ArtSalon 2013 FEB PDF


ArtSalon 2013 FEB PDF
Aleksandar Janicijevic
Ana Klasnja
Boban Dosic
Bole Cirovic
Bojan Basaric
Boza Vasic
Bozica Radjenovic
Branko Mijokovic
Dana Tosic
Dubravka Matic-Mandic
Dusan Petricic
Gordana Brelih
Gordana Dosen
Gordana Olujic
Maja Radanovic
Marina Stojkovic
Milan Vasic
Natasa Stojkovic
Nebojsa Stojkovic
Ozrenko Mrkic
Sadko Hadzihasanovic
Srdjan Segan
Tanja Stankic
Una Janicijevic
Uros Jelic
Vanja Vasic
Vesna Perunovic
Violeta Milovanovic
“The Language of Urban Squares”
12,5” x 36”
“Jezik gradskih trgova”
12,5” x 36”
“The Language of Urban Squares” is a series
of large format chromira art prints.They are
photographs taken in actual spaces, but they
are not entirely realistic. 12 different images
are taken from the same spot in a 360˚ circle
and then stitched. Together they provide a surreal impression with multiple vanishing points
and a curved perspective. The image is converted to black and white to visually separate
this plane from the message, which was added
digitally in colour. All other visual communication is eliminated from the image. The work
exhibited here is a part of the project “Urban
Squares”, ongoing since 2001. It is a research
attempt to rediscover the lost or neglected
urban symbols which comprise a city’s identity.
Most of the materials developed are available at Aleksandar Janicijevic was born and educated in Beograd and
relocated to Toronto in 1993. His work spans
from art, illustration and design to architecture
and urban theory.
Anna Klasnja
Klasnja enjoys nomadic apAnna
proach to the Arts. She finds significance
in rapid change of themes and media she
explores on her own, as well as in directing
collaborative projects for various museum
exhibitions at the intersection of science, art
and design.
--U cast Nusica i Magrita
pentaptih iz ciklusa Parodija koji slavi
protagoniste amaterskog pozorista u
(60 x 180 cm)
In honour of Nusic and Magritte
acrylic pentaptych, part of the series
Parody, portraying protagonists of the
amateur theater in Toronto
(60 x 180 cm)
Ana Rajkovic Klasnja nomadski gleda na
umetnost. Sustinu nalazi u stalnoj promeni
vidika i perspektiva, bilo kroz teme i medije
koje sama koristi, ili posredno, dok kormilari
kolektivnie projekte za muzejsku galeriju
posvecenu saradnji u brzim vodama nauke,
umetnosti i dizajna
Anna Klasnja
mixed media
42x52cm (16 1/2”x20 1/2”)
kombinovane tehnike
42x52cm (16 1/2”x20 1/2”)
his B.A. in Painting and
Scenography at the Faculty for Applied Arts,
University of Arts in Belgrade, Serbia in 1984
Boban Dosic worked for TV Belgrade for several years. In 1987 he received British Council
Grant and specialized in Visual Effects with
the BBC TV. Following his moving to Toronto in 1988 he worked for the CBC TV and
independent production companies as an Art
Director, Set Designer and Scenic Painter for
nearly twenty years. He continued his independent art career as a painter and became a
member of Ontario Society of Artists in 2011.
As a painter he is inspired by archaeology,
fresco paintings and urban decay, and the idea
of both transience and timelessness. He is
interested in the opposing forces of construction and deconstruction and the beauty of layers formed by the passage of time.
Boban works in mixed media, using acrylics,
sand, plaster, metal wire, wax and paper, as
well as drawing with coloured pencils and
crayons on canvas and panel.
Anna Klasnja
lives and works in Toronto, Canada, where
his fascination with urban life provides the
inspiration for much of his photography. His
work illustrates a different side of city living,
with colorful storefronts and graffiti-covered
walls becoming the subject of vibrant, pop
art compositions. Outside of the city, he also
explores, the abstract, using natural formations to create intriguning photographs that
are rich in shape and tone.
Born in Belgrade, Boyan’s career spans over
20 years and his work is now part of the permanent collection at the Museum of Photography in his native city.
41 x 61 cm
41 x 61 cm
Boja Vasic is a Toronto based media artist and
His work has been shown at
Anna Klasnja
the 8th Havana Biennial in Cuba, VI Yugoslav
Biennial of Youth Vrsac in Serbia, XIII and
XIV International Art Biennial of Vila Nova
de Cerveira in Portugal, Third Tirana Biennial in Albania, Liverpool Biennial, Independents in England, and at the Museum of
Contemporary Art of Vojvodina in Serbia. His
video were shown at festivals in Copenhagen,
Amsterdam, Chicago, Denver, Toronto, and he
has won several international awards including the Chris Award at the Columbus International Film and Video Festival, a Bronze Medal
at New York Festivals, and the Gold Award at
Dallas HeSCA Media Festival.
Immigrant Diary - Berlin
22” x 29”
Dnevnik Imigranta - Berlin
22” x 29”
Bozo (Boja) Vasic je video artista i fotograf koji
zivi i radi u Torontu. Njegovi umetnicki radovi
su bili izlozeni na osmom Havana Bijenalu
u Kubi, cetvtom bijenalu mladih umetnika
u Vrscu u Srbiji , trinaestom i cetrnaestom
internacionalnom bijenalu umetnosti u Vili
Novoj de Cerveiri u Portugalu, trecem internacionalnom bijenalu umetnosti u Tirani u
Albaniji i na Liverpulskom Bijenalu nezavisnih umetnika u Engleskoj.
Njegovi dokumentarni filmovi i video radovi
su prikazivani na festivalima u Kopenhagenu, Amsterdamu, Karlovim Varima, Cikagu,
Denveru, Torontu, Njujorku i Dalasu. Vasic je
osvojio nekoliko internacionalnih nagrada za
svoje filmove – Kris statuetu na internacionalnom filmskom I video festivalu u Kolumbusu,
bronzanu medalju na internacionalnom filmskom i medija festivalu u Njujorku kao i zlatnu
medalju na HeSCA medijskom festivalu u
Dalasu u Americi.
Anna Klasnja
MFA Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of
Arts in Belgrade,
35cm x 25cm x 15cm
Sculpture, drawing.
Radjenovic’s sculptures often reference the
human body, using material as a symbolic
language. Her previous bodies of work were
created mainly from wood, plaster, and,
sometimes, found objects such as shoes. As an
émigré artist to Canada, frequently travelling
to and exhibiting in her country of birth, Serbia, she turned to soft sculpture that can be
carried in a suitcase. The wool speaks ambiguously of a connection, a way back to the point
of origin, to childhood, and of the instability
of memory.
Radjenovic lives and works in Ottawa. She
was born and educated in Belgrade, Serbia
and moved to Canada in 1993, during the
civil war in former Yugoslavia. Radjenovic has
exhibited in many solo and group exhibitions,
most recently at The Ottawa School of Art
Gallery in Ottawa, Harbourfront Centre in
Toronto and Karsh Mason Gallery in Ottawa
and Cultural Centre in Belgrade, Serbia. Her
work can be seen in Museum of Modern Art
in Belgrade, City of Ottawa Fine Art Collection and various private collections in Canada
and Europe.
Branko Mijokovic
I was born in country that does not exist. My
first piece of “art” is watercolour that dtes
back to 1952 and still hangs in my home
today. Since then pancil and paper were
always close at hand. After finishing my
formal education, I graduated from School
of Architecture at the University of Belgrade,
former - Yugoslavia. Shortly after, on April 16,
1975I immigrated to Canada. I have had seven
solo exibitions in Canada and participaded in
over 60 group shows internationally.
Chrch at Mandjelosu
oil on cardboard
16 “ x 12 “
Crkva u Mandjelosu
ulje na kartonu
16 “ x 12 “
Anna Tosic
Everyday Ephemera
A.P. 1, silkscreen
22.5” x 15”
Everyday Ephemera
A.P. 1, sitostampa
22.5” x 15”
is a member of Open Studio
where she has been printing since 2003. She
holds a BFA from Queen’s University and an
MFA from the University of Calgary, both with
a printmaking specialization. In 2010 she was
selected for the Tim Mara Graduate Student
Exchange at the Printmaking Department
at the Royal College of Art, London, U.K.
Her research interests include explorations
into embodied perception and memory as
well as the application of digital technology
to traditional printmaking techniques. She
recently presented her research and artwork
at the Printopolis International Symposium
in Printmaking in Toronto in 2010.
Anna Klasnja
Is That It?
24”x30” (61 cmx76cm)
To je to?
24”x30” (61 cmx76cm)
a sculptress
who lives and works in ToAnna
ronto where she moved in 1993 from former
She graduated and received her M.A. from
Sarajevo Academy of Fine Arts, Department
of Sculpture. Since 1985, she has been exhibiting in numerous solo and group exhibitions. Her work is part of private collections
as well as of various art museum permanent
collections, such as National Art Gallery of
Bosnia and Hercegovina in Sarajevo, Museum
of Contemporary Art in Sarajevo, Gallery of
Murska Sobota, Slovenia and National Art
Museum at Cetinje, Montenegro.
Her sculpture is more about building then
modeling. Using mostly organic materials
such as stone dust, raw pigment, beeswax, saw
dust, and fabric, she builds form skin out of
its emptiness. Continual experimentation with
structure and medium has led her to explore
the relationship between contrasting forces.
As a result, she sets one material against the
other, pits opposites and incompatibilities
(such as beeswax and metal), forcing them to
cohabitate, and by living with each other, to
create a brand new entity.
Dusan Petricic
48cm x 66cm
48cm x 66cm
Dusan has brought the European style of
spirited intellectuality to the heart of the
North American cartooning tradition. He has
also become a part of that tradition, particularly here in Canada. In a way I think he was
“Canadian” even before he arrived- in the
sense of a being a close-at-hand observer
of the grandiosity and self-delusion of great
powers. He has made a special contribution as
an illustrator of children’s literature. Generations of our kids are now growing up with
Dusan’s warm, wry illustrations of their favourite books, both Canadian and international.
Rick Salutin,
Canadian journalist and playwright
--Dusan je animirao severno-americku tradiciju
karikature evropskom zivahnom intelektualnoscu. On je takodje postao deo te tradicije,
pogotovo ovde u Kanadi. Na neki nacin bio
je “Kanadjanin” cak i pre nego sto se preselio
– u smislu da je vec bio neposredni svedok
grandioznosti i samoobmane velikih sila.
Dusan je poseban pecat ostavio na polju ilustracije decijih knjiga. Generacije nase dece
sada odrastaju uz Dusanove tople, duhovite
ilustracije svojih omiljenih knjiga, kanadskih
i stranih.
Rick Salutin,
anadski novinar dramski pisac
Anna Klasnja
Tree Pod
Machine and hand stitched felt
31” x 29”
began her art studies in serbia. After a
Anna Klasnja
career in fashion she fell into quilt making. This
led to intensive studies in fiberart and a few years
ago she arrived at oakville studio to plunge into
watercolour printmaking.
Her sense of colour and design is inherent in
eveything she touches. Her output is enormous.
“I use everything in my painting and fibre pieces:
colour, texture, collage, beading, metal, whatever…ilike them to tell a story and share their
impact, both visually and emotionally.”
Sybil Rampen
Gordana Dosen
An artist at heart, the rest is illusion!
--Umetnik u dusi, ostalo je varka!
Masaii women
P11” x 14”
Zene Masaja
11” x 14”
(Un)natural 2012
mixed media
32x72cm (12 1/2”x28”)
mixed media
32x72cm (12 1/2”x28”)
Olujic graduated at the Textile
Department of the Faculty for Applied Arts in
Belgrade in 1985. She become a member of
ULUPUDS in 1986 and had been living and
working in Toronto since 1988.
She exhibited her work in numerous solo
and group shows in Canada, Serbia, Bosnia,
Bulgaria, France, Lithuania and USA.
In 2007 she participated in the 12th International Triennial of Tapestry in Lodz, Poland, at
the invitation of the selector for Serbia.
Gordana took part in international workshops
(colonies) “Parchment Rtanj” (Rtanj 2011),
“35th Sopocani Gatherings” (Novi Pazar 2010)
and Art Textiles (Sremski Karlovci 2008). She
is the recipient of many grants and awards.
Her work is represented in the permanent
collections of Cambridge Galleries, Cambridge, Canada; Central Museum of Textiles,
Lodz, Poland; Atelier 61, Novi Sad and Cultural Centre of Novi Pazar, Serbia.
Gordana’s textile based mixed media work is
inspired by both personal history and wider
historical and civilizational references. It
often explores the opposites (strength and
frailty, trust and betrayal…), using expressive
qualities of various materials (textiles, metal,
natural elements). Her work has a strong
narrative character and often uses words and
statements, sometimes bi-lingual (English and
Serbian), reflecting bilingualism in her life
and belonging to two different cultures.
Maja Radanovic
I use artKlasnja
to turn reality into narratives, social
issues into fairy land, wishes into naive possibilities. Intrigued by different social values, historical heritage or stereotypes I like
researching and reacting on different local or
global issues.
The Other Woman
Druga Zena
Umetnost koristim da realnost pretvorim u
narativ, socijalne teme u priče iz bajki, a želje
u naivne mogućnosti. Inspirisaciju pronalazim
u razlikama u socijalnim vrednostima, kulturnom nasleđu i stereotipima i tako najesce
istrazujem i reagujem na razlicite globalnolokalne teme.
Anna Klasnja
The Girl with Red Ribbon
Oil on Canvase
20” x 16”
Devojka sa crvenom masnom
Ulje na platnu
20” x 16”
is Marina Stojkovic and my pasAnna
sion is Art. I find art the thread that keeps
our world together in a way nothing else can.
People thrive off of colour and observation.
I am currently studying at OCAD University
in the art program majoring in painting and
drawing. I’ve been blessed to be able to follow
my dreams as an artist with doing various
shows such as the “Super Naughty Show” and
the “Amazing Sci-Fi Show” ( at The Gallery 99
Sudbury) where I got to showcase my mixed
media paintings and work with very outwardly
topics challenging my artistic style. As I developed as an artist I discovered that my passion
is not solely on painting but also in Fashion
and in Jewelry making and primarily broadening my spectrum of love for creativity and
always staying in a flux journeying through
my years and ripening as a person and as an
Anna Klasnja
Great Chief
Mixed Media
Veliki Poglavica
Kombinovana Tehnika
I cannot identify why I felt so strongly about
Klasnjaculture but I did not create
Native American
my art until discovering the world of the Native American Nations. At first I felt it was not
my place to appropriate Native American subjects. This was not my own cultural heritage.
At first I experimented with futuristic landscape but found this did not hold my interest
enough. I relented to my fascination with the
subject of native people and the influence of
my appreciation for the Karl May’s books.
Indigenous Americans are peoples of the
earth and I feel I have developed a dialogue
with them as I restore their stories from
their olden times into mixed media (original
drawings) creations. I develop my ideas from
researching books. Something I read will
intrigue me and I’ll seek out additional information and become so caught up in that story
that I will amalgamate it to my own tribute.
These stories allow me to narrate to you my
This is my work. I hope it touches you as it
moves me. It is my addiction to create it. If I
did anything else, I would be cheating myself.
Second to my family, art is my life. And the
histories of Native Americans is what I hope
to leave for generations to come.
Milan Vasic, B.A. Faculty of Applied Arts and
Design, Belgrade. Serbia
Milan Vasic lives in Toronto, Ontario. He
moved to Canada from Belgrade, Serbia, 20
years ago.
I hold a Klasnja
B.F.A. from the Academy of Applied
Arts and Design in Belgrade, Serbia.
Pandora’s Bottle
28” x 8” x 8”
Pandorina Flasa
28” x 8” x 8”
To take a journey in Art is to follow a path
that will last you a lifetime. By using clay as
my main medium I find myself borrowing the
life force of the Earth and using it to make
my work immortal. Clay is the soil beneath
our feet that hold things together and brings
things to life. In that very way I use clay to
bring my artwork to life. My sculptural concepts are based on a very personal narrative,
always revealing a story behind the object.
Earth tones are crucial to uniting aspects of
my work, utilizing additional media such as
wood, leather, and coiled metals to express
and enhance the forms. My ideas stem from
the innate qualities of the materials that I
use to express my sculptures. The tentative
work, the details, the fate of how the work will
emerge after the firing process, creates the
journey I go on with every new concept.
Anna Klasnja
education includes a B.F.A. and
an M.F.A. from the Academy of Applied Arts
and Design in Belgrade, Serbia.
Tesla - Alien Invasion
Sculpture - Drawing on Clay
24” x 10” x 10”
Tesla - Svemirska Invazija
Crtez na Keramickoj Skulpturi
24” x 10” x 10”
From an early adage I have had a great passion to create and express myself. I have always found visual art and music as my favorite
form to communicate with the world.
As an artist, on one hand I strip reality to its
core, and on the other I create its superstructure by supplementing the already observed
with my own emotions and sentiments. I feel
a strong need to penetrate deeper and explore
my own intimacy, my own worlds, which I
describe in the language of symbols and
Material and media that I use for my expression are carefully chosen. I find very important to use different media to express myself,
traditional and new digital. I use clay, glass,
silver clay and digital media like i-phone or
i-pad brushes for my paintings, drawings, and
sculptures. I like to express myself creating
music, animated moves.
I attempt to inspire growth in my students
by giving them tools to take into other art
disciplines and into other domains of their
life. Among these tools are a sense of curiosity, non-judgmental attitude, and a thirst for
knowledge. This is integral part of my artistic
My workKlasnja
is personal; each piece represents
an individual thought and experience I have
drawn from my own sense of spirituality and
culture. It is a subconscious journey between
my body, my soul and surrounding energy.
Oil on pannel
16” x 20”
Ulje na panelu
16” x 20”
My approach can be understood by the old
adage: “Paint from nature, but do not paint
nature as it is.” This is essentially what I try to
do. If I were to make myself strictly paint from
reality I would be undermining my own sense
of reason with every move I make.
To me, paintings clothe the processes of the
human soul in a plastic form and function to
enrich our lives. Unlike science, art requires
one to explore new territory often without any
controls in place. I enjoy the fact that art is
not definitive and offers such a broad field to
make bold statements.
Boy on beach
30” x 22”
Decak na plazi
30” x 22”
Sadko Hadzihasanovic studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo, Bosnia, earned
his MFA at the University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia (1984) and then left war-torn Sarajevo
for Canada in 1993.
Since his arrival in Canada Sadko has participated in over sixty exhibitions in public
galleries and artist-run centres in Quebec,
across Canada and in the former Yugoslavia.
He is the recipient of visual arts grants from
the Toronto Art Council, the Ontario Arts
Council and the Canada Council for the Arts
and maintains teaching positions in Toronto,
Barrie and Guelph, Ontario.
Sadko continues to explore the construction
of identity, and its cultural and social implications, with an extensive and ongoing portraiture-based body of work using mixed media
and collage, and an array of references to
popular culture. For his exhibitions at galleries Sadko has been exhibiting drawings, collage, monotypes and prints that focus on the
exploration of childhood and adolescence. He
refers to the environment of his upbringing
in Bosnia and the relatively exotic vacation
paradise of Cuba and its Communist undertones with works that contrast a childhood
lived under the threat of war and an unhurried North American childhood lived without
the looming presence of world affairs.
Former photographer from the former country,
and eternal Belgrade. Worked in the “new
wave” youth press, collaborated with major
newspapers in former Yugoslavia, as well with
magazines in USA, created LP and book covers.
Some more important exhibitions - Belgrade (Galleria”Sunce”, SKC “Rock photography”), USA (“Artspace”- Raleigh, North
Carolina;”Black Mountain College”- Ashville,
North Carolina); exhibited in Toronto as a part
of “Full Frame” – now defunct association of
Canadian photographers from Serbia.
Today rarely takes photographs and exhibits,
except for friends and relatives. Does not like
nor understands digital photography.
--Bivsi fotograf iz bivse zemlje i vecitog Beograda.
Radio u novotalasnoj omladinskoj stampi
u Beogradu, saradjivao sa svim vaznijim
novinama u Jugoslaviji, kao i sa casopisima u
SAD, radio omote za ploce i knjige.
Vaznije izlozbe - Beograd (Galerija”Sunce”,
SKC “Rock fotografija”), SAD (“Artspace”Raleigh, North Carolina; ”Black Mountain
College”- Ashville, North Carolina), stidljivo
izlagao u Torontu u okviru “Full Frame” danas nepostojeceg udruzenja kanadskih
fotografa iz Srbije.
2014 MFA candidate University of Waterloo
Anna Klasnja
On many levels, my work is related to the
experience of war, displacement, questions of necessity, and the search for and
re-creation of identity.
Long standing figure
Charccolal, ink , fabric dye
and coffee on paper 2011
13”x 74”
My work explores human body movement and figural relation to space.
Whether in sculpture or drawing, I am
reaching for a state before movement, to
a moment preceding decision or happening, when an organic mass in tension is
pushed to make a move.
I am interested in exploring body gestures and static movements as language,
and to present these in installation
format in a physically engaging scale,
providing viewers of the work with the
potential of an energizing interaction.
Anna Klasnja
knows what the torrent of life
might teach them. I have learned that the real
purpose of life is... Having uncovered this
principle I am ever grateful.
Floor Lamp
Fused glass and steel
180cm x 80cm
Podna lampa
Fuzirano staklo i metal
180cm x 80cm
Niko ne zna kuda ga stihija zivota nosi i sta
u tim vrtlozima dobija a sta gubi. Za mene
je pravi smisao zivota ... otkrivanje i prihvatanje ovog principa kao i spokoj zbog takve
Print from collage
56.5cm x 45 m
Print i kolaz
56.5cm x 45cm
Klasnjaya-nee-cheeya-vich. Ok, now
that we got the hard part out of the way…
I was born in 1982 and raised in downtown
Belgrade in an apartment that doubled as my
parents’ art and design studio. I spent my
childhood putting on art shows in the family
bathroom and tirelessly trying to teach my
dog to sing. Transplanted in 1993 to Toronto, I
learned to channel my creativity through collage, drawing and sculpture. My first and
only non art-related job was a stint at the
Public Library where I spent most of my time
resuscitating half-dead books. While attending The Ontario College of Art and Design my
love for ‘all things paper’ led me to major in
editorial design, graduating with honours.
After that I continued my professional
career in magazines, working at Report on
Business, Maclean’s, Canadian Business and
leading to my current position as Art Director
of Special Issues at Toronto Life magazine.
Through the years, I’ve worked on branding
for international art institutions, illustrated
for many Canadian publications and exhibited
my collage work in solo and group shows. The
rest of the time I create out of my tiny, but
sunny home studio with my partner Ken and
my dog Kaja.
Home temperature
Silkscreen on paper, edition of 5
22” x 15”
Sobna Temperatura
Sito Stampa na papiry, edicija 5
22” x 15”
presence is a useful device in my
Anna Klasnja
work for melding autobiography with banal
and idiosyncratic moments of everyday life.
The human figure – either through direct
representation or through index – effectively
reveals many layers of individual and social struggle. However in figurative painting
the nature of paint is sometimes lost to the
practice of representation. I’ve found screenprinting to be an appropriate solution for
deploying representational imagery against
abstract expression, as well as an interesting
metaphor for particular cultural systems in
the themes of my work.
--Prisustvo ljudskog bica, u mojim radovima, otvara mogucnost za amalgamaciju autobiografije sa banalnim i idiosinkraticnim momentima
svakodnevnog zivota. Ljudska figura – bilo
kroz direktnu reprezentaciju ili kroz indeks –
efektivno otkriva mnoge slojeve individualne i
socijalne borbe. Ipak u figurativnom slikarstvu
priroda slikarskog materijala, ili boje, je cesto
zapostavljena zarad realizma. Sito stampa je
po mom misljenju pogodno resenje za razvoj
figuracije naspram expresivne abstrakcije, kao
i interesantna metafora za posebne kulturoloske teme koje se pojavljuju u mom slikarstvu.
Vanja Vasic
Vanja Vasic is a founder
and an executive
director of the Toronto Arts & Fashion Week
a multy-faceyted Festival based in Toronto,
Canada. Vasic obtained a Bachelor degree in
Design from Ryerson University in 2007 and
has also studied Visual Arts and Design in
London, England at Westminster University .
Stitching on paper,
17” x 18”
Bez naziva
Papir i konac,
43cm x 45cm
Vanja Vasic je osnivac I generalni direktor
multi-disciplinarnog festival Toronto Arts
& Fashion Week koji se odzava godisnje u
Kanadskom gradu Torontu. Vasic je zavrsila
studije na Ryerson univerzitetu za modni
dizajn 2007. godine, a takodje je studirala
vizuelnu umetnost I dizajn na Westminister
univerzitetu u Londonu u Engleskoj.
Vesna Perunovic
Vessna Perunovich is a Toronto-based internationally acclaimed interdisciplinary artist
whose work embraces performance, video,
sculpture, painting and drawing. She has
exhibited at many international exhibitions
and Biennials as well as in Galleries and
Museums across Canada. She lives and works
in Toronto,
--Transitory Places
74cm x 56cm
22” x 29”
Tranzitna Mesta
74cm x 56cm
22” x 29”
Vesna Perunovic je medjunarodno priznati,
intrdisciplinarni umetnik koji cija umetnicka
praksa ukljucuje perfotrmans, video, sliku,
crtez i instalaciju. Izlagala je na mnogobrojnim internacionalnim izlozbama iBienalima
u svetu, kao i u galerijama i muzejima sirom
Kanade. Zivi i radi u Torontu,
Anna Klasnja
Being an artist is an exciting and often
overwhelming life-long battle with life’s little
It’s a blissful curse for the privileged few; a
much needed recovery from the overload.
This can most effectively be achieved by
removing oneself from an overcrowded
mental space, away from daily distractions, in
a tranquil environment of mystery that allows
the imagination to wander.
Making time to let your mind wander is time
well invested!
“Take a pinch of keyhole
And fold yourself up
You cut along a dotted line
You think inside out
How to be invisible
Mixed Media
10” x 10”
Kako biti nevidljiv
Kombinovana tehnika
10” x 10”
And you’re invisible”