winter Social TBA January 14 February 11 March 11 April 8 May 13 6:00 pm Cottage Meetings* Social Membership Meeting 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. TBA Social Luncheon / Membership Meeting 11:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. TBA Social Membership Meeting 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. TBA Social Membership Meeting Placement Fair 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. TBA Social Dinner Meeting Incoming / Outgoing Officers and Celebration 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. *Small group meetings at various locations TBD. In the event that any schools in the Canton, Jackson Township, or North Canton School Districts are closed on any day due to inclement weather, then it is understood the League office will be closed, and any Junior League meetings or events scheduled for that day will be cancelled, rescheduled and announced at a later date. 2 2013 - 2014 Executive Board Cara Beisert…………………………………………………………………………………………. President Amanda Piccari……………………………………………………………………………………... President Elect Sue Sokolowski……………………………………………………………………………………... Community Council V.P. Lara Kimbell…………………………………………………………………………………………. Finance Council V.P. Lisa Lynch………………………………………………………………………………………….... Training and Development ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Council V.P. Cheryl Stewart………………………………………………………………………………………. Sustainer Council V.P. Pam Blackburn-Haggstrom………………………………………………………………………... Secretary Corleon (C.J.) Assent………………………………………………………………………………. Treasurer Tara Beachy…………………………………………………………………………………………. Treasurer Elect 2013 - 2014 Community Advisory Council A Community Advisory Council (CAC) provides expertise to The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. (JLSC). Its purpose is twofold: to keep the JLSC informed of community needs and trends within the focus area and to help communicate our purpose and programs to the community. The Community Council, with the approval of the Executive Board, shall appoint members of the Community Advisory Council for three year terms. CAC members can be appointed to fill incomplete terms. Our current members are: Sustainers Shannon Hexamer Emily Klink Denise Mulqueen Cathy Rieder Nancy Platek Cynthia Lazor 2011 - 2014 2011 - 2014 2012 - 2015 2012 – 2015 2013 – 2016 2013 – 2016 Community Members Kim Douce The United Way of Greater Stark County 2011 - 2014 Bridgette Neisel Stark Community Foundation 2011 - 2014 Eric Belden Walsh University 2012 - 2015 Sandra Watkins Cleaver Cleaver & Sokolowski, LLC 2013 - 2016 Eric Smer ystark! 2013 - 2016 Kathy Yaros North Canton YMCA 2013 - 2016 3 Executive Board, Committee Chairs and Committee Members *Executive Board Member **Member serves on more than one committee +Ad Hoc Committee President –Cara Beisert* President Elect – Amanda Piccari* Secretary – Pam Blackburn* Community Council Sue Sokolowski* .............................................. Community Council Vice President Stephanie Helline ...................................................................... Major Project Chair Kristen Petrilla .................................................................. Major Project Chair Elect Hala Alqara Stacey Leath Chrissy Rice Ashley Miller Meg Fisher Elyse Ramirez de Fair Jennifer Barone Jessica Holden Deanna Parks Ashley Cookson Strategic Planning Teresa Fout ................................................................................................... Chair Bridget McConnell-Zagst Amanda Piccari ** Kathy Mihalik Kristen Petrilla ** Finance Council Lara Kimbell* ................................................................................... Vice President Corleon (CJ) Assent* ............................................................................... Treasurer Tara Beachy* .................................................................................. Treasurer Elect Fund Development Nicole Miller .................................................................................................... Chair Ashley Monroe ....................................................................................... Chair Elect Melissa Lombardi ................................................................ Major Fundraiser Chair Lora Harley ................................................................ Major Fundraiser Chair Elect Faith Barbato Megan Seeley Decia Beck** Jennifer Campbell Laura Fortner Stephanie Jackson Training and Development Council Lisa Lynch* ...................................................................................... Vice President Admissions/Provisional Megan Pellegrino ........................................................................................... Chair Sara Lambos ......................................................................................... Chair Elect Evrim Fulmer Melinda Willard Mandy Edmonds Stacey Stearn 4 Gina Heckerman Leadership Placement Rosanna Fierro ............................................................................................... Chair Kari Willoughby Kathryn Siegfried Patty Hinnebusch ** Megan Seeley ** Membership Meetings and Training Patty Hinnebusch ........................................................................................... Chair Amanda Clark Lynn Kelley Kim Hinderegger Kelly DiBartolo Decia Beck ** Sustainer Council Cheryl Stewart * (s) .......................................................................... Vice President Linda DeHoff (s) Kathleen Poporad (s) Melissa Pearce (s) Women of the Year Sally Bernard (s) ............................................................................................. Chair Nichole Cardinale (s) ............................................................................. Chair Elect Leslie Letner (s) Susan Shearer Carolyn Howes (s) Susie Cook (s) Barbara Cockroft (s) Teresa Golden-McClelland (s) 5 Fran Drennan (s) Rae Ellen Smedley (s) Organizational Chart Leadership Team’s Functions President Serves as Chief Executive Officer of The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. Serves as one of two official spokespersons for the Junior League (President Elect is other official spokesperson.) Presides at all Junior League membership meetings, Executive Board meetings, and Leadership Training Day sessions (Board Orientation), giving sufficient notice of all meetings. Oversees Community Advisory Council's work with Community Council VP. Serves as an ex-officio member of all committees except Leadership Placement and Strategic Planning. Serves as a member of the Financial Planning Committee. Represents the JLSC at Association of Junior Leagues International (AJLI) and community activities as appropriate. Acts as primary liaison for Stark County between the Ohio Junior Leagues when coordinating participation in CODE Day or summer exchange meetings. Serves as direct supervisor, along with the President Elect, to all paid office personnel and performs periodic and annual performance appraisals. Signs and dates all contracts made between any person and/or organization and The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. Reads and corrects all minutes taken by the Secretary at Executive Board and membership meetings before they are sent to the Administrative Assistant for copying and distribution. President Elect Assumes the duties of the President in her absence and assists the President with her duties. The President Elect succeeds to the office of President and serves as assistant to the President in becoming familiar with the over-all operation, programs, and policies of the JLSC. Serves as a member of the Financial Planning Committee. Serves as a non-voting member of the Strategic Planning Committee. Serves as liaison to all League Conference Delegates. Attends committee meetings as necessary. Assists President as direct supervisor to all paid office personnel, including temporary personnel. Assists with the update of job descriptions. Approves all official external JLSC correspondence. Keeps copy of all approvals for file. Provides guidance to the Community Council in regards to communications activities as well as reviews all distributed external and mass membership communications (i.e., Etcetera, major fundraiser, etc.). Distributes information received from the AJLI website to the appropriate persons. Represents the JLSC at community functions and events as requested by the President. Chairs membership meetings as necessary and acts as lead Parliamentarian as well as recommends changes to our Bylaws, Standing Rules, and Executive Board Policies and Procedures, to ensure that we are working within the structure of the bylaws and policies. Writes articles for Etcetera on Bylaws, Standing Rules, Executive Board Policy and Procedural changes, and conference attendance as necessary. Prepares the Executive Board manuals for her incoming Executive Board. Secretary Conducts the general correspondence of the League, compiles and keeps accurate lists of the names, addresses, and classification of all League members. Keeps minutes of the Junior League membership meetings, Board orientation, and Executive Board Meetings. Works closely with Administrative Assistant. Community Council Community Council VP Chairs the Community Council, plans and supervises the community related activities and involvement of the League, and coordinates and oversees activities of the Community Advisory Council. Oversees the activities and decisions related to communication issues and concerns. Major Project Committee Develops and recommends projects that address the focus area. The goal is to match community needs with JLSC membership needs. Plans and executes the major project and Done in a Day projects as voted upon by membership. 7 Strategic Planning Committee Functions primarily as a fact finding and study committee. Strategic Planning is responsible for researching and recommending the focus area(s) within three-year intervals for The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. Areas for study are assigned by the Executive Board and are designed to help the Executive Board improve League administration and to plan for the future. Functions as a coordinating body within the League for the development and implementation of both long and short term planning. Evaluates the needs of the membership and the community, assess future trends and strategizes implementation of necessary changes in order to meet community, League and individual member's needs. Personnel: All members of the Strategic Planning Committee are appointed by the Leadership Placement Committee and selected from the group of Active and Sustaining members. No member of the Executive Board shall serve on the Strategic Planning Committee, except the President Elect, who shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Committee. The Leadership Placement Committee shall fill any vacancies occurring at any time. The new member filling the vacancy shall serve the remaining term of the departing member. Finance Council Finance Council VP Chairs the Finance Council, serves as liaison between Finance Council members and the Executive Board, oversees the activities and decisions related to financial issues and concerns and monitors the progress of the goals and objectives of the Finance Council members. Fund Development Committee Develops a diversified funding base which includes multiple sources of funding allowing The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. to be financially flexible and viable. Tracks and records all donations received outside of the annual Major Fundraiser (including in-kind donations). This committee will also monitor all monies / donations received related to this process; work with committee chairs in verifying “thank you” letters which are sent to donors (detailing any tax exemption information, as appropriate); hold fundraisers, research grant opportunities and obtain sponsorships to raise additional funding for Junior League activities. The Fund Development Committee researches and, with direction from the Executive Board, implements additional diversified funding opportunities including but not limited to planned giving initiatives, capital campaigns, project campaigns, and endowment fund campaigns; markets and sells the Crowd Pleasers cookbook. Major Fundraiser Chair and Chair Elect are members of this committee whose responsibilities are to plan the Major Fundraiser. Treasurer Serves as custodian of the funds of the League and oversees the Treasurer Elect; considers all tax matters affecting JLSC and its projects; chairs the Financial Planning Committee, which functions as the financial fact-finding committee and initially prepares the annual budget for presentation to the Executive Board and membership. Treasurer Elect Processes all financial transactions on behalf of The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc.; acts in all capacities of the Treasurer when necessary. Treasurer Elect will succeed to office of Treasurer. Training and Development Council Training and Development Council VP Training and Development Council VP will chair the Training and Development Council and serve as liaison between Training and Development Council members and the Executive Board; oversee the activities and decisions related to membership issues, concerns and recruitment; monitor the progress of assigned committees toward accomplishing their Action Plans, which support the Strategic Plan. 8 Admissions / Provisional Committee Considers all candidates proposed for membership in the Junior League and makes recommendations to the Executive Board for invitation to provisional membership; plans and directs the education and training of provisional members. The Admissions/Provisional Committee actively recruits potential new members prior to the end of the present League year. Leadership Placement Committee Slates members of the Executive Board, candidates for positions within AJLI, committee members for Strategic Planning, and candidates for the Leadership Placement slate. This committee recommends members for chairmen of committees and projects, the Sparkler and Glimmer Awards and candidates for community / membership awards as requested by the Executive Board. Prepares a slate of candidates from which the membership shall elect a sufficient number to maintain a committee, reflective of the size of the active membership. The Executive Board Slate is presented to membership for vote no later than the April General Membership meeting. The Leadership Placement Committee collects, researches, and updates membership data, which is used as a tabulated, ongoing tool in the slating procedures; maintains records on all Active members; plans and supervises League volunteer programs, seeks new community placement opportunities, defines existing community placement work in agencies, helps individual members with special interests and training to find specialized placement, and implements membership retention strategies. Personnel: Chair (direct past President) and slated committee members. Members must be Active for three years to be slated for membership on the committee. Members shall serve a one-year term. The number of members on the committee shall consist of a minimum of five members including the direct past President, not to exceed 10% of the active membership. No member of the Executive Board shall serve on the Leadership Placement Committee. Membership Meetings and Training Committee This committee will plan and execute arrangements for all membership meetings of The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. as well as establish a thorough, on-going, training program for the Junior League membership and the community by providing quality training seminars and workshops as requested by the general membership, including educating and implementing events that pertain to current public affairs issues. Sustainer Council Sustainer Council VP Acts as a liaison between Active and the Sustaining members. Plans Sustainer events during the year, welcomes Sustainer transfers and reinstatements, communicates directly with Sustainers via the Etcetera, enlists the help of Sustainers to serve on committees, welcomes new Sustainers each Spring. Women of the Year Committee Plans an event each year to honor two women chosen for outstanding service to the community. Duties include: solicitation of nominations, publicity, selection of judges, program selection, invitations, and decorations. Personnel: The Chair should alternate between Active and Sustaining members when possible. The committee should be comprised of an equal number of Active members and Sustainer members. All members should serve as working members of the committee. 9 Inter League Non Resident Active Provisional Classes of Membership Dues ! Provisional Dues of $168 due by st September 1 ! Includes AJLI Dues Privileges ! May not vote (except on Major Project) or hold office ! Annual Dues of $168 ! Maintain membership on one JLSC st by April 1 Committee. !Includes AJLI Dues ! Attend JLSC General Membership meetings. ! Support JLSC community projects. ! Support JLSC fundraising events. !Pay dues and other financial obligations. ! All Privileges ! Annual Dues of $88 st by April 1 ! Includes AJLI Dues ! Pay dues. ! May not vote or hold office. ! No other obligations of membership !Pay Annual Dues to !Comply with requirements of receiving Junior ! All privileges of membership, except the sending Junior League. ! Annual Dues of $88 st by April 1 ! Includes AJLI Dues Sustainer Requirements ! Attend the New Member training sessions. ! Take part in a class project. ! Attend JLSC General Membership meetings. ! Support JLSC community projects. ! Support JLSC fundraising events. ! Pay dues and other financial obligations. League. one may not hold office or vote. ! An Active Member can go sustaining after five ! All privileges of Active Membership years of active service. except one cannot hold office or vote. ! Vote exceptions: ! Sustainer Council VP serving on Executive Board can vote at General Membership and Executive Board meetings. ! Sustainers serving on Committees can vote at Committee and Council levels but not at General Membership meetings. ! Sustainers serving as Committee Chairs can vote at Committee, Council and General Membership meetings. Honorary Sustainer Emeritus Sustainer Seasonal Inter-league ! None ! Good standing in Junior League for fifty years ! All privileges of membership, except or more. one may not hold office or vote. ! None ! Sustainer who has reached the age of 80 years. ! All privileges of membership, except one may not hold office or vote. ! Pay Annual Dues to ! Sustainer can participate in the Junior League ! Determined by each League sending League. in whichever area she is currently living and whether sponsorship for ! Pay receiving League a will comply with their requirements. membership is needed. fee not to exceed the difference between the receiving League’s Sustaining dues and The Association’s per capita dues. Membership Requirements 1. 2. 3. 4. Membership and participation on at least one League committee: Active members are required to participate on at least one League committee unless taking a leave of absence. Attendance at General Membership meetings: Every Active member is expected to attend all General Membership Meetings (unless taking a leave of absence). Up to three (3) absences will be permitted. Support of any major project and major fundraising event approved by the membership as defined in the AMPs: Participation in some facet with major project and major fundraising event is required. Payment of dues and other financial obligations: The Treasurer shall send notices to each member by February 15. Dues shall be payable on the first day of April. Active members, whose dues are not paid by April 15, will be fined $10. Admissions Philosophy The responsibility for the future of the Junior League rests with its present members. To maintain the valued reputation of the organization and to continue our outstanding record of community service, obtaining new women for membership must be an important priority for each League member. Recognizing the qualities of leadership and community concern in others is the first step toward sustaining a vital organization. We also value membership diversification as we believe it strengthens the League. Even though the criteria for membership in the Junior League are high, the rewards are many. Eligibility Requirements 1. 2. 3. A prospective member must be at least 21 years of age or older at the time of application in the League’s fiscal year in which she applies. A prospective member must reside within the admission’s area of The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. Junior League membership is open to prospective members of any race, religion or national origin. 11 Prospective Members 1. 2. 3. 4. The name of prospective members shall be given to the Chair of the Admissions/Provisional Committee. Prospective members should attend an informational meeting to learn about membership responsibilities and the mission of The Junior League. Admission forms and criteria guidelines for membership may be obtained from the Admissions/Provisional Committee at the informational meeting and at League headquarters. In order for a prospective member to be considered a Provisional, completed and signed forms along with the Provisional fee shall be returned to the Admissions/Provisional Chair before the established deadline. Past Presidents of The Junior League of Stark County Maggie Raff * Christine Jones * Miriam Hamilton * Dorothy Milliken * Helen Hoover * Jane Swift * Virginia Mansell * Edna Klinedinst * Catherine St. Clair * Rosanna Black * Barbara Schreiber * Catherine Karlson * Mur Leavenworth * Martha Wasson Marilyn King Mary Lou Howard* Ginny Fellows* Barbara Levitt * Caroline Jackson* Phyllis Milligan Nancy Hartung* Jane Lauritzen Nancy Baker Mary Schumacher Jane Fawcett Joyce Niffenegger Ann Brown Marilynn Williamson Susan E. Jenkins Nancy McPeek* Jane Reeves Karen Belden 1937-1938 1939-1940 1940-1942 1942-1944 1944-1944 1944-1945 1946-1948 1948-1950 1950-1952 1952-1954 1954-1956 1956-1958 1958-1960 1960-1961 1961-1962 1962-1963 1963-1965 1965-1966 1966-1967 1967-1968 1968-1969 1969-1970 1970-1971 1971-1972 1972-1973 1973-1974 1974-1975 1975-1976 1976-1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 1979-1980 Vicki Conley Susan Grossman Judith Ann Lattavo Sheila Markley Black Nancy Pryce Jane Smyth Sally Meekison Morris Christine Kruman Nancy Leach Margie Blake Susan Sparks Candy Wallace Barbara Ewing Cockroft Monica Gwin Michaele J. Flickinger Denise A. MacNealy Niki Strohmenger Maria Heege Linda Sirak Dyal Randall Rae Ellen (Dale) Smedley Sandy Turner Natalie Weinsz Theresa Wukusick Karen Stock Nancy Platek Tricia Dever Julie Worstell JoAnn Ovnic Megan Pellegrino Wendy Menegay Rosanna Fierro 1980-1981 1981-1982 1982-1983 1983-1984 1984-1985 1985-1986 1986-1987 1987-1988 1988-1989 1989-1990 1990-1991 1991-1993 1993-1994 1994-1995 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 *Deceased Women of the Year The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. sponsors a yearly event to honor two deserving women who, as volunteers within Stark County, have made an outstanding contribution to our community. The Community Award is presented on the basis of the candidate’s volunteer activities in many areas of the community. The President’s Award is presented to a candidate who has given an outstanding volunteer service in one particular area. 12 Community Award Recipients 1947 - Nell Harris* 1948 - Laura Frank* 1949 - Eleanor Schmid* 1950 - Mary Belden* 1951 - Lela Fawcett* 1952 - Eva Sparrowgrove* 1953 - Alyce Jones* 1954 - Etna Walker* 1955 - Mary Amerman* 1956 - Susan Miller* 1957 - Katherine Moore* 1958 - Leto Wade* 1959 - Sara Schneider* 1960 - Mildred Urbach* 1961 - Mary Timken* 1962 - Lola McFadden* 1963 - Georgia Snyder* 1964 - Emma Hooper* 1965 - Virginia Herbst* 1966 - Bebe Lavin* 1967 - Barbara Schreiber* 1968 - Grace Noon* 1969 - Lillian Goodman* 1970 - Kathryn Fries* 1971 - Jane Schirack* 1972 - Luella Buker * 1973 - Norma Marcere * 1974 - Kay Powell * 1975 - Dorothy Sayre* 1976 - Norma Queen* 1977 - Betty Frerichs* 1978 - Jane Cable 1979 - Virginia Fellows* 1980 - Edie Batton* 1981 - Joyce Niffenegger 1982 - Deloris Cope* 1983 - Ann Seanor 1984 - Nancy McPeek* 1985 - Karen Belden 1986 - Sue Parr* 1987 - Audrea Wynn 1988 - Sheila Markley Black 1989 - Mary Margaret Rose 1990 - Vicki Conley 1991 - Sally Efremoff 1992 - Nancy Pryce 1993 - Helenmarie Kilduff* 1994 - Jeanne Cullen 1995 - Gretchen Graham 1996 - Carole H. Savastano 1997 - Jean Gaetano Stanley* 1998 - Candy Wallace 1999 - Polly Hartung 2000 - Nandita Dash 2001 - Carolyn Howes 2002 - Donna Leibensperger 2003 - Hortense B. Bobbitt 2004 - Marian Manns 2005 - Nancy Hoover 2006 - Kay Flood 2007 - Linda DeHoff 2008 - Vicki Haines 2009 - Darlene Violet 2010 - Pat Fuller 2011 - Cindy Lazor 2012 - Lisa Warburton-Gregory *Deceased President’s Award Recipients 1973 - Jane Mahoney* 1974 - Rachel Renkert* 1975 - Dr. Margaret Shipley* 1976 - Lillian Friedman* 1977 - Phyllis Milligan 1978 - Ryllis Guist 1979 - Katie Strine* 1980 - Miletsa Stergios 1981 - Marie Hoover* 1982 - Ruth Wilkof* 1983 - Paula Wise 1984 - Jean Ann Smith* 1985 - Jodine Duerr* 1986 - Beverly Konovsky 1987 - Hester Jane Johnston 1988 - Patricia Whelan* 1989 - Joy Timken 1990 - Mary Christenson 1991 - Martha Lottman 1992 - Freda Case* 1993 - Pat Gramoy 1994 - Viola Geckler 1995 - Marilyn Shortridge * 1996 - Blanche Motts* 1997 - Jane Ruff* 1998 - Helen Syrios 1999 - Kitty Pelanda 2000 - Hildegard Greenlee 2001 - Lucie Rush 2002 - Patty DiSimone 2003 - Cyndy Morrow 2004 - Marilynn Williamson 2005 - Lynne Dragomier 2006 - Paralee Compton 2007 - Estelle Blau 2008 - Doris Hershey 2009 - Lisa Hicklin 2010 - Pat Miller 2011 - Heather Fisher 2012 - Barbara Armitage * Deceased Leading Light Award Recipients The Leading Light Award will be presented to a member who has exemplified a strong commitment to the League over a number of years. It is an award that will be bestowed at the discretion of the Leadership Placement Committee as warranted; maybe not annually depending on the situation. 2008 - Denise Mulqueen 2009 - Nancy Platek 2012 - Natalie Weinsz 2013 - Candy Wallace 13 Sparkler Award Recipients In our effort to honor the invisible heroes of League, the Sparkler Award is awarded at the May Annual Membership Meeting. “Sparklers” are active committee members who go that extra mile, are a positive influence, act as trouble shooters and are enthusiastic and positive about their Junior League activities. 1986 - Suzie Thomas 1987 - Kathy Beck 1987 - Kathy Poporad 1988 - Gail Tuttle 1989 - Wendy Macala 1990 - Joan Coblentz 1990 - Marilyn Thomas Jones 1990 - Jane Tortola 1991 - Anita Wilson 1992 - Jill Haban 1992 - Sara Strattan 1993 - Nancy Ruggaber 1994 - Cynthia Sliman 1995 - Sherry Adelman 1996 - Linda Rosemarino 1997 - Rocio Hoerr 1998 - Eileen Ziegler 1999 - Nici Provo 2000 - Karen Geels 2001 - Denise Nielsen 2002 - Debra Arnold 2003 - Christina Martindale 2004 - Lisa Wulff 2005 - Candy Kunz 2006 - Leslie Letner 2007 - Kari Willoughby 2008 - Stephanie Jackson 2009 - Susan Shearer 2010 - Sue Sokolowski 2011 - Lisa Lynch 2012 - Melissa Lombardi 2013 - Kim Hinderegger Glimmer Award Recipients The Glimmer Award is presented at the May Annual Membership Meeting and honors an Active member serving in a leadership role. These women have gone above and beyond their appointed leadership position, thereby assisting and participating in various other League activities. 2000 - Amy Mast 2001 - Tenley Orendorff 2002 - Amy Whitman 2003 - Jill McCauley 2004 - Sheri Egnotovich 2005 - Karen Stock 2006 - Natalie Weinsz 2007 - Julie Worstell 2008 - Natalie Bass 2009 - Cheryl Stewart 2010 - Katie Miller 2011 - Cara Beisert 2012 - Jennifer Brosch 2013 - Kari Willoughby Shooting Star Award Recipient The Shooting Star Award is presented at the May Annual Membership Meeting by the Provisional Committee. It is established to honor a Provisional Member who has gone above and beyond the call of duty. 2004 - Candy Kunz 2005 - Heather Smith 2006 - Tiffanie Roberts 2007 - Cara Beisert 2008 - Barb Wells 2009 - Lydia Strauss 2010 - Lisa Lynch 2010 - Bridget McConnell-Zagst 2011 - Lynn Kelley 2012 - Alicia Brown 2013 - Evrim Fulmer Shining Star Award Recipients The Shining Star Award is presented at the discrection of the Executive Board at General Membership meetings to honor an Active member, who has gone above and beyond their given duties to make a positive contribution to the League’s goals and objectives. 2012 – 2013 September October November December January - Pam Blackburn-Haggstrom Deanna Parks Faith Barbato Kim Hinderegger Megan Seeley February March April May 14 Kristen Petrilla Stephanie Helline Megan Pellegrino Bridget McConnell-Zagst Friend of the Junior League Award The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. has an honorarium, which acknowledges those in the community who have been particularly influential and generous to the Junior League. This award is titled “Friend of the Junior League”. 1997 North Canton Medical Foundation 1998 Starrett Service, Inc. 1999 The Hoover Company 2000 FirstMerit, 1480 WHBC and MIX 94.1 2001 YMCA and Harry London 2002 Carrabbas’s Italian Grille 2003 Fisher Foods and Stefanie Spielman 2004 91 Wood Fired Oven 2005 Weinsz Oil and Gas, Inc. 2006 The Flower Factory 2007 Sirak Financial 2008 Kiko Auctioneers 2009 Wulff Enterprises, Inc. 2010 Old Carolina Barbecue, Inc. 2011 Cathy Cowgill Flowers 2012 DeHoff Realtors 2013 Joe Pileggi’s Catering 15 2012-2013 President’s Annual Report Rosanna Fierro Executive Board Members: Corleon (C.J.) Assent, Cara Beisert, Jennifer Brosch, Teresa Fout, Lara Kimbell, Amanda Piccari, Kari Willoughby, Julie Worstell Our three-part mission of promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving the community has allowed us to sustain a long history in the Stark County community. It is the timeless nature of our mission, coupled with our members’ passion, energy and enthusiasm towards this mission that has allowed us to achieve so many great accomplishments over our 76 years as The Junior League of Stark County. We promoted voluntarism through a variety of ways. • First and foremost, through our annual Women of the Year Awards event, we celebrated the accomplishments of two outstanding women in our community on May 8, 2013 at the University Center at Kent University’s Stark Campus. Namely, Lisa Warburton-Gregory was recognized as our Community Award recipient and Barbara Armitage was recognized as our President’s Award recipient. • We helped through volunteering at other organizations’ events which included helping to facilitate group discussions at Stark County’s Family Council’s Strategic Planning Retreat, helping to serve guests at the Celebrity Cuisine event benefitting Community Harvest, promoting our League’s efforts at the Northeast Ohio’s Prominent Women’s Event at Kent University’s Stark Campus and volunteering at the March of Dimes March for Babies Walk. We also developed the potential of women through trainings provided to our members. • On June 10, 2012, the entire Leadership Team joined to learn about their roles as a leader of the Junior League, to learn about our Strategic and Annual Planning processes, and to learn about the importance of collaboration and resource sharing within our community. • On October 6, 2012, our incoming Provisional Class participated in our Super Saturday training day where they learned all about the Junior League’s mission and structure. • On October 19, 2012, three members attended the Organizational Development Institute organized by The Association of Junior Leagues International, Inc. (AJLI). • The Leadership Team again joined for a retreat on November 4, 2012, which involved training on Keeping Teams on Track and involved discussing progress made on achieving their Annual Plan goals. • In January 2013, we sent our President Elect to AJLI’s Winter Leadership Conference. • At the February 2013 General Membership Meeting (GMM), members received a “Key Messages” Training where members were taught how to give a brief speech to members in the community who do not know about The Junior League. • At March’s GMM, members received a “Budgeting Basics” training in which members learned the importance of working within a budget to sustain operations. • At the April GMM, members participated in a fun lipstick personality test in which they learned about different personality traits of fellow members which were identified by the shape of their lipstick. • In May 2013, we sent our 2013-14 President and President Elect to AJLI’s Annual Conference. Finally, we improved the community through all of the great work we did in Stark County. • We had an Admissions/Provisional group workday at Solid Rock Equestrian Riding Center in July 2012. • In the of Fall 2012, we donated our Santa’s Village to the Canton Preservation Society so many throughout the community could enjoy the pieces we used in our past Santa’s Village project. • Our Major Project Committee completed thorough research on sensory rooms in the Fall of 2012. They coordinated a Sensory Room Exploration Day in November 2012 where members could not only help create tools to be used in Solid Rock’s Equestrian Riding Center’s sensory room but also learned about the purpose of these tools. In May 2013, they put together a framework/design for a sensory room that was given to Solid Rock and they hosted a round table event where community members learned how to create a sensational sensory room. • Our Major Project Committee also worked with the Crisis Intervention and Recovery Center to help turn their waiting area for the children that they serve into a more kid-friendly and welcoming area in January 2013. • Through our “Yours for a Year” process, we selected our 2013-14 Major Project which will involve working with Massillon’s Boys and Girls Club. • Our Admissions/Provisional group completed a successful “Kids in the Kitchen” event at the Canton YWCA in May 2013 where a variety of activities were planned in which children attending the event learned about the importance of healthy food selections. 16 All of this great work could not have been accomplished without the other activities which help us to support our League’s operations. th • Our 75 Anniversary Capital Campaign Committee continued with efforts to raise monies for our endowment fund. th • We held a Diamonds and Darlings Tea event as part of our 75 anniversary year celebration in June 2012. • Our Fund Development Committee coordinated sales of our “Crowd Pleasers” cookbook at Gervasi’s Farmers Markets, at the Anheuser Busch Garage Sale and the Hartville Flea Market. They also coordinated a Reverse Raffle in November 2012 and a Guest Bartending Event at Tozzi’s Restaurant in April 2013. • The Major Fundraiser for this year was our Mardi Gras Madness Gala which was held on March 16, 2013. • Our Leadership Placement Committee slated the Executive Board, facilitated the slating of our Committee Chairs and completed our members’ annual committee placement slating for the 2013-14 League year. • Our Communications Committee worked hard at making certain our events and accomplishments were covered in newspaper and social media. • Our Membership Meetings and Training Committee planned eight fun and interactive General Membership Meetings where members received important information on League events and news. They also planned a fun social in December 2012 where members had the opportunity to get to know each other better. • In March 2013, our Financial Planning Committee met to work through the 2013-2014 budget. • The Strategic Planning Committee evaluated whether moving towards an Issue Based Community Impact selection process fits the needs of our League. After careful evaluation, it was decided that we would not change our course and continue with our current selection process that revolves around our three-year focus area. • Finally, our Executive Board attended twelve monthly Executive Board meetings which helped us plan for our League’s activities for the year. As evidenced through all that was accomplished, the 2012-13 marked yet another great year for our League. The great work done by all of our members has allowed us to continue to make great strides in the Stark County community and has helped us to maintain a strong position for our future! 17 The Association of Junior Leagues International Women building better communities ® Association Purpose The purpose of The Association of Junior Leagues International, Inc. is to add value to its member Leagues in their fulfillment of The Junior League Mission. Mission The Association of Junior Leagues International, Inc. is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable. Vision The Junior League: Women around the world as catalysts for lasting community change. Reaching Out The Association of Junior Leagues International, Inc. reaches out to women of all races, religions and national origins who demonstrate an interest in and commitment to voluntarism. Corporate Headquarters The Association of Junior Leagues International, Inc. 80 Maiden Lane, Suite 305 New York, NY 10038 Telephone Number: (212) 951-8300 Fax Number: (212) 481-7196 Junior League Help Desk U.S. and Canada: (800) 955-3248 Mexico: 001.800.955.3248 England: 0800.960.185 AJLI staff is available from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. EST each weekday. Website: www.ajli.org Member Log-in: member’s unique username and password Email: info@ajli.org Facebook: www.facebook.com/JuniorLeague Twitter: www.twitter.com/JuniorLeague Note: A member needs her own username and password to access the Member Area of the AJLI website. Members can enroll at any time at the member log-in section of the site. To locate your AJLI member ID: • Contact your League office, • Call the AJLI Help Desk toll free at (800) 955-3248 during our office hours from 8:30am to 6pm ET. or •Look at the label on your printed connected newsletter, your ID is printed just above your name. Junior League Logo Merchandise Visit The Junior League Boutique at www.ajli.org’s Shopping page to purchase AJLI gift and stationery items sporting The Junior League logo, such as jewelry, The Junior League Organizer, League cookbooks, Junior Leagues’ Kids in the Kitchen merchandise and other publications. 18 Member Benefits AJLI provides many programs that benefit both Junior League Members and individual Junior Leagues. Additional information on all these benefits can be found in the Member Area at www.ajli.org - look for Benefits for You! in the Services tab. The Junior League of Stark County Strategic Plan 2011 - 2014 Membership Goal: To create an environment that values the membership by providing opportunities for growth, training, leadership and socialization. 1. Create opportunities for Sustainer involvement in all areas of League. 2. Improve membership experience during GMMs 3. Develop a recruitment plan that will result in more than 12 Provisionals per year and focuses on diversity (age, race, religion and geographic area). 4. Evaluate leadership structure to ensure the best use of members’ time and talents. Retention Goal: To create an environment in which members stay active for a minimum of five years. 1. Create, implement and maintain a member mentoring program. th 2. Find/promote incentives for Active members to stay after their 5 year. 3. Recognize members for their service. Training Goal: To develop the potential of women to better serve our organization and community by providing training and leadership opportunities. 1. Develop a member training program, which focuses on leadership skills as part of the membership requirement. 2. Utilize and incorporate AJLI resources, online training materials and other agencies to expand training opportunities for members. 3. Keep Sustainers invested in League and utilize them as a training resource. Community Goal: To provide volunteer opportunities through projects which meet community needs, ensuring a lasting legacy. 1. Increase awareness of our work in the community on all levels in order to expand community service and outreach. 2. Investigate changing to larger, long-term ISSUE based programming instead of project based. Communication Goal: To increase awareness of our League’s purpose and activity through effective communication to the public and to our active and sustaining membership. 1. Identify ways in which to increase awareness of our organization in the greater Stark County community. 2. Utilize social media to attract and communicate with members. Finance/Administrative Goal: To operate in a fiscally responsible manor to ensure that our income is utilized for community projects, training of our members and reasonable administrative costs. 1. Evaluate financial processes to ensure organization is being fiscally responsible. 2. Educate leaders and membership about financial responsibility. Fund Development Goal: To research and maximize funding sources in order to benefit our League’s mission. 1. Actively seek way to diversify the organization’s revenue sources. 19 Quick Answers to Frequent Questions 2013 - 2014 JLSC Headquarters Information: 1. How do I contact the League’s Administrative Assistant? Telephone number: Fax number: E-mail: Website: (330) 491-4552 (330) 491-5562 admin@jlstarkcounty.org www.jlstarkcounty.org 2. What is the League’s address? The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. 4450 Belden Village Street NW, Suite 106 Canton, Ohio 44718 3. What are the hours that the Administrative Assistant is in the office? Office hours vary throughout the year, typically the office is open from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., Monday - Thursday. After hours, leave your message on the answering machine. Hours are always posted on the answering machine, it is recommended to call prior to visiting. 4. What happens in the event of inclement weather? In the event that any schools in the Canton, Jackson Township, or North Canton School District are closed on any day due to inclement weather, then it is understood the League office will be closed, and any Junior League meetings or events scheduled for that day will be cancelled, rescheduled and announced at a later date. 5. What type of organization is the Junior League? We are educational and charitable, 501 (C)(3). 6. What is our League’s Focus Area? Childhood Development for the time period June 1, 2010 through May 31, 2015. 7. When did we become a Junior League? February 16, 1937. 8. Is our Membership List available to outsiders? No! The Yearbook is only for members’ use for JLSC activities and purposes. 9. Change of Address? Please notify headquarters of any changes in your address, e-mail address or telephone numbers. Please call headquarters, the answering machine is on 24 hours a day or you may e-mail your changes. Structure: 1. What is the main duty of the Executive Board? The Executive Board has general charge and control of the affairs, funds and property of the League. It shall present to the membership all proposed major program activities for ratification. The Executive Board shall have the power to enact or amend Standing Rules. The Executive Board has final authority over the admission of candidates to the membership. They shall appoint the chairs of all Standing Committees and Projects. The Council Vice Presidents shall function as liaisons to groups of various related standing committees as deemed appropriate. 2. What officers are members of the Executive Board? President, President Elect, Training and Development Council VP, Finance Council VP, Community Council VP, Sustainer Council VP, Secretary, Treasurer, and Treasurer Elect. 3. To whom do I talk to if I have a League problem? President. 4. Should I make reports to the Council as a Committee Chair? Yes! Expect to keep the Council informed of activities at each Council meeting. Be concise, well organized and brief. A Monthly Report from Committee Chair to the Council VP is a form that must be filled out with minutes attached, within one-week following one’s committee meeting. It contains a wealth of information to keep the VP (Council) up to date. Forms can be found in the Leadership Training Binder and the League Office. 20 5. Can our League amend its Bylaws, Standing Rules or Executive Policies and Procedures? Yes, but this requires two readings. A Membership vote is required if the bylaw change adds or restricts responsibility to the membership. Otherwise, the Executive Board can approve changes without a membership vote. All changes shall be noted in the Yearbook. 6. What constitutes a quorum for a Membership Meeting? One-fourth of the voting membership. 7. Where can I find the Junior League of Stark County’s By-Laws, Policies and Procedures? Documentation on ByLaws, Policies and Procedures can be found at the Junior League’s web-site (www.jlstarkcounty.org) under the Member Login section. For any technical difficulties in accessing this information, please contact the Junior League Headquarters. Public Relations: 1. If I have an external letter to go out, who approves it? The President Elect must review and approve it. 2. What if I want information to go into the newspaper? Write a press release and submit to the President Elect. Please plan ahead! 3. Who represents the Junior League in the community? All of us! But only the President and President Elect are "official" spokespersons. 4. How do I submit information to the Etcetera? Send your information to headquarters. Please contact your committee chair for deadlines. 5. When is the Etcetera published and who receives it? The Etcetera is published four times during the League year. It is mailed to the entire membership: Actives, Provisionals and Sustainers, AJLI, Ohio Leagues, and Community Advisory Council members. Funds and Programs: 1. What is our Major Fundraiser? The fundraiser for the 2013-2014 League year will be a Gala. 2. Can the League make donations? The League can make a donation with the Executive Board’s approval. 3. What is the Junior League’s Endowment Fund? This is a League fund that allows us to respond rapidly to emerging community needs. These gifts are a permanent source of community capital helping to do meaningful work today and in the future. We contribute $25 in memory of each deceased member. 4. How can I contribute to it? Gifts to this fund may be made anytime in anyone’s honor, or memory, and should be sent to headquarters. Donors will be recognized with a letter and a listing in our Community Newsline. 5. What is CAC and what is its function? CAC is our Community Advisory Council. It advises our League on current and future projects. Our President and Community Council VP oversee this group. There are equal members of sustainers and community members who serve a 3-year term. As terms expire each year, nominations can be submitted to the Community Council Vice President for replacements. 6. What are the specifications of Women of the Year? Woman of the Year Community Award -- Outstanding volunteer in many areas of community service. Woman of the Year President's Award -- Outstanding volunteer in one area of community service. Nominees for both awards are nominated by application from area organizations. Leaves of Absence: 1. If I have a personal or professional reason for needing to take a leave of absence from League, may I do so? Yes, a member may take a leave of absence (LOA) if need be. To take a LOA, you must submit a request to the Executive Board. Members taking a LOA are still required to pay dues. 2. If I need to take a Leave of Absence, what is the procedure? A request must be submitted to the Executive Board for approval. 21 AJLI League Mechanics: 1. How many Junior Leagues are in AJLI? How many countries have Junior Leagues? The Association of Junior Leagues International Inc. (AJLI), headquarters in New York City, is made up of 293 Leagues throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Great Britain, representing more than 155,000 women. The Leagues and the Association share a common mission and vision toward which all activities are focused. 2. What direct services are provided to individual Junior Leagues from AJLI headquarters? Consultations by staff through visits, telephone, correspondence, office interviews and publications made especially for JLSC resources (1800-95-LEAGU). Anne Tishkoff is our liaison. 3. How can I get information about how other Leagues operate? Requests can be channeled through the President or directly contacting our liaison at AJLI. There is available information on projects, fundraisers, bylaws and training. AJLI website is www.ajli.org. 4. What affiliate group is JLSC a member of? Because of our size of Active membership, we are a member of the PLUS group. PLUS means President of Leagues Upwardly Sizing with fewer than 125 Active members. 5. What is PALS or POLL? PALS stands for Presidents and Leagues Sharing and these Leagues have 125 to 299 Active members. POLL stands for Presidents of Large Leagues with Active membership over 300. PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE AT A GLANCE To Do this You Say this May You Interrupt Speaker No Must You Be Seconded Yes Is the Motion Debatable No Adjourn the meeting " “I move that we adjourn” Recess the meeting Majority "I move that we recess until....” No Yes No Majority Complain about noise, room temperature etc. " °Question of privilege” Yes No No No Vote End debate “I move the previous question° No Yes No 2/3Vote Postpone consideration of something °I move we postpone this matter until ... “ No Yes Yes Majority Have something studied further °I move to refer the motion to the Committee” “I move to amend by ....” No Yes Yes Majority No Yes Yes Majority Introduce business (a primary motion) "I move that ....” No Yes Yes Majority Object to procedure or to a personal affront° "Point of Order" Yes No No Chair decides Request information* "Point of information" Yes No No No Vote Ask for a vote by actual count to verify a voice vote" Object to considering some undiplomatic matter “I call for a division" No No No No Vote Yes No No 2/3Vote Take up a matter previously tabled" °I object to the consideration of the question° °I move to take from the table" No Yes No Majority Reconsider something already disposed of. °I move to reconsider ....” Yes Yes Yes Majority Vote on a ruling by the chair I appeal from the decision of the chair Yes Yes Yes Majority Consider something out of its scheduled order “I move we suspend the rules and consider…” No Yes No 2/3 Vote Amend a motion 30 *Not Amendable 22 What Vote Is Required What to Do When… or … Whom to Call! Question Answer Change Names, Addresses or Telephone Numbers of Members Secretary and Administrative Assistant at JLSC headquarters Report a Yearbook Change Administrative Assistant at JLSC headquarters Wish for Leave of Absence Executive Board Wish to Transfer Request in Writing to the Secretary Wish to Resign Request in Writing to the Secretary New Opportunity for Volunteer Service Leadership Placement To Have Something Published In the Etcetera Headquarters Candidate to Propose for Membership Admissions / Provisional Chair Difficulty Meeting Financial Obligation Treasurer (Confidential Request in Writing) Writing Checks to the League Make Checks Payable to The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. Contribution in Honor of / or In Memory of an Individual to the Endowment Fund Treasurer Suggestion for a New Meeting Place Membership Meetings and Training Chair Idea for a Project Major Project Chair Endorsement of Legislation President or SPAC Delegate 23 Bylaws Articles of Incorporation of Junior Service C38-2176 WITNESSETH, That, we, the undersigned, being members of a society heretofore unincorporated and known as Junior Service of Canton, Ohio, all of said members being citizens of the state of Ohio, do hereby certify that a meeting was regularly convened on the 21st day of November, 1935 and that all members of said Junior Service were notified of said meeting and that the purpose of said meeting was to authorize certain of its members to become incorporators of said Junior Services as a corporation not for profit; that a quorum of the members were present at said meeting and by a unanimous vote of the members of said Junior Services the undersigned members were appointed as incorporators of said Junior Service, and that, FIRST - The names of the corporation shall be, JUNIOR SERVICE. SECOND - Said corporation is to be located and its principal business transacted at Canton, in Stark County, Ohio. THIRD - The purpose for which this corporation is formed is to foster interest among its members in the social, economic, educational, cultural and civic conditions of their community and to make efficient their volunteer service, by accepting gifts and bequests to be distributed for the benefit of said activities by raising money and disbursing it for the benefit and promotion of said activities and to do all things necessary and incident to carrying out said purpose. FOURTH - The trustees of said corporation until the next regular election are: Elizabeth W. Weeks 1421 Market Ave. N, Canton, Ohio Eleanor Volzer 1223 Cleveland Ave. NW, Canton, Ohio Margaret K. Raff 1727 Woodland Ave. NW, Canton, Ohio Lylas E. Sponseller 1214 Broad Ave. NW, Canton, Ohio Dorothy Tichenor 1348 Cleveland Ave. NW, Canton, Ohio Amelia Renkert Hills and Dales NW, Canton, Ohio Adelaide Lynch 1541 Logan Ave. NW, Canton, Ohio Joan Whitacre Waynesburg Road, Waynesburg, Ohio Polly Connelly North Canton, Ohio Mary Vodrey 1811 Harvard Ave. NW, Canton, Ohio 24 Lou Ella Buker 607 22nd St. NW, Canton, Ohio Gertrude Lefkovits 134 21st. St. NW, Canton, Ohio Myrna Aungst 1725 Oberlin Ct. NW, Canton, Ohio IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto subscribed our names this 21st day of November, 1935. Elizabeth W. Weeks Eleanor Volzer Dorothy Tichenor Lyas E. Sponseller Margaret K. Raff INCORPORATORS Charter Mrs. Charles P. Zollars (formerly Mrs. Conrad Weeks), as President of Junior Service from 1932-1937, was instrumental in securing our Charter from The Association of Junior Leagues (AJL). On February 16, 1937, she was handed the charter changing Junior Service to The Junior League of Canton, Ohio, Inc. Certificate of Amendment to Articles of Junior Service C38-2180 Resolved: that the articles of incorporation of Junior Service be and the same are here amended so that the name of said corporation shall be known as THE JUNIOR LEAGUE OF CANTON, OHIO, INC. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Margaret K. Raff, President and Marjorie S. Moore, Secretary of Junior Service, acting for and on behalf of said corporation, have hereunto subscribed their names, as caused the seal of said corporation to be hereunto affixed, this 29th day of March, 1937. Margaret K. Raff President Marjorie S. Moore Secretary Certificate of Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation of The Junior League of Canton, Ohio, Inc. C38-2182 RESOLVED, that Article II, Section 1 shall be amended to read as follows: "Article II, Section 1, Object" "The purposes for which this nonprofit corporation are as follows: To interest members in the social, cultural, educational, and civic conditions of the City of Canton, Ohio; aid organizations in advancing and promoting enterprises having purposes which are charitable, benevolent, educational or civic through the unremunerated service of its members to such organizations; to aid and assist its members to maintain and increase their usefulness in the chosen fields of such services; and to raise, receive, hold and disburse funds for the benevolent charitable and educational purposes or enterprises undertaken by its members and not involved or resulting in pecuniary gain or profit to the organization or its members." "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the President and Secretary be and they hereby authorized and directed to execute and to file in the office of the Secretary of the State of Ohio, a Certificate containing a copy of this resolution." IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Barbara F. Schreiber, President, and Gervaise B. Henrich, Secretary of said corporation have hereunto subscribed their names and caused the corporate seal to be hereto affixed, this 7th day of October, 1954. 25 Barbara F. Schreiber President Gervaise B. Henrich President Certificate of Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation of The Junior League of Canton, Ohio, Inc. Document Number 201007500661 Resolved: that the articles of incorporation of The Junior League of Canton, Ohio, Inc. be amended so that the name of said corporation shall be known as THE JUNIOR LEAGUE OF STARK COUNTY, OHIO, INC. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said JoAnn M. Ovnic, President of The Junior League of Canton, Ohio, Inc., acting for and on behalf of said corporation, has hereunto subscribed her name this first day of March, 2010. JoAnn M. Ovnic President Megan L. Pellegrino President Elect / Name Change Chair Bylaw Changes • Bylaw Article IV. Membership, Section 1. Classes of Membership, Part B. Active Where Active is listed in our bylaws as: Will now read: Part B. Active Active Members are those who have completed the requirements for Provisional membership and who having been admitted to active membership, justify such membership through service to their communities satisfactory in quality and extensiveness to this League. A member may become a Sustaining member after completing at least five years of active service. Any member in good standing of a Junior League, who is an Active Member as of the deadline for submission of applications for Association Positions, shall be eligible to apply for any Association Office with the exception of the position of Sustaining Director. Part B. Active Active Members are those who have completed the requirements for Provisional membership and who having been admitted to active membership, justify such membership through service to their communities satisfactory in quality and extensiveness to this League. Any member in good standing of a Junior League, who is an Active Member as of the deadline for submission of applications for Association Positions, shall be eligible to apply for any Association Office with the exception of the position of Sustaining Director. • Bylaw Article IV. Membership, Section 1. Classes of Membership, Part C. Sustaining Where Sustaining is listed in our bylaws as: Will now read: Part C. Sustaining Sustaining Members are those who have fulfilled the Active Membership requirements as defined by their individual Junior Leagues and who continue to support their Leagues and communities. To become a Sustainer, members must complete at least five years of Active service. Sustaining Members shall have all the privileges of membership except that they may not hold office or vote; however, the Sustaining Council Vice President, who is serving on the Executive Board of the Junior League, shall be granted the Part C. Sustaining Sustaining Members are those who have fulfilled the Active Membership requirements. To become a Sustainer, members must complete at least five years of Active service. Sustaining Members shall have all the privileges of membership except that they may not hold office or vote; however, the Sustaining Council Vice President, who is serving on the Executive Board of the Junior League, shall be granted the right to vote at Membership and Executive Board Meetings. All Sustaining Members serving on right to vote at Membership and Executive Board Meetings. All Sustaining Members serving on committees shall be granted the right to vote at the committee and council levels with the exclusion of Membership Meetings. Also, any Sustainer serving as a committee chair shall be granted the right to vote at General Membership meetings. Any member, who is a Sustaining Member in good standing of a Junior League as of the deadline for submission of applications for Association Positions, is eligible to apply for the position of the Sustainer Director. • committees shall be granted the right to vote at the committee and council levels with the exclusion of Membership Meetings. Also, any Sustainer serving as a committee chair shall be granted the right to vote at General Membership meetings. Any member, who is a Sustaining Member in good standing of a Junior League as of the deadline for submission of applications for Association Positions, is eligible to apply for the position of the Sustainer Director Bylaw Article IV. Membership, Section 2. Admissions to Membership, Part C. Admission of Daughters Where Admission of Daughters is listed in our bylaws as: Will be removed in its entirety. Part C. Admission of Daughters (The daughter of a Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. member is a legacy who may present herself to the Admissions/Provisional Committee by the deadline for new members, providing she meets the age and residency requirements.) • Bylaw Article IV. Membership, Section 4. Privileges of Membership, Part A. Transfer Where Transfer is listed in our bylaws as: Will now read: Part A. Transfer A member in good standing may request a transfer to another League. The privilege of transfer need not extend to a person who has been dropped or expelled from membership by the Junior League to which the transfer is desired. An Active Member who transfers shall be required to adhere to any such requirements for minimum years of service of the receiving League, unless her age prohibits. The receiving Junior League must complete and acknowledge the transfer of membership within 90 days of receipt of the transfer card. A member of a Junior League outside of the United States may transfer to another Junior League only in a membership classification determined by the age restrictions of the receiving Junior League. Provisional, Active, and Sustaining Members pay dues to the Junior League, which they belong on April 1. A member whose written request for a transfer is postmarked between April 1 and October 1 will receive a refund of 50% of the annual dues of the sending Junior League, exclusive of association fee per-capita dues. A member whose written request for a transfer is postmarked after October 1 will not be entitled to any refund of dues from the sending Junior League, and the receiving Junior League will collect no dues from such incoming member. Part A. Transfer A member in good standing may request a transfer to another League. The privilege of transfer need not extend to a person who has been dropped or expelled from membership by the Junior League to which the transfer is desired. An Active Member who transfers shall be required to adhere to any such requirements for minimum years of service of the receiving League, unless her age prohibits. The receiving Junior League must complete and acknowledge the transfer of membership within 90 days of receipt of the transfer card. A member of a Junior League outside of the United States may transfer to another Junior League only in a membership classification determined by the age restrictions of the receiving Junior League. Provisional, Active, and Sustaining Members pay dues to the Junior League, which they belong on April 1. A member whose written request for a transfer is postmarked between April 1 and October 1 will receive a refund of 50% of the annual dues of the sending Junior League, exclusive of association fee per-capita dues. A member whose written request for a transfer is postmarked after October 1 will not be entitled to any refund of dues from the sending Junior League, and the receiving Junior League will collect no dues from such incoming member. 27 • Bylaw Article IV. Membership, Section 6. Removal Where Removal is listed in our bylaws as: Will now read: Section 6. Removal Members who have resigned in good standing, or who have been dropped due to non-payment of dues, financial obligations and/or other indebtedness to the League, and have repaid their debt owed, may be, upon written request, or upon repayment of debt owed, reinstated by a 2/3 vote of the Executive Board. Section 6. Removal Any individual may be removed from membership by a 2/3 vote of the Executive Board after fifteen days’ notice in writing, stating the cause for such action. Except in cases of non-payment of dues or other financial obligation, an opportunity for a hearing before the Executive Board shall be given. The following shall be considered causes for removal: • 1. Failure to pay dues and other financial obligations after notice has been given, as provided in Article V - Dues and Other Financial Obligations. 2. Failure to comply with General Membership Requirements as defined in Article XIII – Standing Rules, Section 9. 3. Convicted of a crime against The Junior League of Stark County (i.e. theft in office). 4. Any conduct unbecoming of a member of The Junior League as determined by The Executive Board. Bylaw Article V. Dues and Other Financial Obligations, Section 1. Annual Dues, Part B. Payment Where Payment is listed in our bylaws as: Will now read: Part B. Payment The Treasurer shall send dues notices to each member by th st February 15 . Dues shall be payable on April 1 . Members whose th dues are not paid by April 15 will be fined $10. Sustaining members shall be exempt from any fines. The Treasurer shall send a second dues statement to all members whose dues have not th been paid by April 15 . Members, whose dues, fees and/or fines st are not paid by May 31 , shall have their membership status voted upon by the Executive Board. The Executive Board, by ¾ vote, may maintain the member, with good cause shown, or may drop the member from membership. Part B. Payment The Treasurer shall send dues notices to each th member by February 15 . Dues shall be payable on st April 1 . Members whose dues are not paid by April th 15 will be fined $10. Sustaining members shall be exempt from any fines. The Treasurer shall send a second dues statement to all members whose dues th have not been paid by April 15 . Members, whose st dues, fees and/or fines are not paid by May 31 , shall have their membership status voted upon by the Executive Board. The Executive Board, by ¾ vote, may maintain the member, with good cause shown, or may drop the member from membership. 1. Extension - If a member cannot meet her dues and/or fundraiser obligation payment, which is her financial obligation, due to financial need, a confidential letter must be sent to the Treasurer by April 1 requesting an extension. The Treasurer and member will determine terms of the payment plan. 1. Extension - If a member cannot meet her dues payment, which is her financial obligation due to financial need, a confidential letter must be sent to the Treasurer by April 1 requesting an extension. The Treasurer and member will determine terms of the payment plan. If a member is unable to pay dues, her dues obligation may be waived in its entirety for a period of one League year by a ¾ vote of the Executive Board. • Bylaw Article V. Dues and Other Financial Obligations, Section 2. Indebtedness to the Association Where Indebtedness to the Association is listed in our bylaws as: Will now read: Section 2. Indebtedness to the Association Members who are delinquent in paying any indebtedness to the Association shall be considered in arrears in their dues to the League. Section 2. Indebtedness to the Association Members who are delinquent in paying any indebtedness to the League shall be considered in arrears in their dues to the Association. • Bylaw Article VI. Meetings, Section 2. Regular and Special Meetings Where Regular and Special Meetings is listed in our bylaws as: Will now read: Section 2. Regular and Special Meetings There shall be a minimum of five meetings of the League Membership annually. Other meetings shall be held at the discretion of the Executive Board or upon written request of twelve members of the League. Section 2. Regular and Special Meetings There shall be a minimum of five meetings of the League Membership annually. Other meetings shall be held at the discretion of the Executive Board or upon written request of twelve members of the League. If both day and evening sessions are held, all matters submitted to a vote of the members shall be submitted at each session, and the votes at each session shall be combined to determine the voting results. If the meeting is divided into both day and evening sessions, matters submitted to a vote shall be amended only at the session which is held first. • Bylaw Article IX. Committees, Section 1. Standing Committees, Part C. Leadership Placement Committee Where Leadership Placement Committee is listed in our bylaws as: Will now read: Part C. Leadership Placement Committee There shall be a Leadership Placement Committee whose members shall be slated. Members must be Active for three years to be slated for membership on the committee. Members shall serve a one-year term. The immediate past President, shall serve as the chair of this committee. Part C. Leadership Placement Committee There shall be a Leadership Placement Committee whose members shall be slated. Members must be Active for three years to be slated for membership on the committee. Members shall serve a one-year term. The committee shall slate members of the Executive Board, candidates for Area II positions, committee members for Strategic Planning, and committee members for Leadership Placement. It shall recommend members to be delegates to the Annual Meeting of the Association, to the Area II conferences, and to technical conferences to the Executive Board, who will select delegates. Also, it shall recommend members to be chairs for committees and projects, and candidates for community awards as requested by the Executive Board, these chairs and awards will ultimately be chosen by the Executive Board. The ultimate decision for slating all Executive Board offices remains the responsibility of the elected Leadership Placement Committee. The Leadership Placement Committee shall assist the members in meeting their personal League goals and membership requirements. They shall maintain records of all active members. The number of members on the committee shall consist of a The committee shall slate members of the Executive Board, committee members for Strategic Planning, and committee members for Leadership Placement. It shall recommend members to be delegates to the Annual Meeting of the Association, and to technical conferences to the Executive Board, who will select delegates. Also, it shall recommend members to be chairs for committees and projects, and candidates for community awards as requested by the Executive Board, these chairs and awards will ultimately be chosen by the Executive Board. The ultimate decision for slating all Executive Board offices remains the responsibility of the elected Leadership Placement Committee. The Leadership Placement Committee shall assist the members in meeting their personal League goals and membership requirements. They shall maintain records of all active members. minimum of five members, one of whom is the immediate past president, with a maximum of 10% of the active membership. Each year, the committee shall prepare a slate of candidates from which the membership shall elect a sufficient number to maintain a committee. The slate shall be voted on no later than the April meeting. The slate shall be presented to the membership prior to the April meeting so that any member of the League may submit additional nominations to the President. In addition, any member of the League shall have the right to nominate other candidates from the floor of the voting meeting. Permission must be obtained from the additional nominee(s), prior to nominating them, either in writing or from the floor. The committee is responsible for slating any replacement members necessary to maintain the committee. The Membership shall vote for or against the slated Officers. Once the members are slated and accept the position, they are obligated to serve for a one-year term. The Executive Board may intervene, if a member is not fulfilling her duties, by relieving her of the position and appointing a new committee member. All committee members have voting rights. No member of the Executive Board shall serve on the Leadership Placement Committee. The Chair of the Leadership Placement Committee shall be the immediate past President. The Chair shall serve a term of one-year with voting rights. The number of members on the committee shall consist of a minimum of five members, one of whom is the immediate past president, with a maximum of 10% of the active membership. Each year, the committee shall prepare a slate of candidates from which the membership shall elect a sufficient number to maintain a committee. The slate shall be voted on no later than the April meeting. The committee is responsible for slating any replacement members necessary to maintain the committee. The Membership shall vote for or against the slated Officers. Once the members are slated and accept the position, they are obligated to serve for a one-year term. The Executive Board may intervene, if a member is not fulfilling her duties, by relieving her of the position and appointing a new committee member. All committee members have voting rights. No member of the Executive Board shall serve on the Leadership Placement Committee. The Chair of the Leadership Placement Committee shall be the immediate past President. The Chair shall serve a term of one-year with voting rights. Leadership Placement Committee meetings of The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc., are confidential. Any member of the Leadership Placement Committee who violates the confidentiality of that committee shall be removed from their position on the committee and may be expelled from The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. • Bylaw Article IX. Committees, Section 1. Standing Committees, Part F. Fund Development Committee Where Fund Development Committee is listed in our bylaws as: Will now read: Part F. Fund Development Committee The Fund Development Committee’s duties shall be to develop a diversified funding base which includes multiple sources of funding allowing The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. to be financially flexible and viable. Track and record all donations received outside of the annual Major Fundraiser (including in-kind donations). Monitor all monies / donations received related to this process. Work with committee chairs in verifying thank you letters are sent to donors (detailing any tax exemption information, as appropriate). Hold fundraisers, research grant opportunities and obtain sponsorships to raise additional funding for Junior League activities. Research and, with direction from the Executive Board, implement additional diversified funding opportunities including but not limited to planned giving initiatives, capital campaigns, project campaigns, and endowment fund campaigns. Market and sell the Crowd Pleasers cookbook. Major Fundraiser Chair and Chair Elect are members of this committee whose responsibilities are to plan the Major Fundraiser. Part F. Fund Development Committee The Fund Development Committee’s duties shall be to develop a diversified funding base which includes multiple sources of funding allowing The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. to be financially flexible and viable. Track and record all donations received outside of the annual Major Fundraiser (including in-kind donations). Monitor all monies / donations received related to this process. Work with committee chairs in verifying thank you letters are sent to donors (detailing any tax exemption information, as appropriate). Hold fundraisers, research grant opportunities and obtain sponsorships to raise additional funding for Junior League activities. Research and, with direction from the Executive Board, implement additional diversified funding opportunities including but not limited to planned giving initiatives, capital campaigns, project campaigns, and endowment fund campaigns. Major Fundraiser Chair and Chair Elect are members of this committee whose responsibilities are to plan the Major Fundraiser. • Bylaw Article IX. Committees, Section 2. Special Committees Where Special Committees is listed in our bylaws as: Will now read: Section 2. Special Committees Project and/or major fundraising representatives may be appointed or abolished by the Executive Board as the need arises. Section 2. Special Committees Special committees may be appointed or abolished by the Executive Board as the need arises. • Bylaw Article IX. Committees, Section 3. Confidentiality Where Confidentiality is listed in our bylaws as: Will be relocated to Section 1, Part C. Leadership Placement Committee (see above). Section 3. Confidentiality Leadership Placement Committee meetings of The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc., are confidential. Any member of the Leadership Placement Committee who violates the confidentiality of that committee shall be removed from their position on the committee and may be expelled from The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. • Bylaw Article XIII. Standing Rules, Section 3. Financial Where Financial, Part D. is listed in our bylaws as: Will be removed in its entirety. Section 3. Financial When time does not permit Membership approval, the Executive Board may approve a special project or program from the Executive Discretionary Fund not to exceed the allocated amount for that fiscal year, until Membership approval can be obtained. At which time, the Executive Board will consider reimbursement to the Executive Discretionary Fund. • Bylaw Article XIII. Standing Rules, Section 4. Endowment Fund Where Endowment Fund is listed in our bylaws as: A. Section 4. Endowment Fund A Junior League Endowment Fund will be maintained as part of the League's Funds with contributions as follows: 1. 2. B. Will now read: A. The Junior League will contribute $25 in memory of each deceased member of The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. Anyone may make a contribution in honor of or in memory of an individual. The interest income will accrue in the account. Monies from the Endowment Fund may be used for special gifts to the community and/or to provide scholarships for membership dues, inclusive of the fundraiser obligation, for those members in financial need. Requests must be submitted in writing to the Treasurer and will be kept confidential. These requests Section 4. Endowment Fund A Junior League Endowment Fund will be maintained as part of the League's Funds with contributions as follows: 1. 2. B. The Junior League will contribute $25 in memory of each deceased member of The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. Anyone may make a contribution in honor of or in memory of an individual. The interest income will accrue in the account. Monies from the Endowment Fund may be used for general operating expenses. shall be considered on an individual basis and approved by the President, President Elect, Treasurer and Treasurer Elect of the current League year. • Executive Board Policies Various changes were approved by the Executive Board and may be found by locating the date 07-02-13 before each changed entry. Bylaws of The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. ARTICLE I. NAME The name of this organization shall be The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Incorporated, and hereafter sometimes called the League or JLSC. ARTICLE II. PURPOSE AND POLICIES Section 1. Purpose The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Incorporated is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable. Section 2. Policies The policies of this League shall be in harmony with the policies of the Association of Junior Leagues International, Incorporated, hereinafter sometimes called the Association, or AJLI. The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Incorporated does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, religion or national origin. ARTICLE III. STANDARDS Section 1. Administration This League shall maintain the same standards required of the groups applying for membership in the Association. It must be entirely unconnected with and administratively independent of any other organization. It must be on a financial basis satisfactory to the Association. It must have at least fifty Active Members. It must be located in a community with sufficient facilities to afford opportunities for volunteer service in various fields. Section 2. Program This League shall endeavor to associate itself with or endorse projects, programs, or activities, which meet accepted standards in their fields, or show evidence of working towards such standards. ARTICLE IV. MEMBERSHIP Section 1. Classes of Membership Only women 21 years of age and older who comply with the requirements of the Association, shall be admitted to Provisional Membership by the individual Junior Leagues. No member shall at one time be a member of more than one Junior League. The classes of membership shall be as follows: A. Provisional Provisional Members are those engaged in complying with the requirements for admission to Active membership. 32 B. Active Active Members are those who have completed the requirements for Provisional membership and who having been admitted to active membership, justify such membership through service to their communities satisfactory in quality and extensiveness to this League. C. Sustaining Sustaining Members are those who have fulfilled the Active Membership requirements as defined by their individual Junior Leagues and who continue to support their Leagues and communities. D. Honorary Honorary Members are those who have been members in good standing of the Junior League for fifty years or more. E. Emeritus Emeritus Status may be granted to any Sustaining Member who has reached the age of 80 years. Section 2. Admissions to Membership A. Criteria for Admissions Prospective members shall possess an interest in voluntarism, a commitment to community service and an interest in developing their potential for voluntary community participation. No additional criteria shall be used. Before accepting the invitation to membership, each prospective member shall agree to engage in community service as outlined in the program of the League. The admissions form used in the membership selection process includes only information based on the admissions criteria of this League. B. Eligibility A prospective member shall be 21 years of age or older at the time of application for membership. A prospective member must reside within the admission’s area for The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. Section 3. Requirements of Membership A. Provisional members must complete requirements set forth by the Executive Board and ratified by membership. B. Active members must complete requirements set forth by the Executive Board and ratified by membership. Section 4. Privileges of Membership A member in good standing may be granted one of the following privileges: A. Transfer A member in good standing may request a transfer to another League. B. Inter-League Provisional, Active and Sustaining members who will be residing temporarily in the area of another Junior League, and who so formally requests, shall be granted Inter-League privilege. C. Seasonal Inter-League A Sustaining member who resides for a portion of the year in the area of her Junior League and a portion of the year in the area of another Junior League, and who so formally requests, shall be granted the Seasonal Inter-League privilege. D. Non-Resident Active and Sustaining Members who are living at a distance from their Junior League area sufficient to make fulfillment of general membership requirements impossible, shall be granted the Non-Resident privilege. Section 5. Resignations A policy regarding Resignation has been established by the Executive Board and ratified by membership. 33 Section 6. Removal Policies regarding removal from membership and/or leadership positions have been established by the Executive Board and ratified by membership. Section 7. Reinstatements A policy regarding Reinstatement has been established by the Executive Board and ratified by membership. Section 8. Leaves of Absence Under certain circumstances, members may request a leave of absence. ARTICLE V. DUES AND OTHER FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS Section 1. Annual Dues A. Amount The Executive Board, from time to time, shall set the amount for membership dues and other fees. Provisional dues must be paid at submission of an application. All dues include the Association’s dues. All AJLI increases will automatically be passed on to the Membership. B. Payment The Treasurer shall send dues notices to each member each year. C. Refunds Policies regarding refunds have been established by the Executive Board and ratified by membership. ARTICLE VI. MEETINGS Section 1. Frequency of Meetings A. Annual Meeting The Annual Meeting of the League shall be held in May. B. Regular and Special Meetings There shall be additional meetings held throughout the year C. Executive Board Meetings The Executive Board shall hold a minimum of nine (9) regular meetings annually. D. Council Meetings Councils shall meet throughout the year. E. Committee Meetings Committees shall meet throughout the year. Section 2. Notice Sufficient notice of all meetings shall be given. Section 3. Attendance A. General Membership Meetings Members are expected to attend meetings as defined in Article IV., Section 3. B. Executive Board Meetings Members of the Board are expected to attend meetings as defined in Article IV., Section 6, part B. 34 C. Council Meetings Members of the Leadership Team are expected to attend meetings as defined in Article IV., Section 6, part C. D. Committee Meetings Members are expected to be active participants on their assigned committee as defined in Article IV., Section 3. Section 4. Voting A. General Membership Meetings Only Active members, the Sustainer Council Vice President and Sustainers serving as committee chairs may vote at General Membership Meetings. Provisional members are permitted to vote only for the upcoming Major Project. B. Executive Board Meetings The affirmative vote of the majority of the Executive Board members present and voting shall be necessary to take action unless otherwise provided in these bylaws. C. Council Meetings Policies for votes held at the Council level have been established by the Executive Board and ratified by membership. D. Committee Meetings Policies for votes held at the Committee level have been established by the Executive Board and ratified by membership. Section 5. Quorum A. General Membership Meetings A quorum for the transaction of business shall be ¼ of the voting members of the League. A majority vote is required except as otherwise noted. B. Executive Board Meetings A quorum for the transaction of business shall be ½ of the members of the Executive Board. C. Council Meetings A majority of the members of each Council shall constitute a quorum. D. Committee Meetings A majority of the members of each Committee shall constitute a quorum. Section 6. Facilities All meetings and functions of The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. shall be held at facilities, which do not discriminate against women, or on the basis of race, religion or national origin. ARTICLE VII. EXECUTIVE BOARD Section 1. Personnel The Executive Board shall consist of the following: President, President Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Treasurer Elect, Community Council Vice President, Finance Council Vice President, Training and Development Council Vice President and Sustainer Council Vice President. All members of the Executive Board, with the exclusion of any exofficio member, are voting members of such group. Section 2. Responsibilities A. The Executive Board shall monitor the progress of the Councils toward completion of the stated goals and objectives or action plans which are closely aligned to the Strategic Plan of the Junior League as adopted by the Membership. a. The Executive Board shall enact or amend Standing Rules upon recommendations from the Councils, and shall present to the Membership any Standing Rule, which restricts or adds responsibility to the Membership. 35 b. c. The Executive Board shall appoint chairs of committees and projects, and shall organize these chairs into Councils. All records from Executive Board members are the property of The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc., and shall be turned over to the Executive Board successor in a timely fashion, not to exceed 30 days from the onset of the League's new financial year. Failure to do so may result in expulsion from the League and/or a fine not to exceed $500. Section 3. Nomination Criteria for nomination to the Executive Board has been established by the Board and ratified by membership. Section 4. Election and Terms A policy regarding election to the Executive Board and terms of service have been established by the Board and ratified by membership. Section 5. Vacancies Criteria for filing vacancies on the Executive Board has been established by the Board and ratified by membership. Section 6. Duties The powers and duties of the members of the Executive Board shall be described and contained in the job descriptions maintained for each such position. The job description shall contain the specific powers and duties. ARTICLE VIII. COUNCILS Section 1. Authority The committees of the Junior League shall be organized into Councils, which shall have general charge and control of the affairs, funds and property of the League. Section 2. Composition There shall be at least three (3) Councils, which consist of a Vice President on the Executive Board, and such other representatives, as the Executive Board may appoint. The chair of each Council shall be a Vice President on the Executive Board. There shall be a Sustainer Council, which operates under its own guidelines. The Chair of any major fundraising project or any Major Project shall be a member of a Council or shall designate a representative to serve on a Council, or shall have as a representative or liaison a member of the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall fill Council positions, with the exception of the Vice Presidents, after reviewing recommendations from the Leadership Placement Committee. The Executive Board shall fill vacancies on the Councils after reviewing recommendations from the Leadership Placement Committee. ARTICLE IX. COMMITTEES Section 1. Standing Committees A. Admissions/Provisional Committee B. Membership Meetings and Training Committee 36 C. Leadership Placement Committee All members of the Leadership Placement Committee are slated by the Leadership Placement Committee, and selected from the group of Active and Sustaining members. No member of the Executive Board shall serve on the Leadership Placement committee. D. Strategic Planning Committee All members of the Strategic Planning Committee are slated by the Leadership Placement Committee, and selected from the group of Active and Sustaining members. No member of the Executive Board shall serve on the Strategic Planning committee, except the President Elect, who shall serve as an ex-officio member of the committee. E. Financial Planning Committee (FPC) F. Fund Development Committee G. Major Project Committee. H. Women of the Year Committee Section 2. Special Committees Special committees may be appointed or abolished by the Executive Board as the need arises. Section 3. Records All committee records are the property of The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Incorporated. They shall be turned over to the committee chair’s successor in a timely fashion, not to exceed 30 days from the onset of the League's new financial year. Failure to do so may result in expulsion from the League and/or a fine not to exceed $500. ARTICLE X. FISCAL POLICIES Section 1. Fiscal Year The corporation's fiscal year shall be from June 1 through May 31. It shall govern: a. b. c. All financial obligations Eligibility to membership Changes in membership Section 2. Accounts and Audit The books and accounts of The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. shall be kept in accordance with sound accounting practices and will be reviewed by a certified public accountant on a yearly basis. A copy of the audit or review shall be made available to each member of The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. upon request. Each Junior League shall immediately send to the Association office evidence of any changes in its status as a tax-exempt organization (under Section, 501 (c) (3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code). Section 3. Bonding Anyone handling League funds shall be bonded. Section 4. Dissolution In the event of the dissolution of the League, after payment of all obligations incurred, the balance of its assets shall be distributed, and its then Executive Board shall determine to such charitable and educational organizations in the community which are fully exempt for federal tax purposes. 37 Section 5. A. Budgets For each line item in the Junior League budget, the Treasurer and Treasurer Elect shall review an itemized budget of proposed expenses, and shall approve these expenses before any expenditures are made or any funds are committed against that line item. Procedures for requesting a budget increase have been established by the Executive Board and ratified by membership. B. Budgets, including income and expenses, must be approved by the Treasurer and Treasurer Elect for all special activities, including Membership social events, fundraisers, and similar functions. Expenditure of Junior League funds is not permitted for any expense, including office expenses, in excess of any line item in the Junior League budget; unless approved in advance by the Treasurer and Treasurer Elect according to the budget increase process described in Article X, Section 5A. Section 6. Use of Funds Policies regarding Use of Funds have been established by the Executive Board and ratified by membership. Section 7. Quid Pro Quo Contribution Disclosure A quid pro quo contribution is a payment made partly as a gift and partly in consideration for goods or services provided to the donor. Policies for handing such contributions have been established by the Executive Board and ratified by membership. ARTICLE XI. DELEGATES A policy regarding delegates chosen to represent the League at conferences and meetings have been established by the Executive Board and ratified by general membership. ARTICLE XII. PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY Revised Robert's Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary authority for all matters of procedure not specifically covered by the bylaws or by specific rules of procedure adopted by the League. ARTICLE XIII. STANDING RULES In order to comply with the specific provisions of the bylaws, the Executive Board may establish Standing Rules. ARTICLE XIV. AMENDMENTS Any amendments to the AJLI Bylaws, voted by the delegates at Annual Conference, shall be incorporated into the bylaws of the JLSC without a Membership vote. The President Elect shall have the authority to make necessary technical and typographical changes to the bylaws, in order to assure editorial continuity, with substantive changes approved by the Executive Board and/or general Membership. These technical and typographical changes shall be reported to the Executive Board, and on approval of the Executive Board, the revised form shall be published in the Yearbook. ARTICLE XV. INDEMNIFICATION Section 1. Indemnification in Action or Suit, Not By or In Right of League The League may indemnify or agree to indemnify any person who was or is a party, or is threatened to be made a party, to any threatened, pending or completed civil, criminal, administrative or investigative action, suit or proceeding, other 38 than an action by or in the right of the League, by reason of the fact that she is or was a trustee, officer, employee, or agent or a volunteer of the League, or is or was serving at the request of the League as a trustee, director, officer, employee, or agent of a volunteer of another domestic or foreign nonprofit corporation or corporation for profit, or a partnership, joint venture, trust, or other enterprise, against expenses, including attorney's fees, judgment, fines and amounts paid in settlement actually and reasonably incurred by her in connection with the defense or settlement of such action, suit, or proceeding, if she acted in good faith and in a manner she reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the best interest of the League, and, with respect to any criminal action or proceeding, if she had no reasonable cause to believe her conduct was unlawful. The termination of any action, suit, or proceeding by judgment, order, settlement, or conviction, or upon a plea or nolo contendere or its equivalent, shall not create, of itself, a presumption that the person did not act in good faith and in a manner which she reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the best interest of the League, and with respect to any criminal action or proceeding a presumption that the person had reasonable cause to believe that her conduct was unlawful. Section 2. Indemnification in Action or Suit By or In Right of the League The League may indemnify or agree to indemnify any person who was or is a party, or is threatened to be made a party, to any threatened, pending, or completed action or suit by or in the right of the League to procure a judgment in its favor, by reason of the fact that she is or was a trustee, officer, employee, or agent of or a volunteer of the League, or is or was serving at the request of the League as a trustee, director, officer, employee, or agent of or a volunteer of another domestic or foreign nonprofit corporation or corporation for profit, or a partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise, against expenses, including attorney's fees, actually and reasonably incurred by her in connection with the defense or settlement of such action, suit, or proceeding if she acted in good faith and in a manner she reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the best interest of the League, except that no indemnification shall be made in respect of any of the following: a. b. Any claim issue, or matter as to which such person is adjudged to be liable for negligence or misconduct in the performance of her duty to the League unless, and only to the extent that, the Court of Common Pleas or the court in which the action or suit was brought determines, upon application, that despite the adjudication of liability but in view of all the circumstances of the case, such person is fairly and reasonably entitled to indemnify for such expenses as the Court of Common Pleas or such other court considers proper; Any action or suit in which liability is asserted against a trustee and that liability is asserted only pursuant to Section 1702.55 of the Ohio Revised Code. Section 3. Mandatory Indemnification To the extent that a trustee, director, officer, employee, agent or volunteer has been successful on the merits or otherwise in defense of any action, suit, or proceeding referred to in Sections 1 or 2 of this Article, or in defense of any claim, issue or matter in such an action, suit or proceeding, she shall be indemnified against expenses, including attorney's fees, actually and reasonably incurred by her in connection with that action, suit or proceeding. Section 4. Prerequisites to Indemnification Unless ordered by a court and subject to Section 3 of this Article, any indemnification under Section 1 or 2 of this Article shall be made by the League only as authorized in the specific case, upon a determination that indemnification of the trustee, director, officer, employee, agent or volunteer is proper in the circumstances because she has met the applicable standard of conduct set forth in Section 1 or 2 of this Article. Such determinations shall be made in any of the following manners: a. b. c. d. By a majority vote of a quorum consisting of trustees of the League who were not and are not parties to or threatened with the action, suit or proceeding referred to in Section 1 or 2 of this Article; Whether or not a quorum as described in Section 4(A) above is obtainable, and if a majority of a quorum of disinterested trustees so directs, in a written opinion by independent legal counsel other than attorney, or a firm having associated with it any attorney, who has been retained by or who has performed services for the League or any person to be indemnified within the past five years; By the members; By the Court of Common Pleas or the court in which the action, suit or proceeding referred to in Section 1 or 2 of this Article was brought. If an action or suit by or in the right of the League is involved, any determination made by the disinterested trustees under Section 4(A) of this Article or by independent legal counsel under Section 4(B) of 39 e. this Article shall be communicated promptly to the person who threatened or brought the action or suit under Section 2 of this section, and, within ten (10) days after receipt of such notification, such person shall have the right to petition the Court of Common Pleas or the court in which such action or suit was brought to review the reasonableness of such determination. Section 5. Limitations on Payment of Expenses A. Unless at the time of a trustee's or volunteer's act or omission that is the subject of an action, suit or proceeding referred to in Paragraph (1) or (2) of this Section A, the Articles of Incorporation or bylaws of the League state, by specific reference to this paragraph, that its provisions do not apply to the League, or unless the only liability asserted against a trustee in an action, suit or proceeding referred to in Section 1 or 2 of this Article is pursuant to Section 1072.55 of the Ohio Revised Code or unless (2) of this Section A applies, the expenses incurred by the trustee or volunteer in defending the action, suit or proceeding, including attorney's fees, shall be paid by the League. Upon the request of the trustee or volunteer and in accordance with Section 5(B) of this Article, those expenses shall be paid as they are incurred, in advance of the final disposition of the action, suit or proceeding. (2) Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, the expenses incurred by a trustee or volunteer in defending an action, suit or proceeding referred to in Section 1 or 2 of this Article, including attorney's fees, shall not be paid by the League upon the final disposition of the action, suit or proceeding, or, if paid in advance of the final disposition of the action, suit or proceeding, shall be repaid to the League by the trustee or volunteer, if it is proved, by clear and convincing evidence, in a court with jurisdiction that the act or omission of the trustee or volunteer was one undertaken with a deliberate intent to cause injury to the League or was one undertaken with reckless disregard for the best interest of the League. B. Expenses including attorney's fees, incurred by a trustee, director, officer, employee, agent or volunteer in defending any action, suit or proceeding referred to in Section 1 or 2 of this Article, may be paid by the League as they are incurred, in advance of the final disposition of the action, suit or proceeding, as authorized by the trustees in the specific case, upon receipt of an undertaking by or on behalf of the trustee, director, officer, employee, agent or volunteer to repay the amount if it ultimately is determined that she is not entitled to be indemnified by the League. Section 6. Indemnification Not Exclusive The indemnification authorized by this section is not exclusive of, and shall be in addition to, any other rights granted to those seeking indemnification pursuant to the Articles of Incorporation, bylaws, any agreement, a vote of members or disinterested trustees, or otherwise, both as to action in their official capacities and as to action in another capacity while holding their offices or positions, and shall continue as to a person who has ceased to be a trustee, director, officer, employee, agent or volunteer and shall insure to the benefit of the heirs, executors and administrators of such a person. Section 7. Insurance The League may purchase and maintain insurance, or furnish similar protection, including but not limited to, trust funds, letters of credit, or self-insurance, for or on behalf of any person who was or is a trustee, officer, employee, agent or volunteer of the League or is or was serving at the request of the League as a trustee, director, officer, employee, agent or volunteer of another domestic or foreign nonprofit corporation or corporation for profit, or a partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise, against any liability asserted against her and incurred by her in any such capacity, arising out of her status as such, whether or not the League would have the power to indemnify her against that liability under this section. Insurance may be so purchased from or so maintained with a person with whom the League has a financial interest. Section 8. Miscellaneous Provisions The authority of the League to indemnify persons pursuant to Section 1 or 2 of this Article does not limit the payment of expenses as they are incurred, in advance of the final disposition of an action, suit or proceeding, pursuant to Section 5 of this Article or the payment of indemnification, insurance or other protection that may be provided pursuant to Section 6 or 7 of this Article. Sections 1 and 2 of this Article do not create any obligation to repay or return payments made by the League pursuant to Sections 5, 6, or 7 of this Article. 40 Section 9. Merger or Consolidation of League As used in this section, "League" includes all constituent corporations in a consolidation or merger, and the new or surviving corporation, so that any person who is or was a trustee, officer, employee, agent or volunteer of a constituent corporation or is or was serving at the request of a constituent corporation as a trustee, director, officer, employee, agent or volunteer of another domestic or foreign nonprofit corporation or corporation for profit, or a partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise, shall stand in the same position under this section with respect to the new or surviving corporation as she would if she has served the new or surviving corporation in the same capacity. Executive Board Policies Executive Board and Administration Policies and Procedures of The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. ARTICLES I.-III. No corresponding policies ARTICLE IV. MEMBERSHIP Section 1. Classes of Membership A. Provisional Provisional Members are those engaged in complying with the requirements for admission to active membership. , and are eligible to vote only for the Major Project and are not eligible to hold office. Provisional members shall be required to complete a training course incorporating the principles of the Association's Provisional Course Guide and in a manner satisfactory to the Admissions / Provisional Committee and the Executive Board. There shall be no deliberate process in the admissions system. Upon recommendation of the Admissions / Provisional Committee and approval by a majority vote of the Executive Board, Provisional Members shall become Active Members. A Provisional, who is unable to complete the Provisional Course within 12 months from the date she applies for membership, must resign. Given special circumstances, a Provisional may be allowed to “holdover” and fulfill her requirements the following year. “Resignation in good standing” shall be necessary for future reinstatement. B. Active Any member in good standing of a Junior League, who is an Active Member as of the deadline for submission of applications for Association Positions, shall be eligible to apply for any Association Office with the exception of the position of Sustaining Director. C. Sustaining To become a Sustainer, members must complete at least five years of Active service. Sustaining Members shall have all the privileges of membership except that they may not hold office or vote; however, the Sustaining Council Vice President, who is serving on the Executive Board of the Junior League, shall be granted the right to vote at Membership and Executive Board Meetings. All Sustaining Members serving on committees shall be granted the right to vote at the committee and council levels with the exclusion of Membership Meetings. To become a Sustainer, members must complete at least five years of Active service. Also, any Sustainer serving as a committee chair shall be granted the right to vote at General Membership meetings. Any member, who is a Sustaining Member in good standing of a Junior League as of the deadline for submission of applications for Association Positions, is eligible to apply for the position of the Sustainer Director. 41 D. Honorary Honorary Members shall have all the privileges of membership, except that they may not hold office or vote and shall be exempt from paying dues. E. Emeritus Members with Emeritus Status shall have all the privileges of membership, except that they may not hold office or vote and shall be exempt from paying dues. Section 2. Admissions to Membership No corresponding policies Section 3. A. Provisional membership requirements include, but are not limited to: a. b. c. d. e. B. Attendance at Provisional meetings. Attendance at 4/8 General Membership meetings. Fulfillment of Annual Placement Interview. Payment of dues and other financial obligations, as described in Article V., Sections 1A and 1B. Completion of the Provisional Course. A Provisional, who is unable to complete the Provisional course within 12 months from the date she applied for membership, must resign. Given special circumstances, a Provisional may be allowed to “hold over” and fulfill her requirements the following year. Active membership requirements are: a. b. c. d. e. f. C. Requirements of Membership Participation on one League committee. Attendance of 5 of 8 General Membership meetings. Fulfillment of the Annual Placement Interview. Support of any major project approved by the Membership as defined in the project proposal. Support of fundraising projects approved by the Membership as defined in the AMPs. Payment of dues and other financial obligations, as described in Article V., Sections 1A and 1B. Sustainer membership requirements are: a. Payment of dues and other financial obligations, as described in Article V., Sections 1A and 1B. Section 4. Privileges of Membership A member in good standing may be granted one of the following privileges: Transfer The privilege of transfer need not extend to a person who has been dropped or expelled from membership by the Junior League to which the transfer is desired. An Active Member who transfers shall be required to adhere to any such requirements for minimum years of service of the receiving League, unless her age prohibits. The receiving Junior League must complete and acknowledge the transfer of membership within 90 days of receipt of the transfer card. A member of a Junior League outside of the United States may transfer to another Junior League only in a membership classification determined by the age restrictions of the receiving Junior League. Provisional, Active, and Sustaining Members pay dues to the Junior League, which they belong on April 1. A member whose written request for a transfer is postmarked between April 1 and October 1 will receive a refund of 50% of the annual dues of the sending Junior League, exclusive of association fee per-capita dues. A member whose written request for a transfer is postmarked after October 1 will not be entitled to any refund of dues from the sending Junior League, and the receiving Junior League will collect no dues from such incoming member. Provisional Transfer: If a Provisional should move to another League city before completing the course, she may transfer as a Provisional and take their course. Provisional members shall take any additional training required by Leagues to which they transfer. Inter-League Members requesting Inter-League privilege may be granted such for a period not to exceed one-year. The sendin Junior League may extend the period for one additional year. A member granted the Inter-League privilege shall comply with the requirements of the receiving Junior League; and shall be entitled to all privileges of membership except the right to vote, and hold office. She shall be listed as a member of and pay dues to the sending Junior League, which shall have the final responsibility for her in all matters. Inter-League Provisional: An Interleague Provisional must complete the requirements of the Provisional course from the home League in order to be accepted for Active membership. Seasonal Inter-League Seasonal Interleague privilege permits a Sustaining Member to participate in the Junior League in whichever area she is currently domiciled. A Sustaining Member may hold the Seasonal Interleague Privilege in more than one Junior League at a time. The Seasonal Interleague Privilege may be extended for an unlimited period of time. The Sustaining Member shall be listed as a member of and shall pay annual dues to the sending League, which shall have the final responsibility for her in all matters. She shall pay to the receiving Junior League an annual Seasonal Interleague fee of an amount not to exceed the difference between the receiving League's Sustaining dues and the Association's per capita dues. A Sustaining Member granted the Seasonal Interleague Privilege shall comply with the requirements of the Junior League in whose area she is currently domiciled. It shall be determined by each individual Junior League whether members granted the Seasonal Interleague Privilege shall be allowed to sponsor candidates for membership in that Junior League. Non-Resident Non-Resident status may be granted indefinitely. Members with Non-Resident status may not vote or hold office. They shall not have any obligations of membership other than payment of dues. Section 5. Resignations Any member of the League, who is not in arrears in dues or other League financial obligations or in the performance of League duties, may resign in good standing. A written resignation must be submitted to the Secretary by March 31; otherwise, members shall be liable for dues and financial obligations for the coming year. Members resigning after the start of the fiscal year of the League shall be obligated to fulfill the financial obligation held within that fiscal year. Members, who resign without having met the required obligation, shall be considered to have not resigned in good standing. The Executive Board must approve the resignation. Section 6. Removal A. Removal from General Membership Any individual may be removed from membership by a 2/3 vote of the Executive Board after fifteen days’ notice in writing, stating the cause for such action. Except in cases of non-payment of dues or other financial obligation, an opportunity for a hearing before the Executive Board shall be given. The following shall be considered causes for removal: a. b. c. d. B. Failure to pay dues and other financial obligations after notice has been given, as provided in Article V., Sections 1A and 1B. Failure to comply with General Membership Requirements as defined in Article IV., Section 3. Convicted of a crime against The Junior League of Stark County (i.e. theft in office). Any conduct unbecoming of a member of The Junior League as determined by the Executive Board. Removal from the Executive Board Any individual filling the position of an appointed or elected office may be removed from office by a 2/3 vote of the Executive Board after fifteen days’ notice in writing, stating the cause for such action. Except in cases of non-payment of dues or other financial obligation, an opportunity for a hearing before the Executive Board shall be given. 43 The following shall be considered causes for removal: a. b. c. d. e. C. Failures to pay dues and other financial obligations after notices have been given, as provided in Article V., Sections 1A and 1B. Failure of said member to attend Executive Board meetings regularly. If there are to be more than three absences during an administrative year, permission must be obtained from the President. Otherwise, such absences must be explained to the satisfaction of the Executive Board. Not fulfilling requirements of appointed or elected office job description. Continued lack of interest and participation in Executive Board activities. Convicted of a crime against The Junior League of Stark County (i.e. theft in office). Violating the confidentiality of the Executive Board. Removal from an appointed or elected position other than the Executive Board Any individual filling the position of an appointed or elected office may be removed from office by a 2/3 vote of the Executive Board after fifteen days’ notice in writing, stating the cause for such action. Except in cases of non-payment of dues or other financial obligation, an opportunity for a hearing before the Executive Board shall be given. The following shall be considered causes for removal: a. b. c. d. e. Failures to pay dues and other financial obligations after notices have been given, as provided in Article V., Sections 1A and 1B. Failure of said member to attend Council meetings regularly. If there are more than three absences during an administrative year, permission must be from the Council Vice President. Such absences or lack of communication must be explained to the satisfaction of the Executive Board. Not fulfilling requirements of appointed or elected office job description. Continued lack of interest and participation in Council activities. Convicted of a crime against The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. (i.e. theft in office). Violating the confidentiality of the Council or the Leadership Placement Committee. Section 7. Reinstatements Members who have resigned in good standing, or who have been dropped due to non-payment of dues, financial obligations and/or other indebtedness to the League, and have repaid their debt owed, may be, upon written request, or upon repayment of debt owed, reinstated by a 2/3 vote of the Executive Board. Section 8. Leaves of Absences All requests for leaves of absences must be submitted to the Executive Board. A leave of absence has been created in an effort to aid Active Members of The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. who, for personal or professional reasons, are unable to fulfill their commitments to JLSC. A member must be in good standing in order to request a leave of absence. Duration of Leaves: A leave of absence will be considered on a case by case basis, but will be limited to a maximum of one league year (June through May). If a leave of six months or greater is taken in one league year, the member will not be able to count the year as one of their five Active years required to reach Sustainer status. Frequency of Leaves: The Executive Board may grant only two consecutive leaves of absence to any one member. Requirements while on a leave of absence: a. b. Payment of dues and other financial obligations, as described in Article V., Sections 1A and 1B. Fulfillment of the Annual Placement Interview as described in Article V., Section 1. Benefits of taking a leave of absence: a. b. The member will not be placed onto a committee. The member will not be required to attend General Membership meetings. 44 ARTICLE V. DUES AND OTHER FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS Section 1. Annual Dues Amount The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio Inc. will review the dues structure every other year. Payment th st The Treasurer shall send dues notices to each member by February 15 . Dues shall be payable on April 1 . th Members whose dues are not paid by April 15 will be fined $10. Sustaining members shall be exempt from any fines. The Treasurer shall send a second dues statement to all members whose dues have not been paid by April th st 15 . Members, whose dues, fees and/or fines are not paid by May 31 , shall have their membership status voted upon by the Executive Board. The Executive Board, by ¾ vote, may maintain the member, with good cause shown, or may drop the member from membership. a. Extension – If a member cannot meet her dues payment, which is her financial obligation, due to financial need, a confidential letter must be sent to the Treasurer by April 1 requesting an extension. The Treasurer and member will determine terms of the payment plan. If a member is unable to pay dues, her dues obligation may be waived in its entirety for a period of one League year by a ¾ vote of the Executive Board. Refunds Dues shall not be refunded with the following exception: Provisional, Active and Sustaining Members pay dues to the Junior League to which they belong on April 1. A member whose written request for a transfer is postmarked between April 1 and October 1 will receive a refund of 50% of the annual dues of the sending Junior League, exclusive of Association fee per capita dues. The receiving Junior League may then collect no more than 50% of its dues, exclusive of Association per capita dues. A member whose written request for a transfer is post-marked after October 1 will not be entitled to any refund of dues from the sending Junior League, and the receiving Junior League will collect no dues from such incoming member. When a Provisional member transfers to another League before completing the Provisional course, the unused portion of her Provisional fee (as determined by the Treasurer) shall be refunded. Refunds of the Provisional fee for reasons other than transfer shall be made at the discretion of the Financial Planning Committee. Section 2. Indebtedness to the Association Members who are delinquent in paying any indebtedness to the League shall be considered in arrears in their dues to the Association. ARTICLE VI. MEETINGS Section 1. Frequency of Meetings A. Annual Meeting The Annual Meeting of the League shall be held in May. B. Regular and Special Meetings There shall be a minimum of five meetings of the League Membership annually. Other meetings shall be held at the discretion of the Executive Board or upon written request of twelve members of the League. C. Executive Board Meetings In addition to a minimum of 9 scheduled meetings, special meetings may be called by the President, or upon the request of three (3) Executive Board members. Executive Board meetings of The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Incorporated are confidential. Any member of the Executive Board who violates the confidentiality of the Executive Board shall be removed from their position on the Executive Board and may be expelled from The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Incorporated. 45 D. Council Meetings The Councils will hold regular meetings as necessary. Upon consensus of the Council, regular communication via email may substitute the necessity of a meeting. The Council Vice President or a majority of the members of the Council may call special meetings. E. Committee Meetings The Committees will hold regular meetings as necessary. Upon consensus of the Committee, regular communication via e-mail may substitute the necessity of a meeting. The Chair or a majority of the members of the committee can call special meetings. Committee members shall be required to attend 2/3 of the regularly scheduled committee meetings. Section 2. Notice No corresponding policies Section 3. Attendance A. General Membership Meetings Active members are expected to attend all General Membership meetings. Up to three (3) absences will be permitted. The Leadership Placement Committee will keep the attendance records and it shall be each member's own responsibility to have her attendance recorded at meetings. Members who have missed three General Membership meetings may be referred by the Leadership Placement Committee to the Executive Board and the member may be dropped from membership. B. Executive Board Meetings As defined in Article IV., Section 6, Part B, Board members are expected to attend all Executive Board meetings. Up to (3) absences will be permitted. Permission must be obtained by the President if more than three absences are to occur. C. Council Meetings As defined in Article IV., Section 6, Part C., members of the Leadership Team are expected to miss no more than 3 Council meetings. D. Committee Meetings Committee members shall be required to attend 2/3 of the regularly scheduled committee meetings. Section 4. Voting A. General Membership Meetings Absentee ballots are permissible for any vote taken by the Membership at a regularly scheduled meeting. Only those who are unable to attend the regular meeting for reasons of employment, or other good cause, may obtain the Absentee Ballot from the Secretary. They must be returned to the Secretary prior to the meeting. If the proposal is amended or changed in any way at the regular meeting, all absentee ballots are null and void. Bylaw changes which restrict or add responsibility to the Membership, shall be approved by a 2/3 vote of the Active Members present and voting at any meeting of the League. The proposed Bylaw changes must have been mailed or e-mailed to each voting member at least two weeks prior to the date of the meeting. B. Executive Board Meetings A telephone vote (one-on-one, not teleconferencing) is not a valid method of taking a vote, and should not be used under any circumstances. C. Council Meetings The affirmative vote of the majority of each Council's members present and voting shall be necessary to take action unless otherwise provided in these policies. If a (one-on-one) telephone vote is needed for an emergency action taken at a regular or properly called meeting at which no quorum is present, the vote must meet the following criteria: a. b. c. Topic being voted on must have been discussed in a prior regular or properly called meeting. A telephone vote must be confirmed in writing 24 hours before the vote results are announced. To confirm her telephone vote, an individual must include her vote (for or against the motion), her signature, and date, and submit a written confirmation to the Council Vice President or committee chair. 46 d. e. A voting individual has the right to change her telephone vote up to the time she submits her vote in writing for confirmation. (Example: A council telephone vote takes place Friday; written confirmation submitted Monday; results are announced Tuesday morning at a Membership meeting. Individual may change her vote up to Monday morning.) A telephone vote that has not been confirmed in writing is not a valid vote. Only after a telephone vote has been confirmed does the vote become an official act of the Council or committee. If an e-mail vote is needed for an emergency action taken after or if a vote needs to be taken before a regular or properly called meeting, the vote must meet the following criteria: a. b. c. D. Topic being voted on must have been discussed in a prior regular or properly called meeting. The vote must be e-mailed to the Council Vice President or chair only. The Council Vice President or chair must acknowledge by e-mail that they have received the email vote. The printed copy of each vote should be filed. Committee Meetings The affirmative vote of the majority of each Committee’s members present and voting shall be necessary to take action unless otherwise provided in these policies. If a (one-on-one) telephone vote is needed for an emergency action taken at a regular or properly called meeting at which no quorum is present, the vote must meet the following criteria: Topic being voted on must have been discussed in a prior regular or properly called meeting. a. b. c. d. A telephone vote must be confirmed in writing 24 hours before the vote results are announced. To confirm her telephone vote, an individual must include her vote (for or against the motion), her signature, and date, and submit a written confirmation to the Committee Chair. A voting individual has the right to change her telephone vote up to the time she submits her vote in writing for confirmation. (Example: A committee telephone vote takes place Friday; written confirmation submitted Monday; results are announced Tuesday morning at a Membership meeting. Individual may change her vote up to Monday morning.) A telephone vote that has not been confirmed in writing is not a valid vote. Only after a telephone vote has been confirmed does the vote become an official act of the Committee. If an e-mail vote is needed for an emergency action taken after or if a vote needs to be taken before a regular or properly called meeting, the vote must meet the following criteria: a. b. c. Topic being voted on must have been discussed in a prior regular or properly called meeting. The vote must be emailed to the Chair only. The Chair must acknowledge by e-mail that they have received the email vote. The printed copy of each vote should be filed. Section 5. Quorum No corresponding policies Section 6. Facilities No corresponding policies ARTICLE VII. EXECUTIVE BOARD Section 1. Personnel The Executive Board shall consist of the following: President, President Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Treasurer Elect, Community Council Vice President, Finance Council Vice President, Training and Development Council Vice President and Sustainer Council Vice President. All members of the Executive Board, with the exclusion of any exofficio member, are voting members of such group. 47 Section 2. Responsibilities The Executive Board shall monitor the progress of the Councils toward completion of the stated goals and objectives or action plans which are closely aligned to the Strategic Plan of the Junior League as adopted by the Membership. The Executive Board shall enact or amend Standing Rules upon recommendations from the Councils, and shall present to the Membership any Standing Rule, which restricts or adds responsibility to the Membership. The Executive Board shall appoint chairs of committees and projects, and shall organize these chairs into Councils. . All records from Executive Board members are the property of The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc., and shall be turned over to the Executive Board successor in a timely fashion, not to exceed 30 days from the onset of the League's new financial year. Failure to do so may result in expulsion from the League and/or a fine not to exceed $500. Section 3. Nomination Leadership experience in the community or the League is recommended for all Executive Board members. The Leadership Placement Committee shall nominate the nominees for each position on the Executive Board, except the President and Treasurer, on a single slate. The slate shall be presented to the Membership before the March Membership meeting and sufficiently in advance of that voting meeting so that additional written submissions may be submitted to the President, if desired, by any member of the League. In addition, any member of the League shall have the right to nominate other candidates from the floor at the voting meeting. Permission must be obtained from the additional nominee(s) prior to nominating them, either in writing or from the floor. Section 4. Election and Terms All nominees shall be elected to a term of one-year. Such election shall be by a written ballot vote unless there is more than one nominee, in which case the election between such nominees will be held at least two months prior to the annual meeting. The President Elect and Treasurer Elect shall succeed to the positions of President and Treasurer respectively for a term of one-year. The President and Treasurer shall serve terms of office which correspond to the League's fiscal year (see Article X, Section 1). Section 5. Vacancies Vacancies on the Executive Board shall be approved by written ballot by the remaining members of the Executive Board from a slate submitted by the Leadership Placement Committee. Persons so appointed shall serve until the expiration of the original term of office. Section 6. Duties A. President The President shall be the official representative of the League; shall preside at meetings of the League and Executive Board, and shall give notice of all meetings of the Executive Board. The President shall be a member ex-officio of all committees, except Leadership Placement and Strategic Planning. B. President Elect The President Elect shall assume the duties of the President in her absence and assist the President with her duties. The President Elect shall succeed to the office of President. The President Elect shall serve as the liaison to Area II. The President Elect shall act as the League Parliamentarian and update and revise Bylaws as needed. The President Elect shall also prepare the Executive Board manuals for her incoming Executive Board. The President Elect shall be a non-voting member of the Strategic Planning Committee. The President Elect shall provide guidance to the Community Council in regards to communications activities involving Public Relations, Publications and Website activities as well as review all external and mass membership communications distributed. 48 C. Secretary The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the League and the Executive Board. She shall be responsible for conducting the general correspondence of the League and for recording changes in membership. She shall keep a correct, classified list of names and addresses of all members and shall maintain a file of essential records (which shall be transferred to her successor at the close of her term of office). She shall also be responsible for compiling the age group and years of active service lists and for keeping them current. D. Treasurer The Treasurer shall be the custodian of funds of the League. She shall collect all dues and assessments and receive all monies. She shall disburse the money of the League in accordance with the Budget. She shall keep full and accurate accounts and shall present financial records. She shall submit for review by the Membership, a budget for the next League administrative year, which has been approved by the Executive Board. She, along with the Treasurer Elect, shall be the approval and monitoring of individual line item budgets and processing requests for budget increases as outlined in Article X, Section 5. Treasurer is the Chair of the Financial Planning Committee (FPC). The Treasurer and Executive Board shall approve (before she is appointed) the Treasurer for each project or committee. The Treasurer shall train the Treasurer Elect giving her specific instructions and duties which will prepare her to assume the office of Treasurer. The Treasurer shall also train any appointed Treasurer for each project or committee. E. Treasurer Elect The Treasurer Elect shall have the power to act in all capacities of the Treasurer when necessary and shall perform such duties as are delegated by the Treasurer. The Treasurer Elect shall succeed to the office of the Treasurer. F. Absence of President and President Elect In the event of the absence of the President and the President Elect, the President shall appoint an Executive Board member to assume the duties of the President until a specified date. ARTICLE VIII. COUNCILS Section 1. Authority The Councils shall present to the Membership all proposed major program activities for ratification. The Councils shall make recommendations to the Executive Board to enact or amend the Standing Rules. The Councils shall develop and vote upon the goals and objectives or action plans which are closely aligned to the Strategic Plan for the League. The Councils shall be responsible for directing the work of the committees and shall receive meeting minutes from the committees. Section 2. Composition A. There shall be at least three (3) Councils, which consist of a Vice President on the Executive Board, and such other representatives, as the Executive Board may appoint. The chair of each Council shall be a Vice President on the Executive Board. B. There shall be a Sustainer Council, which operates under its own guidelines. C. The Chair of any major fundraising project or any Major Project shall be a member of a Council or shall designate a representative to serve on a Council, or shall have as a representative or liaison a member of the Executive Board. D. The Executive Board shall fill Council positions, with the exception of the Vice Presidents, after reviewing recommendations from the Leadership Placement Committee. E. The Executive Board shall fill vacancies on the Councils after reviewing recommendations from the Leadership Placement Committee. ARTICLE IX. COMMITTEES Section 1. Standing Committees A. Admissions/Provisional Committee There shall be an Admissions/Provisional Committee whose function shall be as follows: 49 a. b. c. B. To consider the qualifications of all candidates proposed for membership in the Junior League, and make recommendations to the Executive Board for invitation to Provisional membership. To plan and direct the education and training of Provisional members and to send the AJLI office annually a copy of the Provisional program. This committee shall have the responsibility of recommending to the Executive Board names of Provisional members who have completed the Provisional requirements and are eligible for Active membership. To actively recruit potential new members. Membership Meetings and Training Committee There shall be a Membership Meetings and Training Committee, whose function it shall be to plan and execute arrangements for the League’s Membership Meetings and to continue offering training opportunities to the members, and requesting community organizations. The Membership Meetings and Training Committee shall give notice of all General Membership meetings of the League. C. Leadership Placement Committee There shall be a Leadership Placement Committee whose members shall be slated. Members must be Active for three years to be slated for membership on the committee. Members shall serve a one-year term. The committee shall slate members of the Executive Board, committee members for Strategic Planning, and committee members for Leadership Placement. It shall recommend members to be delegates to the Annual Meeting of the Association, and to technical conferences to the Executive Board, who will select delegates. Also, it shall recommend members to be chairs for committees and projects, and candidates for community awards as requested by the Executive Board, these chairs and awards will ultimately be chosen by the Executive Board. The ultimate decision for slating all Executive Board offices remains the responsibility of the elected Leadership Placement Committee. The Leadership Placement Committee shall assist the members in meeting their personal League goals and membership requirements. They shall maintain records of all active members. The number of members on the committee shall consist of a minimum of five members, one of whom is the immediate past president, with a maximum of 10% of the active membership. Each year, the committee shall prepare a slate of candidates from which the membership shall elect a sufficient number to maintain a committee. The slate shall be voted on no later than the April meeting. The committee is responsible for slating any replacement members necessary to maintain the committee. The Membership shall vote for or against the slated Officers. Once the members are slated and accept the position, they are obligated to serve for a one-year term. The Executive Board may intervene, if a member is not fulfilling her duties, by relieving her of the position and appointing a new committee member. All committee members have voting rights. No member of the Executive Board shall serve on the Leadership Placement Committee. The Chair of the Leadership Placement Committee shall be the immediate past President. The Chair shall serve a term of one-year with voting rights. Leadership Placement Committee meetings of The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc., are confidential. Any member of the Leadership Placement Committee who violates the confidentiality of that committee shall be removed from their position on the committee and may be expelled from The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. D. Strategic Planning Committee There shall be a Strategic Planning Committee who shall function primarily as a fact finding and study committee. It is this committee's responsibility to research and recommend the Focus Area(s) within three-year intervals for The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. Areas for study are assigned by the Executive Board and are designed to help the Executive Board improve League administration and to plan for the future. All members of the Strategic Planning Committee are slated by the Leadership Placement Committee, and selected from the group of Active and Sustaining members. 50 No member of the Executive Board shall serve on the Strategic Planning committee, except the President Elect, who shall serve as an ex-officio member of the committee. The Leadership Placement Committee shall fill any vacancies occurring at any time. The new member filling the vacancy shall serve the remaining term of the departing member. E. Financial Planning Committee (FPC) The Financial Planning Committee shall function, as the financial fact-finding committee to advise the Executive Board of all matters relating to the financing of this League’s own administration, fundraising, and that of its community projects. Among its duties shall be the initial preparation of the annual budget for presentation to the Executive Board and the membership; author of the Financial Planning Investment Policy; and primary liaison with the professional financial planner(s). The committee shall be composed of the Treasurer as Chair, Treasurer Elect, President, President Elect, Finance Council Vice President, and such other members as shall be recommended by the Chair. F. Fund Development Committee The Fund Development Committee’s duties shall be to develop a diversified funding base which includes multiple sources of funding allowing The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. to be financially flexible and viable. Track and record all donations received outside of the annual Major Fundraiser (including in-kind donations). Monitor all monies / donations received related to this process. Work with committee chairs in verifying thank you letters are sent to donors (detailing any tax exemption information, as appropriate). Hold fundraisers, research grant opportunities and obtain sponsorships to raise additional funding for Junior League activities. Research and, with direction from the Executive Board, implement additional diversified funding opportunities including but not limited to planned giving initiatives, capital campaigns, project campaigns, and endowment fund campaigns. Major Fundraiser Chair and Chair Elect are members of this committee whose responsibilities are to plan the Major Fundraiser. G. Major Project Committee The Major Project Committee’s principal duties shall be to research community needs, and develop and implement projects that are an appropriate fit for the League’s mission and membership in response to identified service gaps. This committee will serve as a project finding committee, recommending to the Executive Board and Membership the most suitable ones for consideration. H. Women of the Year Committee The Women of the Year Committee plans an event each year to honor two women chosen for outstanding service to our community. Duties include: solicitation of nominations, publicity, selection of judges, program selection, invitations, and decorations. Section 2. Special Committees No corresponding policies. Section 3. Records No corresponding policies. ARTICLE X. FISCAL POLICIES Sections 1.- 4. No corresponding policies Section 5. Budgets A. Requests for budget increases shall be presented to the Treasurer and Treasurer Elect. The Treasurer and Treasurer Elect will present budget adjustments to the Financial Planning Committee for approval. Requests for increases less than $1000 will be reviewed and approved or denied by the Financial Planning Committee. Requests of $1,000 or more require Membership approval. The Treasurer and Treasurer Elect shall present such requests to 51 the Financial Planning Committee; upon recommendation of the Financial Planning Committee, the request shall be submitted to the Membership for approval. All approved budget increases shall be printed in etcetera or otherwise communicated to the Membership. The Executive Board will be notified at their next regularly scheduled Executive Board meeting of any approved budget increases, regardless of the dollar amount. Section 6. Use of Funds Any person incurring expenses in the name of The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Incorporated is responsible for understanding the intended use of its funds. Members of the Executive Board, committee chairs, project chairs, and other such persons are obligated to notify others with access to each line item budget of the intended use of the funds as approved in the budget review process, and of the fiscal requirements contained in these bylaws. The Finance Council and Treasurers shall provide education and guidance for all members in interpreting fiscal principals. a. b. c. d. e. Junior League funds may not be spent for refreshments, entertainment, favors, gifts, or other related items, except as such expenses are specifically approved by the Treasurer and Treasurer Elect in the budget review process. Expenses for other items may be prohibited by the Financial Planning Committee as incompatible with either the purpose or position statements of The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Incorporated, or with criteria for membership in the Association of Junior Leagues International. Receipts are required for any reimbursement. Consistent with Junior League’s tax-exempt classification, sales tax shall not be paid on goods or services purchased. Reimbursement of the same will not be granted. Reimbursement practices as administered by the Treasurers shall be based on specifications recommended by the League's independent auditor and approved by the Executive Board in consultation with the Financial Planning Committee. Firms or organizations with which members are associated may provide services for a fee as long as the direct profitability does not benefit The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. member, except when it is in the best interest of JLSC. Section 7. Quid Pro Quo Contribution Disclosure If The Junior League of Stark County receives a quid pro quo contribution in excess of $75, the JLSC shall provide a written statement, in connection with soliciting or receiving the contribution, to comply with Internal Revenue Service Tax Code Section 6115(a). This statement must a. b. Inform the donor that the amount of the contribution that is deductible for federal income tax purposes is limited to the excess of the amount of any money (and the value of any property other than money) contributed by the donor over the value of the goods or services provided by the organization and its donors. Provide the donor with a good faith estimate of the value of those goods or services. Example: If the JLSC receives a $100 contribution in exchange for which the donor receives a dinner valued at $40, the JLSC must inform the donor in writing that only $60 is deductible as a charitable contribution. The statement might say: "Under Internal Revenue Service guidelines, the estimated value is _______; therefore the _________ amount of your donation is a deductible contribution." The disclosure must be made in a conspicuous and easily recognizable format, such as the following: a. b. For print medium, the statement must be included on the message side of any card (invitation) or tear-off section that the contributor returns. The statement must be either the first sentence in a paragraph or itself a paragraph. Expenses for other items may be prohibited by the Financial Planning Committee as incompatible with either the purpose or position statements of The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Incorporated, or with criteria for membership in the Association of Junior Leagues International. Although it is the responsibility of a donor to provide validity for a tax deductible donation of $250 or more, The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio Incorporated shall provide upon request from the donor, a written substantiation to support that deduction. A donor's canceled check is not sufficient. A receipt signed by the Treasurer, Treasurer Elect , or authority from the receiving nonprofit agency will be available for in-kind donations made by Provisionals, Actives, or Sustainers, identifying the goods or services donated and their proposed value. 52 Amounts paid for chances to participate in raffles, lotteries, or similar drawings are not deductible since the purchaser is buying something of value rather than making a contribution. Section 8. Standing Financial Policies A. The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Incorporated shall not act for others as a fundraising agent. B. The net profits of any League project, fundraiser, or other such event shall be turned over to The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. for dispersal through the budgeting process. Any exception must have Executive Board approval. C. The purpose of The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Incorporated is to interest and educate its members in the needs of the community and to make efficient their volunteer service. Raising money is not our primary purpose. The funds we raise from the community are returned to the community for specific Junior League projects and activities. To accomplish our aim, it is our policy not to dissipate League funds through donations but to invest them in projects, current and potential with Junior League administrative, financial, and volunteer support. Any deviation from this policy would require approval of 2/3 of the total Junior League voting Membership. A nominal donation, from League funds may be made, with Executive Board approval. However, The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc., may award mini-grants to qualifying Stark County agencies or organizations requesting the same. Section 9. Endowment Fund A Junior League Endowment Fund will be maintained as part of the League's Funds with contributions as follows: a. b. The Junior League will contribute $25 in memory of each deceased member of The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. Anyone may make a contribution in honor of or in memory of an individual. The interest income will accrue in the account. Monies from the Endowment Fund may be used for general operating expenses. ARTICLE XI. DELEGATES Delegates to the Annual Meeting of the Association shall be Active members appointed by the Executive Board with recommendations from the Leadership Placement Committee. Delegates to Technical Conferences shall be Active and Sustaining members appointed by the Executive Board with recommendations from the Leadership Placement Committee. ARTICLE XII. PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY No corresponding policies. ARTICLE XIII. STANDING RULES In order to comply with the specific provisions of the bylaws, the Executive Board may establish Standing Rules. Standing Rules may be adopted or rescinded by a 2/3 vote of the Executive Board with such notice. Standing Rules, which restrict or add responsibility to the Membership, shall be approved by a 2/3 vote of the Active members present and voting at any meeting of the League. The proposed Standing Rules must have been mailed or emailed to each voting member at least two weeks prior to the date of the meeting. Section 1. Advertising If this League solicits advertising of any sort, it shall require from the advertiser a written agreement confining the use of said advertising to a specific purpose and occasion. 53 Section 2. Membership Campaigns The League may participate in its own annual membership campaigns. Section 3. Transfers In A. Every Active Transfer will be assigned an advisor from the Admissions Provisional Committee and may participate in the any portion of the Provisional course immediately. B. Every Provisional Transfer will be required to fulfill the requirements of the Provisional course. Section 4. Conflict of Interest Every member of the JLSC shall be sensitive to potential conflicts of interest, which may exist or arise as a result of coexisting loyalties to the JLSC and to other interests (e.g.: financial interests, professional interests, affiliations with other non-profit organizations, and relationships with individuals.) A member serving on the Executive Board or a JLSC committee shall disclose any potential conflict, as soon as she is aware of it, and shall take steps to ensure that decisions made on the behalf of the JLSC are in the JLSC's best interest. The Executive Board will review and make the final determination concerning potential conflicts of interest, on an as needed basis. ARTICLES XIV. AND XV. No corresponding policies. Executive Board Policies Executive Board and Administration 03-29-61 To protect the name of the Junior League, notify AJLI Legal Counsel if there is an organization in your locality using the name of the Junior League, giving a complete description of the situation. 07-02-13 (03-22-93) (02-02-82) (09-06-65) Valuable papers shall be kept in a safe at Headquarters. The following are in the box: a. Declaration of Trust b. Articles of Incorporation Amendments c. Exemption letter designating Junior League of Stark County as a nonprofit, charitable organization To gain access one signature is required and two of the following must be present: a. b. c. d. President President Elect Treasurer Treasurer Elect 05-07-74 A moment of silence at the Membership meeting following the death of a member will be observed. 07-02-13 (10-11-85) (03-02-78) In case of cancellation of the Membership meeting, a copy of the slate, project vote, or bylaws will be emailed immediately to each Active member, if necessary. 02-02-82 (04-01-80) (04-09-64) The Treasurer, Treasurer Elect, President and President Elect shall be authorized signatures on all commercial and savings accounts, plus they and the Finance Council VP will be the directors of funds in all investment accounts. The Treasurer, President or President Elect shall sign checks or withdraw money only in the absence of the Treasurer Elect. 54 07-02-13 (03-22-93) (12-05-89) (02-01-83) Any properties or equipment (except copying machines, typewriters, and computer) owned by The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. can be used only by said members for the functions and purposes of the League, its committees, and its projects. Said members may use such equipment for up to 48 hours, excluding Sundays, for functions and purposes of volunteerism in the community. Use of equipment should be confirmed one week prior to requested date and should a conflict arise, the JLSC function or purpose will take priority. Any loss or damage to equipment is the responsibility of the borrower. The JLSC Administrative Assistant shall be responsible for issuing equipment. 03-22-93 (09-01-87) (02-04-86) (05-01-69) (03-29-61) The Executive Board shall review and consider annually the renewal of Directors' and Officers' Liability Insurance coverage. 03-22-93 (02-04-93) (05-01-69) (03-29-61) Any League member purchasing items for the League shall sign a charge slip in the name of The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc., 4450 Belden Village Street NW, Suite 106, Canton, Ohio 44718 with her name, position, committee or project for which items are being purchased. She may choose to pay cash and be reimbursed after filling out a blue requisition slip from the Treasurer Elect of the League. 01-03-94 The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. liaisons to community boards are the responsibility of the voting members of the Community Council. This responsibility includes filling vacancies and overseeing accountability. 03-22-93 (05-02-78) League members serving as League trainers will be reimbursed for expenses incurred and will receive appropriate placement credit. 01-13-04 (06-04-96) (03-22-93) (05-27-80) All solicitations within the community shall be coordinated by the Fund Development Committee to avoid confusion. 03-22-93 (04-03-84) League members using their own automobiles shall be reimbursed the greater of (1) the actual gasoline and oils consumed on the travel or (2) the mileage involved multiplied by the current rate allowed by the Internal Revenue Service for volunteer mileage, according to the current conference and training reimbursement practices. 05-01-84 (03-04-03) League members may be reimbursed for material expenses incurred when providing a service to the League. This reimbursement is not to include time spent, unless the League has contracted for a member's professional services, or expenses related to employment, personal phone calls, personal services or purchases, entertainment, or alcohol. 02-04-86 (10-02-79) (03-29-61) After cost comparison, business (such as insurance, printing, etc.) shall be given to the least expensive for the best product so as not to show any partiality. 03-29-61 A bill shall be obtained from the attorney each time his service is used. 04-05-95 An honorarium may be instituted to acknowledge volunteers in the community who have been particularly influential and generous to The Junior League of Stark County, Inc. The award called "Friends of the JLSC" shall be evaluated on a yearly basis by the Executive Board and the recommendation thereby voted upon. 09-01-98 Any and all checks must be sent to and processed by the JLSC Administrative Assistant at JLSC headquarters. 03-04-03 The General Membership meetings are considered open to the public and members are encouraged or can bring guests. 55 08-05-03 After following the proper Council system’s chain of command, the Executive Board may refer an Active member’s serious concerns regarding policies, procedures, bylaws or leadership to The Association of Junior Leagues International for clarification. 11-01-04 Underwriting Forfeiture Policy: Standing Rules for Forfeitures in Underwriting as $3,500 may be set aside and maintained in a reserve account and listed in the budget as a contingent liability for major fundraiser. Any money used would be taken from this reserve and listed in the budget as an expense or loss. It could be rolled over to the next year’s budget. 01-17-06 The process that all key contracts should be routed and reviewed is the following: Contracts should be taken to Junior League headquarters to be reviewed by the Committee Chair, Council VP, Treasurer, and President Elect. The President should see any edited version and be the only member authorized to sign the contract. The signed contract would be sent to recipient from headquarters. Committees 03-22-93 (02-06-64) There shall be five community member judges who sit on the Judges Panel to decide the Women of the Year recipients. 03-22-93 (02-04-86) (05-01-69) All files of nominated candidates for the Women of the Year event shall be closed to the public except those who receive awards. Copies of autobiographical newspaper material about the recipients may be provided if requested. All files are not to be released from the possession of the Chair of the Women of the Year Committee without approval of the Executive Board. 03-22-93 Volunteer staffing of community projects shall be coordinated between the Training and Development Council, the Community Council and any other appropriate Councils. 03-22-93 (11-01-77) (05-01-69) (03-29-61) The JLSC Administrative Assistant shall be notified of all League meetings. 03-22-93 (03-01-88) Chairs of committees are encouraged to use Junior League facilities and supplies for meetings. Chairs will not be reimbursed for refreshments at committee meetings. 03-22-93 (04-23-87) A member may serve on a committee for two consecutive years. She may not serve again on that committee except as Chair or Co Chair, unless other sources of members have been exhausted. 02-04-87 (10-03-57) Sustaining members may vote in committees. 03-22-93 (03-29-61) When AJLI material is used by members of the League, credit shall be given in reports. Community Projects 05-01-69 (02-09-61) All money spending and money raising projects shall be voted on by written ballot at a Membership meeting. 07-02-13 (02-02-82) Information about proposed money spending and money raising projects must be emailed to the Membership prior to the meeting at which voting for approval of such projects is to take place. 56 01-13-04 (03-11-75) To insure sufficient support of a project, signed ballots will be used. In addition to an affirmative vote, a proposed project will pass if there are enough signatures of members willing to work on it as determined by the Major Project and/or Leadership Development Committee. 03-22-93 (10-04-83) When a new project is approved by the Membership which requires a signed ballot, a member has until the next regularly scheduled Executive Board meeting to submit her signature to the President as a willingness to work on the project. The proposed project fails if the required signatures are not received by the time of the next regularly scheduled Executive Board meeting. 03-22-93 (03-29-61) There shall be, for any project approved by the Membership, a written agreement between The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. and any collaborative organization which shall state what is expected of both organizations. This agreement shall be signed by the President. 01-13-06 An AMP must be submitted to the Council for all community projects being considered by the League. After review by the Council VP, the AMP should be presented to the Executive Board. The Board should review it to make sure that it does not duplicate anyone’s efforts in League and advise whether any other cautions should be kept in mind. No announcement or action with League should be taken until the AMP is completed effectively 08-11-98 (03-22-93) (07-07-92) (12-04-84) A Community Advisory Council will be established to provide expertise in our Focus Area. Its purpose will be twofold: to keep The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. informed of trends in the various facets of our community, and to help communicate our purpose and programs to the community. Members of the Community Advisory Council shall number twelve, 6 Sustainer members and 6 community members, and be appointed for term from one to three years by the Community Council with the approval of the Executive Board. Admissions/Provisional 03-08-94 (05-01-69) (03-08-60) The names of new Provisionals shall be read as they apply for membership. Those who apply in June, July or August will be read in September. 03-22-93 (04-06-82) (01-08-80) The Admissions/Provisional Committee should not contact any applicant if she has not responded to invitations to informational meetings. If applicant has responded but is unable to attend a scheduled informational meeting, representatives will meet with her. If this is not possible, a letter will be sent asking her to re-apply at a future date. 03-22-93 (05-16-87) Provisionals may not attend the following committee meetings: Strategic Planning, Admissions/Provisional, and Leadership Placement and Training and Development Council. Executive Board meetings can be attended if an invitation is extended. Etcetera, Yearbook, Public Relations 01-11-60 The list of League members serving on community boards shall be deleted from the yearbook and may be published in The Etcetera. 01-04-89 (10-01-85) (05-07-74) Etcetera will carry a notification following a member's death with a listing as follows: "In Remembrance - The members of The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. wish to express their sympathy to the family and friends of (Sustainer, Active, Provisional) who recently passed away." 03-22-93 (05-07-74) A page in memoriam will be included in each Junior League yearbook listing alphabetically the names of members who passed away during the previous year. 57 02-04-86 (09-01-81) Charter members and Past Presidents will be included in the yearbook. 07-02-13 (03-22-93) (04-12-58) Annual reports shall be printed and made available to members upon request. 04-07-81 (12-11-74) Any materials, internal or external to the organization, to be distributed in mass in the name of The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. shall be reviewed by the President Elect before the final stage of production. 07-02-13 (11-33-87) The President, or her designee, and the President Elect are the official spokes persons for The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. All Junior League members must have prior clearance from the President for all written and/or verbal contact regarding League sponsored activities and announcements. All publications and / or copy intended for external use must be approved by the President Elect. Directory of Active Members ASSENT, Corleon (CJ) T. Taylor Dr. and Mrs. Brian A. Assent 1217 Perkins Avenue NW Canton, OH 44703 corleonassent@yahoo.com BD 1/17 FYA 2011 No Picture Available ALQARA, Hala M. Alameria Mr. and Mrs. Fares M. Alqara 7419 Diamondback Avenue NW Canal Fulton, OH 44614 alameriahala@yahoo.com BD 03/12 FYA 2013 BARBATO, Faith R. Scheetz Mr. and Mrs. Michael Barbato 1695 Pekin Drive SE East Canton, OH 44730 faithbarbato@sbcglobal.net faith@communityharveststark.org BD 9/3 FYA 2011 BARONE, Jennifer (Jen) M. Berg Dr. and Mrs. Brad Barone 7968 Greenwich Blvd. Massillon, OH 44646 jmberg73@yahoo.com BD 6/17 FYA 2011 BEACHY, Tara L. Ms. Tara Beachy 408 West Maple Street Apartment E North Canton, OH 44720 tlbeachy@yahoo.com BD 3/2 FYA 2012 BECK, Decia E. Perkins Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Beck 6209 Milhaven Ave NW Canal Fulton, OH 44614 decia@beck-images.com BD 1/27 FYA 2012 BEISERT, Cara Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Beisert 815 Hower Street NE H (330) 454-7595 C (352) 262-4853 H (330) 970-0007 C (513) 287-9473 H (330) 488-2558 C (330) 312-1693 B (330) 493-0800 C (330) 844-0972 C (614) 266-8208 C (330) 353-7778 B (330) 854-9685 H (330) 499-7509 C (330) 224-1581 North Canton, OH 44720 clbeisert@gmail.com BD 7/13 FYA 2007 BLACKBURN-HAGGSTROM, Pam G. Blackburn Mr. and Mrs. Jon Haggstrom H (330) 880-5575 6952 Red Deer Circle NW C (330) 224-6721 Canton, OH 44708 B (330) 479-2331 pblackburn3@msn.com BD 6/12 FYA 2011 BROWN, Alicia A. Nardella Dr. and Mrs. Cory Brown 8793 Scotsbury Street NW Massillon, OH 44646 nardella12@hotmail.com BD 12/25 FYA 2012 H (330) 880-4435 C (330) 268-6238 CAMPBELL, Jennifer (Jenn) D. Daprile Mr. and Mrs. Greg Campbell H (330) 880-5255 8811 Scotsbury Street NW C (330) 540-1974 Massillon, OH 44646 jenncampbell@sssnet.com BD 5/24 FYA 2012 CLARK, Amanda D. Cross Mrs. Amanda Clark 8297 Abigail Circle NW North Canton, OH 44720 adc0520@hotmail.com BD 6/4 FYA 2013 COOKSON, Ashley B. Cookson Ms. Ashley Cookson 3716 Blackburn Road NW Canton, OH 44718 ashley.c@hartvillegroup.com ashley_sikora@yahoo.com BD 10/24 FYA 2013 DIBARTOLO, Kelly K. Carter Mrs. Kelly DiBartolo 806 24th Street NE Canton, OH 44714 kkcarter3139@yahoo.com BD 7/27 FYA 2013 EDMONDS, Mandy D. Miss Mandy Edmonds 6550 Wise Avenue NW Apt. E North Canton, Ohio 44720 mandy.edmonds@gmail.com mandy.edmonds@chk.com H (330) 433-1006 C (330) 316-8764 H (330) 209-8232 H (330) 456-2947 C (330) 265-1124 C (405) 255-4775 BD 4/30 FYA 2013 60 EMMONS, Maria M. Miss Maria Emmons 3706 Blackburn Road Canton, OH 44718 blueguitar26@yahoo.com BD 2/6 FYA 2011 FAIR, Elyse N. Ramirez Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Fair 2903 17th Street NW Apartment 101 Canton, OH 44708 elyse.n.ramirez@gmail.com BD 7/24 FYA 2012 FIERRO, Rosanna A. Ms. Rosanna Fierro 2012 Diamond Street NE Canton, OH 44721 ciaoamici@neo.rr.com rfierro@chmca.org BD 11/15 FYA 2001 FISHER, Megan (Meg) M. Tornes Ms. Megan Fisher 6114 Island Drive NW Canton, OH 44718 megan.fisher@diebold.com BD 4/8 FYA 2013 FORTNER, Laura A. Kenny Mr. Craig Fortner and Dr. Laura Fortner 6260 Hudson Drive SW Navarre, OH 44662 drlaurafortner@yahoo.com BD 1/7 FYA 2011 FOUT, Teresa R. Hood Mr. and Mrs. Roger and Teresa Fout 2651 Missenden Street NW North Canton, OH 44720 teresa.fout@yahoo.com BD 12/2 FYA 2010 FULMER, Evrim Bozkurt Mrs. Evrim Fulmer 6843 Chillingsworth Circle NW Canton, OH 44718 evrimbozkurt@gmail.com BD 3/16 FYA 2013 C (330) 806-3317 B (330) 454-7717 C (936) 371-2584 H (330) 497-9498 C (330) 936-0303 B (330) 543-8806 C (330) 949-6575 B (330) 498-2078 H (330) 936-9009 H (330) 526-8282 C (330) 437-6424 H (330) 880-5838 C (330) 430-9196 61 HARLEY, Lora L. Eaglowski Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Harley 5537 Armistice Avenue NW Canton, OH 44718 lharley@eaglowskico.com BD 3/28 FYA 2012 HECKERMAN, Gina M. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Benson Heckerman 203 Kenilworth Drive Akron, OH 44313 gina.m.snyder@gmail.com BD 10/4 FYA 2013 HELLINE, Stephanie L. Rothrauff Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Helline 2395 Wilmington Avenue SE Massillon, OH 44646 stephanielr@gmail.com stephanie.helline@timken.com BD 1/11 FYA 2011 H (330) 499-2087 C (330) 705-5094 C (330) 284-4736 C (724) 244-7260 B (330) 471-7227 HINDEREGGER, Kimberly (Kim) L. Hellert Mr. and Mrs. Matt Hinderegger H (330) 830-0719 6954 Tidewater Street C (330) 685-8170 Canton, OH 44708 mkhindy@sbcglobal.net BD 5/24 FYA 2011 No Picture Available HINNEBUSCH, Patricia (Patty) L. Kobelak Mr. and Mrs. Hinnebusch H (330) 526-6434 6913 Asbury Circle NE C (915) 820-8973 Canton, OH 44721 pattyhinnebusch@yahoo.com pathinn@gmail.com BD 10/10 FYA 2001 HOLDEN, Jessica (Jess) M. Harless Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Holden 1110 Wedgefield Ct. North Canton, OH 44720 jessicamholden@yahoo.com jessica.holden@libertymutual.com BD 11/29 FYA 2013 JACKSON, Stephanie Montgomery Steve and Stephanie Jackson 5411 Mosswood Circle NE C (409) 256-7722 B (440) 668-7461 H (330) 491-0232 C (330) 268-3296 Canton, OH 44705 sjackson3@neo.rr.com BD 10/31 FYA 2007 KELLEY, Lynn M. Stein Ms. Lynn Kelley 1255 Willow Creek Street NE North Canton, OH 44720 kellel@timken.com BD 2/20 FYA 2011 KIMBELL, Lara M. Larocco Dr. and Mrs. David Kimbell 6928 Asbury Circle NE Canton, OH 44721 dkimbell@neo.rr.com BD 1/6 FYA 2006 LAMBOS, Sarah Lasik Mrs. Sarah Lambos 7208 Shady Hollow Road NW Canton, OH 44718 sarahlambos@gmail.com BD 3/19 FYA 2012 LEATH, Stacey L. Riedinger Mr. and Mrs. Chadd Leath 8311 E. Wadora Circle NW North Canton, OH 44720 staceyleath@gmail.com BD 3/10 FYA 2013 LOMBARDI, Melissa S. Sliman Mr. and Mrs. Lombardi 4728 Tanglewood Circle NE Canton, OH 44714 melissasliman@yahoo.com BD 4/25 FYA 2011 LUCKINO, Jessica L. Mrs. Jessica L. Luckino 3826 Wyndham Ridge Drive Apt. 309 Stow, OH 44224 jessicasliman@yahoo.com BD 3/24 FYA 2011 LYNCH, Lisa M. Guy Dr. and Mrs. Michael Lynch 5545 Foxchase Avenue NW Canton, OH 44718 finnegan1@sssnet.com BD 5/11 FYA 2010 B (330) 456-7166 F (330) 471-3000 (B) C (330) 705-5493 F (330) 471-5155 H (330) 497-8338 C (330) 806-9899 C (330) 936-4435 F (330) 832-9418 C (330) 351-1281 B (330) 491-8567 F (330) 491-0250 (B) H (330) 526-8228 C (330) 354-9173 C (330) 806-9464 H (330) 433-0636 C (330) 806-8141 63 MCCONNELL-ZAGST, Bridget A. Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Zagst 6529 Culpepper Street NW Canton, OH 44718 bmcconnellz@yahoo.com BD 10/30 FYA 2010 No Picture Available MIHALIK, Kathleen (Kathy) A. Mistak Mrs. Kathleen Mihalik 2717 Crompton NE Canton, OH 44721 kmihalik@mihaliklaw.com BD 7/1 FYA 0 MILLER, Ashley E. Ms. Ashley Miller 6114 Island Drive Canton, OH 44718 aemiller0307@gmail.com millera@perrylocal.org BD 4/11 FYA 2012 MILLER, Nicole M. St. Clair Mr. and Mrs. John P. Miller 691 Chilham Cirlce Uniontown, OH 44685 stclairnm@aol.com BD 8/7 FYA 2012 MONROE, Ashley D. Ms. Ashley Monroe 3203 Reston Drive Akron, OH 44312 ashley_d_monroe@live.com BD 8/2 FYA 2012 PARKS, Deanna D. Medley Mr. and Mrs. Parks 5453 East Blvd. NW Canton, OH 44718 jimdeeparks@gmail.com BD 5/28 FYA 2011 PELLEGRINO, Megan L. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Pellegrino 2919 Bebington Street NW North Canton, OH 44720 H (330) 244-8612 C (216) 849-6113 C (330) 754-7100 B (330) 498-9590 F (330) 244-1173 C (330) 646-7870 C (330) 618-0873 C (330) 208-3332 H (330) 494-2927 C (330) 323-4927 H (330) 499-2977 C (330) 495-7636 meganlpellegrino@gmail.com mpellegrino@walsh.edu BD 3/7 FYA 2004 PETRILLA, Kristen M. Ms. Kristen Petrilla 509 22nd Street NW Canton, OH 44709 kristenp@questrs.org kpetrill@kent.edu BD 8/30 FYA 2012 PICCARI, Amanda M. Grossi Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Piccari 3433 Ramsgate St. NW North Canton, OH 44720 amandapiccari@yahoo.com BD 10/21 FYA 2010 RICE, Christina (Chrissy) S. Snow Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Rice 1515 Chadford Gate SE North Canton, OH 44709 rice1515@sbcglobal.net BD 3/17 FYA 2011 ROBERTS, Tiffanie A. DeWald Dr. and Mrs. Aaron M. Roberts P.O. Box 3518 Dublin, OH 43016-0257 tiffanieroberts@me.com BD 5/31 FYA 2006 SEELEY, Megan Mr. and Mrs. Chris Seeley 6485 Pebble Creek Canton, OH 44718 megsie23@hotmail.com BD 5/11 FYA 2009 SHEARER, Susan Ms. Susan Shearer 6454 St. Augustine Drive NW Canton, OH 44718 sshearer@starkstate.edu BD 11/8 FYA 2008 SIEGFRIED, Kathryn S. Miss Kathryn Siegfried 5056 Paddington Down Road NW Canton, OH 44718 C (330) 348-1058 B (330) 453-8252 H (330) 244-8530 C (330) 323-9868 H (330) 497-7674 C (330) 705-0126 F (330) 497-7674 C (520) 906-2645 H (330) 361-4873 C (330) 705-2764 H (330) 494-4613 C (330) 284-5799 B (330) 471-7458 H (330) 830-1038 C (330) 546-5006 B (330) 454-6910 kathryn.siegfried@gmail.com BD 8/7 FYA 2010 SOKOLOWSKI, Sue Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Sokolowski 1940 West Comet Road Clinton, OH 44216 sue@scleaverlaw.com BD 8/14 FYA 2007 STEARN, Stacie A. Molnar Mrs. Stacie Stearn 1563 Sommers Circle NW Uniontown, OH 44685 stearngreg@yahoo.com stacie.a.stearn@wellsfargo.com BD 10/10 FYA 2012 WILLARD, Melinda B. Culpepper Mrs. Melinda Willard 6713 Ponetberry Street NW Canton, OH 44718 millieb19@yahoo.com BD 6/19 FYA 2013 WILLOUGHBY, Kari A. Just Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Willoughby 1237 Tumbleweed Street NE Uniontown, OH 44685 kari@willoughbys.org BD 4/23 FYA 2006 ZIARKO, Andrea K. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ziarko 713 Lakengren CV Eaton, OH 45320 andreaz@bakerfirm.com aziarko@me.com BD 2/14 FYA 2003 F (330) 454-6960 (B) H C B F (330) 882-6681 (330) 329-1460 (330) 499-7053 (330) 499-8162 (B) H C B F (330) 877-1345 (330) 608-7888 (330) 608-7888 (866) 359-7151 (B) H (330) 232-2605 B (330) 756-3347 F (330) 756-3206 (W) C (330) 256-1954 H (937) 336-5192 C (330) 495-7442 Directory of Sustaining Members ADELMAN, Sharyn (Sherry) S. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Adelman 4590 Armandale Avenue NW Canton, OH 44718 BD 6/4 FYA 1992 FYS 1998 No Picture Available ADLAND, Sandy Rabbi and Mrs. Jon Adland 6751 Harbor Drive NW Canton, OH 44718 sandyadland@gmail.com BD FYA FYS ALFORD, Linda A. Brown Dr. and Mrs. William S. Alford 4804 Bridlewood Circle NE Canton, OH 44714 laalford1@yahoo.com BD 12/6 FYA 1987 FYS 1994 No Picture Available H (330) 546-0117 C (317) 727-8358 H (330) 497-7827 C (330) 495-8412 ALLENSWORTH, Christine (Christy) Hartz Ms. Christine Allensworth C (330) 283-6024 2201 Chestnut Hill NW B (714) 866-8211 North Canton, OH 44720 neohchiron@aol.com BD 10/26 FYA 1984 FYS 1995 ARNOLD, Debra L. Pachmayer Mr. and Mrs. John L. Arnold 2725 Aylesbury Street NW North Canton, OH 44720 dlarnold3161@gmail.com BD 3/1 FYA 1999 FYS 2005 BAILEY, Meredith L. Mathieu Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Bailey 4453 Golden Eagle Road NW Massillon, OH 44646 baileyonline@hotmail.com BD 1/9 FYA 2006 FYS 2012 No Picture Available H (330) 244-0057 C (330) 495-1002 BAKER, Janet (Jan) B. Burt Dr. and Mrs. Roger E. Baker 4900 Logan Avenue NW Canton, OH 44709 rbaker1@neo.rr.com BD 7/31 FYA 1981 FYS 1989 BAKER, Nancy W. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. John B. Baker Jr. c/o Windsor Medical Center 1454 E. Maple Street, #5367 North Canton, OH 44720 jbbaker007@aol.com BD 2/1 FYA 1963 FYS 1972 H (330) 497-8845 C (330) 353-0049 H (330) 833-5174 C (330) 495-7430 H (330) 499-7321 H (330) 490-2308 C (330) 312-7445 No Picture Available 67 BALLOON, Jeanne E. Geib Dr. and Mrs. Craig Balloon 719 22nd Street NE Canton, OH 44714 blndgenie@aol.com BD 1/3 FYA 1990 FYS 1997 BAXTER, Julie C. Baker Mr. and Mrs. David Baxter 10395 Wright Road Uniontown, OH 44685 baxter500@msn.com BD 12/7 FYA 2007 FYS 2012 No Picture Available BECKER, Mary Schumacher Mr. and Mrs. William Becker 7609 Vinemont Court Hudson, OH 44236 mbecker@schumacherhomes.com BD 1/3 FYA 1977 FYS No Picture Available BELDEN, Julia (Tiny) Bour Mrs. Daniel M. Belden Sr. 5330 Fitzjames Drive NW Canton, OH 44708 BD 7/13 FYA 1942 FYS 1961 BERNARD, Sally A. Rooney Dr. and Mrs. Michael Bernard 1670 Ashford Circle NE North Canton, OH 44720 sbernard1@neo.rr.com mbernard1@neo.rr.com BD 1/5 FYA 1982 FYS 1985 H (330) 455-2791 B (330) 453-9980 H (330) 494-2025 C (330) 685-6530 H (330) 656-5505 C (330) 495-4569 B (330) 754-4884 H (330) 478-5449 H C B F (330) 494-2955 (330) 495-4045 (330) 244-8782 (330) 244-8798 (B) No Picture Available BETHEL, Diana J. Stoffer Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Bethel P.O. Box 2133 North Canton, OH 44720 BD 2/6 FYA 1957 FYS 1975 No Picture Available BISHOP, Candace (Candee) L. Fleischer Mr. and Mrs. David L. Bishop H (330) 875-1328 9112 Louisville Street F (330) 875-4404 Louisville, OH 44641 cbishop@rug-hooker.com BD 12/1 FYA 1978 FYS BISHOP, Jane A. Hufford Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Bishop 512 W. Gorgas Street Louisville, OH 44641 jane5260@aol.com BD 5/26 FYA 1979 FYS 1984 H (330) 854-4394 F (330) 854-3955 (H) H (330) 479-8468 C (330) 309-9526 Alternate address from December 27 to April 30 15 North Pelican (305) 367-8013 Key Largo, FL 33037 68 BLAKE, Margie A. Wright Mrs. Margie Blake 150 22nd Street NW Canton, OH 44709 margiewb@aol.com BD 10/18 FYA 1977 FYS 1988 No Picture Available No Picture Available BOCKIUS, Mary Ellen Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bockius III 8690 Serenity Drive NW Massillon, OH 44646 mebockius@att.net BD 12/29 FYA FYS 1994 H (330) 833-3977 C (330) 936-8535 Alternate address from January to April 375 Coast Blvd., Unit A La Jolla, CA 92037 (858) 459-6047 BOLENDER, Virginia (Ginny) L. Bichsel Mrs. Charles S. Bolender 158 21st Street NW Canton, OH 44709 vbolender@aol.com BD 4/27 FYA 1964 FYS 1972 H C B F BOND-BUNDY, Nancy L. Mr. and Mrs. Todd Bundy 2655 St. Albans Circle NW North Canton, OH 44720 nbundy@gmail.com BD 2/24 FYA 1994 FYS 2001 BOOTH, Carol Bowman Mrs. G. Scott Booth 4515 22nd Street NW Apartment 201 Canton, OH 44708 BD 5/24 FYA FYS BORDEN, Holly W. Wynn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Borden 3711 Blackburn Road NW Canton, OH 44718 BD 12/25 FYA 1973 FYS 1984 Alternate address from January to April 1794 Ivy Point Court Naples, FL 34109 BOWLING, Susan Shirk Mr. and Mrs. Bill J. Bowling 7529 Bethany Circle NW North Canton, OH 44720 sbowl1@hotmail.com BD 3/26 FYA 1978 FYS 1983 No Picture Available H (330) 265-7226 B (330) 497-5627 BOYD, Donna (Cricket) F. Fitzpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Theodore V. Boyd 2630 Fox Hill Drive NW Canton, OH 44708 cricketboyd1@gmail.com (330) 452-1061 (330) 323-4013 (330) 456-4378 (330) 456-4015 (B) H (330) 494-5766 C (330) 418-2539 H (330) 478-2740 H (330) 493-1818 (239) 514-7434 H (330) 966-8914 H (330) 478-2838 BD 3/7 FYA 1975 FYS 1982 69 BRADFORD, Stephanie A. Mrs. Stephanie Bradford 426 18th Street NW Canton, OH 44703 stephbradford@aol.com BD 2/10 FYA 1990 FYS 1995 BRAUCHLER, Kathleen O'Connor Mrs. William F. Brauchler 3021 Fulton Drive NW Canton, OH 44718 BD 10/25 FYA 1963 FYS 1969 Alternate address from February to May 1900 S. Ocean Drive Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316 No Picture Available BUKER, Lois Recher Ms. Lois R. Buker 2338 Bur Oak Street NE Canton, OH 44705 BD 1/15 FYA 1953 FYS CALL, Shelly L. Boss Dr. Shelly Boss 9155 Lord's Lake NW Massillon, OH 44646 bossdds@sssnet.com drshellyboss@att.net BD 8/5 FYA 1994 FYS 2000 CARDINALE, Nichole L. Matthews Ms. Nichole Cardinale 9207 Highland Creek Avenue North Canton, OH 44720 nichole.cardinale@profootballhof.com acardinale7@aol.com BD 1/13 FYA 2001 FYS 2010 CARPENTER, Sharon (Sherry) Danhof Mr. and Mrs. Noble O. Carpenter 2503 Charing Cross Road NW Canton, OH 44708 sc38@neo.rr.com BD 11/24 FYA 1966 FYS H (330) 452-4027 C (330) 704-4529 B (330) 832-2427 H (330) 455-1292 (954) 522-5092 H (330) 492-6733 H C B F (330) 837-3033 (330) 495-6403 (330) 492-1730 (330) 493-1700 (B) C (330) 265-8665 B (330) 588-3612 H (330) 477-4940 C (330) 280-6101 Alternate address from June 15 to September 15 PO Box 99 Walloon Lake, MI 49796 No Picture Available CARUSO, Ellen E. Gibbs Ms. Ellen E. Caruso 6616 Amblewood Street NW Canton, OH 44718 jeacaruso@aol.com BD 1/20 FYA 1990 FYS 1995 CECCONI, Janet M. Ms. Janet M. Cecconi 6386 Strawberry Fields Circle Canton, OH 44721 sylvan1400@neo.rr.com BD 3/5 FYA 1992 FYS 1998 H (330) 499-2436 C (330) 805-6161 B (330) 805-6161 H (330) 966-7661 B (330) 494-5270 70 CICCARELLI, Jessica Huffman Mr. and Mrs. David M.Ciccarelli 3495 Highspire Street NE Canton, OH 44721 jessicajhc@gmail.com BD 8/11 FYA 2005 FYS 2011 CLARK, Abby Jo Fitz Mrs. Robert H. Clark 5010 Brunnerdale Road NW Canton, OH 44718 abbyjclark@mac.com BD 3/6 FYA 1972 FYS 1979 COCKROFT, Barbara (Barb) Ewing Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Cockroft 2418 Dunkeith Drive NW Canton, OH 44708 barbiedoll50@neo.rr.com BD 1/1 FYA 1975 FYS 1995 CONLEY, Victoria (Vicki) Scott Mr. and Mrs. James M. Conley 3161 Dunbarton Drive NW Canton, OH 44708 jconley5@neo.rr.com BD 12/16 FYA 1970 FYS 1984 COOK, Susan (Susie) Ross Ms. Susie Cook 317 31st Street NW Canton, OH 44709 mewzette@sbcglobal.net BD 4/22 FYA 1989 FYS 2001 CORCORAN, Lisa J. LeCrone Ms. Lisa Corcoran 8263 North Thornham Circle NW North Canton, OH 44720 lisacorcoran1@att.net BD 11/28 FYA 1998 FYS 2003 COWGILL, Kathleen (Kathy) Waller Mr. and Mrs. John Cowgill 403 21st Street NW Canton, OH 44709 jcowgill@neo.rr.com BD 7/28 FYA 1993 FYS 2003 CROASDAILE, Marilyn A. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Croasdaile Jr. 2624 Dunkeith Drive NW Canton, OH 44708 richardcroas@aol.com BD 1/27 FYA 1959 FYS 1974 CULLEN, Jeanne Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Cullen 2710 Dunkeith Drive NW H C B F (330) 493-8839 (330) 704-5555 (330) 493-3211 (330) 493-5939 H (330) 499-5768 C (330) 495-5259 F (330) 499-5768 (H) H (330) 477-7566 C (330) 284-7095 H (330) 478-8831 C (330) 806-3163 H (330) 491-1223 C (330) 289-9899 B (330) 451-3914 H (330) 499-8845 C (330) 324-2311 H C B F (330) 453-6960 (330) 327-7527 (330) 478-1599 (330) 478-4725 H (330) 477-1800 H (330) 477-5108 Canton, OH 44708 BD 3/4 FYA 1944 FYS DAVILA, Lori Kiefer Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Davila 3488 Cornwall Drive NW Canton, OH 44708 lkkiefer@aol.com BD 8/21 FYA 1996 FYS 2001 DEHOFF, Linda Sturett Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeHoff 7700 Mudbrook Road Massillon, OH 44646 ldehoff@dehoff.com BD 4/10 FYA 1973 FYS 1985 DEVER, Tricia Savarese Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dever 8178 South Casswell Circle NW North Canton, OH 44720 triciadever@sbcglobal.net BD 2/23 FYA 1998 FYS 2009 No Picture Available DIAMOND, Janet E. Schory Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Diamond PO Box 9187 Canton, OH 44711 jdiam13187@aol.com BD 3/11 FYA 1964 FYS 1982 No Picture Available DIRKSEN, Dori Benz Mr. and Mrs. Ron Dirksen 2315 Sheffield NW North Canton, OH 44720 rdirksen@neo.rr.com BD 6/10 FYA 1964 FYS 1982 DOWELL, Mary (Mary Jo) J. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Dowell 236 23rd Street NW Canton, OH 44709 BD 8/1 FYA 1969 FYS 1975 DRENNAN, Frances (Fran) P. Peters Mr. and Mrs. Drennan 3790 Woodleigh Avenue NW Canton, OH 44718 frandrennan@gmail.com fdrennan@habitatstark.org BD 9/18 FYA 1984 FYS 2011 No Picture Available DUBLIKAR, Nancy E. Fladung Mr. and Mrs. Ralph F. Dublikar 362 Hillview Circle NW Canton, OH 44709 rdublikar@neo.rr.com BD 6/1 FYA 1981 FYS 1991 H (330) 477-1452 B (330) 830-3900 H C B F (330) 833-5710 (330) 327-4473 (330) 499-8153 (330) 499-8153 (B) H (330) 244-0613 C (330) 354-7133 B (330) 244-0613 H (330) 494-8979 H (330) 494-0499 H (330) 455-2287 H (330) 526-6069 C (330) 936-7410 B (330) 493-6500 x110 H (330) 497-0706 C (330) 418-4937 72 No Picture Available EASTERDAY, Carole L. Williams Mr. and Mrs. John M. Easterday 1308 West Park Avenue NW Canton, OH 44708 BD 11/25 FYA 1973 FYS 1981 EFREMOFF, Sarah (Sally) A. Kahn Mr. and Mrs. Anthony E. Efremoff 3705 Croydon Drive NW Canton, OH 44718 sefremoff@aol.com BD 1/31 FYA 1976 FYS 1981 EGNOTOVICH, Sheri Meiring Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Egnotovich 9198 Ruby Ridge Street NW Canal Fulton, OH 44614 megnotovic@aol.com BD 11/30 FYA 2000 FYS 2009 No Picture Available ESSIG, Karen L. Plabe Mr. and Mrs. Erik Essig 2841 Broughton Circle NW North Canton, OH 44720 klpe@unitedgrinding.com BD 12/25 FYA 1988 FYS 1995 EVANS, Mary-Margaret Davis Mr. and Mrs. Merle D. Evans III 5651 Foxchase Avenue NW Canton, OH 44718 tmmksw@sssnet.com BD 1/4 FYA 1985 FYS 1995 FALVEY, Mary A. The Honorable Mary Falvey 4727 Greenbriar Square NE Canton, OH 44714 maryif28@yahoo.com BD 3/13 FYA 1994 FYS 1998 FARMER, Kristin G. Mr. and Mrs. David Bair 954 Dogwood Trail Alliance, OH 44601 kristingrace76@hotmail.com BD 5/28 FYA 2005 No Picture Available FARRELL, Joyce Richbourg Mrs. John D. Farrell 3423 Lindell Court NW Canton, OH 44718 BD 9/3 FYA 1955 FYS H (330) 479-0661 F (330) 479-0663 (H) H (330) 492-3248 B (330) 451-7453 F (330) 451-7837 H (330) 854-3266 C (330) 324-1964 F (330) 854-3329 H (330) 494-4581 H (330) 494-3265 C (330) 495-1988 F (330) 494-3265 (H) H (330) 497-4933 B (330) 438-4205 F (330) 471-8860 C (330) 801-8162 B (330) 451-7910 H (330) 492-1716 73 No Picture Available FIKE, Catherine C. Croisant Dr. and Mrs. John A. Fike 8418 Arlington NW North Canton, OH 44720 cathyfik@aol.com BD 10/15 FYA 1975 FYS 1981 No Picture Available FIRESTONE, Nancy J. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Firestone 6630 Marelis Avenue NE North Canton, OH 44721 BD 7/24 FYA 1955 FYS 1975 FORDYCE, Barbara (Barb) L. Barb Fordyce/Mark Casper 5405 Laurel Drive NW Canton, OH 44718 barb@bfordyce.org BD 5/2 FYA 1986 FYS 1993 No Picture Available FOSTER, Ann S. Spiker Mrs. David H. Foster 2960 Westmoreland Road NW Canton, OH 44718 BD 9/10 FYA 1961 FYS 1972 H (330) 854-3267 F (330) 854-1129 (H) H (330) 499-6335 H C B F (330) 499-4762 (330) 327-4547 (330) 492-2006 (330) 492-2161 (B) H (330) 456-8432 Alternate address from January 1 to May 1 10701 Gulf Shore Drive #802 (239) 514-0906 Naples, FL 34108 FOUTCH, Kathryn Boyd Mrs. John W. Foutch III nd 4515 22 Street NW Apt. 251 Canton, OH 44709 BD 8/24 FYA 1957 FYS 1964 No Picture Available FRANK, Diane Wilson Ms. Diane Frank 6356 Harbor Drive NW Canton, OH 44718 dfrankbdj@sbcglobal.net BD 1/22 FYA 1969 FYS 1978 FRANZ, J. (Denise) Jones Mr. and Mrs. G. Andrew Franz 2220 South Warson Road St. Louis, MO 63124 denisefranz@yahoo.com BD 4/4 FYA 1991 FYS 2006 No Picture Available GIBBONS, Mary K. Ms. Mary K. Gibbons 8188 Foxglove Avenue NW Clinton, OH 44216 BD 8/15 FYA 1956 FYS 1971 H (330) 312-8447 C (330) 495-0200 H (330) 497-0248 H (314) 692-2987 C (314) 920-9247 F (314) 692-8231 (H) H (330) 854-5253 74 No Picture Available GIBBS, Debra (Debbie) P. Pushic Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Gibbs 98 East Drive Hartville, OH 44632 ggibbs6724@aol.com BD 3/20 FYA 1987 FYS 1994 GIRARD, Beverly Reiman Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Girard 3707 Burrshire Drive NW Canton, OH 44709 BD 9/2 FYA FYS GOEHRING, Amy Meldrum Mr. and Mrs. Greg M. Goehring 5156 St. Andrews Street NW Canton, OH 44708 goehring91@gmail.com BD 12/4 FYA 1994 FYS 2001 GOLDEN-MCCLELLAND, Teresa D. Mr. and Mrs. Kent F. McClelland 2338 Raintree Street NE Canton, OH 44705 teresa-efg@sbcglobal.net BD 12/10 FYA 1986 FYS 2003 No Picture Available GOTCHALL, Denise Agler Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gotchall 4825 Castlebar Street NW Canton, OH 44708 neceann@gmail.com BD 7/19 FYA FYS No Picture Available GOUDY, Pamela (Pam) H. Ms. Pam Goudy 3322 Enfield Street NW Canton, OH 44708 BD 8/22 FYA 1966 FYS 1984 GRIFFIN, Michele E. Mr. and Mrs. William Griffin 1206 Karla Drive Clinton, OH 44216 grif99@aol.com BD 4/1 FYA 1997 FYS 2005 H (330) 877-1877 H (330) 492-2620 H (330) 479-0034 C (330) 327-0733 H (330) 491-1498 C (330) 802-6970 B (330) 438-2528 H C B F (330) 479-1640 (330) 309-5573 (330) 896-7536 (330) 896-7549 H (330) 452-6313 H (330) 896-6275 C (330) 575-6988 75 GROSENBAUGH, Lynne A. Graybill Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Grosenbaugh 2873 Saxon Road NE Canton, OH 44721 LAGrosenbaugh@neo.rr.com BD 4/26 FYA 1974 FYS H (330) 492-3193 C (330) 280-4068 No Picture Available GROSSMAN, Susan (Susie) S. Sternberg Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Grossman C (970) 485-9367 3025 E. Ohio Way Denver, CO 80209 BD 1/6 FYA 1974 FYS No Picture Available GWIN, Monica Rose Judge and Mrs. W. Scott Gwin 3630 Overhill Road NW Canton, OH 44718 mgwinwia@yahoo.com BD 12/24 FYA 1985 FYS 1998 No Picture Available HABAN, Jill B. Bendle Dr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Haban 5240 Pinedrive Circle NW Canton, OH 44718 greghaban@aol.com BD 9/6 FYA 1982 FYS 1993 No Picture Available HALM, Suzanne G. Groszek Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Halm 6235 Buckley Circle NW Massillon, OH 44646 suzannehalm60@gmail.com BD 9/27 FYA FYS HARRIS, Bridget L. Zurfley Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Harris 6771 Glengary Avenue NW Canton, OH 44718 blharris@harrisbattery.com BD 9/11 FYA 1996 FYS 2001 No Picture Available HARRIS, Elaine Marku Mr. and Mrs. John E. Harris III 6453 Doral Drive NW Canton, OH 44708 elainem.harris@yahoo.com BD 2/23 FYA 1977 FYS 1986 295 Grande Way #602 Naples, FL 34110 No Picture Available HART, Rhoda H. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Hart 2513 Dunkeith Drive NW Canton, OH 44708 H (330) 493-9561 B (330) 491-2629 F (330) 491-2600 (B) H (330) 497-9304 C (330) 495-9359 H (330) 832-4619 C (330) 618-6177 B (330) 438-2611 H (330) 494-3360 B (330) 490-3686 H (330) 818-1040 (239) 596-8906 H (330) 479-9965 dlhart33@aol.com BD 12/22 FYA 1969 FYS 1976 HEEGE, Maria B. Billow Mr. and Mrs. Karl Heege 1250 Schneider Avenue NW North Canton, OH 44720 maria.heege@uwstark.org BD 9/22 FYA 1984 FYS 2001 HENZEL, Dawn E. Leyda Dr. and Mrs. Craig J. Henzel 8638 Saybrook Avenue NW North Canton, OH 44720 bukinut@sssnet.com BD 11/22 FYA 2003 FYS 2008 No Picture Available HESS, Jan J. Jepson Mrs. Jan J. Hess 7211 North Market Avenue Canton, OH 44721 BD 4/25 FYA 1961 FYS 1975 HESTON, Faye A. Lippiatt Mr. and Mrs. T.K. Heston 2735 Brentwood Road NW Canton, OH 44708 faye@faheston.com BD 8/23 FYA 2000 FYS 2005 No Picture Available H (330) 966-1250 B (330) 491-9970 F (330) 491-8909 H (330) 854-4898 C (330) 705-2995 H (330) 494-0538 H (330) 478-3062 C (330) 323-3293 F (330) 478-3063 (H) Alternate address from October to April 145 Harbourwood Hilton Head, SC 29928 (843) 671-6622 HEXAMER, Shannon E. English Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hexamer 6134 Bergess Road NW Canton, OH 44718 shannon@shannonenglishmarketing.com BD 8/16 FYA 1987 FYS 1997 H C B F No Picture Available HOOVER, Nancy W. Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Hoover 2832 Broughton Circle NW North Canton, OH 44720 lrhnwh@aol.com BD 9/9 FYA 1961 FYS 1979 No Picture Available HOWES, Carolyn S. Mote Mrs. Philip E. Howes 2000 Glenmont Drive NW Canton, OH 44708 mormorh@aol.com BD 5/25 FYA 1964 FYS 1977 (330) 433-2900 (330) 806-9278 (330) 433-2888 (330) 433-2889 (B) H (330) 433-9491 H (330) 478-1516 C (330) 904-0096 F (330) 479-8194 (H) 77 HUMPHRIES, Judith (Judi) A. Sliman Dr. and Mrs. Robert Humphries 4528 Beverly Avenue NE Canton, OH 44714 slimanj@aol.com BD 12/30 FYA 1989 FYS 1998 No Picture Available ICKES, Jan C. Clayton Ms. Jan C. Ickes 1600 South Main Street Apartment 128 Duncanville, TX 75137 BD 2/12 FYA 1975 FYS 1998 No Picture Available JAKMIDES, Donna R. Wolf Mrs. Thomas R. Jakmides 2007 50th Street NW Canton, OH 44709 BD 4/9 FYA 1975 FYS 1979 No Picture Available JAMES, Christine (Chris) A. Ms. Christine A. James 179 23rd Street NW Canton, OH 44709 chrisijames@aol.com BD 9/26 FYA FYS JENKINS, Carol (Lynn) L. Reinhart Mr. and Mrs. William E. Jenkins 9129 East Orchard Lane Charlotte, NC 28210 lynnj7@aol.com BD 12/7 FYA 1974 FYS 1985 No Picture Available JENKINS, Susan E. Ms. Susan E. Jenkins c/o WL Jenkins Company 1445 Whipple Avenue SW Canton, OH 44710 BD 9/16 FYA 1961 FYS 1977 JENSEN, Alison (Ali) Shreefter Drs. Phillip and Alison Jensen 2626 Carrington St NW North Canton, OH 44720 alison.jensen@gmail.com BD 3/16 FYA 2007 FYS 2013 No Picture Available JENSEN, Anita S. Senawaitis Dr. and Mrs. James D. Jensen 1245 7th Street NE H C B F (330) 497-1712 (330) 495-4501 (330) 454-9141 (330) 454-5844 (W) H (972) 572-0147 H (330) 494-0099 H (330) 456-0772 C (330) 209-5572 H (704) 552-2898 C (704) 552-2898 F (704) 552-2120 (H) B (330) 477-3407 H (330) 499-1593 C (330) 612-1500 H (330) 499-9245 North Canton, OH 44720 anita.jensen4@gmail.com BD 12/18 FYA 1981 FYS JOHNSON, Dean (Deanie) Fraizer Dr. Dean F. Johnson PSC 9, Box 0034 APO, AE 9123 djohnson79usa@cs.com BD 12/6 FYA 1954 FYS JONES, Marilyn Thomas Marilyn Thomas Jones 1020 Broad Avenue NW Canton, OH 44708 mtjones@starkcf.org BD 5/15 FYA 1989 FYS 1993 KAMPFER, Susan R. Kemmler Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Kampfer 1601 Steiner Street NW North Canton, OH 44720 skampfer@neo.rr.com BD 3/20 FYA 1986 FYS 1994 KATZEMAN, Julie J. Jackson Mrs. Julie J. Katzeman 1126 Briarmeadow Drive Columbus, OH 43235 jkatzeman@aol.com BD 1/31 FYA 1968 FYS KEENAN, Rose Mary Lawler Mrs. Rose Mary Keenan 807 Sunset Blvd. SW North Canton, OH 44720 rmk6@earthlink.net BD 7/19 FYA 1975 FYS 1984 H (318) 324-8180 B 49-06561-18372 H (330) 456-9676 B (330) 454-3426 F (330) 454-5855 (B) H (330) 494-8577 C (330) 730-0046 H (614) 888-7662 B (614) 410-5244 H (330) 492-7644 No Picture Available KEENEY, Laurie A. Imperatore Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Keeney Jr. 640 Deerfield Drive SW North Canton, OH 44720 lccgk@aol.com BD 11/27 FYA 1989 FYS 1996 No Picture Available KERSTETTER, Susan (Sue) K. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Karl E. Kerstetter C (330) 608-2616 4179 Meadow Wood Lane Uniontown, OH 44685 kerstettersk@hotmail.com BD 8/10 FYA FYS H (330) 494-4643 79 KILKENNY, Lora Bina Dr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Kilkenny 6315 Milhaven Avenue NW Canal Fulton, OH 44614 llbina@aol.com BD 6/27 FYA 2003 FYS 2012 KITSON, Sally Z. Ziegler Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kitson 4557 Lismore Avenue NW Canton, OH 44718 lismorekitson@aol.com BD 2/1 FYA 1969 FYS 1978 H (330) 854-1299 C (330) 280-3002 H (330) 433-9366 Alternate address from September, October, January to May 4651 S. Atlantic Avenue (386) 236-9619 #9306 Ponce Inlet, FL 32127 KLINK, Emily A. Portman Mr. and Mrs. Brian Klink 8171 Crabapple Street NE Canton, OH 44721 theklinks@att.net BD 6/2 FYA 1998 FYS 2008 No Picture Available KOPKA, Nancy L. Baumbaugh Mrs. William M. Kopka 3725 Overhill Drive NW Canton, OH 44718 nancy@herleco.com nkopka@eb.com BD 10/21 FYA 1972 FYS KRIDER, Marylyn I. Sweitzer Mrs. Marylyn Krider 4505 Stephens Circle NW Suite 200 Canton, Ohio 44718 BD 6/10 FYA 1941 FYS H (330) 494-3258 C (330) 417-1214 B (330) 430-6305 H C B F (330) 493-9111 (330) 224-8046 (800) 621-3900 (330) 493-9011 H (330) 453-3033 KRUMAN, Christine (Chris) E. Monasterio Mrs. Christine Kruman C (239) 293-2947 3683 Exuma Way B (239) 403-4206 Naples, FL 34119 christinek@conservancy.org cekruman@aol.com BD 12/18 FYA 1980 FYS 1989 KURUC, Kerrie L. Pelkowski Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Kuruc P.O. Box 1011 Hartville, OH 44632 kerrie.kuruc@gmail.com BD 6/16 FYA 2007 FYS 2012 H (330) 877-6931 80 LATTAVO, Judith A. Mangum Mrs. Philip E. Lattavo 2465 Strathmore Drive NW Canton, OH 44708 jmanlat@aol.com BD 7/2 FYA 1975 FYS 1984 H (330) 479-9405 C (330) 268-6926 B (330) 456-4510 Alternate address from October to May except December 321 E. Congress Savannah, GA 31401 No Picture Available LAURITZEN, Jane Greer Mrs. Dean G. Lauritzen 3101 Dunbarton Drive NW Canton, OH 44708 BD 6/25 FYA 1953 FYS 1970 No Picture Available LAVERY, Sally W. Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. William T. Lavery 1044 Glamorgan Street Alliance, OH 44601 slavery_gst@kent.edu BD 11/8 FYA FYS LAZOR, Cynthia (Cindy) A. McDowell Ms. Cynthia McDowell Lazor 2401 Oakway NW North Canton, OH 44720 cmlazor@gmail.com BD 7/11 FYA 1979 FYS 1987 LAZOR, Kim Ms. Kim Lazor 2401 Oakway Street NW North Canton, OH 44720 klazor09@law.du.edu BD 3/1 FYA 1998 FYS 2013 LEACH, Nancy J. Stockburger Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Leach 6529 Fulton Drive NW Canton, OH 44718 njsleach@yahoo.com BD 11/18 FYA 1981 FYS 1990 LEATH, Kay W. Walther Mr. and Mrs. James A. Leath 2660 Loyola Circle NW North Canton, OH 44720 kayleath@yahoo.com BD 8/24 FYA FYS H (330) 478-1491 H (330) 823-3353 C (330) 705-4124 B (330) 244-3293 H (330) 499-7120 C (330) 361-0829 H (330) 499-7120 C (330) 575-0154 H (330) 494-5015 B (330) 497-5634 x355 F (330) 494-5015 (H) 81 LETNER, Leslie R. Merchant Ms. Leslie Letner 90 Whitefriars Drive Akron, OH 44319 lletner@acrfb.org BD 12/1 FYA 2004 FYS 2013 LINDESMITH, Pat Klubert Mr. and Mrs. John Lindesmith 6598 Scarborough Road NW Canton, OH 44718 plindesmith@gmail.com BD 1/28 FYA 1998 FYS LOVER, Marcia L. Christian Mrs. Marcia Lover 5206 Everhard Road NW Apartment 3 Canton, OH 44718 BD 10/3 FYA 1966 FYS 1983 LUNDSTROM, Shirley A. Dickes Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Lundstrom 1323 Chelmsford NW North Canton, OH 44720 donaldlnd@aol.com BD 8/27 FYA 1970 FYS No Picture Available LUNTZ, Rita C. Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Luntz 1117 Kenwood Circle NE Canton, OH 44714 rluntz3270@aol.com BD 3/29 FYA 1983 FYS 1989 No Picture Available LYKE, Katrina Cooper Katrina Cooper Lyke 2908 Woodcliffe Drive NW Canton, OH 44718 BD 7/17 FYA FYS MACNEALY, Denise A. Dickes Mr. and Mrs. Harry C.C. MacNealy 2705 Dunkeith Drive NW Canton, OH 44708 dmacnealy@gmail.com BD 2/2 FYA 1987 FYS 1998 MAHONEY, Louise F. Fierstos Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Mahoney III 8445 Foxglove Avenue NW Clinton, OH 44216 mahoneysash@juno.com BD 5/7 FYA 1973 FYS 1983 H (330) 495-9211 C (330) 495-9211 B (330) 535-6900 x237 H (330) 837-7742 C (330) 327-4892 H (330) 546-0813 H (330) 494-8036 C (330) 417-7487 H (330) 494-6568 C (330) 323-1095 B (330) 877-6284 H (330) 454-7109 H (330) 477-6979 H (330) 854-4915 C (330) 418-3582 82 MAIER, Elizabeth (Bette) Stoddard Mrs. Bette Maier 3200 Croydon Avenue NW Canton, OH 44718 emaier@neo.rr.com BD 6/20 FYA 1999 FYS 2002 MARION, Nancy E. Dr. Nancy Marion 2506 Mohler Drive NW North Canton, OH 44720 nmarion@uakron.edu BD 2/5 FYA 1994 FYS 2000 No Picture Available H (330) 493-7247 H (330) 966-2947 B (330) 972-5551 MARTUCCIO, Pamela (Pam) A. Michaels Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Martuccio H (330) 492-3975 201 Lakecrest NW C (330) 418-1485 Canton, OH 44709 princesm@neo.rr.com BD 10/19 FYA 1994 FYS 1998 MAST, Amy H. Hand Mr. and Mrs. Mike Mast 3160 Modred Circle NW Canton, OH 44708 amast1@uakron.edu mmast@sssnet.com BD 11/6 FYA 1993 FYS 2003 MAXWELL, Lauren Smith Mr. and Mrs. Travis N. Maxwell 9997 Derbyshire Avenue NW North Canton, OH 44720 laurenmaxwell@neo.rr.com BD 11/19 FYA 2003 FYS 2010 MCCAULEY, Jill Swensgard Mr. and Mrs. Rodney McCauley 4247 Timberidge NW Massillon, OH 44646 jamccauley@sssnet.com BD 5/3 FYA 1995 FYS 2003 MCNAMARA, Catherine (Kay) Wilson Mrs. Edward L. McNamara Jr. 2404 Glenmont Drive NW Canton, OH 44708 BD 5/24 FYA 1957 FYS 1966 H C B F (330) 477-8940 (330) 465-8057 (330) 684-8982 (330) 684-8989 (B) H (330) 495-5980 C (330) 323-8794 H (330) 832-0587 C (330) 324-1124 H (330) 477-5876 83 No Picture Available MCPEEK, Janet C. Ms. Janet C. McPeek 4204-D Tannybrook Lane NW Canton, OH 44718 jmcpeek@neo.rr.com BD 12/28 FYA 1986 FYS No Picture Available MILLER, Cathleen (Katie) Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Miller 5620 Carter's Grove Circle Massillon, OH 44646 katiescarlett26@aol.com BD 12/26 FYA 1981 FYS MILLER, Joan Dannemiller Mrs. Robert R. Miller 3618 Barrington Place NW Canton, OH 44708 jdm6115@sbcglobal.net BD 1/15 FYA 1945 FYS MILLER, Kathryn (Katie) Linxweiler Mr. and Mrs. David S. Miller 1710 Charolais Street NW Uniontown, OH 44685 klinxmiller@gmail.com BD 10/24 FYA 2003 FYS 2011 MILLIGAN, Phyllis A. Morse Judge and Mrs. John R. Milligan 1607 South Main Street Canton, OH 44709 johnmilligan@att.net BD 11/20 FYA 1959 FYS 1970 No Picture Available MOOCK, Joann (Jo) C. Oyster Mrs. Joann C. Moock 407 Summit Street SW North Canton, OH 44720 BD 10/11 FYA 1963 FYS 1973 No Picture Available MOORE, Gail Watterson Mr. and Mrs. Terry Moore 2488 Oakway Street NW North Canton, OH 44720 tmoore@neo.rr.com BD 1/11 FYA 1990 FYS 1996 MORENA, Jennifer Harris Mr. and Mrs. Mark Morena 5154 Birkdale Street NW H (330) 639-1687 H C B F (330) 830-1170 (330) 417-6233 (330) 767-3003 (330) 837-3373 (H) H (330) 499-2003 C (330) 704-9564 H (330) 494-4610 C (330) 472-7716 H (330) 497-0588 H (330) 494-1832 H (330) 497-2041 C (330) 936-5169 C (330) 495-0826 Canton, OH 44708 jennifermorena@sbcglobal.net BD 6/20 FYA 1996 FYS 2005 No Picture Available MORRISON, Mary Ann Osgood (Fiely) Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Morrison 6622 Harbor Dr. N.W. Canton, OH 44718 maryannmorrison1@sbcglobal.net BD 11/18 FYA 1987 FYS 1995 MORROW, Joni T. Schneider Ms. Joni Morrow 7777 Hearthstone Avenue NW North Canton, OH 44720 idahotheta@hotmail.com BD 3/8 FYA 1999 FYS 2007 MULQUEEN, Denise M. Dietrick Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Mulqueen 2895 Londonbury Street NW Uniontown, OH 44685 ddmulq@gmail.com BD 8/31 FYA 2000 FYS 2009 NEAL, Victoria (Vici) Profitt Mrs. J. Matthew Neal 3725 Eaton Drive NW Canton, OH 44708 BD 5/24 FYA 1980 FYS 2068 Dorchester Avenue Lakeside Marblehead, OH 43440 No Picture Available NIFFENEGGER, Joyce Urbach Dr. and Mrs. James A. Niffenegger 5182 Sandy Beach Avenue Sarasota, FL 34242 BD 9/6 FYA 1967 FYS O’BRIEN, Betty W. Winzeler Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. O'Brien 246 Brookview Drive SW North Canton, OH 44709 BD 5/8 FYA 1952 FYS H (330) 499-7677 C (330) 760-0274 B (330) 478-2131 H (330) 966-7639 C (330) 704-7020 H (330) 699-2982 C (330) 936-9588 H (330) 452-9996 C (330) 327-9266 (419) 734-4267 H (941) 349-4124 H (330) 494-1021 Alternate address from November to May 7745 E. Bowie Road (480) 922-9021 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 ORENDORFF, Tenley A. Ms. Tenley Orendorff and Mr. Brice Lewis 1600 18th Street NW Canton, OH 44703 tenleyalb@aol.com orendot@diebold.com BD 8/22 FYA 1991 FYS 2002 H C B F (330) 452-8651 (330) 413-9198 (330) 490-4713 (330) 490-4508 (B) 85 OSBORNE, Linda S. Leister Dr. and Mrs. Harry Osborne 2410 Strathmore Drive NW Canton, OH 44708 orthooz@msn.com BD 5/5 FYA 1970 FYS 1981 H (330) 478-0128 Alternate address from October 15-November 30 to January 1-May 1 315 Dunes Blvd., #907 (239) 597-2487 Naples, FL 34110 OVNIC, JoAnn M. D'Alessandro Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Ovnic 7185 Queensgate Street NW Canton, OH 44718 jovnic@sssnet.com BD 6/7 FYA 1999 FYS 2011 No Picture Available PAULUS, Barbara (Barb) A. Dietz Dr. and Mrs. J. Douglas Paulus 6662 Amblewood Street NW Canton, OH 44718 bapaulus@aol.com BD 4/5 FYA 1989 FYS 1994 PEARCE, Melissa L. Lazich Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pearce III 8695 Hilltop Drive Poland, OH 44514 melissap@dvpi.org mlpearce9582@aol.com BD 5/31 FYA 1996 FYS No Picture Available PERETZKY, Peggy (Meg) Ms. Meg Peretzky 910 McKinley Avenue NW Canton, OH 44703 BD 2/11 FYA 1987 FYS 1995 PIEPER, Alicia A. Uber Mrs. John Pieper Jr. 3715 Croydon Drive NW Canton, OH 44718 anjpieper@aol.com apieper@kent.edu BD 11/1 FYA 1980 FYS 1986 PILEGGI, Lucia M. Fierro Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Pileggi 1962 Diamond St NE Canton, OH 44721 lpileggi@neo.rr.com lucia_m_pileggi@keybank.com BD 12/4 FYA 2000 FYS 2008 H (330) 837-4038 C (330) 704-8225 H (330) 494-7760 C (330) 565-8203 B (330) 445-2001 F (330) 445-2007 (B) C (330) 605-3951 B (330) 580-8570 H (330) 492-5585 B (330)499-9600x53371 H (330) 494-8540 C (330) 904-8540 B (330) 492-8202 86 PLATEK, Nancy A. Zyla Mr. and Mrs. Paul Platek 4439 Golden Eagle Road NW Massillon, OH 44646 nancyplatek@sssnet.com BD 2/13 FYA 1999 FYS 2010 POPORAD, Kathleen (Kathy) Carr Dr. and Mrs. Emil D. Poporad 1560 Yorkshire Trace Avenue SE North Canton, OH 44709 kathypoporad@yahoo.com BD 10/16 FYA 1984 FYS 1992 H (330) 837-1600 C (330) 323-6023 H (330) 499-4184 C (330) 409-3171 POUSOULIDES, Jacquelyn (Jackie) L. Shincovich Mr. and Mrs. Dimitrios Pousoulides H (330) 966-3035 2246 Mohler Drive NW C (330) 495-4270 North Canton, OH 44720 F (330) 499-3804 (B) jackielp@bright.net BD 4/8 FYA 1998 FYS 2007 No Picture Available POWELL, Donna J. Williams Dr. and Mrs. James P. Powell 6401 Yost Street NW Canton, OH 44718 mrsjpp@sssnet.com BD 5/18 FYA 1984 FYS 1995 No Picture Available PROVO, Judith (Judy) France Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Provo 1010 22nd Street NE Canton, OH 44714 judyprovo@hotmail.com BD 11/19 FYA 1977 FYS 1983 No Picture Available PRUETT, Shirley Brown Mr. and Mrs. Jerome A. Pruett 6533 Cliffside Avenue Massillon, OH 44646 shirleypruett@gmail.com BD 3/15 FYA FYS PRYCE, Nancy Keefer Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Pryce 2713 Radford Street NW North Canton, OH 44720 npryce@neo.rr.com BD 7/16 FYA 1978 FYS 1986 No Picture Available PSOMIADES, Linda K. Lothamer Ms. Linda K. Psomiades 4852 Shady Knoll Avenue NW H C B F (330) 494-8484 (330) 495-0288 (330) 494-5533 (330) 494-8486 (H) H (330) 455-0712 C (330) 806-0867 F (330) 455-0712 (H) H (330) 834-2166 C (330) 495-5423 F (330) 834-2167 H (330) 497-1188 H (330) 832-1628 C (330) 546-5424 Massillon, OH 44646 psomiadesl@plainlocal.org BD 4/11 FYA 1975 FYS No Picture Available REINGLASS, Susan Neidorff Mrs. Susan Neidorff Reinglass 750 South Hanley Road #28 Clayton, MO 63105 BD 3/15 FYA 1980 FYS 1987 B (330) 491-3938 C (330) 795-0222 235 Andalusia Drive Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418 No Picture Available RENKERT, Ann Schumacher Mr. and Mrs. David P. Renkert 3014 Sussex Street NW Canton, OH 44718 BD 11/15 FYA 1954 FYS 1972 No Picture Available RIEDER, Cathleen (Cathy) A. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. James Rieder 5414 Fleetwood Avenue NW Canton, OH 44718 rieder3464@yahoo.com BD 9/6 FYA 1983 FYS 1991 No Picture Available ROCKENFELDER, Wendy J. Mr. J. Dean Carro and Ms. Wendy J. Rockenfelder 1772 Amarillo NW North Canton, OH 44720 wjrocken@hotmail.com BD 8/5 FYA 1991 FYS 1996 No Picture Available ROSENBLATT, Linda Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Rosenblatt 2208 University Avenue NW Canton, OH 44709 steamyjon@aol.com BD 8/28 FYA 1975 FYS 1980 H (330) 453-5536 H (330) 478-0148 C (330) 806-3342 H (330) 497-0942 B (330) 497-4546 F (330) 497-6184 H (330) 452-7055 Alternate address from December to April 16890 Knightsbridge Lane Delray Beach, FL 33484 ROTHMAN, Mary S. Stine Mr. and Mrs. Curt Rothman 2844 MacDuff Drive NW North Canton, OH 44720 maryballet@aol.com BD 6/8 FYA 1997 FYS 2009 RUBIN, Constance (Connie) G. Ms. Constance Rubin 3088 Whitewood Street NW North Canton, OH 44720 hrubin@neo.rr.com BD 7/5 FYA 1985 FYS 1993 H (330) 494-7998 C (330) 417-9211 H (330) 499-1218 B (330) 477-3552 F (330) 477-1211 (B) 88 RUSSELL, Judy L. Christian Ms. Judy L. Russell 3215 Enfield NW Canton, OH 44708 cansupply35@yahoo.com BD 8/10 FYA 1962 FYS 1986 No Picture Available RYAN, Dorothy (Ginger) Miller Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Ryan 2401 Foraker Drive Anchorage, AK 99517 BD 7/30 FYA FYS SAUTTERS, Denise McGill Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sautters 410 Bainbridge Street NW North Canton, OH 44720 mybabies3@aol.com BD 10/16 FYA 1993 FYS 1997 No Picture Available SCHAUER, Denise L. Jurcak Mrs. Denise L. Schauer 3755 Eaton Drive NW Canton, OH 44708 BD 12/10 FYA 1985 FYS 1995 SCHEURER, Judy A. Self Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Scheurer 2357 Brentwood Road NW Canton, OH 44708 jsure@neo.rr.com BD 6/1 FYA 1982 FYS 1985 SCHMUCK, Pamela R. Gilbert Ms. Pamela R. Schmuck 1809 Ravenna Avenue East Canton, OH 44730 schmucp@minerva.sparcc.org BD 10/27 FYA 1995 FYS 1998 No Picture Available SCHUMACHER, Kay Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. William C. Schumacher P.O. Box 661 3342 El Camino Circle Hartville, OH 44632 tarty@att.net BD 4/3 FYA 1979 FYS 1985 H (330) 453-7936 H (907) 677-7467 H (330) 966-3186 B (330) 580-8321 H (330) 452-8552 C (330) 453-2782 H (330) 477-8989 C (330) 324-1003 H (330) 488-2720 B (330) 868-4497 H (330) 877-3602 C (330) 354-7118 89 SCHUMACHER, Mary Stires Mr. and Mrs. John J. Schumacher 6600 Glengarry Avenue NW Canton, OH 44718 mschumacher@schumacherhomes.com BD 9/23 FYA 1954 FYS 1974 SEANOR, Ann G. Gibbons Mr. and Mrs. George W. Seanor 338 Rose Lane SW North Canton, OH 44720 BD 7/3 FYA 1953 FYS Alternate address from January to April 2780 South Ocean Blvd. Palm Beach, FL 33480 H C B F (330) 244-8884 (330) 495-4218 (330) 478-4500 (330) 478-4512 (B) H (330) 499-3179 (561) 532-6932 SEDMOCK, Christine (Christy) M. Cordillo Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Sedmock C (330) 806-1636 2933 Carriage Stone Street NW B (330) 497-3615 Uniontown, OH 44685 F (330) 497-3400 (B) christine_m_sedmock@keybank.com BD 12/3 FYA 2000 FYS 2006 SEIPLE, Patricia (Patty) A. Yant Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Seiple 1358 Stardust Avenue NW Canton, OH 44708 BD 7/25 FYA 1972 FYS 1977 Alternate address from October to May 433 Cerromar Lane #338 Venice, FL 34293 No Picture Available SHAHEEN, Joan Burak Dr and Mrs. Masid Shaheen 5437 Peninsula Drive Canton, OH 44718 masid@juno.com BD 9/6 FYA 1973 FYS 1979 Alternate address from January to April 325 Dunes Blvd. #605 Naples, FL 34110 No Picture Available SHERER, Mary Ann Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Sherer 6346 Doral Drive NW Canton, OH 44718 BD 6/26 FYA FYS SINCLAIR, Janet (Jan) Brahler Judge and Mrs. Lee Sinclair 6069 Paris NE Louisville, OH 44641 BD 8/25 FYA 1995 FYS 2001 H (330) 452-0031 (941) 497-5956 H (330) 494-3630 C (330) 309-5635 (239) 566-2590 H (330) 244-0196 H (330) 875-9070 B (800) 825-6755 x2292 90 No Picture Available SINGER, Nicolette (Nikki) A. Marku Mr. and Mrs. Donald Singer 4909 Logan Avenue NW Canton, OH 44709 BD 5/30 FYA 1984 FYS 1989 SIRAK, Linda Day Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sirak 5411 Dowingsgate Circle NW Canton, OH 44718 lmsirak@aol.com BD 3/15 FYA 1991 FYS 2001 SIRPILLA, Melissa (Missy) Grove Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Sirpilla 8351 Oxford Chase Avenue NW Massillon, OH 44646 msirpilla@sssnet.com BD 8/8 FYA 1995 FYS 2001 H (330) 497-1061 H (330) 834-2450 H (330) 830-2212 C (330) 936-6303 SISLER, Liza Brady Mr. and Mrs. John Sisler 403 Commons Walk Circle Cary, NC 27519 liza@sisler.info BD 2/16 FYA 2000 FYS 2008 No Picture Available SLOAN, Sandra Peeples Sandra Sloan 38 East Drive Hartville, OH 44632 heres2you@sbcglobal.net BD 7/25 FYA FYS SMEDLEY, Rae Ellen Dale Mr. and Mrs. Brad Smedley 3215 Belvoir Blvd. Beachwood, OH 44122 rdale1@wowway.com BD 4/18 FYA 1990 FYS 2003 No Picture Available SMITH, Patricia A. Mr. and Mrs. C.R. Smith 3817 Woodleigh Avenue NW Canton, OH 44718 BD 12/9 FYA 1973 FYS 1979 Alternate address from February to June 21 Calibogue Cay Road #374 Hilton Head, SC 29928 H (330) 877-9197 C (330) 428-0729 H (330) 494-2526 91 SMITH, Stephanie (Stevie) Apthorp Dr. and Mrs. Paul D. Smith 256 Everhard Road NW Canton, OH 44709 steviesmith@neo.rr.com BD 9/19 FYA 1979 FYS 1984 SORENSON, Sally A. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Sorenson 2507 Brentwood Road NW Canton, OH 44708 BD 11/18 FYA 1965 FYS 1976 H (330) 494-8753 H (330) 477-5338 Alternate address from November to May 8111 Bay Colony Dirve #104 (239) 591-3266 Naples, FL 34108 No Picture Available SPARKS, Susan Campbell Mr. and Mrs. William R. Sparks 5580 Foxchase Avenue NW Canton, OH 44718 susancsparks1@aol.com BD 3/18 FYA 1975 FYS 1993 No Picture Available STEINER, Susan (Susie) Schoeneman Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Steiner 6851 Deer Trail Avenue NE Canton, OH 44721 Susan.steiner@firstmerit.com ssteiner@neo.rr.com BD 10/26 FYA 1988 FYS 1997 STEWART, Cheryl R. Damphouse Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart 6415 Meadowsweet Avenue NW Canton, OH 44718 crs@crstewartlaw.com crs@eldercarelawcenter.com BD 2/1 FYA 2006 FYS 2011 STOCK, Karen L. Geisler Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Stock 2525 Wright Road NW Uniontown, OH 44685 naskls@sbcglobal.net BD 1/22 FYA 1995 FYS 2007 STRADLEY, Nanci M. Melfi Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stradley 52 East Drive Hartville, OH 44632 rnstrads@aol.com BD 1/25 FYA 1995 FYS 2001 H (330) 499-6233 F (330) 493-8049 H (330) 526-6757 C (330) 437-5641 B (330) 498-1511 H (330) 498-0922 C (330) 495-2835 F (330) 498-0923 (H) H (330) 497-0385 C (330) 705-2890 H (330) 587-4050 C (330) 806-1591 92 No Picture Available STRATTON, SARA Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Burns th 261 19 Street Canton, OH 44709 ssburns51@gmail.com BD 1/3 FYA 1990 FYS 1997 STROHMENGER, Niki L. Adams Mr. and Mrs. William R. Strohmenger 4433 Greenmeadow Avenue NW Canton, OH 44709 nikistrohmenger@gmail.com BD 10/3 FYA 1991 FYS 1998 H (330) 456-7052 C (330) 327-6608 B (330) 983-2525 H (330) 494-8441 C (330) 268-2836 B (330) 497-5655 TABACCHI, Dorothy (Dottie) E. Monaghan Mr. and Mrs. L.W. Tabacchi H (330) 493-6700 5035 Parkhaven Avenue NE Canton, OH 44705 BD 11/25 FYA 1974 FYS 1986 TETER, Sandra L. McHenry Mrs. Paul H. Teter 2276 Rohrer Street NW North Canton, OH 44720 steter9579@aol.com BD 7/8 FYA 1991 FYS 1997 THOMAS, Suzanne (Suzie) Ward Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas 6113 Woodcrest Avenue NE North Canton, OH 44721 sthomas@malone.edu BD 9/21 FYA 1985 FYS 1995 TURNER, Sandra (Sandy) Stavig Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Turner 3902 Bramshaw Road NW Canton, OH 44718 ssturner@neo.rr.com sandyt@akronymca.org BD 11/30 FYA 1995 FYS 2005 UTLAK, Barbara L. Kramer Dr. and Mrs. David J. Utlak 5650 Foxchase Avenue NW Canton, OH 44718 blsku@aol.com BD 9/23 FYA 1987 FYS 1999 H (330) 494-4573 C (330) 354-8018 H C B F (330) 966-7852 (330) 324-2424 (330) 471-8239 (330) 471-8477 (B) H (330) 493-7380 C (330) 418-3957 B (330) 376-1335 H (330) 499-0422 B (330) 492-7194 F (330) 492-1947 (B) UTTERBACK, Vittoria (Torie) L. Coccoli Dr. and Mrs. Ben Utterback C (330) 936-6905 1500 Radford NE North Canton, OH 44720 vtvitto@gmail.com BD 12/22 FYA 2004 FYS 2010 VAUGHN, Carol Krider Mrs. Carol K. Vaughn 321 Nineteenth Street NW Canton, OH 44709 BD 11/18 FYA 1960 FYS WALLACE, Candy L.D. Dr. and Mrs. William R. Wallace 2317 Raintree Street NE Canton, OH 44705 a2b2cd@aol.com BD 2/16 FYA 1987 FYS 1996 WEINSZ, Natalie H. Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Weinsz 1450 Koons Road NW North Canton, OH 44720 nhweinsz@aol.com BD 8/14 FYA 1992 FYS 2007 No Picture Available WELCH, Miriam E. Stonebraker Dr. and Mrs. Paul W. Welch 800 Applegrove Street NW North Canton, OH 44720 BD 7/26 FYA 1977 FYS 1982 WELLS, Barbara (Barb) G. Gruenling Mr. and Mrs. Jesse D. Wells 6940 Tidewater Street Canton, OH 44708 bgwells73@hotmail.com bwells@starkparks.com BD 4/20 FYA 2008 FYS 2013 No Picture Available WHITACRE, Pauline Frey Mr. and Mrs. John B. Whitacre Jr. 3214 Croydon NW Canton, OH 44718 BD 2/24 FYA 1956 FYS 1967 H (330) 455-8989 H (330) 492-9649 C (330) 417-3958 F (330) 492-4001 (H) H (330) 896-0043 C (330) 324-1963 F (330) 896-4390 (H) H (330) 494-3803 F (330) 494-3803 H C B F (330) 837-2536 (330) 324-1836 (330) 479-2338 (330) 477-1211 (B) H (330) 493-4514 Alternate address from October-November to January-May 12071 Gateway Greens Drive (239) 561-2418 Apartment 224 Ft. Myers, FL 33913 WILKINS, Betty Jean (BJ) Bartlow Mrs. F. Stuart Wilkins 1251 Salway Avenue SW North Canton, OH 44720 bjwilkins@sbcglobal.net H (330) 494-1935 BD 8/21 FYA 1959 FYS 1968 94 WILLIAMS, Cathy Mr. and Mrs. Terry Williams 1220 Glen Abby Avenue NE North Canton, OH 44720 cathywilliams@neo.rr.com BD 9/24 FYA 2007 FYS 2012 WILLIAMSON, Marilynn Doty Mr. and Mrs. John O. Williamson 3832 Darlington NW Canton, OH 44708 marilynnw31@aol.com BD 3/1 FYA 1969 FYS 1977 WORSTELL, Julie S. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Worstell 6731 Salerno Street NW Canton, OH 44718 jworstell@cutlerhomes.com BD 10/24 FYA 2000 FYS 2010 WORSTELL, Luann Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Richard Worstell 2441 Larchmoor Parkway NW Canton, OH 44708 BD 1/14 FYA 1991 FYS 1999 WUKUSICK, Theresa R. Cool Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wukusick 166 Shingle Oak Drive Loveland, OH 45140 BD 2/17 FYA 1999 FYS 2006 WULFF, Lisa Zaremba Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wulff 6774 Burgundy Avenue NW North Canton, OH 44720 scottwulff@att.net BD 5/6 FYA 1998 FYS 2004 H (330) 526-8191 C (330) 418-8651 H (330) 477-9712 H (330) 966-7922 C (330) 412-1712 H (330) 477-4551 C (330) 327-6479 H (513) 967-9458 B (513) 768-6128 H (330) 497-3536 C (330) 280-4633 ZOLLINGER, Roberta (Bobbi) A. Atkinson Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Zollinger Jr. C (330) 806-9863 PO Box 2985 North Canton, OH 44720 bzoll@zdgt.com BD 10/23 FYA 1976 FYS 1987 Alternate address from October to May 8 Indigo Trail South Sheldon, SC 29941 (843) 846-4278 95 Directory of Provisional Members ABBOTT, Rebecca M. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Abbott 5334 Loma Linda Lane Canton, OH 44714 becca.allen9@gmail.com B/D 6/15 AVERY, Emily M. Ms. Emily Avery 3735 Shanabruck Avenue NW Canton, OH 44709 emilyavery8@gmail.com emily.avery@chk.com BD 1/28 CALLISON, Sarah J. Ms. Sarah Callison 3676 Overhill Drive NW Canton, OH 44718 scalliso@gmail.com scalliso@kent.edu BD 1/6 CHAN, Jenny Ms. Jenny Chan 2460 Urbana Avenue SE Massillon, OH 44646 jchan@marathonpetroleum.com BD 4/10 CIUPITU, Mihaela Ms. Mihaela Ciupitu 8054 Cleveland Avenue NW North Canton, OH 44720 ciupim@timken.com ciupitu.mihaela@yahoo.com BD 4/19 CRISS, April Penland Mr. and Mrs. John Criss 8086 Fox Run Avenue NW North Canton, OH 44720 a-jcriss@att.net pelana@yahoo.com BD 4/25 C (330) 488-4301 C (918) 851-1288 W (405)834-7218 H (330) 493-4633 C (330)417-4119 C (330) 773-2628 C (330) 780-4192 W (330)471-7765 C (330) 309-2447 96 DAVIS, Katherine M. Coerver Mr. and Mrs. Connor Davis 4820 Carlton Avenue NW Canton, OH 44709 katherine.coerver@gmail.com BD 5/10 No Picture Available C(817) 233-8401 EHRET, Sara R. Ms. Sara Ehret th 1694-18 Street, NW Canton, OH 44703 sre14@zips.uakron.edu BD 5/26 C (330) 933-3512 FERRUCCIO, Nikki Steffek Mrs. Nikki Ferruccio 1255 Cobblefield Street NE North Canton, OH 44721 nmferruccio@gmail.com BD 8/21 C (330) 418-3811 FLOYD, Collyn A. Belz Mrs. Collyn Floyd 1657 Meadowlane Drive SE North Canton, OH 44709 collynfloyd@gmail.com collyn@tkg.com BD 8/13 C (330) 806-1701 GONIDAKIS, Whitney N. Gould Mr. and Mrs. Zachary Gonidakis 346 Edgewood Street North Canton, OH 44720 w.gonidakis@gmail.com whitney@smithbarta.com BD 1/14 HARDING, Stephanie L. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Harding 2788 Barclay Circle NW North Canton, OH 44720 smorgan.dmd@gmail.com harding91611@gmail.com BD 5/26 C (330) 933-3328 W (330) 477-1075 C (330) 704-8055 W (330) 494-4310 x32 F (330) 494-3572 97 HILL, Jenifer M. Haller Mr. and Mrs. Darin and Jenifer Hill 6931 Middlebranch Avenue NE Canton, OH 44721 haller.jenifer@gmail.com jenanddarin@gmail.com BD 5/26 KANEAS, Lindsay A. Lacher Mrs. Lindsay Kaneas 2901 Bebington Street NW North Canton, OH 44720 lalacher21@hotmail.com lindsaykaneas@gmail.com BD 3/9 MCGUINNESS, Danijela (Dani) Gerbez Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McGuinness 1700 Sherwood Avenue NW Massillon, OH 44646 dani.gerbez@gmail.com dmcguinness@goodwillgoodskills.org BD 5/26 SAYRE-PIEGOLS, Meagan C. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Piegols 2312 McGinty Road North Canton, OH 44720 meagan.sayre@gmail.com BD 8/23 SCHOCK, Abigail (Abby) M. Pierce Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Schock 175 Applegrove Street NE Apartment B10 North Canton, OH 44720 abigail.schock@gmail.com BD 2/13 WILKINS, Shaina M. Luntz Mr. and Mrs. Wilkins 4572 Margate Circle Canton, OH 44708 shainaluntz@gmail.com BD 11/5 C (330) 354-9286 W (330)493-2554 F (330) 493-9520 C (330) 581-1499 H (330) 573-7238 W (330)445-1020 H (330) 421-0954 C (570) 561-4994 C (330) 936-7004 98