Linking biodiversity, food and territory: the educational project of the Capo Carbonara MPA Bruno Paliaga Director of Capo Carbonara Marine Protected Area MPA Capo Carbonara Established with D.M. 15/09/98 and 03/08/99 Management: Municipality of Villasimius Size: 8.598 ha 12 giugno 2000: Regulation of activities Objectives of MPA: Conserve biodiversity in situ, Promoting sustainable development, Implement programs of study and scientific research, Disseminate knowledge of the area, Making educational programs. Educate to environment and sustainability: our mission To reinforce the protection of the environment by: diffusing a sustainability culture among all age groups, favouring forms of active knowledge and effective behavioural change processes, stimulating cooperation, participation, networking, administrating relations, communication, methodologies, •using instruments in line with the principles and objectives of environmental education itself. Centre for Environmental and Sustainability Education Capo Carbonara: 11 years of activity our approach: informal, playful Centre for Environmental and Sustainability Education Capo Carbonara: 11 years of activity our spaces: multifunctional everyone can do their part ….. projects with the local school …to create a better future our classrooms: direct contact with the beaches projects with the local school …a different school our classrooms: direct contact with the beaches knowledge of the MPA territory for schools from all Sardinia …various relationships knowledge of the MPA territory for schools from all Sardinia … open air laboratory working in the Mediterranean maquis … discovering biodiversity exploring near the river with all the senses …discovering biodiversity, reorganize the knowledge... elaboration: with the participation of all Reorganize the knowledge friendly... playing …playing, teaching, surprising.. environmental education activities with children … through new points of view our classroom for excellence: the sea environmental education activities with adults CIBITE Percorsi tra Cibo, Biodiversità, Territorio Paths between food, land, biodiversity Objective Enhance the bond that exists between different forms of life, biodiversity and its food products to strengthen the local identity co-funded by Sardinian Region the most recent approach: from food to biodiversity and territory (and vice versa) The meeting CIBITE project: destined primarly to students then to local population and tourists the meeting The approach: ethnoanthropological, nutritional and plant biodiversity Local biodiversity “Sa costedda” from Villasimius A characteristic handmade food made with poor ingredients, mainly tomatoes, onions. A food rich of contents linked to the territory, ● Symbol of the project because it synthetizes the resources of the territory: agricultural biodiversity and human knowledges. ● In May, an event for local population and tourists “sa Costedda”: across different pathways of taste, people discover the biodiversity Local biodiversity Biodiversity as a resource not only for food but for the culture of a territory: colorants, baskets, etc. R…Estate all’AMP Stay in the MPA Biodiversity for adults, a theoretical moment .. Biodiversity for children, a playful moment .. a playful moment Activities for children with sustainable snacks: costedda, local cheese, fruit juice, results of domestication of wild botanic species A sustainable snack with local food from words… to facts: tasting biodiversity an eco-aperitif with local food and wine not only children: local and biologic wine for parents! Activities for school Creative laboratory The wheel of the food Target: students of secondary school of Villasimius A sustainable snack Target: students of primary school of Villasimius Activities for school “a sustainable snack” ….. local biodiversity … local biodiversity a sustainable snack Laboratory Info Biodiversity What is biodiversity? Genetic diversity, Species diversity, Ecosystem diversity. Threaths to biodiversity, conservation. Agriculture, biodiversity, territory. The “collage” of biodiversity .. Laboratory Info Food and nutrition Food groups, nutrients and calories. Mediterranean diet. Ancient recipes. Food and local biodiversity. Mediterranean diet pyramid … work in progress.. Laboratory The wheel of food Revision of the experience and the final product. With recycled materials the wheel of the food will be built using a table of food composition prepared by a nutritionist. Laboratory Info Snack Pre-packaged food, seasonal and grandmother snacks: environmental impact and nutritional value of snacks with analysis of the labels. The production chain of snacks. Laboratory The local biodiversity Research trip to the local biodiversity, in order to recognize the native species for food Activities for the schools of Villasimius Laboratory “Biodiversity in the mediterranean cuisine ” Target: Family and students of Villasimius Laboratory Local biodiversity Research trip for local biodiversity, in order to recognize wild and aromatic species, important for Mediterranean diet Botanical cards Botanical cards Thanks !!!! Bruno Paliaga Cooperative Diomedea Simona Atzeni, Silvia Cardia Daniela Frau, Francesca Meloni Lina Podda